elrielffs · 3 months
How the next two books will go according to antis:
Gwynriel: Azriel telling Elain like, "Hey I know we almost bonked on solstice but I've only been lusting after you for two years now. Even though you don't like your mate you should be with him because Rhsyand daddy told me you should. People hate Cassian for this but will love me for it so begone THOT. I NEED MY MATE." And then Gwyn will be to Azriel like,"Hey, I know you can't look at me and I can't look at you without both of us thinking of the worst day of my life and you didn't give a shit that I was in the BR but we are both Canythian! and your shadows like me and I have PLIABLE BONES to bear all YOUR CHILDREN! And even though you've known about me for years and never checked up on me, I'm your mate!" And they have kinky sex that fixes Illyria and Nesta becomes High Queen. Nesta rejects the bond with Cassian and dates Eris. No mention of Emerie in these theories ever so she's just there to go yah GIRL POWER.
Elucien: Elain will be like,"Oh Lucien, I know I've wanted nothing to do with you these past few years but that's because you're so sexy. Azriel Scmhazriel. You could totally beat him in a duel! I see the error of my ways AND IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T BABY YOU AND IMMEDIATLEY GROVEL AT YOUR FEET. I know you participated in my trauma but that's okay. :) You're are sweet baby angel Lucien. I never made my own choices and I won't now! I'm ready to leave the life I've built behind for me here with my family, nephew, gardens and friends to go to the Human Lands. Oh Jurian? The guy who made a gang rape joke about me? Yes, he will be my bestie cause god knows those two dark wraiths only spent hours with me and baked with me aren't my friends! They're Rhysands friends and Vassa and Jurian are YOUR friends so it's okay. Oh we need to go to Day Court because Helion is your daddy. I like it here. I hated Night Court even though I said I'm apart of it! Black does NOTHING for my complexion. Oh Koschei? Zap. Done. Let's go steal Spring Court from Tamlin cause I like flowers." And Lucien will be like,"Oh Elain, even though I can't stand being around you and constantly compare you to my ex and traveled to a whole nother continent, I'm ready to accept your groveling for not immediately being a good little mate. I've never done anything bad ever. I have no agency. I'm just a wittle baby. Vassa? Nah, I hate her pussy boooooo. Only your majestic mate pussy can make me happy. Nothing else. Nope. Not at all. Helion's my dad? Oh well I gotta go be close to my family so we are going to Day Court but not you Elain. Your family sucks! Nesta said so. She was going to be my mate first you know but she would have turned me down instantly cause she doesn't understand I'm THE BABY and my happiness is all that matters." And Lucien becomes High Lord of Day and Elain High Lady of Spring and Koschei is handled in two pages.
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Tumblr, don’t ban me I swear this isn’t monsterfucker stuff, it’s screenshots from Yugioh 5Ds and it’s going to give me a heart attack
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