#I’m sure Ashleigh will be great
sophfandoms53 · 2 years
I just know I’m gonna hear Rainbow Dash every time Tails speaks and it’s gonna be so funny
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The Tour XI
Warning: swearing, smut
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The elephant in the room was suffocating. No one was saying much, all pretending that their phones were way more interesting than the world around them, except for Colson that was. He stood, staring at the wall as if he was admiring a great work of art in a museum. The groupies that had pushed their way into the green room immediately felt the tension and all came up with terrible excuses to leave. When it was finally time for the concert to start, you made no attempt to move from your spot in the corner and you could tell that bothered Colson.
Ever since your outburst in the lobby after your friends had caught the two of you making out, Colson had listened to your request for him to leave you alone. Although, you didn’t give him much choice not to. Whenever he entered a room, you found a reason to leave, if there was a chance the two of you would be alone, you’d excuse yourself to make a phone call. You spent most of your free time locked in your hotel room and if you were required to follow Colson to line with your contract, you kept a safe distance. Always making sure he was within your eye line but never close enough that he could talk to you.
“I’ll catch up with you guys,” Ashleigh calls out as everyone begins to file out of the room. She sits crossed legged next to you on the couch, her whole body turned towards you, waiting for you to talk.
“I’m not ready to talk about it,” you mumble, staring at your cuticles.
“I know but maybe it would help if you did. Everyone…” her voice trails off with a shake of her head.
“Everyone what?” you spit at her and you can feel the bile rising in your throat.
“Hey, calm down. It’s me, remember?” guilt floods you and you mumble an apology. “It doesn’t matter what everyone thinks but we are worried about the two of you. You haven’t spoken since…the incident and it’s starting to show.” when you go to speak, her voice cuts you off. “Everyone is noticing.”
You’re not sure what her emphasis means until she pulls out her phone and shoves it in your face. Dozens of text messages from Francis and Kathy questioning Colson’s mood in his latest interviews, his lack of stage presence and the fact that he hasn’t made an appearance at any nightclubs that he was scheduled at for PR photo ops. Ashleigh’s replies are her best attempt at mediating but you can tell by the responses she gets that they’re pissed. You see your name pop up numerous times in the message chain but you don’t want to know what they have to say about you. 
“Ash, I’m so sorry. I was here to make your life easier and I just made it worse.” you grab her hands in yours and try your best to apologise. 
“I knew there was something going on between the two of you but I couldn’t really put my finger on it. Rook was the one that thought you two were hooking up and I told him he was crazy. I guess he just knows you better than me.”
You don’t really know what to say to that. Although you’re closer to Ashleigh now, you have known Rook for longer and he just knows you. You’ve always known he’s an observant guy. He doesn’t pick up on nearly as much as Colson does but when he really wants to know something, he pays attention. 
“It’s over anyway, whatever the hell it was. I guess I could probably be nicer to Kells so he’s in a better mood but I can’t guarantee that will make a difference.”
“Ok, this is probably going to make me an awful person but do you think…maybe… you could try being more than a friend?” your jaw drops and she quickly rushes to explain. “I’m not saying you have to make out with him or sleep with him but could you at least flirt a little? Make him think he has a chance even if he really doesn’t?”
You don’t answer her. You just kind of shrug in a ‘no words necessary’ way. You’re not willing to commit to anything and you promised yourself that you would find your fun elsewhere for the rest of the trip but you can see the weight everything is having on your best friend. You don’t want to add to her burdens by being difficult. 
Just be nice to him and he’ll perk up a little. 
The cold shoulder routine was starting to wear on you anyway. It was a hard wall to keep up, especially with someone you care so much for. You also hated the way it made the rest of your friends so uncomfortable. You didn’t want to be the Debby downer on the tour. 
You follow Ashleigh out of the green room and to the side of the stage to watch the performance. You hadn’t really noticed it before but you could see that Colson’s heart wasn’t really in it. He was pulling his voice to stop from belting out his lyrics, he was barely moving around the stage and he wasn’t interacting with anyone, the crowd or his band. He looked bored. 
When the set came to an end and the crowd screamed for an encore like they always do, Colson ignored them, and Ashleigh, and headed back to the green room. He pushed past a large group of fans with backstage passes and all the girls in short skirts and low cut tops. It was like he didn’t even notice them there. 
Had I really been that blind to his attitude?
You tell Ashleigh to give you a minute alone with him and you push through the same crowd of now very angry people. When you get to the green room it’s empty so you head to the small restroom next door and hear the sound of the water. You wait awkwardly in the doorway for what feels like an eternity. When you realise he’s not planning to leave the shower any time soon, you decide to just have the conversation here. 
“Colson?” you call out and you hate the way your voice wavers on his name. 
“What?” he asks in such a monotone voice it barely even sounds like him. 
“Can we talk?”
“I’m a little fucking busy!” 
Ugh, dick. 
You push your way further into the bathroom and push open the stall door. Colson is just standing under the scorching hot water, staring up at the roof with no real emotion on his face. It’s…unsettling. You’re trying very hard to not let your eyes variate from his face but it’s easier said than done. 
“Get out of the shower,” you tell him in your sternest voice. 
“I’m not playing. Get. Out.”
You kick your shoes off before stepping into the cubicle with him. You reach for the tap trying hard to not step under the shower head but Colson has other ideas. He grabs the top of your arms and pulls you under the water with him, holding you against his body. You try to pull away but he’s too strong for you. You try to scream out at him but his lips are on yours too quickly, silencing you. You stay ridgid, not giving in to his kiss or his naked body. 
“Kiss me,” he begs against your lips but you still resist. “Please?” That soft word begins to crack its way through your walls. “I need you.”
You’re complete and utter putty in his hands and you hate yourself for it. Your lips begin to respond to his, allowing him to slip his tongue past them. He moans at the taste of you. You run your nails down his back and he growls, gripping your ass tightly. He tries to push you back against the wall but you hold your ground. If you’re doing this, you’re doing it your way. 
“Undo my pants,” you command him and he looks at you with a face that tells you he’s both pissed off and turned on at the same time. 
He kneels before you and unbuttons and unzips your jeans. You lift your soaking wet shirt over your head and discard it with his clothes. You unclip your bra and drop it beside him. He looks up at your naked breasts, lust filling his eyes at the sight. 
When Colson finally manages to rip your drenched jeans and panties off, he tries to stand but you hold the top of his head, forcing him to stay kneeling before you. He looks up at you from beneath his lashes with a confused expression. You just smile that sweet, flirty smile that you know drives him wild. 
“Eat me,” you demand and he needs no further instructions. 
Colson’s mouth immediately suctions to your pussy and you mewl with pleasure. You throw your head back and moan as his mouth and tongue assaults your slit. He finds your clit and circles it over and over with his tongue before sucking on it, hard. You grip his hair and tug every time he finds just the right spot. He notices your pattern and begins to focus all his attention on your clit. He slips his long slender finger inside you and begins to pump in and out of you like a mad man. Your vision begins to blur and your ability to hold yourself up becomes more and more difficult. Colson grips your ass, holding you in place and keeping you upright. He squeezes and the mix of pleasure becomes too overwhelming and a powerful orgasm tears through you. Your legs quiver and you worry you may fall but Colson ensures that you don’t. 
As you come down from your high, Colson stands and begins kissing your neck. He pinches your nipples between his fingers and you start to purr but then remind yourself you’re in charge. 
“Thanks for the ride, big boy,” you smile before pushing Colson back against the wall and away from you. 
You open the door, grab a towel to wrap around yourself and pick your wet clothes up from the floor. You leave Colson to stand there in his confusion and quickly sneak into the green room to grab a change of clothes from Sophie’s bag before anyone else appears. You sit down on the couch, a shit eating grin plastered across your face. 
Just because he wants me, doesn’t mean he can have me.  ********************
Tag list: @mgklove99xx
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raisin-shell · 6 months
Sorry to bother you guys *gives shy wave to Donnie* but I was just wondering with it being Spring if there is anything you look forward too? Like doing a certain project, hobby, seeing your favorite flower or anything like that? I apologize if this has been asked before…
Hello Ashleigh. My it has been a long time my dear. It is good to see you. I very much enjoy spring. The flowers that bloom are my favorite part, that is, when I do get to see them. I mostly only see them at night but ohhhh Central Park. It’s absolutely breathtaking in the spring.
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Well well well, look what tha cat drug in?
We have a cat?!
No numb nuts. It’s Ash. How ya doin sweetheart. I guess ta answer yer question well, it’s more an animal instinct I guess. Spring is matin season. I fuckin can’t stand it and love it at tha same time. Call me a hopeless romantic. Love is in tha air. All that.
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Greetings Ashleigh! Great to see you I um, ah, well… oh the question! Right. I can’t say I particularly enjoy spring anymore than I do any other season. I can breathe in toxic fumes all day and be perfectly fine, but let one flake of pollen near my nostrils and I’m stuffy and swollen.
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Oh dudes! It’s Ashleigh cakes! Oh man it sure is dope to see you! My favorite part of spring is the warmer weather. Nice sunny days… girls wearing less clothing you know.
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robingurl · 3 months
Small rant below on cozy gamers from someone that grew up on island builders, city builders and farming games.
I’ve finally started playing Disney Dreamlight and my god, some of the players are absolutely insufferable. Ive not met one normal player.
I’ve never wanted to strangle so many people at once (and I’m a moonie and kuroshitsuji fan new fans for both fandoms smh 😅) .
It literally non stop complaints about how repetitive it is and how there isn’t room to place their characters and how Disney has failed them and aren’t listening and now they are boycotting and not playing - ITS. SO. DAMN. STUPID.
1. First and foremost Disney owes you jack shit. You bought the game and gave them $60 plus the price of the DLC if you paid for it. They held up their end of the bargain and gave you a game. It’s a complete transaction and they don’t give two shits about your whining.
2. The game is going to be repetitive. You’re playing a harvest moon/stardew valley/animal crossing game. THATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THESE GAMES. You repeatedly talk to villagers, upgrade your house, grow crops, do quests that will sometimes require 20 fish and 200 carrots. The game isn’t broken or a bad game. It’s doing its JOB and what it was created to do.
These games aren’t meant for everyone and yes once you play this game into the ground and cover every space (then complain your game crashes because you’re overloading your graphics cards 🤦🏻‍♀️) with decorations, complete your quests , buy all the furniture and clothes, and max out your level it’s DONE.
No game has unlimited gameplay especially when you go as hard as a lot of you do. You’re going to run out of things to do until the next update. So sit and be patient or follow below:
Restart your game from scratch and move on.
No game company owes you squat. They don’t owe you updates, they don’t owe you free stuff or even DLCs.
The fact that Disney is doing this, is great and I’m excited.
3. New characters. This is for my overly dramatic players who have to over achieve and cover every single pixelated space on their valley, you will need to REMOVE SOMETHING to make room for the new characters coming in.
Disney doesn’t owe you a new biome and if you’d shrink the 2 acre palace you made for Ariel and Belle, it would fit quite nicely.
First you complain about not enough to do, then Disney GIVES YOU MORE CONTENT (for FREE I might add) and you bitch about where to put it.
No one cares Ashleigh, just change up your valley and move on.
4. Playing on the switch. Yes the gameplay isn’t perfect but I’ve been grinding and I really haven’t run into problems like all of you complain about. I’m not saying you’re lying but my guess is, like I said above, you’re decorating your island too much.
This is like ACNH, you over do it and your game will lag and crash and yes you could corrupt your game file 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s how this stuff works.
“bUt ThAtS nOt fAiR” then get a different console. Can’t afford it, make do with what you have. That’s reality.
5 “omg where is Cinderella and Snow White? 😭😞” first, Disney is putting in their popular characters first and foremost. A lot of the demographic they are pointing to (not a 32 Disney adult) don’t know the older princesses. Second, Cinderella can’t move in when her castle is covered in thorns… just saying. My guess is she’ll be the last we unlock.
As much as I love older Disney, I know they won’t appear until later. I was happily surprised Merlin was one of the first people we met in the game and same with the Fairy God Mother later on. But I know realistically unless these princesses are needed for the main story line, they aren’t a priority.
Yes, I get that older people play this game, I’m one of them, but I’m not disillusioned into thinking Disney will bend to my will just because I cry and beg.
6. “Pay to play” this game isn’t pay to play. Sure you can CHOOSE to buy those blue tokens but THE GAME DOESN’T REQUIRE THE PURCHASE. You can earn these coins through game play and dream snaps. Disney is not locking the game so you have to buy them, I’ve not been locked out once.
So stop lying to people.
If you really want that ride or that dress and you’re an adult with adult money- YOU CAN CHOOSE to spend real money but it’s not a required part of the game.
bUt KiDs pLaY tHiS gAmE 😖 ok and? Put your foot down, remove your payment information from the game shop and step up and be a fucking parent and supervise your child on what she/he’s doing on the console you bought them. Your lack of parenting isn’t Disney’s fault.
That’s on you 😌✨
7. Dreamsnaps. No one is required to vote for your perfectly curated photo with your 1000 hour park in the BG.
There are actual kids playing this game and new or casual players. They deserve a vote as well.
Sure they look great but don’t expect an automatic win. It’s more fun, imo, to find the clever ones of the first time/casual players who don’t have Disney land behind them.
Same with the kids that have Mike from Monsters Inc belching 😂 it’s a game for kids, so there will be lots of those photos.
I vote for everything but the perfect dreamsnaps, but that’s just me.
I’m not saying not to put your all into it because you will still get a hefty amount of star coins (blue things) from following the prompt, but please stop complaining about how people could possibly vote for a “boring” “obviously not following the prompt” submissions.
Your popular mean girl techniques don’t work in the digital world. You can’t bully people into voting for you 🥰
If you’ve gotten this far into this rant and you’re unsure if you want to buy the game: yes do it. It’s such a charming well made game that lets you hang out with a lot of characters from your childhood.
Just don’t go to Reddit, TikTok or YouTube and read the comments. You’ll lose your mind. 🥴
Reach out to me if you want any help for new players. I’m still kinda new but we’ll figure it out together! 🥰
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onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
🟠 healing - Alex please! Can be FP if you want it to be
ok, Ashleigh - you didn't get an FP, but ya did get some Liam on the side in this one, so … yeah
Alex is lying in his bed, feeling bad for himself—moping, if he’s being honest when his door opens, and Liam pops his head in. “Dude, how you feeling? You missed a great practice today—” Alex winces at the mention of practice, and Liam stops. “Oh, shit, sorry, dude! On another note that will make you sad, I was sent home with all your homework for the last few days.”
“Ugh, way to dig the knife in there, bro.” Alex tries to sit up and winces, but before he can help get any further, Liam is by his bed and assisting.
“What the hell are you doing, dumbass? Stop hurting yourself more. It’s bad enough you’ll be out of commission for the next game.”
“I know, but this is so fucking stupid. How does a person injure their groin and their ribs in the same stupid accident during fucking lacrosse practice?”
“Well, I would imagine by being Alex Claremont-Diaz? We’ve always known you were special. I mean, all the girls in school sure seem to think so.”
“Oh, haha, fuck you.”
Alex almost misses the look that flutters across Liam’s face, but then he realizes what he said, and well, they’ve not talked about it, and he’s not sure what to say. What do you say to the boy who you watched porn with and maybe jacked off with while sitting close enough to bump elbows while doing it. He doesn’t say anything. Instead, he smiles and pats the bed next to him. Liam sits beside him, and Alex grabs his hand, which rests between them, saying, “So tell me about the rest of the day; mine has been utterly boring here, so I’m desperate for anything. Hell, I’ll even take some gossip. Tell me something.”
Liam tells him all about the latest rumors flying around school and about the crazy things that happened in their classes, and Alex listens. He sits there and listens to his best friend, perfectly content to cuddle into him when Liam lets go of his hand and drapes an arm around him. He needs the contact today, feeling a little extra out of sorts, so he takes the opportunity to curl into his best friend as best he can without injuring himself more.
this can also be found on ao3 if you'd rather
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bookloveravenue · 1 year
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Lionheart Academy (book 2): Omitting You by T. Ashleigh
Rhys: I’ve loved him since before I understood what love meant. My best friend, my secret keeper, my defender. The boy with the glasses and quiet temperament. The guy with the sweetest smile, who has the dirtiest mouth. The man who owns me. Mind, body, and soul. I’m ready for the world to know that he’s mine. To love him out loud. The problem? Winston isn’t ready. And I’m not sure he ever will be. Loving Winston was never optional for me. I want to be his everything, instead, I feel as though I’m disposable to him. After all, how could I not be when I’m his dirty little secret?
Winston: Being a Connley comes with certain expectations. Go to school, take over the family business, marry a woman, and have two point five kids. So, imagine how life would be if the prodigal son turned out gay? I don’t want to cause a rift in my family. So instead, I grit my teeth and plaster on a fake smile to avoid dealing with the bullshit. The problem? I’m completely, unbelievably, devastatingly in love with Rhys Evander. I know I need to stop hiding. I need to own who I am. It’s not fair to Rhys for me to keep him on the sidelines, yet fear keeps me paralyzed. I just hope I have the guts to follow my heart before it’s too late. Because losing Rhys is never going to be an option for me.
*Omitting You is the second book in The Lionheart Academy interconnecting series. It can be read as a standalone. It's a full length, new adult high school novel with material that may be difficult for some readers. It’s recommended for 18+ due to language and sexual situations. Please read trigger warnings before proceeding.*
April 18, 2023
My Review: 5/5 Stars
I am loving this series! Rhys and Winston's story was so good. This is a great best friends to lovers trope, and I couldn't put it down. Rhys and Winston have been inseparable since they were eight years old. It is no surprise that has the years pass by that their feelings for one another morph from best friends to something more. But neither know how the other truly feels and both are terrified of jeopardizing their friendship in any way. As they start the summer interning for their dads hotels, they finally have a moment that changes their relationship forever. Finally, these two are together and know how the other feels, but there are complications. The main one being Winston. He isn't ready to tell everyone about their relationship yet. Especially his family. He wants time to sort it out and figure out a way to tell everyone without everything changing around them. And Rhys understands and is patient. Until it starts to feel like maybe it just won't ever happen. These two are such a strong pair and it's heartbreaking to see them have to struggle to find the balance in their relationship and the secrets dragging them down. But in the end they'll have to decide how much they are willing to sacrifice to be with one another. Loved this story! This has been such a fun series so far and I cannot wait for the next book! Have to know what is going on with that last pair and I definitely want to see more of all the couples we've seen so far in the eyes of someone else.
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laur’s 2022 rp questionnaire! 
the video was an intrusive thought i had.
Your Name: laur
Characters: Berlioz, Hades, Merida, Ashleigh, Nemo, Jun, Olaf, Pip, Amity, Snow, John, Michael 
Pick one of your characters and talk about their growth (we recommend choosing an older character, but it’s up to you!) What about their story has surprised you? What are you proud of? How have they changed from their original inception to now?
Last year I wrote Amity for the following question which means now I can write about her for THIS question. Did I succeed in taking Amity where I wanted to take her?? 
It was a long time coming, but Amity has broken free from the Blights! She had done what I always intended for her to do: fail, and fail hard, and in spectacular fashion, the kind of heart-breaking, soul-crushing failure that I’m sure every former gifted child is shuddering to think about. I should know; I am one of them.
That kind of failure was very important to me because of the next stage of her journey, where she gets to build herself back up from nothing. What’s surprising so far– it probably shouldn’t be tho, lol– is how haaaaaaaaaaaard that’s going to be. Like, I knew it was going to be hard, but I wanted to make her a ward for the RAS in part to show her that adults can be trusted. However, that part didn’t pan out the way I thought, and y’know, Amity is valid for that. Right now, she very much believes they can’t be. She trusts Riley most of all, and she trusts Mim. And that’s… the entire list. Even Marlin is on thin ice, but she believes she’s safe as long as Mim is looking out for her. 
So yeah, she’s definitely still searching for her purpose. I have lots of ideas for her and the fact we have Grand Prix stuff– and Lilith– means there are lots of interesting ways Amity can go from here! 
Pick another character (or the same character if you only have one) and talk a little about where you WANT them to go. What are your plans for them going into the new year? 
I’ll talk about Snow, briefly (I hope). Year One of a character for me is always very foundational. Im trying to build relationships and that usually means not a lot of like, plotty plot stuff gets done. And hey, i did that! Snow’s got lots of great relationships and she’s established in town, which means that in the coming year, i can maybe kick off some more ‘intentional’ moves with her, both big and small. 
Small Plots: 
-i’d like to do more small-scale necromancy stuff, helping some vamps or doing some medium stuff! I should hook Snow up with Elliot maybe and get that cracking. 
-i’d like to so more small-scale interior design and hotel stuff! Teased this for a task a while back but i want Snow to do some freelance interior design bc i think its neat. And I want to tie both this and the above mediumship thing in because i love the idea of like, redecorating a space as a way to help a restless soul move on. Its got that thematic resonance that i think is true for anyone who has ever felt like a new person after u go thru ur stuff and do a lil make over. 
Big Plots: 
-Big necromancy stuff, which in this case mostly means telling ppl who dont know that she’s a necromancer or that coming into like, actual relevance. I don’t know how yet but im def open to some cool ass spooky yucky death shit lets get it
-Family and Snow’s Past: she hasn’t talked to her parents for a year now. Would love to poke that and maybe have her parents call her. Also, it’s in my mind to have Estella, the woman accused of killing Snow, do a retrial and Snow being implicated in that. 
Pick a thread or a plot that you’re proud of and talk about why you loved it. 
Like always i really have so many. I love a lot of my plots!! 
Amity Demon Prom Arc: obviously this gets a shoutout as it is the biggest plot thing i did this year in terms of affecting the entire rp lol. I was definitely nervous going into it…id done big plots before, but those felt shared among my partners in a way that this didn’t. Amity was def the star, I guess I’m saying– it was her actions and no one else’s, as opposed to helle doing something or the order fall out etc. SO YEAH i was worried about it and felt burdensome asking people to do paras about it, which i know is silly, but IN THE END it worked out! I loved the build up with the blights and also amity’s lil circle– mainly mim and riley. Writing Amimity taking on Ashmedai was super epic and Lins did such a great job writing that action with me. And ofc, all the aftermath which was wrought with emotion and i got to play a completely broken amity but also a strong amity like even though her life was in ruins she stood up to Odalia…ugh. It’s what I envisioned for her from the start. I’m so happy with how it turned out. 
Piplo Surprise Thread: Throwing this one on here bc yeah i know. I know ive done a similar plot before. But i frankly never get tired of turning animals into humans. I think its funny. And this thread WAS funny and also tense and emotional and milo has arrived AT THE PERFECT TIME for pip’s general arc! He like, needs someone like Milo– a confidante who knows about Boba and is endlessly loyal lmfao. Or else can u imagine how much worse he’d be. 
Random Phinnip Discord Moments: shouting this out bc what i like about it is that emma and i never say to each other what if phinnip are weird and fight in this discord event…they just do that on their own. But yeah got lots of iconic fight moments like pip and phineas doing that weird five dollar quid bet, or pip exposing his nyu drama and also phineas running off to taco bell together… its all very improvised and frankly that kind of fun improv rping has been a huge joy for me this year. 
F.R.O.G. Heist: another silly thread. I just love silly threads can i get EVEN MORE SILLY THREADS. But yeah this was an amazing thread with Drakken and Mim, such an oddball trio and I miss them!! I love this thread because it honestly just has everything: action, comedy, weirdness. It was a challenge to write on my part because I don’t feel confident with action, so I’m proud of how it turned out. Need to somehow throw Nemo back at Drakken as he is an adult Nemo respects, against all odds lmfao. 
The Ashleys Break-up: ive talked about this i think but i just think this plot is not something we do a lot– like a friendship break up. It was HORRIBLE to write because Ashleigh is a horrible person. I didn’t enjoy it but at the same time, like, i did?? Because it was so new and it hurt in a good way. And writing should def make you feel something so there u go 
The Acheron Children Reveal: This thread had it all. Grand reveals, dramatic confrontations, Opal being a little terror, and me getting to RP Hades and Snow’s first meeting, which is a big deal to no one but me. I loved it!! Love this plot in general, it’s very fun, dramatic, and silly to an extent– like, maybe not the same kind of silly as the nihon plot at all, but just the kind of bizarre humor that I really love and thrive at. 
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 strengths and talk about why you think it’s one of your strengths.
Ive done this questionnaire too much and i never improve on anything so its just gonna be the same shit yall im so sorry lmfao. 
Image Systems: this is still my best thing i think. Its what really helps a character come into focus for me in the first place and definitely helps me wake up the muse if im struggling. I love using weather metaphors for nemo or a billion pop culture references for pip. I just love an image system.
Crea…tivi…ty? I could just write LORE but gosh atp im almost a cliche @ myself. So i’ll go even broader and just say hey i can come up with a lot of oddball ideas! Maybe its plot related (the nihon plot) or maybe its a spill meme. Maybe its new lore and maybe its a throwaway joke. When im at my best, i feel like an idea factory lolol.
Spontaneity: also a weakness which i’ll use to expose myself in a second but i like taht im a go with the flow rper and will follow my own silly tangents. It makes rp FUN and i hope that people have as much fun reading some of those replies as i do writing them!! 
In terms of your own writing, identify 1-3 areas of improvement.
I have no flaws actually (joke). With this im going to get granular why not
Pay attention to excessive filtering 
Pay attention to use of the beloved m dash
Work on more creative metaphors and imagery
Edit out like 50 percent of characters saying ‘oh’ before they finish their sentences lmfao 
Establish setting better so ppl dont think ur character is inside when u are very much outside (if u know u know) 
Plot more intentionally or check in with partners more about direction of a thread (even if i love for a thread to do whatever it wants lmfao) 
And so on and so forth. 
Pick one of your plots, or even just a character, and come up with a list of 3-5 “mentor texts” where you can look for inspiration or research, then write a short (2-4 sentences) why you picked those texts. (They don’t have to be books, either!)
I guess i’ll do SNOW sure. 
Hometown Cha Cha Cha: This de-light-ful little kdrama really helped me hone the ‘gentle’ part of Snow’s gentle fantasy last fall before she came into this rp. It’s about a city dentist who comes to the small seaside town of Gongjin to set up a private clinic where she meets a town handyman. Does that sound like a Hallmark movie to you? It does. It’s better though. What I loved about this drama was how it made Gongjin the town a character too, and spoke a lot about connection and community. I wanted this for Snow, both with her staff and in Swynlake as a whole. Also, this is why I gave Snow her fabulous LA backstory bc c’mon aren’t we all suckers for the culture shock and hallmark moments we are!!
Gideon the Ninth: it is no secret that I picked this up while working on Snow’s necromancy, but in reality this gave me WAY more Amity inspo. Hilarious, i know. BUT I will say the Seventh House specifically–the rose unblown– really gave me lots of inspo for how Snow THINKS about death. This is a house that finds death inherently beautiful, and the lush descriptions of disease in Gideon the Ninth made me so excited to write about corpses and blood and all that fun yucky stuff. Romanticize the shit out of it. That’s what Snow is here to do. 
Hotel Del Luna: It is ALSO no secret that I basically stole this kdrama’s main premise because it is about a hotel manager for the hotel of the dead, though it’s like, way more about dead people than the Hauntley because unfortunately we don’t have enough dead people in this rp and I have to NPC the ghosts more lol. What this kdrama really did though was give me ideas about how necromancy can be connected to past lives. This is a plot I’m doing right now with Robbie and Nemo and would love to do more because it’s dope, really. Also, Snow’s expensive wardrobe is a homage to Jang Man-wol, the og. I was so so so so close to using IU. I think about her every day. 
IU’s album, Lilac: Ahem, so the concept of Lilac is "greeting/farewell.” I’m going to quote IU now because she can speak for herself "Since I debuted at the age of 18…I'm making this album because I want to say goodbye to those who have been watching over my twenties, and thank you to those who watched until the very end. I want to have a glamorous goodbye. Something glamorous, without sadness. [...] I want to reach my thirties with a clean slate. In the language of flowers, 'lilac' means 'memories of youth.' I wanted to include a farewell with the message 'I'm now going onward to my next chapter' while also greeting my upcoming 30s at the same time.” 
This is very Snow and contains a lot of her themes. Snow’s story begins with goodbye. It begins with literal death. But the whole point of it is that she emerges more hopeful and even more powerful. IU’s album is full of gorgeous spring/winter imagery and songs about the inevitability of aging and like really tackling how contentious that is for women and especially for women in the spotlight. All of that is VERY Snow White, like not even just my snow, but like, The Snow White.  It contains one of the most powerful ballads I’ve ever heard called “My Sea,” which is my fave genre of song, aka, talking to your childhood self and forgiving yourself for your own turbulence. It’s fuckin stunning. 
Random shoutout also to all the architectural digest walk-throughs that I watch, and to Paige Wassal for teaching me about prop styling and Marie Kondo’s book about tidying up and the belief that even every day objects have their own spirits. 
And now, a wishlist! Jot down a few themes or stories or genres etc that you want to maybe pursue in the upcoming year! 
-Tournament Arc: I might have said this last year. I’ve been saying it for a while. But I just think we need to have a canon anime style tournament esp now that we have grand prix lore and shit like i want a proper tournament. Just wanna punch stuff idk. 
- 2 Baddies 2 Baddies 1 Porsche: sorry bad reference but the tl;dr is i would like to do some villain-esque plotting in the new year maybe!! Dabble with the darker sides of stuff. 
-More Silly Stuff: While writing this, i realized how so many of my fave things to write were inherently silly. I should lean into this! I want HIJINKS. I want off the wall things! Dumb stuff. Maybe i should be trying to work on my weaknesses, but nay, i’ll simply indulge them! 
-Ghost plots??? Sort of talked about it with Snow but like… I got an inn full of ghosts. I also have Hades, who is King of the Underworld. Kinda wanna play with some ghosties some more. I did it in my first two years of the rp so maybe getting more into it, esp with Snow (no offense Hades, but snow has more interesting opinions about ghosts). 
-Love Triangle: they get a bad rep i know! But they can be done well and personally I think i could do them well, lmao. 
OPTIONAL: Why do you RP?
I’ve answered this question for like five years in a row, and i dont have anything new to say! RP is my number one hobby and what consumes most of my brain energy, for better or worse. I just love this world and i love my characters and i love finding out what happens and i love that i can do all that and not worry too much about if my writing is “good.” i get to practice in the most generous and supportive playground with all my friends. Thank god i logged onto neopets and starting rping on those forums!! Thank god! 
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punchmains · 2 years
Bookends kailua
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Bookends kailua how to#
I told you this would be long.) Corner Book Store Sandpoint, Idaho With Milinda’s permission, I’m including it here in its entirety. Picking a winner was torture, but there was one letter I came back to again and again. Every space dedicated to books is heaven, and I’m so glad I was able to celebrate all of them through reading your letters! (Alicia even made a good case for Audible, her “bookstore of the mind.” YES.)ĭo you begin to see the difficulties? This is such a small sample of what I was given. Along with Diana, “ I give all my love to my local library hopefully, someday I am able to repay all that it has done for me.” YES. In the words of Isabella, “My experience with books hasn’t been all about the ones that lie permanently on my shelf.” For so many of you, your true book home, like mine, is the library. They create a community for us all where we don’t have to be alone. I heard about so many amazing booksellers who have welcomed you, embraced you, guided you to new favorites, and helped you find your tribe. Jessica, writing about her local Barnes & Noble, puts this better than I could: “ I wish I had a Meg Ryan little shop around the corner bookstore to tell you about but isn’t what makes a place special the people?”Īnd Yolanda, “I never felt alone in Barnes & Noble.” Two of you fell in love with your husbands in a Barnes & Noble! (My husband and I walked through a Borders during our first date, and that turned out pretty great, too.) Danielle, referring to her Barnes & Noble, sums it up with, “Everything is brighter and makes sense in a book store.” YES. And Bronwyn said, about Boulder Bookstore, “when it’s time to leave, it’s the saddest part of the day!” Paige made me laugh she says when one leaves McKay’s Used Books: “You come out feeling disoriented as you adjust back to reality, you spent way too much money, and wait, why is the sun-down?” And Tom made me tear up and think about my own childhood when he said, “Book King made me braver, stronger and more outgoing.” YES.Īnd it’s not just the impressive indie bookstores that can be our homes. “The peace I feel within this building is heaven on earth for an outsider and misfit like myself.” Lizbeth said her store, Golden Books, “feels like a secret.” Of her bookstore, Sophie said, “ The Hutch was a physical manifestation of my love of reading.”īriana promises this about The Iliad Bookshop: “In the words of SNL’s Stefon, this store has everything.” Sarah was sure she could “spend days, probably even years” in Mr. “ The Frugal Frigate was my first true love,” Rebekah told me. So many of the people who wrote in to this contest understand about being saved by books.Īnd then there were your relationships with the stores themselves. And then Ashleigh: “I know books save lives, because they saved mine.” You’re not alone, Ashleigh. Doris: “books have been my constant and steady friends.” ME TOO. Felicia is 100% right that “finding the ‘perfect’ book for you is like meeting a new friend.” YES. And Aubrey, who said: “Ever since I was a little girl, one of the things I wanted most in the world was a library like the one Belle was gifted in “Beauty and the Beast.” YES. Like Molly, who said: “It’s so important to be physically surrounded by books, and to be able to peruse through them tactically.” YES. The way you describe your relationships with books had me nodding and saying, “Yes!” out loud, alone in my office. (I’ll link to the bookstores’ websites throughout if they have a website available.)Īnd those are but a fraction of the amazingness!īefore I announce the winner and share the letter I couldn’t say no to, I want to obsess a little bit more about all your letters. If you want to feel the same way about that trip, check out just a few of the bookstores I was introduced to this week: The descriptions of your bookstores made me want to tear out my hair in frustration because I can’t start a road trip right now to go visit all of these incredible places! (But someday I will, mark my words!) We are the book junkies, and we belong together. Every letter reached out to me and said: I am one of your people. If your goal was to kill me, you came close! Deciding on a winner was painful. If your goal was to make me laugh, cry, and want to hug hundreds of strangers in the middle of a global pandemic, and maybe adopt a few, then you were incredibly successful.
Bookends kailua how to#
The How to Win An Intimate Evening With Stephenie Meyer, Your Favorite Bookstore, And Twenty Of Your Friends contest is over, and can I just say:
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marauderundercover · 3 years
How We Fell: Ch. 2
Day 2: Pen Pals/Package
Marinette puffs out her cheeks as she stares at her laptop. It was finally the end of the first official week of the project, and it hadn’t gotten any better. The last hour of school was spent communicating with the Gotham class (who were in their first hour of school), and although she’d been emailing back and forth with Damian every day for five days, she had nothing to show for it. Taking in a deep breath, Marinette begins to type.
September 12th
Hello again!
Hopefully this email finds you well. Mme. Bustier suggested that we ask our partners about their most treasured childhood memory. No offense to my teacher, but I think that’s a little too deep of a question for someone I’ve known for five days. Instead, I thought I would ask you about your favorite animal. Mine is a hamster. I’d like to have a hamster (or any pet) one day. But, since I live above a bakery, it’s not really an option. Have a great day at school!
Marinette lets out a sigh. It was always stressful emailing Damian. He always answered (probably for the grade), but sometimes it was so short, she could read the entirety of the email without even clicking on it. Which was fine, she guessed. But it also made it hard to prove Ashleigh wrong.
September 12th
Good afternoon.
I would have to agree with you on your assessment of Mme. Bustier’s question. I doubt I would answer that question even if we had known each other for years. That is not who I am, and I have no desire to attempt it. My teacher also brought several question suggestions, but none as interesting as the animal question. Personally, I have a difficult time selecting a favorite animal. I have several pets, and would not be able to choose between them. I do not have a hamster, but I do hope that you do the proper research before adopting one. It is very important.
Marinette grins widely, immediately settling in to email him back and ask about his pets.
September 12th
You have pets? May I ask what kind? I’ve always wanted one, but, again, bakery. Also, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Bustier has a less than ideal way to get to know people. Pretty sure most of my class actually asked your class that question, though. It just felt a little invasive, in my opinion.
Marinette sends a response as quickly as she can, then sits and stares at the computer. And stares. And stares. She resists the urge to let out a frustrated groan. She should’ve known Damian wouldn’t want to communicate with her more than just the obligatory first email. Deciding she’ll just do what she’s done every other day, she pulls her sketchbook out of her bag and continues sketching out her idea for a new hero based line. The designs so far were pretty subtle. Marinette wanted to stick with designs that didn’t look like merch for the heroes, but were instead just inspired by the heroes. She’d included the Miraculous Team, of course. But she’d also included several other heroes to round out the line. Just as she starts on the Robin themed overalls, her computer dings softly.
“Two emails in one day?” Alya says, turned completely around in her seat, eyebrows raised. Marinette grins.
“I think we’re finally connecting.” She says, though it feels like she’s stretching the truth just a bit.
September 12th
You may… I have attached pictures of both Titus and Alfred the Cat. In addition to Titus and Alfred, I have a cow and a turkey. I have also fostered many different types of animals, but my Father does not let me keep all of them anymore.
A soft smile falls on Marinette’s face as she looks at the pictures.
“Progress.” She whispers, unable to wipe the dopey grin from her face for the rest of the day.
October 25th
How’s Titus doing? Did his appointment go okay? I know you were worried about it earlier this week. On a slightly different note, are you okay? My classmates mentioned that their pen pals said someone from GA was kidnapped and held for ransom. I don’t know how often a classmate is held hostage at your school, but it’s definitely not normal at mine! I know you said you don’t really care for most of your classmates, but I still wanted to check in on how you were doing.
By the way, our fall break is coming up, so responses may not be at the normal time. Is that okay? Do you have a fall break? I don’t know much about the calendar for American schools. Oh! I also tried to convince my parents to let me “pet-sit” like you suggested, but they saw right through me. Oh well. If I get accepted to my top schools, I’ll be leaving Paris anyway. I wouldn’t want to stress out a hamster by making them fly. Maybe one day.
Your friend,
October 25th
Titus is well. Though I am unsure what part of my last email led you to believe I was worried. Regardless, you have no need for concern. Titus did not enjoy his booster shots, but it had to be done. As for the kidnapping, I was not affected. I have told you before that I have no love lost for my classmates.
We do not have a “fall break”, but we do have a few long weekends. The weeks of Halloween and Thanksgiving both come to mind. Do you think you could convince a friend to house your hamster if you provide for it? They would merely have to save a place in their home for its habitat. I am certain here is a way for you to have a pet. May I inquire about the schools you ar elooking into? I believe business administration was a program you were looking into, and I know of several decent programs in both the UK and the US.
I know that you dislike gossip as much as I do, but I was wondering if you knew anything about Lila Rossi. My classmate who is paired with her has brought several of her claims to my attention. Several false claims. I just wanted to know if this was a common occurrence for her.
Postscript: It is alright if your response time varies during fall break
October 25th
Thank you! I know you’re busy, so it means a lot that you’re okay with my responses being a little random. I’m glad to hear that you weren’t affected by the kidnapping situation. I know that even if it happened to a classmate I dislike, I’d be a little shaken up.
Now, as for your questions about Lila…I’d like to preface this with the fact that we have never gotten along. I caught her in a lie on her first day back in collège, shortly after she had moved here from Italy. When I tried to convince her that she didn’t have to lie, and that our classmates would accept her as she was, she got a little angry. The specifics don’t really matter, but I don’t trust her. And you should probably let your classmate know to take what she says with a grain of salt. Always. Especially since you live in Gotham, and could definitely debunk some of her more...extravagant lies.
When it comes to fall break, I have a lot of design projects to get caught up on. If you want to talk and I’m not answering emails, you could text me (which is why I’m sending my phone number) because I’ll definitely hear those notifications. Well, most likely.
Your friend,
Marinette +33 x xx xx xx xx PS If you don’t feel comfortable using my number, that’s fine too! I just wanted to give you that option.
Marinette gnaws on her bottom lip as she tries to get the embroidery just right. Pulling the thread through, she lets out a sigh of relief at the final look of the flower. She was working on a dress for Clara for some gala she was invited to. It was at the end of December, which meant Marinette had a little over a month to get it done. The sound of Kim Possible’s Kimmunicator chirps through the room. Marinette sets her needle down and stands, stretching her arms up before grabbing her phone, grinning at Tikki’s sleeping figure. It was a pretty chilly day, and they were extremely sensitive to cold. The first chilly day of the year was usually spent with Tikki sleeping and Marinette providing warm desserts. Feeding a tiny god warm cookies and hot chocolate in between their long naps? Just a typical November day when you’re a seventeen year old superhero. Glancing at the message, Marinette frowns at the unknown area code. Until it clicks. Eyes widening, she opens the text and grins.
Hello. I have not heard from you in two days and was hoping that you were okay. This is Damian
crap, sorry things got super crazy, super quick
That is fine. I was just checking on you. I will let you get back to whatever you were doing.
I just stood up to stretch and take a break actually!
A break from your fall break?
yes, actually I’m kinda behind on commissions oops
Design commissions, correct?
yup most of it is fashion, but i do dabble in graphic design
Have I told you that I paint and draw, as well?
no?!?! omg! you should definitely add the Louvre to your list of places to go when you guys get here
Perhaps we could go together. If you would like.
Marinette freezes, staring down at her phone. She squeals, dancing around her room as the question sinks in fully. That’s something you ask someone that you consider a friend, right? She thinks to herself. Or at least tolerate? He’d said he wasn’t looking to make a friend, but had that changed? Were they friends now?
I’d love to! you’ll have to let me know some of your fave paintings/styles so that I can plan a path ahead of time lol
Sounds fun.
Marinette dances around a little more, grinning at her phone. Spring couldn’t come fast enough.
Marinette shivers as she walks down the street. She was on her way back home after the final fitting with Clara for the gala she was going to right after Christmas. She’d invited Marinette to tag along, but Marinette had declined. As amazing as it would be to go to the US at Christmastime, Hawkmoth was very active during the holidays. She couldn’t exactly ask him to take a week off so that she could go to some fancy gala. Her phone starts ringing from her bag, so she stops to dig it out. Pulling it out, she raises an eyebrow at the caller id before answering.
“Hello?” She says, confused because this was definitely their first phone call.
“Marinette, did you send a package to me?” A voice, Damian’s voice, says, sounding tense. Marinette frowns.
“Er, yeah? Well, kind of. I sent it to the school address because I didn’t want to ask for your home address. Seemed a little creepy. Why? Did it show up at your house?” She asks. She’d sent him a Christmas present, but she knew he was private. And so she definitely hadn’t wanted to ask for his address. She was just confused as to how it had arrived at his personal address instead of the school. There’s a sigh on the other end.
“I suppose the school must have shipped it to my house when they realized it was related to the exchange program.” He says. “May I ask why you sent a package?” Marinette snorts.
“Uh, Christmas?” She says with a light laugh. Silence. “I’m sorry, do you not celebrate Christmas? I should have asked, or something. I didn’t-”
“I did not get you a gift.” He says softly. Marinette just smiles, nodding a hello to M. Ramier as she passes him.
“Damian, you didn’t have to. I technically didn’t buy you anything, I made something. Oh, and I also may have made something for Titus and Alfred the Cat because I couldn’t help myself. But don’t open it until Christmas.” She instructs. The only reason she’d sent it so early was that she was afraid something would happen and they’d arrive late. Damian is silent, and Marinette starts to think maybe the call dropped, when he finally responds.
“Thank you.” He says.
“Don’t thank me yet. You may hate it. Oh, and even if Alfred and Titus hate their presents, will you please at least take a picture of them wearing it?” Marinette asks, crossing the road.
“Of course. I’m not sure what you made them, but Alfred the Cat’s aversion to sweaters has lessened slightly. Titus, as you know, will wear anything.” Damian says, and Marinette can almost imagine a smile attached to his words. Almost, because she still doesn’t know his last name. Or what he looks like. But she doesn’t care. Because in this moment, she’s certain. She has a crush on Damian.
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
Head Over Feet (1/14)
After Kurt and Blaine broke up the second time, they went their separate ways, living their separate lives in New York City. Fifteen years later, a retirement party brings them back together into each other's orbit, with surprising, for both of them, consequences. Are they able to fit each other into their already complicated and messy lives? And are these newfound feelings real? Or just echoes of a past relationship?
Canon Divergent after Season 5.
Ao3 Link
A/N: Yes, I know I have a bunch of other WIPs - and I am still working on all of them! But I’ve been so excited about this one, I just want to get it out there... 
Thanks to @snarkyhag for the beta. :) 
Chapter 1: Loser Like Me (Part One) 
Fall 2028
Blaine is dreaming.  It’s all fuzzy, but there are hands… familiar hands that are on him clasping his own, cupping his face, trailing down, down, down to where it feels good.  He begins to feel the warmth spread throughout his body.  He feels good, so good… Lips are against his, rough and hungry, he is enveloped in want, in need… He lets out a groan, letting the pleasure overtake him.  He reaches out, desperate for more, but as he does so, that good feeling starts to float away.  He makes a grasp for it, but it’s no longer there, and he is left cold and wanting more.  
And then his alarm goes off.  
Blaine wakes up hard as a rock.  He can’t remember the last time he had a dream about sex.  Maybe when he had been a teenager? Or possibly college?  But he doesn’t remember any of those dreams ending him with his dick actually aching to fuck something.  
He stares at the ceiling for a good long moment, thinking the urgency will eventually wear off.  He turns his head, slightly, to see the outline of his husband on the other side of the bed.  He doesn’t bother to wake Sean -- not that morning sex had ever been a part of their marriage.  They’re on opposite schedules; the show Sean is doing the costumes for is in the middle of its workshop, and if it gets picked up by a good producer, it could mean big things.  And Sean is cranky in the morning, anyway.  
Blaine can just as easily take care of himself.
He gets up, slowly.  The erection still hasn’t died down, and Blaine begins to wonder if this is even normal for someone his age.  Maybe he should call a doctor.  He laughs to himself.  Or maybe he should jack off and not worry about it.  
He moves off the bed, having to go around it to get to the bathroom.  In the process, he has to step over a huge pile of Sean’s clothes.  Blaine takes a moment to pick them up, and throw them into the laundry basket.  Two seconds, it takes.  Is that really so hard?  
The clothes also smell like booze and cigarettes, which means Sean has been staying out late with the company again.  It’s fine, they used to both go all the time to the afterparties and the clubs, but some time after Blaine hit thirty, he didn’t find them as enticing any more.  Something about feeling almost twice as old as everyone around him killed the spirit.
Blaine gets into the bathroom, turning on the light, and easily stripping out of the boxers that he wears to bed.  His dick is still throbbing to be touched, so he gives himself a few hardy strokes before turning on the water for a shower.  It’s weird, he thinks, as he gets in.  Sex used to be the a staple of his marriage but, as the years passed, he and Sean manage once a week if they’re lucky.  He hasn’t really missed it, or maybe he hasn’t noticed he missed it.  Because getting off with just his hand doesn’t normally feel so good.  
He indulges a little, thinking about that dream, and those hands on him.  Letting someone else take over, take control, take him apart.  He thinks, at first, of Sean, pulling from the catalogue of their sex life.  Sean being the one to hold him, and stroke him, and suck him down.  But as much as he tries to concentrate on his husband, the scene keeps pulling away, and there’s someone else there -- a faceless man with deft hands who knows exactly how Blaine likes to be touched.  
He speeds up his hand, and yet somehow it doesn’t feel like enough.  He braces himself against the tile of the bathroom wall, fucking furiously into his hand until his hips take on a life of their own.   Eventually he comes, jolting hard into his hand.  The orgasm tears through him, and he lets out a near scream that he hopes doesn’t wake Sean.  
It takes a moment to come down, and he leans against the tiles, enjoying the blissed out feeling as the hot water sprays over him.  He’s not sure what had brought all that on but he does feel more relaxed.  He’s been too pent up lately.  Maybe he does need to start seeing his therapist again…
On Wednesdays, Blaine only teaches one class and he is back home by noon in time, usually, to make himself lunch before heading out to do afternoon errands (or stay in and grade papers).  Before the workshop started, he and Sean would usually make Wednesday nights their together time.  But those have faded away over the past year or so.  Blaine has gotten used to spending the evenings alone, to the point that when Blaine arrives back at the apartment that afternoon, he’s startled to see Sean there making himself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  
Sean stands against the counter, chewing the sandwich slowly as he watches Blaine put his bag and coat on one of the kitchen table chairs.   “You okay?” Sean asks, taking another bite.  A bit of crust lands in his red beard, and he brushes it off and onto the floor.  Blaine shakes his head, now he understands why the floor is always so filthy.  “You’re looking at me as if I’m a stranger in the house.”
“No, it’s fine,” Blaine says.  Maybe it’s not.  It feels, weirdly, like an intrusion on his private time, but the thought is laughable.  His husband is home -- he should be happy.  Blaine begins to rifle through the fridge, pulling out a container of tuna fish to have for lunch.  They could eat together, at the table, like civilized people.  “What happened with the workshop?”
“Remember me telling you about Ashleigh and Karyn and their obsessive ambition to be the first to win a Tony? Or whatever the fuck they’re actually looking for.”
“Yes.” No? Maybe? He can’t keep all of the cast members of Sean’s show straight.  But Blaine doesn’t really feel like listening to a who’s who tangent.  He finishes making the sandwich as Sean explains further.  
“Well, I don’t know how it started, but I know how it ended -- with the both of them in the hospital,” Sean says.  “So with both the lead and the understudy out, the workshop is on hold for a little while.”
“Wait, who was the lead again?” Blaine asks.  Sandwich made, he grabs some chips from the pantry and a bottle of water and heads to the kitchen table.  Sean follows him, leaving his now empty plate on the counter, before taking his usual seat across from Blaine.  
“Karyn,” Sean says, stealing some chips from Blaine’s bag.  “The blonde.”
“So, I guess you have me home for a while.”
Blaine plasters an immediate smile to his face.  He’s not entirely sure how to feel, though.  “Are you still getting paid?”
“Yeah,” Sean grabs more chips.  “Marv’s gotta girl lined up in case it takes longer.  Shouldn’t be more than a week.”  
Sean taps his fingers on the table.  Blaine sips from his water bottle.  There’s a siren outside somewhere, and the upstairs neighbor’s dog sprints back and forth, causing the ceiling to creek.  
“I paid the water bill,” Sean says after a long moment.  
“Great,” Blaine says.  “I still say we should get reimbursed for the neighbors tapping into our pipes.”  
“I’ll talk to Greg about it.”
Blaine eats his sandwich in a strange sort of silence as Sean watches him.  He feels like they should talk about something.  What do they usually talk about these days? Work? The apartment? The new musical mini-series Netflix put out?  Sean doesn’t ask how Blaine’s class went.  Blaine doesn’t offer to talk about it.  Nothing really feels like a good conversation.  
Which is why Blaine decides to mention it… “So, I had the weirdest dream last night.”
“Yeah, it was some kind of sex dream,” Blaine says, licking the tuna from his fingers.  “I woke up hard as fuck.”
Sean gives a smirk.  “I can’t tell if this is your way of telling me you want to fool around tonight, or if you’re concerned and want to see a doctor.”  
Blaine laughs into his water.  “I decided I’m too young still to have dick problems, and jacked off in the shower.”  
Sean’s eyes go wide with amusement.  “Shame I missed that show.  If you’re still feeling it, we can mess around after lunch if you want.”
Blaine gives an unenthused shrug.  “I’ve got some errands to run.  Then I’m having dinner with Santana tonight, but if you want to catch the late show, it can be arranged.”  
“We’ll see,” Sean says.  “I told some of the guys I’d meet them out for drinks tonight.  There’s a new bar opening over in SoHo.”
A flash of irritation runs through Blaine.  It’s not the turning down of sex that bothers him.  He really doesn’t want to spend his evening at a bar in SoHo.  He really doesn’t want to spend the evening with Sean’s questionable friends ‘Way-Too-Flirty’ Don and ‘Drinks-Too-Much’ Steve.  He doesn’t even really want to go out, especially when he has to teach an early morning class.  But he’s not there to tell Sean what to do.  
He finishes off the sandwich without a word.  It’s not like Sean feels differently about Santana.  
“You know, speaking of Santana, that reminds me,” Sean says, getting up from his seat.  He goes over to the counter and brings back a red envelope.  “This came for you today -- from McKinley High.”  
Blaine takes it with interest.  He gets mailers from Dalton Academy all the time -- even if he didn’t graduate from there, he had still technically been an alumni.  But something from McKinley?  That just seems weird.  It isn’t the right time for there to be a reunion.  He has no idea what it could possibly be.  
He opens it up to find a black and gold invitation. “Oh,” he says a little fondly as he reads it.  “My old glee club teacher is retiring.  He’s inviting everyone back for homecoming weekend to celebrate.  Cute.”  
Sean grabs at the paper after Blaine lets it drop back to the table.  “Do you want me to come with you?” he offers quietly.  
“Would you want to go?” It’s not often that Sean comes with him on the rare occasions he heads back to Ohio.  
Sean hesitates before he speaks, and snacks on another couple of chips before replying.  “I probably should stay to make sure Marv has a handle on this whole Ashleigh-Karyn thing.  That is, unless you’d like me to go.”  
Blaine stares hard at the paper.  It’s not like he couldn’t go.  He doesn’t have to teach on Fridays, and the school is having a holiday weekend that same weekend.  In theory, he could and it wouldn’t be a problem.  “I don’t even know if I should.”
“Maybe go to see your parents, Blaine,” Sean says.  “It’s got to be at least a few years since you’ve seen them.”
“I saw them last year at…” Blaine considers.  Has time really flown by so quickly? “Huh, I guess it has been at least two since that Christmas we spent in Ohio.” He sits back in his chair to think about it.  
“Hey, Blaine…” There’s suddenly a heaviness in the air.  There’s something behind Sean’s eyes that hadn’t been there earlier.  Something that Blaine catches glimpses of every once in a while.  Something that they’ve been avoiding and, for a moment, Blaine fears that Sean is actually going to bring it up.  The room gets darker, just a cloud passing by the sun, but everything is still -- too still, and Blaine’s heart begins to race.  The moment passes, though, and whatever Sean had been about to say changes.  “I guess talk to Santana about it, and see what she says.”
Blaine stares down at the paper again.  Suddenly, a weekend away from the apartment, away from the city, away from Sean doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.  “Yeah, I’ll do that.”  
The fall wind is sharp in its crispness, but it’s still a nice enough evening to go for a run in Central Park.  Three days a week, he and Santana Lopez go out for a jog then grab dinner at a nearby taco truck so they can sit and gossip.  Santana, who’s office isn’t far from where they meet, is already waiting for Blaine when he arrives.  She is stretching her legs, bent over in a V, wearing her usual black spandex pants with a bright, blue bomber jacket that billows slightly.  Her designer sunglasses rest on the top of her head.
Because he has been thinking about high school all day, he can’t help but think that she hasn’t changed much.  Her face has hardened a little with age, but Blaine knows her beauty care routine is much more extensive than his, and he knows how much she spends on wigs and dye jobs.  Today, though, her long, black hair is pulled back tightly in a high pony, amusingly reminiscent of how she wore it in high school.  
“Okay, so I have some hot goss for you today,” she says, immediately after they exchange pleasantries.  She waits for him to do his own stretching, but continues to launch into her news.  “So, you remember how I’ve been endlessly talking about the cute redhead on the floor below?”
“The one who works as a secretary for the greasy lawyer?” Blaine pulls his leg back.  The stretching feels nice, he is glad he is able to get out of the stuffy apartment in some capacity tonight, even if he can tell Santana is a bit more ramped up than usual.  
Santana nods.  “So for weeks now, it’s been flirty glances, and unbuttoning buttons to show off some pretty pricey brassieres, but you know, nothing direct.  Well, today she comes up to my floor, claiming the bathroom is not working in their offices -- and I checked, she was totally lying -- and she’s wearing this tight, and I mean tight, nearly see-through button-down.  With no bra.  She had on no bra.  I could see her fucking nipples, Blaine.”
“The nerve,” Blaine teases.  They begin to walk down their usual path.  They have a good quarter of a mile before they usually start jogging, though they might go the first half of their two miles at a walking pace just so Santana could release her pent up energy verbally.  
“Who doesn’t wear a bra in a professional setting?” Santana continues.  Blaine arches an eyebrow at her.  “Okay, so I have totally done it, but I promise you it was warranted.  Anyway, I think she’s trying to kill me.  I took all of my restraint not to pull her directly into the janitor’s closet and make out with her.  And play with her tits.  I can’t unsee her fucking hot tits, Blaine.” Santana grumbles, putting a fist to her head, as if it’ll magically erase the image.
“You know, you could ask for her number,” Blaine suggests, for maybe the third time since Santana has started talking about the woman.  “Or, you know, find out her name.”  
Santana looks at him sharply.  He knows, she just wants a minute to bitch and revel in her janitor closet fantasies, but it’s not in him not to offer suggestions.  “Her name is Liz.  I at least found that out today.”
“Well, that’s a start,” Blaine offers.  
“Alright, what’s up with you?” she asks abruptly.  “Usually, you’re talking my head off about school, and I’m always having to catch up to you.  You’re trailing me by nearly a foot.  Something’s going on.”
Santana’s senses are rarely off, he shouldn’t be as surprised as he is by it.  He tries to quicken his pace but she is right, he is been in his head all day.  “I’m thinking of going back to therapy.”  He says it simply, laying it out as if it’s another fact, and not something that’s been weighing on his mind.  
She gives him a concerned look.  “Is this a ‘just you’ thing? Or a ‘you and Sean’ thing?”
“A ‘just me’ thing,” he admits.  They are nearly at the lamp post where they usually start to jog, but he’s not feeling as up to it as he had been when he arrived at the park.  “Sean’s staying home for a few days, and I’ve been restless lately…” he doesn’t quite say the things he’s thinking.  “And, I don’t know, I had a weird sex dream this morning.  I’ve been off all day.”
“Well, what does Sean think?”
“He offered to fuck, but I told him I had it taken care of.”
“What, no, not about the sex dream,” Santana stops in her tracks.  They have to wait a moment for an older woman walking a doberman to pass in-between them.  “What does your husband think about you going to therapy?”
“It didn’t come up.”  
“God, Blaine,” Santana says, exasperated.  “Well, if you really would rather spend your evening with me than reconnecting with your husband who is, as you well know, built like a fucking viking, then maybe therapy is what you need.”
It’s more complicated than that.  She knows some of it, but maybe not all of it, and it’s more than Blaine would really like to get into on their fairly public walk through Central Park.  But Santana has also grown to be one of his closest friends and, if nothing else, he can confide in her.  
“I’m going to set up an appointment,” he tries to play it off as just another thing.  She knows better, and gives him one of her infamous staredowns.  “And if it’s something I think I need to continue to do, I’ll keep you informed,” he tries to assure her.  
“You better, Anderson.” Her voice is sharp.  “I may have a cold, dead heart, but I want you to be happy.  And you know I’m always going to be blatantly honest with you, so I say this with all the love I can muster, but I don’t think you are.”  
“I know, I know…” He’s not not happy.  He loves his job.  He loves his little apartment.  He loves being in one of the greatest cities in all of the world.  He and Sean are…  “So, hey, did you get your invitation to Mr. Schue’s retirement party?”  He begins to walk again.  He knows he’s avoiding the conversation, so does Santana.  But she rolls with it.  
“He’s retiring?  Dear god, he’s barely over fifty.”
Blaine lets out a little laugh.  “Well, that’s what the invitation said.”  
“And, fuck, no, I haven’t gotten one,” Santana says.  “Though, it’s been a couple weeks since I’ve checked the mail.  Who sends invitations through the mail these days?  Just start a text chain like a normal person.”
“Would you go?” He asks.  He’s been back and forth on the idea all day.  Does he really want or need to see anyone from high school again?  Possibly?  Would it be nice to get away for a weekend? Most definitely.  Can he really afford to skip town for a little while? That is the big unanswered question.  
Santana bites her lip, thinking it over.  “I mean it really depends on who else got these magical invitations.  Oh, god, will Rachel Berry be there? Please tell me Rachel Berry will be there.  Because I have got to see how little Miss TV-Princess does in a place that does not revolve around her ego.”
Blaine has never had the issues with Rachel that Santana had, but he does remember college.  He does remember Funny Girl.  “Sorry, Santana, I don’t actually have an answer for you on that one.”
Santana throws her hands in the air.  “You keep in touch with everyone, right?  Well, isn’t she part of everyone?”
“I think she’s become a little out of my status level,” Blaine replies, with a smirk.  “Besides, I don’t keep in touch with everyone .”  Truth be told, Santana might be the only person he talks to from high school.  At least on a regular basis.  For all the promises made during the time of staying BFFs forever, real life managed to get in the way of the magical thinking.  
“Alright, let’s work it out, right now, cause this will be the determining factor,” she says.  She pulls at a leaf from one of the trees above her, causing the branch to bounce.  It nearly whacks him in the head, which causes her to giggle a little and shake her head.  “Let’s see… Rachel Berry, possibly.  Said ego might drive her back to the place where it all began.”  
“Sam Evans will probably be there,” Blaine says.  “He does still live in the area.” He and Sam don’t have a lot of contact, but occasionally they’ll do a long distance Fantasy Football thing or chat about a new video game they both own.  He hopes Sam will go - he could use more of that laid back charm in his life.  
“Artie clearly won’t be,” Santana continues.  “I know, because I’m the one who put him on the European press tour for his new film.”
“I doubt Tina will be there either,” Blaine adds.  “She just had her third baby, and she and Ron probably don’t want to make the trip from Boston to Lima with three young children.”  
He thinks of Tina’s Instagram, the only way he really communicates with her, and the constant updates for her hectic life.  She’s happy and looking good, and way too busy to drop everything and run back to Ohio.  Blaine makes a note to give her a call at some point to congratulate her formally on the new baby, even if he had already left a cute note on the Instagram pictures.  
Santana is too caught up in her thought process to say more about Tina.  “Finn won’t be there for obvious reasons.  What the fuck happened to Puck? I doubt he has an address to even send anything to.  Quinn’s too prideful to drag her divorced ass out of Connecticut.  You know she’s already taken a new lover ?  She’s in her mid-thirties, and still hitting up the sugardaddies.  I mean, have some goddamn respect for yourself.”
“Well, Mike’s in Chicago,” Blaine offers.  Mike had been part of the Chicago Ballet for a long time, and had since become a dance instructor.  Blaine had been at Mike’s wedding to his wife, Marie, a couple of years ago, and he’s another one whom Blaine wouldn’t mind seeing again.  Maybe he, Mike, and Sam could have a nice guys’ night out that weekend.  He’ll have to get in touch.
Santana nods.  They walk by a woman sitting on a bench with two screaming children.  Blaine feels bad for the woman, but he and Santana share a look -- both of them glad that they don’t have to deal with that kind of hot mess at home.  
“Then there’s Mercedes,” Santana says, looking up and out into the world.  “Goddess among women.  We do not have the privilege to be in her presence.”  Santana laughs at her own comments.  “Seriously, though, I love my girl, but I don’t judge her for continuing to live her best life.”
“What about Brittany?” Blaine asks, tentatively.  He has no idea if this is a sore subject for her or not because he doesn’t think Santana has brought her up once over the course of their friendship.  
Santana becomes stoney-faced, as if not to give herself too much away.  “No,” she says simply.  “Brittany’s living in some commune in LA where she does Fondue for Two and runs a cat babysitting service.”  
“That’s a thing?”
“In LA it is.”  A fond smile climbs on her lips.  “In any case, as much as I am always up for seeing my girl again, I highly doubt she’ll be back.  I mean, we were still hooking up for a while the few times I made it out to LA, but recently she’s found someone a little more… permanent.  And before you go on pitying me, let me assure you, I am more than fine.”  She’s quiet for a moment as she reflects.  For a person who is almost always open about her thoughts, she’s decidedly reclusive when it comes to matters of her heart.  Blaine knows better than to try to pry it out of her. “Anyway, if we’re going to be upfront about exes, I believe there’s only one person left, if we’re not counting random chicks with mafia dads or weird Irish exchange students.  And I’m sure we both know that there’s no way in hell Lady Hummel is coming back to Lima, Ohio.”
“Oh!” Blaine says, as if it’s a complete revelation.  Kurt hadn’t even entered his mind, and it is surreal to think that his brain didn’t go there first.  
“Oh, please, don’t tell me you actually forgot about Lady Hummel and his heartbreaking ways,” Santana scoffs.  “Pretty sure years of therapy couldn’t undo all the trauma that did.”
She isn’t wrong, and she would know, because she helped pick him up a year after everything had happened.  But that’s the funny thing -- it’s not that he doesn’t remember Kurt.  (God, he remembers all of Kurt.)  He doesn’t remember the person he used to be when he had been with Kurt.  There had been a time when he would have shifted the Sun and the Moon and the entire Earth for Kurt Hummel.  A time when his heart had pointed in only one direction.  And a time so dark that when Kurt had ended it, Blaine didn’t know how he would ever move on.  
And yet he did.  
The person he had been is now such a faded memory he can barely remember what those feelings were like.  Kurt Hummel is just another name from his past, a person who, yes, helped shape him into the person he is now.  But long gone are the emotions once attached to that name.  Funny how things can change.  Someone could mean so much to you at one point in time, and yet after time…
“I didn’t forget about Kurt, clearly,” Blaine says. He grabs her arm, and loops his own through it.  The jog isn’t happening today, and he’s fine with that.  Some days, it’s best just to have the company rather than the exercise.  “I just think you’re right, unless Burt is dying or something.  But doubtful that he’ll return for a silly retirement party.”
“You almost sound disappointed.”
Blaine shrugs, and gives a smile.  He doesn’t know how he feels about whether or not Kurt will be there.  He hasn’t thought about him so long.  But he does know that after all this talk of the past, maybe he is ready to go back and see if anyone else is feeling the same way.  “I think we should do it.  Go back.  I mean, why not?”
Santana shakes her head.  “Oh, this whole idea sounds like the worst, but if there’s a chance I get to make-out with Quinn Fabray again, then I’m in.”
For the first time in a while, Blaine feels a little lighter on his feet.
Not a few weeks later, Blaine is on a plane back to Ohio.  
He and Sean talked it over and, while Sean had been technically free to go, they agreed that maybe it would be better if Blaine went himself; the unspoken dialogue being that space isn’t the worst thing they could give each other.  Blaine had not been able to help but be fidgety with his wedding ring during the flight but, intent on giving himself a weekend off from real life, he drowned himself in his favorite podcasts, and had tried not to think about his life in New York.  
The party is on a Saturday afternoon, but he’s there on Friday so to spend time with his mom.  They end up having a nice lunch together, and she takes him shopping.  She’s as feisty as ever, somehow managing to remind Blaine of Santana, and he wonders if she’s always been like that or if that’s a new trait of being in your sixties.  They end up FaceTiming with Cooper and the kids, and Blaine indulges his little nieces by singing them Disney Princess songs.  The whole day weirdly feels like the family they usually are only around Christmas time, but he’s in good enough spirits that he doesn’t question it.  
Later that night, his dad comes home, and they have pizza before his parents go off for one of their social benefit parties they often frequent, reminding Blaine of the old days when his parents were never home on a Friday night.  He doesn’t mind so much because McKinley’s Homecoming Football game is that night.  
His original plan had been to meet up with Sam since Santana’s plane isn’t coming in until tomorrow.  But Sam declined, stating that Mercedes Jones is coming late that night and she needs a ride from the airport.  Sam didn’t ask Blaine to come with him.  Blaine calls up Mike, who is happy to hear from him, and says that he will be at the party but is only going to make the trip to Lima once on Saturday.  He doesn’t bother trying to get a hold of anyone else, and ends up going to the game alone.  
Coming back to McKinley feels like going back in time, and yet the kids running around make him feel entirely too old to be there.  He half expects Sue Sylvester to pop out and start yelling at the cheerleaders, or Mr. Figgins to make some sort of half-time speech, but the world of McKinley has moved on, even if the campus has remained remarkably the same.  The game is fun, but kind of boring, and he’s not surprised when the team loses by seventeen points.  Still, seeing the array of alumni all cheering around him, he feels a strange sort of connection to the place in a way that he really didn’t when he actually went to the school.  It’s a bit surreal.  
Afterwards, not ready to go home to an empty house, he drives around for a bit, until by chance, he drives by Scandals, Lima’s decrepit excuse for a gay bar.  Feeling somewhat amused, a little nostalgic, and a lot in need of a drink, he decides to grab a beer for old times’ sake.  He decides, on a whim, to put his wedding ring in his pocket.  He’s not actually planning anything, but it’s also not like Sean wears his anymore, anyway.  
Scandals is even more in a sad state of affairs then he remembers, even if ‘Funk-It-Up-Friday’ is trying to give the place some of that Mid-Western Charm.  He orders a bottled beer, and sips as he thinks fondly about the time he watched Dave Karofsky try to line dance.  God, that had been so long ago…
“I’m guessing this place rarely sees a man as gorgeous as you.  Mind if I buy you a drink?”
It takes a moment for Blaine to realize the pick-up line is directed at him, but he does instantly recognize the voice.  Much to his shock, when he turns around, he’s face to face with a much older, and yet still dazzlingly magnificent, Kurt Hummel.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Babies, Bathrooms, and Birth Control
Colson and Casie both want a new addition to the family, but you don’t feel ready.
Request: “Could you write a story about Colson wanting to have a second child with y/n. She loves him, but isn't quite ready. Maybe Casie talks about wanting a little brother or sister. Maybe Colson tries to hide her birth control pills. It doesn't end with pregnancy, but Colson and y/n have a deep talk about maybe in a year or two”
Colson x Reader
Warnings, Cursing, hiding birth control, general angst
A/N: Hope this is what you wanted, I had a lot of fun with this!
Word Count: 1905
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“Casie, make sure he doesn’t eat that.” You chuckled, watching Ashton pick up a piece of paper from the coffee table and move it towards his mouth. Casie, who was sitting on the floor watching your boyfriend’s nephew, grabbed the paper from the boy’s hand, picking him up and setting him on her lap.
“You can’t eat that Ashton, you’ll get sick.” She talked to the infant in a baby voice, making you smile.
Colson and Ashleigh were having a conversation next to you about upcoming music and projects. You tried to keep up with the music talk but got lost after the first few minutes, so you decided to watch Casie play with her cousin. The girl adored him, entertaining him with toys and playing games with him. It was endearing.
Ashleigh stood up, seemingly wrapping up her conversation. “Ashton and I have to go, but it was good to see you guys. I’m sure we’ll be back soon.”
Casie groaned and you and Colson laughed. “Why can’t you two just have a baby together already, then I’d get to do this all the time.”
You knew her comment didn’t really mean anything, but you still looked down awkwardly, avoiding the conversation. Ashleigh laughed, taking her son in her arms. “See you, Ash.” Colson smiled.
“Bye Ashleigh!” You put on a smile. “Bye Ashton!” You said in a baby voice, overexaggerating your wave to the boy.
Once the door closed behind them, Casie turned to you and Colson, who had his arm around your shoulders. “I wasn’t joking.” The girl said, crossing her arms.
“Okay Case, we get it. Now drop it, that’s something for the grown-ups to talk about.” Colson said in his best dad voice, which wasn’t all that great.
Casie tilted her head at her dad, her pouty eyes staring into his. Finally, she gave up, “Whatever. You guys should definitely talk about it though.” She smiled, skipping off to her room.
You looked at Colson, raising your eyebrow. He laughed, pressing his head against the side of yours and scrunching his nose. You giggled, tilting your head so his landed on your shoulder. You turned your attention to the TV in front of you, chuckling as you saw one of those new kids show playing.
You turned and kissed the top of Colson’s head, moving to stand up. He grabbed your hand, trying to pull you back towards the couch. “Noooo, I wanna cuddle with you.” He pouted. You rolled your eyes, chuckling. If any of his bandmates were here to see this, they would never let him live it down.
“I gotta get a shower, it’s getting late.” You smiled as his hand continued to grip yours.
He looked up at you, a sly look in his eyes. “I could help you with that.” He raised his eyebrows at you, eliciting yet another eyeroll from you.
“Orrrr, you could clean up down here since it’s kind of a mess.” You dragged out the “or” to tease him, which obviously worked.
“Baaaabbbyyyy. Why do you hate me?” He groaned even though he was smiling.
“I don’t, my love. But I do hate dirty dishes.” You tried to hide your smile at his distraught expression. “I’ll give you a kiss if you do it.”
He pouted his lower lip, “two kisses?”
You sighed, like it was a hard decision. “Okay, two kisses.”
“And I get one in advance.”
You chuckled, leaning into him and pressing your lips to his. As you went to pull away he pulled you onto his lap, causing you to giggle. “Colson, I need a shower, I stink.”
“Yeah but what would you rather do, shower, or kiss me?” He leaned in again, capturing your lips again.
You let yourself give in for just a moment, your lips melting into his, before pulling away. “You can get as many kisses as you can bear when I smell better.” You whisper, pecking his lips before climbing off of him.
“Now that is a deal I will take!” He yelled as you walked towards your shared bedroom, getting ready for a warm, inviting shower.
 “Hey babe, have you seen my pills?” You called into your bedroom from the bathroom, searching the cabinets and drawers.
Colson came into the bathroom, sweatpants low on his hips. “What pills?”
“My birth control pills. I swear I put them in this drawer last night.” You motioned towards the second drawer on the right. “I can’t find them.”
He made a face, his head tilting to his side. “Is there anywhere else you would have put them?”
“I don’t think so. I’ve checked basically everywhere.” You sighed. “I feel like I’m losing my mind.”
“Babe its okay, you can just get some more tomorrow.”
You sighed, “That’s not how it works, babe. I can’t get a new pack because I was only like halfway through the last one. It’ll throw my routine off for like, ever.” The confused look came back to Colson’s face. “There’s this schedule with pills. Sometimes I have to take a different pill on certain days.”
“Okay, and you’re sure you didn’t put them anywhere else?”
“I’m almost positive, Colson. I take them at the same time every night, in the same place. I always put them in the drawer.” You pressed the back of your hand to your forehead, trying to calm yourself down.
He nodded, “I’m gonna check the drawers in the bedroom, maybe you put them in there?” He left the bathroom, and you could already here him searching through drawers.
“Colson I know they’re not in there.” You yelled to him, opening the drawer in front of you for the 15th time, just in case they magically appear.
“I found ‘em, babe.” Colson came back in the small room, holding up the metal package. “They were in your side table drawer.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, knowing you wouldn’t have put them there. “I definitely didn’t put them in there.”
Colson shrugged, “Maybe you just forgot you did?”
“No, Colson, I remember standing here, taking it, and putting it in the drawer. I didn’t put it in my drawer.”
“Well they didn’t get there by themselves.”
“No, they didn’t.” You squinted, your mind drifting to Casie’s comment earlier. You felt silly for even thinking it, but it seemed like a very Colson thing to do.
His expression changed to one of hurt. “What, you think I hid them? Babe I wouldn’t do that.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I mean, I’m just saying even if I did- which I didn’t- what’s the harm in missing a few days?”
You squinted harder at him in disbelief. “I dunno Colson, I could get pregnant?”
He bit his lip, looking down. “What’s so wrong with that?”
You were taken aback, not realizing how bad he wanted this. “Babe, we’re not ready for that. I’m not ready for that. I- we’re not even married yet.” Your breathing got heavy, confusion the only emotion you could feel, confusion and disappointment.
“Do you think I was ready for Casie? But she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And you said you didn’t care about all that marriage shit.”
“Cols, I know you weren’t ready for Casie, but we’re a lot more careful. We use precaution so that we can be ready.”
He looked hard at you, making you feel like the bad guy. “So you don’t want a kid with me.”
You sighed, hands coming to meet at the bridge of your nose. “I don’t want a kid with you right now. I’m not saying I don’t want it to happen ever.”
“You don’t want to marry me. A baby is a much bigger commitment than that.” You hated the way you sounded right now, but you couldn’t help yourself.
He looked upset, “You told me you were okay with not getting married.”
“I told you that a year ago, Colson. We’re hitting our 4th anniversary this year. I’ve known people who get married after less. I just- I don’t get it. If you’re not willing to commit to that then how can you say you want a baby?” You let out a breath through your nose.
“So you think I’m not committed to this relationship? To you?”
“Did I say that Colson? No. I’m just saying that if I’m gonna make a life changing decision with you, I want to know you’re ready. I need to know you’re all in.”
“We don’t need to get married to be all in.”
“Why don’t you want to marry me.” Your voice broke, and you hadn’t realized how intense your emotions had gotten until that moment.
Colson’s expression softened after seeing the pain in your eyes. “Baby it’s not that I don’t want to marry you, I love you. I just don’t understand why we need to hold this big fancy ceremony to prove it to everyone, much less to each other.” He moved closer to you while he was talking, until he landed a few inches in front of you, his hands reaching for your hips.
“That’s what people do, Colson. They buy fancy outfits and invite their friends and dance to cheesy music. I love you, Col, and I know you love me. But is it so bad to want that?” Your voice came out as a whisper.
He pulled you closer to him, “No, it’s not at all. I’m sorry, baby I didn’t realize it meant so much to you.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head as you wrapped your arms around his bare middle. “And I’m sorry for hiding your birth control. It was really stupid and selfish of me. I honestly don’t know what I was thinking.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you about wanting to get married, I should’ve brought it up to you.” You said, kissing his chest and then looking up at him, resting your chin on his skin. “And I don’t not want a kid with you, Colson. I don’t think I’d ever love anything more than having a child with you, I’m just not ready for that right now.”
He nodded, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. “That’s fair. And it is totally your decision when you’re ready if you’re ever ready.” He kissed you again, deeper than before. “But also I can’t fucking wait for you to be carrying our baby.” He giggled.
“Well, in the meantime, there’s no harm in practicing making a baby.” You said, a sly smile on your face. You tried to maintain your sexy façade, but you couldn’t help but laugh at how cheesy that sounded.
Colson bit his lower lip, a smirk on his face. “I would have absolutely no problem with that.” You moved away from him, grabbing his hands and interlocking your fingers. He backed up towards the door, leading you into the bedroom. “Oh, I never asked babe.” He paused, pulling you back into his body and kissing you. “You wanna get married? Like start planning and shit?”
You giggled, moving your lips to meet his. “Are you proposing to me, Colson Baker?”
His face turned red, “Well, I don’t have a ring, but I’ll get one and then I’ll do it properly. But for now, whaddya say?”
You rolled your eyes and let out a small laugh. “Colson Baker I would love to marry you.”
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maladaptiv3 · 4 years
a thing for counters...
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Content: request from anon - “Can you please write on about you and Colson doing a interview and they keep asking about your sex life and Colson get turned on (ew I hate myself) from hearing you talk about it and you have sex in the bathroom please and thank you”
Warnings: Smut!! Swearing!!
Word Count: 2,116 
*original content by colsonbakes*
You were standing in the bathroom finishing up with the straightening iron when Colson came and wrapped his arms around your waist, “You know, someone could have done that for you when we got to the studio?” You set the hot iron down on the counter and turned around to face him, “Well, I know. I just like doing it myself, I think it calms my nerves. It gives me a false sense of control.” You stifled a laugh. Colson leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, “Mmmm, baby, you taste so good.” You smiled and brought your thumb to his lips, wiping them clean, “You’re getting lipstick all over yourself.” He smirked and replied before crashing his lips back onto yours, “I don’t care.” You playfully shoved him off as he lifted you onto the counter, “Come on, I just finished my makeup.” He started to kiss your neck as you wrapped your arms around his long torso, “I’ll be quick, we do have somewhere to be, ya know.” It didn’t take much convincing on his part once his lips found your collarbone, “Just don’t ruin my makeup.” “No promises.”
The two of you finally made your way to the car waiting out front and found Ashleigh already inside. She was looking at her phone, “What took you guys so long?” You both shrugged, “Nothing.” She gave you a suspicious look. You were almost to the studio when Ashleigh broke the silence, “Did you warn her?” You gave her and Colson a confused look, “Warn me about what?” Colson squeezed your thigh, “We are doing a Vice interview.” You were still confused, “I know.” Ashleigh locked her phone and threw it into her purse, “These Vice interviewers tend to get a little personal when they interview couples. If you catch my drift.” You nodded, “Ohhhh, I see.” Great, as if you weren’t already nervous enough. Colson took your hand in his, “You don’t have anything to be nervous about. I’ve pretty much said anything you can an interview, nothing will be a surprise for them.” You shrugged and Ashleigh nodded in agreement, “He’s right.” He motioned to Ashleigh, “See?! Nothing to worry about.” She tossed a small pack of tissues into Colson’s lap. Failing to catch them, he looked at her curiously, “What are these for?” She pointed to her neck, “You might want to clean up before we get there, at least leave a little mystery until the obscene questions are asked.” He smiled over at you, looking pleased with himself. You took a tissue from the pack and started to wipe away the leftover lipstick you missed the first time and slightly turned towards to Ashleigh, “Sorry, I thought I got it all back at the house.” She let out a little laugh, “I’ve gotten pretty used to it.” You and Colson just smirked at each other.
After you did some touchups on your hair and makeup and Colson successfully drank another two cups of coffee, it was time for the two of you to take your places next to the interviewer. You squeezed the top of Colson’s knee. He took your hand in his and whispered, “Is everything okay?” You swallowed hard and tried not to panic, “I’m starting to get nervous.” He pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “You’ll be fine, I’m right here. It’s just an internet broadcast.” You weren’t sure that comforted you. The interviewer sat down on the cushy chair opposite of the two of you, “Well, aren’t you two just adorable. I have been looking forward to this segment all morning! I’m Chelsea!” You stuck your hand out to shake hers, “It is so nice to meet you. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous, I’ve never done a live interview before.” Chelsea shifted in her seat, “Well, you two have garnered quite the attention over the last few years, I figured it was time.” You leaned into Colson, “I guess, but I am just not as used to the spotlight as some of your other guests' partners.”
The director caught Chelsea’s attention to let her know it was time to come back from the break. She immediately perked up and smiled for the camera, “If you’re still tuning into our stream, then I have a treat for you. Let me welcome Machine Gun Kelly and his lovely girlfriend.” Colson beamed, “Thanks, thank you. We are excited to be here.” You smiled at Chelsea, “Yes, I am very excited, but I do have to admit, I am a bit nervous to be here.” She smiled back at you, “Don’t be! This is going to be lots of fun. If it is alright with you two, I was hoping we could do a couple’s Q&A.” You and Colson both smiled and nodded in agreement. Chelsea turned to face the camera, “So let’s get started.” Then she turned back to you guys, “I am just going to ask you guys some couple’s questions, some might get a little personal, but it is all in good fun. You ready?” Colson shifted in his seat and sat forward a little bit, “I think we’re ready.” Chelsea smiled, “Perfect.”
Chelsea looked down at her cue cards, “Let’s start off easy. How long have you guys been together and where did you meet?” Colson answered first, he could sense that you were still nervous, “Uh, let’s see, almost four years.” Chelsea looked directly at you, wanting you to answer, “And where did you meet?” You shifted and squeezed the outside of Colson’s thigh, hoping you could get a proper sentence out, “We met at one of his concerts actually, through a mutual friend. Nothing too glamorous.” Chelsea nodded, “Classic meet-cute. So, then where was your first date?” Colson smiled at you, “You wanna take this one?” You nodded, “Sure. Ya know, we were hanging out casually for a while, but for our first official date, Colson set up such a cute little dinner in his backyard. I am a huge homebody, so it was perfect.” Chelsea tilted her head to the side and stuck out her bottom lip, “Awww, that’s so sweet. Now, how would each of you describe your relationship in one word?” Colson squeezed the inside of your thigh, “Exciting.” You placed his hand on top of his, “Chaotic.” Chelsea looked back down at her cards, shuffling through them, “Oooo, here’s a good one. What are each other’s turn-ons?” Colson took a minute to think, “You want me to say what her turn-ons are?” Chelsea nodded her head, “Yes, it’s just something fun we do.” He nodded, “Oh, then easy. Hands and hair. Specifically my hands and my morning hair.” You smiled to yourself, already knowing what you were going to say, “Feet. He likes feet. No way around it.” He laughed, acting a bit embarrassed, “She’s not wrong.”
After answering that question, you had a feeling that more personal questions were about to make their appearance. Chelsea smirked, “What is your stance on sleeping with someone on the first date?” You blushed, “Oh boy.” Colson took that opportunity to answer, “Oh, we believe in it.” You just smiled and shook your head. Chelsea mused, “Well, on that note, where is the weirdest place you guys have had sex?” You were a bit caught off guard, you didn’t typically share this much information about your sex life on the internet, but you had no problem playing the game. You looked over at Colson, “You go first, I think we might have different answers.” He gladly obliged, “A children’s birthday party.” Chelsea looked shocked and playfully swatted Colson with her cards, “A children’s birthday party? Bold.” He interjected, “Well, we were in the bathroom.” She motioned towards you, “Do you have a different answer?” You nodded, “A stairwell, at a venue.” Chelsea looked impressed, “Okay, rapid fire. Best place you’ve done it and your favorite place to do it?” You both thought for a second then you and Colson looked at each other. At almost the same exact time you both said, “A children’s birthday party.” “And your favorite?” Colson took the words right from your mouth, “Counters. Bathroom, kitchen, you name it.”
Those last few questions had you reminiscing on yours and Colson’s past sexual endeavors. You still found it hard to believe that you couldn’t keep your hands off each other at a children’s birthday party, out of all places. Even in the midst of screaming kids and half-drunk parents, you couldn’t stop thinking about dragging him into the nearest bathroom and running your nails down his back. You glanced over at Colson and you could tell was thinking about the same thing as you. He was relentlessly chewing on his bottom lip and continuously shifting in his seat, he was getting antsy. You started tapping your fingers on the top of your knee, eager to get out of this interview seat. You weren’t sure how long Chelsea had been talking, but you shifted your attention back to her. She was closing up the interview when you finally realized what was going on, “It was such a pleasure to have you both, come back anytime.” You and Colson both smiled and hugged Chelsea, quickly saying your “goodbyes” and “thank yous.”
Colson took his hand in yours and was practically dragging you behind him. You nearly stumbled as your short legs tried to keep time with his lanky ones, “Where are we going?” He pushed a door handle down and pulled you into a room, eagerly searching for your lips. He slowly pushed you back by your waist and you felt your back hit something. He lifted you up and you felt the cold marble counter on the back of your thighs. You were in a bathroom, typical. You gently pushed Colson’s shoulders back, disconnecting your lips, so that you could meet his gaze, “Isn’t this a little cliché?” He tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, “Who cares?” You pressed a long kiss to his lips, “I guess I don’t.” Colson reconnected your lips as his fingers grazed the waistband of your jeans. You started to kiss down his neck and undo his belt. You tugged on the top of his jeans, struggling to undo his button. You huffed in frustration, “Colson, take your fucking pants off.” He teased as he drug yours down your legs, “Someone’s pushy.” You concentrated on his hands as he pulled his zipper down, letting his jeans pool at his ankles, “Hey, this was your idea.”
You reached out for his hand, pulling him back between your legs. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his head dipped to meet yours. Colson moved one of his hands from its place on your waist, his fingers slowly stroking the soft skin on the inside of your thigh, never once breaking the kiss. He slowly pushed two of his long fingers into you and you moaned into his lips, “Fuck.” As he began to work his fingers, you fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to you. Your breathing became jagged and you could feel the heat building. You pressed your lips to his earlobe, “Just fuck me already.” All movements ceased and Colson growled in your ear, “If that’s what you want.” Colson quickly pushed into you and gave you no time to adjust as he began to move his lips against yours. You wrapped your legs around him as tight as you could, digging your heels into him, pushing him further into you, if that were even possible. His thrusts were uneven and it wasn’t long before he was squeezing his eyes shut, groaning into your neck. That was enough to send you over the edge. You sat there, breathing heavy, arms still wrapped around each other, basking in the euphoria that hung in the air. He kissed your forehead, “We gotta stop having sex in bathrooms.” You let out a slight laugh, “I don’t think so.”
You hopped off the counter and pulled your jeans back up. You studied yourself in the mirror, attempting to fix your smeared makeup. Colson wrapped his arms around you, “You look fine.” You wiped the corner of your mouth with a tissue, “No, I look like I just had sex in a bathroom.” He smirked, “You did.” You shook your head and turned to open the door, fully expecting to unlock it. You turned the handle with ease, “Colson!” He faked confusion, “What?” “You forgot to lock the door.” He lightly squeezed your waist as you tried to discreetly walk out of the bathroom, “I didn’t forget to do anything.”  
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thebluenebula · 3 years
Ashleigh Wayne Fic AU Masterlist
~1600 words
Major Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle (Catwoman), Carrie Kelley, Ashleigh Wayne
Minor Characters: Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Harper Row, Duke Thomas
Selina finally returns to the Manor after her 'vacation' with the intent of finally meeting Bruce's newest kitten. Unfortunately for her, the kitten isn't quite as eager to meet her.
Selina climbed in the open window, and quietly crept across the room until a menacing growl caused her to stop. "It's just me, Ace."
The dog took a final look at her, then went right back to sleep at bottom of the bed. Selina discarded her goggles, and gloves, before crawling in under the covers, and wrapping her arms around Bruce. He flinched at the touch of her hands. "Cold night?"
"Where have you been?"
"Here, there, everywhere."
"I've been worried about you."
"Why didn't you send out a search party then?"
"Barry still complains about the last time I sent him to find you."
"I did warn him," she chuckled. "I heard our new kitten arrived. When are you going to introduce us?"
"She was in the living room when I came up to bed if you'd like to go down to her."
"I think I'll wait till morning, and what exactly are you doing in bed this early, it's barely past midnight?"
"Alfred said if I don't sleep for at least six hours he'd hide the keys of the Batmobile."
"Still listening to daddy's orders."
"Would you disobey Alfred?"
"Do I look like I have a death wish?" She lay into his chest. "Anyway, I'm too tired."
"Then how about we get some of that sleep he suggested?"
"That sounds good to me."
When Selina woke the next morning Bruce was still sound asleep. She chose not to disturb him, instead she got dressed, choosing to rob his clothes instead of using her own, and headed for the kitchen where she found Carrie, and Ash eating cereal. She crept up behind Carrie, and hugged her. "Hello, my little Kitten."
"Selina," she excitedly cried, "I didn't know you were coming over today."
"I thought I'd surprise you." She looked up at Ash, who was staring at her. "So you're Bruce's newest Kitten, I've been excited to meet you"
"Hi," she awkwardly replied.
"I'm Selina," she said, holding out her hand, which Ash cautiously shook.
"It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." She headed to the fridge, and grabbed a yoghurt. When she turned back, Ash had disappeared. "Where'd she go?"
"Bolted as soon as you turned your back, she does that a lot," Carrie explained.
"It's bad enough with Bruce," she muttered as she sat across from Carrie. "Why can't she just be like you?"
"Like me?"
"You, quite literally, jumped into my arms when I first met you."
"I was excited to see you."
"You still jump into my arms."
"I'm still excited to see you."
"And I love that." She reached across the table, and patted Carrie's head. On her way back, she quickly grabbed Carrie's spoon, and used it to dig into her own yoghurt.
"You weren't using it."
"Yes I was," she protested, lunging across the table. Selena dodged, and took off running, stuffing her mouth with yoghurt as she went.  "Come back with that," she shouted, taking chase.
- - - - -
Selena slumped down onto the bed beside Bruce. "Bad day?"
"Bad week, I've been trying to get to know Ash, but I can barely get two words in before she just disappears. Where does she even go?"
"You can't force her to like you."
"Oh yes I can, I'm sure Ivy wouldn't mind lending me some of her pheromones," she joked.
"That's cheating."
"I never was one for following the rules."
"You promised not to douse anymore of my children in pheromones, not after last time."
"That was an accident."
Bruce chuckled. "We're having a movie night tommorow, maybe you could try then."
"I already thought of that, Carrie says she'll just hide behind one of her siblings for the whole thing."
"Probably, but she's usually sleepy by the end of it, and that generally makes her easier to talk to."
"Is there a reason she doesn't like me?"
"No, she just can be... odd with people. She was actually really excited at the thought of meeting you."
"Did you try talking to her about me?"
"Yeah, but she didn't really answer my questions, just kind of ungracefully danced around them."
"Has she met Talia yet?"
"No, but I expect she'll appear around soon, she usually does."
- - - - -
It was a small movie night, with half the kids out of town, or otherwise occupied, only Bruce, Selena, Jason, Cass, Steph, Harper, Carrie, Duke and Ash were actually present.
Steph won the draw, and chose the movie, Twilight, much to Jay's displeasure, the others suspected that was her main reason behind picking it, but didn't question it.
About halfway through the movie Jay gave up watching it, and left despite Bruce's demands to stay. Ash quickly took his spot beside Bruce, and lay her head in his lap. It didn't take long for Ash to fall sound asleep.
Bruce gestured for Selina to come over. She did, leaving Carrie alone on the other couch, much to her displeasure. Bruce snuck out from under Ash, and let Selena take his place, laying Ash's back in place. "I'll be back in a little."
"You sure she'll be okay with this?"
"Of course, she lies like this with Kate all the time."
"I'm not Kate."
"She'll love it, promise," he insisted as he made his way out, stopping to cover Harper, and Duke, who were snuggled up together, sound asleep, with a blanket. Carrie waited till he was gone, before huffing across the room, and snuggling in under the covers with them.
The movie ended, and Cass, and Steph left, leaving just Selena. "Kitten, are you awake?"
Carrie lifted her head from Harper's shoulder. "Yeah."
"Coming over," she asked, patting the seat the far side of her. Carrie carefully left Harper, and made her way to Selina, laying beside her, and snuggling her head in beside Ash's. Selena gently scratched the top of her head. "I love you, Kitten."
"I love you too, Mom."
"Mom? It's not too often I hear that."
Carrie grumbled something unintelligible in response.
"I will always love you, Kitten, so, so much."
"I know."
"I know you know, but I still love telling you." She leant in close to Carrie, and whispered. "You'll always be my favourite. Now go to sleep, Love."
"You're my favourite too, Mom."
"I better be, I'm the only mom you have."
Carrie soon fell asleep, her fears, and jealousy quelled for now, though Selina didn't sleep, nor did she attempt to. Bruce had told her how Ash almost always woke at least once a night, and it didn't take too long before it occurred.
Ash raised her head a little. "Bruce?"
"Hello," Selina said, causing Ash to shoot up.
"I'm so sorry, I don't know how-"
Selena shushed her, and gently pushed her back down. "It's alright, just rest."
Ash glanced to Carrie, and settled back in beside her. "How did I get here?"
"Does it matter?"
"I guess not."
"Ashleigh, do you not like me?"
She looked up to Selina. "Of course I like you, you're Catwoman, you're awesome."
"Then why have you been avoiding me?"
Ash thought for moment, before choosing to be honest. "I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about you."
"What do you mean? How you're supposed to feel about me?"
"Every one keeps telling me that you're an amazing mother, that'll you'll be an amazing mother to me, but I don't know if I want... a new mother, so to speak."
"I am, at least a little bit, like a mother to everyone of Bruce's kids, and if I can be that for you, I'll happily be, but if that's not what you want, you can think me as just a friend, you don't have to think of me in anyway, but just know that I love you, no matter what you think of me."
"Why? Well, you're my boyfriend's child, and he has a great eye for lovable children, and from the many, many stories he's told me about you, I know when I get you know you, I will love you."
"I don't know how I want to think of you, part of me wants to think of you like what they tell me. Is that strange?
"Not at all, you don't have to decide how you feel about me straight away, and I certainly don't expect you to. How about you just get to know me, and ill get to know you, and we can figure how we feel about each other together?"
She smiled. "Okay."
"Now its time to get some rest, Sleepy Head."
"Alright." She attempted to get up, but Selina forced her down again.
"Ah, ah, ah. You can lay right beside Carrie if you want, I know she won't stir until morning."
"It's okay?"
"Of course, it's always okay, you can sleep in beside me when I'm here, you can come to me with your troubles, or you can just come to me if you need some attention, everyone needs that from time to time."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, now rest, we can talk again tomorrow."
Ash shut her eyes, and was soon asleep beside her sister. Not too long after that, Bruce returned, sitting beside Selina, careful not to sit on his daughter's legs. "You talked to her?"
"We talked," she confirmed, running a hand through Ash's hair.
"Good news, I'll take it."
"Of course."
"I see you also picked up another 'kitten' as well."
"You know Carrie, she gets jealous."
"You think she'll be okay?"
"If she loves Ash half as much as I think she does, yeah, she'll be fine.
"Good. I guess you're staying here for the night."
"I don't think I have much of choice."
"No, you don't, which I guess means I've got to stay here as well."
"You better."
Bruce found another blanket, and tossed it across the trio, before sneaking his way in beside Harper, and Duke on the other couch.
The six slept soundly that night, none stirring till near noon, and when they did, a lovely breakfast had been prepared, courtesy of Alfred.
This fic has changed a lot more from the original concept then most of my fics do, but I'm so glad it's done. It feels really important to my overall story. It's brings in a lot of things I wanted, Selina beginning to be a mother figure to Ash, Selina + Carrie having an incredibly close Mother/Daughter bond, and the fact that Carrie get jealous easily, in particular when it comes to Selina + Harper. Anyway I hope you enjoyed - TBN
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hallmarkfanatic · 3 years
Hallmark Projects
Here are some updates on Hallmark production projects from this month. Like always, all the information/speculation I put in this is based off social media posts from different Hallmark actors/actresses, general social media info and a production website I look at often. Things such air dates, airing networks, co-stars, movie titles, etc, are always subject to change.
Cindy Busby and Chad Michael Murray - The Holiday Train - Filming  - Only news I’ve been able to find so far is that apparently the child actor who voices Rocky on Paw Patrol will also be in this film based on a social media post by Chad, himself.
Torrey DeVitto - The Christmas Promise -  Filming- Giles Panton tagged her in a selfie of himself on set of the film. Now apparently he confirmed he is not the lead in this movie but will be a supporting character. So if that truly is the case, no word on Torrey’s co-lead.
Janel Parrish and Ryan Pavey - Coyote Creek Christmas - Filming - Not much word on this film other than the basics already listed so far. But they should be about halfway or so through filming. 
Lyndsy Fonseca, Chandler Massey, Eric Freeman and Lea Thompson - Next Stop Christmas - Filming -  Known actress Lea, actor from Katy Keene and 2 past/present soap stars all wrapped up in one Hallmark film! All that is know about this film is that it is filming in Connecticut.
Merritt Patterson and Jon Ecker - Gingerbread Miracle - Filming - They both posted set selfie photos and Merritt posted a photo of just Jon on her social media. Pretty sure it’s safe to say the movie will deal with Gingerbread in some way.
Kristoffer Polaha - Christmas Sail - Filming - While it’s not confirmed, it’s a safe bet to assume he’s one of the leads in this film. He commented on the directors post jokingly asking for details about the movie, director Stacey Harding teasingly responded saying it’s top secret.
Erin Cahill and Wes Brown - The Search for Christmas - Upcoming - All that is known about the film is that it will be filled in Mississippi. Erin shared that info herself on social media. I’m guessing production should be starting with the next few weeks.
Tamera Mowry-Housley -  I Spy Christmas turned The Santa Stakeout - Wrapped -  No word on co-star but from a twitter source I use, Devon Alexander, who appeared as a supporting character in a handful of Hallmark films has a role in the film. So there is a potential of him being the lead.
Ashleigh Murray and Luke James - Christmas in Harmony - Wrapped - Also starring, Tia Streaty and Loretta Devine. From my twitter source, it seems like this film with be music themed. According to a very vague plot description it’s about a women returning home to find her herself and finds love along the way...shocking right? But both leads are new to the network as this will be their first film. 
Luke Mcfarlane and Heather Hemmens - Christmas in my Heart - Wrapped - Based on film description he’ll play a country artist with Hemmens playing a concert violinist. According to the article I saw he will playing a father in this film. It is said to air on HMM channel.  
Current Hallmark Filming/Pairing Rumors: 
Danica McKeller and Benjamin Ayres or Paul Campbell -  You, Me and the Christmas Trees - Wrapped -  Directed by David Winning, a well known Hallmark director. There are 2 possible male leads I’ve been hearing. Based on social media both men were filming something Christmas themed around the same time fame as Danica. It seems more likely to be Benjamin but either way it could very well seem that we will be getting a holiday movie from both guys this year!
Rukiya Bernard and Dewshane Williams - Christmas Time is Here - Filming/Wrapped - While I have yet to hear confirmation that she will starring opposite Dewshane again, according to some on set photos, cast and crew confirmed Rukiya would be the leading lady.
Andrew Walker and  Aimee Teegarden - My Christmas Family Tree - Filming - Currently under the rumor mill as both are are apparently in Vancouver and filming around the same locations according to my twitter source of mine. While it can be safe to assume, there has not been any confirmation yet.
Bethany Joy Lenz and Tyler Hynes - An Unexpected Christmas - Upcoming -  Tyler is currently in Vancouver, he mentioned recently that he was gearing up for a Christmas movie, and Bethany posted on social media about heading to Vancouver for a Hallmark Christmas film. While it could be nothing, this is a another possible and current pairing rumor going around. 
Eloise Mumford - According to my twitter source there is a rumor of Eloise returning for another Hallmark Christmas film this year. Her last was in 2018 and apparently it is suppose to start sometime filming next month sometime. 
Possible Hallmark Projects:  
Susie Abromeit - Much ADO About Christmas - Wrapped - Directed by Michael Damian. Susie starred in A Perfect Christmas with the network along with a supporting character in Snow Bride. Apparently Torrance Coombs also stars in the film, not sure if he is lead or not.
Dillion Casey and Sarah Lind - The Great Christmas Switch - Wrapped - Directed by Ernie Barbarash. He’s directed 3 Hallmark moves in the past, recently Christmas in Rome. Lind is currently starring in the Martha’s Vineyard HMM Series and Casey has only been in 1 pervious Hallmark movie which was A Perfect Christmas where he was the lead guy. 
**Given that it’s Christmas filming season on the network, I know lots of holiday movie titles and stars have been confirmed for Hallmark Christmas 2021 (Lacey, Candance, Alison, etc.) that will probably be starting production in Sept. Like always I plan on digging up what I can find for next months production post, unless the network beats me to it and releases everything first.**
So what are your thoughts on this first big round of holiday news!? See any pairings you’re already excited for? 
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leilani-and-kass · 4 years
(dailyashleighraichu) Ashleigh@Kass: So, this Joshua was your trainer, yeah? Were you the only Pokemon he had, or did he have a full team? Can you tell us about them?
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“I may have been Joshua’s strongest and first, but I wasn’t his only Pokemon. He had a full team, all right, and I don’t think there was anybody on Sleepy Old Alola that could take all of us on! Grr-ahahah!!”
“As for my teammates... well, there was my best friend Archie. Thick as thieves, we were, and one hell of a fighter. Not as tough as yours truly, of course, but he had a different way of fighting. Less in your face and more tricksy stuff, if ya know what I mean. We both had a mentor - Alistair. He’s been through a lot and could teach me and Archie a thing or two. Kind of a depressing guy, though. Seems like his mind was always on something else.”
“There was my girlfriend, Camilla. We... didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, she ain’t exactly Little Ms. Sunshine. But obviously somethin’ I did caught her eye one day, and next thing ya know I’m spendin’ as much time with her as with Archie. Shame her kind can’t breed with Kommo-o, though. Prickly as she was, I think she always wanted a kid.
Speaking of which, Roscoe wasn’t my biggest fan when Joshua caught him either, but I think in the end, he saw Archie and me as his heroes. Cute little scamp he was at the time, but he probably ain’t a little kid anymore.
“And who is it I’m missing? Ah yes! Clementine! Joshua’s Ride Pokemon! You being an Alolan Pokemon and all, you know how much of a pain in the ass traveling the islands can be, right? So of course, Joshua thought to catch something to help him travel around.”
The large dragon sighs, feeling a rare moment of wistfulness. “Sure would be great to see them again. I don’t know how long it’s been since... that day, but I wouldn’t be surprised if all of them thought I was dead.”
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red carpet ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1377
request?: yes!
“First red carpet with MGK? 💙”
description: colson decides to take his girlfriend, who isn’t famous, to her first red carpet, and helps to calm her nerves beforehand
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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I looked at myself in the mirror as Ashleigh finished my red carpet look. She smiled at me before turning to get Colson ready for the red carpet.
After being together for some time, Colson had invited me to be his date to an award show red carpet. I wasn’t famous, so red carpets, or any sort of celebrity type thing really was all foreign to me. I wasn’t sure how to feel; excited to be there? Nervous? Both?
I took a deep breath as I watched Ashleigh trying to get Colson into a blazer through the mirror. He seemed so cool, so calm, but then again this wasn’t his first red carpet.
Colson turned to look at me and smiled. “You look so beautiful, baby.”
I smiled in return and melted into Colson’s arms. He took his phone from his pocket and held it out to take a picture of the two of us. I smiled, but buried myself into Colson’s chest so I wasn’t too visible.
“Look at us,” he said, showing me the picture. “We’re definitely the hottest couple on the red carpet.”
I just smiled at him as he posted the picture. I wasn’t sure about “the hottest” couple, but leave it up to Colson to know how to cheer me up when I felt down.
When Colson finally finished getting ready, we went down to the car that was waiting to take us to the red carpet. Colson held the door open for me as I got in, like the gentleman he is, before following me into the car.
Our drive towards the event was silent. I kept looking out the window, watching as we drew closer and closer. My legs started bobbing anxiously the closer we got, no matter how hard I tried to stop them.
I jumped when I felt something touch my hand, relaxing as I realized that it was just Colson.
“Are you okay, babe?” he asked.
I nodded at first, then stopped and shook my head. “I’m just nervous.”
“Nervous about what?”
I shrugged because, honestly, I wasn’t sure. I had been excited when Colson asked me to be his date to the red carpet. It felt like some sort of initiation into the life of a celebrity’s girlfriend. I spent weeks looking up dresses and makeup looks for the red carpet, until I found out that Ashleigh would be dressing me.
As the day approached, my excitement changed to nervousness. I wasn’t sure why considering the fact that our relationship was already public and his fans liked me. I figured maybe it had to do with the fact that it was our first public appearance as a couple, one that included journalists and media taking pictures of us and writing whatever they wanted to about us, about me, when they got to a computer to write. I knew the thought of what the media would say about me shouldn’t have gotten to my head, but I couldn’t help but worry about the headlines that could possibly be written about me, or the snide comments hidden within articles. The thought made me want to double check my makeup and dress every second.
Colson took my hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, whatever the reason, it’ll all be fine. I’ll be by your side the whole time.”
I smiled and leaned over to give Colson a kiss. At that moment, we pulled up to the red carpet and my jitters returned. Colson gave my hand another squeeze before he got out of the car first.
Cameras flashed as everyone yelled at him, excitedly. Colson flashed them a wide smile and waved as he crossed around the car to open my door. His smile for me was more genuine as he extended a hand. I took a deep breath, knowing there was no going back now, and got out of the car.
Colson put an arm around my waist and led me down the red carpet. We paused every now and then to take pictures, and he’d hold me close, protectively. I gave the cameras a shy smile and waved as they continued to yell, however it was hard to tell what they were saying as they all spoke at once, and they were yelling at the other red carpet attendees.
As we continued down the carpet, an interviewer waved to Colson, asking for an interview. He approached, taking my hand in his and allowing me to train a little behind him as he smiled at the interviewer, and the camera.
“Would you mind just a quick interview?” she asked.
“No, that’s fine by me,” he responded with a shrug.
The interviewer smiled and turned to her camera with her mic raised to her mouth. “Ladies and gents, I am here with the one and only Machine Gun Kelly, how are you doing tonight?”
“I’m doing pretty good,” Colson responded. “I’m happy to be here, with honestly the hottest date ever.”
He turned to wink at me and I couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled from my lips.
“Ah, you brought your girlfriend!” the reporter said, excitedly. “We’ve been wondering when we’d see this lovely lady at award shows with you.”
I could tell she wanted me to step forward, but all I wanted to do was back away. I looked up at Colson, who looked understanding of my worry. I knew that if I declined to speak to the interviewer, he’d be okay with it, but part of me felt obligated to do it. So, I stepped up beside him with a small smile on my face.
“You look absolutely gorgeous tonight,” she said. “Who are you wearing?”
“Honestly, I’m not sure,” I said with a shrug. “Colson’s stylist helped me get ready. I was looking up dresses from Target and quick and easy makeup looks to prepare for tonight.”
That earned a laugh from both the interviewer and Colson, one of which I knew for sure was genuine, but knowing that it was Colson’s was enough to ease my tension.
“How are you feeling about the red carpet tonight? It’s your first big event, isn’t it?”
I nodded. “It is. It’s a little nerve wracking. I feel like I don’t belong with so many amazing people that I’ve been looking up to and listening to for years. It’s strange.”
“You certainly don’t look nervous. You look like you own the red carpet.”
I almost looked up at Colson in disbelief, but instead smiled brightly at the interviewer. “Thank you!”
The interview continued for another while before Colson excused himself to continue down the carpet. I followed behind him, but couldn’t help the smile on my face. I felt much more brave, more confident, as we stopped and posed for pictures together. Every now and then, through the constant yelling, I could hear photographers saying my name and calling compliments. I looked up at Colson in happiness and leaned up to kiss him, which sent the photographers into another frenzy.
Finally, we made it into the venue. Colson grabbed the two of us some drinks before we went to find our seats. He passed me a glass and raised his own, “To your first red carpet, a success.”
I giggled and tapped my glass against his before taking a sip.
“I told you there was nothing to worry about,” he said once we were on our way to our seats. “That interviewer was right, you did look like you owned the red carpet, especially after that first interview.”
“You’re right,” I told him, squeezing his hand. “I just wasn’t sure what to expect. You never really talk about this stuff and the only experience I have is through YouTube videos.”
“I know, but you did great even with the little you knew.” We found our seats and sat down. The venue was beginning to fill with the other celebrity attendees. “So, with your first red carpet appearance behind you, will you come to more with me?”
I looked at Colson. “If you want me to be there, you know I’ll be there baby.”
He took my hand and kissed my knuckles. “I want you here always.”
“Then I’ll be here always, I promise.”
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