#I’ve never had any problems with my eyesight
velvetures · 1 year
Got Me Snoring
A/N: One of my favorite things inspired by all the Ghost/König cosplayer TikToks using that one, song audio. Summary: Ghost admits getting head is boring. Reader isn't happy with that idea and goes about changing his mind. T/W: NS/FW 18+ Only, blowjobs, deepthroating, size kink if you squint, spit?, cursing, aggressive tension?, taunting, not proofread, and it's been a long ass time since I've written full-on smut.
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“All I’m sayin’ is that if she calls again, I’m not about to answer.” Soap’s voice carried from the living space of the hotel room to the kitchenette where you stood microwaving some rice from a convenience store down the street.
After-mission talk always leads to the most strange conversations. Maybe the adrenaline or the high of getting almost killed got everyone in a talking mood. However as the Captain slid behind you to go grab more ice outside in the hallway, you couldn’t help but shoot him a questioning look. They’d been talking about their previous accomplishments and failures in the bedroom for nearly twenty minutes, and thankfully they’d not roped you into the ridiculous conversation but with the Captain leaving out of the room, it drew their eyesight right to you standing patiently for your instant rice to finish cooking.
“What about you, huh?” Gaz was the one to poke a little. “Have any horror stories from the bedroom?” His eyebrows raised in mischievous curiosity as all three men sat staring at you with great intent.
“I’ve faked it plenty of times.” You reply offhandedly, waving a hand at them and going back to staring at the small plastic cup rotating around in the microwave.
You overheard the men pass through the moment of silence with low laughs, most noticeably, Ghost. Who’d apparently found something very funny and decided to grace everyone with the sound of deep and resounding chuckles. With a gloved hand, you take out your food and rejoin them in the room, finding a spot on the corner of one of the beds and crossing your legs to hold the bowl while you watch and listen to more of their recounted stories.
Soap complained more about the one night he’d met up with one of the most beautiful women he’d ever met, and drank himself into oblivion to try and ease his nerves. The only problem was, that when he finally had enough liquid courage to make a move, he couldn’t get it up. Even watching him recount the tale now, you could see his embarrassment. You couldn’t imagine just how beautiful that woman had to be for Soap to give himself whiskey-dick so bad that to this day he regretted the memory and undoubtedly wished he could take it back. Gaz got pressured into retelling the story of the woman he met in Russia just for you since you’d never heard it; Detailing just how she’d been absolutely obsessed with him right from the get-go.
She couldn’t stop fawning over his accent and just how downright good-looking he was. Gaz on the other hand felt very embarrassed and never really tried to take things further on that trip. Fortunately for him, on a trip back a few months later for pleasure, he ran into the woman again and this time around she wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Soap and Ghost laughed, poking fun at how utterly exhausted Garrick was when he met up with them in London. His shit-eating grin was more than enough for them to surmise that his little Russian vixen had taken him for a hell of a ride.
Then there was Ghost.
He didn’t have much to say in the way of his own successes, but did share one or two small comparisons with the other two as they kept pulling out detail after detail about the many people they’d met over the years and how they either felt they’d left their mark… or totally fucking missed it. All of it came to a very interesting topic that you suddenly became very interested in when Ghost uttered one single statement that left your mouth hanging open and staring at him almost in disbelief.
“I don’t like someone blowin’ my cock,” his voice sounded flat. Totally unbothered and nearly sleeping at the idea. “Never cared much for it when half doesn’t fit.”
You couldn’t help but insert yourself into the conversation after a long hour or so of sitting like a viewer at a movie. “Wait a second… You mean to tell me you don’t like getting head because you're too big?” The gasp in your tone was obvious, and even Soap and Gaz looked at him a little strangely as if they didn’t truly believe the idea either. It gave you a bit more reassurance in your belief that almost all men enjoyed it. Sure, there was the odd chance that Ghost just didn’t like it at all, but you really wanted to hear his explanation if he’d give you one.
The Lieutenant turned to look at you and nodded stiffly. “Yeah, ‘bout always puts me to sleep.”
It was at this point you felt the slightest urge to tell him he’d never had someone give him a legitimately good blowjob before. But before you could even say something to the contrary, a thought crossed your mind. Ghost didn’t seem like the kind of man who attracted ill-experienced women. Especially when he had already proven throughout the evening that his previous encounters were much more interesting and expansive than even that of yourself. Something a bit… jealous rose inside of you at the thought.
Imagining your Lieutenant laying on his back and hardly making any sort of sound while someone pulls out every single trick in their arsenal to make a blowjob somewhat entertaining or arousing. You didn’t necessarily profess yourself to have a crush on Ghost, due to just how grey the line between operators and anything felt when you spent so much time together under high-stress environments. There was bound to be some level of emotional attachment that devolved past… professional. And for whatever it was, knowing that Ghost had such a bad opinion on the receiving end of pleasure became a challenge you wanted to overcome.
About that time, Price returned with half-melted ice and a half-smoked cigar hanging between his lips.
“Finished talking about chasin’ tail yet?” He grumbled, walking past the group of you still sitting around each other like a bunch of kids getting caught staying up late by Dad at a sleepover. “Wanna go to fuckin’ sleep.”
He dropped the ice bucket down on the dresser with a little thud before settling himself down on the pull-out couch with his hat covering his eyes and both arms resting behind his head with that cigar still puffing smoke rings into the air. Ghost was the first to stand up, making his way out of the hotel room without as much as a comment about when he’d be back or where he was going. Your eyes trailed over his shoulders tapering into a slim waist before giving way again to thick and muscular thighs enhanced by all of gear still strapped to his body. His kit did leave a lot to the imagination. And god did your mind start to wander as both Soap and Gaz began winding down, settling themselves down to sleep for the night or at least lay somewhere quietly so the Captain didn’t lose any more of his patience and kick someone out or force them to pay for their own room. Not nearly tired enough with all of the questions and thoughts about Ghost now floating through your mind, you didn’t care the least bit about laying down or pretending not to care about the fact of the matter and headed out of the hotel room after the Lieutenant as Soap turned out the final lamp in the corner of the room.
The air was a bit cold outside without your jacket, breath materializing in front of you in light wisps of fog with every exhale as you looked down both ends of the hallway hoping to see some sign of where Ghost might’ve gone to. Down on the far left side, a larger cloud of smoke blew past the breezeway entrance and you knew right away that Ghost would be at the end of it. And when your eyes peeked around the corner, you weren’t the least bit surprised to see him with a shoulder resting up against the wall; his back to you with enough of his mask pulled up so that he could smoke a cigarette. The sweet vanilla and cherry smell hit you like a wall, reminding you that Ghost preferred rolling his own cigarettes and used pipe tobacco instead of buying packs of anything else.
Leaves no trace behind… He’d explained without prompting one night after noticing that you’d been watching him.
“Followin’ me now?” His voice heavy with smoke and unhindered by his mask landed directly on you, not even needing to turn around to know you were the one tailing after him.
“Couldn’t let you freeze to death alone.” You reply with a little smile, taking it as your chance to go ahead and walk -slowly- over to him giving him the privacy to smoke without needing to fuss with keeping his face covered.
By standing just at his back leaning against the wall, he knew right where you were, and it put the weight of conversation on him for the moment. He gave you a gruff sort of sound and took another drag off his cigarette before turning just far enough to offer it to you. You take it from his gloved fingers carefully, licking your lips a little in slight nervousness. This wasn’t the first time he’d offered you a hit, but it was the first time you’d ever actually taken him up on it. Seeing the damp rolling paper on the end made you shiver a little; Hopefully, the cold weather would be a good enough excuse to keep him from recognizing your sudden anxiety around him. Wrapping your lips around it and inhaling, you’re a little more than guilty for noticing the taste of Ghost instead of the vanilla and cherry. With a quick glance to your side, you saw his mask was pulled back down over his mouth and his dark eyes were focused right on you as you blew the smoke out of your mouth and back in through your nose. Attempting to hand it back, he just shakes his head.
“You didn’t come out here to be cold,” He finally broke the silence. “What’d you really want from me?”
No matter how long you spent around Ghost, you never got used to just how miserably direct Ghost could be. Like nothing was truly surprising to him or worth being the least bit delicate over. Even if it concerned someone -like yourself- at least attempting to be a little more discretionary. Yet you sighed and took another drag before tossing the rest of it down on the concrete, putting out the ember with the toe of your boot.
“Were you lying earlier?” Your question falls a little short of confident, giving Ghost the impression right away that you were nervous. For a split second, you thought you saw the phantom of a smile under the cover of his mask before it was quickly hidden back under late-night shadow and white paint. Ghost put his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and gave a sigh, making more fog swirl around and through the woven material around his mouth. Another thought of what his mouth looked like flashed through your failing mind.
“Why would it matter?”
You licked at your bottom lip, trying to figure out a way to word this without sounding desperate or downright shameless in front of your commanding officer… you shouldn't be thinking about doing this in the first place. So many more bad outcomes could come of this than the one good one. Even then, it was risky. Leaving you a bit dazed and staring at Ghost.
“Asked you a question. I’m expectin’ an answer.” He pressed forward, a slight swagger in his hips as he got closer to you, resting a hand on the wall and tilting his head a little to the side. Damn near mocking you for being so much smaller and easily intimidated. You look down at your boots for a moment, deciding to just put your money where your mouth is and take the hit no matter the outcome.
“If you weren’t lying…” You look up, internally screaming at how heavy his eyes look down on you. “I’d like to try and change your mind.”
A deep chuckle comes from the Lieutenant in response followed by his heavy hand resting on your shoulder, almost totally engulfing it.
“You’re jokin’,” His voice lowered with humor that made you almost shrivel up and die inside. “Why would I let you do that?” You give a frustrated sigh and take a step back away from Ghost. Mentally and physically distancing yourself from the slight Ghost had given you by accident or otherwise.
“Never mind.” You give a short nod and turn on your heel to head back to the hotel room and find somewhere to curl up on the floor or in a bed with someone and try to sleep off your damaged ego.
Yet five steps away from Ghost, you’re stopped short with his arm snaked around your waist tightly and his mouth resting against your ear with a heavy and hot breath fanning against your neck. His palm spreads over your stomach and squeezes almost aggressively at the soft flesh under your shirt. Tall and wide, Ghost yanks your back flush to his chest as a silent threat.
“Don’t fuckin’ walk away from me,” His low growl makes you shiver. “I’m not finished with ya.”
In an instant, you’re spun around and hauled aggressively with your back against the nearest wall with Ghost’s chest holding you from fighting back. His legs limit your ability to try and escape out from under his arms, and while one hand is flat against your chest, the other restricts both your wrists above your head. Breath evacuates your lungs with the sudden shock of your back against the wall, but your eyes are locked on Ghost’s as he glares at you harshly through the wavering mist of his breath in the cold air.
“Now I’ve got you pacified…” His smirk was clear in tone, outright mocking you by pressing those massive thighs tighter against yours. “Let’s continue shall we?” The gloved hand pressed against your heaving chest slides up to grasp firmly at your chin and jerk it up to look him in the eyes.
“Why don’t you be a good little thing and tell me why you think you could change my mind, and maybe… I won’t punish you for talkin’ shit to your superior officer.” He spat loudly, his face less than an inch from yours, eyes flaming with aggression.
“Sorry Lieutenant…” You mutter stiffly through the struggle of his hand against your jaw. “Thought I could do better.” You add a lot weaker, averting your eyes as far from Ghost as you can.
“What was that?” He made dark fun of you, terribly obvious, and downright happy with himself. “Say it again.”
You squirm in his grasp, only to get your wrists slid up higher on the wall and a thigh shoved between your own to lift your feet almost totally off the ground. Toes tapping the ground, Ghost holds you totally of his own power without the slightest effort needed to keep you held right where he wanted you to be.
“Thought I could do better.” You repeat yourself louder, and more clearly, feeling utterly stupid for enduring such pathetic treatment. Only you knew it was your fault for letting such a pipe dream of an idea come to reality by prodding Ghost about his sex life so confidently. The masked man hummed lowly, tilting his head as he inspected your face lighted only by a small sliver of moonlight creeping around the corner of the hallway.
“Better, huh?” Ghost chuckles darkly, this thumb tracing over the bottom curve of your lip carefully. “That’s a lot of confidence for someone so small.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes. “Size has nothing to do with it.”
Ghost barks laughter, grumbling something under his breath before dropping his hand away from your jaw and releasing one of your hands to press against his groin. You can’t miss his meaning from the massive erection pressing back against your hand and twitching impatiently when your Lieutenant squeezes your hand around it tighter. A growl escapes his throat and he looks up at you with almost evil eyes.
“Still think size doesn’t matter, little one?” He questions, one eyebrow raising above the hemline of his mask.
Your mouth falls open in shock. Not only because of the sheer girth of Ghost’s cock pulsing in your hand but realizing that he was actually taking your proposal seriously no matter how aggressive his mockery of you was. It shouldn’t have been so damn surprising when taking into account just how large of a man Ghost is. Surely everything would be proportionate, and his erection was proof of it.
Your face is enough to make Ghost chuckle. “That’s what I thought…”
It’s enough of a dismissal that thaws your speechlessness and throws you right back into the present with enough of the guts to speak up for your own desires.
“I can do it,” You blurt breathlessly, fingers tracing along the curve of Ghost’s dick and earning a lusty growl from him. “I can make it good. I’ll make it fit.” You nod your head feverishly in an attempt to keep your chance open. Ghost’s eyes widen at your desperation and his cock twitches hard in your palm with the sound of your shallow breaths and pleading eyes.
“You want it, huh?” He questions, mask moving like he’s grinning under it.
“Then get on your fuckin’ knees.”
The moment his hands release you, you feel yourself sliding down the wall until your knees make a bruising thud against the concrete floor in front of Ghost. Your hands holding on his thighs without the slightest care that you were standing in the middle of a hotel breezeway where anyone could see you. A weight settled in your lower stomach with the idea of anyone coming out of their room and witnessing such a sight.
“My belt.” Ghost instructs a bit pinched, looking down at you with his chin almost touching his chest.
You’re frantic yet shaking as your hands slide up his thighs and begin pulling his belt loose, hearing that metallic clink as you pull the two sides apart with a watering mouth. No instruction is necessary for you to know where to go next, and as you unbutton his cargo pants, your free hand palms his cock as you pull down just enough of his waistband to expose him but not make him cold. Ghost’s hands help just a little, settling extra material where he prefers it, almost patiently holding up his own hoodie and t-shirt out of your way as you slid your hands under his boxers.
“Fuck…” Ghost mutters quietly, tensing when your fingers wrap around his base and free him from his underwear.
Your thumb smears over his swollen head soft enough to not make him jerk away with sensitivity, and you lick your lips at just how wet his cock already is from sheer anticipation. Hell, you were turned on too, practically dripping in your underwear at the sight of Ghost with nothing but a perfect dick exposed and ready for your mouth. The first lick is a teasing one. Flattening it over his head just because you couldn’t wait to taste him, gathering up his arousal, and making it a point to swallow with your eyes locked right on Ghost’s. You're certain it’s enough to affect him just by the way he grunts and rests both of his hands against the wall behind you to steady himself.
When your lips wrap around his tip and slide down towards his base slowly, you hollow your lips and suck hard. Almost mimicking drinking through a straw with both hands wrapped around his thick base to restrict blood flow, adding to his sensitivity. You feel his feet flex in his boots next to your thighs and another low grunt. It spurs you forward, sinking down further and massaging your tongue on the underside before raising back up to lick at his frenulum and repeating the process with quiet whines each time he’s unable to hold back some sound.
“Shit-” He hisses after no more than a couple of minutes, jerking his hips back away from you and moving your hands out of the way so he could tighten his own fist around his cock with a heaving chest.
He stays like that for a few moments, undoubtedly trying to stave off the pleasure you’d been giving before his eyes meet yours again and they’re downright hungry and raging with fury that you’d brought him so close without any extra fancy moves or those fake moans that porn always showed. With one quick movement, he stepped closer and tilted your head back until it gently rested against the wall behind you, his cock smearing your own spit and his arousal over your open and awaiting mouth.
“You look pretty like this…” He muttered, rubbing his length over your face and tapping it teasingly against your mouth. “You hungry for more?” You’re sticking out your tongue and nodding right away, earning you a tense chuckle and the feeling of Ghost’s dick sliding into your mouth while his hand cushions the back of your head from the wall.
“Let me feed it to ya,” He grunts. “Shove my fat cock in your mouth and fuck your throat..” He adds with a feral sort of sound mixing with an ever-thickening accent.
You moan around his length, feeling your jaw muscles begin to start aching when your nose just barely grazes his pubic bone and his tip touches the back of your throat. He’s thick enough to qualify as the largest you’ve ever experienced, but you’re not the slightest bit concerned about whether he’ll be able to fit. You know he’ll make it fit if nothing else.
And him utterly pounding your throat sounded so hot that you tried pushing further down on his shaft yourself. Eager to feel Ghost as deep in you as possible. Ghost obliges you, and rocks his hips forward slowly, easing his thick head past that ring of pressure at the back of your throat and cursing under his breath when a wet, gurgling sound vibrates around his shaft as you begin swallowing around him.
“Bloody, fuucckk yes…” His groans punch through the quiet air, far louder than he should be risking in such a public space. But he’s only getting started with this experience as your nose presses against his pubic bone, and his hand flattens against the wall.
“So tight… doggin’ me right where anyone can see.”
It’s the thought that had you so eager, and right away you felt just how much it turned Ghost on too. Because the second he said it, he pulled back just a fraction and pushed himself back down your throat, beginning tight and quick thrusts that made your eyes roll back. He kept a furious pace, growling and holding tight to the back of your head until you tapped at the back of his thigh a few times, and he pulled out with a loud grunt, giving you a moment to breathe. You panted, seeing a thick web of spit connecting your mouth and his tip before watching it break and drip down your shirt.
You’re about to tell Ghost… something. But you instantly lose thought of it when he’s bent down with his mask rucked up just far enough to smash his mouth to yours, shoving his tongue in your mouth and practically eating you from the inside out. You can still taste the salty edge of his skin, and it’s almost heady to have his mouth mingling with yours and sharing his arousal between soft moans and heavy breaths. The kiss is long and feverish, but not near long enough before he’s standing back up and stroking his fist up and down his cock right in front of you like an unreal kind of dream somehow coming to life.
“Please.” You mutter a bit hoarse from the rough treatment of your throat, totally unsure of what you really want most. Between his mouth, words, and dick there’s so much more than just one you desired, but at least one of them needed to be delivered to you to attempt satisfaction.
“Open up, little one…” Ghost whispers face re-masked already, and it makes you whine pathetically, having naively believed he’d allow you just one glimpse at the mouth you’d just tasted. “Need to have more of you.” You’re totally happy to resign by leaning your head back against the wall with your tongue wetting your lips in the cold air.
Ghost starts painfully slow, holding your head on both sides of your jaw and teasing his head against your tongue and the textured roof of your mouth; indiscernible words falling from his mouth and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. You would’ve thought it was nothing more than your Lieutenant just taking his pleasure as offered. But the way his thumbs brushed over your cheeks and his fingers would occasionally rub over the stretched muscles in your jaw gave you the feeling that he was well aware of what you were surrendering to him. As well as how thankful he was to have you on your knees, and looking so fucking angelic swallowing and spitting on his dick like a dirty little whore.
“Let me - Wanna…” His rising breaths and steady strokes begin to falter the longer he thrusts inside your mouth, meticulously avoiding forcing himself deeper in disappointment; resulting in your whining and muffled complaints and pleasure. Had his hands not been purposefully holding you back to prolong the session, Ghost probably wouldn’t have lasted this long.
“P-patience…” His stammer made your chest clench in satisfaction. “Don’t - don’t wanna finish in your mouth…”. That breathy comment nearly struck you stiff as concrete.
You couldn’t believe that after this entire ordeal, Ghost was actually trying to end a blowjob without you finishing it the way you honestly believed it should always end. With you swallowing every last fucking drop that the Lieutenant gave you; wearing a goddamn smile bigger than anyone has ever seen. If he hadn’t been lying and head never impressed him, there wasn’t a chance in Hell you were going to let him finish anywhere that wasn’t down your throat. In a split second, you were shaking your head no and pulling back off his cock with a slight gasp.
“No, finish.” It’s the most demanding and certain you’ve sounded all night. “Finish in my mouth, Ghost.”
His eyes say it all.
They’re wide with his pupils blown at impressive dimensions and his thick eyelashes flutter as his shocked expression forces him to blink over and over again to make sense of you. Mouth and chin covered in spit, on your knees, and literally begging him to come in your mouth.
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking filthy…” He mutters aloud, watching intently as you slide back down over him one more time and begin doing what you wanted to from the very beginning.
Bring Ghost to his knees.
It’s a moment before you have him cursing and holding onto the wall with both hands again as you push deeper and deeper until you're teasing the tip of your nose against him yet again. Unwilling to let him pull you off this time or prolong this. Deserving this release was the bare minimum. Not only did you want to provide him ultimate pleasure where no one else had, but you enjoyed every single bit of it. You needed this as much -if not more- than Ghost.
Heavy and twitching in your mouth, Ghost was teetering on the edge of his orgasm with stuttering hips and one hand sliding down to rest on your head. Not pushing this time, just laying at the crown like your movements were too much to feel with only one part of his body. Short pants were cut short by unintelligible words and strained attempts to say what you already knew.
As if giving your final approval of the idea Ghost had found unacceptable, you push him as deep as you could one final time; Hearing his loud shout echo down the breezeway as both of his hands grabbed harshly onto the sides of your head. Pumping stream after stream of his hot release down your throat you moaned deeply, feeling him gently rock his hips against your face as he rode down his high on shaky legs. You gagged a little as he pulled out, feeling your throat begin to burn in an unfamiliar way that had never followed you sharing a moment like this with another man. Only one look at Ghost’s cock right in front of your face was more than enough to reassure you he’d just been the one who gave you enough of a delicious stretch to feel for days to come.
Your eyes met his and a small little shy smile crossed your sore lips, contrasting the absolutely deplorable -and punishable- act you’d ever committed with a superior officer. Wordlessly Ghost tucked himself back into his underwear and neglected to button his pants back up before dropping to a knee right in front of you and pulling up his mask again to brush his lips against yours.
“Want to taste,” He whispered ever-so-softly, hands holding your head gently.
“Need to taste me inside your mouth.” He added, licking your lips before closing the distance between you for a second time. This kiss was still intense. Ghost controlling the pace and just how much dominance you had, which nearly came to zero when he licked into your mouth, groaning shamelessly. He could taste his release coating your mouth as he utterly overwhelmed you with kisses, licks, bites, and more moans that fell like honey on your ears.
You were the first to pull back for a gasp of air you’d gone full minutes without, feeling your own mouth and body beginning to feel a little weak with exhaustion not typical of a well-conditioned soldier like yourself. Your Lieutenant took note right away and rested his head against yours reassuringly, his nose touching yours.
“You’re too cold to be out here like this.” He whispered, pulling your cheek affectionately and wrapping the other arm around you. “Not gonna let you freeze after that.” He chuckled a bit sluggishly, kissing you again long and chaste.
He pulled his mask back down and gave very little effort to pick you up off your knees and into his arms without question or hesitation. Leaving you feeling like a treasured prize he’d won and refused to let out of his sight for more than a moment. Safe and protected, you couldn’t care one bit about the cold nipping through your thin clothes and resting your head against Ghost’s shoulder as he carried you back to the hotel room the 141 had already retired for the night in.
Expertly avoiding Soap and Gaz laying on couch cushions on the floor and covered with extra bedsheets, sliding around Price’s bed without bumping it, all while carrying you Ghost sat you down on the edge of the bed he’d been keen to claim as his own right when you’d arrived. You were nearly asleep just sitting there when he unlaced your boots enough to tug them off, pulled your shirt off over your head, and replaced it with one of his hoodies. Finally, he takes off your pants and nods for you to move up to the top of the bed, acting just as he would normally. But as he climbed into the bed next to you and tugged you back against him tightly, you realized you’d gotten a lot more than you bargained for.
Sure you might’ve changed Ghost’s mind about getting head… but you weren’t finished yet. Because Ghost was curling his arm around your waist and burying his masked face in between your shoulder blades like cuddling with you at night was the usual way of things. His fingers innocently traced the waistband of your underwear, and he radiated body heat that melted away the fringe sensations of cold on your body easily.
“I’ve made a decision,” He whispers very quietly so as not to wake the others. And you wiggle back a little closer to him, nodding your head as a silent acknowledgment for him to go on. Expecting him to say that you did -in fact- change his mind about getting blown.
“You’re mine now.”
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Comments & Reblogs are Appreciated
12K notes · View notes
multi-fandom-simp · 1 year
Can I request another Garrett soulmate au? This one the mate he finally finds is blind and has been since birth. When she's changed they're not sure if she will gain eyesight as Carlisle said there are some things even venom can't fix. I think it would make Garrett melt being the first thing she's seen. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Please and thank you!!
(A/N: I apologize for how long this fic took, I was having a few problems with my computer. Nonetheless, I enjoyed writing this! Garrett and his human soulmate may just be my favorite thing to write🤭. I found the dynamic between Garrett and this reader to be so refreshing to express. I added a bit of my own twist to the end with the readers abilities, so I hope you don't mind. As always, Enjoy!)
Eye of the beholder
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Garrett x Blind!Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the twilight characters, nor do I claim them as my own. This work is purely fictional.
Summary: You had come to terms with the fact that you would be blind for the rest of your life, and the fact that you would never know what your lover, Garrett, looks like. But what if there was an accident, and you had to be changed? Would the venom grant you your eyesight?
‼️TW‼️: Mentions of blood, physical injuries, slight angst
Word count: 2,331
“Describe it again”, Your voice holds a pleading edge as you lay your head back on Garrett’s lap, “Please?” 
“I’ve already described it two times, my love” Garrett chuckled, his thumb traced over your cheekbone. He was looking down at you, you could tell by the way his voice echoed. 
You closed your eyes, snuggling further into him, “A third time couldn’t hurt.” 
“ I guess not,” Garrett hummed, “ The snow, as I said is white-”
“White is the color that feels like pillow feathers right?” You inquire, rubbing your fingers together as if you could imagine the very feeling. 
“Mhm-hm”, Garrett hummed in agreement, “ The snow itself is falling fast. Some of it is hitting the window beside us, while most of it is landing on the ground. The pine trees, the spiky ones, are covered in it.”
You shifted before he could continue, “ What does it make you look like, the snow? Does it make your hair a different shade? Do you get paler, if that’s even possible?”
“ I thought my appearance wasn’t important-”
“-It isn’t!” You reassure, “ I love you for who you are, obviously. I just want to know how you change with the seasons.” 
“ His hair is a shade lighter. It goes from a cold tone to a warm tone, and no, it isn’t possible for him to get paler” Kate’s voice echoed from down by your feet. The Denali’s had been your makeshift family for quite a while, that’s how you had originally met Garrett. Kate had befriended you, despite the fact that you were just a human. You were a ‘fun soul’ she had insisted. 
Then, after a visit from her cousin Carlisle, Garrett randomly appeared. Apparently, during Carlisle’s visit, he had come to the conclusion that you were the type of warmth Garrett needed, and he was right. The two of you clicked instantly. With Garrett, it was like you could see the world, even if you physically couldn’t. He made you feel whole, despite the rest of the world thinking you weren’t. Garrett never figured out how Carlisle guessed you would be his mate, but he’ll be forever grateful nonetheless. He had since then become happier, and healthier as the Denali’s would put it. Garrett hadn’t touched a human in the years he’s known you. 
“Thank you, Kate, at least someone is helpful” You snort teasingly. 
Garrett scoffs sarcastically, “ If I’m not helpful, then I guess you’ll have to find another mate who will read to you.” 
“Carmen would” You huff, folding your arms stubbornly.
“Speaking of Carmen, she wants Garrett to take care of a bear problem” Kate informed, she must’ve been standing in the doorway now since you could barely hear her. 
You didn’t need perfect eyesight to know that Garrett had rolled his eyes, “ and here I thought Kate had come to visit because she missed us”
Tanya had been gracious enough to let you and Garrett stay in the guest cabin, which was only a ten-minute walk from the main family house. It gave the two of you all the privacy and independence you needed but still remained close enough for the others to pop in and out. 
“Will you remain here while I take care of the bear, or would you like me to take you over to chat with Kate-”
You sighed, cutting him off before he could worry anymore,“-Darling, we’ve lived in this cabin for years now, I can handle myself long enough for you to handle a pesky bear.” 
“Yes, I know, and I’m not doubting you” Garret paused to cradle either side of your face, “ but leaving you in this house so far from the others just worries me. I'm sure Eleazor can handle the bear.” 
You pulled Garrett’s hands from your face, “Garrett go, I will be perfectly fine while you’re gone.” 
“Stubborn as ever” Garrett grumbled underneath his breath.
You snorted, “I heard that.”
“ You were meant to” Garrett replied before turning away, “I’ll only be gone a moment. Don’t venture outside the snow is getting worse-”
“-Gooooo” You groaned, tired of the princess treatment. Garrett mumbled a quick, ‘fine, fine’ under his breath before whisking away. The rush of air he left behind aided the deep breath you took. The house was now silent, and normally you hated silence. This, however, was nice. A moment of true independence is what you needed. Not that Garrett didn’t give you that, because he did, but he also smothered you sometimes. You had dealt with the challenges of being blind long before you met Garrett, and you would continue to deal with it even when he wasn’t there. 
A thump near the door caught your attention. You cocked your head to the side just in time to hear it again. It was heavy and repetitive. Your palm slid flat against the living room wall as you moved closer to the door. Normally you would use your walking stick when venturing outside, but you only planned on opening the door this time, not exiting it. 
“Hello?” You called out loudly, hoping that whatever animal it was would scurry away before you opened the door, but as you paused, the thump sounded once more. You opened the door slowly, cracking it just enough for you to step one foot outside. The sound was louder now as if it was right next to your head. You took your hand off the door for only a second, a second too long apparently. Before you could comprehend what was happening, your foot lost its grip on the first step and you were descending downwards. The icy steps met your back harshly, probably cracking a rib or two upon their greeting. Your head received the worst of the fall it seemed. It hit the cold step so hard that the ice turned warm, or perhaps that was just blood that you were feeling. Your heart stuttered at the pain, and Garrett had heard it. He was back by your side before the muscle inside your chest could beat again. 
“ No, no, no, you were supposed to stay inside” Garrett panicked, he slipped a hand under your neck so that he could assess the damage. His undead heart would’ve dropped to his stomach if it could’ve. Sat at the bottom of your head was a gnarly gash that trickled blood onto the snow. 
He put his other hand to your cheek swiftly, reminding you of his presence, “Yes, my love?”
He could see struggle decorate your features momentarily, “ I can’t move anything. Why can’t I move?”
Garrett stilled,“ Don’t worry about that. I’ll call Carlisle and he’ll fix everything-” 
“-Why can’t I move?” A phantom ache spread across Garrett’s chest at the panic in your voice. 
“Carlisle will explain everything, I promise” Garrett slid his hand away from your face and place it beneath your legs. Slowly, and carefully, he moved you back into the house. He placed a towel beneath your head and called Carlisle at the same time. The blonde doctor was quick to reassure Garrett that he would be there as soon as possible, and that he was. Carlisle took no more than a half hour to reach the Denali residence. Kate had been the one to greet him at the door. She explained how bad your condition had gotten, and just how much blood you had lost. Carlisle knew what he would have to do before he even entered the house, and it seemed Garrett did too. 
“ Carlisle” Garrett greeted. 
Carlisle nodded in return, “Hello again, Garrett. How is she?” 
“ She is still awake, no need to talk about me as if I’m not” You spoke quietly, though to you it sounded loud. 
“ My apologies” Carlisle chuckled, “How do you feel?” 
“ I don’t feel anything, that’s the problem” You sighed.
“ My sight had already been taken from me, Carlisle” Your voice didn’t quiver or hesitate, “ I can’t lose my mobility as well, please.“ 
Carlisle looked to Garrett before speaking again, “ What would you have me do then?” 
“ Garrett knows what I want” The silence afterward was heavy. There was no need to ask if you were sure, or if you knew what it would entail. Garrett knew you were serious, but he also knew that he couldn’t be the one to do it. He had only become vegan a few years ago. The taste of human blood, especially yours would send him into a frenzy, and Garrett would never forgive himself if he couldn’t stop. 
“Garrett” Carlisle was asking permission, he wouldn’t just turn someone else’s mate without their consent. 
Garrett nodded, “ I trust you, Carlisle.” 
“ This may hurt, I’m sorry” Carlisle apologized before leaning in. You didn’t feel the bite, but you sure felt the venom. It was as if your blood had turned to glass within your veins and then shattered into a million different pieces. Each and every one of those pieces then drove themselves deeper and deeper into the very mapping of your body. Garrett gripped your hand tightly as your back bent off the couch. He watched the muscles in your body tense and tears leak from your eyes.
Garrett looked to Carlisle solemnly, “Will she be able to see?” 
“I’m not sure,” Carlisle answered honestly, “ There are some things that not even venom can fix. Truth be told, I have no way of telling if the transformation will work.” 
“ It will, I told her it will” Garrett mumbled.
Carlisle’s lips pursed, “You know it isn’t up to us.” 
It took a full day for the venom to work its way through your body. Garrett sat by your side the whole time. Kate and Tanya stayed for the first few hours, but once the sisters realized that the transformation would work, they left. Everyone knew Garrett would want a moment alone with you when you awoke. 
When you finally did wake up, you didn’t bother to open your eyes. You had gotten so used to using your other senses that you were overwhelmed with how sharp they were. Every noise outside, from the birds chirping to the crunch of a hiker's boot that was acres away reverberated clearly throughout your ear. The fabrics of the couch beneath you felt like individual threads rather than twine that had been sewn together. Eventually, when you did open your eyes, a familiar stranger was there to greet you. You had never seen this man in your life, but you knew who he was. It didn’t take the auburn hair or golden eyes to know that he was Garrett, your Garrett. You reached out, a bit shakily, to touch his face. He was real, very real. You watched your hands meet the porcelain of his cheek. His skin crinkled under your palm as he smiled widely.
“Kate wasn’t kidding when she said you couldn’t get any paler, huh?” Your voice was even different, more melodious.
Garrett wanted to laugh, “ You’ve finally seen my face for the first time and that’s what you choose to say?” 
“Would you rather I list every physical feature of yours that I find intriguing?” You jest, “because I could’ve sworn you insisted that your appearance wasn’t important.” 
“It’s a relief to see that immortality didn’t take away her sass. I’m not sure we would’ve survived without it” Your eyes flickered to where Carmen’s voice sounded from. The brunette stood in the doorway with a smile just as warm as her voice. 
Your eyes lit up with joy, “Carmen, it’s wonderful to finally see you.” 
“ Oh come on, why does Carmen get a warm sentiment? I was the first person you saw-” 
You shot Garrett a look over your shoulder, “Hush up, you child.” 
It took not even a second to realize that Garrett had actually gone quiet. Both you and Carmen shot him puzzled looks. To which you received the same. Garrett's eyes were wide with confusion and his jaw was clenched tightly. He had indeed gone quiet, just as you told him. 
“ I think we’ve figured out your gift already” Carmen chuckled,  “ You’ll have to tell him to speak again.”
You let out a sarcastic snort, “And how would I do that?” 
Carmen moved to stand at your side. Her hands positioned your head to look at Garrett once more, “ Look in his eyes and tell him to speak.” 
You roll your eyes in disbelief before clearing your throat, “Alright, um..you may speak now.” 
“ How did you do that?” Garrett sputters the second his mouth opens, “Nevermind, I know how, but wow that’s….that’s kind of hot actually.” 
A laugh tumbles from your lips, “Only you would think that’s hot.”
“Not only is it hot, but it’s brilliant. Do you realize how much power your eyes now hold? I mean you made me do something with the slightest of eye contact” Garrett had moved to hold your face in his hands, his lips pressing gently beside each eye. 
“Not sure it’s something to brag about-”
Garrett scoffs, “ Oh please, if you won’t brag about it, then I will. I want everyone to know just how brilliant my woman is.” 
“Oh, your woman?” You gape in mock offense. Garrett hangs his head with a deep chuckle before attempting to correct himself. Carmen watches from the side with a smile on her face. Eyesight or not, you were still the same person, but the way your eyes refused to leave Garrett truly warmed her heart. The two of you continued to bicker as she backed away, leaving the two of you to explore your newfound gifts. Which you indeed did. The two of you used your newly bestowed abilities to travel the world. You were able to see so many things for the first time, and with Garrett by your side for all of it. Just like he would be for the rest of your eternal lives.
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sunfleursgarden · 11 months
us against the world - lee juyeon
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inspired by taylor swift’s champagne problems.
pairings: ex! juyeon x fem! reader
genre: angst! fluff (if you squint)
synopsis: After running away from his proposal, all Juyeon could ever think about was where it all went wrong. Showing up to your house with a heavy heart is something you weren’t ready for, but Juyeon is certain that he wants you in his life, you were simply hesitant.
warnings: angst! mentions of alcohol and blood, slight fluff (if you squint), few curse words are mentioned, somewhat forbidden love, juyeon calls you baby twice
word count: 2.7k words
note: OH MY GOD! this is my first ever publish on tumblr. i’ve been pondering a lot on whether to give this story a happy or sad ending, but hey, we’ll see... and by the way!! this is inspired by taylor swift’s champagne problems!! have fun reading !! (proofread once)
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“Will you marry me?”
Splashing that tightly corked bottle of champagne, the high-spirited crowd gleamed in triumph, smiles plastered on their faces as they cheered the two of you on. His not-so-receptive relatives anticipated every minute whilst you were hesitant. You were unfathomable.
“I love you, Y/n. I’d like to spend the rest of my life loving and taking care of you.”
“Juyeon... What are you doing?” You mumbled. He was still down on one knee as he held a small velvet jewelry box. Juyeon gave you a sweet smile—a smile you know you didn't deserve.
“I'm sorry.” those were the last words you said. Juyeon’s eyebrows furrowed, confused about why you suddenly acted that way. You felt everyone’s gaze, your chest felt heavy. Staring at Juyeon, you gave him an apologetic look. He still couldn't process what was going on.
You had this forethought to run. The moment you ran, no one dared to move an inch. That moment screamed in silence. Running away from the person who desired to spend their life with you, you couldn’t prompt yourself to walk down that aisle carrying weight on your shoulders instead of flowers in your hands.
Guilt filled up your petrified heart. Absurd flashbacks start surrounding you, a champagne bottle in one hand, and a broken heart in the other. You’ve never been cognizant of how things developed into this. Perhaps you perceived that instances would change the second Juyeon’s once flexible plans became too vague and secretive for you to comprehend. You were always aware that you were preparing to get down on one knee, your friends even spoiled the surprise just for you, but you simply weren’t eager and ready for it. You and Juyeon were too different. The moment you dropped Juyeon's trembling hand as you two danced the night away, you knew you never deserved any of this.
As you ran whilst having blurry eyesight due to tears streaming down your face, it caused you to fall down the stairs and leave you bleeding on the floor. You could barely recall being put inside an ambulance and merely regained consciousness after hours of being inside the hospital. 
Juyeon was beside you the entire time. Yet you couldn’t stand that, knowing he's the reason why you broke down in the first place.
After you got discharged from the hospital, you never spoke to Juyeon again. You started to disregard his phone calls, block his texts, and ignore the constant knock on your door because you know damn well that it’s Juyeon.
He doesn’t deserve this. He doesn’t deserve the life you're willing to offer.
But he’d rather be hurt by you over and over again than not having you at all.
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Six months had gone by.
If there’s one thing that you’ve learned during your healing, it was that your feelings were like waves. At a certain point, you realize that you’ve fully moved on and the waves have subsided, albeit the next thing you know the waves become rogue, and you’re sobbing with your head in your hands, missing what no longer was.
It’s raining. The continuous pour of water droplets reminded you of your uncontrollable tears during the last six months. You had this thought creating space inside your brain for it to wander around, it kept on asking how he was. And as if the Gods have heard your mind’s calling, a knock was heard from the door.
Looking through the peek hole, it’s as if your heart stopped beating once you saw the person on the other side.
Lee Juyeon.
You swore that if this was a dream, you’d never sleep again if it meant reminiscing or recreating distant memories. Trying to pinch yourself, you cursed over and over again, knowing for a fact that this is certainly not one of those reveries.
It took everything in you to get your trembling hand towards the doorknob and open it to reveal a drenched and intoxicated Juyeon. He reeked of alcohol—which you could already tell considering him holding a bottle in his right hand. You hated the smell, you hated that his wet figure casually made the floor of your patio slippery, but most importantly—you hated having him here.
“Why are you here, Juyeon?” You asked, surprising yourself that you did not stutter. Juyeon’s eyes met yours and stayed there, he didn't even dare to move an inch.
‘No. Not those eyes. Don’t give me those eyes.’ you thought.
“Can we please talk?” You let out a sigh. If you had a dollar every time you heard those four words during the last six months, you could probably buy yourself a car.
“Stop it. Stop hurting yourself.”
“I’m not,” He responded, but his state right now tells you otherwise.
He’s been visiting you almost every week in spite of you ignoring him. He’s been texting you nonstop. He’s been showing up just when you thought that you've finally gotten over him.
It’s hard to let go of the person you love, but it’s even harder to hold onto something that can no longer render love. The only constant thing in the world is change, it’s inevitable. Who knew that along with the seasons, your feelings would change too?
Six months ago, you were still happy with Juyeon. Six months ago, you were still in this fairytale-like romance that never failed to sweep you off your feet. You never knew that things would indeed change for the worse.
That one night, that one forethought. It all turned into something bigger than you could possibly visualize. As he got down on one knee, thoughts and notions began to consume your fragile mind, drowning you in a sea of overthinking.
His parents never liked you. You would often feel his mother’s cold gaze towards you during gatherings, and his father can’t even look you in the eye. No matter how many times he tried to persuade them, you know for a fact that they despise you.
They weren’t even there when he proposed.
Who knew that it all took you a small velvet jewelry box to conclude that Juyeon was exceedingly out of your league?
You could tell that his parents were glad—no, relieved that you ended things with Juyeon. And you know for a fact that during the last six months, they’ve been setting their son up with hyper-privileged women with rich-ass companies. They were nothing compared to you and the life you have. This made your stance even stronger because ending it all was probably for the best.
“Stop making it harder than it already is, Juyeon.”
“Just talk to me. Please. Just this once.” Those disconcerting brown eyes staring into yours.
Finally giving in, you let him inside your house. Aware that his clothes were still dripping, you rushed to your closet and grabbed the sweater that he gave you, the sweatpants that he left, and a towel.
Mentally cursing at yourself for still keeping his things, you handed it all to him and pointed towards the bathroom without saying a word.
“Thank you,” He muttered.
He placed his bottle of alcohol down your coffee table and directed himself inside the bathroom. You simply watched his statuesque figure as he closed the door. You let out an exasperated sigh, wondering what may happen.
As he got out, you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at him. He looked good, but his aura screamed in agony and despair. You could tell how much he’s been through. He sat beside you, but he wasn’t too close. You cleared your throat and moved a bit further from him.
“Can we talk now?” He asked. His voice sounded desperate, the way he said it sounded more like a plea rather than a question.
“Go on. We can talk until the rain stops,” You responded, simply staring out the window as rain came pouring down.
"Where did it all go wrong?" You turned your head to face him.
“Nothing went wrong, Ju—”
“No. Something did. We were happy, Y/n. It was us against the world.” He cut you off.
“That's the thing, Juyeon,” You stood up from the couch, still facing him. “We were against the world. No one liked me, Juyeon. Not even your family. That’s when I realized that maybe I was the problem. Hell, that's when I fucking realized that maybe I was too selfish. A selfish bitch that cared only about her own happiness when in fact you were exceedingly out of my league. We wouldn’t live a happy marriage even if we wanted to.”
“And you’d really let them define us?” This time Juyeon was the one who stood up to face you.
“I didn’t want to, Juyeon. But they made it so fucking hard for me! I could barely comprehend my thoughts whenever I was around them. They made me feel as if I did not have a place for you in your life. They made me feel as if I’m some kind of phase for you!”
“Y/n, do you know how hard it is for me to hear you cry yourself to sleep every night when we were together?”
Without realizing it, tears started streaming down your face. “It hurts me so damn much. I never cared about what people had to say regarding our relationship. I just focused on our happiness.” He continued.
“I did too. But it was all too much for me. They suffocated me too much just so I could let go of you. It made me realize a lot of things—that you deserve gold yet I was penniless. That you deserve flowers, but I can’t plant them even if my life depended on it.” You told him using nonsense metaphors to claim your case.
“There are so many more women who deserve you,”
“I don’t care about them, Y/n! I just want you in my life.”
“They’re better than me.”
“If it’s not you, then I don’t want it.”
You didn’t reply.
“I wanted to run away with you, Y/n. Run away to the life we both want without anyone telling us how to live our life.” You were too silent for his own liking, but he continued to talk.
“That night when I proposed, I expected you to say yes because I thought that you’d rather spend your life with me than break things off just ‘cause other people wanted us to.”
“I bought tickets, Y/n. I bought plane tickets to Paris. I remember you telling me how much you wanted to go there. I already pictured us there, getting married and starting our new life without suffocating ourselves in people’s demands.”
Saying that you were shocked by his revelation is an understatement. You never realized that he could’ve thought all of it through. You thought that you only kept your pain to yourself, when in fact Juyeon already had the plans for both of you secured.
“Y-You really did?”
“I did,” he moved closer to you. “But instead of a flight with you to Paris, all I had was a night train home all alone.”
You started to visualize it. An audible sigh escaped Juyeon’s lips as the sound of the train tracks echoed across his head, booking the night train might’ve somehow helped his repudiating state. He must’ve sat there alone, nothing but hurt and misery filling up his bones.
“I didn't know that.” You closed your eyes, not bearing to look at him.
“That's when I got a call from your mother, saying that you got in an accident,” You finally got the courage to look him directly in the eye without a teardrop falling down your cheek. Albeit, Juyeon’s eyes started to become teary. You felt bad. You felt guilty.
“I fell. I wasn’t thinking straight. I had the urge to run away and I did.”
“I was with you during your recovery. Your convalescent body made me weak. It made me think that I should’ve done more to avoid your overthinking. I should’ve reassured you more.”
You vividly remember how your mother went on and on about Juyeon’s stay with you while you were still confined at the hospital. She kept on telling you how Juyeon would never leave the room even if your mother told him to. Juyeon would sleep whilst sitting on the unstable plastic chair near your bed just in case you woke up.
You started to regret pushing him away the moment you regained consciousness. His frown clearly displayed devastation, but you were too caught up in your own emotions to grasp the importance of having him beside you.
“I should’ve told you I love you no matter what other people say.” Juyeon cupped your cheeks, you looked at him as the two of you continuously shed tears. You placed your hands on him, caressing them. He wiped away your tears and gave you a warm smile.
That smile. That benign curve between the corners of his lips gets you every single time.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doubting us. I’m sorry for letting other people tell us otherwise.” You started apologizing nonstop. You could feel your eyes becoming puffy, and your cheeks becoming warm. You simply held Juyeon’s hands and looked at him, not leaving his gaze.
“Shh. I don’t blame you for feeling that way. Your feelings are valid. You are always valid. You shouldn’t change your ways just because they tell you to. You should distance yourself from people who make you feel as if you don’t deserve to be here.” all you can do now is smile. Although tears are still forming in your eyes, you now feel safe.
“You’re not hard to understand, Y/n.” Those simple words were enough to make your heart melt. Despite confusion still lingering, you could care less now that you're within Juyeon’s embrace.
Juyeon wiped your tears, he looked at you with so much love. As if the last six months have been nothing but a burden to him. As you started to conceptualize the future, you came to conclude that you don't need to do that. You realize that with Juyeon, you shouldn’t ponder over anything or anyone and simply focus on each other.
“We'll make it through together, okay? I promise.”
He brought you to the couch to sit down. He then grabbed the alcohol bottle he brought with him the moment he came and simply threw it in the bin. Juyeon has your house memorized from ceiling to floor, and he can easily tell that nothing has changed. He went to the kitchen to fetch you a glass of water and soon gave it to you as he sat down beside you.
Muttering a small “thank you”, you wiped your tears and smiled at him.
“Won't it be hard?” You asked, placing the glass down.
“What will?” He asked, fixing your hair as he tucked a strand behind your ear.
“Constantly trying to keep me reassured, me getting 'what ifs', and having a hard time coping up with everyone's say.”
Juyeon didn’t say anything yet, but he pulled you into an embrace. Playing with your hair, he started to talk, “Keeping you reassured isn’t a problem, you’re my responsibility. It’s my job to keep you assured. Just tell me all of your thoughts, alright? I’ll help you get through it.”
You released from the hug. Juyeon cupped your face and caressed it gently which made you melt in his touch.
“Can we take our time?” You asked. Juyeon gave you a reassuring nod and kissed you on the forehead.
“Always, baby.” the endearment made your heart flutter.
“Wanna order something?”Juyeon nodded, “You also need to get rid of your hangover.”
“Hey! I wasn’t drunk! I didn't even finish the bottle.” Juyeon protested which caused you to giggle. You missed this. You missed him a lot.
After ordering food, the both of you cuddled with your back facing his front as his arms held you close. It was all you ever wanted.
Perhaps it had to go like this. Perhaps the distance between the both of you for the last six months was all you two need in order to breathe and grow together. Perhaps you two were meant to break and fall back together again. Whatever it is, happiness is all you ever want.
And your happiness meant being with Juyeon regardless of the ridicule and hatred your relationship got from people surrounding the two of you.
“What if the rain stops now?” You joked, looking back at him.
“You won’t be able to get rid of me, baby. I’ll always be with you.”
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kulemiwrites · 26 days
𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐞𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚 | 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀-𝐙
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Rating: 18+ SMUTTY CONTENT Character(s): Taiga Saejima Warning: When I do these, they act sort of as my guidelines that I follow for when I am writing smut of the character in question. Obviously, these are headcanons but some of these headcanons are lore heavy- based on things I’ve come up with over the years. Privately or publicly. If something seems out of character or doesn’t make sense to you, that may be why! I hope you can try to enjoy it anyway. Bear in mind that while gender neutral pronouns and terms of endearment are used and no genitals other than his are expressly mentioned, this was written with female anatomy in mind. 
Read on AO3!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
His body damn near overheats no matter the intensity of his performance. Once he’s spent, he’s torn between wanting space to cool off or making his body heat his partner’s problem by smothering them. He usually takes his partner’s needs into account. He’d hate for them to feel used because he’s done what he needed to do and left them to fend for themselves. If they’re a bit on the needy side, he may wrap them in blankets (if applicable) and pull them onto his chest while leaving himself stretched out next to them completely uncovered– After he’s cracked a window or turned on a fan, of course. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He really appreciates his eyes. He acknowledges that he’s got ‘good’ ones. They’re sharp, keen and he’s heard a few times that they’re not so bad to look at either. He’s not entirely sure about that last part but he’ll give some credit where it’s due. He’s quite perceptive and his eyesight has yet to fail him with age. Not everyone is blessed enough to say something like that. Nothing ever gets past his peepers without him knowing. Plus, with his eyes he can take in his lover as they sprawl out beneath him. He can’t imagine a world in which he has to miss out on a benefit like that. He’s a firm believer in the phrase “we eat fist with our eyes.”
Taiga is a self admitted ‘sucker for a pair of legs’. While he does have his preferences, he adores all types of legs. No matter what his partner’s legs look like, he’s going to be dragging his tongue along them til they have no choice but to wrap them around his head. He likes to see them bare, he likes to see them covered up in something form fitting. He likes it all.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
A pearlescent white and viscous. His loads are typically pretty generous but it does depend on how long it’s been since the last time. It thins out a bit with frequency. It’s not uncommon for him to pant out the question, ‘where do you want it?’ right before he lets go. If his partner has no preference and he’s not using protection (in which case he won’t bother to pull out), he likes to slip out and stroke himself until he’s painted his partner’s legs with sticky, warm seed.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He had a decent sex life before his 1st stint in prison, a little lady he often spent his time with but after getting locked up she didn’t so much as send him a letter. He supposed the shock of hearing what he’d done frightened her. During his first years behind bars, he spent many nights reflecting on old memories from that time but once he realized she wanted nothing to do with him, he tried to shut them out. He didn’t see any benefits in riling himself up anyway. He knew of people that were regularly getting off in their cells to contraband materials, like snuck photos and magazine clip-outs or sometimes trying, and failing to stealthily relieve themselves in the shower. He didn’t want his libido to control him so he worked on maintaining his celibacy until he got out. It drove him nuts in the beginning but after some time, he never even thought about it. Once he finally got out, he was interested in sex but it was so far down on his to-do list, he had no desire to seek it out. If it would happen, then it would happen… And finally it did.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Referencing his dirty secret, he had a decent sex life. He had a couple partners from the time he first became sexually active to the time he was imprisoned. After that, his experience building slowed down if not took a full standstill. He lets his instincts carry him but he can be pretty clumsy without realizing. 
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He almost always goes for positions that allow him to rest his partners’ legs on his shoulders, such as this. Having their legs right there full view and within reach is enough to rile him up just thinking about it. Not only does he get to show his affection to his favorite part of his lover, he can also reach deep within them and hear their toes crack near his ears as they curl and flex. It’s amusing after the fact but during? He’s just deep set on ripping as many sounds out of them as possible.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Yet again referencing the previous point, there are moments in which he finds himself amused by his partner but when he gets aroused there is not much that can disrupt his one track mind. He’s so focused on getting off and making sure he’s not neglecting his partner’s needs in the process that he doesn’t think to smile about it until well after the fact. He gets sort of intense when he’s riled up. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s hairy as all hell. His arms and legs are hairy and he’s got a noticeable happy trail leading down to the jungle that is his pubic hair. He’s got a lot of thick, dark, straggly hair that he hardly bothers to maintain. If he receives a complaint from his partner, then AND ONLY THEN will he give it a bit of a trim. Emphasis on a bit. Sure, he realizes he’s got hair going all between his ass cheeks but he just doesn’t see the point in getting rid of it if it’s just going to come back and itch the hell out of him in the process. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
It cannot be expressed enough how deeply he gets lost in the act of sex. He just shuts the world out and nothing exists but himself and the person he’s sharing the moment with. Feeling them, taking them in, appreciating their body– his mind is a scrambled mess and unless his partner knows how to read him, they have no idea what’s going on behind that intense gaze of his.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Truly he can go without it. He’d much rather go for the real thing. When he was younger though, he couldn’t keep his hands out of his pants. He chalks his ability to abstain up to what he did while being locked up for 25 years. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Light Bondage- Hand binding most specifically- while he knows that he should have an aversion for the act of his wrists being bound, it does turn him on being restricted from acting out on his desires. He can only handle it for so long before his impatience turns into something else. He wouldn’t mind being blindfolded as well. On the whole, these are things that his partner would have to suggest. He wouldn’t even know that it’s something he’s aroused by until the person he wants to bury himself in is the one doing it.
Lingerie- Not a kink but fetish. He gets really turned on by lingerie. Seeing someone dressed up with the sole purpose of enticing him is more than enough to rev up his engine. And while it isn’t lingerie, he thinks hosiery is sexy as all hell and he loves to see all different types. He may be prone to ripping holes in them– so maybe his partner should be wary of being intimate with him while wearing their favorite stockings?
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He thinks that public sex is wildly attractive in theory. In practice, not so much. He wouldn’t be able to pay attention to his surroundings as well as he should to avoid getting caught because he just locks in on his partner. That said, he enjoys lazy romps on the couch during a movie or having his partner straddling him while he sits in a chair. Otherwise, bed, it is.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Someone being turned on by him turns him on. To Taiga, there is nothing sexier than being wanted. All his partner really has to do is give him a look or a few suggestive touches before his blood starts pumping. Another thing is his appreciation for sudden shyness. If his partner is typically bold but starts to clam up while beneath him, he will do things to burn them up with embarrassment. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Breath play freaks him out. He’s heard stories of erotic asphyxiation gone wrong and he wants no part in it. He knows how intense he can get during sex and he wouldn’t want that to be the cause of the beginning of a horror story. He wouldn’t want someone doing it to him either, even if he trusts his partner, he can’t trust himself to understand his limits.  
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers to be the receiver. He’s not too confident in his skills in this regard but he will try if his partner is interested. He hasn’t been on the receiving end of many compliments in that department but he is very open to criticism. Too low? Too high? Prefer this motion? You got it! After all, he does try not to be selfish. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It truly depends on how aroused he is. His default is a pretty quick, sharp and steady pace. He likes to hear the sound of applause filling the room. However, sometimes, he enjoys a nice and slow pace– lazy strokes, busy hands, lots of kisses. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Yes, please. He really only lasts as long as a partner would prefer him too. He doesn’t have to have a long drawn out session to feel satisfied. He’s definitely a little more selfish during a quickie. If he knows he doesn’t have much time to get the job done, it’s almost like every man for himself then. If his partner needs more attention, they’ll have to tell him because otherwise, he’s sort of just chasing his own high.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s open to most things that a partner could possibly recommend. If he hears that his partner feels like things are getting stale, he’ll be the first to suggest they brainstorm with him to come up with things to spice things up a bit. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Sex with him is typically a one and done. The length of each bout of passion varies on his needs and his partners. All he personally needs is 10-15 minutes when he’s in the mood but he tries to understand that his partner may require a bit more effort than that. If his partner hasn’t expressed a preference for a longer session, he will cum with, if not, shortly after they do. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Isn’t he all the toy his partner needs? He’s almost prideful about how much he believes toys have no place in his bedroom. It would take lots, (and lots cannot be stressed enough) convincing to get him to change his mind on that. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Sometimes if he’s feeling a little mischievous, teasing is the name of the game but he’s not very good at sticking to it. He gets so turned on by the reactions to his teasing that he forgets what he might have been doing in the first place. When the tables are turned and he’s the one being teased though? He’s dying on the inside. He just wants the games to end and for his partner to get to the point. One may say that he can dish it but he can’t take it.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Aside from panting heavily, he’s not very loud. He gets off to the sounds his partner makes, so he prefers not to overshadow them. He does tend to let out a curse or deep groan from time to time. He’s at his noisiest right as he’s about to cum. Lots of loud ‘Hah’s and some equivalent of ‘oh shit’ spilling from them plush lips.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He finds that he is sort of fascinated by shibari. He’s not sure if he’d ever get around to practicing it with someone but the thought is pretty exciting. He’s mostly certain that he would have a preference for being the rigger but considering how turned on he gets from having his hands bound, he can’t help but wonder…
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s hung– quite. It’s a marvel, really. He’s a grower and my, are looks deceiving. Before erect, he gives the impression that he’s much less endowed than he actually is. He’s about average in length measuring at a tad over 6 inches and his cock is phat. Capital P– with a leaky mushroom tip. Depending on his lover, he may be a little difficult to take the first time. So, he tries to make sure he gives his partner a moment to adjust to the sheer girth before he starts going to town on them. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
As far as he’s concerned, he’s just as horny as the next guy. His libido is about average. It could probably be higher if not for age and also just him actively suppressing his urges for so long. If he’s in a relationship, it’s easy for him to meet them where they’re at. If that means he gets to have more sex, then great! If it means less, then, well… 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He tries to fight it but he gets sleepy as soon as he’s done. His eyes get heavy and even when he’s got somewhere to be, he can’t resist the urge to rest them for just a moment. For this reason, he prefers not to have a quickie if he’s got plans. He just might not make it. Doesn’t mean he’ll turn it down though.
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tostoa · 1 year
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH AXIS <33 This one’s long so it’s going under the cut but I had sm fun with these I really hope you like them :)) (and the other one I did a few days ago!)
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)? [Mirou]
Mirou’s eyes are a very vibrant green, I imagine they’re fairly noticeable to people 👍 I imagine she always has her eyes like half closed but that’s because she has eyesight problems
(I love just making stuff up on the top of my head that I’ve just never mentioned before and makes no sense)
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? [Dalrill]
Sorry guys I am a stupid cardassian tail truther (I have never drawn Dalrill with a tail but be aware that I believe in it) though I imagine Dalrills tail is a little weird and has like a lizard/lion tail mix don’t know how to describe it to you lmao.
But I imagine whenever she’s particularly upset or pissed off her tail just whips things around her, it’s just sort of a reaction she has like a facial expression lmao.
🍰 CAKE SLICE - favourite cake flavour? are they specific about types of cakes? [guy]
I think Guy probably eats plain vanilla cake with no frosting, but the cake would have like powdered sugar on it and that’s it.
People have seen him eating cake and gone oh why are you eating plain bread? And he’s like wdym? this is my birthday cake?
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite? [bel]
Okay so I don’t know too much about all of the meanings, but I’m going off of nice looking flowers that I think bel would enjoy or just fits him. So 👍👍
Here’s my list: Daisies, Blue hydrangeas, Dahlias and then white wisteria.
Think all of that would look cute together :))
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? [frelvar]
I don’t think there was any particular inspiration in my head, besides like how Ferengis and Vulcans are like some of my favourite Star Trek species. Frelvar was similar to maybe Dr reyga in my head, but like that was mostly just for the fact that he was half ferengi and his main focus wasn’t profit.
The first thing I decided about frelvar, was how his parents would be more than him. I imagined how they’d view him joining starfleet first before anything else.
🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?  [Minye] 
I think in public and In her bar she tries to give off this air of like exciting person with confusing advice you can come gossip to, but with closer friends and immediate family I imagine she’s a lot more soft spoken and calmer.
like you’d imagine hanging out with her by yourselves would be more like I don’t know going out to clubs (which probably happens on occasion, it’s not like she’d turn it down) but she honestly just enjoys like sitting in the same room as someone.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children? [Jagre]
Jagre loves kids man, he’s a great babysitter. We’ve already talked about how he’s going to have like a one week kid, and I think that after that point whenever has to take care of someone else’s kid he sort of remembers his own and like feels a little sad.
👖 JEANS - what is their go-to outfit? [Libitina]
Well the main outfit would probably be her uniform lol. But actually for like her casual wear I like imagine either like colourful dresses/skirts or like overly patterned jumpsuits.
Mostly because I think she would look really amazing in both of those.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)? [Frelvar]
It’s definitely touch but like not hugging them or like cuddling. It’s like poking them in the face a bunch or like tapping their fingers against somebody else’s. Just repetitive touches for people he likes <33
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mayaminamoto · 2 years
Accessibility to joy
About three months ago I bought a shiny new electric bike for myself. It was expensive. I already had a bike. I didn’t really *need* it, you know. For the love of all that’s good I’m so happy I got it anyway.
You see, we live on a hill. Not very steep one, mind you, but my way back from work is constantly upwards. Our city in general has lots of ups and downs. Which obviously makes biking hard. While I am surprisingly strong, I have very poor stamina. So I could carry the bike up on our second floor in three minutes, no problem, but riding it uphills for half an hour was a challenge. Nevertheless, I tried - I got a job relatively nearby a bit over a year ago, close enough that I could easily get there on a bike! Coming back - not as easy, but still doable! I can do this! Free exercise! Go me! I was fairly exhausted after coming back home, but it was something! It has to get better with time, right?
...and then I twisted my ankle. Badly enough to tear a tendon.
I recovered over winter and yet, when spring came, I hesitated. The ankle never stopped hurting just a bit. It’s wobbly and probably always will. I didn’t really exercise through the winter, so all that progress I got during summer was lost. That sucked. Everything sucked.
Then I learned about e-bikes (or rather some new developments in them, I’ve known about their existence for a while) and got a “huh” moment. Some research and budgeting later, there it was. It’s black. It’s shiny. Heavy but still pickable (by my surprisingly strong arms). And listen. Listen.
I haven’t been this happy about any single one of my possessions in... probably years.
Because you see, on the one hand, I still have to actually pedal in order to turn on the electric support. It’s not fully “motorized”, just gives some more *oompf*. That way I still get some exercise out of it. On the other hand, the goddamn hills no longer leave me exhausted, dripping with sweat and with a migraine on the horizon due to overheating.
I can just... go and ride my bike down to the city centre. No need to wait for the bus, get stuck in traffic for who-knows-how-long or buy tickets. I can go to bookstore, check if there’s a new volume of my mangas. I can go to and back from work without worrying about (truly absolutely horrendous) traffic in our neighbourhood. I can finish errands and then just... ride. Over there. Until I’m bored or an episode of a podcast I’m listening to ends and I can turn around and go home.
I’ve never felt more free. Our city is very car-centric (nowhere near to the american levels thankfully, but still) and I famously can’t drive. Tried, failed several times, decided in the end it might not be a good idea due to eyesight. And now I don’t have to worry about bus routes or asking Irian if they will drive me somewhere, I can go places on my own.
And look, I don’t really have a point in saying all this. I could phrase it as some deep stuff, say that it’s okay to cheat at exercise or something. But in all honesty I just wanted to share the joy. Today I got out of work absolutely physically and emotionally exhausted, it’s been very tough few days and there was a time during the day when I was this close from crying. But then I got on my bike, put the electric support on mode 2 (out of 5) and rode home.
And then rode an extra block, purely because of how much joy it gave me.
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jentlemahae · 1 year
do you have any advice for self discipline? idk if you struggle with procrastination as well sometimes but you seem to be on top of your studies (i think in some of your tags you once mentioned that you finished all your assignments very early) i have very important exams coming up (if i fail them i'll have to repeat a whole year of school) and even though i know how important it is for me to study i just can't bring myself to even start.. i'm just paralyzed with fear bc i've already wasted so much time and it's impossible to catch up/revise everything now bc i'm running out of time. i think the sheer amount of material i have to study scares me off even more but the longer i wait the worse it gets obviously. i just hate that even though i am very aware of all this i just can't stop self sabotaging i hate myself so much 😭 another problem is that i'm such a perfectionist so if i know i can't do it perfectly i don't even bother but at this point i just need to pass bc i definitely don't want to repeat a year.. sorry this got so long and i know ultimately i just need to sit my ass down and study bc i'm the only one to blame (i had plenty of time to study these past weeks but i just rotted in my room 🙃) but you always are so sweet and insightful so i thought maybe you could give me some helpful advice? hope you have a nice day 💌
hiii! 🫶🏻 so i’ll preface this by saying that i’ve just always been used to having to do well in my studies so atp idek if it’s self discipline or more just a habit ? 🥲 but i also struggle with the same things sometimes bcs there are times where i put off studying certain things bcs im scared of failing TT so these are thing that imo help me!!
i always recommend ppl to repeat the stuff that u have to study/memorize out loud to someone bcs i think that helps u retain information, but i think that doing so by setting certain days to do so also helps in giving some organization! for instance i always repeat whatever im studying out loud to my mom (via zoom lol) and we do so by deciding to see each other on a certain day and on that day i have to repeat out loud to her a certain amount of chapters while she looks at my notes to check that im making sense. and we usually meet 2-3 times for that before my exam so first time i have to say half of the content, second time the other half, and third time i go through everything. does this make sense? and u can do it with whoever u want (parent, grandparent, friend, etc)! (tho tbh studying with a friend has never worked for me :p)
advice 2 sounds a bit odd and ik it doesn’t work for most but to me it works 🫠 when im in similar situations where i have So Much to study, first i read through all my notes* and then i take out a piece of paper and i write by hand** everything i remember. this way i see the main topics in the material and i go back to my notes and add some more important details to what ive written. this works especially well with courses where u just wanna pass and u don’t really care about the grade bcs this way u have a decent grasp on the main body of the course content! (**important to do this by hand bcs handwriting makes u retain info easier + *i always write summaries of the course content and the course progresses bcs then i know i’ll have my work cut out for me for the exam)
when u sit down to sit, put stuff that distracts u far away from where u are !! i kinda get distracted by listening to music lmao so when i study i make sure to put my headphones away from desk (lol), and then i hide my phone from my eyesight so then i can work for like an hour straight with no distractions 🤷🏻‍♀️
this is what comes to mind at the moment! anw best of luck for the exam !!! i know exams can be daunting when u are a perfectionist (😵‍💫) so i am rooting for u !!!!! 🥰💖🫂 as we say in italian, in bocca al lupo :)
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survey--s · 2 years
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Are you a patient person? Hahah, most definitely not. Your ex says leaving you was a mistake, you say? I mean, I left him and it certainly wasn’t a mistake lol. Who did you last hang out with? Aside from family, it was Mark and Susie on Wednesday afternoon. Does anything on your body hurt? My back does a little bit, but it’s always worse when the temperature changes and it starts getting cold. Who is your favorite family member on your mom’s side? I’m probably closest to my aunt.
Who was the last person you were under a blanket with? My husband. Do you remember the meanest thing the last person you kissed ever said to you? He’s never said anything really genuinely mean, but we do mess around a lot and insult each other that way, which probably sounds mean to outsiders. Have you ever known anyone with a dog blind in one eye? Yeah, I’ve looked after a few dogs who’ve been partially blind. What’s your favorite Coke product? Vanilla coke. I prefer Pepsi products these days though. Would running into your ex right now be painful? It would be very weird as he lives about eight hours away from here. It wouldn’t be painful though, more awkward. Who are you interested in? Mike. Which of the guys you’ve been interested in hurt you the most? Chris. What is your relationship status on Facebook? Married to my husband. Would you be able to name everyone you kissed? I probably could if I really sat and thought about it, yeah. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I wanted to. Have you ever kissed someone who had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, but I didn’t know it at the time. Did you like kissing the last person you kissed or the one before that more? The last person I kissed. Ever made out in a pool? Sure. Tell us about a scar on your body. The latest one is from Layla after she scratched me earlier, lol. What is your favorite mystical creature? Unicorns. How many presents do you usually receive on your birthday? Not very many these days, maybe 3-4. Mike tends to get me vouchers, plus we go out for a meal. The same with my parents and nobody else really gets me presents - which works for me as I prefer to pick out my own stuff.
If you transform into any one animal or creature, which one would it be? A bird of prey - maybe an eagle or something. Who is the bravest person you know? I don’t really know.  If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be? My weight and the fact that I need glasses. If space were easier to travel, would you want to explore it? Definitely. I would LOVE to go on one of those virgin flights to space. If I win the lottery, that’s where some of my money is going, for SURE. Describe the best thing about being inside. It’s safe and private and my own space. I can have the temperature how I want it, control the sound and my comfort and just do what I please without needing to worry about anyone or anything else. Describe the best thing about being outside. The scenery and the calmness of it all, as long as the weather is good. What subjects interest you the most? Animal behaviour, psychology, outer space/astronomy. Describe the purpose of art. To get a reaction from people. What’s one health problem you wish you didn’t have? (ie: bad vision) Let’s go with bad vision, lol. My life would be so much easier if I didn’t need to wear glasses, but my eyesight is too complicated for laser surgery. Ever faked an orgasm? Yeah, sometimes it’s just easier lol. Do you like the taste of squid or eel? I LOVE squid but I’ve never tried eel before.  Own anything that has to do with dragons or unicorns? No. How many times have you snuck out of the house? I’ve never needed to sneak out of anywhere before. How many shooting stars have you seen/wished upon? I’ve seen quite a few but I’ve never wished on any of them before. Do you like the sound of birds chirping, or does it piss you off? It’s fine as long as it’s not waking me up at 5am. Ever wanted to be a vet? No. I couldn’t cope with having to put animals to sleep or having them die on the operating theatre. Ever centered your life around a person? Yeah, not a good idea. Ever had an infection of any kind? Yes - ear infections and wisdom teeth infections. Ever done oral? With how many people? Yes, and it’s not really something I keep count of.
What’s the last airport you were at? Why were you there? Manchester - we were flying home from Lanzarote. What pissed you off today? Mike not doing any housework again -_-  What was the last thing you cried about? I can’t remember the last time I cried. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? No, I’ve just been watching TV since I woke up. Are your parents very protective of you? To an extent, but I don’t live at home anymore. What do you want right this second? I’m honestly really content just doing nothing - it’s my first day off in a month and I just need the time to totally relax and recharge, I was exhausted yesterday.  Who were you with on your birthday? My mum and my husband, plus all the dogs I walked that day. What were you doing 4 hours ago? I was still in bed lol. What is something that people often give to you as a gift? Vouchers for wax melts or Fat Face (a clothing shop) - this year I suspect it will be riding-related gifts - vouchers for lessons or a few beach rides. What is something that reminds you of your ex? HALO, the game. Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? Yes. How many times have you been in love? Three times. Is anyone flirting with you? I mean, not right this second, no. When did you last talk to the person you love/like? What did you talk about? A couple of hour ago, but I doubt it was anything interesting lol. How would your parents react if you got pregnant? They’d be happy for me, but we won’t be having children. If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? Yes. What was the highlight of your summer? Galloping down the beach on horseback for the first time. The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? No, I think it was due to a migraine or period pain? I’m not sure, it’s been a while. What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? His eyes, arms and smile. Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. Our honeymoon - I don’t really feel like going into loads of details, though. Have you ever cried in the shower? Sure. What do you miss most about your ex? The only thing is that he was more outgoing/sociable so we did go out a lot more, which was fun. When was the last time you got a haircut? Uh, about two months ago. Did you sing at all today? Yeah, when I was doing housework earlier. Would you ever paint your house an unusual color? No. What is the cutest animal? Lemurs, baby emperor penguins, puppies, kittens. You’re ordering pizza: what’s on it? BBQ meat feast with cheese stuffed crust. Would you mind dating someone significantly shorter than you? Yeah - height is a big part of the attraction to me. Have you ever held a starfish? Yeah, several times. Can you run a mile? No - my back would be in agony. I can walk miles and miles with no issue though. What’s your favorite thing from Olive Garden? We don’t have Olive Garden over here. Have you ever built a sandcastle? Sure, loads of times. Do you use an instant messenger? If so, what is it? Just Messenger and WhatsApp. Which of your exes is the best looking? Joshua. Where did your last ex ask you out? In his bed LOL. Do you like it when friends are comfortable with dropping by unexpectedly? NOPE.   What’s the greatest thing that happened to you today? I got a decent amount of sleep AND a lie in. When is the last time you got really frustrated? I can’t remember. Do you live on a busy street, or a side street? A side street.  What’s for dinner? I have no idea yet, it’s not even 2pm yet. Are you getting engaged any time soon? No. I’m already married.
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plum-pitt · 2 months
More rottmnt headcanons!!!!
This time for my silly billies, or more accurately, the main cast outside of the teetlz. I’ll probably have less to say on them than the core four, but there’s a few things about these goobers i’ve just GOT to throw out there. Oh also go look at my previous post in this series (this is where i talk about the turtles!) if you haven’t it’s pretty neat. psst! i’ve got another in the works going over character dynamics so keep an eye out for that
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Casey Junior: Typically goes by CJ to avoid confusion, whether the J stands for Jones or Junior is up for debate. Trans fella, He/Him. I think about elderqueer!Future Leo helping him figure his egg shit out in the middle of the apocalypse all the time and it brings me great joy, (Watch Future!Donnie whip out old recordings of leo’s crackly ass second puberty voice whenever CJ gets insecure about his💀). Spends half his time in present day NYC seeing people’s faces and going “Damn, did i watch that person die as a kid or am i trippin?”. Since his name got shortened to CJ, a lot of people have taken to shortening it further to “Cee-j” which ended up inspiring his vigilante name; Siege. (I’ve literally never seen anyone try to give any Casey’s vigilante persona an actual name before so there ya go, no further reasoning beyond ‘it sounds cool’). Got adopted by Future!Casey, after being taken to a resistance base camp by his mortally wounded Bio!dad who basically dropped dead on arrival. (Hey it’s like Links backstory in ocarina of time but like- he gets a mom and 4 turtle dads instead of a tree)
April O’Neil: bisexual but with a strong fem preference, and She/Her! Naturally gravitated towards the field of journalism because unlike her previous jobs, being surrounded by weird shit is actually pretty beneficial when you’re trynna report on interesting stuff! It’s actually this shift in career focus that helps her feel less insecure about how weird her life, and by extension, she, is. I mean hey it’s payin the bills, hard to resent that. The first turtle she met was Donnie, the guys were playing basketball when Don missed a pass and the ball bounced away so he had to go get it, only to run into April for the first time. Ofc the first thing she pointed out wasn’t his emerald complexion or stinky sewer smell, but that he was wearing jupiter jim merch, and the rest was history. The turtles all feel bummed about how busy she is since going to college, but want also support their big sis too much to make a stink about it, they know she misses them too. I like to think Leo just portals into her dorm sometimes and her completely normal ass roommate who came from out of town just had to deal with that with 0 explanation given.
Splinter: This right here is a textbook example of an eternal disaster bisexual in action. Jesus fuck this rat can fit so many mental disorders in him. His combined mommy and daddy issues ensured he’d only romantically pursue the most red flag ridden mfs on earth for all time *cough cough* BIG MAMA *cough cough* Because he had bad vision problems post mutation (Rats actually have really bad eyesight irl so i feel like that could be a side affect of being mutated into one) he went out of his way to properly color code the turtles early on so he wouldn’t mix them up. When he first took in the turtles his ass did not know they were sentient (his only points of comparison for them were Draxum’s feral lab experiments) and basically treated them like more like pets up until Raph started talking and he realized “oh shit i’m a father of four now fuck” (this is also why he called them colors to begin with, their names didn’t matter too much if they couldn’t understand them) Once he figured out they were actually kids he finally gave them real names, but he still calls them by color out of habit and now they’re more like silly nicknames. Everything his kids think they get away with without him knowing he 100% knows about. He may be past his prime but his ninja instincts and dad bullshit detector are sharp as ever.
Cassandra Jones: Raging, feral, She/Her, lesbian. Adhd, emphasis on the H. Has at least 1 parent but they are not very active in her life, i mean at least i hope not bc goddam if they’re knowingly letting their kid lead a gang of girlsscouts and get wrapped up in a murder cult then i’ve got some serious questions. Look to Lieutenant and Brute as pseudo parental figures, though it’s largely unreciprocated even if they do somewhat care for her safety at the very least. One of the very few people (outwardly at least) to not at all be changed by the apocalypse. She’s still just as if not more trigger happy and crackheaded during the end of the world than she was before, she is nothing if not consistent. Willingly signs off on Future!Donnie giving CJ the chainsaw hockey stick at like 5 years old, it’s only Leo stepping in to nip that at the bud that prevented that disaster waiting to happen. Adopted CJ basically onsight. She was the one there when his bio-dad showed up and died right in front of the base, saw the baby, scooped him up, and that was that.
Draxum: This man a walking queer coded disney renaissance villain and u think i’m NOT gonna hit him with the gay stick? blasphemy. He/Him, also i read this fic that made him Tamil and i fucked with it heavy so now it lives in my brain rent free. (Go read the But First They Must Catch You series by mudlarkspur on ao3 it’s like my favorite separated au of all the ones i’ve read and i’ve read A LOT of those mfs). Definitely was a lil bit smitten w Lou Jitsu, at least before he rocked his shit and destroyed his life’s work weather or not this starts rearing its head again following his reconciliation with a certain rat man remains to be seen. Began training Mikey in the mystic arts post movie to help him control his powers but eventually somehow also acquired Donnie as a protege (They bond over their shared love of terrorism). Hes not very good at dad stuff like showing affection, but his way of showing it definitely entails giving them the knowledge and skills to take care of themselves should the need arise. Made peace-ish with Leo post movie, after a lengthy dr feelings sesh, Leo still brings up the roof incident all the time though just to fuck with him bc he’s a petty cunt whom i adore.
Aight that’s all i got for now, lmk if you wanna hear about any other characters or just share your own headcanons!! It brings me joy
Have a good day :3
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paperclip-skz · 5 months
Dance Practice
| F |
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| Imagine |
You and your colleague have been ignoring your desire for each other, but finally, after you thought you were alone in the dance studio, someone shows up.
WC: 933
contains: teasing, stimulation, kissing,
I need to finish this set, Havana, but it's a remix. An intimate Italian song, I need this to not only look sexy, but I need to feel it. I look at myself in the mirror, the song slowly builds with its hypnotizing rhythm. I hum the beat and start moving my hips in a circle looking down. I back up letting the music control my movements. 
Suddenly I bump into a hard wall stopping my trance. I look up at the intruder, I recognize the minty smell, the short darkened hair, the broad chest, and especially the large hands that have found themselves across the length of my waist, capturing me in a sturdy hold.
“You might want to watch where you're swaying” Tyler smirks, winking like an animated character. I can’t find anything to say, I’m stuck in his blue gaze with golden streaks. It's not until I find myself leaning into his embrace that I push him back.
“What are you doing here?” I strut back. My crop-top shirt whips around, surely he can see the rim of my sports bra. I’m a sweaty mess in my jet-black leggings, that probably doesn’t help either. 
“Door was open,” Tyler says smugly, his churlish eyes staring into mine. “What was innocent ol’ Y/N doing in here?” he exclaimed. 
“Nothing, just finishing a set.” I cross my arms over my crop-top shirt.
“That didn’t look like just any set. '' I don’t notice that Tyler starts walking toward me until he's practically right in front of my face. “It looked like…something more”. 
“Whatever could you mean?” I don’t know what's come over me. It could be the fact that this is the longest conversation with Tyler I’ve ever had, it could be the fact that this dance studio has become ten times hotter, or it could be the fact that I haven’t had a proper orgasm in over 3 months… and that's a problem. “All I was doing was trying to finish a complicated set…alone” Maybe it's time to change that last fact, I said in my head, “Would you care to show me something different?”.
“That's a dangerous game you're playing little Y/N.” I walk back to my marker and start over the song. 
“Have you ever known me to be harmless?”. The song starts as normal, with its hypnotizing beat. I start swaying my hips with the thumps of the song, slowly Tyler walks up behind me, holding his hands at my hips, moving his body with mine. He walks us both backward, taking the lead. I snake my hand behind him, reaching his neck and bringing him closer to me. I make the first move to come face to face, turning our position into a subtle sway. The beat becomes more intimate and Tyler makes the second challenge. 
He pulls me in closer snaking his arm around my waist, casting it over my ass, and the other along my thigh, hitching my leg over his hip. He dips me and we return to swing with each other. I push Tyler away and take this as my opportunity, I let the music control my body, swaying, contorting, and popping every part of my body. Accentuating every curve, every hill, all while never leaving Tyler's eyesight. I can see the frustration in him build, I can see his hands itching to touch every inch of me as I move. I don’t exactly know what I’m doing, it could be the power, hormones, or love? No definitely the lack of orgasms. Whatever it is, it's addictive. I make my final bold move, as I remove my crop-top shirt over my head. Revealing my black sports bra, with my breasts practically spilling out. With the added heat finally gone I realize how sweaty I actually am when I look into the mirror and see my skin glistening with sweat.
My attempt at a solo slowly dies. Tyler doesn't waste a second to return to our original position. I can feel his hands exploring the back side of my body. I can feel his breath growing heavier with every sway.
I make a move to push Tyler away, he gives in with a slight groan. I quickly returned to him, but with my ass pushed up against him. Again I snake my hands up to reach his neck, pulling him closer. I keep swaying with the beat, pushing my ass just a little harder every time. I swear at one point I think he groaned in my ear…and I think I moaned a little to myself. 
We both get lost in each other's movements and feeling the heat and friction build between us was heavenly. Neither one of us wanted to stop, but the artist's soothing words slowly died and so did our movements. The sudden end to the song snapped us out of our little trance. The little bubble that was created for three minutes popped within a second. I push off Tyler's chest turning around to look at my colleague. With my chest heaving up and down I can barely contain my breathing. I can’t believe we just did that, I can’t believe I just did that, what the hell was I thinking, I’m not thinking. I hold my hands to my hair, trying to stop my head from spinning out of control. I’m so busy holding my shit together that I don’t notice Tyler walking up to me, he holds my chin up to him so that I meet his icy gaze. In that split second…our bubble is back into place. 
Ahhhhh, I'm sorry this one is old and kinda bad, sorry!!!
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oddballtumbles · 9 months
Building a Percy Jackson OC in my head right now. Have not read the books in years, I plan to reread them, just can’t right now. But this just WON’T leave me alone.
(Adult language and shit btw)
Daughter of Hephaestus, her mom met him in her early 20s, girl is 7/12, mom was pregnant 7 times, multiple sets of twins. ALL of them are kids of Hephaestus, their house is basically warded against monsters because by the time the second set of twins were on their way, Mom had enough and made Hephaestus deal with it. Hades now has a state of the art fetch machine for Cerberus, and monsters don’t bother her family until she dies. (Spoiler alert, Momma achieves minor godhood eventually due to popular demand and the invention of … something I haven’t decided yet; but it accidentally causes no monsters to be able to go after her bloodline. EVER lol)
Daughter is NOT an engineer (most of her siblings are engineers, tech developers, etc) but is thorough in SASS, and is more of a tinker type. The kind of person who knows random stuff and always carries ducktape but is more likely to only quick fix then refer you to professional than actually fix the problem. Just because the crack is taped doesn’t mean the bucket is fixed.
Specific interaction that keeps popping in my head:
Aphrodite (mad about long relationship with her husband, taking it out on the child of said relationship that happens to be in front of her)
Daughter (full of sass and absolutely fucking done with any and all dieties who think they are above the modern world just because they deign to exist within it occasionally. She has read the texts and watched the OSP videos. Nope)
A: I can’t believe anyone would even last that long! What could there possibly be to interest her in him???
D: idk but I can tell you that she likes the chair. Admittedly if she sat in it less there’d be less of us soooo.
A: please I be he’s only paying attention because she is the only one to look back.
D: well seeing as I’m a combo of both of them and when I went to camp everyone tried to send me to your cabin I’m not sure what that says about your poor taste. Or maybe eyesight?
A: are you calling me old?
D: you are literally older than Greece. What do you want me to do with that?
A: you-
D: look I’m just going to say this. If you paid even half as much attention to the husband you say you don’t want as you do to the lover you jerk around like an angry chihuahua, I probably wouldn’t be in your face sassing you.
A: Zeus arranged-
D: Oh please don’t get me started on that slut. We will be here longer than my mother’s been pregnant. Idk why Hera doesn’t just divorce the walking penis. It is a thing that exists! Also her taking out her rage on the kids and victims of his philandering is just avoiding the problem and causing more grief for the rest of us. If it’s some sort role play they are doing, nobody else is consenting the involvement, they both need to stop.
(Shocked silence.)
D: oh please, I cannot be the first to come up with that.
A: I’m not sure whether to smite you or give you a job.
D: I’ve never been smote before! Unless we count that time in the metallurgy which we do not talk to mom about. I came back fine! Barely even counts!
Idk if I want her to have a Greek name or just a random one. I feel like she would get along with PJ-Dionysius in a “let’s drink and get high” kinda way.
She definitely has slept in all the cabins for no reason other than she broke in and felt like it.
Occasionally Hermes feels like she might be threatening his job a little, especially when she worked as a courier with heelies and a skateboard.
She’s ace by the way. Probably aro too, which is why she has no fear in front of Aphrodite.
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kabukkiman · 1 year
Top Crystal Healing Tip For Money Issues
Sitting at my computer, deadline quickly approaching, thoughts of my next article begin to flow as I in order to didgeridoo meditation your favourite songs. The Great Mind of Ma said, "The Spirit of the Womb must be healed." That was my cue in terms of what my Higher She had to impart. You should certainly make a good solid batch about every weeks time. (I find that sometimes the elixir doesn't stay fresh after this length of my time. It can be kept the actual world fridge in the event you like). Crystals and gemstones are accustomed by several qualified healers during their healing units. If you know how to do this, you should follow their lead. If not, you could possibly look for psychic medium, or healer, to an individual how to create it happen. Both psychic mediums, and healers, can watch Spirit Guides, who instruct them in connection with best crystals to use for certain healing. The psychic mediums, and healers, are also taught by these Spirit Guides, in connection with best crystal pattern placement to used in one's house, or over your body.
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Sarah showed me how I will treat myself with my own engagement ring personal connected with chakra crystals to start out with. I must say I have from in order to time needed a reload on my first treatment there isn't any can now do this treatment for average joe. I have also had the oppertunity to help my wife when she goes through her menopause crystals along with their healing power really reduces the discomfort that is associated with the change of life. I have also gotten to help a friend of mine with his problem hiatus hernia, what has been causing him sever problems with reflux. I've used urates that I know helps enhancements problems with regard to Crystals Amber, gold, tiger's eye, topaz, calcite, citrine. Place this direct to the skin imagining . on your solar plexus. This helps your body with this enzymatic system, the liver, and the gallbladder. "When a disciple of my mom's who had previously been training to be a crystal therapist asked me to be her guinea pig, I have been skeptical. It sounded a tad odd even so wanted become helpful. All of us got there' laid down on the table and the practitioner laid crystals tiny body. She waved her hands around a lot, but she never touched me. Are you attracted to Blue Tanzanite? Blue Topaz helps form individuality and creativity replacing negativity with really love. It helps attract success with the endeavors. Blue Topaz helps align ourselves with our higher self, It is a great stone for creative expression, writing and focusing stored on your healing crystals path. As you open eyesight the Mer-Angels have brought you out of the house of the temple as well as the Mermaids and Mermen will be ready escort you back towards surface for the ocean and back towards beach. In relation to cleaning and clearing your crystals, everybody has incredibly own method. One of the easiest methods is actually to rinse them with a bit of soppy soap, then rinse again with drinking. Place them on the dry, soft cloth, the particular sunlight to obtain few hours, and then put them in their usual add your kitchen.
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wethesciencey · 1 year
Top Crystal Healing Tip For Money Issues
Sitting at my computer, deadline quickly approaching, thoughts of my next article begin to flow as I pay attention to didgeridoo meditation music files. The Great Mind of Ma said, "The Spirit of the Womb must be healed." That was my cue spend money on what my Higher She had to impart. You will want to make a different batch about every one week. (I find that sometimes the elixir does not stay fresh after this length of energy and time. It can be kept in the fridge anyone like). Crystals and gemstones are widely used by several qualified healers during their healing devices. If you know how to do this, you could also follow their lead. If not, it's look for a psychic medium, or healer, to a person to how carried out. Both psychic mediums, and healers, can learn Spirit Guides, who instruct them about the best crystals to use for certain healing. The psychic mediums, and healers, are also taught by these Spirit Guides, close to best crystal pattern placement to utilized one's house, or within your body. Sarah demonstrated how I can treat myself with my personal personal regarding chakra crystals to start out with. I must say I've from a person to time needed a reload on most recent treatment there isn't any can now do laser hair removal for myself. I have also had the capacity to help my wife when she goes through her menopause crystals as well as healing power really helps avert the discomfort that is part of the change of life. I have also succeeded to help a friend with his problem hiatus hernia, what has been causing him sever problems with reflux. I have used the crystals that I realize helps with these problems such as Crystals Amber, gold, tiger's eye, topaz, calcite, citrine. Place this direct to the skin if possible on your solar plexus. This helps your body with the digestive system, the liver, along with the gallbladder.
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"When a colleague of my mom's who has been training being crystal therapist asked me to be her guinea pig, We were skeptical. It sounded a tad odd although i wanted staying helpful. All of us got there i laid down on the table and the practitioner laid crystals modest body. She waved her hands around a lot, but she never touched me. Are you attracted to Blue Tanzanite? Blue Topaz helps form individuality and creativity replacing negativity with will always love. It helps attract success almost all of endeavors. Blue Topaz helps align ourselves with our higher self, It excellent stone for creative expression, writing and focusing on your own healing crystals path. As you open your eyesight the Mer-Angels have brought you back out of the temple and the Mermaids and Mermen will be ready escort you back to your surface for the ocean and back towards the beach. In relation to cleaning and clearing your crystals, everybody has really method. One among the easiest methods can to rinse them having a bit of soft soap, then rinse again with water. Place them on the dry, soft cloth, the particular sunlight to have few hours, and then put them in their usual placed into your space.
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raraeavesmoriendi · 2 years
corporations et. al have made technology so hard to access for seniors and I’m grinding my teeth about it
my parents are in their sixties, and my octogenarian grandma lives with them. I just spent almost an hour on facetime with my mom trying to help her connect to her new router, because as little of a tech person as I consider myself, it might as well be literal greek to her. she hasn’t totally checked out from the world like a lot of people do at her age, she’s tried to stay current with new tech and its functions, but the way big companies have things set up now, it’s hard for her to learn how to fix problems or even to understand what’s going on, because a lot of the time, they’ve purposefully made it so there’s as little insight to the process as possible.
her wi-fi kicked it, so she called the company as one does, and when she told them what model router she had, they were like “that’s too old, why didn’t you have that changed out?” well, how the fuck was she supposed to know, when no one’s ever given any indication of this?
then they switched the router out and the wi-fi still doesn’t work, so the tech comes back and says “oh, it’s a problem with an external line” - again, how is she supposed to know? she’s worked from home for years now, this was her livelihood until very recently, and her ability to do anything was just contingent on tech entirely outside her control.
I’ve tried to get around this the best I could since I moved out; on purpose, my mom and I have the same model phone and basically the same laptop, so I know exactly where to tell her to find things when she needs help. I run software updates for my entire family whenever I’m home. she’s not tech illiterate (that’s my grandma), but she has a harder time understanding how things work than I do because I’m just used to it in a way she never will be, because she didn’t grow up with it like I did.
that said, I was still having an awful time sitting a state away and googling everything I knew how to figure out how to troubleshoot her connection issue, which according to several discussion boards seems to be an issue unique to our laptops (thanks apple), and it just made me realize how helpless older people have been made to feel. I might have an idea for how to fix something, but if there’s even a minimum difference between my software ui and hers, she’s going to be extremely gun shy about navigating it due to her own lack of information. I might be able to pull up a work-around, but I have no way to explain it to her in any way it would make sense to her unless I’m able to sit there and click through menus for her. even if I sent her the written instructions, she’d still be stuck.
my grandma’s using a phone that’s probably a decade old at this point because it’s the only one she knows how to use, and she refuses to get another. it’s her only lifeline to her living sister, and what remaining family she has back home. she’s terrified of doing something wrong no matter how many times I go over it with her (having somehow managed to delete everything on it once already, and I still don’t know how). if she were home alone and the internet went out, she’d be totally unable to fix it on her own.
Idk, I know planned obsolescence and keeping people dependent consumers and all that, but for something that’s an incredibly vital part of everyone’s lives now, no one who’s been designing any of this seems to have considered it from the perspective of someone who’s new to a lot of how these systems work, or has access problems (my gran is hard of hearing and has bad eyesight). I’m sure that’s all part of the big machine’s plan, but it’s immensely frustrating that the very capable woman who raised two children mostly by herself feels like she has to have her adult kid there for support instead of being able to fix something so necessary with her own know-how.
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omg-imatotalmess · 4 years
Better Than Your Pillow
Hey guys! There was an anon that asked for a little more sub!neville as a cure for their blues, and I couldn’t resist. Sub!neville is chicken soup for the soul. Hope y’all enjoy!
Pairing: Neville Longbottom x Reader
Requested: Ye
Anonymous Requested: i need more sub neville. i’m so sad
Warnings: Pillow humping, mild voyeurism, fingering, dirty talk, mild praise kink, sub!neville, dom!reader, swearing
If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t have believed it. Neville. Your sweet, shy, ever awkward Neville curled over his pillow, humping it with the desperation of a dog in heat. All while spilling the filthiest fantasies into the open air. Every one of them revolving around you. In your shock, all you could do was take it in. And you couldn’t say you minded. He was really putting on a good show.
“(Y/N)! Fuck, I’ll be your good boy!” he cried, fisting his sheets like they were the only things keeping him steady.
“I’ll be so good! Use me however you want. Please, I want you to!” he babbled. His hips shifted faster, maybe imagining your reply. You certainly knew what it would be.
You took a step further into the room, closing the door quietly so as not to disturb the scene in front of you. It was everything you’d ever hoped for—the amalgamation of every wet dream you’d ever had wrapped up in a pretty bow. Well, in an argyle sweater vest, actually. Leaning against the bedpost, you let his sheer want wash over you. It was heavy and searing but more perfect than you ever could have imagined. And from there, you could see his face. The way his mouth gaped open, chest heaving with every sound out of him and his eyes screwed shut against the onslaught of pleasure your phantom self was giving him. It made you wonder what he’d look like if he got the real thing. You couldn’t believe Neville hadn’t noticed you yet. Then again, he was too busy talking to hear your own labored breaths.
“Do anything you want to me! Please, I’m yours. Your little slut to play with! Tie me up and play with me until you’re satisfied!” he begged.
“If that’s what you want.” The words slipped out of your mouth completely unbidden.
“(Y/N)?!” he squeaked.
“You were late to our study session,” you said.
“I-I’m so sorry. Merlin, I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. Let me just p-put my trousers on an-and I’ll be there in a minute,” he rambled, scrambling into a sitting position with the pillow doing very little to conceal his flushed, dripping cock.
“Don’t stop on my account,” you said, a smile curling at the corner of your mouth, “It looked like you were just getting to the good bit.”
“Please don’t tease me,” he moaned, covering his face with his hands.
“Who’s teasing?” you asked, feeling a smile curling at the corner of your mouth.
“Why can’t the castle just swallow me whole and put me out of my misery?” he said miserably. It was like he hadn’t heard you.
“Who’s teasing, Nev? I’m interested,” you said.
“I-Interested?” he sputtered, head shooting up.
“Mm-hmm, I’d love to help you out. If you want me to, that is. If not, I’ll leave, and we’ll pretend this never happened,” you offered.
Blinking at you with big, slightly unsure eyes, Neville let his pillow slip off his lap. He wanted to. You could tell that much. The way his eyes trailed up and down your body was leaving you a little hot under the collar. Smiling, you waited for him to answer. It was his decision, and who were you to rush him? Taking in a shaky breath, he reached for you, pulling you gently onto the bed while trying not to look you in the eyes.
“Please?” he whispered.
“Please what?” you asked despite the knowing glint in your eye.
“Please, touch me,” he muttered shyly.
“Like this?” you asked, drawing patterns over his plush thigh with your fingertips, just barely brushing his cock each time. It jumped with each gentle attention.
“(Y/N),” he whined. You gave him a wolfish grin.
“I guess I did say I wasn’t teasing,” you said. “Undress me.”
“A-Are you sure?” Despite the question, he was already working the buttons of your shirt with shaking hands, popping them open one by one.
“Hurry up. I don’t like to be kept waiting,” you ordered.
“A-Alright. Anything you want,” he breathed, yanking your shirt the rest of the way open and pushing it off your shoulders before making quick work of your pants. Each item was laid carefully beside the bed as soon as it left you. Before long, you were bare in front of him as his eyes roamed your body. It was like you’d showed him Eden. He couldn’t figure out where to look first. You smiled, pulling him toward you by his sweater vest. God, you were glad he’d kept it on.
“Good boy,” you purred, “Now, I want you to finger me open until I’m nice and ready to take that pretty cock of yours.”
“Okay, okay,” he said, reaching blindly for the bottle of lube he’d tossed on the edge of the bed when he started.
Slicking up his fingers, he stroked over you a few times just to excite you a little more. Also likely just to touch you like that. You let him. Bringing your hands to your own chest, you pinched and tugged at your nipples lightly. Partly to add to the sensation of Neville’s fingers stroking your sex and partly to put on a show. He watched your fingers dancing over your chest for a moment before bringing his eyes to yours.
“Can I-Can I suck them?”
“Kiss me first,” you said. As his lips touched your own, he pressed a finger into you gently. Groaning, you arched your back and bit down on his lip. When he let out a thin whine, you laved your tongue over the spot. The two of you stayed like that for a bit, his finger moving in you, kissing you as though the world was burning down around you. Then you pulled back. Dragging in a deep breath, you fisted his hair.
“Go on. Use your mouth.” He didn’t need to be told twice. Licking and sucking at your nipples as he added fingers. His tongue flickered over one hardened bud, pressing his fingers into you all the more eagerly.  For a while, you simply lost yourself to the sensation.
“(Y/N),” he whined, grinding his dripping cock against your leg.
“Be a good little slut and beg for it,” you said.
“Please, please, I’ll do anything you want! I’ll be such a good boy for you. I will. So good. Please, (Y/N), let me put it in. Can I put it in?” he plead, practically humping your leg like he’d been humping his pillow earlier.
“You really want it?” you teased.
“Yes! So much! I’ll be such a good boy,” he promised.
“Fuck me.” Your voice was low and sharp—an order. One that he couldn’t have resisted even if he wanted to. He pressed into you slowly, watching you to make sure you were enjoying yourself. Each inch was a little more heaven than the last. Growling, you tugged his hair and bucked your hips down impatiently.
“I-I’m trying to be gentle,” he whimpered, shaking in your grip.
“Who the fuck asked for gentle?” you snarled, yanking his hair savagely. “I said fuck me, Neville!”
“Ooooooh!” A long howl burst from his mouth as he thrust into you recklessly, which you silenced with your mouth. Swallowing down his pathetic, little sounds of please and trading them for yours. His hips pounded against yours, encouraged by your heels digging into the small of his back. At this point, you couldn’t tell if he was chasing his pleasure or yours. You didn't care. It was all the same.
“Fuck, there! Good boy, right there!” you groaned.
“Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you...” his thanks became a chant into the crook of your neck. He only interrupted it to sink his teeth into it every now and then.
“Harder!” Obedient as you expected, he fucked into you hard enough to scoot the two of you up the bed. The sound of the headboard slamming against the wall was just background noise to you. Neville’s drawn-out, sobbing moans were far more interesting.
“Close,” he breathed.
“Don’t you dare cum before I do,” you hissed in his ear.
“Please, please, (Y/N). So close,” he begged. His hips had completely lost any semblance of rhythm. They just pistoned away unevenly, somehow managing to hit exactly where you wanted it most.
“C’mon, a little more. Almost...!” Your words trailed off into a long, high moan as your orgasm washed over you. For a moment, the world whited out. All you could feel was Neville driving himself into you like a man unhinged and wave after wave of pleasure. When you finally came back to earth, Neville was hammering into you, sobbing incoherent pleas into your shoulder.
“Can I cum? Please?” he sobbed.
“Cum for me,” you said. And he was gone. His teeth sunk into your shoulder, but it did nothing to stifle his shout of pleasure. You could feel his hands leaving bruises on your hips, but you didn’t mind. Not as he shook on top of you, pumping his cock in you a few final times before collapsing on top of you. Smiling, you pressed a kiss to his sweaty hair.
“Better than you pillow?” you giggled after a moment of catching your breath.
“I’m never going to live this down,” he muttered, keeping his face buried in your neck.
“If it makes you feel better, I’ve never cum so hard in my life,” you said. Pulling back, he looked down at you with a good measure of surprise on his face.
“R-Really? I was good?” he stuttered in disbelief.
“So fucking good. Jesus Christ, Nev, I almost blacked out,” you said. He made a pinched-off sound, dipping his face out of your eyesight. After another moment of silence, he spoke up.
“Thank you,” he said.
“No problem. If you ever wanna do that again, come find me,” you said, carding your fingers gently through his hair.
“Can I take you on a d-date first?” he asked shyly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that, but how about a nap first,” you said. Nodding, he curled up against your side and dropped off almost immediately. You, however, laid awake for a bit. That was so much better than studying. And definitely better than his pillow.
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atinydise · 3 years
Follow the rules (Part 2)
❦ Genre: Angst / Fluff / Suggestive.
❦ Pairing: Seonghwa.
❦ Word count: 1K.
❦ Requested: Don't ever believe me again when I say I'm posting something "soon" 💀Part 1
❦ Tags: @scuzmunkie, @butterfliesinthenightsky 🦋
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Once again, you stared at your reflection in the dirty mirror of the theater.
You fixed your hair, removed the tiny stain of lipstick on your teeth, and shamelessly opened another button of your dress.
“You can do it, girl!” You motivated yourself. “It’s just a date! You are a pro for dates.”
It’s been 10 minutes that you were trying to spot something wrong with your outfit or just yourself.
This guy that you met at a party, invited you to several dates before, but for this one, you felt a little bit more stressed or insecure.
He was so good to you. Always funny, complimenting you when you doubt your own beauty because of these stupid “beauty standards” or always available when you need to talk.
You were diving into your thoughts, daydreaming about how this date could end when you receive a text from him asking if you were okay.
Not losing another second, you walked out of the restroom.
“Oh Y/N, are you okay? You were there for a while.” He asked, visibly worried for you.
“Yeah, there were just a few girls before me.” You lied. “Let’s go?”
He nodded and smiled.
“But first, do you want a snack or a drink?” He offered, already taking out his wallet.
“Wait, I'm paying.” You put your hand on his. “You paid for the restaurant yest-”
“Popcorn and a cold drink such as iced tea?” He asked, knowing exactly what you want.
Understanding that he would probably not give up and pay for your snacks, you simply nodded.
“Thank you again.”
“Wait for me here!” He said before running to the shop.
Seeing someone devoted to you made you happy and thankful.
“What could happen Y/N? It’s probably going to be a good date too.” You tried to reassure yourself, fixing your dress one last time.
You instinctively looked at the person next to you.
It took a few seconds to realize that the worst thing that could happen, was just there: Seonghwa.
You hated the way with simple eye contact, he made you doubt your entire existence.
Even if Seonghwa changed a bit during this last month, he was still this handsome man he used to be.
His hair was dyed in black and a bit curlier than before. He was probably working out a lot more because his figure was a tiny bit more massive.
The way his eyes were piercing and staring at your soul, gave you this warm feeling that only he can give you.
“Y/N?” He repeated.
You raised a brow to show him that he has your attention, but that you wouldn’t say anything.
“It’s been a while.”
The thought of shouting ‘you dumb or what’ or punching him right in the face, came to your mind for 2 seconds, but you decided to play it cool.
“Yeah.” You simply replied.
Seonghwa was taken aback because of these short and cold replies. You were the only one talkative among both of you.
“Hm… are we cool? Or?”
“Cool?” You repeated. “What do you mean?”
“Are you still mad at me?”
This situation was so strange to you that you pinched your hand discreetly, to be sure that you were not daydreaming or hallucinating.
“Y/N.” He called you once again.
You managed to keep your composure but hearing your name from his mouth made your knees weak a little bit more.
“Do you remember that we are not talking or seeing each other anymore?”
Seonghwa scratched the back of his head, searching for a possible excuse or explanation.
“You made it clear the last time we saw each other.” You continued. “So you don’t need to come and check after me as you care.”
“Don’t Y/N me.”
“That’s your name?” He raised a brow.
“Yeah, then don’t call me.” You gulped, realizing how dumb this was.
“Y/- I mean… Can we just talk about what happened? I know what I said was bad.”
“I would say painful, cold, uncomfortable, hard, unpleasant-”
“Okay okay, I got it.” He stopped you.
“No, I think you didn’t.” You started, clenching your fist to not yell at him for everything he did to you. “You literally throw me like a toy. Okay, we knew our deal, just sex, but you could have been a little- NO. A LOT nicer when you rejected me.”
“I freaked out.”
“And I don’t care.”
“Can we talk about this later? I really want to see you again.”
That was one of the things you were redoubting.
After a month, the moment you finally start to turn the page and focus again on your happiness, Seonghwa comes back.
You hated yourself for already knowing that you would run to him without any effort.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?”
You turned back and stared at Seungyeon. He looked so cute with these 2 big packs of popcorn and the drinks hanging between his fingers.
“Ah, you there.” You smiled.
Seonghwa stared at both of you, trying to know the exact situation or relationship you had with this man.
“Hello. I’m Seungyeon.” He politely bowed.
Your ex-friend and benefits didn’t even blink. He stayed there, only staring at him.
“Well… we should go. The movie is about to start soon.” You grabbed Seungyeon by the arm, making sure to help him with the drinks.
“And what about my request?” Asked Seonghwa, before you could leave.
You sighed. He wouldn’t give up so easily. He would even sit next to you during the movie for sure.
“Can you take our seats? I need to talk to him for a minute.” You simply explained, embarrassed that this situation happens during your date.
“Sure, text me if you have a problem.”
You understand well that he was bothered by you staying with a man that clearly has his effect on you. But for the sake of this date, you needed to make things clear with Seonghwa.
When Seungyeon disappeared from your eyesight, you confronted him.
“What’s your problem?”
“And who’s this guy?”
“And why are you asking as you care about who I’m dating?” You crossed your arms on your chest.
“Because you are mine.” He sighed in frustration.
“What the hell Park Seonghwa.”
“I’m the only one who is supposed to touch you.” He added.
You rolled your eyes at this comment. Of course, he was only thinking about sex.
“Well sorry, but other people don't see me as a vulgar piece of meat like you do.” You started. “Seungyeon is curious about how my day went and not about which position we are doing at night.”
“Do you sleep with him?” He stepped closer to you.
“This is none of your business.”
Seonghwa was frustrated. He ran his hand in his hair and growled something that you didn’t understand.
“So, for your request. It’s no. You told me that I’ve shouldn’t f-”
“Does he satisfy you well?”
You blink twice at this sudden question.
“I told you it’s n-”
“Does he fuck you better than me?”
He was stepping closer to you at every question. Your heart raced and your lips went dry in a second.
“Does he make these things that you love the most in bed?”
“You are being inappropriate.”
“I bet you never told him your little secrets. Like how you like to be choked. Did you tell him?”
The proximity, his perfume, or just his presence made you get a tone of flashbacks.
These times you met, how he treated you well or how he completely made you forget your own name.
“You are mine. And I don’t want anybody to touch you.” He whispered, resting his forehead on yours.
This contact made you close your eyes so you could enjoy his presence once again.
“Just ditch him…”
You shook your head, “I can’t. He’s nice to me.”
“And I am too.” He kissed your cheek.
“He’s giving me what I want.” You gently rested your palm on his torso, trying to push him a bit.
“I can give it to you too.” He slowly went to kiss your neck, your weak spot. “All night long.”
His offer was interesting, of course. But you remembered that after this “night” he wouldn’t text you or ask how your day went as Seungyeon does.
"No." You pushed him stronger this time and stepped back. “I don’t want to be a friend with benefits anymore. I just want to be a girlfriend.”
Your heart was beating so fast in your chest that you thought it would explode the next minute. Maybe it would be the time where Seonghwa would change the status of your relationship or simply disappear as he usually does.
“I just want to be special to someone and not only because I slept with them.” You added, not liking the silence that settled.
“If you want me to be yours and not only in your bed at night then say it now. Otherwise, there’s a movie which is waiting for me.”
His lips parted for a second then closed right after.
You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. “That’s what I thought.”
You pushed his hand away from your forearm.
“Excuse me, but I have a movie to see.”
You exchanged one last stare together, then you left to join Seungyeon.
The more you walked away from him, the more you felt your heart clenching in your chest.
When the door closed behind you, you brushed off the tear which was sliding on your cheek.
“Ah you there,” smiled Seungyeon when he saw you.
“Yeah sorry. Did I miss something?”
“Nop, only ads.”
“Good.” You sat down, blinking a few times to suppress the tears.
“Are you okay?” He asked, still worried for you.
You nodded, biting your tongue.
“Yeah. I’m fine.” You whispered, taking a deep breath to forget this conversation.
When the room dimmed in the dark, you remembered that your phone wasn’t mute.
Just when you were about to turn it off, you received a text from Seonghwa.
[“Let’s finish our conversation.”]
You noticed that he didn’t write “tonight” like he usually does.
“It’s starting.” Whispered Seungyeon, when he saw you still on your phone.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” You apologized for not being focused.
[“K.] You replied before turning it off.
You felt bad for agreeing to meet Seonghwa while you were sitting next to someone who probably likes you.
“What I am doing...” you whispered to yourself.
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