#I’m so tired I want to go back to sleep
milkloafy · 2 days
⋆。˚ ❀ summary: you and alhaitham get into a heated argument and give each other the cold shoulder. at night, you sleep on the couch and alhaitham comes out to find you. ⋆。˚ ❀ contents: gn!reader, established relationship, fluff, kaveh cameo ⋆。˚ ❀ wc: 0.9k+ ⋆。˚ ❀ a/n: this little drabble has made me fall in love with alhaitham i am currently commissioning some selfship art as we speak i love this man pls enjoy if ur a fellow alhaitham lover :>
It wasn’t often you and Alhaitham truly fought. But the few times you did, it usually started with abnormally raised voices and ended in silent treatment that lasted late into the night.
At a certain point in time, the silent treatment would go on for so long, it became more like a battle of perseverance— Who would cave and speak to the other first?
You were stubborn, you had to admit, but Alhaitham could take it to a whole new level. Even when you tried to extend an olive branch, he would continue to keep to himself and draw out the silence between you.
You huffed as you wrapped a blanket around you. Kaveh had passed by your sorry state bundled up on the couch and wordlessly brought you a spare pillow and blanket. If there was anyone who understood Alhaitham’s stubbornness even more than you, it would have to be his roommate for years and former friend since the Akademiya, Kaveh. 
There was no explanation needed as Kaven patted you on the head before going back into his own room. 
Sighing, you laid down on the couch in the cold living room while Alhaitham was likely warm and cozy, snuggled up in bed without you. 
Dejected, you turned to your side and hugged the pillow Kaven gave. At this point, you were no longer even mad at Alhaitham. Sure, the two of you blew up on each other, but the heat simmered out and you were ready to make up and move on. 
It was too bad Alhaitham wasn’t, you thought to yourself, glaring at the cushion in front of you. 
You tossed and turned into the late of night, unable to get comfortable when your thoughts were focused on your boyfriend you were apparently still fighting with. Just as you were about to give up on sleep for the rest of the night, you heard a door creak open and the sound of footsteps coming from down the hall. 
Thinking it was only Kaveh again, you sat up and signed loudly, hugging your knees to your chest. 
“You’re still out here?”
Your spine straightened when you realized that voice was certainly not Kaveh. It was lower, deeper, much more familiar. Alhaitham.
Letting out an exhale, you shrugged without turning around to face him. “Where else would I go?”
Alhaitham sighed, walking around the sofa and taking a seat next to you, keeping a respectable distance away.
“You could go back to our bed,” he said quietly.
When you didn’t respond, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You peered up at him with a look of reservation on your face.
“I’m sorry for letting you stay out here alone for so long,” he continued in a strained tone. 
You examined him, heart softening when you saw his tired and worn eyes, red skin at the edges. Although he hated showing it, you could easily see how much he was effected by this argument. 
“I’m really sorry. Won’t you come back to our room? I…miss you.”
Your resolve cracked after hearing those words. All you wanted for the past few hours was to make up. Now that he was the one holding up the peace flag, you toyed with the idea of making him grovel to make up for it. But a bigger part of you simply wanted to be in his arms again. 
“I miss you, too, Haith,” you said, moving closer to him. “I’m sorry for being so stubborn.”
Alhaitham gently took your hand into his and gave it a squeeze. “Perhaps we were both a little obstinate. But I love you too much to allow this stalemate to continue on.”
You nodded in agreement, burrowing your head into the crook of his neck. Breathing in deeply, you took in his familiar scent and let it warm your heart. 
“I hate the silent treatment,” you proclaimed, sniffling haughtily. “Let’s never do it again. I’m sorry for being a meanie.”
Alhaitham chuckled before planting a kiss on your forehead. “I was mean, too. I’m sorry for that. And you are forgiven.” He leaned his chin against the top of your head, not applying his full weight. “Now, let’s go to bed?”
“Yes, please.” You stood up slowly beside him. “I’m so tired. I can’t believe we were fighting for this loong over the existence of aliens!” 
He snorted, shaking his head in disbelief. “Our debates can get heated at times. But I enjoy that about us. Always being agreeable is too…mundane.” 
“I second that. But I just still can’t believe you don’t think aliens are real! In a world where gods and dragons exist… Aliens of all things are too farfetched?”
“Y/N,” he said in a warning tone.
You giggled, ruffling the top of his head with an exaggerated pat. “Okay, okay. Tonight, we make peace. I get it.”
“Mhm.” Alhaitham began walking to your room, holding your hand as you followed behind him. “Tonight, we make up. Tomorrow, we prepare our arguments and have a more structured debated.”
“Kaven can moderate the discussion,” you offered.
Alhaitham nodded. “I am agreeable to those terms. For now, please get in bed with me.”
You grinned at his pleas, closing the door behind you as you tackled him into a giant hug. “How about you kiss me first?”
Alhaitham smiled as he obliged, cupping your cheek in his warm hand. “As you wish, my love.”
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jeonghunny · 3 days
— “thank you, i love you.”, kim mingyu.
comfort | 624
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mingyu could tell that work had been stressing you out lately. you were leaving for work earlier than you usually would and coming back home way later than you should. he noticed how dark your under eye circles had gotten when you walked through the front door at slightly past 11pm the night prior. your eyes were bloodshot and hair messy as you kicked your shoes off and left them in disarray before the shoe cabinet that was pushed against the wall, thinking what was the point in keeping them when you’ll be putting them on again in a few hours.
mingyu got up from the couch to pick up your shoes so he can place them inside the cabinet and you walked past him to your shared bedroom without a word. he gets it though, even without you having to tell him anything, he could sense immediately that you’ve had a long day at work and all you wanted to do was just to take a shower and go straight to bed. he was wondering if you’ve even had dinner when he heard the water start running. mingyu knocked on the bathroom door gently then pressed his ear to the door and he heard your soft “hmm?”
“have you eaten yet?”
“no, but i’m not hungry. i’ll just head to bed after this.”
“you shouldn’t be skipping meals,” he chided. “i’ll just make something quick and light for you so you can eat and go to sleep.”
he doesn’t wait for your response and headed to the kitchen to look through the ingredients that were available. eventually, he settled on making a simple sandwich.
you came out of the shower just as he was placing the plate on the dining table and you sat down on one of the chairs to start eating. mingyu quickly moved behind you and started drying your hair with the towel and the soft movements of his hands were so soothing you instantly felt yourself relaxing for the first time in weeks. when you were done with your meal, mingyu insisted on cleaning up and told you that it was getting late and you should wash up and go to bed. you tried to fight him, telling him it was a single plate and would only take you a couple of seconds to wash but he wouldn’t relent so you gave up.
after you were done with your night routine, you found mingyu still busy in the kitchen at the stove. you went up to him quietly and wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, your cheek flushed against his back. “what are you doing?” your voice comes out slightly muffled.
“i’m making you a lunch box for tomorrow.”
you felt the vibration on his warm back as he spoke and for some reason you started tearing up. maybe it was the exhaustion or maybe it was the fact that he was staying up to make you a lunch box in the middle of the night instead of sleeping.
mingyu felt the slight dampness on his back and turned the stove off so he can turn to look at you. “what’s wrong?” his eyes widen with concern when he saw your tears.
you sniffled then shook your head, “i’m just tired.”
he cupped your face then wiped your tears with his thumbs, “go rest then, it’s very late. i’ll be done here soon.” he smiled at you and your heart overflowed with so much affection and warmth.
you’re leaving the kitchen and mingyu was about to resume cooking when he heard you calling him. “gyu?”
“hmm?” he turned his head slightly so he can see you standing at the entrance of the kitchen.
“thank you, i love you.”
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moosesarecute · 10 hours
“Two weeks?” Your brother asked.
“I know it’s a lot, but I need a break. And I want to make sure I actually feel better by the end of it. I might get back earlier, but I want two weeks in case I need it,” you answered.
“You should have told me that you felt overwhelmed, Y/N. I could have helped you. I still can help you.”
“I know, but I want to fix this on my own.”
Rhys hesitated.
“Okey, you have two weeks. But make sure you give me some signs that you are alive every few days, okay?”
You nodded and hugged him.
“My two best spies needing a break at the same time,” Rhys continued. “What will I do?”
You froze, but tried your best not to show it. There’s no way he’s realized it now.
“Azriel is also on break?” you asked, doing your best to sound surprised.
“Yeah, he also said he needed two weeks, maybe more,” you fought a blush, “he didn’t give any reason for why, but I would never say no to that.”
“Weird,” was all you replied before you made a bad excuse to leave his office.
You closed the door and immediately winnowed to the cabin furthest away from Velaris. It was the cabin that was used the least by your family, but it was your favorite. You also knew that when the two weeks were over, the smell would linger for a long time, so you didn’t want it to bother your family with it.
You felt excitement spreading through your body as you made your way to the kitchen. With your hair set up and your mother’s old apron on, you started making an apple pie.
It didn’t take very long to make the pie, so you soon sat at the kitchen table, tapping your foot on the floor as you waited.
And waited.
And then you finally heard the door open and in walked your beautiful, sweet, majestic, mysterious and wonderful mate, your Azriel, ready for you to accept the bond.
It took exactly 48 hours before your brother reached out and asked if you were alive.
“I’m fine, Rhysie, just enjoying the peace and quiet. I’ve read two books so far and started a new crochet project.”
“And you’re remembering to eat?”
“Yes, I’m well fed,” you answered.
“Then I’m happy,” Rhys finished with and left your mind.
Most of it was a lie of course. You were well fed, both you and Azriel had brought lots of leftovers so that you quickly could heat up something when you became hungry enough to take a break from eating each other.
But you had not even opened the books or picked up the yarn you always kept at the cabin.
“He’s worried?” Azriel asked.
“Yup, but he’ll be alright,” you said as you moved to kiss your mate once more. “And I’m extremely alright.”
Your mate met your kisses. You were straddling him on the couch with minimal clothing, doing your best to take a break from ravishing each other…the break didn’t last very long.
Two more days went by and your brother took contact once more.
“You know I told you to give me signs you are alive, right? I don’t like that I have to reach out to you.”
“You worry too much,” you answered pretending to sound annoyed. “I’m doing good. Just relaxing.”
“You’re not going crazy being alone?”
You had to hold back a little laugh. He obviously didn’t know that you were far from alone, being embraced in a cocoon of your mates large wings as you took a nap.
Luckily for you, you didn’t mind spending time away from people. You didn’t leave often, but it had happened multiple times before and Rhys knew that.
“I enjoy being alone sometimes, you know that.”
“Yes, but-“
“I’ll come home early if I need to,” you cut him off by saying.
“Okay, okay,” your brother said and left your mind.
“He hasn’t reached out to me yet,” Azriel told you. His voice was heavy with sleep and you spent some time admiring how cute he looks when he’s tired.
“He wants to give you space, I’m sure he’ll reach out to you soon.”
“I don’t mind, really,” he said. “I’m perfectly happy talking with you and you only.”
You grinned and nap time was over.
“I have to tell Rhys I’m alive,” you told your mate in between kisses.
“Right now?” He sighed.
“He has taken contact at 8 o’clock the other times and he’ll probably do that today too,” you explained and left his lap, but stayed beside him, playing with his hair.
You brushed your brother’s mental shields and he immediately let you in.
“I’m alive, I’m alive, I’m aliveeee,” you sang in a little song.
“Good, thank you,” Rhys replied, not joining your joking mood.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing,” he told you. You were about to call him a liar when he continued. “I just miss you.”
You started to feel bad for lying to and leaving your brother. Azriel picked up on your emotions and started hugging you.
“I miss you too Rhysie, but I really need this,” you told him.
“I know, little one. Thanks for taking contact.”
Rhys closed his mental shields and you were forced out of his mind.
You were about to start talking to Azriel, when he let go of you and silenced you with a finger in front of your lips. He stayed like that for a few seconds and you realized your brother must have taken contact with him.
“He just asked if I’m alive and alright,” Azriel explained.
“Good,” you replied. “Then we can continue our activities.”
You leaned in and kissed his forehead, then his eyes, his nose and lastly his lips. After each kiss, both of your smiles grew larger.
You were making dinner the next time you felt your brother’s claws on your shields. You carefully moved away from Azriel’s embrace and kisses and took a sip from your glass of water as you opened your mental shields.
“I know why you’re gone,” Rhys said before you could greet him.
You spit out your water and Azriel looked at you with shocked eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you replied trying not to sound nervous.
Your brother spent a long time before he continued.
“I needed the book on Illyrian history for a up coming meeting.” Your heart sunk. “I saw on the library card that you borrowed it last, so I thought I should look in your room. I know I should have asked, but I figured you didn’t want for me to bother you, so I just went inside.”
“I’m sorry, Rhys. We just-“
“I’m sorry you didn’t feel comfortable telling me. If you two are dating and you’re happy, I’m happy. You could have just told me if you wanted a couple’s vacation.”
“I’ll explain everything when we get home, I promise.”
“Just enjoy each other’s company. I won’t tell the others.”
“Are you mad?”
He again waited a little before he answered. “No, I’m not mad. But I’m definitely fighting Azriel when you get home.”
Both of you laughed.
“I’m looking forward to seeing that,” you answered. “See you soon.”
“See you.”
Azriel looked at you with wary eyes.
“He knows about the relationship, but not the bond.” When you felt and saw the anxiety spread through his body, you added “he’s not mad, but he will fight you when you get home.”
You closed the gap between you two and caressed his cheeks. “He’s happy as long as I’m happy and if I haven’t already made that clear, I’m the happiest I have ever been.”
You stood on your toes and kissed him. He kissed you back, lifted you up and sat you on the counter.
He picked up a plate and filled it with food and gave it to you.
“From this day I’ll give you food. It doesn’t matter if you made it or I or someone else, I’m giving you the food.”
You looked confused at him. “why?”
“We are mates, equals in every way. You had to feed me to accept the bond, to show that we’re equals I’ll feed you from now.” He kissed you as soon as he finished talking.
“I love that, mate,” you kissed him back. “It’ll be our thing.”
“Not going to ask if I’m alive?” You asked your brother two days later. “It’s 5 minutes past 8! I started to worry!”
“I now know that you aren’t alone, I don’t want to interrupt anything.”
You failed to mention that he had interrupted you and Azriel having sex more than once during the 12 days you had been at the cabin.
“When are you coming home?” Rhys asked. “I’m starting to go crazy with Cassian and Mor bickering around me all the time.”
“Two days time I think,” you replied. “So you’ll have to survive without us a little longer.”
“It’s so weird that you two are dating.”
“We might be a little more than just dating,” you told him and immediately left his mind.
You felt him claw on your mental shields multiple times, but you didn’t let him in.
“Wow,” you said in awe as you looked at your mate’s shadows.
“What?” Azriel asked. He was seated on the couch.
“Have they always looked like that?”
“Looked like what?”
You walked closer to your mate, straddled him as you tried to get a closer look of his shadows.
“It’s like they’re a little violet.”
Azriel commanded his shadows to stand before him. His eyes widened and were soon at the same size as yours.
His shadows did indeed have a little violet tint to them. Not a lot, but if you looked very closely, you could see it.
“I didn’t know they could do that,” you said. Still looking at the shadows. “They’re beautiful.”
“I love it,” Azriel said. His eyes met yours. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you replied.
The two of you walked hand in hand into the townhouse. After having been sneaking around for two years, showing your relationship felt a little weird.
However, being mated mates felt as though everything was as it was supposed to be. It was 40 years since the mating bond had snapped, so it was about time that you accepted it.
Your brother had previously told you that the rest of your family would be at the townhouse that evening, so you decided to just show up as mates.
Together you opened the doors to the living room.
“Finally! You’ve been gone too-“ Mor stopped talking. Her eyes looked from you to Azriel to your hands. “Holy shit.”
You just laughed and held Azriel’s hand a little tighter.
“YOU’RE MATES???????” Cassian yelled at you.
“How didn’t we know that?”
Your eyes found your brother’s. He wore an amused grin and just shook his head.
“It’s almost like both of them are spies,” Rhys said.
“Or that you three just never spent enough time with both of them together,” Amren spoke. “They were quite obvious at times.”
You didn’t know for sure that Amren knew about the two of you, but you weren’t surprised to know that she did.
“You have to tell me everything!” Mor said as she started to move over to you.
You started to back out of the room. “I think I’m going to take a bath first,” you said, met Azriel’s eyes and started to leave for your bedroom.
Azriel luckily understood what you meant and followed you in a way Mor later would describe as “a love sick puppy”.
“Please don’t,” Azriel begged you.
“I told you I would do it if you continued to act too possessive,” you just told him.
“I’m not possessive.”
“You hissed at Rhys…,” you said a little annoyed. “My brother.”
He knew that he had lost the discussion and you didn’t waist anytime spraying him with your new spray bottle filled with ice cold water.
A few meters away from you, Cassian and Rhys stood laughing at the two of you. They would never let him forget it and even after 500 years, they still sometimes threatens him with “getting Y/N’s spray bottle”.
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fev3rish · 11 hours
STUPID, SLEEPY, AND ALL YOURS. kenji tots w/ v
unbelievably drowsy, kenji speaks so fast he forgets to think. this leads to … feelings.
cw. sleepy kenjiiii zzzzzzz, kenji has a hard time being vulnerable but he’ll try for reade, kenji loves you, i project on kenji, i love kenji so much, unproofreaded, a bit of hurt but a lot of comfort and fluff
notes. im sleepy… do not repost or translate this work unless done with permission.
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thinking about sleepy kenji sato who doesn’t think when he’s all sleepy; all he wants is to lie next to you.
you’re not in bed yet, he has all the space this time. he uses it to twist and turn continuously and wrinkle your pretty white sheets, messing them up more than they already are. what was that thing for work you had to do that was more important than letting him hold you? kenji groans, the soft blanket against his skin feeling like the spikes of cacti without your skin against his. it’s so cold, and he blames you for it, because what are you if not his portable sun? he misses you so much, and you’re only a room away!
he hopes his whines are loud enough for you to hear. maybe you’ll come check up on him? oh, he hopes you will! he really does hope you will. he’s so sleepy, he might just cry if he doesn’t have you in his arms in the next minute. he wishes you would just crawl into bed with him; that way, your scent would be on the sheets, and your hair would be in his face as he spooned you from behind. he always preferred it that way. to kenji, fucking someone was easy—but to lay in the same sheets, intertwined; to be able to withstand that sort of intimacy—it was too much. he wasn’t ready for that. he wasn’t ready to wake up to your face and realize that yes, he is going soft; yes, he is inlove, and yes, he is yours.
kenji should be happy he has all the space, he knows he should be, but he isn’t. he wants to share it with you. he wants to drape what was once his blanket over your body, and he wants to hold you close and kiss the top of your head as you drift off to sleep. he wants to give you the extra pillow he always saved for himself, and he doesn’t even know why he wants to do it. maybe he’s crazy, or maybe he’s in love. in his core, kenji already knows why.
he’s all yours.
the sound of the door opening has him peeking out of the covers, eyes gazing at your equally tired form. you jump back, almost hitting your lower back on the knob of the door. you catch yourself fast enough. kenji just looks at you and smiles. “why are you still awake?” you walk over to him, and sit on the edge of the bed. he readjusts himself so that he lays strictly on his side. “i couldn’t sleep.” kenji answers, but he’s lying and you know that more than anyone.
kenji’s easy to read, the problem is no one bothers getting close enough.
you don’t pry. kenji wishes you did, he would’ve had an excuse to talk to you about you. it’s so hard to show his love sometimes, so hard to tell you he values you—he wants to tell you the true extent of it all, to tell you that he doesn’t love you despite your flaws, but with all your flaws. he wants to, so badly, but theres a lump in his throat that stops him and he’s been trying to spit it out for so long that he fears you might just leave him at this point.
he’s feared you might leave him at many points.
yet, here you are, and here he is, draping a blanket over your body as you turn around to kiss his cheek goodnight. he spoons you, and he realizes that you’re still here. he should focus on that, first. on loving you.
the steady pitter-patters of the rain keep you company as kenji buries his shoulder into your neck, soft hair tickling your chin as you smile in your drowsy state. “you took sooooo long.” his voice is muffled, and you chuckle a bit because his voice vibrates against your shoulder so hard that you shiver. he’s whiney, tired, and so, so, lovey dovey. you love it. “i’m so sorry, kenji, you know how work can be.” a short response, yet the sound of your voice has kenji grinning like a schoolgirl against you—and he squeezes just a little bit tighter.
“no, ‘m sorry.” he says. you raise an eyebrow. “why are you sorry? no need to be sorry for being all lovey with me, bab—”
“i’m sorry for not being lovey enough.” he interrupts, and you part your mouth to reply but nothing comes out besides a confused “huh?” he sighs, and sits up—and you lean against the headboard of his bed, ready to listen. always ready to listen.
“i… didn’t want to get too close to you, you know ?” he mutters, his hooded eyes looking right, left, down, anywhere but at you—because he’s not himself. he’s exhausted, everything’s been taking a toll on him and the only anchor he has is you. “i wanted to distance myself. i didn’t want you to get caught up with me. i’m… god, i’m a fucking wreck…” he trails off, and you want to reach out but he’s not done. “before you, i didn’t think i could do anything right—because i didn’t. i couldn’t. what was the point being a super famous baseball star and fucking ultraman if at the end of the day, you realized that every day was the same as any other. you come home to no one, and your bed is always cold. you comb your own hair, and there’s no one else to drape your blanket over because you’re all alone in such a big house and it makes you realize that even though you’re—”
he bites his lip, trying to hold back tears, but then he looks at you, and it’s like he wants to cry. to be coddled over, to be doted on. so he lets himself shed a few tears, to make up for the frustrations he’s had. “even though you’re ultraman, you’re still capable of feeling small.” he concludes, and as if a switch had flipped—he practically falls into your chest, droplets of his own tears staining your shirt. you coo, and you comb through his hair and put the blanket over the two of you as you kiss his temple. “it was always like that.” he whispered.
it’s then you realize that kenji, even though he tries to act high and mighty, is truly just miserable.
“then i met you.”
you don’t know what to say.
“it was like you crashed head first into every wall i had, you know? i didn’t want to be in a relationship with you at first. i wasn’t worth you. i’m never going to be worth it for you; atleast, i don’t think s-”
“no.” is all you say, and kenji, drowsy as he is, looks up at you. “no, you’re worth everything. you’re worth so much more than you know, kenji, you’re worth every second i spent breaking those walls of yours dow—”
“that’s what i’m talking about.” he interrupts, for the second time. and you look at him questioningly. “you always have something to say. you never run out of words. you never run out of love. you love me. you love me so much, don’t you?” he asks, and faced with his handsome face and husky voice your blushing self can only nod. “yeah, i can tell. that’s why i’m sorry. you never run out of words when you’re with me, but god, i always run out of words when i’m with you. it’s like, if i could, i’d follow you around forever. in complete silence. you’re so beautiful i can’t even say it.”
you’re down bad; so is he.
“i promised not to get too close, and now i’m laying on your chest in tears because i love you too much to even word it. that’s really fucking stupid, right? i’m stupid. i’m stupid, sleepy, and all yours.” he babbled, and before long, he was dead asleep on your chest. his tangent left you in love, in shock, and in utter disarray. you did not mind the drying tears on your shirt, nor were you gonna mind how awkward it would be in the morning, and you wouldn’t dream of minding kenji being vulnerable in front of you. right now, you were so happy you could cry—you were so happy, you did cry.
this time, kenji fell asleep looking at you.
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theemporium · 3 days
your mai tai (1) with luke hughes?
BTW congrats on 10k!! you deserve it so much💐
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
1.touching foreheads
It had felt like a lifetime had passed since Luke had last seen you. 
It was actually six weeks but that was besides the point. 
He thought he would be fine. He thought time would pass quickly and the six weeks would pass in the blink of an eye. He thought he would be busy with his own summer plans in the lakehouse with his brothers and his friends that he wouldn’t have time to really miss you. 
It took a week into the summer break for him to realise his plan was absolute bullshit and he missed you a pathetic amount. 
Despite not joining the Devils until last season, Luke had met the team a fair amount over the years since Jack had been drafted. He had met Nico a fair amount of times. And in turn, he had met Nico’s little sister—you—a handful of times too. 
When Luke joined the Devils, he had no intention of falling in love with his captain’s sister but it was funny how the universe seemed to work.
However, between the two of you playing around your feelings and trying to deny the inevitable, it meant that you had only been dating for a few months by the time summer break came along. The relationship was still new and exciting and fresh—and it was vulnerable. You two had spent so long sabotaging the time you had together, and now you were going to be apart for almost two months. 
You wanted to go back home to Switzerland to see your family and friends. Luke wanted to do the same in Michigan. It had been a fairly easy decision to spend the summer apart, but it didn’t make either of you feel all too happy about the situation. 
Nor did it make any of Luke’s friends or family happy when the boy had spent the summer pathetically pining after you, pouty and angsty whenever he got the chance. By week three, everyone was counting down the days until you returned to Jersey. 
And the day had finally come. 
Luke had jumped at the chance to pick you up from the airport. You assured him you didn’t mind getting a taxi, that your flight landed at a god-awful time and you didn’t want to disturb his routine too much before training camp. He had just snorted and rolled his eyes in response. 
Now, it was somewhere after two in the morning, he was dressed in sweats and a hoodie and his body was practically buzzing on excitement and pure adrenaline as his eyes watched the arrivals gate like a hawk, waiting to see you. 
It felt like a weight had been lifted off his chest when he finally saw you. 
His feet were moving before he even realised, his eyes glued on your as he dodged through the group of other passengers before he finally reached you. He wound his arms around your body, pulling you as close as he could like he was scared you would disappear again. 
“I missed you so much,” he managed to murmur out, his eyes falling shut as he felt your arms wind around his torso, squeezing him close too. 
“Missed you too,” you whispered back, pulling back enough to see his face even though the boy whined a bit at the loss of contact. Your lips twitched upwards. “Jack wasn’t lying about you being whiny while I was gone.” 
Luke rested his forehead against yours, his arms still wrapped around you. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Mhm,” you smiled up at him, playfully nudging your nose against his. “Let’s go home, I’m so tired I could pass out here.” 
His heart skipped a beat. “Home?” 
Your cheeks flushed but you didn’t look too embarrassed. “Yeah, Hughes, home. Preferably a bed. I missed sleeping next to you.” 
His smile widened. “Sounds perfect to me.”
Someone cleared their throat from behind them both. 
“You both know I’ve been standing here the whole time, right?” Nico deadpanned. “Luke’s my ride too.”
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cvpidzcvrse · 2 days
𝔐𝔦𝔡𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 𝔖𝔠𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔰
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MDNI, pretty pls with a cherry on top
✫A/N: I’m rlly just pushing these fics out my pussy with no hesitation. talking abt pussy if u have one ur gonna love this one. this on is kinda shorter than my other ones but as always, enjoy this one loves!
⋆.ೃ࿔*・Synopsis: You were ovulating and you wanted dick, bad. But it’s almost 2 in the morning and your boyfriend is asleep, so what are you gonna do! You didn’t want to wake him up just for dick, or did you
⋆.ೃ࿔*・wc: 1,673
⋆.ೃ࿔*・Warnings: degradation, masturbation, praise, backshots, slight somno, riding, free use, oral masc!receiving, squirting, gentle, soft mdom, finishing inside (practice safe sex)
(the reader is black)
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During ovulation, most women turn into sex-addicted monsters or cock sluts. You’re leaning more towards cock slut. It was 1:30 am on a Tuesday night and your vibrator has become your best friend. You were currently assaulting your clit with your vibrator, going on orgasm number 3. The vibrator wasn’t enough though, you needed him. You let out a quiet moan before reaching your now third orgasm. You feel so pitiful, in the bathroom with the door locked, and sitting on the sink watching your pink bullet vibrator go crazy on your clit. You let out a sigh before cleaning up the mirror where juices flew. 
“Fuck, this sucks..”
You mumbled, fixing your bonnet and then sitting on the sink. You get your phone and start texting your friends. 
1:45 AM
(♡): “I’m so horny rn and nothing is working”
Sashaluv: “I know you are not telling us about your pussy problems at 1 am :/”
Mikamika: “Have you thought abt going to bed and not telling us abt it??”
You chuckle at Mikasa’s response before sighing and leaving the bathroom. You walk to your room and throw your phone somewhere in the room, not paying attention to where it went or what was open. 
You notice your semi-muscular and very shirtless boyfriend sleeping on your bed. Your clit is basically screaming for him, there’s no way you're turned on just by looking at this gorgeous man. His hair was down, messily framing his face, his toned chest moving every time he took a breath, and the hem of his pajama pants hanging low. You wish you could just pounce on him right now and grind your hungry pussy on his dick. Your hand travels down to the hem of your Pajama shorts. You fiddle with the edge of your underwear before finally reaching down and drawing small circles on your clit. 
You use your other hand to cover your mouth as you trace the outline of your lips before finally putting 2 fingers in. You let out a shaky moan, and the grip on your mouth tightens as your speed increases. Eren’s facial features are even more beautiful now than ever, the moonlight is hitting his body just right. You can see every muscle, hair, and tattoo. Is this how he feels whenever fucking you? If so you now know why you guys fuck like rabid animals. Your vision gets cloudy as you soak your hands in your sweet juices. 
“I can’t take it anymore…I need him”
You huff before walking to the bed and climbing on top of him. He groans a bit at the sudden shift in weight before falling back into a daze. You start grinding on his cock slowly, your head dips back in pleasure. 
Eren utters a breathy moan before rubbing his eyes. You’re lustful brown eyes meet his tired green ones, the way he looks at you drives you even more insane. 
“I hope I’m not dreaming, and my pretty girl is grinding her wet pussy on me…fuck”
He groans before putting his hands on your hips and making you grind harder. You bit your lip tightly, trying to keep a moan in your mouth. You feel his cock twitch inside his pants, you grind harder in response.
“You couldn’t sleep so you took matters into your own hands? Fuck…keep going.”
The bed creaks slightly every time you thrust your hips. Moans flooding out of your mouth like a pornstar. The way you and Eren fuck all the time you’re surprised your neighbors don’t think you are one.
“I can’t let you sleep like this mama, you wanna get fucked until you cum baby?”
You nod again, almost making it to orgasm number 5 of the night before he stops you. His long big hands bring your hips to a halt. You whimpered and looked down at his now lustful emerald eyes. 
“It’s never that straightforward baby and you know that. I’ll let you use me to your heart's content, but you’re not done until I say so.”
You nod in agreement and start untying his pajama pants before he grabs your wrist to stop you. 
 “You have to clean up after yourself afterward, I don’t want my pretty slut riding a messy cock.” 
His fuckboy smirk enveloped his handsome features. God…you hated that smirk, it only means he has something up his sleeves. But it gets your pussy wet every time, you're soaking through your shorts during this hot and heavy interaction.
“Fine, but just let me use you. Please.”
You gave him the best ‘give me dick.’ look you could muster, and it worked. He groaned softly before nodding. You quickly untie his pajama pants and pull them down. You take off your shorts and pushing your panties to the side. 
You grab the base of his cock and adjust yourself before sliding him into your cunt. You both let out deafening moans, you slowly grind on him still trying to adjust to his size.
"Good girl, show me how much you love my cock."
You slowly start bouncing on his cock. Eren admires the way your tits jump every time you bounce on his wood.
“Fuck…you’re so big…”
Eren grins before muttering curses under his breath. He grabs your love handles, forcing you to keep a slow and steady pace. You groaned at Eren’s stubbornness to let you do what you want. 
"I know mama, I know. Just do this f'me ok?"
You melted at his sweet words and his silky voice. Eren is the type of man to make you cum with the snap of his fingers. He’s fine, funny, a sweet talker, and has a big dick. What’s not to love? You got brought out of your own mind when Eren started tracing circles around your clit. 
“M-my clit…it’s sensitive! E-Eren, please.” 
He shakes his head, chuckling at your sudden change in character. 
“You were just begging for my cock, what happened? Did the cock slut finally have too much cock?” 
His pink lips gave you a fake pout to add to the condescending tone of his voice. Eren thrust his hips into you, leaving tiny kisses on your cervix every time. Your hands run down his chest and to his abs, feeling every muscle and vein on his torso. Eren feels you clench around him, causing a breathy moan to leave his mouth. 
“Ma, fuck…you can take it come on, cum on my cock.” 
You cry out as your juices cover his cock, Eren is hypnotized watching his cock slide in and out of you. He grunts before sliding you off of his cock. 
“You’re so pretty when you cum, now clean up your mess.” 
You’re completely cock drunk, the only thing you can think about is Eren's big cock in your cunt. You nod before crawling under the covers and grabbing his dick in your hands. You feel him jerk from your cold touch. You lick up the side of his shaft a couple of times before putting his full length in your throat.
“That throat feels good baby. Let me fuck your throat.” 
He grabs the top of your bonnet pushing you as far as you can go. Tears start forming in the corner of your eyes before you start bobbing your head. You can hear Eren mumbling your name under his breath, you take that as a sign that you’re doing a good job.
“Fuck ma I’m about to cum…”
You use your hand to stroke his cock while you suck it, sending him over the edge.
“I wanna cum inside of you, get back up here.”
You do one last stroke of his cock before he pulls you under him. With your face stuffed in the pillow and your ass in the air, it doesn’t take long before Eren rubs your entrance with the tip of his cock. 
“You’re so wet for me baby, show me who this cock belongs to.”
He whispers in your ear, trailing soft kisses up your back before shoving his dick inside of you with no warning. You yelp in surprise, his cock spreading you apart so good. He starts with a steady pace before it turns into violent backshots. Your moans are muffled in the pillow and you’re clawing at the sheets. 
“Eren! Fuck…slow down.”
You don’t even have to see him to know he’s grinning ear to ear. You hear him click his tongue in response 
“No mama, you can take it. I’ve trained this pussy well. Come on, say ‘I can take it’. Say it”
You sobbed into the pillow, not daring to move your hand back to try to stop him. The pleasure is too much, and truthfully you enjoyed it.
“I…I c-can…mmph…take it…”
You were able to get the statement out even between the torment Eren is putting your cervix through. 
“You can take what ma? Say for me and I’ll let your pretty pussy cum.”
He whispers in your ear, his hands running up and down your body. He’s leaving hickeys and bite marks all over your neck. 
“I…fuck…I can…I can take it! I love it! Fuck…I love your cock!”
You look like a pornstar right now and Eren is loving it. The drool hanging from your two-toned lips, your pink bonnet slipping off your head exposing your knotless braids, the way your plump ass slams against his pelvis, and your puffy pussy wrapped around his cock. 
“I’m about to…mmph…cum!”
You sob before coving his cock in more of your juices. He follows closely after, shooting white ropes inside of you and leaving a rim of your mixed fluids around the base of his cock. Eren collapses on top of you, leaving a trail of passionate kisses along your neck. 
“You did so well mama, you're such a good girl…”
He trails off, tracing small shapes into your skin.
“Thanks…for the help, I love you…”
“I love you too…”
3:29 AM
(♡): [Audio message]
Sashaluv: “I’m guessing she fixed her pussy problem…:/”
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Bite-Sized Blurbs - Celebration
can you do like
"you’re putting me to sleep…stop"
"you’re so warm" i’m thinking something like reader overworked herself and he’s like just relax, but go ahead and do something else you also think would fit if you want
Hiya! Thanks for participating, hope ou enjoy it ❤️
"you’re putting me to sleep…stop" and "you’re so warm"
The emptiness of the bed jolted Lewis awake, disoriented, he had reached for Y/N, only to find the space beside him empty.
Throwing on his shirt and a sweatpant, Lewis stepped out onto the small patio attached to the back of his motorhome. The sky a clear tapestry of stars, and there, silhouetted against the luminous backdrop, sat Y/N. She was propped up on an outdoor lounge chair, legs crossed, chin resting on her knees.
"Babe?" Lewis called softly, his voice husky with sleep.
She turned, a startled gasp escaping her lips before a relieved smile spread across her face. "Lewis! You scared the daylights out of me."
He chuckled, walking up to her. "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you." He settled on a beanbag chair beside her, his gaze following hers towards the heavens. "Stargazing love?"
"Trying to" she sighed, the sound heavy with worry. Lewis knew all too well what was troubling her. A major decision at work loomed, and the weight of it was stealing her sleep. They'd talked about it all week, but the worry lines remained on her forehead.
Lewis reached out and took her hand, his fingers brushing against her cool skin. "You alright?" he asked gently.
Y/N squeezed his hand back. "Thinking. I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's okay," he said, his voice low and soothing. "You know better than that." He traced a circle on her palm with his thumb.
She couldn't help but let out a small, tired smile. "It's just... It's a big decision. There's a lot at stake."
He nodded, understanding her anxiety. "Walk me through it again," he offered. "Maybe a new perspective will help."
As the night deepened, the discussion lulled into a comfortable quiet until he managed to bring her back to bed. Lying back in his chest Y/N felt the tension slowly ease. The rhythmic hum of crickets from the countryside a comforting sound from the outside.
Lewis traced comforting patterns on her arms with his thumb. His touch, warm and familiar, was expectedly calming. "You're putting me to sleep… stop," Y/N teased, her voice barely a whisper.
He chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. "Alright, alright. Truce." He shifted wrapping both arms around her.
"You're so warm," she murmured, snuggling into him, the stress of the night finally giving way to exhaustion until her breathing slowed down.
Lewis smiled, a sense of contentment filling him. He knew she wouldn't tell him, but he understood what she needed – not a solution to her problem, but a safe haven.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 days
can you make it so male!reader can't get enough of bouncing on charles' c*** (any or even all of the drivers really) it doesn't have to have the actual secne just after reader gets tired and charles(or again any driver) is so blissed out and has some practice the next day? Really love your posts btw.❤️
A/n— this probably is what you fully wanted but I got carried away featuring. Sub!lando, Masochist!Carlos,switch!Charles,and soft!dom Max
Smut mxm
Charles eyes rolled to the back of his head with one hand on your hip his other hand stroking your cock as you rode him. You couldn’t get enough of Charles cock and the way his cock filled you up to the brim. “Charles I’m close” y/n groans tiredly with a hoarse voice his movements faltering. “je connais mon cher” Charles says blissed out with a hint of a smile on his face. A couple more bounces later both you and Charles reached your highs.
Collapsing against y/n smiled “Andrea is going to be pissed with you” he said. “What do you mean?” Charles asked. “You were supposed to be resting you have practice tomorrow morning remember?” Y/n said. “Yeah well now we know for sure that I’ll get a full night of sleep” Charles jokes.
Lando let out at a shaky whimper screwing his eyes shut. “You did so well today baby” y/n said his lips brushing against the shell of Lando’s ear. Lando loved the praised his cock throbbed inside of you. His large hand wrapped around your cock thumb swiping over y/n’s tip. Y/n let out a shaky moan squeezing Lando’s making him buck up into to y/n the tip of Lando’s cock hitting y/n’s prostate. Y/n’s went around Lando’s throat for balance “I’m so close” Lando groans his face blushed a deeper shade of red and his pupils were so lust blown to the point that the blue was completely gone. “Me too baby,Me too” y/n groaned.
Carlos was a masochist He would literally sit back and you do all the work with a smug look on his face. He knew that you couldn’t get enough and neither could he. Carlos loved the feeling of your blunt nails digging into his shoulders he loved the pain. Carlos also loved the way you threw your head back groaning when you felt his cock twitch inside of you. “Carlos please” y/n begged desperate for Carlos to touch him. “qué es eso mi amor” Carlos coo’s smugly. “Carlos please just touch me” he begged tears starting to well up in his eyes. “Well since you asked so nicely” Carlos says finally touching y/n’s aching cock stroking it giving him some relief.
“I swear Schat you were made for me” Max mumbled against Y/ns leaving marks on his skin. “So pretty too” Max says his hand stroking y/n’s cock. “You’re such a sap” y/n replied tugging on the hairs at the nape of Maxs head. “If you could see what I see then you too would say the same thing” Max says thrusting up into y/n. “So why don’t you be the good boy you are and cum for me” Max instructed leaving another mark on y/n’s chest.
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oh-allie · 1 day
and then i go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like...
dr ratio x fem!reader
(sorry if hes ooc i didnt know how to bring out his assholeyness on a first date withour having the reader standing up and leaving his ass)
pt. 2 of then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two
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four days before the date.
you made veritas feel icky. his sweaty palms disgusted him, his jumbled thoughts made him feel like hiding in his study and never leaving, and the way even thinking of you made his heart race made him feel like a fool.
so he did what he does best, and he studied. he worked his ass off. researched breathing exercises and studied the human mind. the feelings he'd read about before, ones he swore he'd never stoop so low to feeling, were now what he seeked to bottle up. not completely, for he is still a man. just enough to not feel like such an idiot.
for the next four days before you two planned to meet, he practiced. in front of mirrors, lying in bed thinking of you; he worked day and night to get back to his normal self. he even suppressed his giddiness and raging thoughts about you enough to get two good days of work in.
7 hours before the date.
ratio is a methodical man. he plans and he executes.
he did not plan to wake up at 3 in the morning the day of your date. and he can’t get back to sleep. he's done his calming breathing exercises, he’s focused his muscle groups, hes counted sheep. he is NOT getting any more rest.
so now hes sitting on the edge of his bed, head in his hands like that one picture of shinji. a plethora of thoughts are racing through his head,
“what if i look like shit later today?
...i’ll need to wear concealer with my eyeliner today…
...i’m so fucking tired.”
but it's mainly you. what if he messes up, what if he's too rude or snarky? what if you don't really like who he is, like everyone else?
3 hours before the date.
you know how in films the dorky loser main character practices in front of the mirror before talking to their crush? veritas seemed to take it to heart, as he's standing here, leaning on his sink counter, staring at his own reflection (which he spent the last four hours on) and practicing what he’ll do.
his mind is organized and going over what he’ll do (although he's heavily suppressing the jumbled nervous thoughts that are running rampant in the back of his head) but it’s okay! ‘cause this doctor has a plan..!
talk about her outfit
ask her why she was interested in you
… the weather ?
surely the conversation will flourish from there. yeah. he’s totally prepared.
30 minutes before the date.
of course he’s 30 minutes early. if you’re early, you’re on time. if you're on time, you're late. and if you’re late? don’t bother showing up. that's his philosophy. although he's kinda hoping you don’t show up early too. his deep breathing exercises will take at least another 20 minut-
29 minutes before the date.
he watches as you enter the cafe, nodding to the barista and looking for a table. he notices you noticing him. your eyes light up and you sent a quick wave as you hurry over. but- wait, just a second- he’s not ready! he hasn't even started his affirmatio-
“hey! i guess we had the same idea, huh?” you chuckle, situating yourself and your bag onto your chair.
uh-oh, he’s just staring at you again. well, that's actually completely and totally 100% your fault! he was in the middle of DEEP-BREATHING. don’t interrupt a guy when he's breathing deeply.
“yes. we did. my philosophy on punctuality is that if you’re early, you’re on time. if you're on time, you're late. and if you’re late? don’t bother showing up.” he manages to get out. did that sound too snobbish?
“exactly! if you’re going somewhere, go with a purpose. even if that purpose is to get out as soon as possible, y’know?” you rest your head on your hand and make some relevant motion with the other one.
that's good! that's really good. he just had a conversation with you, just like he wanted. okay, okay. what now? what were his points?... outfit, interest, weather. outfit, interest, weather. outfit…
“are you going to order, veritas?” the sound of his own name from your tongue draws him back to reality. he’d like to hear that again.
“pardon me. yes, i’ll just take a black coffee.” he’s curt and in the back of his mind he's still deciding which point to bring up.
“sooo…. you look lovely. although i almost didn't recognize you without your alabaster head. i like it though.” you say, making small talk. he didn't mind it with you.
‘FUCK she beat me to it’ is what he’s thinking.
“thank you. you look beautiful, as always.” oooo he got you blushing and kicking your feet.
you let out a curt giggle at that, “so, why do you wear that? the alabaster head.” you cock your head to the side a little. you cutie patootie.
“i can’t bear to see idiots. of course, they wouldn't want to see me either.” he replies, matter of factly.
“they’re surely an idiot if they don't want to see you.”
haaah. veritas’ collar feels tighter and his head's getting hot. how's he supposed to react to that? do you have no shame?
and then he implodes because of your overwhelming beauty
okay guys i gotta be honest i have no idea how to conclude rhis ....so idk and then you guys bone or whatever you want ☺️
a/n - i'm so sorry about rhe ending gang but i quite literally could not think of any way to end this and ive been putting it off for weeks so i knew it wasnt getting finished.... whoops! 🤗
dedicated to 🌸 anon <3
(sorry for making you wait so long ml....... 😞)
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kimarii-00 · 2 days
How would armando react if he is in love with the reader (and the two of them are a couple) but they have a fight of differences and they break up (she leaves him), a few weeks pass and armando doesn't likes her distance, and he doesn't want to lose her, so he does everything in his power to get her back
I follow you! 💗
Break-Up Make-Up
AN: I'm probably going to rewrite this and make this into a fic at some point!
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❥ You’re at your breaking point, seriously. How much longer does he expect you to put up with his shit?
❥ He works all day everyday, and only returns at odd hours in the night, if at all. Sometimes you make an attempt to stay up to greet him when he comes in, but it’s rare that you are able to catch him before you end up falling asleep yourself.
❥ The rare times that depriving yourself of sleep actually pays off and you get to see him, he’ll brush you off and answer any questions you may have for him with one worded, half assed answers: “Yeah.” “Nah.” “I’m just tired.” “Mhm.”
❥ You knew his job called for most of his attention, and you knew what you signed up for when you both started dating but you never imagined that it’s be this bad.
❥ You’re starting to think that your relationship is just something he can indulge in whenever he feels like it, which is not often.
❥ Even on his “days off”, he’s working. He’ll get a call from a colleague or something of the sort, and then rush off back into work, kissing your cheek and promising that he’d be back before dinner (He never meets that deadline). If he’s not working, then he’ll blow you off when you try to get him up and out of the house to go do something fun for once. The usual, “Sorry, I’m tired. I’ve been working all week” (like you didn’t know that).
❥ It was another boring day alone in the house you shared, late at night. You didn’t feel particularly tired, so you decided to stay up watching your favorite show until your boyfriend decided to show his face again. You don’t know how long you were up, but your heart skipped a beat when you heard him slide the key into the front door. You were especially excited tonight because, well, it may be cold by now, but you’d made his favorite meal as a thanks for all of his hard work.
❥ You knew he was usually grumpy when he came in due to the lack of sleep, but tonight he was like another man. Another one that you didn’t like.
❥ “Would you please just fuck off, you can’t see I’m tired?”
❥ No matter what other nasty things he said to you that night, that one stung and stuck with you the most.
❥ How does he have the right to treat you like garbage, dispose you when your not needed but then retrieve you when he wants something from you? Who does he think he is when all you wanted to do was show him the meal you worked so hard on, even if it was cold.
❥ “I’m sorry I just wanted to fuckin’ greet you when you finally decide to bring your ass home. I barely get to see your face anymore. This is our first real fucking conversation in— I don’t know how long!” You’d responded to his out of pocketness.
❥ The argument just kept escalating until you reached your breaking point, and you released the bombshell.
❥ “If that’s how you really feel then maybe we should take a fuckin’ brake, since I’m such a damn insect to you!”
❥ “Are you breaking up with me right now?”
❥ You didn’t respond with words but rather actions. You stormed into your shared bedroom, snatched up a suitcase you were sure wasn’t going to fit all of your stuff, but it was big enough for essentials.
❥ You stomped around the room, picking up and packing things you deemed necessary, with him in the doorway trying to get your attention to calm you down.
❥ He didn’t mean for it to get this far.
❥ Once you finished, you shoved your way past him and flung yourself out of the door, taking your car and dialing a friends phone number, whom you were sure would let you crash at her place until you were back on your feet. After all, the two of you lived together, so your decision to leave basically left you homeless.
❥ Armando didn’t see or hear from you for three whole weeks. The time that was spent with you not by his side was damn near the embodiment of hell itself, that is, until he saw you through the peep hole at his front door.
❥ You were half expecting him to not even be at home, you thought he’d drown himself in more work now that you weren’t a factor in his life.
❥ You were surprised by how quickly the door opened and how enthusiastic he seemed. You haven’t seen him like that in a long time and it somewhat weirded you out.
❥ “(Name), I just want to say I’m sorry for—“
❥ “Save it.” You said, “I’m just here to pick up whatever I left behind.”
❥ You watched first hand as the enthusiasm all faded from his face and all he seemed like was a hunk of flesh and bones. Albeit, a hot hunk of flesh and bones, but that’s besides the point.
❥ You walk in and he shuts the door behind you. You walk to where the rest of your things resided and ignore the way Armando followed you around like a lost dog.
❥ “If you’re going to follow me around like that the least you could do it help me load this stuff into my car…”
❥ He nodded and immediately got to work, and you internally face palmed.
❥ This was the man that you fell in love with, not the workaholic asshole that you’ve been dealing with for months on end.
❥ “I am sorry, y’know. About what I said that night… And everything that came before it.”
❥ This caught you off guard, because you’ve only heard Armando apologize a few times, and you don’t think you’ve ever heard an apology by his so genuine.
❥ “I said some things that night too, don’t feel too bad.” You say, acting nonchalant but your mind was racing a thousand miles per second.
❥ “I didn’t even realize how much I worked affected you… Though I guess that’s part of the problem too, right?”
❥ You looked away slightly and nodded, glad he was acknowledging his actions.
❥ “(Name), I miss you. So damn much.”
❥ This caught you entirely off guard but you didn’t reply.
❥ “This house is so empty without you in it. I haven’t even been able to bring myself to work knowing how bad I fucked us up.”
❥ “I can’t forgive you so easily… This was a problem for months along with other things, how am I supposed to be assured that it won’t happen again?”
❥ “I’ll prove it to you.”
❥ He’d royally fucked up your relationship, yet for some reason, he couldn’t seem to find any anxiousness about the process of getting you back… He still loved you, and he trusted that love to guide him into winning your heart back. (He also knew you still loved him, so it definitely wouldn’t take that long… 💀)
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@dasaniswrlddd @thedarkworldofhananerea @taylormcguire282 @timebomb1101 @5arlan7 @desiiiisworld @babygurl030 @lovelyme22 @Leavemealing @lewispool @yeahnohoneybye @velocitynyoom @maybepersuasivetom @deadpool15 @believeinthefireflies95 @lxla04 @planetnique @arinotarianagrande
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love u lately (m) #11 | myg/knj/pjm
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title: love u lately​ chapter title: #11 - love u lately pairing: yoongi x f. reader, namjoon x f. reader, jimin x f. reader (yoonminjoon x f. reader) rating/genre: m (18+) ; smut ; college/university au , pseudo frat! bts; best friends! yoonminjoon friends to lovers; summary: jin, hoseok, taehyung and jungkook leave the house to you, jimin, namjoon and yoongi for the next few hours after yoongi's kbbq birthday dinner. perhaps now that you four have decided to be together, there's only one thing left to do to really seal the deal. warnings:  HEAVY SMUT (if you are a minor, please leave immediately. idk why you would be here in the first place as the story has been smut all long!), the long awaited FOURSOME, oh god how will i touch upon all the things in this, french kissing, SLIGHT mlm mentions/exploration, blowjob, breast play, eating out, multiple orgasms, creampies, cum play?, multiple positions, dirty talk, pet names, rough s*x, soft s*x, tears from deep throat, reassurance, and consent, slight size kink if you wink, double vag*nal pen*tration, hickeys, good ending, playful banter from yoonminjoon, A LOT OF FLUFF, DEEP TALKS, WE HAVE ONE MORE CHAPTER PEOPLE! note: @daegudrama has been the hero editor of this fic series. please all send her love to her fics as well!! she is an amazing writer!!! total word count: 8.1k drop date:  June 28th, 2024, 2PM PST cross posted on AO3 here ← #10 | Series Masterlist | #12
March 9 [Saturday]
“Sometimes I can’t believe you guys are so down bad for me to be doing this.” You say, muffled as you are squished in a hug between Namjoon and Yoongi on the living room couch.
It's early in the morning, but sleep has eluded you, replaced by the bubbling excitement over your poly relationship with your three best friends. Unable to stay in bed any longer, you crept downstairs and started watching an episode of One Piece on Netflix, which Jimin and Taehyung convinced you to watch. You’re barely a few episodes into the Alabasta Arc, but you fear you’ll never make it to the most recent arcs, hundreds of episodes away. To your surprise, you weren't the only one not feeling tired anymore. Your three best friends had the same idea, joining you one by one. Now, you’re sandwiched between two of them, while Jimin sits contentedly on the floor in front of you, leaning back against your legs.
"I don't see any issue with it," Yoongi says nonchalantly, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck. "We love you, after all."
Namjoon nods in agreement, with one arm around you and his other hand resting comfortably on your thigh. "Exactly. Plus, we wanted to be in this poly relationship!"
Jimin chuckles from his spot on the floor, turning his head to look up at you. "And who wouldn't want to be down bad for you? You're pretty cute, you know."
You feel your cheeks heat up at their words, a warm glow spreading through you. "You guys are too sweet," you murmur, reaching down to ruffle Jimin's hair affectionately.
“Let’s just hope we don’t scare Namjoon out of this.” Jimin snickers. “We already had a threesome, just to let you know.” He turns to him and wiggles his eyebrows.
You turn to see Namjoon’s eyes widen for a few seconds. Wait, was this ever mentioned to him? You thought you already mentioned it to him before, but it seems like you hadn’t. None of you had. Fuck... 
A small internal panic occurs between the three of you.
Despite the sudden revelation, Namjoon doesn’t falter. “And? That’s not going to scare me away.” He smirks, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “If anything, it just makes things more interesting.” 
You raise an eyebrow, feeling a playful spark ignite in the air. “Oh, really?” you tease, leaning closer to him, your lips brushing against his ear. “Are you saying you’re down for a foursome?”
Namjoon’s smirk widens as he turns to face you, his gaze intense. “If you guys want, I’ll try anything. Just say the word and I’m down,” he murmurs, his voice low and seductive. His hand slides a little higher on your thigh, sending a shiver through you.
Your heart races at his words, excitement and desire mixing in a heady cocktail. “You guys are unbelievable,” you say, your voice letting out a sigh. “But I guess that’s why I love you.”
Yoongi’s hand moves to cup your chin, lifting your face to his. “We love you too,” he says, and then his lips are on yours, kissing you deeply, possessively. “But you better love me more today because it’s my birthday.” He teases.
“Of course, my love.” You reply to him cutely, making the other two roll their eyes in slight jealousy of Yoongi today.
“Everyone! Aside from celebrating Yoongi’s 21st birthday tonight, I have gathered you here at Baekjeong KBBQ to announce some big news!” 
All the guys from the Beta Tau Sigma house turn to look at you, who has gotten up from your seat. Namjoon, seemingly knowing what you’re going to say, begins to panic and quickly signals you to sit back down. You give him a puzzled look before realizing that you can’t just announce that you’re in a polycule with your three guy best friends at a restaurant. Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung laugh when your excited demeanor deflates once you sit back down in realization.
“We decided to be together…” you mumble, your words trailing off. Your face feels hot as embarrassment overcomes you, but all the guys think that’s adorable. This is so embarrassingly anticlimactic!
“Good for you. Now, can you pass over that big piece of short rib-eye on your side?” Seokjin says seriously, his deadpan request making the other guys burst out giggling.
You sigh and use your chopsticks to grab the piece, placing it on Seokjin’s plate. Yoongi, sitting next to you, puts his arm around you, pulling you closer and kissing your temple.
“Don’t worry, love, he’s just jealous he isn’t getting any pussy,” Yoongi snides, his tone playful. The comment sends another wave of laughter around the table.
“Shut the fuck up, I totally am!” Seokjin barks back, but the guys stare at him in disbelief, their skepticism obvious.
“Sure, hyung, whatever helps you sleep at night,” Taehyung teases, winking at him.
The laughter and chatter continue around the table, making the atmosphere cozy and lively. Namjoon, still chuckling, reaches over to turn the meat on the grill, the sizzling sound blending with the background noise of the bustling restaurant.
“So, you guys really decided to be together?” Jungkook asks, popping a piece of marinated beef into his mouth, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
You look at Yoongi, who gives you an encouraging nod. “Yep,” you repeat, feeling a bit more confident this time. “Me, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin. We’re trying out this polycule thing.”
The guys blink at you, taking the time to actually process your words. Hoseok is the first to react, his eyes widening with excitement. “Whoa, that’s actually really cool! So, like, you’re all dating each other?”
You nod, feeling the initial awkwardness dissipate. “Yeah? Technically. it’s a bit unconventional, but we think it could work for us.”
Jimin, who’s been quietly enjoying his food, finally chimes in. “It’s something we’ve all talked about with her first and agreed on. We want to make it work.”
You recall about 12 hours earlier, when you, Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi talked early in the morning about the shared agreement to start this polycule. You all knew you should announce it to the other residents at your not-so-frat house, which you so excitedly tried to bring up, albeit at the wrong place.
Seokjin, chewing thoughtfully on a piece of short rib, finally swallows and gives a nod of approval. “As long as you’re all happy and on the same page, that’s what matters. Plus, it’s not like any of us are in a position to judge your relationships anyways.” 
“Exactly,” Namjoon adds, his voice steady and reassuring. “We’re all here to support each other, no matter what.”
Yoongi tightens his arm around you, his fingers gently tracing patterns on your shoulder. “And we’ll figure things out as we go. We’ve said communication is key.”
Jungkook, ever the curious one, leans forward, resting his chin on his hand. “So, how does this work? Will you, like, all go on dates together, or will you split your time?”
You laugh, appreciating Jungkook’s genuine interest. “We’re going to figure that part out. It’s going to be a learning experience, not gonna lie.”
Taehyung, always the romantic, sighs dreamily. “I think it’s beautiful. Love doesn’t have to fit into a box. As long as it’s real, that’s what counts.”
The server arrives with another platter of meat, breaking the contemplative mood, but leaves soon after. Seokjin eagerly takes the tongs and starts placing the meat on the grill, the sizzling sound bringing everyone back to the present.
“So are you guys going to sexile us after this or…?” Taehyung asks bluntly, his words cutting through the laughter and conversation.
You start choking on your kimchi from the shock of his question, your face turning red. Jimin quickly pats your back, trying to help you breathe again, his eyes wide with concern.
“Taehyung!” Namjoon yells, his voice stern and disbelieving.
“It’s an honest question!” Taehyung defends himself, holding up his hands. “Hoseok and I were already planning to go frat house hopping tonight anyway.”
Seokjin, shaking his head, rolls his eyes. “I’ve got to go to a bar fundraising event for Kappa Psi Pi since I’m the president, after all.” He ends his words sarcastically, groaning as he finishes.
“And I’m tagging along because he said there would be cute girls from the frat there, and I can’t miss that!” Jungkook exclaims, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. 
The tension eases, and you finally catch your breath, giving Taehyung a half-amused, half-exasperated look. “O-Okay then maybe give us two and half hours and then you’re free to come home?”
Now, it’s Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin’s turns to start choking dramatically on their food, drawing the attention of surrounding tables. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok make sounds of awe at your boldness. Yoongi immediately grabs a cup of cold tea and downs it, while Jimin and Namjoon opt for downing a shot each.
“Jesus… fucking… Christ… Y/N,” Yoongi exclaims, exasperated.
You smirk at them, feeling a mix of amusement and satisfaction at their reactions.
“Hey, if we’re going to do this, we might as well have some fun, right?” you say, trying to keep a straight face as you meet their stunned gazes.
Jungkook chuckles, shaking his head. “Damn, Y/N, you really know how to keep things interesting.”
“Yeah, no kidding,” Taehyung adds, a wide grin spreading across his face. “I’m impressed.”
Seokjin, still recovering from his own laughter, nods. “Alright, two and a half hours it is. We’ll make ourselves scarce.”
Hoseok leans back in his chair, giving you a thumbs-up. “Just make sure to clean up after yourselves. I don’t want to come back to the house smelling like sex and cum.”
You giggle, feeling happy that the guys are supportive of everything despite initial worries. Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jimin exchange glances, their initial shock giving way to amusement and a shared understanding.
“Alright, alright,” Namjoon concedes, still a bit red in the face. “We’ll take it one step at a time.”
Jimin shakes his head, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You really are something else, Y/N.”
Yoongi, finally regaining his composure, leans in closer to you. “You never cease to surprise me,” he murmurs, a hint of admiration in his voice.
The evening continues with more laughter and teasing, the air filled with the mouthwatering aroma of grilled meat and the sound of clinking glasses. You raise your own glass once more, toasting to the unique and wonderful dynamic you share with your lovers.
The four of you come home, while the others decide to go elsewhere unanimously. You can’t believe they all agreed to let you guys have the house to yourselves for the next few hours…and to have a foursome much less. 
Before you parted ways at the restaurant, leaving in Jimin’s car to head back home, Taehyung said, “Good luck with the foursome. Don’t be too loud, alright? Let us know when you’re done!” He winked, a playful grin on his face, as he rushed toward Jungkook’s car where the other 3 guys were calling out to him.
You guys haven’t even decided if it is going to happen tonight. 
You’re going to owe the guys big time.
But now you are filled with nerves as you sit on your bed with Namjoon to your right and Jimin on your left, while Yoongi remains standing in front of you.
“A-Are we actually doing this right now?” you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
“If you don’t want to do this, you don’t have to,” Namjoon reassures, his voice gentle and soothing. He reaches out, taking your hand in his. “We’re here because we love and care about you, not because we want to pressure you into anything.”
Yoongi nods, his expression softening. “We can just hang out and watch a movie if that’s what you prefer,” he says, patting the bed. “Save this for another time!”
Jimin smiles at you, his eyes full of understanding. “Right! Like Hyung said! Whatever you’re comfortable with! We’re here for you, no matter what.”
You take a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. “I know,” you say, your voice wavering slightly. “I am willing to do this, but I just...I want to make sure this is something we all want.”
“We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want this,” Yoongi says softly, reaching out to touch your arm. “But we mostly care about you wanting this too.”
You look at each of them in turn, seeing nothing but love and reassurance in their eyes as they nod along to Yoongi’s words. “Okay,” you say, finally letting out the breath you’d been holding. “I want this too. I need to hear that you’re all on the same page too.”
Namjoon squeezes your hand gently. “We are. We’re in this together, Tiny.” The other two nod in response.
You nod, feeling a bit of the tension leave your body. “Alright,” you say, smiling nervously and taking a deep breath. “Let’s take it slow, okay?”
The three men lean in towards you, starting with Jimin peppering your neck with kisses and fondling your left breast. Namjoon takes note of the younger man’s actions and copies the same movements, with his lips on your jawline and his hand kneading your right breast slightly harder. Yoongi takes the opportunity to go directly for your lips first, his hand on your thigh as it inches closer until he’s under your dress and rubbing your panty-covered clit.
His lips feel incredibly soft against yours, the gentle pressure sending shivers down your spine. You moan softly into Yoongi's mouth, your body responding to the multitude of sensations. Not wanting to miss out on your lips too, Namjoon and Jimin inch closer, their eyes dark with desire. and then, suddenly, you're sharing a four-way kiss.
It's like a dance of lips and tongues, a medley of tastes and textures. Yoongi's kisses are gentle yet insistent, a contrast to Namjoon's firmer, more dominant touch. Jimin's approach is playful and teasing, his lips brushing against yours and the others', adding an element of unpredictability to the mix.
You always can’t help but feel turned on seeing their own tongues make contact with one another. You make a mental note to bring this up in the future.
But the intoxicating feeling brings you back to the situation you’re in, making your head spin in the most delightful way. Your hands reach out, finding purchase on Namjoon's broad shoulders and Jimin's firm chest. Yoongi pulls away from the kiss, but his hands continue his skilled ministrations on your swollen clit and beneath your dress.
He leans down, spreads your legs open, and slides your panties to the side, directly flicking your clit back and forth.
“Such a pretty pussy, just for us.” Yoongi chuckles, lust taking over him.
Jimin and Namjoon pull away from the kiss as well, deciding to nibble at your ear while  continuing to massage your breasts.
“That’s our baby.” Namjoon whispers in your ears.
“Hyung, help me undress her,” Jimin says with an impatient. “Darling looks so much better naked.” He winks at you, which makes you blush. If this were any other time, you’d die of embarassment, but being bared to Yoongi like this right now, nothing else matters.
Namjoon unzip the back of your cherry spaghetti strap sundress, and the two men push the straps down your arms and chest to reveal you’re braless, with only pebbled nipples out in the open. 
“Wearing no bra out to KBBQ with the other guys? You’re such a minx.” Jimin giggles.
“S-Shut up! Bras don’t look go– A-Ah…!” You argue back, and he suddenly leans down and latches onto your nipples, sucking them with his plump lips. You squirm in response, feeling Jimin’s tongue tease and flick your left nipple. You place a hand on the back of his head, indulging as you push him further into your chest. 
Namjoon quickly follows by pressing his tongue against your right nipple, flicking at it in a desperate attempt to get it harder. His lips lick against your breast and suckle at your tit. Lovely, warm strokes follow, with your whines snuffed by biting at your lower lip.
Yoongi’s impatience to see you come undone takes over as he watches you three. He proceeds to slide off your panties, as well as the remaining half of your dress scrunched at your waist, and hastily opens your legs further. He wastes no time diving in to lick at your cunt.
Your eyes widen with surprise at the sudden invasion. Yoongi’s tongue darts out, swirling around your clit and then sliding down to taste your folds before pushing inside you. You moan softly, your hands reaching out for something to grasp again. Yoongi wraps his arms around your thighs, holding you close as he continues his exploration. You can feel his warm breath on your sensitive skin, a contrast to the coolness of the room.
"F-Fuck Yoongi…feels so good," you manage to gasp out, your eyes fluttering closed and your hands automatically going to Namjoon's shoulders.
“Just wait until I make you cum.” He smiles, his signature slight lopsided smile giving you goosebumps. That’s the confident Min Yoongi talking, and you are definitely scared. Yoongi pulls away from your pussy, opting to insert two fingers inside your throbbing pussy. He begins thrusting them inside and out at a rapid pace. Each thrust of his fingers drives you closer to the edge, and your body responds eagerly to the relentless pleasure he is giving you along with what Jimin and Namjoon are doing. You feel your juices coat his fingers, the slickness allowing him to move even faster. The pressure builds within you, a tight coil of desire ready to snap.
There’s a brief pause in the build-up as Yoongi removes his fingers and goes back to eating you out. You realize he was doing that because he wants you to get more wet, in preparation for all of them entering you later. You wish he would keep going with his fingers, but coming undone by his tongue has been your favorite thing in the past year.
Yoongi swipes against your aching clit each time your tongue darts up and down your folds. He savors each little sound you make, relishing in the feeling of your thighs gently squeezing the sides of his head. He sucks your bud a few times before dipping back down, sliding his tongue into your pussy as your body signals to him that you’re seconds from your first orgasm of the night. “Yoongi…!” your voice and breathing is shaky.  “I-I’m gonna cum!” The familiar pressure of a nearing orgasm slowly dissipates as a wave of pure euphoria crashes over you. Yoongi groans at the feeling of your juices soaking his mouth and continues to lick up the remains, thighs still wrapped around his head and shoulder. He really never wants these moments with you to end. He’d be fine if he died, drowning in your juice, but he won’t admit that to you.
When the waves of pleasure finally subside, you collapse your back onto the bed, panting and spent. But this is not the end! You know you have to and want to keep going. They haven't orgasmed yet and you want to make sure they feel just as good as they are making you feel. Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jimin gather around you on the bed, their hands caressing your skin, their expressions filled with love and adoration.
“Did we overdo it already?” Namjoon worries as he looks at you, completely fucked out.
“That’s because Yoongi hyung was fingering and eating her out too fast! You should’ve edged her out a little more.” Jimin groans, glaring at Yoongi which makes you laugh. “Now we have to wait for round two,” 
“It’s fine. Let her rest for now,” Yoongi says, turning onto his side, his hand reaches out and rubs your stomach to comfort you. “Do you want more, my angel?”
You nod before you can even process his words in your brain. Namjoon laughs at your eagerness.
“Want…more…please,” You finally word out, softly.
“Aw, darling is so cute,” Jimin coos, “Don’t worry, I’ll be the one to give you what you need.”
“Hey, what makes you think your fucking her first?” Yoongi says, with a jealous tone in his voice.
“Because I deserve it? Plus I was the one who kissed her first too!” Jimin giggles, pulling you to the edge of the bed and putting a pillow under your ass to lift you a little. “You can let her suck you off for now if you want. Namjoon hyung can get a hand job in the meantime and watch how it’s done.”
Yoongi sighs, but complies, getting on the right side of the bed and positioning himself by your head. “Fine, but only because I want to see her mouth wrapped around me again after so long.”
You feel a shiver of anticipation run through your body as Yoongi’s length comes into view. Your eyes lock onto him as he pulls down his black dress pants and boxers, beginning to stroke himself, his gaze dark and hungry. He sits down next to you and leans his cock next to your mouth. You open your mouth automatically, ready to take him in, and he slowly guides himself between your lips. It’s been a while since you’ve had him, and you remember how girthy his dick is. The taste of him is still as intoxicating as ever, and you hum around him as he thrusts slowly, earning a groan of pleasure from above. 
Namjoon quickly makes his move to position himself on the opposite side, unbuckling his belt, pulling down his jeans and boxers. He swiftly slips out his cock. He gently takes your hand in his own rough, warm grip and spits into your palm, before wrapping it around himself. For some reason, this makes your heart flutter. You believe it’s the fact that you learn something new about your best friends every time you fuck them, it seems.
You start by giving a few, testing strokes. You hold as much of his cock as you can manage in your fist. You move at a moderate pace, from tip to base. He shutters a bit, hips threatening to snap into your hand as he’s eager to reach his high.
Meanwhile, Jimin quickly removes his clothes, shrugging off his red-white varsity jacket, pulling off his white t-shirt, and sliding out of his black jeans, his eyes never leaving yours. When he’s completely bare, He places your ankles up on his shoulders and lines himself up with your entrance, teasing your folds with the head of his cock. “Are you ready, darling?” he asks, his voice soft but full of desire.
Yoongi pulls his cock out of your mouth briefly so you can respond. “Y-Yes, please,” you shyly respond, trying to catch your breath as you wiggle your cunt against him. Your body aches for more. 
Jimin doesn’t make you wait any longer. He pushes into you slowly, filling you inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside you. Yoongi slides in between your lips once again. You remember how this feeling is beyond overwhelming, and you moan around Yoongi’s cock, the vibrations sending shivers through his body.
“Fuck, she’s still so tight,” Jimin murmurs, his eyes rolling back in pleasure. He starts to move, setting a steady pace that has you seeing stars.
“You’re doing so well, baby,” Namjoon praises, his voice deep and soothing as he gently rubs your cheek feeling Yoongi’s length just on the other side.
Yoongi thrusts are quickly going in and out of your mouth as Jimin pumps into you faster, your senses are overwhelmed with pleasure. The sounds of their moans and the sensation of pleasure being fulfilled in two areas edge you to the brink.
Holy fuck.
Even after coming once, you already feel yourself reaching your orgasm once again, and you enter, what you call, a bimbo-like state. Your mind is purely a fog of pleasure, every thought consumed by the sensations coursing through your body, mainly the one from your core.
Namjoon, noticing the dazed look in your eyes, chuckles softly. "Look at you, baby, already gone in the pleasure," he murmurs, his voice filled with adoration. “So fucking cute,”
Jimin’s movements become more urgent and sloppy, his thrusts faster and harder. “I’m so close,” he warns, his voice strained.
Yoongi, seeing that you’re close as well, removes himself so you don’t choke once you start to squirm and shake during your orgasm. Namjoon continues stroking himself as well.
“C-Cum inside me!” You plead out to Jimin, now that your lips are freed to speak your desires. Jimin doesn’t argue with your wish, instead smirking as he feels his own wave of pleasure crashing down.
“F-Fuck…Ah!” With a final, deep thrust, Jimin spills into you, his moans echoing in the room. Being filled is the trigger for you to come undone. A warmth spreads through your body like a radiating glow. You completely surrender to the otherworldly pleasure, that you still don’t understand.
Tears run down your cheeks, mouth agape, as you melt away in bliss. And once again, you lay there, catching your breath. Jimin pulls out as his high dissipates, and once he’s out, he watches both your cums slowly drip out. Namjoon and Yoongi scoot over towards your pussy to watch the sight in awe.
“Fucking hot," Yoongi murmurs, his voice low and husky. He uses his fingers to push the mixture of yours and Jimin's juices back inside you, a wicked smile on his lips. "Save it for later."
Namjoon chuckles, his deep voice sending a thrill through you. "Be good and you'll get a reward later."
You look up at them innocently, your eyes wide and teasing. "Yes.. my loves," you murmur, glancing at each of your lovers. "Um, is it okay if I try something new… like giving one of you a boob job?"
"A boob job?" Yoongi's eyebrows raise in interest as he looks at your breasts, anticipation clear in his eyes. Why the fuck didn’t he think of this before, he thinks. You have perfectly sized breasts to do this.
"I volunteer," Namjoon chimes in, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Yoongi rolls his eyes as he’s interrupted by the eager golden retriever-like man. It’s his birthday, and he wants to do more with you, but he’ll settle and be patient for now. He knows he’ll be the one to deliver you a better orgasm than them later on. 
As you all delve deeper into this arrangement, Namjoon and Yoongi take off all their clothes, standing naked before you. Their muscles ripple under the dim light, showcasing their strength and definition. With all your boyfriends bare like this, the sight of their toned bodies, every curve and line accentuated, turns you on even more, sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through you.
You get up in a sitting position, waiting for Namjoon to hold onto your chest to support himself as you use your fingers to prevent the cum from sliding out of you. At times like this, Jimin wishes he had a plug for you, but he makes a mental note to buy it for next time.
Namjoon couldn’t wait to have his dick between your tits instead. He had dreamt about this at some point previously, but never thought it could happen. The supple skin indulges him, and when he holds your breasts, his cock twitches as your breasts pressed tightly around him. He feels himself discovering a new kink when he starts stroking himself up and down with your chest.
“There you go,” Yoongi mutters, a hand coming up to push a few strands of hair behind your ear. “Such a precious, doll.” Yoongi pats your head, making your cheeks redden at such innocent praise in the middle of seeing his best friend breast fuck you.
This scene alone is enough to make Yoongi and Jimin turned on, but Namjoon actually feeling his cock in between your tits is driving him mad. 
Initially, he felt very nervous going into this as he hadn’t done anything like this before. Nor did he understand whatever sexual dynamic you had going on already with Jimin and Yoongi, but he was willing to do anything to understand you more. To love you more. The skin of your breasts feels so soft and silky to him. He feels himself become much harder than he thought he would, almost painfully so. Mainly because of this image: the way you are staring up at him with a sweet look on your face that is incredibly sinful as he watches his cock thrusting in between your tits.
If he continues rocking his hips, he will come. He needs to be inside you. Now.
“Get on all fours,” Namjoon commands with a mix of authority and need. His voice is deep and husky, sending a shiver down your spine. You comply, positioning yourself on your hands and knees, your heart pounding excitedly.
Namjoon moves behind you, his hands gripping your hips firmly as he aligns himself with your entrance. The sensation of his tip pressing against you makes you gasp, your body trembling with need and urgency. “D-Daddy… gimme…now!” You nod eagerly, pushing your ass back slightly to show your readiness. 
He pauses for a moment, glancing at you and chuckling. Oh? Oh god, that came out so suddenly. While a part of you began to panic, worried that he might find this weird, he seems to not feel repulsed by it. Instead, you hit a nail.
His breath is hot against your skin as he leans forward, whispering in your ear, “Daddy? Oh baby, just wait just a minute. I'm going to give you exactly what you need.”
With a low growl, Namjoon slowly enters you, filling you. The stretch is delicious, and you moan loudly, your fingers digging into the sheets beneath you.
Then suddenly, his hips snap into your cunt and you feel his tip kiss your g-spot within seconds. You tense and curl your back inwards, feeling the sensation grow with every thrust. Namjoon is just a god at this position, easily fucking you as if it is second nature. His cock thrusts in and out of you in perfect rhythm, slapping against your ass loudly. But you both don’t seem to care. 
“F-fuck…D-Daddy!” You gasp, burying your head against your mattress, “A-ah.. I- mm ha-...f-fuck.” Your words aren’t exactly a sentence, but it is music to his ears. You can’t help it. Namjoon being inside you just makes you want to scream ever since the first time you had sex with him about a week ago. The fact he just keeps going and going, without a care for how sensitive you are turns you on beyond belief.
Namjoon’s hand brushes against your hip and presses down at the small of your back, pushing your back from curling inwards to arching back again, “There we go… good girl. I want you to stay arched for me, okay pretty girl?” You whimper and nod a few times, looking back to see him intensely staring at your form. He rubs small circles into your back and holds you there, keeping you arched for his big cock. 
Jimin and Yoongi sit in front of you against the headboard, stroking their dicks as they watch Namjoon have his way with you. They are just as turned on as you are, their eyes never leaving the sight of Namjoon's hard cock sliding inside you and your breasts jiggling from the movement. Both of their cocks throb with need, pre-cum dripping down their shafts.
"You're such a good girl," Yoongi purrs, his voice heavy with lust. "Let your other daddy prepare you for me."
Jimin nods in agreement, stroking his dick faster. The sight of you taking Namjoon's cock like this, so eagerly and willingly, is a huge turn-on for him. He wants to be inside you again, to feel you wrap your tight walls around his dick. So he gets up moving right in front of your mouth, grabbing your chin to guide it to his cock, which remains hard once again.
Your lips open immediately, eager to please Jimin. Jimin loves to be the center of attention, and you don’t mind that. You want to make him feel good. But once it’s Yoongi’s turn, you’re going to ravish him with so much love and attention for his patience.
As Jimin thrusts into your mouth, Namjoon continues to fuck you from behind, your bodies moving in sync. He repeatedly slams his girthy length deep in your cunt, practically begging you to squirt on his shaft. And god you are so close to cumming. You notice Namjoon is getting close too. You can tell from how his thrusts are getting sloppier, or how his hand presses deeper into your back, forcing your arch lower and lower. 
“Fuck…” Namjoon groans, leaning forward to rest his head against your mid back. You feel his balls smack against your cunt, with his body pressing down against yours as you two become one. He can tell you were close, muttering, “You’re going to cum…huh, baby girl?” 
You let out a loud moan rumbling against Jimin’s cock as a response, with your hips jerking up. It feels so good to the point where you can't control your bodily movements anymore. Namjoon sits back up, growling under his breath and then stiffens. You don’t realize what is happening until you feel a warm load shoot deep into your pussy, the sensation tips you over the edge causing you to cum as well. You hold onto Jimin’s thighs for dear life as he continues his moments, tears pooling at your eyes as you try your best not to choke. 
Load after load shoots into your walls and coats you in white, milking him completely dry. Namjoon’s cum now mixes with yours and Jimin’s juices.
But holy shit... and you thought the first time with him was crazy, but Namjoon is just constantly filled with surprises. His hand presses into your back again, keeping you arched as he rides out his high. 
Jimin pulls out first, followed by Namjoon, who slowly comes to a stop before withdrawing from inside you. The sudden emptiness leaves you breathless, and you collapse onto the bed, utterly spent.
Your body feels sore and exhausted, every muscle aching from the intensity of the experience. Maybe you should start working out if you're going to be engaging in these types of activities moving forward, you think with a wry smile. 
"You were amazing," Namjoon murmurs, his voice tender as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Yoongi, you’re up.” He gives a head nod signaling towards the other man who has been patiently waiting his turn.
However, Yoongi shakes his head. “Not yet. Doll just had like three orgasms in the last 40 minutes.” He gets up from the bed and grabs a water bottle, opening it before lifting your head gently to feed it to you. “Gotta keep you hydrated because the last round is going to be a tough one.”
You take a grateful sip of water, feeling the cool liquid soothe your dry throat. Yoongi’s thoughtful gesture brings a smile to your lips, and you can see the concern and care in his eyes. He sets the bottle aside, his fingers brushing your hair back gently.
“You okay?” he asks softly, his thumb stroking your cheek.
You nod, feeling a bit of your energy return. “Yeah, I’m okay. Thank you.”
Yoongi smiles, his gaze warm and reassuring. “No problem, love. Just wanted to make sure.”
Namjoon and Jimin settle beside you, their hands gently caressing your skin, helping you relax further. God, you really chose the right men to fall in love with.
You already anticipate what you want to do next, which is riding Yoongi and letting someone else squeeze in. You want it to be Namjoon again, but his size is a little bigger than theirs, so you’re nervous to try. But that deep desire to feel them inside of you together, to feel them come undone with nothing separating them, was twisting and surging through your body.
“Can you lay down for me, baby? I’m getting on top,” you say to Yoongi, and he complies immediately, stretching out on the bed beneath you.
You straddle Yoongi, positioning yourself over him, with slow trails of cum starting to drip down. He looks up at you with dark, hungry eyes, his hands resting on your hips. You lower yourself slowly, feeling the delicious stretch as he fills you, coating himself with the cum of all his best friends. You moan softly, adjusting to the sensation of his girth, and Yoongi groans, his grip on your hips tightening.
As you begin to move, rocking your hips gently at first, you feel Namjoon and Jimin's hands on you, their touches encouraging and reassuring. The rhythm builds, and you lose yourself in the pleasure, the connection between you and Yoongi deepening with every movement.
“Is this what you wanted, doll?” Yoongi asks, his voice husky and deep.
“Yes,” you breathe, your hands resting on his chest for support as you increase the pace. “Feels good.”
“Had to save the best for last.” Yoongi chuckles confidently, his side smirk peaking out which only drives you insane.
Namjoon and Jimin continue to caress you, their hands roaming over your back, your thighs, your breasts, adding to the sensory overload. You feel a hand slip between your legs, and you realize it's Namjoon's, his fingers expertly finding your clit and adding to the intense pleasure.
You gasp, the combined sensations driving you closer to the edge. “I want more,” you manage to say, your voice trembling with need.
Namjoon leans in, his breath hot against your ear. “Tell us what you need, baby.”
“I want you… inside me too,” you confess, feeling a mix of anticipation and nervousness.
Namjoon and Yoongi exchange a look, understanding and excitement in their eyes. Namjoon positions himself behind you, his hands gentle but firm as he prepares to join you. Your mouth runs dry and you wriggle your ass, begging without words for what you know he is about to give you. A gasp falls from your lips as you feel the tip of his cock press against the place where you are already full. Your wetness drips down Yoongi’s shaft covering him in that cum mixture and making things ready for Namjoon to join the two of you.
“I'm so desperate to be inside of you, baby, but I don't want to hurt you,” he whispers, thrusting his hips just enough for you to feel his swollen head pressing into your entrance, the pressure forcing Yoongi’s cock more firmly against the other side of you, your clit throbbing mercilessly at the press of him so near to your clit.
“You won't,” you moan, lost in the thrill of what your lovers were promising to you, the tip of Namjoon’s cock throbbing just inside of your folds as Yoongi’s shaft swells deep within, his hand rising to lift your chin and bring your mouth to his.
“Tell us if it's too much,” Yoongi breathes against your lips, as he holds steady while Namjoon pushes slowly into you, your body stretching around him as you whimper at the tight burn of him slipping further in.
A poem of moans falls from all three of them as Namjoon’s hard cock slides against Yoongi’s as he seeks to join you two inside. The first few inches of him finally enveloped in your heat and pressed tightly against the firm underside of his best friend’s cock. His upper body falls lightly against your back as he trembles, fighting the urge to push himself further in. He knows both his and Yoongi’s sizes are on the bigger side, which makes him worried about hurting you. But in your fucked out haze, you plead for him to go on.
You revel in the thickness pressing against you from both sides, burning you from within. Your breasts rub against Yoongi’s chest as you kiss each other lazily, tasting Jimin lightly as well. Namjoon’s lips trace your upper back, mouthing pecks against your skin and carefully flexing his hips, his cock throbbing mercilessly as it stretches your walls even more, sliding another inch into your leaking pussy.
"Even after fucking two of us, you're still so tight," Namjoon murmurs, his voice wrecked and breath shuddering against your skin. He’s struggling to hold himself back, unable to push any more of his length into you but unwilling to relinquish the tight grip of your walls that he's already claimed. “Tiny…”
“There,” Yoongi murmurs roughly, his hand pressing more firmly against your body as he pulls out his hips, his cock slips from your heat just enough that its head rubs against Namjoon’s. They both growl profanities as they meet within you.
Yoongi continues to move beneath you, his thrusts deep and steady, his hands gripping your hips to guide your movements. The feeling of both of them inside you is almost too much, but the pleasure is overwhelming, drowning out everything else.
"Oh my god..." Your eyes widen as they start moving inside you together. You feel Namjoon shifting on top of you, sliding himself forward as Yoongi pulls out momentarily. The sinful sounds of your wetness coating them both mix with the harmony of their moans as they find a natural rhythm. Yoongi thrusts deeply within you as Namjoon pulls nearly free, the thick muscles of their cocks stroking one another as they claim you entirely. Namjoon plunges back into your pussy as Yoongi retreats, the pleasant burn that accompanies their movements fading into a latent heat that only stokes the neediness within you.
Jimin leans in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispers, “You’re doing so well, doll. Just a little more.”
He takes this time to make you take his dick in your mouth once more. You open your mouth eagerly, wrapping your lips around him, the familiar taste and feel of him sending a fresh wave of arousal through you. Jimin groans softly, his hand gently cradling the back of your head as you move from Yoongi and Namjoon’s thrusts, your tongue swirling around his tip before taking him deeper.
Yoongi can feel his climax nearing quickly, the tightness throbbing and pulsing with a need to break free, Namjoon’s thick member stroking along the ridge of his shaft before withdrawing and sliding deep once again. The pressure is amplified by the mixture of all your cums running down his shaft and slicking his balls where they slap against each other.
“Oh God, fuck...!” Yoongi roughly growls, thrusting to completion.
“Mmh..!” You could only manage to rumble out at Yoongi’s sudden spurts of white coating you and Namjoon. Then, as if all timed, Namjoon releases himself inside you again and Jimin comes in your mouth as well. This is truly an out of body experience at this point as your holes are filled to the brim by your best friends turned lovers.
And to end it all up, your own coil of pleasure inside you snaps, sending waves through your body almost painfully as you finally come. Your neck arches, a cry of euphoria pouring from your mouth as your core clenches around them. Namjoon's thrusts slow as your walls throb erratically, squeezing them within you. Yoongi bucks beneath you, his cock swelling, his balls drawing up and tightening as he erupts into you. Namjoon groans brokenly on top of you both, following suit, his nails digging into Yoongi's arm as they pump you full of their seed. The heat and rush of their essences painting your walls only heighten their joint pleasure, their cocks throbbing as their cum leaks around their shafts and drips from your pink folds.
They all pull out slowly, gently placing you on the bed with your head elevated by a pillow. You can barely keep your eyes open—holy shit, you’re tapping out for the night. There are other things you want to try, but for now, you’ll call it a night.
However, they're not done. They gather at the foot of the bed, their eyes fixated on the final sight of their combined release dripping out from inside you.
"Kinda want to taste it," Jimin adds, making you blush deeply. You're starting to sober up from the haze, and a part of you thinks this is actually kind of gross. But a couple gentle licks won't hurt, right?
"We should do it as a pact and then give her hickeys to solidify this deal that we're going to be with her forever," Namjoon suggests, winking at you from below.
They exchange looks, a mix of mischief and sincerity in their eyes, and then lean in towards your heat and pepper out kitten-like licks towards your pussy. The slight overstimulation makes you wiggle in place, and they hold you down to prevent you from accidentally crushing them with your thighs. Their tongues take turns entering you as well, with Jimin’s long tongue making it further inside to clean the remnants
After a bit of licking, they clean you up perfectly, and climb up your body to leave hickeys. Namjoon opts for your neck. Yoongi opts for your left shoulder. And Jimin opts for your right breast.
"There we go, all marked up so all the guys on campus know you’re ours,” Jimin giggles, his fingers lightly tracing over the hickey he left on your breast.
“T-That… wasn’t necessary… guys,” you stutter, trying to argue with him. Despite the undeniable pleasure you felt moments ago, the marks on your skin now pose a practical problem with warmer weather approaching. You will definitely not be able to go out without having eyes questioning you. Oh well.
“Gotta take precautions so we don’t have Jaebeom trying to get at you again,” Yoongi chuckles, his eyes crinkling with amusement as he recalls the memorable party that initiated this passionate turn of events.
“And Mingyu from Sigma Lambda Tau,” Jimin adds quietly, his voice tinged with a hint of possessiveness. “Heard from Jackson and Matthew that two Nu Kappa guys were crushing on you in the library too.”
“Oh, fuck no,” Namjoon declares firmly, crossing his arms and clenching his jaw in frustration, while Yoongi’s expression darkens slightly. “I had seen them looking at her before too.”
“Huh?” You're genuinely surprised at this revelation of admirers. Where were they before all of this? Why are guys like this?
You sigh, “I’m too tired for this… Let’s save it for another time.” Despite the playful banter and the curiosity sparked by your boyfriends’ reactions, exhaustion is starting to creep in, urging you toward sleep after four orgasms. The attention of other men no longer matters when you're nestled among your closest friends.
“Anyways, how do you feel, princess?” Yoongi’s tone softens as he brings his attention back to you, poking your cheek gently with a mix of curiosity and satisfaction.
You open your eyes slowly, feeling a warm glow in their presence. "That was...fucking incredible," you reply softly, your voice still tinged with lingering pleasure. "Best fuck of my life."
Namjoon chuckles beside you, his fingertips now gently tracing patterns on your skin. "Good to hear," he murmurs, his gaze tender as he looks at you with affection.
“I’ll grab a washcloth from your bathroom and give you a quick clean before we cuddle up and sleep,” Jimin offers, his voice warm and reassuring as he moves to take care of you, ensuring comfort and intimacy in the aftermath of your shared experience.
Jimin returns with a warm, damp washcloth, gently cleaning your core with care, ensuring you're comfortable and cared for. Meanwhile, Namjoon and Yoongi lay beside you, their hands offering soothing rubs to ease any residual tension. The gentle touches and the quiet intimacy of the moment slowly lull you into a deep, restful slumber. Jimin joins the bed on Yoongi’s side after he finishes. 
You don't remember much afterward, the warmth of their legs wrapped around you and the security of their presence cocooning you into a profound sense of peace. You haven’t felt like this in the longest time. Probably since that time you spent with your ex-boyfriend. But now…
Everything has fallen into place.
“I love you guys so much.” You mumble, pressed against Namjoon and Yoongi’s chests and before you drift into sleep, you hear all three of your boyfriends respond back with the same words.
But whatever happens in the future, you think you will be alright, just by having Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin by your side. 
Who would’ve thought that this all began when you realized you started to really love them, lately?
Finally, they let you love them too.
ONE LAST tbc !!!!! :D
a/n: as i mentioned previously, we only have one more chapter to go! it is the epilogue: shift (outro). we are past the angst, so don't worry about that (i think...). I had a lot of left over smut scenes i initially wrote for this, but didn't want to be repetitive so i will insert it into the epilogue heheheheh. ch 12/epilogue will come out in the next 2 weeks. I'm almost done writing it, but I still need to add a little more and fix some things, plus editor rae proofreading. i hope you guys enjoyed the ride this far, and i'll see you in the epilogue! i will be adding more notes regarding the series later on!
➸ let me know what you think OR join the taglist! ➸ love u lately series masterlist
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wokeupchrisbrezy · 2 days
Manipulating Reassurance.
Lando Norris
Pt. 3 to Toxicity and Balance
Warnings : Smut, manipulation (so angst? idk I don't know how to do warnings, babes.)
Tears ran down your face as you silently cried in his sheets.
This relationship was so draining. The feelings of betrayal engulfed your mind. You knew he was loyal… physically. Your own eyes watched the wandering nature of his own. The way he loses interest as soon as you don’t agree with him or give him what he wants.
He was so manipulating. So indecisive. It made your head hurt.
Only four more days. Your mind held onto the fact that you’re going back to America in four days. Way back when, you would dread the fact you would leave. At this point, it was easier to cross the Atlantic Ocean than cross the distance that has grown between you and him.
The mattress squeaked as he grew restless beside you. Your soft cries muffled into silence. You didn’t want to wake him up. You didn’t want to have another conversation that would end in either a screaming match or empty words and promises.
The bed groaned as he sat up. A soft murmur left his lips before he nudged your shoulder.
“Why are you still up?” Sleep filled the void of mild irritation in his voice as he spoke to you.
“I can’t sleep.” You lied. Is it a lie if you’re actively crying though?
“Why are you crying?” He said as if you were inconveniencing him.
“I’m not.” Definite lie.
“Liar. Let me see your face then.” His hand attached to your face as he yanked your head towards him. You wanted to escape his gaze.
The only thing that still made you somewhat happy with him was the fact that his touch was soft. He never grabbed too hard, on purpose nor subconsciously. Was the meaning behind his touch gentle? Rarely. His ability to give everything a double meaning made your head spin.
His eyes did not betray his thoughts or feelings. 
“Pretty girl.” He said as his thumb wiped away a tear.
Oh god.
Your stomach twisted and turned as your eyebrows knitted together. The feeling of his two-sided compliments made you yearn for more. The satisfaction of his words, even if they only seem kind on paper, boosted your feelings for him.
The relationship was more physical than emotional. He told you things that he knew would have you hooked. A way to keep you to himself.
His eyes never left yours as he cupped your face in his hands. “Why are you crying, baby?” He murmured. 
“It’s nothing.” You replied as you pulled from his touch so as to not fall into his trap again.
“You know better than to lie to me.” His tone changed from soft and sweet or firm and sour.
You choked out a sob. “I miss the old us.”
Your heart ached at the annoyed roll of his eyes.
He brought you to his chest as he ‘comforted’ you.
“Nothing has changed, sweet girl. We’re the same. You are the same. I am the same.” He said in a heartfelt tone. Again, his face showed the opposite as always. “You’re just tired. Go to sleep and you’ll feel better. Besides, I’m right here. All for you.” His fingers ran through your hair then down your back.
The pounding in your head didn’t cease as you still shed a few tears. 
He lifted your head up. “Stop crying. It doesn’t suit your pretty face.” He said in a somewhat insulting tone.
Your sad expression faltered into heartbreak.
He changed his expression into a loving one as he pressed a couple kisses around your face then another on your lips. He pulled back before pushing the hair out of your face. “I love you. You know that.” He, quote on quote, reassured.
“Give me a kiss. Show me how much you love me.” He ordered.
You rose to your knees before planting a kiss to his lips. A soft and subtle groan left his lips as he deepened the kiss. “Perfect, baby. You’re so good to me, right lovie?” He said in between small pecks along your jaw.
Little gasps left your mouth as he trailed towards your chest, the sight of your exposed skin being cut off by a t-shirt.
His hands trailed up your torso, giving your breasts an experimental squeeze. A genuine smile broke onto his face as he heard your soft whine.
“Don’t tease.” You looked down at him.
“I’m not, baby, you’re just tired and not thinking straight.”
His thumbs rolled over your nipples before lifting your shirt off your body. He eagerly pushed you back as he took his time enveloping your breasts in his mouth. The sensation was heavenly. A hidden talent of his at this point.
One hand slipped into your shorts and his fingers found your clit. The soft rubs and circles made your hips jolt at the feeling. He tore off your shorts then carefully took off your panties. “I’ll keep these safe for you.” He smirked as he stared up at you. Not even a small thought between your eyes.
He loved the look of your eyes when you looked down at him. The way he knew you only thought about him at that moment. It gave his ego a nice and big boost.
His breath ghosted over your slick pussy. You instinctively clench around nothing. This earned a small laugh from him.
“Needy, hm?” He said. He knew he was only talking to himself. He never expected you to answer.
His tongue flicked across your clit then his tongue licked a slow and long stripe along your pussy.
Soft whines and pleasure filled sobs left your mouth. The only noises you were capable of making, and the only sounds he wanted to hear from you at the moment.
His fingers teased your entrance before slipping into your wet core. “Pure heaven, sweetheart.”
His fingers twisted and curled while the pleasure made you clench and whine. His mouth worked away at your clit. His hard work could be mistaken for worship if it weren’t for the fact that this was for him, not for you. He couldn’t care for you right now. He wanted the ego boost of making you cum. Only for him to hang it over your head later.
Grunts and groans left his mouth as you squeezed the fuck out of his fingers and the side of his head. Your hips rolled and shook as the monsoon of ecstasy took over your body. His name fell from your lips countless times as he continued with his motions.
He pulled more and more orgasms from you until you were sobbing and pushing him away. He stopped by the fourth. His hand was covering your juices. He looked down at the steaming tears on your face before placing his slick covered palm over your mouth so he didn’t have to hear your shaky gasps from overstimulation.
“You look better crying like this.”
He took his hand off your mouth before wiping it with tissues from his nightstand then throwing them away. “Go to sleep. I’m tired.” 
He rolled over to face you, I know shocking, His arms pulled you close as his face nuzzled into the valley between your breasts. 
“Goodnight, sweet girl. I don’t like seeing you cry.” He reminded you. “I love you.”
“Love you too…” You whispered out as your hands played with his hair.
Why did you believe him this time?
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suosgirl · 2 days
Hello! I just gotta tell you how much I loved your "Shishtoren's princess" ☺️💖 it had me giggling and kicking my feet, I swear 🤭
I hope you don't mind me requesting a much needed suo (plus any other chatacter if u want) x reader who's always tired (totally not self endulgent 🤡).
Feel free to ignore this if you don't want to 😊
- 🐮 anon
Sleep is for the Weak (is it though?)
Word Count: 544
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x f!reader
୨ৎ Warnings: fluff (sickening fluff, like tooth-rotting fluff)
୨ৎ Note: The way that I felt so seen with this request HAHA and thank you so much for the sweetest words!! I work 2 jobs and literally I always feel like there’s never enough time in the day nor enough time to sleep so I am perpetually tired all the time. I run on iced coffee and a dream (and nicotine) haha…ha. But I really loved writing this ahhhh it was incredibly self-indulgent on my end as well!!! Thank you for the fun request my 🐮 lovebug anon!!! ♡
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
♡ Suo’s an observant guy – within just hanging out with eachother a handful of times, he already noticed the little yawns that you cover your hand with or the sudden bursts of blinking that you do when you find yourself nodding off.
♡ The first time he notices it, he thinks that maybe you’ve just had a restless night … but then he sees you a couple days later and he’s seeing it again.
♡ Now he’s noticing it every time you guys are together (and even when you’re not).
♡ Sometimes you’ll be texting and it’ll go silent on your end for at least 30 minutes to an hour or two – and then he’ll get a little ping from his phone and it’s you apologizing and saying that you just woke up from a nap.
♡ He won’t admit that he thinks it’s cute and turns it on you instead.
♡ “I guess I’m not interesting enough to keep you awake :(“
♡ And then the teasing transcends from text to in-person.
♡ He sees you try to hide your little yawn by turning your face into your shoulder and he’s going in.
♡ “Oh? Is it nap time?”
♡ “Was that a yawn, my sleepy girl?”
♡ His favorite thing about teasing you while you’re tired is that you simply don’t have enough energy to banter back with him – all you can do is pout and slowly blink at him (you’re angry in lowercase).
♡ He hates that he’s weak for it.
♡ “Don’t be silly, lay on my shoulder.”
♡ For as much as he teases you though, he’s just as thoughtful.
♡ If you both are out with everyone, he’s already set a curfew in mind for when you both should leave so that you can rest.
♡ “Are you ready to leave, sleepyhead?”
♡ Absolutely loves tucking you in – it’s so domestic and sickeningly sweet but sometimes you’ll mutter a soft “thank you” and it has his heart beating just a tad faster.
♡ Bonus points: pull on his sleeve when he’s about to leave and he’s smitten.
♡ “Ah, well if you insist, love.”
♡ “Come on – scoot over, sleepy girl.” 
♡ If you enjoy drinking coffee, he likes that too.
♡ There’s just something about looking down and seeing his cup of tea next to your coffee – like coffee is just so you and tea is just so him. 
♡ When you lay your head in his lap, he melts at the sight. Sometimes he’ll just appreciate your beauty while you doze off. 
♡ He listens to your soft breathing and runs his hands through your hair. If he’s in the mood, will let his eyes close alongside yours.
♡ Anytime you have plans together, always asks if you’re up for it. If you’re just too tired – that’s okay! 
♡ He would never want you to push your body or force yourself to do something that you don’t have the energy for – simply just pats your head and asks what you’d like to do instead.
♡ Despite what you would think, doesn’t get mad at all that you fall into fits of sleep when you’re around him – because he gets to make sure that you’re resting.
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kiraapie · 2 days
ೃ࿔*:・ — “ BABY , NO ATTACHMENT . ”
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word count: 1629
warnings: MDNI 18+ ONLY !!! exboyf!geto x fem!reader, smut, slight breeding kink, reader gets ate!!, alcohol use, slightly proofread, obsessed!geto, stalker ex bf!
author’s note: hello my babies! i’m sorry for going MIA i was going through some stuff lol :3 but i’m back and i have 2 more things in the works so. enjoy! <3
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you knew your ex was stalking you. not the type that was lurking on your social media pages; but the type that would slide creepy love notes underneath your door.
almost every night in bed, you swore he was watching over you in your sleep, could’ve sworn he was caressing your hair once.
despite the jarring feeling, deep down… a part of you felt intrigued, almost yearning for him to try something.
you weren’t crazy about that though, at least you didn’t think so. before suguru was this obsessive asshole, he was one of the most attractive men you knew.
he’d always buy you things, compliment you endlessly,
and fuck you so good.
after your messy breakup, you were so distraught. despite the promising parts of it, geto was insanely possessive. at times you’d argue over things that were just out of line, like you being “excessively close” to a guy at the market or if your boss (who he was sure wanted you) asked you to stay late at the office to organize some files.
but of course, like the hopeless romantic you were, it took you almost a month to muster up the courage to finally leave him.
somehow, your friends managed to drag you out of your apartment into a loud, hot, and incredibly confined nightclub.
as tired as you were, fuck you looked good. hair was laid, pedicure and manicure done, and you wore the most flattering dress you could find.
it hugged your curves so well and it flattered the shade of your skin perfectly.
let’s just enunciate, if someone was looking at you right now for the first time, they wouldn’t be able to tell you’d been getting less than 3 hours of rest every night for the past two months.
your friend's plan tonight was to get you drunk until you couldn’t walk straight.
she had succeeded. throughout the night you were having your back grated on by random men, getting all your shots bought for you, and so many offers to be someplace for the night that was not your apartment.
you were stumbling out of the nightclub, finding a curbside to sit your pretty ass down on. everything is blurry and the world seems as if it’s warping around you.
you were so drunk you could’ve sworn you called an uber, you were so sure you did.
so sure, until an oddly familiar car stopped on the road in front of you. the tinted driver’s window rolled down and a familiar man-bunned face was looking down at you.
“y/n?” your infamous ex calls out to you from his car, his face evidently prideful but his tone is slick with concern.
when you were getting ready at your vanity earlier tonight, you didn't even think of the chances of you being bent over your kitchen island top with your ex-boyfriend's hands gripping the flesh on your ass, tongue sliding up and down your slick cunt with harsh vigor.
your dress was bundled by your waist, tits poking out the strapless top of your dress with your nipples rubbing on the cold marble top.
his tongue was badly missed, despite how embarrassed you were, no amount of alcohol could hide how soaked your pussy was.
all you could do was whine and keen, you couldn’t let him figure out you were wanting this. but your little friend between your thighs was betraying you.
in all honesty, you hadn’t been fucked since him. your light pink vibrator did not count, because every time you were drooling and moaning into your pillow, you were thinking about him.
it was when he started sucking your clit slowly with his pillow-soft lips that you gasped, letting out a throaty groan. you felt like you were seeing God, gripping the end of your counter, knuckles left white as your mind went to mush.
he let you ride out your orgasm on his tongue, your juices dripping down his chin and he couldn't help but grin against the flush skin. he knew you felt this shit in your soul.
your knees were weak, your breath was staggered, and drool pooled down your chin.
fuck, you were a mess.
this had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your life. the guy who you contemplated getting a restraining order on is proving to you how easy you are.
how fast he could get you naked despite the amount of times you claimed to never speak to him again.
but he was good, there was no denying it. like the shakespeare of eating pussy.
once he had caught his breath, he stood up to his full height and carefully slipped your panties back up until they were full of you. the tall man laughed dryly when you shivered at the soiled cloth touching your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“i couldn’t believe it was you calling me, y/n.” he said to you as he grabbed a bottle of water from your fridge, you sobered up and remembered that primarily, he was living with you.
geto opened the plastic bottle and handed it to you, something in the way he looked at you, told you that he knew this would happen sooner or later.
“get that stupid look off your face, suguru. this was a mistake.” you say, sounding disappointed in yourself but, reluctantly you take the bottle of water in one hand, holding your dress in place against your chest with the other.
suguru looked down at you with a smug smile painted on his lips, he put his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants, trying to ignore the raging erection that hugged the felt. “a mistake? c’mon, pretty. you know you miss me.”
all you could do was roll your eyes and keep your lips sealed onto the bottle top. you knew he was right, as unfortunate as it was; you weren’t going to get over him any time soon.
so what’s the point of trying to move on and find someone new when he yearned for you back just as much?
“just let me fuck you tonight and… depending on you feel after, I’ll leave you alone.” he says in a whisper as he gets closer, taking a strand of your hair and beginning to twirl it around his long, slim finger.
and, with the blink of an eye, you agreed.
suguru was always about making you feel good, which is how you ended up straddling on top of him, lubing up and stretched out as you slowly lowered yourself onto him, his girth quickly spanning out your gummy walls.
he hissed at the familiar yet squeezing feeling and bit harshly onto his bottom lip, his cocky look quickly turning into a star-struck and pussy-drunk one.
like a bee to honey, his hands quickly assembled their route to your plush hips.
you choked on your spit, catching your breath at this nostalgic feeling. quickly, you adjusted to him and rutted your hips back and forth.
the friction against your clit made you almost dizzy, your hands were flat on his lower stomach, and the eye contact he was holding made it hard for you to breathe.
you were in that position until he just couldn’t handle you being in control anymore. he flipped the both of you over and held himself over you, quickly slipping himself back inside you.
without restraint, he grabbed your legs and pushed them until your knees were practically mush on your tits.
his thrusts were vile. digits digging into your flesh as he slapped himself against you, groaning and huffing with every movement made.
“shit. i missed this, baby.” geto moaned out, fucking into you with so much aggression it could fill up a pool if it was leaking out of him.
you were feeling so good, your walls tight around him as if he’d snap off if he tried to pull out.
sobs were coiling out of you from how delicious the pain was.
he was slurring out curses and praises about how good you felt, how much he wanted to fill you up.
“gonna leave you so full, m’gonna watch my cum drip out of you.” he grunted with a very harsh and deep thrust, your bed frame slamming onto the concrete wall behind it.
he moaned with his lips shut, eyes stuck on your pretty face. hair was sticking to the skin of your forehead, lips parting into an “o” shape, and your dark eye makeup was smudged all around them from the tears.
soon enough, the both of you were quickly reaching your heights and he always knew when you were close. so he worked his way to it.
“i’m cumming— please, please let me finish inside.” he begged between breathless groans, gripping his fingers around the skin of your thighs.
all you could do was choke out a “yes” in response.
you finished with a loud moan, back arched and eyes wide open. your mouth looked as if it was about to dislocate from your jaw, and you could see white spots clouding your vision.
the way your walls were clenching around his length made him finish deep inside you shortly after. he shot a thick load into what felt like your womb, and he was very vocal about it; telling you how good you felt and how he was going to get you so fucking pregnant. so pregnant you’d have no choice but to stay with him.
he made sure you knew what you did to him.
fortunately, you went straight to sleep. leaving him with no choice but to stay and lay alongside you. of course, geto held you the whole night in hopes that you’d wake up wanting to be his again.
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scary-grace · 3 days
Enough to Go By (Chapter 10) -- a Shigaraki x f!Reader fic
Your best friend vanished on the same night his family was murdered, and even though the world forgot about him, you never did. When a chance encounter brings you back into contact with Shimura Tenko, you'll do anything to make sure you don't lose him again. Keep his secrets? Sure. Aid the League of Villains? Of course. Sacrifice everything? You would - but as the battle between the League of Villains and hero society unfolds, it becomes clear that everything is far more than you or anyone else imagined it would be. (cross-posted to Ao3)
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Chapter 10
The feeling of hollowness doesn’t wear off. Not through the rest of your shift at work. Not through the class on the assessment and treatment of major trauma you’re taking, although you managed to take notes that will hopefully be legible later. It doesn’t feel even slightly better until you’re home, out of sight from everyone, where you can let the mask drop. It’s hard to wear it all the time. You’re getting tired.
Inside your apartment, you look around for Tenko, but he’s not in the kitchen, the living room, or the bathroom. Maybe he changed his mind about coming back. You head to your bedroom, stripping off your work clothes and throwing them into your laundry basket as you go. You did laundry a few days ago. The basket shouldn’t have much in it. But something catches your eye, and when you peer in for a look, you see a set of black clothes that looks a little too familiar for the fact that it’s not yours.
You realize whose it is in the same second as you hear a strangled sound from behind you, and the question bursts out of you at a volume that’s probably too high. “Tenko?”
“I’m not looking,” Tenko snaps. You glance over your shoulder and find him without the model hand and with both gloved hands covering his face. “Do you just start taking your clothes off the second you get home?”
“Usually there’s nobody in my apartment!”
“I told you I’d be back. Did you not believe me?” Tenko’s still averting his eyes, but he’s lowered his hands for the purpose of crossing his arms over his chest, which draws your attention to what he’s wearing. “Why are you staring?”
You can’t stop yourself. “Those are my clothes.”
“So? They fit. I have to wash mine and I don’t have anything else.”
You do buy your sleeping clothes oversized, and the difference between your height and Tenko’s isn’t enormous, but it’s still weird to see him sitting on your side of the bed, wearing a pair of your grey sweatpants that have seen better days and a tie-dyed shirt you made in high school. It’s undeniably bizarre, but – “You look cute.”
“I’m not cute. Don’t say weird things.” Tenko’s turning red. “Are you going to put on clothes or what? I want to talk to you.”
“Just a second.” You were going to put on your pajamas, but Tenko’s wearing them. You pick out another pair, change quickly, and come back, sitting down on the other side of your bed. “What did you want to talk –”
Tenko kisses you, cutting you off. In no time at all he’s rolled you beneath him, pinning you back against the pillows while his mouth opens against yours. His kisses are messy, his hands eager as they alight briefly on your shoulder, against your cheek, molding to the curve of your jaw or gripping hard at your hip. Tenko’s breathing is uneven, almost hyperventilating. He needs to slow down.
But you remember what he said the night the League stayed over: I don’t know how to do this. You’re going to have to show me. So in spite of the fact that he’s got you pressed to the pillows and his hands are all over you, you raise your hands to cradle his face, giving you more control over the kiss. Something about it seems to agree with him. He matches your pace, the sloppiness evening out, then deepening into longer, more involved kisses. His lips split again, but in fewer places than before, you think. The taste of blood in your mouth is lighter this time.
One of Tenko’s hands slides beneath your shirt and you draw back slightly. “I thought you wanted me to put clothes on.”
“I’m not saying take them off,” Tenko insists. “I just want – come on, please –”
You’re not sure what he’s asking for. He’s not even trying to do anything. Then it clicks. “You’re touch-starved.”
“What? No.” Tenko objects instantly, but he’s not a good liar. He can’t make eye contact, and his face, flushed before, is turning darker – and as if that wasn’t enough evidence, his hands are still in motion, seeking points of contact, places to hold on. “I need to touch my girlfriend. That’s not weird.”
You try to figure out if girlfriend is a step up or a step down from sidekick. “So I’m not your sidekick anymore?”
“Of course you are.” Tenko gives you an exasperated look. “Saying I need to touch my sidekick is weird.”
Your brain supplies you with the image of any of the top ten heroes telling the world that they need to touch their sidekicks, and you start laughing. Your laughter’s a little wheezier than usual, courtesy of Tenko’s weight on you, but it feels good to laugh. It’s not like you haven’t laughed at all since Kamino, but laughing with others is different. When you laugh with Tenko, your guilt doesn’t matter. He’s guilty, too. And if it doesn’t bother him, then it shouldn’t bother you.
Tenko watches you suspiciously. “What are you laughing about?”
“What would happen if Endeavor started his next interview talking about how much he needs to touch his sidekicks.”
“That’s disgusting.” Tenko’s expression twists, but he’s laughing, too. “Don’t bring up heroes. It kills the mood.”
“Does it?” You’re still cradling his face in your hands. You leave one hand where it is, cupping his cheek, and lower the other, tracing your fingers over the lines of his throat and running along his shoulder. Your touch is light as your fingers run down the back of his arm, avoiding anywhere ticklish until you’re touching the bare skin of his forearm. He’s thin enough that you can feel his muscles tense at your touch. “I don’t think so.”
“It does,” Tenko says. You kiss his birthmark, then his jaw, and feel him swallow hard. “It does. They ruin everything.”
Even as he complains, he’s tilting his head, exposing more of his neck for you to kiss. “It doesn’t feel like they’re ruining everything,” you say. You lift your other hand away from his forearm and slip it beneath his shirt, and he makes a sound through clenched teeth when you drag your fingers along his bare skin, just above his waistband. “You can admit it. I won’t tell anyone.”
Tenko’s body tenses, stiffens. “Admit what?”
“That making out with me is so good that even heroes can’t ruin it.”
Tenko laughs, a raspy, startled sound that trails off into a rough gasp as your teeth scrape over his neck. “I’ll admit that,” he says. His hips roll forward and you shift your legs apart so he can fit between them. “You can tell everybody. They’ll be jealous that I’m the only one who gets to –”
His hips jerk sharply. The sweatpants don’t leave anything to the imagination as far as his erection goes, and you startle at the pressure between your legs and the flood of heat that accompanies it. You pull away from kissing his neck, conscious that you’ve already left a mark, and kiss his mouth again.
His kisses devolve into messiness almost immediately, but this time you’re with him, as your priority shifts to finding a way to improve the sensation of grinding against him through your clothes. You’ve had some experience, made out with twice as many people as you’ve slept with, but you’ve never had a makeout quite as hot as this one. Tenko’s gloved hands clutch desperately at you, the needy sounds he makes muffled by your lips. You drag your fingernails the length of his spine and lift your hips up against his. Tenko whimpers, shudders. Then he pulls away.
Not just partially away, either. He’s all the way out of your grip, curled in on himself, every visible inch of his skin red. “Tenko,” you say, and he shakes his head. “What’s wrong?”
“We have to stop. Or I’ll –” Tenko makes a sharp, uncomfortable gesture. “Like some kind of –”
“Virgin?” You fill in the blank, and Tenko nods. “That’s not a bad thing, Ten.”
“You have experience.”
“Like, two condoms’ worth of experience,” you say, and Tenko snorts. He’s still too far away from you, but he’s not quite so folded up. “We can stop and do something else. Or I can make you come.”
Tenko stares at you for a second. Then he starts nodding – but just as quickly, he’s adding a caveat. “Don’t look. At my face. I don’t want –”
He’s embarrassed about his O face. You wonder if he actually knows what it looks like, or if he’s just assuming it’s weird. You can’t imagine him jerking off in front of a mirror to check. But this is workable. You part your legs further. “Sit here. Lean back against me.”
Tenko does it, and you situate yourself around him. You can’t see his expression, but you can kiss his cheek and his jaw and his neck, and your hands have free rein over his body. The urge to take your time getting to know him, to run your hands slowly over every inch of him until you know exactly how to make him squirm, is almost overpowering. But if you do that, he might come before you even touch his cock.
Speaking of that – you tug lightly at his waistband, and Tenko pulls the borrowed sweatpants partway down with shaking hands, along with the pair of clean but very old underwear he’s wearing. The first thing you note, inconsequential as it is, is that while the hair on his head is that odd blue-grey shade, his pubic hair is dark, like all his hair was when you were children. The second thing that captures your attention is his cock, hard and already leaking slightly at the tip.
You fight the urge to take him in hand immediately. You slide one hand down to his exposed hip, rubbing your thumb idly over the sharp crest of bone while making it clear where your objective really is. “Can I touch you?”
“Uh – yeah.” Tenko coughs, his voice already strained. “Yeah. Go ahead. Please.”
“I want to do this. You don’t have to say please.” You’re surprised by just how badly you want to touch him, how much you want him to fall apart in your hands, just for you, only for you. “Do you want to show me how to touch you? Or should I learn as I go?”
“You didn’t give me a tutorial about kissing. You don’t get one, either.”
“Fair enough.” You gently press your lips against the side of Tenko’s neck, then move the hand that was on his hip to fit around his cock instead.
Tenko jumps, shudders at your touch, and you move your hand cautiously, stroking the length of his shaft, swiping your thumb over the head the same as you’d do with your tongue. Tenko moans, a low desperate sound that drives a spike of heat through your abdomen, and you repeat the motion again. You kiss the side of his neck, lightly at first, then longer, lingering on the texture of the scar tissue under your lips.
Tenko’s back arches, his head falling back against your shoulder. “Faster,” he says, and you increase your pace. “Like that. More –”
He’s shaking. You feel it at every point where your bodies are pressed together. One of his hands grasps your thigh, hanging on for dear life, and you feel a sharp surge of pain, but your attention’s caught by Tenko’s other hand, still gloved, covering his mouth. You can’t let that happen. Not when he makes such pretty sounds. You peel his hand away from his mouth, press it to yours instead. Tenko gasps, shudders. His hips thrust unevenly into your hand, and he comes.
You slow down – the first time you gave a handjob, the guy snapped at you for not easing up fast enough – but Tenko shakes his head, almost frantically. “Not yet. Don’t stop –”
You keep touching him, as requested, drawing out smaller spurts of cum than the first, as he squirms and twitches and makes increasingly pained sounds. It worries you. “Tenko –”
“Stop.” Tenko’s voice breaks. He slumps back against you, his grip on your thigh loosening. “You – sorry. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you say. You’re not sure what he’s apologizing for. “Overstimulation – is that something you’re into?”
“No. I just – you’re never going to do that again, so I wanted it to last.”
“Tenko –” You struggle to wrap your head around what he just said. It doesn’t make any sense. “Of course I’m going to do it again.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not,” you say. “I’d do it again right now.”
“You wouldn’t. I thought it would be okay if you didn’t look at me but then I made all those stupid sounds –”
“I thought those were really hot.”
Tenko coughs. “What?”
“I like them. I like everything about what we just did.” You’re not sure if it’s possible to overstate this, and you’re not sure how to convince him, except – “If you want to touch me, too, I can prove it.”
You’ve barely finished the sentence before Tenko’s twisting to face you, pulling up his sweatpants one-handed. You get a look at his expression before he leans in to kiss you, just enough to confirm that there’s nothing weird about it at all. He pulls at the waistband of your pants. “Take them off.”
You pull them down, leaving them hooked around one ankle. Tenko studies the pair of underwear you’re wearing. They aren’t anything special. You wonder if he’s going to comment on that, or on how visibly damp they are, but instead he reaches out, touches you through them. A second later his eyes light up. “I didn’t do anything.”
“Yes, you did.” Your fingers are still sticky with his cum. You think about wiping them off on your shirt, then change your mind and suck your fingers clean, swallowing in a hurry and noting the way Tenko’s jaw drops. “I told you. It was – hot –”
Tenko sits forward to kiss you, his mouth sealed to yours as his hand presses flat against your stomach and slides beneath the waistband of your underwear. The texture of his exposed fingertips is rough enough to make you startle as they slide past your clit, but that’s not on his radar at the moment – he’s too busy probing around in the wetness between your legs, fingers brushing maddeningly close to your entrance before finally pushing inside. He starts with two fingers, not one, which is a stretch, but not quite more than you can handle. You gasp, and his lips curve into that too-wide smile against yours.
Tenko’s overenthusiastic at first, just like he was with kissing the first time, and you catch his wrist. “Slower,” you say. He nods. “Curl your fingers a little bit.”
“Like that?”
Your legs are starting to shake. You nod, and Tenko does it again, and again. His other hand yanks the waistband of your underwear, pulling it down and out of the way. With more room to maneuver, the angle of his fingers changes, increasing the pressure against the most sensitive place inside you and bringing the heel of his hand into contact with your clit every time he works his fingers forward. You’re so wet that there’s next to no resistance. His gloves are going to be ruined.
You feel hot all over. Your nipples are hard, visible through your shirt, and Tenko’s free hand is under your shirt within seconds of noticing it. He circles one of them with his thumb, then rolls it between thumb and forefinger, and the roughness of his fingertips makes even the gentlest motions all too intense. “Tenko –”
“What else?” Tenko’s eyes are intent on your face in a way that almost makes you uncomfortable. “I can do more. Tell me what else.”
“Kiss me.” It’s all you can think of, all you want, and Tenko’s mouth crashes down against yours as soon as the words have left it. You wrap your arms around his neck, take a loose grip in his hair, and stop fighting the wave of pleasure sweeping through you. Every muscle in your body clenches, tight and straining, through thrust after thrust of his fingers – and then the heel of Tenko’s hand presses against your clit for a second too long, and you fall apart, head spinning. You clutch Tenko closer, kissing him until you have to pull away to breathe.
Tenko’s fingers slip out of you, and even though you’re oversensitive to an almost painful degree, you whimper at the loss. Tenko notices, smirks – no, smiles. “Don’t worry. I’m definitely doing that again.”
It makes you laugh. “So you’re convinced?”
“Yeah.” Tenko raises his fingers to his mouth and sniffs them, then tastes them. He’s grinning when he lowers his hand again. “I’d say we leveled up.”
Your face flushes, and worse when you see how much moisture is still clinging to his fingers. “Sorry about your gloves.”
“I’ll just wash my hands.” Tenko looks like he’s never been less concerned about anything in his life. “Don’t go anywhere.”
You’re not sure your legs would hold you up, and Tenko looks a little shaky himself as he slides off the bed and heads to your bathroom. You think about putting your underwear back on, but they’re way too wet, and you throw them into your laundry basket without getting up. You still feel too warm to put your sweatpants back on, so you pull the hem of your shirt down and stretch out on the bed anyway. Tenko comes back a moment later. He looks pleased to see that you haven’t left – but then his expression sharpens. “What is that?”
You don’t know what he’s referring to. You give him a puzzled look, and he sits down on the edge of the bed, yanking your leg roughly into his lap. “These. Where did these come from?”
These – the three raw marks in your thigh, not scratches, more like burns or sores. They’re not so much bleeding as oozing. You remember the sharp pain in your leg when Tenko grabbed it, something you’d written off in the moment. “I think you. You were holding on.”
“That’s not how my quirk works,” Tenko says sharply. “It takes all five. And I can’t stop it when – it can’t have been. You’d be dead.”
“No. You’ve used your quirk on me before and I’m still here.”
“I didn’t,” Tenko snaps. “You wouldn’t be. You’d –”
He breaks off, because you’ve pulled up your sleeve. The injury to your wrist on the night you saw Tenko for the first time was healed before the sun came up, but the scar is still visible – jagged furrows in your skin, extending around your wrist from five points of contact. Tenko stares, jaw clenched, eyes wide, and you think through what you know about his quirk. It’s called Decay. It only activates when all five of his fingers make contact with something, or it’s supposed to. And based on what he’s saying now, it’s supposed to function as a chain reaction, something that can’t be stopped once it’s triggered. Except it can be stopped. He has stopped it, both of the times he’s used it on you.
Tenko’s expression twists in a way that looks agonizing. Both his hands lift from his sides, clawing hard at his neck, but only one of them stays there. The other comes up to scratch at his face instead, to yank hard at his own hair, to tear into the skin above his right eye, in the same spot as his scar. You’ve seen him melt down before, when you were kids, when he got too stressed or too upset or when something had gone wrong at home and someone had asked him about what happened. But never anything like this. It’s horrifying. You can’t just sit here and watch.
“Tenko, stop. Please.” You keep your voice calm, even as it shakes. You catch his wrist with both hands, ignoring the hand scratching his neck in favor of dealing with the one that’s tearing at his face. “You don’t need to do that. Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
Tenko doesn’t answer. His eyes are glazed, and he’s fighting you, stronger than you. His neck is bleeding. Soon his face will be, too, unless you keep his hand away. You keep talking, senselessly. “You don’t have to hurt yourself. Please don’t, Tenko –”
One of his nails bites deep into the side of his neck. Too deep. A spurt of blood comes up, and something in your mind snaps. You let go of his wrist with one hand and cover the marks on his neck, taking his scratches on the back of your hand instead. His blood is hot against your palm, and you fight down a surge of panic. You can’t stop him. He can hurt himself badly, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You don’t even know why he’s this upset. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. Whatever it is, it’s not worth –”
Tenko lurches away from you, tearing completely out of your grip, and stumbles to the bathroom. A moment later, you hear him retching. You don’t waste time thinking about what to do next. You get up and chase after him.
The last time you followed him when he was trying to get away from you, he hurt you. This time he’s in no condition to hurt anyone. He’s on his hands and knees vomiting on the bathmat, blood staining the collar of his shirt. The instant the vomiting stops, Tenko slumps forward, and you barely manage to pull him back in time to stop him from going face-first into the mess. He’s almost completely limp when he falls against you. You keep his head and shoulders elevated in case he throws up again and struggle to come up with a plan.
If a patient at the clinic melted down like this, you’d stabilize them and maybe call an ambulance. Stabilizing Tenko is well within your abilities, but you have no idea where this reaction came from, whether it’s within the range of possibilities for him or it came completely out of nowhere. Does that even matter as far as treating him goes? No, you decide. It doesn’t.
You were just learning about treatment for major trauma tonight. You start by checking Tenko’s breathing and heart rate. He’s hyperventilating and his pulse is fast, his skin pale. His eyes are open and his pupils are dilated. The biggest injury to deal with is the claw mark on his neck. You yank a towel off the bathroom counter with one hand and press it against the side of his neck, trying to contain the bleeding, then reach up again and turn the sink on cold. Once it’s as cold as it’ll go, you cup your hand, fill it with water, and splash it into Tenko’s face.
He startles in your arms, tries to lurch upright. “What –”
“It’s just water. Your heart rate’s really high, and I’m trying to bring it down. Cold water activates the diving reflex. That’s all.” You do a better job keeping your voice calm this time. Tenko doesn’t need a quirkless sidekick or a terrified girlfriend right now. He needs a medic. “Your neck is bleeding. I want to fix that before we do anything else. Is that okay?”
Tenko doesn’t answer, but he doesn’t try to get away from you, so you take that as a yes and drag your first-aid kit out from under the sink. Bandaging the wound effectively without letting go of him is difficult, and you’re still watching his heart rate. It’s higher than you want it to be, but not as bad as before. You keep talking, explaining everything you’re doing, not asking  for or expecting any response. You don’t know what triggered this. You need to keep him stable.
By the time you’ve got the wound on Tenko’s neck bandaged, he’s shivering. You’d get him to bed immediately, but his clothes are a mess, and soaked with cold sweat in the bargain. “Let’s get up and get changed, okay? It’ll just take a second.”
Tenko gets to his feet ahead of you, then offers you a hand up. You take it but get up under your own power, and as you do, you see that the gloves are a total loss. You’ll have to figure out something else. You lead Tenko over to your closet, switching out everything he’s wearing for your largest, most comfortable clothes. The only thing you can’t replace is the underwear, and the gloves. Tenko stands there, eyes blank, unmoving but for the shivers, while you try to think of a solution. His quirk is in his fingers, right? Only his fingers. What if you cover them?
Bandaids and medical tape. You cover Tenko’s ring finger and little finger, first on his right hand, then on his left. Tenko doesn’t protest, warn you against his quirk, or offer to help. He just stands there, lifeless, until you link your little finger with his and lead him over to the bed. He gets in on your side without being prompted, then looks up at you. “Are you coming?”
His voice sounds awful, but at least he’s talking again. “In a second,” you promise. “I just need to clean up.”
Part of you is hoping he’ll be asleep when you get back, but the rest of you knows better than to hope for that. You rinse the bathmat out in the shower, then carry it to the washing machine, along with all the clothes in the laundry basket, including everything Tenko just took off. Then it’s your clothes, and while you’re starting the washing machine, you notice the scratches on the back of your hand.
Those need cleaning, too, along with the marks on your thigh. You give up on putting on pants, change into a clean shirt and underwear, and detour to the hall closet for your pocket first-aid kit. The big one is too much for this.
Tenko’s voice follows you. “You’re leaving.”
“No,” you say. On second thought, you need to bring other things, too. You fill a glass with water from the sink and set it down on the bedside table. Then you sit down on the other side of the bed, over the covers. “I’m right here.”
Tenko doesn’t answer, but when you open the first-aid kit, he turns toward the sound. “What are you doing?”
“I just need a band-aid or two.” You regret the words instantly when Tenko sits up. “No, I’m fine. Just rest.”
“I did it.” Tenko’s voice is dull. “I’ll fix it.”
You shouldn’t let him do it. He needs to rest. But if he wants to do things, if he’s doing things under his own power, maybe you shouldn’t stop him. You lift your hands away from the first-aid kit and let him poke through it on his own, working awkwardly around the band-aids covering the tips of his fingers. Tenko starts with the marks on your leg, cleaning them clumsily. When he speaks up, he says the last thing you were expecting to hear. “I should have killed you.”
Your stomach drops. “What do you mean?”
“My quirk doesn’t stop. I can control what I touch, but once it activates, I can’t stop it. When I touched you then, I should have killed you. I should have killed you tonight. Just like I killed them.”
Tenko’s voice is flat, emotionless. Are you in danger? You don’t think so, but there are two questions running through your mind, and you ask the more immediate one, not the more important one. “Did you want to kill me? Tonight or then?”
He threatened to kill you the night you met him again, and it would have been easy for him to follow through, but he didn’t. Tenko shakes his head mechanically. “I never wanted to,” he says, and the relief you feel shames you into silence. “I didn’t want to kill Mon, either.”
You remember Mon. You loved Mon, just like Tenko did – less than Tenko did, because Mon was his dog. You can’t imagine Tenko hurting Mon. But you found what was left of Mon in the wreckage of Tenko’s house. And although you’ve seen the effects of Tenko’s quirk before, you’ve never seen, start to finish, what happens when he uses it on a living being. A terrible thought builds in the back of your mind, gaining speed and power. “Tenko, what do you mean?”
“I wondered if you’d guessed. You never said it, so I thought maybe you had.” Tenko smears Neosporin over the first rotted fingerprint in your thigh – too much Neosporin, just like before. “What happened to my family – I did it. It wasn’t some villain. I’m the one who killed them.”
You didn’t know. Not consciously. But even though the thought’s just occurring to you, it doesn’t feel like a surprise. If a villain had killed Tenko’s family, the Tenko you knew would have wanted to avenge them. But he’s been focused on All Might, on society, not on some other villain. The only way that makes sense is if he knew who it was already, if he’d dealt with them already – or if the person who did it was him.
It’s silent in your apartment. You’ve been silent for too long. “You didn’t know,” Tenko concludes, and you shake your head. “You know how to say things right. Tell me what it means.”
It’s not that you know how to say things right, it’s that you know him. You know how his mind works, know where the connections break, know how to piece it back together. “Your quirk doesn’t stop once it’s activated, but it stopped with me,” you say hesitantly, and Tenko nods. “You didn’t want to hurt me. But you didn’t want to hurt Mon, or – or Hana –”
Hana was your friend, too. Tenko’s loss crushed you so badly that you barely mourned her. “And you couldn’t stop your quirk with them,” you say. Tenko nods again. He’s been trying to open the same band-aid for the last thirty seconds. “You were five years old, Tenko. Nobody can control their quirk that young.”
“Try again.” Tenko doesn’t look up from the band-aid. “If I didn’t kill you and I killed them, then – say it.”
“Say it.”
“No.” You’re not going to do this. You’re not going to buy into this idea someone planted in Tenko’s head that he killed his entire family on purpose when he was five years old. You can picture what happened that night in your mind’s eye – how he would have reached out to someone for help, how he wouldn’t have realized until it was too late, how quickly things would have spiraled out of control. “I know what you want me to say. And I know you. So I won’t.”
“Sensei said –”
“He didn’t know you.” The words leave your mouth with more venom than they should. “Not yet. Not that day. I did.”
You remember it so well – not because it was different than any other day with your best friend, but because it was the last day, because you went over every detail of it in your head until it was etched into your memory forever. You’d swapped lunches – he liked the awful onigiri your mom made, and you were always after the expensive snacks his grandma bought. You’d played heroes at recess and kept the game going on your way home from school while Hana walked ahead. Tenko was All Might, again, and that day you were Sir Nighteye, All Might’s sidekick who could see the future.
Nobody knows how Sir Nighteye’s quirk actually works, so you had to make it up, and you made up so that you had to touch the person to see how their future would play out. No matter how many times Tenko tried to get you close to the villain, it never worked, and on the way home, you came up with the perfect solution. “All Might,” you called out, and Tenko turned to look at you, deadly serious. “Give me your hand!”
He held it out, and you seized it in both of yours. “I can’t see his future, but I can see yours,” you said, and the brightest, widest grin crossed Tenko’s face. “You’re going to win.”
“We’re going to win. I can’t do it without you,” Tenko said, in his awful All Might impression that always made you laugh. You let go of his hand, but he didn’t let go of yours. “Tell me how we do it.”
You didn’t mean to, but you held his hand the rest of the way home, while you described the battle with the arch-villain, how it was going to be close but how Tenko would win. You needed to hold on, or you’d lose sight of his future. The two of you were just getting to the good part of the fight when you reached your street, your houses. You were disappointed, and so was Tenko. “Can’t you come over? You have to finish telling me so we can play for real tomorrow.”
You wanted to. You always wanted to, and that day more than ever, because you were holding Tenko’s hand and he hadn’t let go yet, even when you tried to. Even if it was just for the game, you didn’t want it to end. “I could ask –”
But you couldn’t even get the sentence out of your mouth before your mother shouted from across the street. Your name, followed by a brisk order. “You had all day to play around! Get in here and help me!”
Your throat closed up, but you didn’t want to cry. Tenko’s grip on your hand tightened. “We’ll play tomorrow,” he promised. He smiled. Not the All Might smile – the real one, the one that the people he saved were going to see someday and believe in, the one that said everything would be okay. “Keep looking at my future. Tell me how we win.”
“I will,” you said. Your mother shouted again. You squeezed Tenko’s hand and let go. And then you turned, looked both ways, and ran back across the street to your mother.
That was the last time you saw him for fifteen years, and everything might have changed between then and the first time you saw him again, but it can’t change the truth – Tenko’s master didn’t know him then. You did. So you know for sure now.
Tenko can’t hold your gaze. “You’re not right about this. He chose me. He knows.”
“Then we disagree. Nobody ever said we have to agree on everything.” You can’t push too hard. Not tonight. “Maybe you’ll win and convince me one of these days. Or I’ll win and convince you.”
Tenko’s mouth twists, turns down at the corners. He turns his back. “Don’t look.”
You move the first-aid kit out of the way and scoot closer to him, pressing yourself against his back as you wrap your arms around him. “I’m not looking.”
You hold him like that for a long time, not flinching when his hand grips your wrist again, when his palm flattens against the back of your hand to pin it to his chest just over his heart – and when he turns back in your arms, his eyes are clearer than they’ve been since he saw the marks on your leg. He looks exhausted. “Get some sleep,” you tell him. “I’ll be right there. I just have to finish this.”
The marks on your leg still need to be bandaged, and the scratches on the back of your hand are deep enough that you should cover them, too. Tenko shakes his head. “I did it. I’ll fix it. Aftercare, right?”
You smile in spite of yourself. “Sure. Let’s call it that.”
He’s faster at it this time around. He covers the fingerprints on your leg with too much Neosporin and a giant band-aid, then slaps a sterile pad down on the back of your hand and secures it messily with gauze. “Don’t do this again. If I want to tear my own skin up –”
“I’m not going to sit here and watch you get hurt. Even if you’re doing it to yourself.” That’s not up for negotiation, at least not tonight. “Come on. If you want to cuddle, we’ll be more comfortable lying down.”
Appealing to Tenko’s touch-starvation seems to be a winning strategy. As soon as you’re both under the covers, he crawls into your arms, halfway on top of you with his face buried in your shoulder. You hang onto him tightly. Not so tightly that you can’t free one hand to play with his hair, and Tenko makes a sound. You wouldn’t call it contented, but he’s not as tense as before. What he says is muffled by your shoulder, and it comes completely out of left field. “I’m not going to do that every time we hook up.”
You almost laugh. “I know.”
Like he did last night, he falls asleep quickly. You don’t, or can’t. Half of you is scared that if you fall asleep, you’ll wake up to Tenko gone, snatched out of your grip again by All For One. It’s a stupid thought. All For One is in Tartarus, under twenty-four-hour guard – but Kurogiri follows his orders over Tenko’s, and if Kurogiri came for Tenko, there would be nothing you could do. Nothing except hold on tight, and make sure that you and Tenko went wherever he was going together.
Part of what’s keeping you up is fear. The rest is fury, the kind you can barely contain, aimed at a single target. You don’t have a clue about most of what All For One did to try to erase Tenko and replace him with Tomura, but you know the first thing – convincing him that he killed his family on purpose. Tenko’s pursuing the vision of someone who’s tried to destroy him, who’s thrown him into a battle he can’t win. And you’re supposed to help him do it.
You can’t stomach that, but maybe you don’t have to. You don’t have to be loyal to All For One’s vision or to Tenko’s efforts to follow in his footsteps. You just have to be loyal to Tenko, and that’s easy the way breathing is, as unconscious as blinking. After all, you’ve been doing it your whole life.
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𝘼𝘽𝙊𝙐𝙏: 1215 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴, 𝘯𝘰 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘺/𝘯, 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘦𝘶𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝙎𝙏𝙊𝙍𝙔: 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘯.
𝙏𝙒: 𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴, 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴
𝘼/𝙉: dividers by @yuppijin | 𝘪 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘵 3𝘢𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘥
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You found him in the kitchen. Twice, actually, which was strange for him. Grayson was usually in one of three places in the Hawthorne mansion: his wing, the pool, or the library. That’s why when you walked into the kitchen and saw him fixing himself some tea, you were surprised.
The first thing you noticed when you saw him was his posture. Normally holding himself upright, Grayson was slouched over. His movements were slower than usual, and what troubled you the most was watching him as he tried to make the tea.
Grayson fumbled with a box that you then realized had the tea bags inside. His fingers pulled at the corners to open it, but it wouldn’t give. After a few more moments of struggle, he set it back down on the counter with a defeated sigh, and then reached up to open the cabinet. 
Now you knew for sure, something was definitely off. Grayson Hawthorne of all people wouldn’t struggle- no, not just struggle, but fail to open a simple box. You stepped further into the kitchen and spoke up. “Grayson, are you alright?”
The words were gentle, of course, but somehow caught him off guard. He had been in the middle of grabbing a mug from the cabinet, and the moment you said that, his head snapped around to face you, eyes widening, and he dropped the mug. It shattered all over the floor. And instead of picking it up, Grayson just stood there.
Something was seriously wrong. 
“Grayson-” you began, kneeling down to collect the broken pieces and carefully setting them down on the empty counter. “What’s wrong?”
It took him a moment to respond. “Nothing, nothing, nothing’s wrong.” Grayson blinked a few times before finally looking back at you. “Just tired. I’ve been really busy.” You raised your eyebrow. “Are you sure? You can be tired, sure, but you never drop a mug.”
“I know,” he said, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m just working on a lot for school right now. it’s nothing more than that.”
He offered you a smile that looked awkward. Then again, he’s Grayson Hawthorne, so most of his smiles looked awkward. You tried not to overthink it, and left him alone in the kitchen again, but not without throwing away the sharp shards of the broken mug. 
Grayson’s uncharacteristic actions never left your mind for the rest of that day. You wanted to believe him, you wanted it to just be exhaustion and he would just go to sleep and wake up back to himself. But your gut told you it was something more.
So, an hour or so later you decided to go check on him. But you still didn’t find him in any of his usual spots. What could he be doing for so long in the kitchen? But that’s the only other place you thought you’d find him, so you checked there.
Sure enough, there he was. 
But not exactly the way you hoped to see him. Grayson was no longer standing with poor posture- he wasn’t standing at all. The almighty Grayson Hawthorne was collapsed on the ground in a heap of limbs, his left arm bent at an awkward angle beneath him. His usually tidy blonde hair was messy, his eyelids down and hiding any emotion that would’ve been found in his eyes.
The moment you saw him, you rushed over and knelt down to feel his pulse. Thankfully it was still there, going somewhat strong, but you realized as you felt his skin that he was warm. Alarmingly hot to the touch. That explained his strange behavior. Panicked, you didn’t know what to do. He was out cold- or hot. Otherwise he looked fine, but that didn’t mean anything. 
You noticed the untouched cup of tea on the counter. So he’d at least been able to make it, but not drink it. How long had he been passed out for? None of this was good. You tried to calm yourself down and began to try to readjust his limp body into a more comfortable position, and a more accessible position for you to move him. 
This all felt wrong, so wrong. Grayson was, well, Grayson. He had his moments of weakness, those moments only you got to see, but not like this. Collapsed on the ground, sick, weak; this was nothing like him. And as much as you hated to admit it, you were scared. Seeing him like this was half-terrifying.
You cradled his head in your lap, testing to see if he’d wake up. Nope. 
Well, this is going to be a long night.
With help from Nash, you managed to get Grayson back into his bed.
The two of you looked over his still unconscious form. “You sure you’ve got this?” Nash asked you. “He’s my baby brother, my responsibility. I can take care of him.”
“I don’t think he’d appreciate you calling him that.” Despite the moment, you couldn’t help but chuckle. “But yes. Thank you, but I’m good. I’ll let you know if anything happens.”
Nash nodded in appreciation and tipped his hat to you before turning and walking out, leaving you alone with a very sick Grayson.
Obviously, the first thing you did was lay down with him.
You had to be careful, of course, because you wouldn’t want to startle him. If he had passed out, his body clearly needed the rest. And rest was something Grayson didn’t often give himself. 
Time passed, who knew how much of it. You were laying there with Grayson, his head on your chest, one of your arms around his waist, the other hand running gently through his hair. Babying him, as Nash would call it. A position Grayson would’ve usually protested against--he didn’t like needing someone else’s care--but you knew he needed it then.
Suddenly, he moves. He lets out a small groan as he wakes up. It startles you when he tries to immediately sit up, met with resistance from your arm around his waist. There’s a panic that goes through his eyes, probably not realizing what’s going on. 
“Hey, hey,” you murmured, trying to get him still. “Easy there. You’re safe, it’s me. I’m here.” It still took a second for Grayson to stop struggling and turn to look at you.
“You’re okay, relax. You collapsed, remember?” He paused to think, and then nodded. “Yeah, I- I remember.” His voice is unusually small. “I just-”
You interrupted him before he finished. “You just need to rest, that’s what. Nash helped us get you back up here, and he made me promise to take care of you.” 
“Of course he did.”
“I’m being serious, Gray. I care about you. That really scared me, y’know?”
He swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be sorry.” You shook your head. “There’s nothing you need to apologize for. Just focus on getting better.”
There’s a long stretch of silence that follows that. You continue to mess with his hair and cuddle him close to you, not caring that you could get sick from it. This time, Grayson didn’t complain. He sighed softly. Your presence could heal any sickness.
Then he says it, a few small words that you don’t usually hear from him.
“I love you.”
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