#I’ve only seen one ask on the 14dwy page abt cannibal angel and AAAAA
avnillae · 2 years
Cannibal! Angel
. you’d been anxious the day prior, eager maybe, but the hunger overcame the fear in the grand scheme of things
. you made sure to leave no traces, no amateur google searches, no open discussion or hypotheticals to raise eyebrows or questions on any online subreddits, you played the scene out continuously, repeatedly, obsessively for months in your imagination
. every what if scenario with meticulous solutions, you’d get away with it with this much preparation
. the only question would be how to prepare it once it. happened, but you figured if home chefs could whip up something delicious with liver or chicken hearts on the cooking game shows you’ve mindlessly indulged in, flesh would be no different
. if you could even wait to prepare and cook the skin
. you chewed on your nails, the skin around it inevitably finding its way between your teeth, pulling away at the metallic taste eventually flooding your lips, you stared and watched as the crimson ran from your thumb to your forearm.
. it was mesmerizing in a way, how beautiful the shade of red could be
. a universal shade unique to the living and past tense thereof
. you wanted to bathe in it, to be submerged in others
. an act so private, so intimate, so utterly inviting
. you’d reprimand yourself had you cared anymore, your patience had run thin, your body shaking with adrenaline
. with the ring of the doorbell, you stood at attention, in anticipation, a grin plastered on your face as you unlocked the door to greet your unsuspecting date
“Hey ! Welcome in, I’m so happy to see you !” You greeted them with a brazen hug, causing the other to blush profusely, “Thanks for having me, I was surprised when you said you wanted to meet again.. I thought I had blown it the other day..” they laughed meekly.
. They had, had you been a normal sane person, you’d have never met up with them again. But once it came down to it, they were the perfect victim.
. Oblivious, willing, pathetic to the point of being absolutely pitiful.
. Pitiful, it was no surprise they were infatuated with you, you felt sorry for them.
. Sorry that you’d never feel the same level of intensity for another, sorry that you couldn’t form meaningful connections with others, sorry that you were different from them, sorry that you had this need that gnawed at your insides begging and pleading for you to do the same to others.
“What ?! No way, I thought I was the one who blew it, I felt bad with how things ended I know I wasn’t the most.. welcoming.” You grasped at their coat, helping them out of it, your hands purposely lingering across their broad shoulders a moment too long, a shiver racked down their spine which they quickly excused as it being ‘cold outside’ a small smile was exchanged.
. If you were being honest, the first outing consisted of you sitting there counting down the minutes spent as they had blabbered on and on about financing and how much they had saved in 401 and IRA accounts. Strange given since you’re both in your early twenties, but you digressed. At the end, they walked you to your car, with not a full sentence having come out of your mouth besides “yeah? crazy ! no way!?” the entire date.
. Awkwardly rubbing their head, they looked at you with expectant eyes and a small lean, of course they’d want a kiss.
. Much to your dismay, you had leaned in as well. The things we do in the name of love and all such things, if only you could feel such a thing.
. Had this gone another way, you knew you’d be secured had you married.
. But it hadn’t.
“Au contraire, mon amie, you were simply divine..” They purred turning to face you as you hooked their coat away. “No other woman has been able to keep up intellectually in conversation such as you,” Because yes and ya are apparently genius and innovative, “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more.”
. Right, you pulled a tight smile, wrinkling your eyes downwards, partway in attempt to appear bashful another to hide the disgust in your eyes.
“You flatter me,” You grasped at their wrist, “But enough about that, let me get you a drink!” You sauntered ahead, feeling their gaze over your form, nauseated, leading them away from the doorway.
“This is a nice place you have, how much do your folks pay for it?” You heard, as you reached into the cabinets and pulled out two modestly sized wine glasses.
“My folks?” Pouring tawny in both cups, you mentally cursed at yourself for using the good wine on this swine.
“Yeah, like your ma and pa, you can’t seriously pay for this place on your own.” Turning, you followed their voice onto the plush cushions of the settee before handing them their glass, you let out a strained laugh.
“I’d be lying if I said I did this on my own, but it’s because of them that we were able to meet in the first place.” And you’d be lying if you said you didn’t, but they didn’t need to know that. It wouldn’t matter anyway.
“To us.” They raised their glass, “To us.” You joined, clinking your cups together.
. It wouldn’t be long now.
. Sipping gracefully on the cherry wine, you eyed your date as the gulped down the entire glass.
. With a content sigh, they placed down their glass onto the table ahead. “A little sweeter than the usual I’m accustomed to.” They giggled, loosening their tie, a pink hue coloring their cheeks.
How cute.
“Oh?” You cooed, as you placed your glass aside theirs.
. You shifted, carefully closing the gap between you two, “Is it sweeter than me?” Eyes peering, you fixed into straddling their lap, their breath hitched, watching as your hands slid against their chest before you grasped hold of their tie. Pulling them forward, your lips hung dangerously close to theirs.
. Their hands cautiously placed themselves against your thighs, their gaze fixated on your stained rosy lips.
“Well… I’d have to have another taste before I can say for sure..” They murmured, closing in on the space between your lips.
. Disgusting disgusting disgusting
. You could taste the faint menthol from their cigarette they must’ve had a few minutes prior to your meeting, the taste of the alcohol, which wasn’t even that bad had it not been wasted on someone who was going to die in a few minutes.
. Nevertheless, your body pressed against theirs, your grasp on the fabric loosened leading to your arms wrapping around their neck effectively deepening the kiss.
. They groaned against your lips, their hips bucking against yours.
. You could feel the wetness pooling in their briefs even through their clothes.
. Typical to be this wet just from a kiss, you bet they were a virgin with how generally unlikeable they were. Maybe you were being too harsh, they had probably been with another. You didn’t put it past them to go through the pros and cons with another as to why their date should sleep with them.
. Pro, I’m rich. Con, everything but I’m so rich you’d be stupid not to get fucked
. You held back a laugh, before you felt them push against you.
Right, took long enough.
“Something ?”
“..Something isn’t right.” Their hands falling limply from your thighs to their sides, they started leaning onto their side, sinking into the couch.
“Something isn’t right ?” You repeated, getting up from your place on their lap. “That can’t be true, everything is going according to plan!” You smiled, leaning down to meet their lidded eyes.
“Gosh you look simply, what was the word..?” Tucking a strand of hair behind their ear, you admired the dazed look on their stupid face, “Divine !”
. Leaving your place by their side, you paced towards the record player on the other side of the living room.
“You like music?” You asked, taking a vinyl out of its sleeve and placing it on the stand.
“I always have to have something on in the background,” You mused, setting the needle at the last track. After, turning to your beautiful sleeping date on the sofa. Their breathing had slowed as their eyes shut, only soft moans had left their lips.
¿ Por qué será ? ¿ Por qué será ?
“Otherwise I get,” Pausing to unzip the sparkling gown adorning your figure, you couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh,
“Otherwise I get scared. Silly, isn’t it?”
. You stepped out of your attire, lest you dirty your beautiful dress. The only thing covering your body being lace garments and a garter belt sitting along your waist.
Just in case they had swayed your decision.
They hadn’t.
No me da pena, me da ternura
“Gives me no sadness, gives me no tenderness, roughly.” You sang along, once again assuming your position on their body.
“Tonight you’ll be my first,” You cooed, unbuttoning their dress shirt. Exposing their chest to you, tracing along their abdomen, you hummed along,
“Es que no has aprendío na o es que tienes un problema”
“You should be grateful, after this no one can claim they’ve been inside me…” you mumble lazily leaning down to lick their skin.
“Atleast not in the way that you have..” you whisper against their flesh, stroking their rib cage. They were awfully skinny for a meal, but beggars can’t be choosers. You trailed downwards, nipping at their hip bones, teasing your hunger. You ran your tongue upwards, the area between their hips and rib, the softest area on their abdomen.
No me da pena, me da ternura
. You sunk your teeth into their skin, the all too familiar metallic taste invading your senses. Crimson painting your lips, staining the furniture, dripping onto the marble flooring. You bit down harder, a squelching noise accompanying the singers beautiful vocals.
Las llamas son bonitas porque no tienen orden
. You pulled away, as their flesh clung desperately onto their body before snapping at the distance. You savored the taste.
. The wet sopping display of their body laying so perfectly underneath your body.
. So helpless, prey sprawled defeatedly under its predator.
. What a sad ending, being eaten alive.
. You plunged your hand into their warm intestines, feeling it envelop your fingers, soft. Squishy. Gore pouring out of the hole you’ve punctured into their body.
. You let out a satisfied moan, further tearing them apart until their guts mimicked their owner. A sad display on the couch, strewn about in a beautiful ruby mess. You licked your lips, your body aflame at this point. You dug in deeper, both hands submerged.
Y el fuego es bonito porque todo lo rompe
. From the tip of your fingertips to the bone on your wrist, a warm hot pool of intestines and organs. A maze untwined beneath your body.
You took a bite, then another, and another.
Kidney, lung, heart.
. Hours must have passed since you’ve explored their body, all that remained was a mangled carcass.
. You sat on the floor, blood smearing your cheeks, having run down your chin and onto your chest and well, everywhere. You pulled back your hair, the ends dyed red from the remains.
. You crawled towards your bookshelf, staring straight into the lens inconspicuously hidden away. Its red light blinking rhythmically as you grabbed your strewn about cell phone from nearby.
. You input the digits given to you from before.
Ring… ring… ring…
“H- Hello ?!” A seemingly panicked voice came from the other side, a small smirk found itself on your face.
“Hey, sorry for calling you so late, are you free tomorrow?”
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