#I’ve seen those two aaaaand the one with the cool girl who rides a wolf
nubs-mbee · 1 year
Finally saw Kiki’s delivery service and howls moving castle this weekend!! My goal is to see more ghibli films cause what kind of person who works in the animation industry HASNT seen his films lol. Let me know your guys favorites to watch next!!
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E08 “Lover’s Walk”
> OKay, first thing’s first: is it Lovers or Lover’s? Wikipedia has the first one, Hulu has the second. Very confusing.
> Another fake-out opener where someone is being hyperbolic about the world ending but it’s just grades or something.
> Willow got a 740 verbal on her SATs. Like, I think she’s being too hard on herself, but I get not feeling academically fulfilled by that. I think I got 700? I don’t remember. My math sucked, that’s for sure.
> That Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel reference has endured the test of time.
> What is Xander’s score if it’s close to 740? We joke about his grades a lot but like. Get serious, son.
> Willow, that top is so loud.
> Omigod, I’m looking forward to going back to pretending Xillow never happened soon.
> Cordelia testing well is good continuity with “Band Candy.” And I loved them following up on SAT scores. I think these might have come out a little quick, but it’s fine.
> “That was my sarcastic voice.” “Y’know, it sounds a lot like your regular voice.” “I’ve been told that.” I feel you, Oz.
> Cordelia’s terror at the idea of double dating IS A DANGER SIGN, XANDER.
> I have Buffy’s SAT score memorized: “1430, Buffy, you kicked ass!” (A friend got the same score on her first take.)
> “Now you can leave and never come back.” I actually love Cordy here, a rarity for me lately.
> Pretty sure the shot of Spike crashing into the Sunnydale sign is just a retouched copy of the one from Season 2. Not a problem, just funny.
> I wasn’t sure I had the energy to do my #BuffyAt20 right now but this theme song is giving me life.
> I don’t get Spike’s obsession with Sinatra in this episode but sure.
> Oh man, remember the Factory? It’s a slot on my Buffy Monopoly board.
> Do we feel the flashback to when Dru left Spike that we get in Season 3 keeps in line with what we’re presented here? Dru accusing him of loving Buffy as far back as now? Hm.
> Literally the episode where Cordelia and Xander break up is the episode where it most seems like they’re a happy couple. And even then, they’re horrible to each other half the time. Sigh.
> Oz giving Willow the PEZ Witch is still one of the best things ever. I really wanted a wolf PEZ for Oz.
> Okay, a friend and I recently discussed a fan poll where people voted on their favorite mate for Willow and it made me uncomfortable that Oz was winning. But… I get it.
> There’s a lot of focus on Giles packing in this scene.
> Ooh! Worth noting: the guy who wrote this episode wrote three of my favorite #Daria episodes! He’ll also later write “The Zeppo.”
> This episode laid a lot of interesting potential for Buffy to be able to leave Sunnydale. Not forever, but, even if just for college. It was interesting.
> I wish I could make Buffy Now see how much Giles treated Seventeen Buffy like an adult over this Angel situation. He could’ve been SUUUCH a prick. And their relationship got really awkward for a while there, and I don’t think Buffy was entirely fair to him. Or probably him to her too. Fathers and daughters, man.
> I spent a whole dumb Xillow scene typing that last one. Not sorry.
> I’ve said it before but it’s wild that Buffy’s house never changes once in 7 seasons. The cinematography changes so much that it feels like a different house.
> How does Angel not hear, or even sense, Spike right outside the Mansion? Still recovering from Hell, I guess? Coz otherwise, wtf?
> I do love Spike waking up on fire.
> What happened to Spike’s car between Seasons 3 and 4 anyway? Where’s that story?
> “This is just too much.” Some real gentle language there, Spike.
> The Magic Box is, like, the same SHAPE we see in Season 5. But the layout isn’t totally right. And the back hasn’t been blown out yet. The storefront is the same. They moved the register away from the door. Hmm.
> Ooh, that Spike shot of grabbing the shop owner becomes his credits shot.
> Hey! It’s the Mayor! I forgot he’s in this one. And Allan! He’s pretty cute, tbh.
> “Boats did have canons. And a loose one would cause it to rock.” Lol.
> The way that the Mayor celebrates sinking that putt makes me wonder if he hadn’t been expecting it, haha.
> Where is Angel getting hair gel from in the Mansion? How is this a priority? Then again: same question at Derek Hale sleeping in a train yard.
> I’m not loving the dramatic beat when Angel tells Buffy she should leave. Like. Buff. Shouldn’t you? Sigh.
> Willow is trying to do magic on Xander without his consent. That’s actually an interesting portent for Season 6.
> Xander and Willow, like, really try and hold their own against Spike here. Mad respect.
> Alyson Hannigan shows such amazing vulnerability in the scenes with James Marsters, it’s bonkers. And then how it flips on a dime to be comedic. Wild chemistry, those two.
> OOOH, Dru accused Spike of going soft for teaming up with Buffy, eh? Interesting…
> HA! The “chaos demon, all slime and antlers” line was a favorite among fans, so we loved finally seeing him in Season 5.
> “I haven’t had a woman in weeks.” Blech. “Well, unless you count that shopkeeper.” Double blech.
> “I’m not a real witch, you know.” Heh.
> It. Is. SO. Clever. That Willow sends Spike to Buffy’s house. Holy. Shit.
> You know who else is a good version of Cordelia Chase? Valencia from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Becomes a good person in, like, half the time it’s taking Cordy…
> Ugh, I hate coincidence moments like that. Buffy heard Spike on the phone when her mom happened to call? Sigh.
> YAAS, the Joyce/Spike bond! We needed more of this!
> Joyce Summer is Top 5 TV Mom material.
> “You get out of this house or I will stake you myself.” GEDDIT, JOYCE!
> Lol, remember how Buffy is going to start sleeping with Spike? This show, man.
> Spike just called Angel a “poof.” Nice.
> “What if they were kidnapped by Colombian drug lords?” CORDELIA. STOP.
> Oz smelling Willow is… interesting.
> Buffy is so eager to kill Spike.
> Did Buffy rip off Sookie Stackhouse with this love triangle or vice versa? Angel being Bill, Spike being Eric. Hm.
> Buffy always made kicking in doors look so cool.
> What exactly are we supposed to make of Spike’s observation about Buffy and Angel being in love here? I mean, he’s right. But. Like. What, they needed someone else to tell them?
> “I won, right? Kicked his ass?” “You were real brave. Do you need to barf.” Classy.
> “Give me a third option.” “He’s so drunk he forgets about us and we starve to death.” HA.
> AAAAAnd they kiss, aaaand Oz and Cordy show up, aaaand it’s horrible. AAAAND Oz is the only one who composes himself maturely, like always.
> Cordelia getting skewered was… so weird.
> They’re having this vampire fight, like, in the middle of downtown Sunnydale right now. I get that it’s probably 3am or something but omigod.
> Oh yeah, the storefront is definitely the same a when it’s the Magic Box.
> Seeing Buffy, Angel, and Spike standing side-by-side is a hoot.
> The “let’s give baby a taste” stuff Spike does is… No.
“ “Baby like his supper?” No. No he doesn’t.
> The table Spike stakes this guy on is, like, probably the same table he and Anya bang on in Season 6, haha.
> The holy water bombs are so cool. Why don’t they use holy water more often?
> The resolution of this Spike story is… so Spike. You know, we probably would’ve never seen him again if they didn’t love James Marsters SOOO much.
> Remember when they made us think Cordelia died? Like, right after she found of Xander cheated on her? This story was, like, one of the lowest points of the show. I’m sorry but it was. I remember laughing out loud when we found out Cordy wasn’t dead. That’s not something you wanna get a laugh on.
> What was the point of this story arc, though? “Don’t cheat or someone could die?” This is a ‘Blood on the Pavement’ type parable here. Way more Dawson’s Creek than Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
> I remember thinking Cordelia was going to be blind, because of the “I can’t see you” thing. I don’t know how being skewered would blind her.
> Okay, CAN WE TALK about the nailed-up broken sheets of wood at the Mansion entrance? It is the weirdest thing, it looks like a child’s tree fort.
> Buffy, if you think you’re fooling Giles and your friends into believing you don’t want Angel, you are sorely mistaken.
> Angel, be a big boy, let the seventeen year old girl go.
> She has to step through his weird cobbled-together wooden doorway! And it’s gone, like, after this episode! Wtf!
> This maudlin montage of all the characters being despondent was, like, the biggest bummer. Why do I love Season 3 so much?? This is such a downbeat point for the show.
> And there’s Spike riding off into the sunset. See you in a year, William.
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