#I'll add Sugar later dw :)
planetducksss · 10 months
I'm back with more lita incorrect quotes and chaos baby😻😻💅💅💅✨✨✨✨ (pretty much all of these are unoriginal <33)
Me >:3 : yk that saying- "good things *come* in small packages?
*stares intently at Phayu and Rain*
Me >:3 : yeah im seriously starting to get the hint now
: *making coffee* hey could you pass the sugar?
Me >:3 : *picks up Rain*
: I—
*later at dinner or smt*
: could i have some salt?
Me >:3 : *gently holds Sky*
: oh my god... Pepper?
: *showcases Phayu*
Rain: *whines* that's my job!!
: what the fuck
*even more later 🤤*
: *sighs while holding out popcorn basket* could i get some of that cheesy stuff?
Me >:3 : now how tf is Prapai gonna fit in there?
Phayu: baby could you go get some eggs?
Rain: sure!
*like 30 mins later*
Phayu: thank yo-
Rain: *holds chicken*
Rain: Sky... Are you okay?
Sky: *lifts his head up from his hhnds with tears streaming down his face* Bitch do i look—
Prapai: What type of Einstein created this math?! 
Sky: what is it? 
Prapai: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply (this is not omegaverse man dw😰😰😰😰😰)
Phayu: *covers up Rain's ears*
Sky: As much as I wanna murder you for that, I'll admit that was hella smooth-
Sig: *looking at the project* I feel like we're missing something
Sky: teamwork?
Por: Coheshion?
Rain: what the fuck are we even doing
Sky: Phayu care to explain why I got over 50 messages of Rain freaking out about what the hell BDSM was?
Phayu: don't u dare take away that last piece of innocence from him
Rain: *head tilt*
*Chai and Saifah making 5 seconds of eye contact*
My fucking dumbass: *sips tea* yup! That's the one! They fucked.
Rain: Skyyyy, what's bukkake?
Sky: *spits out water* bakingcakemethods.
*a few hours later*
Phayu: *walks in on Rain making a cake* what's my sweet boy doing?
Rain: a bukkake method!
Phayu: . . .
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lees-chaotic-brain · 2 months
hooray!! congrats on the good news, i hope the streak continues!
okay i'm glad you won't be uncomfortable with the stuff i interact with. i didn't bother with any warnings on my blog bc i'm mostly here to consume things and don't expect too many people to wander by lol. but! since i have been coming out of my lil lurker basement lately i finally at least added a color scheme to it so i look less like a bot.
oh man oh man where to start on tea and jackets? what are your go-to's for either? i'm kind of a tea purist-i prefer tea the east asian (chinese/japanese/korean) way, just pure tea leaves and occasional aromatics with no additional sugar or cream unless i'm specifically making a milk tea. i don't really like herbal teas. i want that camellia sinensis in my shit. my default tea rn is probably hojicha. i made a sunrise burnt basque hojicha cheesecake and though the layers didn't come out as cleanly as i wanted it tasted lovely. a tumblr friend on here inspired me to try out the burnt basque with a FANTASTIC green thai tea i have next! (if you're in the market for the green thai tea and are usa-based i cannot recommend it enough. it's so unique bc green thai is uncommon in the states already, and most of it comes from the powder packets but the one i have is all whole ingredients, no extracts or dye or flavor enhancements and it is DIVINE. sooo fragrant with pandan and vanilla and mint. i will scarf down anything with pandan in it but this is especially lovely)
i basically only own leather jackets or blazers, i have an embarassing amount of both. i did just do a closet purge with a friend's help though and i am proud of say i got rid of like, 16 college-era (p)leather jackets and blazers that had seen better days/are no longer in style
ty for sticking around for my D1 yapping!
dw abt it LMAO. it's not super apparent, but if you look close enough you can see my inner hoe poking through in my tags, so yes. i definitely consume smut and dark content and am looking forward to seeing your stuff on my dash 🤭
omg and for tea? i literally drink any and all kinds of tea. so again, if you've been on my blog long enough/look closely i'm pretty sure i've mentioned it before but i'm half korean, and i while i love all kinds of tea, the tea my mom made for me are nostalgic and bring me comfort. i almost always drink my teas plain (chai being the only exception) or with a little bit of honey.
i LOVE herbal teas. i can't really drink a ton of caffeine with my adhd meds or i genuinely start tweaking. like twitching and all that shit, so i normally drink other teas even though i really enjoy green and black teas :')
i'm a sucker for jackets and boots, and while i don't have too many, i definitely own a few, but i'll probably reblog this post and rant about them later lmao
if you're interested, here is a comprehensive list of my top ten favorite teas (in no particular order), how i drink them, and why. thank you for attending my lecture.
1. you are so right about hojicha. i love green tea, but my absolute favorite variation of green tea is nokcha. i love the extra flavor the brown rice brings to it. i normally drink it plain, but if i'm feeling fancy i'll steam a little milk and add a drizzle of honey
2. this definitely isn't korean, but when i was little my mom would make me this tea and it was so, so, so, good. it's basically just a stick of cinnamon, some apples slices up, orange and lemon peel, and a little bit of honey boiled together for like an hour. it's literally my favorite thing to drink in the fall bc it just warms me up from the inside
3. oksusu-cha. it's basically a korean tea made from roasted corn kernels and i really, really, like it. it's different from a lot of teas in the sense that it's almost savory, but its taste is very unique and almost earthy? idk how to describe it but i highly recommend trying it. i always drink it plain, but pouring it over heukmi bap (korean purple rice) and eating is also amazing
4. earl gray. i know this one is very british and different from the rest of the teas i drink, but i love having a cup of it once in a while! i drink it black sometimes, but i'll also drink it with either lemon and honey, or a little milk and honey
5. chamomile my love. i love love love a nice cup of chamomile before bed while i'm reading a book! i almost always drink it plain, but if i'm on my period i add a spoonful of honey
6. hibiscus tea. while this isn't necessarily my favorite taste wise, it brings back a lot of memories from when i was little and would go to a cafe with my mom. not to say i don't enjoy the flavor, it's just a little too sweet and a little too tart for me to drink a lot of
7. gyulpi cha. it's a korean citrus peel tea (not unlike #2) and it's really, really, good. i always drink it plain.
8. chai. this is the only type of tea i drink with a ton of stuff in it. i'm currently boycotting starbucks, but i love their iced chai latte with sweet cream foam. during fall i normally get it with some pumpkin flavoring lol. however i barely consider the drink tea at this point lmao
9. lavender tea. i absolutely love a cup of lavender tea before bed. i always drink it plain, and think the scent is so calming!
10. and finally lilac tea. i love lilacs. growing up we had a massive lilac bush and the smell always brings me back. i really enjoy its subtly sweet and floral flavor, and always drink it plain.
anyways, that's it for the tea lmao.
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paralume-game · 4 years
Can you give a brief description of each of the ROs? I know their names and what they look like, but who are they as people?
Hello. I sneaked past the gates of Hell (School) for a minute to hand out some more vague character descriptions, to keep you yearning. :)
She's harsh and eloquent. Brisk in getting hold of a conversation, and turning it upside down at her desire.
You can see sheer knowledge swimming behind those inky dilated pupils, covering up her charming brown eyes, flecked with spots of gold.
Her long nails brush through her hair.
Slow and seductive.
Voluminous maroon locks bounce from the touch of her sharp black nails.
She flicks you a sultry smile, speaking in a suggestive tone,
"I'm a hunter, birdie."
She grabs a fistful of your attire, pulling you closer.
"Strong," she whispers.
Her red lips close in on yours, hot breath awakening dormant goosebumps all over your body. In this close proximity, you can watch her long lashes flutter against her dark bronze skin.
"Cunning," she continues.
She takes her time to regard all the details of your face, eyes flitting over every part, finally ending up on your lips.
She pulls back then, pushing you away harshly, so that you lose your balance. She's tittering.
Not attempting in the slightest to prevent your fall. Merely watching you descend, hitting the ground uncomfortably.
You stare up at her towering form, hovering above you, a feral smile adorning her full lips.
She makes you feel powerless.
Just by watching. By smiling. By touching.
She shakes her mane like a lion, satisfied with the hunt. Proud of the kill.
She doesn't have to plunge her nails into your skin to assert her reign.
"And dangerously alluring," she finishes, leaving you behind in the dirt.
You only hear the sound of her ruby red dress, fluttering in the breeze, before her shadow disappears entirely.
His big hands stroke softly over fabric.
He wields the scissors in them with scrupulous skill.
His gaze is concentrated, but there's a mild hint of wonder swirling in his beautiful eyes.
The left one a mossy green, like the untamed ivy crawling up the walls of his home. Whereas a stripe of blue cuts through the right one, like a cool stream of water in a lush forest.
Excitement crawls between his ebony digits, daringly offering him to try something new, something outrageous.
Something that he will never show the world, but store deep in his own closet, concealed underneath a pile of earthy coloured garments.
Too striking for him to wear, too attention seeking.
He can't draw eyes toward him, there's nothing special to be seen there.
It would only be a mismatch of colours on him, just like his irises.
Fear shackles his hands with a tight grip, making him drop the scissors.
Doubt claws at his mind.
Why does he bother if the things he creates won't be appreciated? What does the process mean, if it's stagnant and dreary?
He picks the shears up once more, accidentally cutting his finger on the sharp metal blades.
A blotch of red glares up from the unfinished garb. Prominent. Striking.
He sets to finish the task. For his own sake only.
Sweet charity carries their voice, soft intimacy lies in their touch, and safety can be found in their embrace.
So soothing, that they could strangle you in their arms, without any alarming struggle or complain from you.
You'd simply melt further into their warmth.
Dark chocolate eyes will search for yours, tearing up with affection when they find you gazing back at them.
Brunette hair tickles your shoulders, as they lay their cheek upon it.
They're free of greed, always there to lend a hand, an ear, a word.
Never expecting anything in return.
A person so extremely caring, that they'd rather watch out for someone else, instead of taking care of their own soul.
It's quite difficult to not want to give anything back to them.
But your happiness is more than enough, they tell you. Your steadily beating heart is a song that soothes their own.
There lies grief deep within those words, plucking at your heartstrings.
They lie a hand on top of it, feeling its rhythm. Nursing its heat.
"I'm glad you're here with me," they whisper, with a smile dripping off their lips.
Brighter than day.
Though darker than usual.
The rest of the sentence remains as a barely audible movement of lips, quieter than a pin drop:
"Even though I don't deserve you."
Nonchalant and uncaring, it seems.
Though there lies passion, as well as untold stories within their songs, and the images etched underneath their skin.
A garden of Milkweed and birds of paradise wind up their arms. Quotes, lettering, critters, and silly doodles peek through their leaves.
Swallows fly a detour over their neck, wings outstretched.
Their creativity shapes whole cities, entire worlds, even.
Radiant places, filled with vivid buildings, reaching for the skies. And bustling streets, each blot of colour in them representing a person. Souls containing tall tales.
They shake their damp black hair out of their eyes, grazing the canvas with the tip of their brush in the process.
A sigh chimes.
Out of annoyance from observing the invading orange line on the side of a skyscraper, now a glowing pile of rubble, extending toward the heavens.
It strikes an idea in them, their strokes picking up speed.
Do those wrecks reach for the stars?
Scrape at them, to get a taste of space dust? The Flavour of impossibility melting on their tongues.
They take a step back from the canvas, taking in a drawing, which depicts... hope, mostly. If they had to pick a word.
A reoccurring theme to be found in their creations.
And yet, whenever their dark eyes, black like ink, fall on their pieces of work after the finishing touch, there's but a pinch of yearning to be found in them.
Yearning for the world outside this town they're in, desire to lose these invisible shackles around their feet, binding them to this forsaken place.
Their hands grab the sides of the easel, throwing it to the side.
Wet paint clings to wooden flooring, as the image and restless footsteps hit the ground.
Acrylic dries on overpriced vintage clothes.
Ash hits a tray. Nicotine fills lungs.
And eyelids close reluctantly.
They look cold and brittle. Thin and tired. The bags underneath their eyes grow evermore, every day.
Development that is caused by the indifference toward concealing them.
"What for?" They'd reply, if you would ask, voice light.
Then they'd try to brush stark white hair out of their icy eyes.
Suddenly revealing their blue brilliance, surrounded by signs of fatigue, as they pluck the strands behind their pointy ears.
Knowing them, you're sure it's their way of telling you that it's alright to be tired.
It's okay to be exhausted.
They are too, after all.
They'd flick you a smile, if you'd mull over the answer. Sharp canines, usually hidden behind light pink lips, peeping through.
They're always trying to keep up a distant exterior, mysterious as the forest encircling the both of you.
Though you know well that they are as caring as can be.
Worrying deep into the night about the wellbeing of people that they love.
You can observe their deep-rooted care and patience especially well in how they tend to their father's garden.
Always patiently searching for and plucking away weeds, or assiduously watering the earth with a perfectly estimated amount of water.
With a white cloak sporting dark brown stains. Certainly one of the few times on which it isn't in an impeccable shape.
They're concerned about each being trying to prosper in such an unforgiving world. They also hold a special concern for your steady level of idiocy. Although they have learnt to become fond of it, flat out cherish it. In secret, of course.
Even so, they can not will themself to reach the same level of foolishness- dare they say 'careless freedom', as you.
For underneath the wise, hardworking, pale façade lies the mere face of a scared child.
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