#I'll Take This Rage Rattle Your Cage it's do or die Only the Strong Survive: Linus || ((heroes))
warriorsparked · 2 years
I'm back and bruised, beat up, but still I take the blows 'Cause all I need is blood and sweat and skin and bones!
I'll take this rage, rattle your cage Nobody said it's easy! It's do or die, only the strong survive! Get ready for the last stand! Get ready, I'm your hangman!
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It wasn’t very hard to figure out who Reyson got along with, and who he really, really didn’t. 
The Hawk king was an obvious friend, Alm seemed to be another -- and that blue haired brat with the big sword, too. That fat man who seemed to drape himself in fancy rugs was easily sussed out as an enemy, even if Linus wasn’t aware of his standing in Begnion, and what that meant in regards to Reyson. He didn’t seem all that friendly with the Raven either, though details were spotty on that story.
But, the little shrew that followed the mercenary around like a shadow...He seemed to take great delight in getting under Reyson’s skin like a barbed hook. Linus had seen them get into actual fights on more than one occasion, and the Mad Dog thought it about time someone really taught the little skulker a lesson.
“Hey, small fry.”
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“You sure got a lotta nerve, messin’ with the boss like you do. D’you get your jollies off to it? Wonder if you’d still have a smart mouth after I punched some’a your teeth in...,” Linus smirked, finding a moment where Soren was on his own to corner him.
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panterashadow · 5 years
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SCR£ÄM (Ä) 2010
"Let Me Hear You Scream"
Let me hear you scream!
I'm black and bruised, beat up, but still I take the blows
'Cause all I need is blood and sweat and skin and bones!
I'll take this rage,
Rattle your cage,
Nobody said it's easy!
It's do or die,
Only the strong survive!
Get ready for the last stand!
Get ready, I'm your hangman!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you scream!
I'll pull you up and push you right back in your place!
I'll take you down and wipe that smile right off your face!
I'll watch you break,
Your mine to take,
Don't blink; you just might miss it!
It's all or nothing,
Nowhere left to run!
Are you ready for the last fight!
Get ready with the war cry!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you scream!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you
Let me hear you scream
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Mordecai sighs and gently picks Linus up by the arms, dragging him off to a bench, then sets off to try and rearrange this mess. "How does a Gallian bar run sound?"
Being bodily moved -- with hardly any effort, he might add -- was such a foreign sensation that Linus forgot to bitch about it while it was happening. As soon as he was released, though, he made sure to blurt out a late but nonetheless emphatic fuck.
Didn’t have the same effect, but he was sure it got his feelings across well enough.
“Was jus’ havin’ some fun! Thought that’s wha’ all these silly, li’l things were all ‘bout!”
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Of course, the suggestion of more booze easily distracted the Mad Dog’s destruction bender.
“What a pal, what a-- what a good ol’ boy,” Linus hiccuped, getting back up on his feet to pat Mordecai on the shoulder -- of course, with how drunk he was, it was less of a shoulder pat and more of a shoulder check. “We’ll drink the lot of ‘em dry!”
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@cavaliant (x)
This was starting to border masochistic, but Linus found it near impossible to not try something any time he saw the blond. He was just so...damn...him. Nothing bothered him! Well, hardly nothing -- certainly nothing that Linus did in regards to him, which was where this snag had come from.
It was an unsaid game. Linus was fairly sure they’d never once had a civil, decent or otherwise normal conversation. It was always one of them trying to get the other riled, and Fergus had a winning streak that the Mad Dog absolutely couldn’t stand. It was unfair, really. Linus knew he was easy to set off, but Fergus? Well, Fergus took practically everything with the same lackadaisical attitude -- even when Linus had him smack up against a wall none too kindly.
It was frustrating, but Linus wasn’t the type to give up. Especially when he was being shown up so fantastically all the time. 
“Well, should know by now, I don’t do gentle,” Linus sneered, his anger simmering down just a little into annoyance at Fergus’ nonchalance at the surprise attack.
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“But, I gotta keep my rival on his toes, right? Can’t let you get lax on me, or else, where’s the fun?” And if drawing a little blood was what wiped that casual smile off the other’s face, Linus had no problem with it -- just a little fun, after all. “We’ve fought fair and square before, but I’d like to see you slip your way out of this one without a scratch.”
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Skidding through the Askr castle halls, a green cat darts towards Linus with a lot of energy! While it veers to try and avoid crashing into him, it seems to not be very good on its feet, and instead takes a tumble and rolls, smacking against Linus' legs. /nyalm
There were a lot of strange things Linus had seen here in Askr, but a green cat? That was pretty high up there. But, aside from the mossy color of its fur, it seemed to be a regular old cat.
Running at him. 
Did someone get a cat drunk?
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The furry little thing took a tumble into his legs, leaving Linus himself utterly unmoved, but left the cat sprawling. Now, Linus wasn’t a cat person like he was a dog person, but if someone had gotten this cat drunk, he was gonna have words with them.
Picking the little cat up by the scruff, Linus got a good look at it. 
“You seem…weirdly familiar. But, hey, you don’t smell like booze, so I guess you’re just a clumsy cat,” he commented to himself, dropping the green ball of fuzz onto his shoulder. “Think you can hold on, then, li’l guy?”
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Verses page is completed for the moment.
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Consider this a tag dump for all that good verses shit.
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panterashadow · 5 years
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SCR£ÄM (Ä) 2010
"Let Me Hear You Scream"
Let me hear you scream!
I'm black and bruised, beat up, but still I take the blows
'Cause all I need is blood and sweat and skin and bones!
I'll take this rage,
Rattle your cage,
Nobody said it's easy!
It's do or die,
Only the strong survive!
Get ready for the last stand!
Get ready, I'm your hangman!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you scream!
I'll pull you up and push you right back in your place!
I'll take you down and wipe that smile right off your face!
I'll watch you break,
Your mine to take,
Don't blink; you just might miss it!
It's all or nothing,
Nowhere left to run!
Are you ready for the last fight!
Get ready with the war cry!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you-
(Let me hear you-)
Let me hear you scream!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you scream like you want it!
Let me hear you yell like you mean it!
If you're gonna go down:
Go loud!
Go strong!
Go proud!
Go on!
Go hard or go home!
Let me hear you
Let me hear you scream
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