#I'll be honest I hate that movie lmao I rewatched it to make sure I hate it as much as I remember
Bartimaeus AU but it's Matilda
So I watched Matilda because I couldn't get the idea of Ms Lutyens = Miss Honey out of my mind; and I think Nathaniel deserves a happy ending with a cottagecore lesbian coded mother, but it actually works surprisingly well??
• Instead of Matilda Wordwood it's Nathaniel Underwood.
• Instead of telekinesis Nathaniel summons Bartimaeus to cause trouble.
• "Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty" -*summons a demon in his bedroom*
• Lavender would probably be Kitty.
• Nathaniel and Ms Lutyens bond over art rather than books but he still reads way above his age and is a very intelligent kid.
• "Arthur Underwood lived in a very nice neighborhood, in a very nice house, but he wasn't a very nice person"
• "Underwood was so wrapped up in his own silly life he barely realised he had a son, had he paid any attention to him at all, he'd have realised he was a rather extraordinary child"
• "The happiest part of the story is that Nathaniel and Ms Lutyens each got what they had always wanted; a loving family."
• "Nathaniel discovered to his great surprise that life could be fun, and he decided to have as much of it as possible- after all he was a very smart kid"
• Instead of Magnus (Miss honey's dad) it's Martha Underwood as Ms Lutyens' mother who died.
• Simon Lovelace instead of Trunchbull, who is Ms Lutyens' Uncle or cousin/brother because they're quite similar in age.
• Lovelace is paranoid about being found out as the murderer of Mrs Underwood.
• Nathaniel uses Bartimaeus to get Ms Lutyens' home back and scare Lovelace away.
• And Arthur Underwood signing the adoption papers over to Ms Lutyens at the end because absolutely everyone needs that to heal their soul.
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