#I’m sorry if this does not make sense I usually just write mini poems and snitch them together like an empty train of thoughts
kutakunagasblog · 1 year
hiya I hope ur having a good day; I really like ur fnc art it's cute!! do u have any headcannons of them or even with jay to share? feel free to ignore this if not :]]
Oh my goodness I totally missed this for days but yeas I do!
I’m really into knigh mediaeval love poems, I headcanoned gillion love language as taking care of battle wounds and balancing chip during fights and training. ( gillion giving chip his last spell slot for a good night rest ep 39) This comes from his past in the undersea and in the early days he and chip fought about it because chip wouldn’t let gillion help him and gillion would feel sad because he didn’t know how to tell chip he cared about him.(same goes with chip who just wants to make Gill smile but he ends up with a big miss understanding)
And chip love language is touch ( chip fire touch and gillion cold skin,like a blacksmith shaping a cold metal sword ) and sharing jewellery, and he had the biggest gay panic when gillion gave him matching rings .
They are the unapologetic definition of “ to be loved is to be changed “( jay also ) ,“ you make me want to love you loudly “ , “ gillion fell first chip fell harder “
Because Gillion is very loud with his love and chip is very quiet and they balance each other nicely . Like the land and sea ( I’m a very big earth chip believer , because chip is the earth that fell in love with the sea and Gillion is the sea that fell in love with the earth )
But other than that I only have snippets of things I imagine them saying like :
“ I don’t know what my destiny is anymore , but the only thing I wanted was to come back to you , my land “
“ my sun and land you anchor me to you like no other “
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sweeethinny · 3 years
none of this makes sense, I didn’t make a good ending, so .... I’m sorry I wanted to write this, but it wasn't getting any better, so I made these little moments during the years of James and Albus, I hope you like it i'm sorry for not making sense, or for mistakes, I just needed to get it out of my mind
(James and Albus are 2 years apart, so in the fight scene James is 15 and Albus 13 - and it happens in the same year that Lily enters Hogwarts -, and in the final scene, James is 17 and Albus 15)
When James went to Hogwarts, Albus felt alone.
It was strange, because he always had James in the next room, ready to play with him or just piss him off, Albus had a friend at all hours of the day, but then, he went to Hogwarts and he came back talking about friends that he had done it there, and everything incredible that happened there, and Albus was alone and jealous.
He lost James to those stupid friends of his.
When Albus went to Hogwarts, he was angry with James.
At Hogwarts, James was not his older brother, who liked to race with him and loved to talk to him and make jokes. James, in addition to having his own friends, James seemed to be famous, even though he did nothing. People always seemed to sit down and listen to whatever shit he or his friends were talking about, and the worst part is that Albus realized that they loved all that attention.
When Lily entered Hogwarts, Albus wanted to break James' nose.
Albus was seeing a boy. A Ravenclaw boy who didn't want anyone to know about them. But Albus also wanted to keep it a secret, so it was no big deal. However, James was always on the way.
He and Greg agreed to flee to Hogsmeade together, but of course James was close by and saw him running away, and of course he followed. But in the end it was good, because their father was in Hogsmeade and if it weren't for James and the cloak, they would have been caught.
Later, back at Hogwarts, James even had the courage to yell at Albus about him being irresponsible! James! The same boy who got into trouble almost every week.
Albus had been so angry that if it weren't for Mira to intervene to warn that Harry was at school looking for James, Albus would have broken his brother's nose. How could he think he had a right to intervene in what he did? To say what was right and wrong? James liked girls, he had seen his brother kissing some in the halls, he would never have to worry about the things that Albus worried about. He didn't need to be afraid to talk about who he liked with his parents. His father had even talked to James about girls.
James was normal.
When James broke Greg's nose, Albus felt guilty.
James, as always, was out of the castle that night with his friends, he saw when Greg attacked Albus, when he fell like an idiot to the ground, and he went to help him.
James didn't tell anyone about what Greg had called him. He didn't even joke later, when Minerva sent them home for the weekend. James had a bruised eye and cheek, and Albus's jaw was aching like never before, and even when his father yelled at them, James said nothing.
'Who was in Hogsmeade that day?' Harry asked, and for a second Albus thought James was going to tell the truth, but for some reason, he said:
'Me.' And Albus thought he had never seen his brother so embarrassed and looking so sad when his father said he was disappointed in him.
'You lied to me.'
When James defended Albus, he was stupidly moved.
Their father had been injured and had gone to the Hospital, the three were called by their mother, because Harry had asked for them there. He was in terrible shape, half of his face was bandaged, James and Lily cried when they saw their father in that state, Albus however was paralyzed on his mother's side.
James asked Albus to tell their parents that he was gay, sometime soon, saying that no, they would not fight with him or throw him out of the house. Seeing his father like that, looking so fragile and so hurt, Albus wanted to throw up, thinking that he could have died without knowing the truth. James never told him why he had hit Greg.
'I'm gay,' he said, awkwardly, and his parents looked at him as if Albus had said that he had found a diamond mine in his room.
He was afraid, so afraid that he went to James' side, who had come out of his father's embrace. Nobody said anything for a while, and Albus thought it had been a bad idea, he should have been quiet.
'Why are we quiet?' James said, nervous. ‘It isn’t a horrible thing what Albus said, you don't need to be like this.’ He didn’t even seem to be breathing. 'He's still the same Albus, boring and stubborn, as usual, and just because he kisses boys doesn't mean anything. And if you two think this is a big deal, I'm going to disinherit myself, because Daddy was excluded his whole life for being different, and I think the Potter know what it's like to be alone, so I don't see any point in making Albus feel like that.' James put his arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. 'I think Al deserves our support, and he has my full support. I punched Greg in the face for talking shit, and I would do it again, even if it’s someone twice my size.’
Albus blinked his tears away when his mother hugged him, and when his father called him in for a hug. They were not angry, ‘We would never be angry about that, regardless of who you kiss or how you see yourself, we still love you very much.’, And Albus felt a lot more relaxed and free when that weight came off his shoulders.
'Please call us if someone says something to you. You have a very beautiful face to be hurt by punches.’ Ginny said, filling him with kisses, tears falling down her face.
When James told him that he was dating, Albus wanted to laugh.
It was so obvious that he and Mira had been dancing around each other for months, and every time he saw them together, full of little secrets and smiles, Albus knew they would end up dating.
He and Lily even bet when James would tell the news, Lily who won.
'James doesn't know how to keep a secret.' She said, laughing. 'And he seemed very nervous when I saw him and Mira together near the Astronomy Tower.'
When James asked Albus to go out with him and his friends, he felt important.
They went to Piper's house, together.
Albus felt much older that night, along with James' friends, listening to them talking about girls and boys, and playing video games with them. Michael always asked Albus' opinion if he was quiet for a long time.
‘Any boy on your radar, mini Potter?’ Piper asked, handing him the packet of snacks. 'Pretend your boring brother is not here, and tell us about the Slytherins. Hot or not?’
But when they smoked together, Albus felt that they had reached a new level of friendship between siblings.
Usually Scorpion didn't like being around James on vacation, and Albus knew that he hadn't fully overcome his crush on Mira, and it seemed that James knew it too, because he never talked about girls as much as he talked to Scorpion around.
'It's to irritate you,' he said for the thousandth time. 'He never talks about it, but he knows it will piss you off, so he does.'
James was lying on the floor in the living room, smoking a joint and laughing at something Michael had said, something that involved girls. Scorpion grimaced, and Albus thought his friend really didn't understand what it was like to have an older brother.
‘Sloan, you need to learn to talk to girls, or you’ll be forever comparing their hair to that poisonous flower,’ James said, his voice slightly curled from the marijuana.
'I need to learn? Don't be an asshole, Potter, if it weren't for Hazel you would never have started dating,' Piper snapped, taking the cigarette from James' hand and swallowing, green eyes, which were naturally clear, now dark. ‘And Blanca liked my poem.’
'I would never have agreed to go out with you.' Michael was sitting in the armchair, his feet dangling from the arms of the chair while he was leaning on the other arm, devouring the rest of the ice cream that was in the jar.
'Of course you would, you already kissed me, why wouldn't you accept it?' Piper asked, pushing the cigarette to Albus. ‘Do you want to try, mini Potter?’
‘Albus doesn’t smoke,’ James said, staring at his brother with the eagle eyes very much like the ones his mother gave them when they fought.
'Stop it, James. Albus you can smoke, if you want.' Michael smiled at him, blinking. 'If you don't want to, mini Malfoy can try.' Scorpius looked at Albus, seeming to be talking to him mentally.
'I never smoked,' Scorpius said, looking at the other boys in the room, but Piper didn't seem to mind because he kept the cigarette stretched out for both of them.
‘Take it or leave it, if you don’t want it, I won’t offer it again.’
'You two don't have to do this,' James said, now sitting on the floor.
'But what if I want to?' Scorpius asked, looking more cheeky than usual, and Albus almost laughed at the grimace that James made.
'Then smoke. But I am only responsible for my brother.'James raised his hands, facing the two who were sitting on the other side of the sofa. ‘If you fall, I won’t get you up.’ He would, Albus knew that, but James would never admit it.
'Okay.' Scorpius shrugged, taking the cigarette out of Piper's hand and putting it in his mouth, all attention turned to him. ‘Al?’ He looked at Albus, the joint in his hand, the smoke coming out of his lips as his pupils seemed to dilate a little.
'Will you lift me if I fall?' Albus asked, just to annoy James, taking the cigarette between his fingers. His brother laughed, lying on the floor again.
'I always get you up, Al.'
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