#I’m sure this will be well over $150-200k
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perfexion · 9 months ago
I’ve been in the hospital since Tuesday and my blood work is getting worse in certain areas and I’m scared
They think I may have an autoimmune disease so that’s fun to find out
I don’t want to die here
Also it’s hilarious cause like, I overall feel better but knowing my organs and blood are doing weird shit is making me panic
Which obviously, makes everything worse lol but I can’t help it. I want to go home. I want to sniff Keikos head. I want this catheter out of my damn arm. And I’m tired of this horrible beige color everywhere
I’m missing Monsterpalooza and hopefully, I live and I’ll be “healthy” so I can go to Midsummer Scream 🤞🏼🤞🏼
Anyway, idk where else to put this so it goes on tumblr lol
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jonathanraychapman · 4 years ago
Using Qin Shi Huang Effectively
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This is just a quick discussion about how to use Qin Shi Huang in battles and what I think of him.  I’ve played through about 50 battles with him using various combinations of servants and I wanted to show my notes on using him.  I’m waiting on the Fous next month to give him another +1000 ATK/HP so please excuse that.  I am also working to 10/10/10 his skills as events come out.  Still, I’ve been able to experience the best team comps even with the emperor not as his best.
First of all, I see a lot of people talking about solo’ing with him.  I don’t think this is really the best idea since he’s just not speedy in achieving victory alone (i.e. with full support, I’ve seen him crit for 150-200K damage with just one buster card).  When you’re just fighting normal quests you’re not on any real clock and so the fact he’s a ruler (i.e. half-damage) with healing skills really helps in those cases and it seems like he’s almost overpowered.  And I’m sure that yes you can take certain challenge quests with him alone on the field (baring berserkers with break bars or something).  But I don’t really think that’s the right use for the emperor and the battles will take forever.  FGO is a team battle system and you should use your team.  And when you’re doing real challenge quests with servants firing off NP’s every other turn due to charge skills that invincibility every other turn might not be the greatest thing.
I’ve tried treating the emperor as a stall servant and just wasn’t satisfied.  It’s not different than soloing.  The battles take forever and it’s not feasible to win real challenge quests where you’re put on a clock.  I’ve also tried using him as an arts servant (using MLB Azure Magical Girl for the 30% NP generation and MLB Prisma Cosmos for 10% charge every turn) - focusing on NP charge and firing his NP as often as possible - and that wasn’t the greatest idea either.  The problem with that plan is that you want all three front-line servants hitting their arts cards in these teams.  And this dilutes the emperor’s own effectiveness.  You want to use those two buster cards and even the quick and if you’re playing arts then you’re not doing that.  You’re using two cards out of 5 so it really slows down the DPS and sort of dilutes the whole plan with his NP (and in the end I’m not looking for chip damage).  The arts strategy really works where your DP has an arts NP that deals the real damage.  That’s just not the emperor.
His kit isn’t greedy (like Jeanne Alter), but it also doesn’t really make sense to treat him as a semi-support when he’s capable of being a boss-killer.  Focus on Qin and he’ll win the day quite easily.  Like Jeanne Alter, he really wants to crit and naturally he wants stars to do so.  His NP really focuses this fact by giving him attack and star absorb.  He’s a ruler and gets a natural 1.1x damage multiplier as well as a base 100 star absorb.  He may seem weak due to the massive amount of HP on him over ATK but it works out to make him more balanced in combat (although I believe a 2000 ATK CE is a must).  He’s really a power-house and you don’t need to worry about protecting him.  Feed him attack buffs and stars and follow the ebb and flow of the battle (basically when his cards come up).  That’s the true nature of using Qin effectively.
Stars are the first thing to discuss, so let’s talk about 2030 (a CE that gives 10 stars every turn and 2000 HP).  Qin doesn’t need 50 stars every turn with his star weight and he doesn’t need additional HP (really at all).  So a three MLB 2030 CE setup is really consistent (trading 2000 attack on the CE for 10 more stars), but isn’t really optimal.  With the emperor, if you don’t hit at least 30 stars then you drop the chances of crits on turns when his NP effect isn’t up.  You really need to crit every time with the attacks to either maximize his NP charge, damage, or stars.  So for this reason, Talk of the Hot Sands is just a really good fit with Qin’s kit.  MLB’ed, it gives 600% star absorb (extremely useful with his 100 base star weight),  2000 attack (which remember gets boosted over and over through NP and skills so it’s really good to get that base higher), and a 25% critical damage boost.
And you can further make sure the stars go to the emperor by pairing him with casters (who already have half his star weight at 50).  Just to show an optimal team, I added Waver and Merlin here and let me tell you why.  Merlin’s kit really fits well with the emperor (I mean really really well).  His first skills gives NP and attack and the third skill gives a massive buster and critical boost (and the HP boost - which is sort of wasted).  So you can charge Qin into a NP on the turns where you don’t get the buster cards (often getting two of his NP effect’s durations to overlap) and then on the next turn or two be attacking for NP-level damage on each of those cards.  Waver is similar (and in fact can be switched out for many other casters - like Helena).  But - like Merlin - he offers Qin critical damage and attack boost as well as NP charge.  The reason I like Waver here is that he can keep Merlin’s NP level boosted as well so that he can fire his NP - which further helps Qin by creating more stars and NP generation (almost all of which go to the emperor).
This team works very well and gives you the strategy of knowing when to build up and when to let loose and be able to pick targets by card order and the first target.  Of course, there’s another option here - using Summer BB’s Moon skill to lock the cards for three turns (which seems amazing on paper assuming you have three of Qin’s cards up).  While I love that this skill also provides stars (to ensure the emperor’s attacks crit), it seems a little less effective than the Merlin/Waver setup because BB here is really a semi-support with an amazing third skill and so you’re either ignoring her cards to favor the emperor’s or using that skill to make sure her cards don’t come up.  Summer BB can really be a DPS all on her own and that’s where she shines.  By replacing Waver or some other caster, you’re leaving too many good boosts and NP charge skills behind.  It’s good and fun to play with, but just not optimal as far as damage output.  Also she has some star weight of her own for what that might matter.
Some more-budget-minded ideas here (not that it’s really my focus) are using Hans Christian Andersen and Helena.  Hans has skills to generate stars, his own NP charge and boost critical damage.  Also his NP boosts attack when it goes off (as well as boosting Qin’s NP in a chain).  It’s a pretty good fit and he’s cheap to field as a one-star servant.  Helena also has a skill to generate stars and a party-wide NP gain skill.  Both work well holding 2030′s (which help them survive) and both won’t pull stars away from the emperor.  But both are less effective than Waver/Merlin (of course since these are the best of the best supports).  If you’re at the point that you’ve got the 2030′s then you might not care about the budget options as much.  
Tamamo also seems solid, but Qin isn’t a loop servant and so - while the Arts up skill is great - it’s not super effective (although she can definitely work if you just want to use her).  At least her quick attack card has great stars and of course her NP is amazing with Qin’s skillset.  Sherlock seems like a good fit on paper too since his NP gives ignore defense and critical boost, but it also isn’t effective and it’s hard to keep NP’ing with him in this setup since you’re not going full arts or using the detective as the DPS (same problem with Summer BB really).
As far as Mystic code suits, I really prefer Mage's Association Uniform because of the 20% charge boost and the reshuffle ability.  The healing is sort of wasted I admit. Chaldea Combat Uniform would be good if you need to swap characters for some challenge quest.  Anniversary Blonde seems pretty solid with the buster boost and star skills, but since Qin isn’t necessarily going to go all in on a one-turn kill, those might not matter as much.  Arctic Region Chaldea Uniform is similar, but offers evasion like with Mystic Code: Chaldea.  Atlas Academy Uniform offers some good utility for challenges as well with the Invulnerability.
Well that’s it.  Emperor Qin is an amazing servant, but he needs a little help.  He’s really is a team player and - if you set him up right - you’ll get back amazing results.  This isn’t just the typical case of making a flawed servant useful. Qin isn’t flawed and by what you’re doing here is focusing or channeling your support skills into someone that will add their own magnification as well.  There’s a lot of synergy here and sustained DPS damage that’s hard to find outside of NP loop teams.
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sjphotosphere · 8 years ago
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(Super-Saving For An Early Retirement, Part 2: Lessons Learned) [Editor’s Note: This is a lengthy guest post written by a long-time physician reader and his physician wife who wish to remain anonymous. We have no financial relationship.] In August 2015, WCI published my guest post, Super Saving For An Early Retirement. When I first contacted the godfather of physician personal finance with my idea for that post, my motivation was to give something back to him and the blog community from which I’ve taken so much. For a “fluff piece” without much number-crunching meat, it seemed to strike a chord among readers as judged by the amount of interaction in the comments section. It wasn’t a death-metal power-chord like when WCI takes whole life insurance salesmen to task, but it was a chord nonetheless. In any case, the post-guest post outcome was unexpected: I gained way more than I gave. I intended to show unsophisticated investors (like me) that a high savings rate can compensate for lack of knowledge; you don’t have to understand that much about the financial industry to do a credible job of preparing for early retirement. What I didn’t anticipate was the impact that your (WCI’s minions’) collective wisdom in the comments section would have on me. While there were plenty of comments about the topic of super-saving, readers also took the conversation in surprising directions that forced me to ask, “What the heck am I doing with my life?” Lessons Learned With that preamble, the lessons I have learned: #1 Change Your Job Now If you spend much of each day in low-level burnout, fantasizing about giving Admin the middle-finger salute while walking out the door for the last time, perhaps you should change something now. My wife (also a physician, remember) and I were so laser-focused on an imaginary finish-line that we had come to accept the “suck” as part of our lives, as if we had no power to control it. As we learned to endure the suck, it continued to fuel our desire to leave it all behind. Sure, it seems obvious that disliking your job will be a powerful motivator for achieving early retirement. But when the onset of burnout is insidious, you don’t necessarily have an “a-ha” moment in which perspective is gained and the path to improving your current situation becomes clear. However, when one WCI commenter after another hammers away at your sense of powerlessness, suggesting that you can make changes, it helps jump start the process of introspection. PsychMD was one of the first commenters to point out how I might work on my happiness now: “If I was in such a position, I’d tap into that young, naive, idealistic person I was before I started medical school, and try to make those dreams a reality…so I could have more of those rewarding moments.” Then John hit me broadside with: “I am way behind you in terms of retirement but I can tell you I feel so much richer than you because I love coming to work everyday. I mean it is work sometimes but I love it.” He followed that up with a highly applicable anecdote: “I have a friend who was 41 when he looked at his portfolio and saw he had enough, so he reduced his patient time in half and started helping the hospital with the business/leadership side of things. He took a big pay cut but he slowed down and gets a lot out of his new job.” This unleashed a torrent of similar comments that really resonated with me. Thinking about making some changes yourself? The Happy Philosopher has an entertaining, insightful blog dedicated to his journey in this realm. #2: Pulling The Trigger Is Complicated One of the frequent suggestions in the comments on my last post was to cut back my hours at work. With our accumulated assets, that would appear to be a no-brainer, right? Um, not so much. First, we had been obsessing for years over the concept of reaching the “finish line.” I used to play regularly with different online retirement calculators, getting a little endorphin rush every time one calculator’s projections for a successful, even earlier retirement (portfolio lasts 50+ years) were verified by another. Cutting back at work would mean either extending our careers or decreasing our projected yearly spend in retirement. Let’s start with extending our careers. My wife was not, and still isn’t, burned out to the same extent as I. Nonetheless, she is quite looking forward to the day when she can pack it all in. To her, medicine is a job; her identity is not wrapped up in being a doctor. Most days, she doesn’t mind her job too much, but she would never say she loves it (although she does love getting paid a lot for what she considers a relatively easy specialty). If asked the age-old question of “What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?” she’d probably say, “Quit my job.” Platinum Level Scholarship Sponsor Now, my turn. The idea of extending my career was tough to wrap my mind around, because it was hard to imagine the job getting that much better after cutting back. My brain just couldn’t seem to process that working less might have a profound impact on my perception of work-life, and that I might appreciate greater career longevity. Which is funny, in retrospect, because my identity is wrapped up in being a physician, and I view medicine somewhere on the spectrum between “calling” and “job,” but closer to calling. So wouldn’t I derive more personal satisfaction from continuing to be engaged in my calling for a longer period of time, if I could make the job more enjoyable? Not only that, but there’s the practical consideration of a kid who has nine more years until graduation from high school, so it’s not like we have the option of taking off for parts unknown for more than 1-2 weeks at a time during the school year. If I’m going to be in town, then it would be lovely to fulfill my mission of helping people while being well-compensated and happier. Next, I’ll address the idea of decreasing our projected yearly spend in retirement. Total nonstarter. As I’ve said before, we were fairly frugal for a very long time, – living like medical students for years – not upgrading to living like residents until several years after completion of our fellowships. For us, an important component of retirement will be reaping the benefit of all that saving done early in our careers, and this will lead to spending a bunch of money. Just like WCI has inflated his lifestyle to include a killer wakeboat and what seems like q.o.week canyoneering/mountaineering/camping excursions, we have become accustomed to frequent vacations at beautiful VRBO rental homes in exotic locales. Although we do much of our own cooking on vacation, we also enjoy dining out at (sometimes) expensive restaurants. In retirement, we expect to travel even more frequently and for longer periods of time. While some of this will surely involve camping, which we love, I would guess that 80% of our yearly travel won’t include sleeping under the stars or staying at hostels. For the past two years, our per-year spend has been just over 100k. Figuring in extra spending for more travel plus taxes, we’d like to have 150-200k/year in retirement. Physician on FIRE, who projects needing 1/3 that amount, just had a heart attack, folks. Does anyone in the room know CPR? #3: Luck Is Not A Strategy Around the time I was ruminating over some of these issues, a buyout of our group practice started to morph from a possibility into a reality. By late 2015, we were presented with an offer that, if consummated, would result in a high six-figure payout to each partner. As my wife and I were both partners, this was very good news. After months of mental constipation, I started to lay the groundwork for cutting back at work. Astute readers may argue that I hadn’t internalized any valuable lesson, seeing how it took the prospect of a massive infusion of cash (that we arguably didn’t need to achieve our goals) to mobilize my cutback effort. I agree that I’d have a more credible claim to enlightenment if I had taken concrete steps prior to the buyout news. I like to think that I would have eventually gotten to the same place without the buyout, but I admit the possibility I wouldn’t have. Hopefully, my thought process about cutting back and my experience with it since implementation will resonate with others on the fence, motivating you to take action more expeditiously. So luck is not a strategy, but it can motivate you to make the changes you should have made anyway. #4: Cutting Back Changed My Life…And Ticked Off My Wife Him: I’ll attempt to present this as balanced of a way as I can, ceding editorial power to my better half so you can rest assured that both sides of the story are told fairly. To put this in context, yes, the buyout deal happened, leading to obliteration of our outstanding student loan and mortgage debt, as well as a very large infusion of cash into our investment portfolio. I had identified my greatest pain point at work, which was the last few hours of each day. Not only was I mentally drained by that point, but after work I had a long drive to get our child and get home. We would often beat my wife home, so I would start cooking dinner as well. The cumulative effect of doing this for years was wearing on me, and it got worse when my daughter was districted to a school that was even farther away. After negotiating with my bosses, I was able to shave off the last couple of hours of office time each day. This addressed the mental exhaustion issue and allowed me to get out with enough time to pick my daughter up from our local bus stop, which is just a few minutes drive from home. I felt the effects of this change immediately. It was light outside when I got off work. I no longer felt beat up by the end of my day. Though I’ve always been good at making time for exercise, I could now exercise and do more stuff with my kid – it wasn’t one or the other. We enrolled our daughter in more after-school activities, to which I could now drive her and watch. On hot days over the summer, we might go stand-up paddle boarding in the late afternoon. I would cook a nutritious meal which would be on the table the moment my wife walked in the door. Homework was done. Kid was happy. Dad was happy. Everything is awesome! #Winning, right? Gold Level Scholarship Sponsor Wrong. After a few months of this new schedule, I started to sense a subtle hostility emanating off my wife. It wasn’t really overt, and I had no clue what was wrong, but I was certainly feeling under-valued and under-appreciated. In my clumsy, male way, I began to lobby for an “Atta boy!” from my wife, hoping that if I pointed out how great it was that I was taking care of our kid and home, she’d show me the love to which I’d become accustomed. Not only didn’t that have the intended effect, but it led to our first “come to Jesus talk” about our new situation. It turns out that I had completely misjudged the depth of my wife’s feelings about this next phase of our lives. Our marriage had always been 50-50 in just about every way, splitting almost all responsibilities down the middle. This wasn’t really a conscious choice; rather, it just kind of evolved that way. While I was aware of this balance, my wife expected this balance. I had naively assumed that picking up child and household duties would more than cover for her spending more time than me at the office. Apparently I was wrong. But the next part is what really shocked me. She was so jealous of my new schedule that, not only did she resent it, she felt that if anyone in this relationship should be enjoying a semi-retired lifestyle, it should be her! Her: I’m not sure why this really “shocked” my husband. I was the one who always wanted to be a Mom (ask him if he even wanted children before I forced the issue!). I was the one who felt like medicine is merely a paycheck, not a “calling.” So of course I was bitter that he was the one to cut his hours, not me! Some of the hostility was also fueled by times when I came home from a long day of work, saw the two of them looking all happy and relaxed, and then realizing after dinner that I still had to help with my daughter’s homework. Hey, if you’re going to cut your hours at work, then at least compensate by taking care of home-life! (To be fair, he has been doing a better job of this since we had our talk.) Him: It pains me to say that, for the first time, I felt like a better person than my wife (if you knew her, you’d probably assume that she’s nicer and more evolved than I – it’s ok, everyone else does). If our situations were reversed and she had cut back at work, I knew that I would be unconditionally happy for her. After discussing this with a couple of my male friends, I was convinced that on the scale of rightness, I scored at least 99%. Then I discussed this with a couple of my female friends (both married doctors) and I gained some perspective. While acknowledging that it’s not totally rational, my female friends counseled me that they don’t really want to feel like they’re doing the lion’s share of “bringing home the bacon.” Without wading too deep into old gender-role stereotypes, they could see how my wife wanted to feel taken care of by her man, in a more traditional sense. Her: This is true. When both of us worked full-time, I was making 25-30% more, which never really bothered me. But then he cut his hours, and that number went up another 5-10%. While his current salary is nothing to sneeze at, I view it as a big hit to our income. Him: I still thought this was a little crazy – despite understanding my wife a bit better – given the facts. One: the hit to my income was small in the grand scheme of things, as my hours weren’t cut as much as I had hoped. Two: we had just received a bolus of cash that had advanced our timeline to early retirement by several years. Three: we had previously discussed her cutting back at work and she had declined. Number three led to further emotionally charged discussions, in which she now stated that the only way she could manage her jealousy was to finally cut back her schedule, so we’d be “even.” I urged her to do so, as it was clear that the health of our relationship required it. Plus, we were on track to practically retire at-will, regardless of whether her salary was 10%, 20%, or even 50% less. Well, time has passed and she hasn’t made any changes to her schedule. She seems to have accepted our current situation for what it is, and she’s now batting around the idea of retiring at the end of her contract with our new parent company, in two years. But, if she’s still not that burned out, she may continue working, full or part time. Why the change of heart? Various reasons. She’s not that burned out. It’s logistically difficult to cut back in her department. Fear of “getting off the train” and not being able to get back on, should circumstances require it. Wanting to feel like she pushed hard to the end so she can feel good about quitting cold turkey while I continue to work. Anyway, her jealousy is currently manageable and the marriage is solid. Her: One more reason: fear of not having enough money in retirement, despite what he tells me. #5: Working Less Makes me a Better Person (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Working less has made me a more engaged physician, a better father/husband, and a more introspective person. Jeff left an inspirational comment on my original guest post that turned out to be unbelievably prescient, as it sums up almost exactly what’s happened in my life: “…let’s focus on the beauty of working part time…You get to live a better lifestyle TODAY…Work 3 days a week, or shorter hours, or see less patients. Take less call. Think of what you could do with that time! …Whatever you want!!! You’d have time to make dinner, maybe not every night but much more than you do now. Likely you would find work to be less offensive and perhaps you rediscover that enjoyable, rewarding aspect again…life is too tragically short to be overly conservative. Don’t keep putting off your happiness just so you can “guarantee” you’ll have enough in retirement. Lots of adjustments can be made along the way if needed. Start to enjoy the freedoms you’ve definitely earned TODAY!” I touched on some of this earlier, but it goes deeper than just having more time at the end of the day. The downstream effects on my psyche from having this time have been myriad. I am happier to sit and chat with my patients, as I no longer feel like I have to ration my listening-energy to make it last all day. My fellow introverts know what I’m talking about – prolonged interpersonal engagement saps us of all available energy and empathy. Things that used to rile me up at work still bother me, but usually not to the same extent. I wouldn’t exactly say that I’m zen about all the nonsense in my organization, but I’m learning how to approach it more constructively. One thing about this new life that has surprised me is my focus on self-improvement. Many years ago, before I had a real job and a family, I remember being philosophical and way more introspective. For at least the last decade, I’ve just been busy. I’ve gotten really, really good at checking stuff off my to-do list. Unfortunately, the stuff that made it to my list was just what had to get done for daily life. The rest of me has been on autopilot for a long time. What would happen if you did almost no routine maintenance on your car for ten years? Maybe a Toyota would still seem to be running pretty well, but once you looked under the hood, you’d find some parts were about to break. I’m that Toyota. How I’ve gone about working on myself and changing the things I don’t like would take at least one more blog post, and I’m not sure anyone but me would be interested. Suffice it to say that, if you’re looking for personal improvement inspiration, I highly recommend subscribing to and combing through the archives of Tim Ferriss’ podcast and listening to whatever catches your eye. The collective wisdom there is brain-expanding and cannot be overstated. If you’re like my wife, however, and you just can’t sit through a 2-hour interview for a mere few brilliant nuggets, pick up a copy of his latest book, Tools of Titans, which is a high-yield compilation of all the tactics, routines, and habits of world-class performers. #6 Controlling Lifestyle Inflation Requires Constant Vigilance Sure, we have enough assets to retire whenever we’re ready. But not if our next ten years of spending follow the trajectory of the last ten, in which we’ve roughly doubled our yearly spend. There have been many great posts about this issue in the financial blogosphere, so I’ll simply share what I’ve found to be useful for reining it in. I now practice gratitude on a regular basis – a simple tool that helps me appreciate everything in my life. It also helps me couch things in terms of “I get to do this,” as opposed to “I have to do this.” I know it may sound like mental jiu-jitsu, but it does help shift perspective. The corollary to this is learning to want what you already have. When evaluating a potential purchase or other outlay of money, if I find myself saying, “We can afford it,” I pause and reflect. As WCI likes to say, high-income physicians can have anything they want, but not everything they want. I was shopping for a new jacket the other day and found two choices at the mall: a leather one for $250 ($500 before my 50% off Banana Republic coupon) or a faux-leather one for less than half that. They looked equally nice, and I’m not enough of a leather connoisseur to feel the difference. Call me a troglodyte, but I bought the fake one. #7 Other Things I Can Do With My Life (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Having more time has allowed me to think about other things I can do with my life. Until I came up for air, I hadn’t thought much about what I’d do with the luxury of time. Now I’m working on launching a blog (in a genre unrelated to personal finance) of all things. If it turns into something substantial, I’ll monetize it. The point is, I never would have had the inspiration nor bandwidth prior to creating more time in my schedule. I have always enjoyed teaching, but having residents rotate through my private practice is challenging because productivity is valued over education. I’ve hosted them anyway, but it’s exhausting to give them a great experience while still churning through patients and closing charts. With a shorter day, I handle it much better, which has reinvigorated my love of teaching. In early retirement, I can see myself volunteering to staff the fellows’ clinic at our local academic institution. I took on a couple of malpractice cases as an expert witness this year and learned that I have an aptitude for it. I enjoyed working with the attorneys and teaching them, simultaneously feeling good about aiding in the defense of doctors who didn’t deserve to be sued. Oh, and the money was awesome. If I can leave you with one message, it is: don’t keep waiting for tomorrow to change your life – do it now. What do you think? Have you considered working part-time? What thoughts have you had about life change as you approach financial independence? Comment below! !function()function e()var e=document.createElement("script"),n=document.getElementById("myFinance-widget-script"),a=t+"static/widget/myFinance.js";e.type="text/javascript",e.async=!0,e.src=a,n.parentNode.insertBefore(e,n);var c="myFinance-widget-css";if(!document.getElementById(c))var d=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],i=document.createElement("link");i.id=c,i.rel="stylesheet",i.type="text/css",i.href=t+"static/widget/myFinance.css",i.media="all",d.appendChild(i)var t="http://ift.tt/2oFUowK";document.attachEvent?document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function()"complete"===document.readyState&&e()):document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",e,!1)(); http://ift.tt/2qH1K3j
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what are the factors that affect the amount i pay for insurance on a car? im looking to purchase my first vehicle and want to know what i can't afford.
Motorcycle Accident And Insurance?
I'm in California I was involved in a single bike wreck. immediately after wards two other motorcyclists collided in a separate but close in time and distance accident to mine. Now the insurance company is coming after me to pay the bill (Metaphorically). What should I do? any suggestions?
Will this make my car insurance cheaper?
Hi, I'm only 15 so not anywhere near needing to buy car insurance, but unlike most teenagers, I am very interested in cars, and am already thinking about my first car, obviously I won't be getting an Aston v12 vantage, but I'd like a decent car, at the moment during the holidays I have junior driving lessons on an airfield, which are proven to make young drivers safer, I will have probably have had around 10 by the time I'm 17, will this make my insurance cheaper? Or will it just be for my own safety? Thank you""
""What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
What is good individual, insurance dental plan?""
Auto Insurance Increase-Is this too much?
I backed into a tree that was in my blind spot 2 nights ago and got an estimate today of $2446.00 damage. My deductible is $250. My insurance agent quoted me a 75% increase in my monthly insurance cost. 75%!!!! This is ridiculous to me considering I have no other points on my insurance or any history. In the end after paying this increase over 3 years (plus deductible), it will cost me $2410. Shouldn't insurance save you money? Isn't there anything I can do (other than pay to fix my car out of pocket)?""
Need help finding cheap car insurance?
i am 20 and have been passed my test for 2 years but have no no claims bonus as i have been driving as second driver on someone else insurance but now want to get my no claims bonus and the prices are ridiculous i am looking to pay in the region of 1500 annually or 150 P/m which i thin is far to much. i have used the comparison sites and no luck just getting quotes for well over 2000 any help would be great.
I want a new car please help Car Insurance Help.?
Hey please help me i really want to get a car as soon as i can. I'm 20 years old i live in NYC. I am planning to buy a car as soon as i know the answer to this question. I want to know how much will i have to pay for my car insurance? I was thinking on putting it under my fathers name. He's 63 years old but he does not have a license but i heard he can buy a car and insurance it with his permit. How much would u think i have to pay if i put it under his name and mine? Please Help.
0.6l SMART 2003 car insurance?
How much would insurance for one be for a 17 year old in the u.k . Doesn't have to be too accurate just a estimate
Can i buy car insurance for 1 month?
or on a month to month contract? i know most places give u insurance but from 3 month or more. if so where?
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old female?
how much is car insurance per month or year? i have a 1995 model volvo. how much would it be when im 18? i had my license since i was 16 1/2.
Car Insurance - Accident (Please Advise)?
Today an OAP came driving down a one-way carpark (trying to get my car parking space). In the process, she attempted to drive along the side of my car to get to the space, and scraped the side of my car and bumper. She said she would give me 20. But i said that i haven't got a clue how much the cost would be and im sure 20 wouldn't cover me. So she decided for us to drive to the local police station. The LSTO took both our details, and said for us to go through the insurance company, as the OAP was in the wrong and liable. When we left the police station she said she has previously written off a car earlier this year, and doesn't want to go through the insurance company! She gave me her home telephone number and said for me to get a quote and she'll pay for it. I got the quote - its 450. after she offered 20, i don't know if she will pay this amount! If we go through the insurance will i have to pay my excess. and what exactly happens!? I'm clueless!! I am fully comp...""
Does getting insurance quotes ruin your credit score?
I've been going to a number of different insurance agencies but I'm wondering if them checking my credit score is pulling my rating down?
What is the best auto insurance for an adult driver?
For a driver that is under 25 but older than 21, what is the best auto insurance for a minivan or an suv? No accident history. No tickets. Clean driving record.""
What are the best health insurance plans in Massachusetts?
for individuals available through the Mass Health Connector?
How to talk to somone on the phone to set up appointments for insurance?
hi guys i just got a job at a insurance place and my part of the job is to call people to get insurance leads. does anyone know whats the best way to sell insurance and get appointments? please and thank you
Car accident and insurance?
I got into a car Accident the other day which, i believe, totaled my car. I was still paying on this car. I have full coverage car insurance What exactly is the whole process for this? How much will i get back? If the settlement check isnt enough, will i have to pay back the bank? Does the cost of the property damages come out of the settlement check? Anything you know will be MUCH APPRECIATED!!! thanks""
How much is a ticket for driving without insurance in washington state?
I pay almost $900 every six months and I'm sick of it. I've never been pulled over and I only commute 6 miles to work and an occasional trip to the grocery store. It sounds like it would be cheaper risking getting pulled over and get a ticket than to pay the insurance. Anybody have an idea how much the ticket would be?
home insurance quotes online comparison
home insurance quotes online comparison
How will health insurance brokers be affected by healthcare reform?
will health insurance brokers still have a job?
How much will 3 points effect my insurance?
Hi, i just recently got a speeding ticket ( the price isn't important for this question so dont try to tell me it is) i got 3 points from the ticket and im wondering how much it will raise my insurance. I am 18 and i have no other recorded tickets or anything on my insurance also the car is in my name as with the insurance and i cannot give u the year price off the top of my head but i just want a estimate of how much it will bump up my payments.. my company is statefarm if that helps..thanks""
Car insurance in California?
Is it true that if you are financing a car you HAVE to have car insurance??
Statefarm locksmith coverages for auto insurance?
how much StateFarm reimburses for locksmith charges. I had to pay $139 for a locksmith to come and open my car. his service charge is 39.99 and $75 for opening car (tax and 10% credit card charge) it totalled to $139. now any of you has any idea how much StateFarm will reimburse me. Do agents play tricks to reimbruse less money. Any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thank you
Which part in california is the safest place to live?
and which part in california is cheap and afforable to live ??
Why is car insurance so high in UK?
I want to insure a 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa 3 door. Im getting quotes for 3000 - 5000, does anybody know why this is? Its really annoying now""
Insurance premium increase?
I was involved in a fender bender where no party admitted fault. Other persons insurance company went to arbitration against my insurance company to recover their loss. Arbitration Panel decided in our favor i.e. I am not at fault hence need not pay the damages. Total loss amount listed by other party was $800. My car did not have any damage worth repairing. (Also, I am lazy and passive enough to not pursue too hard for a minor dent.) After arbitration settlement other person filed a lawsuit against me in small claims court. I was pretty sure that a judge cant do anything after arbitration. To my surprise judge assessed that out of $800 - $250 was the deductible paid by other person. Prior Arbitration did not include that amount hence he can adjudicate on this $250. He adjudicated against me for $250 + legal fee. Judge also told me that I need not worry about this money as my insurance will pay for it. (Most ridiculous judge and judgment I have ever seen, but thats a separate matter) I called up my insurance company. They are willing to pay this amount. My question is  will making them pay increase my insurance premium. I have a pretty clean record with no at-fault accidents. I pay about $1000 per year for two cars in WA state. Insurance company is: Farmers""
Can still drive with my parents in the car even if I don't have car insurance and they do?
I'm 16 and I don't have insurance listed under my name yet. I have my license already. Me and my parents were wondering if I could still drive without insurance if they're in the car with me. We live in Arizona btw, if that helps. Thanks!""
Will my car insurance go down after having a child?
I am 19 and pay around 250 a month for my car insurance, my girlfriend is due to have a baby in december, how will this affect my car insurance? if at all, Thank You""
Should I get Car Insurance before I get my N?
My parents want me to get a car, and insurance for that car. So i can learn on it and get My N. They wont teach me on their car. But you see. I think it would be a waste of money to get insurance for my car considering I would be learning on it maybe once a week. And for three months of insurance, it is $400. Honestly, I think it would be best to take lessons, get my N, then get a car and insurance. But I wanted another opinion. Any advice you can offer would be great. Thank You!""
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this: Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services, semi-private rooms, operating rooms and related facilities, intensive and coronary care units, laboratory, x-rays, radiology services and procedures, medications and biologicals, anesthesia, special duty nursing as prescribed, short-term rehabilitation services, nursing care, meals and special diets So anyone who has experience or knowledge, would something like a C-Section be covered under inpatient? What does maternity coverage only cover normally. That $60*** bill scares me! Also, I keep reading about a new health care bill effective 2014 where individual plans must include maternity as an essential benefit. Anyone have any more details about that? State specific etc?""
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
Buying insurance online?
If I buy a Progressive insurance plan online, would I be able to print out the proof of insurance online as soon as paid for it with my credit card?""
Approximately how much will my car insurance cost?
I am a 16 year old male, I will be getting my liscense soon. I'm going to have my own car(probably an old Honda civic) and ill be added on my mothers insurance policy. And I live in San Diego, and my grades are B's and C's""
How will my first speeding ticket in Florida effect my insurance?
Ok I'm 19 and just got my first speeding ticket on the way to work today doing 9 miles over. So my question is how many points are added to your license for doing this much over and is there any way to avoid getting these points? If not, how will this affect my insurance? Is it going to skyrocket, even though this is my first speeding ticket ever?""
What happens if you get pulled over with a suspended licence but you have SR-22 Insurance?
I live in California and these days its getting harder and harder to get away with things with DMV. Does anyone know what happens if you get pulled over with a suspended license? I received a DUI on March 1st 2007 and have been driving with out a license for almost 4 years but Ive always had insurance and registration, and now they have a completely different department for registration which slowed up the delivery of my 2011 tags. Now Im driving around with no tags, suspended registration, and suspended license but carrying SR-22 insurance. Its all in the mail and getting sorted out but with these furlough Fridays its slowed the process of obtaining everything even more. What happens if I get pulled over?""
Ford focus insurance?
any one know which type of ford focus has a low insurance group, i am looking to buy one soon but want one that has a cheap insurance policy, i am thinking of a focus ghia 1600 or 1800cc around 03 reg, any help please
1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo insurance prices?
I'm 16, I know it'll be a ****-ton of money, but I have a pretty well paying job, anyway, I'm 16, it's a 1991 Nissan 300zx twin turbo, I make As Bs and a few Cs in school, no police record, not on drugs, dont smoke, come from a mid level income family, any ideas? I've heard it will be around 4 or 500 a month, is this true? Just an estimate would be great, thanks guys!!""
""Non owner SR22 insurance for TEXAS, what is a cheap website?
I don't own a car so I don't know what to do... Help! Thanks
How much would it cost to insure a learner driver on a diesel skoda octivia?
Basically I am a learner driver and I'd like to know how much it would cost to be insured on my dads Skoda octivia diesel (as a learner). If someone could find out I'd preferably like to know how much it would cost under the AA as thats what my dad is on, along with the price I'd also like to know if its good or bad since I don't know whats considered expensive for learner driver insurance on cars like this.""
Will My Insurance go up?
The other driver reported the accident on his insurance company but we decided that we'll settle the damages outside the insurance company to prevent my rates from going up. The other insurance company is contacting me now. Does it mean that my insurance company knows about the accident and will raise my insurance rates even if we dont settle this insurance to insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance ? ( Company )?
Serious answers please . Thank you
16 and want State Farm Auto Insurance?
I just turned 16 a couple months ago and i already have my license, and i live in Colorado. My parents have State Farm auto insurance and they want me to pay for my own insurance when i get a car. I already know that you can get a bunch of discounts for things like getting good grades and attendence and safe driving and not driving your car to school, but anyways i was wondering how much it would cost me without any discounts? Like how much would it be every month or so? I do have a job but i dont know if i would have enough to pay for car insurance. Any help is needed! thank you!!!""
What's the average car insurance cost in Ireland?
Hi everyone, I'm planning to move from Canada to Ireland next year and I was wondering what would be an average cost for a basic car insurance? I have had a valid Canadian G2 license for about 3 years, as well as a Romanian (EU) full license for 8 years. I'm 26. The car would be a small car, and the region either Dublin or Cork. I'm not looking for an exact quote, I'd just like to know what you are paying for your car and your experience, so to get an idea of what to expect. Thanks.""
I need dental insurance...?
Does anyone know of any good places I can get dental insurance through? Thanks
home insurance quotes online comparison
home insurance quotes online comparison
""My boyfriend that has no insurance borrowed my car and got rear ended, will my insurance cover?""
I let my boyfriend take my car to go drop off his friend and he ended getting backed into by a truck and severely damaged my back bumper. Because it was on private property, the police couldn't do anything but observe us exchanging information. My boyfriend doesn't have insurance, but my car is insured. Will my insurance company be able to cover my damages, even though I was not present? This accident was the trucker's fault because he backed into my car, but this guy didn't even have an ID but the car was his family & supposedly it's insured. Please no smart remarks, I am asking because I'd appreciate some advice.""
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
How can i get a copy of my old insurance card from state farm?
Quick question about RENTERS INSURANCE?
My fiance and i are renting out a house starting Feb. 1st. After a year we have an option to buy the house. Anyways, when we were looking at the house she said her dad wants us to get renters insurance before we move in. I'm guessing because of the fireplace, attic, etc. Do i need to get any info from her before i sign up for insurance? Where do i go to get this? ANY sort of info would be great. We're new to renters insurance. We live in an apartment complex right now with NO insurance.""
Term Insurance or General Insurance?
I am thinking of insuring a member of my family. What would be an ideal choice? Going for a term insurance plan or general insurance? 10 points to the best answer.
""I'm about to shop for auto insurance, but I'm afraid it could hurt me?""
I know that too many inquiries will look bad on a credit report. The guy at my current insurance office said inquiries for auto insurance aren't the same as others and dont bring my credit score down. Im not sure if he's lying or not. The last time I checked my report, I had 2 inquiries on it from when they looked for the best rate for me last time in Sept. He also said they could shop for me (for the best rate) at agencies that dont go off of credit scores . Why are there some agencies that use my credit score and some that don't- whats the difference? Does it affect my score/ look bad in general to have sevral inquiries from auto insurance agencies?""
Car Insurance Question... PLEASE HELP!?
My sister bumped another car when she was backing out, when the car saw her backing out but still went ahead and there was no damage. My sister, in a moment of insanity, gave the woman, who is an attorney, her insurance number and some other information. All she took from the woman was her name and email. Now we have a claim coming in. We have no idea what to do. She is still in college, and is under my parent's insurance. There was obviously nothing wrong with the car. My parents are beside themselves with worry, because the claim could mean anything from $50-$20,000. Words cannot explain my anger towards my sister's naivety in the human race. What can we do? We will know more about the claim tomorrow.""
Why is it illegal to drive without car insurance?
I have heard rumors that it is illegal to drive without car insurance; first of all, is this true? Secondly, if this is so, why? Many individual American motorists experience between 0-2 minor accidents in their lifetime, some of which are very minor (where both cars still run fine and there's just a bump or so). Any information would be useful.""
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
How easy is it to change my car insurance?
I am 23, and never changed my car insurance before. I had it for 5 years. I paid $65, then after a ticket, over a year ago it suddenly went to $87. That is with progressive. Esurance offered me $55 for same coverage. If I usually pay on the 20th, can I call them up, set up new plan, and have it start on 20th, and have old one stop on 20th, without another bank deduction?""
What would be the average pay for car insurance per month?
i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time?
""A car is registered on my name, im only 18 years old male and i want to get a cheaper car insurance.""
a car is registered on my name, im only 18 years old male and i want to get a cheaper car insurance.is it possible if i could get my friend to insure my car on his name as the main driver because he has like more than 5 years no claims discount bonus which makes the car insurance go down and im just going to be the second driver? but the car is registered on my name. is it still possible if i could do that and get below a 1000 pounds insurance for a year?? thanks for the answers in advance. IM FROM UK ENGLAND by the way""
Where i can get very cheapest motorcycle insurance?
i bay a motorcycle and my dad don't agree to give some money for my insurence
Can I get insurance on somebody elses policy?
OK, I'm 17 and would like to start driving when I pass my test. So as a new driver, can I insure a car on my mum's policy? (In the UK) I hear it's a lot cheaper, so how much would I save if I insured a 1 litre VW polo on my mum's policy? Compared to a policy of my own. Thanks in advance.""
How much will my insurance go uop?
i was in an accident not to long ago. My car was totaled and my insuranced paid it off ($13,000) it wasnt my fault but im 20 and ive been driving for 3 years but recently got my license last year. i was already paying 250 a month, how much more will i have to pay?? my car was an 05 altima. now its a case of he ran a red light, versus she ran a red light""
Are there any insurance companies who offer REALLY cheap new driver insurance?
I have my driving test (practical) booked for the 7th March 2012. I have been searching for cheap car insurance and the lowest I can find is about 7000 which I just cannot afford. Im only looking for insurance for a few months, less than a year for a few hundred pounds. Please, any suggestions greatly accepted. Thanks :-D""
Car insurance help !!?
well you know how if your paying for your car monthly the insurance is more money because the car isnt fully paid for yet, well is there any insurance companies that don't make ...show more""
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
What company offers best auto insurance rates for not so good driving records?
How old does the bike have to be for classical insurance?
ive been told that my bike (86) should be put under the classical insurance for motorbikes, how old is it? please and thank you. (p.s. this is in the UK)""
Is there some type of dental insurance that is affordable??
I am 38 y/o male who needs to finally look into some dental insurance that is affordable/ I have some teeth that needs to be fix ASAP thanks for your Help Bri
""I only pay car insurance, what should my credit score be?""
I have car insurance in my name (I haven't been late on a payment yet), this is the first and only thing I make payments on. What should my credit score be? Also what are small things I can do to bring it up?""
Auto and House Insurance...what to ask!?
I'm a first time auto and house insurance buyer....yipee (NOT!) As I shop around for prices, I find each of the policies vary so much. What are some key questions I should be asking? What are the things I should be inquring about which will greatly affect the future with this insurance? In other words, to those of you who have had experience with insurance policies, what do you find most important in having on your policy? How do I make sure I'm well covered?? Thanks!!!""
How much should my car insurance cost?
I am 16 year old girl, will be driving a two door 1995 Honda civic, and have 4.1 gpa in school.""
What would be a good life insurance policy?
What is the difference between 10 and 20yr terms etc. What is the benefit of the whole life insurance? And why do those one's cost much, much more? What should the average 35yr old female enroll in. I'm looking at probably 500,000. That's way more then ten times the amount I earn in a year. Do they grow with interest? So many question's I know. But if anyone has the time to give me the basics I will appreciate it. Thank you.""
How do traffic tickets affect insurance premiums?
So if you get a traffic ticket you generally get: a fine, driving school and it makes your insurance premium worse. Is this always true when it comes to the insurance? Is this a rule defined by the insurance or can something be done to avoid that insurance thing? The state is CA btw.. if that matters..""
""I lost my wallet and need to replace my drivers license, do I have to have a form of car insurance?""
Im in Texas. Also, how much does it usually cost to replace the drivers license?""
home insurance quotes online comparison
home insurance quotes online comparison
Can insurance companies automatically add new drivers to an existing policy?
I had my g1 (permit) and got my g2 (license). I called the insurance company to get a quote of how much more it is going to cost my dad (which is what I'm going to have to pay) and they are telling me that I have to notify them that my license is now a g2 class. They can't quote me until he calls them (he's at work) when my dad calls to confirm then they will change it automatically and add me. But I don't have a choice if I want to add or not (If I don't like the rate) can they forcibly add me to a policy even if I don't agree with the rate? kinda tricky to explain but I hope you understand what I'm saying and if not then I will add additional details as necessary.
""My car insurance was voided in the past, and now I can't get a quote anywhere, can anyone help?!?""
When I started learning to drive at 17, I decided to buy my self a cheap car so that I'd be able to get more experience behind the wheel, pass my test quicker and have a car as soon as I passed my test. I was insured on my provisional license with an insurance company which specialised in learner drivers. However, I ended up getting 3 points on my license the week before I passed my test, in what I still think were pretty unfair circumstances. My house doesn't have a drive or a garage and so I had to park my car on the road in front of my house, or on a street round the corner when there were no spaces. As it was my first car I was really excited, and without understanding that I could get in trouble for it, I used to sometimes sit in my car and listen to music with my friends. The week before I passed my test we were sat chatting when a police car came down the road and pulled up behind us. Someone had broken into some allotments nearby and they were questioning us as to if we had seen anything. They searched my car- for tools that could suggest we had done it I presume, and when they found nothing they ran my license and obviously realised I only had a provisional license. I still at this point didn't realise I had done anything wrong, I wasn't driving the car, simply sat in it so I didn't realise I had committed an offence. The police informed me that because the engine was running, I could have been driving or about to drive and on that basis they convicted me for driving without a license. I only got 3 points and a 60 fine due to the fact I wasn't actually driving and at the time I accepted that with relief, I was terrified I'd get a ban or lose my license or get a massively unaffordable fine. I could have appealed but that would have meant going to court and I was only 17 and that terrified me. I declared the points to my insurance company straght away, but due to the nature of the offence my insurance was invalidated and void. I've only just now realised how serious having insurance voided in the past is. I'm supposed to be moving a 5 hours away in a few months for a job, and I have plenty of money saved for car insurance and a car, as without a car, the move is completely unrealistic. Without a car I won't be able to get to work as the hours are unsocial and my job isn't very well connected with public transport at all and so relying on public transport or taxis is simply not an option. I found a car, went to get an insurance quote, and found out that getting insurance is practically impossible when you've had insurance voided in the past. The points don't seem to be a problem, when I tell companies about my points but not about my insurance voided in the past they happily give me a quote. They're expensive, but affordable and it's what I was expecting. However, as soon as I tell them that my insurance was voided in the past they refuse to even give me a quote. I'm completely out of options and I don't know what to do. I need a car, but I can't get insurance as much as I try. I know I was in the wrong, but it seems like the voided insurance is more of a punishment than the points are and surely that isn't right? And the voided insurance will stay with me for the rest of my life, so does that mean that driving will never be an option for me? I'm sorry for the essay, I just really don't know what to do! If anyone's been in a similar situation with voided insurance or know of a company that would insure me then please let me know! Just anything that would help, let me know! Thank you so much in advance and sorry again for the babbling!""
What are some affordable health insurance plans?
I am 20 years old and do not have health insurance and I need to get my wisdom teeth pulled! So i'm looking for an affordable health insurance.I've already applied for Medicaid and was denied.I need help please!
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
There's a truck that I'm interested in getting and I want to get it in black but I was told that I shouldn't get a car in black, because the auto insurance is higher. Is this true or is this just an urban myth?""
Auto insurance question???!! HELP!!!!!!?
Hello, i have a question on teen auto insurance. Now i know how bad insurance is for teens and I know sports cars are a horrible choice for a first fully insured car, but my father surprised me with a 2005 V6 Ford Mustang and I would like to know if anyone out there can help me with just telling me how much I am going to be looking in to pay. I live in Orange and I am going to be under my parents, just an estimate on how much it would be each month or 6 months will be fine and please, no rude comments. I understand how foolish it is of me to have a sports car at my age, but I already had an Altima 3.5 se-R with an air intake and drive it perfectly, always obeying speed limits, though this probably isn't going to help with the insurance cost. If you know from experience even better! thanks for ur time.""
How much would insurance be on a 1986 honda civic si hatchback?
I need to know asap how much estimated it would be to add this car to insurance. (state farm) I just bought it for 800 bucks and i need to know also how much in total it would be to get on the road.. register, title switch , tags all that good stuff...im un VIRGINIA btw.. need any more info ask..""
""Will my car insurance rates go up if damage in accident is under $1,000?""
Today I bumped a parked car when trying to pull out of a paralell parking spot. Both cars were scratched, but no dents. My car was in worse shape than hers, and I took mine to an auto body shop to get a quote on what it would cost to repair the scratch. The quote I got was $671.23. The lady (who was sitting in her car when I bumped her) said she was going to have to have the whole bumper replaced... even though it was just a scratch about 3 inches long. We called the insurance companies and I admitted fault (duh.) She said she was going to call the police and may have to go to the doctor because her neck hurt, but the police were never called. I am still worried she is going to try to sue me or get more money from me... it was just a small scratch! Not even a DENT! My main question, will my car insurance rates go up, and if so, by how much? I drive a 2010 Kia Soul. I have one other accident on my record and I pay about $150 a month. If it does go up, is it going to be drastic? Her car was a 2012 Kia Soul (same color oddly enough) so I am hoping her quote will be similar? Since the overall damage is under $1,000, what can I expect to happen? Can she really report me to the police, or try to claim injury? I was just pulling out of a parking slot and thought I was clear, but still very slow and cautious. I just don't see how I could have hurt her neck... Any help/input appreciated, thanks so much.""
Can i get insurance w/out a car and vice versa?
i have my license just not a car. so can i go buy a car without insurance OR can i buy insurance THEN buy a car?
Will my car insurance rate rise if someone on my policy gets in an accident?
If I add someone onto my car insurance policy and that person gets in an accident, will my rate climb. If it does can I remove that person from my policy to keep my rate the same.""
What is the best affordable health insurance for students out there?
I am thinking about changing my provider and was wandering if anybody has any recomendations?
""Cheapest motorcycle for a 20-21 year old. Parameters: price, fuel economy, and insurance. Please help?""
I am 20 years old but will be turning 21 in late spring, and i was planning to buy a motorcycle with my tax return coming up (down payment and first/few insurance payments depending on whether i go monthly or biyearly). I was wondering what the Y!A community thought would be the cheapest on me when it comes to balancing initial price, fuel economy, and insurance prices for someone my age. I was thinking a moderately powered large roadster-style bike (i'm reluctant to say chopper...i hate that word) that doesn't go too much above freeway speeds, but i'm open to hearing other people's suggestions. I'm from southern illinois, and am a large guy, but not giant. No crotch-rockets please.""
How to get best fair settlement from car insurance company for 1996 corolla?
Hi: My 1996 toyota corolla was hit by another car in the rear on the passenger side. My car was in excellent condition, everything worked, nothing broken, no rust (paint in excellent condition as it is always in my garage at home or in a covered parking lot at my workplace), low mileage (130K), never had a problem and I am the original, sole owner and driver of the car. I was planning to keep driving it for years to come. Now the insurance company wants to total my car and what they are offering for my car /their initial proposed settlement of $3500is not nearly enough to buy another car in the same excellent, safe and reliable condition, that is not riddled with hidden problems. This presents a big problem for me as, if I cannot have my car fixed and restored to the same condition as before the crash, I would have to come up with at least $12K to $15K to buy another new safe, reliable economy car. This is an expense that was not in my plans. Also, the insurance company is pushing me to make a hasty decision and is threatening me with not paying for the car rental I needed to get (since my car cannot be driven as the tail light is broken and and rain would get in the car). Is there any way that the insurance company can be prevented from totaling my car and instead pay for properly fixing the car with good OEM parts instead of used (LKQ) parts. I got several estimates, two for around $5K and one for around $7K (this one is from an excellent body shop that has done excellent work on my other previous cars before). The insurance company provided and estimate for $4k using used/LKQ parts. I would appreciate any advice on how to get the best settlement from the insurance company.""
Is this a good insurance cost for a teenager for a GTO?
I got a quote from geico for an '04 GTO and it was 175 a month for a 17 year old driver. This suprised me, because I thought it would be alot higher. So do you think this an accurate quote? I put in all information accurately except for my age because they will not give a 15 year old a quote.""
Should I cancel my car insurance?
I got into an accident 1 month ago and the insurance company of the person who hit me is handling my claim. I don't have coverage for my car so my insurance company is not really doing anything. So should I just cancel my insurance because I am not using my car anyways, and most likely my car will be a write-off because the damage seems irreparable or if it is, the repairs would cost more than the car itself. What do you guys thinks? Thanks for your time.""
Is this car insurance thing true?
I heard online that in Texas if you drive less than 35 miles a day, you'll get a HUGE discount in your insurance. It this true? Or is this just a lie?""
What's the insurance price for a 10 ft boat?
I would like to know how much The insurance would cost for a 10 ft fiberglass fishing boat? Anyone can give me an estimate? Thanks
Best young driver insurance company ?? (Ireland)?
so just got my full licence and was wondering which company would be the best and cheapest for me? 10 points :)
What's the best site for Cheap Car Insurance?
Besides progressive and esurance... Anyone know of a better site or sites regarding Cheap Car Insurance Online? I just got my first car, it's got a salvage title so I'm choosing a one-way liability. I'm still in H.S. with a part time job, so it would really help if you guys can help point me in the right direction to a site that's cheap and affordable on a minimum wage budget. Thanks ya.""
What kind of Life Insurance is out there for the Elderly? 70 years old and up.
I've seen some on TV and for the life of me, I can't remember all of what's out there. So far, there is no life insurance on my husband's mother and he and I are wanting to take out life insurance on her. What kind of life insurance is out there for ppl 70 years and up that does not require a medical background? She has a bad hip, smokes like a turned over train, and she hasn't had a physical in aprox. 15-20 years. And she has no assets of any kind to help with expenses if she should pass unexpectantly. This is why my husband and I feel that it is important that we take out Life Insurance on her. Thank you for your help. :-)""
How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?
I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!""
Honda Fit insurance question?
I was planning on getting a Honda Fit and I was wondering about the insurance rates. I was thinking of getting a 07-08 Sport model. I don't know if transmission plays a role in the insurance, but I would get a manual. I am a 17 (turning 18 in June) year-old male. I would get full coverage. I would figure that it will be expensive but okay because of safety features, and that it is a fuel economy car. Any information would help. Thanks.""
Home Content Insurance?
Hi this may be a odd question but is it possible to get insurance for one item?? I have had 2 replace my comp and it would have helped if I had insurance instead of getting anouther built! Thanks
""How much will car insurance cost me, roughly (teen driver)?""
I'm a 16 year-old girl, and I'm planning on buying my first car by the time I'm 17. I'm looking for an older car, nothing fancy, just to get around in. I'm also planning on taking Drivers' Ed. My grades are decent too, if that really matters. Do you have any idea what I'm looking at here?""
Insurance Car coverage?
My car got flooded bacuase of the Hurricane IKE in the houston area. The current market value of this car is 9k but I still owe 13500 and I do not have GAP insurance. I had an offer for this car three weeks before the hurricane for 12k. As we all know insurance will only pay what it worth now. What are my possibilities for having the insurance pay it off sice this was a natural disaster.
Can i get car insurance at age 18 with a permit in NY?
Hey,i have looked around but i seem to have found mixed answers,so i posted my own question to get a straight foward answer.....Will i be able to get Car Insurance with a permit? I am 18yrs old and live in NY state. Thanks""
home insurance quotes online comparison
home insurance quotes online comparison
0 notes
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
"Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What insurance is required on a new car in Florida?
Is it just PIP/property damage liability and Bodily Injury Liability or is there more? Thanks!
Will my insurance rate go up if I was hit by an uninsured motorist?
I was rear-ended while at a stop light, by an uninsured motorist. I am not sure how much damage was done but it does look like the tow package may have bent my frame. I do not have collision and my truck is a really nice '94 Silverado that runs and looks great! So my fear is having the truck be labeled Salvaged and also having my insurance rate go up. Does anyone know answers to those two concerns?""
Bike Insurance?
I am looking to buy either a 250cc or 500cc Ninja bike. What are the insurance rate like for these bike compared to other bike and compared to cars?
If my dad is a co signer for a car will my insurance be cheap?
I'm 19 and its my first car and my dad is the co signer will my insurance be low? What are cheap insurance agencies for teenagers?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old driver?
I am about to turn 16 in August. And I'm wondering if you can tell me a estimated guess on how much car insurance will be. My family is insured with State Farm. If there is another company that may be cheaper please tell me. My family has several cars under Sate Farm if that makes a difference. I will be driving a 2007-8 Ford F-150 Lariat 2 wheel drive. I have all A's and have over 60 community service hours. If any of this makes a difference. How much will I start off spending and how fast does it get lowered and what will it get lowered to about?
Barely tapped a car I have no license or insurance I checked the kids car nothing even happened to it not eve?
A scratch...my mom had an emergency so I had to pick my little brother up from school. As I was about to park I got a little close to just tap his front bumper. He said it was fine nothing happened I had asked him about a little piece of plastic that looked like it latched off and he told me he wasn't sure if it was like that he asked for insurance I didn't have any he called his mom and my mom spoke to her. The lady is asking for 200$ (never even got an estimate she just came up with 200$) and she won't report it to her car insurance. I know I can report her to the cops for trying to extort money from me and it's also a felony in the state of California.. This happened yesterday... So can she really do anything?
Car insurance confusion?
I have full comp. insurance for my car and I can drive any other vehicle as 3rd party (As per policy). I also own another car which is not insured to anyone...Can I drive my this car (un insured) under my existing policy as 3rd party ?
I'm wondering a car insurance random question?
Hello, my brother has a cheap honda civic like $6 thousand .. He was driving and got in a car accident with a $200,000 dollar car.. The back bumper of the $200k car is wrecked and my brothers car is fine.. He has insurance .. Does the insurance cover everything.? Thanks""
Cure auto insurance online?
I need insurance now! I have completed my form on cure auto insurance and I'm now on the last page to agreeing to the power of attorney and agreement to conduct business electronically and it saying over and over again that I must scroll and read it. But I have! Why won't it let me agree?
Where can i find car insurance for less than $50?
Where can i find car insurance for less than $50?
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance?
Why are Dental and Vision Insurance separate from regular Health insurance? I have regular health insurance one me and my kids. I also have Dental and Vision insurance on just myself, because I can't afford it for my kids. They are the ones who need it most. Why are Dental and Vision not included on Health insurance? I'm not talking about for Braces or colored contacts, but for wellness check-ups, fillings, glasses if needed, etc.""
""Pregnant, no insurance and make too much money for medicaid. Advice?""
I am an independent contractor and have no insurance. I am now pregnant before having a chance to get health insurance. Health insurance once pregnant is way too expensive. I make too much money for government assistance, but not enough to afford private insurance. I'm in a tough spot, and I wonder if anyone has any advice to help me finance my pregnancy.""
How do you value a damaged tree for insurance purposes?
Long story short, a guy ran his car off the road into my front yard and hit a tree. The tree is a complete loss. He has insurance (thank god!). How much should I expect to receive from the insurance company for the value of the tree? The tree is a mature Blue Spruce. It was about 20-25 feet tall, had an 8-10 inch trunk, and a spread at the base of about 15 feet or so. I know that I should at least be entitled to the cost of removing the tree/debris and planting a new tree. But you cant really plant a 25 foot Blue Spruce! So, the problem I am having is determining what value should I be entitled to considering the maturity of the tree? Who can I call to get an appraisal? Other info: I live in a subdivision of custom brick homes on a large lot (about 1 acre) and my home is worth about $275k. The tree sat on the edge of my property in the front yard in a group of two trees (the other one was slightly damaged also, but can probably be salvaged) that provide some shading from the neighbor and the road. Obviously, the amount of shading is now reduced and the aesthetics of the group of two trees is messed up to the point that I am considering just removing both trees.""
California health insurance?
I just need to know the monthly cost of health insurance in california, for a school project. If you know how much dental costs it would be nice if you could tell me that also. Thanks! p.s. its for two people""
How much will my car insurance be?
I can't drive, YET! I really want to learn, buy myself a Renault Clio. But.. I'm worried about car insurance! I heard you can buy insurance with a provisional licence to make it cheaper; how does this work? I'm 20. Female. Assistant teacher. Living in London. Id love a little Renault Clio, just scared of costs. THANKS!""
Does lojack reduce auto insurance rates?
Does lojack reduce auto insurance rates?
""As a male with an excellent driving record, why am I forced to pay more for auto insurance because of others?""
who have a poor driving record, and who happen to be the same gender as me? Why does having male chromosomes make me responsible for the poor driving record of other people just because they happen to be the same gender? Why does having a uterus make women NOT responsible for those same people? Why is there so much gender discrimination in auto insurance?""
How is 18yr old meant to get car insurance?
I live in London and passed my test in February. I own Renault Clio 1.2 And the cheapest quote i got so far is 305 pounds per month, which is way too much for me. What companies are cheap? What can i do to start driving legally, searching for insurance is frustrating Dont say price comparison websites they suck cheapest quote there was 8k per year""
Help i need cheap auto insurance.?
i have a 2001 pontiac grand prix gt and i am 19 years old and i live at zip code 48726 i need cheap car insurance can you help please
Can insurance companies renew car insurance without owner`s permission?
My friend has just had a letter from her old car insurance company, saying they have set up a direct debit for monthly car insurance. However, she has recently changed car insurance companies, and has not instructed the old company to set up these direct debits. Is this legal?!""
Need supplemental insurance!?
I had a CAT scan done a few years ago and owe a good amount of money still because my insurance only covered a portion of it. Im a college student and make 8$ an hour and diagnosed with mental illness. Can i expect supplemental insurance to cover the rest of it? its about 1600. And can someone explain it for me? Do i pay for supplemental insurance to? My sister told me i can get emergency medicare or medical **** or something to pay for it.. Is this true...so confused. Thanks
""Can i get my medical insurance to pay for surgery to correct a covered surgery, if coverage lapsed meantime?""
In 2008 I had insurance in California, through my employer. I got laid off in June, but was on COBRA in Sept. 2008, when Blue Cross authorized me for gastric bypass surgery. In Oct 2009, owing to a dispute over COBRA payments, my insurance lapsed. As of Nov 1 I have no coverage, and new insurance through my wife's Kaiser won't start until Jan 1. Yesterday (Dec 23 09) I had to go to the ER due to abdominal pain that turned out to be a complication of the 2008 gastric bypass. Last night I had a CT scan and emergency surgery to correct the problem. Blue Cross rejected the claim, which of course makes sense and pushing it through was just a formality anyway. But today I wondered if, since the procedure was covered originally, would surgery to correct a complication be covered by law even if my insurance lapsed? I know I'm grasping at straws here, but it seems like it might be worth a consultation with an attorney to find out. I think this surgery is going to run to $40K or more. It was a simple laproscopic procedure, but y'know nothing's cheap. The original bypass was billed to Blue Cross at $38K. I know it's not like defect liability, since a surgeon can't guarantee there will not be complications. Also, I know I can't expect free legal advice here. But if someone knows for sure or has thoughts one way or the other would be helpful.""
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
Whats the cost of insurance difference between owning a GT mustang compared to a LX mustang?
Best & cheapest car insurance company in Cincinnati OH?
Which is the best and cheapest car insurance company out there that provides full coverage? I am paying about 180 for 2 cars right now and I want to know if there is anything else out there that can be better. I am currently with Geico
Which occupation would be best for car insurance purposes?
I can honestly say Retired , Investor , Private Investor Or Self Employed . Considering the fact that I don't drive very much anyway, less than 3000-3500 miles per year would one have a better risk classification and therefore lower rates than the other ? Oh, and Im 47 by the way so not your typical retired type person. (Don't really have a life but that wasn't the question) My liability insurance is pretty cheap but Im the kind of guy that likes to check every 6 months just to make sure Im getting the best price for the same coverage. Thanks ! PS, on a sort of related note, is it a problem if my credit report might not say the exact same thing ? I suspect it may say Self Employed and my former business.""
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
Why do Women get cheaper car insurance?
Thats the biggest joke going! they are safer my ar*e
""21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same as other carriers?""
21st Century Insurance Company is a quality, affordable carrier for automobile ... At 21st Century Insurance Company, we understand how complicated buying auto insurance can be....I'm thinking of switching my auto insurance from GEICO to 21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same coverage. Anyone has any experience with ...for a quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com""
Car insurance on your parents policy?
my family currently has 4 cars on Geico insurance. Im 16 years old and when i got my license, the cost of our insurace rose to $1200 more a year. Now, im looking to buy my own car but my dad claims buying another car will raise it to $1800. Can someone explain this to me please? Does your insurance raise everytime you buy a new car? And is the fact that we have 4 cars making my share of the insurance cost more?""
How much auto insurance premium go up after an accident?
I got into a car accident about a month ago. I totaled my car and damaged another. A passenger also got hurt in the other vehicle and filled a claim but it doesn't look like hes suing. The accident was clearly my fault. I currently pay $160 a month for two cars and I'm 24 years old. Anyone have a rough idea as to how much it will go up? Thanks.
How to get cheap car insurance?
its for my brother, hes 17 and needs car insurance hes looking at a corsa. we have tried to do it all the known cheapest ways such as a group policy and with my mums no claims etc anyone any suggestions, please help! :)""
How much should i plan on spending on my car insurance for a 3rd offense DWI? Please refrain from ridicule...?
I know i will have to get an Interlock device which ranges from $50-$100 a month. i am wondering how much I will be paying monthly for car insurance. Liability only. And if anyone happens to know, what company do you think will offer the best pricing? Thank you for your understanding...""
""Can you fake proof of insurance in Seattle, WA?""
My friend and I are having an argument. He believes that you can keep a fake insurance card in your car that looks legitimate and the police will not be able to check the information with the insurance company to verify that you actually have insurance, if they pull you over. Also, if you do not have proof of insurance, and you get cited for a ticket, he believes that you could send in fake proof of insurance to the Seattle Municipal Court so they would dismiss the ticket, less a $25 admin fee, because they do not check insurance information/do not have access to insurance records. I want to believe that he's wrong, but I don't know, I am not educated on the subject. Does anyone know the answer?""
I'm looking for an affordable medical insurance for me and my husband. Any experiences or suggestions.?
The one I have thru my employer is not good, will like to shop around but don't know where.""
Why do you not want to buy insurance?
I'm a believer of having protection and that's why I joined the industry as an agent. I do not like to force sell to buy so I'm here trying to collect the possible reasons to why people are not paying attention to getting themselves covered. Also, what do you understand about insurance?""
Why not lower heath care insurance than universal health care?
I pay $450 a month for my health insurance, why dont they just cut the cost in half? Then people could afford it. Its alot for me but worth it, i had spinal meningitis at 18 and without id be dead.""
When buying a car how many days do they give you to get insurance on it?
how does that all work? im going tueday to get financed for this car i already know i can get it i just have to sign some papers but im wondering how does the whole car insurance thing work because i know you have to have full coverage insurance. play it out for me tuesday i go to the dealership to sign some papers and then... i drive the car home?... when and how do you go about getting the title put in your name, getting insurance on the car... so on and so forth.... thanks its my first time and i dont want to be as clueless as i am right now when i go to buy it haha""
Is it legal for the car insurance to be in a name other than person paying the monthly car payment?
My sister's husband passed in November. Their car is in both my sister's and her husband's name; however, my sister can not drive and does not have a driver's license. She wants to keep the car insurance on the vehicle, but to do that she would need to have a valid driver's license. Soooo, she has asked me to get the vehicle insurance in my name using my driver's license. My question is this: Am I in ANY way responsible for anything that happens to/in/with the car if I am not the driver? I use my car and driver's license for work and I can not have blemishes on my driving record or my criminal background""
What is an acceptable car insurance cost for newly passed 19 yr old male?
What's the acceptable range? Please don't start giving me infos about quotes and stuffs, i've done them all thousands times, just asking for A PRICE you would think as FINE. (sorry to say this, but i asked similar qstns 10-12 times before, but no one answered correctly) thank you""
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
Please answer...
Liability insurance for an online vitamin store. Do I need it? And how can I get it?
Hi yahoo friends, I have a new website. I want to sell vitamin and supplements. One of a whole sellers asked me for copy of liability insurance. What is it? Do I need it since I sell their products, should the liability go to them? How can I get it? Please help me , if you know the answer. Thank you.""
My cousin wants to go on my insurance?
i have my own third party insurance for my own car, my cousin owns a van but cant seem to get insurance because he has 5 convictions so he wants me to take out insurance on his van and go on my insurance, does anyone have any ideas on insurance companies for him or can anyone tell me if i agree to do what he wants will anything he do affect my insurance costs in the future?""
Van insurance for 17 year old?
hey guys! im 17 and cannow drive, i want a volkswagen transporter van, any idea of the cost to insure it?""
How to insure my used car auto dealership?
I just founded my own used car dealership and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need to cover it. I understand that I will need general liability of course, but I also heard a lot about blanket coverages. If anyone can help if you can give me just an overview of what kind of insurance I need I would highly appreciate it. And also what are some carriers that would insure me? Thanks!""
What life insurance policy should I get?
I have the option of variable whole life, whole life, and term life. I know term life is the best, but i am only 18 and i don't have time to go out and invest in mutual funds unless its really easy and quick. I am a college student, and I have no income. I am planning on becoming a nurse, but of course that is not guarenteed. Which one should I get and why? Please don't just say don't get whole life! it sucks yeah i know that but i need details. Also what about for my parents who are in their early 60's . Which one should they get??""
Home owners insurance check made out to mortgage company and me?
Evidently my insurance co made out the check to both myself and my mortgage bank (too bad I didn't realize it before I deposited it at the ATM this morning...) for siding and roof hail damage. I was on hold for over 40 minutes today waiting to talk to a rep at the mortgage bank (PNC). I hung up and will call back tomorrow when I have more time to listen to bad music. What's the normal procedure for handling this? The check was only for $6800. I may hold off a bit on some of the repair, and do some of it myself. I've already made arrangements for a window replacement ($900 vs the $450 the ins co gave me). There's a PNC Bank just down the street. Any ideas on whether they can handle it there?""
Hi anyone know a cheap insurance company for a smart pulse (600/700cc) as the ones ive tried are a bit pricey?
i realise that its all down to your postcode-age-driving record, but im 50 clean licence, however live in a poor postcode, however ive been qouted 256 pounds (nearly the same as a motorcaravan i also have) i was going to get a fiat 126 (also 600cc) this was only 80 pounds fully comp.....strange the insurance game do you think? thanks all simon.""
Where can I get an affordable liability insurance for my new small business in California?
I'm trying to open a new residential cleaning business. I already got a quote from state farm but it was way too expensive. 2500 dollars per year. I'm new in this so, I can't afford that amount because I don't even have costumers yet. Thank you!.""
About how much to insure a 2003 Saturn L200?
Looking to get a 2003 Saturn L200 but need to know how much insurance might cost.
Which car insurance company has the lowest rate?
Does state farm have the lowest car insurance rate?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Getting car Insurance with a provisional license in Ireland?
I'm 17 years old and I just passed my theory test today (Woohooo!) I live in IRELAND and I'm wondering what would be the cheapest way for insurance? Insurance would be much too high to go on my own. My mom doesnt have a license or even a provisional license, she doesn't intend to drive either for personal reasons. There's nothing that can be done there is there? I could go on my brothers insurance,he has a full license for around 8 years. He lives a county away though so how would that work? What are the rules about me going under his insurance? I would appreciate any help as I'm new to this and I need help. Thanks!""
My car got totalled and my car insurance expired. HELP!!!?
My brother totaled my car and i cant get it fixed because my car insurance expired. Can I wait to get my insurance renewed and get it fixed or just forget about it and get a new car under a new insurance policy?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year olds?
I am 17 and need a car to get me to work as it is quite a while away and costs me over 30 to get to a week!!! I passed my test last month and have done pass plus. I tried getting insurance for a 1.0L Lupo and it was 7500 on my own name (tried it a few times using thrid party only, thrid party fire & theft and fully comp but kept getting the same) I tried adding my father as the main & named driver (20+ years no claims) and reduced it to about 5000 which is still very very high and im not even using comparison sites (mainly sites aimed at 17 year olds) :@ I am quite angry becuase my friend when he passed last year got his insurance for 1600 on his own name at the age of 17! Any ideas on insurance compainies or how to reduce my insurance??""
Policy loan from life insurance interest pay to insurance company! why?
Any one can tell me, loan money from life insurance policy cash value intrest collect from the lisurance company, the cash value is my own money, should I paid intrest back to myself? not to insurance company""
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
I am looking for federal court cases related to insurance claims?
Is there an affordable health insurance plan in California?
I am struggling to find an affordable health insurance plan for my family. I've asked this question before and got a great answer, then lost the link! Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)""
What cars are cheap to insure in england?
im 19 and have had my license for 2 years and im looking to buy a car. I want a 4 door car but really don't care what it is as long as it is cheap. So i would like to know if there are any particular cars that are known to have cheaper insurance, thanks.""
Commercial Vehicle Insurance in the UK?
A business starts a delivery service and employs several drivers. Now each driver has their own personal insurance policy, but this will not cover them for business purposes. What would be the options for the business owner? Would the business buy a policy to cover the employees and their individual vehicles? or would they have to buy a vehicle solely for business purposes for the drivers to use? In addition, what companies are there that offer such commercial vehicle insurance for delivering purposes and what would be a ballpark figure for such a policy? extra credit for in depth answers. Thank you!!""
Should we have whole life insurance?
My husband is 26 yrs old and he bought whole life insurance. I tried to tell him to get term sicne we are so young, but he wouldn't listen. Can anyone help me?""
How long until my insurance drops back down after you have an accident?
How long does it take for it to go back down to where it was before you had the accident?
Do red light camera infractions hurt your insurance?
on the ticket it reads: this infraction will not be a part of your driving record and will be processed as a parking infraction. I live in Seattle, WA.""
Car insurance rates/prices?
This is my first time buying a used car, just about to get my license as I'm researching the difference insurance companies out there, I'm 22, living in Colorado Springs. Which one is the best? What are the different prices/rates they charge so I'll know what to save up?""
""Car insurance, help please?""
I'm 18 years old & looking into buying a used 2011 nissan Altima from a dealer soon. My mom will be a cosigner for it & I was wondering if I would be able to insure that car under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? Insurance rates are just too outrageous & unaffordable for my age & for new cars with full coverage so I'm really hoping that it would be possible for her to insure it since she'll be a cosigner. Thanks for all the help & answers, greatly appreciated!""
Will my insurance provider penalise me for doing this...?
If i have a policy for my motorcycle and a policy for my car, (both policies are form the same insurance provider) and over the summer i decide to drop the policy for my car, only to activate it again in the fall, will that be considered a lapse in coverage? Will my rates be higher because of this action when i reinstate the policy in the fall?""
What is mortgage insurance?
When having somebody co-sign for a morgage with no $$$ down, how does mortgage insurance work? 1) Is it required? 2) Is it permanent? 3) Is it like a car insurance policy - where the money is paid, and if the insurance is never 'claimed' then the money is gone? 3.5) Does a mortgage insurance payment go towards the principle price of the house?""
Insurance help at 18 years old?
hello i am a 18 years old i am lucky enough to have a very good job so i can afford to spend alot of money for a 18 year old on a car i am looking to spend around 11k in all even tho the cheaper the better its not buying the car that is the problem its the insurance on the cars i want to buy all being around 4k for any half decent cars ?? any help would be grateful for some facts and figures .... cheers alex
Who do you trust more? An Insurance company? or Obama?
The right wingers will chose blindly! But think about this! Prior to the Affordable Healthcare Act, how many times in a row, year after year, did your health insurance coverage go up. For me, it was every year for as long as I remember. Never did my insurance premium go down. But for some reason, everyone is up in arms because a few people, a small percentage have rate increases. But they also get more coverage, better policies, and some can get insurance for the first time.""
Where do you get good rates for dance instructor liability insurance?
I am a dance instructor and I need to get liability insurance. Anyone know of a place to get the best quotes. I tried Markel and they are expensive. I also plan to have other instructors that I train and work with me. How do I get insurance for them? Is this per instructor, or can it be as a dance school? Please let me know. I need this info ASAP. Thanks for your help""
What do you think about auto insurance?
What do you think about auto insurance?
Canceling Geico car insurance?
I've had Geico insurance on my car for the past year and I've found a much better rate elsewhere and plan to switch. I'm in Virginia. How do I go about canceling with Geico? Do I have to wait until a certain time (end of 6mos, etc) or can I do it at any time? Is there a cancellation fee? Thanks!""
""Thinking about buying individual health insurance in georgia, 22 years old?""
in the beginning of feb my dad passed away so i they dropped coverage on 2/28. i get health insurance through my employer but it isn't good. can i still apply online for individual health insurance even though i can get insurance through my employer? i plan on quitting in two months so i figure it would save me the hassle if i get individual health care now. i have asthma and need medicine regularly/monthly. i'm planning on going on vacation in the summer and then when i get back, i plan to get a job with health benefits, so i would only need insurance until then. would that be considered short term (now-august/september)? does the price differ from short term and long term health insurance? i was looking up some plans online and i was thinking of applying for this one. http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/ifp/plan-details?planKey=3002:200067&productLine=IFP&noSelectedPlan=true&ifpUIState.planDetailsBackUrl=/ifp/all-plans so what this means is that i pay 115 dollars a month and since there is no separate prescription deductible, i can buy my prescriptions which is tier 2/3 for the copay only. also there is a 2500 maximum out of pocket for my part. right? and is this a good plan for me? im 22 and dont smoke/drink and live in georgia, my only health concern is that i have asthma. can they reject my application because i have asthma and that's a pre-existing condition? and when i get a job with health benefits i can just cancel this or is there a contract that states i have to be with them for a certain amount of time? thank you very much for your time!""
Can I turn my health bills from a car wreck into my health insurance?
I'll try to make this as short as possible. I was hit by another car, who fled the scene but I was able to get her license plate, made and model of her car. Her insurance is covering the body damage for my car but I'm having problems with the medical part of all this. In all, I have had two visits with my doctor and he sent me to the hospital for xrays. I have whip lash and nothing else. I live in Kentucky, which is a no-fault injury state (I have no idea what that means). The other driver's insurance company is not going to pay for my injuries since they are less than $1000. Which means I have to turn it in to MY car insurance company and pay my $1000 deductable or pay out of pocket, which will be about $800. Someone I work with mentioned that I can turn the bills into my health insurance company for them to cover it. Is that an option? I'm not at all familiar with any of this b/c this is my first experience having to deal with car insurances. I know it doesn't matter how I feel, but I'm really ticked that someone can hit my car, flee the scene, cause injuries to me, and then I am the one responsible to pay for the medical care. Does anyone have any experience with this? Can I turn this into my health insurance to avoid paying the $800 that I don't have? Thank you.""
How much would a 2002 impreza wrx cost to insure?
Im 17( i know im about to get a bunch of your going to kill yourself! AHHHH!!!! i regularly drive my dads 05 mustang gt, i know how to responsibly control power) and me and my parents have found a great deal on a 2002 impreza sedan, it has 125k miles on it, and the last thing deciding factor before buying this vehicle is the insurance. We already have a mustang gt on the family plan, i live in VA, make all A's(supposed to give me a 30% discount), im male, the color is blue, with only a greddy bov aftermaket part installed. The car itself is blue, it is the turbod WRX version(not the sti), and has never been wrecked. We have state farm, im not sure as to what other information anyone would need to know, but im jusst looking for a rough estimate, thanks for any input.""
How to bring car insurance premium down for a young driver?
I passed my test june of this year and have been a named driver on my mothers policy for short periods of time, its a 1.4 S Reg corsa. Now i am looking at buying my own car and building up my own NCB. I was wondering if anyone knew of a good cheap car to insure? an insurance company that doesn't wish to rob young drivers? and whether its cheaper being a named driver myself or having a parent as a named driver? or any other tips you might know of to keep the premium down. Any help would be appreciated.""
What should an 18-21 year old pay for motorcycle insurance? liability only?
if i were to get a motorcycle i would have to pay the insurance and i would like to know the cheapest but smartest way to do it.
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
Can somebody find me a really cheap insurance company that would cover for like everything?
I need to find an insurance company offers really low price plans that cover as many things as possible, becos we can't spend too much money but I need to find my mom an affordable insurance plan...help, i dun know where to find it.""
New driver insurance question?
Hey I just passed my theory test in the state of California. I need to start practicing driving and take my driving test. I am going to buy a car and also need insurance. Will I need a different insurance package as a learner driver? When I pass my test will I have to get a new insurance package as a license holder? I moved to CA from UK where I held a license for four years.
""Car insurance, color, and does it really matter?""
Ok, made my decision, going with the new 2007 Mazda 3 S (with the 2.3 ltr engine and all that good stuff...not really sure on the sunroof though, it's kind of pricey) My question...s are: 1. I was told that if I got a loud color on a car that I would regret it for a couple of reasons. It attracts the cops to pull it over more and it could potientally higher my insurance. Is that just some kind of myth to scare people away from getting a nice color like red or yellow? 2. And secondly, what's a good color to get? Something that's easy to clean, but still shimmers and looks nice. I was thinking about the Aurora Blue. Everyone has black and silver cars? 3. I was building the car and I don't want to pay close to 21k for this car, it's worth a lot, but not that much. How much should I ask for? Now I've already gone to edmunds.com, it seems pretty helpful, but should I wait until they get the 2008 Models in and then try to buy the older model?""
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
What is all the car insurance and extra costs?
what is everything you have to have for a car like the insurance and all that and how much does it cost?
I want to insure my car for only 4 months?
Can I do this and if so how? and what is the cheapest way? I used to be with Direct Line but canceled it when I went to Uni. Now I want my car back on the road but only for the summer holidays. Any company suggestions and how much it would cost would be great, its an M reg ford fiesta and im 19 if that makes any difference. Please help, Thanks :-)""
Will my insurance go up more?
So a months ago my car insurance went up because of a driving ticket and i just go another...will my insurance go up even more or what will happen????
How much does car insurance cost?
Im 19,, looking for a first car,, whats the cheapest car to insure? How much about would it cost?""
Can you switch car insurance companies easily?
I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Auto insurance question?
I had full coverage on my auto policy. My car is at a point where I'm not going to fix it because it would cost more to repair then to replace. However, I'm not going to replace it at this time. My question is, since I will be renting cars at least twice before I get a new car, how do I handle my auto insurance? The policy currently covers rental cars, and is cheaper than the insurance the rental company offers, so I'd like to keep it. should i go ahead and cancel my auto policy, even though I will be driving other cars before i purchase another?""
If i buy a new cbr 600 wat will my insurance cost? ?
im 19 and live in tx hoe much will i pay a yr? if its new or used wiill it make a differece>?
Can my car insurance company drop me for having not at fault accidents?
I had Go Auto insurance on my 2 cars. Well over the courseof about 1-1 1/2 years (a year to a year and a half). I had about 3 wrecks. All not my fault. The other drivers were 100% at fault. After the third wreck, which was not to long ago. My insurance company (Go Auto) sent me a letter saying they weren't gonna let me renew my insurance with them because i was considered poor risk . Can they do this or should i contact insurance commissioner. No rude comments.""
What is cheap car insurance for a new driver?
I am a new driver and I need insurance for a Jeep Grand Cherokee 2000. I am a student and I need cheap insurance
How much would my insurance cost if i an a new driver age 16 in CT without a car ( i just use my parents car)?
My parents are good drivers and have no real accident record and i havre no criminal record and get decent grades. my dad saqys rates would go up 1500 dollars is he being accuratge?
Car Insurance.?
My dad doesnt want to put me on his insurance, even though i offered to pay and my mom is gonna buy me the car. Male, 16, the car is probably going to be a 2001, 2-door honda. What is an estimated amount am I going to have to pay if I get my own car insurance.""
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
How much will my insurance be?
im 21 never had an accident i have a scion fr-s and plan on getting a yamaha r6 next month and this summer im buying a wrecked supra for a project car once everythings fixed what will my insurance cost?
Cheapest car to insure/ run in UK for a 21 year old female?
Someone said Renault Clio. Then someone said no, because they're branded boy racers. Then someone said Vauxhall Corsa. But then they're supposed to break down frequently. I don't like Ford Ka's or Micra's. Help me please! Aha x""
Is there an affordable health insurance plan in California?
I am struggling to find an affordable health insurance plan for my family. I've asked this question before and got a great answer, then lost the link! Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)""
Question about getting your own insurance?
A friend of mine recently just got his license and he tried to go on his mother insurance who doesn't have any insurance. Well, she tried to go on her own and they said that she had to put every single person who has insurance on, which will cost like 500 dollars per person!! Anyways, will it be possible for him to get his own, and will it be cheaper? Also, his father has his license suspended but that was at least 2yrs ago or so. Do they have to know about this or is they way to keep it from them. And, Do you have to put money down when getting insurence?""
I'm really frustrated as i've just passed my test and looking into buying a car and insurance and im quoting on a Vauxhall Corsa that is in insurance group 1 and getting nothing less than 6000 how the hell am i supposed to be able to afford that even with a full time job! its ridiculous i know that im 18 and male which is high risk but even if they said between 2000 - 3000 it wouldnt be so bad for me, can someone please give me an idea of what to do next?! :/""
Help with car insurance after acciddent?
recently my car was written off. i pay my insurance monthly by direct debit. as the car is un fixable my insurance has told me to find a new car in 7 days as from last sunday or pay 2000+ up front in a one off payment, which would have been the remainder of my insurance. is the insurance within their right to do this? can i have some advice please.""
""In Connecticut, Return Licence plates first? or end car insurance first?""
ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV & POLICIES! HI, i'm trying to take my car out of my insurance, do i return the plates to DMV or end insurance first???? helppppp""
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
Michigan.Police doing high speed chase hit another car without insurance and kills driver. Who pays?
0 notes
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
"How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can I drive an insured car without insurance?
I got my G2 a week ago and I was wondering if I can drive my parent's insured car without being listed as a driver. I drive very safely and I've never received any ticket but my insurance quotes are insanely high, especially because I am a guy. I really can't afford it and neither can my parents. Some people say I can still drive and some say no and I'm very confused. Please answer if you know for sure. Thanks in advance""
Does Your Insurance Rate Go Up in a Hit & Run?
So the other day, I walked back to the parking lot after work to my car and noticed a huge dent across my passenger side/side mirror broken off. Front quarter panel and door are gone as well. No note was left. What do I do? If i go through insurance, is my rate going to go up? Whats the best way to handle this??""
Will my car insurance rates go up?? Help!?
I got a dwi (driving while impaired) the other night, as well as a ticket for speeding. I have Nationwide Insurance. I need to know if my rates will go up because of this?""
Which type of car insurance coverage?
say my friend was driving my car and he got into an accident which type of car insurance would cover my car if he's driving it? what if im driving his car and i got into an accident what type of car insurance would cover me, what about my friends car?""
BMW coupe 1.9 / 2L how much insurance cost for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years? UK?
BMW insurance for age 22 had clean driving license for 2 years
What are the cheapest cars to insure as im 19 and just passed my test (male)?
Also what are the best insurance comparison sites for someone of my age, as most quotes are ridiculous!""
Best place for car insurance for a 17 year old...?
I have a 1.1 litre Citroen C2, where's the best place to find cheap car insurance. Anything that isn't I-kube or anything like that... They;'re cheaper but only marginally...""
""Would Obama's plan mean free (or affordable) comprehensive health insurance for everyone, no matter what?""
Is this what we can hope for? Affordable or even free health care for all Americans, rich and poor?""
What is the difference between term and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term and whole life insurance? When is it better to use one versus the other?
Moving to Pennsylvania - how do i get car insurance?
I recently moved to PA from NY. I have Allstate insurance on a rented car using my old address in NY. It expires in a little under a month. What do I do now? How do I go about getting new insurance? DO I have to go through the crazy process of getting PA plates? (I only plan on being here for 2 yrs - then I'm moving back to NY) BTW, my parents still live in NY. I'm not sure if that can help me.""
""Does car insurance go down when you move to a different state, if so how do i lower mine? (see details)?""
I used to live in LA and my car insurance was 46.00. Well, I went to progressive and did a quote with my new address which is in TX and my car insurance quote is for 26.00. How do i go about getting these new rates since I no longer live in Louisiana.""
How much do you spend on your car payment/insurance per a month?
and is it a used or new car?
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
Co-Buyer Auto Insurance?
All, I helped ex GF to buy a car. I thought I was co signing for loan but apparantly I am a co buyer of car. The registration is her or me . I dont mind being responsible for loan. If she messes up loan I will make payments. She tells me she has car properly insured etc. What worries me is if she lets insurance lapse or cause a major accident could I end up in trouble. Can I insure myself against her letting insurance lapse or causing major injury/damage? I currently have no personal auto insurance (have company vehicle). Is there anything else I can do to protect myself? Im very worried about this. Do I need to be or am i overreacting? Pat""
Cheap car insurance for Land Rover Discovery?
I'm about to buy a 03 Disco and was wondering what everyone is paying for car insurance. I'm 25 with no accidents on my record, but the quotes I keep getting seem to be outrageous. I'm just curious if that is common or if there is a company with decent full coverage rates for discoveries. Thanks for the help""
What car insurance do you have?
Im trying to find one that's cheaper I recently have 21st Century. What's the name of your car insurance and do you like it?
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Where do insurance proceeds go on a 1041 estate tax return?
Lady died in a tornado. House was destroyed and personal belongings. She got 200K in insurance proceeds, which will be distributed to her 2 kids equally. Where does this $ go on the 1041 estate tax return? Secondly
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 17 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance, as cheap as I can get. I have shopped around and its not helping. PLEASE DONT SAY LOOK IT UP YOURSELF CAUSE I HAVE AND I AM ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!!""
How much would car insurance be for this person?
for a girl 16 years old, doesnt own a car in the state of NJ. any more info ill be glad to help. im asking because i want to know about how much it will cost will different insurances for me alone.""
What questions do the ask you when you call for a motorcycle insurance quote?
What questions do the ask you when you call for a motorcycle insurance quote?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl.?
I live in michigan, we own our house just a simple house 2 cars. working parents, we have 21st century and i'm trying to do as much research as I can before I make this offer to my parents, I have no car yet i'm wondering how much do you guys think my insurance would cost? please don't send me to another website if you've been in this situation tell me how much you payed and your story(how many cars, insurance company, etc) thank you so much to those who will help! I'm thinking maybe $150 or $200.""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
ok im 18 i was ganna go get my license but i dound out my car insurance is ganna be 250$ a mouth and thats if i go in with my parents insurance and its ganna be even more when i get my car. is there anyway i can get cheaper insurance intell i can start making more money?
in ON canada what classic car insurance company will insure a 17 year old with a classic car
Transferring Car Insurance?
I just re-newed my car insurance but now im purchasing a new car. Is it possible to get the balance of my last insurance payment transferred over to my new car? Or will I have to pay for insurance again in full?
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?
How can i move and keep my old states insurance??
I plan to move to Ny and i got a quote from my car insurance company and it is ridiculously high. Is there a way to keep my insurance without changing it to where i plan to move to?
Car insurance for 2 people in 2 places...?
My father is going to add me to his auto insurance. He lives in the the Bronx, NY and currently I go to school in upstate New York and is where I will be using the car and I know car insurance is cheaper upstate New York. With that being said is it possible for his part of the insurance to be filed in New York City and my part to be filed through the upstate location? While still having him receive the bill for both... Thanks in advance!""
Does manual transmission increase your insurance rate?
i had someone tell me it did, but i just don't know about that!""
Life insurance on an ailing parent? How do I take out a policy on my mother?
I'm the sole caretaker of my ailing mother, I have no siblings, just a husband, a 4 y/o and a baby on the way. My mother and I have been talking and she needs life insurance. I take care of everything with the household, bills, etc....but I'm kinda unsure what to do about life insurance. Right now I'm about to get power of attorney over everything but I'm inexperienced about the life insurance thing. What are some good companies to go with? What kind do I get? I think she had life insurance when she was working about 5-6 years ago but she has no clue what happened to it..so I'm taking matters into my own hands. Help? She has ALS (Lou Gehrigs).""
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
I can help with affordable health insurance in Las Vegas?
""What health insurance is recommended for a single dad with 3 kids, with a budget but have decent coverage?
I am a single father of 3 kids and looking for health/dental/vision insurance for my family. We don't really go to the doctor as much but still want decent coverage in case I need to do so. Any ideas? Am based in Southern California.
Increasing benefit insurance?
Are there life insurance companies in US that sell increasing benefit (benefit increases at fixed % each year) insurance. Note: Not variable life insurance
What's the average public liability insurance cover figure in the United States?
What's the average public liability insurance cover figure in the United States?
My 13 Year old Son got an insurance quote in the mail for my car?
How could they have gotten his name on a quote for insurance on my car? Thanks!
Do you pay Car Insurance in USA even if you don't have a car?
Is it true that when you turn 16 in USA you have to pay for Car insurance, even when you don't have a car. A friend of mine is told me this and is having trouble, maybe I can help out with the truth about USA car insurance policy.""
""When getting an auto insurance quote, can you lie?""
if you lie to get discounts, can they find out and do anything? i'm about to buy new insurance, and they ask if you had any violations in the past 6 months, and i do, but if i skip that part, can i get in trouble? also do they do a background check if you say your a good student when you don't go to school at all?""
Where to buy the cheapest car insurance for new driver in the UK?
I passed my test back in april 06
Insurance question?
i just posted a question about buying a new car, im 19 years old, and someone said at my age if i finance a new car i have to get full coverage insurance, is this true? how old do i have to be not to have to do that? what if i buy the car under someone elses name-say my mom or dad? i live in california in case that matters""
Which car insurances?
OK 21 years old and looking for a car insurance that cheapest in Washington state, and I am thinking between these three, progressive state farm and Geico, which one is the cheapest of these and tell me the cheapest auto insurance any body know for my age and I am a male thank you""
Getting private insurance?
my husband had blue cross blue shield insurance at his job and im halfway through a pregnancy but now we've lost it anyone know of any cheap but good insurance companies for a family ....growing
What car modifications dont affect insurance price?
... if anyone knows any car modifications that dont affect insurance...
Does registration of a car affect insurance rates?
My fiancs father gave us this old(99) car and signed it over to her. Last year we used that as a trade in for a new(08) car. We just transferred over the plates and registration because it was easier, she absolutely hated being there for as long as we were. Now she only has her permit but is under the insurance policy. If the car was registered to me, a licensed driver, would it affect our insurance policy/rates?""
I need cheap car insurance.....?
im 18 and need to know of any way i cna get low car insurance.... any tricks may help the siap im not sure i qualfy. im low income is there any government program or something? anything would help please let me kno about how much i would need to pay. Im 18 male in north jersey. car is coupe wit 4 doors and light weight
Car Insurance?
I am moving to the US (I am a Canadian Citizen), how much should I look to pay for car insurance in Miami?""
Car insurance trying to be cheap on repairs?
I was recently in a car accident. The other driver T boned me and he's at fault. I have my car towed to a certified BMW repair shop. The insurance adjuster assessed my car and approve the repairs.I later found out that they are going to repair my car with piece meal parts from used car from a junk yard. Half a door and part of the frame will be welded. Is this acceptable? BMW said it will not fit there standards but it is what the insurance paid for. Is the insurance trying to cheat me or is this standard practice? Do I have any say on this? Should I get a lawyer?
About how much will it cost to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?
I recently found out that I am going to be inheriting close to $36,000,000 (after all of the government fees and estate lawyers fees and everything else). I have always wanted a Ferrari or Aston Martin. Please don't say if you have to ask you can't afford it...as stated I am inheriting a lot of money and can easily afford it. I just want to know how much the insurance will cost me for planning purposes. I am a male and will be 20 when I get the money (and then the car)...it is going to apparently take between 9 and 10 months to get everything done for me to have my money. I have a good driving record (been driving for 2 years) and am a student and live in California (Orange County normally but for school I will be in Provo, Utah...studying to be an Accountant :] ). So knowing all of that, approximately how much will it cost me to insure a 2012 Ferrari California or 2012 Aston Martin DBS Coupe?""
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
Would a married male receive a lower auto insurance rate?
How much should a car cost? Really.?
Just from some light browsing on the internet, it seems like they (the advertisers/car manufacturers) want us to believe that $30k is a reasonable median cost for a new car in the U.S. The price goes up disporportionately if they can call it a 'crossover' or the holy grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming a person makes around $50k a year gross/ $30k a year net (is that a reasonable assumption for the U.S.?), and assuming the car will be worth close to $0 in 5 years, a $30k car works out to be around 20% of his or her income, not including gas repairs insurance et cetera. Is this reasonable? Is it sustainable? Are we heading for a 'correction' in auto pricing? or is the plan that we all just use financing tricks to perpetuate these exhorbitant prices?""
Can my dad (lives out of State) add me to his car insurance policy?
Hi. I'll be getting my first car soon and I have some questions regarding car insurance. My Dad lives out of state (I live with my mother), and I was wondering if he can add me to his insurance policy. I believe he has State Farm. I understand that it would be cheaper to go under my parent's policy than to create a new policy just for myself. My mother is unwilling to add me to her car insurance policy due to the fact that I am under 21 (insurance rates will increase). If anyone who is in the industry / has experience or knowledge about this and could shed some light, I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advanced. BTW: I'm in the US.""
Driving without a license and insurance?
So like last year I got pulled over and received a ticket for no insurance and no license in Washington state. It has since gone to collections and is not paid off yet mainly due to the interest rate being crazy, but my question is: does this bar me from going and getting my drivers license or do I have to wait till its paid off? My new job requires me so I need to know asap thanks.""
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
How much would the insurance be on a VW Beetle?
I am 17 and intrested in getting my first car a Classic VW Beelte, does any one know the price range for the insurance on one? Many thanks""
Ive had my plates for a year with no insurance how can i get my license back?
i had a lapse and just never turned in my plates i never been stopped by police but i just got a nice car that i want to get registred
""Can I cancel my Health insurance at work, because it is too expensive?""
We enrolled for Health insurance thru my husbands work,and we were not told how much the payments would be. We were told to wait and see what they took out of his paycheck, and that would be the payment. Now we are paying over $500 a month, for a family of four, and on only one income. We are unable to pay our bills like water, and electric, and have to make considerable cuts in our grocery shopping. We decided to cancel our insurance, and get our kids on the state program, but when my husband asked the HR department about cancelling insurance due to financial hardship, they told him he would have to wait 6 months until it was open enrollment. We can't wait that long. Are they allowed to do this?""
What is the least expensive general liability insurance you can get in Connecticut?
My father-in-law is a handyman who needs to renew or purchase general liability insurance, but he doesn't have the money. I'm just trying to help him out so he doesn't screw himself if god forbid something should happen on the jobsite. Thanks.""
Insurance question....................?
If one parent has insurance for their kids then is it ok for the other parent to get insurance for them too?
Car insurance problem?
I moved recently from California to Arizona for a new job. About a week ago, I received a letter in the mail from the California DMV stating that if I don't get at least liability insurance on my car, my car's registration will be nullified. The insurance company I had while in California only services California. My dad suggested that I call that company and tell them that my job is only temporary for a few months (so that I might get my old policy back). I think that during my move, I neglected to pay my car insurance bills because when I log on to the site to check the status of my account, they don't have a listing for me. I know this might be a little confusing but I think what I need to do is get my car registered in Arizona, get insurance out here and then call the California DMV and tell them that I moved. I just want to know if that is the proper procedure for my circumstance. Thank you. I really hope this makes sense.""
Under Obamacare you can't be turned down for insurance because of preexisting conditions but at what price?
What stops the insurance company from charging you and arm and a leg?
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
How much is an auto insurance for a $12.500 car?
How much is an auto insurance for a $12.500 car?
Is my car insurance expensive?
I have a 2008 Passat and my husband has a 2010 Nissan Sentra. We have used the same car insurance co for years and know the owners/agents well. Before I was paying $255 for my 2003 Jetta and the Nissan and now it shot way up to $283. My husband has some tickets from the past,out of state. And my driving record is so far good. Are we paying too much? Absolutely NO spam or advertisements allowed!""
""What is... THE, CHEAPEST, CAR INSURANCE... IN... THE... UK?""
i mean what is legaly the cheapest you can possably pay... im looking for real cheap scraping by scum insurers that wont cover F all... the cheapest... THE... CHEAPEST... i dont wanna hear you mention popular names!!... i wanna hear hidden hated piece of S**t insurers... understand... REALLY cheap... none of this.... 4000 stuff... robbin sc*m... im looking for, eh-hem... CHEAP...""
How much more would it cost if my parents added me to their car insurance?
My parents pay about $100 a month on insurance for their car ( 2008 Nissan Sentra) to OMNI insurance group. I'm just wondering how much extra would they have to pay to add me (16 years old) onto the insurance when I get my license?
Car Insurance Problems. Pain in The neck?
Im 22 and I have a terrible credit score. I am looking to insure my car by myself which has always been insured by other people like my parents/boyfriends mom etc. I know my credit score is my own fault but I have been running into difficulties trying to find a decent car insurer for my vehicle. Does anyone know a place that will offer car insurance even though I have poor credit? I know I will pay a lot more than if I had a good credit score but I am in dire need of insurance and am willing to pay a bit more than usual. Alot of places have even denied me car insurance because of the my credit score so If anyone knows a place (not geico, progessive, unitrin or allstate) that will be helpful and will possibly insure me, can u please let me know:-) Oh yeah Im residing in NJ, if thats helpful!""
Teenager's auto insurance?
i'm 17 and will soon be recieving a car from my aunt. it's a '92 poniac bonneville se. i want to figure out some insurance rates but some of the information they are asking for i'm not comfortable putting on the internet (like my soc. number). are there any teen drivers or parents of teen drivers would would be willing to share their rates and companies with me?
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
Where is the best place for a teenager to get car insurance?
Im an 18 year old male and will be getting a 2005 Nissan Altima. What would be good insurance for me? I need cheap insurance and I have good grades so I might qualify for a discount.
Car insurance???
anyone no of places that do cheap car insurance for new drivers (i'll be 17 in january) oh by the way im in the UK!
I have a full uk car licence what do i put on my moped insurance?
my licence is full uk car and i done my cbt but when i look online to do insurance quotes and select licence type it always colmes up full moped, provisional moped, full motorcycle, european moped etc and no full uk car what licence type shall i put because of this ?""
What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?
Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""
17 and HIP insurance?
Im 17 and I need some type of health insurance because my parents dont carry on me. My mom is applying again for HIP health insurance because she missed her reevaluation. So can I apply for HIP health insurance? thanks!
I just got notice my insurance premiums jumped so I high I cannot pay them.?
I just got notice at work this morning that my insurance is going from 79.00 every two weeks to 179.00 and with my family which I have on my insurance went from 345.00 to 750.00 every weeks. I cannot afford this! I have no idea what to do. I only make 1700.00 a month. What can I do?
Any advise on life insurance?
term life insurance and permanent insurance which is good and what are the pros and cons?
Insurance for a new driver?
I'm hoping to get my driver's license this summer (am over eighteen) but do not plan to drive in the near future since the college I'll be attending next year does not allow freshmen to have cars. Does the insurance requirement for taking the behind-the-wheel exam in CA require proof of an insurance contract under my name, or is it just the vehicle I test with have to be insured? Could I borrow my parents' car for the exam and not get insurance for myself?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I am currently a 24 year old male and I think my car insurance company is not giving me the best deal. Who do you get insurance from, how much do you pay and if you don't mind me asking, how old are you and what car you drive. Also what factors determine how much my insurance payments will be?""
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?
Do Different Car Insurance Companies Really Have Different Rates?
I keep seeing ads on TV which claim this or that car insurance company is cheapest. Are they really that different, or is this just marketing?""
Does the mazda 3 have high insurance costs?
just wondering if it would be in the sports car range or the sedan range?
When should i buy car insurance?
I am going to buy a car on Tuesday. Is there a grace period during which i can drive the car without insurance until i get it, like 5 business days or something like that, or do i need insurance before i buy the car?? This is my first vehicle so i dont have an existing policy i can add this too.""
Trying to be a first time homeowner - any advice before I sign?
I'm not there yet, but I plan to be ready in March of 08 to buy my first house. I've taken 15 hours of credit classes, I have $5k saved up, and I'm trying to get down payment assistance. Does anyone have any additional advice like unexpected costs (besides closing costs) and surprises that maybe happened to you when you bought your first house? I know to stay in my budget and not buy something I really can't afford. But for instance, do I find a lender first and then a house, or is it vice versa? And after I find a house and a lender, how long does it take to close? Is it stressful getting all your paperwork together?""
Suggestions on where to purchase good health insurance?
My husband and I are looking to purchase health insurance. We are young (under 25), healthy (non-smokers) and looking for coverage mainly for doctor's office visits and prescriptions. Can anyone recommend a good website or insurance company that we can look at to choose a plan? We live in Michigan if that makes a difference too.""
Will I be able to get health insurance to cover this?
I am about to graduate from college and have not been covered by insurance regularly in many years, for a short time I was on a California county-supported low-income type of insurance program but it automatically runs out every few months if you don't reapply evidently... Anyways, I'm about to graduate and move back to Oregon. I have some kind of hip/tendon injury that I need to go to the doctor for and have checked out...but because I don't have insurance, and this is an old injury already, is there any way I'm going to find health insurance to help me pay for this? Or am I just completely screwed and destined to limp around for the rest of my life??? because there's no forseeable way that I'll be able to afford my own health care any time soon, I'll be paying off my student loans for the next few years. I also doubt that I will be able to find a job that offers health coverage in my field so that's not looking very likely either.""
How much will my insurance go up?
A few weekends ago I backed into someone's car who was parked. The damage was not extremely significant; it gave him a small scratch that will be easily buffed out and a small-ish dent more on the underside of the bumper. I gave the guy my insurance info and everything, and he is going to file a claim. My question is, since the accident is pretty minor (thankfully) will my insurance skyrocket or anything? I am unfortunately a 17 year old male who recently got his license a few months ago, so I know that doesn't help. Any ideas?""
How long does it usually take to get car insurance?
Hi. I'm an 18 year old teen. Recently obtained my drivers license. But I can't drive yet because I don't have car insurance. I was wondering how long it usually takes to get car insurance as a teen. From researching it tells me it may take as short as 3 days and as long as 7 days. (Business days only of course). I've been waiting for around. 11 business days. Is that normal? I have no idea what the car insurance company my parents are using because they know i'm going to call them and complain. My friends who are...Allstate,Geico,Triple A, ETC. Have told me they got their car insurance in about 3 business days.""
Imported motorcycle insurance?
Does anyone know of any companies that tend to do cheap imported bike insurance? Iv wrang around a few now and the best quote i can get for third party only is 305 pounds from adrien flux. The bike in question is a Honda storm SDH 2006 import. I know that as an imported bike it is going to be a little more expensive but it shares most of its parts with the Honda CG, will telling them this help the quote at all, and do you know any good insurers?""
What is a good low cost Automobile Insurance Company?
No Geico (they are very high)!
If you work at GEICO what is your insurance rate for your car and house?
how much of a % off is it compared to customers?
How much of a role does health insurance issues have with hiring and firing employees?
Group insurance through the employer's insurance plan.
Auto insurance question.?
My step father auto was struck in th readend by a teen the other day. Now his car is not worth much. Maybe 1500 dollars. The 2 body shops gave repair estiments at 2700 and 4300. Now as this is his personnel car and gets 45 miles to the gallon you can understand why he wants to keep using it to get to work. From a legal standpoint, as this is a personnel auto and the other driver is required to carry general libility to cover damage to aother peoples autos. Can a insurance company require him to just settle for the 1,500 dollar value of the car. Or total the car. Or do they have some kind of loop hole. How is it they can require a third party to settle on there terms? As he is not the orginator of the policy, he did not enter into a contract with the insurance provider. Can he just go get it fixed and send them the bill or have the repair compnay send it to the insurance compnay?""
What is the best but most cost-efficient insurance for a 22year old male driver who just got his license?
Used, older car (either 1990 honda or 1995 toyota). Just got his license. Want decent insurance but not outrageously price. Any help greatly appreciated - thanks!""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i live in virginia
""I only have liability insurance, how much would my car repair bill come out to be?""
I have a 2004 Nissan maxima and was in an accident this morning. Long story short, it was my fault and fortunately there were no injuries on either side. However, my insurance covers plenty for the other party, but none for me. The damages are in the front right side which includes, the headlight, part of the hood, front bumper, the side panel(but not the door) to be smashed in a bit. Further damages include windshield wiper fluid is leaking, for it was hit too. But the tire and allignment is completely fine, allowing the cop to let me drive it home. Any help?""
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
How do I find out how much my car insurance per month is on USAA?
What's a good short storyline for a car insurance commercial targeted for parents of teens?
OKAY! so i need a good storyline for a school project im doing! Im making a commercial with my friends with video. My topic is CAR INSURANCE and it is targeted at parents. Specifically Parents who have teens on there hands that are just about to drive! PLEASE HELP! thanksss!
For how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
i had a speeding ticket 3 yrs ago and it was dismissed after one yr. now i just got another red light ticket. will my insurance consider this red light ticket as second ticket or first and will they increase rate?? and for how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
Free car insurance quote?
What is the best car insurance quotes & rates site to get free car insurance quotes from? Simpler the better!? I was wondering if you guys would be able to shed a little light on the simplest free car insurance quotes sites out there for U.S. citizens specifically?
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Why are teens against high auto insurance?
Whats the rule for taxing life insurance in California in 2011?
I think before it was anything after half a million is taxable and no tax in 2010...but would it be now?
I live in Austin. The business I work for is closing down. I will probably be offered a job in San Antonio.?
For several reasons I can't move there. Will I be eligible for Unemployement Insurance if I turn it down?
Insurance Claim and Home Owner Insurance Claim?
If you were to be injured at a persons home and you make an insurance claim due to seeking medical attention can the home owner also make an insurance claim? What if both the injured party and the homeowner make a claim and both receive money? If this is not allowed what action can be taken upon the parties?
Car insurance and deductibles?
Last year I hit a car the damage was way less than the deductible. The person had on there car. The car insurance company wants me to pay for damage plus the deductible. Is that legal. I have know problem paying for damages, but the damages are only 1/3 of what they are demanding I pay.""
How much will a careless driving citation affect my insurance rates?
I got both a speeding ticket and a careless driving citation for going 82 right after the speed limit went down from 50 to 45 mph. When I signed up for insurance, the entered in one ticket just to see how much my rates would be affected and they barely went up. This is my first ticket ever, but since I got a careless driving citation too, will my insurance view that as 2 tickets?
0 notes
fesahaawit · 8 years ago
Financial Confessional: “We Used to Blow Our Money on Motorcycles & Airplanes”
[Welcome to another Financial Confessional! This time Amnesty stops by from Primal-Prosperity.com to share how drastically different her old life of buying toys compares to her recently found freedom. While I doubt all of us have bought planes or home music studios, I’m pretty sure we can all relate at some level ;) A good thing to think about as we head into the weekend!]
To the outside world it appeared we had everything.  My ex-husband and I were were bringing home a combined $200k (mostly that he made) and boy did we have our toys…
his and hers motorcycles (plus a third for off-roading)
airplanes (yes, real ones and yes, plural!)
a room full of musical equipment (so that I could have my “garage” band)
and more cars than drivers – including buying and selling a car almost every single year
We were having a lot of fun, but spending almost everything we made. We had no extra savings or an “oh $hit” fund, and it was starting to take a toll on our relationship.
It hadn’t always been that way though.
I was raised to be very financially responsible and started maxing out my IRA and employer matched 401(k) since my first corporate paycheck out of engineering school. I always had a couple of thousand dollars in my checking account. My now ex-husband on the other hand, who was 31 when we met (I was 25), had never participated in a retirement fund. He told me once that he didn’t want to save too much of his money, “because he wanted to enjoy it.” It took awhile, but I finally got him signed up for his employer 401(k).
Even though we continued to put money away for retirement, we barely saved anything else. Work was inconsistent for me in the area where we lived, so I no longer had the option of a 401(k). I even switched from contributing to a Roth IRA to a traditional IRA just so that I could get some of the tax money back to have on hand. One year I didn’t even have any funds to put into an IRA at all.
At first I tried to be the reasonable one and suggest that we don’t buy every last toy. But, well, you know how that goes over in a marriage when you’re not financially compatible. And since I wasn’t the main bread winner and couldn’t control how anyone wants to spend their money, I decided to get in on the action and surrender and just have fun.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right? :)
Here’s where all our money went…
Let’s start with the airplanes.
Our first plane was actually pretty reasonable. It was a Cessna 150 that was selling for only $10,000. We went half in with another couple that ran an airplane maintenance shop which was an added benefit. It was the perfect little trainer for me to take lessons and solo around in. However, it seemed to always have maintenance needs so we never really took it too far and especially overnight. And being a 2-seater, we couldn’t take up other people with us either.
I know… first world problems.
So we got out of our half of the C150 and then bought a Stinson with another partner. It was a 4-seater, we affectionately called “the station wagon”. This was more in the $30,000 range, but still not too bad as we had a partner.
As an aside, I want to mention that many people are surprised to find out that a small, older airplane can be bought for the price of a car. But I remind them that it is the maintenance and upkeep that will always be the worst part from both a time and financial perspective. Hanger/tie-down fees, insurance and maintenance can easily add up to $500 or more per month, for just a small airplane. And that doesn’t even include gas!
As the saying goes… “If it flies, floats or f*cks, it’s cheaper to rent!” Although, you can ignore the last ‘F’ with the right partner and financial compatibility :)
After awhile, we just really didn’t want partners anymore, so we sold this airplane and then went back to a two seater and got a Cessna 140, by ourselves. This plane was in great condition, and with no partners, we were actually able to use it to fly on multi-day trips.
This cost us in the upper $30,000 range, so we did what any good little consumer would do – we took the money from our HELOC! We had bought our house during the boom years where housing prices doubled in a very short amount of time so we had some good equity. And, really, what good is the money just sitting there if we can’t access it?
(As all you readers know, that is not the way to use HELOC money.)
Onto the motorcycles
While my husband had always rode motorcycles, I got tired of being on the back of one. So, I bought my neighbor’s Enduro bike for cheap, at less than $2,000. It was a blast to ride, but it really didn’t go much over 45 mph, so I couldn’t use it to commute to work because I took roads that were 55 mph posted.
So, we kept that for off-roading, and then I bought a used Kawasaki Ninja 250 for a little less than $3,000. Still fairly affordable, and I LOVED that bike. I’m 5’2”, so it felt very comfortable. Even my bigger guy friends loved taking it out because it was so much fun to ride.
But then, my ego got to me and I wanted to move up into the big boy bikes. My husband had just made a recent upgrade, so I felt it was only fair for me to upgrade too. I started looking around and fell in love with a Honda 599 that was a flat black finish. While it was technically a sport bike, it sat more upright and was a ‘naked’ bike, so the Harley crowd didn’t turn their nose up at me… too much.
Out the door, it was $8,000. We were making good money though, so why not treat myself? I had been able to sell the 250 for almost the same price I bought it at, so that was something! And of course, since I went from a red bike to a black bike, I had to get all new gear to match. That was easily an extra $1,000 spent without batting an eye.
But as cute as I must have looked on that bike, with my matching gear and all, the thing was a monster for me. I knew it didn’t quite fit before I bought it, but I was told that I could have the seat cushion shaved down and re-upholstered and have the bike lowered – just to get to the point where I could barely put both toes on the ground at the same time. Sure, just about another extra grand… why not, sold!
Even after the modifications my body size to bike size still made me feel like I didn’t have quite enough control. I missed my little 250 terribly, and I didn’t ride the new 599 nearly as much as my old 250. When I finally did sell the 599, only several months later, I was able to get about $5,000 or so for it, and I was stuck with the $1k in gear since there aren’t many 5’2” female riders where I lived.
That was an expensive lesson. Did I mention that I never actually test rode the bike before I bought it either? I didn’t want to until it got lowered – another dumb lesson learned.
The music room
I love all kinds of music and have played multiple instruments throughout my life. So while we were buying airplanes and motorcycles, why not go for music equipment too? That was just a drop in the bucket as far as costs go.
So I went all in and bought drums (both an electric set and an acoustic set), then a weighted full size keyboard, guitar, amplifiers, bass, you see where this is going…
I wanted my music room so that I could play with my “band,”and the costs certainly added up. Probably to the tune (pun intended) of more than a couple thousand dollars. We never did make it as a real band, but a friend did let me play with his onstage occasionally. and at least my neighbors loved listening to us… Until one of them had a baby, haha.
Other splurges
In addition to all the toys we bought, we also went on a few spending sprees… Top of the line appliances, even though most of the current ones worked just fine, $2,000 for a dining room table, even though we hardly even entertained that much, it was crazy. Though I’ll take the sole blame for these decisions.
We also each had a car, but we still bought extra ones that cost a few grand, just for fun, even though they spent a lot of time in the mechanic’s shop. And, I insisted on expensive vacations. Let’s not forget the thousands of dollars I spent on flight training for both powered airplanes and gliders over the years too!
At one point, I even got an extra apartment to rent so that I didn’t have to commute to a new job I took. I hated long commutes, so I got a tiny studio so that I can live closer while my ex was traveling a lot for work. Only it never really felt like home, so I rarely spent any time there and would just drive back to my real home every day instead.
More money wasted thinking it would bring me happiness.
My husband still wanted and dreamed of more
All the purchases above were things we actually bought. But my husband still wanted more and more, while I was starting to want less and less as time went on.
He wanted a boat.
When I asked why he wanted one so much, he said because all his friends had one. In fact, that is the BEST reason to NOT get a boat! Why? Because people with boats love to have guests go out with them!! We always brought food and drinks for everyone, paid for gas, etc….
But, my husband still felt like a free-loader and insisted that we should have our own. We both loved to sail and we rented boats often, but that was still not enough. He wanted to ‘own’ one. Boats are a blast, but the thought of cleaning, maintaining, trailering, etc was just too much. Remember the rule of the three ‘F’s?
Luckily we never did get the boat.
I left the relationship and started fresh
When I finally ended the relationship, at 32, I needed to purge. I wanted to start fresh, so I packed up my paid off car with only what would fit in it and left everything to him.
Yes, everything.
We had an easy split of finances. We both kept our own retirement funds, I took my car and he took all the loan payments including the HELOC and all the toys. All I asked for was half the equity in the house, which he paid me over time.
I walked away from this situation fairly unscathed financially, but it was the luck of the real estate market that saved me in the end; not my own choices.
I was still far behind the curve ball when it came to saving and investing too. Even when I was on my own and making a great salary, I still had the habit of buying more than I really needed, and saving less than I was capable of accomplishing.
Sometimes habits take a while to break.
But I did gain some pretty valuable lessons, and over the next few years, in my 30’s, I started to become much more financially savvy. Through simple living, a high savings rate and real estate investing, I was able to achieve “financial flexibility” in just a few short years.
Now I live in a 320SF condotel with my current husband and I don’t even own a car. We have several rental properties with 4 owned outright, including the unit we live in. Life is good. I still continue to have first world problems, but like most people, we just need to change our mindset and realize how very fortunate many of us really are.
I’ve since learned that non-essential stuff actually makes me less happy. I don’t want to own things anymore that weigh me down and keep me trapped and location dependent, and I really don’t want to be stuck in the corporate world seeking a steady paycheck. I no longer want emotional attachment to “stuff.”
As the commercial says “if you’re going to own something, own the experience.” No maintenance costs on that!
Do I regret any of this?
Not. One. Bit.
Would I have been financially independent by now had I just saved more money and focused on a steady income? Absolutely. But while I’d never recommend that people spend with reckless abandon, I believe in living a life with no regrets. And I can’t deny that I had a blast!
I learned to be assertive, take risks, face my fears and get out of my comfort zone. These are things that money can’t buy.
One thing I will never forget is that my second glider solo flight was on September 10th, 2001. I was on a high that day, and then at a very low the next morning. It is an important lesson to remember how quickly things can change in life.
Now at 43, these are the things that I really don’t have a desire to spend a lot of time and money on. So I’m glad I got it out of my system when I did.
I also met some really amazing people, and surprisingly, I got a lot of “free” experiences out of this lifestyle too. When you hang around a small airport, you get to know people. So I got to get free rides in all sorts of cool airplanes including private jets, open cock-pit bi-planes, experimental aircraft, trikes, and on…
I got some free flight instruction, and I got to experience maneuvering (and crashing!) a hang glider that was winch-towed. I even posed as a ‘runway model’ – quite literally – for an informational poster!
[I had my bathing suit on underneath!]
All said, however, I’ve also learned that a life with minimal stuff and low spending can also be very adventurous. While I still enjoy adventures, I find that getting outside of my intellectual and emotional comfort zones can be just as fulfilling and exhilarating as physical ones.
Now I strive to seek a life of freedom, and not just financial freedom. I want freedom from location dependence; freedom from defining myself by “what I do”; freedom to give back generously; freedom to think slow; freedom to experience vulnerability; freedom to love unconditionally; and most importantly of all, freedom to know I have enough.
Thanks for letting me share!
******** Amnesty blogs at Primal-Prosperity.com, where she describes herself as “FIRE’d up, wild and free”. She has developed a workshop program called The Real World M.B.A.: Creating a Life of Meaning, Balance and Abundance which focuses on a multitude of topics like sustainable real estate investing, decluttering, location independence, and the art of setting D.U.M.B. goals. Say Hi!
Like these confessionals? Check out the previous ones we’ve shared:
“I Turned My Back on My Wealthy Parents to Live a Life of My Own”
“I Became So Obsessed With Being Rich That I’m Now Sitting in Prison”
Financial Confessional: “We Used to Blow Our Money on Motorcycles & Airplanes” posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnwIdQ
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heliosfinance · 8 years ago
Financial Confessional: “We Used to Blow Our Money on Motorcycles & Airplanes”
[Welcome to another Financial Confessional! This time Amnesty stops by from Primal-Prosperity.com to share how drastically different her old life of buying toys compares to her recently found freedom. While I doubt all of us have bought planes or home music studios, I’m pretty sure we can all relate at some level ;) A good thing to think about as we head into the weekend!]
To the outside world it appeared we had everything.  My ex-husband and I were were bringing home a combined $200k (mostly that he made) and boy did we have our toys…
his and hers motorcycles (plus a third for off-roading)
airplanes (yes, real ones and yes, plural!)
a room full of musical equipment (so that I could have my “garage” band)
and more cars than drivers – including buying and selling a car almost every single year
We were having a lot of fun, but spending almost everything we made. We had no extra savings or an “oh $hit” fund, and it was starting to take a toll on our relationship.
It hadn’t always been that way though.
I was raised to be very financially responsible and started maxing out my IRA and employer matched 401(k) since my first corporate paycheck out of engineering school. I always had a couple of thousand dollars in my checking account. My now ex-husband on the other hand, who was 31 when we met (I was 25), had never participated in a retirement fund. He told me once that he didn’t want to save too much of his money, “because he wanted to enjoy it.” It took awhile, but I finally got him signed up for his employer 401(k).
Even though we continued to put money away for retirement, we barely saved anything else. Work was inconsistent for me in the area where we lived, so I no longer had the option of a 401(k). I even switched from contributing to a Roth IRA to a traditional IRA just so that I could get some of the tax money back to have on hand. One year I didn’t even have any funds to put into an IRA at all.
At first I tried to be the reasonable one and suggest that we don’t buy every last toy. But, well, you know how that goes over in a marriage when you’re not financially compatible. And since I wasn’t the main bread winner and couldn’t control how anyone wants to spend their money, I decided to get in on the action and surrender and just have fun.
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, right? :)
Here’s where all our money went…
Let’s start with the airplanes.
Our first plane was actually pretty reasonable. It was a Cessna 150 that was selling for only $10,000. We went half in with another couple that ran an airplane maintenance shop which was an added benefit. It was the perfect little trainer for me to take lessons and solo around in. However, it seemed to always have maintenance needs so we never really took it too far and especially overnight. And being a 2-seater, we couldn’t take up other people with us either.
I know… first world problems.
So we got out of our half of the C150 and then bought a Stinson with another partner. It was a 4-seater, we affectionately called “the station wagon”. This was more in the $30,000 range, but still not too bad as we had a partner.
As an aside, I want to mention that many people are surprised to find out that a small, older airplane can be bought for the price of a car. But I remind them that it is the maintenance and upkeep that will always be the worst part from both a time and financial perspective. Hanger/tie-down fees, insurance and maintenance can easily add up to $500 or more per month, for just a small airplane. And that doesn’t even include gas!
As the saying goes… “If it flies, floats or f*cks, it’s cheaper to rent!” Although, you can ignore the last ‘F’ with the right partner and financial compatibility :)
After awhile, we just really didn’t want partners anymore, so we sold this airplane and then went back to a two seater and got a Cessna 140, by ourselves. This plane was in great condition, and with no partners, we were actually able to use it to fly on multi-day trips.
This cost us in the upper $30,000 range, so we did what any good little consumer would do – we took the money from our HELOC! We had bought our house during the boom years where housing prices doubled in a very short amount of time so we had some good equity. And, really, what good is the money just sitting there if we can’t access it?
(As all you readers know, that is not the way to use HELOC money.)
Onto the motorcycles
While my husband had always rode motorcycles, I got tired of being on the back of one. So, I bought my neighbor’s Enduro bike for cheap, at less than $2,000. It was a blast to ride, but it really didn’t go much over 45 mph, so I couldn’t use it to commute to work because I took roads that were 55 mph posted.
So, we kept that for off-roading, and then I bought a used Kawasaki Ninja 250 for a little less than $3,000. Still fairly affordable, and I LOVED that bike. I’m 5’2”, so it felt very comfortable. Even my bigger guy friends loved taking it out because it was so much fun to ride.
But then, my ego got to me and I wanted to move up into the big boy bikes. My husband had just made a recent upgrade, so I felt it was only fair for me to upgrade too. I started looking around and fell in love with a Honda 599 that was a flat black finish. While it was technically a sport bike, it sat more upright and was a ‘naked’ bike, so the Harley crowd didn’t turn their nose up at me… too much.
Out the door, it was $8,000. We were making good money though, so why not treat myself? I had been able to sell the 250 for almost the same price I bought it at, so that was something! And of course, since I went from a red bike to a black bike, I had to get all new gear to match. That was easily an extra $1,000 spent without batting an eye.
But as cute as I must have looked on that bike, with my matching gear and all, the thing was a monster for me. I knew it didn’t quite fit before I bought it, but I was told that I could have the seat cushion shaved down and re-upholstered and have the bike lowered – just to get to the point where I could barely put both toes on the ground at the same time. Sure, just about another extra grand… why not, sold!
Even after the modifications my body size to bike size still made me feel like I didn’t have quite enough control. I missed my little 250 terribly, and I didn’t ride the new 599 nearly as much as my old 250. When I finally did sell the 599, only several months later, I was able to get about $5,000 or so for it, and I was stuck with the $1k in gear since there aren’t many 5’2” female riders where I lived.
That was an expensive lesson. Did I mention that I never actually test rode the bike before I bought it either? I didn’t want to until it got lowered – another dumb lesson learned.
The music room
I love all kinds of music and have played multiple instruments throughout my life. So while we were buying airplanes and motorcycles, why not go for music equipment too? That was just a drop in the bucket as far as costs go.
So I went all in and bought drums (both an electric set and an acoustic set), then a weighted full size keyboard, guitar, amplifiers, bass, you see where this is going…
I wanted my music room so that I could play with my “band,”and the costs certainly added up. Probably to the tune (pun intended) of more than a couple thousand dollars. We never did make it as a real band, but a friend did let me play with his onstage occasionally. and at least my neighbors loved listening to us… Until one of them had a baby, haha.
Other splurges
In addition to all the toys we bought, we also went on a few spending sprees… Top of the line appliances, even though most of the current ones worked just fine, $2,000 for a dining room table, even though we hardly even entertained that much, it was crazy. Though I’ll take the sole blame for these decisions.
We also each had a car, but we still bought extra ones that cost a few grand, just for fun, even though they spent a lot of time in the mechanic’s shop. And, I insisted on expensive vacations. Let’s not forget the thousands of dollars I spent on flight training for both powered airplanes and gliders over the years too!
At one point, I even got an extra apartment to rent so that I didn’t have to commute to a new job I took. I hated long commutes, so I got a tiny studio so that I can live closer while my ex was traveling a lot for work. Only it never really felt like home, so I rarely spent any time there and would just drive back to my real home every day instead.
More money wasted thinking it would bring me happiness.
My husband still wanted and dreamed of more
All the purchases above were things we actually bought. But my husband still wanted more and more, while I was starting to want less and less as time went on.
He wanted a boat.
When I asked why he wanted one so much, he said because all his friends had one. In fact, that is the BEST reason to NOT get a boat! Why? Because people with boats love to have guests go out with them!! We always brought food and drinks for everyone, paid for gas, etc….
But, my husband still felt like a free-loader and insisted that we should have our own. We both loved to sail and we rented boats often, but that was still not enough. He wanted to ‘own’ one. Boats are a blast, but the thought of cleaning, maintaining, trailering, etc was just too much. Remember the rule of the three ‘F’s?
Luckily we never did get the boat.
I left the relationship and started fresh
When I finally ended the relationship, at 32, I needed to purge. I wanted to start fresh, so I packed up my paid off car with only what would fit in it and left everything to him.
Yes, everything.
We had an easy split of finances. We both kept our own retirement funds, I took my car and he took all the loan payments including the HELOC and all the toys. All I asked for was half the equity in the house, which he paid me over time.
I walked away from this situation fairly unscathed financially, but it was the luck of the real estate market that saved me in the end; not my own choices.
I was still far behind the curve ball when it came to saving and investing too. Even when I was on my own and making a great salary, I still had the habit of buying more than I really needed, and saving less than I was capable of accomplishing.
Sometimes habits take a while to break.
But I did gain some pretty valuable lessons, and over the next few years, in my 30’s, I started to become much more financially savvy. Through simple living, a high savings rate and real estate investing, I was able to achieve “financial flexibility” in just a few short years.
Now I live in a 320SF condotel with my current husband and I don’t even own a car. We have several rental properties with 4 owned outright, including the unit we live in. Life is good. I still continue to have first world problems, but like most people, we just need to change our mindset and realize how very fortunate many of us really are.
I’ve since learned that non-essential stuff actually makes me less happy. I don’t want to own things anymore that weigh me down and keep me trapped and location dependent, and I really don’t want to be stuck in the corporate world seeking a steady paycheck. I no longer want emotional attachment to “stuff.”
As the commercial says “if you’re going to own something, own the experience.” No maintenance costs on that!
Do I regret any of this?
Not. One. Bit.
Would I have been financially independent by now had I just saved more money and focused on a steady income? Absolutely. But while I’d never recommend that people spend with reckless abandon, I believe in living a life with no regrets. And I can’t deny that I had a blast!
I learned to be assertive, take risks, face my fears and get out of my comfort zone. These are things that money can’t buy.
One thing I will never forget is that my second glider solo flight was on September 10th, 2001. I was on a high that day, and then at a very low the next morning. It is an important lesson to remember how quickly things can change in life.
Now at 43, these are the things that I really don’t have a desire to spend a lot of time and money on. So I’m glad I got it out of my system when I did.
I also met some really amazing people, and surprisingly, I got a lot of “free” experiences out of this lifestyle too. When you hang around a small airport, you get to know people. So I got to get free rides in all sorts of cool airplanes including private jets, open cock-pit bi-planes, experimental aircraft, trikes, and on…
I got some free flight instruction, and I got to experience maneuvering (and crashing!) a hang glider that was winch-towed. I even posed as a ‘runway model’ – quite literally – for an informational poster!
[I had my bathing suit on underneath!]
All said, however, I’ve also learned that a life with minimal stuff and low spending can also be very adventurous. While I still enjoy adventures, I find that getting outside of my intellectual and emotional comfort zones can be just as fulfilling and exhilarating as physical ones.
Now I strive to seek a life of freedom, and not just financial freedom. I want freedom from location dependence; freedom from defining myself by “what I do”; freedom to give back generously; freedom to think slow; freedom to experience vulnerability; freedom to love unconditionally; and most importantly of all, freedom to know I have enough.
Thanks for letting me share!
******** Amnesty blogs at Primal-Prosperity.com, where she describes herself as “FIRE’d up, wild and free”. She has developed a workshop program called The Real World M.B.A.: Creating a Life of Meaning, Balance and Abundance which focuses on a multitude of topics like sustainable real estate investing, decluttering, location independence, and the art of setting D.U.M.B. goals. Say Hi!
Like these confessionals? Check out the previous ones we’ve shared:
“I Turned My Back on My Wealthy Parents to Live a Life of My Own”
“I Became So Obsessed With Being Rich That I’m Now Sitting in Prison”
Financial Confessional: “We Used to Blow Our Money on Motorcycles & Airplanes” published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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