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10 more likes and I am gonna plan to write another Generation AU: MonsterVerse Edition with the gang.
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7grandmel · 9 months
Todays rip: 08/01/2024
You Are Book Smart
Season 7 Featured on: Rips of Christmas Present
Ripped by circunflexo
Tentative rip name: You Are Book Smart
I'd like to wish a late happy Jay Eazy day to all who celebrate, I hope you spent your time together with your dogs like Mega Man fr fr
Okay, but, like, sincerely, I like many others have over the last year been completely enamored with all the edits and attention given to Jay Eazy, and the frankly hilarious promotions he does for his music. The guy's a rapper in a sea of others but is frankly a marketing genius - he attaches popular games and anime to his songs, such as Grand Theft Auto, Demon Slayer, or indeed Mega Man, and promotes them through TikToks that are so absurdly strange that your only logical reaction is to laugh. In 2023, he struck absolute gold, and Mega Man went absolutely viral - after, of course, it dropped on January 7th.
There's just something so inherently funny about Jay Eazy that's...hard to describe, especially if you haven't been down the rabbithole of edits people have done of the Mega Man promo video. Be it the setup of Jay Eazy dropping in on someone else's grief to promote his music whilst running away from them, The Very Perculiar Way That His Captions And Tweets Are Written‼️, or just the corny sound to the songs themselves - Jay Eazy is immensely fun to post about, and post about him SiIva did, just one day ago. January 7th, 2024, was dedicated entirely to the king of money smarts himself - and of all rips posted, You Are Book Smart became my favorite just about immediately.
The thing is, we've had a lot of rips, and even some events, kind of similar to Jay Eazy Day already. Rap mashup rips, from Yoshi's Cookie World to Loopdeloop Griddy, aren't exactly a rare sight on SiIvaGunner, and just earlier in Season 7 we received a sequel to Whip & Nae Nae Day, with amazing rips like Whip Fortress (coincidentally ALSO by circunflexo!). There's of course uniqueness to all of these rips due to the sheer personality and expressiveness inherent to rap as a music genre, but it does still mean that the rips that try to truly stand out from the crowd are the ones that end up sticking with me the most. And compared to a lot of the other hip hop rips on SiIva, the big benefit that Jay Eazy has enjoyed for me is that he's had a whole year to simmer in my mind - I know the bars to Mega Man completely off the top of my head through no choice of my own, at this point.
All that is to say, that Circunflexo's call to make a rip that specifically plays with the lyrics and flow of Mega Man, sentence mixing it into new bars entirely - is absolutely damn brilliant. You Are Book Smart, through the edits in the lyrics and the sheer whimsy in the original song's beat, transforms a song originally about bragging over riches and dames, into Jay Eazy proudly boasting about his intelligence in perhaps the funniest ways you'll have ever heard. The kind of monotone quality that Jay Eazy's vocals have lend themselves to absolutely fantastic, near seamless sentence mixing, and the jokes just write themselves from there.
"I'm book smart, I'm money smart - I'm more intelligent, Call me Mr. Smart Festival, I got hella books"
It has no right to work as well as it does - and yet, Jay Eazy, the king himself, pulls through. Even if I wasn't blown away by every rip of the event, it was absolutely fun the entire way through, and you can really tell the SiIvaGunner team loves Jay Eazy as much as the rest of us: the cherry on top being the edited opening, that persists in almost all rips of the event. Jay Eazy's typical introduction of spelling out "S-R-G", was across the entire event edited across all rips to say "S-G" - SiIvaGunner. Even for a meme this silly and dumb, the amount of effort put in was, frankly, admirable. What a start to 2024: and Season 8 is just around the corner!!
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lollytea · 2 years
what (human) social media do you think the hexaquad uses/is on. Because personally I think Luz is weird and bi enough that she would use tumblr and completely commit to the goncharov bit
Luz absolutely uses tumblr as her primary socmed and she has an intimate relationship with the nature of its insanity. She's the one the others ask when they stumble across an utterly incomprehensible meme and Luz will be like "Okay so basically the origin of eeby deeby is--"
She has two blogs. One for art and one for reblogs/fandom/shitposting. She used to have a twitter but she deleted it some time during the Thanks to Them montage because she was dealing with too much bullshit to tolerate the cesspool. She has an Instagram that she uses exclusively for posting art.
Oh and ao3. How could I forget ao3?
I feel like Amity is completely uninterested in human social media. Out of all the kids, she's the only one who didn't really find a specific hobby/interest during her time in gravesfield. She's already got a pensta and she likes how it's tailored for witch society. She'd have no interest in Instagram or twitter or shit like that. BUT she would absolutely go apeshit once she discovers the Good Witch Azura fandom in the Human Realm. (Literally NOBODY back home even knew what those books were.) She doesn't understand the memes and shitposts or general culture but Amity would absolutely have a fandom specific tumblr. She mostly just reblogs from Luz. An ao3 too of course <3
Willow used pensta for general teen reasons like selfies and socializing with her friends before she came to Gravesfield but now that she's developed an interest in photography? Oh that girl's account is gonna get such a glo up. She'd have an Instagram too. She actually becomes pretty popular on both accounts. Not ✨️Influencer✨️ status but she's gained quite a following of humans and witches alike.
I like to imagine that she also has a Pinterest. Idk she strikes me as somebody who'd enjoy collecting aesthetic pics and making boards. For the same reason she also has a tumblr that's mostly aesthetic with the occasional feral little reblog like this thrown in
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Gus is a tiktok kid!!! Gus is SUCH a tiktok kid!!! I could also see him having a YouTube channel where he posts deranged little vlogs (in this universe Gus13 does not exist or its after it happened and only adds more fuel to the fire.) A twitch too maybe?? I could see him streaming. Basically I just think Gus would be drawn to all the video-focused social media.
I think he'd have a twitter too where he tweets his insane little thoughts and it actually blows up in popularity because people think it's a parody account.
Also....he would read Wikipedia religiously and eventually get banned from making his own edits.
Ok ok ok ok I think it would be so funny if Hunter got his penstagram account back in ASIAS, got so excited about finally having a regular teen experience but after a year or so once he's become well acquainted with pensta culture he's like "Well. This sucks."
So basically
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Back when Hunter got a scroll, he followed Willow and that was that. He never followed anyone else. He has never posted anything. He can't even be convinced to follow any more of his friends. Not even Gus. He has notifications on for when Willow posts. He pops in to like them and then he fucks off again. People have forgotten that Hunter even has an account.
But when it comes to human socmed OHHHHH....
I want to say he has a devianart. But I'm not sure because I'm pretty sure that devianart is a husk of its former self. So he probably just has a tumblr. Hunter has not yet learned that you can make seperate blogs for all your different interests so his blog is a cluttered mess of his whole autistic self Cosmic Frontier brainrot, wolves, anime, the occasional embroidery pics that Willow tags him in.
Also he would be on neopets.
Camila is on Facebook and Instagram. Also after the events of the series she gradually begins to rediscover the Cosmic Frontier message boards she used to frequent back when Manny was still alive. They brought back memories of her grief for the longest time but she's beginning to once again embrace her love for the series. She's even reconnected with some old online friends <3
Vee would have all the Normal Human Teenage Girl Social Media. She mostly uses twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. She also stays active on Facebook just to like her mom's posts.
Mattholomule would use reddit. Don't disagree with me I'm right.
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gwynndolin · 7 months
Jiminy by Bear Ghost has been on repeat for me frequently since it released last fall!
Wow, I genuinely was not expecting to like this as much as I did. When I first started listening I was kind of like "Ahh, this kinda sounds like something that would get pretty big as a Tiktok sound for a hot second because someone made a Hazbin Hotel shipping fancam". Kinda got some Will Wood stuff, some Jukebox The Ghost stuff (specifically around the Off To The Races era where they really embraced the Queen comparisons), and I was like, okay i'll probably pretty well enjoy this but nothing especially spectacular here. Then I got to the end of the first song, After Me, The Flood and it had that big glitched out part into Heavy News and I was like. Ohhhhh... OKAY....
I still stand by what I said absolutely though, like especially with Will Wood comparison, specifically like the sort of showtune-like aspects to a lot of the individual tracks on the records, which is probably where the "Tiktok shipping fancam" feeling comes from (see Peas & Love, I feel like that song was carefully designed in a lab to have a bouncy, exciting, decent to well edited video of two characters that hate each other and want each other to die but the fandom desperately needs them to have a moment). It's pretty clear this album wants to be like, somewhat culture critical about the current state of some parts of society, but honestly a lot of the lyrics really fall short of necessarily saying anything particularly interesting about the matter and just come off as pretty juvenile in that regard. Like, Rivers is a Vampire is clearly about high society and excess and sucking out the life from everything and its a great song for sure but its also just like. Yeah you sure did the rich people vampire metaphor again! Which is also another point towards it being very Tiktok consumable. That being said I'm only kind of using "tiktok consumable" as a pejorative here, but it is why I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much.
Anyway this album has a pretty clear tonal voice here, like the songs do not really dip out of that same, bright, showtune-like quality, so there's not really many moments where the album slows down and takes a break from how hyper it is, which maybe as a full album is not such a good thing, but a lot of these songs individually would be a really great playlist spot.
I'm realizing now that most of this review has sounded like, extremely negative about the whole album, which is funny because so far this is like the most fun I've had listening and catching up with these music asks, I've already listened to the album through like 2 or 3 times and skipped around and re-listened to my fave tracks so. I don't really know what that means for my long term feelings about this album, but as it stands,
I'm feeling a really good 8/10 on this one
if I was pretty drunk and in a great mood I'm sure this album would've hit like 9/10 for me. I'm really into it, I might check out some of Bear Ghost's earlier stuff and see if I'd like it as much.
Fave songs: After Me, The Flood, Heavy News, Rivers is a Vampire, Big Town Banky Blaine’s Rockabilly BBQ, The Mario Cliché, When I’m Dead, Vulture
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - "i'm scared, y/n. i'm really scared."
pov: your boyfriend seb can't help it, but stress over his work, his schedule and his emotions. sadly, during one night, all he tried to push down went all the way up which caused him to do a panic attack
warnings: anxiety and stress talk, panic attack mention, keeping emotions, stress and nervosity, hard time to relax.
type: reverse-comfort!
member: sebastian moy
this one was requested! thank you! if you have any other requests in mind, don't hesitate!
note: this one is a bit longer than my original hc!
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seb's job seems super easy, right? all he have to do is filming videos and tiktoks, have fun, sing... and it's done! right?
but it's not.
seb's job is hard and even though it may seem easy at first glance, it is not :(
he has to control his stress and anxiety every day, he has to pray that everything he does is okay and normal, he has to be careful what he says.. even in a joke! because in a snap of a finger he could be canceled or something like that just for being sarcastic or something
(rest of the headcanon under the cut!)
he also has to pray that social media doesn't stop working. it's true! what if youtube or tiktok shut down one day? it's one of the ways he can make money and do his job!
he also have to work hard, to find original youtube videos, cool tiktoks..
moy also has to be in control of every emotion he has inside of him
filming videos? no time to be sad!
filming tiktok? no time to be tired! he have to practice again and again, until it's perfect! even though he's tired! he want to give the best content for the stars and his community
what i'm trying to say is that seb's job is hard. even though it looks really easy like "oh, i just have to post tiktok! oh, i just have to post youtube videos", it's actually not all that
so ofc, seb kept his emotions for the last few weeks
he was trying his best
and let's say that it has not gone unnoticed by you..
"i'm okay, baby! just a bit tired!"
"don't worry, y/n! just tired, i'm fine!"
"me? sad? no, i'm just exhausted! i only slept 3 hours last night... but i'm okay! don't worry your pretty little head, okay, my love?"
he tried his best to manage everything
"i'm sorry baby, i can't hang out tonight. i have too much work to do :( maybe we can see each other another time this week?" he texted you.
"i have to shoot 4 tiktoks tonight. i'm late. i've been editing my video for like 3 days straight and i'm not even done! i'm usually fast at editing! i don't know what's happening right now"
of course, you quickly reassured him that it was okay and that you could hang out some other time! but... he couldn't help but think of you and the work he was doing!
he wanted to see you..
it's been almost three weeks since you've seen each other in person, and just like last week, he had to cancel the plans you and he made to work on his videos and tiktoks
while editing, he couldn't help but feel sad and disappointed.
what if the video he was working on was not good enough? what if the four tiktok were boring and not funny?
what if the stars were disappointed in him for not posting youtube videos almost every week?
what if you were sad and disappointed because he always had to cancel plans to hang out with you? what if you thought he was being dramatic and deliberately avoiding you? when he wasn't!
a ton of questions quickly went through his head
which didn't really help with all the emotions he'd been holding in for three, almost four weeks
he wanted to be enough, to make his work good and funny!
he couldn't help it, but tear up a little bit
it was almost 4am and his video was not even finished
the four tiktoks were not even done yet, too
and as if his schedule wasn't full enough with meetings and music rehearsals, he also had to record another youtube video for his channel!
he was so tired
without knowing it, sebastian moy pushed all his emotions to the back of his throat, which made him cry even more :(
he called you quickly, hoping to hear your voice
"hey!" you said through the phone
"can you come over?" asked sebastian worriedly
"y-yeah! hum.. are you okay? your voice seem a bit down.."
"i am, i am.. just.. come over as soon as possible, okay?"
ten minutes passed and without knowing it, seb started to shake a little bit more waiting for you to arrive
"seb, are you okay? what happened?" you asked as you entered his bedroom with a glass of water
"i'm tired, y/n. i'm so tired! i just can't hold it in anymore!"
he told you everything
his worries, his thoughts, the stress he has had for the last 3-4 weeks, the anxiety he has had because of his job
he didn't want to worry the stars.
"seb... you know the stars will understand, right? they love you. they'd rather not have a video and know you're okay and take care of you than the opposite..."
you tried your best to comfort him
"sebby, you are doing so well. don't say your work isn't enough.."
"do you really think so?" he asked while tearing up
you made breathing exercices with him, which helped him a lot
"baby, you're doing your best right now and that's what's important... please don't overwork yourself. i know it's easy to say, but please..."
he hugged you
and kissed you on the cheek
and told you not to leave him (which you won't)
he love you so much :'(
"i feel like the stars will be disappointed in me if i don't keep my smile and strong attitude. they are counting on me. maybe they had a hard day and maybe with NSB videos or my videos they can smile and relax from their day? i don't want to be sad in front of them, what if i am their only reason to smile today?"
he sighed
"and you... it's been a while since we've seen each other because of my work! i'm sorry. i don't want you to think that I'm trying to avoid you, because i'm really not! i've been really excited to see you and hang out with you all week... and like last week, i had to cancel our plans"
you caressed his cheek
"seb, it's okay! i know you're working hard, i really am. it's okay. i understand. your job is not easy and not many people would have done what you're doing right now. it takes a lot of time and patience and i think you're doing really great and doing your best right now"
he smiled a little as he drank the water you gave him earlier
"and how can you keep your smile and your strong attitude if you don't even take breaks and get a good night's sleep? i know you're busy and your job is hard, but please believe me. you're doing incredibly well. the stars really won't mind, i promise. they'll understand"
after being comforted for a few minutes, seb began to feel better and less anxious
"i love you so much, y/n. you always know what to say to comfort me, make me feel better, and brighten my mood"
he would listen to you and take breaks
and sleep
and drink water
and take care of himself
even if he doesn't really say it or show it to you often, he cares about you a lot
he love you so much
and he would do anything for you <3
hope you liked it!!! this one was a little longer than usual because i had a lot of inspiration, but i still hope you liked it :)
taglist (open! please, send an ask to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
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this Christmas I wanted to address some dream smp blogs on this funny hell of a site who actually made me enjoy my dream smp/dnf brainrot so much and made my 2 months of staying here in this community very fun and inspiring and joyful! some of them I’m mutuals with, some of them don’t know I exist, but either way I hope you guys are cool with this post and don’t think it’s creepy or whatever :) I wanted to express my respect and gratitude for you and to wish you a Merry Christmas <3 this is about to get parasocial as hell so prepare to cringe a bit lol. I’m also going to confess to sending some of the anons aka to embarrass myself. but it’s fun so here we go (veryyy looong post under this pic)
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@kat-chan02 you were the first person in the fandom I started talking to! you're so friendly and nice and have such a bubbly personality :) I miss you! hope you're doing alright and have a good time during your christmas break!!
@comradedream kai my fellow russian moots haha :) we talked quite a bit and it's so nice talking to you, it seems like you know a lot about the fandom and lore and everything and you're so open to talk about it and share stories :) thank u for that! <3
@terra1ncognita elly I'm glad that we started talking! we have a huge time difference like, the other way from the american one, but I'm always happy to read your messages and wait for them :) we also have some bilingual ppl problems in common as well haha
@georgeanddreamfound hii chantelle you're running a huge dream smp tiktok and I always get caught up scrolling through it :) I respect your dedication and hard work, this app must be annoying sometimes but you're doing great! thank u for sharing my paper rings edit I'm still getting tears in my eyes when I see the amount of ppl that saw it on your acc!! and all the comments make me cry
@dteamblrsurvivingdecemberwt I am a big fan of your "dreamblr surviving november" series! not only it's hilarious and adorable but the amount of work seems to be huge! like collecting of screens, editing, I know how hard it is to work with video sometimes! so huge respect to u for entertaining us during that month and hope you're doing well :)
@dreamyygeorgenap @sheepwasfound @dreamquackity you guys were the first blogs I found here. at first I was really lost in the amount of content and reading your posts really helped me to sort it out. @sheepwasfound your tag list is magical!! it is so helpful with dnf moments! thank you for interesting takes on things when you answer asks and for clips :)
@dreamhot I love reading your blog! your answers are well-written and based, esp I liked reading your takes on latest dream's hoodie situation! I started following you around the time when you were "ollie manatreed" so I still call you "ollie" in my head haha sorry. you also make cool art :)
@stevebucky you have a very friendly and welcoming vibe in your blog! I was the anon asking you about aethetic blog recommendations and I really liked some of them and follow them now, thank u! :)
@nickelodeonhottub your blog actually blows my mind sometimes, like in a good way. I'm not too much into astrology (cause tbh I struggle with understanding it and there is just so much stuff to remember) but I enjoy reading your posts and sometimes I really can see what you're talking about, you know? you seem to be very knowledgable and serious with what you're doing. I was the anon who asked you to share some tips for ppl who wanted to get into astrology, as you really inspired me to know more!
@cryptodream our favourite morning newspaper of a blog :) the devil works hard but ciara works harder lol. no, reading your blog is so fun and it makes me laugh all the time. some of your anons are wild! I've heard about the recent news with this person psychoanalysing you and I hope you are doing okay! don't let ppl like that put you down, you're a cool person! I also sent you some anons but I'm not telling which ones even at gunpoint lmao
@falsettodrop @alsoalison you guys are my favorite writers out there! I don't read many fanfics but I'm a big fan of your works and I think you know it already :) I want to wish you lots and lots of inspiration in the upcoming year!!
@prettyboygeorgee I absolutely adore your bff quizz edit it is madly well done!! I love coming back and rewatching it from time to time :) I've seen you spent 12 hours of it and I hope you know it was worth it because so many ppl like your work!!
@milktea-grn your art is mad cool I love it so much! my fav art piece is this one because it combines two things I really like - your art style and tbwdasq!!
@messy-gguki another one of my favorite artists on this site!! I love your dnf art pieces so much, you portray them so well :) I can't even choose the favorite there are so many!
@donteatdoves your art is super adorable! one of your art pieces made me buy blue nail polish haha :))
@idiotaffectionate your art look like illustrations from some book or a cool magazine, your style is wonderfully unique! I love it sm:)
@dakotafoxart your style is mesmerising!! I love the colors and the little detail and the realism of it, truly captivating!
@clownie-brain I love your art so much and here's the secret I wanted to tell you - your fuck dream hoodie art is my favorite art of dream, like, EVER. I'm serious. it's my number 1 among all the dream arts on tumblr and on twitter
@notrllyastanacc Im in luv with your dnf drawings and you probs won't see this post cause you're not often on here but I told you already on twt that I love ur art so I hope you know :)
to all my fav fan artists out there - I wish you endless inspiration and dream fanart likes <33
I hope I didn't forget anyone!! if we're moots and I didn't mention your here that's probs because I don't really know what to say BUT if I follow you I enjoy your content and very happy to see your posts and reblogs on my dash! I don't really follow that many ppl on here tbh :))
I hope you'll have an amazing year and we'll enjoy the dteam irl content together and here is to many many memes and laughs and arts and fics and edits and discussions and everything!!
(quick note we don't really celebrate Christmas on 25th of December here where I'm from - we do celebrate of 7th of January - but with you guys on my dash it feels like I'm celebrating too <3)
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sirenascales · 3 years
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-> Chuuya reacting to his famous Black girlfriend's thirsty fans.
@furrypostsoul said: Hello admin, yes I’m back again! 😬If you have too much requests, pls don’t do this one! If not then may I please request a chuuya Drabble with a popular black fem singer where he finds that his S/O’s fan base on TikTok and insta makes nsfw (or not up to you!) fan cam clips and/edits of her performances/interviews etc? Thank you so much!💖💖💖💖💖
note: im sorry this took so long 😭 i wasn't ignoring it, i promise! this was fun to write cause jealous chuuya is kinda funny. also idk why I can't tag you 😭
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"I don't think I like your fans," Chuuya was basically pouting as he sat beside you on your shared bed. You stopped scrolling through your phone and looked at your boyfriend with a quirked eyebrow.
"Uh, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about this!" was his heated reply, grabbing his phone and opening it to tiktok. He was scrolling through his fyp when a tiktok with you as the topic popped up. It wasn't surprising, seeing as you were a pretty popular singer in the area, your fanbase only getting bigger and bigger.
He usually didn't mind seeing your fans going bonkers over you, but some of the tiktoks bothered him... bothered, as him made him pretty jealous. You were a true beauty... with an amazing voice, and just as amazing dance skills. Your stage presence was immaculate and you often times loved to be a lil' risque on stage.
That didn't bother him. Having weird men being thirsty over you bothered him. And don't get him started on the girls!
You were his girlfriend, dammit!
But you just laughed, at the video and at Chuuya's cute little pout.
"You are jealous."
"You damn right I am. How are you okay with people saying those things about you?"
You snickered behind your hand, sitting up to finally start getting ready for bed. "I mean, some of the fans are a bit weird, but a lot of them don't mean any harm! Don't you like having a hot girlfriend that makes people horny?"
Chuuya blushed and sputtered a bit, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm the only one who should be getting horny!"
You threw your head back and howled with laughter, Chuuya glaring at you and snatching your bonnet out of your hands.
"Don't laugh at me!"
"You're cute," you hummed, taking your bonnet back and carefully slipping it on. "Listen, I can't control what they post, and besides, I like riling people up." Chuuya scoffed. He knew that to be very true. "But I love you, baby. No need to be jealous over fans I'll never meet. At least not yet."
Steam blew from Chuuya's ears as he yelled incoherently, making you laugh again.
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Send your requests here!
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