#I'll be fine it's a surprisingly chill battle
sysig · 2 years
I am so glad I kept the Franklin Badge on Paula
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Smile Needles Part 1
Warning this is a very gory story :)
Also I'm shit at writing, so it may be hard to follow
[this is what a character is thinking]
(this is what a character is doing/looks like in the moment)
{this is a sound}
~and this is my dumb ass narrating~
This is PizzaHead. This is Pizzano. This is Liz. This is Mt. This is REDACTED INFO.
And now the story begins!
~it was a calm summer night in the tower, all was well and peaceful.
The PizzaHead family where all chilling in there house,Pizzano was cooking spaghetti for dinner, Mt was off in his room, and PizzaHead and Liz where watching TV together.
now lets see what will happen next~
{Ding Dong}
Hm? (He looked over at the door confused) Hey Liz can you go see who's at the door for me?
Ya, I can do that! (She stands up walking over to the door, when she opens the door she finds a small box on the porch)
Well, what is it kiddo?
It's a package! (She turns the box over and reads the label) it's for me! But it doesn't say who sent it....
Well have fun with that (he stand up stretching) I got to go do something (he walks off, leaving the show unpaused)
[i wonder what I could be....]
(She opens the package, reaching her hand in she gets picked with something sharp)
OW! WTF? (she pulls her paw out, a small needle sticking out of her palm) what the?
(A sudden wave of euphoria washes over her)
He, hehehehhe HAHHAHAHAH (she pulls the needle out of her palm, then looking inside the package she finds a knife with a note reding- you know what to do kitty - she picked up the knife walking off the whare PizzaHead went)
(he's seen picking some books off the ground)
(she leaps onto PizzaHead back,clinging on tightly)
WOW, oh hey kiddo what have we said about pouncing me like that?
Nighty night! (She slices his head clean off, than jumping off his back she lets the body softly fall to the ground)
Wait wha-
(the blood from the body starts to soak her feet) Ugh, I'll have to clean that up later, but first we need to deal with other dad :)
(she walks into the kitchen standing behind Pizzano)
(he was stirring a pot of noodles, he turns around to see Liz covered in blood)
Liz, What the fuck happen to you? Are you hurt? Who did this to you?
I'm fine dad! I just need wash of my paws! Now you get back to cooking...
Ok, but are you shure your alright?
I'm shure! Just go back to cooking
(he turns back to the pot, now having worried disposition to the way he moves)
(she quietly climbs into the counter beside Pizzano)
(he looks over for a slit second) what are you do-
(she shoves his head into the boiling pot of pasta, slowly burning of his face in the water)
(he gets to push back but somehow can't under Liz's pressure)
(she pushed down harder and harder)
(he continues to struggle against her,until he goes limp)
(she lifts her hand, leaving Pizzanos head in the pot) there we go! He was surprisingly easy to deal with.... Now where's my broth-
Liz! What the fuck is going on? (He grabs a knife, then redys himself for battle)
Perfect timing! (She leaps off the counter, aiming for her brother with the knife in her hands)
(he leaps to the side nipping Liz's ear with his knife)
Ooooh, playing dirty are we? (She slashed at him, nipping his hand that had the knife causing him to drop it)
FUCK (he hold his hand in his other hand, puting pressure on the cut)
Not so high and mighty now brother! (She pushes his into the wall)
AGK (he slumps against the wall, picking back up the knife and hiding it behind his back)
(she sets her foot on his chest) now how do you wanna go out? Bleeding to death? Decapitation? Or mayb-
(he slashes at her eye causing her to fall back)
AH, WHY YOU LITTLE (she looks back to see he's disappeared)
huh, smart move brother, to use your shadows to get away! I'll get you though, you won't be safe for long....
(She leans on the counter, breathing heavily)
End of part 1
@random-obsseser, @keylimepizzapie hope y'all enjoyed my little fic about my Smile needles au!
Art will be coming soon!
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hikayeplays · 9 months
Steam Next Fest October 2023
Alright let's see as many Demos as possible!
1. Ocelot Sunrise
A nice roguelite bullet hell with various levels (only one playable in the demo) and a sci fi scavengers story and a comics/borderlandesque aesthetic that makes the cutscenes very nice to look at. The background music is a bop too. Alas the controller controls are not completely implemented yet and quite clunky to use in a mixed way, however the power ups and the weapons seems really fun to play with.
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2. ASTRA: Knights of Veda
On first impact a bread and butter jrpg with all the pros and cons of the genre like huge bazongas! Regardless of which category you consider them in. The artstyle in game and in battle is expecially nice with this sort of "dress-up paper doll" look that sets it somewhat apart and the cutscene style for the evil faction and the dream realm is quite good. The controls are nice and intuitive enough although it needs a mouse to click on certain things like equipment. The voice acting is good enough? I'd say but the audio levels mixing leaves to be desired in some parts. Now the cons: it required to make an account even to play the demo and it has an obligatory post download 8 gb of additional content, there are "daily reward" and buyable cosmetics but most aggravating of all (for me) there are minutes of cutscenes every 5 minutes or so of gameplay.
Not for me
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3. Estate Agent Simulator
The first bugged demo. The second prompt for the italian tutorial popped up with this half baked and definitely not italian way and had to restart the game in english
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The gameplay itself is fine? For a game like this? Certainly not particularly nice nor particularly bad but the camera bobbing is atrocious, it gave me nausea after I cleaned the first house, the game was also completely silent. I'll add a +1 for the promise of a pettable dog
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4. Lose CTRL
A surreal satirical you rage you lose puzzle game in which you play as Billy as he tries to climb the corporate ladder to reach a segway. The game mess with your controls and your mind in a mix between Get Over It and Brazil (1985). The split screen capabilities intrigue me although I wonder how it could work with keyboard and mouse controls. The general style is charming and distinctive but also amateurish and rough around the edges. To try, at least once.
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5. Leila
Leila is a chill and relaxing kinda lofi click and drag puzzle game that goes back the memory lane in a coming of age(?) Tale for a middle aged woman, the titular Leila. The puzzles shown have a nice variety between styles and difficulties, and they are certainly meant for someone looking to lubricate those neurons. The art and the background music are pretty nice and the voice acting is quite good too. If you like click and drag puzzles I feel that wishlisting this one (and always trying the demo before) maybe one of your best bets so far.
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6. Tales from the Dancing Moon
An old-school-ish rpg inspired by runescape in which you run around doing errands for the townsfolk and at the same time try to unravel the mistery of your memory loss, the presence of a smartphone that you can use to take photos in game gives it a mild isekai flavour but not too strong based on what I've seen. The controls appear fluid enough and the sound design while not spectacular does it's job. The character creation menu is surprisingly in-depth for this kind of games.
Runescape wannabe
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7. There's Always a Madman: Fight or Flight
A text based spy adventure in which you play as this super special agent and have to choose between different options both in action and dialogue. While the story itself seems nice the absence of any voice action or any background image besides some solid background color makes the experience hoverwelmingly boring as you are left to click repeatedly thru text.
I yawned
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8. Rocket!
A mix between a shoot them up and a roguelite bullet hell heavily inspired by galaga and the classics. While the concept is nice and seems intriguing enough and I don't doubt it may end up garnering quite the cult following like many other niche games the controls are exceedingly hard and finicky, the spaceship appear to drift incontrollably with no apparent rhyme or reason.
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9. Aureole: Wings of Hope
An incredibly fun and novelty platformer/dasher game where you follow the tale of two angels while you speed and dash and jump at full force thru obstacles in the shape of a bouncy halo. The mechanics are surprisingly simple and incredibly flexible at the same time, creating a gameplay that can be adjusted to your own needs, I appreciated particularly the ability to "freeze" while you charge a jump or a dash. Despite not being a platformer lover I absolutely adored this little demo to bits, so far the only that has left me truly wanting more.
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for the ask game- C is for care! What do you do to care for your pokemon, and how do they care for you?
Oh boy. This is gonna be a long one.
I have,,, so many mons now. It's a little insane. Actually, let's pack this under a cut.
Prima (Roserade, female, Shiny)
My beloved Starter. I met her when I was 16!
I pamper her relentlessly. She has a battery-charged daylight lamp back in my hut in Hisui and I have never forgotten to buy new batteries once. She gets pruned every month so she can move freely. Just. Ahhh,,, I love her very much. She protects me from so many wild Mons. She's the best 💜
Nino (Flygon, male)
The stealthiest Bug I've ever met. He is so very neat and the best ambusher I have. He gets to free-fly every evening. I hope Palina has been looking after him alright in my absence...
Linux (common Arcanine, male)
My trusty partner in ingredient searching! Seriously, Linux probably remembers more about cooking than I do. He gets along great with Palina's pack, too - I'm at least very sure he's doing just fine.
Passenger (Galvantula, female)
This not-so-little-anymore buddy evolved during our travels through Route 6 yesterday! (Amongst others - I'll get to that in a moment.)
I got her from Boss Emmet and she lived in my pockets for half a week before I noticed her. She's surprisingly good at snapping me out of moods - and my battery buying has doubled because of her. Right now, I have to keep her in her ball more often than not - Ren has arachnophobia, after all.
Thera (Sylveon, female)
THERA MY BELOVED. My therapy Mon - hence the, uh, rather uncreative nickname, heh. Arc, she's the best. I buy her... a lot of treats. Probably too many. She deserves all of them for dealing with my,,, immense amount of psychological issues. The anxiety is just the start, really.
Annie (Mismagius, female)
For lack of access to Thera at the time, Annie ate my anxiety for several weeks, which... probably contributed to why she's a lot more chill than others of her evolutionary line. I... really hope she's okay, wherever she ended up when I got to Galar...
Jet (Altaria, male)
My first real flyer! Saved my ass during the Michina Incident. I sing together with him a lot. Or, I did.
Cymbal (Togepi, male)
The other member of our impromptu musical troupe! Baby. Literal baby. I hatched him from an egg. Oh arc, I hope he's okay...
Isle (Gastrodon West Sea, male)
Probably my most adventurous Mon, I found him lost in the wrong half of Sinnoh during my... roughly two months with the Chosen Kiddo. Always keeps his cool - in that he's always very enthusiastic about whenever we ended up. A bit annoying when we got lost, but... he's a sweetheart, really. Likes mud baths a LOT, much to my clothes' misfortune.
Hanabi (Cinderace, female)
Her and Kuroko are probably the quickest growing Mons I have... probably because I fed them EXP candies as treats. (Seriously. I got her a week ago at Level 5. It's a little insane.)
Hanabi likes dragging me around a lot - at least she's learned pretty quickly that she doesn't fit on my shoulders anymore... Much like Isle's positive nature, her enthusiasm keeps me grounded in the present.
Kuroko (Corviknight, female)
My second Flyer! Though I haven't used her as one just yet - she only evolved yesterday, after all. Much like Hanabi, she gets EXP candies as treats for good behaviour.
We met by way of her literally smacking into my face. She's great! A bit of an attention hog. I think Hanabi and her have developed a bit of a rivalry, actually. Despite that, they work together really well. I should test them out in a Double Battle sometime.
Conductor (Litwick, male)
The newest member of my (increasingly big) Pokémon team! I caught him during the Fire Gym mission, and he immediately reminded me of home, so he stayed.
I know better than to feed it too much of myself this time, so. Uh. I did something else which might have been just as bad of an idea.
the little tyke feeds off of me!
... believe it or not, Fragment volunteered. I think he likes the little candle.
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bagelbright-tok · 4 years
Prompt #19
Prompt supplied by @write-it-motherfuckers​ (Sorry for the tag/ any disturbances!) Amazing prompts per usual.
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Malcolm Bright/Whitly x Aunt Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Violence, mentions of murder and killing, weird drama and interactions. I didn’t re-read through this, so there’s that.
Word Count: 1674 words
Good First Impressions
This next case was intriguing, frustrating, and far too personal for Malcolm to be working on. Another wanna-be serial killer was going around, having similar killing techniques to The Surgeon’s. In simple terms; The Surgeon’s Extension. The killer seemed to be having fun with it too. They only left evidence they wanted the team to find. They left cryptid messages. Clues. Things to throw them off.
There was one clue, though, that piqued Malcolm’s interest.
“His blood flows within me too. We are family.”
This was either a sign that the killer was deranged, or it actually meant something.
Gil was rather spooked. He knew something that he was keeping from everyone. Malcolm was surprised that Gil knew something about Martin Whitly’s family, when Malcolm himself was a part of that family. What would Gil know that Malcolm didn’t?
Malcolm entered Gil’s office quite suspiciously. He closed the door behind him, causing Gil to look up curiously.
“What’s up, kid?”
Gil set down what he was doing, now sitting straight up in his chair.
“What does the note mean?”
Malcolm asked bluntly.
Gil dropped his head and sighed. He brought his head back up, staring at Malcolm once again.
Gil sighed.
“Just give it to me straight. You’re obviously withholding because you think it will upset me.”
Malcolm approached the desk more.
Gil sighed once more, rising from his seat. He raised his arms slightly, just to slap them back down onto his thighs.
He relented.
“I’ll give it to you straight.”
Gil approached Malcolm, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“I can take it, whatever it-”
“Martin Whitly has a sister.”
Gil interrupted Malcolm.
“Your aunt’s name is [Y/N] Whitly. She changed her name to [Y/N] Ackers.”
Malcolm was shocked. He stayed silent, processing what Gil had just told him.
Malcolm took a step back, causing Gil to remove his hand.
“That can’t be right. Why wouldn’t I remember her?”
“She never really visited you as kids. She isn’t a kid kind of person,”
Gil explained regrettably
“Doesn’t this mean she’s a suspect? Are you going to bring her in?”
Malcolm was very concerned now.
Gil shook his head.
“I don’t know. She- She wouldn’t do something like this.”
Gil turned his back, making his way to his chair.
“How do you know what she is like? I don’t even know what she is like.”
Malcolm inquired, suspicious of Gil.
Gil just glanced over at Malcolm, almost sadly. He once again shook his head as he returned to his sitting position and back to his work.
Malcolm took this as a sign to leave. And so he did. He left Gil’s office, and left the precinct, off to find this lady he’d never met. How would he find her though? She was obviously in New York if Gil was nervous. But New York is an entire state with millions of people. Perhaps, just maybe, there would be one person that knew. Dr. Martin Whitly. 
(I don’t wanna create an entire ass conversation between Malcolm and Martin. I might lose motivation afterwards, so let’s just--)
It was the next day. More like, night. Around 7 in the afternoon. Malcolm pulled into [Y/N]’s driveway. It was a dirt driveway with only one other car there. It must be hers. She has to be home.
Malcolm hesitantly exited his vehicle, and approached her front door. The house wasn’t large, but it most certainly wasn’t a home you’d get for just yourself. It was a dark wood, almost cabin-like, home. Two windows looked out into the front, but you couldn’t actually see through them. They were covered with thick blankets. Malcolm looked at the windows, slightly confused. He knocked on the door, and waited anxiously. A minute passed. No noise was heard. Maybe he was being impatient, but did she even hear the knock?
There wasn’t a doorbell. So Malcolm settled for pounding on the door again.
“[Y/N] Ackers!?”
He bellowed at the door.
Little did Malcolm know, he was causing a great amount of fear to the one inside the cabin home.[Y/N] was awake, reading in her small library. It was dead silent until she heard the familiar creeks of the front porch steps. She closed her book slowly, setting it on her seat as she rose, turning out the light and slowly and quietly exiting the room. She entered the area just outside where her front door was. Then again, pounding at the door, along with yelling. She jumped in place, frightened by the aggressive pounding, and by the yelling of her name. [Y/N] bolted into her bedroom. She was panicking already. After recent events, she’d been on edge. The paparazzi had definitely become a blazing flame. Crazy people had tried breaking into her home already. She couldn’t stand it anymore. In an act of irrational reasoning, she broke the glass of her cabinet containing old antique items. One of those items being a one sided battle axe. It wasn’t too large, but [Y/N] still weld it with both hands.
Malcolm heard the shattering of glass, and sounds of movement. He hadn’t a clue of what was going on, but it couldn’t be good. Now worried, Malcolm knocked rapidly. In a series of odd events, Malcolm believed [Y/N] to be in danger due to her ties to The Surgeon, and [Y/N] believed she was facing another crazy person ready to break into her home. As [Y/N] cautiously stepped around her dark home, Malcolm took it upon himself to break in to see what was happening. He managed to break through her front window, barely getting cut as the glass shattered. [Y/N] was terrified now. She didn't think someone would actually do it and break through her window.
Malcolm was worried and concerned about her deep inside. As Malcolm made his way inside the home, [Y/N] continued to tread cautiously as well. 
Malcolm called out again.
Hearing her name being called out sent chills down her spine. She wanted to freak out. But panicking would kill her. She spotted the intruder's dark form wandering her living room. She hid in her hallway, terrified. Sweat dripped from her forehead.
"Ms. Ackers!?"
The man yelled again.
[Y/N] just needed a perfect moment to strike. And that moment came sooner than later. Malcolm turned his back to her. [Y/N] was behind him in seconds. She didn't know what came over her. Right now, she knew she was over him with a battle axe raised to take his head off. Right as she swung down, Malcolm dove to the right. The axe went into the ground, and so did Malcolm. He scrambled as [Y/N] was surprisingly quick to remove the axe from the floorboards. And once again, she was over Malcolm with her axe raised, about to swing down. Malcolm faced her from the ground, panic on his face as he looked into her burning (E/C) orbs.
"Whoa! Whoa! [Y/N]!"
Malcolm pleaded to her as he tried to crawl away.
"Who the hell do you-!?"
[Y/N] was about to yell at him when she realized who he was. She lowered the axe cautiously, a confused and concerned look on her face.
"[Y/N]. Uh…"
Malcolm didn't know what to say.
And soon, the broken window revealed blue and red flashing lights and the sound of the sirens blaring.
And now, [Y/N] was at the precinct. She'd been questioned. Nothing came of it. She never left her house and barely had any friends. People only knew her because of what her brother did and the conspiracy about her involvement. Apparently, she used to be a criminal profiler for the NYPD. For the same precinct. She had to quit when Martin was arrested for the 23 murders.
She finally returned to the precinct. And now she was pacing in Gil's office, embarrassed about the event that had just occurred.
"[Y/N], you need to calm down."
Gil pressed his wrists into his desk, shaking his hands in a directing manner.
"Calm down? Gil,"
[Y/N] began frantically.
"I think Malcolm is scared of me."
She stopped pacing, and looked over at Gil, hand on her hip.
"That might be because you nearly took his head off with a battle axe,"
Gil pointed out
"The first time you met."
[Y/N] looked to the ground, tapping her other hand's fingers on her leg. She shook her head.
"... To be fair, it was dark, and he had just broken into my house."
She finally looked up at Gil again.
A small smile was on his face.
"You realize how ridiculous this sounds?"
He struggled from laughing.
"Yes! But what if the poor boy's traumatized..?"
[Y/N] was obviously not clear on what happened to Malcolm in his younger years.
"[Y/N], he's going to be fine. Besides, whatever happened is his fault."
Gil stood up, trying to relieve [Y/N] of her guilt.
"Now, come on. I'll get you home."
Gil walked to his office door, opening it and motioning for [Y/N] to leave first.
She followed, swinging her arms to her side frustratingly. As she continued to make her way out, she combed her fingers through her hair. She felt the eyes on her from everyone in the precinct. The seniors she knew from 20 years ago, the newbies who had started maybe a week ago.
There was something about the way she looked, too. She looked just like her older brother. The only difference was that she was female and Martin was male. Even her hair grayed the same way his had. There was something in her eyes that people saw in Martin in the newspapers. Something that spooked Malcolm. He was scared of her, not because she nearly killed him, but because she was like his father. He stared at her like everyone else did. Except he had the look of knowledge.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 10)
"Cut 'Em"
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Back at Colson's, everyone is still in full swing. Making the quiet ride back, with Luna and Colson simply resting upon each other, even nicer. Foster the People's Torches is bumping, helping the weed smoke roll through out the house. Colson, Luna, Baze and Slim are sitting at the kitchen table about to play spades, surrounded by girls. Mod, Pete and Ashleigh are playing Mario Kart in the living room. Surrounded by girls. Benny, Phem and a few others are out by the pool with more girls. The scene looks as if they brought all of VIP back with them.
"So you think you can throw cards?" Slim says to Luna, eyeing her while he shuffles.
"I've sliced some hands off with a spade or two before." She says leaning back. After she takes a swig of her beer, she says "My cut."
"Sure." Slim slides the cards to the middle of the table.
Luna cuts the cards. Slim deals.
"Yo. Slim looks like he wants to fuck her up. He BIG mad she took me as her partner. My girl better walk as hard as she talks, Boy..." Colson thinks to himself watching the two of them.
Slim deals. Luna looks at her hand. She's got 5 solid and a possible 6. "First hand bid it's self?" She asks.
Slim looks a little surprised. "Yeah."
"Alright, on me. You ready?" She asks Colson.
"Get it, Kitty." He tells her.
She opens it up with the ace of hearts.
"Ok." Baze says throwing low.
Luna and Colson play off each other magnetically. One look. She walks all 6 books easily. He pulls another 3. "Just a preview." She smirks at Slim as she begins to shuffle.
"Well, if I had my PARTNER." Slim emphasises. Lighting up another joint.
"Whoah!" Throws out Baze. "You didnt pull shi.."
Luna interrupts him. "You want him, take him." She says, extending her arm across the table at Colson, turning her head. One look. Looking back, "I'll whoop both your asses." She taunts Slim with a half smile.
"Aight, bet. Switch places with me."
"Y'all are REALLY outta pocket." Laughs Colson. Watching them playfully bicker.
"Fine. It's still my shuffle tho." She says getting up. As she sits down, she leans over to kiss Colson. "I'm sorry, Bunny." She grins at him. Then she looks across to Baze. "You ready to run these hoes, Partner." She says swigging her beer.
The three of them look a her for a second before erupting into laughter. "THAT is definitely YOUR GIRL." Slim states. Luna swigs her beer again before she begins to shuffle.
After they bid, Slim throws the ace of clubs to start. It should've walked but Luna slices it with the 4 of spades. He looks at her. "You wanted your partner." She shrugs laughing.
"This is true, Bro." Colson backs her up, shrugging too.
"Fuck you both." Slim laughs.
It's a fun game. There's a lot of laughter and shit talking. Surprise books walk and others that are supposed to, end up cut. Luna and Colson play footsy under the table. It's not a massacre but Luna and Baze take Colson and Slim by 200 points.
"Good game. Where'd you learn to play like that?" Slim asks afterwards, impressed, as they light up cigarettes outside. They can see the sun begin to dance.
"I did a summer at Crossroads." She says exhaling, leaning against the house.
"What, like summer camp?"
Luna laughs. "No. Like maximum security juvie." She says taking another drag.
"REALLY?" Slim cocks his head towards her. "YOU and your 5 high to a knee high. For what?"
Luna chuckles at his metaphor. "A knee high though?" Crossing her ankles as she leans.
He shrugs. "For real tho, what cha do?"
"I picked up something like 96 charges. Multiple accounts on most, so some of them don't count. It ranged from terroristic threatening, 2nd degree assault, fleeing, resisting arrest..." She sighs, rubbing her forehead. "Annnnd assault on an officer and possession and intent. I believe." She finishes, taking a drag off of her Newport.
"God Damn, Girl!!! What you do all that for? His face scrunched up.
She throws her hands out as if, I don't know, as she looks at him. "Enh. These two bitches jumped my friend. So, I jumped em back with a Louisville, after picking up." She takes another drag. "I feel like they trumped up the charges because it was on school property."
"Not because of the Louisville?" Slim laughs. He puts his cigarette out. "You know," he says pointing at her "I wasn't sure about you at first but you aight." He nods his head. Agreeing with himself.
"Thanks. That means a lot and is important as Colson's best friend." She says honestly, taking her final drag before putting her cigarette out too. "I'm glad we got a chance to hang out." He agrees.
Slim sticks around outside admiring the sunrise.
"Rook was right, she is quick and funny as fuck.... Can hang too...Shooo.... The way she cut them books.... Kells'll be good if she's as hard as she's coming off to be..... At least she seems to be living up to the hype after the all years he fucking sweated her." He thinks, lighting one last Newport.
Walking inside Luna stretches wide and yawns, looking around for Colson. Things are surprisingly quiet. She finds him in the kitchen eating a cold fried chicken leg. "Ahhhh!!! Tell me you have more. I am starvingggg." She whines.
"YES." He proudly shoves one her way with paper towels.
"You. Are a God." He leans down so she can kiss him on the cheek. She then hops onto the kitchen counter and begins to eat her chicken. "So," she says swinging her bare feet "What's the plan for tomorrow?"
He walks towards her, she's still swinging her feet until he gets close enough that they rest on his naked stomach. He looks down. "You wanna get fucked right here?" One look.
She smirks and looks around " I mean...." She says biting into her chicken, shrugging. "I am trying to eat this chicken tho."
He laughs "You want another peice?"
"Yeeeeessss pleeease. This shit is slammen'."
As they hang out eating their chicken together, he says to her "Tomorrow's gonna be chill... I'm picking Cas up Sunday morning." He takes her finished chicken and throws it away. Walking back to her, he continues "I meant what I said. I want you to meet her. Maybe we can go out to dinner." He says moving to in between her thighs. One look. Pulling her across the counter, up against him. She puts her hands on his collar bones.
"HOLY FUCK MY LIFE. SHE'S GONNA HATE ME." Panics Luna mentally.
"I don't think that's how you meet kids, Bunny." She says to him, shaking her head. "Especially if you want them to like you." She laughs lightly. "Doooo you want my completely uneducated thoughts?" She asks.
"Always." He responds kissing her.
"I think, you should hang out with her first, and then maybe tell her about me when you feel it's right annd then ask HER if she'd like to meet me. Wherever she'd like." She's looking at him seriously. "Buuuuut I vote Disneyland." Luna smiles widely, raising her hand.
"I vote Universal." He says pushing her arm down with his now raised arm.
"You're an idiot." She laughs, squirming as they weirdly arm battle.
"You the one who loves an idiot." Trying to move, trapped in her things, continuing to raise arm battle her. The sight of him makes her retreat, laughing loudly as he continues on his own, pleased by her laugher.
"I do love you" she smiles pulling his face towards hers. With this he also retreats into her hands. Kissing her wetly and deeply as her thighs tighten around him even more. His hands run through her long hair, down her back, onto her ass, pressing her hard against him. She drags her blue nails down his bare chest, before she slides her hands alongside her own body and pulls off her bra with her black sheer shirt off in one swoop. Although he could see her breasts all night, he was tired of the shirt and is pleased to see it go. He NEEDS to feel her skin right now. Both of them begin to take the other's pants off. His drop to the floor as she lifts herself up for him to slide hers off. He runs his index along her lips before dipping inside of her.
"You're always so wet for me, Kitten. I fucking love it." He says gnawing at her neck as he slowly works his huge cock deep into her pussy. "And tight." They both groan in pleasure as he makes his way into her fully. Arms wrapped tightly around each, sloppily tongue kissing. Their hips slam together as they grind and fuck each other, deep and hard on the kitchen counter. "You're such a dirty, little slut." He says in her ear.
"Who's dirty, little slut am I? She asks lowly, bucking against him harder.
"MINE." He says firmly, "You're MY dirty, little slut." Kissing her back on the mouth. His words excite both of them. They're both close to cuming as they fuck each other harder.
"And what are you going to do to me?" She pants.
"I'm going to fuck you wherever, whenever, however the fuck I WANNNNNT." He growls loudly, pulling her hair as he releases himself inside her, for the second time tonight.
"FUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!" his mind explodes. He knows he's drunk but if he's going to believe in religion. It's her fucking pussy. He decides.
The yank does it. She buries her face in his neck as she tries to muffle her squealing giggle as she cums with him. "Mmmmm...Colson." She purrs. "I love you."
After a few moment, they unwrap themselves and kiss sweetly. "I love you too, Luna." He says before lifting her off the countertop. They do a quick clean up job before he grabs her bag and they head upstairs together.
"Jesus Christ that was amazing. I wonder if anyone heard us. Probably. Oh well....... Thank Fuck, I stayed on birth control. I knew shit was gonna pop off between us but DAMN...."
"That was fucking HOT. She wasn't lying. We do fuck like rabbits. How can I not with that fucking ASS!!" He refrains from biting her as he watches her ass bounce up the stairs. "And she fucking loves me." He thinks beaming, heart racing while admiring his view. "I've never came like that before...." his mind drifts watching her ass guide him.
To be continued...
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