#I’m sorry for making Ashley terrorize your ocs
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thebananaiscold · 7 months ago
Here’s some funny unhinged interaction dialogue I came up with. Featuring my oc (Ashley) and @xxsweetoothxxs ‘s ocs (literally every other character) I would have drawn this, (probably will in the future) but I’m way too fucking tired and mentally drained to draw as of recently, so this was my compromise.
Ashley: *wakes up in toyland* Where the fuck am I?
Rolan: oh hello! :D
Ashley: Bitch….. Are you a fucking phone!?
Ashley: *walking to her house and sees a lil toy Leslie on the ground*
Ashley: *picks Leslie up* Who the fuck left this dumbass doll in my yard?
Leslie: *spins head 360 degrees around and death glares her* BITCH. WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME!!??
Ashley: OH FUCK. ITS ALIVE!!??
Ashley: *yeets Leslie into a bush*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashley: Why are you crying?
Ashley: oh yeah…..
Ashley: that is rather unfortunate…… *dabs*
Ragz: ;_;
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashley: What the fuck!? Were you about to fucking BITE ME bro!!??
Domi: No… I was just-
Ashley: You have to prepare someone for that….
Ashley: *bares teeth and gets into fightin position*
Ashley: Alright. I’m ready. Let’s do this!
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crimsonadri-fanfiction · 6 years ago
Make a Move (Chapter 8)
Fandom: Until Dawn
Genre: Romance, Humor, Tragedy, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Josh x OC
Rated: M
Warnings: Language,
(First) (Previous)
The lights came on and Chris and Ashley lifted their heads to see they were both alive. Ashley saw Josh in his mask pulling along a restrained, crying, Maxine.
“Noo! No no no! Get away!!!” Ashley screamed.
“Max!” Chris tried to shot Josh but nothing happened.  Josh held out the arm that wasn’t holding Maxine.
“Oh Chris…” he said. “Oh Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris.” Maxine pretended to struggle as Josh walked around the two.
“What the fuck?!” Chris looked at the gun.
“Oh you’ve heard of blanks before.” Josh said. “I mean really?” he stopped and took his mask off with one had as his other let go of Maxine’s wrists.
“Josh?” Chris asked. Maxine took the tape off her mouth and held out her arms.
“Max?” Ashley gasped. Josh burst out laughing as he threw an arm around Maxine.
“Hahahahahaha!” Josh walked around the table with her again.
“Josh!” Maxine turned to see Sam and Mike had entered the room.
“Josh…” Mike said. “Max?”
“Oh, oh very good!” Josh said. Sam moved over to Ashley to set her free as Mike went to Chris. “Every one of you! Got my name! And after all you’ve been through! Good-good-good-good. I mean how does that feel? Right? How does it feel? Do you enjoy feeling terrorized? Humiliated? I mean, panicked. All those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago! O-Only guess what, they didn’t get to laugh it off! No! Nope! No no no! They’re gone!”
“I don’t know if you noticed this, Josh, but none of us are laughing.” Mike said.
“Oh come, come- come- come- come. Why the long faces? Come on!” Josh said. “It’s good to get the heart racing every now and then, right? And race they did, I mean, every one of you just pitter-pat, pitter-pat!” he slapped the back of his hand on his palm. “I hope you appreciated my little phantasmagorical, spectacle! I mean, no detail too small! No opportunity missed! It was such a delight to play the puppet master to all of your Pavlovian panic! And all that gore? I mean, gore, there was gore galore!! Fake bodies… I mean, god that shit was expensive! And no retakes! Nope, nope, nope, only double takes! And who could forget our wonderful, beautiful actress-“ he put his hands on Maxine’s shoulders from behind her. “Maxine! Wasn’t she amazing! Truly believable; she deserves an Emmy!” he laughed. “Oh you should have seen your faces. Hook line and sinker for every little stinker!”
“Josh… Max… Why are you doing this?” Sam asked.
“Don’t even ask this squirrelly little runt. He’s got no clue.” Mike said. “He’s out of this fucking tree.”
“Well he’s definitely off his meds.” Chris said.
“What about you, Max? Why did you do this to us?” Ashley asked. “What did we do to you?! Why would you help him?!”
“It’s nothing personal.” Maxine said. “I just know what it feels like to lose people I love because someone thought it would be funny to… play a harmless prank.” Maxine snapped. “Why wouldn’t I help him.” Josh looked at her before looking at his friends.
“Aw come on, you guys. Revenge is the best medicine!” Josh said.
“You’re done.” Mike said.
“Mike, he’s sick-“ Chris said.
“What? Come on, you guys are all going to thank me when you guys become internet sensations!” Josh said.
“Wait, w-what…?”
“Oh you better believe this little puppy is going viral ladies and germs.” Josh said. “I mean we got unrequited love. We got… we got blood! I don’t think there’s enough hard drives in China to count all the views we’re gunna get, you guys.”
“What are you talking about, you ass hat?” Mike asked. “Jessica is fucking dead!”
“What?” Josh asked. Maxine’s eyes widened.
“Did you hear me?” Mike asked. “Jessica is dead and you are gunna fucking pay you dick!!!” Maxine screamed as Mike hit Josh with a pistol.
“Josh!” she quickly checked his head. “Why would you do that?!”
“Jessica is dead because of this prick!”  Mike spat as he got Chris and Ashley loose.
“We didn't do anything to her! Josh specifically sent two to the other cabin. We never went anywhere near it!
“Tie him up.” Mike told Chris. Maxine stood and took a step back. “We're not tying you up. You're staying with the girls.”
“Where are you gunna take him?”
“Just somewhere I can keep an eye on him.”
“Just please don't hurt him.” Maxine pleaded. “We didn’t hurt Jess I swear. I don’t know what happened to her but we have nothing to do with it!”
“Why should I believe you?” Mike asked. “You apparently a wonderful actress.” Maxine started to chew on her lip before she looked down at Josh who was being tied up by Chris.
“Why did you go along with this? We never did anything to you.” Sam said. “How could you do this to people you’ve only just met.”
“It's cause she's in love with Josh.” Mike said. “She has the same look... Hannah did.” Maxine's face went red and she looked down at her feet.
“I'm sorry. We never meant for anyone to actually hurt, I swear, we have no idea what happened to Jess.��� Maxine said. “Just… please don't hurt him.” she said as she watched Chris pull Josh up.
“Bring her upstairs.” Mike said to Sam. Sam nodded and took Maxine’s arm.
“What did you do with Max? Where’s Max?! Where is she?!” Josh shouted as Mike pushed him forward.
“She's fine. She's back at the lodge with the girls.” Chris said.
“You really brain washed that girl didn't you?” Mike asked.
“What are you- what are you talking about?” Josh asked.
“Maxine would've done anything you asked of her. How'd you get her to go along with all this? How did you convince a nice girl like her to be cruel to people she doesn't even know?”
“S-she wanted to help me. I-I don't know why she went along with it but just leave her alone. All-all of this was my idea; don't take it out on her. D-Don't blame her!”
“Relax.” Chris said. “All the blame belongs to you.”
“Where are we going?” Josh asked. “Where are you guys taking me?” Mike pushed Josh so he stumbled to the ground.
“Locking you up, bro.” Mike said.
“So you can’t do anything stupid before we call the police in the morning.” Mike said.
“Come on! I didn’t do anything- Ask Max!”
“Are you serious, bro?” Chris asked.
“You’re a goddamned murderer is what you are.” Mike said.
“I didn’t do it, Michael please! Just listen to me, man! We- I did not hurt Jessica-“ Josh said.
“You know what man? You need to shut up.” Chris said.
“I don’t get it, Max.” Sam said as she paced in front of Maxine who sat on the couch hugging her legs.
“I mean, I get that you like Josh but why go so far as to torment people you don’t even know?” Ashley asked.
“We didn’t do anything to Jessica, I swear.” Maxine said.
“What about us?” Sam asked. “I mean, we’ve never done anything to hurt you.”
“Josh told me about how you guys played that prank on Hannah.” Maxine said as she looked at Ashley. “That stupid prank cost Josh his sisters. Two years ago these… punks decided it would hilarious to teepee my house and then set the toilet paper on fire.” Sam stopped pacing. “I was homeschooled so I didn’t have any friends… I lost my parents, my home… I almost died… everything was just taken away and I was left alone… until…” Maxine looked down.
“Do you take medication?” Sam asked. Maxine nodded.
“Just to help me sleep though.” she said. “Otherwise I have nightmares.
“Did you know Josh had stopped taking his meds?” Sam asked. Maxine peeked up at her and nodded.
“It wasn’t all ill intent. We…” she glanced at Ashley. “We were trying to get you to admit your feelings to each other.”
“ ‘Traumatic event’…” Sam said shaking her head. The door opened and Chris came in.
“Mike’s staying with Josh in the shed.” He told the girls. “Max…” Maxine hid her face against her knees.
“Chris.” Ashley said as she stood. She walked up to him before leading him away. Maxine picked up her head and she and Sam looked over at the two to see Ashley whispering to Chris. After a moment Chris’ eyes widened and he looked at Maxine who hid her face again.
“Let me in! Let me IN!!” Emily screamed as she pounded on the door.
“Is that-?” Ashley and Maxine got up.
“It’s Em!!” Sam said.
“Let her in! Quick!” Chris said as everyone rushed to the door. He pulled the door open and Emily fell in.
“Shut the door! Oh my god- shut the door!!!” Emily screamed as she backed herself away. Sam, Ashley and Maxine pulled her back and up.
“Em, are you alright?” Chris asked.
“I didn’t think that I’d make it-“ Emily said as the girls led her back to the couch.
“You were screaming bloody murder.” Chris said.
“Are you okay?” Sam asked.
“You look totally wiped-“ Ashley said.
“There was something-“ Emily said.
“Where’s Matt?”
“Come sit down, sit down.” Sam said.  
“Something’s out there-“
“Did you guys split up?” Ashley asked.
“A monster- it’s a monster!” Emily said.
“Wait!” Chris said. “What are you talking about?”
“I said, there is something out there-!”
“Like what?” Ashley asked.
“Ash, relax. It was Josh, it was all Josh.” Sam said.
“No no no no listen to me-“ Emily said.
“We got him tied up, he can’t hurt you.” Sam said.
“NO it was after me. And it wasn’t human-“ Emily said. She turned to Maxine. “Max that scream we heard in the wood before!”
“That was just an animal, Em…” Maxine said shaking her head.
“Hold on…” Chris said. “Em, can you tell us exactly what happened?”
“I am trying to tell you.” She said. “We were climbing up the tower and it- it fell. The whole tower just fell! Right into the mines-“
“Whoa whoa whoa, what mines?” Chris asked.
“There are these mine shafts all over, running under everything, when the tower fell we ended up down there.”
“I don’t understand, the tower fell?” Ashley asked.
“How’d it fall?” Sam asked.
“I-I was walking down there, in the mines, and it was dark and I found this pile and … there was Beth’s head.”
“Wait, what?!” Chris leaned back.
“Beth’s head. I found it.” Emily said.
“Oh my god!” Ashley said.
“What the fuck?” Chris asked.
“Are you serious?!” Sam asked.
“Yes I’m serious!” Emily said. “I think they fell down there.”
“Jesus Christ.” Chris said.
“But the worst part is I don’t think Hannah died. Like from the fall, not right away…” Emily said as she held herself.
“What? What do you mean?” Ashley asked.
“I don’t know… I feel like she was down there… like, starving to death… for weeks…when we were all up here looking for her… we had no idea!” Emily said.
“Oh god…” Maxine breathed as she put hand over her mouth.
“Jesus, that’s… horrible…” Chris said.
“Listen. In… in the tower there was a radio and I-I got through to someone – but that was right when the tower collapsed!” Emily said. Mike came into the room and saw her.
“Em!” Emily stood and they hugged. “You made it!”
“Oh god, Mike-“ Emily said. Maxine stood and put a hand on Mike’s arm.
“Yeah, yeah, barely.” Chris said.
“What about Matt?”
“We’re trying to figure that out.” Ashley said.
“Mike did you just leave Josh out there on his own-?” Maxine tried to ask but was drowned out by the others.
“And there was this ‘monster’ that was chasing her…” Chris said.
“She’s all messed up, guys” Matt said. “Emily? Hey, Em?” Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
“Whoa.” Chris said.
“Who the fuck can that be?” Mike whispered.
“Josh?” Ashley and Maxine asked at the same time.
“Jess?” Chris asked.
“It’s not Jess.” Mike said.
“Sorry man… but who is it?”
“I don’t know… we should check it out.”
“I got your back.” Chris said.
“Good.” Mike said. The two headed to the door. Mike held up his pistol and Chris opened the door as a man kicked it in, disarmed Mike and closed the door behind him.
“Okay everybody just calm down.” The stranger said. “Now just move over there.” Chris and Mike went back to the girls. “Go on, move! Let me say what I came to say. I’m here to tell you what you’re up against being back on this mountain.” The girls and Chris sat down on the couch. “You should never have returned.” He dropped a bag next to the fireplace. “I don’t know why you did after what happened last year.”
“You mean with Hannah and Beth?” Ashley asked.
“Yeah, how could you know without being involved-“ Chris asked.
“Or responsible- ?!” Sam asked.
“You hold onto your horses. I don’t take kindly to you kids coming up here to my mountain.” The stranger said.
“Your mountain?” Mike scoffed. “I’m sure the Washingtons would be very surprised to hear that.”
“Hehheh. Well this mountain don’t belong to me, it’s true. But it don’t belong to the Washingtons. This mountain belongs to the Wendigo.”
“Who?” Chris asked.
“What’s he talking about?” Sam asked.
“What’s a Wendigo?” Mike asked.
“Let’s hear him out.” Sam said.
“Not like we have a choice.” Mike said.
“Now I’m only going to tell you this once. It doesn’t matter to me if you believe it or not.” The stranger said. “I got reasons I want to… get it off my chest…”
“See? I told you!” Mike said. “He’s guilty as shit! Guilty of something!” Sam ‘shh’ed him.
“Mike shut up.” Maxine said.
“There is a curse. That dwells in these mountains.” The stranger said. “Should any man or woman resort to cannibalism in these woods the spirit of the Wendigo shall be unleashed.”
“Oh Crap.” Mike said.
“You’re going to need to find somewhere safe.” The stranger said.
“The basement might be okay…” Sam said.
“Okay. Get down there. All of you. And wait.”
“What why? For how long?”
“Until dawn.” Emily said.
“Guys… I ran off and left Josh when I heard screaming.” Mike said. Maxine stood with wide eyes.
“Where did you leave him?” The stranger asked.
“In this shed…”
“Your friend will already be dead.”
“No.” Maxine said as she shook her head.
“No…” Chris said as he stood. “No he can’t be… we were just with him!”
“A lot can happen quickly on this mountain.” The stranger said.
“No. I’m gunna go get him.” Chris said.
“Me too.” Maxine said.
“No, Max, you’re staying here. It’s too dangerous.”
“You can’t go out there, Chris.” Ashley said.
“I’m supposed to be his best friend and I-I let him down.”
“No… he let you down, Chris- he let all of us down.” Ashley said.
“I don’t care. I’m going to get him.”
“Then I’ll go with you.” The stranger said.
“I don’t need your help.” Chris said.
“Going alone is suicide.”
“The rest of you, get down to the basement. Be safe. Don’t go outside again until we’re back.” The stranger came to stand in front of Chris. “You don’t seem to understand the magnitude of the situation.”
“Well I’m going to get Josh, aren’t I?”
“No, I’m going to get Josh. You’re going to help me. Do you understand?”
“…uh… yeah… I think so.”
“You need to follow me. and do everything I tell you.” The stranger said before he turned and walked away. Chris went to follow when Maxine grabbed his sleeve.
“Chris please… be careful and bring him back.” She said. He nodded.
“Get down to the basement.”
“Max I think you should sit down.” Sam said. Maxine glanced at her as she paced.
“Oh my god! Guys!” Emily said as Chris, Ashley and Mike came into the part of the basement where everyone else was.  “Thank god.”
“What took you so long?” Sam asked.
“It’s not good up there right now-“ Chris said.
“Understatement of the night.” Mike said as he closed the metal fenced door behind them.
“Chris… Where’s the flame thrower guy?”
“Ah… yeah… he uh…”
“He didn’t make it?” Ashley asked.
“Oh no!” Emily said.
“What happened?” Sam asked.
“The thing it… it tore him apart-! Right in front of me.” Chris said.
“Oh god.” Sam gasped. Chris looked over at Maxine. She was facing away from everyone and holding Josh’s jacket to her chest.
“Alright.” Mike said. “These all the doors?” Mike asked.
“Yeah.” Sam said. Chris walked over to Maxine and put a hand on her arm. She tensed and Chris felt her shoulders start to tremble. Chris looked at Ashley who looked at him. She motioned to Maxine and Chris nodded before pulling Maxine into his arms. He rubbed her back as Maxine’s shoulders started to shake.
“Are you sure?”
“What are you looking for?”
“Another way out.”
“Mike… I really don’t think that’s a good idea. We should stay put, right here, until dawn. At least we’re safe down here.”
“Oh? Yeah? All wrapped up like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning?” Mike said.
“People will come for us. In the morning.” Sam said.
“You don’t sound so sure.”
“That is what’ll happen. Right Em?”
“Yeah… I mean…right?” Emily asked.
“Well you can wait.” Mike said. “I’m leaving.”
“Mike… there’s no key for the cable car.” Emily said.
“Josh.” Mike said. “He’s gotta have it.”
“Josh?” Sam asked.
“One of his dirty little tricks.” Mike said.
“Great.” Sam said. “Great!”
“If that fucking thing got a hold of Josh… then… we’re shit outta luck.”
“I don’t know, Mike… it’s possible...” Emily said.
“What’s possible?” Sam asked.
“It may have taken him down to the mines…”
“What?” Mike asked.
“I saw some horrible stuff down there… I think it’s where that thing lives… and...” Emily turned and picked up a book. “huh…”
“Em?” Sam asked. “What?” she asked as she walked over.
“Fuck it.” Mike said. “I’m gunna get that key. Right from that thing’s goddamned bedroom and then I’m gunna get us all out of here.”
“Em … what is all that?” Sam asked.
“It’s that old guy’s bag.” Emily said.
“Is that a map?” Mike asked.
“The guy was prepared for anything.” Sam said.
“Not quite.” Mike said. Chris rubbed Maxine’s back slowly.
“Max, I’m really sorry.” Chris said. Maxine sniffled and wiped her eyes as she pulled back to look up at him.
“You and Ashley better stick together after this.” she said. “Tell her exactly how you feel, make sure she knows.”
“Max…” Chris felt his eyes watering. “You really cared about him…” Fresh tears started to fall down her cheeks.
“It’s pathetic isn’t it… I mean… I know he didn’t see me in that way…he probably liked… Sam.” Maxine said glancing over at Sam who was talking with Emily and Mike. Chris shook his head.
“No, Max… I don’t – I don’t know if- if telling you this will… make you feel any better but he was crazy about you.” Chris said. Maxine scoffed. “I’m serious. When he first told me about you he said he’d met this great, amazing girl. We went on and on about you.”
“He didn’t tell you I was attractive or-“
“Of course he didn’t. Why would he tell his single friend that the girl he likes is attractive?”
“Don’t guys usually do that?”
“Not Josh. I mean sure he would’ve bragged about you if you were his girlfriend but since you weren’t he didn’t want the idea of stealing you away to enter anyone’s head. You are cute and I know Josh thought so too.” Chris said. “And yes he flirted with Sam but she was Hannah’s best friend she was always over. They had no feelings for each other, just ask her.” Maxine lowered her head.
“Em…” Ashley said. “Em, what is that…?”
“Huh?” Chris and Maxine turned to see everyone backing away from Emily.
“What is that?”
“Em, oh my god oh my god oh my god! Oh no, oh no, oh no!”
“It’s nothing, I just – it bit me, and-“
“It bit you? What bit you?”
“The ah… The Wendigo.”
“The what?” Mike asked.
“It’s nothing, really, it’s not a big deal –“
“You okay?” Sam asked.
“Shit.” Mike hissed.
“It doesn’t hurt anymore. Really.” Emily said. “It’s…it’s not that bad.”
“Em… if that thing bit you…” Mike said.
“I-I know what you’re thinking. And I’m fine.”
“Are you?”
“Emily at least let us check it out.” Sam said.
“Emily… if the Wendigo bit you… you could turn into one of those thing.”
“Oh that’s ridiculous.” Sam said.
“He said it was from eating each other – remember he said that!” Ashley said.
“Wait is that how it worked?” Sam asked.
“Yes! It happens if it bit you, you’re gunna turn into one of them then you’re gunna turn on us. Oh my god oh my god oh my god!”
“He didn’t say that!” Maxine said. “He said nothing about being bitten. He said if someone resorts to cannibalism and she hasn’t eaten anyone!” Maxine said.
“We can’t take that chance.” Mike said. “You can’t be down here with us.”
“What?”Emily asked.
“Mike!” Sam said.
“You gotta go.” Mike said.
“Are you kidding me?!” Emily asked.
“You’re putting us all in danger!”
“Like hell I am!”
“Emily… you can’t stay here.”
“Mike… just cool your head, okay? We don’t know it works like that.” Sam said. “Maybe it’s just a bite.”
“I’ve seen what these fuckers can do.” Chris said. “I don’t wanna see it again.”
“Chris.” Maxine said.
“What is this? Guys. What are you doing?” Emily asked.
“Door’s right here.” Mike said. “I am letting you do this voluntarily.”
“Oh no you’re just making yourself feel better about sending me to my death since you know there’s a Wendigo out there ready to rip me to piece like it did with-“
“Okay oh my god will you just go?!” Ashley shouted. “Go! Get out of here!” Mike picked up his pistol and pointed it at Emily.
“Whoa!” Sam said.
“Mike!” Maxine shouted.
“…okay…” Emily said.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa- Mike…” Sam said as she rushed over to him. “Calm down.” Mike shook her off.
“You’re gunna shoot me?” Emily asked as she backed up. “Mike..? Me?”
“This is the safe room, Em.” Mike said.
“Please!” Emily moved up onto the desk, pulling her les to her chest.
“It is not safe as long as you’re in it.”
“Not for us.”
“Don-…Don’t do this!”
“I’m really sorry.” Mike said. Emily put up her arm to block her head. “Fuck… I can’t do this.” Mike said as he turned away.
“Oh my god.” Emily breathed.
“You did the right thing.” Sam said.
“I hope you did.” Ashley said.
“Maybe… for now.” Mike said. “Shit… fuck fuck. Keep an eye on her… if you see anything weird… you guys know what to do.”
“Yeah.” Ashley said.
“No one leave.” Mike said. “Okay? It’s not safe out there.” He put the pistol down on the table. “I’ll be back soon.” Mike said before he left. Maxine went to Emily who curled up on the table. Sam sat beside Chris. Emily leaned back and laid on the table. Maxine stood in front of her.
“I thought... that…that he was gunna help us.” Emily said.
“Who the flame thrower dude?” Sam asked as Ashley picked up the stranger’s journal.
“Now we don’t have a chance…” Emily said. Ashley walked over to the other table and sat in a chair.
“No, guys, it just means we’ve got to be tough.” Sam said. “We’ve gotta do this on our own.”
“I don’t know if I can.” Emily said. Ashley started to look through the journal.
“This guy’s a little OCD.” She said. “There’s a lot of history to this.” Maxine walked over to her and looked over her shoulder. “This says that because the Windegos are… mutated from humans… when they hunt us they know how to perfectly mimic their prey.”
“Ashley.” Maxine said as she pointed to something on the page. She looked at Ashley with an almost glare like stare.
“Oh… oh no no no no no.” Ashley said.
“What?” Sam asked. “What is it? What does it say?” she asked as she walked over.
“It says that…well… the bites…” Ashley started to lower her voice. “If it bites you it’s not infectious. It doesn’t do anything.”
“Let me see that!” Sam said.
“Um, I’m sorry what did you say?” Emily asked as she got up.
“Em, it says you’ll be okay…” Ashley said as she stood.
“It says what?”
“You’re going to be fine.” Sam said.
“Fine?! Mike almost shot me! Is that fine?!”
“He didn’t shoot you-“ Sam said.
“And this bitch almost let him!” Emily shouted as she pointed to Ashley.
“Hey! That’s not fair, she was scared-“
“I’m the one who’s scared.” Emily said.
“I-I’m sorry… I’m sorry Emily.” Ashley said. “I didn’t know what was going to happen… none of us know!”
“There’s- There’s no excuse! There’s no excuse for this!” Emily shouted as she turned and walked away from Ashley.
“Please, Emily, please just try to understand-“
“Understand the palm of my hand, bitch.” Emily said before she slapped Ashley so hard she fell to the ground.
“I’m sorry.” Ashley whimpered as she got up, moving away like a wounded animal. “I’m so so so so sorry.”
“Shit.” Sam said as she read the journal. “Shit-shit-shit. We’re got to get to Mike like now!” Sam said before leaving the room. The other girls and Chris followed.
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