#I'd rather gain weight than completely destroy my sense of self trying to live up to corporate foodie bullshit expectations
shuppityduppity · 2 years
Not to be snippy about the diet industry....... okay, yes to be snippy about the diet industry, I think that having a balance of sugary foods and fatty foods and protein-rich foods and nutrient-rich foods is very important. I'm sorry but you motherfuckers want me to eat the most ridiculous shit for every meal!
If I ate "superfoods" (read: colonialism-approved import foods) every single time I sat down to eat, yeah, I would be thinner. I would be thinner because I would be fucking dying! This idea that instead of eating a variety of things, you should eat One Single Healthy Thing that Keeps You Alive Forever is just blatantly idiotic. Sometimes a meal is going to be a fresh, tasty sandwich. Sometimes a meal is going to be a fatty, protein-rich steak dinner. Sometimes a meal is going to be a nutrient-complete stirfry from the nice restaurant down the street. Sometimes I'm going to eat peanut butter cups and applesauce and silly little granola bars because I'm Hungry and I want to keep myself comfortable and fed.
In what universe is that level of variety and comfort going to be replaced by eating the same quinoa/kale/acai salad and drinking a cup of coffee for every single meal?? Fuck you.
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