#I’ve been thinking about the idea for a while
kookslastbutton · 3 days
Too Late To Dream ༓ jjk (m) I Epilogue: Stargaze
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✑ Summary: The topic of starting a family has been a vulnerable subject for both of you, especially over the past year as you've struggled to conceive. But tonight, under the blanket of the twinkling sky, your love proves stronger as neither of you is willing to give up hope just yet —and maybe you won't have to.
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Pairing: economics professor!jungkook x fem!artist!reader
AU/Genre: angst, fluff, smut, marriage au, slice of life
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 4k+
Warnings: 8-year age gap, professor-student relationship (oc was a Masters student), swearing, mentions of past apprehensions of fatherhood, mentions of difficult past, pregnancy journey, and some sexual/suggestive content
Sexual/suggestive warnings: swearing, kissing (making out, neck kisses, etc), hair tugging/playing, sentimental tears, mention of pregnant s*x/c*ming
Now Playing: Heaven by Bryan Adams
a/n: About a year ago I started a series that I'm sure a decent amount of my readers are familiar with. It's one that will always stay close to my heart because of its very nature....it's simply touching for me. Anyway, I've owed everyone, including myself, an epilogue for quite some time. This can be read as a stand-alone, but I do recommend reading the series if you wish to have more context, etc.
Hope you enjoy 🥰
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Tonight, under the vast canopy of stars in the late summer night sky, you feel a peacefulness in your heart as you lie beside your husband of three years on a soft blanket spread out in the backyard.
The air is cool with the scent of freshly cut grass, and the stars shimmer like diamonds above you. You and Jungkook have always loved stargazing together—it's a cherished ritual that brings you closer, grounding you in the beauty and wonder of the universe.
"Look," Jungkook murmurs, pointing towards a particularly bright star. "That one's so bright tonight."
You follow his gaze, smiling softly. "Yeah, it's beautiful."
Jungkook turns to you, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "This is my favorite place to be with you, you know?”
“Mine too,” you reply, snuggling closer to him.
The gentle rustling of leaves fills the silence for a few moments before Jungkook speaks again.
“I’ve been thinking…about us, about our future," he starts.
Your heart skips a beat, sensing the weight of his words. "What about our future?"
"I want us to keep trying to build our family," he says earnestly, his fingers gently intertwining with yours. "I know it hasn't been easy, and we expected to be pregnant months ago, but I believe our time will come."
The topic of starting a family has been a vulnerable subject for both of you, especially over the past year as you've struggled to conceive. It's been filled with tender moments and heartaches, each negative test a painful reminder of the journey.
Countless visits to Dr. Kim for advice and reassurances couldn’t fill the void left by each disappointment. Yet, through it all, neither of you could let the anticipation and hope that have woven themselves into the fabric of your days and nights diminish.
"I believe it too, Kook," you reply, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you squeeze his hand.
He turns to face you fully, his gaze searching yours. "I've wrestled with the idea of becoming a father in the past because of my own doubts and fears. But now, I can't wait to be a father, with you by my side. Even if more challenges await us, I want to share this journey with you, every step of the way."
A surge of emotion wells up inside you as memories of the past two years together start flashing through your mind. It was after an unexpectedly sweet encounter with a toddler at the park while painting, that you first brought up the idea of having children to Jungkook. He was initially apprehensive, recalling that neither of you had considered children when you first married for various reasons. But he loved you deeply, so he promised to be open to the idea.
Together, you agreed that rushing into such a significant decision as having a baby wouldn't be wise, considering it was an entirely new venture for both of you. However, over time, through therapy sessions, ongoing exposure to children, and heartfelt discussions, you both gradually felt more prepared and ready to finally welcome this new chapter in your life.
"Jungkook, I…," you pause, knowing that what you're about to share is something you've been bottling up all day, a dream waiting for the perfect moment to be revealed. "I have a feeling things might be different this time."
His eyes widen in surprise, a spark of curiosity igniting within them. "What do you mean?"
You take a deep breath, your voice trembling with mixed emotions. "I mean... today, I took a test. It was positive."
Jungkook's breath catches in his throat, excitement dancing in his eyes before quickly filling with tears of joy. "You mean...?"
You nod, a couple of tears streaming down your cheeks. "Yes, Kook. We're going to have a baby."
In an instant, Jungkook pulls you into his arms, holding you tightly against his chest. His laughter mingles with your tears as you cling to each other, overwhelmed with happiness.
"I can't believe it," he whispers, pressing a kiss on top of your head. "We're going to be parents."
You nod against his shoulder, the news feeling just as surreal to you as it does to him. "Together, Kook. We're going to be parents."
As you lie under the starlit sky, wrapped in each other's arms and the promise of a new life growing within you, you know that this night will forever be etched in your hearts.
"I love you, and I can't wait to meet our baby," Jungkook says softly, placing a gentle hand on your stomach.
"I love you too." Cradling his face in your hands, you lean in and press your lips gently against his.
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With the first month of your pregnancy underway, joy overwhelms you as you and Jungkook share the news with close family and friends.
"I can't believe it! You're finally joining the parent club," Yoongi teases, a mischievous glint in his eye as he recalls his own experience with twin girls. "Get ready for sleepless nights and endless diaper changes."
Taehyung chimes in eagerly, "And I demand to be their godfather! I'll teach your child everything about art and creativity."
"Hey, I think I can handle that part pretty well myself," you playfully interject, gesturing to your personal artwork hanging on the walls.
Taehyung grins, "I suppose you have a point there. But seriously, if you ever need help with anything, you know I'm here."
Jungkook chuckles warmly and pats Taehyung on the shoulder. "Thanks, man. That means a lot."
Yoongi smirks, leaning back in his chair. "Your kid will have the best of both worlds Jungkook—__'s artistic flair and your… well, whatever you bring to the table."
"Muscles," you say with a cheeky smirk. "He'll bring the muscles."
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The second month arrives fast, but it's not as cheery as the first. Morning sickness kicks in full force, testing your patience and resilience.
Jungkook becomes your pillar of support, always ready with ginger tea and comforting words.
"You're doing great, sweetheart," he reassures you, rubbing your back gently as you rest your head against his shoulder.
"I feel terrible," you admit, tears welling up in your eyes. "I just wish our baby was already here."
"We'll get through this together," Jungkook says softly, planting a kiss on your forehead. "And hey, at least we're getting really good at making ginger tea!"
You manage a weak laugh, grateful to have him by your side.
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By the third month, your bump begins to show. Despite your mixed feelings about your changing body, you can't help but feel wonder and amazement at the miracle growing inside you.
"Look at this," Jungkook whispers, gently placing his hand on your belly. "Our little one is growing so fast."
You glance down at his hand, then back up at him with a soft smile. "I know. It's incredible, isn't it? Sometimes it feels like just yesterday we found out. I can't wait to meet them."
Jungkook nods, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Me too. I want to teach them everything I know. I wonder what they'll be like."
You chuckle softly, imagining the possibilities. "Who knows? Maybe they'll have your sense of adventure and my love for creativity. Or maybe they'll be completely different from both of us, which will be okay too."
He grins, pressing a gentle kiss on your belly. "We'll love them no matter what, no doubt about it."
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It's the fourth month when you feel your energy returning and renewed optimism as morning sickness subsides. You and Jungkook take walks in the park, hand-in-hand, discussing baby names and nursery decor.
"I think we should go with a woodland theme for the nursery," Jungkook suggests, swinging your intertwined hands as the crisp autumn leaves crunch beneath your feet.
"Sounds perfect," you agree, smiling at his enthusiasm. "We could have little animal decorations and maybe even a mural of a forest. Taehyung hasn't been subtle about wanting to paint the room for us."
"Definitely," Jungkook replies, his eyes bright with excitement. "He'd probably add his own artistic touch too, knowing him."
You chuckle softly, imagining Taehyung's vibrant and whimsical style adorning the nursery walls. "That would be amazing. Our baby would have the most creative room ever."
As you walk, you discuss more details—what kind of crib to get, whether to use soft pastels or earthy tones, and even what kind of mobile would best fit the woodland theme. Jungkook talks about how he wants to try building some of the furniture himself, adding a personal touch to the nursery.
"I want our baby to know how much love went into creating their space one day," he says, squeezing your hand gently.
"I can't wait to see it all come together," you sigh.
Jungkook stops walking and pulls you into a gentle hug, resting his chin on top of your head. "I can't wait either," he whispers.
“Hey,” you say softly, pulling back slightly from his embrace to meet his deep coffee-black eyes. “What would you say if we went home and did something we haven’t been able to do for a little while?”
You then wrap your arms around his neck with a playful smile.
"You mean…sex?” Your husband's eyes widen as he begins to grasp the extent of your suggestion. “But would that be…”
“It’s safe,” you confirm, “Dr. Kim says it’s completely okay and lots of couples do it. No need to worry.”
Jungkook's prior concern washes away, replaced by shock the moment he hears the words drop from your lips. “You asked Seokjin about this?! Our friend?" His eyebrows knit together in confusion and mild disbelief.
“Well, why wouldn’t I?” You chuckle at how cute he looks. “He’s been our doctor for years, Kook. Why wouldn’t I ask him?”
“I know, but it’s…Seokjin.”
“Honey, come on,” you say, attempting to reason with the man. “Are you still mad at him for questioning your sexual ability all those months ago? When we asked his advice on how to increase our chances of conception? You know he didn’t mean it to be anything hurtful.”
“Maybe I’m still irritated about it,” Jungkook pouts. “I guess I’m being petty though. I know he was trying to help.”
“Well, in any case, he was wrong, wasn’t he?” You subtly gesture to your stomach. “Seeing as I’m pregnant with our baby.”
Jungkook's mood seems to lift again as his hands travel down to grip your waist. A playful grin spreads across his face. “I think we should go home now and see if we can prove him even more wrong. What would you say about us having twins?”
You laugh, easily reading between the lines. “Have you been talking to Kim Taehyung? It doesn’t work like that and you know it. You can’t just make love to me while I’m pregnant and expect two babies instead of one. B+ for effort though.”
“Damn, B+? You’re a tough grader, baby. Good thing I might know a thing or two of what you like to get that reaccessed.” He then kisses you before granting you a chance to respond, deepening it within a second.
You feel a tightening build in your core as his tongue smoothly invites itself to slip between the seam of your lips. And despite literally being in the middle of a park, you moan immediately, tugging at a few strands of his hair. A low groan elicits from him as you do this.
Thank god most of the people have left for dinner by now.
“No,” you suddenly mumble, breaking your heated kiss. “This isn’t how we like to do it. We need to go home. Please, let's go home, Kook.”
Jungkook merely smiles in response, takes your hand in his, and quickly leads you to the car where he drives you both home.
That night, as the brisk autumn wind howls outside, your husband doesn't hesitate to take the lead as he makes love to you with all of his being. And by the end of it all, when you both come, you can visibly see the dried tears on both of each other's cheeks.
"Looks like we're starting to turn into two cry babies," you break the silence first.
"I think so too," Jungkook replies, a tad bit breathless. "Is that okay?"
"Of course. As long as you're okay with it too."
"Can't think of a single reason for it not to be." Your husband buries his head in the crook of your neck, kissing your neck lightly. "I love you, __, so much if you couldn't already tell." He then looks at you and smiles, his eyes brimming with happiness.
"I love you too," you reply simply. "I always will."
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In early December, during your fifth month of pregnancy, emotions run high as you start feeling the baby's first kicks. It's a touching reminder of the life growing within you, bringing tears of joy and occasional bouts of anxiety about the future.
"Feel that?" you ask Jungkook, taking his hand and placing it on your belly where the baby kicks again.
"Wow," he breathes, feeling the tiny nudges beneath his hand. "They're already making their presence known."
You nod, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling within you. "Seems like they're eager to join the party."
Jungkook grins, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I guess they heard about your cooking and couldn't wait. They've got good taste already."
You laugh softly, giving his hand a playful squeeze. "Let's hope they also inherit my better sense of direction."
He raises an eyebrow teasingly. "Hey, I've got great instincts."
You shake your head with mock seriousness. "You once got lost in our own neighborhood, Kook."
Jungkook feigns offense, but his smile widens. "Alright, fair point. But I promise I'll navigate parenthood better."
"It's a little bit scary, isn't it?" you say softly.
"It is," Jungkook admits, his grip on your hand tightening reassuringly. "But we'll figure it out together, like we always do."
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In the sixth month, you and Jungkook find yourselves nervously seated in the ultrasound room, with you on the medical bed and Jungkook in a chair beside you. The doctor moves the wand over your belly. After a few moments of silence, the screen lights up with images of your baby. Both of you gasp in awe as you see your baby's tiny fingers and toes, their heart beating steadily.
"Everything looks perfectly healthy," the doctor announces warmly, pointing out different features and measurements. "Would you like to know the gender?"
You glance over at your husband, whose eyes are fixed intently on the screen. "What do you think?" you ask. "Do we want to know?"
Jungkook's gaze shifts from the screen to you, reflecting both eagerness and nervousness in his eyes. "I think… yes," he says finally, his voice filled with anticipation.
The doctor smiles warmly and adjusts the ultrasound wand, focusing on a specific area. "Well, it looks like you're having a…"
The suspense lingers in the air as the doctor takes a moment before revealing the gender of your baby. When they do, you and Jungkook can't help but grin at each other.
It’s a girl.
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The reality of impending parenthood settles in deeper during the seventh month as you and Jungkook diligently attend prenatal classes together. The sessions are eye-opening, filled with valuable information, but they also serve as stark reminders of the challenges awaiting you both. There are moments of frustration and tears as you grapple with sleepless nights and discomfort.
"I'm so tired," you confess one evening, sinking into Jungkook's arms with a sigh, the weight of exhaustion evident in your voice.
Jungkook wraps his arms around you, offering a comforting embrace. "Well, they say parenthood is good practice for functioning on minimal sleep, right?"
You can't help but chuckle at his attempt to lighten the mood. "I think I need a lot more practice."
"You're doing an amazing job, baby," he assures you, his hands rubbing small, soothing circles on your back. "I'm truly in awe of you."
"Thanks, but I feel like a mess most of the time."
Jungkook shakes his head and gently guides you to look up at him. "If this is what a mess looks like, then I'll take it," he says softly, leaning in to steal a kiss.
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In the eighth month, the physical strain of pregnancy becomes more apparent, introducing moments of fatigue and vulnerability. Everyday tasks like tying your shoes or putting a load of laundry in become increasingly challenging. However, with Jungkook as your husband, his attentive care shines through. He insists on handling all the chores without a second thought, from washing the dishes to preparing meals, often coaxing you to rest while he handles things.
"You really don't have to do all this," you protest with a weary smile as Jungkook scrubs a pot clean, his sleeves rolled up.
"I want to," he insists, flashing a reassuring grin over his shoulder.
You start to rise from the couch, still intent on helping, but Jungkook rushes over and gently guides you back onto the cushions. His touch is both firm and tender.
"Please, just relax, honey," he says softly, kneeling beside you. His hands find yours, warm and comforting, as he gives them a light kiss.
"But-" you begin, a hint of resistance in your voice as you look up at Jungkook.
"I know this isn’t easy," he says, his expression softening with understanding. "But let me take care of you, okay? I've got this."
You sigh, torn between wanting to ease his burden and accepting his offer of support. "I just feel like I should be doing more," you admit, your voice tinged with frustration.
Jungkook shakes his head, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand. "You've already done so much," he reassures you, his gaze unwavering. "Let me handle things tonight. Tomorrow, we can tackle everything together again, okay?"
His words soothe the inner conflict within you, and you reluctantly nod, knowing he's right. "Okay," you concede softly, “Thank you.”
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In the ninth month, you're surrounded by friends and family who gather at your house to celebrate your baby shower. The room is adorned with soft pastel decorations and delicate baby-themed accents, reflecting the joyous anticipation of your impending newborn.
"Look at you, all grown up and about to be a dad," Yoongi teases Jungkook, earning a playful swat on the arm from his wife.
Jungkook laughs, scratching the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess it's happening. Better start practicing my dad jokes, huh? Got any you haven’t used yet hyung?" He winks at Yoongi, who rolls his eyes in good-natured amusement.
Taehyung joins in, holding up a quirky baby outfit. "This would look adorable on your little one, don't you think?" he suggests with a grin, adding to the playful banter.
Jimin, always the entertainer, spins around the room, capturing everyone's attention. "I can't wait to spoil this baby rotten!" he exclaims with a mischievous grin, eliciting laughter from the group. "I'll be the best uncle ever, just you wait!"
Jungkook chuckles, wrapping an arm around you. "Yeah, we might have to keep an eye on Uncle Jimin's antics once this baby is born.”
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Finally, the tenth month arrives, and you approach your due date with growing anticipation. One June morning, as you're bustling about the kitchen, an unfamiliar warmth between your legs startles you. Your heart skips a beat with excitement and a touch of nervousness as you realize what’s just happened.
"Jungkook!" you call out, trying to keep your voice steady.
Jungkook hurries into the kitchen, eyes widening as he sees the puddle on the floor. "Please tell me your water just broke and that's not just a spill," he says, his voice filled with a mix of concern and excitement.
You nod, feeling a rush of emotions. "I think so. We need to go to the hospital."
With swift action, Jungkook helps you gather your hospital bag and gently guides you to the car. The drive is filled with a mix of anticipation and supportive words from Jungkook, his hand firmly holding yours all the way. You focus on your breathing, trying to stay calm and centered as you prepare for the birth of your baby girl.
In the delivery room, surrounded by medical staff and with Jungkook by your side, you endure the intensity of labor. Hours pass in a whirlwind of effort and support, until finally, with a spirited cry, your baby girl enters the world.
As you hold her for the first time, a sense of overwhelming love washes over you both. "She's perfect," you whisper, tears of joy streaming down your cheeks.
Jungkook leans in for a quick peck before gently kissing your baby girl’s forehead. "Just like her mom," he murmurs, his voice filled with awe.
After much consideration, you both decide on the name Ara, a name that symbolizes beauty and grace, perfectly fitting for your precious daughter.
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It's now mid-July, and the late afternoon sun bathes the living room in a soft, golden glow as Jungkook sways gently with Ara in his arms. It's hard to believe almost six weeks have passed since bringing your little angel home. Ara has recently started smiling, and you can't help but notice how much it resembles her father's. Her small frame seems even tinier against his broad chest now, her head nestled against his shoulder as if she were listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.
Jungkook's movements are graceful and tender, his voice humming along to the lullaby as he continues dancing with your daughter. You lean against the doorway, a tender smile playing on your lips as you watch the scene unfold. Soft strains of a lullaby play in the background, blending with the sweet sound of your daughter's giggles while her tiny hands reach up to grasp Jungkook's fingers.
"Appa's dancing with you, sweetheart," you murmur, your voice filled with affection and pride.
Jungkook glances up, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of love and happiness. "She loves our little dance sessions, doesn't she?"
"She adores you," you reply softly, feeling a warm swell of love in your chest.
Seeing Jungkook, once uncertain about fatherhood due to his difficult past, now embracing your daughter with tenderness, fills you with pride. The love and devotion he pours into every sway speak volumes about the kind of father he has become – patient, nurturing, and utterly devoted.
As the lullaby reaches its gentle conclusion, Jungkook carefully lowers your daughter into her crib, tucking her in with a soft blanket. She coos softly, her eyelids fluttering as she settles into a peaceful sleep. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to us," he whispers before pressing a tender kiss to her forehead.
Later that evening, after a leisurely dinner, you find yourselves nestled on the couch in the cozy warmth of your living room. A single lamp in the far corner casts soft shadows across Jungkook's face as he idly traces patterns on your arm, lost in thought.
"Hey," you say softly, breaking the comfortable silence that envelops you. "What's on your mind?"
Jungkook looks at you, a faint smile playing on his lips. His eyes hold a glint of contemplation.
"I was thinking… about Ara."
You nod encouragingly, "What about her?"
"She's going to grow up so fast," Jungkook muses, his voice laced with a hint of sentiment. "And… I can't help but imagine her with a little brother or sister someday."
Your heart skips a beat at his words, a rush of emotions flooding through you. "You've been thinking about another baby?"
Jungkook nods, his gaze searching yours for understanding and reassurance. "Yeah. I mean, not right now, of course. But… in the future. I think Ara would love having a sibling to grow up with."
A soft smile graces your lips as you squeeze his hand gently. "I think so too. I'm sure she'd make a wonderful big sister."
He leans closer, his forehead brushing against yours in a gesture of intimacy and connection. "I just wanted to talk about it, you know? Make sure we're on the same page."
"We are," you assure him, "Whenever you're ready, I'm ready too."
Jungkook's lips find yours in a tender kiss, his touch gentle and reassuring. “I love you and I'm so happy we're finally starting a family. Thank you for making me a father."
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a/n: Too sweet? Perhaps so, but it's how I roll 😎 haha anyway, if you were looking forward to a more detailed baby-making scene, well it's in the series so have at it lol. But now...I'm going to sleep. Maybe I'll open my requests for some more drabbles with the TLTD couple (or I'll make my own requests haha)
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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cloudwisp · 1 day
football player!gojo x cheerleader!reader
cw: fluff, suggestive. he's a little bit (a lot) of a playboy but he's absolutely smitten with you. nothing coherent, just vibes. 1.6k wc.
꒰ note ᰔ I’ve been watching early 2000s romcoms and this idea has been stuck in my head ever since. ꒱
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⭒ You’re newly recruited on the cheerleading squad, and that alone caught Gojo’s attention when he spots a pretty new girl stretching her arms and legs in the open field at the start of practice. You’ve heard about him, of course. The girls like to share stories about him and the most popular jocks in school along with crushes and boyfriends in the locker room. They say he’s good in bed but never sticks around long enough for something serious. Always seen with a different girl each week and they can only hope and dream to be his one and only someday.
⭒ You have to admit that he’s good looking, so unfairly handsome with quick wits and good humor that will keep you entertained for hours in his company. He always gets the best grades too and comes from a wealthy background that makes you think he must be God’s favorite. Especially when you get a glimpse of his sculpted body when he pulls his shirt over his head one afternoon. It’s a delicious sight and you’re brought back down to earth at the sound of your teammates squealing over him. Just what can’t he do? And what doesn’t he have? You’re sure every guy wants to be him, and every girl wants to be with him.
⭒ Gojo approaches you with the few minutes of spare time before warm up officially takes place, offering you some assistance if you need help with your stretches—it’s good for your flexibility and he highlights the importance of the proper techniques to prevent injury or so he says. You know his game, he must view you as this shiny new toy and that’s why he’s interested but who says you can’t have a little fun too? So you accept his kind offer, and a smirk tugs at his lips as he helps you relieve your sore limbs from practice the day before and running your routine again and again.
⭒ This position seems dangerous, with you lying on your back and one leg extended on the ground while he moves the other toward your chest with your knee straightened. You didn’t expect him to use his body to reach those tight muscles in your hamstrings when he placed your ankle just at his shoulder and he pressed his body forward to stretch you nice and good. You’re insanely flexible as he was able to close the distance between you two with just a few inches apart, and it makes his head spin when he’s close to you like this. The soft moan that leaves your lips makes the blood rush from his brain to somewhere lower and he has to restrain himself from doing something inappropriate. He wants to hear more of you and be the reason for those pretty sounds.
⭒ Of course, this caught the attention of majority of your teammates and some of the football players. It’s an enviable situation you both have found yourselves in, but you truly don’t have any real expectations from him other than that he mostly wants you for your body. Perhaps you could say the same thing about him, in the event that you and Gojo have a fling of sorts—you’d know to keep some emotional distance from him just to save yourself from any real attachment and heartbreak. You’re not so naive to get your hopes up and believe he’ll change his ways just for you, but maybe you do want to make the most out of your highschool experience.
⭒ Though, he does have a certain charm that you’re not exactly immune to and his sweet way with words that you’ve seen so many girls fall for. So when he gets straight to the point that he wants to take you out to dinner this Friday, you suppose you want to mess with him a little. “I’ve got my eyes set on someone else,” you tell him and he follows your line of sight until he sees where you’re looking. He feels his stomach drop as he realizes you’re interested in his best friend. “Geto? You’re interested in Geto?” You glance back at Gojo and leave him with a sweet smile and your thanks for the stretches, and he can’t ignore the pang of jealousy in his chest.
⭒ There are plenty of girls falling at his feet, but only you occupy his mind since he had first laid eyes on you. He experienced rejection maybe once or twice before and was able to move onto the next with no hard feelings, but something about you still intrigues him. Like he genuinely wants to know what goes on in that pretty head of yours, what warms and touches your heart, what makes your soul feel nourished and fulfilled. He wants to be with you, even outside of anything sexual because you are someone special and he can feel it.
⭒ He likes calling you by the nickname Angel, and it does make your heart flutter when it’s paired with that cute grin of his. You always greet him back with that bright smile of yours, and he normally wouldn’t be this fixated on a single person for weeks that slowly stretch into months but you have that kind of effect on him. Maybe you have him wrapped around your finger and he doesn’t even know it yet. But what Gojo knows is that he craves being around you (and getting into your personal space), learning every small detail and habit about you through observation, and keeping an open ear to your off-hand stories about your life or daily events. He looks forward to seeing you every single day more than he cares to admit.
⭒ He never stops his advances, trying to get you to give him a chance and he went to great lengths just for you to look his way. He doesn’t know what finally did it, but you suddenly agree to reserve a Friday night just for him when he chats you up after practice. He almost couldn’t believe his ears at first, his brain short-circuits for a split second when he’d normally be so smug about securing a date with anyone else. But you aren’t just another girl to him, he can tell that much. His expression quickly changes into a wide grin, “I’ll pick you up at seven, take you somewhere nice. How's that sound, angel?”
⭒ He arrives at your place promptly at the appointed time and parks his nice car in the driveway. He steps out with a bouquet of roses, taking a deep breath as he straightens himself before walking to your doorstep to ring the bell—never once in his life has he felt jitters like this. Except maybe before a big game, but still you manage to make the palms of his hand sweat in his anticipation for you to answer the door. And when you do, you knock the air right out of his lungs with your hair and makeup and dress that hugs your curves in all the right places. “Wow, you look… beautiful.” He says, holding up the flowers to you with a lovesick smile. When you tell him that he looks handsome too with the use of his surname—he sweetly requests that you call him Satoru.
⭒ Gojo’s inexperienced when it comes to relationships, and he warns you about that and understands that it won’t be easy to win your trust and heart given his reputation. But he promises that you’re the only girl that has made him feel this way, and he’s trying to make this work because he’s serious about you and wants something more and real as long as you’ll have him. You want to believe him yet a small part of you doubts his words. You’re still going to give him a chance to prove that small voice in your head wrong, but you won’t be so quick to fall for him. Because even if it doesn’t work out between you two, at least you gave him the benefit of the doubt.
⭒ He can’t promise that he’ll be perfect or that he won’t mess up. And that much is true when he takes you to a regular date spot that he had brought a couple of girlfriends to previously. That explains why he recommends the lobster pasta to you which led you to ask if he’s been here with someone before. He notices your disappointment and how you shrug it off by saying you’re just grateful he’s taking you out on a date. His hand rests over yours on the table and he apologizes for hurting your feelings. He did want to make you feel special and important, not like just another girl he’s taking to this restaurant. He feels like a complete idiot for not realizing his mistake, and it won’t happen again in the future.
⭒ Gojo can clearly see now that he has so much to learn if he wants to make you happy. And he can almost feel like you're having second thoughts about him—but he does care about you, and more than anything he wants you to believe that he does. He’s not looking for a quick fix, and he hates how he made you feel like you’re a temporary distraction to him. But he supposes that old habits die hard. When he walks you to your doorstep, he promises you again and crosses his heart that he’s in it for the long haul and he’ll show you how much you mean to him and make you forget all about those doubts and fears.
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꒰ note ᰔ some more thoughts is that he gets irrationally jealous when you tell him you’ve already had your first kiss and he follows your rule to keep his hands to himself until the fourth date. thank you for reading if you reached the end -blows you a kiss- ꒱
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prxncezz · 2 days
Can I rec something similar as "Good Girl For You," whereas reader is giving ethan a bj while chad tries to talk to ethan through the locked door?
Only if u want ofc, ty
study buddy
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Pairing: Sub!Ethan, Dom!Reader
Summary: Y/N gives Ethan his first blowjob, but of course, Chad interrupts.
Contains: smut [mdni], oral [m receiving], no actual p in v, praising, corruption kink if you squint, fem specific terms. Lmk if I missed any!
An: I wasn't sure if you wanted Ethan as the sub or dom in this, but if you wanted Ethan to be a dom, then lmk, and I'll gladly remake it! Also, lmk if you wanna be in the taglist.
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Ethan was absolutely obsessed with you.
He had been since the first day you met, and it never crossed his mind that he had a chance with you. He automatically assumed he didn't, considering he was a nerd who kept his nose shoved in books and his homework, but unbeknownst to him, you were actually fond of that very type.
You enjoyed teasing him, giving him signals, and flirting with him without making it too obvious.
It was so fun to toy with him. You couldn't help it. You were addicted to the look on his face when he got all flustered and shy.
But finally, finally, you were in his dorm room to "study."
Little did he know that you weren't planning on studying the entire time. You tried to give him subtle hints like caressing his shoulder or scooting a little closer to him, but he didn't catch onto any of them.
"Ethan," you sighed impatiently, pulling Ethan from the page he was explaining to you.
"Yeah?" His head perked up, his innocent doe eyes looking into yours.
"I was thinking about taking a break. Maybe we could... I don't know... relax?"
"Relax?" He repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. God, he was so oblivious to your hints.
He never picked up on them. Ever. For a moment, you doubted his interest in you, but you skimmed past that possibility quickly since you always had such a great effect on him when you used your charms.
So what could it be? What was holding him back from making a move?
You grew impatient, and you finally realized that you might have to make the first move on your own.
"Yeah, relax." You traced your finger from his collar down to the center of his chest before your eyes flickered to his, his cheeks and nose bright pink.
"And how would we do that?" He adjusted his hips, making you want to grab his face and kiss him right then.
He was so unbelievably cute, it was ridiculous.
"I think I might have an idea," you whispered, flashing him a smirk before shuffling down and kneeling between his legs.
His breath hitched, and his face turned pinker, obviously liking the attention you were giving him.
“Y/N…?” he squeaked, his breath quickening as your hands slowly slid up his thighs.
“Is this okay, Ethan? Do you want me to stop?” You asked softly, your hands stopped about two inches away from his zipper.
"N-No, it’s not that," he said, swallowing thickly. “I just…. i’ve never….” He trailed off, looking at you expectantly. He couldn’t even finish the sentence. He was a college student and he still hadn’t had sex yet.
“That’s okay, sweetie, i’ll go easy on you,” You purr, your right hand inching upward before palming his very obvious bulge.
He let out a strangled whimper, his eyes screwing shut at your touch through his jeans.
“Can i take these off, Eth?” You whisper, continuing to palm him through his jeans. He nodded mindlessly. He didn’t trust his voice at the moment.
You unzipped his jeans, pulling them down to his ankles before wrapping your fingers around the band of his boxers. You pulled them down aswell, his pretty cock springing up and leaking an embarrassing amount of precum.
“Is it okay if i touch you?” You ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes. The last thing you wanted to do was make an innocent boy uncomfortable.
He nodded, giving you a small ‘uhuh’ as he looked down at you. His cock twitched. He had the biggest crush on you for the longest time, he was surprised you hadn’t confronted him about it before.
You wrapped a hand around his base, kissing his pink, leaking tip. He whimpered, his cock giving a small, cute twitch.
Your tongue flattened on the underside of his tip, the most sensitive part of his cock. He let out a small, strangled moan. He pressed his lips together, embarrassed by the sounds leaving him.
You swirled your tongue around his tip before taking his cock in your throat.
"F-fuck, Y/N, p-please.." He gasped. "S-slow down.."
*You did, bringing your lips up a little to about two-thirds down his cock. He breathed heavily, trying to catch his breath. He gave you a small nod and you inch ethan down your throat a little slower than before.
He lets out muffled moans as your hands rest on his thighs, your manicured nails soothingly trialing up and down his skin.
You bob your head up and down a little faster, watching his face contort in pleasure. His hips involuntarily rutted into your throat. You hummed around his cock, causing him to shiver and moan.
“H-holy shit, i’m s-sorry, couldn’t help it,” He babbles. He’s cut off by a moan as you take him a little faster. His doe eyes roll to the back of his head, his mouth falling open with pleasure.
Your tongue swirled around his tip which made him whimper loudly.
His mouth hung open as broken moans escaped his lips, followed with fuck fuck fuck fuck's and oh shit, pleass!
"Y/N... fuck!" He whimpered and whined as his breaths became shallow. It had only been a couple of minutes and you child tell He was close.
“Are you close, baby?" You smirk and swirl your tongue around his reddened tip. All he could do was moan and nod, his hips bucking off the mattress, desperately searching for relief.
You came to a halt, removing your mouth from his cock as Chad called Ethan’s name, the sound of keys being tossed on the counter following soon after.
“Ethan?” Chad called again, footsteps approaching Ethan’s room. He knocked on the door and ethan’s head fell toward, a frustrated groan leaving his lips.
“Yeah?” He called back, trying to remember if one of you locked the door beforehand.
“I asked if you wanted some pizza, i was planning on ordering some,” He calls from outside the door.
You had a small idea, leaning forward and licking ethan’s tip.
“Uh y- oh fuck…” Ethan moaned. “Yeah that’s f-fine,” Chad paused for a moment, probably hearing ethan’s noises.
“What’s going on in there, dude…?” He asked, obviously a little suspicious. Your hand stroked Ethan’s cock quickly, mouth on his tip and your free hand on his thigh. You swirled your tongue around his tip, his moans growing breathier and higher pitched as he gets closer to his orgasm.
Ethan whimpered, biting his lip hard enough to draw blood. “Y-yea everything’s fine,” Ethan breathed out, his head falling back.
You took him all the way down your throat and that’s all it took, Ethan moaning your name as he cums violently down your throat, whining softly.
“Umm… okay…?” He says, walking away. You smirk up at Ethan, who bites his lip.
“We almost got caught,” He whispers.
“So?” You chuckled, furrowing your brows. “I don’t think chad will get mad, he has girls over all the time.”
“No, i know, but… i didn’t think you’d want anybody to know that…” He trails off. you smile softly.
“You’re too cute. You don’t think i want people to know about whatever this turns into?” You tilted your head. He shrugged shyly. He was suddenly very aware that he had his cock out and blood rushed to his cheeks. “You’re smart, Ethan, but sometimes you can be a little stupid.”
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should i make a part 2???
@l0s3r-natilye @nowitsmissing
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lettersofgold · 2 days
-> redemption | chapter one | trent alexander arnold
trent a. x black!fem!reader | master list + summary
genre: angst, fluff, smut, minors dni | authors note: happens in a world where trent is injured, klopp isn’t retired, and contracts exist for medical staff at anfield on match days. just walk with me!
warnings: mentions of injury, brief mentions of depressive feelings
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[pictured: black!fem!reader + Amanda + Miguel ]
You found yourself squished against Amelia, in her and James’ bed. You made everyone coffee and brought it upstairs, then made yourself comfortable in the bed and under the duvet. It would have been awkward if it was anyone else but it wasn’t. You and Amelia had become attached at the hip after being randomly assigned to each other as roommates at Hillman College, bonding on your shared love for sports and dream to work in the medical field.
Amelia was in the middle of her residency at the children’s hospital a town over. James, her boyfriend, was a nurse practitioner in a family medicine clinic. James laid on his back with his eyes closed, holding his coffee on his chest as if he were a coffee table.
Amelia was explaining a patient who had a miraculously successful surgery despite the odds. Amelia decided she was going to in fact - despite all the other names she mentioned before - name her child after them. Even though his eyes were closed you could sense James’ eyeroll. Amelia was inspired by every kid she worked with and it was sweet, but it did make for an extremely long baby name list for James.
“Busy this week?” Amelia asked you. Wednesdays were half days - usually your first patient wasn’t until 12:00.
“Just the usual. I’ve got a rugby player coming in Friday and I haven’t got a clue of what Dr. Moore is thinking. Never seen a ligament reconstructed that way, the scans were harder to read. They didn’t do microscopic surgery either.” You said, remembering how confused you all were while looking at the patients scans.
“That’s not optimal for recovery.” Amelia said.
“Something about a new technique - the guy agreed to the experimental part. Apparently he’s older and hoping for one more season.” You commented with a shrug.
“Experimental surgery for recovery, in sports, is just never a good idea.” James commented.
“Tell me about it. I’ve got a feeling Moore will want me to be part of it.”
“Hey,” Amelia nudged your shoulder softly, “that goods. He trusts ya.”
“I wish he wouldn’t - there’s other people he could work with but it’s always falling on me.” You complained. It was a pitiful thing to say but you were expecting your workload to lighten and not get worse after leaving Dr. Wesson’s office.
”I’ve gotta get up,” James said. He patted Amanda’s leg and got out of the bed.
“It’s your day off, babe.” Amanda scolded but it fell on deaf ears. James had a one track mind and he wanted to be outside, finding something to fix on his family land that didn’t need any work done to it.
“The horses don’t care that it’s my day.” He yelled as he disappeared into the hall.
James’ land was his life. The property that the three of you lived on was owned by James, having been passed to him by his late grandfather. James had a few acres, horses, chicks and two barn cats who had a habit of sneaking indoors, which you happily encouraged by luring them with catnip. You moved into the other side of the house, which was built onto the main house a few years ago. In college, the three of you spent any free time you had at the house - it desperately needed a renovation and it was a nice break from the mental toll of all the medical work and studying. You weren’t originally planning to be here but then again, no part of your plans included you quitting your previous job.
You happily paid the rent they asked for because you didn’t know of a better place to be. Among friends who felt like family, away from the hustle culture of the city and in the peaceful countryside where you were nearly unreachable. It was different from the idea of post-college life you dreamed of but it was the one of the best decisions you made - getting out of London was the right thing to do.
Although he couldn’t practice, Trent wanted to support the team in any way he could. The whole practice was spent envying his teammates. He paced the practice pitch slowly, watching the ball, trying to optimize his game on a visual level. Towards the end of practice, while the boys were stretching out before getting dismissed, Klopp clapped his hand down on Trent’s shoulder with his signature smile. For Trent, he was finding it much harder to keep up the facade of being passive about his injury. It was burning his skin like a bad rash and the only cure was being on the pitch. It was difficult for him to settle for what was happening in to him and Klopp could see it.
Klopp made small talk with Trent about his recovery, not concerned about the physical aspect, but more about the mental. His whole goal was to get Trent out of his own head and meet someone, such as his goddaughter, who would match his energy and attitude.
You were a stubborn girl. When Klopp heard that you quit your job, he knew that there had to be an issue that was not fixable in your eyes. You saw things through in the same aspect that your father did when he played alongside Klopp - everything is figureout-able.
He saw in Trent’s eyes, the same thing he saw in your eyes - the blank stare of being trapped in your own head when life brought pain that you never experienced before. Klopp was confident that you and Trent would find a common ground, maybe even find solace in one another.
He was knew it was for the best.
“How are things?” Klopp asked, wrapping his arm around the boy’s shoulder, forcing him to walk slowly on the pitch. It was an intentional gesture - he wanted to see if Trent was favoring his uninjured leg. If he was, that was a sign he didn’t have faith in himself despite the work he had done in rehab. Unsurprisingly, Trent was balanced and even in his stride. Klopp couldn't hide a smile as Trent talked about the physiotherapist that was assigned to him.
“She’s been nice, for the most part.” He admitted, “Dunno, we argue about things but it's all in good fun.”
“You can’t tell her how to do her job, Trent.” Klopp chuckled.
“ ‘M not!” Trent argued. “We bump heads.”
“Why’s that?” Klopp stopped walking and turned to stand in front of Trent.
“She always thinks she’s right,” Trent’s face scrunched up in thought. Although his face showed annoyance, his eyes sparkled with fondness about you. “Bit annoyin’”
”I’m sure she thinks the same of you.” Klopp said and Trent laughed.
As Trent drove to the rehab facility, he wondered if you thought he was annoying, too. Based on the way you talked to him, you clearly thought of him as a thorn in your side. But despite the way you spoke to him, you cared about his recovery. You challenged him and never allowed him to overdo it.
Trent ended up injured for the second time because his lack of patience got the best of him and he refused to be honest about how his knee felt when he was injured over the summer. The previous physiotherapist was an older and passive, man who didn’t take the time to understand Trent’s goals towards the treatment plan. Trent was outspoken with you, he was ultimately a closed off person.
From the moment you met, you laid down the law - Trent would either get with the program that Dr. Moore created or he could tell Klopp to find him another office. It impressed him. He never met a woman of your stature so blunt and unbothered by his celebrity.
Trent plopped himself into one of the massage chairs once inside and immediately turned it on, relishing in the heat and the massagers running up and down his spine. He closed his eyes for a moment then peeked to see what you were doing. Your red scrubs hugged your body in the right ways and in all the right places. He saw many women in scrubs but most women didn’t look like you - the way the bottoms accentuated your waist made him double take a few times during his sessions. For some odd reason Trent was fascinated by your hands - probably because you were always touching him. He paid close attention to your nails. They were always painted and he was always intrigued to see what color came next.
When he found out you were a Liverpool fan he was surprised. You sure as hell didn’t talk about that fact Trent played for Liverpool. Outside of the banter, you spoke to him as just Trent. You didn’t speak of the star studded boy from Liverpool - you simply acted as if he was a man who happened to get injured. It was an uncomfortable situation at first because Trent was so used to being isolated and treated more glamorous than most, but being here alongside other players and retired athletes made him happy to be just Trent. Not number 66.
“You ready?” You said as you walked towards the happily relaxed man. Trent’s locs were growing and nearly covered his eyes - you liked how it looked on him but you wouldn’t tell him that.
“Where’s Quincy?’ Trent asked, eyeing the facility as if the six foot man was magically hiding behind a treadmill or the bench press.
“He’s not in today.” You said and turned off the massage chair much to Trent's disapproval, “I have a new patient comin’, the quicker we start the quicker you can go do whatever it is you do with your life.”
“Playing football.” He said with an edge to his tone. It was unnecessarily rude and you couldn’t help being rude back.
“Not if you keep wasting your own time.” You blurted out bluntly and Trent’s jaw tightened at the dig.
Of all the things you could have said, he was not expecting that. It immediately soured his mood. He was ready to be done and the session hadn’t even started.
Trent rose from the chair gingerly, staring at the floor with each step he took. He could feel you staring at him with your arms crossed, walking backwards to assess his gait as he headed to the physio table. Once he was properly laying on the table, he pulled out his phone to occupy his mind. He scrolled through Instagram as you prepped him for the therapy, starting with an assessment of his knee.
He wanted to ignore the cool feeling of your fingertips on his inflamed, hot skin, but it was impossible. He opened his email and nothing distracted him. He even texted his group chat with his brothers and got no reply. He almost broke down and replied to a text from his ex-girlfriend. Trent opted to just sit up and watch you work on his knee.
“How’s it look?” Trent asked genuinely. Even if it was small progress, it was still progress being one day closer to returning to the pitch. You were frowning as you held onto his knee and reached behind yourself to get gel from the cart full of supplies.
“It’s more swollen than I wanted to see,” you said with a disappointed expression. “This is going to be cold but it will help with the inflammation.” You said as you warmed the product up in your hands.
When you touched his skin Trent jerked from a moment because you massively downplayed how cold it was. The cream was covered in freezer burn - it literally was refrigerated overnight.
“Sorry.” You said softly. You used your thumbs softly to work through the muscles of his quads then slowly made your way to his knee.
“Why ya frownin’?” Trent asked quietly, sounding scared of the answer. His muscles were tender in ways it hadn’t been before and it was simultaneously painful and relieving to have them massaged. He didn’t know whether he loved or hated the feeling of your hands on his injured knee.
“The swelling…” You looked up at him and raised your brow, “did you rest this weekend?”
“Yeah.” He said too quickly. “My niece was over. She’s walking now and I wanted to play with her.” He admitted without looking at you.
“You’re joking.” You stared at him and he shrugged as if it was not big deal. “Oh, you’ll have plenty of play with her when you can’t play football because you can’t get it through your thick skull that you need to rest.” You said with a genuine disappointment he never heard from you before. “Look,” you began again, “this is not a joke.”
“Never said it was.” Trent defended in a way that got under your skin.
“Stop acting like it, then.” You snapped and turned around, walking away from him. Although Trent did as you asked and was a good patient, he still felt that he knew best. Which infuriated you. You studied your ass off. You knew what you were doing.
“What’s your problem?” He yelled louder than he meant to and he was thankful no one else was in the room.
“You aren’t taking this serious.”
“I wasn’t brexit tackling a two year old.”
“You need to return to training camp looking better than you left and right now, you aren’t looking good. I told you that if you didn’t want to follow instructions then tell them to get you another physiotherapist.”
“I don’t see the problem.”
“The problem is I care and you don’t. This isn’t just your job on the line Trent.” You let slip.
“It’s not tha’ easy, you know.”
“It’s hard for everyone! You think you’re only important here?”
“No that’s not,” Trent tried to reconcile the situation. It was making his heart thump fiercely. The passion and frustration dripping off your words made him feel guilty. You had been annoyed with him in the past, but he never saw you disappointed.
“Quincy will be back and he can do the rest of your treatment. I said it before, I’d rather work with patients who appreciate me.” You said referring to your comment on Monday. It was a joke then, but now, it was serious.
For a long moment, neither of you said anything but stared back at each other. You didn’t back down from his stare and Trent gave up.
“Fine.” Trent said and swung his leg off the table and got his stuff as quickly as he could with his knee still in pain from the beginning of treatment.
You huffed as Trent closed the door behind him and felt like you could cry. If Trent didn’t pull through to Dr. Moore’s expectations or even to your own, this wasn’t going to work. You didn’t want to let all the work you did as a miserable, overworked student go to waste - you wanted to be respected in this field. You weren’t sure you could do that if you yelled at your patients and told them to find another physiotherapist.
If you couldn’t help an active athlete, you would be stuck helping retired people for the rest of your life. That wasn’t your ultimate goal. Your goal was to move up the ranks and receive promotions and to be recognized for the work you did with current players not the ones of the past - you wanted to change how athletes rehabilitated themselves. You didn’t want to be the physiotherapist who was careless with their patients' recovery, doing the bare minimum. You wanted to do more and you wanted the same for your clients - alongside respect. It was hard enough to be working with such a high profile athlete and someone as hard headed as Trent, but with your godfather sticking his neck out for you it was twice as hard.
“How can I help him if he doesn’t want to help himself?” You asked Amanda and James that night over dinner and a glass of wine. A part of you wanted to throw in the towel, stand your ground and not accept him as a patient anymore.
But that wasn’t realistic.
This wasn’t your own personal rehabilitation clinic and you did not have that type of pull - you were still in a trial period yourself.
Amanda hummed in thought because she didn’t work with patients who had their own life experience and opinions - they were just fussy babies who wanted to be held or to eat. She could differentiate between the type of cries to figure out the best solution. Even the most intense cases never made her speak out of line to a patient’s parent or guardian.
You were the hot head of the bunch and you voiced your thoughts and although it was admirable for you to advocate for what was right, it caught up to you. That was the ultimate reason you left your previous job. You were supported by your family and friends in your decision but Amanda was still skeptical that it wouldn’t happen again. And here you all sat, trying to salvage a situation that you set a fire to on your own behalf.
“You have to look at it this way, all he knows is football. It’s probably the only consistent thing in his life.” Amanda reasoned. She always saw the perfect outcome but that was the attitude she needed to have at her job or else she would drive herself insane with the fact she could make every single family whole again.
“But that’s on him, not her.” James played devil's advocate. He was the most unbiased of the three of you. You couldn’t tell if it was because he was a man or because he had an innate ability to make decisions based on the facts and not his feelings.
“Exactly.” You said perking up. You knew James would get it.
“But,” he said with a pointed finger and you slouched back down into your seat, “You took an oath when you got your license.”
“You’ve had worse patients in the past.” Amanda reminded you. “What’s so different about him?”
There were a lot of things different about Trent. You were in shock when Dr. Moore called you into his office and you saw Trent sitting there. You were a big football fan and even bigger Liverpool fan. Trent was different because he had the same competitive mentality that you had. He was different because he was so confident that it played a part in his downfall. Trent was different because he was a homegrown talent and one your godfather’s proudest achievements in his career. Trent was different and you couldn’t explain why you cared as much as you did, but it was worrisome and frustrating to have him undo all the progress just because he wanted to play with his niece.
He could do that sitting down.
He could do that without sacrificing his own future.
What good of a relationship could a niece have with an uncle with a bad knee who limped constantly?
You learned how to be comfortable around celebrities through many years of meeting professional athletes through your dad, godfather, and just through school in general. It was shocking to you that Dr. Moore introduced you to Trent as his “best physiotherapist” considering you were only there for about 8 months at the time.
When you came to the office to work, you made it clear that you weren’t here to settle and become comfortable - you wanted to improve each year and move onto joining a club full time when the opportunity arose. So you knew with that in the back of his mind, and Klopp in Dr. Moore’s ear advocating for your work ethic, that he was giving Trent’s treatment to you as a test.
You were up to the test when it was in the honeymoon phase: the ideal personality of Trent that you created in your head, his ability to understand that you weren’t just a physio assistant but a licensed physiotherapist ,thinking he would want to collaborate in a positive way and be outwardly thankful for the work you did. But that all came tumbling down on his first day when he refused to speak you at all. He was closed off and answered you with one word answers. So instead of being nice, you spoke to him the same way you did your stubborn-elderly patients who thought they knew best.
It was bothersome in the beginning but you did find yourself getting through the treatments without having any serious issues because he could take the heat as much as he dished it. You hadn’t met a man like that before. He defied the stereotype of an athlete in both good and bad ways. You wanted to be sympathetic to his situation but you found it difficult when he had the world at his feet, literally, and he was letting his ego keep him from recognizing the work you were doing and that you truly knew what was best. It was keeping him from getting over the mental block of recovering, receiving help from you, which meant it was delaying his return to work.
“He’s fighting against me.” You said with a shake of your head. “I don’t think it’ll work.”
“Doesn’t matter what you think, love, you have to make it work.” James said and pushed his chair away from the table and collected everyone’s plates. The barn cat moved from underneath his chair and climbed into your lap and rubbed his head against your chest affectionately. “What helped you when things came to a standstill for you?” He asked.
“Why don’t you try something else? Maybe take the session out of the office - you both have been cooped up for weeks.” Amanda suggested and moved away from the table too. They said their good nights and left you to sit with the cat, who never was named, to sit with your thoughts which consisted of fear of failure.
By the time Friday came around, you were scared of making the situation worse. You wanted to take your emotions out of the situation but it was almost impossible to separate that from your work - you were too passionate and invested in your clients health.
Luckily ,you didn’t have to face Trent first thing in the morning. Your first client was Miguel, the rugby player, who had the experimental ligament reconstruction surgery that left you and Dr. Moore scratching your heads. The treatment’s plan ultimately landed on Dr. Moore and Miguel’s shoulders. You were there for support and to fill the gaps of treatment. He appreciated your bedside manner and you were thankful he had never seen you and Trent go at it. Most of the time, Dr. Moore was at the speciality hospital performing emergency procedures.
When Miguel arrived you laid out the treatment plan that was being proposed. It was a hard thing to know if it would work. If it went according to the standard rehabilitation, it ran the risk of not fully healing, but if you tried to do too much or something new, you ran the risk of it not healing at all and making the ligament worse. You handed each paper towards him with instructions about how to treat the injury at home, foods to avoid - even though he clearly was eating very well - and what he should buy to have on standby at home.
“You can buy the fancy tape but the truth is, it doesn’t make a difference. Tape is tape, I personally go with the cheapest option.” You said in earnest and Miguel laughed.
Every time he laughed his eyes crinkled and it was extremely endearing. You were no stranger to handsome and charming athletes,but this was the first time it felt that it came naturally to him. He wasn’t forcing it.
“My kind of girl.” He said and pointed an approving index finger at you. “This all sounds good - will I be with you or mainly Dr. Moore?”
“A bit of both. I’ll be taking the primary care and help you meet the criteria Dr. Moore has created for you. He’ll come to you and review every week and decide whether to move forward or stay where we are. Patience is key here.” You said and then realized you weren’t taking your own advice. You didn’t even have any patience with Trent because he was always testing it. If you had one last nerve left for him to irk, he would probably hopscotch down it.
“Okay, right. This sounds good.” He said with a nod of approval once more.
“Stay on the crutches, and don’t forget to ice and elevate as much as you can. If we can get the inflammation down then we can go back and get a better look at how we can deal with recovery from the surgery.”
“Thank you,” He said, standing up off the table. You slid his crutches under his arms and he looked uncomfortable at the pressure under his arms from having to rest on the crutches.
“Sit down, let me help you with these.”
Miguel followed your instructions and sat back down without any protest. Miguel was quiet and polite - the quiet part was really not what you expected. You took his crutches and walked over to a close to find additional cushioning to the arm rests. You were on the other end of intense bruising from crutches once before and the last thing you wanted was to add that to the list of pain Miguel was dealing with. You were in the midst of working your magic when you heard Trent’s voice behind you. You looked behind you to see him and Miguel clasping hands, doing a brotherly hug before complementing one another.
“That tackle was dirty, man.” Miguel said in his Australian accent. “Absolutely insane.”
“Yeah.” Trent said without elaborating. If he thought about how he got injured too much he got nauseous and angry and it would ruin his mood.
You turned and walked back towards the physio tables and handed Miguel his crutches. He thanked you and you told him it was no problem.
“Call if you need anything okay?” You said with a soft smile. “If you can’t reach Dr. Moore, your agent has my number.”
“Thanks again,” Miguel said with a wide smile and you returned it. “Nice to meet ya man, see ya ‘round?”
“Course.” Trent said, his eyes watching Miguel as he left before he turned to look at you.
“Hey.” You said stupidly. You weren’t sure how to approach this situation. You could either apologize and not care if he accepted it, apologize and tell him the full story of why you cared so much for him and his injury.
“Hey.” His response was monotone and not friendly. His eyes bore into your back as you disinfected and reset the physio table for his treatment. Trent settled upright onto the table. You unwrapped his brace to take a look at what you were working with today and you were surprised to see it was red and cold to touch.
“What’s this?” You said looking up at him with curious eyes.
“Iced it this morning and on the drive up.” He said, still monotoned and dead eyed.
You could see him shutting down - you had the same look in your eyes when you were emotionally detached from the injury that sent your career down the drain. Trent was going to be fine, you told yourself. It wasn’t your place to put the pieces of him back together - it was your job to prepare him to go back and face his life head on as an athlete. So he could put himself back together.
“Good,” you nodded and focused back on his knee, “that’s really good, Trent.”
All you got was a hum for a response and you took a deep breath to prepare yourself for the next words to come out of your mouth.
“I’m sorry.” You apologized but continued to work on his leg. You couldn’t meet his eyes so you focused on the darkening scar from the small surgical wound. It was healing beautifully. Despite the swelling from overuse, Trent’s knee was healing nicely.
“There’s no need to be sorry .” Trent began to brush you off but you refused to let him do so.
“We’re on the same team here. If we like it or not. I’m not going to let you continue to do whatever you want.” You finally met his eyes. You were sure you weren’t thinking straight and reading too much into the moment because it seems as if his eyes softened. “I’m here to help. We’re teammates.”
“You’re a bit of shit teammate, yeah?” He said and you couldn’t help but bite your lip to keep from laughing. You blew air out of your nostrils.
“I’ll take that one,” You replied but continued on in a serious tone, “but you need to meet me in the middle.”
“Ya don’t understand though, that’s the problem. Never been in me shoes.” Trent pointed out incorrectly.
You had yet to tell him about how you ended being a physiotherapist. As the infamous saying went: those who can’t do, teach. Or in your case, those who can’t play, fix.
“I’m not your enemy here. The sooner you realize that the sooner you can be back on the pitch, okay?”
“Fine.” He said defensively, folding his arms on his chest. It was childlike and somewhat adorable.
“Swear it?” You said putting out your pinky finger to him to attach to his own. It may have been silly but it was serious to you. You took pinky promises seriously.
“Is this primary school?” He asked as if he couldn’t believe you were making him pinky swear. Trent had an amused expression on his face.
“Swear?” You emphasized and his finger finally latched on yours.
“Swear.” He agreed, dropping his hand and crossing his arms back over himself. “Back in the day we used to spit and then shake hands, that’s the real deal.”
“You can’t leave well enough alone, can you?” You said, happy to be on a better path than before. Your breathing was a bit easier but there was tons of work ahead of you two and Trent needed to get on board.
Tag list 🏷️ - @trentswh0re @bffrwme @trenterprise @itswerecookie @judeswifeyyyyyyyy @chrisoppar @abiigaiil1234 @hopefulromantic1
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brackishkittie · 9 hours
ex-factor, abby anderson
— toxic!abby anderson x black!reader
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synopsis: toxic abby headcanons because I’m having a really bad abby brainrot rn. 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ( I’ll probably make a full fic abt this later. )
c/n: very very nasty hate(?) sex, choking, slapping, strap riding, degradation, overstimulation, mirror sex, abby cussin you out, hair pulling, clit slapping. ( it’s alot I know..) she’s horrible tbh.
a/n: THIS SHIT TOOK SO FUCKING LONGGGG. I’ve been working on this shit for like maybe 6 months because I’ve been putting it off for so long but it was worth it…😞🙏🏾 (edit:) this was supposed to come out in 2023. ( INCONSISTENT ASS !!! )
daily click | ways to help palestine | important tlou post
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idea inspo: @beetlejuice-e ofc I gotta give my creds n inspo!! pls check out niyah’s works especially her toxic abby series!!
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✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who will surely text yo ass off a burner account on insta and if you don’t answer that? girl no caller id will definitely be callin you and cussin you out.
“who the fuck do you think you’re blocking?” her voice rings out on the other side of the screen. “abigail don’t play on my phone please..” you sigh loudly due to how sick of her bullshit you were. “oh I’m playin on it. unblock me.” she replies swiftly. “girl you not about to irritate me on MY phone. bye.” and you hang up. abby won’t back down though. she’ll be RELENTLESSSSS over that unblock. she’ll even post ts on her story talkin bout “unblock me.” ( obviously you’ll unblock her..but she annoyin asl!! )
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who’ll be mad at you for posting you and your friend together. even if she has met said friend or knows them in general, she don’t gaf. she’ll slide up on the story with a “who’s that?” and you be like “that’s so and so” and then here go abby ass.. “why she so fucking close?? tell her move a bit.”
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who comes to your house mad asl because you didn’t pickup the phone after you two got into an argument. she’ll bang on your door and she won’t go away until you let her in. when you do let her in though, she’s cussing you out and you two get back to arguing. she’s all in your face and yelling at you for not answering and acting “bitchy”. you manage to push her away from you and walk into your room, but all she does is follow you into your room while still angrily screaming at you. “where the fuck are you going?” abby is absolutely livid and staring you down. “I’m trying to get away from you, abigail.” you respond with an obvious hint of annoyance. abby who doesn’t say a word, pushes you onto the wall and leaves barely any space between you two. “who the fuck are you talking to, y/n? let me know right fuckin now.”
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who loves it everytime you get surprised when she takes the initiative of grabbing you by your face and pushing her tongue deep into your mouth. her hands groping and smacking your ass. abby throws you onto the bed, already taking off her black t-shirt and signaling for you to take off your clothes. you knew the drill. it was a never ending cycle and you fell for it everytime. abby lifts your legs onto her shoulders and smiles as soon as her eyes fell onto your pretty pussy. “fucking slut. I barely did anything yet.” she said as you felt her fingers brush your clit. “I want you to keep your eyes on me. if you look away, you won’t be able to cum.” you nod and watch her slip two fingers into your wet cunt, watching her tongue putting in work. she sloppily eats you out like she’s been dreaming of it.
you shut your eyes and almost instantly you jumped once abby slapped your clit. “I said to keep your fucking eyes on me..” her nails dug deeper into your soft skin, she’s eating you out with such aggression and knowing that turned you on even more. you gripped her hair and bucked your hips. you felt yourself reaching your high and your eyes rolled back as your mouth fell open. “holy shittttt!— abby please..” you continued watching her tongue work in and out of you, her thumb rubbing at your sensitive clit, and her eyes shooting up at you making sure you were watching her like she told you to. you thought maybe she was just gonna go easy on you tonight because it was a small fight, right? “face down. ass up.” she said as she glared at you.
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who loves seeing you take her strap, her eyes almost glued to the mirror as your ass bounced off her. abby fucking the anger out of you so well that you nearly forgot why you were so mad at her. abby taps your face lightly when she sees you basically go blank for a second. “don’t pass out on me now baby. you had all that fuckin mouth for me earlier.” she stuffs two fingers into your mouth and you finally find the energy to let out some form of words. “too fucking muchhh! fuck..!” your mouth agape when you feel abby fucking into you deeper. “so fuckin nasty..” she grins and reaches for your hair, pulling and tugging at it while picking up her pace as she drilled the strap into you. you were too fucked out to even speak at this point. your head was spinning, your thoughts were scrambled, and your heart was racing. abby pulled her fingers out of your mouth and looked at you in the mirror, “look at me in the mirror, pretty. are you ready to apologize?” abby tilted her head. she knew everything was her fault but for her to apologize for it? hell no. “fuck you abigail.” you responded miserably as she pounded into you. her grin was completely wiped off her face in an instant once you said that.
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby who found amusement in you riding her strap. your body clearly tired and about to give out but all she does is plant kisses on your tits and grope them, sucking and licking your tender nipples. “abby please..I’m sorry! no more! I can’t- take it.” you’re losing it at this point. you’ve reached a new point of ‘fucked out’ and abby was gonna use that shit to her advantage. “say it again.” abby stared at you intently — she knew exactly how to make you forget about everything and that was through the movement of her hips. “I love you a lot baby, you gotta stop making me mad..” she purred at you with a subtle smirk on her face. “oh my god.” you pant out, wrapping your arms around her neck and pulling yourself closer to her. you place your chin onto her shoulder and continue to roll your hips, bouncing on her strap needily. you can sense yourself reaching your high as you dug your nails into her skin. she snakes her hand around your waist and whispers to you softly, “deep breaths baby, let it out. cmon.” abby coos as she talks you through through your orgasm, rubbing your back ever so gently.
✮ ˚ — toxic!abby whose way of aftercare was to clean you two up, cuddle you, and maybe..subtlety gaslight you into believing that you’re the reason she acts the way that she does. she’s treating you as if you were delicate almost like a small bubble. abby knew that you being devoid of energy, her being so gentle with you, and talking to you with the most smoothest and kindest voice she could put on, you would fall for it. you had your head on her chest, basking in her scent and letting her delude your thoughts like it was nothing. abby knew it was wrong. did she feel bad? in another universe maybe. she just wanted you to herself. “you know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, right? I love you so much baby.” she said to you sweetly. all you could to is hum in response while you smiled at the affection that she was showing you. to you and abby, this was just another friday..but to your friends…that’s its own story for another day.
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tags: none cs I’m js clearing drafts out. 🧘🏾 🎀
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Kalim, Vil: Pyrite, Prince, and Pauper
Wah 😭 I really love the initial art!! The water shimmering and making a rainbow… ✨ (Not used to seeing Kalim without his headscarf though, feels weird to see him bare!)
A Tale as Old as Time.
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If Kalim had to pick one word to describe what he was looking at, it would be celebration.
It was both humble and extravagant at once—the city streets, the venue, livened up with flags, confetti, and fanfare. A large elephant fitted with a vest and hat towered over the gathered townsfolk. Seated upon him was a young man in a turban and glaringly white robes, an arm extended to the sky.
A grand party for the public, and all were invited. Children and adults, animals and humans, nobles and street rats.
Kalim broke out into a wide smile. “Wow, it looks like everyone’s having so much fun!”
“You never seem to tire from the idea,” Vil commented dryly.
The supermodel patiently tapped a manicured nail against his arm. “I suppose a host showing his best face to the public is far from undesirable. I’ve certainly been to my fair share of events where the host was less than that.”
“Gahahah! You’re famous, so it makes sense you’d be in high demand at parties. Jamil told me about that red carpet you walked a little while ago. I managed to catch some of it on TV!”
Kalim’s garnet eyes glinted with excitement.
“You were all sparkly and the crowd was so happy to see you! You’re like the prince in this painting, hyping everyone up.”
“My, thank you for your support.” Vil’s lip curled. “I’m sure you’re in high demand as well… albeit for different reasons than I. Many would love to have the attention of the Asim heir on them.”
The third year chuckled, a hand tucked under his chin. “It’s only natural for people to be attracted to that which shines.”
“Shines, huh…”
Kalim folded his arms, inclining his head to one side. His mouth pinched slightly, disrupting the arc of his smile.
“… Hey, Vil. Can I ask you something?”
“You need not request for my permission.” Vil waved a hand. “Continue.”
“Do you really think I shine? Like, on stage.” A pause, then he quickly added, “And you can be honest with me. Please… be honest with me.”
“What’s this now?” Vil planted his hands on his hips. “Certainly, you’re not ordinary by any means, but I’d hesitate to call you a refined gem. A one month boot camp isn’t enough to polish your singing and dancing skills to that of a pro—but you’re not talking about VDC, are you?”
“Ahahah… Looks like you caught me.” Kalim let his arms fall to his sides.
“You can’t fool this actor’s eyes,” Vil said simply. “So? What is it that you’re actually after? It’s not like you to talk in circles.”
“It’s nothing. I… A lot’s been on my mind since winter break. Too many things. When I think about it for too long, I start to wonder if I’m really what people say I am.”
You’re so talented, Kalim-sama.
So handsome.
So smart.
So kind.
The very best.
“Sometimes...” He tugged at his collar, watching how it sparkled and shifted as he maneuvered the fabric. “it feels like I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go. Or like my clothes don’t fit me right.”
The golden boy, the prince to make way for, the sun all looked to. They were the roles he wore, but suddenly they felt hollow.
Lies set adrift on an errant wind.
Dust of pyrite, fool’s gold.
Am I pretending to be something I’m not?
“… I’m not making a lot of sense, am I?” Kalim laughed softly, forcing a smile. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have made today feel sad.”
“On the contrary,” Vil tutted, “I understand all too well. All the makeup in the world, the nicest clothes, and the most skilled stylists cannot make a pauper become a prince. A pauper is a pauper, no matter how they present.
“However… a perfect little prince is not all that has value. I’ve played enough parts and been in enough productions to know. There are swash-buckling pirates, daring space heroes, dastardly villains, and, yes, even clever, honest street rats who find themselves in the public eye. Perhaps they did not start off as diamonds, but in the end they proved themselves to be diamonds in the rough.”
Vil lifted his chin—indignant.
“Regardless of how others perceive you or what ensemble you wear, you remain yourself. So long as you hold true to your own moral compass and principles, you shall always be someone who shi… Ough!!”
He could scarcely finish his sentence before he was tackled. Kalim was embracing him tightly, only pulling back when Vil muttered that he was creasing both of their suits.
“Thanks, Vil!! Talking with you made me feel so much better! You’re really not as bad as they say you are.”
Vil frowned. “I’m aware that I have my detractors, but you must learn to be more tactful with your choice of words.”
“Tactful, right! Got it! I can do that.”
Kalim released him and spun around, splaying his arms out. He pretended to present the painting with a flourish, looking back at Vil.
“Someday, maybe I’ll be as sparkly as he is here!”
So I can meet everyone’s expectations. Talented, handsome, smart, kind, better.
But no matter how I might change, I’m still me.
Still Kalim Al-Asim.
And that was something worth celebrating.
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jiyascepter · 1 day
Happy 1k omg !! I wanted to request smth for loki + "I'd run away and hide with you / I know that you got daddy issues, and I do too" from daddy issues by the neighborhood bc I think that song suits him so much haha
Run Away
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MASTERLIST The Tunes & Tales Collection (Masterlist Soon!)
Pairing: Loki x f!reader
Words: 576
Prompt: -> "I'd run away and hide with you / I know that you got daddy issues, and I do too"
-> "We're like two fingers of the same hand The Hand of Fate writing on the sand"
-> "I'm gonna run away with you Gonna run away into your eyes blue I'm gonna run away with you I'm gonna run away into your eyes blue"
Requested by: @eleniblue & annonie 𖹭
Warnings/Content: Angst/hurt/comfort; mentions of leaving home, kisses
Summary: You and Loki decide to run away.
A/n: Thank you for requesting anon and @eleniblue! These two prompts were so alike to me that I couldn't help but merge the story with them, I hope it's not a problem 𖹭 hope you both like the story, thank you soo much for requesting 🥰
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In the quiet of the moonlit forest, you stood on the edge of the realm you called home, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration. The shadows of your father's castle loomed behind you, a constant reminder of the life you were about to leave behind. Born a princess, you had always been a light of your father’s heart.
But tonight, everything was going to fade behind. Because you had fallen for the prince of Asgard, the snarky son of Odin, Loki. His presence was like a magnetic pull to you, his charm and wittiness had found a way to your heart.
He was everything you weren't—serious, witty, and often shrouded in a snarky demeanor. Yet, beneath that exterior, you had found his kindred spirit. And you absolutely loved it.
“We're like two fingers of the same hand,” you whispered, your voice trembling as you reached out to him.
“The Hand of Fate writing on the sand,” Loki completed, his blue eyes piercing through the darkness, filled with the same longing that mirrored yours.
You both were away from the castle grounds, away from the eyes of the guards. Because if they were to see him, not even a second would pass by and they would start greeting him with arrows.
“I can’t stay here anymore,” you say, your voice oozing with emotions. “Father won’t let me marry you, but I can’t bear the thought of not being with you.”
That was true for both of you. And not only the idea of marrying, the thought of his daughter meeting Prince Loki of Asgard was absolutely infuriating to your father. Same could be said for Odin, his rival for centuries.
He looks down at you, cupping your face in his hands. “Run away with me, darling.”
You felt a tear escape, trailing down your cheek and nodding while you gazed into his beautiful blue eyes. “I'm gonna run away with you,” you echoed.
Loki stepped closer, his hands finding their way to your waist, pulling you into him with a fervent need. He pressed his forehead against yours, so close you could hear his breathing. You were both scared, leaving your royal pasts would not be an easy thing.
But you were both tired of being tied down from the restraints of both of your fathers.
He gazed down at you with his soft eyes, his lips found yours, the kiss passionate and urgent, a desperate mingling of love and sorrow. Your fingers delved into his dark hair, and you felt his heart beating against your own, fast and fervent.
Breaking the kiss, Loki rested his forehead against yours again, his breath mingling with yours. "But…are you sure about this? About running away with someone like…me?” His eyes showed vulnerability that you rarely got to see.
You smiled at him, “Who else can I run away except you, Loki?” You touched his hand against your face, “I’ve never been so sure of anything.”
When you both finally broke apart, you took a glance at your home, the beautiful castle you had lived all your life in. “We’ll be outlaws,” you said, a touch of your usual cheerfulness creeping back into your voice.
Loki chuckled, though his heart ached. “Then let’s be the most legendary outlaws the realms have ever seen, right my sweet?”
He took your hand in his, radiating his charming smile before you two slipped away into the night.
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┈➤ Loki Taglist in the comments! Lmk if you want to join or just click this 𖹭
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herofics · 2 days
hi! I love your works SO MUCH and I’ve had this certain idea in my head for DAYS😭 a gn!reader with Megumi and Gojo (separate) who’s cursed technique causes them to just be always tired. I really just don’t have the motivation to write this for myself because ONE I’m not very good at writing and TWO I like seeing others perspectives on ideas
Anyway, thanks! Have a good day and take as much time as you need on this😊
A/N: Thank you so much! I decided to do a scenario for Gojo and HCs for Megumi, because I didn’t feel like writing scenarios for both. This is basically just fluff and the character taking care of the reader. I've also got this post you might want to check out about a tired reader
~Gojo Satoru~
Gojo was gone for a couple of days again, and you had just come home from a mission too. His sleeping schedule was abysmal, since he slept between missions, but he never seemed to be tired, always all bright-eyed and bushy tailed. You, on the other hand, had probably not woken up refreshed for a single day in the past 13 years, ever since you started to first use your cursed technique. You were perpetually tired and sometimes even fatigued.
You’d learned to manage on your own, even on the really tired days. Though there had been a few times you’d almost caused a fire, because you’d sat down and fallen asleep while cooking, and something had burned. You had also fallen asleep in the bath a couple of times, and slipped underwater, which of course was a horrible way to wake up.
It was easier when Gojo was home, you knew nothing bad would happen, even if you happened to fall asleep or were too tired to do something. You always tried to make it as much of a fair split as possible, but sometimes you just couldn’t manage, so when he was home, he did his part and a bit more too. 
Gojo missed you, and he was looking forward to seeing you again. Even though it had only been a couple of days since you saw each other, it always felt like it had been too long. He was almost home, and he was basically skipping half the stairs up to your shared dwelling, he was so excited to see you.
He knew you would probably be asleep, since you had texted him you had also come back from a mission a few hours ago. So when he got to the front door, he slid the key into the lock and opened it quietly. He slipped into the house and closed the door behind him. He looked around and found you sitting on the living room couch, barely staying awake.
“Whatcha doing up?” he smiled as you finally noticed him.
“I wanted to stay awake till you came home, I missed you” you smiled back at him tiredly.
“Was it worth it?” Gojo smirked.
“For this view? Eh, I guess…” you joked.
“How about now?” Gojo said, unbuttoning his jacket while walking towards you.
“I really hope you’re doing that so you can take a shower and come to bed with me” you said, still smiling tiredly.
“Duh, what else could it be for?” Gojo rolled his eyes dramatically.
“Now that I think about it, I should probably take a shower too” you noted.
“Shall we then?” Gojo offered his hand to you.
You took his hand and followed him to the bathroom. You both took your clothes off and stepped into the shower. You just stood under the warm water, dozing off a little bit, before Gojo tapped your shoulder.
“My turn?” he asked.
“Oh yeah, sorry” you muttered as you moved away from under the water and grabbed a bottle of shampoo.
“Do you want me to wash your hair?” Gojo inquired as he turned the water hotter.
“Yes please” you yawned, and handed him the shampoo bottle.
Gojo stood partly under the hot water as he squeezed some shampoo onto his hand and started massaging your scalp as you stood in front of him.
It felt so nice to have someone else wash your hair. It was so relaxing, and you felt like you were melting under his fingers. You were getting so sleepy at the same time, which just made you lean back against his chest.
“Rinse yourself off and go to bed, doll. You’re about to fall over” Gojo said gently as he finished with your hair.
“Probably a good idea” you muttered tiredly as Gojo moved away from the shower so you could get the shampoo out of your hair.
You rinsed yourself off and stepped out of the shower, wrapping yourself in a big towel. You brushed your teeth and went to put some clothes on as Gojo continued his shower. You laid down, wanting to stay up until he came to bed with you, but it was getting so hard to keep your eyes open.
When Gojo came out of the bathroom, a towel around his waist, while drying his hair. He noticed you were already asleep on the bed. He couldn’t help but smile a little. Even though your cursed technique had such an annoying side effect, you’d managed to deal with it pretty well. He just wished he could be with you more, so you didn’t have to always deal with everything yourself, but it wasn’t really realistic. He had so many missions, so many responsibilities with teaching and mentoring the next generation.
Gojo threw in some underwear and a t-shirt and climbed into bed with you. He pulled the covers over you and himself and pulled you close. You snuggled to his chest and he placed a kiss on your forehead. It felt so good to have you in his arms, you fit there so perfectly, it was a pity this wasn’t a more common occurrence. Sometimes you wouldn’t get a chance to do this for weeks, because you just passed each other like ships in the night. Being a sorcerer was enough of a pain in the ass as it was, you really didn’t need these side effects too. He just wished he could do something about it. He would do just about anything if it helped you.
~Fushiguro Megumi~
•He’s never seen someone sleep as much as you
•Of course, there are other aspects to your tiredness, such as difficulty to focus and being irritable
•Megumi is pretty good at dealing with you when you’re annoyed, he just mostly shrugs it off if you happen to snap at him and you talk it out when you’re in a better mood
•Megumi also tries his best to help you manage your tiredness and the stuff that comes with it
•You don’t just fall asleep in the middle of a battle, but you often can’t stay awake in the car afterwards and just lean on Megumi’s shoulder and fall asleep
•You’re also sometimes just too tired to do things, like clean your dorm room or go to eat in the cafeteria, so Megumi just brings you something you can eat when you wake up, in case you wake up when the cafeteria isn’t open
•You can sometimes become really reckless when you haven’t had enough sleep, because your critical thinking skills decline
•Megumi sometimes has to save your butt, and so do Itadori and Kugisaki, but you do the same for them when you’re in a better state and they need it
•Thought those two requirements don’t coincide that often
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What was oenone and Ulysses relationship? Was it mentor/mentee or just coworkers or pseudo father/child or what?
Honestly the answer is sort of all three of those!
I wish I had gotten more time to explore their exact dynamic (the three short stories wasn’t quite enough to pack in their exact relationship before it collapsed) but very much a blend of all the dynamics you listed.
Theoretically they were coworkers. They were assigned to the same projects to combine their skills on creating the guardians. I think their friendship did grow into a sort of mentor/mentee relationship if only because Ulysses was older and more experienced with the world both in and outside of the war. And I think, definitely from Oenone’s perspective, there was a level of psuedo-father/child dynamic. The were only 16, when they met, after all. There was a level of care and familial love between them which grew from their friendship and the mentor/mentee dynamic that certainly filled that space for both of them. And the intent was certainly in my mind that if not for the time he spent with Oenone, Ulysses could never grow to be the father he was for Aax.
I don’t know if I’ve spoken about this already outside of just to the cast, but one of the loose ideas for Oenone as a character when they were conceptualized was sort of intended contrast Ulysses and Rae at the time in lore. The way they were very similar people, before their circumstances changed them. And the best way I can describe the relationship between Ulysses and Oenone, is that she was almost to Ulysses what Bruin was to Rae. Or at least he could have been. That “lab-assistant-turned-closest-family” relationship. Only… Ulysses caved under the evil around him, and threw that away. Ulysses wasn’t able to save the person he loved, because he wasn’t strong enough to fight for them. He let himself spiral, and he pushed Oenone further away, rather than letting her help, and that ended badly for both of them.
While it wasn’t planned like this (that idea sort of fell to the side after the initial pitch), and Oenone certainly grew to much more than that in the end, I think in hindsight that comparison is really effective now that we’ve seen what happened to Rae when they believed Icarus killed Bruin, in Brother’s Final Stand. The last straw, and losing that one person being the final breaking point. Ulysses just didn’t have the luck Rae did in Bruin still being alive. He just broke, when he lost Oenone.
Their relationship also helped to place Ulysses narratively into a bit of a cycle. Ulysses was to Oenone as Dr Askles was to Ulysses. A mentor. A parental figure. A coworker. A friend, in a very friendless place. It allowed Ulysses a space to grow from a scared, broken, grieving person, to someone capable of teaching, and loving again. Even if it took him a while to get there, and he continued to spiral throughout Leviathan, the seeds of that chance for hope and kindness were planed with Oenone, and he learned that from the way Askles treated him.
This ended up being way longer than I expected, sorry lol. I just have a lot of thoughts on Oenone, as they’re a very important character to me personally for a handful of reasons and I love the way their character shaped Ulysses narratively, even if we only got to see them briefly ✨
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memento-rory · 1 day
HELLOOOO if ur still taking more song fic reqs i've got some more >:) how about 42 with schlatt?
𝟒𝟐. 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨 𝐛𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭 | 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐭.
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𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒔𝒐 𝒎𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒈𝒐 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇.
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒅 𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆, ‘𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒊𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆.
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you’ve been with schlatt for as long as you can remember. the two of your grew up together, damn near inseparable, pursuing a serious relationship right out of high school. you have never been without him, and while that would normally sound like a dream, it’s been weighing pretty heavily on you. you don’t know who you are outside of him. you have been in his shadow for years now, since his youtube career took off. you love that he provides for you, that he wants to take care of you, but ‘being schlatt’s girlfriend’ cannot be your only purpose.
you take some time to really think about what you want out of life — your hobbies, your passions, your dreams. it’s not long before you come to a devastating revelation: you have to break up with schlatt. you need to know what it’s like to be on your own, to take care of yourself, to build character.
schlatt comes home to find you crying in your bedroom over your revelation, and you quickly try to wipe your tears away, to cover up the fact that you’ve been crying, but he notices immediately.
“hey,” schlatt’s voice is soft as he kneels in front of the bed, “what’s goin’ on, angel? why are you cryin’?”
you don’t know how to put it gently, so you don’t. “i think we need to break up.”
schlatt laughs incredulously, like he thinks you might be joking. “baby, what do you mean? where is this comin’ from?” he reaches up to cradle your face in his hand, wiping away one of your tears with his thumb as it falls.
“i just… i don’t know who i am.” you breathe out, avoiding his eyes. “i think i’ve been molding myself to fit you and… and i don’t want to do that anymore.”
it’s hard for you to get the words out through your quiet sobs, but you do, and schlatt looks crestfallen.
“baby, you don’t have to break up with me just because you want to change,” schlatt says, taking your hands in his and squeezing them reassuringly. “you can change right next to me. i fuckin’ love you, no matter what. you know that, right?”
you huff a quiet sigh. “what if i want to do something crazy? like, what if i find out i’m really good at something that i can only do on the other side of the world?”
“then i’ll fly out to you every weekend.”
“what if i find out i love a career that keeps me too busy for you?”
“then i’ll see ya when i see ya.”
“what if i decide i wanna switch up my look to something insane?”
“will you still be you?”
“then who fuckin’ cares?” schlatt gives you a small smile. “i fuckin’ love you — not who you think i want you to be. i’m so fuckin’ sorry if i ever made you feel like you can’t be who y’are, angel.”
you only nod, your eyes welling up again as you realize that maybe you’d caused this problem yourself. it was hard not to, honestly. there were strangers all over the world watching your every move, expecting you to fit their idea of who you should be, especially who you should be for schlatt.
“now,” schlatt says, clapping his hands on the bed as he stands up, “i’m gonna go get our dinner, and you and i are gonna sit here until we figure out who you wanna be. we’ll make it happen together, kid.”
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𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆.
𝒊𝒇 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅, 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆.
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shitouttabuck · 15 hours
Hi! Hope you don’t mind my dropping in. I just read let the world have its way with you and thank you I had to sniff back tears on the plane it was so lovely 🥺😍. Question, and if you’ve answered this before I’m so sorry but I just have to know: how did Buck react when inevitably he sees the photos taken of him and Eddie at Halloween? Thank you again for this fic and I’m sending you all the good vibes of an unexpected humpback whale breech.
hello!!!! thank you so much for dropping in to say these lovely things!!! to answer your question: yes, a bunch of people have asked this actually, but no, i’ve never had a reply until now ! your message sparked something haha so here you go, have a little bucket list fic timestamp:
a thousand times (which isn’t half enough)
buck/eddie | 2k | t
“Oh, ow, what the fuck,” Buck says, wincing as he snatches back his hand.
Eddie glares at him, no hint of remorse while he crumples the dish towel he just whipped Buck’s fingers with before putting his hands on his hips in that perfectly bitchy way he’s got down to an art. “I’m supposed to be doing the cooking, I’m the one who’s actually made this before,” he tells Buck, stepping forward to stir the curry and jostling Buck out of the way. “You’re sous chef today.”
“And this is in no way an objection to that kitchen hierarchy, or a criticism of your cooking capabilities,” Buck says, hands up pacifyingly, “but Eddie. I’ve eaten this enough times at Ravi’s to know this is, uh, nowhere close to the colour it’s meant to be.”
“What do you mean,” Eddie frowns, stirring and peering down into the large saucepan, dent in the side courtesy of Buck’s clumsiness nearly half a decade ago. “It’s a—process. A culinary journey. I’m sure it’ll be the right colour when we’re done. It just needs some time.”
“Eddie, it’s green.”
“Plenty of curries are green. Thai green curry, it’s even got it in the name.”
“Eddie,” Buck says, trying not to laugh at the disgruntled furrow in Eddie’s brow, “I don’t think Ravi’s traditional beef curry is supposed to be green at any stage.”
Eddie’s face scrunches as he squints down at the curry he’s stirring, thick and aromatic and unexpectedly pea-soup coloured.
“Oh God,” he says, staring at the spoonful he’s ladled out. “You’re right. Fuck. How the fuck did it get to—this? Fuck, Bobby and Athena are gonna be here in—” He glances at the wall clock, “—an hour, oh my God, Buck, that’s not enough time to fix this.”
Buck rolls his eyes, hip-checking Eddie in a way he hopes is comforting but not bothering to try and ease any of Eddie’s—quite frankly ridiculous—anxiety about seeing Bobby socially for the first time since the engagement.
He knows the nervousness stems entirely from the fact that Eddie didn’t ask Bobby for his blessing before proposing to Buck, which he’s teased Eddie for endlessly, declaring it old-fashioned and archaic even if there’s something achingly sweet about the intentions with which Eddie went into it.
It did not end up prefacing their engagement. Apparently Eddie’d been testing the waters, gearing up to propose when he hoped the moment was right. Except, then, one night on the couch, watching telenovela reruns, Buck had made an offhand comment about the bride on-screen taking her husband’s last name despite being of the girlboss variety one might expect not to, and how in context it was a win for cheesy romance but maybe a hiccup for some kind of feminism somewhere.
And Eddie, one arm curled around Buck from behind, scratching at his stomach gently as he spoke, had sleepily and thoroughly unintentionally mumbled, “Would you wanna do that with me?”
Buck had blinked and asked what, and Eddie’d yawned and said, “Take my last name.”
Buck had laughed through the want and said, “Careful, Diaz, you might give a guy the idea that he’s being proposed to.”
And Eddie went stiff behind him for a full five seconds, Buck not daring to breathe either, before wrapping his other arm around Buck too, kiss to his temple and a quiet, “And if that was the idea intended?”
And so they’d gotten engaged and had to get the couch dry-cleaned and Eddie was made to pass on his well-meaning, antiquated desire to profess his intentions to Bobby prior to the actual proposal. Which is fine, obviously, but they’ve been engaged just going on three weeks and Bobby and Athena are coming around for dinner, and that, on top of committing himself to captaining an unfamiliar culinary adventure—something decidedly not in the Eddie Diaz wheelhouse—has Eddie strung the fuck out, mild and amusing as it may be.
“Okay, uh, I’m just gonna look at the original recipe again, not the one Ravi altered for white people,” Eddie says, looking around. “Can you get it? Phone’s charging in the bedroom, I think it should just be in the media roll of my chat with Ravi, he sent me a photo of his grandmother’s recipe book.”
“His grandma’s? What did you do to gain access to his family recipes? I feel like I should be jealous.”
“We exchanged abuela secret recipes,” Eddie shrugs. “You already have a direct open line of communication with my grandmother. I think you text her more than me.”
This is true; Isabel is a formidable opponent in online Scrabble and likes to get Buck’s thoughts on the weekly MasterChef episode. She’s his family as much as Eddie’s, and Buck was just teasing anyway, but he skips to their bedroom with a pleased grin nonetheless.
Eddie’s phone is nearly fully charged, so he just unplugs it, typing Ravi’s name into the message app search bar. A few clicks and then he’s snorting at the last image Ravi sent Eddie: a meme of Steve Buscemi saying how do you do, fellow kids? with a rainbow flag Photoshopped over the skateboard he’s carrying. Ravi’s succinctly captioned it, “you,” and Eddie has thumbs-downed it without deigning to respond.
Buck scrolls through the media roll quickly, scanning the images for something that resembles a recipe book or an old lady’s handwriting. It’s mostly memes, some goofy photos of each other taken on one of their phones during slow shifts, and—that’s a picture of Buck. Two pictures of Buck.
He pauses, frowning at the adjacent squares in the media roll. It’s not that it’s unexpected that Eddie and Ravi would have photos of Buck, it’s just—Buck’s usually seen them, too. He has most definitely not seen these pictures.
He clicks on the first one, feeling almost nervous. And, oh. It’s from Halloween the year before last, when everyone else was sick and he and Eddie went to that big gay party. He’s in his Sandy get-up, looking—pretty slutty, actually. He hums appreciatively, re-experiencing the leather pants and crop top and heels. In the photo, his eyes are shut, head tilted back to the music, cheeks pink and red-painted lips ajar. And then he takes in the other side of the photo.
Eddie, watching Buck through the crowd not unlike a lion zeroing in on a gazelle. His mouth is parted too, but—his eyes. It’s like he’s undressing Buck right there in public with just his gaze. Jesus, it’s like he’s doing so much more than undressing him—Buck half-expects the picture to swirl into motion, see Eddie stride across the dance floor and bend Buck over in front of everyone present.
It's not a wholly unfamiliar expression now, to Buck who’s had Eddie like this for over a year, but this was from before they were together. This was before Buck knew Eddie wanted him in any way but platonic. And even then, the kind of raw, unmasked desire plastered across Eddie’s face? Like he wants to swallow Buck whole and keep him there, inside Eddie, close as possible, for the rest of time? That’s the kind of intensity Eddie only reveals on occasion, a vulnerability that’s a certain effort to access.
That doesn’t mean Eddie holds back or censors himself in their sex lives, not anymore, not for a long time now. It’s just—this is the kind of want that comes from a place without adequate words to communicate it, a near animal desperation that’s taxing for the everyday.
And here it is, unmistakeable, before Buck even knew. Eddie, so good at the suppression and the repression in that era, unable to escape the honesty of his hunger with just one look.
Buck swallows and adjusts himself in his pants.
The second picture is—oh. It’s of him and Eddie dancing during the Grease song, when Eddie had held him close and dipped Buck like he’d been doing it all his life. It’s—oh. He can’t believe Eddie’s not shown him this one before, because—there’s so much love contained inside this photograph, he can feel it seeping out of the phone and into his hands, liquid sunshine.
Buck’s head is thrown back, face scrunched in delighted laughter, and Eddie’s so close, beaming at him with nothing short of adoration. It’s pouring out of him, clear as day, the happiness in this single photo a tangible thing even over a year later.
Buck kind of wants to urge the him in the picture to open his eyes, see the way Eddie’s looking at him. But then again, the way Eddie looked at him didn’t really change, before and after. So maybe he wouldn’t have clocked it as anything other than Eddie’s everyday love, so far from the romance column in his own tangled-up brain at the time it wouldn’t have mattered.
He wanders back to the kitchen, swiping back to the first photo. Heat licks its way up his spine, uncaring of the fact that they have dinner guests and no time for this. He slouches in the kitchen doorway, watching Eddie chop cilantro carefully.
“What?” Eddie frowns. “I’m in a crisis, Buck, don’t look at me like that, it’s not helpful.”
Buck clears his throat. “Like what?”
“Like you’re eyefucking me so hard I might undergo immaculate conception.”
Buck can’t focus on the nearly painfully arousing implications of that, but never let it be said his horniness surpasses—rightful—indignation. “Me?” he asks incredulously. “Eyefucking you? That’s fucking rich, considering the contents of these.” He waves Eddie’s phone at him for emphasis.
“What’s that,” Eddie asks impatiently. “Where’s my recipe?”
“Oh,” Buck says. “I didn’t actually get that far.”
Eddie makes a noise of irritation, washing his hands and reaching out for his phone. “What the hell have you been—oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” Buck says. “How come you’ve never shown me these before?”
Eddie flushes, even more than the heat of the kitchen can take credit for. “I dunno. I guess I just look so… I dunno.”
“So in love with me?” Buck asks, mouth quirking up on one side. He steps forward, wraps his arms around Eddie’s waist.
Eddie sighs, listing forward in Buck’s grasp. “I mean—yeah. I guess I was just thrown by how obvious the, I don’t know, enormity of my—the way I felt about you was. And by the time I was okay with it—the enormity and the obviousness—I kinda forgot about these.”
Buck turns his head, pressing a kiss to Eddie’s hairline. Eddie lifts his face, searching for Buck’s mouth with his own, and Buck happily obliges, kissing him gently.
“Well, I’m sending these to myself,” Buck informs him, “and then we’re getting the second one framed and hung up in our room.”
“Is that the less horny one?” Eddie asks.
“They’re both plenty horny,” Buck says, “but yeah. Marginally less.”
“Fine,” Eddie allows. “But it will be subject to temporary removal if and when my parents come stay.”
“Deal,” Buck agrees, and then leans back in to kiss Eddie again.
He uses his grip on Eddie’s waist to steer them back, caging Eddie against the counter and lining his body flush along the length of Eddie’s, thigh to hip to chest. Eddie sighs contentedly, hand sneaking under the back of Buck’s shirt to splay across his bare skin. His jeans have a delicious heavy-weight friction to them, and Buck tries to angle himself so he can rock against Eddie lazily. He opens his own mouth under Eddie’s, trying valiantly to deepen the kiss, have Eddie lick into him hot and sweet, but Eddie pulls back.
“The curry,” he says mournfully. “Bobby and Athena.”
Buck groans, taking the edge off it by leaning in to kiss the corner of Eddie’s mouth. “You are so overthinking this Bobby thing. I’m not a woman in the early 1900s. Bobby’s technically not even my—”
“He is, though,” Eddie interrupts. “As far as it matters.”
“Okay,” Buck agrees, because that’s true. “But why are you so hung up on being old-school traditional here?”
Eddie huffs. “Sometimes tradition is good. It’s not like I’d have been asking permission to marry you, just. Wanting to have his—I don’t know.”
“Okay, well, I’m not some blushing bride.” Buck kisses the other corner of Eddie’s mouth, making it quirk up into a smile.
“Debatable,” he murmurs, and Buck pinches him at his waist. He squirms, grinning.
“We’re getting married,” Buck tells him, and Eddie lights up so incandescently Buck thinks even the Halloween photograph doesn’t know such happiness. “Bobby’s really happy for us. A curry’s not gonna change any of that.”
“I know,” Eddie says, sighs. “This is just the first time since—I just really wanted to show him I can be good for you, too.”
Buck gapes at him. “Are you—Eddie. Are you serious?”
Eddie shrugs one shoulder, looking embarrassed. Buck takes a step back so he can grab both Eddie’s hands in his own.
“I’m not even gonna—mention the bucket list,” he says, “but Eddie. Eddie. Why do you think Bobby made us partners in the first place?”
Eddie huffs a laugh, but it’s a real one. “I know, okay, but this just—we’re getting married, Buck.”
“And watch him take credit for it in his wedding speech,” Buck says.
Eddie smiles at him, but the underlying current of nerves is still thrumming, visible to Buck a step away.
“Okay,” he says, one final kiss to the centre of Eddie’s mouth. Eddie chases it when he pulls away, but he stands firm. “Let’s save this curry and the sanctity of our marriage to-be. Tomorrow, though, tomorrow, you’re putting on the greaser jeans and fucking me into the mattress.”
Eddie snorts, cheeks pink again. “Sounds like a plan.” He opens his phone, searching for the original recipe.
The ingredients are read aloud, and when Buck swings shut the fridge door as he confirms them, the faded yellow list pinned with a star-shaped magnet looks back at him, ready to have scribbled-out number 5 ticked off completely, wholly, permanently. Buck’s already there with start a family, but get married? He doesn’t think he could’ve imagined it being as good as this.
And if this piece of paper accompanies them to the courthouse, actual marriage certificate second in importance, that’s for him and Eddie to know, because the list doesn’t end, but God, does it feel good to live through it.
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cocogum · 2 days
The Great Wave - Chapters 9 + 10 Review
Warning(s): watch me bully an old man, aurora slander, osamodas king slander, fat shaming, excessive use of foul language, racism, misogyny, did I mention I loath Aurora?, they’re both bad antagonists your honor, cyberbullying, PURE LOATHING.
I’d like to add a side note here:
I initially planned on reviewing chapters 9 and 10 separately but when I saw that confrontation between Aurora and Amalia, I decided to fuse the two instead. I did NOT want to talk about these specific chapters in their distinct posts because it would’ve sucked to see the conflict between Aurora and Amalia getting cut off in the middle of it.
We’re back.
Let the pummelling begin.
Aurora immediately starts making a fart face as she begins diving down to “attack” Amalia.
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Are we impressed? No.
Should we be scared? No.
Should we expect any twist in the fight? No.
As soon as Aurora stupidly declared she wanted to fight, we all knew she was gonna get beat up to shit. Tot and Cathiane were trying very hard not to cringe while showing this. You can trust me, I was there in the room with them when they were thinking about this scene.
This is just very painful but my god was it funny as fuck.
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This blue bitch with the witch face really thought she could take on a Mother Nature wielder with her chicken fingers please someone get this moron a brain.
Also what reason could Aurora possibly have to have wanted to beat Amalia to a pulp all these years? She claims she’s dreamed of doing this for so long but based on what reason? The fact that Amalia rejected all of Aurora’s weakass brothers and cousin for marriage? The fact that she would respectfully and calmly try to talk to Aurora even though she never liked her??? Bitch, what was the reason that would have made her so mad you wanted to beat her up????
Even Bonta will hear her scream in pain??? Girl, what the fuck are you babbling about? She clinically does not have a brain, where the fuck did it go? Aurora, YOU KNOW Amalia goes out and travels, right??? You know that her squad is filled with divinities, right??? What part of you thought it was a good idea to say that out loud AND think you had THE ADVANTAGE?????
This bitch wouldn’t survive a day outside of her kingdom, this is so fucking embarrassing. I loath her guts but imagine how embarrassed I’m feeling for her. She’s mentally slow. She doesn’t realize anything that’s coming out of her mouth and doesn’t use whatever’s up in that head of hers to properly think of any situation she’s in. She can’t think for herself, she can’t talk for herself if she wants to claim something, she can’t figure out the level of danger that she’s in, she can’t fight, she can’t lead, she can’t speak politely to servants, she can’t even be honest in a normal situation. I bet she can’t even make a sandwich for me, this hoe is even useless in the kitchen, on god.
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And finally. FINALLY.
You have no idea how much I fucking wanted Amalia to beat the living crap out of her and tell her how fucking weak she truly is compared to her. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since we saw her stupid ass “family” make its entrance in Chapter 1.
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Amalia is speaking our thoughts so coherently. Not once did we think Aurora was a menace, let alone even an antagonist. This bitch is just so braindead and one-dimensional that even calling her “self-aware” or “sentient” is odd to say.
With all the shit she’s been doing, Aurora is not even an annoyance, she’s a migraine.
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This shot of her just getting the shit get beaten out of her made me so happy, you have no idea.
Like Tot must’ve been WAITING to see this hoe get wrecked too.
@geekgirles once explained how the osamodas’ strength might just be very weak compared to other races and how that weakness reflected itself based on where it was positioned in Oropo's tower. Coqueline can also be considered as a preview of what Aurora and her dad's strength would've looked like in the great wave because even Coqueline STRUGGLED to throw good attacks while fighting Oropo. She was canonically confirmed to be the oldest of the Siblings (even older than Echo) and yet the only thing she could have come up with while fighting Oropo was to use her teeth to try to tear Oropo's new form?? She literally went on all fours and tried to attack him with basic primitive skills. Literally what the heck.
So yeah, Aurora is unsurprisingly getting beat up and thrown around like a rag-doll by Amalia.
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Amalia, honey.
Aurora’s not naive, she’s just really slow.
And yet that’s not even what we can describe it either.
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Your pride is still here dumbass cuz you don’t look fine at all.
You got thrown so hard you couldn’t even fly, bitch.
Hoe thinks she was fine after the beating AND the throwing and then lies again about it.
Fucking pathetic.
I bet if she got a sword stabbed in her womb, she’d be like “i’M FiNe FaThER, bUt I cAN’t SaY tHe SaMe fOr mY pRiDe.” SHUT YOUR DUMBASS UP-
When Amalia comes up to them, this is where the osamodas king pulls out another weak manipulation tactic by saying this:
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Motherfucker, you attempted to kick her out of her kingdom, her home, what the fuck are you talking about? Bitch is clarifying that Aurora’s child is Amalia’s nephew now??? He is so fucking weak, he’d pretend like he never tried kicking her out like a complete stranger just to save his own skin.
This dick dared to throw the “he’s your family” card on her as if he didn’t just encourage Aurora to tell Amalia she doesn’t belong in her fucking kingdom a few hours ago.
Dude thought he ate, this is so embarrassing.
Look at him trying to scramble his way out of this.
Now that he realizes how weak and pathetic he is against A PRINCESS WHO BECAME QUEEN JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO, he’s trying to do anything in his power to do what he does best to get out of this alive: lie and manipulate.
Only this predictably fails since Amalia had enough of his and his trophy daughter’s bullshit of constantly being forced to have them around.
And Amalia is absolutely pissed off that they can just say whatever they want so SHE ENUMERATES THE THINGS THAT THEY DID JUST SO SHE CAN BE SURE IT FINALLY DRILLED IN THEIR HEADS.
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Even though what she said wasn’t exactly everything they did, she still has a right to point out the main thing they are known for since the necrome war.
But nah, they’re too stupid to actually get it and don’t even bear a second to the idea that their actions could have cost AN ENTIRE FUCKING RACE TO ERASE FROM THE WORLD. Imagine not having a full grasp of the idea that you could have been responsible for an entire race disappearing but also be the reason why the world had suddenly lost about 15% of its population in under a second.
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No jackass you’re not leaving.
You’re dying here.
Also what the fuck? He got backed to a corner by a queen newbie and he still has the balls to say that he’ll come back???
Is he trying to see his daughter get her ass kicked again???? Or is he trying to see how long he could last the next time they meet????
How the fuck is he king??? What the hell is that strategy he came up with???? You call that a STRATEGY?????
Now I understand why we never saw him in any of the past seasons before. I understand why his fucking advisor has to be king for him.
Cuz he sucks at his own fucking job.
That guy hired his counsellor to represent him which is why every time the royal council of the world had to reunite, it was always the old white-bearded dude who spoke and was actually present.
This fucking gorilla was so absent from his own duties. So much so, that for an extremely long time, since 2012, we all thought the white-bearded guy representing the osamodas race from Season 2 was actually the real osamodas king. It wouldn’t surprise me if his own people thought his counsellor was their king because not only did WE think that way, but it was also because we learned in Season 4 that this fucking gorilla stayed in caves for long undetermined amounts of time and would hang around with THESE UGLY CRUSTY BATS WE’VE SEEN IN THESE TEN CHAPTERS while he’d be there doing god knows what with them.
This man, actually no that’s not a man. I’d be insulting them if I was insinuating he was one of them.
This fat ugly gorilla not only thinks he can just come back from a fight he already lost without any shame or awareness, but he thought he could handle TWO KINGDOMS AT THE SAME TIME WHEN HE WASN’T EVEN PERSONALLY TAKING CARE OF HIS OWN TO BEGIN WITH.
We don’t even know why he’s been in the caves on his own for so long but it sure as hell couldn’t have been more important than taking care of A FUCKING NATION, YOU FUCKING IDIOTIC CUNT-
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I was so ecstatic when I saw that panel cuz not only did that mean I was going to see more prolonged pummelling, but it also means I get to see Aurora act like a total dumbfuck more.
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By the way, I love how @articwolfclawartist noticed the parallels with the choking here.
Amalia then commits animal abuse and that’s how these two ended up on the ground looking like disheveled and panting losers.
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Must be embarrassing for the osamodas king above all. This fat gorilla is much older, more experienced than Aurora, and has been a king for a long time even before Amalia and Aurora were even born.
And who did he lose to?
To a young Sadida princess who became queen just a few months ago.
The fight hadn’t even lasted 30 minutes and he already lost by forfeiting the battle when he realized he and his trophy daughter had been cornered by sadida bomb dolls.
I repeat.
This “man”, who was king for decades, lost a deadly battle against a princess who became queen a few months ago.
He is such a fucking clown and so are all his offsprings cuz my god he has so many.
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….she’s incredibly slow what the fuck.
I bet my whole bank account that the entire iop race can skillfully determine when their opponent wants to kill them better than Aurora.
Aurora: “ShE…sHe’S rEAlLy tRYinG To KiLl uS…”
Aurora a second ago: “I’d rather die than run away from that little brat…”
@pinkysgallery summarized it perfectly here.
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And just like animals being hunted in the wild, Amalia corners them with freaking bomb dolls and makes these two look terrified as shit. Good. Their fears make me ecstatically happy.
But AURORA has the fucking nerve to speak again and make her look even more braindead than she already was.
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I have so many things to say about this moment:
1) What is bitch talking about? This is the shit she can come up with? “ShOrt TeMpErEd”??? You guys didn’t even talk during the fight so how was she short-tempered if she didn’t speak about anything that would have made her look short-tempered???
2) Aurora is a fucking hypocrite but she’s such a hypocrite that she can’t connect the dots and realize how slow she looks when she quickly snapped just for seeing a female sadida servant being scared of her crusty bat, a male Sadida and a female eliatrope getting married, and knowing that she couldn’t fight Amalia so she still went on and tried doing that and expectedly failed miserably.
3) Contradicted to what??????? What is the chicken yapping about????
I believe she took her worthless manipulation “skill” from her dad. If you pay attention to her ugly chicken claws in the panel above, it’s shaking meaning that she’s genuinely scared of Amalia when she FINALLY learned that the boss-ass queen was trying to kill her.
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See, here’s the thing I don’t get.
Sure, the osamodas king did not poison Yugo because we see who it was later on after the osamodas king’s interaction with Amalia ends.
But, here he is again telling Amalia she has no place IN HER FUCKING HOME ANYMORE.
According to who??? Who said she doesn’t belong here??? You??? The fucking outsider??? The king to ANOTHER FUCKING KINGDOM???
Oh yeah, right. You don’t rule your own kingdom that’s true. Your fucking counsellor does your job for you so that you can chill with some ugly crusty bats in caves and probably fuck them too while you’re at it.
He just said that she shouldn’t have hurt her nephew but bitch, if she’s his nephew, that then technically means she has to stay in her kingdom to teach him the Sadida way cuz he’s technically gonna be the future Sadida king. Literally what the fuck????
Ever since these two loser clowns came, they told her she had to leave but why????? When Armand got married to Aurora, Amalia stayed and there were no objections. So why is it a problem now??? If anything, now is the best time for her to stay cuz she’s the only one in the royal Sadida family who’s left and can teach her nephew the Sadida culture.
These people treat kingdoms so badly and have poor organisation to the point that the osamodas king had to be replaced by his fucking counsellor.
Fucking kill me already.
I don’t believe Amalia will receive any severe consequences. If she was ever interrogated and she told them the story from her perspective, these two bozos would look extremely suspicious. Cuz from Amalia’s pov, this is what she could say: “I was having a normal day, these two show up and demand the thrown and tell me to leave and on the very same day, my husband gets poisoned so I attack them and fight them. The fight hasn’t lasted 30 minutes and they easily leave.”
Also from who is she going to get any kind of consequence??
The other rulers??? They wouldn’t dare do anything when Yugo’s acting so unhinged right now.
From Gorilla and Chicken’s “family”??? They are so many, I’m pretty sure one of them wouldn’t mind taking the osamodas throne if it means taking the side of Amalia.
Sure, Amalia will learn that Gorilla and Chicken weren’t actually responsible for Yugo’s poisoning but do you really think she’d still give them her position after knowing they weren’t guilty? Hell no.
This fight meant more than just punishing them for thinking they had committed a crime. This fight also meant the beginning of her separation from the osamodas. For too long she had been forced to get used to them around her when Armand was alive but now she’s queen and gets to finally decide to cut them off for good.
In a way, this is also ironic. Gorilla and Chicken were expecting to cut off Amalia from her kingdom and yet here she is cutting them off from what they thought would be theirs if they just yapped and acted like fake responsible royals.
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I’m so happy she finally fucking beat the shit out of them so that they can FINALLY learn that they have no place here.
Man, they’re such racists too cuz they realized the eliatropes stayed here, can you believe that? The audacity.
I’m just pissed that she didn’t kill them off though. They might come back for whatever fucking reason which infuriates me to no end cuz like…how the fuck do you come back after getting your ass beat the fuck out by one person when you had someone with you???
I swear if they come back wearing a smirk, I’m eating raw chicken and gorilla brain on the same day.
Fuck these people and fuck anyone who thinks they’re good antagonists. These shitheads gave me a daily migraine during the first volume and I’m so fucking glad they’re not acting like they’re the shit right now.
Look at them running away with their tails between their legs.
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If they think they’re royals and can take care of a kingdom, then why the fuck do they run away constantly???
Can you imagine having them as your king and princess? I’d rather die cuz I might as well vanish from the face of the earth if I was a sadida while being aware that these two animals would rule my kingdom.
I bet that the simple inconvenience that could impact the sadida kingdom would make them run away. If that happens, I wanna know what’s Aurora’s excuse this time.
The two people who shouldn’t have interacted so much in the necrome war were Eva and Armand. Eva was able to fight while handling two hyperactive children, and Armand was a fucking king and yet he was fighting on the first line of the battlefield.
Plenty of people, myself included, focused on Aurora leaving during the necrome war but now that I keep thinking about it more, the osamodas king was a bigger deal because he DID NOT have a reason to tell Aurora to run before running first.
If anything, because of the gorilla hanging around in caves and Aurora doing god knows what when Armand used to do his royal job, these two goobers are just royal cosplayers.
Literally. They’re just royal cosplayers.
Gorilla doesn’t do anything besides hanging in caves and Chicken just stands around.
I want you to know how big of a deal this is.
This is serious to think about cuz why the fuck WOULD ANYONE ENTRUST ANYTHING TO THESE CUNTS?????
Anyway, now that we’re done with whatever kind of circus that was, we go back to Yugo and Adamaï trying to balance the poison.
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Yugo stop stressing me out with your words.
I know you’re not thinking straight right now and you’re having trouble thinking optimistically in a time like this, but YOU’RE THE SAME PERSON WHO KEEPS SAYING THAT THERE’S ALWAYS A SOLUTION TO EVERYTHING.
You’re gonna be fine AND you’ll find a way to get rid of the poison. You’ve got six Dofus, which can turn any demigod, and mortal, into a god! I’m pretty sure a deadly poison has got nothing on you if you’ve got these artifacts with you.
You’ll be fine (I’m definitely not trying to calm myself down rn)
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Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…
The mysterious dragon and the female sadida servant were accomplices all along.
Not gonna lie, I seriously thought the Gorilla and Chicken hired this sadida servant for sharing the same hatred towards Yugo and Amalia, but now that I learned I was wrong, I have to keep reminding myself that the blue-skinned “royals” should not be taken seriously but should be treated like NPCs instead.
What flabbergasted me at this moment, however, was the reveal.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the female sadida servant wasn’t real. Instead, it was just a disguise. The actual culprit was…
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Freaking Julith.
She had been ordered by the dragon to poison these two which ended up making Yugo drink it alone instead. @onyichii once theorized, back when chapters 7-8 came out, that the female sadida servant in question could have been Julith and they ended up ACTUALLY BEING RIGHT.
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Hi daddy 🥰💕 help me instead 🥰🥰
It was Grougalorasalar guys….
I really thought the mysterious dragon in the dream was Draconiros…
Ever since Chapter 1 came out, I went on a legitimate rant/theory explaining why it would make a thousand times more sense that it was Draconiros and not Grougalorasalar.
Last time I checked, both dragons were the best choice for this theory but I was still shocked that it was the black dragon all this time. I was mainly surprised because Grougalorasalar had been part of Ogrest’s chaos when he was fighting Yugo and Dally back in the ovas which would be weird if he was the same dragon who traumatized Yugo in his sleep for unintentionally causing chaos around the world.
Not to mention that he’s smirking here almost like he’s enjoying the sight of Yugo suffering like this. Now yes, he technically hates Yugo so it would make sense to see that he’s enjoying his pain but then why did he tell Julith that they’ll put a traumatized Yugo and a confused Adamaï out of their misery if he’s now saying this? :
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“We’ll talk about it later” ???
What do you mean by that?
When the poison didn’t fully do its job due to the six Dofus in his body, didn’t you just come out in the open to kill Yugo once and for all? Why then tell him that “we’ll talk about it later”?
This makes me wonder if there’s more to this poisoning than we’ve been let on.
Because there’s a possibility that since Grougalorasalar noticed the poison hasn’t entirely worked, maybe he’ll try something else or severe the effects of the poison by moving Yugo and Adamaï away from the Sadida kingdom right now.
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mom come pick me up
Grougalorasalar is weird. Not in a bad way but not in a good way either.
He’s just weirdly weird? Does that make any sense?
At first, when I read chapter 10 for the first time, I thought Grougalorasalar being the one responsible for the poison wouldn’t have made sense until @kerubimcrepin explained how black dragons tend to be more inclined to cause chaos.
So I guess it would make sense why he’d be perfectly fine prolonging Yugo’s suffering if it meant it could slowly kill him? But then again, we have no idea if the belladone is even deadly enough to kill Yugo because he’s still breathing. The belladone poison should’ve killed him instantly so maybe the poison is only effective enough to severely injure Yugo but nothing more than that.
Man, I hate that it ended on a huge cliffhanger like that cuz how is Yugo supposed to get out of this one and how will they all react when they find out it was Grougalorasalar and Julith who tried poisoning them?
Do people know that Julith was supposed to be dead? Amalia knows her world of twelve history pretty well given her royal education so maybe she learned of Julith’s death in one of her classes teaching her about the Dofus era when she was younger.
Either way, it doesn’t matter.
Yugo, Adamaï, and Amalia will all be shocked as all hell in the 2nd volume.
My god, I already need it so badly I can’t wait anymore…
I’m scared and I don’t wanna throw up when I see what’s next for them…
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steddieunderdogfics · 16 hours
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: starryeyedjanai! @starryeyedjanai has 74 fics in the Stranger Things fandom and 60 of them are in the Steddie tag!
@steddieas-shegoes recommends the following works by @starryeyedjanai:
All things end and all things change.
what lurks beneath
nights like this
if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)
"Janai is one of those authors that can make absolutely anything hot. I could sit and talk for hours about how they characterize Steve and Eddie. I absolutely love everything they write and always make it a priority to open the AO3 email when the notification comes in!" -- @steddieas-shegoes
Below the cut, @starryeyedjanai answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
These two burrowed their way into my brain and just won’t leave. I can’t not write them when I am thinking about them literally all the time and am brimming with new ways for them to fall in love.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I’m kind of a sucker for steddie talking via notes, letters, etc. before they ever meet in person. There’s just something so special about them falling in love in unconventional ways before they ever meet in person that hits the spot, you know? I also just really love all the creative AUs that people come up with that I never would have thought of writing.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love writing anything that has friends to lovers and especially if they are so, so stupid about it. Idiot4idiot my beloved. friends/acquaintances to lovers is So fun to explore because there are a million ways to do it. I love a good oh moment where things just click into place.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
It is So hard to pick just one!!! So i’ll list a few: One that I have reread a few times that I just really, really love is All I Do Is Want by novemberthorne. There’s just something really special about it—all the emotion in the beginning and then the smut which is just top tier. like a sack of bricks and literally anything by alligator_writes is great off the beaten path by pukner is also really, really great
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I have a fic idea that I've been thinking about for a while that involves alternate universes, like the metaverse, because if the Upside Down exists, there are probably other dimensions as well.
What is your writing process like?
It is honestly so variable. For the majority of my ficlets, I get an idea and just start hacking away at it intermittently until it’s done, so it’s safe to say that at any given time, I have like eight ficlets that are partially written. I never used to outline because I didn’t really write fics longer than around 5k, but since I’ve started writing longer fics, it is almost necessary for me to have an outline that hits all the major plot points because otherwise I will forget what I have planned. So for anything that I know will be longer than a ficlet, I’ll write out an outline, even just a few bullet points so that I can reference it when I’m writing and not lose sight of where the story is going. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
I use way too many em-dashes and my sentences are sometimes comically long, but the way I write is indicative of how fast my brain is moving, kind of. I typically headcanon Steve and Eddie to both have ADHD, so any fics in their points of view will have their thoughts coming out as fast as my own typically are. And sentence length and structure can really help convey that.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I prefer posting once I’ve finished writing because my focus shifts around a lot and it sometimes takes a while for me to actually finish projects (like i had a fic that sat at 16k for months as I worked on other things that caught my attention and then I finally returned to finish the last couple thousand words six or so months later)
Which fic are you most proud of?
I am proud of all of my fics, but I really, really love how All things end and all things change. turned out. Some fics just come together so easily and this was one of them. I outlined the fic and let the idea marinate for a couple months and then I wrote ~20k in about a week and finished the fic.
How did you get the idea for All things end and all things change.?
This fic was for a holiday server exchange so my giftee gave me three prompts and I found ways to incorporate all of the prompts. I saw the prompt for mutual pining roommates and immediately knew I was going to write Eddie taking Steve home to Wayne over the holidays. I originally only planned on using that prompt, but the prompt for a snowy cabin getaway really called to me as I got further along in the fic and needed more tension between them. It was just a really excellent set of prompts.
When writing All things end and all things change., what was something you didn’t expect?
I did not expect it to get so long! My original estimate was 10k, but then I kept adding more to Wayne and Eddie showing Steve how special Christmas could be with people who care about him and then I added the cabin scene which added an easy 5k to the fic and then I was staring at what was, at that time, my longest complete fic. Wild.
What inspired what lurks beneath?
This honestly came out of left field for me because I had only ever written one other fic like it. I was doing kinktober for the first time and had a few different ideas for the prompt for that day and then I saw that the date of that prompt was Joey (@matchingbatebites)’s birthday and remembered her lake monster Eddie ficlet and instantly knew I wanted to explore a different version of lake monster Eddie.
What was your favorite part to write from if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)?
I really, really loved writing the flashes into the future at the end of the fic. Throughout the fic, there was some yearning and pining from afar and getting to write that everything works out in the end was cathartic.
How do/did you feel writing if i could hold you for a minute (i’d go through it again)?
Oh boy, this fic put me through the ringer. This was written for the steddie big bang and it was the first longer fic that I was attempting to write. I just had so many different ideas for this fic that it made it hard to choose the direction I wanted to go in. I probably have like an additional 20k words that just did not end up in the fic because it contradicted things that did end up in the fic or just didn’t fit with the vibe I was going for. There were times that I felt discouraged and felt like I might never finish it, but I am very pleased with how it turned out in the end! It was extremely rewarding to finally finish it and get it posted in February!
What was the most difficult part of writing nights like this?
Honestly, I don’t remember this one giving me any trouble at all. Once I got the idea in my brain, I think I sat down and wrote all 2.5k in a day. I do not know what my brain was doing during kinktober, but I think I ended up writing like over 60k that month and it was the only time that I’ve ever really been able to sit down and write a ficlet from start to finish like that and it happened with multiple of the ficlets that I ended up writing the day before they were published.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I really love the lead up to the smut in my fic catch the embers on my tongue. Like eddie being a little self-deprecating and in awe that steve might feel the same way he does was so fun to write. Also the summary for surface level freak is probably one of my favorite things i’ve written.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Some of the projects I’m working on right now are things I can’t really talk about, but look forward to fics from me in the Steddie Summer Exchange, the Steddie Bang 2024, and the ST Sapphic Mini Bang!
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Whoever nominated me, I am kissing you full on the mouth with tongue (if you’re into that kind of thing)
Thank you to our author, @starryeyedjanai, and our nominator, @steddieas-shegoes! See more of starryeyedjanai's works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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ozziethegreat · 2 days
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but what are your Delta headcanons? :D
so I am usually terrified of these questions because of my crippling social anxiety, but I love Delta too much to NOT yap about him..
Alright so I’ve seen some other people (howls and sandee) talk about how he would have toxic masculinity and have difficulty dealing with emotions. I COMPLETELY agree with this, he absolutely would.
He would most definitely overwork himself in an attempt to prove his bravery and whatnot. He gets himself badly hurt in fights and proceeds to brush it off because he doesn’t want to look weak. (Loser)
So I like to headcannon that he eventually gets a service dog to help him with this issue, since the injuries were very inconvenient, and Epic and Color were worried for his physical and mental health.
If he ever overwhelms himself by running around and constantly helping people, the dog would do its job and force him to take a break :3
(I drew him with the doggy once) (its name is Zorox) (take a guess why)
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Anyway obviously he would be opposed to the idea of a service animal because “that’s stupid, service animals are for disabled people, I’m perfectly fine” but Color and Epic forced him to for his own good.
He grew fond of the dog after a while, and accepted the idea since it was actually helping him.
Anyway enough of the dog, I wanna talk about him and Color.. 😣
So basically I’ve drawn ship art of them and I’d like to say I headcannon them as exes. Howls at some point said they could have been roommates in the Omega Timeline and I’ve just stuck with that because I’m not original.
I think the isolation Color went through made him very touch starved, and he attached to Delta because he was one of the first people he saw after a long time.
Delta, on the other hand, in general is a very social and friendly person (in his own ways), so he was just nice talkative to Color as he is to most people.
Anyway I think they dated because roommates lore /j
It ended up not working because Delta wasn’t very good with relationships, and his personality and morals clashed with Color’s. They broke up and stayed on good terms as friends 😋😋
As for Delta and Bravery, the two are literally just besties.
I think Delta initially had a father/kid relationship with Frisk, and he was extremely crushed when he failed to save them. It was like losing a kid basically, and he probably forced himself to help people all over to make up for his mistakes.
He ended up exhausting himself, and Core found him when he was having a mental crisis due to all of the guilt and stress he was put through, and he was later relocated at the OT.
As for Bravery, as Delta was recovering from his little guilt trip, he got to know the kid better and learned about who they were, their backstory, how they died.
He felt bad at first, convincing himself that he was just trying to replace Frisk to get over their death, but Bravery urged him not to have those thoughts because he wasn’t being “brave.”
Whining about the past wasn’t something a brave person would do. He should move on because dwelling on it wasn’t going to help him get better, or stronger.
Poor Bravery accidentally convinced him to push down his feelings 😭😭
But other than that, they just act like father and kid all the time, like best friends. Bravery offers him battle advice, keeps him from falling apart when things go wrong, and they work as a team.
In return, Delta takes the kids places they always wanted to see, lets them try new things, basically just letting them experience being a curious kid again, as they died WAY too early.
okay I’m done yapping because my phone’s about to die and it’s almost my curfew at camp 😣😣
PLEASE add to this if yall have more headcannons I love him :3
Delta belongs to animatedzorox
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uncreativeuser27 · 1 day
22 hours later lmao (my longest drawing ever)…
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This is based on a K2 idea I’ve had a while, but only seen written once or twice (I think)
For an idea that came out of nowhere, I sure do have a lot to say about it lmao. Please show any appreciation you have with comments, likes, reblogs, ANYTHING. I BEG of you, I have no one to show this to in real life, and I’m scared of strangers in the internet /hj /lh
More information and ranting under the cut if you want to hear a sad, pathetic artist out /j
Basically, it’s how they decide to close off their roleplay game: with a wedding to unite the two kingdoms! That wedding being between King Kyle and Princess Kenny. I imagine they tweaked the story as they got older (yes, they’re older in this drawing, if you can’t tell from their designs and Stan’s blond hair. They’re nothing that pisses this fandom off more than shipping children when they’re children lmao /hj)
Small headcanon for a high school AU: They end up doing a lot of tabletop roleplay (like their own spin on DnD), for big events like this, they will go back to their roots of LARPing.
I had an idea while drawing it that Stan and Cartman formed a bet about if Kyle would actually kiss Kenny or not. The concept is based on the idea that Kyle has a crush on Kenny and Stan thinks it would be a perfectly romantic way to confess, but Cartman thinks it would be too gay and that Kyle would never ruin something like that. I’ve been watching the show starting from the first season, and I remembered how much Cartman would go through to win a bet (and also how many bets were formed, which was a surprising amount), so it seemed fitting
Stan wins the bet. Obviously.
I just haven’t figured out how I’d want to write it, so I might write something if I can flesh it out well enough.
A few drawing comments about this, uhh. I totally traced the gazebo lmao. I found a random photograph of a gazebo that looked like they were selling it, and I tried to free hand it, but after an hour, I just gave up and traced it. Don’t hate me, please. I promise I’m not a fraud. I just suck at perspective and backgrounds :’) it’s also my second drawing with a genuine background (that isn’t abstract or barely detailed). Also, the sunset was such a last minute decision. The sky was supposed to be blue, but that felt boring, and I LOVE dramatic lighting
I think that’s all. Please tell me about my art. This took forever, and I have 0 friends that I can show this to in real life without getting weird looks, so if you have any thoughts at all, you can tell me. I’m on my virtual hands and KNEES /hj
(Yes, Kenny’s wig fell off)
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charmac · 1 day
Do you think with his current (canon) mindset, Mac would hope Dennis to idk, "come out" or turn out to be queer and be in a relationship with him, or would he prefer pining away in gay angst or hoping that it would go away eventually? Asking as a queer person who used to think at least my gay unrequited crush is devastating but familiar and I do not have to find or improve myself to enter uncharted territory and I do sometimes see that in Mac's behaviors, tho idk how much of that is projecting.
Good question! I think it was once the former, ends up (kind of) the latter, and is now something different (or maybe a mix?). As to your two ideas, the Season 15 switch is indicative of this “change” which may or probably does have a lot to do with Glenn rejoining the writers room.
Season 13/14 is as clear cut as it can be with the idea that Mac is hoping he can “convince” (aka harass) Dennis into being with him. He very much thinks he can either force himself on Dennis and eventually Dennis will give in (see: 13) or he can manipulate Dennis (and their relationship) in a way that will make Dennis interested in him (see: 14).
Season 15 is when we see Mac’s offensive come to a rest and his defensive come up. He’s actively trying to resist reacting to Dennis’ physical touch (ty, Rob, for that) and I think this is what you would call “prefer pining away in gay angst,” part of it, but he’s also visibly annoyed by Dennis’ ailments and outbursts, and much more defiant toward him. He seems to have come to terms with the relentless pursuit never going to pay off and, while he’s clearly still into Dennis, he’s actively trying not to be and is maybe even a little annoyed that he is still into him.
By Season 16, this “resignation” of Mac’s relentless pursuit seems to pay off, with he and Dennis being closer than ever (bed sharing and all), but it may have gone too far on Mac’s side. Because I do genuinely believe he convinced himself he’s over Dennis and it fucked him over a little (but probably gave Dennis the security to do what he did).
In my opinion, “the Johnny of it all” was impossible for Mac to grapple with for two reasons (outside of his general stupidity and naïveté lol) 1. By the end of 14 Dennis has convinced him he was never going to wear him down, and 2. By the end of 15 he’s convinced himself that he’s over Dennis. He’s in denial by his and Dennis’ own design.
So now, who the fuck knows? I’ve been wrestling with this in my brain since S16 ended, and I seriously cannot predict where Mac will be in Season 17. Clearly he’s still into Dennis by the way he hangs on him and sucks up to him in Bowling, but I have to imagine he’s still in denial about Dennis being Johnny (while some part of his brain knows it’s true, he can’t accept that Dennis was, literally, fucking him for some number of weeks-months) and, still being defiant, he’s not actively pursing the man through the end of 16.
So currently, in canon, is he still on the defensive side of the relationship? Silently pining while actively pushing against Dennis? Or will he be back on the offensive, since it’s technically “his turn” to get something back from/out of Dennis in their fucked up little relationship?
I think this would be fun to predict, where Mac will be on the MacDennis front this season, maybe once we get more (any) info on Season 17, lmfao
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