#I’m talking about the constant berating of certain characters and 0 idea of the problems behind other ones
wolfnesta · 1 day
Yes I can see what the author intended for me to understand therefore I’m also allowed to have an opinion on this intent and also the whole situation surrounding that. I’m not reading about the laws of motion published by a doctor. I’m reading a fiction book in which the author has decided to, for some reason, enter into the mental health chat. I am free to spend my leisure time how I want and if that’s me realizing real life standards only apply when it is convenient for mrs author Maas ergo perpetrating this weird idea of what is a problem vs what is not, of what is healing vs what is not, and finding a group of people that agree, it’s really not the worst thing to do 😊 I can’t speak for everyone, of course, there’s rude people on all sides and corners of the web. It’s just so weird to me to assume I should take everything an author publishes as if it was a science text book where what I’m reading is not meant to be questioned. That’s not how reading fiction works.
This is is also 100 percent different to saying that—you’re wrong, the author actually intended on xyz based on my opinion.— This is a totally different thought process and discussion that I could not make on this series where everything is either obvious or completely retconned
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