#I'd have to color that final AC piece though.
pumpkinlass · 1 year
Hello! I saw on your commissions post that they're closed, and you're looking to reopen late May. Is it possible to be put on a waitlist for that, or if not, a notifications list so that I can make sure to reach out when they're open again?
HA! I went to check that post and that's cracking me up because it was referring to May of last year 😳😳
I don't know if I'm going to be up for anymore animal crossing pieces this year for sure. or ever. I still have one I have to color from..... last year...
If I do re-open up commissions though it would just be for regular character waist-ups / head-shots. And if it does happen it'll be this month because my inspiration is very high right now --I don't know if anyone would be interested in that though since my animal crossing stuff is what I'm known for.
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Water is Thicker Than Blood Chapter 33
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So neither deuce nor Yamato, im sorry to say :) but now i know NONE of you were expecting this guy (he is a canon character btw)
{Start} {Prev Next}
“Ass?” Is one of my fav gags that ive had saved up for a while, im glad its finally free!!!!
Everyone please read the keep reading :) 👇
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I rigged it~
i bet you guys werent expecting i pull out one of the least known characters in all of One Piece for this silly little comic!
But~! ☝️
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i do my research~~~
At the time of posting this, the results could not be closer, which has been a very thrilling ride for me to watch with Overseer Knowledge.
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I'd say that those who voted 'Another Canon Character' get half credit, since no one guessed the character correctly. Who ever voted 'OC' also gets half credit, cuz i meann... This guy doesn't have a canon design. He doesn't even have a canon name! So even though he is a canon character, i am going to count him as a KOC (kinda Original Character)
Yamato Girlies, thank you for showing up [i hand you a bouquet of flowers, each] if it makes you feel any better, i already have Yamato content with design and headcanons galore in this post!
As for Deuce Girlies...
[i hand you guys bouquets as well]
im so sorry... but... I've never read the Ace Novels :D
I'm sure if i had, i would have put him in here somewhere as a major character, but I didnt, and i couldnt
it is very evident by the reactions i got on the post that yall are Starved For Deuce Content!
i designed a modern au look for him here just for you guys :)
I've put a lot of foreshadowing on who this guy is in the comic! I would love to point it all out, but i wanna see if you guys get it with hind sight :D
i will point it all out eventually though 👍 perhaps at the next SBS :)
Thank you all so much for being so invested in my silly little comic! it makes me really happy to see everyone get passionate about something I've been working really hard on!!!
This was all so much light hearted fun :) thanks again!
bonus unshaded/ less shaded Emmanuel design:
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so you can see his colors~
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theclearblue · 7 months
As a fan of both One Piece & JJK, can I ask you somethings?
- Which majority of characters will survive if their universe is swithed (OP charas in JJK verse or JJK charas in OP verse)
- People in JJK verse have stronger mental than in OP verse because the death rate is higher in JJK than OP (do you agree?)
- From plot and art, which do you think is better (JJK or OP)?
Thx :D
Yessss both have a special place in my heart so talking about both of them at the same time is my dream lmao.
This is an easy question to me, I think One Piece characters would do better in the JJK world, and that really comes down to the fact that One Piece characters are built different from regular people. Look at Skypeia where I think almost every character takes at least one lightning strike if not multiple, and other than passing out for a bit they were fine after lmao. Zoro should of been dead ten times over at this point in any normal world. If you drop the JJK characters in the One Piece world, with the exception of a select few, most are regular humans and they're gonna be fucked against any OP character that's a moderate threat honestly.
I'd honestly say that it's about the same? It's very interesting because I think that Gege and Oda both go about character deaths in such different ways. It's clear to me that Oda is such a romantic writer, he wants a happy ending for the characters that he writes. Gege is writing JJK with the central theme being death and what a "good death" is, and is very clearly pretty cutthroat with who gets to live and die. But I think there's a LOT of similarities between Yuuji and Luffy as protagonists, and I think they are both incredibly mentally strong, but not invincible. You can see it with Ace's death for Luffy and Nanami's/Nobara's death for Yuuji, they both break at these points. But in both of their situations, with Jinbe talking to Luffy and Todo talking to Yuuji, they're able to get back up. I think they have a similar mental strength to each other, and both worlds pose very real threats and problems even if in One Piece we see less deaths, One Piece has never shied away from heavy topics like racism, genocide, corruption, sexism, and totalitarianism, and when it comes to backstories, can be equally as devastating as JJK, yet these characters are able to survive and grow from these situations.
(For the art) oof this is difficult lol. I guess a disclaimer, I am not an artist whatsoever, and I think both of them are incredibly talented artists. I'd say stylistically I probably do prefer Gege, I generally like the character designs a bit more and I do think his paneling is a little bit easier to read and cleaner. On the other hand Oda has some really beautiful art as well, he has a lot of really great double panels, his color spreads are always great, and it's really cool to see how his art has evolved over 25 years.
(for the plot) I'd say One Piece wins this almost easily, but it's got a lot of advantages over JJK that make it possible. The main thing being length and how as much as people complain about the length of One Piece, everything connects and progresses the plot and characters and worldbuilding forwards, even if that doesn't become apparent for 5,10,15,25 years later, the setup and payoff that Oda does is incredible. And honestly Gege is pretty good at this setup and payoff as well, particularly with Megkuna being setup since the beginning and it still surprised everyone, but to be honest nobody is doing it like Oda. I think that both series achieve similar highs, I'd say Water 7/Enies Lobby and Hidden Inventory/Shibuya are all 10/10 arcs and similar quality. But as we enter the final saga of One Piece with Egghead and are reaching an end with Shinjuku Showdown, I'd say Egghead is a 9.5/10 with a good chance of going into 10/10 while Shinjuku Showdown has sat at about a 7.5/10 for me (I'd say I've been happier with it ever since Gojo v. Sukuna ended though so I can see it rising hopefully).
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marzs-space · 5 months
Impartial sins
Chapter 4: crushing headache
Check my M! List for more! Here!
(extra scene)
Warnings: language, mentions of death, descriptions of blood and gore, goes against original plot. If I missed something let me know! If uncomfortable, don't read!
Recap: Surprisingly it didn't… It's only 2am! “It's been two hours Ace…” Az says. Fuck… I place my bag on the chair at my desk and collapse on my bed. Maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight… I sigh as I sink into my bed.
I can't breathe…. The pressure around my head is too much… I won't make it… I don't want to die.. please… A heart wrenching cry echos out as my vision fades.
I gasp awake and clutch my head. “Ow…” Ugh… the aftermath of witnessing my death… again.. even though it's just a phantom pain it hurts like hell… “Ace, you.. wouldn't let that happen to me, or us.. right?” Azrial asks.
“Of course not… just to be safe, let's avoid having you out… just for today” I say quietly as I start getting ready. He hums in agreement.
I stay quiet as the brothers talk, and rather loudly at that… My headphones can only do so much and my head still hurts.. “you're awfully quiet Ace” Asmodeus says. “Huh?...” I question “yesterday you were very chipper and all smiles” he says.
“Plus, your eyes were sooo pretty! They were black with hints of all sorts of colors!” He gushes, “but now they are gray… did we break your spirit!?” he gasps and hugs me. “Breaking my spirit doesn't mean my eyes change colors…” I mumble.
I try to pry myself out of his death grip but it doesn't work. I sigh, is this what I'm gonna be forced to deal with all year?... “What kind of extracurriculars do you want? Sports? Maybe book clubs?” Satan asks. I hum but am interrupted.
“He should join my fan club! It-” I quickly cut Asmodeus off, “Asmodeus I don't want to be a fan club… What kind of sports do you have?” Asmodeus gasps, interrupting Satan. How annoying… “Asmodeus!? I will not have that!” He says.
“That's your name right?” I ask “yes, but you need to call me asmo!” He pouts “if you don't, I won't let you go!” He says tightening his grip. “Asmodeus let me go…” he huffs but doesn't budge. Honestly, I don't think I can take this for a full year…
“Asmo, let me go” he smiles and rubs his cheek against mine “how adorable!” I squirm and attempt to get out of his grip “Let me go” I say pushing myself away from him. “Ugh… Satan, can you tell me on the way to R.A.D?” he nods and gets up.
I follow him out the door as he goes over the sports. “Hm… I want to try out for volleyball and basketball, which one is that again?” I ask. The devildom equivalent of stuff is confusing… “Can I play two sports?” I ask.
He nods, “they don't really clash so it should be fine, I'll ask beel to take you to the gym for tryouts” I hum, “thanks, also where is the library at?” I ask. He seems like he would know, the whole time today his nose has been buried in a book…
I know he's the avatar of gluttony but to be- I stop and gasp. this feeling… It's like a mix of deja Vu and paranoia.. I'm pulled into a classroom and held by my head. No.. not that fate, I said I'd protect us.. Do something, anything!
I open my mouth and bite. Hard. My ears are ringing but he was suddenly pushed away from me causing me to rip off a piece of his hand or a chunk rather. I spit out the demon's flesh as blood dripped from my mouth.
I stare at my savior. White hair and blue eyes. Huh, cool. He reaches for me but I back up, “sorry but please don't touch me.. Thanks, uh..” “Solomon, sorry, let me get some in here” Azrials shouting finally makes its way to my head.
“Ace, let me out!” He shouts. I groan in pain Ashe separates into his own body. He gasps as he falls on the floor, “Ace! When I said save us I didn't mean cannibalism!” He says “there wasn't much I could do anyway…” I say.
“Ace! Darling you look like a wild animal!” Asmo says. The door slams open “what's going on here!” Great, it's Lucifer… “oh, Lucifer…” I groan, “Oh! Lucifer!” Asmo squeals. Solomon explains the situation as I talk to Azrial.
“Azrial if you ever try to force separation again, especially like that, I'll be ripped in half” I say “w-what!? Really!?” I nod. “How can you say that so casually!?” He cries. “I'm sorry… I just panicked…” he says quietly.
“It's fine but be careful when forcefully separating” I sigh, “I will!” He beams. “Just who are you?” Lucifer asks, Azrial yelps and hides behind me slightly. “I-im Azrial, the one you met yesterday” I nod “I'm Ace, The main one if you will” Lucifer stares at us.
“Azrial is my alter ego, he takes over for me sometimes. He also feels and reads emotions for me” I say. “That explains the weird behavior my brothers were talking about… go back to class, we'll discuss this at home” he says.
He grabs the demon and walks towards the door, “Solomon make sure he gets to his class, or.. their class” he says before he walks out. “I guess we're with you” I say, holding Azrials hand as we walk towards him.
“It seems that way, doesn't it?” He says, “yep..” I sigh.
Fun fact!: Ace has an extremely powerful bite, with or without adrenaline. So powerful that if he was to continue biting the demon without Solomon's influence, he would have bitten through the bone.
Taglist: @cuddlybelphie @doomsday-fae @a-crazy-little-goblin
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faintedincoils · 1 year
7, 10, 11, 12 & 34 ^_^
7) Are you the "token" queer person in your family? Nope! My sister and niece are both queer, and by their own description both my mom and her mom are on the ace spectrum, though they didn't have the language to label themselves that way. My mom's cousin is gay too.
Putting the rest under a cut because my answers got long. 😅🙈
10) Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you're cis or trans): All of my cute, colorful, silly skirts. All through my childhood and young adulthood I was told by all sorts of folks that I was "bad at being a girl." Which was okay, because a lot of the time I didn't really feel like a girl, although I couldn't say what I did feel like. I had some broomstick skirts that were long and flowy and so much fun to spin in. I loved the sensation of wearing them. I didn't love how people would say it made it even more obvious that I wasn't a good girl, or that I looked or 'felt' weird in them. So I just stopped wearing them for the most part. Then as I got older I tried wearing them to work on occasion, which was just as bad or maybe worse. I kept getting comments on how dressed up or pretty I looked, or how they weren't used to seeing me looking so girly, or questions about if I was trying to find myself a man now, because if so this was definitely going to help. So I stopped again. Then a random patron at work one day gave me a hard time about wearing a pastel purple polo shirt, how it wasn't a good color on me and made me look even bigger than I already am. This is after years of wearing nothing but polo shirts and khakis to work, or jeans and t-shirts on the weekends, being as bland as possible and hoping nobody paid any attention at all to what I was wearing. I got so angry and so offended and so fed up that I was like you know what? I am going to make my off the wall, probably questionable taste and fashion everybody else's problem and I am going to be happy. So I bought myself two maxi skirts in very bold designs: a desert landscape and some flying griffins. Then I decided to finally buy the Maya Kern skirt I'd always wanted, even though a midi skirt seemed too short because it might draw attention to my big calves, which happened a lot when I was younger, and got my legs groped by strangers more than once in my 20's. And every single time that I wear any of those skirts or the other ones I've bought similar to them, I'm so so happy. I can twirl around in my midi skirts and they flare out around me! I can put my hands in my pockets and swish my skirts around and I feel like a fancy dancer or something even though I'm an awful dancer and won't actually dance around at anyone. And everyone compliments what cute patterns they are, or how happy I look wearing them, but nobody really says anything about me being girly. I don't know. That was a lot of words but I still feel like I'm doing a lousy job of describing it. Some days I feel like a girl, but the skirts don't make me feel like more of a girl. Other days, more frequently, I feel like not a girl. I feel nebulous, or like nothing, so far as gender goes. And even though skirts register largely as feminine, and I'm sure they help a lot of people feel more feminine, they actually enhance my neutral gender feelings. Somehow.
11) Favorite (or just one you love) piece of LGBT media: Oh wow, there are so many! I'll start by saying that I have a huge soft spot for pretty much anything put out by Wolfe Video in the early to mid-2000s. I probably need to watch a bunch more of their recent stuff honestly. Anyways, Make the Yuletide Gay is a fluffy holiday favorite I watch almost every year. Were the World Mine is the gay movie I would have killed for in high school. Camp is the one I got as soon as I graduated from high school; it and But I'm a Cheerleader came into my life at just the right time and I'm forever grateful for them. On a similar note, Mercedes Lackey and Tanya Huff's books will always hold a place in my heart for being so matter of fact and lovely with their gay characters, which helped me tremendously as a tween and teen. More recently, Cat Sebastian's books have been game changers for me in the romance field. Her queer characters are so varied and have so many lovely little idiosyncrasies, and even the romances that you assume are straight aren't, because her characters are often by or because gender and attraction are a little more complicated than what you're used to.
12) Name some queer artists/bands or songs you like most: I'll be honest, I don't really listen to a ton of music. Once podcast became a thing I switched over to them by and large for when I have time to listen to stuff. But Placebo was one of the formative bands in my early life and they were queer. I didn't listen to a ton of Green Day, but American Idiot looped in my CD player nonstop, and boy howdy did the line "maybe I'm the faggot America" resonate with me and get me all pumped up. And t.A.T.u's "200 km/hr in the Wrong Lane" was my entire experience for a year in high school.
34) What are you needing most right now (what would make your life easier or more fulfilling in regards to existing as queer)? It would be so nice if people would stop using so much gendered language and phrases about me or in reference to me. I don't mind she / her pronouns, but being called Miss or ma'am or lady skeeves me out a lot of the time. It doesn't bother me at all coming from some of my friends who aren't cisgender, because there's always an implied asterisk, so to speak, but from randos it's the actual worst even though I know they're probably just trying to be polite and don't think anything of it.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
@disneyanddisneyships ...DID YA MISS ME, TOOTS?
Me too 😔
Anywhooo.. here. Have a nice chapter of my story since it's summer (almost?)
~ill-fated reality~
Chapter 1 - Marianne's lament.
Sage Yarrow..
Henry Langston..
Christoffer Hernandez..
I stare at the names with such calmness that not even a looking glass would see the boiling fire seething in me, in which people mainly refer to as "rage".
I folded the piece of paper after settling down the ink-filled quill, and placed it inside my sacred hiding place, my small drawer in which no other person has found, and they never will.
Not a single person missed.. and I will remember their names.
The evil spawn, the evil's right hand men, dare to meddle with an innocent life that was once an innocent flicker of light, now burning into flames taking themself along to fade into ashes. An innocent life who meant well but the world had been so miserable they drowned her in it.
A lost piece. An other half.
It's only a matter of time. If I have to play my ace I could atleast play my cards right. If this happens.. and the wind blows in the right direction, then what comes around will eventually come back to them.
I stare at the fire, guiding me through my writing.. giving me the power to plan out a bite back to those men. Men of lower classes yet they think highly enough of themselves to go against me.
I have spent years. Years of trying to please everyone. It's not like serving wasn't of my free will, but small parts of it had to be me putting on a facade to think that I don't care whatever happens to the innocent they believe is guilty. My mother gets to have the final call as I watch the wrongly accused be burned and killed.
But this.. this I'll never accept. This I'll never let time heal. Let the anger fester in me and the wound fresh for they shall know how badly they've scarred me. How much they took.
I have spent many lives and many years.. the lesser known to me does not make injustice any less infuriating, but this..
They shall know just how vengeance does her job.
"Your highness?" I hear someone call.
"Yes? Do you need anything?" I say, as I half-meant concern towards what I might be needed for.
"Her majesty wants a word with you." The servant stated, making an inch of my flesh begin to crawl. What could she have possibly wanted with me now?
My throat forms a lump inside, and as I inhale a bit of air I can feel it shaking. But if I don't answer now, I might be paying for something as valuable as mother's time. If she needs me, I will come to her.
No matter what she does. Her approval is the one thing that matters.
I give a small nod as I stand from my seat. "If it is her majesty's orders.." I released a breath I'd been holding for so long for a certain reason. "Then I am willing to obey."
{Years ago..}
[Lady May]
"Hello." I hear a lady speak to me from behind, though I'm uncertain it was for me. I've never had a lady converse with me.. only the lords who are very fond of me they call me such names. I don't know why, though. I do enjoy their company!
I turn around, only to find a lady looking my way. Her hair was laid back in waves, its color reminding me of the sunset. She studied my figure as one would a stray animal. I've felt nervousness that I've never felt even with one of the lords. I quickly dust myself and curtsy, musing about wether what I've been feeling is intimidation or anxiety.
She was the crown princess, out of all people. How could I not? She was most popular among the people, not much as her younger sister. Yet how could she not embrace the power of being in the higher position.. how could she act like a person who lived by, not caring about status..
A screw-up, I was. I've always behaved like this when a lady stares, yet I seem to be confused as to why. Men are ought to be scarier by physical advantage. I admire simply the intelectual traits a person could have, one that most men lacked. Logic, perhaps.
"Your highness.." I greeted, though a bit sheepishly. "Do you need anything?" I look at her intently, and she shakes her head.
"So yu are my lady-in-waiting.." She spoke, rather casually for a princess. A princess should care about the issues surrounding her, not a lady-in-waiting she barely knew.
"Yes. I'm aware her majesty has told you.." I respond.
All she did was chuckle before she made an attempt to reach out for my arm, and soothed it gently before I felt a different rush of adrenaline at her touch. It was so gentle. I felt blood rushed into my cheeks as she gives that knowing look again, and her touch made me shudder, almost as if it was my first time meeting someone. It was a good different kind of shock.
"It's alright, I don't bite." Princess Marianne stated rather casually.
I laugh it off and give her a huge smile, my hands delicately placed at my front as she furrowed her brow.
"There's no need to be uncomfortable." Princess Marianne said to me once more, and I get a sense of relief though something still hits my nerves.
"I suppose so.. your highness. Apologies." I speak, words getting caught up in my throat everytime I dared to.
A small giggle erupted out of her, and gracefully she took my hand. "Though, I didn't catch your name.. could you tell me? You are to attend to me after all."
"Selene May, your highness. Though the full name's too informal.. but you may call me Lady May." I respond.
"I see.. do I need an introduction?" She asks half-jokingly.
I grin at her, feeling a bit more relaxed. "My lady, you wouldn't even have to say a word! I'm no lady compared to you."
She started to walk me along the corridors, her hand holding mine. "We don't have to compare, now.." for someone close to my age, she spoke like an adult! Like her mother! "We have our own greatness.. and it lives in us. It's what we'll carry on in our great death." She said as she looks solemnly at the sky, a sense of connection with the wind slightly blowing onto her. Then she looked back to me. "And I think you'll have something in you that I don't.. we all have something."
I suppose she's right.. but why is she telling me this?
"That is.. deeply flattering." I say, and I watch her smile. "Though I don't know what greatness I would have that you already don't have..  you have everything! You're beautiful, and.. you have great courage! You're making a fine queen when you come of age!"
She laughs heartily at my statement. "You're not even sure about that. Don't think highly of someone solely for their position. You don't know if they're noble by character.. which is why despite my mother still ruling, I still present myself to the public and voice out my thoughts and plans for when the time comes."
True, I always thought of monarchs highly sinply because they were monarchs. Royalty. And people feel the moral obligation to respect them.. and adore them. But princess Marianne wanted respect her way. She wanted not a moral obligation but a deep connection and trust with her people. That's why everyone adored her. For someone who seems a bit laid back and soft spoken, there's something flaming inside her, as some poets might say.
"Then you truly are noble by character." I respond to her as we walked on.
Silence embraced us for what seemed like moments, before she stopped at a door. Her room. Her hands twisted the knob open and I was met by a sight.
It was like any other royal's room. It was fit for a princess. Old rose met with gold, if I may say something about the theme. It was beautiful.
Pricess Marianne spoke through the silence. "Old rose.. my favorite color.. counterparted by.."
"Marianne?" A young lady looked up from her book on the other side of the bed. I caught sight of her rosy cheeks and her short hair, moving in motion as her head turned to look at the princess.
My cheeks went red as crimson, as I caught sight of her. Unlike princess Marianne, her aura was something else. Not very intimidating, but it was something..
"Elizabeth.. I would like you to meet Selene May."
If it may be informal, I could explode like a fired cannon. My mother had been queen Catherine's lady-in-waiting, and she never even showed me off to one of these ladies-- princesses.. but that seems unimportant now, for I feel as though with them I can finally have somewhere to belong.
Elizabeth acknowledged my existence, studying every fibre of my being before she stood up and gave me a knowing grin. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Selene.." she held both of my hands, and I had to take a moment to process the warm welcome.
"Please just call me Lady May.." I say in a shy manner. Meeting a beautiful lady was one thing, but an even gorgeous one keeps it hard for me to be on my feet.
"Oh, right!" She says-- if I may say so, she chirped happily. "Lady May, it has been an honor meeting you, and it will be a greater honor to get to know you. Though it is strange I never saw you before.. despite being the daughter of mother's lady-in-waiting.."
I felt an all too familiar sting at the mention of my mother. A sting I brushed off. "She figured it was time for me to be at court. I'm only fifteen years old.. a little sprout, I know. But it is a responsibility that was passed onto me.. she plans everything out! Even what gift would I get for my sixteenth!"
Elizabeth let out a giggle. "I like you. You're something else!"
I smile at her, my heart swelling as I feel like I've made new companions. "Nobody's ever called me like that.. so, I like you too." Now it was my turn to hold her hand. "I like both of you, and it will be an honor to serve."
Marianne wrapped an arm around my waist and as did Elizabeth. As a lady-in-waiting, I imagined them ordering me around while they sit on their crowns, but this seems to have a deeper connection. I feel like we'll be three peas in a pod.
..and we will stay that way.
{Present day..}
I hear mother's call as the door closes, and the servants leave.
"Mother." I respond rather monotonely, the atmosphere almost unlikeable it mocked me. It was not even half of her intention on meeting me, yet tension had already built up.
"You know why I called you here, my sweet?" She says, sarcasm coating the sugar of her words. Her eyes were the daggers threatening to pierce my chest. Something she always wielded.. and something she knew very well how to use.
"No, mother." Still I kept my composure.
Her eyes studied me, a looking glass seeing right through my nonchalant facade. "Very well, then.. sit down." She gestured to the chair before her like I was her hound.
I did a small curtsy before calmly taking a seat.
"With all that was happening.. these past few days.. I hope I can still trust you." She said, taking a seat as well. "With the Amnon prince still on the loose and the sinners.." She grimaced, with mutual disgust for both subjects she had brought up.
I ponder on her words for a moment, a part of me thinking she would say more and wait for it to hit.
But it never did.
"I trust you still can, mother. I have confessed my sins.. and for everything I did I have deeper regret each day.." I speak to my mother's satisfaction. "Is that all you'd like to hear, mother? Or would you like to discuss about the prince?"
She inhaled sharply at the mention of him. "Ah, yes. The prince." She went silent for a moment. "It's been a long time since you caught him sneaking around in our castle.. at your party, even! Two years and no sight of him."
I listen attentively to what she had been saying, and all I could make out was an escape plan just in case. The words to persuade her.
"I believe he won't cause any harm at the moment--"
"Remember the things you said to me on the day she was gone?" Her words felt like a gag on the mouth. "Your reasonings and persuadings won't work on me anymore, young lady. You should know that I am not only your mother, but your queen."
"And I'm your heir." I took the chance to voice out myself and speak my mind. If I can't persuade her, then atleast I can make her listen to my honesty. Wether she liked it or not, she brought it upon herself. "When I become queen, all that's yours will pass onto me, and I can break as many laws, as many injustices that you've caused all for the reason of your incapability to think about your actions."
Her brows furrowed. "You dare talk over me?"
I kept my composure even though fear threatened to spill out of my expressions. "I dare.." I mutter under my breath, but loud enough for her to hear. "And I say that the prince of Avarron are the least of our concerns at the moment, and if I spot a single disguise, then I will keep an eye on it." I look down for a moment, before facing her once more. "And if that is all you've wanted to discuss, then we are done, your majesty.."
She looked at me for a moment, before turning away with a cold shoulder. "Then we are done, Marianne." She stood up. "Off you go."
I said nothing as I stood up as well, and left her to mope on her balcony, accusing other people of her own sins.
My mind flew back to the prince of Avarron..
{Two years ago}
"Prince of Avarron, is it?" I say, and I watched him turn around to face me. His green eyes flashed on my very sight as he gives me a look of confusion, but somehow comes to a realization. His composure shifted, giving me a mocking glare before he tilts his head. "And what's  a princess like you doing here at her big party?"
"I could say the same to you, your highness." I cross my arms. "After all, this isn't your kingdom."
"I can't go and sail off to another kingdom? I don't think I've ever read a law about that." He challenged me with his book knowledge, for a cocky man who has probably spent his whole life at a library.
"You know you can't. This isn't just some other kingdom you can sail off to whenever you want. The kingdom of Elona is highly restricted to people of.. frauds, if I may say so." I turn down his cocky attempt of embarrassing me.
"Oh, you may say so, alright!" Damian laughed in a mocking manner. "And.. what are you going to do about a person of frauds sailing off to your kingdom highly restricting us, princess?"
He was testing my patience. And no man should ever get the nerve to do so. "Guards!" I yell, and as everyone turned to my direction, they spotted the prince and his disguise. Murmurs scattered all over the hall, and as the guards appeared, Damian attempted to make a run for it, but the situation was too helpless for him to do so.
"Send him back to his kingdom. I refuse to accept uninvited guests.." I say to them as I turn away from him, whom I can feel is giving me a glare with storms in his eyes. I couldn't care less.
I make my way to the corner with Lady May and Elizabeth, catching sight of the scene happening at the moment. I can hear them dragging him away as he surprisingly never said anything, or made attempts to yell at me given how short-tempered his father was.
I sigh, as I raise a glass to apologize for the sudden discourse.
And from here on then..
I swear to keep an eye on any prince Damian that my sense spots.
{Present day..}
I quickly hid behind the wall of a street, a cloak covering my entire body. It helped with the cold, and the hiding. I didn't want any more trouble before I could sleep. Not that I wanted to anyways.
I can't move. I don't know if I could even do anything.. I could barely breathe..
What just happened was still fresh on my mind.. I can't escape the feeling of the sharp sting all over me both physically and emotionally. I've still had scars from my third dose of it, but it gradually keeps getting worse.
It just.. won't stop. I can't make it stop.. I need to..
I need to get up.. if that's the only thing that can make me survive.
I limp towards the same tavern where a nice lady works at, and was kind enough to give me something to eat, drink, and nibble on. My legs were killing me, and I had wanted to cry all day so badly. I was catching my breath as I reach the place, cuts and bruises covering almost all of me.
I open the door, hoping no one would spot me. Ofcourse they did, but the real me I hope they never sensed.
"Ava.." I say casually, and she turned around to face me. I looked at her concerned brown eyes for a moment and she came over to assist me on walking. "Oh, Eliza.. you poor thing.."
Eliza. That's what she knew me by. I never introduced myself as Elizabeth to her, not that anyone would have cared where I went anyway.
But I know a single person did.
"Come here.. I'll get you some water. You must've gone a long way.." Ava examined me all over. "New cuts?"
"Obviously.." I mumble.
She sighed, before gently soothing my back. "I'll get something to ten them, okay? Come here.." she gently ushered me to her place and called someone else to take over.
As she walks me to her place, she just wondered why I never quit the "job" I've been working on. I just told her it was a very hard labour I have to do in order to fend for myself, when in reality of all this, she fended for me somehow, and I didn't even have a job. I never needed it back then, because I had everything.
I had it just in the palm of my hands.. yet I lost it.
The familiar rain of acid once again threatened to fall down my eyes, and I just closed my eyes.
I am terrible at coming up with names on the spot as you can see by the very first three names. It was so bad but men deserve to have bad names. Lol.
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gildedmuse · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
So recently I've (predictably) very not well. Actually, whenever I don't post for long periods, just assume my body is trying to kill me. But I've gotten messages from three people asking if I. Okay, which is super sweet. I am actually trying to work on the next All Hearts, a really long ZoLaw post and two request fics, but mixing chronic kidney pain and capitalist society's mandate to work 40+ hours is not recommended.
But to prove I'm okay and still me, here is some Shanks antics with him being a total slut while Mihawk and Beckman just roll their eyes and go along with it. [Shout out to @jhaernyl who not only listens to me ramble about this stuff, but actively encourages it]. I also have many thoughts on the latest episodes and so many screenshots it's embarrassing. Hopefully, when I'm in less pain, I'll get around to actually posting those. Otherwise I just look like an insane person who literally takes by the second frame shots every time Zoro is on screen.
.... What is that? I look like that anyway? Fair.
Shanks Is A Bad Influence
It feels like Buggy and Shanks split up after Roger's death (the crew was told to, and they are the only ones who went to his execution) and I find it impossible to think Shanks didn't immediately set out and find a crew; like, pirating is the only thing this kid knows in life. This means two things:
He set out from East Blue. Also, he seemed at ease and familiar with the East so it's possible he spent like a year there getting everything together. Maybe he even played around in the other blues for a while before heading back to the Grand Line. I say this because his crew is from all over so either he found and recruited them in the Grand Line or visited various blues. Either way, I'm gonna say it took him about two years before getting a 'proper' start. In that case, he would have started out properly at the age of 17 and we know One Piece likes it's parallels.
That still puts Shanks at 17 to Benn Beckmen's 28. How the fuck did Shanks manage that? I'd call it grave robbing, but let's face it, the little tyke probably got up to some actual robbing of graves as well.
My point being everytime Shanks teases Mihawk about keeping this 19 year old kid on his personal island, mostly shirtless, Benn Beckmen just lifts an eyebrow.
Excuse me, captain, who had prefected the 'opps still don't have my sea legs' trip-and-fall into their first mates lap by the age of 17?
Shanks: Beckmen, you caught me! *Shamelessly nuzzles up* Thank goodness! I could be a devil's fruit user after all and - Ahh!
Benn: *Drops Shanks straight over the side of the ship into the water*
Shanks: *Sputtering* What what that!?
Benn: Checking to see if you had eaten a devil's fruit on us, Capatin.
Benn: You didn't.
Smart ass. But he can't resist Shanks forever. Shanks will wear him down eventually.
Next time Mihawk tracks him down for another match - because you know he gets bored way quicker than he'll ever admit and Shanks is at least amusing a challenge - Shanks makes a big deal out of how Mihawk follows him around, "accidentally" revealing they slept together, sighing about how it's so hard to resist him.
Benn Beckmen is just leaning against the side of the ship, sipping his booze.
Shanks: -and I can't stay for hours like last time!!
Mihawk: Are you quite done?
Shanks: *whispering* Does Benn look jealous?
Mihawk: He looks bored. Much like I am. Is this some strange attempt to get out of my challenge, Akagami?
Shanks: What? No, come on I told you I was game. But, hey, could you do me a favor? Maybe like try and kiss me or something? Like take a swing like your going to hit me but then stop shot and grab me by the waist instead.
Mihawk: .... Trickery is beneath you. Besides, you're absolute rubbish at it.
Shanks: Oh, come on, I would totally help you get laid if you asked!
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* I want a proper match afterwards.
Mihawk: *In a forced, monotone voice* After this I will take you to my lair and have my way with you, Akagami.
Mihawk: ... My lair? Really?
Shanks: *Holding up cue card with quickly scribbled line* What? That is how you talk.
Mihawk: I can't believe I wasted precious hours of light tracking you to this atrociously rural port.
Shanks: See? Now, read the next one.
Benn: Captain? If this is going to take all night, I am going to go join the rest of the men in the tavern.
Shanks: Huh? Wait! Benn! What if Miha really stabs me this time!?
Benn: *Salutes Shanks with his bottle* Sounds like that is his plan captain. Have a good 'challenge'.
Shanks: What? No... *Reaching out hand, like he might die if Benn leaves, looking completely devastated* Not even a little jealous...
Mihawk: You couldn't have thought that pantomime would actually work.
Shanks: Benny, don't leave me.... *Turns to Mihawk, immediately brightening* Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. Hey, Miha, guess whose free all night and horny as a pirate in the calm belt?
Mihawk: .... *Sigh* Very well.
Mihawk might as well get something for the trip he made. Although, he's reconsidering if the sex was actually worth the trouble after he ends up listening to Shanks worry half the night that Benn is shacking up with someone else (after a couple hours of rough and raw fucking, admittedly).
Is it the hat? He likes his captain's hat. Miha, you think his captain's hat is sexy, don't you?
Mihawk: It's utterly ridiculous.
Shanks: ....
Shanks: ....
Shanks: *Smile* Ahh, Miha, I knew you liked the hat!
Shanks: What do you old Northerns find sexy?
Mihawk: I am only four years older than you.
Mihawk: And silence.
Trying to convince Mihawk to go spy on Beckman for him. Shanks doesn't actually care if he does sleep with someone else, it's more that Beckman didn't immediately turn angry and jealous like Buggy would have that has him paranoid.
Mihawk is going to fuck this annoying red head again just to shut him up.
Mihawk: Maybe he doesn't like red haired boys who don't know when to be quiet?
The next morning Shanks is pacing among his poor crew that's gotten stuck listening to Shanks obsess about Beckman again. IS IT REALLY THE HAIR!?
It's not even a matter of Shanks's age (or obvious immaturity). I mean, Beckman got on board and stayed, didn't he? Beckman just enjoys watching Shanks try so hard to get his attention. Like Benn's attention isn't constantly on Shanks. He had to when his captain is always one step away from disaster.
He only left him with Mihawk because it was clear Dracule is not a real danger to Beckman's captain.
Except maybe insulting him to death. But Beckman is pretty sure Shanks can handle it. He's met Buggy. He's suspects Shanks LIKES it if anything.
It gets to the point where when they dock somewhere and see Mihawk waiting, or come back to the ship and spot his familiar silhouette, most of the crew goes off somewhere for another drink (sometimes the newer kids will stay to watch such an awesome fight, everyone else is like... Look, you'll have plenty of opportunities later. This is not a one off.)
Benn just takes a look around, nods to Mihawk (a silent signal for, "he's all yours, do with him as you please, if anything happens to him I will track you down and make sure your last few hours on this blue world are as painful as humanly possible") and heads off.
Oh, it's just the Hawk boy.
That's fine then.
Benn use to be a sailor on a trade ship between the North, East, West and Grand Line. He's seen it all.
They called him The Gun Slinger BEFORE he joined Shanks's crew and became a pirate.
So this young, broke ass kid from the streets of some near artic northern island trying to pass himself off as a Lower North rich type has a thing for his captain? Not really enough to keep Beckman up at night, no matter how good at swords he's supposed to be
Besides, he's pretty sure for the kid to keep tracking down Shanks, he must be bored out of his skull. He's not going to do anything to endanger their captain.
Not if Shanks is the only thing he can find to keep him entertained.
One day, Mihawk is going to be waiting on the dock when a bunch of Red Haired pirates are stumbling home, laughing and chattering amongst themselves (Shanks's crew always seems to be in a good mood). One of them will catch sight if Mihawk and walk by with a smile, patting him on the shoulder.
The captain's occupied. Seems likely he'll be 'occupied' for a good while, too.
Mihawk won't smile, but he will think "So you finally warmed him up to you, Akagami?" and snort lightly.
Poor Benn, though. Mihawk could never imagine being with someone so much younger than him. Shanks is only four years his junior and already it strains Mihawk to put up with his occasional moments of "youthful whimsy" (aka being an annoying, immature child)
"A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair"
Mihawk just putting that on his Not To Do List.
That lasted until Roronoa.
(Mihawk just looking at Zoro knowing this is bad news.)
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
*Cross out, scribbles*
*Hands back to Benn*
Do Not Do:
- A young, cocky pirate with strangely colored bright hair a silly hat, who is overly dramatic and in any way, shape or form related to Gol D Rogers.
Ace: Hey what's up?
Mihawk: *Takes list from Benn*
Go ahead, Benn, laugh it up. Mihawk is aware he has a type. Young, pretty, and utterly insane.
After that night where Shanks was otherwise 'occupied', it's over six months before Mihawk sees his friend his rival again. He is, as expected, far too smug and proud looking.
Shanks: Oh, Miha, so sorry you came all this way, I'm-
Benn: Well, I'm off, captain.
Shanks: What!? But we, you, I... Benn, hessoeexyarentyouworriedforyourcaptain?
Benn: *patting Mihawk on the shoulder* Have fun with him. Don't forget to return him by noon tomorrow, we have a schedule. Oh, but if you can babysit him for at least four hours? That would be great.
Shanks: BABYSIT!?
Mihawk: I suppose I can be troubled to do so.
Shanks: TROUBLED!?
Benn: Thanks, Hawkeyes. I owe you.
Shanks: *Fake tears clinging to his lashes* You two are so mean!
No, don't feel bad for him. Shanks is just trying to guilt the two of them into bed at the same time, and they both know it.
Thanks no thanks, they're not into that. But Shanks can be pretty cute when he's trying so hard (Benn) and at least he's not as boring as everything else in this world (Mihawk) so they allow him to keep up the act
Shanks: *looking at Zoro's wanted poster over Mihawk's shoulder* But I feel like you'd gladly go to bed with him and his captain if he asked. That doesn't seem fair to me. You'd never go that far with me and Benn.
Mihawk: *Eyes Benn*
Mihawk: *DEAD. ONLY.*
Mihawk: I have my reasons.
They can and do agree on plenty of things, including reciprocally not being that attracted to each other.
Shanks: Sounds fake to me
Shanks: But guys!
Shanks: This isn't about you
He's gonna need you guys to drop the egos and focus on what HE wants. I.E., being in the middle of two sexy Northern men.
Honestly, so mean to poor Shanks!
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