#I’m probably crazy buuuuut
thatsrightice · 4 months
There’s a couple of lyrics in a song off of Twenty One Pilot’s new album titled “At The Risk of Feeling Dumb” that I’m convinced are a Top Gun reference like
Used to be you and me, matching Kawasaki Zs
Ride around 270 in Kawasaki tees
Two fighter jets matching energy
Trying to forget that we're in ejection seats
Other than the obvious reference to fighter jets and ejection seats, the first line references Kawasaki Zs. I’m not an expert on motorcycles, but I have a strong feeling that the Kawasaki GPZ900R that Maverick rides in the first Top Gun happens to somehow relate to the Z-series of motorcycles called out in that first verse. Maybe it’s just coincidence that there’s a Z in the motorcycle’s model number, but it feels like an intentional reference to Top Gun when combined with the line about fighter jets.
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estelle-skully · 9 months
Trolls: Band Together tkl Headcanons!
Im only doing Brozone rn because thats all I feel like but send an ask or smth to request other characters if you’d like
golly gee here we go (im going in age order ((oldest to youngest)) because organization🔥🔥)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ John Dory:
90% ler, 10% lee
definitely used to wreck his brothers before the band broke up when they were younger
Used to embarrass his brothers in public by poking their sides or something and found it hilarious
the rest of Brozone definitely all ganged up on him for revenge
he isnt really a lee but doesn’t hate being tickled
still ticklish af though 💀
worst spot is his ribs
whenever one of his siblings starts a tickle fight, he usually wins
Always tells Poppy all of Branch’s worst tickle spots
He would sometimes tickle his brothers before a show to get them energized/in a good mood. Especially Clay, since he was supposed to have a silly attitude
(the following hcs are yanked from isitwp)❤️
- will purposely always pin his lees down, no matter who or what, he will always pin them down, even if it’s at the beginning, middle or end, somewhat he will pin them. (But sometimes he likes watching their limbs flail in desperate attempts to escape)
- when branch was younger, he would 100% hold him upside down and tickle his stomach as branch went crazy, desperately trying to get away.
- was known by his brothers as the “big tickle monster” considering he was the oldest, he was more stronger and he would chase them around the house and would not stop until he eventually got atleast one of them or until he just got tired.
- JD will in fact blow raspberries and to just make it worse, he would shake his head while blowing one to make it EVEN worse.
- definitely goes “nom nom nom!” When blowing raspberries and tickling his brothers, however he only does the nom nom nom thing on his brothers, he gets embarrassed if someone else knew that.
- definitely uses his hair to give a small sneak tickle attack to the side of his lee’s then acts like he didn’t he didn’t do anything.
- this bro used to actually tickle his brothers if they weren’t in the mood to practice, feel like it would go something like this: clay- dude, I’m not in the mood! JD- yeah yeah sure okay. *tickles clay’s armpits* clay- DUHUDEHE NOHOHO!
-if in a ler mood, JD will and I repeat will aim for these spots first, stomach, sides or ribs when he first attacks.
- acts like such a dad when tickling, he will go something like: JD- just checking on you! Respect your elders you rascal!
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Bruce:
100% ler
he doesn’t exactly hate being tickled either, but when he was younger and JD would poke him to get him to laugh (he always did it when they were interacting with fans too) he would get pretty mad so now he just gets embarrassed when he’s tickled
buuuuut since he’s a dad now he probably tickles his kids a lot so he does the same to his brothers. Especially Branch, since he’s kinda still considered the baby of the family
as adults he and JD sometimes team up during tickle fights, but when they were younger they went after each other the most
death spot is his stomach/sides
sometimes when he’s tickling his brothers, he’ll tell a dad joke, and when they laugh (bc they’re being tickled, not bc of the joke) he says something like “I knew you liked dad jokes!” Or “you really thought that was funny?” And they always get pissed
doesnt wreck people often, usually he prefers to briefly tickle people to cheer them up/ surprise them or something
his laugh gets really high pitched when he’s being tickled and he hates it
as an adult, any time JD tries to poke him he INSTANTLY gets revenge and wrecks him no matter where he is
70% ler, 30% lee
ALWAYS the one to start tickle fights
loves to sneak up on his brothers and surprise them with a tickle attack
sometimes will intentionally bother his brothers just to get them to tickle him. Would never admit that was his intention though
after the band was reunited and stuff, he tickles Branch all the time since Branch gets annoyed so easily now and he wants to cheer him up
has a really squeaky laugh when he’s tickled
he gets surprised easily so whenever someone tickles him he fucking screams
Clay is literally the kind if dude to lie and say he isn’t ticklish when in reality he is
His underarms are his worst spot but his ears are pretty sensitive too
such an evil ler and always knows exactly what teases will fluster his lee the most
when someone tickles him he says every swear word (minus slurs of course 💀) like it’s insane
he never means any if it though dw
40% ler, 60% lee
Floyd is the kind of dude to shyly ask his brothers to tickle him
SUCH a fucking sweetheart as both a lee and a ler
has a habit of hugging himself or his ler when he’s being tickled, but if he’s pinned then he’ll stim in some way, maybe by kicking his legs or something. He does this because he doesn’t want to fight the tickles but its hard to stay still
He would always team up with Branch when they were younger during tickle fights so that Bitty B wouldn’t be all alone/overwhelmed
LOVES soft/cuddly tickles
feathers make him WEAK (he’s hella feather ticklish)
has literally the sweetest sounding laugh
his back/shoulders/neck are his worst spots but he’s super ticklish everywhere else
when he’s the ler, he always gives raspberries
Don’t let his adorable appearance fool you, though- he can and will fucking wreck people. He just doesn’t do it often
best at giving cheer up tickles
loves to compliment people while he tickles them
(more stolen from isitwp because rawr)
has moments where he checks if the lee is fine before going back to mercilessly tickle them.
- 100% gave branch cheer up tickles and still does, YOU WILL NEVER CONVINCE ME HE DOES NOT.
- definitely tickled branch most when they were kids, he also tickled his older brothers to save branch from their tickles.
- gave branch the tickle of his lifetime after they returned, he would tease him like: Floyd- sorry branchie, gotta tickle you for all the years I’ve missed!
- calls branch “branchie” to tease him during tickling which branch HATES.
- pulls Lee into his lap so he can nibble on their neck, most likely going “nom nom nom!” Just like JD.
- like JD, he also used to hold branch upside down and tickle him.
- yells “here comes the spiders!” And begins spidering all over his lee just to hear them scream HEIWNWHDIDJS.
- just the look in his eyes before he tickles the lee is already enough to make the lee giggle, HE AHS SUCH A DEVIOUS LOOK.
50% ler, 50% lee
Super duper shy about tickles though
whenever he’s in a ler mood, he usually goes after Poppy because he’s used to it (started tickling her more often when they started dating bc he knew that she was comfortable with it and also bc he knows that she’ll most likely get him back and he loves it). Doesn’t even know why he’s so nervous to tickle people, especially his brothers because they tickle each other all the time
when it comes to being tickled though…
Branch is easily the most ticklish out of all his brothers 😭
He would literally rather eat a spider than ask for tickles because it’s so embarrassing to him
he loves it when his brothers tickle him without him having to ask
at this point Poppy knows that he secretly loves tickles, and since he would never ask, she asks him if he wants to be tickled
he usually replies with a shy little nod
always covers his face to hide his goofy giddy smile when he’s being tickled
hopefully you enjoyed, again feel free to request headcanons for a specific character(s)/scenario 💜💜
also i highly encourage other tkl enjoyers in the trolls fandom to post headcanons please 😭 ive seen like no others so i had to provide for myself
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headphonesbones · 6 months
Shattered dream sans x a reader who works for nightmare- [idk if this is what you mean by like you know writing reqs-]
Cas and Null decided to write this together! Hope you enjoy <3
Alright, this is probably gonna get real complicated REAL FAST
Man is crazy (obvi)
But he’s thankfully (or maybe not thankfully) crazy for you
Uhhh… good luck with that…
So man, this can go a few ways… None of which are probably good lol
Let’s say you’re close to Nightmare before stuff hits the fan. Well, as close as you can get to him…
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but we love him (kinda)
Nightmare, if he actually gives a damn about you, probably would be… let’s just say “reluctant” to have you around his newly corrupted brother.
He trusted him even less now tbh
I mean, at least he’s not suspiciously nice anymore??? /j
So, man’s crazy x2 so both of them are kinda trying to manipulate you in order to “see their side”
Basically, they’re fighting over you. One as a romantic interest and the other as platonic… probably.
But basically, neither are exactly “right”
You were doing a pretty good job at trying to stay away from Shattered!Dream until, one day, he managed to corner you when you were really sleepy
“Oh, poor thing. Aren’t you tired of mercilessly working for that…. Imbecile brother of mine? Come here, rest your head.” Shattered cooed at you from the other end of the room, watching you stumble your way into your house after a particularly rough mission. How did he even get in here? You were too tired to care. You shuffled over to him and slumped down at his feet, resting your head in his lap. He places his hand on your head, tenderly stroking your hair and murmuring sweet nothings. 
So naturally, you were like “whaT THE FU-”
Nah, you totally didn’t suspect anything. I mean, how different could Shattered!Dream be from his old self? (very different, as you’d come to find out)
You hadn’t slept in literal days, you’d just come back from one of Nightmare’s missions, things got messy in that mission, “your husband is dead, we found him with no head” type shenanigans. 
(… the frick did I just say???? ADHD brain is wack as frick, don’t do vegetables, kids)
Your brain was confused and static-y (is that a neurodivergent thing???) and you were just done by that point
You were kinda not too trusting of him, buuuuut… his lap was comfortable, what else can I say, Your Honor?
(I was just in a silly goofy kinda mood, so I fell asleep on my mortal enemy’s lap)
His voice was relaxing, his lap cozy, the mood just right, and you were exhausted beyond belief
So what did you do?
You fell asleep
I have no idea if any of this is coherent
When you woke up (like 16 hours later, thanks to exhaustion) you found that you were in your bed.
You, not knowing wtf just happened, are confused, of course.
Was that all a Dream? Well, Dream was involved but NO, IT WAS NOT A DREAM
You have gay panic for a bit until you see the note on your bedside table
He called you mi cielito in the letter.
Mi cielito?? Depending on if you know Spanish, you may be a little confused. Means “my little sky”... what can I say, he’s a sucker for Moon, Sun, Stars, Sky, etc. motifs
Alright, so…
Thankfully, unlike Nightmare, he’s probably not gonna leave dead birds outside of your doorstep
You know, for someone that doesn’t really like cats (we all know what I’m talking about), Nightmare sure does act like one… Neko! Nightmare coming up? (I know the word “neko” just dealt +40 psychic damage to one of you out there)
Alright, I didn’t really answer your request but I am PLANNING on making this a smol series. So like… a few parts? I just really want to get this out! :]
Cas was sorta working off of first caffeine in week, combined with not sleeping in over 24 hours.
Hope you enjoyed! Please, feel free to send as many requests as you want!
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Ok now future Willow meeting present Hunter (and yeah, greeting him in a way he absolutely dies) I love these sm!!!! 😭😭😭
Okay listen. It’s short and goofy buuuuut I guess we do need to compete the square.
Hunter and Luz once again fell from the sky, not too far from where they had originally left but uncertain how far they were from thejr correct time.
“Is portal jumping supposed to make you so nauseous?” Luz inquired, holding her stomach.
“They’re artificial portals, so they’re more unpredictable and less dependable,” said Hunter, feeling equally dizzy.
“Aw, Lilith said the same thing about Eda once,” Luz recalled fondly.
“Nevertheless, we have to be careful,” said Hunter rising to his feet. “We should find the others and make sure we’re in the right-.”
“Hey Gus, I found them!” came a voice down the way and Luz and Hunter saw Willow off in the distance. Luz waved to her friend as she summoned Clover to fly over to them quicker and she couldn’t help but notice her brother watched her silently as a blush crept onto his face.
“Oh look, now you have another chance to ask if she thinks you’re cute,” teased Luz in a whisper.
“Do not mention that,” he said in a panicked whisper of his own.
“Oh c’mon, I don’t think she changed her mind,” said Luz, playfully elbowing his ribs.
“Luz, I’m not gonna let you embarrass me in front of Willow twice in one-.” He was cut off but a blur of green as Willow nearly knocked him over with the force she embraced him with as she hopped off her staff. She trapped his arms at his sides and lifted him off the ground as she spun him around, laughing in delight. When she finally set him down, he attempted to process his feelings to properly greet her but before he could she pulled him down into a firm, eager kiss.
Willow held him down like he was floating way and Hunter became a worthless noodle, a melted popsicle, total putty in her hands. He knees forgot how to work and as soon as Willow released him, he feel straight to the ground like a pile of bricks.
Willow simply giggled and looked at him fondly. “Hi.”
Luz examined the plant witch who stood before her and squinted in suspicion. “Okay, am I crazy or are you-.”
“Oh no, I’m not the Willow you came here with,” she said with a knowing smile. “Well timeline wise at least. Time pools or whatever, ya know? I’m guessing by Hunter’s hair that we’re just a couple months apart.”
“Soooo does that mean in the future, you and Hunter are-.”
“We’re kind of dating, yeah,” she giggled, rocking on her heels as she brushed her hair behind her ear to show off a sparkling gold earring.
“Oh! We’re gonna be sister-in-laws!” Luz squealed. “Oh, wow Amity owes me so much money.”
“Okay, calm down I’m not from that far in the future,” she laughed. “But, I should probably go find my Hunter; this has been happening all day.”
“You just... go around kissing Hunters?” Luz asked.
“Yeah,” she said with a laugh, admiring the passed out boy from the past still laying on the ground. “It’s kinda ma thing.”
“But his hair changes a lot, shouldn’t you be able to tell which Hunter is from the past and which is the one you’re dating?”
“Yeah,” she admitted. “But I guess I just get excited.”
Luz looked down to Hunter on the ground and gently kicked the back of his foot. “Holy cow Willow, I think you killed him.”
“I’m fine!” Hunter insisted enthusiastically from the ground, his voice shaky and whimsical. “I’m totally fine with it! I’m more than fine with it!”
“Awh, he says that every time.” Future Willow said with a smile.
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spandexual · 5 months
A little worried to send stuff since I’m the most random person but still. I appreciate your occasional fragrance+perfume posts a lot since I’m obsessed person lately so would want to ask something along the lines of: who is the most unique smelling toku character or which character could inspire the most fun perfume to you
Wanted to also ask about your wife Kaguragi perfume but not sure how it would work if it’s most accurate to history&culture 🤔 I find it fun that official release made him have saké note though~
don't ever feel worried abt sending me stuff! If it bothered me I'd close my askbox lol. And hmm well the official fragrances are always going to be kinda boring bc they gotta sell em to normal people lol and not crazy fragheads like myself. I think "most unique smelling" is difficult to say bc there's just SO many sentai members, Ultramen are literal aliens, and all riders probably smell kinda weird in very different ways lol. Like, the Showa riders have all their biomechanics and bug parts... Fourze and (spoilers ig) Gaim would smell literally otherworldly, and who KNOWS what Hibiki would smell like. Probably not good! If you have any specific toku characters you want me to think of, I can probably think of something on the spot, there's too many lol. One of my pet concepts is a Kaixa perfume that's heavy on the aquatic cucumber (his constant wiping of his hands) notes with a base of civet (very erotic to some, smells like literal shit to others).
As for a Kaguragi perfume, I think canonically he'd probably just wear something that would smell like very strong incense to our modern noses as that's what perfume was like back then. BUUUUUT I'm fancieee and I like the idea of his perfume being something more along a spicy sweet amber. Like top notes: sake, pink pepper, jasmine, middle notes: rice, honey, tobacco, base notes: musk, ambergris 😍
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transexualpirate · 4 months
Okay this is extremely random and hopefully you don’t mind me asking *inhale* BUUUUUT I ate an edible for the first time today and since I do believe you have experience in the weed business you could help me understand this more cuz like I ate about a third of a full edible n im not sure how many mgs were in it but like do you think it was too weak because I thought it’d be like… me tripping out and discovering the secrets of the universe and making jokes so uncharacteristically hilarious that it scares people but all I did was get so loving and joyous and horny and laughing at everything to now im just hungry as fuck. Overall I felt different for about 5 or 6 hours. But it wasn’t like crazy or anything, all it did was put me in a relaxed and happy mood but physically I felt nothing. Was that liek a weak dose or does that sound normal and would eating more next time get me more fucked up … if you know. I’m sorry if that question is stupid like i said it’s my first time n idk what im doing 💔
NO UR GOOD DON'T WORRY it's good to ask people but i gotta say im unfortunately not as experienced as id like to be, ive only ever tried smoking and homemade edibles :/ BUT i might still be able to help you here!!!!! it sounds like you were only a little high like in one of the lowest "levels". i get like that when im smoking and only take a few hits. barely feel anything physically but i do get hornier and more relaxed (and sometimes sleepy)
the first time you try weed it's very common that one of two things will happen: either you won't feel almost anything or it hits so hard you might even get a bad trip. that's like a very common thing, most people react like that and it was like that for me too (the first time i ever tried it i was at the beach and barely felt anything at all, just kept staring at the waves wondering when it was gonna hit and then i got sleepy and went home). another thing is if you're eating it the effects can take a long long long time to actually hit. like to me personally it's usually almost two hours until im actually feeling it and then three hours until it peaks. when it does i get a really good trip for around three or sometimes (depends on the mgs and what else i consumed during the day) even four hours and then it starts going away. there are some things you can do to feel it faster like eating it in an empty stomach but i don't recommend it at all. also if you eat it with chocolate or milk for whatever insane reason it tends to last a little longer i have no idea why?? but it's a real thing, it's why pot brownies (or any recipe involving chocolate) are so popular
did you have a trip sitter or just anyone else with you? if they had tried it before and ate as much as you did and managed to get high it was probably just because it was your first time. if you didn't eat as much as them it's also possible that you didn't eat "enough" (BUUUUT if you didn't cook it yourself it's like always better if you start by eating very little then you wait like an hour to see how you feel, if you don't feel anything THEN and Only Then you eat some more. if you didn't cook it yourself, you don't know how strong it is yk? better safe than sorry you don't want an unexpected green out). and if you ate the same amount and it was also their first time then maybe you just have a stronger metabolism it happens sometimes. if you wanna try again i recommend eating the same amount and waiting, if you only feel the same thing again maybe try eating some more and waiting even more
if it's eating not smoking it's good to take like a whole evening for that because like i said trips from edibles last way longer. can go for even eight hours sometimes
i hope this helps :]
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afterglowkatie · 4 months
Okay so not in a weird way at all and if this makes you uncomfortable don't bother, but when Kyra and Tiny start dating do they take showers together? Not in a sexual way!!! (I accidentally asked someone else this and didn't know it wasn't you so im sorry!!! They probably have no idea who tiny is lol)
(oh no 😭 hahah well i’m glad you got to asking the right account in the end 😭 thank you for the ask!)
buuuuut i think they don’t, not for some time. i feel like they both would want to but neither of them would make the move to take that next step. because even in a non sexual way it’s still such an intimate act and it takes them a little while to do something like that.
i feel like something like either of them being sick/super worn out/run down, or having a really bad day and the other just trying to take care of them etc before they do end up showering together.
like it doesn’t take a crazy long time before they shower together but they do wait until they become a little bit more serious with each other before they do.
but then a bit into the relationship they don’t always shower together because i’d like to think r finds showers on her own quite therapeutic and it gives her a moment to think and look back on the day etc
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guhamun · 6 months
multimuse combination meme; accepting || @lunaetis
[ quietly dropping ⭐ let's go shi u vu ]
Jianyu and Eden (h.sr verse):
Considering Eden is Trailblazer, there is a 99.5% chance that they will definitely encounter one another. He probably has seen Eden quite a few times as he’s gone from place to place, intrigued mainly because she’s with the Astral Express and that is a organization of interest. Basically, he wants to probe her brain for the most part.
Jianyu and Yinyue:
Join his mercenary crew Miss Yinyue. I’m not quite sure what verse to put this in BUUUUT either way he’s looking. She has his attention. She’s that kind of person he could just look at and know is a skilled fighter.
Jianyu and Arlecchino:
Something about…the vibes. On one hand, he doesn’t trust the Fatui. At all. Zero percent. On the other hand, Arlecchino would certainly interest him. Since he travels around every now and then due to going stir crazy reading and signing documents / doing administrative work back with his company, every now and then he’d travel to places like Fontaine looking after cargo / people of interest like merchants and the like, and would instinctively know from looking at her that she is dangerous.
Neuvillette and Eden (h.sr verse):
The Astral Express is such a big interest to him since he has seen many in the past before they all faded away leaving just the one Himeko has. Other dragons on his planet held little interest in the universe as a whole, but he has held some small sense of fascination in it. If he ever found out she had a Stelleron inside of her that could go boom any moment without Welt basically keeping it in check, he’d hard zoom in on that for sure and ask if the gaze of an Aeon has ever fallen upon her – in other words, ‘did Nanook acknowledge you?’
Neuvillette and Yelan:
How would they meet? I just don’t know. Even so, I’m looking.
Neuvillette and Arlecchino:
I am just really rubbing my chin about how an interaction with either of them would go since Neuvi does not trust her, but at the same time, has enough respect from her to get along on some form of level – or at least a high degree of tolerance. IDK IT INTERESTS ME.
Misaya and Nagayoshi:
Misaya is that kind of ‘Lord’ that can keep Nagayoshi under some semblance of control, I think. So in a Holy Grail War, I 1000% think that she would be a good match for him as she gives off those vibes that just make him listen more. He’s quite difficult to wrangle in, buuuuut you can bet he’d bend the knee for Misaya and deem her a worthy Master. Now in F.GO setting, that respect would still carry over, I think. She’s just got those vibes. If those same vibes can have Ozy deeming her an equal to him, those same vibes will have Nagayoshi being weirdly ‘well-behaved’.
Misaya and Arash:
I keep thinking about how Misaya was a little girl when Arash was running around, fighting in that timeline and it’s just so intriguing to think about! Him being a Servant from that war being summoned again by someone who was deeply affected by it is just -chef kiss- She’s a good Master too so he would give his all for her. In F.GO, he’d just really like her idek. Misaya is just too powerful with my Servants I GUESS.
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Since it’s the 100 day marker till tears of the kingdom, what are your main hopes for the game? Personally, I’d really love to see the return of midna buuuuut that’s probably not going to happen. Also, if the funny little green hand is a past hero like people are theorizing i will burst into happy tears.
Also I’m sorry you’ve been having a weird few days, sending lots of hugs!! You’re doing great!
I have a lot of hopes for the game (sadly many which probably won’t be realized XD)
For starts, I want lots of moments between Link and Zelda! They both fought so hard to see each other again, they should get to actually be together and work through the trauma and things of the past 100 years and get to rebuild Hyrule too!
This isn’t a wish but rather a “I really hope they don’t do this” kind of thing, but if they make totk some sort of weird timeloop thing where botw Link is actually the hero from 10k years ago too, that would drive me crazy. I think it’s better if they’re different guys (but that’s just me).
Another super unlikely thing I’d like to see (and I know might be a little unpopular) would be for Link to talk. But not like, talk talk, just one word. One single word, please nintendo!! I legitimately thought botw was going to end with him actually saying “yes” to Zelda’s question, and when he didn’t I was so bummed. I want him to answer it! ...Or say Zelda’s name. Something of that sort.
I also think he should cry. It’s tears of the kingdom, Link should get to cry I think. maybe Zelda gets to comfort him this time??
But my biggest wish for tears of the kingdom, is that in some way shape or form, there are loftwings. I LOVE loftwings so so SO MUCH and with the floating platforms and skyward swordiness that there’s been it’s a big hope of mine that somehow, there’ll be loftwings.
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
9 people you want to know better
@purlturtle thanks for the tag ❤️
Last Song: Currently playing Empress by Snow Patrol, and before that so the technical ‘last song’ was Shelter from the Storm by Bob Dylan (I have iTunes on shuffle). The last song I specifically selected was probably Keeping Secrets off the Star Trek musical soundtrack.
Currently watching: Erm oh so many things. My watchlist is stupid. I have 13 shows that I just watch during the two evenings a week mum visits. I have a ton more that I am attempting to watch by myself. I finished The Mandalorian Season 3 last night and I’m counting down to Ahsoka next Wednesday.
Seriously it’s the sheer length of my watchlist which is why it’s been like 6 years and I’ve still not watched all of Star Trek. The shows are in various stages and it bugs me as I love to rewatch. Like Voyager I want to rewatch episodes but I haven’t gone all the way through yet /sigh. I think I need to start targeting TV the way I have shifted to targeting video games. I was notorious for starting and never finishing. So I am making myself play one game (and only one) and getting 100%/Platinum/near enough before I can play anything else.
Current obsession: Hmm interesting. Two schools of thought on this. One is fandom in which case I think my brain is currently kinda split between Star Trek and Star Wars. I am bouncing between SNW’s crew (and that infuriating cliffhanger finale), Seven, Raffi, B’elanna, Kira, Jadzia etc. Then Star Wars - my beloved Rebels, the Ghost crew. Sabine, Hera and of course Ahsoka. That’s not to say my other fandom obsessions have gone. I will forever love say Bering and Wells 😉 but while I can think about more than one thing at once, thinking about obsessions is usually how I keep it to two or maybe even one! thought to try and quiet my otherwise crazy mind. Hence my obsession focus takes turns.
Buuuuut I said there were two schools of thought. The other one is my deep and eternal love for story and my desire to improve my skills in telling it. Everyday I want to work on writing and on art. A lot of the time health doesn’t permit but I am always thinking about it (obsessing about it). I have my dream of where I want my skills to be one day. It’s always a good day if I feel like I made some kind of micro-step towards progress. A lot of days even if I do work on art/writing I feel demoralised like I am getting nowhere, or nowhere fast enough. But everyday I dream and I hope. It’s been the driving force of my life. You are the one that said “small steppy is better than no steppy” to me, and I repeat that to myself daily in the hope my recalcitrant brain will get the message. I am trying, and I am trying to make that enough.
Tagging is scary which is dumb because I really like it when people tag me. Maybe a couple of people. @tinknevertalks, @little-inkstone, @thisgirlshouldbeworking, @urban-trek-thru-middle-earth only if you want. No pressure just fun.
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c0venants · 1 year
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🌷 took a little break from the internet. it was so nice! touching grass...breathing fresh air....i finally felt like i wasn’t going crazy (and not constantly angry because of the news and other social media stuff) i’m trying to break the habit of visiting websites and forums that make me feel upset or angry because i found myself kind of addicted to it, oddly enough?? i’m just trying to live a comfy life and i can’t do it if constantly seek out things that will make me upset ╯︿╰
🌻 i feel bad because i left some of my friends/servers hanging....i promise i will message you guys back soon-ish...i’m just trying to get out of my girl-rotting era (┬┬﹏┬┬)
🌺 i made the decision to take out my septum piercing for good. it feels a little weird, i’ve had it for so long but i feel like i’ve outgrown it. i haven’t worn it down in a really long time...and i don’t know, it just didn’t feel like me anymore? i don’t know if that makes any sense. i still want to get my industrial done, and my tragus & conch re-pierced but i have the hardest time healing cartilage.
🌹 i did lots of stuff on my break. cleaning and organizing, went out to dinner at a fancy italian place, took my mama to a beachside brunch place, lots of walks downtown, saw some live music, went to a wedding...wrote 9k words of OC smooshing 😋💞 i might write in more detail on my personal website diary when i get around to it.  though honestly, my motivation for working on it kind of died because of 2 things:
Imgur planning to remove ALL uploads not associated with an account (I think they have already done it? Idk.) I hate having 1000 accounts for different websites, so the appeal of Imgur for me was having stable uploads without needing to sign in BUT they sold the company or w/e and the policies are changing. Which means...most, if not all the images/links on my website will be BROKEN!!!!! it makes me so sad because i have so much stuff on there. i downloaded my site so i can have a reference to work on when i attempt to swap out the image links and uploads but it’s very daunting and it makes me kind of sad HAHA
Moving to my own host. While I didn’t like a lot of the social aspects of Neocities, it was nice seeing an update feed of my friends / moots / etc. I guess it was also more motivating to know that people actively checked out my stuff. Will I do the Walk of Shame back to NC? Probably not. I really dislike the fearmongering and drama-starting side of that place. I’m too old for all that.
Buuuuut, I am the kind of person who gets really obsessed with a hobby for a while only to drop it completely for something else. Rinse and repeat. Right now I’m really into collecting stickers and beadwork but I’m sure it’ll change in a couple months LOL. I’ve been thinking on and off about just...deleting or abandoning the whole thing but I think I’ll wait so I don’t do anything I regret.
my sister is coming to town at the end of this week! i can’t wait. next week we will be taking a family trip to the condo 💞 i’ll be off work and will probably take another internet break!! i’m going to try and take some photos and just enjoy myself 🌷
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childofaura · 2 years
Hmmmm, Banner thoughts
Ashe: How do you say no to that cute little face? I love her. Probably won’t summon but I love her ;w;
Elm: It’s expected. Weird that we still haven’t gotten him on a Mythic banner but it’s not bad.
But that Beast N Trace...
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Panne: She deserves her alt, and I’m happy for her, I really am. I just... wanted... Ranulf... this year. We got Lethe and Lyre and Kyza, the fact that we didn’t get Ranulf makes me feel absolutely cheated.
You still deserve though, Panne. I’m happy for you.
Askr and Embla:
That artwork is just
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Nishiki Areku is a master of art, I absolutely love how they drew Askr and Embla’s expressions. And Embla looks gorgeous. And yes, Askr is handsome as always. I’m still not too psyched on the voice acting, I just keep wanting a more high-energy actor even more. Actually, my friend was talking about Final Fantasy 7 with me and maybe it’s just my own crazy opinion but.. Askr kind of looks like Zack Fair. Rick Gomez would have been a really good casting choice for Askr.
Yarne: Bunny boy!
So overall, this is a great fun banner with a lot of firsts, buuuuut I probably won’t be summoning. I’ll take my free Yarne, though.
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crazedlunatic · 2 years
“You have a degree in Anthropology.”
“You’re just jealous that I get to help find di-no-saur bones.”
“Why would I be jealous of that? Your dad is right. You’re crazy.”
“Nope. Just the youngest and cutest so I got away with more.”
Sarah’s younger brother, who was living with them and sitting in the living room, turned back and grinned at Robbie. “Do it!”
“What’s your dad going to say?” Sarah asked
“I already talked to him. He thinks it’s a great idea.” Robbie responded.
“What did your mom say?” Sarah pushed.
“Does that really make a difference? I’m still going to do it. She acted as if the fossils would come back to life and eat me or something.”
“But what did she say?”
“Before or after I told her I was going to do it anyway?”
“She was disowning me if I became a museum curator. Everyone has known my plan since high school. First, do as little as possible in undergrad to get the credits and look smarter than I am with an anthropology major—4.0 check. Play basketball so I won’t be completely goofing off— kind of checked but still passed.”
Sarah sighed. “Yes. You did the lazy way. I hate that you retain all this knowledge and I must work my butt off.”
“Work smarter, not harder.” Robbie gestured with his hands—the same gesture his dad made when his mother was annoyed at him.
“Think carefully about the next question.” Sarah said.
“Uh oh.” Sarah’s brother said. “She’s got you now.”
“She thinks she does.” Robbie contradicted.
“Timeline of when you’ll have a job. Are there openings? Have you even created a resume?” Sarah asked.
“With the experience…”
“None.” Sarah’s brother laughed.
“You’re not wrong.” Robbie agreed, also laughing. “But when I get the –"
“Again.” Sarah said impatiently. “Timeline for when you get back… how long will it take you to find a job? I’m assuming ‘Dug up dinosaur femur’ will not help you with 99.9999% of the jobs you’ll need to bring in actual money.”
“Then I will have had a very fun experience before realizing I’ll probably have to be a farm hand or something until I die?” Robbie grinned. “We can move in with my parents again. It’ll be fun.”
“I liked you better before you played college basketball and got more confidence.” Sarah sighed. “You were so quiet.”
“Not enough confidence to make me unanxious the whole time buuuuut are you okay with me going…?” Robbie asked.
“I need a good back up option before I’ll seriously think about it.”
“If dinosaurs and museums don’t work out, then I’ll go to Harvard with Jake.”
“Harvard for… what degree? Jake got into law school.”
“I’m good at arguing… only sometimes not when it’s against you.”
Sarah opened her mouth a few times but couldn’t form words. Because, what?
“First of all, you’re scary when you’re pissed. That’s the only rebuttal.”
“You don’t think I can do Harvard Law?” Robbie asked. “I know what you’re doing. Setting up an argument if I can’t find real work within three months of my savings running out.”
“Robbie, you don’t have savings. We had to scramble for rent last month.”
“You don’t think I can do it.”
“You hate speaking to people on the phone let alone one on one. How will you do that in front of a room of people when you run out of time and must actually get this law degree which you’re betting on?” Sarah asked.
“I’ll up my anxiety and depression medicine.” He pointed at her. “And if I do lose and can’t be a curator, it’ll be something else you say you can do better than me. Right?”
“… you already had this exact argument with your dad, didn’t you? And he came up with the bit about how you didn’t take school as seriously as Jake did and thinking your grades wouldn’t be good enough?”
“Nah. My grades are all high passes.”
“How mad is your dad at that?” Sarah’s brother asked.
“Oh he’s livid I got a 4.2 GPA.” Robbie grinned. “He even still bet against me which means I really do have to follow through with law school if I don’t get a curator job. I can’t wait to see his face when I get accepted into Harvard Law and then not accept because I get to play with dinosaur bones all day… you know what I mean.”
“What if I said I was pregnant?” Sarah asked.
“I’d call bullshit because you always get acne on your period.”
“Fine.” Sarah sighed. “But when you graduate Harvard Law, you better pay off my school loans too, Robbie.”
“What are you doing? You got job offers at four huge museums!”
Robbie didn’t say anything, just stared at his packet.
“You should be gloating. Where is the gloat?” Sarah asked.
Robbie looked up, a weird expression on his face.
“Oh no. What happened?”
“They figured out what’s going on with Dad.”
“Okay. What does that have to do with why you’re accepting the Harvard invitation?”
“It’s Parkinson's. I can’t accept the Smithsonian. It’s 13 hours away. Cambridge is 6. If something… if it gets bad…” Robbie trailed off.
“Oh no.” Sarah frowned, dropping into the seat next to him. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’ve been telling him for two years to go to the doctor. My brothers won’t help Mom. Mallory just graduated Harvard Law and already has a job so she can’t help. My brothers are essentially useless. Mom’s got carpal tunnel. She… she needs me to be closer because—”
“We will get it figured out. You don’t have to go to Harvard Law. I wasn’t serious about the bet, Robbie. Can we just go on a walk and calm down a bit? Don’t make life altering decisions right now, okay?”
“I have to be close, Sar. My brothers won’t show up for them. They won’t.” Robbie said, trying to ward off the panic attack that was already trying to start up. “Mom’s having wrist issues and Dad has—"
“You don’t just become a lawyer to be closer. You can take a break from school until we know what’s going on.”
“I’m accepting the invitation to Harvard.” Robbie’s voice was a bit shaky.
“Robbie… no one expects you to do this. I’ll be in Maine for school. I can do it. I can help your mom with him… but he may not even be to that point yet, okay?” Sarah’s voice was gentle.
“I can’t lose my dad. I can’t. I need to be close. I… I already turned down all the curator job offers when I found out. It’s the only way for now… I don’t know. Maybe I can get a law degree and if things are going well… just…” Robbie trailed off.
“Come on. Let’s go on a walk and get some fresh air.”
“You sure we aren’t pregnant?” Robbie asked.
“… Not that I know of.”
“Good. Can we go on a run then?”
“It’s a good thing you’re hot, Robbie.” Sarah teased hoping to at least get a forced smile.
“Sorry. I’m trying really hard to not have a panic attack right now and if we don’t get out of this apartment soon, I’m going to lose it. You’re sure we’re not pregnant, right?”
“I mean four negative tests say no. We were waiting until after grad school anyway, remember?”
“Yeah. What if I get Parkinson’s?”
“It’s hereditary but it doesn’t mean you’ll have it. I mean, your three brothers don’t have it. Mallory’s probably too young to have signs if she did.” Sarah bit her lip. She then added, “Your parents would love us being pregnant but we’ve still got the plan, right? Finish up grad school and whoever gets a better paying position is where we’ll go.”
Robbie nodded and let out a deep breath.
“I really don’t want to be a lawyer, Sar… and I was kind of hoping you might be pregnant.”
“I was too after losing..."” Sarah’s voice was soft as she trailed off. She then added, “Even if I was pregnant, we could still go on our runs together.”
“I can’t lose my dad.” Robbie bit his lip and looked up at the ceiling.
“We need more information, okay? It’s probably not advanced too far. He seemed fine last week.” Sarah ran her fingers through his hair.
“What happens when it gets bad?”
“They move in with us. We take care of them together. We get help.”
“Until then? I’m supposed to act like everything is fine?”
“Around them.” Sarah nodded, her voice gentle. “But me, Jake and Liz?  We’ve all got your back and we’re not going anywhere. And Mallory. You’re so close to her even if she drives you nuts sometimes.”
“It could take years and years, right? That’s what Mama said.” Bob asked.
“Usually, yes.” Sarah nodded.
Robbie took in three deep breaths, trying to ward off the tightness in his chest that always happened before a bad panic attack.
“Go on. Get your running shoes and we’ll go on a run.” Sarah’s voice was still gentle. “We’ll get through this.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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vitaminwaterreviews · 7 months
After School - Virgin
Okay… Wow. Like, wow. I expected … I dunno, kinda shitty synthpop, something along the lines of Twicetagram? But it turns out First Love isn’t the exception to their sound: it’s actually a pretty good representation of what they can do. I really need to see the song average for my own sake, so let’s see:
Average score of 8.1 which is stupidly high compared to what I was expecting. But this album kind of shattered every expectation that I had for it. It was well-written, it was well-arranged, it kept me interested the whole way though. Raina impressed me, Nana and Lizzy did more of the Orange Caramel thing, the trainees blended in just fine. The MV was a bit weird but honestly kind of wholesome in the end.
And ultimately, this album really wanted me to look into more of their discography. Like, I keep coming back to the word “mature.” And when I say that, I don’t mean sexy: I mean mature. And this was just 2011! They existed for several years before and after this, with subunits and japanese releases and all of that. So I guess now I have so much more to look into.
Alright, I’ve just done some cursory Googling and already this album seems crazy. It’s got re-recorded versions of various singles, as well as some solo- and unit-songs. So really, less than half of this album is actually new, full-group content. But even more interesting, it features Kyung-Min, a “pre-school girl,” which is kind of a weird way of saying “trainee”. So I looked into it, and it seems like she won some sort of contest to become the newest member of After School, but she never actually debuted with the group! The only references to her are short, like a single sentence, so that’s kinda neat. Anyway, I heard Bang! one time like a year ago and I don’t remember a thing about it except that it was marching band themed.
Let’s Step Up
More steps
Oh okay it’s rhythmic
Lol this is really cool
Okay here’s the synth
Yes I’m ready
“Ah ah hi ah ah ha”
Yeah this is cool, I really like this
9/10, I’m such a sucker for a good intro
I’ll watch the MV for this one, but not the others
Well she certainly is wearing a backpack
Oh okay we’re synthy now
Wow look at those waists
Yeah this is more or less what we’d expect
Dude what is this filter though
This song feels super AKB to me for some reason
Actually … maybe that makes sense
Yeah that groove with this instrumentation
The MV is lowkey kinda wholesome tho
Oh no she felllll
Okay wait but
Yeah that’s … a bit awkward
That said I do appreciate a nice instrumental break in a song
Wait whatttt no way she looks like 12
I know I haven’t talked much about the song but I’m vibing
I’m gonna Wikipedia this before I rate it
Wait there is no Wikipedia article!
Well my guess is that the new girl is E-Young, bc this probably would’ve been her first thing with the group
Alternatively its a pre-school girl
If it is E-Young, then she’s 18 in the video, so fair enough I guess
Okay wait these lyrics are kinda wild
Honestly I might regret this buuuuut
Mkay we’re all buzzy now
It suddenly occurs to me that I don’t actually know Madonna’s Like A Virgin off the top of my head, and maybe that’s an issue here
Pretty straightforward synthpop so far though, kinda want more from it
“Diva diva diva”
Mkay that was a nice bridge, I’ll give it that
Also I really do enjoy the Vibe of this song
Bang !
Mkay yep we have some horns going on here
I dunno what to think of this tbh, I feel like I really ought to be seeing the MV here
Pretty vocal harmonies
I’m not convinced that this is very similar to the Bang! that I heard a while ago
But also I don’t know a thing about that Bang! so who knows
Okay I just clicked through the original and it’s pretty damn similar so I dunno
Play Ur Love
Mmmm this is nice
What a coincidence, I also wanna stay with them!
Woah her vocal tone is So neat here
Wait why the random synth?
This is unironically pretty though, like if you didn’t tell me that this was After School then I’d have guessed like, Apink maybe
9/10, I feel like I should stop giving these out so freely but I’m honestly so impressed by this
Pre-school girl #1
Nice 6/8 groove
This is fun, I dunno if I buy it though
Okay well the bridge kinda just saved this song for me, I was getting bored but that tied it together really nicely
Haha the saxophone
8/10 I guess finneeee
Because of You
Mmm piano
Whispering and vocoded vocals
Oh okay we get a nice hard rap out of nowhere
I totally buy this
I think strong rapping over an otherwise airy song is one of my favorite tropes
Also kind of getting 2NE1 Go Away vibes from the chorus and the vocoding
Depend on Time
Mkay, groovy
Nice acoustic guitar and kind of a slow jam groove
But it’s not a slow jam it’s more folky
Mmmm okay now that the bass is here, maybe it’s a slow jam
Their vocals! Are impressing me!
Mkay I guess this definitely fills the slow jam role, but it’s not nearly as … obnoxious as some others
Maybe I should revisit some of the old SM albums sometime
Ohhhh wait that was just Raina?? That’s actually fucking crazy holy shit
9/10, I just had to re-listen, I am so impressed by her like wow
Nothing to complain of
Piano moment
Honestly I’m amazed by how mature this album is? Like yeah they do their sexy thing and all that, but it’s clearly well-written and arranged and like it’s just well done
Compare to Twicetagram
Okay, this is the slow jam haha
I’m just never going to get over that Raina song though like wow
Funky Man
Right after I just got done calling them mature lmao
No for real though this is Great so far like wow
Nana, Lizzy, and a pre-schooler
Like, this feels way more Orange Caramel than Depend on Time
Although I think I do prefer Depend on Time more
Still, I appreciate this a lot, and it fits well in terms I album structure
Guitar moment
Yeah, this is nice
My Bell
I dunno who Jung-A is but apparently this is her solo
Well she certainly has a pretty voice
I would enjoy this song a lot more if IU did it, and I’m not sure if that’s because I prefer IU’s voice, or if it’s because IU’s name carries that much weight in my mind
It’s not a bad song at all, but I don’t really care for her voice in it, and also I don’t really care for the OST-style ballads
When I Fall
Oh okay nice, glad we get a good beat here
And that was a synth hit
Lovely harmonies
Honestly this feels SO f(x) so far
Like if this was just casually the last song on Red Light or whatever then it wouldn’t feel at all out of place
(I love Paper Heart though don’t get me wrong)
I do hope this has like, a Grand Climax or something though
Mkay, it didn’t quite get to where I wanted it to, but still
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Yk what’s crazy …. My two lines were more brain altering than any mean thing I could’ve told myself. It’s like snapping me out of a binging trance and made myself focus and care deeply. Probably bc it caused bodily harm buuuuut yk whatever. It’s also crazy how addictive those 2 lines were. Caught myself fantasizing about more last night before bed. Probably should’ve. But I’m trying not to be too obvious bc of my husband … eventually he’d notice. We only really fuck in the dark and rarely see each other naked so it’s relatively easy to hide but on the rare occasion he’d see them on accident .. I don’t want there to be too many as to not concern him. But I would love to add more. More lines .. more control … the more my brain would pay attention and avoid food so that I avoid hurting myself.
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chainsawcorazon · 11 months
Which character do you think is better in the new 52 than outside the new 52.
I haven’t read enough of new 52. I’d be lying if I said I did, but I simply have not and probably will not 😂😂😂
Buuuuut I will say, the way Lex was written pre Flashpoint versus how he’s written these days is a huge improvement. Maybe I’m biased, but I think very few writers can make Lex as a villain halfway decent without him coming off as the spokesperson for anti-immigrant sentiment. Smallville was crazy good for how it was able to portray him, and now when you read Lex, I feel as if his portrayal is much closer to the essence of Smallville’s depiction and a handful of other writers whose name escapes me, versus the hollow cardboard rep he got prior to the new gen dc. forgive me but im packaging new 52, rebirth, and dawn of dc all into the same era and referring to it as the post flashpoint fallout 😂😂
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