#I’m so happy with these and drank my coffee out of the orange one this morning
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lionlena · 2 years ago
A perfect day for a perfect girl (PedroPascalxreader)
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Okay, so this is a reward for @reniescarlett​  bc she is my 300th follower :D
Request from here.
I tried to make it really nice and sweet. Just one moment of uncertainty, but Pedro quickly dispels it.
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You felt soft kisses on your stomach and smiled. Without opening your eyes, you placed your hand on his head and buried your fingers in his hair.
"Pedro," you murmured.
"Good morning, Sunshine," he said and placed another kiss on your soft belly.
"Hmm, I'm still asleep," you replied, but you already knew you'd have to get up.
Pedro was sometimes like an impatient puppy. You suspected that he had been awake for at least an hour and impatiently waiting for you to join him. Actually, it would be a lie to say that you weren't excited either.
Today was your birthday and it was going to be a wonderful day.
There was going to be a little party tonight, nothing too crazy. You just wanted to have dinner with some of the closest people you loved and who loved you just the way you are.
Pedro obviously wasn't going to wait until the evening with all the nice things he had prepared for you.
You felt him move up your body and start kissing your collarbones: " Hermosa," he moaned.
You laughed and kissed his cheek muttering, "It's okay, I'm up."
You opened your eyes to meet his warm brown gaze filled with nothing more than love for you. He grinned widely and pecked your nose saying, "I'm waiting in the kitchen!"
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. Sometimes you wondered where he got so much energy from. Maybe it was the amount of caffeine he drank.
When you got up, you noticed a path of rose petals and a pleasant warmth enveloped you. Pedro really set out to make your birthday special. You followed rose petals to the kitchen.
Pedro was standing at the table with a big smile on his face and fidgeting impatiently. As soon as you crossed the threshold he shouted "Happy birthday!"
He ran over to you and hugged you tightly.
You laughed at his behavior and smiled back at him. As he moved away from you, he led you to the table and pulled out a chair for you. He placed a plate of pancakes and sweet syrup in front of you. You raised your eyebrows in delight. You knew he must have put in a lot of effort in this and that he probably burned at least half of the pancakes, but it was still impressive. Soon a bowl of your favorite fruit, orange juice, and coffee were also on the table.
Pedro came behind you and kissed your head.
"Here," he said and set down a small box with a ribbon. "Open it."
You looked inside curiously and found a silver necklace with a pendant in the shape, of your favorite animal.
"Oh, Pedro... It's really too much."
"No," he replied quickly. "This is just the beginning. You are special and your birthday is supposed to be perfect."
You stroked his cheek and for a moment you just stared at his handsome face. Until finally he broke the silence: "Come on, eat. I thought after breakfast we'd watch a movie of your choice, and then maybe we'd lie down by the pool."
You nodded your head. "That sounds great, but remember we have guests tonight."
"Take it easy" he purred and stroked your hip. "I'll help you with everything."
As Pedro suggested, you sat comfortably on the couch after breakfast. You cuddled up to his side and together watched the movie you chose.
Later, he prepared snacks for both of you and you lay down by the pool. Pedro took the lotion and asked you to lie down on your stomach. He started rubbing the cream into your back and you closed your eyes and focused on the pleasure. His fingers perfectly located the points where you were tense. By the time he focused on your neck and shoulders, you were in heaven. You could spend all day like this, but you really wanted to see your friends.
You felt Pedro kiss you on the ear and purr, "What about are you thinking, honey?"
"I could spend eternity here," you replied.
"If you want, we can cancel everything."
"Oh no. I really want to see everyone and wear a new dress."
Pedro laughed and nodded. "Okay. We're doing whatever you want today."
You spent another hour by the pool, but it was finally time for you to start preparing dinner. Pedro, as promised, helped you with everything, and when you went to change, he started to prepare the table.
You took a quick shower, did your hair and makeup, and finally put on a new dress.
You looked in the mirror and lightly smoothed the fabric around your hips. You tilted your head slightly and bit your lip. You turned sideways and then heard his soft voice: "Sweetheart? Is something wrong?"
You lifted your head to look at Pedro, who was staring at you in awe.
"I don't know. Isn't that dress... Too short? Too small?"
He immediately shook his head and stood close to you, placing his hands on your waist. "You look stunning and... I'm mad?"
"What? For what?"
"Because you'll be torturing me with your looks all evening. Everything I will want will be to throw everyone out the door so I can have you all to myself!" He leaned in and started kissing your neck.
"Stop it" you squealed and slapped his chest.
"But, this is true" he groaned.
You smiled and cupped his face in your hands. "I love you, you know?"
"I know. I love you, cariño."
All your uneasiness vanished instantly as his brown eyes stared at you with such love and devotion. You were ready for a great evening.
Your friends have not let you down. They gave you wonderful, unique gifts and made the whole evening full of laughter.
Pedro was always close to you and gave you kisses at every possible opportunity.
When the last of your guests left, you started clearing the table, but then Pedro put his arms around you from behind and started to pull you away.
"Honey, what are you doing? I have to clean up."
"Uh, no, no..." he murmured. "It can wait until morning... Or a week... Whatever. All evening I thought I had to give you your last present."
You turned around in his arms and looked at him surprised. "What?"
"Me," he replied, and you started laughing. "You look so beautiful. Please, let me take you to the bedroom. If you make me, I will beg for it on my knees."
You snuggled into him and sighed. "You don't have to beg me..." You pulled away and grabbed his hand leading him toward the bedroom. "I really want to unwrap my last present."
Pedro started to laugh and you felt infinite happiness envelop you. It had been a great day, and apparently, the night was going to be just as amazing.
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nicolewoo · 8 months ago
Super Earth Part 12
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Pairing: Reader X Roman Reigns
Synopsis: Reader is a space pilot. Dr. Reigns is a scientist. They fell in love heading to TOI-1452 B
The dinner turned into a giant party. The band played as colonists and my ship-mates danced and sang and drank and had a blast.
Finishing a dance with Roman, I wound my way through the crowd to Lt. Coffey’s table. He’d already had a bit of moonshine he’d brought with him, and had I caught him a little later, I was sure he’d be smashed.
The whole table stood as I came to it. “Mr. Coffey, Walk with me.”
The surprised look on his face was great. “Aye Cap.” He awkwardly got up to walk with me.
“You don’t have to call me Captain here.” I said.
He ran his hands through his hair. “Aye Cap, but I don’t want to get out of the habit.”
I nodded. We were now far enough away from people to talk. “You’ve been doing an amazing job, Coffey.” I said, and his face lit up. “Cassidy and I both feel like you have the ability to move up quickly. So, we were wondering if you’d like to learn some of the other jobs in Engineering.”
He was stunned. “I…. uh… Yeah, but what do you have in mind?”
“Ensign Tilly is going to work as a liaison between the colonists and our ship-mates one day a week. If you agree, you’d be taking over some of her duties. Since we’re on the planet, there’s less work to do on our ship.”
“Aye, but I don’t know how to do Tilly’s job.” He leaned against a pear tree.
Orange’s voice came from behind me. “I’ll be right there to teach you what you need to know. Essentially, you’ll be my right-hand man while we’re on the planet. Maybe even when we fly back. It will be great experience and will make you the prime candidate for moving up in rank if you do well.” Coffey nodded. “We’ll spend a few days on the ship shutting it down and securing it for the next few months then we’ll start helping the colonists. Sound good?”
Coffey still looked a little unsure. Maybe he’d had more of that moonshine than I thought. “Uh…. Yeah… Yeah… Whatever you guys need” he finally said.
“Report to the ship tomorrow at 01100.” Orange said and Coffey answered a quick yes, sir. Orange shook Coffey’s hand and I followed after.
“Are you ready to go home?” Roman whispered in my ear as we danced to a romantic song played on an acoustic guitar.
“Yes.” We said our goodbyes to Seth, Becky and a few other colonists on our way out the door.
We walked hand in hand through the empty settlement. Everyone was at the party in the cafeteria having a blast. We must have been some of the first people to leave. A giant gust of wind blew hard enough to almost knock me over, and Roman wrapped his arm around me to keep me steady. “They said the winds were brutal here, but I wasn’t prepared for this.”
I was hoping the wind would ease up before we made it home, but instead we ended up fighting for every step. I was relieved when we came in the door, and I plopped on the couch. Thoughts of the day swirled around me. I had waited my entire life for this day, and it was even better with Roman at my side.
He sat next to me, wrapping an arm over the back of the couch and pulling me into his side. “So, what did Mello give you?” He peeked over at the container of food I had set on the coffee table.
“I don’t know, but I know it’s going to be better than the food in the cafeteria.” I laughed.
He grabbed the container taking off the lid and looking inside. “Lasagna.” He practically sang.
A minute later, he returned with two forks and a warm dish of lasagna. I took a bite quickly. “Ohhhhh yummmmyyyy.” I said as the flavors exploded in my mouth.
“This is amazing!” Roman agreed.
We ate in silence, simply enjoying the flavors of home.
“Babe,” Roman kissed my forehead. “I’m exhausted.” He said. “Can we go to bed?”
I think I was half asleep even as I answered “Yes.”
After changing, I climbed into bed, happy that it was soft with multiple warm blankets on it. Roman stripped down to his boxer briefs, and despite how tired I was, I thoroughly enjoyed watching him move around the small house.
Was this going to be a problem? The two of us in this tiny house?
“Good morning crew and passengers of the Explorer” Seth’s voice chirped out of a computer console. “We have breakfast waiting for you in the cafeteria. There will be a meeting after that. Meeting starts at 9. Be warned the winds are strong today. Be sure to secure everything before leaving your house.” The communication ended.
Roman grumbled as he turned and wrapped his arms around me. “I’m still exhausted.”
I buried myself in his chest. “Yesterday was huge.” I answered.
We stayed there for a minute, snuggling before the craziness of the day started. “You know the shower is going to have that weird smell.” He mused.
“I hadn’t even thought of that.” I sighed. “I’ll breathe through my mouth.” I laughed.
He kissed me. “Let’s get to it.” He climbed out of the bed and headed to the bathroom; turning on the shower to warm up. A minute later, I heard him grunt. “Damn!”
“What’s wrong?” I sat straight up in bed concerned.
Roman’s head popped out of the bathroom. The water heats up fast. No need to warm it up.”
I thought about climbing into the small shower with Roman, but I decided the smell of the strange water would ruin the good time.
“What will you be doing today?” Roman asked as he stepped out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. This man…. I would never get tired of seeing his broad chest, his huge muscles, his tight abs, and that Adonis belt made me melt. If only we had time to go back to bed this morning.
I sighed as I figured out what I wanted to wear today. It was odd to think I’d be working without a NASA approved uniform, but I didn’t have to worry about that for months. “Long range communications with Earth, supervising the rest of the payload offload. I don’t know what else. How about you?”
“I’m hoping to start cloning today.” He answered. 
“Already?” I asked.
He shook his head. “If the plants are stable, I want to start cloning ASAP. If I’m luckily, I’ll be able to get 2 generations before we head back to Earth.” It made sense.
“I was really hoping to help you with cloning.” I lamented.
He pulled a tshirt over his head, covering the chest I loved so much. “I’ll save you one to clone.” He chuckled as he kissed my forehead. “Now, go shower.  I’m hungry.”
A large man took the stage. Coughing to get attention. “Good morning. I…”
As he continued to speak, all of the colonists who were in the room started to scream excitedly along with him. “I am Keith Lee.” Everyone laughed now. It was obviously some inside joke among the colonists.
“Well, as you may have heard. I am Keith Lee.” There were some low chuckles.  “I am a medical doctor, chief constable and sometimes a school teacher, but today I’m here to give you a thorough introduction to TOI. The first and foremost rule is…” He paused to let everyone answer.
“Leave no trace.” We all repeated.
“Leave no trace.��� He nodded. “It sounds easy, but it will take a couple of weeks for you to get used to it. Before you go outside, everything on you, everything you wear, everything you carry…. Everything must be secured. We haven’t had what we consider a big wind gust since you got here, but it will happen soon.  Even though our walls are 20 feet tall, a piece of paper, a feather, even heavier objects can be swept up and over that wall in seconds. There is NO ROOM for failure. We will NOT destroy this planet. Ok?” Everyone in the room answered yes.
“Now,” he continued. “If something does get over the wall, we have to go get it. That means you and a couple of colonists will board a boat, row out to the litter and retrieve it. It’s not an easy task, SO….. for the next few weeks, our colonists will be helping you remember to secure items. Please, don’t take offence. You will find bags near the exit of every building in our colony. Those are there for securing items before you go outside.”
As Keith Lee continued his speech, my crew and passengers listened intently. Introductions to the colonists, how to get food, assignments and activities were all covered. Two movies were played in the cafeteria a week, tables, chairs, even popcorn! Once a week, a football game was held in one of the warehouses by the landing pad. Basketball and baseball were played in the cafeteria. Various craft and art groups met on different nights. But when Dr. Lee mentioned music and dancing nights in the cafeteria, the colonists whooped and whistled. It was obviously their favorite night.
Roman looked at me, squeezing my hand and smiled. Our first dance had been last night, and it had been glorious. We’d moved so well together and talked and laughed. Another night of dancing sounded perfect. Roman leaned in to me and whispered. “Wanna come to the dance tonight?” He smirked. I nodded yes and smiled back at him.
The meeting lasted about 90 minutes. Seth came in the room and got me. “Sorry. I still need you today. NASA has more paperwork for you, and we still have to organize the warehouse. I can’t find anything in there.” I sighed, setting aside my hopes for the day and following Seth to the City Hall next door.
Our long-range communications had reached NASA, and new communications had come in this morning, leaving me with a ton of reports to read and fill out. I was getting hungry and tired by the time we sent the reports back to NASA.
We stopped for lunch before conquering the warehouse thankfully. I was tired of reading and filling out reports. “You ok?” Seth asked as we set our trays down at a table to eat.
“Yeah, I was just hoping to be helping around the colony by now. There’s so much I want to know about the technologies you’re creating here, the planet, this solar system. Dr. Reigns is cloning plants today and I was hoping to help.”
“Ah. Sorry about that. NASA has to have their paperwork. You know how it is.” I nodded. “But hey, before we head to the warehouse, let’s stop by Dr. Reign’s lab…… take a look at his cloning process.” Seth shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes in his mouth.
“That would be great.”  I thanked him. I tried the mashed potatoes, and they were by far the best thing I’d eaten here, but that wouldn’t take much. I wondered if Mello would be able to sneak me his food throughout our stay and then remembered the ship wouldn’t have any power; which means his kitchen wouldn’t have power; which meant he wouldn’t be able to cook for me. Damn! I knew I had to get used to the odd flavors of this planet’s food, but I wasn’t looking forward to it.
Dr. Lee joined our table now, “Mind if I sit?” We welcomed him.
“How did the meeting go?” Seth asked before shoveling more food in his mouth and motioning for Dr. Lee to sit.
Keith answered. “They all paid attention!” He smiled. Seth started nodding his head and gave Dr. Lee a thumbs up. “Looks like you’ve got a stellar crew, Captain.”
I smiled with pride. “The best. I’m very fortunate.” As I was saying it, Orange Cassidy approached the table. “Can I sit here?”  We all motioned him to join us. “Dr. Lee, this is Commander Cassidy. We call him Orange.”
Lee turned to Orange. “That’s quite a nickname. How did you get it?”
Settling into his seat, Orange smirked a little. “That’s a very long story Dr. Lee. Buy me a drink sometime and I’ll tell you.” He answered.
“Keith, please, call me Keith.” He said to both of us.
“Call me Orange.” Cassidy said.
“And Y/N” I added. It was definitely going to take some time to get used to using first names, but when in Rome…..
“Cap, I’ve got a problem.” Dr. Thorpe said as he approached us.
“What’s up Eddie?” I asked, but it felt weird calling him by his first name.
“Dr. Zayne needs his meds, and they got mixed up with his storage boxes for his lab.” He talked as much to Seth now as to me. “Any chance I can get into the warehouse to retrieve them?”
Seth started nodding now, gesturing with his fork for Thorpe to have a seat while he finished chewing. “We’re actually going there in about an hour. Can Sami wait?”
Dr. Thorpe sat down. “Yeah, he doesn’t need them until tonight, so that is great.”
An awkward silence settled on the table for a second. “Are you all adjusting to the food?” Dr. Lee asked, and I almost burst out laughing. They knew the food tasted weird all along?
“There’s an odd taste.” Dr. Thorpe started.
Seth and Dr. Lee started laughing. “Oh yeah. Takes a couple of weeks to get used to.” Dr. Lee went on to explain that the soil and water had trace levels of chromated copper arsenate. Not enough to make you sick, but enough to make everything taste bad.
“And the shower smells…..” Cassidy started.
Seth laughed again interrupting Cassidy. “That too.”
“So you all know?” I asked.
“Yeah, we all had to get used to it when we first moved here.” Dr. Lee added. “It won’t take long to get used to. Honestly, we don’t think about it anymore except when we get visitors.”
Is it Thursday?” Roman called out from the bedroom.
I finished pouring his cup of coffee and brought it to him. “No, sweetie. It’s Wednesday” I said as I handed it to him. I wrapped both my hands around my mug as I sat on the bed, letting the warmth seep into my hands.
Sure, it was a nice thing to make his coffee, but I had an alterior motive, and as Roman set his mug down, I settled in to admire the view. Roman, fresh out of the shower, wrapped in only a towel. I  watched him grab a second towel to dry his hair. Every move he made was graceful. I watched as a drop of water fell from his hair onto his arm. Snaking its way between two muscles and spreading out as it reached the scar on his arm. His skin was as soft as velvet, and I loved running my hands over it; feeling the rock hard muscles under.
He looked over and found my stare. “Like the view?” He smirked at me.
I took a deep breath and sighed out “oh yeah!”
His smirk took on an evil glint as he slowly unwound the towel, letting it plop on the floor. “And how about now?”
I took a drink of my coffee as I savored the view. “That’s even better.” I admitted as I set my mug down on the dresser.
“Come here.” He grabbed my hand and pulled us both onto the bed; twisting as we fell so that he ended up on top of me.
@mindofasagitarius @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22 @snowpanda18 @thesamoanqueen @sassginaswanmills
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victoriouscabaret · 9 months ago
I was tagged by the forever lovely @chaeza! Thank you friend! <3
Do you make your bed? When I remember to/feel like it. Mornings are usually chaos for me, so getting dressed and making myself look presentable usually takes priority over making the bed.
Favorite number? 9
What's your job? Office Manager. I’m happy with it. Definitely not burnt out like I was when I did funerals. I do really miss being a mortician though. Helping people and taking care of them during a tremendously hard time was so fulfilling, and I don’t think I’ll ever not be fascinated by death from a psychological, cultural, and medical perspective. Alas…
Can you parallel park? With a good deal of swearing and asking myself why I’m even doing this.
Do you think aliens are real? It would be stranger if they weren’t.
Can you drive a manual car? Better than a few, worse than most.
What's your guilty pleasure? Hmmm… I don’t really like sweets or candy, but I could absolutely devastate a package of dark chocolate covered orange peels. Those little things are unfairly tasty.
Tattoos? A teeeeeeny tiny Tolkien illustration of Smaug above the crook of my left arm, a hand holding a candle and a flower with the solar system around it (the universe I guess according to the artist? That’s what she called it at least. Its dope and I love it) on my right thigh, a tribal-esque snake that I drew when I was 19 and decided I needed it on me permanently, so it’s between my shoulder blades and has aged terribly. Going to get that covered up with a Big Ass Panther or something probably. Aaaaand a tragic stick n poke on the inside of my left ankle that I did when I was 17 and thought I was edgy. It looks like nothing. Just a bunch of faded dots of ink in the suggestion of a circle. I love tattoos and held off getting any after my snake for so long because I was worried about family and society judging me, but I’ve recently realized how absolutely fucking ridiculous that is, so I’ve already got my next three planned out lol.
Favorite color? Green
Favorite types of music? Any and all. If it’s got a danceable groove or great lyrics, it’s for me.
Do you like puzzles? Hyperfocusing on jigsaw puzzles is one of my favourite pastimes, but I have two cats, and one of them especially likes to “help” so I just don’t bother these days lol. Some brain puzzles stress me out, and numbers don’t work properly in my brain so stuff like Sudoku isn’t for me. I really enjoy riddles and logic puzzles.
Any phobias? Spiders, enclosed spaces, and heights.
Favorite childhood sport? I really enjoyed most sports as a kid and am a naturally athletic person. I really wanted to do hockey, but certain people thought that dancing was more appropriate for a girl, so into ballet I went for years. I did enjoy dancing a lot, and after I quit ballet and jazz, I started ballroom dancing and competed in country ballroom and swing until I turned 18.
Do you talk to yourself? I think my head would literally explode if I didn’t.
What movies do you adore? Oh man… so many. Comfort ones that I’ll always be happy to watch are: The Princess Bride, Kill Bill Vol. 1&2, Only Lovers Left Alive, the lotr trilogy, Moulin Rouge, and Wristcutters: A Love Story
Coffee or Tea? Coffee, but have ventured more into tea over the past year or so. My caffeine sensitivity went bananas when I still did funerals - I think because the funeral coffee I drank all day, every day was so strong my body was eventually just like “nope” so I can have like… max one coffee a day now otherwise I’m just anxious AND tired but can’t fall asleep at bedtime.
First thing you wanted to be growing up? An acrobat lol.
Non-obligatory tags: @thefallenangelsgang, @preciouslittlebhaalbae, @allofthebarks, @myheartismadeofstars, @inkymoonbunny
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tellthatbrokebitch · 1 year ago
fuck it, snippet from future fic in the stick season au verse, after byler fighting and calling a tentative truce
Mike follows him into the kitchen, pausing to look around with interest. “So, you cook a lot, huh?” he asks, wincing immediately afterwards like he regrets the question.
“Hm, when I can find the time. Or when friends drop by unannounced on my day off and demand breakfast.” He sees Mike wince again at the pointed jab and forces his tone to soften. “I’m joking, Mike. I’m grouchy first thing in the morning.”
As he sets about pulling cartons and jugs from his fridge, Will swears he hears a quiet “I remember” somewhere behind him. He bites back a reluctantly fond smile and turns to set his loot out on the island. At Mike’s obvious confusion, he gestures to the plastic cup in Mike’s hand. “I’ve got orange, apple, and grape,” he lists off, “or, if you don’t want juice, I have some Coke, or I have my Brita filter. If you’d prefer something hot, I could make tea or coffee-”
“Will.” Mike is giving him an entirely new look now, something less confused and more fond. “It’s okay. I’m okay with whatever.”
Will frowns. “It’s not okay, Mike, I’m just-” he sighs. “I’ve been sober now for so long that I forget it’s different for other addicts, being around friends who still drink. It doesn’t tempt me anymore, so it’s habit to just supply alcohol for everyone-”
“I get it, okay? Well, mostly. I’m not mad at you, Will. I’m not upset.”
Damn him. Damn him. The familiar burn of threatening tears builds behind Will’s eyes, burns at his throat. It isn’t fair. Mike’s been gone for a decade, left him behind for so long - then he waltzes back into Will’s life, and within a week he’s reading Will just as easily as he always did, digging right down to the heart of him.
He casts his gaze downwards to cover the emotion he knows always bleeds through too easily and clears his throat. “I was going to make myself some coffee and make Max tea,” he says, avoiding the questioning tilt to Mike’s head.
“Tea sounds good - unless it’s chamomile.”
“No, no chamomile. Not baby-safe. I have…” Will crosses to the cabinet above his Keurig and eyes the selection. “Peppermint, ginger, green, oolong, chai, earl grey.” He squints. “Some orange-spiced shit El bought and never drank.”
Mike hums. “The orange sounds good.”
Will twists to stare over his shoulder. “Seriously?”
He shrugs. “Why not? Adventure is the spice of life.”
“Pretty sure I said it was orange-spiced, but whatever, it’s your funeral.” Will pulls out a packet of the orange and one of the peppermint before his own words register and he freezes. His head tilts forward and hits the cabinet door with an audible thunk. “Shit.”
“It’s fine.”
Somehow, Mike’s forgiveness just makes him feel worse. With his forehead still pressed into the wood, he lets out a frustrated laugh that sounds more like a groan. “My inability to keep my foot out of my mouth doesn’t bode well for the rest of the night.”
“Will.” Mike’s voice is closer now, to his left. When he lifts his head to look, Mike’s leaning against the fridge, and his smile isn’t even the least bit sad. “You worry too much. I’m not going to break down into tears if you mention Ted’s funeral, or my sobriety, or - I don’t know - peeing my pants in Click’s class.”
“Okay, but maybe I will. Did you ever think about that?”
“Nooo, you? Big macho mechanic man?” There’s that teasing note to his voice, so familiar, and it throws Will back in time, to him teasing Will for misplacing his house key, for losing a game after shamelessly cheating, for getting an unwanted Valentine from Charlotte Grant from fifth period. It’s second nature to groan and say, “Shut up, Michael!” on a childish whine.
It’s worth the brief flash of embarrassment for the way it makes Mike throw his head back and cackle the way he always hated when they were kids, the way Will always loved. It’s a happy sound, happy in the way Mike hasn’t been all week.
It’s impossible for Will not to notice the air of palpable sadness that followed his old friend like a stormy cloud. Well, it was easy to ignore in the beginning, when the hurt and anger was still fresh, when he was still avoiding Mike like the plague. But since their talk, or fight, or truce, it was obvious.
The truth is, even after a decade apart, he can still read Mike - his moods, at least - and no matter how successful Mike is now, no matter the money, the notoriety, the fame - he’s not happy.
based, of course, on a song from the stick season album, primarily this one:
honey come over
the party’s gone slower
and no one will tempt you
we know you got sober
there’s orange juice in the kitchen
bought for the children
it’s yours if you want it
we’re just glad you could visit
feels like i’ve been ready for you to come home
for so long
that i didn’t think to ask you where you’d gone
so why’d you go?
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44-docx · 10 months ago
Everything I ate today.
I am starting a journal here. I find that a digital/photo journal is not as stressful as a written one because I can immediately and discreetly capture my meals. This is helping me be more mindful and present while eating. I don’t have any goals at this point except to alleviate my preoccupation with food and the painful intrusive thoughts that have resulted from years of having an ed.
6:30 am
I had an exam at 9 am so I was up studying and am currently on antibiotics and I have to eat with them so I drank an ensure.
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I had a little more to eat because I was hungry. I didn’t eat the banana then but had it after my exam because I was running late. I always try to fuel before an exam so I can do my best!
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I got out of my exam and took a slow walk home and stopped into a bookstore to buy books. When I got home I was so hungry. I had this vegan cabbage roll and didn’t finish the rice. I had it with Diet Coke. I finished my meal off with some grapes and a coffee with creamer - the silk one is my fav I’m so happy my cafeteria had it today!
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I had to pick up some medication and hair dye from the store. When I got back I was hungry and needed a snack so I had a handful of cashews and some yogurt. It was good and I’m trying to get my protein in!
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I had dinner. I was still hungry, I think I didn’t eat enough at lunch honestly. Usually I have a pretty big lunch and lately I’ve been eating earlier with most of my food around 12-4pm. Since I woke up so early and was studying so late my body is a little out of wack. With my digestive issues, suspected ibs, I’m trying to eat earlier and it was a good coincidence that I was hungry early! I had this whole plate of food, rice and shrimp, and salad with an egg for protein (I have not been eating enough protein lately). I still felt hungry afterwards, and I had eaten slowly enough I thought so I figured I needed more food to feel full. This is my first day taking pictures but it really does help me be more mindful. I had chicken soup and mostly picked the chicken out and threw out half but finished the crackers. For desert I had rice crispies with a packet of sugar (my go to lol). I haven’t eaten the orange yet but I had a chocolate rice cake I didn’t take a picture of. I imagine I’ll finish the orange sometime, he seems lonely beside me on my bed.
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On the whole I think I had a good day of eating. I hope to sleep soon because I am so tired but it doesn’t seem to be coming to me.
I have been so frustrated with my ibs or whatever I have. I have been having abdominal pain and bloating for weeks that gets especially bad before my period. I’m going on slynd, and am talking to a doctor for my gut health, and I’ve been advised to take note of what I eat. Today I noticed some sharp pains. This is more fibre than I usually eat because I find simple breads don’t hurt me so I eat them more now. But i also took 2x Metamucil yesterday and that might be why it hurts. I’m also bloated.
The worst part for me is the fact that it is really hurting my body image. I have gained a few pounds and I started freaking out and then I was getting bloated and severe pain like I’ve never had before just by eating anything. But I have such a bad fear of NOT eating now that I virtually CANNOT. Like every time I even think about not eating I feel as though I have to because I’m scared or something. I don’t get what’s been going on in my brain, so I’m trying to observe it neutrally and simply shrink the window in which I am eating.
I’m going to limit my time window for eating because a) it *comfortably* allows me to eat whatever I want and organize a schedule that doesn’t hurt my stomach and b) having times to eat and times to not eat is the most comfortable way for me to have free-from-food time where I don’t have to think about eating (assuming I eat enough and don’t get hungry - in which case I will eat).
At certain times I can get ‘bingey’ which I learned recently can be defined as any eating which is compulsive or feels out of control. I have been struggling A LOT with that even though I don’t usually over eat - I do cope with eating. Cutting out problem times in a steady routine will help me not think about eating, instead have it as a neutral routine of an activity, and not as a ‘treat’ or ‘break’ from working which I often treat it as. Soooo… I’ll just try to eat before 8pm which has become somewhat of a habit for me anyways.
All I want is to eat without thinking about it. All I want is not NOT THINK ABOUT FOOD. I want to be free. So I will be mindful until I figure out how to do that. I will attempt to eat enough and when I am hungry so that I am not hungry all the time so much that it distracts me. I will attempt to deal with my anxiety and boredom in a healthy way that does not revolve around food. I can handle discomfort. I sound like a fogey. Never would I have thought I would say something like this. Oh how the turn tables.
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ponyboi-69 · 7 years ago
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The little mugs from the scraps are glazed and done!
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violettelueur · 4 years ago
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↳ featuring : fushiguro megumi  kugisaki nobara (mention of gojo satoru + todo aoi) from jujutsu kaisen
↳ warnings : mention of death/passing + EXTREME grammar issues
↳ form : story
↳ published : 16 march
↳ pronouns : she/her
↳ word count : 2.0k
↳ synopsis : within the jujutsu world, there were three famous clans to be aware of, the Kamo clan, Zenin clan and the Gojo clan. However, unknown to many sorcerers there was one last family that was known to be apart of the three, only for them to disappear after the golden era leading some to speculate that they had died in battle after the sealing of ryomen sukuna, but....
↳ previous episode : to you, someday 
↳ next episode : kyoto sister school exchange event - group battle 0 
↳ barista’s notes : GUYS WE ARE AT THE END OF THE TRAINING/VS MAHITO ARC FINALLY!!!! AND NEXT EPISODE IS THE KYOTO EXCHANGE ARC!!!!!  ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆ so before we move on to that, there is a little wholesome episode since i wanted to give you guys a little break of Y/N’s pain because you all deserve it and i also might be planning more.....OTHER THAN THAT, i hope you enjoy today’s episode and i can’t wait for you all to see the next one ʕ•ᴥ•ʔノ♡
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1. the whole story belongs to Gege Akutami and the credits go to them and them only.
2. the spell curses used belong to Tite Kubo due to them being the ‘Kidos’ being used on the manga and anime ‘Bleach’ - but none is mentioned in this chapter.
2.5 for the ‘cursed spells’/kidos (bleach) i will link this video here and tell you the time stamp to check out what i am intending to show - remember i add a few twist here and there by adding the katana to link with Y/N’s cursed technique
no cursed spells used this episode..
3. if you are confused on anything, please don’t hesitate to message me since i know this whole thing is so confusing.
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“You know...It’s better to show yourselves than rather hide from me Fushiguro, Kugisaki,” you firmly mentioned before slowly turning your head to the side, quickly noticing the tense nature of the two classmates hiding behind a tree and some bushes before they hesitantly made their way out of their hiding place causing them to reveal themselves and to discover a nonchalant look displayed on your face.
‘Like what the hell, if you’re going to hide maybe hide your cursed energy while you’re at it’
“Did you both follow me here? You guys are such drags and stalkers, you know that is really creepy right?” you questioned both of them with an assumed tone before placing the bouquet of blue hydrangeas and white roses against the tomb, covering the last name on the engraved stone in case Kugisaki was going to come closer to you.
“Ah sorry,” Kugisaki apologies before placing her hands together in a ‘please forgive me’ position while Fushiguro just looked off to the side as if he could just avoid your glance to not feel embarrassed about getting caught.
Letting out an airy laugh, you turned back to the stone in front of you leading to your small smile to instantly turn back into a straight line as you glared at the incense’s smoke that was dancing in the air while your hand hesitantly went to the side of your neck.
‘It’s just a dream...It’s just a dream…’
“Does your neck hurt again? I suggest you stop sleeping under the tree if it does,” Fushiguro commented, causing you to jolt in surprised as you didn’t realise that he was now suddenly next to you rather than a few steps away to which could be said the same for Kugisaki, who was standing on the other side of you while looking at the tombstone that all three of you were now standing in front of.
“Hey! You didn’t answer my first question, did you both follow me here?” you asked once again with a teasing tone, causing both of your classmates to look to the side away from you since they instantly knew there was no way out of this little situation...it’s no surprise since you are Gojo’s adoptive daughter.
“It was Kugisaki’s idea to follow you since you disappear from time to time,” the shikigami sorcerer outed, as he placed a hand on the back of his neck to ease his bashfulness while Kugisaki turned her head towards him, ready to yell and counter his statement.
“Fushiguro is lying, it was his idea!” Kugisaki shouted in annoyance, causing your eyes to shift back and forward between them as you were somewhat finding slight amusement on what was going on at this current moment in time.
“Ah~ is that so?” you questioned, while slowly raising your hands to smack the back of their heads without them noticing causing both of your classmates to groan in pain once they felt the violent impact, before holding the back of their heads to ease the pain that was somehow intensifying - to be honest, they deserved it for trying to stalk you.
“Who are you visiting?” Fushiguro curiously asked with a hesitant tone since he didn’t want to accidentally cross the line on your comfort zone leading you to turn to him for a second before looking at the stone with a hint of heartache forming in your eyes as well as your heart.
“My mother,” you softly answered, leading your classmates to turn to you with widened eyes before looking at the stone showcasing where your mother was resting as a feeling of sympathy began to consume their whole body.
“I really don’t need your pity guys, it’s been 6 years already, so it’s not necessary,” you mentioned before they could give their condolences to you. You didn’t need it or rather, you didn’t want to hear any of it. When your mother passed away, you were used to the fact that you were the only one grieving since it was always just you and her in your own little world, there was no one giving you their condolences then and you didn’t want them now. It was already too late for that.
“So your real mother actually passed away, is that why Gojo-sensei adopted you?” Kugisaki asked, leading you and Fushiguro to slightly tense as you both were reminded of the fact that the ‘adoption’ story was just a (somewhat) clever cover-up to conceal your true identity as well as to not raise any suspicion on your sudden enrolment to Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.
“Yeah, he found me a year after and took me in,” you lied through your teeth, hoping that you were convincing enough to continue the lie leading your friend to nod her head, as she continued to gaze at your mother’s resting place.
“What was she like?” Fushiguro suddenly asked as he was trying to divert the conversation into a different topic leading you to open your mouth to answer before closing it again to tilted your head to the side slightly as you began to wonder all the things you could say to Fushiguro and Kugisaki to inform them about the person that brought you into the world.
“She was someone that I could only forgive if she did something wrong,” you quietly answered before mentally wondering if that was the right thing to say. 
“She was someone that was quite selfless, even if that meant sacrificing her whole happiness to make someone else happy, that was the type of person she was,” you extended, trying to ignore the first comment you made since you were still wary of what you had just stated.
Fushiguro and Kugisaki hummed absentmindedly as they listened to your answer as they continued to peer at the stone that was in front of them like it was a painting of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.
“You know, it isn’t a painting to admire, right? There’s nothing special about a grave,” you questioned causing your classmates to break out from their daze to look at you before becoming flushed again since they didn’t realise that they were gawking. “It’s fine, I’m just teasing,” you commented before letting out another airy laugh as you processed to turn your heels and began to walk away from your mother’s resting place to the exit of the cemetery leading Fushiguro and Kugisaki to look at your direction in confusion before making their way towards you.
“Since you guys followed me all the way here, what do you want to do?” you asked, once they both caught up to you leading Kugisaki to answer immediately about the fact that you both needed to go to the bubble tea shop that you both went to the other day since she was craving it again leading to the erratic-haired sorcerer to groan slightly since he wasn’t in the mood to get anything sweet which caused you to explain that the shop also had black coffee if he wasn’t feeling the sugary drink.
“Are you the type to drink black coffee to impress a girl even though you don’t like it? That isn’t healthy Fushiguro, you shouldn’t do that to impress Gojo,” Kugisaki commented with a hint of worry since she didn’t expect the shikigami user to be the type to do what she has assumed. However, this seemed to annoy Fushiguro more as you discovered the irked mark on his forehead before answering that he always drank black coffee - to be honest, that statement made you remember the time you and Gojo had coffee together and you were disgusted about the number of sugar cubes he added into the caffeinated drink.
“I’m surprised you're not getting any orange juice,” Fushiguro mentioned, leading Kugisaki to widen her eyes in surprise since she hasn’t noticed you drinking your favourite juice for the whole day at all.
“I don’t know if you’re extremely bad stalkers or you lost me during your following session, but I have one here,” you stated in a matter-of-fact tone, as you dug into the pocket of your Jujutsu Tech uniform skirt to pull out a carton of orange juice leading your fellow sorcerers to look at the drink in shock since they didn’t remember you buying anything at all when they were following you.
“HOW?!” Kugisaki yelled out in complete surprise as she grabbed the boxed drink from your grasp while staring at it like it was a curse to be exorcised leading to the feeling of amusement to rise again since the situation was becoming funnier by the second rather than sorrowful like it was supposed to be today.
“I bought it at the vending machine just a few minutes away from this cemetery, maybe you two were arguing or something,” you commented with a small smile as you did recall hearing two people shouting at each other from a distance when you were collecting your drink from the dispenser - it was something like ‘this is really a stupid idea’ followed by ‘but we need to figure out where Gojo goes when she disappears, I want to knowwww’.
“You guys are such drag, so you better pay for my drink for me to forgive you both for stalking me,” you voiced out with a smirk planted on your face causing Fushiguro to look at you with widen eyes since he wasn’t expecting any consequences when it came to Kugisaki’s little investigation.
“Hold up, but don’t you have more money than us because you take on more missions? How much do you have Gojo?!” Kugisaki questioned as she moaned at the fact that she was going to pay you rather than spending that money on the Balenciaga jacket that she was hoping to get.
“That’s why I paid for your drink last time, so it’s your turn don’t you think?” you asked before continuing with, “think of it as a ‘thank you’ gift to me for the fact that I trained you both for the past two months,” leading both of the sorcerers besides you to quickly realise that paying for your drink might not be as bad as they expected - two months of training in exchange for paying your bubble tea, they didn’t mind that exchange at all.
“Ah alright, Kugisaki let’s go half and half,” Fushiguro stated causing the female sorcerer to nod as she gave you back your orange juice before linking your arm with hers due to the fact, she was more excited about spending the day with you for an extra day of the week rather than going back to Jujutsu Tech to do nothing.
“I just realised, the Kyoto Exchange Event is tomorrow isn’t it?” you asked before looking up to the sky as you began to recall what date it was today. However, it seemed like you were more concentrated on your feeling of relief as you noticed a few clouds moving across the sky rather than the one you could remember… you were reassured that it wasn’t just a solid blue that was above you right now.
“Yeah, and we are going to beat their asses!” Kugisaki cheered determinedly, leading you to giggle at her enthusiasm since she seemed motivated to win the whole event altogether.
“Do you think you’ll be picked for the individual battle?” Fushiguro questioned, causing you to shift your head towards him as you began to wonder if there was a possibility of you being chosen. From what you knew, Todo Aoi seemed to be the strongest sorcerer on the Kyoto side and had the highest chance of being picked for the second day of the Kyoto Exchange Event.
Although, it seemed like you didn’t have an answer to provide for the shikigami sorcerer leading you to raise your hand to quickly flick his forehead, catching him by surprise since it was one of your lighter ones. “I have no idea, you drag~” you answered, before placing your hand in your pocket.
“But one thing I do know is that we’re going to win the team's battle,” you mentioned with a courageous smile. You were confident since both Fushiguro and Kugisaki have improved so much during the past two months - much more than you had anticipated due to the short amount of time you three had to prepare for it.
Fushiguro and Kugisaki nodded boldly at your statement as it seemed like your confidence and determination had affected them as well.
Tomorrow, you all were going to win.
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© violettelueur 2021 : written and published by violettelueur - do not steal or repost
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snelbz · 4 years ago
Life As We Know It {Chapter 26}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. Occasional surprise chapters could be posted at miscellaneous times. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara’s blogs! >> @tacmc.​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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Nesta awoke with a pounding headache and the need to vomit, even though she was fully aware her stomach was completely emptied out. She began to shift on the mattress, but froze when she realized that a heavy arm was draped across her waist.
Behind her, Cassian was sleeping soundly, spooned up against her.
She remembered asking that of him the night before, remembered everything from the night before.
She had been drunk, horribly drunk.
They had fought.
She had tried to sleep with him.
She had vomited all over the kitchen.
He had cleaned it up.
He had cleaned her up.
He had carried her to bed.
He had stayed.
She hadn’t deserved for him to stay.
Carefully and slowly, Nesta took Cassian’s hand and removed it from her body before dragging herself quietly out of the bed and sneaking out of the room.
She had been so fucking irresponsible the night before, shouldn’t have ever tried to drive here, yet here she was. No wonder Cassian had been so pissed.
She planned on getting a quick cup of coffee to settle her stomach and sneaking out, but as she found Elain in the kitchen, she knew that was no longer possible.
Her sister, never one for anger, raised an eyebrow. “You owe me for my landscaping.”
Nesta cringed and dropped into a seat at the end of the table. Her head fell into her hands with a smack. “I know, I’m sorry.”
A cup of coffee appeared in front of her and Nesta did nothing but breathe in the life-changing scent for a minute, her forehead still pressed into her hand.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Elain said, leaning against the counter. “I love having you here. But as far as I knew, Cassian was staying here because you were at the house. Imagine my surprise when I find both of your vehicles in my driveway this morning.”
Nesta cringed, yet again.
“And the bush by my mailbox flattened,” Elain added, sipping from her steaming mug.
Nesta groaned, her head falling against the tabletop. “I fucked up, I get it.” There was no malice in her voice, only exhaustion.
The chair across from her was pulled out and Elain sat down with a sigh. “You know I’m not letting you leave until we talk about this, right?”
Nesta huffed. “Talk about what?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Elain sighed. “The fact that you showed up at my house at midnight, drunker than you’ve been since college, to fight with Cassian?”
Nesta looked up at her.
“At least, that’s my husband’s version,” Elain said, watching her sister. “Correct me if I’m wrong.”
Nesta leaned back in her chair and shook her head, slowly. She fiddled with the fabric around her thighs, only now realizing that she was in Cassian’s shirt.
He had taken her dirty dress off and replaced it with something clean, something of his.
“I don’t even know where to begin,” Nesta said, simply.
“How about promising me you’ll never be stupid enough to get behind the wheel while drunk again?” Elain asked, a slight edge to her voice. “The last thing I need is you getting in an-.”
Her words dropped off and she shook her head, sipping from her mug to avoid the word that Nesta knew was meant to come next.
A newfound guilt flooded Nesta’s stomach. She felt like she was going to puke all over again. How could she do that, after all that had happened? After what had happened to Feyre and Rhysand?
“I fucked up,” she said, again, and leaned across the table to take Elain’s hand. “I was drunk, I made a poor decision in the heat of the moment because I was pissed, and I was irresponsible. I know that, and trust me, I am full of regret and feel like a fucking idiot this morning. I promise, Lainy, that I’ll never make that mistake again.”
Elain looked at her for a moment before her eyes softened and she nodded. “Good. I believe you. Now, care to tell me why you made such a dumbass decision to begin with?”
Dumbass. Elain rarely swore.
“Cassian and I had sex in the store room last night,” she sighed, not looking at Elain.
“You what?” Her voice raised an octave.
“Shh,” she said, glancing around her to the living room beyond. “I don’t know how exactly it happened, but it did. I went in there for some air, he followed me, and we got into it. Next thing I know, my back is against the far wall, he’s buried inside of me, and I’m halfway to an earth shattering orgasm.”
Elain had stilled, her mug midway to her lips as she stared at her sister. She repeated, “You what?”
“I don’t need a lecture if that’s what you’re building up to,” Nesta snapped.
Elain sighed, setting her mug down on the table. “It’s either a lecture or silence.”
Nesta just shook her head.
“Nesta, that man is madly in love with you,” Elain said, lecturing, anyway. Nesta stared at the table. “And you love him, too. This…unhealthy need to push everything and everyone away that makes you happy is going to make you nothing but miserable in the end and, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to let you be miserable.”
Nesta shook her head. “Feyre wouldn’t want—.”
“No,” Elain interrupted, her voice going harder than Nesta typically heard it. “Feyre would want you to be happy. She’s gone, Nesta.” Her eyes lined with tears as she reached across the table and took Nesta’s hands. “She’s gone, and yes, maybe that’s the only reason that you and Cassian ended up together, but you know what? Maybe it’s not. Maybe you and Cass would’ve ended up together at another time, another place, but you didn’t. This is how it happened. And Feyre, wherever she is, is so damn happy that you two are happy. She wanted you two to be together five years ago, and she wants you to be together now, if he’s who makes you happy. You can’t feel guilty, Nesta. Your happiness does not deserve guilt.”
Nesta said nothing, didn’t bother wiping the tear that fell down her cheek.
“You love him,” Elain said, and it wasn’t a question.
Which meant that Nesta didn’t answer.
“He cleaned up your puke and carried you to bed after you treated him like garbage,” Elain said, her voice lightening. “Men like that don’t just come around, Nes.”
A door opened and closed from the back of the house and Elain picked up her coffee, standing.
“Where are you going?” Nesta whispered, her eyes going wide.
“You need to talk to him,” Elain said, heading for the living room. She didn’t say another word to her sister, but she heard her start up the stairs. “Good morning, Cass. And good morning to you, sweet boy.”
She didn’t hear a response from either of them, so she assumed Nyx was still dozing on Cassian’s shoulder, but Elain’s soft footsteps retreated up the stairs.
She turned to find Cassian leaning against the doorway. Nyx, indeed, was still near sleeping where he had his head resting against Cassian, holding onto his shirt.
Clutching her coffee cup, Nesta breathed, “Good morning.”
“How are you feeling?” he asked, walking to the fridge and opening the door, pulling out a jug of orange juice.
“Honestly?” she muttered. “Shitty.”
Cassian snorted. “I’d say so.”
Silence ensued, and Cassian kissed Nyx’s forehead as he handed him to Nesta. “I’ll get him some breakfast.”
Nesta nodded, taking the sleepy baby and letting his head fall against her chest.
Cassian got oatmeal out of the pantry and mixed it with some milk before cutting strawberries into small squares. The entire time, Nesta watched him. The entire time, Cassian didn’t say a thing.
She could see the way his back muscles flexed through his old, white t-shirt.
It made her weak in the knees.
“Dada,” Nyx said, arm outstretched to Cassian.
“Almost ready, buddy,” he promised.
As Cassian walked toward the table, Nesta put Nyx in the highchair. She’d move him once Seph was awake and ready to eat. She had a feeling Nyx would be finished long before that, though, because the second Cassian sat the bowl on the tray, Nyx’s hands were covered in oatmeal.
Cassian chuckled and retreated back away from the table.
Nesta cleared her throat. “Cass?”
“I-,” she hesitated, and sighed. “Thank you. For last night. I’m… I’m sorry, I was completely out of line-.”
“It’s fine,” he interrupted, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.
“It’s not fine.” He still hadn’t turned back to look at her. “It’s not, at all. What I did last night was stupid and irresponsible and selfish. And you took care of me and I didn’t deserve it. So… Thank you and I’m sorry.”
He was quiet for another minute, pouring a cup of coffee alongside his juice. “You’re welcome. Like I said, it’s fine. It happened, you recognize it was a dumbass decision to make. Just don’t make it again.”
She nodded, though he still couldn’t see her, since he still had his back to her.
Nesta asked, “Can we… Can we talk about last night?”
“I don’t know what there is to talk about, Nes,” he sighed, finally turning to look at her. He leaned back against the counter. “Before or after you showed up drunk?”
“Both,” she stood up and crossed the kitchen toward him. She suddenly remembered she was wearing nothing but his t-shirt. “Like I said, I was way out of line.”
Cassian watched her for a moment before letting out a breath, his shoulders sagging. “Yeah, well… The store room was just as much me as it was you, so don’t apologize for that one.”
Nesta nodded, and looked over at Nyx, stuffing his face. “Do you regret it?”
A beat passed. “The store room?”
She nodded.
Cassian drank from his glass. “Do you?”
I asked you first, she wanted to say, but didn’t. Instead, she said, “It was unprofessional.”
“That’s not an answer,” he said.
“Neither is refusing to answer the question at all,” Nesta pointed out.
Cassian snorted. “Fair.”
They fell into silence, yet again, the only sounds coming from Nyx and his excitement about food.
“Is that all you have to say this morning?” Cassian asked, and she knew he was looking at her, so her eyes remained on the floor.
“I apologized,” she said. “I thanked you. What else is there to say?”
Cassian nodded, apparently that was answer enough for him. “Alright, well, Viv is planning on meeting you and Nyx back at the house at noon. I’ll see you at work.”
He turned his back to her and started walking out of the kitchen.
“Wait,” Nesta breathed, making her way toward him. “There is one more thing I’d like to say, like to ask.”
Cassian stopped and slowly turned to face her.
It was all too familiar. Him, in his sweatpants and old tee. Her, in his shirt, after a night spent cuddled up together.
Even if the night before had been under completely different circumstances.
She cleared her throat. “I think you should come back home, Cass.”
He searched her eyes, searched for the underlying meaning. “Why?”
“Because Nyx misses you,” Nesta said, without missing a beat. “He misses seeing you everyday.”
“Is he the only one?” Cassian asked, taking a step toward her.
“Cassian,” she breathed, shaking her head.
He nodded, slowly, taking a deep breath. “That’s what I thought.”
He turned around, but Nesta reached out for him. “Cassian, please, just come back-.”
“I can’t,” he said, quietly. “I can’t be there, every day, seeing you, and not being able to do something as simple as give you a hug, Nes. I can’t be there and pretend like things are fine, and that I’m not completely miserable. I can’t. I can’t do that. I’m not ready for that.”
The brush of her fingers against his arm felt like a brand and it took everything in him not to rip it from her grasp.
“I’m going to get ready,” he said, as calmly as he could. “I’ll see you at work. Viv will be there at noon to watch him.”
Her fingers fell away as he stepped out of reach and walked back through the living room and down the hall. As always, he never slammed the door. He never let his anger get the best of him. She heard it shut with a soft click.
Nesta whirled, her eyes falling on Nyx. He was a sticky mess, oatmeal and smashed strawberries all over his hands and cheeks, but he was looking right at her. “Mama,” he repeated, holding out the empty bowl for her. As if he was saying, all done.
She gave him the best smile she could muster, before crossing the room and taking the bowl from him. “Thank you, sweet boy.”
A few minutes later, she’d left the bowl soaking in the sink, had wiped him down as best she could and had nabbed a pair of leggings from Elain’s clean laundry. She didn’t want to have to interrupt Cassian to ask about her dirty dress.
Without another word to anyone, she packed Nyx up in the car and was gone, heading for home. A few minutes later, she pulled in the driveway, but she couldn’t ignore the fact that something was missing.
Without that stupid truck parked next to her car, it didn’t feel quite like home. Going inside and not finding a game on the TV, or the smell of bacon cooking this early, it didn’t feel like home.
Without Cassian there, nothing did.
And she knew she was the only one to blame.
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katsukavi · 4 years ago
"OH SHIT!" part 2
"I WANT AN ABORTION." Sung Jin-Woo said abruptly, tapping his foot up and down from the agitation. "I'm afraid that's not possible. The baby is far too healthy and because of the amount of health potions you drank, it will be almost indestructible by our means. It even accelerated its growth.."
Sung Jin-Woo didn't think that far into it that night. He gave the baby's father an icy glare and took out his dagger from his inventory. "You can't abort it by your means huh..." he locked (M/n)'s hand onto the hilt and pointed it at his stomach.
"(M/n)! Stab me!"
"Why not? We're already at the hospital, so you could just rush me to the emergency room when I start bleeding," Jin-Woo explained, but that still didn't make a drop of sense to (L/n) (M/n). "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS WILL I STAB YOU!"
"Fine. I'll stab myself."
The doctor's face paled at the S-Rank hunter's lack of care for his unborn baby's life—even attempting to stab himself. Luckily, (L/n) (M/n) was there to stop him before the blade could touch his skin.
"Jin-Woo! Come on, you could just hold on to it until you give birth. We could set it up for adoption later.."
"I don't have time to wait 5 months. I could be leveling up using that time."
Scratch that. (L/n) (M/n) was also a horrible parent-to-be. The doctor forced a smile, wondering if all S-Rank Hunters were like this. He cleared his throat and stared back at them.
"How did you even conceive this child?"
"I have no idea. I drank too much. Hey, aren't you immune to alcohol?" (M/n) nudged Jin-Woo's shoulder, since he was the one that wanted to play video games all night. "I don't know. I can't remember much either. There was this scent.."
"I see. It must've been a heat."
"No? I wouldn't have left the house if that were the case."
"Then..." The doctor's eyes set on to (L/n) (M/n), making him feel a cold sweat. The man with red eyes smiled awkwardly, blinking repeatedly at the doctor. "Why are you looking at me?"
"It's incredibly rare but I assume you went through a rut, Sir. So I understand how you may perceive this as unbelievable since this situation is one in a billion or even more so." The doctor scratched the back of his head, trying to consider the rarity of the situation.
It was even more impossible if he considered the fact that male alpha and omegas were less likely to have a baby, then they were both S-Rank Hunters, both with their respective systems and (L/n) (M/n) had suffered from a rut that only one in five alphas experience.
[The Orion System is extremely happy!]
[☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆]
[The Orion System is wondering if it would be a girl or a boy??]
[The System is rejoicing for your offspring.]
"I hope it becomes a miscarriage. I'm too busy for this," Sung Jin-Woo said, glaring at his slightly bloated stomach. "Since you are a male omega, there is a 78% chance it would be a miscarriage if you're constantly stressed and you didn't receive professional help from us.."
"Good. I'm already stressed from this situation."
[The Orion System is ignoring your wife's statement.]
[Yay! Baby! \\\\٩( ^ω^ )و ////]
'He's not my wife, you stupid system. We're friends at best,' (M/n) thought at his system. He and Jin-Woo left the hospital with conflicted thoughts. (M/n) wasn't as extreme as Jin-Woo to forcibly kill it, but he was wondering what he should do next.
That's right. They were hunters. They didn't have time to raise a baby when they could be saving lives through dungeons. It's a simple choice of one life for one hundred.
[The Orion System is rejoicing for you.]
[The Orion System has contacted (totally didn't take over wink wink) the Player System for the child's sake. (*'ω`*)]
[The Player System has agreed!! ٩( ᐛ )و yay! yay!]
'What are you celebrating for? Stupid Orion..' (M/n)'s mood turned sour, looking away from his system. Jin-Woo held his phone and pressed Jin-Ho's contact, making (M/n)'s eyebrow twitch. "Oi, what are you doing?"
"I'm going to contact Jin-Ho. He's the Vice Guild Master of Ah-Jin so he has to understand our circumstances."
"What? You know how weird that kid's imagination is. What if he thinks something weird?"
"I'll blame you for that then." Jin-Woo shrugged, his phone ringing for a few seconds before Yoo Jin-Ho picked up. "Hello Hyung-nim. Are you doing okay now?" Jin-Ho's voice made Jin-Woo smile, responding quickly.
"Yeah. I just visited the hospital."
"Ohh. Is (M/n) Hyung with you?"
"Yeah, he's right beside me. Turns out I have to lessen my work hours."
"I understand. You are the Guild Master, Hyung-nim. Everything is up to you. But why do you need to?"
"I'm pregnant."
Yoo Jin-Ho choked on his saliva, falling into a coughing fit as he doubted his ears. "Excuse me? What?"
"You didn't hear? I'm pregnant?"
"THAT'S BAD HYUNG-NIM! YOU NEED A FULL VACATION, NOT REDUCING YOUR HOURS!" The beta shouted, making everyone else in the office stare at him. What?! His Hyung-nim was pregnant? So he had a secret lover this entire time, and he didn't know?
"Then, could you decrease (M/n)'s work hours?"
"Yeah, sure. Why him though?"
(L/n) (M/n) hid his face in his hands, feeling so embarrassed that Jin-Woo just admitted that out loud. His own system was bombarding him with weird messages as well, it was creepy.
[There's no need to be embarrassed, Predator-nim~]
[( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). We all know what you did~~]
"He's the father of my child."
Jin-Ho choked yet again, throwing his fist at his desk as he fell silent. So (L/n) (M/n) and Sung Jin-Woo had been in that kind of relationship the entire time? Sure, he didn't know a lot about Sung Jin-Woo but even (L/n) (M/n)?
Is that the reason he joined Ah-Jin? So he could see his lover?
Then all those times they left together..
"Jin-Ho? Are you still there?"
"...If you need any help, you can call me Hyung-nim."
'Oh my God, so they were doing that so many times Hyung-nim got pregnant?!' Yoo Jin-Ho's face flushed as his imagination ran wild, smashing his forehead on his desk to cleanse his mind. 'I'M SO DENSE! I SHOULD'VE REMINDED THEM TO USE PROTECTION!'
"Yoo Jin-Ho-nim.. Is anything wrong with the Guild Master?"
"Ah nothing, he's just on maternity leave."
"Huh, he hung up. He must've been shocked.." Jin-Woo said, looking up blankly as (L/n) (M/n) gritted his teeth. His face was red, mostly out of embarrassment than out of anger. "SHOCKED MY ASS! OF COURSE HE'D BE SHOCKED! AND WHY DID YOU TELL HIM IT WAS ME?"
"What else should I tell him? He politely asked who was the father."
[The Orion System agrees with your wife.]
[Calm down, host!! \\\٩(๑'^'๑)۶////]
(L/n) (M/n) took a deep breath, rubbing his temples to soothe himself. "Okay, let's just call it a day and go home and sleep." (M/n) felt like it had sucked his life out of him, so he just wanted to sleep.
"I'll see you then."
Sung Jin-Ah was feeling suspicious for the past two weeks, noticing that her older brother's movements have become strange. At first she thought he got sick, but that would be strange for a sickness to last weeks, especially since he's an S-Rank Hunter.
"Hey, I ordered pizza. You feeling okay, bro?"
"Yeah. I visited the hospital earlier," Jin-Woo said, plopping down on the couch beside her. "Where's Mom?" he asked, grabbing a slice of pizza from the box. "She went out to get something. So she said she wouldn't be able to cook tonight," Jin-Ah answered him.
As soon as Jin-Woo took a bite from his pizza, his face turned sour. He swallowed it and bitterly gulped a glass of water. "Actually, I don't want any."
"Huh? What do you mean you don't want any? You practically inhale this stuff!"
"It doesn't taste good."
"It tastes just fine, get over here!"
Sung Jin-Woo completely ignored his beta sister and holed up in his room. Confusion crossed her face as she gobbled up a slice of pizza. 'Something weird is definitely going on with him.. He's sus...'
The next morning, Jin-Woo got up early to do his daily regimen. But his fatigue had raised twice the number it had before. He felt annoyed from it and tried even harder, exhausting himself in the process.
'I haven't even done half yet?'
[[The Player System has cancelled the 'Daily Quest: Preparation to be Powerful'.]]
[[The Orion System has requested it to be changed to 'Daily Quest: Meet up with your Husband<3']]
Sung Jin-Woo wanted to middle finger the systems and ignored the new Daily Quest, thinking it was an awful prank from Orion. (That Constellation liked to bug them a lot.) So he continued to do the old Daily Quest, but he unfortunately got sent to the Penalty Zone all the same.
["Since you lovers don't wanna meet up. I have no choice but to force you! Hmph!! ヽ('⌒'メ)ノ"]
"I— Jin-Woo?!" (L/n) (M/n) hollered, his eyes setting on his partner on top of a floating marble platform. Jin-Woo was behind a translucent wall, safely protected in a small room filled with comfortable pillows, blankets and cute stuffed animals. Just in front of him was a coffee table with a full set of snacks one could crave for.
[[You can sit back and watch the show~ Daddy is going to go on a little run!! \(٥⁀▽⁀ )/]]
On (M/n)'s side of the wall was a scorching, fiery desert, his shoes sinking in white sand as an enormous monster rose from the ground. The gigantic lizard roared, sending a breath of flames towards (L/n) (M/n) as he tried to run for his life. He screamed and cursed at the system while Jin-Woo watched from above like his Alpha was a gladiator.
"ORION! WHY THE HECK IS HE BEING CHASED BY LIZARDS?!?" Jin-Woo punched the orange wall, making it glitch for a few seconds before spitting his fist back inside the enclosed room. He could only look down at (M/n) with worry, slamming into the wall to attempt an escape to go help him.
[[HEY!! Don't help that idiot! He's a loser who doesn't even bother to look after his pregnant wife! (҂' ロ ')]]
[[You know what! Since he's so bad, let's go torture him more! Yay! Yay!!]]
Three more lizards surfaced from the sand, breathing fire like dragons. (M/n)'s face paled in shock as he retrieved his rapier from his inventory. A fifth lizard rose from where he stood, making him tumble down on the sand as it bellowed a menacing tune.
"UGH.. FIVE OF THESE THINGS?!" (M/n) shouted, burning his palms from the hot sand as he tried to get up and away from such a life-threatening situation. Sung Jin-Woo felt more anxiety for (M/n) and banged on the walls.
[[Don't worry~ He won't die. He can handle it! (b ᵔ▽ᵔ)b]]
[[He has to be at least this strong to be a wonderful Daddy of course. ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ]]
"We're not even keeping the baby!" Jin-Woo glared at the cute emoticon on his screen and gave it a middle finger. He took out his dagger from his inventory, slicing open the wall and using the slight gap to escape.
[[Wait! No! If you get hurt, the baby will die! \(º □ º l|l)/]]
"Good," Jin-Woo said with a smirk, landing on top of one of the lizard's heads. "Hey, you need a little help?" he shouted after (M/n), riding safely on the monster. It only seemed to be hostile towards (M/n) and not him.
"Nah, I got it!" (M/n) responded, sliding under one lizard's feet and stabbing it's heart from underneath. Its skin was thick, but (M/n)'s high strength stat could make up for it. The beast let out a small cry of pain as his blade pierced through like a needle. He soon coated the blade in a reddish orange hued mana, poisoning the lizard internally in just a few seconds.
"Jeez. I was a little panicked. But I'm fine," (M/n)'s skin was harder than steel, like an indestructible material. Just like in the myth of Orion, he was like the indomitable scorpion that the legendary Hunter could not beat.
"I was a little offended, you know."
[Noo!! Predator-nim, I hate you!! ((╬◣﹏◢))]
[Hmph! Hmph! You big IDIOT! ]
"Orion, shut up."
[I'll be nice to you just because wifey's pregnant okay! humph!]
[Go kiss kiss fall in love now! I don't wanna see you be stupid IDIOTS! (҂ òзó )]
The lizards evaporated quickly like Orion made them out of ice in the blistering sun, making Jin-Woo suspended into the air. (M/n) reached out his hands and ran under him, catching him quickly in his arms. Jin-Woo could've landed safely on his feet, he wasn't that fragile..
But in (M/n)'s princess carry, he felt some sense of relief. Jin-Woo hugged him, inhaling a breath of his friend's pheromones. (M/n) really enjoyed wearing Axe Body Spray (a pheromone masking agent in this world) because he always met up with an Alpha female named Cha Hae-In. It was because of that, Jin-Woo didn't notice any of his alpha pheromones.
But with a whiff, he preferred this version. It made him imagine the fragrance of lit scented candles. It was a very specific scent that calmed him down. "Hm, are you okay?" (M/n) asked, making Jin-Woo snap out his momentary trance. What was going with him?
"Yeah, uhm. Were you still sleeping?" Jin-Woo took notice of (M/n)'s disheveled hair and casual set of light blue pajamas. "Oh right, I haven't showered yet.. Fuck. My handsome complexion!" (M/n) said dramatically, looking down to his lovely rapier covered in sand.
As much as he wanted to get it and polish it until it was shiny, he didn't want to drop Jin-Woo yet. It seems like Jin-Woo was the same, wrapping his arms around his neck in a comfortable hug. Yeah, they should hug more often. It was very comfortable.
[Yes!! NOW KISS!! ٩(♡ε♡)۶]
"Ew gross, Orion is back from a tantrum.." (M/n) set Jin-Woo back down, making a look of disgust. Jin-Woo also didn't like the constellation. So he joined (M/n) in spiting it with all the malice he could.
[Ugh, you guys are so mean! (︶︹︶ ||| )]
[It's like you're perfect for each other. (You are btw (^ω~))]
[I'll bring you back home now. (╬ Ò��Ó)]
"Oh nice. This is your room?"
"It's a little messy, but don't mind it too much." Jin-Woo scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not knowing what to do in such a situation. He and (M/n) had teleported back to his house together, convenient for him. But (M/n) was still in his pajamas.
"Damn, I haven't even combed yet. How do you expect me to walk home in this?" (M/n) sighed, fixing his bedhead with one hand as he scratched his stomach with the other. Even though he just went through a terrifying experience, he was still tired and planned to sleep until noon.
"I mean you could run like really really fast. You'd just be a blur to normal people."
"But.. I haven't been to your house before.." (M/n) looked around Jin-Woo's room. Despite him claiming that it was messy, no clothes or wrappers were on the floor and the only thing messy were his blankets. This guy's sense of "messy" was on a whole other level.
(M/n) just leaves his cans of energy drinks, chips and bowls on the floor and leaves the cleaners to go clean it up. His appearance was the only thing that was respectable.
"So I can't navigate on my own. You know."
"You can use Google Maps."
"I don't bring my phone everywhere."
"You don't? I thought you were an addict."
"Your perceptions of me are so warped. What even made you think I was a beta?" (M/n) sighed, glancing over to Jin-Woo's stomach before blushing. He wasn't that different. He thought Jin-Woo was an alpha precisely because he gave off those vibes.
"Ah, it was your Hunter Wikipedia page. I skimmed over it a while ago.."
"My Hunter Wiki what??" (M/n) got confused, watching Jin-Woo take out his cellphone and search something online. He peered over his shoulder, watching him scroll down to the gender option. It actually said [Beta Male].
"That's really stupid. What part of me is beta?"
Sung Jin-Woo looked over to (L/n) (M/n) for a few seconds, his appearance to his language. Yeah.. (M/n) was right. What part of him seemed Beta? (M/n) right then screamed 'I-AM-A- DOMINANT-ALPHA. STAY-5-METERS-AWAY-FROM-ME-BECAUSE-I-WILL-ATTACK-YOU'
Then, he saw his picture on the wiki. Jin-Woo held his phone up and looked to his left and right, comparing the one in person, to the picture. "Now that I've thought of it, this is the first time I've seen you in pajamas."
(L/n) (M/n) was someone that barely swore, kept calm and wore modest clothing. But it looked like stress took over him so much it affected his personality. His mouth was foul with curses.
"Yeah, I mean the last time you saw me, I was naked."
"Oh," Jin-Woo blurted out, his face heating with that in mind. (M/n) quickly shut his mouth and looked away shyly, fixing his hair to seem more like himself. "Now we're in this situation, huh?" (M/n) mumbled, staring down at Jin-Woo's belly. It wasn't noticeable, but it showed a bump if you touched it.
"Do you.. wanna hug?" (M/n) diverted his vision away from Jin-Woo, a light blush on his face. "What made you say that?" Jin-Woo asked calmly, avoiding looking at (M/n). The (h/c)-haired alpha cleared his throat, extending his arms in the air.
"I don't know. You seemed to like it earlier.."
[Definitely you right now: Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→]
[(¬‿¬ )]
Sung Jin-Woo nodded, placing his chin on (M/n)'s shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his torso. The same fragrant pheromone relaxing him enough to close his eyes. He felt safe in those arms, like he was under an unbreakable set of armor. "I feel like I could fall asleep like this.."
(L/n) (M/n) didn't know why his heart was beating so quickly, making his skin feel like they were on fire just from touching this omega. "We should hug more often," he said, rubbing on Jin-Woo's back calmly. It was fine for friends to hug, right?
But could we could even consider them friends when one of them was pregnant?
"Oppa, I think we ran out of dish soap—" Sung Jin-Ah opened the door, letting out an 'Oh' sound as she gazed at her brother. Then, Sung Jin-Woo noticed how odd it was to have (L/n) (M/n) there. "Wait, Jin-Ah! It's not what you think—"
"Sung Jin-Ah!" Jin-Woo yelled, squeezing her cheeks with one hand as she struggled to run away. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT SO BAD WHEN I SMELLED ALPHA PHEROMONES ON YOU! IT'S VERY STRONG NOW!!" she screamed and kicked her feet in the air.
"Hold on. I'm not his boyfriend—"
(M/n)'s voice gradually got weaker as he pursed his lips awkwardly. There was no room to protest in the screaming girl in the room casually being battled to the death by her older brother. He just gave up.
It was that quick giving up that people thought he was a beta.
"Oh! You finally brought home your boyfriend. That's great," Park Kyung-He said as she stood on the doorframe. She smiled at (M/n), then stared at his sleepwear. "Jin-Woo! You even let him stay without telling us?"
"I didn't—"
"Shush! I know it could be embarrassing to reveal your first love. Come on, dear. What's your name?" she looked over to (M/n), waving her hand to call him over. "It's (L/n) (M/n), Maam.. Nice to meet you," he said shyly, not even refuting her words at all.
His cute demeanor made Kyung-He fall in love with him already. What a good future son-in-law. No wonder Jin-Woo liked him.
"Ah, come here now (M/n). I'll cook you breakfast too."
"If you don't mind me intruding. Thank you.." (M/n) said, following Kyung-He like he was an imprinted chick. "I'll be there too!" Jin-Ah said, wrestling with Jin-Woo's arm. "Let me go, you jerk! I wanna see what your boyfriend is like!"
"I already told you. He's not my boyfriend."
"Why are you even saying that at this point?" Jin-Ah made a face at him and slipped through his grasp, running out of his room in fear that he would catch her again. "I caught you red-handed! Hehe!!"
[[(¬‿¬ ) hehe..]]
"Orion.. What have you done to my system?" Jin-Woo grumbled, walking out of his room with a long sigh. He could explain to them later that he and (M/n) were just friends. But sadly, he would never get the opportunity to.
"So, when did you and Jin-Woo meet? Was it nice?"
"Oh! I met him at work. He was my partner for a while. And you know, when I saw him, he was so scary I thought he was an alpha!" (M/n) was suddenly very talkative, amusing the curious Kyung-He and Jin-Ah.
"Ohh.. So how did you fall in love?"
"We didn't!" Jin-Woo butted in, receiving sympathetic eyes from his family. "Oh, so it was Jin-Woo who fell first. I see," Kyung-He assumed. He asked (M/n) how he did, but it was her son that answered. Their romance was very cute.
"No.. That's not.."
"Wow, I didn't think Oppa would be the one to confess. He's being super shy about it right now. How could he even proclaim his love now..?" Jin-Ah exclaimed in shock, looking over to (L/n) (M/n). He did provide the juicy details she wanted in a romance novel. Jin-Ah approve!
But even though he was the one who confessed, why is he suddenly saying they weren't together? Was her Oppa too shy about it and only stayed sweet in front of his one true love? Isn't that.. too cute?!
"Huh? What are you all talking about? Jin-Woo didn't confess to me?"
Sung Jin-Ah's world was then flipped upside down. It all made sense. Jin-Woo was denser than the Earth itself. If (M/n) was he one who asked him out, it would make even more sense! Their trope was... Shy Omega x Outgoing Alpha! Jin-Ah prayed internally to her lord and savior, KatsuKavi. She was in a romance novel and she could watch the protagonists.
"Oppa, you're no fair! How did you get this lucky with KatsuKavi's pairing rituals?!"
"The author!"
(A/N: ignore the fourth wall. There is no such thing.)
"Ah, we got too distracted! (M/n) could you clear the table?" Park Kyung-He stood up, moving towards the sink. (M/n) nodded obediently and helped her wash the dishes. Jin-Woo was dumbfounded at his goody good behavior.
He didn't even clean up at his own house. What was he doing being so good with his mother and sister?
"You're a good kid, (M/n). I approve of you."
"Thank you," (M/n) said, chatting a little bit with Kyung-He until he could call her 'Mom'. Sung Jin-Woo gritted his teeth as he watched (L/n) (M/n) be the new favorite.
"Oppa, (M/n) is so good to us. How dare you hog him for yourself," Jin-Ah glared at him from across the room, getting an angry look from Jin-Woo. "Wow, so possessive.." she murmured to herself, skipping happily to her new brother-in-law.
Possessive? No, Jin-Woo wasn't being possessive. He must've just been jealous (L/n) (M/n) was getting all the attention. But when did Jin-Woo start caring about being the center of attention?
He looked over to his best friend, biting his lip to ignore the tight feeling in his chest. He wanted to scream 'look at me!', but he was so dense he didn't know who he wanted to look at him.
"Ah, that's Jin-Woo?! He looks totally different!" (M/n) exclaimed, looking through Jin-Ah's older photos of Jin-Woo. He did look like an omega before, but he drastically changed after becoming a S-Rank Hunter. It was like he was a totally different person.
"Yeah, he used to be so cute and sunny. Now look at him! He's growling at me for taking you away from him."
"I am not growling at you!" Jin-Woo argued, knitting his eyebrows together. He didn't know why, but he felt so annoyed being so far away from Jin-Ah and (M/n). Normally, he wouldn't care but for some weird reason, he didn't like being treated like air.
(L/n) (M/n) soon changed out of his sleepwear and took a nice shower. He didn't wear any pheromone masking agent, so everyone could smell his masculine pheromones leaking out. As much as Jin-Woo liked it, he felt a little annoyed that his 'friend' was being used as incense.
"Mom, did you let him wear dad's clothes?"
"Mhm. It wasn't being used anyway," Kyung-He answered Jin-Woo. She put her hands together, making a sad smile as he looked over to (M/n). "I think it should go to good use, you think?"
"He suits it well, right?"
"He's more handsome now, isn't he?"
"I agree."
Sung Jin-Woo crossed his arms over his stomach. (L/n) (M/n) was very attractive in his eyes and a fuzzy feeling would come when thinking of him. "I can tell you really love him. So don't let him go." Kyung-He coaxed Jin-Woo. His mind was blank, only focusing on (M/n).
"Oi, Jin-Woo! Why did you smile so weirdly in this photo!"
'Ah, I hate him so much,' Jin-Woo thought as (M/n) made fun of him. "Don't look at those!" he marched over, snatching the photo album from his hands while Jin-Ah and (M/n) laughed on the floor.
"Pfft! I don't want our child to look like that!"
"It'll be even worse if it looked like you!"
"I'm a handsome bastard and you know that!"
"I didn't know you wanted children. I hope they look beautiful in the future," Jin-Ah's eyes sparkled at the thought of cute children saying 'Aunt' at her. She wanted to squeeze their chubby cheeks immediately.
"Wait five months, then you decide if the baby will look good."
"Five months? So you're getting married in five months?"
"What? No, I mean Jin-Woo is giving birth in five months." (M/n)'s laughter soon ceased into silence as Jin-Woo walked closer to him menacingly. He then understood why (M/n) didn't want him to tell Jin-Ho about his circumstances. It was so embarrassing for them to know. Now they're never going to let him give it up.
In front of his family, his face became tomato red with both anger and embarrassment as he crouched down to strangle (L/n) (M/n). "Why did you tell them, you dumbass?!"
"Eh?? I thought they already knew from how you told Jin-Ho from the moment we left the hospital."
"Shut up." Jin-Woo balled his fist and set it in the air, his other hand on (M/n)'s chest to prevent him from moving. "Wait, wait! Don't actually—"
"Oppa, you're pregnant?" Sung Jin-Ah's shock had multiplied by 900, so did her happiness. "MOM! IM GOING TO BE AN AUNT! WOOHOO!" She stood up from her place and fetched her phone with a massive smile. She was going to brag to all her friends all about it, wasn't she?
"This is a pleasant surprise. Jin-Woo! You don't tell us about anything going on your life." Kyung-He also smiled, half scolding Jin-Woo. He was already 24, so he could decide as an adult. She had no problem with it. "First, you're a hunter, then your secret fiancee, now your child? Hoo, you.."
Wait, why did secret alpha boyfriend evolve into fiancee? They weren't getting married after the birth of the child!
(M/n)'s ears were about to bleed. He forgot about it! But because of their excessive happiness, he couldn't bring himself to disagree with what they were saying in fear they'd be disappointed. So he could only regrettably nod.
[Yay! Yay! Baby!!]
[We're getting a little hunter!! (☆ω☆)]
Jin-Woo's complexion became pale blue. They were doomed.
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hollowedwing · 4 years ago
Are you still taking request? If you are, can you do an alpha hawks x omega phoenix!reader but the reader is a circus performer? Hawks just happens to have a day off and sees a famous circus is in town (cirque du soleil vibes) and decides to fulfill one of his childhood fantasies and see a circus show. here's one of my fave movie circus performances for some inspo => Malang Song | DHOOM:3 | Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif
A/n: Omg, I've actually never gotten a request before :o sorry this took a little while also!
I uhhh, I've never ever written Omega Alpha stuff before? But I'll try my best at it! Thank you for the video refs also! I'm...going to kind of base the performance off of it? So uhh, here we go I guess! (Im also hoping by Phoenix reader, you meant, reader has a pheonix quirk...I sincerely apologize)
Alpha!Hawks x Phoenix!gn!Reader
⚠️Warnings: A liiitle suggestive?
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Finally! Keigo finally finally got to take a personal day. He decided he'd take this chance to cross something off of his childhood bucket list.
He'd always wanted to go see the traveling circus. This type of circus was more like Cirque du Soleil. He was flying through the city one day when he saw a new billboard going up. Now, Keigo's always wanted to see a circus, but when he saw the billboard featuring another winged human with vibrant orange and red hued wings smack dab in the middle of it, he definitely had to go. To say the least you were absolutely stunning.
He eagerly walked in to the stands, with popcorn in hand, and took a seat in a special section with more room for his own wings. The area was dimly lit and there was soft chatter amongst the crowd, eagerly awaiting the performances.
Soon the houselights went out and stage lights flicked on with pyrotechnics going off around it. The male lead began the performance, coming out very strong and confident. The crowd watched in awe with all of the graceful dance moves and dangerous stunts happening on stage.
Soo it was your turn to make an appearance. The spotlight jumped to your firgure, gracefully perched on a hoop just hanging from a wire above the stage. You had your vibrant sunset hue wings spread magnificently to their full span. Your costume was jewled up, glimmering in the lights. It was very form fitting, allowing it to show off your slim, athletic figure.
Hawks could not take his eyes off of you. You're even sweeter scent leaking off of you smelled somewhere between pumpkin and vanilla. When his eyes locked with yours for a split second he knew he wanted you all for himself. He was absolutely mesmerized with your quirk too. You have a regeneration aspect and wings? Bloody brilliant mate.
As you spun and swung on your hoop, you started singing. The audience was awestruck by your voice. It was almost as melodic as a siren. Alluring with a hint if danger and power.
During your performance, when you would be swung over the crow, you reached out and brushed Keigo's chin with your hand when you got close enough to the stands. Eventually you leapt off your hoop, gliding down to the stage with your wings poofed out. You gracefully land in your dance partner's arms and begin the duo choreography.
Keigo feels a little bit of jealousy come over him as he sees the other alpha male getting to hold you in his strong grip as he swings you about. Throughout the rest of the show, Keigo couldn't stop from gazing at you. He was determined to meet with you afterwards. Your stage presence was overwhelming. Everyone could sense your confidence, which made it even more hypnotizing.
By the end of the show, Keigo wanted to scent you and probably mark you. He wanted you. Badly. He just knew he had to find you.
You on the other hand, were already planning on how you would 'coincidentally' run into the #2 pro hero before he might take off. Off course, your managers were having the main stars stay behind for about 1 hour to allow viewers a chance to pay to get a photo taken with any or all of you. You were either hoping to meet Hawks through that, but you figured you chances of that were so low, you were going to try to sneak out before hand for even just a few minutes.
Dashing out of your dressing room, you made a bee line for the main lobby area in hopes the Hawks would still be out there. You craned your neck in every direction just to catch a glimpse of his gorgeous red wings. After 5-10min of hunting, you could find him nowhere, or smell his scent that you had drank in during your perfomance. Your manager walked up to you, irritated, and huffed that you needed to go to the photo section this instant and to not run off like that again.
Keigo heard about the photo ops and immediately hunted for the location once he got out of the stands. He was willing to pay just about anything to be near you again. While waiting in the long line he took a feather off of his wing, made sure it was well scented, and attached a small piece of paper onto it.
About 20 minutes into the photo session, you finally saw large red wings in the line. Your insides jumped for joy and with nervousness. You wanted so badly to be near him again. The split second swing by just wasn't enough. A happy scent could be smelled leaking from you.
Keigo drank it in. Getting more and more impatient to reach the front of the line. Finally, FINALLY making it to the front. The moment you both locked eyes, it felt like time stopped.
With having to stay professional, as this was a public setting still, Keigo couldn't just pounce on you and nuzzle his face into your neck. You two didn't actually know each other and that would not make for great press yet.
Hawks walked up to you, a bit shy, but mostly holding his confident alpha stance. His smile was prsctically glowing.
You managed to keep your cool and posed with Hawks for a photo. You draped you arm around his waist and he put one around your should and youu both smiled for the camera!
He thanked you, gave some money to the photographer and then spun back around to slip something into your costume pocket. (yes Im saying your stage costume has pockets xD idk man).
Hawks was quickly ushered away by staff so that they could keep the line going. You were left a blusbing mess with a stupid grin on your face, very eager to be able to go back to the privacy of your dressing room and see what he slipped into your pocket.
What felt like forever, the photo session was finally over and you just abkut sprinted back to the dressing room.
Feeling around your pocket, you pulled out a red feather, with a little piece of paper on it.
Hawks had written: "Hey Omega! You can call me Hawks! Or maybe call me at xx-xxxx-xxxx °v°☆"
You softly laughed and hurriedly opened your phone to add his number to your contacts. Maybe shoot him a text once you get home. This was one of your best nights ever.
Keigo went home that night on cloud 9. He had trouble to not get too excited when he was near you. Again, he wanted you, very badly.
You guys did meet up after texting back and forth for so long.
You decided that going to a coffee shop would be a fun date
It really didnt take long after you both got acquainted, that he gave you items scented of him or scenting you himself. He marked you his.
A/n: Oh geez, Im sorry xD, idk where I was going with this or what I was doing. I liked the idea of the prompt so I tried my best >.< Im not too familiar with Omegaverse stuff, but I read up on some stuff and hoped I did ok. Its very very light omegaverse though.
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fatefulfaerie · 3 years ago
Of Regrets Not Reneged
A Happy September birthday to @obsidiangst. I hope you like it!
Zelda refused to admit she was cold, despite the fact that she was beginning to shiver. It hadn’t been like this when she left her dorm and so she couldn’t truly blame herself for not bringing a sweater.
Her leg bobbed up and down, her ankle shaking absentmindedly as she sat on the bench. Whether it was nerves or the cold, she had no idea, and she likely guessed it was both.
She tried to think of warm things but the cold, fall gust of wind that made the orange and brown leaves drift cut right through her form-fitting jeans and made her forearms adorn themselves with small bumps. Zelda moved her hands under her legs so that she sat on them, conserving at least some warmth.
She looked down at her feet and thought of why she sat here in wait, not knowing whether or not she should regret wanting some hot tea from the local coffee shop after her chem lab, replaying in her mind the moment the barista came to take her order and had blue eyes and blonde hair. She ordered her hot green tea trying to ignore the fact that this was the boy who went on a couple dates with her and then disappeared off the face of the earth when she texted him about a third date.
He had acted like he had never even met her until he handed her the tea ten minutes later.
“I get off at 4,” he had said. “Meet me at the benches in front of the library?”
Zelda had said yes in reply. It was apparent that their awkward eye contact when he took her order was indeed an exchange of questions. Perhaps he wanted to meet to explain himself.
So she waited at the benches in front of the library. It was 4:03. Was this another rouse to embarrass her? Did he take delight in getting her hopes up with no intention of following through?
Zelda decided she would wait until 4:15 to find out.
She saw him approaching at 4:07. She pursed her lips with a slight forced smile to be polite, all the while hoping that one of the to-go cups of coffee he held was for her.
“Pumpkin Spice,” he said. It was like a peace offering. He shared the same smile, yet there was an apology and sadness in his eyes. Zelda didn’t take it immediately, so he felt the need to explain himself. “You told me once that it’s your favorite when it’s in season but you don’t always get it because you see it as a treat.”
Zelda tried to hide the way her heart swooned. She tried to remember that this was the young man who ignored her for an entire month. She took the coffee nonetheless, letting it warm up her hands. 
It was a wonderful sensation.
Even more wonderful was how it tasted when she put it to her lips. She couldn’t even remember the last time she let herself have one of these. It was usually after a big test or an exhaustingly long week.
“Thanks,” she said after that first delectable sip, remembering he probably wanted to talk and looked down at the coffee in her hands. She felt his presence sit down next to her.
She had to give him credit, though. Most guys who ghost girls don’t care to give an explanation. It had never happened to her before but she once heard a guy at the cafeteria say that he stopped texting a girl just because her nose was too small.
Since then, Zelda lived in a constant back and forth within herself trying to guess what feature of hers Link didn’t like. She had once thought that he wasn’t as shallow as other guys, but they had only been on a couple dates. Perhaps she had misjudged him.
“I’m sorry,” he finally said. Zelda looked over to his hands. He hadn’t drank a single sip of his hot chocolate. Her slight smile came from the fact that she remembered how much he liked hot chocolate.
“You don’t have to—“
“I do,” he interrupted. “And you know it. It’s the reason you came.”
Zelda was silenced. He was right.
Link took a deep breath. It was shaky. Zelda stared at the ground preparing herself for what shallow thing he had to say. 
Your proportions are just all wrong.
She had to remember not to apologize for that one. It was her parents who gave her the small breasts and the wide hips. If he couldn’t get past that, he was not worth her trouble.
Your voice is so annoying.
She supposed she could take that one. Sometimes she felt like her voice wore on other people, that she talked too much, and she absolutely hated how her voice sounded when recorded.
“My dad died,” he finally said. Zelda froze. She felt the color drain from her face. “My mom called a couple days after our second date. He always had problems with his heart but he had an attack that was fatal.”
Zelda was speechless and so she just sat there like an idiot, regretting every bad thought she had about this guy over the past month.
‘I didn’t want to talk to anyone, not even my mom,” he explained. “I asked my teachers if I could send in my papers via email and take my tests online. I had to drop the two classes that didn’t let me. The other three did.”
“I picked up my phone to call you seven times,” Link insisted. She felt his eyes on her. She looked up and over to him. “But then I thought about how busy you are with your labs and stuff, how we might not have known each other long enough for me to dump all my problems on you...I felt even worse when you would text me but...I just couldn’t reply. I knew that if you asked how I was or if we met up I would just explode into a ball of tears. I didn’t want you to see that side of me and once I started getting out of mourning I figured you would want nothing to do with me, that I’d lost my shot.”
Zelda reached out and took his hand. His surprise was evident.
“You didn’t,” she said, before repeating. “You didn’t.”
She tightened her grip and Link’s chest sank with relief, melting into her touch. His eyes looked as if they could leak tears at any moment, but they didn’t.
“I am so sorry for your loss,” Zelda said softly, making sure their eyes met. “I want you to know that you can reach out to me any time you need. You don’t have to worry about showing a more vulnerable side. You’re only human and you are going through a lot.”
His eyes blinked and melted more. 
“I missed you so much,” Link said, and Zelda blushed. Her smile was genuine this time.
“I missed you too.”
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gucciwins · 4 years ago
Frosty the Snowman
Harry and Y/N love the holiday season but Harry takes the teasing a bit to far and well Y/N decides to give it right back. 
Word Count: 5126
A/N: hello! thank you so much to @goldenbluesuit for organizing this wonderful christmas fic challenge. thank you for allowing me to participate, kate. i’m so happy i got to be a part of it. merry christmas and happy holidays to you all. sending you all a big hug and lots of love. 
Christmas has never been much of importance in your life.
That was until you began dating Harry.
 Harry and his family loved celebrating in particular because Harry was gone for so many months of the year. They loved giving gifts, and Harry loved spoiling his family. He was a true family man who loved to be doted on by his mother and teased relentlessly by his older sister. His smile never leaves his face when he's with them.  
Ever since Harry found out how you spent the holidays alone drinking wine and hot chocolate on and off and binging all the best holiday movies. He declared that was not acceptable and that furthermore and until the end of time you would be spending it with him and his family. 
The first year was something out of a storybook, a house full of kids and adults, Christmas music all day, and a big festive dinner. Gifts passed around, photos being taken to be added to the end of year scrapbooks. Lots of stories being told; honestly, it overwhelmed you. 
Anne found you outside wrapped up in Harry's coat that you swiped before slipping out unseen. She stood next to you, overlooking her garden with you. "My son loves you; he's brought you here not to overwhelm you but to let you know that you have a family here, and you always will." You let your tears run free, feeling comforted, and loved. "I've never seen him shine as bright as he does when he's with you and when he's speaking of you. We all want you here as much as he does." Anne then pulled you into a long hug, the motherly hug you never got growing up.  Reminded you not to stay out too long. 
Three Christmases later, you now take part in family traditions, helping Anne cook dinner and staying in sweats and playing family games all of Boxing Day. 
It's what makes your move to London with your boyfriend of four years easy. Knowing they want you there, knowing that the love Harry has for you won't fade, you've gone through many hurdles together, and it only strengthened your bond to one another. 
Four years together, and you're still learning new things about each other, like Harry having to have coffee first thing in the morning, bread was a must-have always in the house, and that he owned more mugs than he needed. He picked up that you adored your shoes, meaning you wouldn't throw them out until they were ripped and beat up enough for a new pair. Also learned that you rather eat lots of fruit during the day than making food in the kitchen because it meant more dishes that would be needed to wash. You loved doing the laundry, Harry knew it was to steal his shirts, but he didn't mind. He always knew where to find them. 
The one thing that really surprised him was your love for Christmas music; you knew every song, maybe couldn't remember the name, but you would be able to sing it. It never failed to make him smile; you even knew ‘Feliz Navidad’ and didn't butcher it as he did. 
Your love for Christmas music was signified because you never celebrated the holiday, and music was easy to access. It was what you immersed yourself in. 
This is why Harry is confused when he hears you begin to sing ‘Frosty the Snowman’ under your breath, then switching to a soft hum in the tune of the song as you start to place your freshly washed sweats in their drawers. 
Harry was not sure why you did that; you loved singing out loud. You had a decent voice, as you liked to say, but why switch. 
You're clueless to Harry watching you, deep in thought, trying his best to analyze you. 
Then Harry gasps; it all clicks, making sense. 
You raise your head to look at him, shutting the drawer with your hip. "What?"
"You don't know the lyrics." Harry accuses. 
"To what?" You step towards the bed, wanting to finish the rest of this to finally go down and each lunch. 
"Frosty the Snowman."
"I do." You defend.
Harry smirks, crossing his arms. "Prove it."
"Why not?"
You frown before taking a deep breath and begin to hum the song correctly to Harry. 
"Okay, you know the tune, now the lyrics." He gestures for you to go on.
"Frosty the snowman..." Your voice dies down, you rake your brain for the correct lyrics, sending a smaller prayer you're right. "had a shiny nose?" 
"Oh, this is golden, love." He's laughing now. It's filling up the room. 
"Harry," You whine. 
"You call yourself the Christmas Queen." Harry is holding his stomach, his laughter getting to be too much. "Next, you're going to tell me you don't know the lyrics to 'All I Want For Christmas Is You.'"
"How dare you, that came out in our birth year." You're over making fun of you. 
"Okay fine, but really so many years, and you never learned. You said you love all Christmas music, and well, that's a classic, dove."  
You run a hand through your hair, your fingers getting caught on the tips for not brushing it out. "I never actually got to make a snowman, so I never listened to the lyrics."
"Are you secretly a Grinch as well?" Harry teases.
You throw a balled-up shirt of his and hit him square in the face; it quiets him down. "Conversation over." 
You walk out of the room, leaving him alone, to his chuckling. 
In your home, something was always baking. 
It was either Harry trying to better his last bread or you baking a new vegan cake that Gemma sent you. 
It's something you both loved to do.
For you, though, it was your own form of meditation. No matter the time of day, if you felt your head spinning, you'd just head to the kitchen and begin to take out ingredients letting that be your only focus. The Great British Baking Show also brings a lot of comfort to you, Harry happily laying his head on your lap, your hand running through his hair as you just let the show play on and on. 
Now, you're in the kitchen for a whole other reason; you're baking gingerbread cookies, from snowflakes to snowman and even little reindeer. Harry has invited friends over for a fun holiday decorating party. It sounded like a good idea until he left you to do it all yourself as he ran errands that he pushed off for a week. 
Thankfully, there were no distractions during the time it took you to make one hundred cookies because there would be casualties during the decorating. Just as you were putting the last dozen on the cooling rack, does your phone ring causing it to cut off Paul McCartney's singing of 'Wonderful Christmastime.'
As you pick it up to answer, you check the caller id and see that it's Gemma calling. 
Gemma forgoes a greeting and goes straight to the reason for her call. 
"You don't know 'Frosty the Snowman!'" She exclaims more than asks. 
"I'm going to kill him." You groan into the phone. 
Gemma laughs, "No, no, please don't. Mum likes you too much to see you behind bars."
"Gem, he's been relentless." Thinking back to the past few days and how he'd randomly come up to you and just begin to sing the lyrics to you, not shutting up until you tickled him too much to continue. "Please don't let it come up later." 
"I've got you," Gemma assures you. 
"Thank you."
"As long," Gemma begins, but you groan jokingly into the phone. 
"Go on," You sigh, knowing this is how the eldest Styles sibling acts.  
"As long as you tell me what Harry bought mum for Christmas."
"Alright, fair." Very well, Harry would most likely spoil this himself the closer the holiday arrives. 
Just as you were about to spoil Harry's gift, he walks through the kitchen, saved by the devil himself. "I'll tell you later when you get here." You tell Gemma, smiling at Harry as you bid his sister goodbye.  
"Who was it, love?" Harry asks, kissing you lightly on your lips, being able to taste the gingerbread on your lips that makes him beeline to the cooled cookies. 
"Gems, a huge birdie told her I don't know the lyrics to a popular song." You lean against the counter, smiling as he has a cookie in hand already; he is also a big reason you made so many. 
"Hey," He says, offended, a cookie half shoved in his mouth. "I'm not huge." 
"Never said it was you, hun." You smirk. "Thanks for fessing up."
He pouts, not liking that you outsmarted him. 
"Might want to watch the cookies." You pinch his love handles, snatching what was left of the cookie from his hand and heading upstairs. 
Harry watches you walk away, upset that you stole his cookie; also, he knows you love his winter gains. 
You and Harry are up fairly early, he likes to go on a run around the neighborhood, but you like going to the park. This morning you skipped your run because Harry was meeting up with a friend for breakfast. 
Sure, you got up at your usual time at 7am and began to prepare yourself breakfast. You usually drank coffee with Harry and seeing as he wasn't here, you decided to skip it, instead going straight to the fridge to get the fruits and orange juice to make a smoothie. Something simple, not wanting to clean much after. 
As you finally settled on the couch, getting ready to read Educated by Tara Westover, a book Gemma recommended to her then gifted to her. Tara's memoir is her story of how she comes from a Mormon background and recounts how she educated herself to go to college and learn about the world. It's a Friday, and what better way to spend it lost in a book. 
You had just flipped it open when your phone rang, alerting you to a message. As much as you didn't want to check because you were finally in a comfortable position, you knew it could easily be Harry checking in who gets worried about not getting a reply even five minutes after. He's a worrier at heart. 
As you retrieve it and settle yourself back down, not at all comfortable anymore, you see it's a message from Iz. She was the first friend you made on your own that Harry didn't introduce you to. Iz saw you at a coffee shop you began to frequent and complimented your tote bag that had wildflowers embroidered on it. You thanked her and shared you made it. Iz was shocked, just throwing compliment after compliment. You offered to make her one, but she said you had better teach her instead. Thus, a friendship began. 
Her message read: 
Radio 1 Breakfast Show. Listen in! 
It was definitely a strange message coming from Iz, but you did as told. 
Greg James was saying goodbye to his special guest, no idea who it was. "Before he signs off, he's going to play you one of his favorite Christmas songs," Greg says, then silences, allowing his guest a moment before speaking. 
"This week's Christmas song is in honor of my girlfriend who loves singing Frosty the Snowman... without knowing the lyrics. Happy Holidays."  
Your jaw drops. 
That your boyfriend's voice. You are the girlfriend. 
He went on record. 
Harry really went on live radio to tell thousands that you don't know the lyrics to a Christmas classic. 
You want to laugh because you never expected this from him and are annoyed that something personal now the whole world will know by the end of the day. 
You can't wait until he arrives home.
"Harry Edward Styles!" You yell as you hear Harry open the front door. 
He looks sheepish. "Yes, my darling angel."
"You told me you were having breakfast with Greg James, not that you were going to be on the Breakfast show."
"I took muffins, and they provided coffee, therefore, breakfast." Harry defends
"You exposed me to all of the UK to not knowing 'Frosty the Snowman.'"
"No one knows you're my girlfriend." Harry tries to brush it off.
"We've been dating four years; I'm not that much of a secret. Anne posts me on her story from time to time, and your friends follow my Instagram, fuck; you've introduced me to Greg." You're not angry, more annoyed than anything because he won't let this go.
"It's just to give everyone a good laugh; no one is going to hold it against you." 
"No, just my boyfriend and everyone who listens to the Breakfast Show." You cross your arms before storming up the stairs away from Harry. 
"Love? You're not actually mad, right?" Harry asks, pushing the bedroom door open. 
"You even got Iz on it!" Your turn around with a pout on your face. 
Harry laughs. "I honestly thought she wouldn't go through with it."
"Well, I see where her loyalty lies." 
Harry steps close and pulls you into his chest. You sigh, wrapping your arms around him. He knows how much you love his hugs.
"I promise this is the last I mention of it." 
You frown into his chest, not at all believing him. Harry pats your bum, and you take that as the queue to look up at him. He's smiling down at you, leaning in to give you a quick peck. "I promise." 
"Okay, then." You lean in and kiss him, firmer this time and much longer. Harry sneaks his tongue in, instantly getting a moan out of you. 
"I know how you can make it up to me." You gasp, pulling away, 
Harry raises an eyebrow at you. "Do tell." 
A smirk on both your faces as you guide him to the bed, very much hungry for something that wasn't breakfast. 
Harry has the Christmas playlist running; it's a Sunday, meaning they spend it at home doing absolutely nothing. To be truthful, they rolled out of bed past ten and still have their pj's on. Not at all bothering to change, why waste more clothes if no one will see them like this in the comfort of their own home.
You cooked grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and now are playing a game of scrabble.
Harry puts down the word 'light,' then reaching his hand into the black pouch to pick five letters to have seven once again. You are looking back and forth between the board and your letters, thinking of the best place to place your word. 
"I've got a question," Harry says, looking at you, wanting all your attention as well. 
"What is it?" You're focused on your letters. Rearranging them, not putting down the 'q' in your hand. It's currently useless but will eventually give you a word to win the game. Not that you both ever keep points, oh no, that stopped after you beat harry 120 to 66, and he flipped the board, causing letters to fly everyone. You still claim that there are missing letters. 
"Frosty is a cute name."
"Reminds me of that Wendy's dessert. I'm still not sure what made it so good." You say, maybe you should get up and eat some. Harry did just pick up new flavors that he had been wanting to try something about them being richer in flavor. 
"You're getting off track." 
"Sorry, Frosty is cute for what?" You don't let him answer before you're speaking again. "A dog, did you get a dog?" You pause, looking up at him, "a cat, did Anne find a stray and wants to give them to us?" You wait, but Harry is about to crush all your excitement. 
"None of that." He shakes his head at you, and disappointment fills you immediately. 
"Well, can this conversation end then? I'm disappointed." 
"Darling," Harry chastises you for not letting him go on.
"Go on then, mate." You gesture him to continue. Shifting your attention away from the game in front of you.
Harry frowns, his eyebrows pinching together in the sweet way that makes you want to rub them out until he's relaxed. "Why'd you call me, mate?"
"Oh, I've called you this before." You brush off Harry's reactions; he's always dramatic. 
"I'm not your friend." He states.
You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head and really look at Harry. "Well, of course, you are boyfriend," You emphasize, dragging out the word. "You're my best friend." 
"You can't say boyfriend anymore. I'm your fiancé now." Harry states proudly, but you feel a little dumbfounded, not knowing why he is saying that.
Your eyes widen when you look down at your left hand, and no ring rests on your left ring finger.
"Fuck, I missed your proposal, and the ring got lost." You pout, trying your best to stop the smirk from coming out.  
"Darling, I'm sorry." Harry quickly apologizes. "I'm still your boyfriend, but I will be proposing soon." He promises. "Shit, you were supposed to not even know. I really am bad at hiding things."
"Fuck, you really are." You laugh, "but boyfriend sounds cute. Can't I still say boyfriend when you do?" 
"Doesn't fiancé sound nicer?" Harry tries. 
You shrug. "Not as fun, husband is nice."
"You're rejecting my future proposal, then." Harry is teasing, and you can tell by the sparkle in his forest eyes. 
"Of course not, you dummy. You can be my fiancé and my boyfriend." You tell him like it was the most obvious answer.
"Seems like a lot of work."
"Rude." You stick your tongue at him. 
"Right, love, well try to remember I'm your husband once we're married, no more boyfriend."
"I will, hubby. You're going to be my hubby."
You both go silent.
You burst out laughing, "That's awful, I hate it."
Harry chuckles, nodding his head. "Yeah, I do as well."
"This is why I'm the brains in the relationship." 
"Right," Harry rolls his eyes at you, not at all agreeing.
"Uh, darling, I went to uni and got two degrees while you only finished school at sixteen before going off to steal millions of hearts around the world." 
"Including yours." He teases.
"I was always more a Zayn girl." You correct him.
Harry throws his arms up, "Can never let me win, can you?" 
"We're off-topic." Harry realizing how far they strayed from their starting point. 
"Where did we start?"
You sit back, resting against the couch; you take him in and smile at how cuddly he looks in the purple robe that he stopped letting you use. "Well, go on."
"Seeing as-" He pauses, hearing the familiar opening notes to the song he was thinking of. 'Frosty, the Snowman' is now his favorite song. "Perfectly timed, as you don't know the lyrics to Frosty the snowman."
"Gosh, you're never going to let this go," You grumble. 
"Nope. I figured we will have a little fun with this."
"More fun than the breakfast show." 
He gives you a pointed look.
You let out a long sigh, "Let's hear it." 
"You learn all the lyrics and sing it for me, and I'll let you get us a dog or cat." Harry's grinning at his idea, knowing you'll agree without a fight. 
"Can we go to the shelter?" You look like a kid on Christmas morning who had just received their presents from Santa, and in a way, you have.
"Yes, we can. Only if you can learn the entire song." Harry tells you again, wanting to emphasize the singing.
"Done deal." 
"Great, I'm giving you a week." 
You smile wide, nodding, looking, finally focusing back down at your words and the ones Harry has placed. You put down the word 'queen,' and this wins you the non-official game. Harry looks down at his poorly hidden score sheet and curses under his breath. 
"I win." 
Safe to say you lost more letters that day.
It's been a week, and Harry is patiently waiting on their bed as you get ready in your shared closet. Your shared closet is large and mainly holds all of Harry's clothing. You definitely have a nice share of clothes filled with gifts from friends as well as Harry's friends and your treasured thrifted pieces. You smile at yourself in the full-length mirror. 
Harry really can't begin to imagine what you have in store for him. 
The speaker is set out and ready, and all that is needed is for you to make your entrance.
You shake out your hands in hopes of ridding yourself of the nerves. You look yourself over one last time before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open. 
"Close your eyes." You call out. 
Harry rolls his eyes but does as he is told.
You walk over to the speaker and press play, letting the music fill the room, making your way to stand in front of Harry, who slowly opens his eyes.
He gasps; he feels himself start to get hard. His eyes can't seem to take everything in fast enough. You smirk, loving the reaction you got out of him. It gives you the extra boost of confidence you were needing. 
You stand there, hand on your hip in a sexy snowman outfit to go with the performance you are about to give.
The dress, if you can consider it with how short it is, has three black buttons in the center. The material hugs your chest nicely, giving Harry a nice view of your breasts that are close to popping out. The dress hugs your waist and begins to flow out right past your butt. You wore your favorite black heels that Harry sometimes begs you not to take off. You had on a plaid scarf and a black hat that matched it perfectly. 
You were the human version of the snowman except for a more rated r version.
Harry is sitting his mouth wide open at a loss for words. You blow him a kiss before letting the song lyrics flow out of you.
Frosty the snowman
Was a jolly happy soul
With a corncob pipe and a button nose
And two eyes made out of coal
You sway your hips side to side, singing, enjoying the ravenous stare he was giving you. You throw the hat, letting it fall at his feet, but not even that breaks the gaze he has on you, not wanting to miss a single movement of yours. 
Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say
He was made of snow
But the children know
How he came to life one day
You take a few steps forward, but never enough to allow him to touch you, and he's craving it; you know he is. His hands are gripping his thighs, his knuckles turning whiter by the seconds. 
He still hasn't said a word. You have him mesmerized. 
You sing the lyrics proudly, knowing you practiced all week for this moment. The moment Harry will never forget all the teasing he had been doing, always forgetting you win these battles. 
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk hat they found
For when they placed it on his head
He began to dance around
"Baby," Harry breathes out, putting a hand out to touch you, but you take a step back before he can do so. 
You smirk, shaking your head no at him. You were having a lot more fun than you expected. 
You bend over, slipping off your heels, never breaking eye contact with Harry; he could very easily see up the dress that you had nothing underneath. His green eyes turned dark, and you swore your heart stopped, and you were sure he was about to attack. You were the prey, taunting him until he had enough, but surprisingly enough, he took a deep breath, and his composure was back well, just a bit of it.  
O Frosty the snowman
Was alive as he could be
And the children say he could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me
You stopped right in front of him. Harry's eyes trained on your red lips, hanging out to every word you were singing. You reached a hand back and began to unzip the dress. The grin on your face excited for the next reaction you were about to receive. 
Once you reached the bottom of your back, the dress fell to the floor. Harry let out a loud gasp. Your breasts on display, the small owl tattoo on your hip staring at him, he could see how wet you were, and all he wanted was his head between your thighs as you screamed his name. 
You were a dream. You missed Harry's touch. It was the reason you stepped close enough for him to finally pull you in. 
He led them down the streets of town
Right to the traffic cop
And he only paused a moment when
He heard them holler "Stop!"
Harry has no expression on his face as he sits you on his lap. He lets his head fall into your next, feeling how wet you are through his thin sweats. You move to stand up, but he grips your hips tightly, thrusting his hips against yours, searching for some kind of relief or a reaction from you because you still haven't stopped singing. 
"Baby, stop singing." His hand is cradling your cheek as his lust-filled eyes stare at you. 
You shake your head, not letting him distract you. The only piece of clothing left was the scarf, and Harry lets out a growl before ripping your scarf off your neck, throwing it off to the side.
Now you truly sit there naked in his lap, and you feel all the control you have over him. The song is coming to an end, meaning you've got to remove yourself from your favorite place to sit but knowing you'll be back there soon enough. 
Frosty the snowman
Had to hurry on his way
But he waved goodbye, saying
"Don't you cry I'll be back again someday"
You sing the final lyrics in his ear before walking away to turn off the speaker, an extra sway to your hips, knowing Harry is very well still watching your every move. You stand a delighted look on your face as you wait for his praise. 
"Those were the longest two minutes of my life," Harry says; he puts a hand over his heart, feeling like it might just burst out. "I'm never going to be able to listen to this song in public or around anyone that isn't you." 
You smirk, thrilled to hear that.
"What did I do to end up with someone as beautiful and perfect as you in my life." He confesses. 
"Probably stopped a war in a past life." You throw out jokingly. 
Harry puckers his lips and makes grabby hands at you. "Kissy, please?"
And who are you to say no? He spreads his legs, letting you step in between. You slip your fingers into his hair, pulling back with enough force to have him let out a moan. You lean down and connect your lips in a hot kiss, one that has Harry gripping you tightly wherever he can get his hands on. You moan as he slips his tongue into your mouth, and you happily give up the control to him. 
You pull back and rest a hand on his chest, preventing him from pulling you back for you. You wipe your thumb over his bottom lip that now has some of your red lipstick. "Seems like I won, sweets."
"I feel like the real winner here," Harry tells you cheekily, sneaking a kiss to both your boobs. You giggle, not at all surprised by his action. 
"Well," You fiddle with the collar of his shirt. "Why don't you show me how winners celebrate?" 
"With pleasure." Harry groans standing up quickly and pushing you back against the best. He strips as fast as he can, not without a small stumble; you're sure to keep your giggle quiet, knowing very well how easily he gets embarrassed. 
He is quick to get on top and kisses you hard. His kisses are always soft, but it seems the teasing seemed to flip a switch, one that you will happily remember to look to turn on again on a later date. Tonight, you are ready for an endless night of pleasure and love. 
Harry connects their lips, ready for an endless night of pleasure and love. 
Christmas cards were a lovely tradition. Harry insisted they started because he wanted to show off his beautiful girlfriend to his friends and family. He also liked them handwritten because it added a nice personal touch. Who were you to argue about it?
This year you were the one excited to send them out. 
It read: Merry Christmas from our beautiful family to yours
You and Harry sat in front of the fireplace, four stockings hanging behind you. Harry made you sit in his lap, wanting to show off your matching two-piece buffalo plaid pajamas. You both had the biggest grins on your face, eyes shining bright. Next to you, laying on top of a box that was wrapped with blue sloth wrapping paper, was a one-year-old Australian shepherd that had spent the better of six months in the shelter because the small pup was quiet who didn't do well with people, but that changed instantly the minute he met you. You decided on the name Frosty for him. Not only did Harry get you the dog of your dreams but a small kitten as well. You brought home Snow, a six-month white Birman kitten who was the rut of his siblings, and how could you just not bring him home with you with his big blue eyes staring at you begging to add to your family because he had lots of love to give. At least that's what you told Harry what the look he was giving you meant. The two siblings laid next to each other, both surprisingly staring right at the camera, making it their best Christmas photo yet. 
A photo can honestly speak a thousand words because one glance at this photo tells you how much love there is in that home and their relationship. 
Christmas was all about spreading joy and love, and well, Harry accomplished just that for you.
thank you so much for reading! i honestly hoped you loved it and would love to hear what you thought so send me a message if you like. 
i love you!
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saiyanwhore · 4 years ago
Dragon Ball Z: Boyfriend Scenarios
Part Three: How He Confesses His Feelings
A/N: Sorry it took so long everyone!!
The only person in the group that knew of Goku's crush on you was Bulma. She was always rooting him on and giving him tips.
This morning, she suggested he try to cook for you since you were always cooking for him.
You walked downstairs to the smell of something good...and something burning. It was a weird mix.
Immediately alarmed, you hurried yourself to see what was going on. You were immediately stopped by a panicked looking Goku.
"No, no Y/N you can't come down just yet." He nervously chuckled.
"What did you do Goku? It smells like burnt food in here!"
"Really! There's no reason to worry! I promise! It's all under control." He flashed you his goofy grin as you attempted to push past him.
"Goku! Come on! What is going on!?"
"It's under control Y/N!" You hear Bulma's voice shout.
"Bulma!?" You were shocked. "Goku you must have really fucked up if Bulma's here to fix it!"
"Please, Y/N!"
"Move Goku!"
"I can't."
You knew just how to get him. Tickling.
You began to tickle his sides as he doubled over and you quickly sped past him and into the kitchen. You looked at the table to see your favorite breakfast food prepared.
Goku came up behind you and placed a hand on the small of your back. He looked a little red in the face as Bulma laughed.
"He tried to make you breakfast and completely failed." She laughed. "I came to help out. Almost done! Just finishing up the orange juice."
Bulma winked at Goku as you turned around and started giggling.
"Well, you see. I've never been the best at cooking and..."
You interrupted. "Goku, it's alright. I appreciate the effort. Thank you."
You engulfed him in a hug being sure to squeeze him extra tight. His large arms snaked around your waist as he began to whisper in your ear.
"You know, I tried to make breakfast. Well, because..." He sighed softly. "I kind of, sort of like you a lot."
You started laughing even harder, Goku pulling away and giving you a confused look. He scratched the top of his head as you continued your laughter.
"Goku! Come back!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him into another hug. "Surprise! I like you too." You whispered back.
"Told you so!!" Bulma stuck her tongue out at Goku as you happily sat down at the table.
Tonight Bulma was throwing a party and despite not wanting to go at all, Vegeta did because he knew you would be there.
It was nice to take a break from training and just hang out.
Throughout the night, you danced, drank just a little, and chatted with everyone.
It wasn't until the night was almost over that you remembered Vegeta said he would be here tonight.
You were so used to not seeing him at these sorts of things that you just sort of expected him not to show up.
Vegeta had been sitting inside watching TV the entire time you were outside with everyone. He had even gotten so comfy on the couch, he fell asleep.
"Hey, have you seen 'Geta?" You questioned Bulma.
She pointed inside, to which you quickly rushed in.
You found him sprawled out on the couch, snoring away. He must have been tired from training.
You giggled as you crouched down next to the Saiyan. "Vegeta." You whispered his name. He didn't budge.
You stood up, gently picked him up walked outside where you immediately flew away, being careful not to wake him.
You were going to your place.
Once you landed, you walked inside and gently placed him on the couch, grabbing him a pillow and blanket. You covered him up and gave his forehead a soft kiss before making yourself a cup of coffee.
You sat down in one of your chairs, sipping away at the warm drink, waiting for him to wake up.
Eventually, he did.
His onyx eyes fluttered open and an immediate look of confusion plastered on his face. He glanced around the room before spotting you and quickly sitting up.
"Woman! Where am I?"
You laughed. "My house. You fell asleep at the party. I carried you here."
Vegeta's heart fluttered at the thought of you carrying him back to your house. Taking care of him.
"Who knew that the Prince of all Saiyans looked so cute while sleeping." You teased him. "Want some coffee?"
His face went red as he looked down at the floor. "Please..." He grumbled, rolling his eyes.
You made him some and handed it to him, taking a seat next to him on the couch.
"You were really out cold. I tried to wake you, but you just kept snoring."
Vegeta felt a wave of embarrassment fall over him as he shrugged. "You should have left me there, woman."
"Oh yeah. As if. Bulma would have rolled you off the couch and yelled at you to get out. You're not exactly the nicest to anyone other than me." You chuckled. "Why am I so special anyway, Vegeta? Why do you only talk to me?"
"I train with you."
Vegeta took a sip of his drink before leaning forward and setting it on the table.
"Well, you're special to me Vegeta." You looked away, a bit flustered.
He just grunted, crossing his arms and looking toward the ceiling.
"Vegeta. I like you. A lot."
"No, you don't."
"Yes, I do."
"You only think you do."
"I like you Vegeta. As hard as it is to like you, I do. I like how you're not easy on me simply because I'm a girl. And how you treat me like a warrior. I admire you. You're strong and proud. I love that about you."
Vegeta's face went as red as a tomato. His voice was low. "How convenient."
"Oh god, I've become all...soft." He cringed. "For god sakes woman, I like you too!"
"Absolutely not Gohan! You two are getting too old to be having sleepovers together!" Chi-Chi said to her son.
"Oh come on mom! Y/N and I are just friends! Just this one time! Last time I swear!"
"That's what you said last time! No!" She crossed her arms and started tapping her foot.
"Mom, please! I promise this time is a definite last time!" He begged. "I'll put in extra time for studying!"
Chi-Chi's ears perked up once he mentioned studying.
"Okay Gohan, but this is the last time!"
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He laughed as he flew out the front door towards your house.
Gohan landed at your front door, knocking rapidly.
You opened with a happy face. "You convinced her?"
"Yeah! All I had to tell her was extra studying!" Gohan laughed as he entered your house.
"Gohan, sweetie! How are you?" Your mother greeted.
"Oh just lovely, Mrs. L/N. And you?"
"I'm doing good!"
You grabbed Gohan's hand and dragged him up to your room where the two of you sat on your bed.
"Sneaking out tonight, right?" You questioned.
"Uh, yeah!"
Up until the start of the new school year, you and Gohan did this all the time. You'd stay the night at one another's house and sneak out at night. Most of the time it was to stargaze.
When it finally was nighttime, the two of you opened your window and flew out to an old abandoned barn in the middle of nowhere.
You landed on the roof, Gohan laying back and staring up at the sky, hands behind his head.
"This really might be the last time we do this." He mumbled. "Mom's been pretty strict about us seeing one another lately."
You scooted closer to him, laying down. "I don't know why..." You responded.
Gohan nervously chuckled and took a deep breath. "I think she thinks we like each other or something."
Your heart began to thump as you looked over at him, his eyes shimmering under the stars.
"Well, she has every right to be suspicious. Neither one of us date and we're with each other all the time."
"Yeah. Right." He grinned, grabbing your hand.
You tightly gripped his hand, eyes locking with his.
"Maybe mom is right about us."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, hypothetically speaking, what if I liked you and you liked me and we started dating, huh?"
You smiled at him.
"Would it give me permission to do this?" You rolled over and straddled him, his cheeks immediately turned red and eyes wide.
You leaned down and kissed him square on the lips, his hands moving to your waist.
He tasted so sweet and lovely.
He pulled away due to the need for air and looked up at you. "I think I'm going to need you to do that again just to be sure."
Future Trunks
It had been a few months since the last time you had seen him. You were beyond excited.
Trunks had told you the exact date, location, and time of when he'd arrive.
It was only a matter of time before the androids would show up, and not only were you excited, you were also scared to see what was going to happen.
You stood impatiently, tapping your foot. Krillin stood by your side as you nervously chewed at your nails.
"Hey Y/N it will be alright. I'm sure he'll be here any mo-" And before Krillin could answer, the air zapped and the time machine appeared right before your eyes. It landed on the ground and you immediately flew up to the top, busting open the dome to reveal Trunks.
"Trunks!" You grinned, grabbing his hand and pulling him out.
He looked up at you with his bright blue eyes, a grin plastered on his face. He laughed softly before nervously scratching his neck.
"Y/N! Good to see you too."
"Come on you two! We don't have much time." You heard Piccolo from the ground.
You both flew down. Piccolo and Krillin stayed with you to wait for Trunks while the rest of the gang headed to gather in the designated area.
Piccolo and Krillin lifted off and you and Trunks followed.
"I missed you." You mumbled, glancing over at him.
"Me too, Y/N." He looked down.
Silence filled the air as you traveled Trunks looked nervous and on edge. It was understandable considering he was facing the androids, who destroyed his future.
"It'll be okay Trunks. We'll beat them together." You smiled.
His eyebrows knitted as he looked over at you with worry glistening in his eyes. He frowned. "No, Y/N. You don't understand what they're like. They've killed thousands of innocent people in my future. They won't hesitate to do it here either. They're monsters."
You flew a little closer to him and grabbed his hand. "I know. Which is why I'm motivated to kill them once and for all."
Trunks squeezed your hand softly before clearing his throat.
"Y/N, before we arrive. And before we begin our battle, there's something you need to know." His throat bobbed.
"If the androids kill you or me I need you to know..." He choked. "I love and like you a lot."
Another day at the lookout...
"Hey, Piccolo." You disturbed the Namekian during his meditation session.
He opened one of his eyes and peeked over at you, a small smile playing upon his lips as he crossed his arms.
"What is it, Y/N?"
You laughed at him before walking over and grabbing one of his hands and tugging him along gently.
"I want take out. It's been soooooo long!" You grinned ear to ear.
"Fine." He had been looking for an excuse to be alone with you anyway. Dende and Mr. Popo always seemed to be sneaking in to watch the two of you flirt like a soap opera or something.
"What?" You were shocked he gave in so easily.
His forehead crinkled. "I said fine. Don't make me regret it."
"Yes! Yes! Yes! You're the best, Big Green!"
A purple tint appeared on his cheeks.
You and Piccolo were preparing to leave the lookout, saying a quick "goodbye, see ya soon" to Dende and Popo.
You both flew down towards the ground, Piccolo attempting to make small talk whilst you made your way to the Chinese restaurant.
"Why didn't you just go on your own?" He questioned, not looking over in your direction. You had put something nicer than usual on to get his attention, and it had worked by the look on his face.
"I enjoy your company clearly. You are the reason I am even at the lookout, Piccolo. I mean, seriously. I'm just a mere human."
He growled. "No. You're a warrior."
"Well still."
You eventually landed and Piccolo walked closely by your side as you made your way down the street.
The Namekian held a hand to the small of your back, guiding you along. He really was a gentleman no matter how tough he liked to act at times.
"You know, I appreciate you coming with me." You grinned up at him.
"Uh. Yeah. Sure."
You grinned as you leaned into his side. His heart stopped as he looked off into the distance with a blush overcoming his face.
"Why do you always go purple when I touch you?"
"W-What?" He exclaimed, a panicked look on his face.
You giggled softly. "I think someone has a crush on silly, old me."
"What? No!"
"Yes!" You stuck your tongue out at him.
"And so what if I did?" He stopped dead in his tracks and crossed his arms.
"Well, I'd say I like you too."
"You would?"
"Mhm." You nodded, falling into his chest.
It took the Namekian by surprise, but soon you felt his arms snake around you and you stood in his embrace for a while before starting back up on your walk. His hand is yours.
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mrsstan21 · 4 years ago
Stress Ball
Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: some petting, implied sexual frustration, more fluff really
Word count: 2,392
A/N: my second post of my writing! I'm still getting used to posting my writing, but I am beyond grateful to those who follow me <3 I hope you all enjoy this one!
Credit: @jacqiegordon16 for the gif <3
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As the sun began to set behind the tall buildings of New York. The skies soon turned into beautiful shades of orange and pink. Even as the busy night life came out, one was still able to enjoy the mere sight of the skies change in color.
Just like down in the busy streets of New York, the Avenger tower was also coming to life with frantic hero’s preparing for a last minute mission.
One of earths mightiest hero’s was in his apartment. He ran like a chicken without its head. Searching for his tactical gear in one room, his knives in another, letting out a few staggered curses here and there.
“Bucky will you relax please”.
He heard the voice of his sweet girl come from the living room. As he exited their bedroom with his boots at hand, he couldn’t help but stare at her in awe.
There she sat on their couch with her feet propped up on the coffee table. A book at hand.
He sat down next to her quickly placing his boots on.
“I can’t find my stupid knives and I can’t leave without them”.
he spoke with such frustration. His long dark hair blocked the view of his face to her.
As he finished tying his boots, he felt his hair being tugged behind his ear. His blue orbs averted to meet with his girls precious face. Her small hand cupped the base of his cheek, gently swiping her thumb over his stubbed skin.
Bucky immediately fell wayside into her palm, and allowed his eyes to flutter shut. His stress melting away in that very moment. Everything else that needed his attention disappeared. He only focused on her.
“Honey you’re so stressed, I don’t like seeing you like this…” she spoke.
Her voice was rich as honey. The sweetest sound on earth in Bucky’s opinion. It’s one of the reasons why he fell so in love with her in the first place. Once he heard her voice for the first time, he knew he had to marry her.
And he did, after two years together, two years of hearing nothing but her sweet coated voice, he proposed. They moved in right away, and had a small intimate wedding in Central Park. Bucky couldn’t be more happy. After everything he has been through he couldn’t imagine he’d finally get his happy ending.
“These last couple weeks have been hectic” he sighed as he snuggled closer to her soft palm.
For four weeks he and the team have been sent on countless missions. They last from dust until dawn, sometimes they even went on for days.
Bucky’s schedule was even more hectic in his opinion. He would wake up before the sun even rose to Friday announcing the time for the team’s departure.
Forcing him out of bed, he would turn to see his wife. Still sound asleep, and lost in her dreams. Before he left he made sure to make her a cup of coffee, leave a sweet pastry next to her mug, and give her lips a sort but passionate kiss.
It would be the only time he could see her before he would return. Sometimes returning so late in the morning that he would find her already whisked into deep sleep. That was if he was lucky to come back home to her, other times he isn’t so lucky.
He’d find himself sleeping in some hotel. Alone in a bed that would fit two. In those circumstances he would cling to a pillow and pretend it was his wife. He’s had his fair share of nightmares in the past, and the only thing to comfort him was her.
Her physical body pressed against his. His arms wrapped around the frame of her waste. He would inhale the sent of her hair as it tickled his nose from behind. Her small hands would find his at the base of her stomach. Their fingers intertwined with each other.
That how it was for the passed weeks. He barley got to spend anytime with her. And the moments where she was awake, and he finally had a chance to breath, he was dragged back into battle.
“Mr. Barnes the quinjet is ready to leave” Friday announced.
Bucky let out an exhale of frustration. He could feel the veins in his head expand to the surface of his forehead. The cycle was about to begin all over again.
“Go I’ll be ok, and you’ll be back before you know it”.
Her voice…it melted his heart in ways he still can’t explain. He gave a gentle kiss to her palm before getting to his feet. Suddenly he was brought back to reality, and he was once again looking for his knives.
His wife stood along with him. A smirk embedded into her face. Before he could ask any type of question, she reached from behind her back and handed him the thigh strap, and another that went into his boot.
“They were in between the couch cushions” she smiled.
After he placed the steel weapons in their place, he cupped his wife’s face with both his flesh hand and metal one.
He looked into her eyes, wishing he didn’t have to leave her once again.
“What would I do without you?” He asked.
A smile spread across her.
“You’d be even more stressed”.
She was right.
They both leaned into one another, allowing their lips to meet in a sweet, slow kiss. His hands moved down to her waste and pushed her flushed against him.
The kiss soon turned deep and passionate. His tongue glided across her bottom lip. After granting him access, her hands found their way around his neck, fingers gliding through his scalp. The kiss deepening.
It was no secret that during those weeks that Bucky and his wife were separated from each other were even more difficult sexually.
They both craved each other in ways unimaginable. The small moments they had were never enough to satisfy their needs, even if it was quick. It still never felt enough.
“Mr. Barnes your presence is asked for immediately” Friday interrupted them.
They both broke away. Breathless, and with a dying urge in both their abdomens.
They rested their foreheads against one another. Basking in the last moments they had.
“Will you miss me?” He asked as his eyes shut.
“I’ll always miss you” she whispered.
He placed one last kiss to her forehead.
“I love you”.
“I love you too”.
With that he was forced to leave. Praying things would go as planned on this mission. Praying his built up stress over the last couple weeks would go away.
Praying he’d come back home early for once, to be with his wife.
But that simply wasn’t the case. The mission went horribly wrong, the entire team had to regroup their strategy plan. Because of this detour they were forced to rough it out in yet another hotel.
As Bucky laid in the cold bed, he looked out the window of his room. The moon illuminated the night sky, rays of the moon seeped into his room. The rays danced lightly on the vibranium of his left arm. He glanced down to look at his metal fingers to see the steel platinum band around his ring finger.
A mantra of his wife’s voice echoed through his mind.
“When we are not together I want you to look up at the moon, and think of me. And as you are doing that, I’ll be here at home doing the same thing”.
And that she was.
She laid in their shared bed. Alone, and clinging to one of his sweaters that still smelled like him. Her body laid on its side as she looked up at the big, bright moon shinning into the room.
Just like with her husband, the rays gave her ring it’s beautiful sparkle. The diamond in the middle of the gold band sparked.
Thousands of miles apart, yet they both did the same thing.
They thought of each other, while looking up at the moon.
On a late weekend night, Bucky’s wife sat back down on their couch. Feet propped up on the coffee table, and enjoying yet another good book.
It was getting late, but she didn’t loose hope of waiting for her husbands return.
On one of their calls last night, he had told her that the mission was over. Of course it had a few bumps along the way that only made Bucky even more stressed. But nothing else mattered, he was going home to be with his wife.
Normally her body won’t let her stay up this late. She’s naturally be whisked into sleep by a quarter to two in the morning. But not this time. She had drank a large cup of coffee, and was more than determined to stay awake.
As she was flipping one of the pages in her book, the door to their apartment was opened.
Still dressed in his tactical gear, Bucky made his way into their home. His eyes immediately landed on his wife, her eyes already on him.
She stood up in a quick motion, only to be engulfed in the arms of her loving husband.
“You stayed up?”
he spoke still holding onto her small frame.
“I needed to see you, I missed you so much”
she held onto him tighter, scared to let go and he’d be taken away from her once again.
“I missed you too doll” he whispered.
He placed her back down, and they both made their way onto the couch. They both sat down next to one another. She rested her head on his chest, his flesh hand sat on his thigh, as the metal one draped along the top of the couch.
She had asked how the mission went, and Bucky still felt his stress at the surface of his body. He told her everything, from the moment the plan was compromised, to the painful days his body and mind had to endure.
Even though he was a super solider who was indestructible, his body still aches. His mind ached from missing his wife so much. He was tired, he was frustrated, he was still stressed.
His wife noticed how hard his metal hand was gripping the leather of the couch. It was a sign that his stress was at an exceeding level. She looked up to see a frustrated expression on her husbands face.
She honestly didn’t like to see him like this. All she wanted to do was help, but in many ways she didn’t know how.
When Bucky was stressed, he would always be frustrated, angry, and upset. Never at her, but at the situation at hand. Being married to him for a while now, she knew how he’d get.
His frustration and stress got to the best of him at times. His grip on anything was always strong. Breaking anything from glass cups, to the metal railing on their Balcony.
So an idea popped into her mind.
She fixed her posture to where she was sitting up straight. Bucky noticed her shift in movement, but before he could say anything she grabbed his metal hand and slipped it underneath her tank top.
She placed his hand to cup one of her breasts.
Bucky’s breath hitched at his wife’s sudden movement of his hand. His metal hand was met with the soft, silky, skin of his wife’s braless breast.
“What are you doing sweet girl” he whispered as his hand stayed unmoved in its new position.
His wife looked up at him and smiled.
“Giving you something to squeeze” her smile turned into a deviant smirk.
Bucky was at a loss for words, and his wife could notice that.
“I know you’ve been really stressed lately, and I just want to do something that will help you out”.
She batted her long lashed at him.
“Honey you don’t—“
“I know I don’t, but I want to. Just let me be your personal stress ball”.
Bucky didn’t think he could love her anymore than he did at this very moment. Although he knew what she wanted to conquer at the end. His heart still swelled at his wife’s caring actions.
He didn’t need to speak anymore. Instead he lightly squeezed his wife’s breast in his hand. He watched as her eyes fluttered shut, and she rested her head back into his chest.
He continued his movement at a slow and steady pace. Nothing else mattered in this intimate moment he and his wife were sharing. And he felt all his stress leave his body.
After a couple more light squeezes, his metal thumb began to brush against her nipple. The sensitive nub already turning hard the moment he made contact with it.
His wife began to let out small moans. One of her hands found their way into his thick thighs, giving it a light squeeze as well.
She was beginning to get lost in her own mind, and before she could conjure up any scenarios of what could possibly happen in their bedroom. His movement stopped.
Confused at first, she looked up to see her husband peacefully asleep. His metal hand still holding onto her breast.
She couldn’t help but giggle a little.
Snuggling up closer to him. She shut her eyes and began to be whisked into deep sleep.
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idreamofplaid · 4 years ago
Forget Apple Pie
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Summary: Dean is living the apple pie life. The reader has a hard time accepting it, and is it what he really wants?
Characters: Dean x Reader; Lisa (barely); Sam mentioned
Word Count: 3344
A/N: I wrote this years ago in a Writing Challenge and Follower Celebration called The Seven Deadly Sins Challenge hosted by @waywardbaby & @aint-t-bovvered. My sin was envy and my prompt was “This will not turn out the way you think.” It remains one of my favorite things I’ve ever written.
It was everything you had ever wanted for him. The sight of Dean in an actual backyard with a fence, trees, and flower beds was something you had hoped for in the deepest, quietest part of your heart. But this was just wrong. You were sitting on his deck half heartedly sipping a beer. Dean was a few feet away from you standing at the bar-b-que grill flipping burgers. He’d given up wearing layers of clothes, like he had in his hunting days, opting now for t-shirts only.
The short sleeves hugged his biceps. Dean’s muscles were still prominent. He hadn’t gone soft, in spite of his civilian lifestyle. Your mind wandered back to the hunts you’d gone on with Dean. You’d had each other’s backs then. Now, the monsters were yours to face alone.
Lisa came out of the house carrying an empty tray. She walked over to Dean, whispered something to him, and kissed his cheek. He smiled down at her and lifted the meat from the grill piling it on the platter. You put your bottle of beer down a little too hard on the table and got up to go find somewhere you could get away from the cozy domestic scene and the happy neighbors. You heard one of those neighbors say to Lisa as you were leaving. “You’re so lucky to have a man like Dean. You’ve turned him into absolute husband material!”
The first escape hatch you found was the door leading into the garage. It was easy to picture Dean in here surrounded by tools and spending hours working on his Baby, keeping her in mint condition. Baby. There she was. Her silhouette was unmistakable under the tarp covering her. A tarp. She’d been forgotten. Dean didn’t drive his car anymore.
You walked toward her in a sort of daze. You’d been here to Dean’s new home only a handful of times, and you hadn’t entered the garage during any of those visits. This was the final blow. You ran your fingers up the edge of her windshield, and something inside you broke. Everything you’d held together for so long just cracked and shattered.
You were standing in the same spot you’d stood in earlier in the day. You’d waited until almost midnight before picking the lock and slipping back into the garage. It had been surprisingly easy to get in here even after several shots of whiskey. Maybe Dean was going soft after all. You approached Baby again. This time running your hand along the edge of her roof. You whispered in the empty garage. “You don’t deserve this.”
You placed your hand on that hateful tarp and closed your fists around it clutching two large handfuls. You snatched the cover off revealing the Impala still gleaming and beautiful. “What are you doing?” Dean’s voice was low and steady. He had added another shirt over the clothes he had been wearing this afternoon.
Your mind was fairly fuzzy, but some things were perfectly clear. The wrongness of this situation was still glaring to you. “Why did you leave her here, Dean? Why did you forget about her?”
Dean walked closer to you and the car. He was staring at you intently. “I didn’t forget her.”
“Really? Do you come in and say ‘hi’ between backyard parties?” You teetered a little but managed to fling the tarp to the floor without falling on top of it.
Dean squinted his eyes. “What? Wha…”
“How long will it be before you get an SUV, maybe a minivan? Have you joined the PTA? A bowling league? Neighborhood watch?” Your eyes flashed at him. He just looked confused.
“What are you getting at? We talked about this. All the time. Having a normal life.”
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Your voice lost a little of its edge. “Yeah. We talked about it.” In the silence that followed, whiskey inspired courage took hold of you. You moved close to Dean and touched your lips to his. His response was to put his hands on your waist and step back.
You rolled your neck to look up at the ceiling and shook your head. Your heart twisted, and you could feel the actual tightening in your chest. “You’re acting just like every man I’ve ever known. Chasing after the yoga instructor with her tight little ass.”
Tears gathered in your eyes. You swiped at them and carried on. “Come on, Dean. What’s wrong? Nobody has to know. We can do it right here in the garage. Just a little something on the side. Then you can go right back to Lisa and crawl into that bed you share with her. I bet it’s nice and big, pillows all over it, down comforter to match the sheets, and a big wooden headboard. So very married, that bed.”
You looked at Dean then, cocked your head to one side, and pointed your finger in the direction of his chest. “Tomorrow morning you can have a nice breakfast at your kitchen table with fresh squeezed orange juice and Belgian waffles with real fruit and pure maple syrup.” You dropped your finger, and your voice got soft. “I’ll be at one of those nondescript diners we used to go to, drinking cheap coffee. Maybe I’ll have scrambled eggs with soggy bacon, or if I’m feeling really festive, a stack of pancakes with some of that fake strawberry goo on top. While I eat I can enjoy watching all the people around me who aren’t alone.”
While you were talking, the tears had started to stream down your face. Dean stepped nearer to you and lay his hand on your arm. You shook it off. “Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare pity me, Dean Winchester!” You stumbled back and caught yourself on the Impala.
“Your life is so perfect now, isn’t it? Here you are in the suburbs with a mortgage. You don’t belong here, Dean. You’re playing house with a woman who doesn’t really know you. This will not turn out the way you think. You can’t forget about what matters to you, what…” You turned and braced yourself on Baby’s door. Your voice was broken and just above a whisper. “Just go back to thinking with your dick.”
Dean walked up behind you and put his hand on your shoulder. You let it stay. There was no fight left in you. “You’re drunk, Y/N. Get in the car. Let me take you home.”
You laughed. It was a humorless sound. “I don’t have a home.”
Dean turned you around gently to face him. His eyes held a soft expression. “Then let me take you to where you’re sleeping tonight.” You didn’t protest when he led you around to the other side of the car, opened the door, and settled you inside. You dozed on the ride to the motel where you were staying. When you got there, Dean helped you inside. That was the last thing you had a clear memory of until the next morning.
In spite of the curtains being drawn, the light seeping in around the edges was harsh to your eyes. You rubbed your fingers over your forehead. “How do you feel?” You opened your eyes at the sound of Dean’s voice. He was sitting next to you on top of the covers, legs stretched out, back against the headboard.
You pulled yourself up slowly, eyes blinking. “You stayed here all night?”
“Yeah.” He swung his legs off the side of the bed and disappeared in the direction of the bathroom. He reappeared in less than a minute carrying a glass of water and some aspirin. He sat down on the bed and handed you both. “Take those and drink all the water. All of it.”
You swallowed the pills and drank a few generous sips of water. “Shouldn’t you be home? Won’t Lisa wonder where you are?”
Dean took the glass from you and placed it on the bedside table. “I sent her a text. Told her not to worry. She probably thinks I’m with Sam.”
Bits and pieces of last night drifted through your mind, the things you’d said to Dean. Daylight had a way of making things embarrassing that seemed like the thing to do in the dark. You took a deep breath. “Dean, about what I said…”
Dean turned from you, made a fist on his lap, and grasped it with his other hand. “What you said was true. I have done a lot of thinking with my dick…but never with you. And I didn’t start last night.”
“Dean, I shouldn’t have…”
He turned back around, put his hand on your shoulder, and looked directly at you with his deep forest green eyes. “It would have been easy for me to accept your offer and take you right against the car or in the backseat if I slowed down long enough. I’ve wanted to for a long…long time. But you are not a quick roll in the sheets to me. You never have been. Know that.” Dean slipped his hand from your shoulder and looked away.
There was a hitch in your breathing, and absolutely no words would come to you. After a few seconds of heavy silence, Dean spoke. “I need to go. There are some things I need to take care of.” He reached for the notepad and pen on the table. He wrote something down, tore off the piece of paper and gave it to you. “Will you meet me there Wednesday night?” You looked at the address in your hand and nodded.
Dean crossed the room to the door. When he put his hand on the knob, he looked over his shoulder. “Y/N, you’re not alone.”
More than once you wondered if you were in the right place. The long driveway meandered its way through the trees, big sturdy evergreens and oaks. There was a clearing at the end of the drive, and in that clearing sat a cabin situated by a lake. It was immediately clear to you it wasn’t a hunter’s cabin. It had rustic charm but looked way too polished to be the kind of place where a hunter would seek shelter.
You gathered your purse, dropped your car keys inside, and made your way to the front door. You lay your palm flat against your stomach, took a deep breath, and knocked. Dean opened the door wearing one of the plaid shirts you remembered so well. You tried not to notice how handsome he looked, but that was a fight you weren’t going to win. It would be easier to take down a vampire.
Dean smiled when he saw you. It was almost shy, just a slight curve of his lips. “Come on in.” He led you into a large open room. There was a kitchen to the right, the cabinets were made of light wood, and there was a window overlooking the lake. Just off the kitchen there was an open door which you assumed led to a bedroom. To the left, there was a living room area with cream colored furniture and a large rug in warm hues of copper, red, and gold. There was also a fireplace which you could imagine added to the coziness of the room during the winter months.
You searched for the right words and settled on “‘This is a nice place. Is it yours?”
Dean laughed a little. “No. Construction doesn’t pay that good. I rented it. It’s where I come when I want to get away, do some fishing, and think.”
You surveyed your surroundings again and quietly asked, “Did you bring Lisa here?”
Dean stumbled over his words. “No. Too far from civilization for her, and she hates fish.” He started to wave toward the sofa, his hand floundered in the air for a second, then he dropped it to his side. “Do you want something? A beer?”
Your thoughts returned to your last experience with alcohol. “No, thanks. I’m fine.”
“O…okay.” Dean motioned again toward the living area. You took a seat at the end of the sofa, and he sat in the chair to your side. He leaned over, elbows on his knees. “Look…um…” He sat up, back against the chair, then leaned forward again. “Something happened to me, Y/N.”
Dean rubbed his hand across his mouth then stared off into space like he was searching for what he wanted to say. “ I mean you. You happened.” His eyes sought yours; and there was a calmness in them, a certain kind of peace. “The other night when I stayed with you I was awake most of the night thinking about what you said. The stuff about not belonging where I was. I did try to fit into that world. It was what Sam wanted me to do, so I did my damnedest to do it. I didn’t even fire a gun that entire year. I didn’t scan the internet looking for a case. And sure it was normal, but there was this hole in me.”
Dean glanced down for a second and ran his tongue over his bottom lip before looking right back into your eyes. “You filled that. I know you were drunk and you don’t remember, but I do. You curled into my side and put your head against my shoulder. I held you while you slept. What I felt…I just wanted to protect you from anything that would ever hurt you, but the main thing that had hurt you was me.” His eyes were pleading with you to understand, to forgive him, to believe in him again like you once had, to trust him. “I thought I was still there for you. I didn’t know…I’m sorry.”
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You looked away, your eyes landing on the wrought iron fire grate. While you stared your mouth fell open a little, and you closed it back. “Dean…I…” You looked back to him; he hadn’t taken his eyes from you. “What about Lisa?”
“There is no Lisa. The whole time I was with her I never felt anything like I did when I was holding you.” He paused. I ended it. I moved out, Y/N. I moved out because I love you.” Tears were shining in Dean’s eyes. He had shed so many tears because someone or something had died, but this time it was because something was alive. The same thing was living in you.
You reached for him. “Dean, why are you so far away?” He moved to sit beside you, and you wrapped your arms around each other. Dean held you to him like you were the air he needed to breathe to live. His hand cradled the back of your head, and he buried his face in your hair. You held each other until time ceased to exist. You’d been in that spot forever, and no time had passed at all.
When Dean finally moved, it was to take your face in his hands and kiss you. That awkward first kiss in the garage was forgotten; this was the one that mattered. He eased his tongue into your mouth claiming you with a gentleness only love could inspire. You held onto him through the kiss, and when he pulled away you opened your eyes. Your breathing had gotten shallow with the sweet intensity of that kiss. You brushed your fingers through his hair. “I love you too, Dean. I didn’t think you wanted to hear that from me.”
Dean stood and lifted you into his arms. He carried you into the bedroom and lay you down on top of the bed. He pulled off his shoes and socks before lying down on top of you. He started kissing you in the hollow of your neck, made his way up to your ear and back to your collarbone. You moaned releasing a little of your pent up need for him. You pushed at his shirt trying to get it over his shoulders. He finished taking it off, and it fell somewhere on the bed behind him.
Dean’s lips sought yours again. This time his kiss was more insistent. Your hands slid under the back of his t-shirt touching the warmth of his skin. The weight of him on top of you made you feel so safe, made you feel so cared for. The taste of him was so comforting and stirred every passion in you. The sound of his moans while he kissed you ignited all the emotions you’d pushed down and denied. Everything about what was happening overwhelmed your senses, and you started to cry.
Dean stopped, and his eyes roamed over your face. “Y/N? What is it?”
The tears were still falling down your face. You placed your hand on his cheek. “Will you just hold me for a minute?” He rolled a little to the side and circled his arms around you. It was hard for you to catch your breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Shhh. There’s nothing to be sorry for.” Dean kissed the side of your head and whispered to you. “I’m here, Sweetheart. I’m right here. I love you. It’s okay.”
He kept whispering the same things to you over and over. His voice was soothing, and it calmed you down. Once your tears stopped, you kissed him without holding anything back. You let go of the loneliness you’d felt without him, the torment of the nights you’d known he was with another woman, and the anguish you’d felt believing he’d never know how much you loved him. You pulled and tore at his t-shirt practically ripping it off him. “Dean, make me forget the last year. Please make me forget.”
He discarded the rest of his clothes and took yours off slowly, taking the time to kiss every spot of your exposed skin as he did. Dean kissed your shoulders, stomach, hips, and thighs. He kissed each of your fingers and along the curve of your breasts sucking each nipple into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue until you were calling his name. He entwined his fingers with yours, holding your hand while he kissed a line down your jaw, lingered over your mouth with deep kisses full of desire, and moved up the other side.
He let go of your hand to move his own between your legs. Dean glided his fingers through your folds feeling how wet you already were for him. A whimper escaped your mouth. “Dean. Please.” You felt the tip of his length touch your opening. When you felt him push into you, your eyes locked on his. “I love you.”
His thrusts were slow and rolling at first. The feel of him stretching you made you gasp. And every sound you made, he answered with one of his own. As his thrusts became faster and deeper, the sounds gave way to your name. “Y/N. Y/N. Y/N.” He was so beautiful. His face held a look of totally focused bliss. His full lips mouthed your name without a sound right before he yelled your name with one final deep thrust and came inside you. His hot release filled your womb. Your walls tightened around him with your own climax, and Dean kept coming shooting rope after rope of his seed into you. Dean rolled off your body and lay on his side next to you catching his breath. He was still panting when he pulled you close to him. “I promise you I won’t do anything to mess this up. I will make you forget. I’ll do everything to make you happy, and I’ll never hurt you like that again.”
You kissed his shoulder wanting to hold this moment forever before you spoke. “What about a home? You had a home.”
Dean kissed you slowly, deliberately. Then he pushed your hair back from your face. “I have a home. My home is with you.”
Everything: @gambitwinchester @princessmisery666 @onethirstyunicorn @peridottea91 @logical-princey @emilyshurley @beenlovingromansincedayoneish @fangirlxwritesx67 @waywardbaby @atc74 @shaniquacynthia @mariekoukie6661 @tumbler-tidbits @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @terrarium-jpeg @emoryhemsworth @crashdevlin @jules-1999 @cosicas-cuquis @sammyimpala-67 @queenoftheunderdark @dean-winchesters-bacon @timelordy-fangirl2 @sweetness47 @hobby27 @awesomesusiebstuff @kickingitwithkirk @becs-bunker @sandlee44 @supernaturalgrandma @volleyballer519 @kdfrqqg @lizette50 @daisymoder72 @sorenmarie87 @lovealways-j @mrswhozeewhatsis @spnbaby-67 @wayward-and-worn @asthesunwentdown @vulgar-library @petitgateau911 @thinkinghardhardlythinking
Dean/Jensen: @deansyahtzee​ @flamencodiva @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @focusonspn @akshi8278 @ladywinchester1967 @sgarrett49 @wingedcatninja​ @coffee-obsessed-writer​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @ellewritesfix05​ @weepingwillowphoenix​
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wthcew · 4 years ago
JayTim, flirting, falling in love and cuddles and JJ Tim who gor adopted by Harley and Ivy pretty please??
Sweetie, you just jumped on my train of JJ fics, I hope you don't mind that I added a little bit of smut
I'm so sorry it took me that long to write it, I hope you like it!
30 days
The first time he heard about it he was under the ground. He felt like he was choking, his helmet somewhere unknown and with it his communication with Oracle. He isn't talking to B (not after he chose the fucking Joker over him) but he does help Nightwing sometimes, and oh, did he wished right now that he would have never let Dick in his safehouse.
Nightwing and Red Hood were about to bust a drag ring, but the thing is, it was an ambush, so now they're both under ground, Hood's leg impaled to the ground by an iron pillar from one of the walls that exploded and that they're buried under, his helmet in an unknown place and 'wing trying to call for help.
Jason tried to slow his breath but being under ground is bringing back bad memories (He can't breathe, he's locked, and all he want right now is his dad-) of being six feet under and he's hysterical- because everything is hurting and broken and half his face are burned and he can't breathe so please, please he just want his dad, "please dad come save me"-
He's so gone into his mind, letting his panic control him that he's flinching away when Dick touching his shoulder, but it's pulling him out of his head (and just when did the tears started to spill out of his eyes?), and Dick is looking at him, the whites lenses of his domino mask are gone and instead Jason's getting those blue eyes that are full with concern.
"It's okay Jay" Dick smiled at him, a small smile that somehow made Jason believe that it's okay. "B and baby bat are on their way right now," Dick's hand found Jason's and he squeezed it in reassuring. Jason returned the squeeze. "We will be fine"
"Did someone ever told you about the kid who almost killed Joker?" Dick asked after couple minutes of silence, when Jason's breath is under control and he isn't so much as hysterical as he was couple of minutes before.
Jay turned his head to Dick, "No" his voice was hoarse, too hoarse for his own ears but Dick didn't seems to mind, he just nodded his head and smiled softly at him.
"He was thirteen years old back then, Joker took him, when Babs still was Batgirl" And at that moment Dick's comn beeped and after five minutes they were out of the ground, Bruce and Damian next to Dick, checking if he's fine while Jason took his helmet, the hole in his leg isn't that bad and when Dick looking at him the Red Hood already swing away.
The second time he heard about it was because he wanted to, he was curious and he wanted to know what happened to the kid, what made a thirteen years old kid almost kill the Joker.
So, he was on his couch, his leg bandaged and a cup of hot tea on the coffe table, his laptop open and working and the reading lamp's orange light made his shadow look like some villain from kids cartoon.
It's hard to find anything about it but he is (A bat) Red Hood, if he wants to he'll find out what happened back then. And he want to.
So Jason cracked his fingers and started to work.
The seconds became to minutes that became to hours of work and clicking on his keyboard, it's hard to find anything because apparently this whole story is shushed and all Jason gathered until now came from a video of the news report and all they said there was that Joker broke out of Arkham and decided he wanted a son, kidnapped some unlucky kid and deleted the boy's personality with electrical shocks until he becamed Joker Junior, and then he kept torturing the kid until the Batman and Batgirl found the kid, broken minded and holding a gun to Joker's head.
It was quite the story, but Jason didn't know what happened later, who the kid was or what happened to him.
But he will, just to know if the kid's okay. Or to ask why he hadn't pulled the trigger..
So he kept digging, looking for anything that may conect to the story. And that's how Jason found himself reading article about Jack and Jent Drake disowning their only child Tim Drake. The kid was only thirteen back then, and all he took before he took off from the face of earth was a stuffed Kola and a camra.
And it may be his curiosity about this because he don't remember the kid and apparently they were neighbors or the JJ thing but he knows that he'll find Tim Drake.
Jent Drake died two years after she disowned Tim in a car crash, her husband got depressed and started looking for Tim to reown him but then he met Dana Winters.
There was some love story there that Jason wasn't really that interested in reading but in the end they married and left Gotham, never coming back. And the most annoying thing is, that Tim was never found.
But he did found out that there was some kid that helped Harley and Ivy sometimes, he had a faded red hoodie and faded green jeans.
The hoodie's hat always hiding his face and from the little Jason saw, his skin was more white than normal human skin.
Jason couldn't find a lot of photos of the kid but he did find one of Harley hugging the kid.
Jason looked at the photo, it was fuve years old, when Tim desperate and all the JJ thing happened. The way he held himself was familiar to Jason, something deep in his mind, memories that he couldn't remember, but it was there, and Jason knows that this Tim kid is JJ who is also somehow Harley's kid.
"I need your help"
"Oh that's nice, what aby 'hey Babs, how was your day? Did Dick pissed you off and going to sleep on the couch tonight? Can you please help me with this thing?'"
Jason smiled, shifting the phone that was pressed against his ear "What did Dick did?"
"He was a dick"
"How was your day?"
"What did you wanted help with Jay?"
"Clown boy"
"Joker Junior"
A sharp breath "What about him?"
"You know who he is?"
"We found him after he took a dip in the acid, and he was dressed like the Joker, too much make up, green hair, purple suit, couldn't recognise him"
"But you know don't you?"
"Batman doesn't know"
"Well you're Oracle not Batman. It's simple question O, you know? Yes or no?"
"I know"
"I think I know too"
"Who do you think it is?"
"Tim Drake"
"..Yes it's him"
"Why didn't you told Bruce?
"He's a good kid"
"He's with Harley now"
"Tim isn't bad"
"Babs, if he's Joker Junior and he's with Harley he can't be that good"
"Jay, Harley and Ivy gave me the tip to find him and Harley took him in after his parents disowned him, he may be stilling sometimes or helping Harley and Ivy but he is good"
"You kept tabs on him?"
"He's smart, he may have lost a lot of his memories because of the Joker and he is crazy but he have support"
"Does Bruce know you're helping hiding him?"
"No, and he wouldn't. Not until Tim decided that it's fine"
"You're in contact?"
"We're just talking, I'm sending him puzels and riddles and it's helping him keep clean mind"
"Can I talk to him?"
"I can't tell you where he is but I also can't stop you from doing this"
"Thank you Babs"
"Not a problem Jaybird"
It was a week later that Jason walked into a small unnoticed coffee shop.
The design of the place gave him a feeling of happiness, like it was some kind of home.
He looked through everyone there, couple next to the window, three old ladies sitting in a table for four, chatting and laughing, couple of collage students sitting with something to eat and something warm to drink and typing on their laptops, and on the farthest side of the coffee shop, in a table for two, sat a teen, his hands paler than any human skin, his long hair hiding his face, a coffee cup in front of him and his legs shacking.
"Hello! Can I help you?" A cheerful voice called from the cashier desk, he put on a smile on his face and turned to see a black haired girl, with a big smile on her face.
"Yeah, do you have Eral Gray?"
"We do! Anything else with this?"
"No, thank you"
"Okay, just a minute"
When he got his cup he paid the girl murmuring a "Thank you" and walking to Tim.
When he sat down in front of the teen, icy blue eyes looked at his face, and his breath hitched when he saw the little cuts on at each end of his mouth, creating a smile.
"Hey" Jason said, smiling at Tim.
"Hey.." Tim's voice almost didn't reached his ears and Jason's smile grew wider when Tim smiled at him. A shy little amazing smile.
"I'm Jason"
"Nice to meet you"
"Why are you here?"
"I wanted tea"
"You aren't scared?" Tim's eyes looked a bit insane when he said the last word, his smile grew wider and he leaned closer to the table. The cuts on his face and his pale skin made him look like Joker but there was also something else there, something in his eyes that said 'Pleas don't be scared' and Jason swallowed and forced his nerves to calm down.
"No, you actually seems nice"
Tim blinked once.
And then his smile became nicer, less dangerous and more shy. He relaxed and took a sip from his coffee.
Jason smiled, sipping from his own cup while making a note in his head to be careful with this one.
They drank a couple more cups together, chatting about nothing in particular and when Tim excused himself and left, Jason found a paper next to the cup.
He opened it because of his dammed curiosity and bis breath hitched.
'Ha ha ha'
It was in the middle of the night, the streets lamps flickered on and off every couple of seconds, and the stars were hidden in the sky, behind the clouds.
His parents just left the town. Without telling him. Again. And it's fine, he can't be mad at his parents for leaving him -he is, like his mother says, rotten child- all the time.
But sometimes he wonders if he'll ever be good enough for them to stay. If he'll ever be good enough so his mother wouldn't need to hiss his name through clench teeth and his father to hit him.
Maybe he would never be good enough..
In those nights when he wonders about it, he goes to a walk. It's always makes him calm and shuts his mind down. It's leaving him with the feeling of wholenesses, like some how the wind that hit his body in cold sharp hit is welcoming, or the cold of the night is like his stuffed Kola -the one he got from Bruce Wayne In a gala that his parents hosted when he was four and since then he hides it from his parents and hugging it when he need comfort- or like the silence out here is better than the silence inside the empty house.
And maybe, just maybe hr would see his heros.
And as Tim kept walking he could barely hear this cursed laugh, followed by the soft like song-
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb...
"Cutie pie?" His mama's voice rang, it was muffled but it was still there. "I'm hearing laughing, it's a good joke?"
A knock on his door "Sweetheart?" His laugh grew and his eyes burned, tears dropping from his eyes.
He hugged his legs to his chest, laughing and crying and this song is stuck in his head and he can't stop it and-
"Mary had a little lamb"
Mama's hands are around him, hugging him and petting his hair "Shhh shh shh, everything's fine baby, I'm here"
He can't breathe and the song is on full volume in his head but mama's here and mama is safety, she's safety. He's safe. Safe
"What the hell were you thinking?" Oracle's voice rang through the comn in his helmet.
"You need to be more specific than that O"
"Tim blocked me, Selina is mad at Bruce because one of his kids hurt her niece, Harley and Tim are nowhere to be found and Selina and Ivy are planning something"
"I didn't hurt Tim and I don't know why you told ma all the other stuff"
"Hood, Tim's smart, maybe too much smart but his mind is broken, he's crazy and genius"
"Okay and..?"
"He wants to go -and I’m quoting him- Boom he always wanted everyone to know that he's Harley's kid, and I always made him take more time, think about it more the fact that he blocked me means that I can't tell him to sit back anymore"
"You can remove it though"
"I did, and he just throw his phone away"
"So I broke him?"
"No, Joker broke him you just set him off"
"Yes. Shit"
"Wohhooo" Was shout out to the sky as Tim set in shopping cart, Harley -in her rollerblades- holding the handles of the cart, and they're both 'driving' down a road, laughing.
The air hit Tim's face in the best way he could have ever imagined and he laughed so hard that his cheedk burned, and maybe he ripped his stiches oncr again today but he dosen't care.
He is happy. So, so happy, like he was with this hot guy in the coffee shop, before his meltdown.
But right now, right now it's all this.
His mama and him, having fun, his mom and aunty kitty somewhere doing her own thing and everything's okay.
He laughed again as they started to speed up, the wind throwing his hair in any direction possible.
After a few minutes they cane to a stop, his mama's smile is so loving and he hopes that his smile is loving as well.
"Come on sweetie, let's do it" Harley smiled as she gave him the lighter, he jumped out of the cart and lit the lighter, his eyes sparking as the fire started spreading.
Tim and Harley walked away because they're crazy not stupid.
There faces lit up as the fireworks blew and flew to the sky.
Harley hugged him from behind and he relaxed into his mama's touch, watching the fireworks becoming to words that are shining over Gotham's sky.
30 days
"Hey Hoodie" A cheerful voice called from behind him.
Red Hood turned around, a gun in his hand just to be met with Tim's lovely smile.
"Chill, chill" The teen said, holding his hands up "I'm not going to hurt you"
"What do you want?" Hood asked, lowering his gun.
"We have never met have we?" Tim said, his smile calm
"I don't think so"
"No, but I did met Robin"
"So you met the Demon"
Tim frowned "No. The second one."
"Don't know him"
"Red Hood can't meet Robin II"
"And why's that?"
"Robin II's dead, dad killed him" Tim shock his head "I don't like dad, I liked Robin II and dad did it because it's funny. It's not!"
Tim looked so frustrated, his eyes big and he's looking at Jason like he hope that he would understand that and, something in Jason change, his face are softer under the helmet and-
"Okay Tim, I know you aren't the Joker."
"I didn't met *you* but we did met, I know Robin and I know Jason and now I know Red Hood?"
"You know who I am"
"No, no no no!" Tim looked him straight in the eyes, like he could see his face behind the helmet "You're Red Hood now, you were Robin and you always were Jason but now you Red Hood, I don't know Red Hood!"
"Okay, okay, relax, you don't know Red Hood, that's fine"
"I need to know Red Hood"
"Because I need Red Hood to help me"
"You need help?"
"Okay, but why Red Hood?"
"Because.. Ummm because- Because of Dad! I need Red Hood to help me kill dad"
To kill.. the Joker.
To kill the Joker.
The Joker dead.
"I would help you, Red Hood and Jason, okay?"
Tim nodded "Yeah, okay."
The sky started to glow and they both looked up, looking at fireworks that formed
29 days
It was so logical and simple that Jason almost laugh.
He sat next to Tim in some small safehouse, looking at Tim up and down as he was solving Sudoku.
They're waiting for the others to decide exactly who will go in and kill this son of a bitch and aho will make sure that everyone else will be present in that day.
They are waiting for Tim's small family, and Jason smiled at the thought of this family, he once had one and then he died and he was replaced by Stephanie Brown who is now Batgirl so they're fine now. But he doesn't have this family now, all he have are some blurred memories.
Tim let out a little "Yay" with a cute, small giggle that made Jason smile.
"Hey!" Tim suddenly said, looking at Jason with big eyes, Jason looked around him, trying to find something that would make Tim look panoco "What-"
"Are you hurt?" Tim's voice was soft and caring and Jasom heart might have skipped a beat, "No?"
"Than why do you have split lip and bruise on your jaw?"
"I've got into a fight, it's not serious" But Tim was there in seconds, his worry eyes looking at Jason's jaw and just wow- Jason swallowed the lump in his throat when Tim's slender finger touched his lip and-
"I've the best thing to help!" Tim pulled away and his finger caressed Jason's lip in a way that made Jason hold his breath.
And in the next moment Tim putted a chocolate bar in his hand, smiling at him "It help!" He said and Jason huffed a laugh, mentally shacking his head.
"Thanks Timmy" Jason said an smile on his face, opening the chocolate and cutting a line.
It was milk chocolate with pop candy and it was amazing, Jason hummed as he ate it, looking at Tim solving a new sudoku.
After the meeting (if it even can be called that) Jason took the rest of the chocolate bar, just to have something sweet after patrol tonight.
Jason stripped from his Red Hood gear, stretching his hands out and poping his back.
He took a quick shower and pulled on a sweat pants and grey hoodie from the deep of his closest 'Maybe it's time to do the laundry'.
Jason smiled as the sky were lit in 25 Days and turned the lamp off.
His lip tickled as some kind of reminder that Tim touched him there, he looked so worried and that just warmed Jason's heart.
And that amazing chocolate- maybe he will have to get hurt more just to have it.
He closed hid eyes, ready to fall asleep and then it hit him-
Oh shit.
He- he have a crush.
The sun was in the middle of the sky when Jason woke up, blinking into the darkness because the blinds are close.
He groaned as he stretched his body, still in the bed under the warmth of the fluffy blanket. The sleepiness still has her claws clutching on him and made Jason wonder why the hell his bed isn't as comfy whenever he's trying to sleep but is when he tries to wake up.
He almost fell asleep again, but the *Bam! Bam! Bam!* on his door made him jolt up from the bed, the gun that he hides between the mattress and the bed in his hand, walking to the living room without making a sound, looking through the peep hole.
He huffed in relief, opening the door looking at Dick who smiled at him. "You woke me up you asshole"
"Sorry little wing" But Dick didn't sounded sorry at all and that just made him groan.
Jason followed Dick to the kitchen after Dick let himself in, the door closing behind them.
"What are you doing here?"
"I can't visit my little brother?"
"Not your brother" Jason turned around to the pantry to take out a tea bag just when Dick flinched from the words as if they're physically harming him.
"You're my brother, even if you don't see it like that"
"No! You're my brother, I count you as my brother" Dick snap and Jason would lie if he said that that didn't touched his heart, even if it's not true because in the end Dick have his new little brother and also a sister and it's really is fine that Jason isn't part of his family. It is.
So he didn't reply to it, just let Dick think what he wants to. "Do you want to tell me why you actually came or what?" He asked as he started to boil water.
"I wanted to talk to you"
"You said you'd this case, how's it going?"
Jason took the teapot off the gas, pouring the hot water to his glass, "I didn't told anyone that I've a case"
"Well no but Babs told me"
"Babs don't know, and she would have asked if she wanted to know" Jason took a sip from his cup and turned around to glare at the older man "What it really is about?"
"Bruce saw you with Harley and Ivy and their kid and he wants to know what you all doing"
Jason saw red for a moment and them took a calming breath, a long sip from his tea and walked his way toward the island, putting his mug down and glaring at his so called brother.
"So you're here on a mission?" His voice was cold and full with venom.
Jason raised an eyebrow "You just said it"
"I don't care what B wanted, I came for my brother"
"Damian isn't here"
"What? You want me to say that you didn't came because Bruce said something on me? You don't want to know what I'm doing with Harley, Ivy and their kid? Ah? That's what you're telling me?"
"Ha! And you just said we're brothers!"
"We are Jason"
"No! You have your own little family, I'm not part of it, never was!"
"You are! You always were and you always will be!"
And at that moment Jason saw green, throwing his mug down on the island, the shatterd flew everywhere and the hot water started to drip down to the floor.
And as a last resort Dick yelled "TIM DRAKE!"
It made Jason blink, and look at Dick, "What did you just said?"
"Tim Drake, it's this boy Joker kidnapped, Harley and Ivy's kid"
"How do you know this?"
"Well, family of detectives and all"
"What do you want?"
"Is he threating you?"
"What? No!"
"Jay, you can tell me the truth"
"Oh I can?"
"Yes, of course!"
"Okay so fuck off"
"The truth is that I want you to fuck off and don't ever come back. Bye."
"I'll throw you out of the window"
"Okay, okay. But.."
"Go!" _____________________________________________
Tim sat on an air conditioner motor that was on the roof of a building, his legs tangling down, one shoe red with zigzag lines on it and the other one yellow with glitters. His pants in a fading green colour and a black-blue t-shirt. And Jason just looked, glad that his helmet hiding his face as a stupid smile crossed his face.
"Hoodie hood!" Tim's cheerful voice made Jason's smile wider, and Tim pushed himself of the air conditioner motor, when his feet touched the roof his yellow shoe started to sparkle with light, like little kids shoes.
"Hey clown kid" Tim smiled, something sweet and beautiful that made butterflies fly in Jason's belly.
"I don't like this helmet today" Tim said, his hands touching lightly at the sides of the red helmet.
"And why's that?"
"I can't see your hair. I love your hair!"
Jason smiled, Tim was just... just.
"Thanks baby clown, I love your hair too"
"Baby clown?"
"I like it"
Tim took Jason's hand in his and started walking them to the air conditioner motor.
They both sat down, Tim's hands now in his lap and Jason opened his helmet, setting it next to him.
Tim looked at him, his blue icy eyes glinted and a small smile on his face. Jason looked right back at him, the blue-green eyes looking like some amazing place that kids are being told about in fairy tales.
Jason don't know who moved first, or what exactly happened. All he knows is that Tim is sitting in his lap, Tim's hands in his hair and Jason hugging him close. There mouths pressing against each other's. Tim's mouth have this amazing chocolate taste, a hint of coffee and Tim.
In the dark sky above of them, the fireworks draw the 18 days.
Jason is happy. Like really truly happy. He couldn't stop smiling this stupid love sick smile since the kiss.
He met Tim every patrol and those small kiss were the best, 10/10 would definitely do again.
Tim's cute and smart and he seems to really like Jason which is amazing because Jason really like him too.
None of the Bats came to annoy him, and everything is just amazing. For once in his life everything is just good.
His grapple gun shot to the next building and the cold wind never felt better. As Red Hood's boots hit the roof a "Hey there, love bird" greeted him.
"Cat," He called back, doing a small '*hi*' with his hand "'sup?"
"We need to talk"
Jason sat next to her, his legs tangling down from the roof, "You here to give me the talk?"
"Not the talk you think about, I'll that to his moms"
"Then what talk?"
"Are you serious with him?"
"For now.. for now yes" he said with a bit hesitation.
Selina nodded "That's good for me"
"Thank you?"
"You're welcome sweetie, anyway you nrrd to be careful with Timmy"
"I know that, I wasn't born yesterday Cat"
She huffed a laugh, "Oh I know that sweetie, but you still need to know about Tim's past"
"Isn't he supposed to tell me about it? In his own time?"
"He will, I'm going to tell you only things that he won't because it's a trigger for him"
"The torture?"
"Yes, the torture, and what lead to his kidnapping, and it'll give you an idea yo what his parents were like"
Jason looked at her in the eyes, seriousness burns in them. "Okay, let's hear the story" _____________________________________________
His parents left again, it has been hours since the screaming stopped, his cheeks were wet from tears and his eyes red.
He was hiding in the closet, his hands holding his stuffed Kola close, his left arm is numb except for the cut on it, but it's a small cut and he deserved it. He isn't supposed to talk back to his father.
The dry blood on his arm itched and he needs to treat the cut, but he don't want to move. The closest is a safe place because mother and father can't get in.
New tears slipping down his face and he hugs the Kola tighter.
When Tim woke up his neck hurt and his left arm felt like a million fire ants stung her.
He opened the closest door, stumbling out of there holding the Kola in one hand, dropping it on his bed and walking to the bathroom, pulling the first aid kit from under the sink, treating his wound with a hiss of pain.
A quick glance out of the window and he knows it's in the middle of the night, and his parents were supposed to stay home for more couple of days but once again they just left the town. Without telling him. Again. And it's fine, he can't be mad at his parents for leaving him -he is, like his mother says, rotten child- all the time.
But he doesn't have something to do now, and his arm's fine, he can go out and see Batman, and maybe Robin too. Though Robin isn't around a lot now, maybe something happened... _____________________________________________
The streets lamps flickered on and off every couple of seconds, and the stars were hidden in the sky, behind the clouds.
The cold wind hit him merciless, but it just made him smile, he loves the winter. It always made him feel better with himself.
His camera clutched in his hands, his black stocking cap falling on his eyes every couple of minutes, and yes it may be annoying but it's also letting him something to do, because tonight he can't find Batman...
What the hour anyway? Maybe he's late and Batman's back in the cave...
And then he could hear it, some quiet voice singing.. Maybe a kid.. What if the kid need help?
"Hello?' he called out, moving closer to the voice, he can hear the words now.
"Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb Mary had a little lamb..." _____________________________________________
He cried out, pain strobes through all hid body, tears on his face and blood run down his chine and neck
This psycho laugh making him shiver and try to run away. This hateful song in the background..
And this voice.. "Come on Little Lamb, be a good son for little old me, and tell me. What's. Your. Name?"
He screamed as he got electriced again. _____________________________________________
He is shacking, scared out of his mind, tears rolling down his face. And it doesn't stop.
He can barely breathe, the electrical shock isn't stopping. And Tim is honest to God scared.
He don't know what's next to come, he can't actually believe it's happening and everything- everything hurt.
He can feel himself leaving his body, his heart- _____________________________________________
He woke up, everything is hurting again and the fucking Joker is looking at him, this psychotic smile on his face-
"Welcome back my Little Lamb"
-And this horrible song again
"Mary had a little lamb Little lamb, little lamb Mary had a little lamb..." _____________________________________________
"What's your name?"
"Tim!" _____________________________________________
"What's. Your. Name?"
"Ti-" _____________________________________________
"Your name?"
He don't even* know *anymore, and it's really frustrating... _____________________________________________
He is laughing. A manic good laugh. Happy laugh.
He's happy because he remembers who he is and it's funny- why did he forgot anyway?
"What's your name?"
"JJ!" _____________________________________________
He laughed as his dad cut his face open do he'll always smile. He laughed as dad throw him to the acid. He laughed as dad painted his hair.
He laughed and he laughed, and laughed and laughed-
But it's not funny anymore- dad isn't here and his hair is black... JJ scowled at the mirror, dad don't like his hair black. He like green. Yes, green hair and purple suit, and red- red, red, red blood. And it's funny- everything funny so hr laughs, but the mirror- The shattered glass flew everywhere and it's so funny that he can't stop laughing-
"Timothy!" Mother's standing by the door, she looks horrified.. it's not funny anymore- it's not-
He can't breathe, he stumbles backwards, tears rolling down his face and he. Can't. Stop. Laughing. _____________________________________________
One night he heard his mother and father talking. It's not fine, but what is fine anymore? He's finally Tim but he's also JJ and it's so confusing.
"I can't look at him anymore Jack, he is pathetic!"
"I know Janet, don't worry"
Tim chokes a whimper. _____________________________________________
The next week Ivy and Harley found Tim trying to drown himself and took him in... _____________________________________________
Jason took in a deep breath, his eyes wet and his heart ache for his little clown.
Catwoman gave him a small smile, "A lot? I know. Those are once of the memories Tim still have"
"I'm- I can't even-" Cat smiled at him and squeezed his shoulder.
The words 13 Days shined in the sky above them.
"Hood" Oracle's voice filled his helmet.
"O, how many times do I need to ask you not to hack my helmet?"
Oracle completely ignored him "How's Tim been?"
Jason swallow, he forgot that Babs is actually one of those people who really care about Tim (and him. Because Babs amazing).
"He's been good, happy" Just like Jason. It's like they feel the same thing. He can see Babs smile in his mind at that, like something changed in the weather just because of what he said, and it pulled a smile in his face.
"That's good, how are you?"
"Same as Tim"
And now he can hear her smile when she talks "I'm happy to hear that."
"How are you O? Does Dick head annoying you? 'cuz I can beat him if you need"
O snorted, "Two days sleeping on the sofa and he'll be begging for my forgiveness"
Jason laughed. And they kept talking about nothing for two more minutes, before Babe had to go.
And that's when Jason shot his grapple to another roof and went flying in the sky, the feeling of happiness all over his body.
But it all stopped when hr heard it.
It came straight out of his nightmares, something from his deepest fears.
This manic laugh. Joker's laugh.
And no just no. Thete's no way this stupid fucker got out again.
He dropped to the ground with a thud sound, looking for the fucker but instead seeing a group of teenagers, kicking someone on the ground.. someone who couldn't stop laughing like the Joker and his heart stopped beating for a second when he realised who it is.
A shot noise ripped through the air and the teens stopped, looking back at the red hood holding a gun at one of them.
All he needed to do wad to say "Go. Away" and the teens ran away, leaving Tim on the ground, hugging his legs to his chest, blood and tears mixed together on his face, and he couldn't breathe because the laughing wouldn't stop.
Jason hurried to him, helping him to sit up and uncurl himself, unable to look over Tim's face since he wouldn't let him.
"Tim, sweetie, my baby clown," Jason kissed his cheek, hugging him close to him "It's me, remember? Red Hood"
And at that Tim's head moved, looking up at him. Eyes full of tears and his face twitched in this manic smile, blood dripping down from the now open cuts in his chicks to his chin.
"Timmy babe, can you hear me?" He received a small and hesitate nod that he took as yes.
"Can you give me your hands?" He asked, showing Tim his gloved hands. The smaller man put his hands in his, feeling the fabric.
Tim relaxed, his eyes fixed on the red helmet, the tears stopped rolling down his face.
The laughing quiet down a bit, but still were there.
"You remember me, right? We are friends, hell I'm hoping even more than friends"
Tim nodded, but Jason wasn't sure what he was agreeing with so he just kept talking.
"We have this amazing plan, because you are my little smarty boy right?"
Tim could take in a breath and that was good, he wasn't laughing anymore but he also didn't talk exactly, just watched Jason and every couple of seconds squeezed one of his hands (never the both of them together for some reason).
"Hell I even kissed you that night and it was the greatest thing in the whole world baby clown"
"No." Tim's tiny voice waved on the air.
"Hah?" If Tim didn't like Jason like that... It would be ok, he will be heart breaked for a few days but he would be fine at the end... Somehow.
"I kissed you" Tim said, looking at him with this witty little smile that Jason grew to love so much.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah" a small smile tug on Jason's lips, and their lips met. It was amazing just like the first time they kissed, and it sent sparkles down Jason's body.
And after a minute he let go, both of them taking deep breath.
"Come on baby clown, let's go to my home"
Tim took his hand and he pulled him up, hugging the smaller man.
The words 7 Days exploded in the sky exactly when they reached Jason's apartment.
Waking up with Tim by his side is amazing.
The smaller man was curled next to him, a hand clutching at the fabric of his shirt. The long black hair messed up but still so beautiful. Tim's face relaxed, a samll smile on his face.
Last night Jason gave him one of his own shirts, and the younger basically swam in the white shirt.
Jason looked at the paler than normal skin that was now available. It was in the same colour of the shirt.
He pulled Tim closer to him, kissing the beautiful man's forehead and closing his eyes.
Immediately going back to the welcoming blackness of sweat dreamless sleep. _____________________________________________
The next time he woke up was because Tim wasn't next to him.
Jason didn't know exactly why he woke up because of that, but the moment Tim's weight left his body his eyes snapped open, meating beautiful blue eyes.
Tim smiled at him, a sleepy smile. His hair a whole lot of mess and Jason's heart beated faster as he smiled back.
The sun was already in the middle of the sky and the clock on the wall said it was already one A.M.
"Mornin' Jay" Tim whispered.
"Morning baby clown" _____________________________________________
They ate together, silence surrounding them in the most comfortable way.
Jason couldn't exactly point it out but something about Tim made him.... just feel whole. Like he didn't felt since he woke up six feet deep.
Both of them were in Jason clothes and Jason found out that for some unknown reason, white looked better at pale skin.
And Tim.. Tim was the most beautiful human he saw. His blue eyes, his black long hair, and this perfect smile. Jason started asking what he fucking did right to get this angel. _____________________________________________
He didn't knew how it happened but Tim's hot wet mouth was on him and he was practically in heaven.
His hands gripped the black hair and pulled slightly, making Tim moan and himself gasping as the moans vibrate on him.
He was definitely in heaven and this angel between his legs was the most perfect thing to ever happen to him.
"Oh God" he said and moaned Tim's name, his legs shacking.
"Tim I'm about to-" and with that he came down Tim's throat, the angel swallowed it and looked him in the eyes, giving him this beautiful smile. And well, Jason might die happy this time around. _____________________________________________
This night he hugged Tim closed to him, the smaller man hugging him back.
Outside the words 6 Days colored the black sky with pink, green and yellow.
It was simple. Very simple, and Jason did it already so why the hell is he freaking out?
Harley and Ivy started a riot somewhere in the city while Catwoman helped them in Arkham and said that she's going to take care of the security. So from there they were alone.
And it wasn't like he didn't knew the plane by heart, it's just that it really is happening. He's going to kill the Joker. They're going to kill the Joker.
And it's not a dream. The mother fucking clown is going to laugh for the last time. _____________________________________________
Each floor has a minimum of two guards, thanks to Killer Croc Arkham was down six guards, so floors 1-3 only had one guard each during the day (Because Gotham’s criminals are all geniuses and think that night is the best time for a breakout).
So doubling up only happened at night on these floors until the guards either recovered or replacements were vetted and hired.
Floors 4-5 had double guards at all times and floor 6 was more storage and extra holding cells than anything else right now.
Thanks to Harley and Ivy's riot there weren't a lot of guards where they were, everyone waiting to catch the two. Catwoman didn't lied about helping them from afar as every door opened to them without problems. _____________________________________________
The elevator doors opened at the fourth floor, Jason noted that there weren't any guards around, wondering what Catwoman did as he heard the muffled noise of an alarm from the floor above them.
Jason walked to the guard station and peeked in to see two men slumped over and unconscious. From the looks of it they have been knocked out, 'help from afar ha?' he thought to himself, smiling a little. Looking over at Tim, the little clown being too quite for so long, the teen smiled, his skin somehow more pale than normal, and his gun at hand. Jason nodded to him and Tim did the peace sign.
They followed a hallway around behind the booth and came up on a large metal door. They waited couple of seconds and the door opened, revealing another hallway with another large metal door several yards down. There were three such doors in their's way and each one opened and closed behind them, making them closer and closer to the goal.
Jason paused and took a deep breath before the final door. This is it. This stupid clown is as good as dead. The door opened.
And there was the Joker, laying on a thin metal like bed that was bolted to the wall.
All that stood between them and the Joker was a wall of bulletproof wall with several inches thick with small round air holes cut evenly to allow air to flow into the (if it could even be called that) room.
The Joker slowly rolled off the bed when he saw them, and came to stand in front of the clear wall, a sick smile on his face. “Well, well, well, what have we here? Visitors? Oh, I know you!" He said as he looked at Tim, his grin getting wider "You're my little lamb. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!”
Jason's heart started to beat faster, looking at Tim's hand gripping the gun so tight that his fingers turned whiter than usual.
"I'm not" Tim said, his voice quite.
"What did you said little lamb? Talk louder for papa"
Tim smiled, a small smile that made Jason question if he's going to follow the plan or not.
And of he really think about it, he was never told about this part of the plan... How will they kill the Joker?
"I'm not a fucking lamb you old fucker" Tim said and shoot.
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