#I’m probably just hormonal or something stupid
froggi-mushroom · 1 year
Having the most stressful time currently
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luveline · 4 months
ooo i love that you’re giving me free reign over ideas for pregnant bombshell and spencer.. maybe something really angsty where reader’s hormones are getting the best of her and she’s just really pissed at spencer for absolutely no reason? hope that makes sense
thank you for requesting <3 pregnant!reader
“I’m serious, Spencer Reid, you better leave me alone,” you warn. 
Spencer gawps. Morgan glances between you both in concern, having seen hundreds of your conversations over the years and never one this sour. “But I–”
“I’m not kidding.” You glare at him, press your hand to your mouth, and spin away from him to march up the steps to Hotch’s office. 
Spencer attempts to follow you. Morgan holds him back with one hand to the chest. “I wouldn’t if I were you.” 
Spencer watches you until you’re gone. He frowns, upset in his eyes and his model pout. “I don’t even know what I did.” 
“Is this a common occurrence?” 
“No, never! But these last couple days she’s always angry with me.” 
“It’s the baby hormones,” Morgan assures his friend, patting him and pushing him toward his desk. “Or you did something and don’t remember.” 
“If I did, I really don’t.” 
You stew in Hotch’s office. Morgan can imagine the conversation, your annoyance and Hotch’s light bemusement, your wondering if you’re being too harsh, and Hotch giving an amiable, neutral answer. Morgan can also imagine what Spencer thinks you’re doing, watching as his shoulders sink further and further down. 
Spencer scratches a stressed hand through his hair. “I’ll go say sorry,” he says. 
“Maybe that’s a good idea, but not yet. She needs time to cool down.” 
Spencer frowns at his hands. “I don’t like when she’s mad at me like this. We’re always on the same page, I never have to guess what she’s thinking anymore.” He pulls at the neck of his shirt and his tight tie. “I feel like I’m twenty four again.” 
“This is all new for her,” Morgan says. What Spencer doesn’t know is that he’s making this up as he goes. Spencer messed irretrievably for all he knows. “You just need to remember why she’s doing it in the first place, right? She’s loved you for years, one pregnancy induced moment of rage won’t change that. Probably.”
Spencer isn’t appeased. Worse when you emerge from Hotch’s office and walk straight to your desk without glancing Spencer’s way, and worse again when he attempts to talk to you and you shake your head. “Please, Spencer. Just leave me alone.” 
Spencer spends the day in agony. The worry of what he’s done eats at him, and he attempts to make it up to you, ultimately making it worse. You frown at every cup of tea or water he brings you, glaring at the plate he serves you for lunch. The bullpen of the office sags under your fury. Spencer doesn’t eat a single bite all day.  
It’s by chance that Morgan witnesses the full fallout on his way to the bathroom. You’re in the hallway just on the way to Penelope’s office with Spencer, who’s clearly followed you to give apologies and concern aplenty. He’s caught your hand.
“I don’t even know why you’re mad,” Spencer says hopelessly. He sounds heartbroken.
You look at your hands for a long while, seconds stretching and aching, before you hold your stomach and look to the side. “I’m sorry–” you say, cutting yourself off as your voice wobbles unsurely.
“What?” Spencer asks, startled. 
“I don’t know,” —your breath shudders— “why I’m being so mean to you–”
“I feel like I’m suffocating in my own skin and you’re just making me so angry hovering because I can look after myself, but I’m starting to think I can’t, and I look really stupid in my maternity clothes–”
“What’s wrong with your clothes?”
You huff sharply.
“I’m sorry,” he says, holding out his hands. “I’m so sorry. I know you’re just really pregnant right now and the hormones are messing with you,” —you scoff, but Spencer soldiers on— “I love how you look, and I love you even when you’re angry with me, and I’m sorry you feel claustrophobic. What can I do?” 
Your glare softens slowly. “You’re not mad at me?” 
“You’re mad at me, lovely.” 
Morgan thinks that last bit is a nice touch. You wipe your blurry eyes and squeeze his hands, still breathing too fast and too hard but the anger having completely drained from your features, returning you to your usual beautiful state. You measure his gaze for a while, before resting your forehead on his chest, your bump in the way of a proper hug. “Do you still love me?” you ask quietly.
“No.” He laughs and kisses your temple, using his index finger to turn your face by your hairline carefully, giving him better view of your face. “Yeah, I still love you. I always do. I’m sorry I upset you that much, I’m not trying to smother you.” 
“You didn’t, Spence, I upset myself, and I took it out on you… I’m sorry I was mean to you, earlier, you didn’t deserve it. It’s just hard.” You shake your head. “You never make me feel bad for being a diva and I wish you would.” 
“Would that make you feel better?” 
You sigh. “No, please keep being my sweetheart. Please.” 
Spencer says something too quiet for Morgan to hear, but can be read from the lips as a promise as he sweeps his hand up and down your back. 
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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tsumiki asks the question on a rare, relaxed saturday afternoon. with both the kid’s baseball games canceled due to some heavy morning rain, the four of you were taking the time to do some much needed relaxation. 
“how did you guys end up together?” 
satoru lifts his head from your lap, where you’d been plucking his brows. “isn’t it obvious? it was due to my roguishly handsome good looks and sharp comedic wit.” 
megumi scoffs from his spot on the armchair. “i doubt that.”
you press your cheek against your boyfriend’s shoulder, laughing. “that’s cute, babe, but do you want to tell them how it really happened? or should i?”
“i’ll tell them,” he volunteers. “because i have been in love with you a lot longer than you might think.”
satoru meets you when he’s seventeen years old. (it’s a stupid age. ‘cause when you’re seventeen, you’re all hormones and ego and think the world revolves around you.) 
so he doesn’t pay you much mind when yaga first introduces you to his little class, because honestly? he’d taken one look at you, fresh out of the countryside with your perfectly pressed uniform, not a hair out of place or a battle scar on your body and was extremely underwhelmed. so he’d brushed you off like lint on his sleeve, because he doubted you’d even survive the year. no point in getting to try and know you. 
that same afternoon, you’d unleashed hell on him with your shikigami and almost broken his nose. 
“i’m sorry,” you’d muttered when you’d forcibly accompanied him to the infirmary. 
“you don’t sound sorry,” he’d huffed. his nose (and his ego) were definitely bruised. 
you rolled your eyes and muttered something that was probably really mean under your breath. he’s about to tell you off when he feels blood start to drip again, cursing and pinching the bridge of his nose as he tilts his head back.
“you’re supposed to tilt your head forward,” you sigh, handing him another folded up piece of paper towel. 
he doesn’t take it, glaring down at you. “why would i do that?”
shoko and geto walk behind you both, highly amused by your bickering. “they’d be good together, don’t you think?”
“if they don’t kill each other first.” the latter chuckles, shoving his hands in his pockets as he eyes you both. 
“if you tilt your head forward, then the blood drips out and not in–”
“why? that’s where the blood is supposed to be.”
“no, it’s not, and if you’d just let me finish what i was saying instead of interrupting me–”
it’s not the last time he interrupts you. it’s not the last time the two of you bicker or the last time he walks with you through the courtyard. days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months, and even though you’d almost broken his nose that first day, he quickly realizes that he couldn’t imagine you anywhere but with him. 
it’s late when he sneaks out of your room, sunset streaming through the courtyard as he peeks around the corner, on the lookout for any faculty before he dashes back to the boy’s dorm…
…only to run into geto, who’s standing outside. he feels bad for a second, because they haven’t really talked since…well, everything.
but he just flicks his cigarette, grinning in that all too knowing way of his. “what were you doing in the girl’s wing, creeper?”
“nothing,” he lies, but his cheeks are warm, there are butterflies in his stomach, and he can’t seem to stop smiling.
his best friend looks at him. really looks at him. “oh, man. you’re so obvious.”
“i’m not obvious, you’re obvious,” he retorts.
geto takes another drag before holding it out to him. gojo shakes his head. “you’re one of the smartest, yet dumbest people i know. so i’m going to help you now, because i think without guidance, you are capable of making extremely rash romantic decisions.”
“that’s not true–”
“it’s very true. like that fact that you’re in love with…” geto nods his head towards the girl’s dorm, grinning. 
he tucks his chin under the collar of his jacket when he feels heat crawl up his neck, looking away. “that’s ridiculous. i’m not…it’s not like that. we’re just…hanging out.”
“really?” his friend checks. “because the way that you look at her, i mean…wow. we’ve all seen it. you look at her like you hear tiny forest animals singing whenever she walks into a room.” 
satoru bristles slightly, because he’s not entirely off the mark. 
(but seventeen is a stupid age, and at the time he knew he cared for you deeply, but he didn’t know he loved you yet.)
geto knows though, and just shrugs. “i know you’ll see it someday too.”
“do these shoes go with my outfit?” you ask, looking over your shoulder.
gojo shrugs, hardly even glancing up from his phone. “sure.” 
“you didn’t even look!” 
he exhales a harsh breath, tossing his phone onto your bed as he looks up at you. “why are you trying so hard for some guy you don’t even like? i mean– have you even met him?”
“no,” you sigh, smoothing your hands over your dress. “but me meeting him is really important to my father.” 
he leans back against your headboard, folding his hands behind his head. “why?”
“because a proposal from the kamo clan is a really big deal.” you startle when he sits up so fast that his glasses fall from their perch atop his head. “oh my– what’s wrong?!”
“everything about that sentence. a proposal? as in to be wed?”
“yes, gojo,” you confirm, turning back to adjust your earrings in the mirror. “i was born outside of the zen’in clan, but i have their inherited technique. my dad…all these years he’s worked hard to keep me off their radar so i wouldn’t be stuck there. so i wouldn’t be unhappy like he was. if i accept this proposal and join the kamo clan…all his hard work wouldn’t be for nothing.” 
“the kamo clan,” he repeats, shaking his head. he’s not sure why he’s so annoyed. it’s hard to pinpoint the exact reason. “they’re based in kyoto. you’d– you’d have to leave.”
he doesn’t say anything for a long moment, but all the unsaid things that he’s been too scared to admit to himself (and especially to you) must be written all over his face, because you hesitate before you step out the door, looking back at him hopefully. 
“have fun,” is all he says instead, pretending not to notice when your expression falls. “i’ll probably be out when you get back, but just text so i know you’re alright and haven’t already been whisked off to kyoto.”
“but you never joined the kamo clan,” tsumiki notes, sending you a questioning look. “why did your dad to change his mind?”
“i…actually still don’t know,” you admit, smiling softly. “he’s never told me.” 
“well, whatever the reason, it doesn’t matter now. ‘cause you’re right where you’re supposed to be,” satoru grins. he presses a soft kiss to your lips, but pulls back with a laugh when the kids groan loudly. “on that note, i’m going to start cleaning up.” 
megumi, who’d been silent the entire story, gets up to help, trailing after him into the kitchen.
“it was you,” he says once you and tsumiki are out of earshot.
satoru sets the stack of plates on the counter, glancing over his shoulder at him. “hm?”
“you made some kind of deal with her family, didn’t you? like you did for me.” 
he doesn’t answer right away, moving leftover vegetables into a container. “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
besides, that was then and this was now. he’s older and wiser and he knows that he’s loved you since he was seventeen years old.
your father seems taken aback, and not just because satoru gojo was standing in his study, but because of what he was proposing. “excuse me?”
blue eyes land on a photo of you on your father’s desk. you’re cherished here. loved. letting you go must be hard, even if it’s for your own good. “you want to keep her away from the zen’in’s right? if she joins the gojo clan, we’ll make the idea of even coming near her radioactive.” 
“but the only way to do that is–”
“marriage. to me, specifically,” he finishes with an easy shrug, as if he’s merely speaking about the weather. “quick, easy, simple. now you can reject the kamo clan’s proposal.”
your father is a smart man, that much is obvious. he’s kept you out of the zen’in’s grasp for years, even after news of your inherited technique had spread. there’s no way he’d turn down a deal as good as this.
“i have nothing to offer you,” he says now, expression pinched. “no dowry, or things of the like.”
“i don’t need your money,” he dismisses with a wave of his hand. “in fact, i only have three conditions.”
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gojo’s three conditions
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notjustjavierpena · 3 months
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Series Masterpost | Main Masterpost
A/N: Back in November, I posted a fic where @nerdieforpedro wrote a comment in their tags that said ‘I need you to crack my back, sir’. This is stupid but it stuck with me, so here you go. I suppose it’s also my own way of saying that I see everything you all write about my stuff. I love y’all.
Summary: Your husband cracks your back when you come home from work. Also, you are trying for a baby.
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, back-cracking, massages, a good girl, fingering, dirty talk, hard and fast piv sex, javier whimpering is its own warning, clit stim, breeding kink, creampie, they’re in loooove
Word count: 2k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54705589
You drag yourself into the living room where Javier is currently napping on the couch, arms crossed over his chest and chin pointing downward. He looks peaceful but the tension in your back is enough to disturb him from his slumber and not feel bad about it.
You bend down over him, gently shaking him.
“Javi,” you call softly. It takes you three tries before he stirs, opening his eyes with a little confusion as he tries to figure out where he is. 
“What is it, baby?” His voice is slightly raspy from sleep. You smile apologetically.
“I need you to crack my back,” you say. 
You don’t know how it happened but it feels like something is pinched, probably from an awkward position during the night or even during other activities. You have tried to relieve the tension all day by twisting your body from side to side but to no avail.
“What?” He grabs the back of the couch to pull himself into a sitting position. You take a step back.
“I think something’s… I don’t know, it’s just so frustrating. I’m tense as hell,” you explain, turning your back to him to try and point to the spot that’s been aching since you got into work in the morning, “It’s right here. Between the shoulder blades.”
“Right,” he pinches the bridge of his nose, inhales deeply, and breaks into a yawn, “Take your top off and lie down on the floor.”
You do as he says, smiling a little to yourself as you hear the groan that he makes when getting up from the couch. Perhaps you should return the favor. You lay down on the floorboards of the apartment, flat on your stomach, face turning to the side, and your arms along your sides. 
Another grunt is heard as Javier gets down on the ground with you. He places a knee on either side of your thighs, hovering above your legs, and then he takes a hold of the hem of your pants, “Okay if I pull them down a bit? Then I can do the whole spine.”
“Go ahead.”
Javier yanks down your bottoms, turning them into something that resembles low-rise style. He then heats up his hands by rubbing them together, “How rough can I be?”
“Can’t believe we’re doing something that requires you to ask that and it isn’t sex,” you wiggle your hips a bit but then wince as pain shoots through your body again.
“Answer the fucking question,” he says with a roll of his eyes, smiling but impatient.
“Don’t hold back.”
Javier’s now-warm palms settle on your back. You sigh softly at the feeling of him touching your skin so carefully, treating you like something delicate until you feel him place one hand on top of his other to center the pressure right between your shoulders. He pushes down and you exhale sharply.
You moan in relief. Endorphins flood your system. 
“That was so nice, baby,” you praise, “Thank you.”
“I’m not done,” Javier kisses you right where he has just relieved the tension. Then he moves down and does it again.
Another crack is heard. You curl your toes, eyes fluttering closed as another wave of feel-good hormones begins to flow through your system. 
“Good girl,” Javier compliments, and you don’t have to ask if he is smirking because it’s evident from the tone of his voice as he sees the shiver that creeps up your neck, “More?”
So he does it again.
And again.
And again.
Until you feel like putty underneath his touch. You want to say something but with each skim of his fingers, each rough push of his entire body’s weight, you only manage to groan in pleasure. 
Above you, Javier has gone quiet but his breathing has turned more erratic. He has switched from cracking your back to massaging your sore muscles instead, kneading along your sides whilst you reward him with small sighs and moans of satisfaction as well as gratitude. 
You shiver as he presses his thumbs into the place where your neck meets your shoulders, holding it for a while before dragging his whole palms outwards. It feels good, almost like an embrace.
He repeats the move until you feel sweat starting to break out on your skin from how warm his hands are. A moan escapes your mouth, the same kind that you usually make when he kisses your neck. 
“You like that?” He asks in a tone that you know too well. You nod. He does it again but goes closer to your neck this time, fingers skimming along your pulse point.
Something in the atmosphere shifts after that. 
Soon, he descends on your body, going achingly slow as he searches out his goal. He ends up digging two thumbs into the very top of your ass. He isn’t downright groping you but there’s a hesitation each time he pushes into the plump flesh there. Teasingly, you push up into his hands.
“You’re so sexy like this,” he mutters and you can hear him move on the floor, crawling backward so he can kiss the small of your back when he leans down. 
“With a sore back?” You snort to hide how excited this is making you, a dull ache settling between your thighs.
“In any way,” he clarifies. He doesn’t even hesitate when he starts pulling down both your pants and your underwear, and you don’t protest but instead lift your hips to help him yank them down until they sit around your ankles. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath as he dips a finger inside of you, pushing down towards your stomach to make you squirm on the floor. You whimper. He makes a come-hither motion to rub against your g-spot and you immediately move your arms forward to grab at the ground. Your cunt squelches and Javier swears again, “You’re soaked.”
“Of course, I am, was so fucking good the way you were touching me, and… I’m like a damn clock with being wet for you when I ovulate,” you moan, pushing back against his hand. He groans at the realization of what time of the month it is. He gets to put a baby in you.
His fingers work you open, teasing you towards an orgasm by doing exactly what he knows gets you there quickly. The sounds of your wetness are obscene, only getting more lewd when you come right there on the floor with your pants around your thighs. 
“Baby, shit, more,” you pant with a desperate whine, clenching around Javier’s digits as they continue rubbing against your front wall even though your orgasm has long subsided. He doesn’t relent but you don’t mind, relishing in the pressure inside of your cunt. It’s good but it’s not his cock, “Fuck me, baby. Please, I— I need you in me.”
You hear the sound of a belt buckle being undone and then the shuffle of denim being pulled down. You look over your shoulder to find him with his jeans sitting around his knees, too desperate himself to get fully undressed. 
“Eyes forward,” he commands you and ignores his own desire until you do as you are told. You hold onto the floorboards with flat hands, only spreading your legs slightly to make him as tight a fit inside of you as possible. 
His whole weight crushes you so heavenly in the next moment, and his generous length sheaths itself in the warm embrace of your soaked walls with ease until he bottoms out. Your face screws up with the intensity especially because he leans down over you to groan hotly into your ear. 
“Love this little pussy,” he moans as you both adjust to being connected like this. He rests a forearm beside your head, biting into your shoulder and soothing the mark with his wet tongue. It drives you insane that he is not moving inside of you yet, and he seems to know with how he taunts you, “Want me to fuck her silly?”
“Javi,” you whimper and nod frantically, “I’ll come so good for you, milk your big cock with my pussy. Please, baby.” 
“I bet you will, mi chica sucía (my dirty girl),” he answers before giving you exactly what you want; the first roll of his hips makes your mind go blank, even moreso when he starts fucking you into the floor like an animal. 
His legs frame yours, his pelvis crashes into the plump flesh of your ass with a dirty smack each time, and he is burning hot against your back. You won’t last long with him reaching so deep inside of you, the thick head of his stiff cock sliding over your g-spot like his fingers had earlier. Each nudge makes your cunt suck him further in, and he starts panting above you with the effort he puts into fucking you. It doesn’t even occur to you that your knees are aching when he has you like this. 
“Please,” you beg without exactly knowing what you want from him; everything he is giving you has you dizzy with lust. You tense up as your orgasm approaches with rapid motions, and he goes even harder now that you don’t fly forwards with the slamming of his body into yours, “Gonna come— I’m… oh, I’m coming, fuck, baby, I’m coming!”
“I can feel you,” he growls and barely moves inside of you anymore, having replaced it with grinding against you to not miss a single pulse of your spasming, peaking cunt. You writhe underneath him, and he treats you to a messy kiss as one of his hands comes up to cup your chin so he can turn your head. 
“Come in me, please, baby, need your babies in me,” you cry against his mouth with furrowed eyebrows. He whimpers at your request, faltering in his rhythm for the first time since he started fucking you. 
“I’ll make you come so hard again, mi amor (my love), want you to spasm around my dick,” he stutters a bit when he speaks. The hand on your chin slips down your body and then underneath it too, his flat palm against your pelvis until he presses up into it to angle your hips. You stay in this new position, back arched to perfection - dopamine in your body making you forget the ache - so he can stab at your g-spot and follow it up by rubbing your needy clit with no buildup. 
The neighbors are bound to hear you screaming as you come again a minute later. The clenching shocks of pleasure are mind-altering and enough for Javier to finish alongside you, spreading his warm seed inside of you with a desperate groan. 
You both collapse with him still buried in you. Your clothes are sticky with how much you have sweated, your knees ache with reality slowly coming back, and your body feels warm and sated despite it all. 
“Let’s just lie here for a while,” you say and reach behind you to grab at him as he starts to remove himself from you, “I think this was it. I know it sounds stupid but—“
“Nothing you say sounds stupid, mi amor (my love),” he still breathes hard, brushing your hair away to kiss your neck, “Love making babies with you.” 
You make a noise of agreement. Then you rest your cheek against the floor whilst he nibbles on your neck, humming softly at the feeling of it combined with the lingering pressure of him in your cunt when he finally slips out. 
“Te quiero tanto (I love you so much),” you say with closed eyes and a satisfied smile. 
“Love you too, baby,” he says back and you can hear the smile in his voice. 
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miley1442111 · 12 days
hi ! can I request Derek Morgan x Pregnant! Reader?
Where reader is a couple days past her due date and is literally miserable and Derek’s lowkey frustrated because he’s tried every thing he can to help and he hates seeing his girl upset,
so they start looking up ways to help induce labor, and they try a few and none of them work, so reader gives up and starts to cry and Derek is there to reassure her that everything is gonna be okay,
& that he read somewhere that s*x induces labor and it’s turns into light fluffy smut?
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a/n: i love this idea, probably didn't do it justice, also my most sincere apologies for letting this rot in my inbox for so long :)
summary: derek has to do something when you're 3 days past your due date
pairings: derek morgan x fem! wife! pregnant! reader
warnings: pregnancy issues, smut (lowkey praise kink but wtv), going into labour
It would be an understatement to say that being pregnant sucked. 
You were tired, you were achy, you couldn’t do anything, you couldn’t sleep, and you were literally 3 days past your due date, with no end in sight. 
Fuck this stupid baby, and fuck your stupid husband for getting you pregnant in the first place. 
 You sat in your bed, miserable and in pain as Derek held you in his arms. He was annoyed. He could see how much pain you were in, and knew how much pain you’d be in soon when you had to give birth. He just… he wanted it to stop. So he looked up methods of inducing labour. 
“Apparently spicy food helps with inducing labour,” he muttered as he mindlessly rubbed his hand over your stomach. 
“I’ll try anything at this point,” you said in a small voice and Derek’s heart shattered. 
“I’ll order something,” he nodded and you offered a meek ‘thank you’. He ordered the spiciest things on your local Mexican place’s menu, and waited eagerly for its arrival. When it did come, he plated it and watched as you ate it.
Nothing. Not even a contraction. 
“Fuck’s sake,” you groaned, washing your hands after eating. “Now I just feel fucking sick.”
“I’m sorry baby,” he sighed, pulling you in to give you a soft but reassuring kiss. “The next thing on the list is physical exercise.”
That was not met with much enthusiasm, but you obliged anyway. You got on the treadmill that lives in your home-gym, and ran for 30 minutes. 
Still nothing. 
Derek watched as your frustrated face turned into the one you make before you cry, and his heart shattered a second time. “Come here baby,” he sighed and pulled you into his arms, pressing kisses to your forehead as you cried. He whispered words of reassurance and love,but you couldn’t stop crying. You were in so much pain, you were so tired, and you just wanted this baby out. You wanted to see your little girl and hold her. 
“What’s next on the list?” You asked between sobs. 
You looked up at him, drying your eyes. “Sex?”
“Sex,” he nodded. “But if you’re not up to it we can-”
“Derek Morgan, this baby is coming out of me today or so help me god, I will hurt someone,” you swore. Derek nodded quickly and took your hand, leading you to your bedroom. 
“What’s safe for the baby?” You asked him timidly as he undressed you. 
“Spooning, if that’s comfortable,” he offered. He’d done so much research about how to help you, it almost made you sob all over again. Stupid pregnancy hormones. 
“That sounds nice,” you swallowed back the lump in your throat as Derek smiled at you, then pressed soft kisses to your bare collarbone.
“So pretty for me,” he cooed. “My beautiful girl.”
You both laid down on the bed as he kissed you, whispering words of encouragement. God he was so attractive like this, taking care of you, loving you. You were getting ridiculously wet.
“I’m going to be real gentle, okay?”
“Okay,” you nodded as his hands started kneading the plump of your ass. 
“You feeling alright?”
“Good, just please- do something,” you begged and he chuckled. 
“Already beggin’ for me? God you’re perfect,” he kissed your cheek as he slowly slipped inside you. You let out a series of moans as his long cock filled you up, while his hands groped your body. “That’s it, good girl. Take all of me.”
He slowly started moving as you squirmed and moaned under his thrusts. 
“Come on, you’re so good for me baby. Doin’ so good babygirl,” he groaned. “So pretty around my cock.”
You felt yourself clench at his words. Then it happened. Your water broke. 
“Oh my god!” You shouted, immediately getting off of the bed and running to get your clothes on. Derek smiled as he watched you. 
“It worked?”
“It worked!” You chuckled, then the contractions came in, ruining the moment. You hunched over and leaned on the bed and Derek started getting dressed. 
“Come on mama, we gotta get you to the hospital,” he smiled as he helped you out. 
Twelve hours later, you two welcomed your first little girl, Emily Morgan. 
Derek already wanted another one.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
cm taglist
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lunajay33 · 19 days
Summary: You always thought your neighbour was handsome, you grew close over the years, he’d always help when you’d have troubles but there was one thing holding you back, your toxic boyfriend
Pairing: Neighbour Negan x f!reader
Content: Some 18+, age gap, toxic boyfriend
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When I was 15 the house next door went up for sale and the most ethereal man moved in, I’d see him now the lawn or see him sit on his porch and light up a cigarette and it made me realize that these urges I had weren’t just teens hormones I needed that man on another level but I could never do anything obviously I was just a stupid teen with a fixation on a man who’s way out of my league, but that didn’t stop me from fantasizing over the years, when he’d invite me and my parents over for a barbecue or when he’d come over to watch the game with my father
It also didn’t help that our room windows were right across from eachothers, i’d catch glimpses of him shirtless and it just heightened my cravings but then after graduation I got a job at a motorcycle shop in town thanks to my dad and that’s how I met my boyfriend, I was hesitant at first due to my feeling for Negan but I tried to move on, he was really sweet at first but after a few months he turned cruel, dropping by my house late at night trying to get in through my window drunk saying he was lonely and wanted me to distract him, I always pushed him away and he only got mad once he got so mad he broke my window waking Negan and I had to make up an excuse he probably knew was a lie, I tried to break up so many times but he never let me and always threatened me with something
I’m 22 now and am still working at the garage, I love it sometimes Negan would stop by with his bike and I swear he would flirt with me, telling me how good I look working on the bikes, always offering to bring me for a ride, everytime I saw him scheduled in I’d get all excited just like now
I heard him bike rumbling out front and the door ringed and there he stood, tall and as sexy as ever, he only got better with age, he leaned against the counter and smirked as he took a red lollipop from the jar for customers and smirked at me as he licked it immediately flustering me
“Hey gorgeous you ready for me?”
“Oh um yeah! I’ll open the garage and you can bring it on in” I could feel my checks heat up at his intense gaze, it made me feel bad for looking at him like that since I have a boyfriend but he was an ass so what’s a little fantasizing going to hurt
He pulled up into the garage and pulled a chair up next to me, he always liked to watch me work
“So you still with John?” He asked as he sucked on the lollipop
“Yeah sadly” I accidentally let slip
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“I umm nothing forget I said that”
“You know you can’t lie to me sweetheart, so what is it”
“Fine…..I don’t want to be with him I never really wanted to, sure he was nice…..at first but”
“But?” I looked at him hesitant but he had a way to get things out of me especially secrets
“Remember that night when my window broke?”
“Yeah scared the shit outta me”
“He got drunk and tried to get into my room, I said no and he got mad, he always gets mad and broke my window…….i don’t want to be with him anymore but he won’t let me leave” I look back at him and see the anger
“I’ll kill that son of a bitch”
“Y/n what the hell is this?” Speak of the devil John was standing at the garage door and to say he was livid would be an understatement, I put my tools down and stood up nervously wiping my hands on my pants
“John nothings going on I’m just working on Negans bike”
“Yeah the Negan youre so obviously in love with” I glance at Negan and he’s just glaring at John
“John we’ve been over this, if you’re so jealous just let me leave why do you want to stay with me if you hate me” I sighed frustrated
“You’re mine even if I despise everything about you, you’re stuck with me when I need a good lay”
“You better watch your tongue boy” Negan groaned still kicked back in his chair
“And what are you gonna do about it old man” Negan stood and John was dwarfed by his shadow
“This is done, you ever come near her again, you ever touch her, you even look the side of her and you’ll regret you were ever born” this was the first time that I actual saw John cower little the scum he is, he stepped back from Negan and looked at me as he walked away
“You’re lucky you got your pet around” and then he was gone
I slump down against my chair with my head in my hands, feeling the burden lift off my shoulders but also the guilt, I hated that Negan had to get involved that I’ve been lying to myself for so long, that I can’t stop loving Negan no matter what I do
I don’t say anything and go back to work just wanting to get out of this awkward situation, I start working on the oil change when he speaks up
“You didn’t deserve that baby girl, you’re too good for him”
“Sorry you had to get in the middle of that”
“I’d do it again if it meant I’d get that asshole out of your life”
“Well I’ll just finish up your bike and you can be on your way” I say quickly finishing up and handing collecting his fee at the counter
“Well thanks for the work, what are you doing later?” He asked as he licked his lollipop again sending a tingle through me
“Umm I was just planning on reading a book maybe go to bed early”
“Well if you get bored honey you know where to find me” with that he took his keys and he was off on his bike
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The clock struck 6 and it was time to head home, my parents were gone on a vacation so the house was all to me, I went to my room stripping of the days dirty clothes, taking a quick shower pulling on a clean pair of black lace panties with a matching bra
Looking in the mirror I felt satisfied with the new set I recently bought, I turn and look out my window my heart thumps when I see Negan looking over, for some reason I’m feeling extremely confident so I motion for him to come over as I bite my lip and he’s quick to leave his house, hearing him run up the stairs to my room stopping in the door way, his eyes rooming up and down my almost bare body
“Well are you just gonna stand there?” He approached our bodies mere inches from eachother, his body heat and the smell of his cologne enveloping me in a haze of desire
“Bit of a peeping tom there Mr.Smith” I say lacing my fingers into the hem on his pants pulling him closer
“Can’t help it when a pretty little thing is putting on a show seemingly just for me” his hands gripping my hips, this is everything I’ve fantasized about for years, the innocent flirting, the stolen glances, the wet dreams all leading to this very moment
The rest of the night he showered me with this feeling I never felt with John, like it was about my pleasure, everywhere he touched felt like fire was left in its wake, he’s everything I’ve wanted how he treats me like he worships the ground I walk on, like I’m the air he breaths, I just hope this wasn’t a one night thing
“That was amazing darlin” he says beside me, his arm wrapped around me hips as I’m laid on his chest
“Yeah, I hope this is a one night stand kinda thing though right?”
“Of course not, I’m not gonna be stupid like that prick and let something….someone so amazing and beautiful slip through my fingers, you’re mine now baby”
My heart finally felt at ease like this was where I belonged, in the arms of the man next door
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Sorry guys I haven’t been updating a lot and this was kinda trash, I’ve just been depressed lately and haven’t found my passion in writing right now
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Secret Secret Chapter 5
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OT8 Straykids x reader, ABO AU
Masterlist | Part 4
Sooyoung realized it immediately when she walked in.
“Oh wow, someone’s in preheat.”
You sighed. “Is it that noticeable?”
She dropped her bag on the counter. “Honey, it smells like you took a shower in unicorn pee.”
“Unicorn pee?”
“I can’t imagine anything else smelling so good and yet so overwhelmingly bad,” she said with a shrug, turning to rummage around the cabinets. “You going to take the day off when your heat hits?”
“Oh, um.” You shrunk down in your seat on the couch. “Not exactly.”
The alpha paused, turning around slowly with narrowed eyes. “What did you do?”
“Look, hear me out,” You started. “It’s only Monday. My heat will probably hit on Thursday, and then I’ll have to call in sick for two days.”
“Wow, two days off work. How tragic,” Sooyoung said sarcastically, still standing with her arms crossed.
You gave her a look. “However, if I can hold off my heat until after work on Friday, I can ride my heat out during the weekend. No need to call in sick at all!”
“Right. And go back to work immediately after your heat?”
You could tell that her alpha wasn’t pleased with the idea of you working after such a harsh experience. Most omegas took at least a few days off after their heat to recover, but it wasn’t impossible for you to function the day after.
Betas wouldn’t need a day off to recover.
“It’s only my second week at this job, Youngie. I can’t afford to be using up my sick days so soon!”
“And yet I know for a fact that you’ll use some other excuse the next time your heat comes up.” She paused, narrowing her eyes as she realized something. “Wait. The only way you’ll manage to delay your heat is with suppressants.”
You looked down.
“You know how badly those affect you!”
“It’s only two days!”
Sooyoung threw her hands up into the air. “Fine, you know what? Do what you like. You’re a grown adult capable of making her own stupid decisions. But don’t come crying to me at the end of the day when those symptoms wreak havoc on you.”
You watched through silent fury as your roommate practically stomped to her room. The door slammed loudly behind her, and you were tempted to comment on it just to get the last word in, but you held your tongue.
In reality, you knew she had every right to be worried. Heat suppressants were normally only used for emergencies, not because they had any negative consequences on the body itself, but because the symptoms were so horrible that no normal person would willingly subject themselves to them unless they absolutely had to.
Headaches, fatigue, heightened senses, heat flashes, brain fog, stomach cramps. Heat suppressants forced the production of pre-heat hormones and suppressed the actual heat from happening for a short period of time, but, as an unfortunate side effect, it enhanced all the pre-heat symptoms and dialed them up to a 100.
Compared to the milder heat symptoms (slick production and high libido) it seemed odd to want to endure two days of all that. But your heat would make your scent so strong, to the point that your scent blockers wouldn’t work anymore, so it was a necessity.
At least that’s what you told yourself.
You weren’t sure what to expect from the Alpha you were bringing home. The entire ride in his car, besides giving out directions, nothing was said between the both of you. Even now, awkwardly standing in your kitchen, he looked like he was losing the motivation he originally had, and you wondered if you would end up being left high and dry.
“Do you want some water? Or something else to drink?” You leaned against your counter, hoping that a simple conversation would help him relax.
He shook his head. “I’m fine.”
“You sure? You look like your seconds away from bolting.”
“Ah, am I that obvious?” He let out a chuckle, reaching up to scratch at his forehead. “I’ve never really done something like this before.”
You tilted your head in interest. “Oh? What makes me so special?”
He didn’t say anything at first, instead choosing to move forward until he was leaning against the other side of the counter. The two of you were close enough that you could reach out and touch him if you wanted, but part of you was curious to see if he would make the first move.
“I don’t know,” he answered truthfully.
“You sure it’s not my charmingly good looks?” You said it jokingly, but he rested his chin against his hand.
“No, it’s something else. Something … special.”
You felt your omega perk up at the compliment, and you could smell your scent begin to grow. You pulled back from the counter to stand up straight. If things were going to progress any further, you needed to take this back to your room. You didn’t want Sooyoung to have to deal with the scent of arousal lingering in the communal areas.
“Well then, mr. charmer. How about we take this to my room?” You held out your hand, and he took it.
His hand was warm and heavy in yours.
You opened up your bedroom door, and you found yourself staring at his ass as he passed. “What’s your real name anyways?”
“My real name?” The alpha looked around your room with a thoughtful look. “It’s not that important.”
You raised your eyebrows” What do I call you, then?”
“Hmmm.” You couldn’t see his face through his mask, but the way he gazed at you made you feel like you were being stripped apart to your bare bones, and you could imagine the curl of his lips. “You can call me Alpha.”
His scent began to come out stronger, like a breeze on a hot day, and you found yourself hoping it would linger long after he was gone.
You shut the door.
“Well, alpha,” You said, deliberately drawing the word out. “You going to wear that mask all night?”
He seemed to grow almost … shy. “I- actually, I think I’d prefer to keep it on.”
“It’s okay,” You assure him, not wanting him to feel insecure.
“I mean, I do want to kiss you,” He started, taking a step towards you. You could see the moment he hesitated to reach out to you, his hand dropping down to his side in a clenched fist. “If you want, that is.”
You let out a bark of laughter. “Oh sweetie, I’m pretty sure inviting you over was an invitation for much more than just a little kiss.”
This time he didn’t stop himself from reaching out to you, his hands lingering on your waist as his eyes flittered across your space. You reached up for his mask, the idea of kissing him the only thing you can think of. You wanted to know what he looked like. How soft his lips would be.
He grabbed your wrist. “I can’t let you see my face.” He sounded almost regretful.
“It’s okay,” You reassured him once more. “I can close my eyes.”
And you did. You stood there, eyes closed, and let your smile grow as he dropped your wrist, the sound of fabric shifting in front of you. For a second, he left you waiting. You didn’t open your eyes, but you did reach out to place your hand against his bare jaw.
His lips were as soft as you hoped they would be.
Your hands roamed down from his face to his neck, using your grip on his to pull him closer. It felt like he was inhaling your very essence, His scent covered you, and you moaned against his lips as his body pressed against yours. He smiled, lips still pressed against yours.
You pulled away from the kiss, but immediately pushed your face into his shoulder to keep yourself from the temptation of opening your eyes.
“You good?”
“I think it’s going to be a little hard to remember to keep my eyes close if you keep kissing me dumb like that.”
His chest rumbled as he laughed, grip on your waist tightening. “Sorry?”
“Hmmm, it’s not a complaint. Just an observation.” You pulled out of his hold completely, waving your hand in his direction. “Turn around for a second.”
You didn’t wait to see if he did as you asked, moving towards your closet with a goal in mind. It took a little bit of rummaging in the farthest corner of one of your drawers, but eventually you managed to find what you were looking for. You pulled it out with a shout of triumph.
“Is that a blindfold?”
“Yup!” You slapped a hand over your eyes and turned around, wiggling the cloth out in front of you. “Genius, right?”
“You just happened to have that lying around?”
The cloth was pulled out of your hands, and you turned around. “What can I say, I’m full of surprises.”
Warm arms wrapped around your waist. The heat of his body was hot against your back, and as his hands began to trace up and down your sides, you felt something in you shifting. You shuddered, body responding by releasing a wave of your scent, and he responded with his own scent of arousal that made your body feel almost pliant.
“So you are.” The blindfold was pulled over your eyes, and you shut them instinctively. The cloth brushed over your eyelids as he began to form a knot at the base of your head. “Tell me if it’s too tight.”
Your mind began to grow heavy as your omega pushed forward, the smell of alpha heavy on your tongue. When he finished tying off the blindfold, he leaned against your back, his mouth pressing a soft kiss to the juncture of your neck. You tilted your head to the side, an ache to feel his teeth pressing against the skin running through you and causing slick to drip down your thighs.
You let out a whine.
“Easy baby girl. I got you.”
His warmth disappeared, and you opened your eyes. The blindfold made it so that you could make out the shadows of the dark room, a vague shape of a person as they removed their clothes. You reached down to grab the hem of your own shirt.
“No, don’t,” He said, voice thick. “Let me.”
You grabbed his hands, using your newfound sight to reach out wrap your hands around his neck. This time, you were the one to initiate the kiss, eyes falling closed not out of necessity but on instinct.
“You okay?” He asked you again when your knees suddenly buckled.
“Like I said. Those kisses of yours are dangerous,” you breathed out.
He decided to take it as an invitation to pull you back in for another kiss, although this one was quicker and sweeter.
It almost felt like love.
His lips pressed against yours once, twice, and then a third time before he trailed them down to your jaw, sliding them slowly down to your neck. When he began to suck against the skin there, you pulled away with a whine.
"No marks, please. I have work."
He moved his hands under your shirt and began to pull it up. You could only barely see his figure as he leaned down, his lips reappearing against the tops of your now exposed breasts.
"I assume you mean no marks where they can be seen?"
"Hmm." He pressed a kiss to your skin, tongue darting out to glide from the tops of your breast towards your nipples. He teasingly pulled against them as he passed, moving to press another kiss just to the side. "Is this okay?"
"Yes," You said, voice breathless.
He pulled your shirt off completely, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. He began to lead you towards the bed. Even without your sight, the mattress was familiar under your body, and you instinctively relaxed into the sheets.
You made grabby hands at him. He laughed, kneeling on the bed next to you and allowing your hands to roam across his skin. He still had on his boxers, and when you moved to pull them down, he grabbed your hands and pressed them gently down against the bed.
“Patience,” He told you, his voice rumbling.
You pouted, and he kissed your lips with another laugh. He continued where he had left off, his mouth on your breasts as his hands grabbed your thighs, pulling them apart so he could slot himself in between them. The motion pressed his clothed cock against your center, and you moaned at the feeling.
“Please,” you found yourself breathing out.
His mouth trailed kisses down your body, hands swiftly pulling both your pants and underwear down in one go. “Got to get you ready first, sweetheart.”
“Awfully confident in yourself, huh?” You joked.
“Hmm, something like that,” He drawled.
You expected him to get straight to it, but he took his sweet time. Laying kisses along your inner thigh, caressing your legs up to your hips. You wiggled your hips impatiently, but he just smiled against your skin.
“You’re doing a really good job at getting under my skin,” You told him, running your fingers through his hair. “If you don’t hurry up, I might just have to get myself off.”
He nosed your center, and your body flared up with want. “Good things come to those who wait.”
“Alpha, please.”
“That’s it.” He rewarded you by finally mouthing at your core, licking a stripe up to your clit where he sucked gently.
You were already wet with slick from all the teasing and foreplay, but his mouth on you made you gush, your core clenching around nothing, When he pressed a finger into you, you bucked your hips, and he laid a hand across your stomach to keep you from moving.
You let out a moan, fingers gripping his hair tightly as he ate you out. He added another finger, and the sound was filled with wet squelching sounds as he fingered you gently, softly crooking his fingers to press against your spongey insides as he sucked against your clit.
Your orgasm built up slowly, but it hit you quicker than you expected, your body writhing under him as you whined. He pulled away, his other hand reaching up towards his face, and you could only imagine the sight he made.
“Fuck, you taste so sweet,” he said, finger rubbing small circles against your clit. “Could stay here forever.”
“Please, alpha,” You whined.
“Please what?”
“I need you.”
He moved up your body. “Need me to what?”
“I want you to fuck me,” You said impatiently.
He grabbed your body and flipped you over so quickly that it made your head spin, and you pressed you forehead to your pillow with a gasp, “Ask and you shall receive,” He told you, and you could feel him moving around behind you.
You lifted your hips and presented for the alpha, your omega instincts taking over. His scent intoxicated you, filling your senses and making you feel dizzy, wanting nothing more than to submit to him in every way possible.
He took his sweet time once again, rubbing his member through your folds before he slowly pressed into you. He was right to have prepared you because he was thick, stretching you and filling you up completely. You couldn’t even moan, like your breath had been stolen. Your fingers dug into your blankets, eyes shutting behind the blindfold.
The alpha gave you a second to adjust once he had bottomed out, rubbing against your sides gently. “You good, omega?”
“So good,” You mumbled.
When he started to move, it made you whine. He thrust into you slowly at first, but his hips began to speed up slowly, the sound of skin slapping filling the room. You let out a moan as his fingers gripped your thighs, sure to leave marks. You pressed your knees against the mattress and moved to sit up, hands reaching behind you in an attempt to feel his skin against yours. He pressed himself to your back without having to be asked.
His warm breath against your shoulder, mouth teasingly close to your scent gland, had you reaching your release quickly.
You let out a whine.
“Shh, I got you,” he whispered into your ear. His hands roamed from your thighs up your chest and towards your neck, fingers gently pressing against your throat. “God, you’re so tight.”
You whined. “Alpha, please!”
“Just a little longer. You can hold on just a little longer, cant you? Hmm? Don’t you want to be good for your Alpha?”
You were so close. Your body felt like it was on fire and your head spun, the darkness that seemed to engulf you left your nerve endings so sensitive, and you couldn’t see him, could think, couldn’t do anything more than accept the pleasure he was giving you. He seemed to know that you were at your breaking point, because as a whine began to build in your throat, he pulled away.
His fingers pressed right where you needed them most, and you found yourself spiraling.
“Cum for me, Omega.”
You woke up with a start, your mind still heavy with lust and sleep. It took you a moment to realize that you had been dreaming, and then you were falling back to your bed with a groan, swiping a hand down your face.
It was your memories from that night with Chan.
It seemed like your pre-heat sex dreams were making their appearance. Usually they were some random fantasies, but you supposed it made sense that you would be hit with a memory this time around.
Your thoughts wandered to the shirt still in your drawer. It almost seemed to be calling for you.
You let out another groan.
This was going to be a long week.
You were convinced that heat suppressants had to have been created as a form of torture.
The headache made every noise feel like a punch to the brain, not helped by the fact that your hearing was so sensitive that everything above a cough sounded like an airhorn to your brain. Even the painkillers you took that morning were doing little to dull the hammering in your head.
And yet, you tried your best to keep a smile on your face, made ever difficult from having to deal with the managers.
You had been thrown for a loop when you found out on Tuesday morning that Felix had gone into heat. It was all the staff members were talking about. You hoped that the idol’s heat and rut cycles weren’t normally a topic of interest for the company, but you understood why this time they all were freaking out about it.
Stray Kids’ comeback was scheduled for next week.
It would be hard for you to have to go back to work the day after your heat ended, but finding out that Felix was expected to be on stage and promoting less than a week after his almost made you feral.
“What do you mean the comeback will continue as planned?”
Jeonhui gave you a hard look. You knew that as a new employee, and only a translator who was in the meeting to be kept up to date with the upcoming schedule, the idea of speaking out was unheard of. But when the news that the comeback would still be happening on the expected date, your mouth opened before your brain could catch up.
The head manager, Soojin, gave you a puzzled look. “Is there a reason we shouldn’t?”
The entire room was looking at you, but you forced yourself to focus only on the manager. “Felix finished his heat less than a day ago.”
“Even for a normal person, a comeback is stressful. Long nights, early mornings, practices and schedules and stage performances and interviews … do you really think that’s the best thing for an omega who just had their heat to deal with?”
There was a moment where Soojin looked almost understanding, his eyes soft and a small smile on his face. You thought that you might have actually gotten through to him. You thought for a second that maybe you could make an impact on this company, give them some knowledge of the artists they were supposed to be managing and caring for, and that you could actually change the way the industry worked.
But it shattered with his next words.
“I appreciate the concern, but I assure you our omega’s can handle the load just fine. We’ve had both omegas and alphas going back to work right after heats and ruts, and there’s never been a complaint in the past.” The other staff managers nodded along as if what he was saying was common knowledge. “If they needed more time to recover, they would have said something.”
You thought about the pressure building in your head, the way your skin felt like it was crawling, the constant cramped pain your stomach was enduring, all so that you wouldn’t go into heat. All so you could keep pretending to a room full of betas.
All so that those same betas could make decisions about omega’s and alphas they knew nothing about.
It made you want to scream.
“Maybe,” You managed through clenched teeth. “They never say anything because they know that if they do, the company would use it as proof that omegas are more trouble than their worth.”
Soojin and the other managers gave you a surprised look. From the corner of the room, Maya was given you a proud smile, but the other stylists around her looked confused and even annoyed.
“Why do you care so much about this anyways? What are you, an omega expert?” One of them said.
And his words felt like a bucket of water had been dumped over your slightly overheated body. You immediately bowed your head, realizing that you had brought more attention on your head than was necessary, and it was obvious you were fighting a losing battle.
“I’m just … worried. Just seems like those boys could use some rest,” You mumbled in excuse.
Stupid. How could you be so stupid.
Now everyone would know you as that one translator who argued about an omegas needs. At best they would think you were out of line, but at worst …
“It’s quite alright,” Soojin assured you, although the look Jeonhui gave you told you that the two of you would be talking later. “But like you said, comeback is stressful for all of us, including the staff. This is why we put in all the hard work! I want to take a moment to thank all of the staff for helping make this a possibility-“
And just like that, your little outburst seemed to be forgotten.
It didn’t make you feel any better to know that your words were so easily dismissed. As Thursday turned into Friday, you made the conscious decision to not take your heat suppressants that morning, knowing you would need your heat to start either than night or early Saturday morning if you wanted your heat to end by Sunday night.
You ignored the looks Sooyoung gave you as you left for work.
Just as promised, you had been avoiding her all week. When the cramps hit you late at night and you cried out, you muffled the sound with your pillow to avoid waking her. She didn’t mention the quickly dwindling supply of pain medication (you reminded yourself to pick some up after work).
It made a part of you ache to know you had disappointed your friend. But it also made you feel proud to know that you were still doing what you had dreamed of doing for so long.
You just had to keep moving forward.
Friday went by normally, and almost easier than the past three days. The suppressants started to flush out of your system around noon, and the symptoms you had been dealing with started to fade, making it easier for you to work. The heat symptoms would come around soon, but you weren’t too worried about it hitting you fully until you were back home.
You were just finishing up your last assignment of the day when you caught the scent of a familiar smell.
“Oh no.”
Minho appeared at your doorway within seconds, and you secretly cursed the enhanced sense of smell that had yet to wear off, because the strong scent of alpha had your omega perking her metaphorical ears up instantly.
He had probably just finished dance practice judging by the sweat covered shirt he had yet to change out of.
You forced your eyes away from him and back to your screen. “Can I help you?”
“I’m sorry.”
You paused your typing, risking a glance to look at his face. He looked straight faced, almost bored at first, but you could smell the shame that was hidden beneath the rest of his scent, and you turned to face him completely.
“What are you sorry for?” You asked him.
He looked away. “I yelled at you when we first met. It was … inappropriate.”
“You were protecting your pack,” You corrected him, turning back to your work. “You did what you thought was right.”
Minho continued to stare at you from the doorway, not saying anything. You finished what you were working on and began to wrap everything up so you could leave. In the few minutes it took you to do that, he didn’t say anything.
You grabbed the files you had to drop off to your manager before you left. “I’m serious, Minho. It’s fine.”
When you stood up, a few papers that had been caught under your files fluttered to the ground. Before you could move to grab them, Minho was there, picking up the papers and tapping them on the ground so that they would be stacked up together, lifting his head up to look at you.
And you immediately felt something in your stomach twist, and your head spun.
He stood back up, unaware of your internal freak out, and handed you the papers. You took them with shaking hands.
“Thanks,” You breathed out.
Minho frowned. “Are you okay?”
No, you wanted to scream at him. I’m going into heat and a stupidly handsome alpha was on his knees looking up at me and now I’m losing my goddamn mind.
But instead, you forced a smile on your face. “Fine.” It came out squeaky, and you winced. “I, uh. Gotta go!”
You rushed out of there as quickly as you could.
As if your day couldn’t get any worse, you completely missed an equally sweaty and tired looking Chan as he was walking out of the elevator, and he had to grab your shoulders to keep you from running him over. His scent, equally as strong, only made your chest ache more.
Chan smiled. “Ah, just who I was looking for!”
You eyed him curiously. “Wow, I’m really popular these days, huh?”
“What did you need?” You asked him as you walked into the elevator. He followed you in.
“I wanted to let you know that I talked with Felix.”
“Oh, how is he, by the way? I heard about what happened.”
Chan gave you a soft smile. “Ah, he’s fine. He …. He wants to meet with you.”
The elevator opened, and someone stepped in. It was a random staff member you didn’t recognize, probably not even a stray kid’s staff member, but both you and Chan remained silent until she left. You turned to Chan as the elevator made its way up to your manager’s floor.
“I think we should wait until after your comeback,” You told him.
“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” Chan sighed. “We’ll have enough on our shoulders this week.”
You scowled. “Ugh, don’t even remind me.”
He let out a laugh. “Ah, I heard about what you did yesterday.”
You covered your face in embarrassment as the elevator door opened. “Uh, I’m just going to go before I say anything even worse.”
Chan was still laughing as you left, but he called out for you before the doors closed. His smile was one of the last things you saw as his words reached you.
“Thank you.”
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Lost in Ikea. || John Price x Reader
For @glitterypirateduck's “O, Captain!” writing challenge! I used prompts:
4. Lost in an IKEA
41. Price and Reader run into each other (literally)
48. A character tries to hide that they are crying or upset
Rating: E Words: 1.3K cw: period/menstruation + symptoms, feelings of inaddequacy?. Tags: afab!reader (bc menstruation), you/your pronouns but no Y/N, crying, hurt/comfort, strangers. Summary: Reader is just having a bad day and John is a kind stranger. a/n: I just needed a little hurt/comfort for the soul. This isn't too serious. Also the 'lost' part of Ikea is more emotional than physical. ALSO ALSO, OFC I HAD TO DO THIS PROMPT, my screen name is literally Ikea.
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Should you have gone to Ikea while on your period, when you’re in pain and light-headed and in a mood to kill a man? No.
Here’s the thing, you wanted a specific little bear plush they sell there (DJUNGELSKOG). And a meal from the restaurant. And maybe a new lamp. And a new set of bed covers and pillows. And honestly, you could use a little trolley for your craft supplies. And since you’re there you might as well no longer postpone buying that shelf you need-
You walked around the store for over two hours just looking at everything and, steadily, filling up your card with more than you expected. Little knick-knacks, a new set of cups for the kitchen, a picture frame, etc. etc. 
You took your time, moved at your own pace, slowly observing all the room displays… Maybe got lost at one point, but that’s neither here nor there.
Once you found a storage trolley you liked, as well as a shelf, you advanced through the warehouse, pushing your large cart along.
The trolley came first. It was small and light enough and after checking that the box said White, you found yourself perfectly able to drag it onto the large metal warehouse platform cart.
But then the shelf- you crouched down and tried to get a grip on the box and pull, but the bitch was heavy. You huffed and struggled, but it wouldn’t budge. It probably didn’t help that both your womb and your lower back were throwing a rager of cramps and all your muscles were sore.
Maybe you shouldn’t have come on your period. Another weekend, any other weekend, and you’ve been strong enough to get the box with the disassembled shelf off its perch… But you wanted to do it today! 
You wanted to feel like you got something done. You wanted the sense of accomplishment… You wanted to feel like you persevered through the pain! 
You had the whole day planned out: You got out of bed, you showered, you had proper food and a desert, you cleaned your house, you went outside, and you finally completed something you had been putting off!
You couldn’t leave without the last one! You had to get it out! You wanted to take the stupid shelf home with you!!!!
Tears start pooling in your eyes, your lip beginning to tremble. You’ll blame it on the hormones and the frustration.
Stomping your feet, you walk down the aisle, abandoning your cart and turn the corner intent on pushing the box out from the other side-
Then you smack into a person and it knocks you so off balance (you were already sort of light-headed either way) that you drop onto the linoleum floor.
If the day wasn’t already bad enough and you weren’t already crying, taking a hard seat on the floor in front of a stranger only made you feel that much worse.
“Christ, you alright?” A man’s concerned voice comes from above you. You wince and close your eyes hard, trying to conceal the tears in them.
“Y-Yeah. Sorry. I was in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention.” You murmur and turn to the side, using the floor and the industrial shelf next to you to pull yourself up to your feet.
“No, I’m sorry, I was walking fast too.” He replies. “I wasn’t fast enough to catch you. Might be getting old. My reflexes aren’t what they used to be.” His tone sounds playful, like he’s trying to lighten the mood.
“Yeah, haha.” You try to laugh it off. You still haven’t properly glanced at him and he can tell that you’re trying to conceal your redened eyes as you look off to the side.
“Are you sure you’re okay? Didn’t hurt you, did I?” He checks, his voice a lot more gentle.
God, you feel pathetic. Crying in front of a stranger in the middle of an IKEA warehouse. 
“I’m fine… Just… having a bad day.” You reply and for a moment you finally look over at him.
Great. On top of making a fool of yourself in front of a stranger who happens to be super kind, said stranger is also older and hot, definitely a dilf. Great, just great. You really should’ve stayed at home today.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” He replies softly as he peers at you with bright blue eyes under thick brown eyebrows.
“It’s fine. Sorry. Didn’t mean to make this whole thing awkward. I’m sorry.” You turn to return to your things. Fuck the damn shelf, you’re going home and never coming to this IKEA again.
“Wait. Hey!” He says as he calls after you. Turning to look at him, your face twists into an upset, embarrassed look.
“You don’t have to apologise for having a bad day or having a cry, it’s alright.” The man says as he approaches you again when you’re already at your cart.
As he speaks, you notice there’s no pity in his tone, or some sort of cringe-riddled sentiment of awkwardness that comes to normal people when a stranger suddenly overshares. He’s just… kind.
Your face softens a bit more and you quickly turn to look away. Instead, your eyes find the stupid box with the shelf you want, still on the industrial shelves, and you start crying more.
“I just want that bloody shelf and it’s… it’s too heavy and I can’t get it into the cart and- I can’t believe I’m crying over this!” You complain and gesture vaguely to the space in front of you as you find yourself sniffling.
“Alright. Hey, it’s alright.” He assures you and gives you a friendly tap on the back, on your shoulder, over your hoodie. “How about I get it for you?” He asks.
You find yourself looking up at him. “I don’t wanna bother you.”
“Not at all!” He says with a friendly smile and a nod. “I’m plenty strong and I’m already here! Plus, imagine me walking away now after offering?” He jokes.
You can’t help the chuckle the escapes you amidst your broken sobs. “Would’ve been proper rude.”
“Of course it would. And my mum raised me right.” He adds playfully, causing another chuckle to rise out of you. “That’s the smile I wanted.” He cheers.
John moves forward and crouches, helping to slide the heavy box off the shelf with a mighty grip of his big hands, sliding it onto the bottom of the metal cart with the rest of your shopping. “There it is.”
“Thank you…” You murmur as you seek for tissues in your pockets, grabbing one to dab away your tears.
“It’s alright.” He assures you again. “And, for the record, there’s no shame in crying. If you would’ve asked me 3 days ago what I was doing, I’d tell you I was having a good sob in my car after going to the supermarket because I was so tired and overwhelmed.” He admits and chuckles.
“You?” You ask, not quite sure if he was being sincere.
“Oh, yeah. I cry all the time, me.” He tells you and winks one of those blue eyes at you, making you chuckle again.
“Well, thank you, erm…” You trail off, realizing you don’t know his name.
“John.” He says while reaching a hand forward for you to shake. You return the introduction with your own name.
“You think you’ve got this? Or are you gonna need help getting it into the car?” He gestures at your entire cart.
“Oh, shite, you’re right… Need to get this into the car…” You groan and facepalm yourself.
“Tell you what-” John says as he looks at you. “You wait for me while I get the rest of my things-” He takes a list of paper with scribbled reference numbers on it from his pocket. “And we’ll go through checkout together, and I’ll help load this up into your car?”
His offer is so sweet and sincere and kind, you find your eyes clouding with tears again. Then, you nod eagerly and dab away the tears with your crumpled up tissue again.
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[ O, Captain! Masterlist ] || [ My Masterlist ]
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fleurrreads · 4 months
the love you give . rhysand x reader
an: i absolutely love rhys and would absolutely burn down the world for him. god knows he deserves someone who would do for him what he’s done for others.
based on this request
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your relationship with rhys is complicated. you’ve been having this friends-who-coincidentally-make-love type of thing going on and you really don’t know how to talk to him about it. yes, he’s told you multiple times during sex how he loves you. but that can all just be the heat of the moment, right? surely the flutter in your heart didn’t mean anything?
just like today is no different. you watch rhys sit up from the bed, grabbing his pants and walking over to your dresser to get one of his shirts that he has recently started leaving in your room. ‘i’m here so much i might just as well start leaving my clothes in here’ he said one afternoon after your activities. it made your heart race, those silly little words.
“what’s going on in that brilliant mind of yours, angel?” rhys moves to sit down on the bed, caressing your hair. you’ve been debating telling him. telling him that he makes your world spin. that he basically *is* your world. the suppressed feelings bubbling over in your heart wasn’t going to be kept dormant for long. you know you have to let it out eventually. what better time than now?
“i’m just thinking about something i’ve been meaning to talk to you about. something i’m not sure i know how to say.” you’re fidgeting with your hands, a nervous tick you’ve acquired through the years. “i don’t know how to phrase this other than saying it flat out, rhys. i like you, a lot. we’ve been friends for so long and i’ve felt that you’re more than just my friend. i love you, rhys.” you don’t dare look at him, too scared of the reaction he might have on his face. you feel the tension before you can look at him, and then he does the unimaginable.
he laughs.
a loud, cackling laugh. you feel your whole body go cold. rhys stands up, nearly doubling over as he tries to gather himself. “post-sex emotions really got you bad today, huh? you’re even confessing your love to me now. that one is new right? we should add that to the list.” he smiles and you feel your whole world spin, not in a good way anymore. you feel like the air has been stolen from your lungs and tears prickle at your lash line. is this what he thought this was? your post-sex hormones being heightened and you confessing out of lust?
you swallow the lump forming in your throat, standing up from the bed and grabbing the nearest piece of clothing to make yourself decent. you need to get out. right now. “you’re right, this was a stupid idea to say this to you and think you’d care. hormones right?” a pathetic excuse for a laugh leaves your lips as you move to the door. you don’t see the smile drop from rhys’ face as you shut the door, making your way to your apartment, away from the townhouse, away from him.
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it’s been twelve days. twelve days since you’ve been near the house of wind, the townhouse, and anywhere near him. you couldn’t stand to see his face after he basically insinuated that your confession was that of lust and that you weren’t thinking straight. when in fact you were probably never thinking more clear than that moment. you love him. with your entire heart. it never occurred to you that your heart would be crushed by him too.
a hard collection of knocks rip you from your thoughts as you make your way to the door. amren always had a way of knocking like hell was at her tail, which it probably was now that you think about it… “yes, dear mother, amren you don’t need to knock the door down i’m-“ your voice is cut off as you’re face to face with rhys, a disheveled messy version of him at least. “what do you want, rhys?” your tone is cold, causing him to wince. he nods towards your living room, “can i come in, please? i need to talk to you.”
you nearly give him the loud and obnoxious laugh he gave you twelve days ago when he dismissed your feelings like that so easily. but you push the anger and hurt down, nodding. “make it quick.”
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a homemade cup of coffee in hand, rhys sits down on your couch with you on the opposite side. you don’t dare get too close. rhys meets your eyes, trying to decipher what might be going on in your head right now, what you must think of him. he’s had the roughest twelve days. he went over the conversation you had with him at least a hundred times, and each time he relived that look on your face he nearly cried. “i’m sorry for how i reacted that night. i should’ve never let you leave like that. i just didn’t want to believe it.” he says softly, softer than you’ve ever heard him speak. “believe what, rhys?” you tilt your head. “believe that you’d actually love me. this version of me. the one you get to see and others don’t. the side of me that makes me scared, and the one that i can’t show anyone without showing them i’m vulnerable. i couldn’t believe that you’d love that… that ugly part of me. i shouldn’t have said it was just lust clouding your mind. you and i both know you’re much smarter and more thoughtful than that. you wouldn’t just say things like that without meaning it and i should’ve told you this a few days ago already but i was afraid. afraid i messed it up before it could happen. before i could love you and declare it from the top of the snowy mountains.”
your tears are flowing as you look at rhys, really looking at him. he’s shaking, that nervous tick of yours now prominent on him as he’s picking his nails. your heart and mind is running at a million miles a minute and you take a deep breath to ground yourself before you take his hands in yours.
“rhys, i know this took a lot for you to say, and i know that you’re scared. i’m scared too. i’ve never felt like this with anyone before. i love every part of you, especially the parts you don’t show anyone else. it’s like i get a piece of you all to myself. that part of your soul. it’s more intimate than sex, it’s so raw and pure and natural that it feels like someone completely different. not the high lord of the night court, not the rhysand your family sees, just rhys. my rhys. those things don’t make you ugly, rhys. they make you strong, and powerful and amazing. that’s why i wanted you to know that someone can love those parts of you too. not just the charismatic, sarcastic persona you put on for your friends and loved ones. and not the cold, ruthless leader that the court of nightmares believes you to be. but just you. the true you. i love everything about you, all of it.”
rhys kisses you, passionately. you’ve never had a kiss like this with him. never one with such meaning as this. this one was different. as to say ‘thank you for loving me even when it’s hard to see why’ and you realise that you’d burn the world down for him if he asked. he deserves the world, and so much more. everything he has sacrificed for his people and his family, he deserves that same sacrifices made for him tenfold.
he cups your cheek, whispering so softly you nearly don’t catch it but it makes all the heartbreak and doing it all again worth it, “i love you. until my last dying breath.”
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i do not allow my works to be copied, put into any ai website etc.
shares and reblogs are highly appreciated! ♡
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
TMNT Brothers when Reader is on her Period
I’m totally not writing this because I’m on mine rn 💀 Also, I’ve got a few requests and I swear I will work on them! I jst have a motivation issue and it sucks, but if you would like to see more of my work you can checkout my Multi-Fandom Masterlist ! (I swear I’ll attempt to make a masterlist for each fandom separately, but we’ll see if I can actually do it lol)
Type: Headcannons
Request?: not a request
TMNT Version: Unspecified, fits for most versions
CW: obviously, mentions of blood and talk of female bodily functions, reader is AFAB
Man, this guy is oblivious as hell, he doesn’t realize you’re on your period until he sees you in the lair with a heating pad on your abdomen.
Then he feels stupid because it was so obvious you had started.
He thinks he should’ve known as soon as you started becoming more emotional.
Will 100% get you any craving you want, within reason. He’s not gonna let you eat something that’s gonna upset your stomach later.
Is down to just cuddle and watch TV together.
Doesn’t care how much his brothers tease him, he’ll be constantly worried about you.
“Do you guys think she’s alright without me there?” *insert a collective “SHUT UP LEO”*
He knows that your cramps can get crazy bad, but you guys figured out that if he laid his head on your abdomen, the pain was somewhat relieved.
Low key gets sad when you get annoyed with him, he knows you don’t mean to and it’s just the hormones, but he still manages to feel like a kicked puppy when it happens.
Doesn’t act like he notices, but he does.
He notices hardcore.
He notices the way you’re walking to the kitchen so sluggishly, with a hand on your abdomen and your face scrunched into a look of discomfort at every movement.
He notices the weird period cravings and actually makes an effort to memorize the ones you like so that he can get more for you.
You get a lot more moody on your period so you’re constantly sassing Raph and he has to remind himself that it’s just your hormones talking.
Secretly restocks your dwindling stash of chocolate.
You don’t notice it though until you catch him in the act.
Acts like doesn’t know what you are talking about and claims he’s only replacing some because he ate a few bars.
You definitely know that’s not the case, but you don’t say anything about it.
He’ll hand you a bottle of ibuprofen/advil/midol etc. when he notices the cramps get debilitating. (Literally me)
Acts annoyed when you ask him to carry you around cause you can’t move from your cramps.
He secretly loves it though cause he can hold you and show off his strength.
Innocent boy doesn’t even know what a period is, was hella embarrassed when you explained it to him.
“YOUR BODY DOES WHAT?” someone help this poor boy.
He’s stunned at learning that your period can last up to a week or even longer.
“How do you bleed for that long and not die and it happens every month?!” Has gained hella respect for you.
He probably tried one of those period cramp simulators and it was horrible, Raph made fun of him for a while before you forced Raph and the other brothers to try it too.
They shut their mouths after that, and now Mikey gets to mock Raph’s squeals.
Willingly tries your period cravings, no matter how weird, and he’s ended up liking most of them.
You don’t even have to ask him to cuddle with you, he just does it because he feels so bad that you have to deal with this every month.
Mikey is very empathetic and in tune with your emotional state during your period, cause he’s an emotional boy too.
Only figured out that you were on your period when he made a joke about it.
“Ignore her, it’s probably just her time of the month.” “Actually, it is.” “HUH?”
Bro was so embarrassed and his brothers wouldn’t let him live it down.
He willingly, without you asking, will go buy you feminine products as a sort of apology. (Does that even count as one? He doesn’t know but at least he’s trying?)
Does research on what happens to the female body during menstruation in hopes of providing you some support.
Doesn’t touch his computer for weeks afterwards.
He’s easily flustered, he can’t help it!
Understands that you know your body better than he does, so he doesn’t really try to intervene with what you normally do during this time of month.
Gives you as much space as you want, but is ready to cuddle and watch pirated movies on his laptop as soon as you ask to.
Gets really happy when he sees you using the microwaveable lavender scented rice stuffed animal he got for you (if ykyk)
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hereforreadandwrite · 8 months
Abandoned Part 2
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Your mother always knew what was best for you.
She always saw through the intentions of others, warning you against people who were malicious or who simply wanted to take advantage of you, and she encouraged you to go towards those she liked. When you told him about Kratos and he came to give you your wedding ring. Your mother disapproved of him as soon as he walked through the door, but you were too in love to actually listen.
Your mother knew better, you wish you would have listened to her and stayed away, but no. You listened to your heart and went with Kratos, becoming his "wife."
Why did you think he loved you?
“One way or another, something is going to go wrong,” she said. "He's only here because you're young and he's lonely. As soon as he finds a woman he's interested in, he won't stay. All he does is lie and fool you 'illusion. A man like him has an ego. You deserve much more (Y/N)."
Your mother tried to protect you from this pain, but you didn't listen to her. You were so happy that a man like Kratos was interested in you.
You left your mother.
You left your loving home for a man who didn't care about you.
Now you stood in front of your childhood home. You were terrified of facing your mother. You were sure and certain that she wouldn't want you anymore, especially when you told her that you were pregnant. Speki and Svanna moaned beside you, licking your hands. You smile at the wolves, finally gathering your courage to go and knock on the door. When the door opened, your courage melted like snow in the sun. Your mother looked at you in surprise. You jabbered incomprehensible words. To your surprise, your mother hugged you.
“I missed you so much,” she said, hugging you.
You cried with all the tears in your body, of relief, of anger, of sorrow. It was probably the hormones that were causing you to have this whirlwind of emotions, but you were happy to be back home.
Your mother allowed you and the two she-wolves to go inside. You explained to her what had happened and why you were back home. Your mother had listened to you patiently without interrupting you or judging you. When you told her about your pregnancy, she hugged you, reassuring you, saying that she would do everything to help you with your child.
A weight lifted from your shoulders.
You finally felt welcome and loved.
Your mother also loved Speki and Svanna.
She has always loved animals.
Your pregnancy was going wonderfully. Your belly grew bigger day after day. Six moons had just passed and in all that time, Kratos never came. You would have thought he would have come, at least to pick up Speki and Svanna, but no. He probably never bothered to look for you. Had he even returned? It wouldn't surprise you if that wasn't the case.
Even during Ragnarok, Kratos was always out of the house.
At first, you understood that he had to train Atreus and hunt. There were times when you were alone for days at a time, taking care of Fenri when he was sick. When Kratos came home, he barely spoke to you. He preferred to take care of his weapons and other tasks. Whenever you tried to approach him, he pushed you away.
The only reasons that kept you going were Mimir and Atreus. The two had welcomed you into the home with open arms. Then Atreus left. Mimir was still with Kratos.
You have always been alone.
“I’m sorry mother,” you say, stroking your belly.
“Why are you apologizing?” your mother asked, looking at you perplexed.
"Because... I didn't listen to you... and I left with this man who never cared about me. I was stupid."
"Child. You're not stupid," she said, leaving her work to come and sit next to you. "You were in love. How could I blame you for that? I also had this bad judgment when I fell in love with the man I dreamed of spending the rest of my life with."
“Were you in love before you met father?”
"Yes, I found this man kind and caring. But... he loved me just for my beauty. He didn't hesitate to dump me when he found a more beautiful woman. Then I met your father. He helped me. He consoled me and I agreed to marry him. And before he died, he gave me the greatest gift. You."
You would never have believed your mother had the same experience. That was why he was so harsh towards Kratos. You hugged your mother, crying your eyes out. Your mother always knew what was best for you.
Why did you think Kratos loved you?
He who said he hated the Gods. He was worse than Odin.
Three new moons passed, the baby was ready to come into the world. The day he was born had become the longest day you had to live. The pain that tore through your stomach was horrible. You screamed, cried, begged your mother for this pain to finally stop. Your mother helped you as best she could, telling you to take deep breaths and push. The pain will stop when the baby is out. Speki and Svanna squealed as they heard you scream in pure pain.
Your mother couldn't help but be worried. The birth was long. Too long even. The baby should already be out. But it wasn't just that. You were bleeding profusely. She tried to stop the bleeding, without success. It didn't bode well. After one last painful push, your child finally came out of your body, finally coming into the world. Her tears invaded the little cabin. Strangely, your mother was silent, staring at the horrified child.
"How...what is that?"
"Mother... my baby..."
Your mother showed you your child. You understood why she was so horrified when she saw the baby, her left side was perfectly formed, but her right side was devoid of skin, revealing her muscles and bones as black as darkness.
“It’s a girl,” you said under your breath.
“She’s perfect,” you said, sobbing and hugging your daughter to your chest. “My daugther... you are the best thing that ever happened to me!!”
Your mother looked at you without knowing what to think about this situation. This child should be dead. It was impossible for her to survive with such a deformation. She was brought out of her thoughts by feeling a warm liquid spilling onto her knees. Her gaze rested on the bed. The furs were soaked with your blood. The bleeding had become more severe. Your mother tried to stop the bleeding as best she could, but her attempts were in vain.
Your mother's throat tightened as she noticed that you had just taken your last breath, holding your daughter to your chest.
“No…,” she whispered, shaking you. "(Y/N)! No! Daugther! Open your eyes!"
From outside the cabin, anyone could hear Speki, Svanna, the baby and your mother crying over your death.
It was only at sunrise that your mother had the courage to prepare your pyre. She wrapped the baby in thick furs, placing her granddaughter in a basket. She placed the basket on the table as she went outside to take from her supply of logs. You were never going to be able to see your child grow up, become a woman. You were never going to be able to know all his joys and sorrows. You should never have left first. You should never have died this way. You didn't have time to give your daughter a name. She was going to have to decide for you. It wasn't her role to name your daughter and raise her.
The sun was now high in the sky when your mother placed your body on your pyre and set it on fire. She will be your daughter in her arms, watching your body turn to ash.
How could things have gotten so bad for you?
Why were the Gods so cruel to you?
But now you could finally be at peace. Your mother looked intently at your daughter, her granddaughter.
Neither alive nor dead.
Your mother didn't know how that was possible, but the facts were before her. The night had passed and the child was perfectly well. She slept peacefully in her arms.
"We need to find a name for you, little one. What do you think of Hel? This name suits you perfectly."
Your mother went back inside her house. The Gods have truly been cruel to you. Your mother knew she couldn't allow your daughter to see the outside world. Your mother placed Hel in her basket to close the windows and the front door. Your mother knew she had to hide her granddaughter from the outside world. Other mortals were not going to welcome a different child with open arms.
Your mother didn't know how to protect you as she wanted to do.
She was going to protect Hel as best she could.
tag: @pookiesnatcher
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daffi-990 · 3 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🏙️
Tagged by @diazsdimples & @tizniz. Make sure to check out what they shared today! (and maybe send James a virtual hug or a stupid punny joke? He’s been sick for 3 weeks and I’m sure he could use some cheering up 😘)
I have been wanting so desperately to write the past few days but a cold has my sinuses putting so much pressure on my head I feel like it’s going to explode, plus it’s school holidays and it’s been raining so I’ve got two very energetic kids with cabin fever running around causing mayhem 😅.
BUT! I did manage to write a little something for LA Lonely so yay (even though it may not be great, at least it’s words)
Pre snippet here
Buck is woken up by the shrill sound of a phone ringing. The bed jostles, Buck letting out an annoyed grumble as the warm body that is wrapped around him disappears. There is a kiss pressed to his naked shoulder, a whispered apology and then the rustling of the blankets as the person leaves the bed, answering the phone with a quiet hello.
Rolling over to check the time, Buck’s surprised to see that it’s almost 9. Usually his body clock wakes him up at 7am everyday, whether he stayed up late or not, so sleep-ins are a rare thing. He rolls onto his back, groaning as he stretches his arms up above his head. There’s a slight ache in his ass but it’s a reminder of the fantastic sex he had last night and honestly, Buck doesn’t mind the discomfort.
He hears footsteps on the stairs, the wood creaking slightly and then the most attractive man Buck has ever laid eyes on is standing at the foot of his bed wearing nothing but underwear and a soft apologetic smile that has Buck’s tummy swooping.
The man’s name is Eddie, Buck remembers. And remember he should because he was moaning it loud enough last night.
Eddie has a phone pressed between his ear and shoulder as he picks up his jeans and begins to awkwardly shimmy them up his legs. “I told you, I overslept. But I’m getting ready now and can be there in —” he looks down at his wrist and frowns, his eyes sweeping over the discarded clothes on the floor before zeroing in on Buck’s second nightstand where a clunky watch sits. Eddie grabs the watch, quickly checking the time before he begins strapping it on. “I can be there in 20 minutes, 15 if the traffic is good.”
Buck feels a pang in his chest and then instantly chastises himself. This was just another hookup, a one night stand —nothing more than that. He was foolish to think that what he felt last night with Eddie was anything real. It was just the hormones.
Eddie may have stayed, but that was probably because he was hoping to get lucky again this morning. Or like Buck, he slept in and didn’t get a chance to sneak out before Buck woke up.
No pressure tagging: @hippolotamus @puppyboybuckley @spotsandsocks @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @wikiangela @athenagranted @thewolvesof1998 @exhuastedpigeon @monsterrae1 @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @evanbegins @goforkinard @rainbow-nerdss @theotherbuckley @try-set-me-on-fire @dangerpronebuddie @disasterbuckdiaz @devirnis @donationwayne @shitouttabuck @sunshinediaz @princessfbi @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @honestlydarkprincess @jesuisici33 @king-buckley @captain-hen @bekkachaos @bigfootsmom @ladydorian05 @nmcggg @mellaithwen @missmagooglie and as always, anyone else who wants to share something -> consider this your official tag
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uchihaharlot · 5 months
Hello! I hope you are fine <3🤲💗
I wanted to ask you about some Uchiha HCs as parents (especially Shisui haha). Idk, things like "How they would react if their Y/N told them they were going to be parents" or "How many children would they have if they had them and how would they treat them?"
🥹 mmm Shisui. Yes. 🙌🏻 Since I’m in a fog, I’ll choose Obito and Shisui — I will probably add more later and reblog then. Focusing more on Shisui though.
(I sort of expanded on this a bit. Leading up to birth etc).
Suggestive themes — mostly N/SFW; pregnancy reactions; and some other cute shit idk how to categorize. Ok yea, I went a bit crazy on Shisui, he’s my blorbo.
• Even if it’s planned, he’s going to spiral. It worked on the first time? Duh, Uchiha. Really just stupid luck.
• ‘Already?’ — Obito; ‘….I mean…that’s what happens when you have sex..’ — her. She’s so patient though with him.
• Obito will spend the next few days not necessarily moping, but in minor distress. The whole thing about having a baby this soon, even though it was planned. Has really got him thinking.
• ‘I need to get my shit together.’ He’s not wrong, but they’re not in a bad place. All the financial matters were sorted out before she even went off the pill. She’s going to spend a lot of time easing his worries when he should be settling hers.
• He thinks they can’t have sex anymore 😂 ‘I’ll hurt the baby.’ This woman will have to coax him to satisfy her needs and being hormonal, he’s going to get scared and cave.
• Every time she’s sick, he’s sick. lol. Obito is one of those husbands that are sympathy ill when their wife is unwell, pregnant or not. Though the morning sickness he had worse than her.
• When she actually starts showing, the tables are turned. Obito can’t keep his hands off her. This is amazing! ‘I put that in you…’ —🫠 👈🏻 her. Yea, he did, that big dummy stuffed her good.
• When she is too big to do anything for herself, Obito takes center stage in everything. He matured rather quickly, strange how the prospect of becoming a dad alters an individual.
• 😅 Hit it from the back too rough and ultimately the orgasm she had made her go into labor (I know this is false advertisement but it’s Obito, he’s that guy).
• Nearly passes out as his wife is sprawled up on the stirrups, looks anyways and dear lord, ‘are you recording this?’ She says. Yea, he is. Unintentionally the sharingan populates and he might as well.
• Holds his son for the first time and cries. I think most men do, he’s the most precious thing in this world. Obito didn’t think he could ever make up for what he did in the past, but this one human. This tiny, itty bitty baby boy might just be his Hail Mary. That he could even bring something so good into the world makes him soften even more.
• Family man. 100%. They’ve been trying, and it’s not taking. Not because they’re incapable of it, both healthy and young. He’s just so busy. The days they end up trying don’t line up with her cycle and I mean they’re not just going to not have sex. Any chance he gets to put a bit of him and a little Uchiha inside her are precious moments.
• Firm believer in holding her legs up for a half hour 😂 ‘it has to marinate.’ Big eye rolls from his wife, who just lets him do things his way. After a few months, she finally begs him to just take a week off when she’s the most susceptible of his seed taking root.
• The mere idea that she is rearing and ready to go has Shisui taking his wife at the most unexpected of times. Maybe a week off was a good idea. Needless to say, the house chores are piling up. She wasn’t particularly fond of being shoved head first in the dryer either.
• ‘Making baby is the fun part…’ is his excuse when she chides him for it. Dear lord, this man shooting blanks and still trying.
• Then the unimaginable is announced, well not unimaginable but it felt like too long to actually confirm they were successful. Shisui from this point forward makes sure his pregnant wife gets everything she wants and then some.
• There is no shock period. This was all planned, Shisui is eternally grateful that his wife will be ushering their next of kin into the world. All the hard work is on her now and he is going to make sure she is treated like royalty.
• Though he questions some of her cravings, ‘…really? Ok….’ He won’t judge her, but goddamn it’s not something he’d eat.
• Copious amounts of pampering. Spends ridiculous amounts of money to have her swollen feet pedicured once a month, if she doesn’t want that he will do it himself. Her care is nonnegotiable and she is getting big with life inside of her! She needs some reprieve from the constant drain on her body.
• We aren’t even going to lie, they pretty much have sex up until the baby is born, though not like how Obito did. It’s maybe twice a week, which is less often but enough. If she’s not in the mood for it herself, she would offer to relieve him. Though he might feel guilty, so he would just use his mouth in return if she wasn’t opposed to something less invasive on her aching body. She’ll agree, Shisui is talented in those regards.
• She was making tea in the kitchen when her water broke, Shisui was out on a mission!!! She had to get Itachi to send word of bird and less than an hour he’s back. Exhausted and tired, he made it for the birth. He knew that he shouldn’t have taken that mission but she was adamant he do what he felt necessary for their village. Such a understanding woman!
• Is planting kisses to her forehead, cheeks and lips whenever she starts pushing. Holds one of her legs when the baby is finally crowning, and watches the miracle of birth. The fruit of their passion and love is wayfered into this big world. So beautiful and precious. A son, I often hc Shisui would name his first son Kagami. (I’m pretty sure the series alluded them being related).
• 🥹🥹🥹🥹 👈🏻 shisui 👉🏻 🥴😴 his wife after labor. He is wholly enamored at the tiny being in his arms. Takes the time to figure out which features their baby got from who. Undoubtedly this kid has his mop head of curls. Her nose and eye color, his eye shape and ears. 100% them.
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igotanidea · 9 months
Bad day : Dick grayson x fem!reader
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Summary: some days are just shitty for no particular reason.
Warning: swearing, apart from that fluff.
She had no idea what she had been expecting.
It was freaking Gotham.
Of course it had to rain all the time.
Like seriously, all the fucking time.
Any other day she would probably just let it slip, but not today.
This one particular October Monday turned out to be the nail to the coffin.
From the early morning everything was going uphill.
She woke up without Dick by her side which made her worried and like crying. (can’t blame the girl, her boyfriend was a vigilante for god’s sake!). and what was even worse was that radio silence on his part. Most probably he was on some super-secret undercover mission (damn his ass!)
Every other member of her team at work were absent for personal reason (shit, Y/N had enough of personal reasons to stay at home for a week and yet, she didn’t right?!).
Everyone wanted something from her all at once with the yesterday deadline which left her completely drained.
Her brain was definitely all over the place, disenabling her from any focus, her mind focusing on only one thing.
Getting home.
Grabbing a blanket.
And hiding from the whole world.
“Y/N…?” one of her co-workers from another department approached her carefully. Y/N was usually the energetic, positive type so the rumours about her mood switch spread like lighting.
“what?!” she snapped, her mixed up feelings finally finding a way to the surface. However, she quickly regretted it upon seeing her colleague terrified face. “God!” she half-groaned, half-squealed “I’m sorry…. I’m sorry….” She rubbed her forehead in frustration “I’m just having a really bad day… Didn’t mean to yell at you or anything.”
“It’s fine. We all have bad days.” The other girls said and Y/N couldn’t help but be grateful at her understanding. “Can I help you with something though, Y/N?”
“No..” she shook her head. “No, I just have to push through I guess. But thanks either way.”
The other girl just nodded and exited the room, closing the door tight leaving Y/N to deal with her hormones, anxiety and mixed up feelings.  
It felt like the hours at work stretched into minutes, every other one becoming more and more gruesome and Y/N hated it.
She literally, truly madly deeply hated it.
To add to it all, the second she left her work, some fucking stupid driver decided to drive the car straight into the giant puddle next to the pavement, causing a little fountain that splayed and wetted the poor girl. She barely held back from yelling at the man, but did not stop herself for sending a middle finger his way.
Half-depressed, cold, alone and drenched she dragged her ass into her apartment ready to cry her heart out while holding a pillow and drown her sorrows into her comfort food she had stacked in the kitchen cupboard.
Yes, she definitely felt like throwing a little pity party for one.
There are multiple occasions in life when you just don’t know how you feel. And that was the case that one Monday.
When she opened the door to her apartment all the sorrow and sadness seemed to evaporate in a second replaced by something way more ….vivid.
“FUCK!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, throwing her bag on the floor and kicking her shoes, punching the wall and regretting it because of the immediate pain. “fuck! Fuck! Fuckety fucking fuck day!”
She threw her coat on the floor, not caring about it getting dirty or crumpled and headed straight toward kitchen to grab that little packet of cookies saved for the rainy day (literally).
“What the fuck now!?” she started rummaging through the cupboard but her little treat was nowhere to be found. “WHAT. THE. FUCK!?”
She jumped at the sound, not recognising that little, a bit scared voice coming from the side of the couch. Out of complete instinct she grabbed the fork from the drawer and aimed it at the potential opponent.
However, before she could truly attack the person with that makeshift weapon, the light went on and much to her surprise Y/N realised it was her boyfriend napping on her couch, an empty cookie box laying on the floor next to him, making it impossible to hide the hideous crime he committed.
“Y/n…… baby?” Dick stuttered, his eyes growing wide at his girl current state. He has never seen her this angry, like never and it was way more terrifying than all the Gotham villains combined together. And apparently he added to it, by not thinking she might actually want those snacks that were already outdated after all! “Princess?” he whispered, not sure whether he should hug her or run away from her. She was truly fury incorporated.
“AND WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? Do you have any fucking idea how worried and stressed I was?!”
“I got an idea……” Dick muttered
“Y/N…. love…..” he gathered all the courage to take a few steps towards her, still keeping a safe distance from the fork.  “Are you on your period, or something baby? “ his voice was shaking a little bit knowing he was quite literally stepping on thin ice.
“Take another step and I’ll dig this fork into your arm! You fucking disappeared! No note, no text, nothing!”
“Honey……” he whispered carefully, not stopping “Do you need chocolate, cuddles, a hug?” another few steps forward and he noticed how drenched she was, how her makeup was flowing down her cheeks in a thick black streak and how tired and confused she was. “Come on, babe…..Just…. tell… me…” he slowly reached for her hand and gathered the fork, throwing it away and wrapping arms around her before she had enough time to escape him.
“LET GO OFF ME!!” she struggled against his grip.,
“no.” he said simply, holding her tighter to him
“I’m being serious!!”she cried out, tussling even more, even though she obviously had zero chances against him.
“so I am.”
“No. You know I’ll never let go of you.”
“Yes, baby?” one of his hand found a way to the back of her head caressing her hair and neck, the other resting on the small of her back repeating the same gesture there.
And that was enough to finally make her cry. She let out all those tears of frustration, fear, anger, sense of unfairness….. everything that’s been babbling inside her for the entire day for no particular reason.
“Shhhh…..” she rocked back and forth with her in a gentle, repetitive motion, being her rock, her strength, her protection “Shh…. Let it all out……”
“I hate this fucking city!!” she sobbed, clinging onto him, not caring about the fact she was making him wet as well. She just couldn’t anymore.
“I know, sunshine….” He agreed, kissing her dump hair.
“I fucking hate everyone!”
“Mhm…. Sure…..” he didn’t stop, grabbing her hand and putting it on her heart, unclenching her fingers
“I….I….. I…..” she stuttered and sniffled feeling his steady heartbeat that seemed to calm her down.
“Yes, love?” Dick asked putting one finger under her chin forcing her gaze up on him. “what is, sweet-pea?”
“I don’t know…..” she pouted in an adorable manner, looking at him, looking like a grumpy 5 year-old.
“You are adorable like that.” Dick smiled at her and he meant it. Yes, she was looking like a wet chicken, but she was his wet chicken. And even if so, that little outlook could not kill the shine of her eyes, the redness of her lips and her general cuteness. Her cheeks were a little flushed due to the cold, her nose making her look like a Rudolf, the reindeer and that smudges mascara  only added to that feeling forming in Dick’s heart and warming his insides. She needed him. His little babygirl needed his care, his protection, his affection. And he was more than happy to provide her with all the love and attention he could possibly muster. “Baby?” he asked with a huge smile.
“Hmmmmm…..” she muttered in a feigned annoyance, and Dick could not help but chuckle at her expression. “Stop laughing at me!”
“I’m sorry….” Dick leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then the tip of her nose and then pecked her lips briefly making her whine and close her eyes. “God, I love you.” He planted another, a little longer and more passionate kiss on her soft, wet, warm mouth. “You make me crazy for you, even when you look like a taylor swift in blank space” he chuckles, cupping her cheek and rubbing through the black stains there.
“I knew you were a swiftie!” she laughed in some wicked sense of victory.
“Oh, now…. here’s that smile I love.” Dick leaned his forehead on hers and all of a sudden she felt so calm with his presence next to her. He truly was a golden boy.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you….” She whispered
“It’s ok love.”
“No… No it’s not…. I’m not like that normally……” she pulled back, desperately trying to explain herself. “I mean it, I’m sorry…. Shouldn’t have let out my frustration on you. You have enough on your plate.”
“What I have on my plate …. What takes the most space is my beautiful girlfriend with anger management issues.“
“HEY!” she cried out at his fairly offensive words .
“I’m not mad I swear.” Dick chuckled at her uproar
“Shut up and take my freaking apologies Grayson!” she grinned and tried to punch him, but he was quick enough to grab her fist, put it to her mouth and kiss every one of her knuckles and  his gaze fixed on her made her melt.   
“I love you, baby…..” he whispers, grabbing her waist and pulling her close, his hand traveling up and down her side in a calming, gentle, loving and caring motion.
“Just…..” she cuts off, all the negative replaced by sheer love and adoration of this unbelievable man, who gives her everything she may ask for, even is she herself doesn’t know what she needs at the moment.
“Let me take care of you…..” Dick murmured into her ear, brushing his nose over her hair, inhaling her scent, his breath on her skin making her almost dry out. “Let me help you out, baby……” his fingers brushed over her cheek and neck, moving to the top button of her shirt.
“I don’t want you to get sick, darling…..” he smirked, still playing with that little piece of plastic making her whole body shiver.
“How about I run you a bath?” his voice was so hotly hoarse and deep that if he asked her to jump into the fire she would do it without hesitation. She was completely lost in him. In the way his hands were touching her, in the way his eyes were shining and scanning her with so many feelings, in the way he was making her legs shake.
“U-uh-uhuh…..” she whimpered.
 It took him five minutes to get rid of her clothes, fill the tub with warm (not hot!) water and pour her favourite foam bath inside.
“Come on, princess. Hop in.” he offered her a hand making sure she wouldn’t slip and fall. It was admirable how he was focused entirely on making her relax and not on the way her naked body was moving In front of him.
Such a gentleman.
He didn’t even get distracted by that little moan she let out involuntarily once the warmth spread all over her tensed muscled.
“Enjoying yourself, babe?” he smirked reaching for the loofah and slowly starting to move it around her back, making sure to work out all the knots.
“You have no idea…..” she whispered letting her tensed shoulders relax under his touch.
“I actually think I do…..” he flicked her hair away and kissed the back of her neck and her shoulder, making sure to not choke on the suds.  “All the best for my beautiful girl.”
“Dickie…..” she let out another soft whimper
“Will you wash my hair too?” she chuckled
“well I said everything, didn’t I?”
He even went as far as removing her makeup making sure to properly clean up all her skin, pecking her  cheeks and nose and forehead and eyelids, not stopping until a little blush crept up on her face and he saw that pretty bright smile once more.
Almost an hour later, after he thoroughly  dried her out with the big fluffy towel, kissing every inch of her skin in the process and dressed her up in jammies, she was sitting on her couch, tightly wrapped up in the warm soft blanket.
Feeling completely taken care of.
And with Dick serving as her pillow, because he refused to let her go anywhere from his embrace. Instead, he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her straight on top of him, his arms wrapping around her. At first his tight hold almost prevented her from breathing but once she started hyperventilating he let go.
“Feeling any better?”  he murmured against her freshly washed hair, smelling like lavender. “god, you do smell good. Might steal your shampoo from you….”
“Well I say you deserved it.” She chuckled, snuggling closer to him, her head resting on his chest. She sighs deeply and it’s the biggest reward for him. Seeing her content and relaxed instead of stressed and yelling at him in the middle of the room trying to poke his eye out with a cutlery. This was his girl… his pretty, perfect, happy babygirl.
“Love you….” He  breathed out kissing the top of her head, holding her closer once more and this time not getting any complaints. 
“Hey… Dick?”
‘Yeah, baby?”
“Thank you…. I know I’ve been a little bit mean today…..”
“a little?” he raised an eyebrow and grinned unable to stop himself.
“Grayson….” She said in a warning tone.
“You know I can’t stay mad at you and you’re just using that against me!” he exhaled dramatically making her laugh. “I’m glad I could be of help with fixing your bad day. Cause that was just it right? One bad day? You won’t be  throwing knives at me next time you’re angry?”
“can’t make any promises….” She kissed the top of his nose. “I’ll try my best though.”
“I can work with that…..”
And just like that they slowly started to drift off in each other’s arms while that stupid fucking calm  rain played a sleepy melody on the windowsill.
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kingdom-by-the-sea · 1 year
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The Not Valentine’s Date
Summary- Mutual pining, an office bet, and baby sitting make for an interesting Valentine’s Day between Spencer and Hotch’s daughter.
Warnings- fluffy fluff
Pairing- Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Hotch’s daughter
Word Count- 2.7k
A/N- This is something I randomly wrote last year after Valentine’s Day but didn’t post cause I felt like I had missed my window. Who knows maybe I’ll write something later this week that I’ll post in a year.
“Eww,” Emily complained, scrunching up her face in disgust, “Please tell me that none of those lines actually work on real life girls. I don’t understand why guys had to start going around saying stuff like that and ruin Valentine’s day for the rest of us.”
”Woah,” Prentiss stopped Reid mid-explaining, “You are not actually referring to that,” she gestured vaguely in Morgan’s direction, “as poetry.”
Spencer scrunched his face in consideration, “Not in the traditional sense, I suppose. However, in my opinion, some of the best lines of poetry about love have nothing to do with Valentine’s day so using it as the standard might not properly reflect what you’re looking for.”
“Oh really,” Morgan questioned, “And what exactly would you use to woo the ladies on the fourteenth?”
Reid considered the question seriously his fingers tapping to some indiscernible beat as he thought, “‘We loved with a love that was more than love.’”
“What?” Morgan’s reaction was quick and it seemed that everyone else in the group mirrored his sentiment, “Hate to break it to you, pretty boy, but no girl you mention that to is going to have a clue-”
“You quote a man who married his thirteen year-old cousin on love?” Y/N asked suddenly, drawing everyone’s attention.
“They really are a match made in heaven…” Prentiss muttered only loud enough for Morgan to hear, who responded with a chuckle.
Reid’s face darkened several shades of red, “I just mean-”
“It’s fine,” Y/N let out a small laugh, “I’m just teasing. Annabel Lee’s probably my favorite poem. Just sucks that most of the romanticism poets were… just really weird.”
Spencer regained his composure and released an unexpected laugh, “Yeah.”
“Anyone want more coffee, I’m going to get another cup,” Y/N stood and left for the kitchenette after finding there weren’t any takers.
“So close and yet… so far,” Prentiss said once Y/N was out of earshot.
“Seriously, man,” Morgan started, “Just ask her to go to dinner or something already.”
Reid rolled his eyes, “Is this about your bet pool thing again?”
“Not anymore,” Morgan said, “I’ve been out since last month. Somehow I thought New Years would do the trick.”
Prentiss laughed, “You’re doing way better than me. I really thought the hormones would outweigh this nerdy stupidity,” she gestured at Reid’s face, “and said Halloween.”
“Halloween?!” Reid squeaked out before lowering his voice significantly, “There is no way you thought Y/N and I would get together by Halloween of last year.”
The two agents dutifully ignored him and Morgan continued, “Who’s even left at this point? I know Rossi chose St. Patrick’s day for whatever reason.”
“And Hotch said Valentine’s,” Prentiss finished and any air of concern left Reid’s face.
“Well now I know you’re making this up,” he turned back to his work, “There is no way Hotch would bet on his daughter’s love life.”
Prentiss tsked, “Your future father-in-law is going to be very disappointed if you miss this benchmark.”
“Seriously though,” Morgan started again, “Just ask her to hang out. Don’t even call it a date.”
“We hang out all the time though…” Spencer whispered, fiddling with his tie.
“Then it shouldn’t be that big of a deal,” Morgan patted him on the shoulder, “Go get her, lover boy.”
Reluctantly, Reid rose from his seat and made his way to the kitchenette. Y/N was busy filling up her mug with the right amount of sugar- that is as much as can fit in the cup- but smiled when she noticed him.
“Did you change your mind? I can grab another mug.”
“What? Oh- no, I’m good,” he glanced over at her searching for the right words, “I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out on Monday…?”
Y/N’s face lit up at the thought before she scrunched up her nose, “I’d love to but I can’t. I’m actually watching Jack so my dad can go out but maybe this weekend?”
She returned to stirring her coffee not noticing the third person entering the vicinity.
“Or Reid could come over and help you with Jack?” Hotch said, forcing them both to turn suddenly in his direction.
“Oh no,” Y/N began, “You don’t have to do that. I wouldn’t want you to waste your Valentine’s Day.”
“No, no. That sounds great,” Spencer smiled at her and her heart seemed to warm as she mirrored his reaction, “Send me the times over the weekend.”
With that Reid walked back to his desk in semi-victory.
“Did Reid just ask you to hangout with him on Valentine’s Day?” Hotch asked with a mock accusatory glance.
“Yeah,” Y/N said absentmindedly, “I mean no- I mean he did but it's not like that. We are just two single adults who enjoy each other’s company and not having to feel lonely on a day devoted to love.”
“Y/N, what exactly do you call it when two single adults meet up on Valentine’s Day to ‘enjoy each other’s company?’” he could barely manage to suppress the smile growing on his face at the teasing.
Her face turned pink, “I’m not sure- but apparently you call it babysitting.”
As the evening waned on, Y/N was more and more glad for Spencer’s company. Outside of simply enjoying his presence, it helped to have a second person there to reign in some of Jack’s more energetic behavior. However, her appreciation wasn’t enough to keep her from noticing how her heartstrings tugged seeing the way Jack and Spencer both lit each other up with excitement. Spencer was beyond engaging and Y/N finally understood why Henry always seemed to immediately latch onto Spencer at BAU gatherings. It was intoxicating to watch them together and Y/N easily could have lost herself in the moment if it weren’t for the screaming six-year-old running around the house constantly threatening to knock things over. Luckily for Reid, Y/N, and their respective sanities, this level of energy wasn’t sustainable and an eventual crash was inevitable.
He nodded lazily in response, “Can we watch Encanto?” for a brief moment the sparks returned behind his eyes as he mentioned what was quickly becoming his new favorite movie.
“Sure,” Y/N said with a small laugh. This would have to be close to the twentieth time she had seen the movie but for Jack’s sake, it was all worth it.
Jack headed for the stairs and Spencer was quick to follow after him.
“I’ll help him get ready for bed,” he explained, noticing what was apparently a rather obvious expression of confusion and the slight tilt of her head, “You could set up the movie?”
Having your heart flutter this much had to be medically concerning, but there was nothing Y/N could do to stop it as she watched her best friend take her brother’s small hand.
“Okay,” she whispered and was met with a smile that sent her straight back into heart-fluttering territory. No matter how long she knew Spencer, he never stopped surprising her. Considering the effort and detail he put into every other aspect of his life, it shouldn’t have been a surprise that he would be so attentive with her brother. And yet he still managed to strengthen his hold on her heart with every little action that came as some unexpected surprise to her. In truth, she suspected it was a precautionary measure, if she truly let herself recognize how kind and wonderful Spencer was, she’d be done for in an instant.
All the precautions in the world couldn’t have stopped the back of her mind from spinning stories about him though. Spencer was too gentle and pure to keep the less hardened parts of her soul from imagining what it all could be like if she could indulge if she could step over the line she had drawn in the sand for herself.
Upstairs, it seemed Jack had stumbled upon a small reservoir of energy, taking the time to show Spencer his favorite toys and stuffed animals while Spencer attempted to offer him various pajama set options. Eventually, Jack settled on the set covered with small dogs.
Spencer didn’t mind the push and pull Jack, or other children gave him. There was something so strangely fascinating to him about a mind so free from insecurity and a child’s willingness to simply say what was on their mind. Despite his extensive memory, he couldn’t remember a time he truly felt like that and hoped it was merely a result of the fog around his earliest memories. Every decision he made was coated in consideration and accounted for every possible result. He couldn’t help but wish that his hypervigilance would let up from time to time and leave him free to explore the thoughts, and emotions, that remained.
“You work with my sister,” Jack offered up less as a question and more as a statement.
“Yes, I do,” Spencer responded to the not question.
The boy’s head bobbed in as much seriousness as a six-year-old could muster, “Can you still be friends with someone if you work with them?”
Spencer watched as he stepped away from him and began absentmindedly examining the toys around his room.
“Of course,” Spencer answered, not sure where this line of question was headed, “Your sister and I are very good friends then.”
Jack’s attention swiftly returned to Spencer, “So you like her then?”
“I do like her. She’s smart and cool,” Spencer narrowed his eyes slightly on the boy, “Just like you.”
Jack came closer to him and in what he seemed to think was a hushed voice said, “Did you know that sometimes when people really like they get married…?”
“And then….” he scrunched up his face and whispered, “They make a baby.”
Spencer’s mouth fell open and his eyes widened in what Jack considered to be genuine surprise.
“I know, right?” Jack stepped away and began picking up a blanket and stuffed animal to take downstairs with him, without looking up he added, “Do you think you and Y/N will get married?”
Spencer’s mind went completely blank. None of the dozens of courses he had taken over the years would provide him with any sort of answer that would satisfy Jack. Part of him wanted to say yes and not give any of it another thought but reason quickly squashed that idea. And yet…
And yet he couldn’t bring himself to say no either. It was far too permanent and left no room for the small bead of hope he hid away in the back of his mind.
“Maybe…” he answered finally, “I don’t really know though…”
Jack pulled the blanket and toy behind him and giggled, “I hope you do!”
Spencer’s stomach did a somersault and he scooped the small boy and his blanket up into his arms before he could notice the strange smile emerging on his face. I do too.
“I swear that kid is pure energy,” Y/N said, shutting the door behind them and stepping out into the cool night with Spencer.
Y/N pointed a somewhat accusatory finger at him, “And don’t say something like ‘technically we are all energy since we’re made of mass.’’
He rolled his eyes at her with a smile, “I was going to say that while he may have been more energetic than I expected- I had fun hanging out with you guys.”
She couldn’t help the smile that immediately bubbled up to the surface of her lips, “I had fun too. I’m glad I didn’t completely waste your Valentine’s day.”
“Never,” he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you on Monday,” Y/N said when they reached the end of the driveway where Spencer’s car was parked.
His eyes narrowed slightly on her, “What are you doing? How are you getting back to your apartment?”
“Oh I have an uber coming in a little bit. I”m just going to wait here until they get here.”
“You want me to leave you here on the side of the road and drive away?” he questioned.
“No,” Y/N corrected, “I want you to leave me at the end of my dad’s driveway.”
“I’m not leaving you here,” Spencer said definitively, “I’ll drive you or we could go back to my apartment and watch awful romcoms and start working on the mound of candy Rossi and Garcia got us.”
She blinked at him, “Really?”
“Yeah,” his movement suddenly became awkward and choppy, “I mean you obviously don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“No, no,” Y/N smiled, “I’m just surprised. You spent the past five hours with me and my hyperactive brother and you want to hang out more?”
“I always want to spend time with you,” he said shyly.
“Sometimes I just forget that you’re you, Spence,” Y/N shook her head slightly and took a step closer to him.
“I hope that’s not a bad thing,” his eyes were slightly wider than usual.
“No, not at all. It’s the best thing actually,” Y/N smiled up at him, “And just so you know, I’d gladly spend every moment of every day with you.”
He looked down at her, not able to suppress the smile growing on his face.
“You know,” Spencer said, clearing his throat slightly, “Jack said something to me earlier and I didn’t know how to respond to him.”
“Oh gosh…” her voice faded into a slight chuckle.
“He was asking me all these questions about you. Like if we were friends and if I thought you were nice,” Spencer watched as Y/N glanced up at him, “I said yes to both of those… but then- then he asked if we were going to get married.”
Y/N’s lips let out a silent “oh.”
She blinked and glanced down at the ground momentarily, “What did you tell him?”
He scratched absently at the side of his head, “Well I wasn’t sure what to say so I told him maybe?”
Y/N’s face broke into a smile and near laugh, “You told him ‘maybe?’”
“I’m sorry I just didn’t know what to say. You’re not mad, are you?”
“No, no,” she let out the rest of the laugh, “I just think we should go on a date before you start promising these kinds of things to my brother.”
Spencer blinked and swallowed before looking down at the ground, “Would you have said yes if I asked you out?”
“Yeah,” a soft smile settled on her lips, “I mean of course. Don’t tell Jack but you’re kind of my favorite person in the world.”
“Really?” his eyes settled on hers.
“What? Did you think I’d say no?” Y/N asked with genuine concern.
“I don’t know I just thought that it would make things difficult since we work together and-”
“Spence, hey, hey, stop it!” she said with a slight laugh.
A beat passed where she just looked at him.
“What are you doing?” he whispered.
Y/N smiled, “I just want to remember the moment right before I kiss you.”
Spencer’s eyes widened slightly.
“Is that okay?”
He nodded not sure if she was referring to the moment or the kiss but it didn’t matter either way. She smiled up at him again, looking into his eyes and her hands moved up till they met behind his neck. After inhaling slightly, Y/N perched on her toes and gently pulled Spencer’s face down until their lips met each other.
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inklore · 2 years
holy diver.
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premise: eddie puts those cute panties you gave him to good use.
pairing: eddie munson x richgirl!reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: eighteen+ content, masturbation, virgin!eddie, flashbacks to previous sexual escapades (oral), mentions of fucking, swallowing, literally he’s just jerkin it with readers panties.
etc: this is a part of heavy metal love, but you could read this as a stand alone/without reading the series and it be completely fine. literally no one asked for this but i’m a whore so.
i do not give anyone permission to translate or repost my work, please be respectful — if you enjoyed please comment or reblog!
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Eddie wouldn’t consider himself an overtly affectionate person.
Wouldn't say he was raised to feen off of affections, or need them for general survival. He’s sure some people would—do—look at his chaotic behvaior and lack-of-giving-a-fuck as someone who didn’t get hugged enough as a child. Which is laughable and probably one of the more generously nice rumours that he’s confident is going around about him.
You don’t get labeled as the ‘Town Freak’ without the many assumptions and assessments on your character being anything but generous.
No one would go out of their way to label him as the most overtly friendly, or approachable, therefore affectionate would never be tied onto his many labels.
And yet each time he's around you he feels a buzzing in the tips of his fingertips to reach out and touch you. To move stray hairs out of your face, let his fingers linger on the soft skin of your cheek; to move it down to your neck, run his thumb along the dip in your collarbone, to go lower—as low as you’ll let him, whether that stops at your chest or between your legs.
He figured these—feelings of affection—had only surfaced from having your mouth on him. That it was just his biological hormones getting the best of him. Would be perfectly natural in the grand scheme of things, had spent plenty of nights alone watching the few dirty movies he’d snagged from the Family Video. Had let his eyes linger a little too long on legs, asses, tits.
Wanting to fuck and be fucked was nothing new to him.
But affection was.
You were.
Of course he had remembered you from school. From the many times he caught you walking past in the halls, the few classes you had together but never looked his way. From being partnered together in Bilology, how you had looked less than thrilled to even be there let alone partnered with him—and of course, like the fucking cliché he had to be; he found you just as beautiful as the rest of Hawkins High did.
Maybe that's where the affection started.
As he watched the way you chewed on your pencap, the way your glossed lips wrapped around the blue cap, your tongue peaking out every now and then; how your eyes would meet, you catching him staring and you never scowled, scolded, just stared back at him for a beat then went back to looking down at the lab in front of you.
Or when he would try to make conversation with you, try to lighten the mood, do anything but sit in silence. Going into grave detail about Corroded Coffin, air guitaring one of his riffs, dropping some cheesy jokes just to see you smile.
“What would you call an acid with an attitude? A mean-o-acid,” there’s a long pause after he’s said the punchline, brows raised as he tries to rack his brain to remember if that’s how he heard it. “I think.”
“Did you pass Chemistry, Munson?”
“Biology isn’t looking too good either is it?” You had said, covered your smile up with that bitchy humor you seemed to excel in. That seemed to only make him that much more attracted to you. So everyday he had tried to rack his brain for something stupid he could say that always got the same reaction out of you. Until one day you actually laughed. Had let it slip out, and as much as Eddie wanted to clap his hands and jump on top of the lab table in victory; he knew doing so would make your smile slip and put that crown right back in place.
So maybe that’s where it all started. Not the night he let you slide into his van and grace him with your presence. Showing him a side of you he was sure not many had seen, or would ever see.
And when the two of you had kissed—a kiss that hadn’t been his first but was enough to knock him down a peg, onto his ass and think “fuck, she really is perfect.”
When your hands had went for his belt he swore he felt his stomach in his ass. A shot of nervous adrenaline he only feels from new campaigns, or when he’s on stage playing with his band. He had half a mind to say no, knew that even his inebriated mind could tell this might not have been the best of ideas. Not in this high state of mind, and definitely not from the princess of Hawkins.
A punch to the gut from her lover boy was surely going to come tomorrow morning when he showed up roided out and angry on his doorstep.
But your eyes looking up at him, the way your lips looked so plump and red from his, how pretty you looked between his legs, how hard he was; he’d be a fucking idiot to say no.
He thought he knew the best pleasures in life already: playing DnD, rocking out to Dio, performing with the band, a six pack and a good smoke.
Then your tongue had pressed to the tip of his cock and he swore he forgot all about them, this was the only pleasure he knew. How warm and wet your mouth felt, your little moans you’d let out that sent a vibration from the base of his cock up that he could get addicted to feeling. Your eyes looking up at him as you swallowed him down; he was fucked.
And as he lays in the dark of his room, one of the street lights that linger around the trailer park filtering the tiniest bit of orange glow into the room; the soft cotton of the panties you had dropped into his lap as you left his van the other night, gripped in his hand. His cock swells in his jeans.
You had tasted so good on his tongue.
A deep groan echoes throughout the room as he runs the heel of his hand against the outline of his cock. Hips stuttering up, lips parted and releasing the weakest of breaths and gasps as he remembers your taste; how your fingers had tugged his hair, how beautiful you looked when he let his eyes drift up, how you looked on the brink of crying from how good you felt—from how good he was making you feel.
You sounded so fucking pretty moaning, saying his name.
All things he could feel himself needing more of, wanting more of to the point where he couldn’t get through a day without getting hard at the thought of you, or feeling that buzz of affection to simply just see you.
He lets out a long sigh as he undoes his belt, pushes his jeans down to his ankles. Wraps a palm around his cock, a shudder going through him as his thumb moves along the head to gather the precome leaking there. Spreading it down his shaft with the few light strokes he gives himself.
If someone had told him three years ago that he would have the princess of Hawkins in the back of his van smoking with him—filling her throat, swallowing down his come—he would have flipped them the bird.
But this seemed to be some fucking fever dream he’d stepped into. Some mystic land like Mordor; a fantasy world, and he was living in it. Loving it, a little too much.
“Shit,” he grunts, rolls his wrist at his tip.
After tasting you, feeling your pussy on his tongue, lapping at your wetness, swallowing down your sweet taste; he wanted to feel more, wanted to feel that same wetness on his cock. That tightness he had felt when he pushed his fingers inside of you.
Would you grip him just as tight? Even tighter?
Could he make you come on his cock and have you moaning his name all pretty and panting like you had when his mouth was on you?
His hips are pushing up into his fist, his head hitting the back of the pillow, eyes closed, gasps leaving his parted lips as he thinks about it. As he presses your panties against the length of his cock, the soft cotton incomparable to what your pussy probably feels like. But fuck it’ll have to do.
The thought of having you laid out for him, his mouth and fingers leaving bruises and bites along your soft skin, the way you’d push your body up to his. Sends his mind into a tailspin.
He could just pull your panties to the side and run his cock through your wetness. Knows you’d cling to him, dig your nails into his arms, his back, his hair; knows he could just slip the head in…just the tip of his cock…so slow inside of you.
“Ahh,” Eddie sinks his teeth into his bottom lip to muffle his pathetically needy groans.
He knows there’s no going back after that. Once he’s inside of you, once he’s taken you like that. How could he ever get enough of that? He couldn’t.
You’re fucking perfect on the outside and you’d be just as perfect on the inside. Addicting. Making him simmer with affection that he’s never felt before, but always labeled as shitty and irrelevant to himself.
But now he needed it. Needed to see you. To touch you. To taste you. To watch your fingers play with your pussy, wonders if you’ll let him watch you come if he asks. Wants to see your body wither and reach out for him.
Would you want to watch him? Like this? His hand, your panties, wrapped around his cock as he fucks into his fist. As his stomach tightens and contracts the closer he gets, the more he thinks about you. Always you.
Fucking you. Wanting you. Adoring you.
Eddie can’t help himself when the tiny bow on your panties catches on the underside of his tip, your name falling from his lips like a plea, a cry into the night for you to answer—with your mouth, your pussy, whatever you’ll let him touch, have, he’ll take all of you like a starved dog. Happily.
His cock is so hard, throbbing, painful in its need.
Just a few more strokes, a few more images of you on top of him—nails digging into his chest as you ride him, as your beautiful tits bounce in his face, as his hands grip your hips, your beautiful lips parted and moaning his name as you come around him, as you grip his cock so good, so tight that he’s coming too—has Eddie tensing, stomach muscles constricting as his mouth hangs open in a loud gasp of air that sounds a lot like your name, as he comes against his fingers and your panties.
“Shit.” He chuckles breathlessly, uses the cotton in his hands to clean himself up. Thinks you’d look fucking amazing covered in his come, wonders if you’d let him.
Or if you’d lick the come from his rings. Swallows hard at the image of your mouth wrapped around his fingers licking, sucking, just as good as you did his cock.
His hand runs through his sweat slicked bangs, yeah, he was totally fucked.
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