#I’m playing evil durge in my multiplayer run and I’m gonna try romancing lae’zel there :’^3
fabledteeth · 9 months
my durge tav had a fling with both astarion and lae’zel at the same time. when i played through it originally, astarion’s hug scene triggered before lae’zel’s ‘i have feelings for you and i need to fight you about it’ scene, and so that meant that my tav’s relationship with astarion deepened and it was ultimately lae’zel that prompted the ‘choose one of us’ dialogue.
i recently went back to an old save shortly before the astarion hug scene because i wanted to check how that scene had triggered (iirc it triggered organically, so without talking to araj or killing yurgir first). i was at last light inn, spammed like two or three long rests, and instead of having the hug scene trigger (which i now believe only triggers after raph gives you the quest to kill yurgir), lae’zel’s scene triggered instead.
this was nice because i got to see it + hear the subsequent ‘choose’ dialogue from astarion rather than lae’zel, but oh my god i cant stop thinking about the implications. lae’zel was SO close (literally only 2-3 nights!!!!) to admit her feelings to herself and confess to my tav!! had i played slightly differently, gone somewhere else, picked a fight in a different spot, the defining moment of who my tav ended up picking (and thus falling in love with) might have gone differently. and like. imagine being lae’zel. imagine kicking yourself repeatedly over and over again over the fact that you’re… feeling things for this fucking random tadpoled dumbass you met just recently. imagine growing up in a society where love and romance is scoffed at, and the second you’re removed from that environment, you find someone who stirs those embarrassing feelings in you! imagine slowly working up the courage to even just Begin to accept your feelings, to be working towards being able to acknowledge them out loud, to be literally One Night Away from taking this huge, scary personal leap… and then someone else beats you to it. you were one night away from doing one of the scariest things you’ve ever done, and then someone else fucking destroys that opportunity for you. and it’s just over. you end it with the person you were so close to falling in love with, because they’ve fallen in love with someone else and you hesitated.
i just. lae’zel my wittle baby im so fucking sorry. i love you. i didn’t know. bapey girl my heart breaks for her!! she deserves the world and if you don’t like her im literally killing you with my mind
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tadpole-apocalypse · 4 months
My planned play thrus, in no particular order:
Morgan (human wild magic sorcerer) - golden run with the d100 wild magic table mod, where we get everyone’s good endings. Unfortunately the only finished game of hers has a dead karlach and god gale 🥲
Oxus (Dragonborn Druid) - laezel romance
Saffron - (Tiefling Bard) she was my multiplayer durge, I’m gonna put her in a single player campaign cause I have some ideas for her story - ascended astarion romance
Dove - (Gnome Monk) - evil Minthara romance run
Tirzah (Drow Gloomstalker ranger) - she WAS my redemption durge but I think I’m going to remake her as Lolthsworn with a proper backstory
I also want to make a Gith oc, but haven’t decided anything yet.
Then for origins:
Wyll origin honor run, gonna keep trying…hoping we’ll make it past act 1 next time. Also contemplating an evil wyll origin run where he ends up as Astarion’s consort 🤔
Astarion origin - romance shadowheart and halsin
If I ever get to it, I’d do a lae’zel origin and romance gale
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