#I’ve made like 5 iterations of this post now but I think abt it a lot
drusilla-carstairs · 1 year
what really bothers me about Kit/Ty is that the split between them is not as equal as everyone acts like it is. honestly the blame largely rests on Kit, and no one talks about that.
“but Ty is the one who tried to raise the dead!”
okay, yes, but let’s get one thing clear: he did not know that Kit was actually against that until the very last second. Kit willingly led him into thinking that it was a good action. Sure, Kit only did that because he thought Ty needed blind support, and thought that Ty would come to the right conclusion on his own. But he never told him. And let’s not forget that Ty is autistic, and for many of autistic or neurodivergent people in general, Ty included, words and actions will be taken at face value.
Ty wasn’t looking for a secret belief that Kit held. Because if he didn’t agree with raising Livvy, why wouldn’t he just say so? But Kit didn’t. So Ty really believed that Kit was with him until the last moment. He believed that he was doing a good thing for his family.
And then Kit pulled the whole “I love you” moment. Which Ty didn’t get to properly respond to—because really, how are you supposed to suddenly process a bombshell like that in the middle of RAISING YOUR SISTER FROM THE DEAD.
And then Kit disappeared. Just. Left. Sure, it was because he was embarrassed for the love confession, but imagine how that felt for Ty. He just dropped a love bomb and left because Ty didn’t respond right. Which is a dick move. Even if it was out of self preservation.
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if you have any behind-the-scenes takes about the nature has taught fic you wanted to talk abt I would be absolutely /thrilled/ to hear them!
Soooo many oh my gosh. 
1) In the first iteration of this story, Danny wasn’t nearly as involved as he is now. I sort of used Mike Crew as a convenient reckless boy baby jail for the first draft, because he wasn’t as developed a personality in my mind. Then, he appeared in a different story idea of mine, affectionately dubbed the Himbois AU, and I ended up developing him extensively there and transplanted a slightly different version of him into this story and his role expanded as a result. 
2) Probably the only reason why I kept developing Danny and decided to post this story at all is because I told my Himbois AU to my friend (the one I made mad with last chapter), and she loved it (and Danny in particular), and I kept telling other stories to her, and it made me happy that she liked it and I got to thinking about posting something. Usually I just develop them a lot in my head, write maybe a couple chapters, and then after that the Hyperfixation Bounces To A New Story. The first chapter for nhthcth has been sitting in my Google drive since pre-Covid. So like, she’s the real reason why this fic is out right now. 
3) She calls herself the absentee father of this fic, because she has no idea what’s happening and has no part in the actual writing of it (though she did help me make kid!jon more child-like, and she takes full credit for that), but sometimes she stands in the metaphorical doorway and says “are you winning son.”  If you leave a comment on a fic there is an extremely high chance I will immediately be texting her about it, we think y’all are hilarious and great and are utterly obsessed with everything y’all say
4) Jon’s personality in this is mostly me foraging around in canon looking for spare parts before I forcibly weld them to other bits of him from canon and drizzle in parts I think would result from the backstory I’ve built. Like, the skepticism from Season 1 had to go, this has been his entire life and there’s no benefit in denying it. And like, he’s been the person going to the Magnus Institute for help. He never forgot how afraid he was and how badly he just wanted a single person to help, and no one did.. He’s not going to approach Statement givers the way he did in Season 1. I also had to scrap Season 2, because It’s Not Paranoia If They’re Really Out To Get You And You’re Existentially Exhausted So Why Bother Being Paranoid About It. I ended up grabbing a lot of Season 4, late stage Am-I-A-Muppet-Or-Am-I-A-Man considerations and massive guilt complex, as well as his general Bitch Settings and his genuine desire to help people, to the point where he doesn’t consider his own safety or even like. Plan. At all.  
5) I have a lot of “versions” of Jon based on the fic I’m working on, and this Jon is by far my favorite. He has very consciously decided to make his mindset “God has decided to let me live another day and I’m about to make it everybody’s problem” and I think that’s great for him.
6) The Leitner (a Spiral one that I made up) that they used against Nan didn’t make her forget it, per se. The line about it all being a bad dream soon was very literal. You believe whatever lie someone told you about what happened, it twists into the truth, so you can’t quite explain why you have such terrible nightmares about it going differently. Nan knows Jon ran away, she talked to all those--police officers, were they? So she can’t quite explain why her dreams are filled with fog, and emptiness, and that horrible man leading her grandson away by the arm. It felt way too exposition-y and out of character to have Wright explain that to Jon, so that didn’t go in, but that’s what happened there. 
7) When Jon was Even Younger and Even More Bitter he used to fill out a damage to company property report every time he got hurt and Elias had to yell at him for three months to get him to stop
8) There wasn’t a good scene for this, but Jon dumped all of Mike’s moisturizer when no one was looking because he will singlehandedly stop Danny Stoker’s skin care regime even if Mike kills him over it  
9) There are fun fonts on my original google doc that only my friend gets to see because I can’t figure out how the coding in AO3 works.
Okay, this got long. I’ll stop here. Thank you for reading and for asking!!
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lunima · 5 years
@hybridea​ : RYE, MY FAVORITE LOAF OF BREAD. I’m so glad I found Rye again after like?? a solid YEAR and a half I think?? It’s been a fucking MINUTE. Rye is so endlessly gotdang kind and wonderful. She’s an absolute ray of sunshine on this blue hell and we don’t deserve her tbh. I am filled with so much joy whenever I talk to her ( even if she’s fucking hURTING ME WITH PAINFUL REPLIES/MEMES/HEADCANONS ) She’s the type of person that shows up in your life that instantly makes you feel like “yes, you’re a good and safe person to talk to and to hang out with.” and i feel like that’s really huge on this site where we have so many people that are needlessly cruel or simply don’t care about who’s on the other end of the screen. Rye is endlessly talented too (like don’t even get me STARTED) she is so passionate about every single one of her muses and it SHOWS. Whether it’s a headcanon or a meme or a thread (no matter the size) Rye writes the most beautiful and heartfelt content. She really taps into the soul of every muse she picks up. LIKE HONESTLY ITS ALMOST SCARY how well she’s aced every single one of them.    
@fractempyreal : ALRIGHT I’VE SEEN WHITNEY AROUND FOR LIKE YEARS TBH but i just kind of admired from afar 1) bc she’s so damn quality I was like wow pls don’t look at my MESS here and 2) I still didn’t know enough abt the OG DMC to be like 👉😎👉 (bc my first dmc experience was the reboot game) ANYWAY RECORD SCRATCH HERE WE ARE TODAY Whitney is a fucking delight and absolutely hysterical. Like hands down. She’s wonderful to talk to (even tho she likes to hurt me w/ her headcanons and everything tOO) She’s also like the honorary president of the dmc rpc tbh (we voted for u in our hearts, i speak for everyone here ok) when I think about the dmc portion of this rpc hell I think of Whitney and all of her awesomeness. Her love for Vergil is like THE REALEST THING OUT THERE. Her dedication to his characterization, to his story floors me every time I read her work. I can literally hear his voice in all of her replies (LEGIT ITS SO GOOD I GET GOOSEBUMPS SOMETIMES DON’T @ ME) the attention to detail and her writing is absolutely gorgeous and provides such incredible insight into one of the most complex video game characters i’ve come across. since I started playing dmc5, reading her work (and also rye’s, the two of them together are a damn menace to society) has enriched the game even further and I just ADORE THE HECKY OUT HER.  
@destructivour​ : Honestly i’m Mad that no one told me to watch Bleach YEARS ago but I couldn’t be more thrilled that Grimmjow is my first introduction to it tbh. I’ve still got a LOT to learn about this world but I love this scrappy lil trash cat a Whole Lot. HE GENUINELY MAKES ME LAUGH SO HARD whether its some canon thing I stumble across or one of your posts, he’s an wonderful disaster and the fact that he’s still like 200 episodes away from me (even tho i’ve cheated and skipped ahead a few times bc I wanted to see dah boi) your writing is so wonderful and immersive, WHETHER I KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON OR NOT I just love to sit and read your threads and headcanons (especially with whitney okay, I need you both to write me a grimmjow x vergil book bc I could read that shit forever tbh. You’ve both crafted such a beautiful and turbulent relationship it’s sO FUN TO READ) and JARVIA YOU’RE RAD AF?? You’re so much fun to talk to and i’m absolutely in stitches (or fucking crying bc grimmjow makes me sad too) when we’re yelling about this absolute furry. I’m rly glad we found each other and I can’t wait to further lose my mind @ you as I continue my descent into the world of Bleach uwu.
@devilrev​ : GALE!!!! The Nero to my Kyrie ! I’d say i’m sorry for dragging you into nerokiri hell with me but i’m not!! And honestly I didn’t expect to fall in this deep with them. They give me so much life. They’re genuinely probably the least angsty and most “healthy” and loving ship I’ve ever shipped. You write Nero so beautifully and have such a wonderful understanding of his character. I can’t get enough of your headcanons tbh. I SAID THIS BEFORE ABOVE but your portrayal also brings such a richness to the games for me. Your understanding of the way that he thinks and behaves and reacts to things are so on point I just *CHEFS KISS* You’re also an absolute delight to talk to. It’s hard for me to click with people sometimes but we hit it off so well it’s been marvelous!! Thank you for letting me sob about my girl, and also spam you with sad songs and headcanons. The post 5 world (and honestly pre-5 too) we’ve been discussing is so vibrant and massive and exciting already I can’t wait to explore it all more tbh.
@daemominus : OOZE!! Honestly ooze I think it’s safe to say you helped drag me down into this hell okay. The second I finished watching the gameplay I was on the hunt in the rpc and I found you!! I’m like 900% sure I told you back in the day but I’m telling you again you NAILED him. As someone fresh out of the game, I read every word you wrote in his voice. You set each scene perfectly it’s been a delight to have had you on my dash for all of these years. YOU’VE SEEN SOME REAL CRINGE STUFF COME OFF MY BLOGS SO THANK YOU FOR STICKING AROUND TBH. I feel like Ezra was just destined to be Tired and ready to beat the ass of every iteration of vergil, reboot and og alive at this point in time so thank you for putting up with every iteration of her too. At least this version of her can’t sass him into oblivion like she once did. ON TO YOUR V NOW THO I GOT SO DAMN HYPED WHEN YOU MADE HIM TBH. You have such an spectacular flare and I’ve loved seeing the direction you’ve chosen to take and i’m so stoked to write with you again.
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