#I'd pick you as my bridesmaid because youre still my best friend even though we only speak a few times a year
mush-dooms · 11 months
being at the age where friends are getting married as someone who has never dated and has trouble with friendships feels like being in elementary school and getting picked last for the kickball team at recess
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thereluctanthousewife · 2 months
The Politics of Weddings
When you're located on the other side of the world, they're up when you're asleep, and you inevitably wake up to a barrage of messages.
Today, I received the news that my cousin is getting married.
As is the usual case when it comes to weddings in the Philippines, familial politics come into play. This time, the wise (?) couple chose to not inform their entourage members that they were part of the wedding party beforehand. This is playing with fire to a certain extent. Perhaps they informed the older members like the bridesmaids, groomsmen, best man and man of honor, as well as the secondary sponsors, but I know for a fact my sister was caught by surprise that her young son would be one of the bearers.
I don't know if this is the norm for other families in the Philippines, but for ours, there is always some scandal when it comes to choices for the bridal party. Each family needs to be represented, otherwise, feelings get hurt. They will hold it over your head for years - seeing it as a slight. My siblings and I do our best to ignore all this chaos. We're happy to be guests, and we're happy to be included.
Now that I think about it, perhaps this is something that's more a big deal with the older generation?
I remember when I got married, politics were at the forefront.
I had been close to this one cousin growing up, but we drifted apart due to distance and diverging priorities. By this, I mean her going off to college and her spending hours on the phone flirting with a boy even though she invited me over to her house to "bond" - LOL.
Let me tell you, it caused a ruckus when she was not part of my wedding party. First, I prioritized our immediate family - my sisters as bridesmaids, and my fiance's sisters as secondary sponsors along with their husbands. We also chose a close couple friend who was getting married two weeks after us. My two younger cousins were bridesmaids as well. I forged a bond with them during my college years. Years when my older cousin was nowhere in sight.
If I could do it over, I'd choose some of my male cousins as groomsmen, and not really choose anyone from my husband's side of the family. After all, I grew up close to my cousins, and he didn't. At the time though, we were pressured to pick some representatives from his side as his dad paid for the wedding LOL
These types of noise make me glad there's distance between me and the rest of my relatives. I can't stand the constant comparison, competition and jealousy. I can't stand the judgement, scrutiny and unhealthy emphasis on looks, weight and position.
My two sons have joined weddings as part of an entourage before though rarely as we already spent majority of their lives abroad. My daughter has no idea what a flower girl is and what it entails.
I would want my children to be part of an entourage because I find weddings wonderful and exciting. I feel like it's a rite of passage to a certain extent haha. I don't believe in baby beauty pageants and maybe in my crazy head, it's a more acceptable way? But then, they'll still be part of the event as guests. They'd still get to dress up, party and celebrate the occasion. I'm proud of these kids whether or not they walk down an aisle or not. As long as they behave themselves in church, I'm happy.*
*This is tongue in cheek.
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Jimmy Conway x Paulie's Daughter! Reader
Hiiiii, this fic is a little surprise I've been working on and I've got a few others in the works. I hope you guys love it! ❤️
TW: smut, mentions of crime and crime families, murder, marriage, mentions of pregnancy
Word Count: 5.2k
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As you stand in front of the mirror, your head spins from the morning you've already had. Women everywhere, whizzing around you doing your hair and makeup, getting you into your wedding dress. All that to make you a bride.
And you do look like a bride, you think as you stare into the mirror.
Behind you, you hear a familiar voice, "Ahem, ladies, could I get a moment alone with our bride?" Jimmy. He's being extra charming today, as many of the women left the room giggling because he spoke to them.
"Wow... (Y/N), you look gorgeous..." he creeps up behind you and delicately places his hands on your sides, as if he might break you. He looks at you in the mirror, before gently placing a kiss on your shoulder. "You're gonna stop traffic when you walk down the aisle. I can't wait to see it," he moves your veil and hair to give you a kiss on the cheek.
You don't say anything, just stare into the mirror. After a small pause, Jimmy turns you around, "Hey, you alright?"
Finally, you get a good look at him in his tux: all black with an off white shirt and a deep green vest peaking out from the lapels of his tuxedo jacket. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding, "Yeah, I'm okay, just nervous," you put your hand on his chest, looking him over again, "I'm glad you're here. You always calm me down, and you look great by the way."
You knew it was an unconventional choice, but you wouldn't have picked anyone else to be your Maid of Honor. And Jimmy was happy to do it for you, even with Tommy and Henry making fun of him for it, at least until they got asked to be bridesmaids.
These were guys that in another life, you never would've been friends with, probably wouldn't have even known. And truthfully, your dad didn't want you being friends with them, because he knows what they are: criminals, nothing but criminals. But they're the only family you have, and Paulie had to admit that it was so cute seeing you get into trouble with Henry and Tommy and then go to "Uncle" Jimmy to get you out of it.
Jimmy wouldn't have done that kind of thing for the guys; they needed to get pinched and learn what it was like, but he would do anything to keep your pretty face out of jail. Since you've grown older, old enough for your father to let you get married, you and Jimmy have grown to be best friends. He's not so much the Uncle he used to be to you.
"(Y/N)?" Jimmy starts, "we got something to tell you, honey."
Just from the man's tone of voice, you can tell something is terribly wrong; you just know him too well. At that point, Jimmy opens the door, and Tommy, Henry, and your dad Paulie shuffle in.
"What's going on?" you say sheepishly, taking a step back from the men before you.
"You may wanna sit down," Jimmy motions to the little couch in the room.
Your dad reaches for one of your hands and you pull it away, "What is it, papa?"
"Sweetie, let's sit down, so we can talk," he places a hand on your back, and you both sit on the couch together. Jimmy, Tommy, and Henry all stand around looking like tough guys: arms crossed, keeping an ear out for anyone who might be listening outside the door, their faces looking stone cold with a bit of worry in their eyes.
"(Y/N), that guy out there," Paulie starts, referring to the groom waiting to marry you, "he ain't the guy you think he is."
"What?" you ask quietly.
"Well, uh, the guys here-" he looks up at the three men standing around you, "Jimmy, uh..." He just couldn't say it to you.
"We've been keeping an eye on this guy, scoping him out," Jimmy finishes for Paulie.
"What? You were spying on my fiancé?" you ask, feeling hurt.
"You didn't think we was just gonna let you marry anyone, did ya?" Tommy pipes up.
"And I'm glad we did," Jimmy cuts back in, "that guy out there, (Y/N), he's a liaison for another crime family! They were using you for information, and now he's able to identify all of us."
"What? No... He's- he's... a union rep," you cast your eyes down as it dawns on you; it was all a lie and a great cover up so he could talk about his friends and you wouldn't even realize. God, did you feel stupid. If anyone was gonna catch him in that lie, it should've been you. "I'm so sorry..." you whisper as tears drop down onto your wedding dress.
Paulie immediately pulls you into a hug, "Hey, hey, it's okay, baby girl. It's okay. The guys here have a plan." He tries to comfort you as you cry into his shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, you know I'd never try to put any of you in danger. I'm sorry I was so stupid!!" You feel horrible and angry with yourself.
"Shhh... You gotta keep your voice down, honey," you feel Jimmy's hand rubbing circles into your back as he kneals next to you. "You're not stupid. It took us a long time to crack this guy. He covered his tracks well."
You turn to Jimmy, tears mixed with mascara running down your face. "Hey..." he says, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the tears from your face, "Don't cry, angel. You shouldn't cry on your wedding day."
"But-" you get close to him, "it's not my wedding day anymore."
"Still," he pulls you up off the couch and into a hug, "you look too pretty to cry, and besides, we gotta get going."
You give him a confused look, trying to get it together, "Get going? Where are we going?"
"Well, uh, you and I are going on your honeymoon; Tommy and Henry know the rest of the plan."
"Honeymoon? We're not gonna cancel it?" you question.
"Listen, sugar," your dad grabs your attention, "this is the one day we can get your fiancé alone. He didn't dare bring any of his associates; we would recognize them, especially after all the recon we've done. So Jimmy's gonna sneak you out of here, and you're gonna go away for a while, and we're gonna get rid of this crook and tie up all the loose ends."
Just a few moments later, Tommy and Henry go back into the church to make it seem like everything is normal. No one is gonna think anything of Jimmy and your dad being with you, because that's the order the ceremony will go in. Your dad waits out in the hallway, as if he's waiting for you to put the last few finishing touches on your dress, and as everyone clears the hall to go to the church, he signals to Jimmy that it's time.
You and Jimmy quietly sneak out of your dressing room to head to the car. Before you run off, you turn back to your dad, giving him a big hug, "Please be careful, papa. I love you so much, and I'll miss you."
"I love you, too, (Y/N)," he gives you a kiss on the forehead, before you turn to head out the back hallway of the reception hall.
On the way out, Jimmy grabs a huge plate of hors d'oeuvres and holds the door open for you. You make your way out to this random convertible (probably stolen), seeing your suitcase in the backseat.
"Mines in the trunk," he lets you know, before setting the plate of food in the back and helping you in the car. Seconds later, you're peeling out of the church parking lot.
• • •
You and Jimmy can't help but laugh as you get further and further away from your wedding ceremony. You can't explain why you're laughing so hysterically, but it feels like old times getting into trouble with Jimmy. Plus, it's a welcome distraction.
"Jimmy," you interject the laughter.
"Yeah?" he asks, coming down from his laughing fit. You've already reached the highway heading from upstate New York into the city to get to the airport.
"Jimmy, I gotta get out of this dress," there's a serious tone in your voice that tells Jimmy this is more urgent than you let on.
He quickly whips out his switch blade, "Okay, lean forward." And then you feel the cool metal of the blade grace your back as he cuts the ribbons corseting your dress.
The dress loosens around you, and you look over at the man, "Thank you," is all you say before sliding the dress down over your hips, then throwing it up in the air, letting the wind take it down the highway. Jimmy has an impressed look on his face as he glances at you with a half smile on his face.
He reaches over, placing a hand on your bare thigh, pulling your wedding garter down your leg before holding it above his head and spinning it around like a lasso. "WOOOOOO!!!!" he yells at the top of his lungs as he flings the little piece of lace. Anything to make you laugh, and it does get a rise out of you.
There's a pause for a moment as Jimmy takes in the view of you in your white lingerie; his eyes don't linger for long though, because he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable.
Though, you can't help but feel sexy for moment before climbing into the backseat to change.
"Hey, bring that food up to the front seat when you're done," he says, looking at you in the rearview mirror. You smack his shoulder, realizing he can see you changing. He chuckles and flips the rearview up. You spend the rest of the trip leaning on Jimmy and snacking on the hors d'oeuvres on the tray, until you arrive at the airport.
Because you skipped the wedding ceremony and reception, you arrive way earlier than you're supposed to, but it's no issue, Jimmy already worked it out by moving your flight up. It also works out better, because there will be goons at the airport looking for you, but by the time they get there, you and Jimmy will already be gone.
• • •
After a few hours when you arrive in the Bahamas, Jimmy gently runs his fingers through your hair to wake you up from your nap. You were conked out on his shoulder, exhausted from this morning. "C'mon, sleepyhead, let's go have a honeymoon," he helps get you up and grab your bags.
"Mmmm," you yawn following him, "you say that like it's your honeymoon or something."
"Well, it is now," he chuckles, grabbing your hand to lead you off the plane. After a warm welcome from some locals at the check in desk, you head over to your private villa, right on the beach. Even though it's already dark, the island is beautiful. The warm breeze makes the palm trees wave; the sand is soft under your feet; and the sound of waves crashing is seriously so relaxing.
Inside your villa, it looks so cozy and clean, and you're so ready to get some dinner and go to bed. That's just what you do. Jimmy calls the office to order dinner to your little beach house, and you pop into the bathroom to take a shower and change.
By the time you're done, dinner is too. Jimmy greets you with a little side hug and pulls your chair out for you to sit down at the table. "Comfy? In your little robe and all?" he asks, eyeing you up and down quickly.
"Mm-hmmm," you moan, stuffing your face with delicious food. Jimmy chuckles at you before doing the same.
After getting your bellies full on tasty seafood, you decide that it would be a good idea to go to sleep, that way you can make the most of your time on this lovely island.
As you and Jimmy make your way to the bedroom, you're met with a reminder of why you're there in the first place: rose petals and candles littering the room.
Jimmy sees the way you pause, "Do you want me to get rid of this stuff?"
"I- uh, no... It's okay," you look back and forth between him and your bed.
"Here," he says, leading you to the couch, "Stay here."
He goes into the bedroom and closes the door behind him. For a few moments you hear huffing and thudding as he blows out candles and throws them in the trash, and you hear his arms hitting the bed as he wipes the rose petals away. Jimmy exits the room with a trash bag in tow, tossing it out on the front patio before returning to the living room, breathing a little heavy, and holding his arm out, motioning you to the bedroom.
You stand up and put your arms around him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, "Thank you, Jimmy."
He places his arm around your waist and presses a cheek to your head, "You're welcome, sweetie. Now go to bed."
"You're not coming?" you ask.
"I'll sleep on the couch. You have a good night, and sweet dreams," he gives your arm a squeeze before heading to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
As you settle into bed and try to sleep, it sinks in. Your relationship that you'd been so happy in is over... And here you are in another country for an undetermined amount of time while your ex-fiancé gets "taken care of." Even though his intention was to hurt you, you can't help but mourn what feels like the loss of your happiness. In fact, there's only one place you can feel happy right now, and you won't sleep until you're there.
"Jimmy?" you whisper through your sniffles. You stand before him as he sleeps soundly on the couch. "Jimmy?" A little louder this time, and that does the trick.
The man takes in a sharp inhale through his nose and his eyes pop open, "(Y/N), hey," he rubs his eyes, "you okay?" You just stand there quietly sniffling, and then Jimmy sees the redness in your face, "Hey, hey, c'mere honey, c'mere." He holds the blanket up for you to climb in, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, cuddling you in his cozy little spot on the couch. You simply bury your head into his chest, and let out a few tears. "Shhhh, shhh," he says as if cooing a baby, "it's okay, I'm here, everything's gonna be alright."
• • •
The sun brightly lights the whole open floor plan of your beach side escape, warming you and Jimmy in your bundle of blankets. You awake to the feeling of his fingers lazily combing through your hair, and when you crack your eyes open, you see him happily smiling down at you. You place a hand on his chest, and he covers it with one of his own, giving your fingers a squeeze.
"Morning, you hungry?" he greets you.
"Mmmm... Good morning, sweet man," you happily nuzzle into him.
He cups a hand on the back of your head, "Whaddaya say we get some breakfast, then ya wanna go swimming later today? Hm? We got that beautiful beach right out there." His head motions towards the large glass doors that look out onto the sand and sea.
"Only if we can stay here a little longer," you hum into his chest, perfectly content with just cuddling up to him all day long.
"Okay, princess, we can stay a little longer."
• • •
After a relaxed morning (yes, you both dozed back off to sleep for a while) and a nice breakfast of fresh fruits, juice, and pastries, you wait on the back patio for Jimmy to change into his swimsuit. When the sliding glass door glides open, you turn and see the man in swim trunks that hit about mid-thigh, short sleeve button up shirt that's unbuttoned, a gold chain, and a cigarette. Of course Jimmy dresses like that for the beach.
"Whaddaya think? How do I look?" he jokes at you.
You walk over and places your hands on his bare chest. "The view looks pretty good from here," you chuckle lowly.
Jimmy grunts, "You better watch those hands of yours," he warns, moving you off his chest before lightly taking your fingers in his. "Alright, let's go," he says, leading you towards the waves.
"Ya know, uh," Jimmy catches your attention.
"Hmm?" you chirp, hand still happily in his.
"How come you're still wearing this?" he asks, holding your hand up, and tapping his thumb on your engagement ring.
"Oh... um... I'm not sure, honestly," you look down at your hands, wringing them together and fidgeting with the little piece of jewelry. As you take your first few steps into the ocean, you slip the ring from your finger. "I guess it doesn't mean anything anymore," you ponder to yourself before chucking it into the water.
Jimmy raises his eyebrows in surprise, "You didn't wanna sell it?"
You turn around and pat him on the chest, "I know you and the boys back home will make me more money than that ring is worth. It wouldn't surprise me if it was fake, knowing what I know now."
• • •
Time got away from you as the two of you enjoyed your day in the sun. After walking along the beach and Jimmy dunking you in the waves a few times (don't worry, you got him back), it's already early afternoon. And boy, were you beat.
"Hmmm, I think it's time for a nap!" you yawn, "This sun has got me drained."
"Wanna go inside?" Jimmy points to your little beach house.
"Yeah, but I don't think I can walk another step," you whine playfully, giving the man puppy eyes.
There's a long pause as Jimmy gives you a serious look, but he's only kidding. "You want me to carry you, don't you?"
"Yes, please!"
And with that, your feet are swept out from under you. Jimmy walks you across the sand and through the sliding glass door, right to the bathroom.
"What are we doing in here?" you question as he walks right into the shower, "Jimmy?!"
"Gotta rinse all the salt and sand off," is all he gets out before the shower faucet sprays cold water on you and the man holding you. You squeal loudly and practically jump from Jimmy's arms! You hold onto him tightly for warmth; luckily the water heats up quickly though.
"You bastard!!" you yell and give the man a swift pop on the chest.
"OW!" he giggles and rubs the spot that is quickly turning red.
Your face forms a pout, feeling bad for smacking him, "I'm sorry." You take a step forward and rub your hand on his chest to sooth the spot. When you place your other hand on his chest, you look up at him. Suddenly you feel his strong hands gripping the back of your head, and his lips meet yours. Your back comes into contact with the shower wall, and you're completely surrounded. You feel the muscles of Jimmy's arms squeezing around you as his tongue urges it's way into your mouth.
You could hardly explain it: the timing and the situation feel so wrong, but he feels so 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵, like everything you had ever wanted- no, 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥.
Water soaks your hair, your face, your bodies as Jimmy fiercely kisses you. He's almost scared to stop.
But when you gently suck his bottom lip into your mouth and give it a nibble, it's game over.
Your friend-turned-lover rips open the shower curtain and starts walking you to the bedroom, his lips and his body never leaving yours. His tropical shirt slaps the ground in a wet heap, quickly followed by his swim trunks.
His lips find your neck, and you finally get a moment to catch your breath. Pressed against him as you step backwards, you feel his hands frantically working the straps of your swimsuit. You pull back from him just enough to see his face, and he freezes like a deer in headlights.
You simply look each other over, taking in the features of the other's face for a moment, before you lean forward and place your lips to his chastely, kissing him just once or twice. His rough hands gently caress your back, and then things turn passionate again when he slowly removes your top.
You always thought you'd be nervous to be with Jimmy, but after all, this is a man that you trust with your life. Wait- always? Did this imply you'd thought about being with him before?
In the heat of the moment you couldn't make sense of it. All you know right now is that Jimmy already has you naked and on the bed. It feels like your emotions are in a whirlwind, but Jimmy makes you feel good and you want more.
Your hands rake through his still wet hair, as he showers your chest in affection by kissing and sucking at your collarbone and breasts. He travels further down your body with his ministrations, until he reaches your soft inner thighs. You can feel his five o'clock shadow scratching at the delicate skin there, before he stops and looks up at you nervously. You'd never seen this man look nervous before.
His eyes beg for permission to go down on you and his hot breath passes over your center. You simply push down on his head a bit as a signal to go.
With his elbows buried in the soft mattress, forearms wrapped around your thighs, and eyes closed in concentration, his mouth surrounds that little bundle of nerves, lighting a fire in your belly. The sound of him breathing through his nose and your moans fill the room. Every hair on your body stands on end and your toes curl at the feeling of Jimmy Conway giving you head.
Oh God, Jimmy Conway is giving you head... Jimmy Conway your best friend. Jimmy Conway your Maid of Honor? You quickly push that thought away, then raise your head to look down at the man happily working away between your legs.
This is something you never thought you'd do with Jimmy, yet here you are, and oddly, it feels so... comfortable. You aren't nervous at all. Of course, you can't speak for him.
You lightly scruff up his hair, breathing heavily, "Jimmy..." The first word anyone had said in a while.
"Huh?" he says just after a loud slurping noise. His mouth hangs open in a relaxed way as he catches his breath and looks up at you from under his brow bone.
You let out a laugh in the form of a puff of air and a smile. Jimmy returns the smile; it's a happy smile with a hint of playful mischief in his eyes. A giggle slips out of you, then you both start laughing. At what, you aren't quite sure... the situation, maybe?
Your lover crawls on top of you and cuddles you by pressing his chest to you and wrapping an arm around your waist. Your hands explore his back, lightly scraping your nails over his shoulder blades and the small of his back.
He lets out a soft but deep moan before moving to kiss you again. His fingers nestle in your hair as he softly shows you his affection with his mouth. Your hands rest on his cheeks as he centers himself on top of you, one of his hands gripping under your thigh.
"This alright, princess?" he says in a near whisper.
"Yeah..." you exhale.
"You ready?" He gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"Yeah," you repeat, "I am." You give him a warm smile, cupping a hand on his face again, as if framing it to take a mental snapshot.
His next actions are incredibly gentle, but it makes everything all the more sensual. He plants a few kisses on your neck and collarbone before sitting up on his knees. His arm wraps around your thigh, holding it up in the air, as he aligns the head of his member with your entrance. The tip slides in pretty easily because of your wetness, and you can see Jimmy's breathing deepen; after that, the man moves slowly entering you, making you feel every inch of his length.
You had barely started and you're already both a mess. The pleasure is almost too much to take. Once Jimmy starts to move his hips, he leans forward once again, hovering over you on his hands and knees. You look up into his eyes, feeling his hardness moving inside you. Wanting to be closer to you, he drops down to his elbows and brings his knees up. His hands stroke some hair from your face while his hips rut into yours at a teasing pace.
After appreciating your how pretty you are, Jimmy moves his lips next to your ear and lowly says, "You feel incredible, baby. You feel so good..." He gives you a series of sloppy kisses on your jaw and earlobe.
You simply close your eyes, relax into the man on top of you, and give him an airy moan in response, "You feel good too, Jimmy."
"Mmmm, you like this pace? Or you want me to speed up?" You can feel his hot breath against your neck.
"Maybe, um, deeper?"
"Deeper, huh?" he whispers in your ear, "You wanna feel more of me?" He throws a little chuckle on the end of his question, and he readjusts by hooking a hand under your knee and pushing it up towards you for a deeper feeling while remaining close to you.
With each thrust you let out a grunt or breath of some kind, "Oooh... T-that's- Hnnng!"
"That the spot, baby girl?" Jimmy smiles to himself, happy that he's pleasing you.
A very shaky "mm-hmm" is all you can manage.
Jimmy speeds up his movements just a little, but still maintains a leisurely and romantic mood.
With a gasp, you start, "Jimmy, I- I'm-"
"Cum for me, baby," he coos, lightly sucking and nipping at a little spot on your neck.
"Fuck- Jimmy..." your climax hits you hard, making your head spin, and the only thing you can think about is the man before you, "Jimmy, I- I love you. I love you, Jimmy!"
Before you even have a moment to think about what you'd said, you hear, "I love you, too, (Y/N)," and several grunts and groans as he finds his release inside you.
Jimmy rolls off of you and trucks himself into your side. You hold the man in your arms tightly as you both come down from the high you just experienced. You turn your head to see him nuzzled into the crook of your neck, almost as if he's asleep. He cracks his eyes open at you and props himself up, putting his face close to yours.
You feel... shy for some reason as you press your lips to his, almost as if this is somehow more vulnerable than what you'd just done. You kiss each other softly, over and over, for what feels like a few minutes.
"You know, I didn't know you were close to finishing too," you tell Jimmy, trying to break some tension.
"Mm, well, I told you you felt good," he gives you a half smile, "I didn't know you loved me."
"Oh, well... It just kind of came out, but, uh, it was true. Still is." Another sweet kiss.
"You remember when I told you I couldn't wait to see you walk down that aisle? That was true too," he tells you.
You aren't sure where that came from, and it confuses you, "But... You knew I wasn't gonna get married that day."
"Yeah, but I am gonna see you walk down the aisle one day... when you marry me," he looks down and bites his lip.
You let out a flabbergasted little breath, "Jimmy..."
"C'mon, (Y/N)," he coos, "I love you. I wasn't gonna ever let you marry that other guy. Why do you think I looked into him so hard?"
"I don't understand. Why didn't you just ask me out years ago?" your question ends in a whisper.
"'Cuz I didn't realize what I had 'til I saw it in another man's arms," he tangles his fingers in your hair for another kiss, "but I'm not gonna let it get away from me this time."
• • •
Needless to say, you didn't see much of the beach or much of anyone the rest of your time in the Bahamas. You two already knew everything there was to know about another person, so you spent a lot of time exploring each other... in new ways.
So, it's bittersweet going home to Brooklyn. You'd been away a few months to let tensions between the two crime families die down. You would miss all of the alone time with your new man, but you're so happy to see your dad again.
"Thanks for driving us home from the airport, papa," you say, giving Paulie a side hug as he unlocks the door to the house not too far from the cab stand. You're greeted with hoots and hollers from Tommy, Henry and Karen, Tuddy, and a few others as you step inside. "What's this?!"
"Oh, uh, just a little surprise," Paulie chuckles, "A welcome home party for Jimmy and my girl."
Everyone starts exchanging hugs, giving you and Jimmy a proper New York welcome. As you put your arms around Henry's shoulders, you hear Karen from behind him, "OH no! I know ya not still wearin' your engagement ring," she grabs your hand and pulls you toward her to inspect the ring closer. Her voice lowers a bit, "No, this one's different. It's got pearls on it."
The room is filled with confused faces, until Jimmy takes your other hand in his, "Well, uh, we were on a little island for 2 or 3 months, pearls was all they had!"
Suddenly you're surrounded with Ooh's and Aah's and an "Attaboy Jimmy!" as it dawns on everyone that you're engaged.
"Hey, wait 'til they tell ya about how I'm gonna be a grandad!!" Paulie announces, and again the room fills with noise from everyone's surprise and congratulations. Any other family might have found it odd that you rushed into a new relationship, but this group likes keeping a closed circle, and everyone had their bets placed on you and Jimmy from day one.
Speak of the Devil, you feel his arms slip around you and a hand rests on your baby bump. He whispers in your ear, "I love you both so much. This is the way it always shoulda been."
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 1 (Bucky Barnes au)
“Oh, my my my soul so glad He's popped by to say hello to me„
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Your wedding day was coming soon, which is why you were parading around the store in a puffy white dress. You had insisted this is the last thing you did, since you didn't trust yourself with a white dress and unsupervised. Your best friend was there, obviously, and he was a little too excited about this dress.
"I love it", he said. "You look like a princess."
"I'm not sure..." You sighed. "It's too much, I'd like something slimmer, like..."
"A mermaid cut would be stunning on you," the sales assistant chimed in. "I actually think of this dress...wait a second."
She came back as quickly as she'd left with a gorgeous long-sleeved white dress. It was simple, with some lace here and there, and you loved it at first sight. After putting it on, you were convinced Darren, your groom, would love it as much as you did.
"Considering the smile on your face, I don't think I need to ask if you like it."
"No need, indeed. Oh Steve, isn't it beautiful?"
"It is, y/n. This dress found its owner, I believe."
Steve Rogers hadn't been in your life for a long time, and yet you could not imagine your days without his precious advice. He'd done a great job at rescuing you in Sokovia and even though you might not have had the same powers as your little sister Wanda, he decided to protect you as well. That's what Steve did : he protected people he cared about and now, he was your best friend, a brother, a shoulder to cry on and a contagious smile to hear.
"I can't wait to walk you down the aisle."
"Are those tears in your eyes, big guy ?"
He shook his head, visibly moved. You flashed him a cheeky smile as you walked to the changing room and you heard him snort. In the car back home, Steve couldn't help but think about your dress choice. You'd been avoiding this kind question the whole day.
"I love the dress you picked, of course, but is there a peculiar reason you rejected the one that showed some skin?"
You anticipated his next question and decided it was best to answer it right away. Talking about soulmate tattoos never missed to make you feel like an imposter, a liar. You couldn't say you liked that.
"You know the skin isn't the problem, Steve. And no, I still haven't changed my mind about Darren."
Steve looked back at the road and nodded.
"I support you no matter what, you already know that. I just wonder how it's possible he hasn't seen the tattoo yet."
"I'm careful. And whenever he asks, I tell him I was born without one."
"He buys that ?"
"Yeah. It's happened to other people, sadly. He can never know the tattoo doesn't show his first words to me. I love him and that is all that matters." You desperately searched for a change of subject or a way to lighten the mood. "I'm still wondering what my supposed soulmate did – or will do – to me though... I mean, 'shit, i'm sorry' isn't common. I've never seen swear words on anyone's body except mine."
"Well, you are far from common yourself after all."
"I guess you're right."
"Ready ?"
You exhaled slowly and closed your eyes for a second. The smell of roses and grass was all around you and you could feel some rays of sunshine hitting your skin. Coming back to yourself, you looked at Steve and placed your hand on his arm.
"Ready," you answered, even though you did not mean that.
"Easy," he said as he felt your hand shake. "Darren is already crazy about you, he's not gonna run away. You on the other hand...well, it's still time to make it happen."
"I don't wanna run away, silly! I... I want to marry him. I am just, you know, slightly anxious."
"Yeah, slightly." He scoffed. "It's okay, you have the right to be anxious. Let's go, shall we?"
You almost couldn't hear the music playing as you started walking down the aisle. Every one was looking at you and it made you feel...weird ? Darren, at the other end of the path, was smiling at you. He strongly believed in you being his soulmate. After all, all his tattoo said was "hello", and he'd been confused his whole life at the amount of people speaking that word around him. You tried to smile back, of course, even though it felt slightly off. No one was looking at you weird, though, so it must've been just a feeling. Steve finally left you next to Darren.
"Dear guests, friends and family, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union in marriage of Darren Garrett Ward and y/n y/l/n."
Wanda, your sister and bridesmaid, gave you a reassuring look. She knew about the tattoo as well, even though she always thought of it as an old-dated superstition who tricked people into believing there was only one person right for them in the universe. That couldn't be true in her opinion, since she was blissfully in love with an android, who – technically speaking – had no skin to put a tattoo on. Her views on this had played a great role into making you feel better about lying to Darren.
"I, Darren Garrett Ward, take you, y/n y/l/n, to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
Okay, your turn now. You had this. With a smile on your face, you proceeded.
"I, y/n y/l/n, take you, Darren Garett Ward, to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
"I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sir, you may kiss the bride."
As Darren leaned in to kiss you, the whole crowd cheered and threw flower petals at you. That was the moment you finally felt filled with joy. The sun was shining above your head and everyone was perfectly happy for a moment. The kiss ended and Darren took your hand to take you a little farther in the beautiful garden, where all the tables had been installed for the party. Seated at the biggest table, you felt good, even with all those pair of eyes over you. You were married to the man you'd loved for three years, and nothing could ruin this perfect night. Steve finally joined you after speaking of the last details with the band he'd hired.
"Mrs y/l-Ward, I believe I haven't properly introduced you to my friend here..."
Unfortunately for the friend ini question, that was the moment a kid chose to hit him with a football, causing him to spill coffee all over your chest.
"F*ck, that's hot!" you exclaimed after getting up as a reflex.
"Shit, I'm sorry," he said instantly, with a somewhat grumpy voice because of the slight humiliation.
The two of you immediately shot looks at each other, at loss for words. Steve, who'd heard the exchange, couldn't believe his eyes. He'd always thought that his friend's "f*ck, that's hot" tattoo meant...well, something else. In an effort to seem unsuspicious, he finished introducing his friend.
"Bucky, meet y/n. I..."
"Steve, you'll finish the presentations later," Darren interrupted. "Y/n needs to change. Can you take care of that ?"
In an another scenario, you would've preferred Darren to offer his own help but there and then, you jumped on the occasion as Steve seized your hand and strode away from the scene. You were – undoubtedly – in total disbelief and when Steve handed you your evening dress, you had no idea what was going on anymore.
"What do I do now ?"
--- yes, i am back! I rarely post on this media, but I hope my story can make some people smile or just spend ten minutes away from their problems! Feel free to give me feedback
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itsadamcole · 4 years
til death do you part
fem!reader x tyler breeze
reader is getting married to her fiancé, that is until Tyler Breeze objects to the wedding because he has fallen in love with her ... “i, um, i love you”
Tumblr media
word count: 4.2k+
warnings: fluff, a little angsty, implied sex
— another tyler breeze fic for yall ... enjoy —
Y/FI/N = your fiancé’s name
masterlist || request an imagine here
Tyler's POV
"I don't know what to do, dude," I say, rubbing my face. "She's getting married tomorrow. It's a little late for me to just confess how I feel."
Fandango says, "Tyler, buddy, it's not too late until she kisses her fiancé after they say I do. You have about a day to tell her how you feel. Maybe she'll even reciprocate those same feelings."
I look at Dango and say, "Dango, you know I love you, but it's too late. I'm not going to ruin the night before her wedding and possibly our friendship."
Dango gives me the look and says, "If you won't tell her then I will."
My eyes widen and I say, "You wouldn't dare."
"Watch me, Breezy," my best friend says. "Don't think for one second that I'll match straight to her room, knock on her door, and tell her you love her."
I groan and cover my face with a pillow. I grumble into the pillow, "Give me until tomorrow to decide if I want to tell her."
"Well you have until about six tomorrow night to tell her before it's officially too late," Dango says. "Also, you might want to check your phone. It's been going off with calls for a few minutes."
I didn't even notice. I reach over to the bedside table to see who's been calling me.
It's Y/N.
Your POV
"You've reached Tyler. If I didn't answer it's probably because I'm busy but I'll call you back. Prince Pretty out."
You got his voicemail. Again. You've been calling for the last two minutes but he hasn't answered.
Instead of calling your fiancé, you're calling your best friend. Your best friend who's played a huge part in getting your wedding prepared. Tomorrow, you marry the man you love. You love Y/FI/N. You do, but recently, all you've been thinking about is Tyler.
You lay back on the bed, waiting to see if Tyler calls you back after your thousand calls.
He never does.
"Y/N, there's something I need to say," Tyler is saying to you. "I need to say it before you say 'I do' to him."
You blink at him and ask, "Is something wrong?"
Tyler says, "No, it's just. I, um-"
There's a knock on your hotel room door early in the morning, waking you up from your dream. It's about eight in the morning as you stalk over to your door, opening it.
You see Sasha Banks, Billie Kay, and Peyton Royce standing in the hallway. "Happy wedding day!" Sasha says. "We're here to take you to your bridal room downstairs so we can help you get ready for your big day. There's a cup of Dunkin iced coffee and breakfast sandwich waiting for you in your room, as well as your wedding dress."
"It is literally eight in the morning," you yawn. "The wedding isn't until five."
Peyton says, "We know, but we want to make sure you are able to get all your pre-wedding jitters out before you walk down that aisle in less than twelve hours."
You yawn again and say, "Give me a second to look presentable before you drag me out of my room. Can I at least get a little workout in before you dress me up?"
Billie says, "As long as you shower before you get in your dress."
"Fine," you sigh. "Give me two minutes to get changed and I'll be right out."
You close the door and sigh, getting into a black sports bra and matching leggings. You tie up your sneakers and your Y/H/C colored hair into a messy bun. You grab your phone and AirPods before leaving the room.
Sasha, Peyton, and Billie walk you down to the bridal room. You drink your coffee to wake up and eat the breakfast sandwich to get something in your stomach before you workout.
Your mind slowly wanders from breakfast to Tyler Breeze.
He never did call you back last night. It kind of hurt that he never called you back. Maybe he fell asleep early and isn't awake yet.
Before you can overthink why your best friend hasn't called you back, you leave to go to the gym. You put in your AirPods and put on your workout playlist. The playlist lasts an hour. You listen through once and that's usually your workout.
The hour goes by too quickly for your liking but you stick with your usual workout. A mile on the treadmill in ten minutes. Twenty minutes working your core and twenty working on your legs. You spend the last ten minutes doing some yoga positions to stretch out every muscle.
Once you're done, you walk back to your room. It's close to ten at this point so you decide to shower as soon as you're back in the bridal suite.
Sasha, Peyton, and Billie are waiting for you as soon as you walk out in your silk white robe and wet hair.
The girls sit you down in front of a vanity and start to dry your hair. You look at your phone to see if Tyler's called and still nothing. "Peyton," you say. "Have you heard from Tyler recently? I called him a couple times last night and he never picked up my calls."
Peyton says, "I talked to him with Shawn and I were with him and Fandango yesterday but haven't heard from him since. He seemed quiet though."
You look at her in the mirror and ask, "Tyler was quiet?"
She nods and says, "It was weird. Obviously something was on his mind. He's never quiet. You know Tyler."
You do, and you know he'd never ignore your calls unless something was wrong. You start to get nervous that he won't be at the wedding, and he's one of the best men.
Sasha curls your hair once it's completely dry and Billie works with Peyton to loosely pin up the sides. They add little white, sparkly flowers throughout the curls.
It's close to one when they're done messing with your hair.
Your mother comes by with your older sister, who's married to Finn Balor.
"Oh, look at you," your mom says. "Already a beautiful bride and you're not even in the dress yet."
You smile and say, "Have you see Y/FI/N? Is he okay?"
Your sister says, "Calm down. He's fine. Just getting a workout in. We passed the gym on the way here and he was on the treadmill."
Nodding, you let out a soft sigh. "Good," you say. "I'd go and see him but it's bad luck to see your fiancé on your wedding day, and I'm extremely superstitious."
"That you are," your mom says. "Well, we just wanted to come in and check on you to make sure you were doing okay. No second thoughts or nerves?"
You hesitantly shake your head and say, "Nope. Everything's okay." You smile to make your lie more believable.
Your sister says, "Then see you in a bit when you walk down the aisle."
They leave and you sigh.
It's not that you're having second thoughts. You're scared that Tyler won't show up to your wedding when he's your best friend. You're scared that something happened and he won't make it.
You're more nervous about your best friend showing up than your fiancé. It should be the other way around.
It's not though.
"Peyton, can you find Tyler and make sure he's okay?" you ask. "He still hasn't called me."
She nods and heads out.
Sasha and Billie get into their bridesmaids dressed. The color is lilac so they both wear a satin lilac colored gown. Their flowers are even lilac. You love the color lilac. The best men have lilac ties to match the bridesmaids.
It's about two when Peyton comes back into the room.
She says, "Tyler's fine. He's just a little busy with getting ready for the wedding. He'll try and call you before you walk down the aisle."
You sigh with relief and smile. "Thank you, Peyton," you say.
Peyton gets into her gown then the three of them help you into your wedding dress.
The dress you're wearing is a white princess ball gown. The skirt is puffy with a layer of tull on the outside to make it look bigger. From the waist up is tight on your body and has a sparkly layer to it. The sleeves are off the shoulder. You wear sparkly white heels to complete the look.
Your veil is connected to a little tiara that easily slips into your hair on the top of your head. It's thin so the flowers in your hair are easily seen.
As you stare in the mirror at yourself, your phone begins to ring. Quickly, you answer it. "Hello?" you ask.
"Y/N," Tyler says. "Everything okay? I saw you tried to call me last night but I fell asleep and since I've woken up, it's been nonstop wedding."
You smile and say, "Everything's good. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You don't usually ignore my calls."
Your best friend says, "I'm okay too. Just busy. I'll see you in a little bit, Y/N."
"See you in a little bit, Tyler," you say.
The two of you say goodbye and you sigh. He's okay. You were worried.
Sasha does your makeup when you hang up the phone. She does a silver smokey eye look with a dark red lip.
It's about four now. One more hour before you walk down the aisle. You begin to pace around the room, going over your vows that you're going to say to your fiancé as you stand under the arch.
Your wedding is taking place outside on the deck by the beach. The ocean is the backdrop while you and Y/FI/N stand under a white wooden arch with white flowers on it. The deck is huge. The reception will take place in the large ballroom in the hotel.
At 4:30, you're called to begin lining up for the ceremony so you grab your bouquet of white and lilac colored roses and head out.
Tyler's POV
We're called for lineup at half past four. I have a half hour to tell Y/N how I feel before she marries her fiancé.
I've been friends with Y/N since my first run on NXT. We became best friends when I came back. She got engaged early this year and now she's getting married.
I should have told her a while ago that I loved her but I couldn't ruin her relationship. Now it's her wedding day.
Myself, Dango, and Y/FI/N's brother are waiting for the girls to get here. Y/N's father shows up too, to walk her down the aisle.
My eyes are closed and I'm deep in thought when Dango hits my chest. "Ow," I say, looking at him. "That hurts more than you think."
"I don't care," he says, his eyes on something behind me. "Turn your bitch ass around, Breeze."
I turn my head to see Y/N walking into the small room. Peyton, Billie, and Sasha walk in with her. Her father greets her first with a kiss to the cheek. He tells his daughter that she looks beautiful.
She looks absolutely gorgeous in the dress. I was with her when she picked it out but now that she's all dressed up with the veil and everything, she looks stunning.
"I'm taking that you didn't tell her," Dango says, bringing me back to reality.
I keep looking at Y/N and say, "I can't ruin her wedding day, Dango. I mean, look at her. Imagine I say something and she backs out of the wedding. She looks so happy and that's all I want for her."
Fandango says, "Damn, you love her that much that you'd let her marry someone else."
"If it makes her happy then yes," I say, looking over at Dango. "That's all I want for her."
"For who?" I hear someone ask. "Ooh, is there a 'her' that I don't know about? Did you bring her as a plus one?" It's Y/N.
My eyes widen a bit and say, "Um, no. Fandango was just telling me about his sister's boyfriend's cousin."
Y/N blinks at me and says, "That was confusing as hell so I'm going to smile and pretend I understood that. Anyway, how do I look?" She does a little twirl. "I feel like the skirt's a little bigger than it was in the store."
I watch as she spins and I smile, almost speechless. "You look good, Y/N," I say. "Absolutely stunning. Y/FI/N is lucky."
She smiles at me and says, "You know who's actually lucky? Me. Because I get to marry the guy I love and have you as a best friend."
Fandango snickers and I hit it arm. He throws his hands in the air and says, "I didn't say anything but I'm gonna go over there and talk to Peyton and Billie. Breezy, remember what I said."
He walks off and I roll my eyes before I look at Y/N. "Um, do you have a second to talk?" I say, nervously. "I need to tell you about somethin-"
I'm interrupted by the wedding coordinator saying, "Alright everyone! Pair up and get in line. Remember, Peyton and Y/FI/N's brother will lead then Billie and Fandango then Sasha and Tyler. Y/N and her father will be right behind them. You have two minutes!" She leaves. I sigh.
Y/N says, "Can it wait until after the ceremony? We have to get this started."
I force a smile and say, "Yeah. Of course." She smiles at me and I walk off to get in line.
Sasha fixes my crooked tie when I stand beside her in the line. She says quietly, "You need to tell her. Before she marries that guy. She has a right to know. We got her up early so you could tell her and you didn't speak to her until four."
I say, "I got nervous, Sasha. I don't know what else to do."
"Now or never, Tyler," she says. "You have literal minutes before she's married. Speak up."
I sigh as we begin to walk. Sasha hooks her right arm with my left as we leave the room.
Why can't I just turn around and say, "Hey, Y/N. Before you marry someone else, I thought you should know that I fell in love with you and have loved you for months while I watched you plan a wedding."
God, what an idiot I am. I'm about to watch the girl I love marry someone else because he makes her happy. Dango was right. I should have told her yesterday.
The three best men, including myself, stand behind Y/FI/N after walking down the aisle. A violin player begins to play the music and everyone turns to see Y/N walking through the glass doors with her father at her side.
She's smiling, and not looking at me. Her smile is ear to ear as she walks down the aisle toward her fiancé, who is seconds away from becoming her husband.
I zone out only to be brought back to reality when I hear the words, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate and witness the marriage of these two people. If anyone has any objections or reasons to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Dango mumbles behind me, "Tyler, say something. Now. I'm serious."
I stay quiet as Y/N and Y/FI/N look out into the crowd.
The official says, "Very well. We shall continue. Y/N, Y/FI/N, do you have any vows you'd like to say to each other?"
Y/N nods and I watch as she smiles at her fiancé. Dango whispers in my ear, "Tick tock, Breezy. Say something."
I bat him away as Y/N says, "Y/FI/N, my love. The day I met you, I was at my lowest. I had friends, like Sasha and Tyler, to help me through what I was going through, but something was missing. There was something I needed, and that something was you. We started dating two years ago, and every moment has been amazing. I love you, and I'm excited for forever."
The crowd collectively sighs as Y/N recites her vows.
Her soon-to-be husband recites his and the official asks, "May I have the rings?"
I reach into my suit pocket and pull them out, handing them to the official. The official hands Y/N her fiancé's ring and hands Y/FI/N her ring.
The official asks, "Do you, Y/FI/N, take thee, Y/N L/N, to be your lawfully wedding wife, through sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
Y/FI/N nods and says, "I do." He slides her silver band onto her left ring finger, joining the engagement ring that sits on that same finger.
"Do you, Y/N L/N, take thee, Y/FI/N, as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
I close my eyes. My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for the "I do".
But it never comes, because Fandango says, "Wait."
Your POV
"Do you, Y/N L/N, take thee, Y/FI/N, as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
You open your mouth to speak when Fandango says loudly, "Wait!" You look at Dango and he's looking at you. "Wait one second. Hold on."
Murmurs break out in the crowd as you look at Fandango. Y/FI/N looks behind him.
Dango says something in Tyler's ear before your best friend looks at you. Y/FI/N looks at you and looks at Tyler before looking at you.
"Y/N," Tyler says.
You say, "Tyler. What's going on?"
He walks around your fiancé and stands in front of you beside Y/FI/N. You look at him and he says, "Um, you're my best friend, and, um, I'd never keep anything from you. Except for the fact that I've been hiding a huge thing from you for a while."
Your fiancé says, "This can wait until after, Breeze"
Tyler shakes his head and says, "No, it can't because Y/N, I, um, I love you. Like full on head over heels in love with you." Your eyes widen. "I have for months and I know I should have said something before this moments, and I knew that it's not exactly the best moment to say something, but all I want is for you to be happy. That's all I want for you. If that's with Y/FI/N then great, I'll just pretend that this never happened and let the ceremony continue. If that's with me then please tell me because you look so mad that I decided to take this moment to say something."
A nervous chuckle leaves Tyler's lips and you look at him. Everyone is waiting for you to say something.
You're beyond mad that Tyler is telling you now, when you're moments away from being married, that he's in love with you.
It wouldn't be a lie that you've had a spot for Tyler in your heart for a while.
"Tyler," you say. "I'm getting married. I'm in a wedding dress in front of several hundred people right now. You decide to tell me right now?"
He points at Dango and says, "Blame him. I wasn't going to ever tell you."
You look at Fandango before looking at Tyler. You say, "You should have told me before now."
Tyler says, "I know, and I'm an idiot for waiting this long. You just looked so happy while planning and dress shopping, I couldn't say anything. Just tell me that you don't feel the same way so I can just go back to my spot and support my best friend and her marriage."
"I can't do that," you say, glancing at your fiancé before returning your gaze to Tyler.
Your fiancé looks at Tyler then at you. He knows it. I'm sure your bridesmaids know it.
You look at your fiancé, taking off the rings and saying, "These deserve to go to someone who loves you as much as you love her."
He takes the rings and he says, "It's about time he said something. Took you long enough, Breeze. Terrible timing too, by the way."
Your now ex-fiancé backs up so Tyler stands in front of you. "So?" he asks.
"I've loved you for some time too," you confess. "I just never thought that you ever felt that way about me."
Tyler laughs and says, "Trust me, I've felt this way for a while. A few months."
The official leans in and says, "So, is there a plan here? Am I changing names?"
You look from the official to Tyler and ask, "Is there?"
Tyler pats around his suit and says, "Shoot, I forgot the ring that doesn't exist."
Some of the crowd laughs before Y/EX/N says, "Take these. Use them until you get your own." He holds out the wedding bands to Tyler and he takes them.
"Alright, change of plans," the official says. You smile and look at Tyler. He's smiling at you. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate and witness the marriage of these two people. Please no one object to this because these two are very cute together."
You giggle and the crowd laughs.
The official says, "I know that there probably aren't any vows to be said so shall I move onto the next part?"
Tyler raises his eyebrows at you and asks, "Have anything?"
You shake your head and ask, "Do you?"
"Just one thing," he says. You watch as he gets down on one knee, taking your hands in his. "Will you marry me?"
The girls laugh behind you as you smile and say, "Yes, Tyler. I'll marry you."
Everyone laughs and Tyler stand back up.
"Alright," the official says. "Um, what's your name?"
He's talking to Tyler. Tyler says, "Tyler Breeze."
The official says, "Do you, Tyler Breeze, take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
Tyler smiles and nods, saying, "I do." He slides the wedding band onto your finger and you smile.
"Do you, Y/N L/N, take Tyler Breeze to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?"
You look back at Dango and ask, "Am I allowed to answer?"
He nods and says, "Go on."
You smile at look at Tyler before saying, "I do." You slide the band onto Tyler's finger. It's a little big on him.
The official says, "By the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Tyler cups your face in his hands. Not only is it your first kiss as husband and wife, it's literally the first kiss with Tyler that you've ever had.
"May I?" he asks.
You smile at Tyler and say, "Kiss me already, Tyler."
He smiles and brings his lips to yours. The crowd cheers as the two of you enjoy the slow kiss.
After a moment, you pull back and look into Tyler's pretty brown eyes.
This morning, you woke up with Tyler as your best friend and tonight, you're falling asleep with Tyler as your husband. Crazy how life works.
** one year later **
Tyler walks into the bedroom and falls onto his stomach on the bed. He groans. "I hate my job sometimes," he mumble into the blankets.
You say, "You're very good at your job. You are Raw Tag Team Champions with Fango."
He looks up at you and says, "That's true. I just don't like being away from my wife and our little munchkin that long." He crawls up to press a kiss to his son's head as you feed him. Jacob looks very content as he eats and looks at his father.
Jacob Curtis Breeze. He was born about two months ago. It didn't take very long for you to get pregnant with him. Tyler knew you wanted kids almost immediately after you got married so he happy obliged and now you have Jacob. His middle name is Dango's real name, per Dango's request.
You say, "Well, your wife and munchkin miss you while you're away but it's always exciting when you come home."
Tyler smiles and kisses your cheek before saying, "He usually goes right down after you feed him, right?"
Nodding, you say, "Yeah. Why?"
"Oh, nothing," he says, taking off his hoodie. "I just have a lot of time to make up for and I wanted to get started right away."
You lick your bottom lip and ask, "Can you put him in his crib in the nursery?"
Tyler nods and takes Jacob, leaving the room. Quickly, you strip down to your underwear and wait for Tyler.
When Tyler returns, it's a night you'll never forget. Jacob stays asleep and Tyler makes sure you don't scream his name as he makes up for missed time.
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Nancy & Rio
Nancy: Were you really not gonna tell me? 'Cause newsflash, if you were waiting for Buster to grow a pair and do it Nancy: Obviously that wasn't going to and didn't happen, like Rio: It's not just you, I wasn't going to tell anyone Rio: I didn't Nancy: Okay Nancy: Glad to know it wasn't just me Nancy: But you could've said something when they all started finding out and not leave June to break it to me thinking I already knew Nancy: The level of awkward Rio: I'm sorry, Nance Rio: I should've thought Rio: it kinda just happened Nancy: That's my twin brother and I'm the last to know Nancy: You know? Rio: You so aren't Rio: know news is traveling fast but Rio: I don't know, I am sorry Rio: Probably could've done this better Nancy: Anyway its not about me Nancy: So not the point Rio: Yeah but it ain't my intention to make you feel shit with it Rio: or his Nancy: He clearly had no intention either way Nancy: It's actually comforting though, amid this whole personality transplant he's having, he's still able to be a prick Rio: I mean, take what you can get, babe Nancy: I'm sorry but this is Nancy: He's old enough to get married but not mature enough to talk to anyone about it Rio: To be clear, we aren't getting married Nancy: What do you mean? Nancy: You are Rio: I mean Rio: not right now Rio: not for ages, it's not like we've got plans Rio: we would've said then, would've had to Nancy: Then what are you doing? Nancy: Why do you need a ring that costs enough to give my mum and dad a heart attack, right now? Rio: Because we want to Rio: there's no way to say that that doesn't sound bratty but you know what I mean Nancy: Not that long ago he wanted to go to America Nancy: I'm not even trying to sound like a bitch but if I do then it's 'cause I don't understand Rio: I've not said he can't Rio: he's still applied Nancy: I'm not saying that only Nancy: How do you know what he wants? Nancy: I know what it's like to get carried away, like Rio: I know Rio: but this hasn't just come out of nowhere, remember Nancy: It seems like he has to keep upping the stakes, everyone's okay with you being together so he has to take it further Rio: I don't think he wants the fight Rio: like you said, he doesn't even wanna talk Nancy: He says he doesn't, but then does everything he can to have it brought to him Nancy: He's always done it Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: I really don't think he's gonna take it that far, like Nancy: Well, I wouldn't have said so either but it's one drama after another with him lately Rio: There's nothing I can say to convince you, and I'm not going to Rio: but I know he loves me Nancy: I know he loves you too Nancy: But you have to admit, it's intense, right? Rio: Yeah Rio: It definitely is Rio: it always has been Nancy: Are you sure he can handle this? Rio: How do you mean? Nancy: He's always kept everyone at arms length Nancy: Slept with different girls all the time Nancy: Not that long ago Nancy: Has he really changed that much? Rio: I think so, but sure, I can't say so for certain Rio: but it's only me who has to take that chance and trust him Rio: you know Rio: if he hasn't then that's that Nancy: Aren't you freaked out? Nancy: He's already cheated on you, okay not in a cut and dry way 'cause we all know what Chloe is like and what she did but still Nancy: You said yes to forever Nancy: That's Rio: Like you said, not that cut and dry Rio: It was all such a mess idk if we were even together together Rio: it still hurt but Rio: I'm just trying to move on from all that shit Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Sorry for bringing it up Nancy: I'm just Nancy: I'm freaked out if you're not Rio: Nah, it happened Rio: I can't explain how I know Rio: I just do Rio: Maybe it's stupid but it still is Nancy: I don't think either of you are stupid Nancy: Impatient, maybe Nancy: But you're not alone in that, like Nancy: Everything's moving so fast with everyone and I can't remember how to relax anymore Rio: Yeah Rio: It is mental Rio: but this is one of the only things that doesn't make me feel like that Rio: that's what it is, that's how I know Nancy: I can tell its the same for him Nancy: Even if he won't talk to me, I still know Rio: I can make him but you know how well that'll go down Rio: Not got those kind of powers yet, like Nancy: Mum's beat me to the ambush and I can imagine how that went Nancy: I'm not trying to do it Rio: Either really bad or really well 'cos my phones not being blown up so Nancy: Not to be a bitch again, but option 1 is way more likely Rio: Yeah Rio: Reckon your Mum hates me as much as Ro does yet or Nancy: Of course not Nancy: Ro only hates you 'cause she hates herself so much there's no more space there Nancy: My mum would never Rio: Good to know Rio: Self-esteem saving the day yet again Nancy: Not to say she's buying a hat and shoes yet Nancy: But you'll be okay at the next family function Nancy: Mum's mad at Buster not you, and same Rio: What a fashion faux pas that'd be Rio: Make a joke about hiding the bump better than the ring but even I'm not ready for that gag yet Rio: He really is trying, not that I'm going to law school to be his advocate but Nancy: You're getting married before Ro, we're all thrilled about that much, babe Nancy: He's trying my patience, but what's new there? Nancy: We're all trying as hard as we can right now Nancy: It'd be nice if he acted like he gave a fuck about anything besides you and him but Nancy: Just do me a favour and don't have a baby until I'm out of the country, yeah? Rio: Has Drew made an appearance since? Rio: and you've got it Nancy: No Nancy: Even he's not that much of an idiot Rio: Just checking Rio: Don't want 'em sneaking in ahead, like Nancy: If you think my mum is anti your vows she's next level about theirs, don't worry Rio: Ain't we all Rio: Not just 'cos I wanna ride him myself, naturally Nancy: Don't Nancy: So gross Nancy: If that can be the one thing that unites us I'm fine with it Rio: You fancy him too? Rio: Know he's pretty but um Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: Not what I meant Rio: 😂 Rio: Awks, surprised he ain't aiming for the full set Nancy: I'm sure he is Nancy: Happy to disappoint and destroy the myth that he's even pretty Rio: Gasp Rio: Nance, it's all he's got Nancy: Unlucky Rio: Heartless Nancy: Rule 1 of man hating lesbianism, like Rio: I been to the clubs, I basically got the jacket Nancy: You got all the phone numbers too, don't rub it in Nancy: You're already coupled up before me Rio: I didn't get off with anyone 😏 Nancy: Only 'cause you're disgustingly in love with my brother Nancy: You easily could've Rio: Shh Rio: Number one player right there Nancy: Please don't get all boring and domestic Nancy: I need to go out like yesterday Nancy: School is killing me Rio: I don't reckon that's very likely Rio: I do need to ask about and get my name back out so Rio: come with for the crawl, like Nancy: Definitely Nancy: When? Rio: Whenever you can Rio: I was gonna go tonight but gonna take more than one Nancy: I can do tonight Nancy: I need to Rio: Sorted then Rio: Just don't tell your Ma Nancy: She's too busy on labour watch to notice what I do Nancy: Not pregnant or engaged so I'm slipping through the cracks Rio: Aw babe Rio: let's avoid a sister scandal still Rio: Doesn't make the night go with a swing Nancy: Just how hetero is this club if you feel like either outcome is likely for me tonight? Rio: Just 'cos I'm coming for your gayness by getting engaged in a blink of an eye, don't be salty Nancy: Please Nancy: I'm never getting married Nancy: You do you but it's not for me Nancy: I'll keep the cat stereotype Rio: Just saying Rio: you know you could end up wifey'd and ma'd as easy in the gay club Rio: progress, baby Nancy: I could, but I won't Nancy: If I can get through this school year I'll be that career driven bitch Nancy: Glass ceilings to still break, you know Rio: 'Course Nancy: I know you're devastated, babe Nancy: I still love you though Rio: 😂 Rio: How'd you know? Nancy: Settling for the other twin, textbook Rio: That'll be it Rio: Try not to be too smug when you do chat to him, yeah? Nancy: I'll leave that to him Nancy: He does it so much better Rio: Nothing smugger than the higher ground Rio: Sneaky, babe Nancy: You can have that one as a freebie for your married life Rio: 😏 Rio: Still owe me a gift Rio: know you're good for it, McKenna Nancy: Maybe the gift is me tonight, hmm? Rio: Steady Rio: We can't keep doing this Nancy: I know, I know you can't handle me Nancy: I've heard it all before Rio: You heard what they say about redheads too, yeah? Nancy: Absolutely Rio: 😂 Rio: Guess we've said all we need to say then babe Nancy: You haven't told me how high up the bridesmaid rankings I am yet though Rio: You mean you ain't after that best man spot? Nancy: Can't seduce my way up that list Nancy: Also sure that he'd rather die than have me do anything like that for him Nancy: Especially 'cause I'd look better in a suit Rio: Who else would he ask? Rio: Picking the best of his current friends is the best of a bad bunch, like Nancy: You've got more than enough brothers to choose from Rio: Nah Rio: Like you said, kept his distance, who are they to him really, like Nancy: Okay but if you aren't getting married soon who knows what bromances he might form Rio: Who knows how much you'll be twinning Nancy: Gross Rio: You love it Nancy: You do Nancy: I saw you matching him on his feed Nancy: You're such a lesbian now, I can't Rio: Shut up 😖 Rio: we looked 🔥 Nancy: Yeah but it was so gay Rio: I feel hatecrimed Nancy: If you tell me you wanna match me tonight I'm not coming Nancy: Like I am, 'cause I need to, but Nancy: No Rio: 😒 Rio: this is why we're breaking up Nancy: Oh my god Nancy: You could've at least let me break up with you first Nancy: You know how stressed I am Rio: Now you can let off steam with some club hoe Rio: YOU'RE WELCOME Nancy: Now I'll be crying in the club and you'll have to deal with that Rio: Can't keep up with what you want, babe, honestly Nancy: Lesbian 101 Nancy: You never will Nancy: I actually might let off some steam if there's an option though, does that work? Rio: Sounds exhausting Rio: Ooh lala Rio: little TMI but I'm down Nancy: It's a serious question Nancy: Not a proposition for you Rio: Umm, are you asking permission or like Rio: if fucking helps you forget your problems? Nancy: I don't need your permission, we're not engaged, sorry about it Rio: The latter then? Rio: I mean, it's distraction, good as any but it's not fixing anything, like Nancy: If it works as a distraction, I'll try it Nancy: Spoken like I could remotely pull that off after having one girlfriend, okay Rio: Did you Rio: you know Rio: don't have to answer that fully tell me to shut up if you're feeling it Nancy: Yeah but I kind of had my mind elsewhere so I can't really draw on that for much inspiration Rio: Yeah Rio: I wouldn't reccomend going back to old inspiration Rio: goes without saying but that's not gonna help anything Nancy: You're telling me Nancy: Not how I thought my first relationship was gonna go Rio: Cheer up Rio: plenty got you beat Nancy: Is that meant to be comforting? Thanks Rio: Yeah Rio: least you got to be the cunt Rio: feminism, init Rio: the rest of us stuck with our sob stories here, Indie just the latest in line Nancy: I'd rather she hurt me, that's how I deserved for it to go Nancy: As if Buster gets an engagement and I get this Nancy: Such a prick Rio: Well she didn't so you don't get to mope, babe Rio: Come on Rio: Sort it out Nancy: You sound like my mum Nancy: Don't do that around him Rio: Well there's no need for that kinda slander Rio: Might be into it, but I know I can't freak you out with Freud like I did Inds so Nancy: Nothing an old white man has to say about anything is worth listening to Nancy: Even Indie knows that Rio: Harsh Rio: I like him, he knew how to party Nancy: I already know you like old white men, babe Nancy: You can't freak me out with that either Rio: 😂 Rio: Straight up savagery Nancy: Gay culture Nancy: Do I download an app or leave it up to the Gods and fates to decide if I fuck away my stresses? Rio: *Stolen straight from black culture so I trump you bitch Rio: Hmm Rio: Have you lot got a decent app of your own yet Rio: it's easier to swipe away dudes IRL than it is on a screen Nancy: Decent is a stretch Nancy: but yeah, I've swiped away my share of men in the club and out Nancy: Gross Rio: I say leave it then Rio: Plus I know you shy types, you'll front too hard on the socials and feel like dying when the time comes Rio: best to keep all your impressions in person Nancy: I feel so attacked Rio: As you should, direct callout, like Rio: got no time to chill Nancy: Fine Nancy: Acknowledged and accepted Rio: 😘 Love ya bitch Nancy: I'm glad he's not going to America if it means you're not Nancy: Like, I don't know how far away I'll be anyway but still Rio: I know you're hurting rn Rio: but please Nancy: What? Rio: Where you not insinuating you don't even wanna live in the same country as me? Nancy: I'm saying I do want to, not that I know what country I'll be in Nancy: But the way my classes are going I could be stuck here Rio: Ahh, with ya Rio: You cutie Rio: There's no way Rio: even with this bullshit Rio: it's all about your portfolio really yeah Rio: and nothing's fucking with that Nancy: It's just that nobody tells you that when you want to fuck your teacher and it fucks her over none of the other staff are that willing to help you Nancy: She used to help me, you know Nancy: And I can't like hey sorry but can you just help my dyslexic brain figure this essay out please even though you hate me now Rio: Surely there's someone else in that shithole who can Rio: Like, they don't have to be buzzin' about you but Rio: just unprofessional Nancy: I started it Rio: You're a student Rio: in their care, regardless Rio: also hardly the first who wanted to pipe a teacher, like Nancy: I don't know, all I know is everything takes so much longer now and I can't ask mum to help me until this baby comes out Nancy: So we're going out and I'm forgetting that school's a thing Rio: Sure I can't tempt you with a study sesh to go with the pre-drinks, like Rio: may as well, I've got fuck all to do 'til I get a day job again Nancy: You're not married in yet Nancy: You don't have to help me Rio: Come on Rio: Swear, I'm not that thick Nancy: Shhh Nancy: You're smarter than me that's my problem with it Nancy: You think my brother is the only one with an ego? Rio: Babe, please Rio: I'll just help get the shit sorted in your head, I ain't doing it for you Rio: left for a reason Nancy: I mean, if you wanna do it, I'll take the A Nancy: I need all the help I can get Nancy: Especially in Irish, obviously Rio: Don't push it, like Nancy: Come on, homewrecking doesn't end in good homework scores Nancy: Who knew? Rio: Ba mise an dalta ab fhearr liom ach Nancy: You lost me, see this is what I'm saying, I'm gonna fail and then have to go into my uni interviews like well.... Rio: Okay, okay drop the ego at the door and I'll help you out Nancy: You think I'm joking but I've seriously only studied with Buster before I moved schools and my mum since, when she's around Nancy: I wish I could call it ego Rio: Look, I know I can't talk you outta whatever block it is but seriously Rio: no judgment Rio: and none of the others would either Nancy: I know but like, Junior's so smart Nancy: Not saying you aren't, but you left so I don't have to know it everyday, do I Rio: There's different kinds of smart Rio: not to be that after-school special but seriously Rio: you're good at what you want to do Rio: and you'll find a way to make that happen Nancy: I know realistically that you're right but whenever I want to ask someone to help me I just remember what all those fucking girls made me feel like Nancy: About everything Rio: I know Rio: Cunts Nancy: I do need it though Nancy: Help, I mean Nancy: So if you're serious Rio: 'Course Rio: It's no thing, honest Rio: I'll come to you? 'Cos like fuck are you concentrating better here Nancy: Too true Nancy: Okay Nancy: I'll make us food Rio: 👍 Rio: and you say you ain't wifey material Nancy: Oh no, I know they'd be lucky to have me, babe Rio: 😏 More like it Rio: but remember, not why we going out, yeah Nancy: It's all just part of my masterplan to see the engagement ring, don't worry Nancy: There's nothing more important than judging every choice my brother makes Rio: Don't have him taking all the credit like I didn't help Nancy: Lord, imagine Nancy: I've seen so many horror stories Nancy: That straight girl suffering Rio: They love it Rio: First test for hubz to fail so you can cackle with your girls Nancy: They hate men more than I do and that's the truth Nancy: I see you with your separate living rooms Rio: Mhmm Rio: you'd understand if you liked 'em babe Nancy: No thanks Nancy: I refuse to believe the sex is good enough to put up with everything else Nancy: I've heard enough straight girls talk to know it isn't Nancy: Do better, all of you Rio: 😏 Nancy: Don't Nancy: I know what you're thinking and I don't want to hear it Rio: That's why I didn't say anything! Nancy: That emoji speaks for you Nancy: Loudly! Rio: Well, I can't lie Nancy: Disgusting Rio: Moving on Nancy: Thank god I moved before I had to hear that many girls swooning over him Nancy: Just have to deal with you instead Rio: First of all Rio: I'm not swooning Nancy: Sure Nancy: And second of all? Rio: Shut up Nancy: Mean Rio: Deal with it Nancy: Stop hate criming me oh my god Rio: 😂 Rio: The girl who cried hate crime Nancy: The title of my autobiography or no? Rio: Defs a work in progress but don't hate it Nancy: If nothing else the photos will sell it Rio: I know how you meant that and yet Rio: centrefold yo Nancy: Lord Nancy: Go to church please Rio: It sells Rio: we all know it Nancy: If the girl looks like you, sure Nancy: But you're not getting that promo in my autobiography so Rio: Shh Rio: working on my manners but the sentiment's the same Nancy: It's not rude to admit how pretty you are Nancy: You're fine Rio: 🙄 Rio: Such a flirt Nancy: You wish Nancy: You're stuck with my brother now, I'm not saving you Rio: Oh well Rio: that's that then Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Heartbreaking but Rio: Don't break out into a rendition of I Will Survive yet Nancy: I'll save it for the club Nancy: Promise Rio: It is a tune Rio: I'll pick a nice love song to piss you off Nancy: There she goes again with her hate crimes Nancy: So mean Rio: You know Rio: if loving your brother is a crime 😜 Nancy: That was actually the gayest thing you've ever said Rio: I know right Rio: really leaning into this Nancy: Am I proud or am I horrified? Hmm Rio: So proud Rio: Gonna make a speech at the wedding Nancy: If you mean get drunk and call Buster out then yeah Nancy: Of course I will Rio: Please don't ruin my pretend wedding Rio: the drama, this family has had enough Nancy: What do you actually want as an engagement gift though? Nancy: You've caught me unawares and I'm offended Rio: We don't need anything Rio: just get the first round, like Nancy: Did I say need or did I say want Rio: Did I not say a round Rio: you can IOU his Nancy: Fine Rio: Don't be grumpy Rio: So like him Nancy: OH MY GOD Nancy: Is that any way to change my mood? Rio: Facts are facts babe Nancy: Stop it Nancy: I'm pouting 'cause I wanna shop that's not like him at all Nancy: You know he'd just buy it Rio: Yeah he gets so mad when I won't let him splash the cash Nancy: Gross Rio: Mhmm Nancy: Why are you marrying this manchild? Rio: You know you don't wanna hear really Nancy: You don't have to marry him for that Nancy: None of us are religious Nancy: He's slept with girls for so much less Rio: No, I mean Rio: You'd just gross at any reasoning beyond that too Nancy: I know you love him Nancy: We've had that conversation Nancy: My memory's not that bad Rio: Are you drunk already? Nancy: I wish Nancy: But we have to study, right? Rio: Yeah, I can deal with dyslexia but not drunkness, thank you Rio: also omw btw Nancy: I think it's better when I drink Nancy: Like it cancels out Rio: Interesting Rio: still Rio: wait bitch Nancy: I'm not saying we test it now Nancy: I'm just saying test me later compared to now Nancy: Or something Rio: Whips out homework in the club Nancy: I meant my brain in general but whatever you're into, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: You gon be too busy Rio: remember Nancy: Fighting off straight men, sure Rio: Life and times of a mega babe Nancy: Femme struggles Nancy: Woe's me Rio: Poor baby Nancy: But if there are any cute girls there who happen to also be into me then yeah to fucking away my problems, obviously Rio: 😳 Damn okay Nancy: You know how I flirt so you know your blushes are gonna be spared Nancy: You've got more chance than me Rio: You'll be fine Rio: Your Ma ain't about is she Rio: fully avoiding Nancy: She's done her drop in for the day so you're safe Nancy: You don't need to avoid her though, just use the diamond glare like a torch Rio: Bear that in mind Rio: but I'm glad it's safe to come in Rio: get ready to train that brain Nancy: You're really selling it Nancy: Thanks Nancy: We can drink when I'm done, yeah? Rio: Well any jokes about being your sexy tutor are kinda off limits no Rio: Doing my best with what you've left, like Rio: and duh Nancy: Don't this is literally never gonna blow over and be okay, is it? Like Nancy: Excuse me while I move countries again Rio: Oh babe Rio: it will Nancy: If that was true it'd be old news by now, wouldn't it? Rio: Full offense but no one thinks about it as much as you do anymore Rio: it's just part of the craic, like who's fingered who and all that shite Nancy: Ouch Rio: It's gotta be said Nancy: Okay Nancy: Like it did really but you've said it now Rio: I'm sorry Nancy: How did you get engaged and we're still talking about me? Nancy: That's gay culture Rio: 😂 Rio: I like to think if it wasn't to your brother you'd be more receptive but you know Rio: maybe I'm giving too much credit Nancy: Rude Nancy: I want you be happy I'm not that much of a bitter lesbian Rio: I know bitch Nancy: You better know that Rio: Of course I do Rio: it's not that deep, I swear Nancy: You're only getting married, it's not that deep Nancy: You're funny Rio: Oh my god Rio: stop saying it like that Nancy: I'm sorry Nancy: But I can't believe this is something that's happening Rio: You've got plenty of time to get used to it Rio: not like it's happening in the morning, like Nancy: Thank god 'cause I am not having a good skin day Nancy: Club lighting is one thing but wedding photos are another Rio: Nothing but lowlighting I swear Rio: Plus I probably have to go on some mental diet right Nancy: Um NO Rio: Okay, wasn't about to go bridezilla and put all of y'all on it too or else Nancy: If you put yourself on it, I'd kill you, Buster would kill you, my mum would kill you Nancy: We'd all kill you Rio: The family that slays together Nancy: Exactly Nancy: Stop trying to make me give you big gay compliments about how pretty you are Rio: Soz, I'm just SO about it obvs Nancy: Who isn't? With MY track record Rio: Gotta keep everyone on their toes Rio: like you thought you knew our type Nancy: Jesus, I don't even know my own type Nancy: Good luck everyone Rio: We keep it entertaining if nothing else Nancy: One word for it Nancy: I'll just happily accept you and Buster keeping the heat off me with mum for as long as it keeps happening Nancy: Gathering up my free passes to be a messy bitch thank you Rio: Ringing endorsement Rio: You're welcome and cheers Nancy: I can be nice or I can be honest Rio: Why not both Nancy: When they overlap, of course Nancy: Doesn't happen often where my brother is concerned though Rio: 😏 I tried Nancy: You know he's only nice to you, right? Rio: Slight exaggeration Nancy: Barely an exaggeration Rio: Well Rio: I know he tries Nancy: I understand that you love him and you wanna see the best in him but I love him too and that doesn't matter like it should Nancy: Not to him anyway Rio: It does Rio: I know I've not got anything to back that up with but trust me Nancy: Where's he in this conversation? It's just me and you Nancy: And I came to London 'cause I asked you, he didn't invite me Nancy: He never would Rio: I know Rio: he just, does things differently Rio: he thinks that's how you want it Rio: and it's been like that so long, I don't know if he knows how to do different at this point Rio: not yet, anyway Nancy: Things are how he wants them 'cause I burned him years ago by leaving somewhere I literally couldn't be anymore Nancy: And he can't let it go 'cause he'll never talk to me about it Rio: It's not like it's an easy thing to talk about Rio: especially when he did a lot of things he regrets Rio: I get the frustration but it's not easy being the one who has to come on bended knee Nancy: Yeah, he did those things he regrets to me Rio: I know Rio: and so does he Rio: That's what I'm saying Rio: You get it, there's no ego to be salvaged Nancy: I wish he cared a little less about his ego then Rio: It ain't that simple Nancy: Nothing is when he's in the centre of it Rio: What happened happened Rio: There's too much water under the bridge to solve with a simple sorry no Nancy: I don't want sorry, just not to be shut out about everything that's going on with him all the time Nancy: Forget it. It's not like that for you, you don't need to understand how it is for me, like Rio: Well, no Rio: it's a two-way street Rio: he knows as little about you, it takes both of you to keep it like this Nancy: I came to London, I tried, even though he obviously didn't want me there Rio: So that's it, you're good? Nancy: Excuse you, I've been putting the work in since Nancy: He's put the shutters down over this 'cause mum's on the warpath and he can't handle any criticism Nancy: But it's not like I wasn't getting one word answers before then Rio: Whatever, this is ridiculous Rio: I'm not trying to be the go-between for either of you Nancy: Tell him to talk to me then Nancy: He actually listens to you Rio: Why can't you? Rio: You ask where he is but you're in my inbox acting like you expected him to be here Nancy: Please Nancy: I thought things were getting better for a second after the Chloe situation but here we are again, back to square one Nancy: I'm not there 'cause I'm not looking for a fight Nancy: And that's all he wants from any of us about this, for whatever reason Rio: Because he's been making changes since the Chloe situation and has got no positive feedback from that Rio: All he wants is acknowledgment of that Nancy: I know he's doing better but I don't know how to tell him that without sounding like a patronising bitch Rio: I'm not saying it's easy, or even that you have to Rio: but the defensive is his default for a reason and it isn't just that he's a cunt Rio: I'm not having that Nancy: When did it get so hard for us to talk to each other? Nancy: I used to tell him everything and vice versa Rio: I don't know Rio: Maybe it's growing up because even Indie doesn't come to me like she used to Nancy: Everything's so weird Nancy: I hate it Nancy: I'm genuinely glad he's got you, I used to get so worried about him having nobody to talk to Rio: Me too Rio: Yeah, he needs better people around him Rio: I think Uni, wherever he goes, will help Nancy: Yeah Nancy: Where we are in London is like a different world and not in a good way Rio: May can't come soon enough Rio: I am worried what he's going to do 'til then Rio: maybe I can go back and forth but I promised I'd be here Rio: I don't know Nancy: It's not just him, I was a different person there too, more shut off Nancy: It's what you have to do Nancy: He'll come here though, who wouldn't like it better? It's like taking a breath Nancy: Cliche but true Rio: Yeah Rio: It's not good for you though, I mean, you know Rio: you couldn't do it any longer than you had to Nancy: I really do know. I swear I felt too much here for too long 'cause I didn't let myself feel anything there Nancy: And look what happened Nancy: At least none of his teachers are hot, one crisis averted Rio: I mean, Chloe is hardly bangin' but you know Nancy: Therapists don't @ me or my brother, thanks Rio: Your funds, they'll be lining up babe Nancy: Right? I could pay to put their kids through uni before I go Rio: Truly Nancy: Rich kid problems Nancy: I'm aware how I sound Rio: You don't sound any type of way Rio: I'm sorry I had to be a bitch there Nancy: You're not Nancy: I shouldn't put you in the middle, I don't want to but Rio: I know, kind of inevitable Nancy: Tell me shut up next time, like Rio: You got it Nancy: Or you know, do that straight girl thing of 'but I love him' in response to anything and everything Rio: Please Rio: never get you off your soapbox then Nancy: I mean, if you did it enough I'd just die so Nancy: Not that I'm dramatic Rio: 'Course Nancy: Thanks for not pointing out how dramatic he also is Nancy: I could feel you resisting Rio: You know, enough home truths for one convo Rio: Plus I'm here so like, need you to still want me to come in Nancy: Who's more dramatic though, me or him? Nancy: Don't just say him 'cause you don't want me to fight you Nancy: Real question Rio: Hmm Rio: I don't know Rio: you're dramatic in different ways Rio: so diplomatic, I know Nancy: Such a non answer but you can come in anyway Nancy: Hold on Rio: 👍
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