#I’m still more annoyed and shaken up than I should be but idk gynecology is a nightmare field for no reason
capetowncapers · 1 year
Nurse on the phone at my gyn office, not letting me get a word in to explain why I would like to discuss my upcoming Pap smear with my practitioner first: well a Pap smear doesn’t hurt, you know, you might have some cramping but only for a second.
Me, willing myself not to cry frustrated tears bc at this rate I’m gunning to hold the office record for having a panic attack during not one but two Pap smears: ….. well I had one a few years ago that did hurt because I was so tense, so I ask because I’ve been having issues with those muscles still tensing.
Nurse, seemingly unconcerned with this new information: you can take some Motrin an hour before your appointment, did you have any other questions :)
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