#I’m working on a request rn and omg the way he flirts
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years ago
I am really sorry for all those floods of thoughts and words and tears and laments, but I really cannot get over the fact what they did to Eskel. Unfortunately it’s you who have to deal with all of it, because no one among my friends haven’t watched The Witcher. So I am in that poor state where I am grieving after my favorite Wolf (and I found fanart of Eskel with Thue’s face and you can imagine how the thought that we could have it all broke my heart into pieces) and imagining Tree Man and how he would be if he was still alive. Going back to your question..isn’t that most of the personality of Eskel and Lambert was created by fans? They were not present in the books that much and in the games they were also secondary characters. You can have a HUGE impact on how people will see netflix!Eskel, because I personally think that your stories are the most accurate and you are my favorite writer in this fandom. And it’s not a compliment, it’s a fact. I was rereading your fanfics and while reading those with Eskel as a main character I have a thought that I totally see Tree Man calling his significant other or crush or anyone who he wants to seduce DOLL. I saw Eskel’s way of saying it as loving and gentle, pure sweetness and affection. Tree Man’s way totally otherwise.! It would sound so flirtatious and somehow provocative. Maybe because of what I saw on screen and read in Hissrich/Netflix crew descriptions of Eskel - I see Tree Man as someone confident in himself, arrogant and who knows what he wants. And way different than Lambert. I don’t see Tree Man as a grumpy and distanced man, just the opposite - open to people, rather talkative, but very moody. You asked about flirting and since they described Tree Man as someone who likes to celebrate with women and wine, I see him as someone who can flirt extremely smoothly if he wants. And unlike Eskel, I see him being better at words than actions. Tree Man likes when things go as he wants to, he wants things under his control and will do everything to achieve them. The more I think about it the more I see him as a sort of some bad character but in a way that he may be some sort of outsider who is very carefree? But since he still is like a brother to Geralt I can imagine him gritting his teeth and giving up on his plans for the sake of everyone. I don’t know, but I see him from my perspective as a person who believes that feelings are signs of weakness, so he would struggle to commit himself to people.But those are just my tropes. I am curious of yours!
To be completely fair…. Yes, most of Lambert’s character and almost all of Eskel’s are written by the fandom. But also the fans have taken elements from the book and the game to create that too! So there’s some give and take on both parts. But overall, fans did essentially create these personalities that we know as Lambert and as Eskel. So I think that because we’ve become to accustomed to these versions and these interpretations that it’s really crushing when we don’t see them in the Netflix version.
I honestly haven’t put thought into what Tree Man would call is SO! But now that you mention it, he would totally us “doll” in the way you described! He’d use it to be provocative and maybe even a bit demeaning at times if he’s talking down on them.
I really think we’re seeing Tree Man as the same person!! Because I see him as nearly the exact same way!
I do definitely see him as our Eskel’s not evil twin but…. bad twin. Tree Man isn’t evil, but he’s not good and sweet and pure like our Eskel. Tree Man tells adult jokes in front of ladies (whereas our Eskel would never because he’s a gentleman) and Tree man flirts openly in front of anyone and he curses and he makes snide comments. He’s like a chaotic version of Eskel. He’s sour and leaves a bad taste in your mouth sometimes but when he wants to, he can be good and he can be so sweet and nice and charming. It just takes a while to get under all that sourness.
I’ll make Tree Man come to life :)
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leossmoonn · 3 years ago
you being new at Nelson and murdock and you and matt have a relationship like jim and pam do in the early seasons and foggy basically is your biggest shipper 💀💀
STOP OKAY I really love it when y’all mix The Office with other shows for concepts and requests and stuff it just 😭😭😭 UGH. yes. Anyways
The way Matt never gets any work done now that you’re working there. He is always at your desk flirting with you.
“Is that a new perfume?” He asks. “It is,” you grin. “You noticed.” “Of course I did. You’re the only good smelling thing in this office,” he smiles.
Foggy literally has to pull Matt away from you so they can do work. Now yes Foggy ships yalll so much, he us your number one fan, but he also has a job to do and so does Matt. BUUUUT when it’s a really slow day and you guys basically have nothing to do, Foggy will play matchmaker
If you’re walking with a cup of coffee, Foggy will purposely bump into you spill it onto Matt’s clothes. You’re so mad at Foggy but Matt assures you it’s okay (Matt knows Foggy’s tricks and is happy to indulge in them).
“I’m so sorry, Matt. I- here I’ll run down to the store and buy you a new shirt. Can you answer the phones for a little bit? I promise I’ll be just a few minutes —”
“It’s okay, Y/n. Really. Luckily I have an extra shirt in my bag.”
Okay we all know Foggy made you spill coffee on Matt’s shirt so then you can see Matt’s incredible body and drool over him too. Foggy also drools over him. Who can blame him? Omg but the first time you saw Matt shirtless you had to take a triple take. Who knew Mr. Seven Hours (thank you Jess for that nickname) was so ripped. Like MY GOD you just wanted to hold those strong arms of his and lick down his chest and trace his abs and — oops hehe I got too carried away 🥰
One night y’all are at a work party and you arrive a little late bc you were stressing over what to wear. And you weren’t even worried about the other people, you were worried abt Matt. Which was funny bc he cant see you, but you wanted to smell nice and look nice still, bc you swear he can tell what you’re wearing lol. You walk into the party and Matt immediately notices. He can pick you out of a line up of like 200 girls, mark my words.
He has Foggy describe how you look and Matt just is ready to fall to his knees and kiss your feet lol.
UGH AND REMEMBER THE WHITE ELEPHANT GAME?? Yes so that happens and you guys have a little Christmas party with Karen and some friends and Matt is so worried bc his gift was specifically for you. He ends up getting it and by the end of the night he gives it to you. (The gift is whatever you want basically) and you’re so touched and you hug him tightly. And you’re about to kiss him. God, you’re so close to him it would be so easy, but you two get interrupted by Karen who then is like “oh shit why did I come over here rn?”
But all rest assured, you two finally got together. After many months of painful pining
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spencersawkward · 4 years ago
omg I’m so excited you’re on here and taking requests!! do you think you could do something like baby Spence losing his virginity to a close friend & it’s like adorable, goofy, fluffy smut bc he cannot get over the fact that he’s actually having sex with someone
on a serious note, i'm so glad you asked for this one bc i really wanna add a scene like this in the fic i'm working on rn. i'm v excited.
summary: when the secret of Spencer's virginity gets accidentally spilled in front of the whole team, reader goes to check on him.
word count: 5.6k
relationship: Fem!Reader/Spencer Reid
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, creampie, fluff.
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hanging out with the team is easily the best part of the week. after spending days in Arizona with our focus entirely on the most recent case, my mind is practically ready to snap. I feel like I've been running on fumes, and when Penelope suggested we take the evening to hit our favorite bar, I was practically already out the door.
so now I'm sandwiched between JJ and Emily as we throw back our first shots of the night. my skin is already flushed with the elation of laughter, the pleasant thrum of conversation that surrounds us.
"that's bitter." JJ makes a face when she slams the empty glass on the table. I screw up my nose.
"why did we pick vodka?" I hate vodka.
"it gets the job done." Emily laughs. I shudder at the aftertaste that sits on my tongue.
Morgan wanders over, Pen on his arm while she totes a brightly colored pink alcohol. they're flirting as usual, but she pauses in her witticisms to grab my arm.
"we're playing truth or shot in that booth over there." she says to me, then gets the attention of the other two women. I let out a disbelieving laugh.
"truth or shot? like truth or dare but without the dare?"
"Reid, is that you?" Morgan says sarcastically. I slug him in the arm with a pout.
"be nice." but I'm giggling. he loops his arm through mine and we head back to the table, Penelope already starting a new conversation with JJ and Prentiss as they follow. Spencer is sitting in the booth with an Arnold Palmer, sipping from the straw like it's his job. I slide into the spot next to him.
"hi, you." I smile. "I haven't seen you at all tonight."
he holds up his glass. "I don't really drink."
"that's fine," I wave it off. "I just meant I wanted to hang out with you."
"oh." he smiles a little. "sorry."
"no big deal. you're here now." I shrug and turn to Pen as she calls my name.
"I'm gonna order a bottle. that okay?" she points to the bar with a mischievous smile. glancing once at Spencer and his slightly awkward position between Morgan and me, I make a snap decision.
"you know what? I think I'll just have a lemonade."
"you sure? Jayge said you spent the whole plane ride back talking about getting wasted--" Penelope's words cause a blush to spread over my face. I cut her off.
"I'm sure. thanks, Penny."
she nods. "of course, sweet cheeks."
I focus back on Reid, who is looking at me gratefully. he would never say it out loud, but I know he feels a little out-of-place sometimes. it's hard enough for him to come out with us to bars; the least I can do is be a sober friend. I open my mouth to start a conversation about an article I read the other day when Prentiss speaks.
"okay, so... who's ready?" her voice, always so certain, carries over the table. all of us make enthusiastic noises of assent, and she grins as Penelope returns with an armful of glasses. Derek gets up to grab the actual alcohol, and then when we're all settled in, the game begins.
"the rules are simple: you tell the truth, or you drink!" the tech analyst explains. the stakes for Spencer and me are lower, but that doesn't really matter. I'm excited to hear the team divulge their secrets.
"I'll start." Prentiss doesn't even hesitate before she looks at Morgan. "Derek, are you still sleeping with that one woman from sex crimes?"
Morgan raises his eyebrows at the question, irises flitting between Emily and the rim of his drink. there's a slight smirk on his face; he knows what a player he is and he's okay with flaunting it.
"Ally? no." he sighs. "things didn't end well between us."
"what? why?" I ask, eyes widening before I look around at everyone. "who is this woman?"
"cool your jets, sparky." Morgan teases me. "only one question per round."
"I'll tell you later." Prentiss raises her drink in my direction and winks.
"uh, no no." Morgan attempts to stop her, but JJ interrupts him.
"speaking of things not ending well," she says loudly. "Pen, why did you and Sam break up?"
"well," Penelope sticks her tongue between her teeth as she thinks it over with a devilish smile. her lips are a ruby red tonight, bright against her pale skin and big eyes. "to be completely honest, he just wasn't... doin' it for me. you know?"
"like--?" Emily glances down at her lap. Pen nods quickly and I snicker. JJ looks awestruck.
"I thought it was going so well."
"it was, but..." Penelope seems to genuinely think this over before she speaks. "if it's right, it just clicks. and it never clicked with Sam."
"profound." I compliment, high-fiving the high-energy blonde. we giggle before she turns to me with a glint in her eye.
"oh, do I have a plan for you," she smirks. "tell me, Y/N: if you had to sleep with one person on our team, who would it be?"
"women included?" I clarify, my cheeks suddenly on fire. how come everyone got easy questions except for me? I'm really just biding time.
"of course." she nudges my shoulder. I mull this over for a minute. I could say the truth, but I don't think that would be the right thing to do. however ironic that is. given the situation, I do something which I have never been good at and which I don't enjoy doing: I lie.
"although all of you are catches," I preface. "I think I would probably pick Emily."
Prentiss almost chokes on her own spit as her head snaps to see my face.
"me?" she asks.
"low-pressure fun." I shrug, the stress of the moment rolling off my shoulders with the ensuing laughter of my team members. Spencer takes a sip of his drink and peeks at me from his spot before I focus my attention to JJ.
we go on like this for a while, our original plan of "truth or drink" really just turning into a game of "truth and drink." as our laughter gets progressively louder, our questions and answers get progressively more provocative. we get into risky territory towards the fourth round, and I can practically feel Spencer's discomfort radiating off of him. thank god everyone has been taking it easier on him with their questions.
that is, until Morgan hits about five shots and decides to throw him to the wolves.
"so, Reid," he asks. there's no malice in his tone and I'm sure he's not meaning to embarrass the boy genius, but the question makes me wince anyways. "have we made any progress on the virginity front?"
it's like a fucking pall over the table. Reid goes rigid in his spot, and JJ's protective eyes dart between him and Morgan. Penelope's jaw drops.
"wait, Reid, you're a--?" her voice is tender, not judgmental, but Spencer's cheeks turn pink and he looks at Derek with a hurt expression.
"not cool." he says, body shifting in my direction. his eyes communicate everything; without a word, I know what he wants. I scoot out of the booth, letting him slip by me to walk outside.
truly, I'm speechless. we all stare at his lanky frame push through the door, but nobody talks until at least fifteen seconds pass.
"what the hell was that, Morgan?" JJ asks.
"I thought everyone knew--" he throws his hands up. "I swear I wouldn't have said anything if--"
"why would everyone know that?" I feel myself get angry for Spencer's sake. "that's an incredibly personal thing, especially to him."
"that wasn't you, my love." Penelope's voice is soft, sobered by the incident that just occurred. the playful air at the table is officially ruined, and we keep glancing at the doorway like Reid will come back in and everything will be fine. he doesn't.
"I'm gonna go apologize." Morgan starts to get up, seemingly beginning to realize the weight of his words. it's one thing to ask about Reid's sex life in general; it's another to point out specifically the entire absence of it. Spencer doesn't seem to be bothered by most things, but this is different. my heart hurts.
we watch Morgan go, the women all looking at each other with worried expressions.
"I feel bad." Penelope says.
"y'know, Spence never told me that." JJ observes.
"he really trusts Morgan." Prentiss says what we're all thinking. Morgan has always been like a big brother to him, and being embarrassed in front of your co-workers like that can't be a pleasant feeling.
we sit in a relative silence for about five minutes until Morgan walks back into the bar. he pulls out his wallet and pays for the drinks, then walks over to us.
"I'm gonna go for a walk. do you need me to call you all cabs?" he asks. those dramatic brows are drawn low over his face, emphasizing his regret. I look between my friends and clear my throat.
"it's okay. I only had one shot about an hour and a half ago. I can drive everyone home."
"okay," Morgan sighs, his head turning briefly to the door before focusing back on us. "drive safe, ladies."
and then he's gone.
"you guys ready?" I start to shrug my jacket on. they all nod and we get ready to go.
sitting in my apartment later that night, my head is swimming. even though it's none of my business what happens in Spencer's sex life, I wish I could tell him that it's okay. nobody cares at all if he's a virgin or not. but I know it's still embarrassing.
I hate that I lied earlier tonight, too. I wanted to say Spencer's name when they asked who I wanted, because I meant it. we're close, and I will always love him as a friend. but I've also always wanted more.
nobody, not even any of the other BAU women, know about my crush. I didn't want it to get in the way, or for it to come out and ruin my friendship with Reid. he doesn't like me like that, and that's fine, but what's not fine is not having him as my friend.
he was the first person I really connected with when I came here, and I feel a little protective over him, too.
once the clock hits eleven, I consider calling. he’s definitely not asleep yet. Spencer is a night owl. normally at this time he'd be curled up with a huge book, reading impossibly fast.
when he picks up on the third ring, the air leaves my lungs.
"Y/N?" he asks, more surprised than anything else.
"hey, Spence--" I hesitate, suddenly not sure what to say. sorry Morgan told everyone you're a fucking virgin? “do you wanna come over?"
maybe if I see him face-to-face, I'll be able to collect my thoughts better. the words hang in the air, festering over the line until I'm just about to take them back, before he replies.
"y-yeah. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
my hands are shaking at my side when I open the door for the tall genius. he's still wearing his outfit from earlier, hair slicked back like normal. I've settled for my usual sweatpants and t-shirt winning combo. it's not like he cares.
"hey." I smile, trying to read his micro expressions. there are two possible outcomes here, knowing him: either he's going to be totally, completely over it, or he'll be able to write a War-and-Peace-length book on why he's upset.
"hi." he gives a wan smile and I let him into my apartment, closing the door behind him and gesturing to the couch.
"I missed this place." he says absently, looking around at the mess of decor and case files. I snort as I recall the last time he was here. he wanted to borrow a book that I had, and we ended up watching an entire docu-series about homing pigeons. it was surprisingly interesting; mostly because his commentary is both informative and funny.
"it missed you." I anthropomorphize my living space, but the phrase hangs heavy. I'm worried about him. I'm always worried about Spencer. he turns to look at me, opening his mouth to say something. I brush past him and walk into the kitchen. "coffee?"
"sure." he follows me like a lost puppy, leaning against the counter while I pull out two mugs and get to work.
"hey," I pause for a moment to look him in the eyes. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry-- about what happened... tonight."
"oh, that?" he scoffs, waves it off unconvincingly. "it's fine."
I raise my brows the slightest bit, never breaking eye contact. he wouldn’t have come if he didn’t want to talk about it. he cracks easily.
"it's just embarrassing, you know?" he says, staring out my kitchen window to alleviate his own nerves. I gesture for him to follow me back into the living room and I sit down criss-cross applesauce on the couch. he mirrors me, kicking off those cute black Converse.
"I don't think the fact itself is embarrassing, but I totally get why it feels that way. he shouldn't have said anything." I nod.
"like, that's personal. a-and--" he hesitates a moment, gesticulating wildly now. "and it's not like he's got any right! at least I don't go around with so many girls that I forget their names."
the thought of Reid sleeping with that many women is a little bit funny, but it also makes my stomach twist with jealousy.
"did he apologize?"
"yeah, he did. and he was drunk, I know." he rolls his eyes. "I'm overreacting."
"no, really, you're not." without thinking, I scoot closer to him and place my hand over his, which is sitting on his knee. I remember that Spencer is usually pretty averse to touch, but when I move it back to my lap, he seems a little disappointed. I wonder if he gets lonely.
"is it weird?" the question sounds raw, like he's mustering a lot to hear my response. I shake my head immediately.
"well, for one, Spence, I would never judge anyone based on their sex life, period." I chuckle. "and two, no way! if you aren't into having sex at this point in your life-- or ever-- that's totally your choice and you're entitled to it."
his eyes meet mine, pools of honeyed hazel that swim with a slightly amber shade. his face is so pretty, it's sometimes unbelievable to me that he doesn't get more action. bone structure that would make a sculpture envious.
"that's the thing," he licks his lips nervously before averting his gaze again. "I am interested-- I just don't-- well, I don't--"
"don't have someone to do it with?" I suggest with a slight smile. he nods, then clarifies.
"girls don't really seem to be interested in me."
I let out a laugh, unable to contain myself. his head jerks up to frown in confusion. I’m quick to amend myself.
"Spence, that's not true at all. you're such a catch! you're sweet and funny and way smarter than anyone I know. not to mention that you're adorable." I compliment, letting some of the thoughts I've been keeping to myself bubble to the surface. "any girl would be beyond lucky to be with you, sexually or not." Spencer blushes at my words, but the squirming in his spot tells me that it makes him feel warm inside. he smiles a little.
"you think?" it's genuine. he appreciates being praised, and it makes my heart flutter when he gives me that expression like I've made his night.
"I know." more of what I want to say rolls around my mind, unsure of whether or not I should admit it. but I think that right now, it'll only serve to make him feel better. "actually, I should tell you something."
"what?" he's curious now.
"when we were at the bar and Penelope asked who I'd be with... on the team... I lied."
"okay." he nods, somehow not connecting the dots. I guess it doesn't matter if they've got enormous IQs; boys are still clueless.
"I was gonna say you." the truth presses from the inside out, lifting a weight off my chest now that it's out there. even if he doesn't return that feeling, I'm suddenly glad that I told him.
"me?" he gestures to his narrow chest. I nod.
"yeah. I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable or embarrass you in front of our friends." I explain. he breaks into a grin.
"thanks." like I've given him something. I feel myself smiling as well, and then we're just looking at each other. tension that neither of us is willing to break. as much as I'd like to take him right here right now, he hasn't said anything about actually having sex or even about being attracted to me. for all I know, he could be completely indifferent.
"listen, Spence--"
"would you be willing to--" we speak at the same time, both of us stopping and laughing awkwardly.
"sorry, you go first." I offer, and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth.
"would you want to... um..." he scratches the back of his neck before his eyes meet mine. "try it?"
"sex?" I raise my eyebrows. he nods. I try to find the right response. that’s more assertive than I expected. my pulse is fast, daring me to tell the truth. "I mean-- yes, I would love to-- but are you sure you want it to be with me, Spence? what about a girl that you like?"
"you are a girl that I like." he says this like it's matter-of-fact, like it's obvious. my heart stops in my chest before it starts to hammer.
"really?" a smile makes its way onto my face.
"I thought you knew."
"no." I laugh. my chest is full of sunlight.
"well, you are."
there's a brief silence where I try to get myself back on track. he likes me, too.
"are you sure you want to do this?" I glance at the space between our bodies, which has grown steadily smaller over the course of our conversation. Spencer is watching my every move with an intensity that tells me he's nervous.
"yes." he's unwavering.
"okay, well, you've kissed girls, right?" I inch closer. he nods.
"oh, Spencer," I sigh contentedly. "I have so much to teach you."
right after I say this, Spencer shifts uncomfortably in his seat. it's only then that I notice his hand covering his lap, the erection that's forming beneath his pants. my eyes flick up to his hungrily.
"sorry." he apologizes.
"don't be." our faces are inches apart and he's practically holding his breath. "I'm gonna kiss you. is that okay?"
"yes." he replies immediately. I place my hands gently on the side of his face, admiring the softness and sharpness of his jaw when I pull him to me, kissing him with a suppressed desire. his mouth is soft against mine, a little anxious to move. after a moment, he starts to relax.
his lips part and I deepen our contact, tilting my head and keeping it mostly mild at first. I don't want to shove my tongue down his throat. our knees are touching and his hand hesitantly finds my waist, the other going to run through my hair. I sigh into him, his fingertips a new sensation that I adore.
Spencer begins to give in a bit more to himself, asserting himself in the kiss and slipping his tongue over my bottom lip. I almost laugh at how quickly he gets the hang of it. he reads my body language effortlessly, not even skipping a beat when I climb into his lap and lace my arms around his neck.
"is this okay?" I pull away momentarily. he nods.
"you're so pretty." an unrelated response, but appreciated nonetheless. I laugh and peck his nose.
"thanks." and then we're back to making out, his hands resting on the small of my back. it's nice. I could stay like this forever, just pressed against Spencer while my fingers thread through his soft hair. he's cautious with me, and it's innocent.
I can feel his boner, can feel from the eagerness of his kisses that he's trying not to bring up the fact that he's literally just throbbing in his pants right now. in order to give him a little of what he wants, I start to rock my hips against his.
Spencer whimpers into my mouth. I stop and look down at him.
"do you want me to stop?"
"no, god, no— never stop." he's mindless in his reply, already grabbing my hips greedily and trying to regain that friction. I shake my head with a chuckle, then resume my actions. he starts to rut up against me, groaning into our embrace while his hands get more adventurous.
I withdraw, breaking the kiss to straighten up. he doesn't stop the microscopic pushes of his hips. I bite back a smile, enjoying the friction, too.
"do you wanna take my clothes off, Spence?" I ask softly.
"y-yes." he replies, gingerly taking the hem of my top and beginning to lift it over my head. when he places it on the couch beside me, his eyes immediately fall to my bra. slender fingers run up my bare waist, his watch glinting in the candlelight. when he doesn't immediately reach to unclasp my bra, I grab his wrist and guide it to the clasps myself. he moves with a surprising ease, unsnapping the thing and grazing over my skin as he slides the straps down my shoulders. I can tell that he’s shaking a tad, but it doesn’t hinder him.
the second that he's discarded the lingerie, he looks up at me with moony eyes.
"can I... kiss you?" he looks at my bare chest. "here?"
"of course, Spence." I nod. he presses his lips to the space between my ribs, drags them up to the valley between my breasts. lingers, then attaches himself to one of my nipples. I sigh, throwing my head back at the way he moves intuitively, sucking and running his tongue over the peak. he squeezes the other breast, plays with the nipple and starts to acquaint himself with the curves of my body.
the whole time, he's straining against my core, rutting helplessly in pleasure. it feels heavenly, with that sweet face of his so devoted to making me feel good, that I nearly stray from the purpose of the experience.
"Spencer..." I breathe. he moans at the sound of his name, then looks up at me from his place sucking on my tits. his teeth graze of my skin and I buck into his lap, causing him to groan appreciatively. my fingers tangle in his soft hair.
"Y/N," he pulls away from my chest, his lips making a soft popping sound. I gaze down at him, a bit lost in the fantasies running through my head. he's a natural. "can we, um-- like, expedite this process a little?"
"expedite the process?” I repeat back to him, giggling at his formality.
"what?" his voice goes up an octave, but he's smiling. "you know what I mean."
"I really do." I lean down, pressing my thumb into his jaw and angling his face up to mine to kiss. while his hands curiously move over my body, I start to push down the waistband of my sweatpants. I break contact just for a moment to peel them off, and he releases a quiet whine. it's cute.
"come back." he says softly, watching as I slide the bottoms down my legs, leaving me in my panties.
"I'm back." I peck his cheek, climb into his lap again. "can we take off your clothes, too?"
"mhmm." he nods. his lips part when my fingers work at the buttons of his shirt, undoing them with a torturous slowness. I can feel his eyes on my face the whole time.
"what?" I chuckle, peeking up at him for a moment before I pull his shirt open and run my palms up his chest, over his shoulders. he nearly shudders at the sheer touch.
"I just can't believe this is actually happening." he smiles in that way of his, like he's suppressing the depth of his emotions, with his brows slightly raised. I take the opportunity to enjoy the sight of him before me, his rapidly rising and falling chest, the smoothness of his skin.
"honestly?" I start to unbutton his pants, and he jerks up into my hand, blushing once he realizes the earnestness of his actions. I smirk encouragingly. "me, neither."
before I pull down his boxers, my eyes flick to his. "is this still okay?"
"Y/N," he groans. "if you don't do something, I'm gonna cum too early." he squeezes his eyes shut for a moment when my hand moves over his clothed erection, like he's holding on. "please."
"sorry." I release him from the confines. it hits his stomach and he waits for my reaction, as if he's afraid that I'll change my mind right now. but I'm definitely not going to. "holy fuck, Spencer."
"what?" he panics slightly, sitting up more. "is it not enough?"
"not enou--" I stutter, almost laugh. "no, it's plenty. I had no idea..."
"oh." he hides the pleased smile on his face, blush spreading over his pretty throat. in the interest of "expediting the process," I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and gently pump him.
Spencer's stomach tenses and he grabs onto the cushion of the couch with a tight fist, sighing.
"mmm..." he doesn't try to word his emotions, but I know. and I like that I'm making him feel this way, sharing this experience. Spencer and I are such close friends, I never thought we'd actually have sex. my assumption was that I'd watch him grow into himself, find a nice girl and treat her like a queen.
but here I am, spitting into my hand before jerking him off to prepare for what’s next. he’s throbbing, sounds coming from his throat.
"I'm gonna sit on it, okay?" I lean down to whisper in his ear. he touches my waist, my neck, kisses a random spot on my chest in the waves of pleasure that I'm giving him.
"o-okay." he mumbles, waiting for me to actually do it. and there's a moment of tense anticipation between both of us, when I sit up and pull my panties to the side. Spencer watches like I'm the only thing in the world, saving the memory of my body on top of his for later.
I run the head of his cock along my entrance, soaking him in the wetness between my thighs. I didn't realize how turned on I'd already gotten, and he lets out a quiet whine when he feels the evidence of how much I want him.
our eyes lock when I sink down. it's a new feeling for him, and the shape of his member as it stretches my walls causes me to bite my lip to withhold moaning too loudly. he whimpers, neck tensing and fingertips digging into my hips.
"o-oh." he sucks in a breath as I reach the halfway point. he's so big, I have to go slow in order not to overwhelm myself. but it feels good, too. like... unbelievably good. I grip onto his shoulders and my head falls forward into his shoulder.
"Spencer, holy shit." I moan.
"does it feel nice?" he asks, concerned for my own pleasure. I feel my chest flutter at the thoughtfulness of the boy wonder even when he's in the midst of losing his virginity, and I lower myself onto the rest of him.
"mhmm," I rest for a moment. "how do you feel?"
"like--" his breath hitches when I begin to rock back and forth on him. "like I've been missing out."
I can't help the giggle that slips past my lips, but then it quickly turns into a longing moan when he starts to thrust up into me like a helpless thing. Spencer is brilliant, but his brain cells go out the window when he throws his head back and begs me to move more.
I nod, raising and lowering myself until we reach a special pace. it's not fast or slow, just the two of us trying to stay in the moment while we hold on tightly to each other. I can feel the cool metal of his watch when he splays his hand out over my spine, the warmth of his breath while he pants against my shoulder.
he hits my g-spot over and over. my moans are torn from my throat by the burning of my lungs. it's like I can't breathe because I'm so focused on chasing the orgasm building in my stomach. and Spencer... I can tell he's almost finished.
the erratic nature of his jerking body tells me.
"I'm gonna cum..." he moans into my neck. "do- do you want me to pull out?"
"no." I arch my back and throw myself into the friction of our bodies. he stares up at me while I ride him, the merciless grinding of my hips because I just can't help myself. "oh my god, Spencer."
he notices how close I am and, in a surprisingly deft move, slides two fingers over my pussy to find my clit. the ensuing noise from me tells him that he's found it, and he begins to rub in quick circles. it's rough and hard, but that's exactly what I need right now.
"cum for me, Spence." I breathe. his free hand grips onto my thigh and pulls me over him, his own words unintelligible within the sounds of absolute pleasure.
"please." he begs for something I don't know, spills his seed inside of my pussy and holds onto me like I'm an anchor to this world while he peers into the next. the feeling of him spreading through my stomach, along with the reckless movements of his limbs and the way he looks at me while he rides out his orgasm, sends me over the edge.
"oh my fuck!" I collapse, grabbing his shoulders tightly and rolling myself down while he removes his fingers from my body. it's jarring, the intensity, like my normal functions can't respond correctly. all I can process is the tightening of my stomach, the pleasure between my legs, vision going slightly fuzzy at the edges. he moans when my cunt flutters around him, the muscles trying desperately to hold him here with me forever. I take deep breaths and slow down, my forehead dropping again while I start to remember my own name.
neither of us speaks. I think I'm still too in shock about what just happened, but in the best way. he keeps running his hands over my skin, then wraps his arms around my torso so that I'm pulled against his chest. I smile, kissing his ear before I finally break the silence.
"hi." he's got a satisfied tone.
"do you need anything? water?" I ask, exhausted but realizing that this is still new for Spencer and it's my job to make sure he's as comfortable as possible. he nuzzles his nose into my clavicle and squeezes me tighter.
"stay here with me." there's a slight edge to his words. he's afraid of me leaving. I snuggle down, perfectly happy to remain. heat radiates from his skin, and I like the way it feels.
"of course."
we linger in each other’s arms, both of us coming back into the real world and holding on in an attempt to soften the blow. I just had sex with Spencer.
"thank you." he whispers into my hair.
"for what?" the smile on my face is lazy.
"for doing this."
"well, I really wanted to." I laugh. "so, I guess, thank you, too."
"you're quite welcome." his response is cheerful and then we're both laughing, the sound rumbling from his chest. "can we do it again at some point?"
"I would be happy to." I beam. the contented sigh that leaves his lips, followed by a slight sinking of our bodies down the couch in collective exhaustion, fills me with a joy that's quiet but obvious.
“I’ll last longer next time, I promise.” he says. I can practically hear the blush in his cheeks.
“you did amazing, Spence. don’t worry about it.” I press a few stray kisses to him.
I'll need to go clean up, soon, but it can wait a few more minutes. this is my favorite place on earth.
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tastyykpop · 4 years ago
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
ɴᴄᴛ ʙғ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴ
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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miyaniacs · 5 years ago
HELLO!! I’ve never really done this before and I don’t really know how requesting work but is it possible to get a part2 for the teaching how to kiss heacanons??? That was really cute and it made blush a lot so if it’s possible 🥰 can you please do a continuation. I don’t know if you’ll see this but I love your writings anyways, hehe hope you’re doing well.
Teach me how to kiss pt. 2
Hey there cutieeee 🥺 I’m glad I made you blush 💅🏼👀 haha hope I’ll continue with this hc - and expect the same chaotic stuff happening in Oikawa’s
It was SO FUN to write this lol
Also quick Thank you : I just Hit 80 Followers??? since the teach me how to kiss request I gained 50 follower ??? Thank you so so much to all of you ❤️🥺
Pt. 1 
masterlist ; smau
Warnings : some nsfw
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Okay our boy KUROO
Soo you woke up the next morning with the feeling of two strong arms wrapped around you
You yawn and nuzzle your head in his chest
He chuckes making his chest vibrate and you look up to him
“Good Morning y/n” he smiles and kisses the top of your head
You mumble something and hid your face in his chest not wanting to wake up yet
But it’s Kuroo your laying ontop of
And the way your head is bend rn he gets a nice few on the marks he left on your neck
And all the things you two did last night came back to his head
The way your back arched, your eyes rolled to the back and how you were practically moaning his name in pure pleasure whenever he hit you on this one certain spot
God he can’t promise to control himself around you now after last night
he pulls you up and forces you to lift your head
He smirks “let’s take a shower shall we?”
And yes you two did take a shower
And yes your chest was pressed against the wall most of the time
His hands having a tight grip on your hips and neck while he countines to pound into
You were still sore from the last time so your legs were shaking and Kuroo needed to hold you up
He bit down on your neck when he came
You took a proper shower afterwards
He also washed your hair 🥺 and properly applied your conditioner
you’re now in his bed again sitting inbetween his legs and your back is resting against his chest
his arms are playing with your hands as he mentioned what you said before you felt asleep last night
“So do you meant that? That I’m yours now” he asks shyly
Yes SHYLY I repeat SHYLY
Kuroo is a soft mf just for you
You can feel his heart pounding as he waited for you to answer
“Would it be ok for you if I really do mean it?” you ask not daring to turn around
“I would love it” he admits
Ok now you turn around and practically slam your lips against his
The kiss is full of pashion and love
And cocky mf Kuroo is back in 3..2..1...
“Damn babygirl I really taught you well last night”
You rolled your eyes and slapped his chest
“ ohhh so your also into that? I thought you just liked the reviving part of it” He joked
And another slap lol
The next day at school.
He picked you up and walked there together with you
You know this scene in the the first twilight movie where Bella gets out of Edwards car and everyone is starring at them and he slams the car door shut and puts his arm around her to rub it into their faces that infanct yes they are a couple
That’s you two now lol
He’s sooooo smug about it
Especially the fact that 1. You couldn’t cover up the marks he left properly and 2. Because your legs are still slightly shaking lol
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And back to Akaashi
ok so you two kept up your little training sessions 👀👀
And hell did you enjoy it
And hell was he a good teacher
You were like pudding in his hands
He knows exactly where and how to touch you and got you moaning under him within seconds
No one knew about you two tho
It was your dirty little secret
Until this one day
This one guy in your class was constantly flirting with you
For a week now
And for a week now Akashi was feeling strange
It was Friday and he just finished training and got out of the gym together with Bokuto
Then he heard your beautiful laugh and smiled but his smile dropped as he saw the reason for your laugh. It was him.
And god he hated it
“Seems like our little y/n is going to be taken in some time :( - omg she gr-“ bokuto whined
But Akaashi interrupted him
“Yes she will be taken but not by him” he says and walks over to you two, grabs your hand and pulls you away from the guy ( yes the will be taken was intended lol)
“Akaashi what are you doing???” Bokuto asked
“Just go home we’ll at the mall in a few hours” he cuts him off and leaves with you
You’re now pressed against the club room door his hands on each side of your face
“What do you think you are doing?” He growls
“I - I don’t know what you mean” you stutter
“Oh so you weren’t flirting with this guy for the past week and ignoring me instead” his eyes are now completely dark
“Kenji are you jealous?” You smirk
“Oh yes I am. And in a few seconds you won’t me smiking anymore doll” he growls again and kisses you
His hands are pulling you closer to him and he walkes you over to the other side and lifts you up onto the table
He quickly takes off your clothing, flips you and bends you over the table
“You know better not to make me jealous” and a slap
“You’re mine ok?” And slap
And some ruffling and now the table is shaking, you’re screaming, his hands are either on your neck, or your hair pulling it, occasional slaps also happen
Afterwards he sinks down and pulls you onto his laps, wraps his arms around you and kisses your head
“I’m sorry I didn’t hurt you did i?” He asks actually afraid of the answer
“Only if you didn’t mean what you said” you smile and look up to him
“Ever single word is true - I want you to me mine”
You smile and kiss him
“Let’s get ready now- bokuto is waiting” You laugh and you both get dressed
You walk into the mall hand in hand and as soon as bokuto sees you to be screams and throws himself at you
“Omg finally. Mum&Dad together!!”
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Okay so after this little incident with his mum you two still tried to take things further
But either it was his mum again, your mum, your dad ( your shirt was still on and oikawa is still alive) or his teammates calling him
You were frustrated AF
And now watching him practice
It doesn’t help. He looks so hot 🥵
He occasionally looks over at you and smirks when he sees the way you look at him
His ego went up immediately
But don’t worry Iwa and the others are quickly to put it down again lol
After practice tooru stayed suspiciously long in the locker room - the other were already out
So you - the precious girlfriend you are - checked if he was ok
“Tooru baby are you oka-“
You couldn’t finish your sentence because his lips are already on yours and his hands under your shirt
“Baby what if Someone catches us” You ask
“They are all gone now- don’t worry kitten” he purrs “just focus on Me”
He kisses your neck, sucking on this one special spot making you moan
He pulls your shirt up - his wasn’t even on
Your hands wrap around his neck and pull him closer to you
His fingers move under your skit and pulls down your panties
“Naww your so wet just by watching me practice” he teases
“Just hurry up already” You say annoyed
He inserts two fingers and starts moving them in and out- painfully slow - and kisses your neck
“Baby plaseeee” you whine
He picks you up and lays you down on one of the brenches and leaves kisses down your body
He reaches your skirt and you quickly help him put it off
He looks up at you and kisses your clit
“Tooru” you moan
He then begins his magic and hellllll you arent sure if this is actually his first time doing it
He inserts his fingers again and can already feel you tightening
“Baby I can’t wait anylonger I need you inside of me”
He chuckles and pulls down his pants
He stops and looks in your eyes
“Are you sure baby- I know it’s our first time and uhm were in the guys locker room “
“I don’t care where we are as long as it’s with you “ you say and kiss him passionately
He smiles into the kiss and pistons himself at your entrance and slowly pushes in
You shut your eyes and dig your fingers into his shoulders
After some time of adjusting and countless kisses from him you nod telling him to continue
It was slow and passionate and just perfect
Iwaizumi stands in the door his hand over his eyes
Tooru screams like a little girl and quickly covers you up with this jacket laying next to him
“I FORGOT MY PHONE!!!” He yells back
You were shocked and red and don’t really realize that Tooru gets up and hands him the phone and Iwa leaves as quickly as he came in
“I’m so sorry baby” he whines “baby??”
You wee still shocked
“Let’s just leave” you get up and put on your clothes
On your way back home you just mutter how you now wont be able to look at Iwa again
Oikawa keeps apologizing but you’re still shocked
Let’s just say the next day at school was awkward af
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zoldyckangel · 6 years ago
Can we see a list of requests in ur inbox rn if that’s ok? I’m super interested
Yeah sure! Note that some of the requests on the list take longer than the others but they’re being worked on. The list is also out of order. There also might be some duplicates for requests because different people want the same things.  I will put a keep reading line because of the sheer number of requests in my inbox. (Which is over 100 btw 😅) 
1: Can I request an NSFW scenario with Illumi trying to impregnate his S/O?
2: Since you told me you were looking forward to the extra kinky scenario with fei the bae, here it is: make it as kinky as you can fam. (If u don’t feel like it rn just like do it later or smth I don’t mind)
3: What would Illumi do if he had a younger sister , almost his age and he treated/favored like killua, that ran away from home at a young age and tried to go into hiding
4: Hey ! Can I get a uvogin Nsfw scenario . Helping his fem s/o to relieve stress . Doggie, oral , and riding would be great
5: Can you do an illumi NSFW scenario where his s/o is all like, “I don’t love you anymore.” And he gets all possessive?
6: Phinks nsfw scenario with a virgin s/o pleaseeeeee?
7: chrollo trying to get sex but his s/o denies just to piss him off
8: “Shh, stop fussing I’m just braiding your hair” for hisoka, please??
9: “If you steal the blanket, I’ll put my cold feet to you” for Fei♡
10: “You’re my new pillow” for hisoka please??
11: “How about a kiss” for Chrollo!
12: You are my new pillow, with Illumi
13: Will you let me rub your back?” + “Ssh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.+“I might have slept with your robe when you were gone.” for Chrollo please?
14: Hc of the main four having a tiny s/o (like 5"1 or something) and how they would act around them? Killua and Gon are aged up of course!
15: “You are my new pillow” with Hisoka? ;D Thanks, you’re awesome!!
16: Omg can you do a scenario with feitan refuses to kiss his s/o on New Years so she gets back at him?
17: Can you do “your comfy” and “youre my new pillow” with illumi
18: If you’re still doing requests, please write a scenario for “How about a kiss?” with Kite please! (If the ask box is closed, then just delete this! sorry~)
19: If you’re taking requests, could you do Hisoka with “But I want to hear you sing.”? (Finding this blog made my day-)
21: I.COULDNT.HELP.IT. “Will you let me rub your back?” AND “Care to give me a back scratch?” WITH KURAPIKA. PLEASE. ILYSM
22: Would you please write 3 short scenario s between my oc and Feitan, Chrollo, and Uvogin? The genre doesn’t really matter. My oc is named Sabine. She is 4'10 and chubby. She’s an pansexual otaku who loves food, cats, and is basically juat a huge dork. Most of the time she’s pretty calm and always happy, but she acts like a child when excited. She has silent anger and can hold a grudge. Generally just a happy person. Thank you!~
23: What would happen if hisoka met a girl who was more powerful than him but refused to fight him? (Done) 
24: Okay, so I saw the ask about Gon and Killua having a weak S/O…what would happen if this S/O suddenly disappeared, without Killua or Gon noticing, and like one day later they discover they were murdered brutally by a killer? How would they feel? How focused would they be on revenge? Also, would they ever regret being with someone so weak, since it ultimately caused them pain?
25: Yooo I’m glad you’re back fam!! I’m sure ur pretty busy with all the requests but if you have time— I just recently read one of ur older nsfw feitan scenarios where you said it was kinky but it could definitely be kinkier, well you know what I’m gonna ask of you my dude. Pls write the kinkiest scenario ever for Fei the bae and I will love you till the day I die
26:  I’m thirsty for a NSFW Hisoka one shot where his crush is brushing off his advances but that just makes him try harder. 😏
27: I know you’ve done something similar but can I get a scenario for Hisoka relentlessly trying to get down with his crush but they’re onto him and brushing off his advances. You can either end it NSFW or have the crush unfazed by his seduction. I’m thirsty for more trash clown.
28:  Could you do a NSFW Shalnark scenario please?
29: Adult trio with shy s/o headcanon? ☺️
30: Kite oral scenarios with s/o plssss ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
31: Could i request headcanons for kurapika having a s/o who is sarcastic af but also a pretty sharp fella with deduction skills of sherlock? And for killua a s/o who loves books and readings and is even a writer themself who has a habit of putting people they know in real life in theur stories? :3 thank you!~
32: I just would like to say, I absolutely love your writing and I was wondering if requests were open. If so, could I request an Adult Gon NSFW scenario? Pretty please with a cherry on top and thank you!
33: may i request a scenario of killua having a crush on fem!reader whos a bit older than he is and hes having a hard time acknowledging his feelings so Gon gives him advice?
34: Turn ons and turn offs for Morel, Pariston, Kite, Knuckle, and Razor!
35: oh my god i loved your response to my request last time so i’ll just ask ONE LAST TIME i promise: can you do HCs for Kura and a fem s/o living as Kurtans? Like if the clan was never massacred and he grew up properly within the clan and got married and had kids and stuff. again, any NSFW is appreciated :3
36: Adult trio and main four kissing headcanons? Thank you!
37: Jealous Hisoka scenario?
38: HC on some things the adult trio finds cute in a person?
39: Hey! I love your work sm, thank you for being active again, it makes my school time less worse tbh My request is how Chrollo would react if he found out, that his s/o used to have something romantically with Kurapika before with him. (NSFW included) :,)
40: HC on how a crush accidentally turns on the adult trio?
41: How would the adultrio and the main four (or just the adultrio if it’s too much ^^) deal with their drunk s/o?
42: Favorite/least favorite music genres for the phantom crew and the adult trio?
43: Can I get headcannons for phinks with a thicc S/O (NSFW is appreciated too) ps LOVE YOUR BLOG ❤️❤️❤️
44: Adult trio with shy s/o HC. ☺️
45: I see you don’t write much about Razor, so how about a HC on Razors turn ons and turn offs?
46: Pariston scenario where he fails at wooing his crush because she realizes what kind of person he is but he isn’t letting up.
47: May I request fluffy head cannons for Older Killua with a soft-spoken, shy fem s/o? Your head cannons are so wonderful and I thank you for taking the time to write them!
48: 💢🔪💍🍼 for Chrollo please?
49: Hey! I really love your blog and i was wondering if i could make a headcanon request?? .////. I was wondering if you guys could write a scenario/headcanon (whichever you feel like ^^ i cant decide ^^;) kurapika having a s/o who’s really sassy and witty(loves self depricating jokes and lame puns XD) but overall a sharp minded person? Thank you!♡
50: tbh i just want like a rough NSFW scenario w Kura. pls and thx k bye
51: Could you pwease write some sfw/nsfw relationship headcanons for razor? (Gender neutral pronouns if thats not too much trouble)
52: I’d the adult trio had a big crush on someone, how far would they go to get them? Like, would they stalk them or constantly flirt with them or break into their apartment or buy them loads of gifts…? Let’s assume their crush is strong just cause I see them trying harder if they’re powerful.
53:  🍼💍💋💘 for Feitan please?
54: Are requests open? If so, I would like to request some headcanons for Colt but I can’t do those emoji thingies…… Great blog by the way!
55: HC on when the main four and adult trio realize they’ve fallen in love 😍 (or caught the feels for someone)
56: Heeelloooo there✨✨✨ I’d like to ask 😈, 💘,💋 and 🍆 for Gon and Killua ohohohohoho ✨💞 Kisses!!!!
57: How does the trouble trio + Chrollo feel if they found out that their female s/o lives together with their best male friend? Due to circumstances and stuff? Not because they cheated on him.
58:  Can I get a headcanon how the adult trio and main four would react if they were separated from their crush for a while? Would they mope, stalk them, distract themselves…?
59: Hello Admin Shy! I was wondering if you could do yandere/possessive HC for the adult trio? Thank you!!
60: Main four with s/o that has trust issues, because she/he has had so many fake friends who have only used her/him to get expensive gifts and good grades. And very bad self esteem, because she/he thinks that she/he isn’t good enough to be their real friend. If you don’t want to write this, you don’t have to. Actually this has happened to me a lot :,).
61: Can I request the reactions of the adult trio to a nuzzling crush? Idk if they’d like it or not.
62: Hello there! Is the ask box open? If so, can I request a fluff scenario for Kalluto and an innocent and cheerful oc who is also a spider??
63: Sfw/Nsfw headcanons for illumi with a yandere s/o??? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
64: I saw you did jealous chrollo HC so can you do some for Illumi and Hisoka to round out the adult trio?
65: Can you do first kiss/kissing headcanons for Morel, Kite, Razor, Pariston, and Knuckle please? Thanks Admin 👩🏻‍💼
66: Heya! Glad to see you posting again. Could the nice people of tumblr request some spicy Chrollo New Year’s headcanons, sfw and nsfw?
67: Hello Admin! Ok so Pariston is a total enigma for me and I wanted your opinion on what this dude looks for in both a worthy opponent and a crush. Like, he obviously admires Ging and respects him the most from anyone I’ve seen but he also loathes him for being a worthy opponent. As for who he is attracted to, could any personality be good for him and any power level as long as they interested him in some fashion? Sorry this is long! 😅
68: Headcanon for kurapika and a sassy af s/o? :3
69: Hey can you do Hisoka headcannons with a s/o that is super fragile and shy in the begining but once she opens up she’s super fun pervy and op she is so strong she can actually beat him and Chrollo~ ty!
70: Jealousy headcanons for Leorio, Hisoka, Pariston, Knuckle, and Gon please! I feel like they’d give a variety of reactions. :)
71: I know it’s still early but do you think you could do same pariston Valentine’s day headcanons (sfw and nsfw)?? And yes I’m the same anon who asked for the new years too lol, I just really like him for some strange reason Thanks I’m advance!
72: How do you think what kind of person would Killua like? Thank you ^^
73: Some Adult trio first time HCs. Like when it happened (age) how it happened who (female or male) what happened
74: Your two hisoka one shots were absolutely AMAZING!!! AaaAAaaahhhhh youre such a good writter!!!!!!! (>y<) Could I please request a third one shot? Its ok if you dont feel like writting it, the other two were fantastic, so I bet they took some time. But, for me and others who enjoyed them, could you? ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
75: Hello! I apologize if you are busy but may I have Kurapika Valentines Day SFW/NSFW headcanons with his s/o? Thank you and I apologize that it’s two days after Valentines Day.
76: Hey! Can you do a scenario with kikyo and silva fluff !
77: A HXH scenario! Some NSFW scenario with older Killua and his gf ( collar/ pet kink)? Love your work!
78: “this position is.. making me turned on…” said Kurapika softly, completely flustered with his fem s/o sitting on his lap.
79: Kurapika in a normal high school Romance HC n scenario?????
80: Can you write another BDSM scenario with Feitan? Thank you so much :)))
81: Can you please write another Vampire!Feitan scenario? Thank you ;))
82: Ok I got an angsty HC ask: how would the adult trio react to seeing their crush get physically or verbally abused?
83: Can we get general fluffy sfw hcs and nsfw hcs for Chrollo? Tysm! ❤️
84: Can I… Can I have some yandere Chrollo headcannons please :o Your blog is one of my top favorites by the way
85: How would Chrollo act if he knew that Kurapika was in love with his s/o?
86: How would Phinks go about recruiting (my means of seduction) a potential troupe affiliate. Like a spy or an informant or something. (I know it’s specific but I need some inspiration for a fic I have planned.)
87: Type of dates chrollo would take his s/o on? (S/o is a strong nen user and is aware that he is a part of the phantom troupe)
88: Please yandere chrollo scenario
89: Hi! I really like your page and I was just wondering if requests are currently open? It’s not exactly clear, but if they are open; could you please do a fluffy scenario with fem reader x hisoka where they join him in a grassy clearing & he just randomly starts doing handstands & pushups while they’re lying down beneath him & he kisses them each time he goes down; getting more heated each time until they are both playfully rolling around kissing one another? Thnx 4 reading either way! ^^
90: Hey! Love this page! I was wondering how do you think Feitan, Hisoka, Phinks and Shalnark would react to a gentle, surprise kiss from their s/o? Please and thank you!
91: Hey! Could you plz do a fluffy scenario of hisoka, illumi sharing moments with their s/o’s where they make each other giggle and laugh; just something really cute and sweet for each of them but that still suits their personalities? Thank you so much!
92: Spider boi needs more love. How about a scenario for Chrollo meeting his s/o during a PT mission?
93: Hello may I get headcannons of the adult trio with a fem s/o who looks like a bad ass bitch with tattoo and colorful hair but is very calm and sweet when not working. Something like she gives them a safe mental space where they can let their gaurd down when it’s just the two of them please? Sorry if this is too specific ( ^_^U)
94: Ohh how about the crush walking in on the guys halfnaked? 😄 Gif reactions for the adult trio and main four
95: Can you do a nsfw scenary with Adult Killua and fem s/o please?
96: Aaaaahhh the flirting hc were so good thank you so much admin!!! I’d like to request another HC if you don’t mind! What are some turn ons for the adult trio and how do they react when they’re horny? 😜
97: Mun, can you please do a headcanons for the adult trio on things they find cute in their crush? Like their laugh, if they are naive about something, if they pout, play with hair, talk cutesy to animals, etc. I like fluff. ☁️ Thanks a million!
98: Personal thoughts: how would Hisoka react to genuine affection? He’s a creep and no one puts up with his behavior but what if someone has the patience of a saint and was able to actually enjoy his company and care about his well being? What do u think, I’d love to know
99: Is it time for that Yandere chrollo from a few asks back?? 😉😉 if it is, general yandere hcs please! (You can do a continuation of that ask if u want ?)
100: Uvogin NSFW with female reader or s/o
101: Adult trio with shy s/o HC please?
102: Ok so I’m a lover of people who are gluttons for punishment. Naturally, I’d like to request a HC of Hisoka having a crush on one of the most powerful hunters he has ever met but they refuse to fight him. He tries to annoy them but they have the patience of a saint. He tries to flirt with them but they laugh off his advances or tease him before walking off. He begs them for a battle but they are a pacifist when it concerns fighting Hisoka. 😂
103: Hello! May I ask a scenario where Chrollo’s s/o wearing a sexy lingerie and she’s waiting for him? Thank you very much! ^^
104: Can you please do first kiss HC for Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston please? Would it be spur of the moment and sexy or planned out and sweet?
105: Scenarios of the adult rio and feitan. When they cheat on there s/o
106: Kurapika’s S/O got pregnant and is reluctant to tell him (he is a busy man) but he found out anyway albeit not from her. How would he feel not knowing it from her? Also, thank you for all these wonderful headcanons ^-^!
107: A bit of angst here: how would Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston react to seeing their crush get physically or verbally abused?
108: These are my three favs so I gotta keep asking for them! Can you please do HC on how Hisoka, Knuckle, and Pariston would ask their crush out on a date? Thank you Admin!
109: Who do you HC to actually care about having a virgin as a partner when they first have sex? Which characters would be understanding, feel turned on, honored, don’t care, find it off putting, etc.
110: Headcanons for Chrollo and his s/o who, as he finds out, is one of his favourite authors?
111: Headcanons (possible romance?) for Hisoka meeting someone who used to take care of him as a kid?
112: A scenario for Hisoka being stuck in bed, ill, and his s/o taking care of him? Your pick for SFW/NSFW. (apologies if this gets double posted!)
113: Oh gosh I hope I made it in time. Can I request something with a protective kurapika? Anything is fine. I want this dude to be loved :’)
114: Can I pleeeeease have some headcanons for Chrollo if he had an s/o who had a huge erogenous zone on their ear (they like it when it gets nibbled and such) but they’re super shy about it? Tankee
115: Love your blog! If yiu still do requests quests then I suppose this one should be interesting: one with our lill smol Feitan having a younger teenage sister who’s taller than him (but weaker lol), how would their life be like?
116: Can I have some general sfw and nsfw relationship headcanons for Machi and for Pakunoda?
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peterparkyourassonme · 7 years ago
long distance; tom holland
pairing: tom holland x reader word count: 1,342. more than thought, tell me if you want a part two to this. summary: you and tom meet each other on the internet.  warning: none, (y/f/n) means your friends name, the friend is not described as any gender, you can chose. I think you got it.  part two| my other work
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‘yo, you have a new number right?’ 
‘this is (Y/n) by the way’ you sent your friend who just got a new number a text.
‘I don’t know a (Y/n)’ the person, who you thought was (your friends name), texted back. 
‘ha ha very funny, (y/f/n)’ you responded as you rolled your eyes at your screen. 
‘this is not (y/f/n), I’m sorry but I think you got the wrong number mate’ the now stranger texted back. 
‘oh, sorry my bad’. You felt really awkward.
‘I am Tom by the way’. You were surprised that he kept the conversation going. 
‘nice to meet you Tom’
‘nice to met you to (Y/n)’. 
Weeks had gone by and you and Tom had talked everyday over text. Tom really wanted to video chat, but you were a bit scared. What if he wasn’t this total awesome, British, twenty one year old, but some weird creep. Maybe your friends even scammed you to prank you. Every time he asked to see your face you got out of it. But not today. 
‘What are you doing rn?’ Tom asked. 
‘Not much tbh, pretty sad if you think about it, it’s Saturday night lol’ You replied. 
‘Want some company?’ He asked. 
‘What do you mean’ You sighed as you knew what he was gonna say. 
‘Call me or I can call you, whatever you want’. You rolled your eyes. 
‘Tom..’ You hit send and started typing again. But he already responded. 
‘Come on (Y/n). I wanna see how pretty you are’. If you didn’t trust him, that would be the creepiest thing ever. 
‘You know what, fuck it. Call me’. You hit send with slight regret. 
incoming face time call from ‘tom’ 
You were greeted with the face of a very handsome smiling young man. Brown hair, brown eyes. Very cute features. Both of you were looking at each other with adoration. Stunned by one another’s beauty. 
‘Hi’ You said with a little grin. ‘Wow, I mean hi, (Y/n)’ Tom almost choked on his spit. ‘You. You’re. You’re beautiful’. ‘Not so bad yourself’ You said and laughed. 
You sat in silence for a bit. 
‘Talk to me. I want to hear your voice, love’. You could hear Tom was desperately flirting with you.
You and Tom had gotten closer and closer. The line between best friends and soulmates was almost transparent. 
You were sitting on your bed with (y/f/n). You were giggling at you phone, because you were texting Tom. (y/f/n) rolled their eyes. They could see you were texting him, because you were always blushing if you were. 
They grabbed your phone. ‘Hey! I was texting-’ You got cut off. ‘Tom? Yeah I know. This silly little boyfriend of yours is distracting you’ 
‘He’s not my boyfriend!’ You did not want them to see your conversation with him. ‘Whatever (Y/n). He’s distracting you! From college and from your friends! I’m deleting his number’. They tapped on your phone while your jaw dropped. His phone number was the only thing you had of him. ‘No!’. You were not ready to lose Tom to (Y/f/n). They could not do this to you. ‘Blocked and deleted, now you can have your phone back. Thank me later’ They were very proud of them self and found the whole situation hilarious. 
‘Are you an idiot? That was all I had of him. Why did you have to ruin this!’ You were boiling with anger. ‘(Y/n) take a chill pil. You did not even know the guy, it’s not like he cared about you or something’. 
‘Get out of my house!’. ‘W-what? (Y/n) you’re being ridiculous. You know I’m right’ They backed off slowly walking towards the front door. ‘I said get out! You obviously seem to care less about me than you think Tom does. Thank you very much, you don’t have to show me your face again’ You opened the door and shoved them out. ‘Bye!’ You slammed the door shut. 
You collapsed to the ground and started crying as you just lost the contact with Tom. You could not get it back, you knew that. And he couldn’t text you, because (Y/f/n) blocked him. 
‘What’s up darling?’ yesterday 10.07 am
‘Yo are you busy?’ yesterday 1.15 pm
‘(Y/n) are you there?’ yesterday 5.30 pm
‘I’m getting worried, what’s going on?’ yesterday 9.45 pm
‘Goodnight love, please text me back or return my phone calls’ today 2.10 am 
‘Good morning. (Y/n), did I do something? Don’t ignore me, you can tell me anything?’ today 10.50 am. 
Tom let out a growl of anger. ‘What’s up?’ Harrison asked. ‘She’s not texting me back or returning my phone calls Haz, I am worried. What if something happened to her!’
‘Tom I’m sure she’s fine’
‘You call her than!’ Tom sighed after he spoke up, he did not want to fight with Harrison. ‘Pff okay’. Harrison dialed your number. ‘Sorry mate. Call denied’ Haz looked at Tom with an apologetic look. 
‘Come on..’ 
If you couldn’t call or text him you would google him instead. 
In the middle of your search you got called up by a foreign number. You decided to deny the call, they would probably be like one of those numbers that charge you loads of money. 
‘Tom Holland’ you mumbled and typed the name in the google search bar. What appeared in front of you was shocking.
“Tom Holland (Actor) - Wikipedia”
“Tom Holland (@ tomholland1996) |Twitter”
“Tom Holland Instagram photos videos and more”
Your eyes widened as you scrolled down the screen. This couldn’t be him. You clicked on his google biography. 
“Thomas Stanley Holland a British actor. Most know for his roles as Spider-Man in Captain America: Civil War and Spider-Man: Homecoming and Lucas in The Impossible”
He was an actor for Marvel?! All these questions were bouncing though your head. Maybe you could reach him through social media. You followed him on every platform and sent him; ‘Tom it’s me, (Y/n). My so called friend deleted and blocked your number, because they thought you were a silly distraction. Which you’re not! Please if you see this, send me your number so I can unblock you’ 
No response, not even after a week. Why did you even think that would work. He’s a superstar like he would answer your stupid DM. 
The fact you now knew he was famous made you very unconfident. Why did he even talk to you, he could do better. 
The weird number kept calling over the weeks and you got sick of it. They called about three times a day. You decided to pick up this time. ‘Who is this and why do you keep calling me?’ You angrily said into the phone. ‘(Y/n)! It’s me Tom!’. 
Your mouth fell open. ‘Why haven’t you been answering the phone or my texts! I was worried sick? Is it something I did, are you mad at me? (Y/n) please say something!’ Tom was trying to talk as fast as he could he wanted damn answers. 
You sighed. ‘Tom, I’m sorry’ You started to tear up after finally hearing his voice again. ‘I’m so so sorry’ And you started sobbing. ‘Hey, (Y/n) what’s wrong. Darling please tell me what’s going on’ His warm voice calmed you down. You took a deep breath. ‘Okay, My friend got sick of me talking to you and thought I did not mean anything to you. They said you were a distraction from college and from my friends. And you’re not! I broke down after they did delete it and tried to find a way to contact you… Than I found out who you are, Tom.’ You said slowly. ‘(Y/n), I’m sorry I didn’t tell you! You did not know who I was so I thought it would be for the better’ 
‘It still pisses me off. I don’t think I can handle all of this right now, Tom. I-I’m sorry’ You cried. ‘No, no, no. (Y/n) please don’t hang up I-’. You hung up and cut him off. 
‘love you’ 
A/n: wassup friends! Hope you enjoyed this! I am planning on making a part two, let me know if you want a part two!
lol my PE teacher hit me in the face with a baseball today, now my nose is all swollen and purple. Love it when that happens ha ha. 
I am working on a prompt list atm, and I’m very excited about it! Expect that coming soon. 
For the rest of the night I’ll be answering ship requests, so if you want to request one for your own feel free to! 
For the people who have requested one shots etc.. I’m working on them don’t worry loves. 
We’re also really close to 400 followers *faints*. Omg update WE HIT 400 FOLLOWERS, babes you're incredible.
I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you in the next one!
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sweetlysilent · 7 years ago
The Wrath Of Thanos
Requested By: Anonymous
Hi!!! I love your writing and I was wondering if u could write a fic where the reader is tony’s daughter and she’s an avenger and she and peter are best friends but then the plot of infinity war happens and peter and the reader literally watch thanos kill tony and it’s so sad and omg I’m crying rn but yea I would really like to read that and cry my eyes out
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader x Tony Stark
Description: You were Tony’s daughter and Peter was your best friend, you all were Avengers, therefore, you all went on missions, except one mission didn’t end the way it should have. 
Warnings: It goes from happy to pure sadness
Word Count: 2,288
A/N: I really loved this prompt, it was something different and it was fun to create, although it’s really sad because I love Tony :((( But, I hope you enjoy!
Friendly PSA: Please do not steal my writing without my permission, or flat out steal it at all. It’s super disrespectful and 100% plagiarism. So, if you’re someone who does steal other peoples’ work, think about what you’re doing before you hit that copy button. Thank you!
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“The world is going to pay, everyone is going to pay, and the only way to do that, is to kill them, kill them all.” Thanos roared, gazing off towards planet Earth, as his army cheered in the background.
“They're all going to pay.” Thanos growled, his fist clenching as he watched planet Earth continue to spin, unharmed by anything, for now.
Back on Earth, you and Peter were arguing over who got the last waffle, something that seemed to always happen whenever Peter stayed at the Avengers compound.
“Y/N, I got here first, therefore, I get the last waffle!” Peter declared, narrowing his eyes at you as you let out a huff and crossed your arms.
“I’m sorry Spidey but you’re wrong, you see, I actually LIVE here, therefore, I get the last waffle.” You smirked, narrowing your eyes back at Peter, who raised his eyebrows in a challenging manner.
“Don’t make me.” He threatened playfully, making your eyes widen slightly, slowly backing away.
“You wouldn’t.” You dared, watching his smirk get bigger as he took closer steps to you.
“Oh, but I would.” He chuckled, before sprinting towards you as you let out a squeal and ran, Peter chasing you around the kitchen.
“This is so unfair!” You shouted, laughing as Peter webbed one of your arms to the fridge.
“Gotcha.” He chuckled, making you roll your eyes playfully as he walked up to you, before tickling your sides.
You squirmed around, laughing, trying to swat his hands away with your free hand but it was no use, he was going to tickle you until you died.
“Say you’re sorry and that I can have the waffle!” Peter grinned, his hands resting on your sides as you tried to catch you breath, your eyes watering from laughing so hard.
“N-Never.” You breathed out, a smile on your face as Peter shook his head, laughter escaping his lips.
“Alright, you asked for it.” He grinned, before tickling you again, making you burst out in laughter, your stomach starting to hurt along with your cheeks.
“O-Okay! O-Okay! You win!” You shouted, as Peter rested his hands on your sides once again, a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Thanks Y/N, you’re the best.” He winked, before removing the webbing from your arm, which wasn’t an easy task by the way.
“I just hope you know I am so going to get you back.” You glared at him, a smirk playing on your lips as Peter chuckled, shoving a bite of waffle into his mouth.
“We’ll see.” He hummed, as you walked over to the table, grabbing his fork and taking a bite of his waffle.
“Thanks.” You winked, as Peter whined, looking at his waffle, hearing your laughter travel down the hallway.
You and Peter had become best friends once he found out you were Tony’s daughter and you found out he was Spider-Man, aka your favorite Queens hero.
Tony was skeptical about letting Peter come into the Avengers, but eventually did after you spent a while convincing him it would be alright and that you wouldn’t do anything to make him uncomfortable.
“Y/N, you better not do anything with Parker I swear to god.” Tony muttered, before finally giving in, making you squeal out in excitement.
“I won’t! He’s my best friend dad.” You huffed, but the smile didn’t leave your face, making Tony roll his eyes, but give you a hug anyways, seeing you happy meant the world to him, even if that meant he had to suffer with Parker running around with you.
You and Peter had a platonic relationship, sure you may fool around with each other, and it may seem like you two were flirting, but it wasn’t the case, you two were just really close friends.
And that is how Peter started staying at the Avengers compound, and how everyone there quickly got annoyed of both of your bickering over the smallest things, for example, waffles, it happened almost everyday.
Unless someone stole the waffle that way they didn’t have to hear the same commotion again.
You were in your room, getting ready when the alarm went off, signaling something bad was happening, and everyone need to suit up, quick.
“What’s going on?” Steve shouted, rushing out of his room, his suit already on as Tony and Natasha looked at the screen.
“We’re under attack.” Tony looked at the screen wide eyed, the whole world was under attack.
“Then lets go!” Steve shouted, as everyone ran out the door, they had a job to do and standing around wasn’t going to get them anywhere.
They all followed the coordinates that lead them to the main scene of the crime, there standing before them was this huge purple guy, a crown on his head along with body armor.
“What the hell is that?” You shouted, watching the guy destroy everything in his path with one hit.
“I have no idea Y/N..” Bruce muttered, watching in horror, everyone was watching in horror at this moment.
This guy was unstoppable, he destroyed literally everything in his path like it was his job, like it was his mission.
“Alright guys, we’ve fought many things before, just treat this like one of those moments, we are the Avengers, we can do this!” Tony shouted, as everyone nodded in agreement, before everyone started sprinting towards the purple monster.
“Excuse me, Mr. Big Grape!” Tony shouted, catching Thanos attention, his eyebrows squinting in confusion from where the voice was coming from.
Once his eyes landed on all of you, an evil smirk appeared across his lips, laughter escaping.
“Ah, yes, the Avengers, here to save the day are you?” Thanos chuckled, making you all glance at one another.
“Well that is our job.” Thor shrugged, making Clint snort as his response, he never knew when to shut up.
“I’m sorry to say, but the Avengers won’t be saving anyone today.” Thanos growled out, sending chills down your spine.
“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” Tony replied, looking at everyone as they responded with nods.
And before you knew it, everyone was fighting, other creatures came out of nowhere, you were gathering they were apart of this guys army.
Everyone was fighting, your dad and Steve were fighting the big grape, while you and Peter and the rest of the Avengers helped fight off the army that continued to appear.
“This is crazy!” Peter shouted, webbing some creatures up before Wanda exploded them.
“There’s too many, we can’t hold them off forever!” You shouted, as you ripped one of the creatures in half.
“We need to stop fighting the alien creatures and help Tony and Steve, it’s the only way!” Clint shouted, hitting a few alien creatures with his bow.
You all then ran to help fight with Tony and Steve, who were getting brutally beaten each time they attempted to hit him.
“Give up yet?” Thanos laughed darkly, as they shook their heads no in response, making Thanos’s blood boil in anger.
Thanos was about to attack again when you all jumped in, attacking him all at once, throwing him off guard, allowing Tony and Steve to get back up and recover slightly.
This only made Thanos even angrier than before, you could see fire in his eyes as he let out a roar.
“Now!” Steve shouted, and all of you fired at once, one more time, causing Thanos to stumble once again, his body starting to shake from pure rage.
“You shouldn’t have done that!” He growled out, before his fist clenched together and he hit the ground, you all fell to the ground, the force overpowering and cracking the ground beneath you all.
“You will all feel the wrath of Thanos!” He roared, as his army of alien creatures soon went flying off, shooting and destroying everything in it’s way.
You groaned out in pain, as did everyone else as they tried to get up, you saw Peter slowly getting up, causing great concern to you, before you noticed your dad still on the ground.
“Dad!” You shouted, getting up as quick as you could, before rushing over to him, he let out a groan in pain, as you helped him up.
“You’re hurt, we need to go.” You shouted over the noise, but Tony shook his head, as he looked at Thanos who was causing more destruction.
“Y/N, we can’t give up, he’s not going to stop until we do something about it.” Tony explained, as Steve nodded in agreement with him.
“He’s got a point Y/N, this is our job, we get hurt, but we protect people.” Steve sighed, grabbing his shield before sprinting off, everyone following behind him, including you and Tony.
You all started attacking once again, surprising Thanos that you all were still trying to defeat him, which made him laugh in amusement.
“You just don’t know when to give up do you?” Thanos laughed, watching as you all stood before him.
“We aren’t going to let you destroy our world.” Steve proclaimed, making Thanos grin, his grape face wrinkling together.
Then another fight broke out, Thanos was no longer holding back, he was determined he wouldn’t be stopped, he was determined to kill you all.
“Duck!” Vision shouted, protecting Natasha and Clint as Thanos threw a punch at them.
You watched in horror, you all couldn’t handle this, hell, nobody could handle this, it was too much.
You glanced around, everyone was badly beaten, bleeding terribly, you all were losing, just like Thanos wanted.
And then it was like the world stopped, it all happened in slow motion, you watched Thanos gather as much power as he could, before firing at Tony.
You let out a blood curdling scream, making everyone and everything around you go flying off, the power of your voice causing immediate destruction.
You watched as Tony fell to the ground, Thanos flying backwards from the power of your scream as Peter witnessed you watching in horror, this couldn’t be happening.
“No, no, no, no, no!” You screamed, rushing over to where he laid on the ground, Peter running after you.
“Dad, no, please, you’re okay, you have to be okay, you can’t leave me!” You screamed, shaking him, throwing his mask off to reveal his eyes closed shut, blood seeping out everywhere.
“N-No!” You hiccupped, continuing to shake him, he couldn’t die, no, he couldn’t leave you, he was all you had left.
You had already lost your mom, you couldn’t lose your dad too, not now.
“No, d-dad, p-please!” You screamed out in choked sobs, tears falling off your face onto his below you.
Peter’s face filled with distraught, watching the scene before him, Tony meant a lot to him too, hell he meant a lot to everyone even if they didn’t want to admit it.
“Y/N..” Peter murmured, placing his hands on your shoulders as you sobbed harshly, clutching your dad to your chest.
You didn’t have words to say, all you felt was broken, the one person you had left was gone, Thanos took him away from you.
Thanos made you watch him kill your father.
And you would never forget it.
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shuakkinda-blog · 8 years ago
Soonyoung crushing on you !! // scenario
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A bullet-point scenario highlighting our bright star, Soonyoung/Hoshi !!
Send requests for scenarios and reactions on my page if you wish :)
- special shout out to our hosh rn bc this poor boy is sick and he could use all the healing time he can get (stay healthy and rest, love <333)
- this sweetie is honestly one of the most hard working people e v e r
- he pushes himself so much
- and we know that he’s tough on the members when practicing but I’m sure that’s only because:
- 1. he knows the potential of his friends
- 2. he cares about the future of svt
- Soonyoung is just so caring to the point that it hurts him sometimes???
- I’m glad he’s resting because we all know he needs it, as do the rest of the members (especially with this crazy tour schedule they’re in the middle of)
- so really, I honor Soonyoung for everything he does, and he deserves only the best out of his career ;u;
- and with this I’m sure he’d only want to be the best version of himself for the girl he likes as well
- his determination in furthering his career would be the same when it comes to pursuing his crush
- with that said, let’s get right into the scenario !!!
- as an intern at pledis entertainment, you find yourself becoming close friends to 3 specific members of a particular svt unit:
- Channie, Savhao, and Junnie ! 
- you get to know these three performance unit boys individually, but you never get to hang out with them altogether
- so one day, your little friends tell you that it’s about time all four of you meet up once and for all
- but because of your crazy schedules, there’s really no other time to do this besides the performance team practice time
- at first you think, “hey it’d be kind of cool to see them choreographing n practicing n whatnot!”
- thing is
- there’s one member you haven’t exactly bonded with/talked to like you did with the rest of the performance team:
- Kwon Soonyoung
- thinking it would be awkward for the team leader to see you hanging out with his team, you often pushed off the idea of visiting their practices
- no matter how many times the three boys begged you to come
- you just couldn’t say yes
- you’d feel bad but you’d try to convince them that it’s for the best
- and besides, the practice is meant for them to practice, not to chat around with some intern (not like they would mind tho lol)
- imagine pouty chanhaojun @ you bc iSN’T IT JUST THE MOST ADORABLE THING???
- ANYWAYS, after much thinking, the three guys figure that there’s really no way they’d be able to hang out with you as a group unless they invite you over to practice
- so they get s n e a k y
- kind of
- okay not really
- during one of your shifts, Chan texts you:
- “y/n!! are you free right now?”
- “yeah, what’s up?”
- “can you come down to the practice room rn?”
- “you guys aren’t having practice right now, right?”
- “*suspicious eyes emojis*”
- “Chan, how many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want to intrUDE??” “I’m sorry, but I won’t go if you guys are busy.”
- “WAIT LISTEN LISTEN” “we actually need someone to give their opinion on this part of the choreography we’re coming up with... and we were wondering if you could take a look?”
- “uhhhhh... don’t yall have a creatives director... and an assistant choreographer LMAO”
- “yes yes but we want to know what girls like you would think of it you know :(”
- “sigh”
- “come on, just do us a favor” “and doing us this favor means you’re technically not intruding :3″
- “... fine.”
- so you head to the practice room, and as soon as you walk in:
- “Y/N-IE~” the boys greet you in excitement
- well except Soonyoung but
- he gives you a smile and a curt bow at least
- you give him a bow and a formal greeting as well, but that’s just about as much interaction you’ll have with him
- at first :3
- your three friends honestly just wanted you to be with them, and they finally found an excuse to bring you over to practice
- but you proved to be more helpful during their practice than they had all expected
- you gave pretty good constructive criticism on some of the dance moves and even gave a few suggestions for formations
- and your little trio LOVED IT
- but you know who appreciated your help the most?
- it was very nice to have another person give their opinion on the team’s choreography
- and it’s not just another professional choreographer or director doing it either
- it’s a normal person (I mean this in a good way :)
- and he thinks you’ve got a good eye for things that even the pros couldn’t catch themselves
- Soonyoung also realized how much nicer/less stressed he was when you were there helping out
- so all in all, he was really glad you came
- in fact:
- “hey, Jun, Minghao, Chan,” Soonyoung calls the rest of the team as they convene for practice the day after your visit
- the three boys turn to him
- “do you guys think... we could have y/n down here again? You know, just to help out again?” the leader looks down and paces shyly back and forth, but his face is blank
- “WAIT ARE YOU SERIOUS?” Jun says as his eyes widen in disbelief
- “yeah, of course,” Soonyoung is trying to keep his cool composure
- so they call you up to invite you once again, and since your three friends had expressed their gratitude for your help after practice yesterday, you agree to go
- you arrive at the practice room and are greeted warmly not only by your little trio
- but also by Soonyoung, who flashes a wider smile than the day before
- and it goes like this for almost every performance team practice you can attend from then on
- over time, Soonyoung would start to notice that you’re not the average, serious intern who’s just doing her job (and a little extra for their team)
- there’s a reason why his fellow team members have become so close to you
- they’re all so fond of your positive nature, understanding, honesty, and ofc your fun personality
- and these things are what draw Soonyoung to you
- if he’s being honest, he’d say he’s been attracted to you since he first saw you walking around the company building
- but your whole personality confirmed how much he was beginning to really like you
- he’s honestly not like the rest of the members when it comes to crushing
- he’s kind of a mix of flirty and shy but you won’t be able to tell when he’s gonna be which???
- it can be confusing tbh
- like if you give him a compliment on some solo dance he made for himself, he could either go:
- 1. “oh reAlly??” *smirk* “was it... attractive? ;)”
- 2. “oh... really?” *blushes* “thank you~” *smiles at floor*
- but I’d say he’d be pretty shy 70% of the time at the start, and then he’d slowly get more flirty as you guys become closer friends
- speaking of being close friends, Soonyoung would also put so much effort into becoming your best friend
- because he wants to confess to you knowing that you’re close to him
- so even if you reject him, he knows there’s a chance that you guys can still be friends at least
- the last thing he wants to do is lose you altogether :(
- ALSO, ONE SUPER DUPER BIG THING that Soonyoung would do with his crush is force her to dance with him
- yeaH that’s right, get your dancing shoes on bc this boy will beg and beg until you agree to dance something with him
- even if you can’t dance, he’ll still really want you to do it
- it’s just a way for him to get skinship moments with you tbh slick shit hosh, real slick
- he’ll teach you the basics first and then progress into harder and more partner-based choreos ;);)
- so you’ll be slowly building up a whole dance routine collection with your bestie !! how cute :’)
- when he’s on flirt mode, Soonyoung is a huge tease we all know this
- the cute things he’ll do to get you flustered during your dance routines would either make you laugh or make you super weak omg
- he wouldn’t hesitate to take any opportunity to suddenly pull you close while dancing, and he’ll probably charm you with a smile while he’s at it
- and as he gets used to meeting up with you to dance,
- Soonyoung would want to spend time with you A LOT MORE OFTEN
- but only with you
- so oftentimes, after performance team practice, the other three dancers would hang out for a little bit in the practice room
- but Soonyoung would be itching to hang out with you and work on your dance routine alone in the room
- so he’d be awkwardly standing to the side as the trio plays around before he musters enough courage to say:
- “uh, hey guys,” he’d clear his throat. “I kinda- I mean, y/n and I- we want to... you know...”
- “oH, do whAt?” Jun wiggles his eyebrows. Chan and Minghao laugh along
- “Soonyoung’s making me do a dance with him again,” you’d explain
- “Wtf Soonyoung, you didn’t tell them?” you say
- “hey hey, you didn’t tell them either,” Soonyoung would laugh nervously
- and when the three boys finally get kicked out by Hoshi, the trio would probably tell the rest of the members about this out of saltiness lma0
- a few members would start to interrogate him about his crush, and he’d probably deny it every damn time it’s so obvious you ain’t fooling anyone buddy
- but when Soonyoung starts getting the feeling that you might like him as well, he’ll probably openly admit it to the group one day
- he’d show up pretty late to an svt meeting that Seungcheol is holding in the practice room
- “Soonyoung, why are you always so late nowadays?” Seungcheol would say in an upset tone
- “he was probably just hanging out with y/n again,” Chan would say bitterly
- “yeah, what a best friend stealer,” Jun would pout
- “hey man, y/n is my best friend,” Minghao would hit Jun in the arm
- “okay but who became her firST friend?? Das right, it was mE,” Chan would join in the fight
- “alright alright, that discussion can be held somewhere else at some other time,” Seungcheol would stop them. “Soonyoung, seriously, what’s going on? Is this about y/n?”
- “yeah dude,” Seokmin would say. “If you really like her, just admit it already.”
- “no one’s buying it when you say you don’t,” Wonwoo adds and the rest if the boys nod in agreement
- “and I’m sorry for always being late to these kinds of meetings and practices lately. I just really like her okay?”
- “I’m putting all this effort into hanging out with her because I really don’t want to lose her. 
- “You guys know how I am when I’m serious about pursuing something.”
- the whole group goes silent. Seungcheol thinks it over
- “Normally,” Seungcheol starts. “I wouldn’t let this kind of thing slide with me, but I can tell you really like y/n, so I’ll forgive you.”
- “But let me tell you, if she’s willing to spend that much time with you, she probably likes you too.”
- with this, Soonyoung finally decides that it’s time to confess
- one night, your hangout with Soonyoung extended a little later at night than usual, meaning you’d have to walk home to your apartment alone in the dark
- but ofc Soonyoung, being the caring person he is, would want to accompany you home, just to make sure you get there safely
- and while you guys are walking home, Soonyoung’s heart can’t help but flutter while seeing you smile at your conversation under the street lights at night
- he’d be falling so hard at this point, he’ll have to do something about it
- and as a dancer, he’s not one to tell you how he feels with words
- so when you get to your apartment, you unlock your door
- but before you can twist the door open
- he impulsively takes one of your wrists, pulls you close, and locks his lips with yours in a passionate kiss
- and you, unable to fight back the feelings you have for Soonyoung as well, kiss him back
- breathless, he pulls away from you afterwards and looks deeply into your eyes, your faces just a few inches apart
- having noticed you kissed him back, he asks
- “Is it safe to say that the feeling is mutual?”
- “why else do you think I agreed to dance with you?” you laugh 
- he breaks out into a huge smile before pulling you in for another kiss
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moiraineswife · 8 years ago
omg I would DIE if you wrote that elucien flower shop au. Your fics are always my favourites!!!
Ahhh thank you friend. Writing and I are going through a bit of a rough patch at the moment. So in the meantime have some headcanons. Because I’m fond of this idea and reserve the right to come back to it at some point. 
Okay so there’s that AU that flits around every now and then along the lines of a flower shop and a tattoo shop are next door to each other and you do the whole imagine your otp thing. 
With Elucien the most obvious configuration is Elain working in the flower shop (because duh) and Lucien working in the tattoo shop (inopportune headcanon dumping opportunity: I figure Lucien is quite creative and he enjoys sketching.) Anyway, he’s probably more suited to the tattoo shop but it’s...much more fun to flip it around. 
So Feyre and Rhys open up a tattoo parlour together and Elain works there part time and Lucien helps out in his mother’s flower shop next door. (Listen, idk why but I’ve had a long standing hc for about 16 years that Lucien’s mother enjoys gardening/flower arranging. Even if she doesn’t I still think she and Elain would get on incredibly well and I will be a tiny bit sad if we don’t get any scenes between them in acowar ANYWAY)  
Elain suddenly needs flowers for like....Every occasion. She starts insisting they should put them in the window of the tattoo shop it’ll, it’ll brighten the place up! And give people something nice to look at while you’re poking at them with sharp pointy things! They’re basically essential okay. Feyre is...Baffled. Rhys who is...slightly less dense than her understands exactly what Elain’s doing and while she is fond of plants she’s even fonder of the handsome redhead who works in the back of the store. 
Elain cultivates quite the relationship with Lucien’s mother and even on the days that she doesn’t buy any flowers for the tattoo place she finds an excuse to go in and talk to her all about plants. Lucien’s mother is very dear and very patient and delighted to have someone as enthusiastic as Elain. She makes her tea when she comes in and pretends she doesn’t notice the way Elain and her youngest son are making eyes at each other the entire time Elain is there.
 (She is 100% not oblivious. She knows exactly what’s going on. She’s all for it. She starts engineering ways for them to spend time together, slipping into the back and having Lucien watch the shop when she knows Elain is about to come in, sighing as they tiptoe around one another. Bonus points if things start getting desperate and she enlists Rhys’s help and they just start aggressively matchmaking the two of them. They’re very smug when they finally get together.) 
Anyway, Lucien mostly works in the back of the shop putting together bouquets and the like. He has deft, clever fingers (listen u will take ‘Lucien has very attractive hands’ hcs from my cold dead corpse and not before) and he’s been well trained in it. (And I enjoy the image of Lucien’s mother and Elain sitting having tea while Lucien sullenly and dramatically flounces around in the background, making quite a habit of dropping things because he’s looking at Elain and not at his work) 
Lucien’s mother starts encouraging Elain to request Lucien make her up bouquets at her request, it’ll give her exactly what she wants for the shop and will let Lucien practice working with an audience. She applauds herself for this excellent idea as she steps back and watches the two of them blush like sunburned beetroots around one another as they try to get a handle on flirting. (Lucien is tongue-tied. It’s the most precious thing anyone has ever witnessed. Rhys teases him about it for about a hundred years after this)  
Lucien starts like trying to stealth slip secret messages into the flower bouquets or something (come on, he would) to hint to Elain that he really secretly likes her. Feyre is a bit like ??? Elain ??? why do we keep getting bouquets that are literally just bright red roses from next door? Are you sure you ordered the right thing? Elain gets very flustered and tells her she has no idea what Lucien has doing. By this point even Feyre has worked it out and she gets in on the act between Rhys and Lucien’s mother. (They’re very awkward, bless them, like baby deer on ice. They need all the help they can get. Since this is a modern AU and there’s no inopportune moment for Lucien to blurt out that they’re soulmates and destined to be together) 
Lucien, flummoxed that his secret flower love notes aren’t working (even with his mother aggressively hinting at how seductive and romantic each and every flower Lucien has put in Elain’s most recent bouquets are) resorts to drastic measures and decides he wants a tattoo. He decides he has to spend hours and hours and hours at the shop every day pouring over designs to decide what he wants and where he wants it, ogling Elain the entire time. Feyre humours him and sketches him new designs every day. Then Elain gets involved and starts suggesting things and Lucien is a bit...Oh. Oh dear. This...This was not supposed to happen. I do not actually want a tattoo. Fuck. 
Lucien gets a tattoo. (Let it not be said this boy will not go to ridiculously dramatic lengths for love) He probably gets like a teeny tiny flower (Elain’s favourite, obviously) on his hip or something. He thrashes like an angry cat in a bag and eventually Feyre summons Elain over to hold his hand. This, shockingly, makes the tattoo stop hurting immediately and he just gazes up at her with such enormous hearteyes that Feyre is just...shall I leave you two alone? Like is my doing my job here ruining your moment? 
Lucien being Lucien probably chooses this inopportune moment (some things never change) to declare his deep desire to woo Elain and take her out to dinner. She’s...Really rather flabbergasted that he went to all this trouble getting a tattoo just so he could keep coming to see her every day...And so he confesses that well his flower messages weren’t working! he had to do something!!! (Feyre is deeply delighted to be present for this conversation. Lucien is not. He deeply regrets the teasing later) Elain is all :O you were leaving me flower messages?? (Feyre starts pretend gagging at this) And Lucien flushes and says yes. And then Elain is flushing and saying that she kept coming to the shop every day to try and woo him and Feyre is just like....Should I tell them now they probably shouldn’t start fucking while I’m doing this, like it’s totally not hygienic and I’m genuinely worried about the possibility given the way they’re looking at each other rn. 
They manage to contain themselves (just about) Feyre finishes up Lucien’s tattoo while Elain holds his hand and kisses his forehead and tells him he’s very brave (Feyre just ??? It’s the size of my thumb!? It took me twenty minutes??? Shut up Feyre, Elain is calling me brave, it was a very traumatic experience, back me up here goddammit, you are the world’s worst wingman. You’re trying to bang my sister??? You should be happy for her, attracting such a fine specimen as me. Feyre just -_- Lucien stops talking quickly remembering that she does still have a tattoo gun in her hand and it’s maybe not wise to antagonise her) 
Anyway after that Elain and Lucien becoming a very dorky and adorable little couple. Elain drifts into the flower shop everyday to visit Lucien and have tea with him and Lucien visits Elain very day still dropping off the bouquets for the shop (Rhys has gotten fond of them) Elain likes kissing Lucien’s tattoo when they’re in bed together and she probably ends up with a matching one and it’s probably something they keep adding to as they get older. (because I enjoy mushy ridiculous hcs leave me be) 
(Okay and bonus to actually make this tie into this post which sparked this conversation in the first place: Feyre and Tamlin have their whole...Thing. And the first time Lucien meets Elain is when she marches in to his shop, slams money down on the desk and demands, in no uncertain terms, the rudest bouquet he can possibly put together for the biggest idiot on the planet. (Yes, this is indeed the moment that Lucien decides he’s going to trip over his hearteyes and get ridiculous things tattooed on his body if it’ll mean being able to date this girl because who says fuck you with a bunch of flowers? And looks so sincere and grumpy about it? Like she’s even stamping her foot on the ground she’s clearly very serious about this) Also in this AU Lucien does not know Tamlin. His mother got him away from his father and they just live alone together with their little flower shop and things are just Nice (because I can do Nice sometimes okay?)) Okay there you go. This got a bit longer than anticipated so...I hope it tides you over a bit until such time as I decide I can maybe write this properly. 
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