#I’m so glad he clicks especially with Chloe so I chose to write about him :>
soft-serve-soymilk · 5 months
Im doing a thing so bare with me:
Without attaching a picture, either describe your selfsona or one of your ocs. You can be as detailed as you want.
Oh hi Chaos 👋 Sure!! I’ll do one of my ocs~ (@crowatyourwindow take it as practice for the lore I told you the other day 😉 I wanna see if you can get it without me explicitly naming them)
His eyes have a dullness to them, with the undersides laced with a faint darkness. Swirling, the rich indigo of his eyes are caught between past and present. He’s never truly living in either reality. The face is framed with wavy, medium-length hair knotted with a singular braid on the right, neatly held in place by a black newsboy-cap. Contrary to first impressions, the outfit works in service to that worn, fraying hat; the body harness that chokes his neck and wraps around his ribcage was born from the same feelings of guilt; none of his clothes have any softness in the fabric either. The pants are lilac and the long-sleeved shirt is greyish-navy. It’s been remarked that the whole fit was probably bought for the sum of $80 at hot topic, plastic electric-blue chains at the waist and all.
His figure is slender in the sinewy way, malnourished. He has the complexion of the clay at the beach cliffs, golden undertones in a supple brown. Tawny, almost. He only just reaches 5ft, short for his age as a 13-year-old.
In personality, he comes across as unusually cold and sharp-tongued— in reality, though, he’s the epitome of the hedgehog’s dilemma, craving deeply for human connection but fearing he’ll end up hurting another person again, so he maintains distance by keeping up a more aloof persona. Despite this, he truly loves his friends and is stubbornly loyal to them, in spite of his own wishes for self-destruction. If you were to get close to him, you’d find he’s actually rather sweet and a huge softie. A marshmallow in a titanium safe, if you will :)
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