#I’m trying not to be too upset because I like restarting cozy games and it’s not like I don’t have several save files for stardew and stuff
harmonizewithechoes · 2 months
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nostalthicc · 5 years
unrequited | j.w , t.s
jeff wittek x reader, toddy smith x reader (not jeff x reader x todd)
summary: jeff and his assistant had a strange relationship; fuck buddies, best friends, lovers? but all that changed when todd comes into the picture
warning: cursing, mentions of sex, pregnancy
1.6k words
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y/n mindlessly walked up to the bar after dismissing herself from her group of friends, she had agreed to get the next round drinks- mostly because she was craving another one herself and didn’t want to be rude. y/n ordered a tray of shots, along with natalie’s, jeff’s, and her own signature drinks. 
y/n was jeff’s current assistant and has been for about 8 months, they were the best of friends and probably got less work done working together but neither of them would change it for the world. their relationship was rocky- solid -but rocky, there was the endless flirting, the drunken kisses, cuddling, movie nights, and feel better sex. let’s just say y/n was a lot more than just an assistant to jeff. jeff liked where they stood with their relationship mostly because nothing truly intimate has happened between them, the sex was only lust, the kisses were for vlogs and friends could cuddle, right? maybe deep down he did feel a certain type of way for y/n but neither one of them would do anything to throw off their dynamic. but every day y/n wanted to confess her feelings but she knew they were unrequited. 
before y/n could scoop the tray of the counter, todd beat her to it, putting both hands securely on the tray he gave y/n a big grin. to say she was confused would be an understatement, the two of them have never really talked except for simple ‘hellos’ or a skit whenever they saw each other at jeff’s but besides that never. todd wasn’t very kind to y/n in those very few interactions, fueling more into her confusion. 
“hey, um, i think we got off on the wrong foot,” he shouted over the music, still keeping his hands on the tray and not moving away from the bar. “you know, maybe we should restart or something.” todd watched the girl as her eyebrows pushed together in wonder, to be honest, he was shocked himself right now too. for so long he thought jeff and y/n had something going on, causing him to act coldly towards y/n to try and push her away because todd knew if he let her in he would fall for her immediately but know that jeff cleared the water todd was ready to make a move. 
“oh! why the change of heart?” y/n said, chewing the inside of her cheek. of course she knew where todd was coming from, she didn’t miss all the secret glances he went her way, or the drunken text messages but y/n wasn’t opposed to trying with him. it would be so different than what was going on with jeff, todd was so different than jeff in many ways. y/n deserved a shot at a real relationship, right?
todd didn’t know what to say next, he was sure y/n was going to splash a drink in his face and storm off but she was playing into his game. “who said there was any change at all?” 
if jonah hadn’t walked up to the bar, interrupting the two y/n was sure she would have let todd take her in the bathroom- which she was thankful for. before she jumped into intimate actions was todd y/n wanted to figure out her feelings for her boss and truly get to know him but that didn’t mean she couldn’t be a little bit of a tease. y/n went back to their friends at the booth near the back of the club, her spot was still secured next to jeff which she gladly took, ignoring the strange look todd flashed her way. the rest he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her and soon his suspicions came back, the way jeff looked at y/n, the risky touches they shared, the whispering between the two, todd’s worry started to flood in once again, maybe there was something going on between them. 
“jeff?” y/n asked, lifting her head off his chest to catch his attention. she had something pondering around in her head and wanted to talk to him about it. he hummed in response, his gaze not leaving the computer screen. “i have a date.” she confessed, lodging her bottom lip between her teeth. jeff’s eyes snapped her hers, worry and confusion flooding his features for a quick second. 
“with who?” jeff paused taking in y/n’s features. “todd?” he scoffed.
“he said he wanted to start over when we went out a few days ago and he finally texted me this morning.” he watched as she gushed talking about todd and his actions, his heart ached, a deep pressure building in his chest. he couldn’t tell y/n he didn’t want her to go on the date, she wasn’t his to begin with, jeff had no place. but he couldn’t help the heartbreak upon hearing the news. “you’re okay with that, right?” 
jeff’s eyebrows knitted together, had he been that obvious, quickly he tried to compose himself, his eyes finding the screen again before he answered her nonchalantly. “no, why would i?” now it was y/n’s turn for her heart to drop, she thought maybe deep down everything they had going on wasn’t meaningless but clearly she was wrong. y/n would have stayed home if he asked her too but instead she got off the couch and started collecting her things, mumbling about having to wash her hair before she was out the more- leaving jeff to sit with his regrets of not telling her sooner.
ever since that night jeff and y/n’s relationship became strictly work, she never stayed over after she got everything done and very little did she ever talk to him about anything non-work related. it left a hole heavy in jeff’s heart, he knew while he was suffering y/n was still cozying up with one of his best friends and although he shouldn’t be jealous, jeff can’t help it. y/n was his, never once had she shown interest in other guys when they were together and jeff took advantage of that- he concealed his feelings with sex and lust, now he’s facing the consequences.
for weeks, he has to watch y/n and todd cuddle together at davids, their shared touches, the two sharing jokes back and forth. jeff knows when they leave the group to fuck, he remembers every single queue of y/n feeling horny but instead of her alerting him, she’s alerting todd. the number of times y/n had canceled on him because she was with todd infuriated jeff, he would have probably fired her if it wasn’t for their situation, y/n was slacking and he knew the exact reason why. 
even their friends had started to notice the change in jeff, he stopped hanging out at david’s that much unless it was for a video and very rarely did the group see him and y/n interact. as much as it worried them they learned the first time to stay out of jeff’s and y/n’s business.
“what’s your problem? you’ve been acting like a douche for weeks now and we’re tired of it.” jonah yelled, getting in jeff’s face not realizing he monster he was stirring up. he has been poking at jeff since he got to the house, with good reason- once he caught sight of todd and y/n cuddled on the couch his mood turned sour. jeff had thought they weren’t going to be here tonight. 
jeff ignored him, trying to make his around jonah and to the kitchen, he was not about to be confronted by his friends when they had no idea what was going on. immediately as jeff felt a hand on his forearm he pushed that person back, once again that person happens to be jonah. “stay out of it, man. it has absolutely nothing to do with you.” he said, before storming out the front door.
when jeff got home he was not expecting y/n to be sitting on his couch with her head stuffed between her knees, with a fluffy blanket wrapped around her. he knew he shouldn’t have felt excited about y/n being upset but he couldn’t help but think it meant her and todd have ended things or he did something awful and she needed comfort. he was quick to make his way to her side, wrapping an arm around her shoulders, successfully pulling y/n into his side. 
“i’m sorry, i-i just didn’t know where else to go.” y/n sobbed, burying her head into jeff’s neck. it felt like old times, all the tension between them fading away as he held her. 
“hey, hey, it’s okay. tell me what’s up.” jeff continued to rub her back as the girl cried, his heart broke for her. he wanted y/n back in his arms but not like this, he would give up anything to never see her this torn up again. for as long as jeff’s known y/n she was never one to show her sadness, to show this type of vulnerabilities to one person so he knew whatever was going on in her pretty little head was serious and highly troubling her. 
after a few moments of no words, y/n finally raised her head to meet jeff’s eyes. “i’m pregnant, jeff.” her eyes filled with tears once again as she watched jeff’s features clouded with confusion, she could see the questions swimming through his thoughts. “and i don’t know- i don’t know who’s the dad.” 
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spazzbunn · 6 years
Pro Gamer Mamma Bun
The sounds of buttons being mashed and the sounds of the joystick clicking and clacking echoed in the room of Alicia and Aubrey’s. Alicia was on the bed with her Xbox One controller in her hands as she kept focus on the game she was playing. Jumping on the platforms and going as fast as she can til she reached the finish line. It was one of her hardest levels to beat, yet she couldn’t even beat it half way. Her groans of frustration were loud as she seemed she was getting nowhere in her game. Now Alicia, surprisingly, wasn’t the only one who does gaming. Her siblings all join with her in either passing the controller or playing multiplayer. Even Portia does a bit of gaming herself. Including her own father Nick plays with her because he had played quite a few games in his lifetime. However, today was a busy day for everyone. Jack and Skye took Portia to get her and the kits something to eat while Alicia’s siblings were doing their thing. Amare was drawing and being cozy next to his dad, Aubrey was busy with yoga, and Andre had to finish watching his season finale of his favorite cooking show. So only the energetic kit was left to be in the room and play her game. No one else could play with her. As she was jumping and falling in the game, the loud groan of defeat had brought in her mom Judy to peek her head out. She could see the kit of hers was at the point of giving up. “The game being too hard for you?” Mamma Bun knew the game was eating the kit up in the inside. It was stress to the brain and Alicia just nodded. “Yeah. Uggh. This whole level is too suck-ish and dumb!” Even Alicia’s insults to the game showed it was messing with her. Judy walked in and sat down next to her and placed an arm around her. “I’m sorry Alicia sweetie.” Judy nuzzled herself to try to comfort her upset child. “Maybe I could try to help?” With that said, Judy heard a snicker that turned into a laugh from the fox kit as the rabbit just seemed confused. “S-sorry mom, but this game would be too much for you. Plus you don’t seem like a gamer type.” Alicia was stating the truth after she finished her laughing fit. Her mom just didn’t seem like she could play a video game. She was pretty much so focused on her job and her goals to take a video game break. Alicia even made jokes on her head on if her mom knew what a controller was. “Oh I know how to play. I seen you and your father handle them. Can I have a go?” Judy offered her hand to Alicia’s controller as the kit just smirked but gave her it. Judy holds it by both of her hands on the handles as she starts to restart on the level. “The ‘A’ button is jump, use the right joystick to move. The goal is to jump on platforms and avoid the enemies coming at you.” Alicia was wanting to be sure her mom got all of that as Judy started to play the game. The character was jumping up and down in a rhythmic pattern on the platforms to get herself ready and use to the controls. Then in a matter of half a minute Judy started to go fast in the jumping pattern. Nearly dodging the charging enemies and projectiles, Alicia’s smirk slowly faded as it went into an open mouth. The smugness was gone as now she was in shock from what he mom was doing. The pattern was working like a charm for Judy as the button pressing was like the pounding of a drum in rhythm. The rabbit acted as a professional at this level as she was already at halfway of the level. “No way.” Alicia sounded stunned. “Just no freaking way! You are just jumping and running!” It felt too unreal for Judy to be this good. “It’s all about strategy. Think ahead before you execute.” Judy was speaking like a commando to her child as the goal was there on the screen. Before Alicia could even mutter a single word the screen was flashing and showing the level was beaten. Judy, in her first try, beated the level without having to break a sweat nor did she had to restart. It was Judy’s turn to smirk. “Whoa. I mean that was just- WOW!” The shocked kit kat was suddenly happy as without any given warning she hugs Judy tightly which surprised the Mamma Bun big time. However in seconds, Judy gave her daughter a big hug as well. “I’m sorry I doubted you mom.” “It’s ok. Between you and me, when you guys are all gone and it’s just me, I do play some of your games. They are just so fun!” Judy smiled with glee as Alicia chuckled while keeping the promise to not tell anyone. “So, when you need someone to play with, I am always there to help or play. As long as they ain’t violent.” Judy joked with being stern as Alicia giggled and agreed. “Sure mom. Thank you so much. You are a really good gamer.” Alicia smiled with Judy taking that compliment and giving her daughter a final hug before she gets up as Amare yelled out that he was needing Judy for help. The rabbit mom went out and left with a big smile on her face for having to spend some activities with Alicia. The fox kit turned off her game but smiled from now having a new friend to play games with. Her mom. She couldn’t wait to play with her whenever she had the chance. Suddenly Alicia had a thought before her eyes were wide opened. “WAIT A MINUTE! SHE PLAYED THIS LEVEL BEFORE! SHE CHEATED!” (Alicia Wilde, Aubrey and Andre and Amare Wilde, and Portia Savage all belong to @msitubeatz Also I say Judy is a truly Epic Gamer than will Game End her foes.
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