#I’m picturing Bobby going to the Shellhouse to keep busy while they’re gone and he’s in sad boi hours
savvylittlecoxswain · 1 month
A couple of the boys get the idea to go and do a certain activity together and so they’re like “we should totally go do this!!!” And everyone is like “yesss!!” Bobby is kind of sad and says he can’t go, but when they offer to reschedule it for a different day he gives them a (fake) smile insisting that they go do it without him anyway.
Of course none of them realized that the reason he couldn’t do said activity was because of his health history, like maybe they were planning like an all day hike through the mountains or something like he can do the shorter, less intensive hikes with them but for this activity he literally can’t physically keep up. The oarsmen don’t know that though because Bobby’s never let his health or size stop him before, like they’ve never seen how bad it can get and don’t quite understand how fragile he can be sometimes with how rarely he lets it slow him down.
Queue someone pointing this out to them, maybe one of the coaches or Pocock or even Joyce, and a lot of hurt/comfort/fluff follows.
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