#I’ve been doomscrolling on Twitter for the last couple hours or so
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I don’t know what to fucking say anymore.
I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sad. And angry, like, really FUCKING angry.
They were children, they were only kids. And they found 215 of their corpses buried near those goddamn schools. It shouldn’t even be called a school.
As an indigenous person, this is fucking heartbreaking. But it’s not like it’s new. Shit like this has been happening and will continue happen unless we do something about it.
Sign a petition
Support indigenous artists/creators/actors
Educate yourself on residential schools and the generational trauma that we endure
Just PLEASE for the love of god talk about this.
We can’t keep letting shit like this slide. That was only one school where they found those kids. Imagine how many more have mass graves on the premises. This isn’t just “a dark chapter in our country’s history” this was and still is the whole fucking book. There are people in my community who have lived through the horrors of residential schools and many more that live with the trauma it brought.
The link below me is a petition to call for a national day of mourning for the kids who didn’t make it home to their families.
Please sign and share it. Remember these kids and the horrors they went through because we should NEVER forget this atrocity.
#important#boost this please#mmiw#orange shirt#215 children#residential schools#kamloops indian residential school#tk’emlups te secwépemc first nation#I’ve been doomscrolling on Twitter for the last couple hours or so#and im getting sadder by the minute#but I want to do something about it#even if it’s just a little bit#make me feel a little less powerless ig#idk anymore#I need to cheer up
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Season 1, episode 2: Sean Beef
Spoiler alert!!! This is a rewatch recap of Snowpiercer s1e2: Prepare to Brace. Naturally, it is full of spoilers for that episode. However, it also contains spoilers for some other episodes of season 1 and season 2. You have been warned!
It’s the morning after the battle. Josie provides this episode's voiceover, and explains that the only thing keeping her alive is petty spite. Highly relatable.
Meanwhile, Ruth is making sure to get her 10k steps in by walking to work through puddles of yesterday’s spilled blood. She takes to the IKEA stool/stage, and then continues Till’s tradition of treating the tailies like naughty school children.
We learn that Josie and her clever revolution bandana managed to hit the sweet spot between sexism and white woman privilege: she’s completely off the hook for killing two Jackboots last night! Winnie, however, is not so lucky. Strong Boy’s personal trainer is plucked from the crowd, and for a tense moment the Tailies prepare to watch a five year old child get her arm frozen off. Thankfully, Winnie’s mom, Suzanne, rushes forward to volunteer as tribute. Ruth returns one foot to the stage, and announces that Suzanne Everdeen will be the Tail’s first ever volunteer.
There’s no doomscrolling Twitter before bed on Snowpiercer. Instead, they’ve created their own version: the Notary reads Z-Wreck, Strong Boy and Pike their rights - or, more accrately, their lack of rights. She also hints at some strange culty vibes. Fun! Then, Klimpt puts the revolutionaries into suspension in the drawers.
On a brighter note...
Nope! Just kidding! It’s actually worse in the Tail. Much, much worse. Suzanne’s arm gets frozen and shattered into rat food.
Josie then finally does the last part of the opening monologue. I don’t think I’ve ever heard “eat the rich” said in such a posh accent before.
After the opening credits, Melanie is having a lovely, nerdy time marking Javi’s homework, when the train begins to shake.
Just like a family of rats in a geothermal vent, unnecessary gendering has, unsurprisingly, survived the apocalypse: we find out the train is a girl.
Diversity win! Another woman in STEM!
Bennett and Javi casually inform Melanie that the train has triggered a few avalanches this morning. In return, she informs them that she has to go and deal with First, who are being overdramatic about just two little murders and one tiiiiny uprising. Javi would like to continue discussing the issue of the deadly avalanches with his superiors, and he insists they need to slow the train for safety. But Melanie thinks an avalanche would be less scary than Lilah Folger’s reaction to closing the Jacuzzi car for a couple of hours. So, she puts on her Manager Hat, ignores Javi’s very valid concerns, and tells him to just do what she says. Javi wears the expression of a weary employee who knows he’ll get the blame when everything inevitably goes wrong.
Layton - who was apparently allowed to go back to bed for five more minutes after watching his friends get drawered - gets woken up by his new dad Roche. Till has a very pretty bruise on her jaw, and she’s grumpy because it’s Layton’s fault. Roche tells Till to be nice to her new brother: they’ve gotta spend the whole day together!
We move on to… another full shot of a naked ass! That’s two for two, so far. After their public biosecurity showers, some tailie sanitation workers run into Layton and Till on their way to their slavery shift. They barely get to interact, though, before the scene cuts to Melanie and Ruth’s daily flirting appointment in the First class dining hall.
Melanie’s W badge is upside down: turns out she was working for Milford Industries all morning. We don’t linger on that for very long though, because the iguana has to make another quick cameo! It's wearing the same outfit as the previous episode, which strikes me as very unusual for a first class passenger. I wonder if it lost its luggage at departure?
Ruth then notices Melanie's badge, and because it’s still Flirting Time she reaches forward and spins it around. In response, Melanie makes an expression that’s gayer than any joke I could ever write, and the good ship Mel/Ruth catches another wave.
Lilah Folger and Mr. Sharma are worried about the rebellion, so Melanie does a little bit of gentle gaslighting to keep them calm. Lilah reveals that she used to be a lawyer, and LJ immediately publicly drags her mother. She’s a better comedian than Osweiller, at least. Lilah Sr. replies by casually reminding everyone that the freeze taught them all that they have the capacity to kill. Excuse me, what? Is she threatening to kill her daughter over a joke? Did she just admit to killing people? Is she also accusing Melanie of killing people? (e.g. Wilford and/or Alex?) I need a chat with Lilah Folger asap to dissect that comment, please.
Till takes her new big brother to the chains, where he receives verbal abuse and sees some more foreshadowing - a baby! Till and Layton grab some noodles with Jakes, the Tunnelman who found the body. Layton asks him “Hey, if I were to lead a band of revolutionaries through the train, what checkpoints would I need to worry about?” But Till is a quick learner: she detects what Layton is doing, and stops Jakes from answering the question.
In the clinic, Nikki’s having a pretty rough time waking up. Jinju suggests that maybe Mr. Wilford should stop drawering people because it’s clearly dangerous and doesn’t work properly. But Melanie and Klimpt don’t care about little details like that!
Meanwhie, Till and Layton have finished their noodles, and visit the nightcar!
Miss Audrey’s foreshadowing medium of choice is song, so she treats us to a few lines of Say it ain’t so, Joe(seph Wilford). The song includes several on-the-nose gems, such as:
We’ve pinned our hopes on you, Joe
One man’s word held the country together
We’re clinging to his charm and determined smile but the good old days are gone
The image and the empire may be falling apart
I’m sure they’re telling us lies, Joe
The truth is getting fierce
So, by the time Layton asks Audrey about Melanie Cavill’s role on the train and she replies, “It’s her lips to God’s ear, isn’t it?”, we can be relatively sure that Audrey knows Melanie is Mr. Wilford.
To firmly establish herself as a true ally to the working classes, Audrey gives Layton a free drink and gets him some time alone with Zarah. Audrey and Zarah do a very poor job of describing what they actually do in the nightcar, and instead let Layton experience it for himself.
Layton’s nightcar experience takes him back to the day he proposed to Zarah. It’s a cute scene: they’re both naked, in bed, and they’re about to share donuts when Zarah notices a ring fall from one of them. Then, I shit you not, Layton asks her, “You wanna do this thing?” Zarah, very understandably, does not immediately say yes to his lame ass proposal. But, after a bit more discussion, they get engaged.
(Sidenote: the subtitles spell Zarah’s surname differently in this scene and I find it very annoying!)
Zarah was clearly not trying to get laid when she walked into the experience room - she is wearing the ugliest brown suit I’ve ever seen, and she almost immediately began to talk about meditation.
However, their shared memories of donut sex prove too hot to handle, and Zarah and Layton fuck against the door to an unnecessarily epic soundtrack.
As they get redressed, Zarah tells Layton that Sean Wise - who so clearly had a spy's name - was probably a spy. He got perks, like winning the baby lottery. She was going to have a baby with him. i.e. she recently stopped whatever birth control they use in Third. But Layton either doesn’t understand her implication, or is completely happy with the idea of having an unplanned child with his ex! Before they have time to discuss it further, Till interrupts them to pass judgement and be jealous of her new big brother: she’s never had sex in the Nightcar!
They head down to the clinic next, and meet Doctor Pelton. She tells them all about how she ended up working on Wilford’s Dreamliner while she prepares to do her first ever autopsy. She’s a bit quirky and sarcastic, but overall a lot more reasonable than Klimpt.
Layton stares longingly at Till’s pen the whole time Pelton is monologuing. When Pelton finishes, Layton teaches his new little sister how to be a homicide detective. They ask some questions, take some notes, and have a proper look at the body’s legs. At this point, Layton finally suggests that the missing limbs could have made their way to the butchers.
Somehow, despite Till and Pelton’s dark senses of humour and this show’s propensity for heavy foreshadowing, nobody refers to the cannibalised murder victim as Sean Beef. I would like to lodge a formal complaint.
Layton does a bit of dramatic storytelling about how one time, at band camp, everyone in the Tail ate a bit of raw cannibal heart. Even the writers don’t know what to say about that revelation, so instead we cut to the cattle car.
Layton and Till try to get the butcher to let them in, claiming “Brakemen’s business.” But the butcher knows his rights! He tells them to come back with the notary. Take note, kids: no warrant? No entry! Don’t let cops trick you into inviting them in.
Elsewhere, Melanie lives her best matrix fantasy by chipping open several cars full of drawers, as far as the eye can see. But before she has time to start fighting Klimpt and Jinju in slow motion, an avalanche hits and they have to brace.
Melanie should have listened to her employee! There’s a huge avalanche, it slams the train, and the butcher and the cows all die. But that’s good news for Till and Layton: they get to play in the butcher’s freezer without a warrant! Layton finds a handy bit of wire, and Till discovers a ventilation shaft full of dismembered, frozen limbs. A fruitful trip to the freezer for everyone!
Boki waits for Melanie and Bennett to finish investigating the breached car, then pretty much just indirectly accuses them of lying about Mr. Wilford. Bennett and Melanie do not do the best job of hiding their initial reaction:
But eventually they unconvincingly cover for why Melanie is wearing a breachsuit. Boki and Melanie argue about the speed of the train, and Melanie once again doesn’t give a fuck about health and safety: she gives him just half the speed reduction he needs to repair the damage. HR are still working through their complaints from last episode, so she'll get away with it for now.
Back in the Tail, it’s time for school! Since the middle school trigonometry teacher had to die to trigger a revolution, the pre-teens have rejoined the younger children this morning. Miles keeps answering the easy questions aimed at kids half his age. Lights is far more patient than I would be, and manages not to tell the little shit to shut the fuck up.
Meanwhile, Patterson (Winnie’s brother) has been allowed out of the Tail to procure some painkillers for his mother. In an unsurprising twist, we discover Osweiller deals drugs to the Tail, in exchange for oral sex. They finish up early to avoid getting caught, and only when he's zipping up his pants does Osweiller explain that he doesn’t really have painkillers - just Kronole. He is a truly disgusting human being. Patterson tells Osweiller that wasn’t the deal; he doesn't want to give Kronole to his Mom! As always, Osweiller’s a dick about it.
Back in the tail, Patterson dejectedly hands Josie the Kronole. For everyone’s sake, he doesn’t answer her question about how he got it. Josie gives Suzanne the drugs. Tail life continues to be incredibly bleak all round.
Uptrain, Jinju inexplicably has to explain to Bennett that the dead cows don’t just mean ‘no more beef’. There’s also no more milk, manure, methane... How does Ben not already know this?? He's supposed to be smart!
Next, Ruth makes yet another trip to the Tail. Have they considered erecting a permanent stage for her? It would save a lot of stool placement time. Ruth gives Winnie a menacing little wave, then announces the new apprentices who will get to move uptrain: two kids we’ve never met, and the boy they call Miles and Miles!
From there, we immediately cut to Till having a phone call with her dad boss. Layton gets her to hang up before she accidentally ends with, “I love you” and makes things awkward for them all. Laytona and Till have another little detective lesson, before a Jackboot deliberately bumps into Layton and calls him a Tailie. After their day of bonding, Till has decided that, actually, she likes her new big brother. She defends Layton’s honour by beating up the bully, even though he’s twice her size.
When she lets him go, the Jackboot calls her a Tail fucker.
Do you hear that? It’s the sound of absolutely no one writing fanfiction. Seriously: what the fuck is that Jackboot talking about?
Layton and Till head home to tell their dad boss that they’re friends now. Till gives Layton a two second patdown, and he manages not to sound sarcastic when he says she’s good at it. The Brakemen shut Layton in the cell, then leave for the night.
As soon as they’ve gone, Layton takes Melanie's eternal advice and prepares to brace. Sqeamish readers/viewers may want to do the same. The train detective undoes his pants, winces, and a moment later his folded-up piece of wire lands in the sink, next to a pen.
If Layton did what they’re implying that he did… look. I'm not trying to judge the guy. But imagine if they had to pause a murder investigation and a brewing revolution just because Layton perforated his bowel trying to smuggle a scrap of wire in his ass! Most of the doors are controlled by chips anyway! Miss Audrey is gonna need to have a thorough chat with him one day soon about the importance of flared bases.
Thankfully, Layton seems fine for now. He makes a little map of the train and tries to hand it off to the sanitation crew on their way home. But they don't manage to pick it up. He tries to buy them time, by letting the Jackboots beat him to a pulp. Unfortunately, only the second part of of his plan is successful. He receives several strong kicks to the ribs and multiple potentially-fatal blows to the head.
Miles and Josie have a sweet but boring goodbye that I can't be bothered to write about, and then we cut back to Layton. Luckily, lethal injuries don't affect main characters on Snowpiercer! Layton's got a few cuts, but he's fully conscious. He's cuffed to a chair in the Brakemen's lockup, and his mom and dad Melanie and Roche are Very Disappointed in him. Melanie asks what he sees when he looks at the train, and Layton just copies his friend Old Ivan's answer: it’s a fortress to class. Melanie is suitably unimpressed. She snaps again, and starts shouting about how difficult it is to keep everyone alive.
But Layton is too busy spitting blood from his mouth to sympathise, and when Melanie finishes her rant, he confronts her: he knows that Sean Beef was a spy, and that the real reason that Mr. Wilford needs a detective is to find out what secrets Sean spilled before he died.
Melanie has had enough of Layton's shit, and decides to take some inspiration from Lilah Folger for her next move: she tells Layton he'd already be dead if Mr. Wilford didn't need him alive to resolve this case.
Layton has just enough time before the credits roll to remind her that she's not his real mom.
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not a native but reblogging for my followers
I don’t know what to fucking say anymore.
I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sad. And angry, like, really FUCKING angry.
They were children, they were only kids. And they found 215 of their corpses buried near those goddamn schools. It shouldn’t even be called a school.
As an indigenous person, this is fucking heartbreaking. But it’s not like it’s new. Shit like this has been happening and will continue happen unless we do something about it.
Sign a petition
Support indigenous artists/creators/actors
Educate yourself on residential schools and the generational trauma that we endure
Just PLEASE for the love of god talk about this.
We can’t keep letting shit like this slide. That was only one school where they found those kids. Imagine how many more have mass graves on the premises. This isn’t just “a dark chapter in our country’s history” this was and still is the whole fucking book. There are people in my community who have lived through the horrors of residential schools and many more that live with the trauma it brought.
The link below me is a petition to call for a national day of mourning for the kids who didn’t make it home to their families.
Please sign and share it. Remember these kids and the horrors they went through because we should NEVER forget this atrocity.
#important#boost this please#215 children#mmiw#orange shirt#residential schools#kamloops indian residential school#tk’emlups te secwépemc first nation#i’ve been doomscrolling on twitter for the last couple hours or so#and im getting sadder by the minute
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Signed. Will you?
I don’t know what to fucking say anymore.
I’m tired. I’m hurt. I’m sad. And angry, like, really FUCKING angry.
They were children, they were only kids. And they found 215 of their corpses buried near those goddamn schools. It shouldn’t even be called a school.
As an indigenous person, this is fucking heartbreaking. But it’s not like it’s new. Shit like this has been happening and will continue happen unless we do something about it.
Sign a petition
Support indigenous artists/creators/actors
Educate yourself on residential schools and the generational trauma that we endure
Just PLEASE for the love of god talk about this.
We can’t keep letting shit like this slide. That was only one school where they found those kids. Imagine how many more have mass graves on the premises. This isn’t just “a dark chapter in our country’s history” this was and still is the whole fucking book. There are people in my community who have lived through the horrors of residential schools and many more that live with the trauma it brought.
The link below me is a petition to call for a national day of mourning for the kids who didn’t make it home to their families.
Please sign and share it. Remember these kids and the horrors they went through because we should NEVER forget this atrocity.
#important#boost this please#mmiw#orange shirt#215 children#residential schools#kamloops indian residential school#tk’emlups te secwépemc first nation#i’ve been doomscrolling on twitter for the last couple hours or so#and im getting sadder by the minute
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