#I’m only 40 percent through this book and I am STRESSED
totisviribus · 5 months
My new personality is the way Donna Tartt says Thursday like “thurzdee” in the Secret History audiobook.
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lastsonlost · 5 years
Enough already. When people try to be cheerful about social distancing and working from home, noting that William Shakespeare and Isaac Newton did some of their best work while England was ravaged by the plague, there is an obvious response: Neither of them had child-care responsibilities.
Shakespeare spent most of his career in London, where the theaters were, while his family lived in Stratford-upon-Avon. During the plague of 1606, the playwright was lucky to be spared from the epidemic—his landlady died at the height of the outbreak—and his wife and two adult daughters stayed safely in the Warwickshire countryside. Newton, meanwhile, never married or had children. He saw out the Great Plague of 1665–6 on his family’s estate in the east of England, and spent most of his adult life as a fellow at Cambridge University, where his meals and housekeeping were provided by the college.
For those with caring responsibilities, an infectious-disease outbreak is unlikely to give them time to write King Lear or develop a theory of optics. A pandemic magnifies all existing inequalities (even as politicians insist this is not the time to talk about anything other than the immediate crisis). Working from home in a white-collar job is easier; employees with salaries and benefits will be better protected; self-isolation is less taxing in a spacious house than a cramped apartment. But one of the most striking effects of the coronavirus will be to send many couples back to the 1950s.
Across the world, women’s independence will be a silent victim of the pandemic.
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Purely as a physical illness, the coronavirus appears to affect women less severely. But in the past few days, the conversation about the pandemic has broadened: We are not just living through a public-health crisis, but an economic one. As much of normal life is suspended for three months or more, job losses are inevitable. At the same time, school closures and household isolation are moving the work of caring for children from the paid economy—nurseries, schools, babysitters—to the unpaid one. The coronavirus smashes up the bargain that so many dual-earner couples have made in the developed world: We can both work, because someone else is looking after our children. Instead, couples will have to decide which one of them takes the hit.
Many stories of arrogance are related to this pandemic. Among the most exasperating is the West’s failure to learn from history: the Ebola crisis in three African countries in 2014; Zika in 2015–6; and recent outbreaks of SARS, swine flu, and bird flu. Academics who studied these episodes found that they had deep, long-lasting effects on gender equality. “Everybody’s income was affected by the Ebola outbreak in West Africa,” Julia Smith, a health-policy researcher at Simon Fraser University, told The New York Times this month, but “men’s income returned to what they had made pre-outbreak faster than women’s income.” The distorting effects of an epidemic can last for years, Clare Wenham, an assistant professor of global-health policy at the London School of Economics, told me. “We also saw declining rates of childhood vaccination [during Ebola].” Later, when these children contracted preventable diseases, their mothers had to take time off work.
At an individual level, the choices of many couples over the next few months will make perfect economic sense. What do pandemic patients need? Looking after. What do self-isolating older people need? Looking after. What do children kept home from school need? Looking after. All this looking after—this unpaid caring labor—will fall more heavily on women, because of the existing structure of the workforce. “It’s not just about social norms of women performing care roles; it’s also about practicalities,” Wenham added. “Who is paid less? Who has the flexibility?”
According to the British government’s figures, 40 percent of employed women work part-time, compared with only 13 percent of men. In heterosexual relationships, women are more likely to be the lower earners, meaning their jobs are considered a lower priority when disruptions come along. And this particular disruption could last months, rather than weeks. Some women’s lifetime earnings will never recover. With the schools closed, many fathers will undoubtedly step up, but that won’t be universal.
Despite the mass entry of women into the workforce during the 20th century, the phenomenon of the “second shift” still exists. Across the world, women—including those with jobs—do more housework and have less leisure time than their male partners. Even memes about panic-buying acknowledge that household tasks such as food shopping are primarily shouldered by women. “I’m not afraid of COVID-19 but what is scary, is the lack of common sense people have,” reads one of the most popular tweets about the coronavirus crisis. “I’m scared for people who actually need to go to the store & feed their fams but Susan and Karen stocked up for 30 years.” The joke only works because “Susan” and “Karen”—stand-in names for suburban moms—are understood to be responsible for household management, rather than, say, Mike and Steve.
Look around and you can see couples already making tough decisions on how to divide up this extra unpaid labor. When I called Wenham, she was self-isolating with two small children; she and her husband were alternating between two-hour shifts of child care and paid work. That is one solution; for others, the division will run along older lines. Dual-income couples might suddenly find themselves living like their grandparents, one homemaker and one breadwinner. “My spouse is a physician in the emergency dept, and is actively treating #coronavirus patients. We just made the difficult decision for him to isolate & move into our garage apartment for the foreseeable future as he continues to treat patients,” wrote the Emory University epidemiologist Rachel Patzer, who has a three-week-old baby and two young children. “As I attempt to home school my kids (alone) with a new baby who screams if she isn’t held, I am worried about the health of my spouse and my family.”
Single parents face even harder decisions: While schools are closed, how do they juggle earning and caring? No one should be nostalgic for the “1950s ideal” of Dad returning to a freshly baked dinner and freshly washed children, when so many families were excluded from it, even then. And in Britain today, a quarter of families are headed by a single parent, more than 90 percent of whom are women. Closed schools make their life even harder.
Other lessons from the Ebola epidemic were just as stark—and similar, if perhaps smaller, effects will be seen during this crisis in the developed world. School closures affected girls’ life chances, because many dropped out of education. (A rise in teenage-pregnancy rates exacerbated this trend.) Domestic and sexual violence rose. And more women died in childbirth because resources were diverted elsewhere. “There’s a distortion of health systems, everything goes towards the outbreak,” said Wenham, who traveled to west Africa as a researcher during the Ebola crisis. “Things that aren’t priorities get canceled. That can have an effect on maternal mortality, or access to contraception.” The United States already has appalling statistics in this area compared with other rich countries, and black women there are twice as likely to die in childbirth as white women.
For Wenham, the most striking statistic from Sierra Leone, one of the countries worst affected by Ebola, was that from 2013 to 2016, during the outbreak, more women died of obstetric complications than the infectious disease itself. But these deaths, like the unnoticed caring labor on which the modern economy runs, attract less attention than the immediate problems generated by an epidemic. These deaths are taken for granted. In her book Invisible Women, Caroline Criado Perez notes that 29 million papers were published in more than 15,000 peer-reviewed titles around the time of the Zika and Ebola epidemics, but less than 1 percent explored the gendered impact of the outbreaks. Wenham has found no gender analysis of the coronavirus outbreak so far; she and two co-authors have stepped into the gap to research the issue.
The evidence we do have from the Ebola and Zika outbreaks should inform the current response. In both rich and poor countries, campaigners expect domestic-violence rates to rise during lockdown periods. Stress, alcohol consumption, and financial difficulties are all considered triggers for violence in the home, and the quarantine measures being imposed around the world will increase all three. The British charity Women’s Aid said in a statement that it was “concerned that social distancing and self-isolation will be used as a tool of coercive and controlling behaviour by perpetrators, and will shut down routes to safety and support.”
Researchers, including those I spoke with, are frustrated that findings like this have not made it through to policy makers, who still adopt a gender-neutral approach to pandemics. They also worry that opportunities to collect high-quality data which will be useful for the future are being missed. For example, we have little information on how viruses similar to the coronavirus affect pregnant women—hence the conflicting advice during the current crisis—or, according to Susannah Hares, a senior policy fellow at the Center for Global Development, sufficient data to build a model for when schools should reopen.
We shouldn’t make that mistake again. Grim as it is to imagine now, further epidemics are inevitable, and the temptation to argue that gender is a side issue, a distraction from the real crisis, must be resisted. What we do now will affect the lives of millions of women and girls in future outbreaks.
The coronavirus crisis will be global and long-lasting, economic as well as medical. However, it also offers an opportunity. This could be the first outbreak where gender and sex differences are recorded, and taken into account by researchers and policy makers. For too long, politicians have assumed that child care and elderly care can be “soaked up” by private citizens—mostly women—effectively providing a huge subsidy to the paid economy. This pandemic should remind us of the true scale of that distortion.
Wenham supports emergency child-care provision, economic security for small-business owners, and a financial stimulus paid directly to families. But she isn’t hopeful, because her experience suggests that governments are too short-termist and reactive. “Everything that's happened has been predicted, right?” she told me. “As a collective academic group, we knew there would be an outbreak that came out of China, that shows you how globalization spreads disease, that’s going to paralyze financial systems, and there was no pot of money ready to go, no governance plan … We knew all this, and they didn't listen. So why would they listen to something about women?”
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Remember this article the next time a politician brings up the draft again...
because I remember the last reaction.
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goldenpctals · 4 years
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TRUTH BOOTH, clyde edition 
1. Please state your full name: Clyde Ephraim Aarons  2. Does your name(s) have any kind of meaning? If so, what is it? I was named after Bonnie & Clyde. My parents were police officers at the time. And Ephraim means ‘being fruitful’. I’m not really sure why my parents gave me that speficic name 3. Do you have any nicknames? Not that I know of. Other than in bed.  4. Where were you born? And in which country? Holmes Chapel, United Kingdom 5. What is your date of birth? May 5, 1996  6. Of course, the following question; what is your Zodiac sign? My zodiac sign is Taurus 7. Do you believe in Zodiac signs? Not really. It does not make any sense to me?  8. Where do you live? Violet Springs, United Kingdom 9. What is your home situation like? (ex. do you live with your family? Your partner etc.?) I live together with my wife and dogs. We have our own apartment 10. Do you have any siblings? No, I’m an only child 11. Do you have any kind of allergies? I do not have any allergies  12. Do you own any pets? If so, what kind of pets are they? My wife has a couple of dogs 13. Why did you apply to St Jude’s? The reason why I applied is because I’d like to persue a career in performing and making music. I love standing infront of a crowd and sharing my passion and story with others, through songs  14. Did you had to go through a lot audition rounds? I was accepted after 1 round  15. What is the current course you’re following? Music. Focused on songwriting 16. If you can switch courses, which one would you switch to and why? Maybe acting? Acting would be pretty interesting?  17. What is your proudest project you’ve done? Fine Line. Especially Treat People With Kindness 18. What is the proudest project that someone’s else has done? Soraya’s latest album, Romance is one of my favorites. Or also Holy by Dallas, such a beautiful song and raw 19. Do you like FanCons? I absolutely love ‘em 20. What do you like about FanCons? Personal interactions with fans  21. What don’t you like about FanCons? Since there are so many of them, I’m not able to meet them all. So, it upsets me that some fans are not able to meet their idols  22. A fan memory that always stuck with you? Can be positive or negative. When I gave away tour tickets to some of the fans. An act of my love towards them  23. Your favorite event so far? I love all the events. The ones that are a bit weird to me are the ones where you have to switch partners? I’m very loyal and to me, it’s odd  24. What kind of event would you like to see in the future? More fundraising concerts 25. Would you recommend St Jude’s to friends, family. etc? Definitely! 
26. What are your positive traits? Ambitious, steady and loving. I think? 27. What are you negative traits? I think that one of my negative traits that I can be over-protective in some kind of way 28. What would other people describe you as? Ask the others? I have no idea 29. What are your pet peeves? People who think that / I / talk slow 30. What makes you happy? Happiness  31. What makes you upset? Bringing up past experiences  32. What is something you love? Performing. Besides my wife, it’s my biggest love and I really don’t want to be do doing anything else 33. What is something you dislike? Disloyalty. Or being vague 34. What are you strengths? How much I’ve grown the last year? I’ve grown a lot and I consider myself strong in any kind of aspect  35. What are you weaknesses? Opening up too much and being scared that people will leave me. I’ve been left alone many times before  36. A misconception people often think of you? That I’m probably still a d*ck 37. Do you have any fears? Death scares me 38. What scares you the most? Death 39. What do you do to entertain yourself? Go for a jog or walk, write music, read a book 40. What is your MBTI? ENFP, I think?  41. How do you deal with stress? Talk to my wife about it. It helps a lot  42. Are you a determined person? Are you a stubborn person? Determind 43. Do you consider yourself selfish? When I have to, yes. It’s important to think about yourself, no matter what others think in that moment  44. Would you like to be different? No. I’m very happy with who I am now 45. Are you more introverted (focused on your inner world) or more extraverted (focused on other people and the outer world)? Extrovert 
46. What is your sexual orientation? I consider myself as pansexual 47. Current relationship status? I’m married to Poppy Murry, who is also now known as Aarons. We married in Hawaii in 2020. It’s a priveledge to be married to her  48. When was your first kiss? Probably around 12/13 49. Do you remember your first date? If so, with who was it? What did you do? No idea. Probably snuck out of the house and went to a party? For goodness sake.. 50. Have you ever experienced heart-break? I have  51. Have you ever been in love? (If yes, skip to question 53) I currently am, and yes I have 52. If no, how so? n/a 53. How do you know when you’re in love? When home becomes a person 54. What would be your ideal date? It would be old-fashioned. I love exploring new places and get to know other cultures more 55. What is your perspective on marriage? From a married man’s perspective, it’s wonderful. However, my advice is to not rush into marriage. Divorce is awful. Only marry when the both of you a one hunderd percent commited  56. (only for non-virgins) Are you a sub, dom or switch? Dom. Sometimes a switch 57. What do you think of relationships? When you find the right person, everything just clicks 58. What do you think of one-night stands? In my past, I used to see women a lot. However, now, I’m a loyal man. I don’t do that anymore 59. Are you still a virgin? No, I’m not 60. Most attractive trait in a different person? Be yourself. Don’t put up a facade just to impress someone. Be you 61. What matters most to you when it comes to a relationship? Commitment and equality. It’s important to, whenever you’re both have different views, to find a middle ground 62. Are you comfortable with PDA? Or would you be comfortable with PDA? I love to show off Poppy. So, yes, I’d say that I’m comfortable with PDA 63. Are you more of a type to be asked out or the type to ask the other out? I’d a charmeur, of course I’m the one who asks you out 64. How do you express love to the other? In music and loyalty. All of my feelings are expressed into my songs. I’m pretty much an open book, nowadays  65. Who is your celebrity crush? Jennifer Anniston
66. Do you regret anything? Yes, a lot 67. Is there something you woule like to re-do? So, start all over again? If I could rewind to my past and do things differently, I would. I have hurted a lot of people and thinking back to it, pains me. I’m sorry to all the ones that faced me and my troubled mind 68. What is something you would never share with anyone? What really happened on the night that my parents were taken from me 69. When was the last time you cried? Why did you cry? I’m not really a crier? If there is something on my mind, I don’t hold it back and I immediately go to my wife or father-in-law to talk about it 70. Most memorable event that happened in your time in St Judes? This could be anything: My time in One Direction is something I’m always grateful for 71. One thing you wish you could do all over? Once again, my past 72. Someone you miss? Elliot. He’s my best friend. I miss my pal 73. Something you wish you could forget? Anything that happened in my first couple of years of St Judes  74. Who has the biggest impact on you? Poppy 75. What is your perspective on love? Is it beautiful? Does it scare you? It used to scare me. But surrounding myself with positive people has helped me a lot  76. What has hurt you in the past that you don’t want others to go through? Losing a parent, or both of them  77. What is something you have gained, something you have lost and something you let go of during the past year? Something I gained? Confidence, happiness and success. Something that I have lost? Attitude. Something I let go of during the past year? Not to worry so much what people think 78. Have you ever lost a friend? do you wish you would still be friends? No 79. Do you have any triggers? What is the history behind these triggers and are they related to any disorders or mental illnesses? Not really. I used to struggle with a pain killer addiction a couple of years ago, and also had anger / violence issues. I went to therpay for this and it’s been years since I’ve ever become so angry.  80. If you could meet your 16 year old self, what would tell them? Well, little Clyde, this is the start of a huge journey for you. Life isn’t going into the direction the way you want it to go and along the way, you lose the two biggest loves of your lifes, your parents, who will be taken from you during a robbery. You are going to find yourself in a deep and dark place that you won’t be able to get out of. Drugs will numb you. Alcohol will help. However, there are people who really care about you and no matter what, you’re going to be ok
81. Summer or Winter? Summer 82. Cats or dogs? Dogs 83. Beach or mountains? Both, I love both  84. Phone calls or texting? Texting  85. Have you ever skipped class? No
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haxballfan-blog · 4 years
When You're Sad, Your Skin Is Sad
Correlation doesn't prove causation, but I can't help but notice that both times I’ve lived in my teenage bedroom I’ve felt especially sad. In high school, it was an angry sadness that sought attention. But when I came back to my parents house in March to ride out COVID, the sadness became deep and dull—about everything and nothing. I go to bed dreading the next day like it holds a big test I haven’t studied for. In the morning, I alternately jolt awake while it’s still dark, or tether myself to my comforter well into the workday. I’ve been very privileged in the ways I’ve experienced the past few months, but also very anxious. And actually, the CDC estimates that 40-percent of adults exhibit symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorders as of this past July. (In 2019, that number was 11-percent.) So, yes, I’m crying a lot more than usual; maybe you are too. I’m also breaking out more than usual—and you?
“Yes, stress causes you to break out,” says Dr. Amy Wechsler, who, as one of only a handful of doctors in the US board-certified in both dermatology and psychiatry, is uniquely qualified to answer questions about this kind of stuff—she even wrote the book on it. Dr. Wechsler cites a well-known study done on a college campus during exam week, where researchers found a strong correlation between stress and the severity of acne. “But exam period is like two weeks long, and when the exams go away the breakouts go away. Imagine if you had exam period for five months, you know? That’s like what we’re going through right now.”
According to Dr. Wechsler, the root of stress acne lies in a molecule called cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that’s pumped out by the body to fight illness, control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, and influence memory formation. In general it’s anti-inflammatory, but when you’re stressed, your body responds by producing more cortisol than it would normally as part of the fight-or-flight response meant to keep you alert when you need to be. If that stress is prolonged, and you don’t have the proper coping mechanisms to deal with it, cortisol starts to act very inflammatory.
“Inflammation is the root cause of acne, and eczema, and psoriasis,” says Dr. Wechsler, who also adds that high levels of cortisol over a long period of time will break down collagen, the molecule in your skin that keeps it looking plump. “That’s why when people are really stressed out for a while, they look like they aged overnight.” For a good, obvious example of this phenomenon, take a look at a photo of President Obama in his first year as president compared to his last. Cortisol also weakens your skin’s natural barrier, so you’ll start to experience more transepidermal water loss. Several months of anxiety may leave you with a totally different skin type: even if your skin is normally oily, it will start to dry out and get more sensitive. Dr. Wechsler notes that when your barrier is compromised, your skin is more likely to react to something that normally wouldn’t cause a problem. “That’s when people say things like, ‘I’ve been using the same product forever, they haven’t changed their ingredients, but now I can’t tolerate it.’”
The tricky part about cortisol is that once levels are high, it can be difficult to bring them down on your own. At minimum, you need to make sure you’re getting an adequate amount of sleep each night, which can be difficult when you’re feeling anxious. “Cortisol is at its lowest for everybody during sleep, and healing molecules like beta-endorphins, growth hormones, and oxytocin,” a mood enhancer, “are always at their highest,” says Dr. Wechsler, who compares the molecules’ relationship to a see-saw. If you’re not getting much sleep, you’re not giving the anti-inflammatories a chance to catch up to the cortisol.
During the daytime, you can sort of hack your body chemicals by engaging in activities that directly trigger a release of those happy molecules. Completing your skincare routine floods your brain with dopamine, otherwise known as the “feel-good neurotransmitter.” So would cooking a complicated dinner, or organizing your bedroom, or finishing a book. A workout can help balance too-low endorphins, a fact I always felt was fallacy until I experienced my first runner’s high a few months ago. Not into exercise? Pop on a John Mulaney stand up special—any will do!—for a rush of endorphins you don’t have to sweat for. And to raise your oxytocin levels, turn down the lights and grab your vibrator. Sex drive can lower when you’re depressed, but each time you orgasm your body releases cortisol-lowering, calm-inducing oxytocin.
Of course, these things won’t stop you from feeling anxious, but they might help you feel a little bit better on the day-to-day, and you also may see a difference in your skin. “When people are very anxious, they feel this loss of control over what’s going on in their lives, and normal routines fall by the wayside because they feel unimportant,” Dr. Wechsler explains. “A skincare routine gives you back a little control,” she adds, conceding that, at the very least, 10 minutes of caring for yourself will feel better than reading the news, or scrolling through Instagram.
The absolute easiest, low-effort way to help balance cortisol? For a sad person at least, it’s crying. Scientists aren’t quite sure how or why, but studies show that a good crying session decreases cortisol levels. It was once widely believed that tears were a way to expel excess stress hormones, but now, most researchers think that the benefits of crying have to do with social signaling: just getting out the message that you’re in distress seems to help alleviate some of that distress. And, if you’re crying to somebody, they’re likely to give you a hug, rub your back, or stroke your hair—all triggers for oxytocin.
But while crying is good for the skin internally, it can leave your face feeling… not so great. Which is the reason I called Dr. Wechsler in the first place—I wear my recent crying obviously, and am left frantically icing my face before morning meetings and check-ins with family. Beyond how I look, my post-crying face hurts. My eyes get incredibly puffy, and I often find myself stuck between a rock and a hard place when I cry at night. It happens, without fail, after I do my skincare routine, and I wasn’t sure whether the salty tears left on my skin were further contributing to breakouts. To make my outsides match my insides after a solid catharsis, I wanted to figure out a post-crying best practice—a sad girl beauty routine, if you will.
What I’d learn is that your eyes work overtime to produce tears, which draws an abundance of blood to the surface of your eyelids. If you cry at night, that blood doesn’t have anywhere to go—it pools in your face when you’re lying flat. “If you’re crying during the day and you’re standing up and walking around, gravity will take the swelling from your eyelids, bring it down your face, and flush it out,” adds Dr. Wechsler. For those particularly concerned about morning puffiness, you can stay upright until the swelling subsides, or try Dr. Weschler’s favorite method. “Put a teaspoon in a glass of ice water, let it get really cold, and then take the back of the teaspoon and put it on your eyelid with a little bit of pressure. Both the cold and the pressure really help those blood vessels calm back down,” says Dr. Wechsler, who learned the tip from one of her model patients. Doing that right away will probably help prevent morning puffiness, but if you aren’t feeling up to it, just go to sleep and try to keep your head elevated with an extra pillow. You can always try the spoon trick (and some vertical action) in the morning.
As for the tears themselves, Dr. Wechsler recommends rinsing them off to abate dryness. If you’ve cried within a half hour of doing your skincare routine, you can rinse with a gentle cleanser (or water, if you think another wash will be too drying) and re-apply your skincare products. Otherwise, just rinse and moisturize again.
Remember how I mentioned cortisol is difficult to lower on your own? If you’re experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, you might also consider seeking out the help of a trained therapist. While it’s easy to ruminate on how we look on the outside, it’s important to emphasize that this skin issue is indicative of a larger, internal problem. Aside from the auxiliary benefit of helping balance your skin, talking to someone can help alleviate the feelings of loneliness, grief, and uncertainty you might be feeling right now. Therapy for Black Girls, the National Queer & Trans Therapists of Color Network, and Open Path Collective all offer remote therapy options at accessible price points. You might also check out Psychology Today’s list of therapists, which is quite comprehensive—you can filter results by things like specialty, sexuality, and race. If you’re a Black woman, you can also apply for a grant from The Loveland Foundation to subsidize your sessions.
Knowing that my skin is feeling as vulnerable as I am right now, I’ve been taking it easy with my skincare. And the benefit is twofold: nixing breakout treatments lets my skin actually heal, and using fewer products means I’m more likely to actually do my routine (even when I don’t feel like it). I’ve noticed new pimples subsiding after fortifying my compromised skin barrier with products rich in ceramides, natural moisturizing factors, and lipids. I’ve also been chasing opportunities to feel good as often as I can, masked and tiptoeing around the border of my own shrunken comfort zone. Still the breakouts, and the tears, come in waves. But then again, they always have.
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The Town That Saw Blood
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Archie Andrews x Reader
Request: Hey I saw your new prompt list thing and I had three numbers I liked but for one fic. Numbers 36, 38,40. Archie x Reader. Where the reader had like a family emergency and he didnt come. So she is upset and ends things with him, but like over time he notices she hasnt been sleeping well and knows its nightmares. Then they admit they still care about one another. Kinda a sad until the end they are happy together. I hope it makes sense.
Prompts: 36. “Another nightmare?” And 38. “I needed you. And you weren’t there.” And 40. “I’m still not over you.”
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: lots of blood, PTSD, if you love your sister and never want her to get hurt then be careful reading this.
Blood was pooling onto the crystal white snow. Screams of pain came echoing out of your sister while you cried out of help. Pulling off your jumper and wrapping it around your sisters wound was the best you could do. Your cries for help weren’t working, the park the two of you were walking through was empty.
Fumbling, you pulled out your phone and dialled the emergency number. Your sister was still screaming in pain and blood still poured onto the cold, icy pathway through the old park.
“It’ll be okay, you’ll see. It’ll be okay, their coming. Just, just keep breathing.” Her screaming had stopped and it was just heavy breathing now, she looked up at you.
Your hair was a mess and your white shirt was painted red. Your sisters red eyes looked up again, her cold hand had grabbed yours. You didn’t want to look in her eyes, it would be too painful.
“Look at me,” you drifted your eyes to hers. “Be okay, that’s all I wish. Be okay, tell Mum and Dad I love them.” She was smiling up at you.
It was the smile of death. That smile that people have when they just kinda, know. Know that it’s all over, it’s all gone so being positive was the last good thing that could give to the world.
The threatening ring of the ambulance came close and the bright Red and Blue lights were flashing as fast as your heart was beating. Everything started to blur when the paramedics pushed you away and started assisting your sister. Another one came over with a stretcher and they lifted her onto it.
One of the three help you up and into the back of the ambulance. They wanted information on your sister but all you could do is cry and hug the stranger of a paramedic close. You were shaking with the question, Will she be okay?
You spent the night in the hospitals waiting room alone. Your parents were stuck out in a blizzard across the country and your boyfriend, Archie, wasn’t answering his phone. So, with that said a cold night alone was the best you could get.
The hospital forced you to go home while your sister was still being checked. They told you that if anything happened that you would be the first notified.
Being home alone after what had happened, still seeing horrifying image of her attacker, was awful. You couldn’t wash your clothes in case, in case...
You tried to wipe your mind clean of thoughts like that. It was so hard because it was the truth, they told you she had a 50 percent chance of surviving. The only thing you could think of to calm your nerves was a nice hot shower. A hot shower was something you always did when everything just got too much and you needed to get away from everything. People thought you were crazy when you told them that, the only person to understand you was Archie. And he, he well wasn’t in your good books after ignoring your calls the day before.
You slowly took off your clothes, laying them out neatly on the bathroom counter. You re-tied up your hair before turning on the shower. The boiling water against the nippy winter air created a large amount of hot steam.
Stress seemed to drop off your shoulders when you stepped into your shower. It was oddly relaxing, the feeling of the steamy water falling over your body slowly. You closed your eyes and sunk into the feeling.
When you opened your eyes again the water had turned red, blood red. The running water muffled your scream as you reacted by reaching forward and turning the water. You closed your eyes, you didn’t want to see it all over you as it was on your sister.
Still shaking, you opened your eyes to see it was just water covering you. You let out a small sigh of relief before sitting down on the wet tiled shower floor.
You felt as if you were going crazy over your sister even though you saw her a few hours ago, calmly laying in her hospital bed sound asleep. All you could do was worry and think of what could happen, it was infuriating. The only thing you could do to help your sister was to relax and stay calm and you couldn’t even do that.
You stood up and wrapped a towel around yourself, you were about to open the bathroom door to go and get changed but to stopped in your tracks when you heard the front door open.
Jumping out of your skin from shock at hearing someone break in, you scurried into your parents room. They always told you if anyone, or anything, broke in that you should go straight into their room. They told you to open your father’s bedside table, the second draw and only use what was in there for a emergency and this felt like a big emergency.
You quietly stumbled over to the bedside table and slowly opened the draw. A small silver hand gun was hidden in the far corner. You didn’t want to do this but you also didn’t want to get hurt.
You silently opened the bedroom door and peaked a look down stairs you couldn’t see anyone but you could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You stepped out of the room, your father’s gun out in front of you, your finger on the trigger and read to shoot.
Your heart was racing, your blood was pumping and your eyes were going to burst out of your head. Archie appeared at the top of the stairs with his hands raised once he saw what was in your hands. He looked scared of you and he had the right to be you looked nothing like usual.
Usually you had your hair at least half decent and brushed. You usually also had proper clothes on and not just a towel that you had wrapped around yourself. But the thing he had to worry about was the gun in your hand. You were the last person anyone expected to hold a gun up to anyone.
“(Y/N)? (Y/N), please put down the gun.” You shook you head in a ‘I need to wake up’ way and dropped the gun.
“What are you doing here?” You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest. Your feelings of anxiety and sadness were traded for anger when you dropped the gun and saw Archie again for the first time since your sister was shot.
“I ah, I got your messages. Is your sister okay? Are you okay?” He took a step forward towards you. You took a step back, you liked your amount of distance.
He looked shocked that you didn’t accept him coming near you. You looked up at him with anger and he looked at you with sadness.
“She’s doing fine and so am I. I’d like it if you left.” You said, you were trying so hard to be nice. Even in anger you showed kindness.
“What? (Y/N) I-“
“No, I said you should leave. So go, and I’d prefer if you didn’t come back.” His whole world just seemed to collapse in front of him. But Archie being Archie didn’t want to make things even worse so he left, like you asked.
It felt so right at the time. It felt like that was what anger did to people, it makes people think that bad decisions are good decisions.
The next day Sheriff Keller arrived at your door step. He looked almost as tired as you were.
You were tired from not sleeping from fear. Every time you even thought about sleeping the image of your sisters attacker kept appearing in your mind. It was terrifying, it felt as if he was right there coming after you.
The Sheriff was tired from work. Since Fred Andrews was shot not too long before your sister, he has been working this case since the moment Archie filed his report about his dad. Sleeping wasn’t easy when the town he loved so much might be in grave danger.
“I’m just here to ask you a few questions.” You nodded and opened the door more so he could enter.
Your parents were due home today, so you wanted to get this over before they got home. They would cry even more if they knew you were being interviewed by the police about a serial shooter. They almost didn’t want to come home due to danger but being there for their girls was more important to them.
The two of you took a seat at your old wooden dining table. He was on one sit and you were on the other. He brought out his note book and pen, this was really happening.
“Where was the shooting?” Memories from then came rushing back to you, it hit you like a ton of bricks.
“Maple Park, near the centre.”
Questions like continued on and on until he got to the question you didn’t want to answer. The question you dreaded because it was going to bring to light the truth of what seemed to be a epidemic of blood shed through the town.
“Andrews described to me a ah, a person who shot his father. I am going to describe to you what he told me and you’ll tell me if it matches what you saw.” Archie had already told you about who shot his dad and by what you saw, they were the same person.
“Man, possibly in a black ski mask. Green eyes with a average build and bit of a stomach. Does any of that sound familiar?” He looked at you with so much need. He needed to figure out this case, he truly loved this town so much. If it were the same person he would have a real case on his hands.
“Yes, That is the person that attacked my sister. Down to the mask and everything.” You started shaking a little just think about this.
This was real, you tried convincing yourself that it was all fake. Just your imagination but it was all too real and you couldn’t handle it. Keller could see it on your face that you weren’t well, mentally but he needed to get back to the station.
“Thank you so much. If I get anything I’ll let you know?” He stood up and chucked his paper and pen back in his pocket.
“Sure, sir.” You tried to smile, you tried so hard to look normal and at least a little bit mentally stable.
He hurried out of your house and back out into the harsh cold of American winter. You slowly clicked the door closed after him and went back to cooking dinner for you and your parents.
A few weeks past and a lot had happened. Your sister was released from the hospital at almost full health, they just what her to relax and stay in bed for awhile until she was fully healed. No more people have been shot but the tension for the fiasco still looked everywhere you go.
Archie hasn’t even tried to talk to you since you held the gun up to his face the day after your sister was shot and you didn’t know how to feel. Was it good that he was listening to you and that he didn’t try to contact you or was it bad because he should be trying hard to win you back? Boy trouble wasn’t the only thing keeping you up late at night.
The black hood, the name the town had given the masked shooter, still haunts you even though your sister had survived. The memory of hit sprint at the two of you shooting bullets at you was like a ghost. Floating around at appearing out of nowhere.
Your parents were so glade to see (S/N) and you okay. They had the worst fears on the long plane ride home, they truly believed she wouldn’t make it and they could cope with the pain and the bill for the funeral.
School had finally gone back after what seemed like forever. It was the first time ever that you were actually excited to go back to the place you called hell. But that he’ll was much better than the one in your mind.
People started noticing you had changed since the shooting. You went from being bubbly and talkative to quiet. From answering every question in class to being forced by the teacher to give a answer. The biggest difference had to be the way you looked in general. You at least used to look well rested and healthy but now you had lost some of the colour from your skin and you had bags and sleep lines around your eyes.
Luckily for you, you still had your friends around. They understood that it was traumatic and that you had the right to be affected by it. That’s why they tried to drag to to conversations or even to Pops.
It didn’t take them long to realise that something had happened between you and Archie. So, slowly one by one you explained happened when they asked you, you just left out the part with the gun. They were shocked because you two were always known as the Riverdale High power couple but they also understood that you wanted to end it.
Now that one thing was off your mind, another wouldn’t leave it. The thought of Archie and how he left you in a time of need but came to make sure you were okay when he had the chance. Which is more important, the good or the bad? All you could do was play imaginary tennis while trying to decide. Good? Bad? Good? It was too stressful.
The school bell had finally rung. It was like music to everyone’s ears because it signalled that school was over for another week. People were filling the halls, you were waiting behind so you weren’t stuck in the rush.
Once about a third of people had gone you made your way through the halls. You had a hold of your bag that was over your shoulder an dying had your earphones in. There was some song from your playlist but you weren’t really focusing on the music, your attention was to get out of there and to get to the next bus.
You were so close to the door, you could feel the cold of the metal. Someone grabbed you wrist and brought you into the music room. You almost screamed until you caught sight of the colour of your kidnappers hair.
“Archie?! What the Fuck!” You yelled as you pulled yourself out of his grip.
“No, (Y/N). Don’t you say that, what the fuck, you?” He looked shocked and tired. He probably had Football practice for last period, and a whole hour of Physical Education would tired anyone out.
“What happened to you? You used to be so happy, and now. Just look at yourself.” His hand lay out in front of him, gesturing to you.
“If you don’t remember, my sister was shot.” You took a aggressive step forward, your arms crossed the same way they were the day you broke up with him.
He wasn’t angry, he was more on the frustrated side of anger while you were a mixture of anger and sadness. You were sad because deep down you still loved the red haired, American dream boy. And being in the same room as him, alone, really hurt.
“Yeah I remember, so was my dad. We should’ve been there while we were rebuilding but you pushed me away.”
“I didn’t push you away. I needed you, and you weren’t there.” The deep pit of sadness you felt took you back to that day. The day she was shot and you started to sob.
You couldn’t help yourself, you almost lost her and you just needed someone. And the person who’s job it is to be that person, wasn’t there. So being what seemed like a good boss at the time, you fired him. Turns out it wasn’t a good decision for either of you.
“(Y/N),” he rushed towards you and wrapped you in a bear hug. Trying to push him away wouldn’t work, so you let him hold you.
You missed this. You missed him holding you and cuddling you. Sometimes you even missed going to watch him at football practice. When you two broke up and school came back, your whole life style seemed to change. You went from cheering on your boyfriend at footy practice, to sitting at home watching Disney movies while you shovelled ice cream into your mouth.
But the thing you missed most of all was him. Just Archie being Archie, the way he would mess up his hair to make you laugh. The way he would just randomly call you in the middle of the night for no reason. How he always seemed to drive his dads truck on the same day you didn’t want to catch the bus home. All those things were Archie.
“Archie, Archie I’m sorry. I shouldn’t of made you leave, I’m an idiot.” The sobs had stopped but your voice still quivered and a few tears fell down your face.
“No you’re not, you are not a idiot. Now, could be give this,” He gestured to the both of you. “Another chance because, I’m still not over you.”
“Of course Archie, you bid loveable dumbass!”
The two of you went on a date, you liked to call it your second first but Archie wasn’t having it. He wanted to forget you ever broke up in the first place. But ever since you two got back together, people have been noticing your mood change. You were back to your normal, bubbly self.
You eventually told Archie why you looked so tired all the time. The nightmares were too much so you didn’t sleep and he wouldn’t have that. From that day forward he promised to make sure you fell asleep and slept well, even if it went he had to cuddle you to sleep.
Eventually he did go back to sleeping in his own house but the second you call, he answered. It was great, you want to just talk or get something off your chest he was there for you. You didn’t use it too often because Archie needed his sleep too if he was going to be doing all his extracurriculars well.
You clicked your phone on, the time was around 11 pm. You wrapped the thick fuzzy blanket around you a little bit more as you edged closer to the edge of your bed. Scrolling through your messages you found his, Golden Boi.
You pressed the call Botton and put the phone against your ear. It rung out a few time before he answered.
“Are you okay? Another nightmare?” He sounded tired and kind of panicked.
“No,” you giggled quietly. “I just was feeling a bit lonely... and my parents are visiting my grandparents.”
“I’ll be there in 10.”
“Make it five.” You could hear his smile of the other end of the phone as he hung up.
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terramythos · 6 years
My thoughts on October Daye #12 “Night and Silence” oooor “Dammit, Janet!” (suggestion courtesy of @mistressofmuses ).
And with this I am officially all caught up! Well, I haven’t read all the novellas and short stories, but caught up on the main series. Now I have to wait for #13 this year like a normal person! Gah! 
-So, leading off from all the horrible shit that happened last book, things aren't going.. great.
-You know that intense, extreme trauma 2 members of the main cast experienced @ the end of last book? Yeah that. Didnt go away
-There's a line about how Tybalt keeps seeing Toby as her mother Amandine... the person who kidnapped and basically tortured him last book. And he's basically terrified of shapeshifting at all and has just stayed in his humanoid form. And he's refusing help from anyone and disappearing for long stretches. And maybe going just a little bit Fuckening Crazy. G-great start, guys!
-And there's a flashback where he's just MEAN and like you can understand why but MAJOR YIKES and also pain.
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Ok unexpected May feels ;-;
-Gillian Is Missing Again but I have a feeling this is not gonna be much of a retread...
-And.. boy this sure is a callback huh? May and Quentin being the found family, Gillian is missing, Tybalt is antagonistic...
-ok Jocelyn is a creepy fangirl character
-ok I'm 5 chapters in and wondering where this is going. Apparently there's Quite The Twist in this one or at least that's what I suspect is going to happen
-oooohkay they find like this weird pocket dimension with like. A miniature house that is also a chicken (and no one even mentions Baba Yaga). And idk what it is about the scene but it is fucking eerie and creepy as hell somehow.
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Shade appeared in like book 6 as a Literal Cat so.. here she is showing up and being relevant for 5 minutes
-but what the FUCK is with this place. I got nothing and that exposition just raises more questions. There's no magic scent at all (except MAYBE cinammon), a bunch of rare fucking plants, and a fucking miniature baba yaga hut just wandering around
-that opens another rabbit hole because Golden Gate Park is ALSO completely unclaimed for no particular reason 🤔
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This might be a waste of picture and might get deleted later but like, that's fucking creepy, right???
-god I know there HAS to be someone with cinnamon in their magical signature who we've MET but... it's been 12 books, dog. I dont fuckin remember
-The closest I can think is Simon with "mulled cider" because that's cinnamony... BUT it's pretty unlikely he did this, and that part of his magical signature is PRE corruption and we have the corrupted version running around.
-We just found a SECOND creepy unexplainable house hidden in plain sight so that's starting to feel Thematic.
-And she smells the false Queen's magic in this house :) someone supposedly asleep for 100 years in Silences. So that's great.
-Aaand there's Gillain! Not even halfway through the book. Way too easy.
-It's not Gillian. It's a Baoban Sith which is apparently *googling* a.. vampire. Ok
-My crack theory is pretty much dead in the water lol 
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There's more than this bit but ;---; fuck dude
-But yeah! After a book and a half of hiatus, Tybalt's back! A little.. broken and suffering from severe PTSD, but you know.
-They go to Goldengreen based on a hint and Marcia is there baking cinnamon rolls. It really stresses the fact that she's making cinnamon rolls.
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-.... holy shit.
-Ok. Ok ok. Assuming that's the truth that means Amandine's mother was.. a human? Making her a fucking CHANGELING Firstborn? What the fuuuuuck
-Oh that is fucking hysterical with what a fucking blood purist Amandine is. She looks down upon changelings and the beast races SO MUCH. Janet implies Amandine has no idea her mother was human, or at least never knew Janet. I'd bet she figured out she was part human because the Dochas Sidhe's whole deal is messing with one's heritage for fun results. Gosh. Hmm.
-And this mirrors everyone hiding October's heritage from her BEAUTIFULLY.
-I don't remember quite when "Miranda" was introduced but it was pretty early on. And now that I think of it there was NO REASON for her to fucking exist! What the fuck! The story would have made just as much sense with Cliff being a single dad raising Gillian. Miranda was just an antagonistic extra detail who didn’t... really do much. God damn it. 
-Cliff “accidentally” marrying Toby's maternal grandmother who is somehow Human and also like, alive, in order to help raise Toby's daughter is. Fucking Something, huh.
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Oh lore??? (Oberon, King of Faerie, kinda a nice guy it turns out, accidentally knocks up a human. Uh... whoops?)
-Fuck dude, that was the blood memory flashback we had in book 9. The Luidaeg begging her mom not to leave on The Ride. Oof.
-So Janet is, yes indeed human and YES INDEED Toby’s grandmother. She’s cursed with immortality because of all that shit she pulled. 
-And BOY does that lore regarding Janet make the whole "Amandine was doted on and given everything she ever asked for" make sense cause... THAT'S WHAT THEY DID WITH HUMANS. And here we have a fucking FIRSTBORN born from a fucking HUMAN. Gosh. Jeez.
-and Katy pointed out to me that that's a big book 3 reference because Toby's family holds her down when THEY try to remove her from Blind Michael's version of the Ride, and SHE wildly shapeshifts through dozens of forms.It was a Tam Lin retelling only I don’t think I ever expected the actual thing to be relevant. 
-And FUCK Evening/Eira, by the way. I think that goes without saying at this point.
-So is Blind Michael's Ride supposed to be a replacement of the old one? 500 years ago the fae used The Ride to sacrifice a human every 7 years--until Tam Lin and Janet fucked it up. Fast forward to the present and we had Blind Michael showing up every couple years stealing children for what HE called The Ride.
-soooo Toby killing Blind Michael might have not been a great thing if you follow that line of reasoning. I mean, he was a fucking monster, BUT... Because The Ride is supposedly to maintain balance, hence the sacrifices. Whatever the fuck that ultimately means. And by stopping it...
-Add that on to all the stuff last book about how Blind Michael wasn't always such a shitty person, and... uh hmmm.
-OK this part might be a stretch but: the Dochas Sidhe are the only descendants we know of that are just... one hundred percent descended from one of the Three. The human part is largely irrelevant in fae terms. They’re directly Oberon’s, not some mix of Maeve/Oberon or Titania/Oberon. Would that mean Oberon is actually Dochas Sidhe? He did, after all, create the hope chests, and the Dochas Sidhe are literally living, breathing hope chests. IDK MAN. 
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Tybalt, PLEASE.
-So it is, predictably, the false Queen behind this whole situation, helped by Jocelyn. And I just FUCKING REMEMBERED that it was that dickbag Dugan who had cinnamon in his magical signature .-.
-The Baoban Sith just be like "yeah sorry about almost eating you I uh straight up hadn't eaten in 40 years lol. Anyway I'm Kennis, what's up?"
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OH FUCK! I FUCKING *CALLED* THIS SHIT OUT IN BOOK SIX! I remember it being mentioned offhand as something that could happen. I fucking KNEW we were going to turn a character into a Selkie for plot reasons. But I gotta say I didn't expect it to be Gillian!
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FUCK DUDE ;___; in this house we stan The Luidaeg. Best character. I'm not crying. (I am.) 
-She has a line a few pages later about anxiety and catastrophic thinking, and how what you THINK will happen is never as bad as what actually happens. She compares it to "chasing the tide" and honestly that's such a useful metaphor, as someone often caught in that trap...
-They take down Dugan, yay, he was a loose end. He's not DEAD, but.. This is another one where the villain felt pretty secondary to the big plot revelations. 
-And Tybalt stepped down (temporarily) as King. Jolgeir's daughter is apparently going to temporarily take things over so I expect we will be introduced to her later?? 
-And, like the last few books, theres a novella epilogue at the end. This one is "Suffer a Sea-Change" and looks to be from Gillian's perspective.
-ok so Gillian has this whole scene where she TALKS to Firtha (whose skin she's wearing now) and I can't help but wonder if all selkies have this weird scene with the Roane whose skin they inherit when they ascend or whatever?
-The Answer Is "No", The Story Explicitly Says 
-Gillian is honestly pretty funny. She's up to here with this bullshit.
-The Luidaeg would like to remind everyone that she’s nice to October and Quentin but she’s not actually all that nice to most other people and Definitely Has Her Own Agenda. Although she seems to have taken in Poppy as an apprentice of sorts so... *vague shrugging* 
-And The Luidaeg speaking fondly about her "little brother Michael" who liked interior decorating despite being entirely blind. This is my uncomfortable face based on all my Analysis earlier.
-So Gillian is a Selkie now! That's not a twist I expected. And the next book (not out until September) is about The Luidaeg finally calling in their debts. So uh. That was one hell of a way to make the stakes personal on that.
-Im probably gonna make a master post overview of the series now that I read the whole thing in relatively short order. I'm glad I'll have a chance to read other books, but I'm anxious for the next one too based on the recent developments...
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
Easyquit System.
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/easyquit-system/
Easyquit System.
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    If you are a smoker who wants to quit, this is the most important message you will ever read!
Are you tired of trying and failing to quit smoking by using bogus pills, sprays, gum or patches?
If you just can’t face the anguish of going through yet another quit attempt, you need to try the incredible EasyQuit System™!
With the EasyQuit System™, 96 percent of people don’t just learn how to stop smoking, they actually learn how to stop ever wanting to smoke ever again!
That is why more than 19 out of every 20 people who use the EasyQuit System™ to help them quit smoking succeed and become non-smokers!
Dear soon-to-be Ex-Smoker,
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Have you tried to quit smoking before? Did you fail to quit just like 19 out of 20 quitters do? Do you just seem to lack the ability or will-power to stop smoking those evil cancer sticks?
Well why not join the thousands of people who have already learned how to quit smoking without effort, uncontrollable cravings or will-power, using the amazing EasyQuit System™!
My name is Pete Howells and I am the author of the EasyQuit System™ for quitting smoking. Thank you for taking some time to read what I have to tell you – YOU WILL BE GLAD YOU HAVE!
Firstly, let me ask you; “quitting smoking is difficult right?” WRONG! Quitting smoking is only difficult if you don’t know how to do it.
For example, driving a car is only difficult to people who don’t know how to do it – but it is only a skill that most adults have to learn. It is the same with quitting smoking, YOU JUST HAVE TO LEARN THE SKILLS NEEDED TO DO IT!
The EasyQuit System™ is probably the simplest method available to overcome all the problems normally associated with quitting smoking – cravings, weight gain, anxiety, short-temper, hunger and discomfort. The incredible success of the EasyQuit System™ is because it is so effective at overcoming your desire to smoke.
So, if you want to quit smoking without using “will-power” OR feeling a sense of loss OR hunger OR experiencing any unnecessary stress; then read on because I guarantee the EasyQuit System™ is the answer that you are looking for.
You were a non-smoker once before and being a non-smoker again will only happen for you if you TAKE ACTION. So go on, ACT RIGHT NOW and read the rest of this important life-saving message.
The EasyQuit System™ will work for you just as it has for many others. Read some of the testimonials people have sent to me to express their gratitude after being liberated from smoking for ever!
Testimonial #1:
Dear Peter,
Your book has changed my life!!! I gave up smoking 8 years ago for 6 years and put on weight – just as you explained in the book I started smoking 2 years ago and was back up to 30 a day. I lost weight.
I read your book after Christmas and have not looked back. I have not put on weight and I never smoked that last cigarette, because I couldn’t face it and still can’t! – Is that how it works??? Your psychological approach is remarkably effective.
I went to the Doctor about giving up and was told to attend a group and to buy nicotine patches from the Chemist!!
Thank you, I respect myself for what I have been able to achieve thanks to your marvellous book and my sons aged 21 & 23, both of whom hate smoking, are proud of me, but, as you know, it wasn’t that hard to make the break from that horrible drug!
With kindest regards,
Fleur Wadley London, England
Testimonial #2:
Dear Peter,
I just wanted to thank you for your EasyQuit System™ book. I was a smoker for 20 years and quit 7 weeks ago right after I finished your book and I can’t believe how free I feel.
I knew that I had to quit, but I was terrified of my life without cigarettes. Before I discovered your book, I tried to quit cold turkey and was a total wreck – I felt like I was saying goodbye to my best friend. Thankfully, I found your online book and read it immediately.
I just can’t believe how easy it actually was to quit after I had my “epiphany” thanks to you. I guess all smokers do think alike because it felt like you wrote that book just for ME!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Kathy Conaty California
Testimonial #3:
Dear Peter,
I had my last cigarette on the 11th October 2006. It was the best thing I ever did.
I was busy reading your book and got as far as chapter 9. I had my last smoke, put it out and never felt like one again. And to top it all off it wasn’t even hard going!
Roman Gross Germany
Testimonial #4:
Dear Peter,
Your program was great. Thank you so much, I had smoked for about 34 years. I never really tried to quit smoking before, I tried your program and it was really easy for me. I smoked about 1-1-1/2 packs of cigarette’s a day. I would recommend this program to anyone.
Elaine Balmer Pennsylvania
With the EasyQuit System™, I can help you quit smoking in as little as three hours from now! This solution is guaranteed to show you everything you need to quit smoking without any of the usual hardships.
I can honestly say you will find it works like magic!
The EasyQuit System™ is so incredibly effective becasue it not only teaches you how you can quit smoking, it actually stops you ever wanting to smoke. It turns off your desire to smoke cigarettes! It isn’t aversion therapy or hypnotism or ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’. It is just a series of truths about the psychology of smoking that explain why you smoke and how you can overcome your habit.
Let me outline a few of the things that the EasyQuit System™ explains to you:
Just think, If you quit smoking you can start reversing the damage you have done to your body from inhaling that filthy tar laden tobacco smoke.
I am sure you know how bad smoking is for you. Smokers are bombarded with ‘health advice’ all the time and I am not here to berate you or belittle you for smoking cigarettes.
But all this advice on how harmful tobacco is only explains why you should quit. I am here to tell you how you can quit!
I want to help you learn how to go about quitting smoking in a way that is going to make it a genuine possibility for you… and that is what the EasyQuit System™ does!
When your house is burning down, you call the Fire Department because you need help and they know what to do. Learning how to quit smoking is just a bad as your house being on fire – you’re gonna need help from someone who knows just what to do!
Being stubborn about solving a problem and knowing when it is time to get help singles out clever people from the dummies!
Getting help now is the smart thing to do and that is where the EasyQuit System™ can help you. It is unlike any other quit smoking program available on the internet today – why?
Because the EasyQuit System™ is INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH
What do I mean? Well, for over 40 years now, there has been a method used by psychologists and psychiatrists to get patients off heroin, cocaine, alcohol and other highly addictive drugs. It has also been used to treat other problems other than addiction as well because it is so successful. The therapy is called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or CBT and was developed in the 1960’s by a guy called Professor Aaron Beck who you can also read about here.
CBT is used to change the way someone thinks about what they do and why they do it. AND it is easy to follow because it breaks down a big or overwhelming problem – like smoking – into lots of easily solved parts (that’s why the book is in 30 small chapters over less than 100 pages).
In brief, virtually everything you do is based on what is called a “learned response” by those clever boffins in psychology . We smoke for all the wrong reasons as a result of a wrongful learned response.
We associate pleasure with smoking but that is not what is going on – it is subtley different from that and once you discover the differences, it becomes incredibly easy to stop smoking.
The problem is however, that the learned responses are so engrained in smokers and society in general, that there is no way of escaping the problem without help. This is where our EasyQuit system comes into its own – it reveals and overcomes all of the problems smokers face when quitting.
I know that all of these things will leave you slack-jawed once you have read the amazing EasyQuit System™, but right now, you are probably thinking that there must be some catches – well there aren’t any!
I am afraid I need to repeat that to make sure you got it…
The EasyQuit System™ is just a straightforward read of a book and then if, up to 8 weeks later, you are not satisfied or have not quit, you can get your money back. You have nothing to lose!
Think about it. If the average smoker shortens their life by 16 years, what would you pay for an extra 16 years years of life, let alone potentially twenty or thirty? Personally I would pay a lot – but I’m not asking or expecting you to!
For just $47, I am offering to give you the key to unlocking the door to your smoke free happiness, such that you haven’t experienced since you started smoking.
If you smoke 1 pack of cigarettes a day, $47 is what you spend on cigarettes in just over a week! Think about that – you save all of the money within a month of buying the product because you will save so much from NOT BUYING CIGARETTES anymore!
You have a full 8 week money back guarantee if you purchase this product. The guarantee is underwritten by Clickbank, one of the most trusted names on the net, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Don’t waste any more time killing yourself with tobacco or continuing financing the government and cigarette companies; Buy now with confidence!
No Risk Acceptance Form
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Yes Pete, I want to quit smoking for good in as little as 3 hours without any painstaking work, weight gain, will-power or impossible cravings to fight.
I want to place my order right now through Clickbank’s secure server and receive instant instructions on how to download the fully printable ‘EasyQuit System™’.
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Order Now, using any of these payment methods or PayPal, the number one payment system on the internet giving you 100% security.
As soon as your payment is authorized (this usually takes less than a minute), you will be taken to the download page and given instructions on how to download your book (1.5Mb) which should take no more than 5 minutes with a dial-up connection.
To your future non-smoking health,
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Pete Howells Author of EasyQuit System™
P.S. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll quit and the more LIFE and money you will save and the sooner you’ll stop paying people to kill you!
P.P.S. If after you have bought the product, you get stuck on something, there is a direct email address you can get me on and I will address anything you do not understand!
EasyQuit Blog | Quit Smoking Motivator | Please Quit Smoking | Quit Smoking Hypnosis
0 notes
thedivinefish · 4 years
TGIWednesday and joining tonight's global prayer gathering
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TGIWednesday News
My 6 year old grand daughter Charlie was visiting this past Sunday and was petting our new shiny kitten Lily. Charlie, looked up at me and said, “Grampa, Lily is almost 100 percent cute.”  Wow, as I thought for a minute; is a kitten lacking in cuteness? Truly this was a meeting of the minds and quite the conundrum.  But as funny as it was to hear, I took it from spirit that there is always room for improvements and we’re all striving to improve - so just know that.  You must stay out of perfection or I’m not doing this, that, or the other thing until the timing is 100 percent.  The Wright brothers would have never flown if they continued to work until it was all perfect.  I’d have never written and published 9 books if I held tight to 100% perfection.  For today... strive towards your goals, stretch, dream and accomplish.
Only 1 WEEK LEFT to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through Wed. Sept 30th USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through Wed. Sept 30th, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ COMFORT IN MEETINGS ~ (Zoom or in-person) Today I will know when to speak and when to remain silent.  I believe, think, know and feel that I can be comfortable in meetings.  I am ready, willing and able to partake in meetings without nervousness, or any misspoken words. I know, when, where, how and why to stay centered, grounded, focused and I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
Monthly LIVE Zoom Event
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WED. SEPTEMBER 23rd LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
Do you need help in un-learning the following?: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising...
Do you need help learning?: Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, how to give and accept love...
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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 with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.  Free to Register & Watch Online TONIGHT at 7:30pm ET
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE Register here & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 23rd "Today when I least expect it, a miracle will occur. I will experience deja vu, time traveling, mystical, magical experiences that I will count on beyond all knowing that for this rare moment in time, I have been given a clear sign."
From the Fish Box
Q) "Dear Jimmy, I listened to a recording of a recent show and you offered for us to write in regarding layoffs due to Covid. It is time to reinvent myself!  I am giving you a little background because this is the first time I don't have another new great thing I am excited about. Usually I have an idea and run with it. I have been waiting for direction on my new path. I have considered some receptionist type positions but not with great enthusiasm I must say.  Is it too broad of a question to ask for guidance here? Do I need to write back with specific job options? Thanks for all you do and for your help." - Nancy A)  "Correct, specific options work best……………too open ended in this email lol If someone asks, engineering, law or medicine? We can tell them with strong certainty what could be best." - Jimmy UPDATE: "Thank you so much Jimmy for your quick response! Just after sending my email to you, I was asked to submit my resume for a leasing agent position for a local apartment complex. (a close relative is the exec there, she is the one who offered it up.) Any feedback for this?." - Nancy
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th  Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden
October 20th  Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
divinefishingtips · 4 years
TGIWednesday and joining tonight's global prayer gathering
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TGIWednesday News
My 6 year old grand daughter Charlie was visiting this past Sunday and was petting our new shiny kitten Lily. Charlie, looked up at me and said, “Grampa, Lily is almost 100 percent cute.”  Wow, as I thought for a minute; is a kitten lacking in cuteness? Truly this was a meeting of the minds and quite the conundrum.  But as funny as it was to hear, I took it from spirit that there is always room for improvements and we’re all striving to improve - so just know that.  You must stay out of perfection or I’m not doing this, that, or the other thing until the timing is 100 percent.  The Wright brothers would have never flown if they continued to work until it was all perfect.  I’d have never written and published 9 books if I held tight to 100% perfection.  For today... strive towards your goals, stretch, dream and accomplish.
Only 1 WEEK LEFT to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through Wed. Sept 30th USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through Wed. Sept 30th, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ COMFORT IN MEETINGS ~ (Zoom or in-person) Today I will know when to speak and when to remain silent.  I believe, think, know and feel that I can be comfortable in meetings.  I am ready, willing and able to partake in meetings without nervousness, or any misspoken words. I know, when, where, how and why to stay centered, grounded, focused and I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
Monthly LIVE Zoom Event
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WED. SEPTEMBER 23rd LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
Do you need help in un-learning the following?: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising...
Do you need help learning?: Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, how to give and accept love...
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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 with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.  Free to Register & Watch Online TONIGHT at 7:30pm ET
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE Register here & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 23rd "Today when I least expect it, a miracle will occur. I will experience deja vu, time traveling, mystical, magical experiences that I will count on beyond all knowing that for this rare moment in time, I have been given a clear sign."
From the Fish Box
Q) "Dear Jimmy, I listened to a recording of a recent show and you offered for us to write in regarding layoffs due to Covid. It is time to reinvent myself!  I am giving you a little background because this is the first time I don't have another new great thing I am excited about. Usually I have an idea and run with it. I have been waiting for direction on my new path. I have considered some receptionist type positions but not with great enthusiasm I must say.  Is it too broad of a question to ask for guidance here? Do I need to write back with specific job options? Thanks for all you do and for your help." - Nancy A)  "Correct, specific options work best……………too open ended in this email lol If someone asks, engineering, law or medicine? We can tell them with strong certainty what could be best." - Jimmy UPDATE: "Thank you so much Jimmy for your quick response! Just after sending my email to you, I was asked to submit my resume for a leasing agent position for a local apartment complex. (a close relative is the exec there, she is the one who offered it up.) Any feedback for this?." - Nancy
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th  Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden
October 20th  Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and joining tonight's global prayer gathering
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TGIWednesday News
My 6 year old grand daughter Charlie was visiting this past Sunday and was petting our new shiny kitten Lily. Charlie, looked up at me and said, “Grampa, Lily is almost 100 percent cute.”  Wow, as I thought for a minute; is a kitten lacking in cuteness? Truly this was a meeting of the minds and quite the conundrum.  But as funny as it was to hear, I took it from spirit that there is always room for improvements and we’re all striving to improve - so just know that.  You must stay out of perfection or I’m not doing this, that, or the other thing until the timing is 100 percent.  The Wright brothers would have never flown if they continued to work until it was all perfect.  I’d have never written and published 9 books if I held tight to 100% perfection.  For today... strive towards your goals, stretch, dream and accomplish.
Only 1 WEEK LEFT to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through Wed. Sept 30th USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through Wed. Sept 30th, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ COMFORT IN MEETINGS ~ (Zoom or in-person) Today I will know when to speak and when to remain silent.  I believe, think, know and feel that I can be comfortable in meetings.  I am ready, willing and able to partake in meetings without nervousness, or any misspoken words. I know, when, where, how and why to stay centered, grounded, focused and I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
Monthly LIVE Zoom Event
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WED. SEPTEMBER 23rd LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
Do you need help in un-learning the following?: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising...
Do you need help learning?: Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, how to give and accept love...
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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 with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.  Free to Register & Watch Online TONIGHT at 7:30pm ET
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE Register here & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 23rd "Today when I least expect it, a miracle will occur. I will experience deja vu, time traveling, mystical, magical experiences that I will count on beyond all knowing that for this rare moment in time, I have been given a clear sign."
From the Fish Box
Q) "Dear Jimmy, I listened to a recording of a recent show and you offered for us to write in regarding layoffs due to Covid. It is time to reinvent myself!  I am giving you a little background because this is the first time I don't have another new great thing I am excited about. Usually I have an idea and run with it. I have been waiting for direction on my new path. I have considered some receptionist type positions but not with great enthusiasm I must say.  Is it too broad of a question to ask for guidance here? Do I need to write back with specific job options? Thanks for all you do and for your help." - Nancy A)  "Correct, specific options work best……………too open ended in this email lol If someone asks, engineering, law or medicine? We can tell them with strong certainty what could be best." - Jimmy UPDATE: "Thank you so much Jimmy for your quick response! Just after sending my email to you, I was asked to submit my resume for a leasing agent position for a local apartment complex. (a close relative is the exec there, she is the one who offered it up.) Any feedback for this?." - Nancy
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th  Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden
October 20th  Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
TGIWednesday and joining tonight's global prayer gathering
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TGIWednesday News
My 6 year old grand daughter Charlie was visiting this past Sunday and was petting our new shiny kitten Lily. Charlie, looked up at me and said, “Grampa, Lily is almost 100 percent cute.”  Wow, as I thought for a minute; is a kitten lacking in cuteness? Truly this was a meeting of the minds and quite the conundrum.  But as funny as it was to hear, I took it from spirit that there is always room for improvements and we’re all striving to improve - so just know that.  You must stay out of perfection or I’m not doing this, that, or the other thing until the timing is 100 percent.  The Wright brothers would have never flown if they continued to work until it was all perfect.  I’d have never written and published 9 books if I held tight to 100% perfection.  For today... strive towards your goals, stretch, dream and accomplish.
Only 1 WEEK LEFT to take advantage of this month's DISCOUNT AND FREE BONUS!  Receive 20% OFF ALL DIGITAL EBOOKS through Wed. Sept 30th USE THIS LINK and go through to Checkout page OR type in code FISHSCHOOL   For those that are looking to become better healers, empathic without the pain and more intuitive, Click here for our online Mastery course in My Liquid Fish® Change made simple®?  And also through Wed. Sept 30th, our special MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks MP3 will be 20% OFF OR you can GET IT FREE when you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course this month.   
TGIWednesday Download
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~ COMFORT IN MEETINGS ~ (Zoom or in-person) Today I will know when to speak and when to remain silent.  I believe, think, know and feel that I can be comfortable in meetings.  I am ready, willing and able to partake in meetings without nervousness, or any misspoken words. I know, when, where, how and why to stay centered, grounded, focused and I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is.  
Go deep sea "fishing" with Jimmy!
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Level 1 is open to ANYONE at anytime! Click here to watch the Mastery video playlist
The Certificate of Mastery Program includes 2 best-selling ebooks and 2 clearing audios plus written & video instructions, AND one-on-one time with Jimmy ALL for about the cost of a single 1-hr session! This online course is for anyone who is familiar with OR new to "fishing" and is ready to dive into the deep end & get results that are beyond the ordinary! It includes The Tackle Box & The Dowser's Handbook ebooks PLUS 2 MP3s "Clearing Dark Energies" & "Increasing Your Intuition" to help clear, strengthen and prepare your energy field for optimal “fishing” results. This is a work-at-your-own-pace curriculum that will TEACH & CLEAR you at the same time! In under 2wks you will be finished with the program and ready to fish on your own with greater results! Level II offers Practitioner Certification for those who qualify.  
 LAST CALL!! When you sign up for either the Mastery or Practitioner Certification Course by Sept 30th you'll GET THIS FREE! MyBeliefWorks™ for Clearing Educational Blocks and Traumas MP3/PDF   
For those who aren't familiar, here's the list of the MyBeliefWorks™ audio library. 
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Find a topic that addresses your issue(s), click on the link to read more. We had a lot of help downloading & channeling these over the years & they keep getting better. Don't forget... you can share these with your immediate friends and family.
Abundance Abuse Addiction Body Scan: Head to Toe COVID-19 Clearings Creative Spark Daily GPS Reset Dark Energies/Fears Decision Making Diet & Exercise Education & Learning Family & Relatives The Gold Coin Healing Physical Body Healing Mental Stress Holiday Stress
Increasing Intuition IRS & Tax Time Love & Romance Money Mindset Moving Forward Pain Relief Pet Healing Sales & Success Improving Sex Improving Sleep Traveling w/Ease Work & Career Weight Loss Windfall Youth & Vitality *MySwitchWorks Videos
Monthly LIVE Zoom Event
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WED. SEPTEMBER 23rd LIVE CALL 7:30pm-8pm Register to attend live & get replay - $22 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/sept-switches-event
Theme for September: Teaching, learning, meetings, speaking, studying...
Do you need help in un-learning the following?: laziness, overwhelm, judgment, fear, distrust, overeating, under exercising...
Do you need help learning?: Patience, tolerance, perseverance, stick to it attitude, courage, fearlessness, endurance, resilience, how to give and accept love...
Submit your Top 3 to [email protected]
Sign Up Now - $22
LIVE Appearances - Free Healing
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 with host Dipal Shah. The Gathering is an online spiritual event in which multiple healers, lightworkers, catalysts and spiritual teachers come together as ONE to support humanity by anchoring love, light, joy, wellness and optimism.  Free to Register & Watch Online TONIGHT at 7:30pm ET
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For nearly a decade, more than 6 million people have been attending the You Wealth Revolution and the ALL NEW Global Awakening Project™ online event, starting this month, is going to impact millions more!  Join nearly 1 million people who will experience a ‘high vibration’ energy field as 40+ top teachers, healers, and scientists (including myself in November) will reveal their #1 quantum energy activations to instantly help YOU and  Get Your '639 Hz Abundance & Harmony Kit™' Gift + The Global Awakening Project™ LIVE Event Access — FREE Register here & Get Your Free Gift!
Fish Food 
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack SEPTEMBER 23rd "Today when I least expect it, a miracle will occur. I will experience deja vu, time traveling, mystical, magical experiences that I will count on beyond all knowing that for this rare moment in time, I have been given a clear sign."
From the Fish Box
Q) "Dear Jimmy, I listened to a recording of a recent show and you offered for us to write in regarding layoffs due to Covid. It is time to reinvent myself!  I am giving you a little background because this is the first time I don't have another new great thing I am excited about. Usually I have an idea and run with it. I have been waiting for direction on my new path. I have considered some receptionist type positions but not with great enthusiasm I must say.  Is it too broad of a question to ask for guidance here? Do I need to write back with specific job options? Thanks for all you do and for your help." - Nancy A)  "Correct, specific options work best……………too open ended in this email lol If someone asks, engineering, law or medicine? We can tell them with strong certainty what could be best." - Jimmy UPDATE: "Thank you so much Jimmy for your quick response! Just after sending my email to you, I was asked to submit my resume for a leasing agent position for a local apartment complex. (a close relative is the exec there, she is the one who offered it up.) Any feedback for this?." - Nancy
The Jimmy Mack Healing Show
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NEW VIDEO FORMAT! WATCH IT LIVE  TUESDAY'S at 4pm EDT / 1pm PDT Watch and Participate (via Comments) during the Live TV Show streamed on Goldylocks Productions YouTube Channel, Facebook Page and Periscope.   NOTE: You will need to log into your YouTube (Google) or Facebook accounts to comment. If you watch the Live show from any other location other than the 3 listed below, your comments will not be seen by the Show Host or Producer. https://www.facebook.com/GoldylocksProductions https://www.pscp.tv/Goldylocks168/follow Or watch all live and replays in the archives here: https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/
Instructions for the VIEWERS: 1.    One reading/message per person. The first question posted will be answered, so please think about your question carefully before posting it.  2.    If you want a longer and more detailed message, please book an appointment with the Show Host.  3.    Spirit does come through and gives messages that can apply to many, not just the person asking the question. 4.    It is not required nor should be expected that every question or comment will be addressed by the Show Host. 5.    If you have any issues with the show host or show format, please contact the Show Producer... not the Show Host. 6.    Contact the Show Producer, Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman via email: [email protected] Yesterday's Show - Watch the replay here! Special Guest Ayla Murray | Tarot/Angel Cards and intuitive readings https://www.facebook.com/harmonicperspective/   September 29th  Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
October 6th  Psychic Joanne Leo | Numerology/astrology/angel cards reading from the heart www.psychicjoanneleo.com
October 13th Jeremy Riden | Cards and intuitive readings https://divinesparkministries.com/about-jeremy-riden
October 20th  Gosia Lorenz | www.gosialorenz.com
October 27th Rev Debbie | Our resident trans medium communications with your loved ones in spirit. Visit her Facebook page
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  **Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online**
Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy
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Nightly prayers include COVID-19. Each night we work on scrambling the frequency for everyone on the prayer list. Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you.  
In addition, throughout the full 30-days, Jimmy will be dialing into your energetic signature each day upon rising and make certain that you are a clear yes, unclear to no and running forward before you start your day. He is doing the heavy lifting for you around 3am NY time while most of you are asleep in order to smooth out your way and increase your most favorable life outcomes.
The 30-day service is now being offered exclusively  and you also have the option of selecting an ongoing subscription ($95/month) which is managed through PayPal only.
Upon written email request, for each new order we offer a one-time email analysis via the intelligent healing software that Jimmy uses on your behalf.  Most clients have had amazing results and outcomes!
You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! Merely include everyone’s names and Jimmy will add them to his daily prayers. *NOTE if the MDP Service was purchased via a special telesummit or radio show offer, prayers will be limited to BUYER ONLY - and will not include family members or pets.
You can run this monthly and stop at any time after the 30 days is up, you will have the opportunity to renew and update your list each month but are under no obligation. I believe you will experience magical transformations and make progress every day! 
Sign Up for 30-Days - $99
 Tampa Office Sessions
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Jimmy Mack will be offering sessions at Dr. Charla Tempone’s NEW office at Swann Holistic Health Solutions Friday October 16th from 10am-4pm  403 S. Habana Ave. Tampa, FL 33609 Just south of Azeele next to Skin Savvy http://www.ctholisticsolutions.com
Please call their office directly at  ☎️ (813) 873-7773 in order to get on the schedule for 15-minutes $38 or 30-minutes $68. If you’re new to working with me, I suggest you schedule 30 minutes.
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Friday sessions are back to being phone-only for folks that I usually see at Kodawari until further notice. You can book time with me in the shop and schedule online.   3965 Henderson Blvd Suite C Tampa ☎️ (813) 999-1874 http://www.kodawariyoga.com/
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Jimmy Mack | Appointments Skype: Jimmy.Mack55 Clearwater Florida USA Book a 15 minute session Book a 30 minute session Book a 60 minute session ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Download the My Liquid Fish® Starter Kit (*Updated May 2019) Audio MP3 Downloads​ and books​ to improve your life! Get Certified in ​My Liquid Fish® Change Made Simple® Watch Free Videos on YouTube Weekly Radio Show Archives Shop for ​Supplements ​ http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com www.jimmymackhealing.com Copyright ©1998-2020 All Rights Reserved  
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions www.smbeconnected.com  
Stay connected!
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  Our mailing address is: Clearwater Florida 33756 USA
0 notes
ncurfman · 4 years
DJ: #47 Forty Year Old Wisdom
If you ever wonder, does life get better as you age? My answer is yes. If you chase after it. Even with some recent disappointments, I wouldn’t trade my life with anyone else. I’m grateful for the life I’ve lived, as I’ve lived it. The desire to “go back and fix” our past is useless. All we can do is embrace the movement forward. Willingly or unwillingly, life will move on.
For my small band of readers, I want to offer the little wisdom I have. And because wisdom is eternal, none of it is new or original. Still, what I have I give to you.
Jesus is real. The actual God of the Universe and beyond walked this earth, breathed our air, and burned under the same sun we do. He is our Light and our Exemplar, His love genuine and everlasting. And He is always available, ready to connect with us. 
Let your meat rest after you cook it. Can’t stress this enough. Regardless of animal or cut, let your meat rest for a minimum of five minutes, ideally ten, before you cut into it. For big roasts and whole chickens, more like fifteen to twenty minutes. 
Self-pity is not a virtue. With a truck-ton of experience to back me up on this, “feeling sorry for yourself” will accomplish zero in your life. I do not lack empathy for anyone, especially when life stacks up losses. The people I admire are the people who fight on and can laugh in the face of life’s bullshit. 
Similar to the last: Being a victim is not a choice, staying a victim is. Rain is going to fall on you. Relationships will collapse, hopes will burn to ruin, and shame will come calling. So what? You are not your failures. Do not allow your pain to define you or drag you into shame. 
Don’t let perfect defeat good. Perfect doesn’t exist. Don’t idealize jobs, institutions, leaders, people, or places. Once your stare hard enough you’ll see the cracks, and you’ll only have yourself to blame for having put the pedestal in place. 
You are not alone. Depression and anxiety whisper “you’re stuck and alone.” That’s bullshit. You are a human. And whatever problems you face, others have faced. They were not special. You are not the exception. You can defeat the dragon. 
Fight the dragon before it eats you. If you know you’re holding onto fear, or anger, or whatever, GO AFTER THAT SONOFABITCH! Don’t wait for your worries to run your life, because they will. 
If you don’t like you, no amount of love will be enough. My search for self-affection took a long time. I set the final pieces in place this year, and it’s fantastic. Compliments mean far less than they ever did. So wild how that works. 
Exercise. Everyday. A walk in nature is best. Not joking. Read this study, and this study, and this study. 
Chill out. You’re gonna be ok. Start by telling yourself, “I’m gonna be ok” over and over.
The Christian walk is about way more than avoiding sin and constant self improvement. Walking with Jesus is an honor of joy. Creating room for Jesus to be Jesus ultimately leads to everything good and satisfying in life. Cut yourself some slack, and breath when the weight feels heavy.
Pray. All the time. About Everything. Yes. Jesus is one-hundred percent interested in every detail of your life- your gassy lunch, that dude at work, politics, everything. Which leads to...
Be honest in prayer. If you’re feeling disconnected, pissed-off, happy, horny, sad, tired, sleepy, jacked, overwhelmed, busy, lazy, unappreciated, overstimulated, unworthy, peaceful, thankful...etc, start there. I can’t stress enough how much the Lord needs us to be honest when we pray, mostly for us. The Father does not want to hear what we think we should say. Talk about what’s real in your life. Once or twice a week I start with, “Lord, I’m feeling sorry for myself.” Within a few minutes I am no longer mired in self-pity.
Show up everyday to something buried in your heart to do. Your heart, my heart, and your mom’s heart have something in them we want to do. A longing. We ache and sour when that thing is ignored and belittled. Let your heart breath and grow.
Drink more water.
Eat more veggies. As American’s, we don’t do veggies really well. Also, we think corn is vegetable. It is not. If you need help, look to Asia or Europe for ideas. YouTube is a great resource to learn how to cook greens or eggplant or cauliflower.
Stop watching bullshit. Stop listening to bullshit. Stop reading bullshit. Whatever we put into our soul influences how we see the world and interpret life. I love Elliott Smith’s music, but it’s depressing AF. Dude had a rough life, so I can’t listen to it. 
You will always find a reason to do something...or not do that thing. This is from my dad, but it’s true. We humans will are quite amazing at finding ways to motivate or defeat ourselves. 
You will always encounter resistance when it comes to anything worth doing. Start a business? Get into a new relationship? Change careers? The promise of something good eventually gives way to the path of its realization, which is difficult for every worth while venture. KEEP GOING.
Laugh. A lot. At dumb things. Our 21st century worship of the intellect is a damn travesty. It sucks the joy and wonder from the world far too often. Let yourself find joy in the silly and unexpected. 
You can’t carry the world on your shoulders. I’ve tried. Many have tried. You are the rule, as we were. Let it go. 
When you need to know what side the gas tank is, look at the gas gauge. Every car has an arrow on the gas gauge, and that gas gauge points to the side of the gas cap, right or left. 
Butter, salt and pepper, and a touch of vinegar will make nearly anything taste better. Fat, acid, salt. I think that’s book. I’m not sure, but it’s basic Food Theory 101. 
Quit trying to be an expert. True expertise requires years of dedication and intent. If you haven’t spent years intentionally engaged in something, lower your expectations. Be kind to yourself.
Talent is real, but it means nothing without dedication and persistence. Success is about endurance and grit. Ever see someone doing something and think “I could do that.” The truth is you probably could, but do you have their endurance? 
Discounts are great, but not on the following items: Knives. Tattoos. Yeah....Seafood. Contractors.Mattresses.Lawyers.
Be disciplined, not controlled. Discipline is how we decided to respond to life. Control is how we try to get others to respond to life. 
Challenge the narrative in your head. When we get anxious or stressed, we usually only see two choices: the ideal we want or the certain disaster. I love to ask myself “What if that’s not true? What else is possible?”
Speak life and you will have it. Listen to your thoughts and the words you speak. Are you speaking life to yourself? To others? Cynicism is the shield of the afraid and downtrodden. Pick your head up. Speak life over yourself, and don’t stop till you position your heart toward heaven. 
Cultivate gratitude. Every single person has something to be grateful for. And most of us are lucky enough to have many blessings. Take time to recognize it in your life. Every, damn, day.
Judgment and comparison are thieves of life. If you find yourself in a position of constant judgment of others, or comparing your life to others...that’s your problem. It’s an act of self-protection. Take your ass on to Jesus and work through it. 
Lard makes a superior buttermilk biscuit. I’ve tried shortening and butter. But lard makes a far superior biscuit. 
Carbs are not evil, but too many carbs will make you fat. Enjoy your breads, potatoes, and rice noodles. Just make sure you eat your veggies and drink plenty of water. 
Wild animals are...wild...animals. You should expect a wild animal to act like a wild animal no matter how cute or tame they may appear. 
Procrastination is overhyped. I work better under the gun of a deadline. And I love the energy I get from knowing I’ve got to get a project finished. Besides, even if I’m not working on a project, I am thinking about it.  
Trust the Lord with your life. I amaze myself how often I tried to make something work, failed, and yet I’m ok. I’m where I need to be, headed toward the place I need to be. At 40, I trust the Lord.
Love the Lord with all you heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Be patient, kind, long-suffering, forward-moving, enduring, hoping, faithing, forgiving, gracious, persistent, and honest toward the Lord. I’ve walked with the Lord for 20 years. It’s a real relationship. And loving Jesus is the best decision I’ve ever made, and continue to make. 
Love your neighbors. Be patient, kind, long-suffering, forward-moving, enduring, hoping, faithing, forgiving, gracious, persistent, and honest toward your neighbors. Jesus never said it would be easy.
Love your enemies. Be patient, kind, long-suffering, forward-moving, enduring, hoping, faithing, forgiving, gracious, persistent, and honest toward your enemies. Only love can change an enemy into a friend. 
Love yourself. Be patient, kind, long-suffering, forward-moving, enduring, hoping, faithing, forgiving, gracious, persistent, and honest with yourself. If you don’t love you, you will not believe anyone else can love you. 
0 notes
lawrenceseitz22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Click on the video above to watch Episode 221 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hump Day! Alright what’s up? We’re live everybody. Welcome to Hump day Hangouts with Semantic Mastery. I’m Adam Moody and I am pumped up for today because today is episode 221. Not only that, we’ve got some great stuff coming, but real quick want to go down the line and say hello to everybody.
And I’m going to mix it up this time because I realized we go in the same way every time, so randomly starting, Marco, how are you doing today? WHat’s the weather like?
Marco: It’s a whole lot better than it is for you guys, I’ll tell you that.
Adam: I take it you’re not freezing to death as badly.
Marco: Well listen, it’s a 100 degree difference.
Adam: Oh my god.
Marco: Between you guys. Between 100 and 120 between what you guys are going through and what I have here because we’re getting cold from you guys. It was only 75 today.
Adam: Tough, tough.
Awesome, well Bradley let’s bring you in for the opposing viewpoint here.
Bradley: Well it’s not too bad right but it was fucking nine degrees this morning and tomorrow morning it will be three degrees. And that’s the air temperature, not the will chill. But I know in here in Virginia, it’s not nearly as bad as it is in a lot of parts of the Midwest, man. I heart Minneapolis was like negative 55 degrees or something. Holy crap.
Adam: I’m going to pass on that. Yeah, wherever you guys are at, whoever is listening, pop on the page what the temperature was this morning. I’m curious. I know Wayne Clayton was saying it was going to be something crazy like 40 below or something, so.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s ridiculous man.
Adam: Well, how about our man on the ground in the southern hemisphere, Hernan how you doing?
Hernan: Good. Yesterday I think it was 115 Fahrenheit down here.
Adam: Are you serious?
Hernan: No, no I’m serious. Dead serious. But not only that, listen to this, it was 85 percent humidity. So it was like, you know …
Bradley: Felt like 130.
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Just like a blow dryer and someone is throwing water at you at the same time?
Hernan: Yeah, something like that. So it was nasty, it was disgusting so don’t come. If you guys are planning to come to here to Argentina, don’t come in summer. Don’t do it.
Adam: Oh my god, that’s awful.
Hernan: Yeah, don’t do it.
Adam: Well we’ll go from hot and humid to cold and more mountainous. Chris, how you doing?
Chris: Like we only have 28 degrees, here.
Adam: Good.
Chris: Nothing to stress. The good thing is it doesn’t matter how cold it is, doesn’t matter if it’s a tsunami or whatever, hump day is still happening, you know?
Adam: Yeah, there we go.
Chris: That’s the thing that I’m really excited about.
Adam: Yeah we’re going live from somewhere. Somehow it’s going to happen.
Well speaking of, if you’re new, thanks for watching, thanks for listening to us talk about he weather for a couple minutes. Before we get into it, I just want to say, again thanks for watching and checking us out. You can always watch it live on the vent pages. You can go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and you can also check out the replays on youtube. I know we have a lot of subscribers who do it that way and you can always ask your questions, and then if you’re working, you’ve got client calls, whatever, you can’t make it, you can check out the answers afterwards.
But being here has its benefits because we do some fun stuff from time to time. We have giveaways and all sorts of good stuff. Also, if you’re wondering where to start with semantic mastery, head to battle plan.semanticmastery.com, grab the battle plan and then if you’re looking to take things up a notch, you’re wanting to join a real MasterMind group and you’re wanting to start or grow your local digital marketing agency, then come join our MasterMind. You can find out more at MasterMind.semanticmastery.com.
Real quick, we have a couple more announcement I want to talk about but I want to bounce us over to Marco because we sent out a email about the charity we support and the one Marco is really helping to grow and we’re facing a little bit of a countdown here. So Marco, do you want to explain?
Marco: Yeah, well good and bad. The great thing is that the school year won’t start until February 11th. So that gives us this week to finish it. It should’ve been finished already but we’re able to extend it until Friday since we can go next week and shop for all the supplies and the uniforms, the books, the shoes, and whatever the kids are going to need to get themselves through school for the year.
The bad part is that they start school late, right? But I mean, what can you do? So, the deal is, which is also good news, is, and I mentioned it last week, the rotary club of Snow Qualmy Valley, Washington has been just so cool and so gracious and so kind in that they’re matching every donation that’s 50 dollars or above.
And just this morning by the way, we received a 500 dollar donation from one of our MasterMind members. I’m not going to say who but you’re awesome, you rock because that’s five kids. Just 500 dollars, 500 from the rotary club so it’s 1000 dollars.
Adam: Oh, nice.
Marco: Oh, it’s awesome because that’s five kids that go to school that wouldn’t otherwise have had the ability to go. And so it is extended right now guys. They’re matching dollar for dollar anything above 50. If you donate 500, what happens is, since they donate 500, right? Dollar for dollar, you get two hours with me. So you get a consultation. And anyone, as I’ve sad before, if you can dig deep in your pockets and you got that and you can donate 5000 dollars, what I’ll do is, I’ll help you set up your local business, whatever it is that you want to do. We’ll take it and we’ll work it from the ground up. We’ll apply all of the methods that we’ve been teaching. I just met with our group last night and they’re all getting calls, right? And we’re working now towards how do you monetize that you’re already getting. We talked about it. I want them to get even more assets and start pumping them up and start getting more calls. And so we have a few ways that we can monetize.
The whole thing is, guys whatever it is that we’re doing in that mini MasterMind group is what we’ll apply to whatever it is that you want to do and we’ll get your business going. Whether it’s getting calls to your clients, whether it’s getting your own leads, however it is that you want to set it up, donate that 5000 dollars and I’ll be more than happy to work it through from beginning to end.
So that’s how that works.
Adam: That’s awesome. And Marco, can you pop the link on the page so people can donate?
Marco: I’ll pop it in there. And by the way, just so you know, we have 3620 dollars of donations that are 50 or more. So that’s 3620 that the Snow Qualmy Valley Rotary Club will be donating. So it becomes six something, right? So, come on guys. I need you. Kids needs you. It’s more kids that can go to school, more kids that can get an education. It’s a worthwhile cost. You guys can even go that gallery. I’ll post the link to the gallery. I don’t want to talk anymore, I don’t want to take up more time because I want to answer questions. But guys, this is a great cause and we need you. Go dig in your pockets, 50 bucks. Come on, 10 cups of coffee. 50 bucks. That’s all it is.
Adam: But yeah guys if you could do that and push. I know we would love to get that up to a total of 10,000. If we could get the matching from the rotary club, that would be amazing. And thank you to anyone who’s already donated any amount, definitely helps these kids.
And speaking of talking, I’ve got a couple more but these are good announcements for you guys. So I’m going to keep this short and sweet.
Coming up this Monday we’ve got Lisa Allen coming on and we’re going to be talking to her this Monday at 9 pm eastern about the update to RSS Authority Sniper. I know it’s a tool that a lot of you know about, a lot of you use. And those of you who don’t, regardless if you use it or not, you’re going to want to find out about her updates which is a good reason to check that out. Because she’s got some GPS targeting stuff she’s going that we’re going to dive into and she’s going to show us how she’s been using that along with just going over how obviously RSS authority sniper can be used for maximum effectiveness.
Bradley: Just to chime in on that for a minute, I haven’t had a chance to go through any of it yet. I’m planning on scheduling some time on Friday for that to prepare for Monday. And I can tell you guys the RSS authority sniper, that was a tool to help find RSS feeds relevant to whatever topic you’re looking for content for. And that’s been updated too so it’s probably better. I didn’t really use the RSS authority sniper much. I would go manually search or have a VA manually search for RSS feeds. I found that typically I was able to find better results for what I was looking for if we just manually searched.
However, the add on service is called Rank Feeder. And it’s monthly subscription, but that’s the tool she created to create feeds. It’s like a feed splicer and it does all these really really cool things and that is super super powerful. And it was powerful two years ago when she … it might’ve even been two and half, three years ago now, but when she first launched it because it creates co-citation, which is like link building without links. It’s very very very powerful. It’s a way to associate a webpage with authority content through co citation and it’s very powerful. And you could splice feeds and insert specific URLs into an RSS feed and make them sticky so that they were always present in the feed so that as dynamic RSS feeds would update with their content, there would always be those specific items that you wanted, like webpages or URLs that you wanted to associate with that authority content. So, the feed would update dynamically, right? But those sticky items would stay there. So they were constantly being associated with authority content that authority content sources were publishing. It’s not something we had to do, we just had to go find the feeds.
So anyways, it’s very very powerful. And whatever she’s got cooked up into it now is specifically for local. It’s adding GPS targeting and such to it. And again, I haven’t been through it yet, but guys that’s primarily like 99 percent of what we’re doing is local, so I expect it to be very very powerful because it was powerful before. So I’m going to go in and dig into that on Friday a bit guys so I can prepare for the webinar on Monday.
However, that said, one other thing real quick is I’m doing an off page SEO test for DMB assets. And I’m testing several different methods. It started with six and now I’m at eight. Eight different methods and I’m testing isolation. Hers is going to be one of them using rank feeder and the GPS targeting or whatever that she built into it. So that’s all being revealed in the MasterMind as I have data roll in from those tests and case studies and such.
So again, when I have more data for that, I’ll be sharing that in the MasterMind as well.
Adam: Outstanding.
Yeah, get signed up you guys. Check out that webinar. We had someone who shall remain unnamed but might be owner of a press release company distribution service asking about some ideas for integrating his company using this stuff. So, anyone can use this stuff, whether you’re doing this for clients, doing it for yourself, doing it for your own freaking business, this is good stuff, so definitely want to be there.
Bradley you, speaking of the MasterMind, this is the last announcement you guys, but we want to make sure you have a chance to do this, Bradley you did a webinar on, what was it Thursday? With the google ads?
Bradley: Yeah, we just announced on Wednesday last week. So a week ago today. It was just very short notice but I developed a … It’s a method I’ve been using for years but for ranking YouTube videos, local YouTube videos, for lead generation or for clients. And that’s setting up youtube ads or Google ads for YouTube to drive traffic. Very very relevant and geo-targeted traffic. And it works like crazy. It is by far, the number one ranking factor for ranking videos. I mean I’ve got videos that are ranking on page one for keywords that I’ve done no back link building to or anything other than just set up YouTube campaigns for.
And it’s funny, and I talked about this in the webinar last week and I showed the live example too, there was another video that I did for the video production company that I provide wholesale SEO services to. And for whatever reason I was limited on time the day that I set up that campaign. Which, essentially all I do is take the video that they create for their client, they send it to me and then I stream it through OBS to my YouTube channel that’s connected to a bunch of syndication networks. And that’s always the first step in ranking a video. But typically, right after uploading or live streaming to my channel, it syndicates through all the networks, I usually set up a Google ad for that immediately. I just use a dollar a day budget, guys. So it costs 30 bucks. And it’s really only 30 bucks … It’s a dollar a day for the first two weeks because then I actually start backing my daily budget down to where I even get it down to 50 cents per day. So it’s 15 dollars per month.
And what happens is those views come in from geo-targeted traffic and from a relevant audience. If you can find the correct audience, which it’s very broad now. There’s a lot of categories. So it’s likely you can find a relevant audience. And that’s very highly weighted views. In other words, those views are weighted by Google a lot higher than views from, if it’s a Virginia business, from a view in California, from somebody that’s not interested in windshield repair or whatever the hell it may be.
So my point is, I usually set up the ad right after syndicating the video through my networks, but I didn’t have time the day that I did this. And this was three weeks ago now. And so two weeks went by and I went to go check on the video and it was on page two and it was bouncing and I looked at my pro ranked tracker report for it and once it had done its initial Google dance, it had stayed on page two and it was bouncing between 12 and 15, position 12 and 15 but it’d never gone on page one within those two weeks.
So on Thursday, two weeks ago now, I set up the YouTube ad or the Google Ad for YouTube with a dollar a day budget, and on Monday, so three days later essentially because it takes about 24 hours to get approved, but three days later it was on page one. And it’s been on page one ever since guys. And again, that just has to do with those Google Ads. So, long story short, I did a two and a half hour Webinar last week where I show over the shoulder training, how to go in and set up these ads, how to find your relevant audiences, how to do geo-targeting, all that and set that up.
And the I also showed how to do a branding campaign and use re-marketing for that which is very very powerful for client work and for lead gen assets because YouTube traffic is so inexpensive guys, but it works. And I also shared some tips about how to use that for boosting Google my business profiles. I’m certainly not going to reveal that here, but 50 bucks guys or 55 dollars now because of the replay to get access to that webinar, that otherwise you’d have to pay 300 dollars to be a member of the MasterMind to get.
And the only reason that I opened it up for everybody is because we talk about it a lot here on hump day hangouts and I wanted to make sure … you know, I’ve always talked about it conceptually but I’ve never actually showed people how to do it and I felt like it was time. So if you’re interested in that guys, it’s only 55 dollars. I think this is going to be the last time we announce this, so take advantage of it while you can.
Adam: Awesome, alright let’s get into it.
Bradley: Okay, you guys all ready?
I’m going to grab the screen. Here we go. By the way, the plus one button stopped working. Have you guys gotten the notice via email yet that Google Plus is terminating all their APIs and everything too?
Adam: No.
Bradley: Just so you know, Google Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be 100 percent completely removed from all Google products in 2019. I know their APIs are being killed. Some of them have already started to fail, but they just sent out notification of that which is, you know ….
Finally, I remember when Google Plus was launched, there were social media pundits that were predicting the demise of it right off the bat. Google plus is dead or is dying. And here it is, essentially ten years later and it’s still around but they are finally killing it. So I just thought that was interesting.
Is There Any Way To Sort Applets In IFTTT?
Justin says, “Is there anyway to sort my applets in IFTTT? They are all just kind of lumped together in my applets page. I have looked at IFTTT support, FAQ pages and couldn’t find anything and don’t see to get any access or response to any real person from them so I figured I’d try here. I love that it’s free of course but would gladly pay them for an easier to manage system.”
Well, as far as I remember, I haven’t contacted IFTTT support in at least four years, no kidding. But the last time that I did, or every time that I had contacted support, when I had contacted support, was always via twitter. And I’m not even a Twitter user so that was kind of a pain in the ass. But you may want to try contacting them there. I don’t know if it’s changed since then but they do have paid options, Justin. So I would contact them and ask them or look at their paid options and see if that’s a feature that is available with paid option. I have not paid IFTTT a dime since its inception, since I discovered it. And I don’t really plan on it, but that might be something if you’re a heavy user of it where you’ve got many many many applets, then yeah I would suggest contacting their support. I don’t know if they have options for that stuff or not. Okay.
Typically our networks, we have a IFTTT account per syndication network and so usually there’s not more than between 15 to 25 applets in an account. But if you are using it for multiple stuff, you might have way way more than that.
How To Get Started With GMB If You’re A Beginner?
Shaun says “Can you go over GMB basics? I’m interested in getting started with one local GMB to see how its done, so I think I could start with MGYB [inaudible 00:18:54] for getting it verified right? But after that what should I get? I know there’s no courses on this but I’d like to start with the basics and test the water to see how its done before moving forward.
Okay, well Shaun, yes. GMB basics. Yeah. What I can tell you is yes, first of all MGYB, you can go get a GMB verification there which is what I recommend guys. Otherwise you can do it manually but it takes a lot of time, and your time is better spent developing the creatives and all that stuff, the keyword research and all that for whatever project you’re about to pursue, right? So what I would suggest is going to MGYB.co, ordering a done for you GMB verification. You’ll get it back in a few weeks and while you’re waiting for it to be delivered to you, you can start developing your creatives and getting the content together, your keyword research. You know, all that kind of stuff, right? So that’s what I would recommend. And yes, there is a course for that. We’ve got actually several courses starting with local lease pro that teaches exactly how to, first of all, research locations to find where the easiest opportunity is or at least where there is opportunity to snipe or get into the maps 3 pack with as little work as possible.
Some assets or attempts are going to take you more work than others guys, there’s just no question about that. Now that I’m way over … I think we’re approaching 60 GMBs. I can tell you my percentage rate of getting into the three pack with little to no work has gone way way down because I’m targeting many more locations now within a particular cluster.
Anyways, Shaun, not to confuse you, go check out local lease pro. If you want, that’s a great starting point. We have an advance training for more competitive GMB assets. It’s called local GMB pro, that’s really the logical upgrade from local lease pro, okay. And then we have Local PR Pro which is really about how to push maps, or GMB assets into the map pack using press releases. So the three of those compliment each other incredibly well. And the finally, the mac daddy of all, when you really need the additional push, when you absolutely got to kill every motherfucker in the room … excuse me that was a Samuel L. Jackson reference from Jackie Brown. Anyways, when you absolutely have to push it, RYS academy reloaded is our final course for that kind of stuff.
Hernan: It’s AK-47 [inaudible 00:21:25]
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:21:24] AK-47 reference?
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: AK-47. I’m going to have to pull that clip up man.
Anyways, Shaun but good news for you is we’ve got our battle plan version 3.0 is coming out next month. We’re launching that next month and that really is the user’s guide for how to get results and this year, our version three is going to have a lot of stuff in there or a section dedicated specifically to GMB assets since we’re all really pushing on that right now. And that’s going to be probably your best bet if you want to ease into this thing is just start or wait for the battle plan to come out and then if you … you know, local lease pro and the battle plan together are really the starting points for any type of GMB asset business.
Does anyone want to comment on that?
Chris: Yeah I just want to comment on one thing because you mentioned the success rate of getting them into the three pack or whatever. A lot of times, you start getting calls and you don’t even know where it is that they’re coming from. They might be verified and they’ll start working on them. So already the phone number is there and you start getting calls. How in the world are you getting calls when it’s barely verified.
So success rate and the calls that you get and everything else is relative. And what I would like to add is you did a 15 with an 80 percent success rate. And now we’re doing hundreds, we’ll end up with thousands. I’d rather have 50, 60 percent of 1000 than 80 percent of 15 any day of the week.
Bradley: Right on Greg AK-47. If anyone wants to watch this clip, that shit is funny. I hope that’s the right one. Anyways, I’m going to keep moving but that’s funny.
When we first launched link building services after what used to be called IFTTT SEO Academy, now it’s syndication academy. Daddy, our link building manager, he builds links to networks and we had set up a click funnels landing page for that and I had created a video where I spliced that clip in. It was awesome. I’ve got to pull that up somewhere, that video, that was funny.
What Are Some Best Practices To Optimize A Franchise Business That Wants To Expand To Nearby Locations?
Pete. What’s up Pete? He’s the MasterMind. He says “Hey guys my client is a service area business and wants to expand in a nearby location and they want their own GMB listings branded in their business name. My questions are, would you use the business name on every GMB listing? I only ask because I’ve seen some franchise companies use brand name with local modifiers at the end for each location and then use a virtual telephone number with different address.”
Yes Pete. Well, first of all I wouldn’t append the location to the name because if it’s for a brand, that’s kind of a spam signal in my opinion. So if it’s for a brand, I would just use the brand name, Okay? But you want a unique physical location when you verify the GMB, which if you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to have to get your own separate, unique addresses for each location, right? If you’re ordering it from us, don’t worry about it. They’ll be unique when we verify them. But you’re going to want a unique physical address, a unique phone number and a unique landing page or website URL, right? So remember if you’re building this for a brand and if the company says well I want you to just put our homepage URL as the website for all of the listings, don’t do that. Don’t do that. Especially if they’re maps expansions. Right? Maps expansions listings. In other words, if they don’t physically have a real office in the location that you’re setting up a maps listing then do not link directly from the GMB to their website. Don’t do it because that could create a problem down the road because you don’t actually have a physical location in that area right?
So what I would recommend at that point is just use the GMB website at which point you can link to from within the content of the GMB website to the corporate website if you’d like but I wouldn’t link to it from the GMB listing. In other words from the website or the appointment URL or any of that. I would not do that. If you are adamant, or the client is adamant about linking to their site, then I would recommend that you create landing pages on sub domains of the root domain and use the sub domain URL that’s unique to each location as the website URL because sub domains aren’t the same as a root domain or a inner page of a root domain in that it’s less of a footprint. I mean, it’s still a footprint, they’re all connecting back to the same domain. But the difference is if you catch a penalty on the root domain or any of its inner pages, it’s going to apply the penalty domain wide. Including all sub domains if there are any. Right?
So it can actually hurt the entire domain. But if you catch a penalty on any one of the sub domain sites, or pages in this case, I mean you can install WordPress if you’d like but I would just create an HTML landing page. A nice one that’s set up for conversions like a lead capture, all that kind of stuff. And I would just install them on sub domains. Duplicate those pages, just change the NAP info on those pages. You could just duplicate them. It’d be really really easy to do.
If you’ve got something like click funnels, you could build a landing page in click funnels and then export it as an HTML file and upload those or just direct sub domains to a click funnels page.
My point is, there’s a million ways to do it but I would have a sub domains landing page as opposed to an inner page because that way it would reduce potential penalties against the entire domain. If a sub domain page or site were to get slapped, it would only affect that sub domain, not the root or any of the other sibling sub domains. Does that make sense? So, absolutely make sure all three … You know the name can be the same but the other three data points, address, phone number, and URL should all be unique. Okay?
What would you recommend the best ways to link GMBs back to the central business website? For example with service area pages, they’re just a page. Again, just like I mentioned, I would not link directly to the main website other than perhaps in a contextual link from within the GMB website. And you can also link to it from GMB posts once the GMB assets are set up. But I would not link to them directly from the info tab in GMB to the website unless you’re doing it on sub domains. Each sub domain being unique to that particular location. It’s a good question. It’s not letting me plus one though, dammit. Oh, that time it worked.
Does Uploading Photos To A GMB Site Strip Out The Geotag and EXIF Data?
Michael, what’s up Michael. He says, “Hey guys I have a GMB related question. I was uploading photos to a GMB site, strip out the geo-data and exit data. I recently uploaded photos to GMB site and it stripped the titles and renamed them untitled. Why did it do that? Got me wondering if it strips the title .. “
No, I mean it might strip it but when you upload it, Google reads it. Right? So it’s preset when you upload it and that’s all that matters. When you upload the file, Google sees all that data. That’s what matters. In fact, I like the fact that they are stripping it out because that way if some other SEO tries to analyze images, they’re not going to see all that stuff, right? Of course if they knew what they were doing, they’d know what to look for anyways. You know what I’m saying? So I don’t think it matters.
Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, it doesn’t matter. They have it. They have the info. They know. Especially if you’re doing it locally, the phone is the tell in this. And if you’re doing it through what we teach in local GMB pro, then google has the information and that’s all you care about. As to why Google stripped out your title, it’s probably a glitch. We can’t answer why Google does the shit that it does. Because everything in GMB, in Google my Business is in a state of constant flux. It’s very fluid. They’re constantly changing, adding, they’re constantly giving us stuff to play with.
We had a problem the other day where some images weren’t showing, right? Or they were showing differently. They weren’t showing the way they were supposed to. Why? We don’t know. They were changing something and it happened.
Glitches, it happens on the web. So sorry we can’t answer as to why. But what we can tell you is that the shit works because what you’re creating is your entity’s relationship to the location, whatever you location is, whatever your local is. You’re giving Google that relationship and that’s all you care about. Whether it stays or not is irrelevant.
Bradley: Yep.
Is It Okay To Use A WordPress.com Instead Of An RSS As A Trigger Point To A Syndication Network?
Alright, Jason is up. Jason says, “Working with a local contractor who has another host, his site is built on click funnels and he has no native RSS feed. Without tipping the other host to a potential takeover of the site, the client doesn’t want to ask the current host to add an RSS function. I get it, so I have some spare syndication networks in MGYB.co and I’m looking to use one for his property and thinking of using WordPress.com web 2.0 as the syndication point or trigger point. [inaudible 00:30:55] real issues with that before I press submit?”
No that’s fine Jason, absolutely. Anything with an RSS feed you can use to trigger. In fact, it doesn’t even have to have an RSS feed. For example, you could connect WordPress as the trigger source. So if this, click WordPress, then host to Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, whatever the case may be. So you can have WordPress actually connect via API as opposed to RSS. In other words, IFTTT can connect to WordPress API and then it will trigger whenever you publish to WordPress.com. Does that make sense?
Or you can do it via RSS. In fact, you may want to test those. I remember years ago when I was developing the whole syndication network strategy, I tested that and there was some funky stuff that would happen when you would use the native app as the trigger point as opposed to the RSS feed from the app.
In other words, if I was to use WordPress’s trigger or Blogger’s trigger or Tumblr’s trigger as opposed to using the RSS feeds, sometimes it would cause some funky stuff to happen. So, that was years ago. Because RSS always worked. I quit testing that shit and said, you know RSS works, let’s just use that. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, right?
So my point is, you may want to test that. But also, Jason, think about this, and I’m pretty sure that you have rank feeder, Jason, so you may want to think about just taking their click funnels page, creating a rank feeder feed, which is what we’re going to be talking about on Monday guys with Lisa Allen. And then use other authority content feeds to create that co-citation and feed your network that way, right? I mean you could do that. Because, especially if you have a sticky item in that feed, you could be using that to constantly co-citation whatever your sticky item is. In this case, maybe the click funnels page, right?
That’s just a thought. You might want to think about using that too. But yes, you can use WordPress or Tumblr or Blogger or anything with an RSS feed. I like to use any type of blog account, obviously, because you’ve got more WYSIWYG editors and you can edit the elements of the page and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
Plus there’s probably RSS feed creators online other than rank feeder that will allow you to create feeds from HTML pages and that kind of stuff. I know there use to be services like that, so I can’t imagine that they don’t have those still.
Are There Any Significant Impact If The @id Of A Multisite Property Is Changed?
Alright he says on the next one, “Hopefully not asking too much for the free forum but for @id, if I have a multi-site property and I want to add it to the ad ID page with geo-relevance, could I search google maps for brand geo-modifiers and put multiple locations in the page that way?”
Yeah, Jason. That’s more of a MasterMind question anyways. I really don’t want to answer that here. That’s getting a little bit too far into the weeds. What I would suggest thought is that you go into MasterMind archives and take a look at where I talked or just create a post in the Facebook group and I’ll share it in that group with you about how to go organization markup. You can do that with an ad ID page guys, it’s perfectly fine. You can set up an HTML page and create organization markup.
The way that I do it for multi-location businesses is a combination of Jason, LD and micro data as well as just flat out HTML. And so, that would work perfect for an HTML page or an ad ID page. Like hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, right? And that’s a combination of Jason LD, organization markup, local business markup for each individual location plus just HTML where you can embed the map and AP, that kind of stuff.
So again, post in the MasterMind Facebook group about that Jason, we can start a discussion in there and I can put you to the training that I’ve already covered MasterMind webinars for that, okay?
I’m going to keep on moving.
Hey guys, oh he’s back again with some more YouTube questions. He’s here every week so [inaudible 00:34:45] I know I’m probably mispronouncing your name, I apologize for that but glad to have you back.
Is Crowdsearch.me Still Effective For Ranking YouTube Videos, Local And National Sites?
He says. “Hey guys I’m with another set of questions and as Bradley said in the last hangout, I plan to use all the free information you guys are giving to build up my business so that I can join the MasterMind then. Everybody plus one this comment for me.” Question is, “Is crowdsearch.me still effective for ranking YouTube videos, local, national sites?”
For YouTube, I don’t know if it is or not. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it for money site stuff anymore at all, guys. I stopped using it, shit a year and a half ago now maybe? YouTube videos I doubt it will even move the needle on that anymore, [Mike 00:35:22] And the reason I say that is because a lot of those services, they use commercial IPS, right? Commercial proxies. And the problem is, so many commercial IP blocks now ranges, what do they call them, subnets or whatever have been blocked or marked by Google. Flagged as irrelevant traffic, right? And that killed a lot of those search and click or what I call CT or click through spam, spam bots.
That killed a lot of their effectiveness because the IP blocks they have been … Google understands that they’re commercial IP blocks. For example, storm proxies, right. So you have a range of proxies or IPS that they go through and that Google is aware of what they are so they’re disregarded or given less weight. Does that make sense?
So, again, I just talked about, at the beginning of this webinar how I did a two and a half hour training last week specifically on how to use Google ads. Guys, for pennies per view from real traffic. You’re buying traffic from Google. And literally, you can use YouTube traffic to rank videos, especially because you’re getting views. You don’t get a flood of clicks unless the really video is really compelling or the offer is really compelling.
I find that the type of captains that I set up in the webinar last week, which you can get access to for 55 dollars guys, I’m telling you it’s a slam dunk. I mean, it’s just a no brainer. It’s a great great strategy guys and you can get targeted traffic from Google to your videos. Targeted views, anyways, right, to your videos from specific geographic areas that you set from specific audiences that you set which is the recommended method. And those views are weighted heavily because they’re coming from real Google users, guys. From people that are signed in to their Google accounts, have Android devices or whatever. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Apple or Android but they got Google accounts, right?
Google knows these people. They’re valid, true Google users, instead of trying to spoof traffic, you can buy real traffic guys. And it’s literally pennies per view, right? Again, I don’t get a flood of clicks. So using that strategy for driving traffic isn’t necessarily going to get you a flood of traffic, but it will get you a bunch of views which is great for the video itself and the traffic that you do get is going to be really heavily weighted traffic because it’s highly relevant if that makes sense.
So it’s much more valuable than buying spam traffic anyways. And it’s not against Google’s terms of service, right? Spam traffic is. So, as far as using crowdsearch.me or any type of spam bot, I wouldn’t recommend it because, especially to money sites guys, I wouldn’t put that stuff anywhere near a money site. YouTube videos, you could test it but I’m telling you I don’t feel like that’s effective anymore. Because again, I just buy the traffic direct from Google now and it works so much better, right?
Guys it’s so easy to set up a campaign. I mean, I’m telling you, once you get the hang of it, you can set up a YouTube ads campaign for a video in ten minutes flat. Okay?
Chris: [crosstalk 00:38:38] Yeah, he can also get an embed gig. Video embeds, which will move the needle … I don’t because crowd search, I stopped using them a while ago. But [inaudible 00:38:51] embeds it in a niche, relevant network and we’re moving … I don’t if … No we didn’t announce it.
We’re moving MGYB into Woo Commerce so that it makes it easier to add products. So this week and next week, we’ll be busy adding products. One of those will be video embeds. We’ll be adding [inaudible 00:39:15] link building, indexing, just a whole bunch of things that we haven’t been able to do because of the limitations that we had with Sam Cart, we’ll be able to do now.
So I think you might want to look into a video embed gig. They’re not really all that expensive and they do move the needle. Or, just get out training and get it moved the right way with the right signals.
Bradley: Yeah.
Okay so, the only thing I would suggest though is, guys, you’ve got to think about this logically. Just flat out embeds and/or back links do not work as well as they used to without traffic included. Think about it guys, it’s very logical. Why would a video or anything get hundreds or thousands of embeds, or tens of thousands of back links if it’s not being viewed? Right? It doesn’t make sense.
So yes, it can move the needle but we know for a fact that we can rank videos with engagement signals alone guys. No back links, no embeds whatsoever. If you combined the two, it’s so much more effective. But it’s less effective to just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds without engagement signals because that is clearly a spam signal, right? That’s clearly somebody trying to manipulate search position of a video. Because it’s not natural for a video to be embedded, picked up and shared if it’s not getting viewed.
Who embeds a video without viewing it, right? Only SEOs. And Google knows that, the algorithm knows that. It’s not like manual reviewers, that’s built, baked right into the algorithm now.
So my point is, if you’re going to do embed blast guys, that’s perfectly fine. Back links are perfectly fine. But make sure that you’re adding traffic to the whole mix. Views, in other words, to the whole mix because that’s going to increase your effectiveness so much more.
If you start getting a bunch of embeds and/or back links, and a bunch of views all at the same time, that’s mimicking a viral nature of a video, and that shit will rank, no question. But if you just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds and there’s not any views and engagement signals, that’s clearly a spam signal. I wouldn’t recommend doing it. Yes, I know there’s some brute force SEOs out there that still do that guys, but I don’t recommend it for longevity and everything else. Just set up some simple YouTube ads for pennies per view and get the results that you need, okay?
How Does GMB Pro And Local Lease Pro Different From Each Other?
“Would appreciate it if you could give a brief overview of how GMB pro, Local Lease Pro and Local PR Pro compare against each other”.
Well I mentioned that earlier I the webinar, but just so you know he says, “I’m completely new to local marketing so if I want to get started, which way would you recommend?”
Local lease pro right now. Hands down, that’s the starter course in my opinion because that’s going to show you to how to … The tip of the iceberg or tip of the spear is the location research and we go into that extensively and we did an update webinar about a month ago now that it’s the training course in the updates module where I go into much more granular detail on how to do location research.
So local lease pro is the best starting point, [Mike 00:42:24] and then from there, the upgrade would be local GMB pro. And that’s only for assets that need an additional push or if you’re in a really competitive market, that kind of stuff. And then local PR pro is something that we just add into the mix throughout that whole process. That’s just strategy for using press releases and PR stacking for getting results with local maps listings. Okay?
“Is the rank [inaudible 00:42:49] websites model still effective?”
Yes, but here’s the thing; Don’t build websites. Just build GMB websites. They’re free, you don’t need hosting, you don’t need to go through all the SEO bullshit. Just set up GMB assets, use the GMB website and you’re off to the races. Guys, I make jokes about this all the time but I’m half serious too, more than half serious. I hope to god I never have to build another Word Press site. I mean I know that’s not going to happen but for all the stuff I’m doing, I’m trying to avoid building WordPress websites as much as possible because you don’t need them. We’re able to get results without them now. That may change, but for now it’s a nice break.
Would It Work If You Post Regular Blog Posts From All 5 Websites That Are In The Same Niche As Duplicate Content To A Network Of 100 Web 2.0 Sites?
[inaudible 00:43:30] says “Hey there, got a question, would it work if I post my regular blog post from all five websites that are in the same niche as duplicate content to a network of 100 web 2.0 sites? The 100 web 2.0s have a ton of public back links just like IFTTT greetings.”
Yeah, but just make sure that you’re posting an attribution link right? Just make sure you’re citing the source. I mean you can post it without an attribution link if you’d like. I wouldn’t recommend it. Guys, it’s not duplicate content because it’s on different websites. It’s only duplicate content when it’s on the same domain. But what I would recommend is, if you’re going to republish, that you would cite the source just like we teach in syndication academy which is where you would say, this post or this article or whatever was published first on … and then you link to that and the source where it was published which would be your money site anyways. THat’s what you want. That’s the back link back to your money site, right? Through the attribution link. So that’s what I would do. But yes, you can do that.
By the way, I would recommend … here’s the catcher on that though, guys. If you’re doing this across branded properties, the that’s natural. But if you’re taking the same content and republishing it across hundreds of web 2.0s that are not branded, then that’s clearly for SEO manipulation and that’s a footprint that you’re leaving. So I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have branded profiles. Does that make sense? Or unless those 100 web 2.0s, if you’ve got a lot of other content being pushed into those web 2.0s on a regular basis, like from other RSS feeds or other content sources to where you’re burying your article among many many others that are relevant, then that’s okay too. It’s still a footprint though, but it’s a lot less of one than just if you just have, say you got 300 web 2.0s out there and all of a sudden you push the same article to all 300 and there’s no other content coming behind them. In other words, than that’s a big footprint in other words. So I would recommend that you don’t do that unless you have other content sources that are feeding those web 2.0s so that it’s not such a big blatant footprint. But yeah, you can do that.
Because here’s the thing guys; you can’t prevent other people from taking your RSS feed, for example, and using it to populate their auto blogs, you know what I mean? So my point is, it’s okay to do it. Somebody can come scrape your RSS feed right now and have it feeding one of their syndication networks because you have relevant content to whatever they’re trying to promote. And so you have no control over that. You see what I’m saying?
So, again, if you go out and just … all your web 2.0s don’t have content being published to them regularly and all of a sudden, they all get a post and it’s all the same post, that’s clearly what you’re doing. But if you have content constantly updating those networks or those web 2s, excuse me, on a regular basis and you just inject one of your post or articles into that stream of content, than that’s not nearly as big of a footprint, if that makes sense. It’s a lot more natural looking anyways.
Is It Okay To Use Similar Content For Multiple GMBs For Each Press Release?
Okay Dennis is up. He says “Hey guys if you’re using PRs and the company has many GMBs, is it okay to duplicate the content changing under the GO and NAP for each PR?”
No, Dennis. It’s likely that the distribution networks will not publish. So again, here’s something that you could do. Take the PR that’s your original and just hire one of the content farms for rewriting services. Natashanixon.com, that’s one of the ones that I use. Ineedarticles.com, I think that’s another one. Just hire the rewrite service. It’s a lot cheaper than having an original article written or a original press release written. It’s just a rewrite. It’s a lot cheaper. So take that PR and have it re written as many times as you need. But don’t just use the same one, it’s likely going to be rejected by the distribution network, okay?
Do You Know A Resource That Helps In Generating A Q&A Schema Markup?
Ivan. Hi Ivan, long time buddy, no doubt. He says “Posting question here but still watching live or replays every week. Two questions for you. Do you know a resource that will help me generate Q and A schema markup?”
Schema Pro. That’s Ryan [Ryden 00:47:44]. I’m pretty sure he can do it for you. [Jeffrey 00:47:48] Smith’s Ultimate SEO Plus version two or 2.0 plugin will do that when it’s launched as far as I’m aware but that’s not launched yet. Although I know it’s in beta right now so it’s very likely going to be coming out in the next few weeks. And that’s a WordPress plugin that will do all that kind of markup for you. But Schema Pro, again, Ryan [Ryden 00:48:10] I know he does a lot of Schema markup or structure data stuff for people. He’s got a little side business where he just generates code for people so he can help you with that.
Is There An IFTTT Recipe That Automatically Transfer GMB Posts To A Google Sheet?
“Number two, is there an IFTTT recipe or applet that automatically transfers GMB posts to a google sheet?” That’s a good question. I don’t know if there’s a good IFTTT applet. I don’t think it integrates with GMB directly, IFFTP does, I don’t think. But if you’re using our GMB auto poster or briefcase, then you can get an RSS feed from GMB posts which then you can use an RSS 2 Google sheets applet in IFTT, if that makes sense.
So in other other words, yo have to check IFTTP, click on the services menu. I can’t believe I haven’t checked yet. That’s funny I’m going to go check now to see if it integrates with GMB. I doubt that it does, and so if it doesn’t which, again it’s like that it doesn’t, then if you’re using our auto poster or GMB briefcase, you can get an RSS feed, which is working now by the way guys. I’m still working with [inaudible 00:49:16] our developer to work out some additional bugs and stuff but it’s working now. I’ve been testing it.
So, you can get an RSS feed from your GMB posts and use that to trigger an IFTTT applet to push your posts into a google sheet or wherever you want, really. Good question though, good to have you back Ivan.
Walt says, “Windchill is for wimps.”
Okay, negative 40 Wayne I feel for you buddy.
Negative 52 windchill, wow Jim. Ouch.
Okay, are we almost out of questions? It looks like it. Looks like all of you guys are real chatty.
Is There A Way To Claim Unverified GMBs?
“Is there any way to claim unverified GMBs?”
I don’t know. I tried a method that was revealed to me during the [Pofu 00:50:07] live event. And I tried it eight or ten times and I couldn’t get it to work. And I think that the way that I was told got killed anyways, so I don’t know. And I certainly wouldn’t reveal it here on a free hump day hangout if that was the case. Sorry but that would definitely be inside information if I did know.
Fred says, “Marco could this work for an online service based companies selling similar to Geico, free car insurance quotes online? The online service we offer is similar to Geico but in a different industry and we would like to rank in different states using your training. I’m trying to wrap my head around how my team could use the semantic mastery courses to accomplish something like that.”
Fred, if it’s a question specifically something like that that may be a little more complex, I would recommend just hitting us up at support. And it’ll get routed to the appropriate person, either Marco or me or whatever where we could guide you. We obviously need more details than just this very brief, vague description of what it is that you’re trying to do in order for us to point you in the right direction. So just contact [email protected] and we’ll figure something out.
Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, just on a higher level you can’t wrap your head around it because you’re confining your local and you’re mixing up your local and your national. As I’ve said before, and I’ve said it plenty of times, your local is just a matter of how you view it. And how you take it down is just the way that you set up your entity. Your entity has to be related to whatever it is that you’re doing.
In our case, it’s related locally. In your case, it all has to be done a different way. Look at what your competition is doing. I always tell people you have to become a master mimic. So that’s a place where you can start. If you want a deeper answer than that, as Bradley said, just [email protected]. Ask to talk to me and we’ll see what we can do.
Bradley: There you go. Awesome.
Sam Jackson, that’s so funny.
Should You Create Another Branded Network If A WordPress.com Closes?
Okay, “Good days guys and thank you very much for this forum, if on a branded network, WordPress.com was closed, should we create another with a persona account and brand it?”
Yeah, you can do that. Here’s the thing; if you got a recovery email for that account anyways, just do that. For example, when we set up syndication networks, if you guys purchase them from us, when we deliver them you got the main Google account and there’s always a recovery email account. It’s typically Outlook or Yahoo. And so whenever an account gets terminated, like WordPress.com in this example. It was probably created with the Gmail account, right? Because that’s what our VAs do, that’s what we trained our builders to do. So, you still have the recovery email account from that same syndication network that you could go setup another WordPress.com account under that recovery email account if that makes sense. And then just brand it again.
Your username, which becomes the sub domain is going to have to be changed slightly, obviously because the other one is not going to be available for the terminated account, but yes, you can do that. Or, if you have to, just create another email account and set it up that way. There’s nothing wrong with that. It happens guys, accounts get terminated from time to time, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just replace it. Not a big deal.
“What would be the benefit of GMBR assessed to Google sheets?”
I don’t know. I don’t know what his point was for asking that question, however I know that we have done some testing in the past with auto feeding into a G sheet and then making the G sheet public and hammering it with links. So kind of like an RYS type thing. So that’s something that you could potentially do.
“Is anyone still using RSS master software from [inaudible 00:54:06]”
I am not. Actually I haven’t even been using rank feeder but I’m looking forward to testing on Friday with the new GPS features to see how we can incorporate that into our local strategy as well as the press release stuff because of the fact that I think there’s an opportunity there to squeeze that into some press release stacking stuff, too.
But as far as RSS Masher, I really liked that because that was like a feed splicer that you could add HTML elements to the actual feed itself and add links and things like that, which was was pretty powerful. But I thought of RSS masher more as a marketing took than an SEO tool. And I said that before because people used to ask, what’s the difference between RSS masher and rank feeder? And I used to say, RSS masher is more like a marketing tool. It’s good for creating very nice looking RSS feeds that you can use for content syndication. So it’s great for splicing authority feeds and to feed second tier syndication networks for blog syndication and that kind of stuff, Greg. But as far as pure SEO power, rank feeder killed it hands down. It was hands down the better product for just SEO.
And again, I haven’t looked at it since she’s developed the GPS stuff, but it didn’t create a real pretty visual feed like RSS masher did but it created a very powerful SEO feed. Again it was two different things. People would say, well which one should I get? Well it depends on what you’re trying to do. In fact, it may be many cases where you need both. But again, purely for SEO purposes, Rank Feeder was so much better in my opinion than RSS Masher. But RSS Masher was better as a marketing tool on a content syndication tool if that makes sense.
Ivan is saying that’s it for what? What was the reference? Okay, I think that’s it.
Alright guys, it looks like we’re actually done just a minute early, or four minutes early really. I’m going to leave you with this since it’s a Sam Jackson kind of day.
This is our link shortener, I’m not supposed to be in there. Let’s go back to the main page. There you go. Sam Jackson, keep scrolling motherfucker.
Alright, any parting words guys?
Adam: Thanks for being here.
Hernan: Yeah, thanks everyone.
Adam: Appreciate it. See you all next week.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://bit.ly/2GliS9z via IFTTT
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makironata-blog · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Click on the video above to watch Episode 221 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hump Day! Alright what’s up? We’re live everybody. Welcome to Hump day Hangouts with Semantic Mastery. I’m Adam Moody and I am pumped up for today because today is episode 221. Not only that, we’ve got some great stuff coming, but real quick want to go down the line and say hello to everybody.
And I’m going to mix it up this time because I realized we go in the same way every time, so randomly starting, Marco, how are you doing today? WHat’s the weather like?
Marco: It’s a whole lot better than it is for you guys, I’ll tell you that.
Adam: I take it you’re not freezing to death as badly.
Marco: Well listen, it’s a 100 degree difference.
Adam: Oh my god.
Marco: Between you guys. Between 100 and 120 between what you guys are going through and what I have here because we’re getting cold from you guys. It was only 75 today.
Adam: Tough, tough.
Awesome, well Bradley let’s bring you in for the opposing viewpoint here.
Bradley: Well it’s not too bad right but it was fucking nine degrees this morning and tomorrow morning it will be three degrees. And that’s the air temperature, not the will chill. But I know in here in Virginia, it’s not nearly as bad as it is in a lot of parts of the Midwest, man. I heart Minneapolis was like negative 55 degrees or something. Holy crap.
Adam: I’m going to pass on that. Yeah, wherever you guys are at, whoever is listening, pop on the page what the temperature was this morning. I’m curious. I know Wayne Clayton was saying it was going to be something crazy like 40 below or something, so.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s ridiculous man.
Adam: Well, how about our man on the ground in the southern hemisphere, Hernan how you doing?
Hernan: Good. Yesterday I think it was 115 Fahrenheit down here.
Adam: Are you serious?
Hernan: No, no I’m serious. Dead serious. But not only that, listen to this, it was 85 percent humidity. So it was like, you know …
Bradley: Felt like 130.
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Just like a blow dryer and someone is throwing water at you at the same time?
Hernan: Yeah, something like that. So it was nasty, it was disgusting so don’t come. If you guys are planning to come to here to Argentina, don’t come in summer. Don’t do it.
Adam: Oh my god, that’s awful.
Hernan: Yeah, don’t do it.
Adam: Well we’ll go from hot and humid to cold and more mountainous. Chris, how you doing?
Chris: Like we only have 28 degrees, here.
Adam: Good.
Chris: Nothing to stress. The good thing is it doesn’t matter how cold it is, doesn’t matter if it’s a tsunami or whatever, hump day is still happening, you know?
Adam: Yeah, there we go.
Chris: That’s the thing that I’m really excited about.
Adam: Yeah we’re going live from somewhere. Somehow it’s going to happen.
Well speaking of, if you’re new, thanks for watching, thanks for listening to us talk about he weather for a couple minutes. Before we get into it, I just want to say, again thanks for watching and checking us out. You can always watch it live on the vent pages. You can go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and you can also check out the replays on youtube. I know we have a lot of subscribers who do it that way and you can always ask your questions, and then if you’re working, you’ve got client calls, whatever, you can’t make it, you can check out the answers afterwards.
But being here has its benefits because we do some fun stuff from time to time. We have giveaways and all sorts of good stuff. Also, if you’re wondering where to start with semantic mastery, head to battle plan.semanticmastery.com, grab the battle plan and then if you’re looking to take things up a notch, you’re wanting to join a real MasterMind group and you’re wanting to start or grow your local digital marketing agency, then come join our MasterMind. You can find out more at MasterMind.semanticmastery.com.
Real quick, we have a couple more announcement I want to talk about but I want to bounce us over to Marco because we sent out a email about the charity we support and the one Marco is really helping to grow and we’re facing a little bit of a countdown here. So Marco, do you want to explain?
Marco: Yeah, well good and bad. The great thing is that the school year won’t start until February 11th. So that gives us this week to finish it. It should’ve been finished already but we’re able to extend it until Friday since we can go next week and shop for all the supplies and the uniforms, the books, the shoes, and whatever the kids are going to need to get themselves through school for the year.
The bad part is that they start school late, right? But I mean, what can you do? So, the deal is, which is also good news, is, and I mentioned it last week, the rotary club of Snow Qualmy Valley, Washington has been just so cool and so gracious and so kind in that they’re matching every donation that’s 50 dollars or above.
And just this morning by the way, we received a 500 dollar donation from one of our MasterMind members. I’m not going to say who but you’re awesome, you rock because that’s five kids. Just 500 dollars, 500 from the rotary club so it’s 1000 dollars.
Adam: Oh, nice.
Marco: Oh, it’s awesome because that’s five kids that go to school that wouldn’t otherwise have had the ability to go. And so it is extended right now guys. They’re matching dollar for dollar anything above 50. If you donate 500, what happens is, since they donate 500, right? Dollar for dollar, you get two hours with me. So you get a consultation. And anyone, as I’ve sad before, if you can dig deep in your pockets and you got that and you can donate 5000 dollars, what I’ll do is, I’ll help you set up your local business, whatever it is that you want to do. We’ll take it and we’ll work it from the ground up. We’ll apply all of the methods that we’ve been teaching. I just met with our group last night and they’re all getting calls, right? And we’re working now towards how do you monetize that you’re already getting. We talked about it. I want them to get even more assets and start pumping them up and start getting more calls. And so we have a few ways that we can monetize.
The whole thing is, guys whatever it is that we’re doing in that mini MasterMind group is what we’ll apply to whatever it is that you want to do and we’ll get your business going. Whether it’s getting calls to your clients, whether it’s getting your own leads, however it is that you want to set it up, donate that 5000 dollars and I’ll be more than happy to work it through from beginning to end.
So that’s how that works.
Adam: That’s awesome. And Marco, can you pop the link on the page so people can donate?
Marco: I’ll pop it in there. And by the way, just so you know, we have 3620 dollars of donations that are 50 or more. So that’s 3620 that the Snow Qualmy Valley Rotary Club will be donating. So it becomes six something, right? So, come on guys. I need you. Kids needs you. It’s more kids that can go to school, more kids that can get an education. It’s a worthwhile cost. You guys can even go that gallery. I’ll post the link to the gallery. I don’t want to talk anymore, I don’t want to take up more time because I want to answer questions. But guys, this is a great cause and we need you. Go dig in your pockets, 50 bucks. Come on, 10 cups of coffee. 50 bucks. That’s all it is.
Adam: But yeah guys if you could do that and push. I know we would love to get that up to a total of 10,000. If we could get the matching from the rotary club, that would be amazing. And thank you to anyone who’s already donated any amount, definitely helps these kids.
And speaking of talking, I’ve got a couple more but these are good announcements for you guys. So I’m going to keep this short and sweet.
Coming up this Monday we’ve got Lisa Allen coming on and we’re going to be talking to her this Monday at 9 pm eastern about the update to RSS Authority Sniper. I know it’s a tool that a lot of you know about, a lot of you use. And those of you who don’t, regardless if you use it or not, you’re going to want to find out about her updates which is a good reason to check that out. Because she’s got some GPS targeting stuff she’s going that we’re going to dive into and she’s going to show us how she’s been using that along with just going over how obviously RSS authority sniper can be used for maximum effectiveness.
Bradley: Just to chime in on that for a minute, I haven’t had a chance to go through any of it yet. I’m planning on scheduling some time on Friday for that to prepare for Monday. And I can tell you guys the RSS authority sniper, that was a tool to help find RSS feeds relevant to whatever topic you’re looking for content for. And that’s been updated too so it’s probably better. I didn’t really use the RSS authority sniper much. I would go manually search or have a VA manually search for RSS feeds. I found that typically I was able to find better results for what I was looking for if we just manually searched.
However, the add on service is called Rank Feeder. And it’s monthly subscription, but that’s the tool she created to create feeds. It’s like a feed splicer and it does all these really really cool things and that is super super powerful. And it was powerful two years ago when she … it might’ve even been two and half, three years ago now, but when she first launched it because it creates co-citation, which is like link building without links. It’s very very very powerful. It’s a way to associate a webpage with authority content through co citation and it’s very powerful. And you could splice feeds and insert specific URLs into an RSS feed and make them sticky so that they were always present in the feed so that as dynamic RSS feeds would update with their content, there would always be those specific items that you wanted, like webpages or URLs that you wanted to associate with that authority content. So, the feed would update dynamically, right? But those sticky items would stay there. So they were constantly being associated with authority content that authority content sources were publishing. It’s not something we had to do, we just had to go find the feeds.
So anyways, it’s very very powerful. And whatever she’s got cooked up into it now is specifically for local. It’s adding GPS targeting and such to it. And again, I haven’t been through it yet, but guys that’s primarily like 99 percent of what we’re doing is local, so I expect it to be very very powerful because it was powerful before. So I’m going to go in and dig into that on Friday a bit guys so I can prepare for the webinar on Monday.
However, that said, one other thing real quick is I’m doing an off page SEO test for DMB assets. And I’m testing several different methods. It started with six and now I’m at eight. Eight different methods and I’m testing isolation. Hers is going to be one of them using rank feeder and the GPS targeting or whatever that she built into it. So that’s all being revealed in the MasterMind as I have data roll in from those tests and case studies and such.
So again, when I have more data for that, I’ll be sharing that in the MasterMind as well.
Adam: Outstanding.
Yeah, get signed up you guys. Check out that webinar. We had someone who shall remain unnamed but might be owner of a press release company distribution service asking about some ideas for integrating his company using this stuff. So, anyone can use this stuff, whether you’re doing this for clients, doing it for yourself, doing it for your own freaking business, this is good stuff, so definitely want to be there.
Bradley you, speaking of the MasterMind, this is the last announcement you guys, but we want to make sure you have a chance to do this, Bradley you did a webinar on, what was it Thursday? With the google ads?
Bradley: Yeah, we just announced on Wednesday last week. So a week ago today. It was just very short notice but I developed a … It’s a method I’ve been using for years but for ranking YouTube videos, local YouTube videos, for lead generation or for clients. And that’s setting up youtube ads or Google ads for YouTube to drive traffic. Very very relevant and geo-targeted traffic. And it works like crazy. It is by far, the number one ranking factor for ranking videos. I mean I’ve got videos that are ranking on page one for keywords that I’ve done no back link building to or anything other than just set up YouTube campaigns for.
And it’s funny, and I talked about this in the webinar last week and I showed the live example too, there was another video that I did for the video production company that I provide wholesale SEO services to. And for whatever reason I was limited on time the day that I set up that campaign. Which, essentially all I do is take the video that they create for their client, they send it to me and then I stream it through OBS to my YouTube channel that’s connected to a bunch of syndication networks. And that’s always the first step in ranking a video. But typically, right after uploading or live streaming to my channel, it syndicates through all the networks, I usually set up a Google ad for that immediately. I just use a dollar a day budget, guys. So it costs 30 bucks. And it’s really only 30 bucks … It’s a dollar a day for the first two weeks because then I actually start backing my daily budget down to where I even get it down to 50 cents per day. So it’s 15 dollars per month.
And what happens is those views come in from geo-targeted traffic and from a relevant audience. If you can find the correct audience, which it’s very broad now. There’s a lot of categories. So it’s likely you can find a relevant audience. And that’s very highly weighted views. In other words, those views are weighted by Google a lot higher than views from, if it’s a Virginia business, from a view in California, from somebody that’s not interested in windshield repair or whatever the hell it may be.
So my point is, I usually set up the ad right after syndicating the video through my networks, but I didn’t have time the day that I did this. And this was three weeks ago now. And so two weeks went by and I went to go check on the video and it was on page two and it was bouncing and I looked at my pro ranked tracker report for it and once it had done its initial Google dance, it had stayed on page two and it was bouncing between 12 and 15, position 12 and 15 but it’d never gone on page one within those two weeks.
So on Thursday, two weeks ago now, I set up the YouTube ad or the Google Ad for YouTube with a dollar a day budget, and on Monday, so three days later essentially because it takes about 24 hours to get approved, but three days later it was on page one. And it’s been on page one ever since guys. And again, that just has to do with those Google Ads. So, long story short, I did a two and a half hour Webinar last week where I show over the shoulder training, how to go in and set up these ads, how to find your relevant audiences, how to do geo-targeting, all that and set that up.
And the I also showed how to do a branding campaign and use re-marketing for that which is very very powerful for client work and for lead gen assets because YouTube traffic is so inexpensive guys, but it works. And I also shared some tips about how to use that for boosting Google my business profiles. I’m certainly not going to reveal that here, but 50 bucks guys or 55 dollars now because of the replay to get access to that webinar, that otherwise you’d have to pay 300 dollars to be a member of the MasterMind to get.
And the only reason that I opened it up for everybody is because we talk about it a lot here on hump day hangouts and I wanted to make sure … you know, I’ve always talked about it conceptually but I’ve never actually showed people how to do it and I felt like it was time. So if you’re interested in that guys, it’s only 55 dollars. I think this is going to be the last time we announce this, so take advantage of it while you can.
Adam: Awesome, alright let’s get into it.
Bradley: Okay, you guys all ready?
I’m going to grab the screen. Here we go. By the way, the plus one button stopped working. Have you guys gotten the notice via email yet that Google Plus is terminating all their APIs and everything too?
Adam: No.
Bradley: Just so you know, Google Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be 100 percent completely removed from all Google products in 2019. I know their APIs are being killed. Some of them have already started to fail, but they just sent out notification of that which is, you know ….
Finally, I remember when Google Plus was launched, there were social media pundits that were predicting the demise of it right off the bat. Google plus is dead or is dying. And here it is, essentially ten years later and it’s still around but they are finally killing it. So I just thought that was interesting.
Is There Any Way To Sort Applets In IFTTT?
Justin says, “Is there anyway to sort my applets in IFTTT? They are all just kind of lumped together in my applets page. I have looked at IFTTT support, FAQ pages and couldn’t find anything and don’t see to get any access or response to any real person from them so I figured I’d try here. I love that it’s free of course but would gladly pay them for an easier to manage system.”
Well, as far as I remember, I haven’t contacted IFTTT support in at least four years, no kidding. But the last time that I did, or every time that I had contacted support, when I had contacted support, was always via twitter. And I’m not even a Twitter user so that was kind of a pain in the ass. But you may want to try contacting them there. I don’t know if it’s changed since then but they do have paid options, Justin. So I would contact them and ask them or look at their paid options and see if that’s a feature that is available with paid option. I have not paid IFTTT a dime since its inception, since I discovered it. And I don’t really plan on it, but that might be something if you’re a heavy user of it where you’ve got many many many applets, then yeah I would suggest contacting their support. I don’t know if they have options for that stuff or not. Okay.
Typically our networks, we have a IFTTT account per syndication network and so usually there’s not more than between 15 to 25 applets in an account. But if you are using it for multiple stuff, you might have way way more than that.
How To Get Started With GMB If You’re A Beginner?
Shaun says “Can you go over GMB basics? I’m interested in getting started with one local GMB to see how its done, so I think I could start with MGYB [inaudible 00:18:54] for getting it verified right? But after that what should I get? I know there’s no courses on this but I’d like to start with the basics and test the water to see how its done before moving forward.
Okay, well Shaun, yes. GMB basics. Yeah. What I can tell you is yes, first of all MGYB, you can go get a GMB verification there which is what I recommend guys. Otherwise you can do it manually but it takes a lot of time, and your time is better spent developing the creatives and all that stuff, the keyword research and all that for whatever project you’re about to pursue, right? So what I would suggest is going to MGYB.co, ordering a done for you GMB verification. You’ll get it back in a few weeks and while you’re waiting for it to be delivered to you, you can start developing your creatives and getting the content together, your keyword research. You know, all that kind of stuff, right? So that’s what I would recommend. And yes, there is a course for that. We’ve got actually several courses starting with local lease pro that teaches exactly how to, first of all, research locations to find where the easiest opportunity is or at least where there is opportunity to snipe or get into the maps 3 pack with as little work as possible.
Some assets or attempts are going to take you more work than others guys, there’s just no question about that. Now that I’m way over … I think we’re approaching 60 GMBs. I can tell you my percentage rate of getting into the three pack with little to no work has gone way way down because I’m targeting many more locations now within a particular cluster.
Anyways, Shaun, not to confuse you, go check out local lease pro. If you want, that’s a great starting point. We have an advance training for more competitive GMB assets. It’s called local GMB pro, that’s really the logical upgrade from local lease pro, okay. And then we have Local PR Pro which is really about how to push maps, or GMB assets into the map pack using press releases. So the three of those compliment each other incredibly well. And the finally, the mac daddy of all, when you really need the additional push, when you absolutely got to kill every motherfucker in the room … excuse me that was a Samuel L. Jackson reference from Jackie Brown. Anyways, when you absolutely have to push it, RYS academy reloaded is our final course for that kind of stuff.
Hernan: It’s AK-47 [inaudible 00:21:25]
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:21:24] AK-47 reference?
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: AK-47. I’m going to have to pull that clip up man.
Anyways, Shaun but good news for you is we’ve got our battle plan version 3.0 is coming out next month. We’re launching that next month and that really is the user’s guide for how to get results and this year, our version three is going to have a lot of stuff in there or a section dedicated specifically to GMB assets since we’re all really pushing on that right now. And that’s going to be probably your best bet if you want to ease into this thing is just start or wait for the battle plan to come out and then if you … you know, local lease pro and the battle plan together are really the starting points for any type of GMB asset business.
Does anyone want to comment on that?
Chris: Yeah I just want to comment on one thing because you mentioned the success rate of getting them into the three pack or whatever. A lot of times, you start getting calls and you don’t even know where it is that they’re coming from. They might be verified and they’ll start working on them. So already the phone number is there and you start getting calls. How in the world are you getting calls when it’s barely verified.
So success rate and the calls that you get and everything else is relative. And what I would like to add is you did a 15 with an 80 percent success rate. And now we’re doing hundreds, we’ll end up with thousands. I’d rather have 50, 60 percent of 1000 than 80 percent of 15 any day of the week.
Bradley: Right on Greg AK-47. If anyone wants to watch this clip, that shit is funny. I hope that’s the right one. Anyways, I’m going to keep moving but that’s funny.
When we first launched link building services after what used to be called IFTTT SEO Academy, now it’s syndication academy. Daddy, our link building manager, he builds links to networks and we had set up a click funnels landing page for that and I had created a video where I spliced that clip in. It was awesome. I’ve got to pull that up somewhere, that video, that was funny.
What Are Some Best Practices To Optimize A Franchise Business That Wants To Expand To Nearby Locations?
Pete. What’s up Pete? He’s the MasterMind. He says “Hey guys my client is a service area business and wants to expand in a nearby location and they want their own GMB listings branded in their business name. My questions are, would you use the business name on every GMB listing? I only ask because I’ve seen some franchise companies use brand name with local modifiers at the end for each location and then use a virtual telephone number with different address.”
Yes Pete. Well, first of all I wouldn’t append the location to the name because if it’s for a brand, that’s kind of a spam signal in my opinion. So if it’s for a brand, I would just use the brand name, Okay? But you want a unique physical location when you verify the GMB, which if you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to have to get your own separate, unique addresses for each location, right? If you’re ordering it from us, don’t worry about it. They’ll be unique when we verify them. But you’re going to want a unique physical address, a unique phone number and a unique landing page or website URL, right? So remember if you’re building this for a brand and if the company says well I want you to just put our homepage URL as the website for all of the listings, don’t do that. Don’t do that. Especially if they’re maps expansions. Right? Maps expansions listings. In other words, if they don’t physically have a real office in the location that you’re setting up a maps listing then do not link directly from the GMB to their website. Don’t do it because that could create a problem down the road because you don’t actually have a physical location in that area right?
So what I would recommend at that point is just use the GMB website at which point you can link to from within the content of the GMB website to the corporate website if you’d like but I wouldn’t link to it from the GMB listing. In other words from the website or the appointment URL or any of that. I would not do that. If you are adamant, or the client is adamant about linking to their site, then I would recommend that you create landing pages on sub domains of the root domain and use the sub domain URL that’s unique to each location as the website URL because sub domains aren’t the same as a root domain or a inner page of a root domain in that it’s less of a footprint. I mean, it’s still a footprint, they’re all connecting back to the same domain. But the difference is if you catch a penalty on the root domain or any of its inner pages, it’s going to apply the penalty domain wide. Including all sub domains if there are any. Right?
So it can actually hurt the entire domain. But if you catch a penalty on any one of the sub domain sites, or pages in this case, I mean you can install WordPress if you’d like but I would just create an HTML landing page. A nice one that’s set up for conversions like a lead capture, all that kind of stuff. And I would just install them on sub domains. Duplicate those pages, just change the NAP info on those pages. You could just duplicate them. It’d be really really easy to do.
If you’ve got something like click funnels, you could build a landing page in click funnels and then export it as an HTML file and upload those or just direct sub domains to a click funnels page.
My point is, there’s a million ways to do it but I would have a sub domains landing page as opposed to an inner page because that way it would reduce potential penalties against the entire domain. If a sub domain page or site were to get slapped, it would only affect that sub domain, not the root or any of the other sibling sub domains. Does that make sense? So, absolutely make sure all three … You know the name can be the same but the other three data points, address, phone number, and URL should all be unique. Okay?
What would you recommend the best ways to link GMBs back to the central business website? For example with service area pages, they’re just a page. Again, just like I mentioned, I would not link directly to the main website other than perhaps in a contextual link from within the GMB website. And you can also link to it from GMB posts once the GMB assets are set up. But I would not link to them directly from the info tab in GMB to the website unless you’re doing it on sub domains. Each sub domain being unique to that particular location. It’s a good question. It’s not letting me plus one though, dammit. Oh, that time it worked.
Does Uploading Photos To A GMB Site Strip Out The Geotag and EXIF Data?
Michael, what’s up Michael. He says, “Hey guys I have a GMB related question. I was uploading photos to a GMB site, strip out the geo-data and exit data. I recently uploaded photos to GMB site and it stripped the titles and renamed them untitled. Why did it do that? Got me wondering if it strips the title .. “
No, I mean it might strip it but when you upload it, Google reads it. Right? So it’s preset when you upload it and that’s all that matters. When you upload the file, Google sees all that data. That’s what matters. In fact, I like the fact that they are stripping it out because that way if some other SEO tries to analyze images, they’re not going to see all that stuff, right? Of course if they knew what they were doing, they’d know what to look for anyways. You know what I’m saying? So I don’t think it matters.
Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, it doesn’t matter. They have it. They have the info. They know. Especially if you’re doing it locally, the phone is the tell in this. And if you’re doing it through what we teach in local GMB pro, then google has the information and that’s all you care about. As to why Google stripped out your title, it’s probably a glitch. We can’t answer why Google does the shit that it does. Because everything in GMB, in Google my Business is in a state of constant flux. It’s very fluid. They’re constantly changing, adding, they’re constantly giving us stuff to play with.
We had a problem the other day where some images weren’t showing, right? Or they were showing differently. They weren’t showing the way they were supposed to. Why? We don’t know. They were changing something and it happened.
Glitches, it happens on the web. So sorry we can’t answer as to why. But what we can tell you is that the shit works because what you’re creating is your entity’s relationship to the location, whatever you location is, whatever your local is. You’re giving Google that relationship and that’s all you care about. Whether it stays or not is irrelevant.
Bradley: Yep.
Is It Okay To Use A WordPress.com Instead Of An RSS As A Trigger Point To A Syndication Network?
Alright, Jason is up. Jason says, “Working with a local contractor who has another host, his site is built on click funnels and he has no native RSS feed. Without tipping the other host to a potential takeover of the site, the client doesn’t want to ask the current host to add an RSS function. I get it, so I have some spare syndication networks in MGYB.co and I’m looking to use one for his property and thinking of using WordPress.com web 2.0 as the syndication point or trigger point. [inaudible 00:30:55] real issues with that before I press submit?”
No that’s fine Jason, absolutely. Anything with an RSS feed you can use to trigger. In fact, it doesn’t even have to have an RSS feed. For example, you could connect WordPress as the trigger source. So if this, click WordPress, then host to Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, whatever the case may be. So you can have WordPress actually connect via API as opposed to RSS. In other words, IFTTT can connect to WordPress API and then it will trigger whenever you publish to WordPress.com. Does that make sense?
Or you can do it via RSS. In fact, you may want to test those. I remember years ago when I was developing the whole syndication network strategy, I tested that and there was some funky stuff that would happen when you would use the native app as the trigger point as opposed to the RSS feed from the app.
In other words, if I was to use WordPress’s trigger or Blogger’s trigger or Tumblr’s trigger as opposed to using the RSS feeds, sometimes it would cause some funky stuff to happen. So, that was years ago. Because RSS always worked. I quit testing that shit and said, you know RSS works, let’s just use that. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, right?
So my point is, you may want to test that. But also, Jason, think about this, and I’m pretty sure that you have rank feeder, Jason, so you may want to think about just taking their click funnels page, creating a rank feeder feed, which is what we’re going to be talking about on Monday guys with Lisa Allen. And then use other authority content feeds to create that co-citation and feed your network that way, right? I mean you could do that. Because, especially if you have a sticky item in that feed, you could be using that to constantly co-citation whatever your sticky item is. In this case, maybe the click funnels page, right?
That’s just a thought. You might want to think about using that too. But yes, you can use WordPress or Tumblr or Blogger or anything with an RSS feed. I like to use any type of blog account, obviously, because you’ve got more WYSIWYG editors and you can edit the elements of the page and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
Plus there’s probably RSS feed creators online other than rank feeder that will allow you to create feeds from HTML pages and that kind of stuff. I know there use to be services like that, so I can’t imagine that they don’t have those still.
Are There Any Significant Impact If The @id Of A Multisite Property Is Changed?
Alright he says on the next one, “Hopefully not asking too much for the free forum but for @id, if I have a multi-site property and I want to add it to the ad ID page with geo-relevance, could I search google maps for brand geo-modifiers and put multiple locations in the page that way?”
Yeah, Jason. That’s more of a MasterMind question anyways. I really don’t want to answer that here. That’s getting a little bit too far into the weeds. What I would suggest thought is that you go into MasterMind archives and take a look at where I talked or just create a post in the Facebook group and I’ll share it in that group with you about how to go organization markup. You can do that with an ad ID page guys, it’s perfectly fine. You can set up an HTML page and create organization markup.
The way that I do it for multi-location businesses is a combination of Jason, LD and micro data as well as just flat out HTML. And so, that would work perfect for an HTML page or an ad ID page. Like hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, right? And that’s a combination of Jason LD, organization markup, local business markup for each individual location plus just HTML where you can embed the map and AP, that kind of stuff.
So again, post in the MasterMind Facebook group about that Jason, we can start a discussion in there and I can put you to the training that I’ve already covered MasterMind webinars for that, okay?
I’m going to keep on moving.
Hey guys, oh he’s back again with some more YouTube questions. He’s here every week so [inaudible 00:34:45] I know I’m probably mispronouncing your name, I apologize for that but glad to have you back.
Is Crowdsearch.me Still Effective For Ranking YouTube Videos, Local And National Sites?
He says. “Hey guys I’m with another set of questions and as Bradley said in the last hangout, I plan to use all the free information you guys are giving to build up my business so that I can join the MasterMind then. Everybody plus one this comment for me.” Question is, “Is crowdsearch.me still effective for ranking YouTube videos, local, national sites?”
For YouTube, I don’t know if it is or not. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it for money site stuff anymore at all, guys. I stopped using it, shit a year and a half ago now maybe? YouTube videos I doubt it will even move the needle on that anymore, [Mike 00:35:22] And the reason I say that is because a lot of those services, they use commercial IPS, right? Commercial proxies. And the problem is, so many commercial IP blocks now ranges, what do they call them, subnets or whatever have been blocked or marked by Google. Flagged as irrelevant traffic, right? And that killed a lot of those search and click or what I call CT or click through spam, spam bots.
That killed a lot of their effectiveness because the IP blocks they have been … Google understands that they’re commercial IP blocks. For example, storm proxies, right. So you have a range of proxies or IPS that they go through and that Google is aware of what they are so they’re disregarded or given less weight. Does that make sense?
So, again, I just talked about, at the beginning of this webinar how I did a two and a half hour training last week specifically on how to use Google ads. Guys, for pennies per view from real traffic. You’re buying traffic from Google. And literally, you can use YouTube traffic to rank videos, especially because you’re getting views. You don’t get a flood of clicks unless the really video is really compelling or the offer is really compelling.
I find that the type of captains that I set up in the webinar last week, which you can get access to for 55 dollars guys, I’m telling you it’s a slam dunk. I mean, it’s just a no brainer. It’s a great great strategy guys and you can get targeted traffic from Google to your videos. Targeted views, anyways, right, to your videos from specific geographic areas that you set from specific audiences that you set which is the recommended method. And those views are weighted heavily because they’re coming from real Google users, guys. From people that are signed in to their Google accounts, have Android devices or whatever. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Apple or Android but they got Google accounts, right?
Google knows these people. They’re valid, true Google users, instead of trying to spoof traffic, you can buy real traffic guys. And it’s literally pennies per view, right? Again, I don’t get a flood of clicks. So using that strategy for driving traffic isn’t necessarily going to get you a flood of traffic, but it will get you a bunch of views which is great for the video itself and the traffic that you do get is going to be really heavily weighted traffic because it’s highly relevant if that makes sense.
So it’s much more valuable than buying spam traffic anyways. And it’s not against Google’s terms of service, right? Spam traffic is. So, as far as using crowdsearch.me or any type of spam bot, I wouldn’t recommend it because, especially to money sites guys, I wouldn’t put that stuff anywhere near a money site. YouTube videos, you could test it but I’m telling you I don’t feel like that’s effective anymore. Because again, I just buy the traffic direct from Google now and it works so much better, right?
Guys it’s so easy to set up a campaign. I mean, I’m telling you, once you get the hang of it, you can set up a YouTube ads campaign for a video in ten minutes flat. Okay?
Chris: [crosstalk 00:38:38] Yeah, he can also get an embed gig. Video embeds, which will move the needle … I don’t because crowd search, I stopped using them a while ago. But [inaudible 00:38:51] embeds it in a niche, relevant network and we’re moving … I don’t if … No we didn’t announce it.
We’re moving MGYB into Woo Commerce so that it makes it easier to add products. So this week and next week, we’ll be busy adding products. One of those will be video embeds. We’ll be adding [inaudible 00:39:15] link building, indexing, just a whole bunch of things that we haven’t been able to do because of the limitations that we had with Sam Cart, we’ll be able to do now.
So I think you might want to look into a video embed gig. They’re not really all that expensive and they do move the needle. Or, just get out training and get it moved the right way with the right signals.
Bradley: Yeah.
Okay so, the only thing I would suggest though is, guys, you’ve got to think about this logically. Just flat out embeds and/or back links do not work as well as they used to without traffic included. Think about it guys, it’s very logical. Why would a video or anything get hundreds or thousands of embeds, or tens of thousands of back links if it’s not being viewed? Right? It doesn’t make sense.
So yes, it can move the needle but we know for a fact that we can rank videos with engagement signals alone guys. No back links, no embeds whatsoever. If you combined the two, it’s so much more effective. But it’s less effective to just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds without engagement signals because that is clearly a spam signal, right? That’s clearly somebody trying to manipulate search position of a video. Because it’s not natural for a video to be embedded, picked up and shared if it’s not getting viewed.
Who embeds a video without viewing it, right? Only SEOs. And Google knows that, the algorithm knows that. It’s not like manual reviewers, that’s built, baked right into the algorithm now.
So my point is, if you’re going to do embed blast guys, that’s perfectly fine. Back links are perfectly fine. But make sure that you’re adding traffic to the whole mix. Views, in other words, to the whole mix because that’s going to increase your effectiveness so much more.
If you start getting a bunch of embeds and/or back links, and a bunch of views all at the same time, that’s mimicking a viral nature of a video, and that shit will rank, no question. But if you just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds and there’s not any views and engagement signals, that’s clearly a spam signal. I wouldn’t recommend doing it. Yes, I know there’s some brute force SEOs out there that still do that guys, but I don’t recommend it for longevity and everything else. Just set up some simple YouTube ads for pennies per view and get the results that you need, okay?
How Does GMB Pro And Local Lease Pro Different From Each Other?
“Would appreciate it if you could give a brief overview of how GMB pro, Local Lease Pro and Local PR Pro compare against each other”.
Well I mentioned that earlier I the webinar, but just so you know he says, “I’m completely new to local marketing so if I want to get started, which way would you recommend?”
Local lease pro right now. Hands down, that’s the starter course in my opinion because that’s going to show you to how to … The tip of the iceberg or tip of the spear is the location research and we go into that extensively and we did an update webinar about a month ago now that it’s the training course in the updates module where I go into much more granular detail on how to do location research.
So local lease pro is the best starting point, [Mike 00:42:24] and then from there, the upgrade would be local GMB pro. And that’s only for assets that need an additional push or if you’re in a really competitive market, that kind of stuff. And then local PR pro is something that we just add into the mix throughout that whole process. That’s just strategy for using press releases and PR stacking for getting results with local maps listings. Okay?
“Is the rank [inaudible 00:42:49] websites model still effective?”
Yes, but here’s the thing; Don’t build websites. Just build GMB websites. They’re free, you don’t need hosting, you don’t need to go through all the SEO bullshit. Just set up GMB assets, use the GMB website and you’re off to the races. Guys, I make jokes about this all the time but I’m half serious too, more than half serious. I hope to god I never have to build another Word Press site. I mean I know that’s not going to happen but for all the stuff I’m doing, I’m trying to avoid building WordPress websites as much as possible because you don’t need them. We’re able to get results without them now. That may change, but for now it’s a nice break.
Would It Work If You Post Regular Blog Posts From All 5 Websites That Are In The Same Niche As Duplicate Content To A Network Of 100 Web 2.0 Sites?
[inaudible 00:43:30] says “Hey there, got a question, would it work if I post my regular blog post from all five websites that are in the same niche as duplicate content to a network of 100 web 2.0 sites? The 100 web 2.0s have a ton of public back links just like IFTTT greetings.”
Yeah, but just make sure that you’re posting an attribution link right? Just make sure you’re citing the source. I mean you can post it without an attribution link if you’d like. I wouldn’t recommend it. Guys, it’s not duplicate content because it’s on different websites. It’s only duplicate content when it’s on the same domain. But what I would recommend is, if you’re going to republish, that you would cite the source just like we teach in syndication academy which is where you would say, this post or this article or whatever was published first on … and then you link to that and the source where it was published which would be your money site anyways. THat’s what you want. That’s the back link back to your money site, right? Through the attribution link. So that’s what I would do. But yes, you can do that.
By the way, I would recommend … here’s the catcher on that though, guys. If you’re doing this across branded properties, the that’s natural. But if you’re taking the same content and republishing it across hundreds of web 2.0s that are not branded, then that’s clearly for SEO manipulation and that’s a footprint that you’re leaving. So I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have branded profiles. Does that make sense? Or unless those 100 web 2.0s, if you’ve got a lot of other content being pushed into those web 2.0s on a regular basis, like from other RSS feeds or other content sources to where you’re burying your article among many many others that are relevant, then that’s okay too. It’s still a footprint though, but it’s a lot less of one than just if you just have, say you got 300 web 2.0s out there and all of a sudden you push the same article to all 300 and there’s no other content coming behind them. In other words, than that’s a big footprint in other words. So I would recommend that you don’t do that unless you have other content sources that are feeding those web 2.0s so that it’s not such a big blatant footprint. But yeah, you can do that.
Because here’s the thing guys; you can’t prevent other people from taking your RSS feed, for example, and using it to populate their auto blogs, you know what I mean? So my point is, it’s okay to do it. Somebody can come scrape your RSS feed right now and have it feeding one of their syndication networks because you have relevant content to whatever they’re trying to promote. And so you have no control over that. You see what I’m saying?
So, again, if you go out and just … all your web 2.0s don’t have content being published to them regularly and all of a sudden, they all get a post and it’s all the same post, that’s clearly what you’re doing. But if you have content constantly updating those networks or those web 2s, excuse me, on a regular basis and you just inject one of your post or articles into that stream of content, than that’s not nearly as big of a footprint, if that makes sense. It’s a lot more natural looking anyways.
Is It Okay To Use Similar Content For Multiple GMBs For Each Press Release?
Okay Dennis is up. He says “Hey guys if you’re using PRs and the company has many GMBs, is it okay to duplicate the content changing under the GO and NAP for each PR?”
No, Dennis. It’s likely that the distribution networks will not publish. So again, here’s something that you could do. Take the PR that’s your original and just hire one of the content farms for rewriting services. Natashanixon.com, that’s one of the ones that I use. Ineedarticles.com, I think that’s another one. Just hire the rewrite service. It’s a lot cheaper than having an original article written or a original press release written. It’s just a rewrite. It’s a lot cheaper. So take that PR and have it re written as many times as you need. But don’t just use the same one, it’s likely going to be rejected by the distribution network, okay?
Do You Know A Resource That Helps In Generating A Q&A Schema Markup?
Ivan. Hi Ivan, long time buddy, no doubt. He says “Posting question here but still watching live or replays every week. Two questions for you. Do you know a resource that will help me generate Q and A schema markup?”
Schema Pro. That’s Ryan [Ryden 00:47:44]. I’m pretty sure he can do it for you. [Jeffrey 00:47:48] Smith’s Ultimate SEO Plus version two or 2.0 plugin will do that when it’s launched as far as I’m aware but that’s not launched yet. Although I know it’s in beta right now so it’s very likely going to be coming out in the next few weeks. And that’s a WordPress plugin that will do all that kind of markup for you. But Schema Pro, again, Ryan [Ryden 00:48:10] I know he does a lot of Schema markup or structure data stuff for people. He’s got a little side business where he just generates code for people so he can help you with that.
Is There An IFTTT Recipe That Automatically Transfer GMB Posts To A Google Sheet?
“Number two, is there an IFTTT recipe or applet that automatically transfers GMB posts to a google sheet?” That’s a good question. I don’t know if there’s a good IFTTT applet. I don’t think it integrates with GMB directly, IFFTP does, I don’t think. But if you’re using our GMB auto poster or briefcase, then you can get an RSS feed from GMB posts which then you can use an RSS 2 Google sheets applet in IFTT, if that makes sense.
So in other other words, yo have to check IFTTP, click on the services menu. I can’t believe I haven’t checked yet. That’s funny I’m going to go check now to see if it integrates with GMB. I doubt that it does, and so if it doesn’t which, again it’s like that it doesn’t, then if you’re using our auto poster or GMB briefcase, you can get an RSS feed, which is working now by the way guys. I’m still working with [inaudible 00:49:16] our developer to work out some additional bugs and stuff but it’s working now. I’ve been testing it.
So, you can get an RSS feed from your GMB posts and use that to trigger an IFTTT applet to push your posts into a google sheet or wherever you want, really. Good question though, good to have you back Ivan.
Walt says, “Windchill is for wimps.”
Okay, negative 40 Wayne I feel for you buddy.
Negative 52 windchill, wow Jim. Ouch.
Okay, are we almost out of questions? It looks like it. Looks like all of you guys are real chatty.
Is There A Way To Claim Unverified GMBs?
“Is there any way to claim unverified GMBs?”
I don’t know. I tried a method that was revealed to me during the [Pofu 00:50:07] live event. And I tried it eight or ten times and I couldn’t get it to work. And I think that the way that I was told got killed anyways, so I don’t know. And I certainly wouldn’t reveal it here on a free hump day hangout if that was the case. Sorry but that would definitely be inside information if I did know.
Fred says, “Marco could this work for an online service based companies selling similar to Geico, free car insurance quotes online? The online service we offer is similar to Geico but in a different industry and we would like to rank in different states using your training. I’m trying to wrap my head around how my team could use the semantic mastery courses to accomplish something like that.”
Fred, if it’s a question specifically something like that that may be a little more complex, I would recommend just hitting us up at support. And it’ll get routed to the appropriate person, either Marco or me or whatever where we could guide you. We obviously need more details than just this very brief, vague description of what it is that you’re trying to do in order for us to point you in the right direction. So just contact [email protected] and we’ll figure something out.
Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, just on a higher level you can’t wrap your head around it because you’re confining your local and you’re mixing up your local and your national. As I’ve said before, and I’ve said it plenty of times, your local is just a matter of how you view it. And how you take it down is just the way that you set up your entity. Your entity has to be related to whatever it is that you’re doing.
In our case, it’s related locally. In your case, it all has to be done a different way. Look at what your competition is doing. I always tell people you have to become a master mimic. So that’s a place where you can start. If you want a deeper answer than that, as Bradley said, just [email protected]. Ask to talk to me and we’ll see what we can do.
Bradley: There you go. Awesome.
Sam Jackson, that’s so funny.
Should You Create Another Branded Network If A WordPress.com Closes?
Okay, “Good days guys and thank you very much for this forum, if on a branded network, WordPress.com was closed, should we create another with a persona account and brand it?”
Yeah, you can do that. Here’s the thing; if you got a recovery email for that account anyways, just do that. For example, when we set up syndication networks, if you guys purchase them from us, when we deliver them you got the main Google account and there’s always a recovery email account. It’s typically Outlook or Yahoo. And so whenever an account gets terminated, like WordPress.com in this example. It was probably created with the Gmail account, right? Because that’s what our VAs do, that’s what we trained our builders to do. So, you still have the recovery email account from that same syndication network that you could go setup another WordPress.com account under that recovery email account if that makes sense. And then just brand it again.
Your username, which becomes the sub domain is going to have to be changed slightly, obviously because the other one is not going to be available for the terminated account, but yes, you can do that. Or, if you have to, just create another email account and set it up that way. There’s nothing wrong with that. It happens guys, accounts get terminated from time to time, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just replace it. Not a big deal.
“What would be the benefit of GMBR assessed to Google sheets?”
I don’t know. I don’t know what his point was for asking that question, however I know that we have done some testing in the past with auto feeding into a G sheet and then making the G sheet public and hammering it with links. So kind of like an RYS type thing. So that’s something that you could potentially do.
“Is anyone still using RSS master software from [inaudible 00:54:06]”
I am not. Actually I haven’t even been using rank feeder but I’m looking forward to testing on Friday with the new GPS features to see how we can incorporate that into our local strategy as well as the press release stuff because of the fact that I think there’s an opportunity there to squeeze that into some press release stacking stuff, too.
But as far as RSS Masher, I really liked that because that was like a feed splicer that you could add HTML elements to the actual feed itself and add links and things like that, which was was pretty powerful. But I thought of RSS masher more as a marketing took than an SEO tool. And I said that before because people used to ask, what’s the difference between RSS masher and rank feeder? And I used to say, RSS masher is more like a marketing tool. It’s good for creating very nice looking RSS feeds that you can use for content syndication. So it’s great for splicing authority feeds and to feed second tier syndication networks for blog syndication and that kind of stuff, Greg. But as far as pure SEO power, rank feeder killed it hands down. It was hands down the better product for just SEO.
And again, I haven’t looked at it since she’s developed the GPS stuff, but it didn’t create a real pretty visual feed like RSS masher did but it created a very powerful SEO feed. Again it was two different things. People would say, well which one should I get? Well it depends on what you’re trying to do. In fact, it may be many cases where you need both. But again, purely for SEO purposes, Rank Feeder was so much better in my opinion than RSS Masher. But RSS Masher was better as a marketing tool on a content syndication tool if that makes sense.
Ivan is saying that’s it for what? What was the reference? Okay, I think that’s it.
Alright guys, it looks like we’re actually done just a minute early, or four minutes early really. I’m going to leave you with this since it’s a Sam Jackson kind of day.
This is our link shortener, I’m not supposed to be in there. Let’s go back to the main page. There you go. Sam Jackson, keep scrolling motherfucker.
Alright, any parting words guys?
Adam: Thanks for being here.
Hernan: Yeah, thanks everyone.
Adam: Appreciate it. See you all next week.
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brendajhensonblog · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Click on the video above to watch Episode 221 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hump Day! Alright what’s up? We’re live everybody. Welcome to Hump day Hangouts with Semantic Mastery. I’m Adam Moody and I am pumped up for today because today is episode 221. Not only that, we’ve got some great stuff coming, but real quick want to go down the line and say hello to everybody.
And I’m going to mix it up this time because I realized we go in the same way every time, so randomly starting, Marco, how are you doing today? WHat’s the weather like?
Marco: It’s a whole lot better than it is for you guys, I’ll tell you that.
Adam: I take it you’re not freezing to death as badly.
Marco: Well listen, it’s a 100 degree difference.
Adam: Oh my god.
Marco: Between you guys. Between 100 and 120 between what you guys are going through and what I have here because we’re getting cold from you guys. It was only 75 today.
Adam: Tough, tough.
Awesome, well Bradley let’s bring you in for the opposing viewpoint here.
Bradley: Well it’s not too bad right but it was fucking nine degrees this morning and tomorrow morning it will be three degrees. And that’s the air temperature, not the will chill. But I know in here in Virginia, it’s not nearly as bad as it is in a lot of parts of the Midwest, man. I heart Minneapolis was like negative 55 degrees or something. Holy crap.
Adam: I’m going to pass on that. Yeah, wherever you guys are at, whoever is listening, pop on the page what the temperature was this morning. I’m curious. I know Wayne Clayton was saying it was going to be something crazy like 40 below or something, so.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s ridiculous man.
Adam: Well, how about our man on the ground in the southern hemisphere, Hernan how you doing?
Hernan: Good. Yesterday I think it was 115 Fahrenheit down here.
Adam: Are you serious?
Hernan: No, no I’m serious. Dead serious. But not only that, listen to this, it was 85 percent humidity. So it was like, you know …
Bradley: Felt like 130.
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Just like a blow dryer and someone is throwing water at you at the same time?
Hernan: Yeah, something like that. So it was nasty, it was disgusting so don’t come. If you guys are planning to come to here to Argentina, don’t come in summer. Don’t do it.
Adam: Oh my god, that’s awful.
Hernan: Yeah, don’t do it.
Adam: Well we’ll go from hot and humid to cold and more mountainous. Chris, how you doing?
Chris: Like we only have 28 degrees, here.
Adam: Good.
Chris: Nothing to stress. The good thing is it doesn’t matter how cold it is, doesn’t matter if it’s a tsunami or whatever, hump day is still happening, you know?
Adam: Yeah, there we go.
Chris: That’s the thing that I’m really excited about.
Adam: Yeah we’re going live from somewhere. Somehow it’s going to happen.
Well speaking of, if you’re new, thanks for watching, thanks for listening to us talk about he weather for a couple minutes. Before we get into it, I just want to say, again thanks for watching and checking us out. You can always watch it live on the vent pages. You can go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and you can also check out the replays on youtube. I know we have a lot of subscribers who do it that way and you can always ask your questions, and then if you’re working, you’ve got client calls, whatever, you can’t make it, you can check out the answers afterwards.
But being here has its benefits because we do some fun stuff from time to time. We have giveaways and all sorts of good stuff. Also, if you’re wondering where to start with semantic mastery, head to battle plan.semanticmastery.com, grab the battle plan and then if you’re looking to take things up a notch, you’re wanting to join a real MasterMind group and you’re wanting to start or grow your local digital marketing agency, then come join our MasterMind. You can find out more at MasterMind.semanticmastery.com.
Real quick, we have a couple more announcement I want to talk about but I want to bounce us over to Marco because we sent out a email about the charity we support and the one Marco is really helping to grow and we’re facing a little bit of a countdown here. So Marco, do you want to explain?
Marco: Yeah, well good and bad. The great thing is that the school year won’t start until February 11th. So that gives us this week to finish it. It should’ve been finished already but we’re able to extend it until Friday since we can go next week and shop for all the supplies and the uniforms, the books, the shoes, and whatever the kids are going to need to get themselves through school for the year.
The bad part is that they start school late, right? But I mean, what can you do? So, the deal is, which is also good news, is, and I mentioned it last week, the rotary club of Snow Qualmy Valley, Washington has been just so cool and so gracious and so kind in that they’re matching every donation that’s 50 dollars or above.
And just this morning by the way, we received a 500 dollar donation from one of our MasterMind members. I’m not going to say who but you’re awesome, you rock because that’s five kids. Just 500 dollars, 500 from the rotary club so it’s 1000 dollars.
Adam: Oh, nice.
Marco: Oh, it’s awesome because that’s five kids that go to school that wouldn’t otherwise have had the ability to go. And so it is extended right now guys. They’re matching dollar for dollar anything above 50. If you donate 500, what happens is, since they donate 500, right? Dollar for dollar, you get two hours with me. So you get a consultation. And anyone, as I’ve sad before, if you can dig deep in your pockets and you got that and you can donate 5000 dollars, what I’ll do is, I’ll help you set up your local business, whatever it is that you want to do. We’ll take it and we’ll work it from the ground up. We’ll apply all of the methods that we’ve been teaching. I just met with our group last night and they’re all getting calls, right? And we’re working now towards how do you monetize that you’re already getting. We talked about it. I want them to get even more assets and start pumping them up and start getting more calls. And so we have a few ways that we can monetize.
The whole thing is, guys whatever it is that we’re doing in that mini MasterMind group is what we’ll apply to whatever it is that you want to do and we’ll get your business going. Whether it’s getting calls to your clients, whether it’s getting your own leads, however it is that you want to set it up, donate that 5000 dollars and I’ll be more than happy to work it through from beginning to end.
So that’s how that works.
Adam: That’s awesome. And Marco, can you pop the link on the page so people can donate?
Marco: I’ll pop it in there. And by the way, just so you know, we have 3620 dollars of donations that are 50 or more. So that’s 3620 that the Snow Qualmy Valley Rotary Club will be donating. So it becomes six something, right? So, come on guys. I need you. Kids needs you. It’s more kids that can go to school, more kids that can get an education. It’s a worthwhile cost. You guys can even go that gallery. I’ll post the link to the gallery. I don’t want to talk anymore, I don’t want to take up more time because I want to answer questions. But guys, this is a great cause and we need you. Go dig in your pockets, 50 bucks. Come on, 10 cups of coffee. 50 bucks. That’s all it is.
Adam: But yeah guys if you could do that and push. I know we would love to get that up to a total of 10,000. If we could get the matching from the rotary club, that would be amazing. And thank you to anyone who’s already donated any amount, definitely helps these kids.
And speaking of talking, I’ve got a couple more but these are good announcements for you guys. So I’m going to keep this short and sweet.
Coming up this Monday we’ve got Lisa Allen coming on and we’re going to be talking to her this Monday at 9 pm eastern about the update to RSS Authority Sniper. I know it’s a tool that a lot of you know about, a lot of you use. And those of you who don’t, regardless if you use it or not, you’re going to want to find out about her updates which is a good reason to check that out. Because she’s got some GPS targeting stuff she’s going that we’re going to dive into and she’s going to show us how she’s been using that along with just going over how obviously RSS authority sniper can be used for maximum effectiveness.
Bradley: Just to chime in on that for a minute, I haven’t had a chance to go through any of it yet. I’m planning on scheduling some time on Friday for that to prepare for Monday. And I can tell you guys the RSS authority sniper, that was a tool to help find RSS feeds relevant to whatever topic you’re looking for content for. And that’s been updated too so it’s probably better. I didn’t really use the RSS authority sniper much. I would go manually search or have a VA manually search for RSS feeds. I found that typically I was able to find better results for what I was looking for if we just manually searched.
However, the add on service is called Rank Feeder. And it’s monthly subscription, but that’s the tool she created to create feeds. It’s like a feed splicer and it does all these really really cool things and that is super super powerful. And it was powerful two years ago when she … it might’ve even been two and half, three years ago now, but when she first launched it because it creates co-citation, which is like link building without links. It’s very very very powerful. It’s a way to associate a webpage with authority content through co citation and it’s very powerful. And you could splice feeds and insert specific URLs into an RSS feed and make them sticky so that they were always present in the feed so that as dynamic RSS feeds would update with their content, there would always be those specific items that you wanted, like webpages or URLs that you wanted to associate with that authority content. So, the feed would update dynamically, right? But those sticky items would stay there. So they were constantly being associated with authority content that authority content sources were publishing. It’s not something we had to do, we just had to go find the feeds.
So anyways, it’s very very powerful. And whatever she’s got cooked up into it now is specifically for local. It’s adding GPS targeting and such to it. And again, I haven’t been through it yet, but guys that’s primarily like 99 percent of what we’re doing is local, so I expect it to be very very powerful because it was powerful before. So I’m going to go in and dig into that on Friday a bit guys so I can prepare for the webinar on Monday.
However, that said, one other thing real quick is I’m doing an off page SEO test for DMB assets. And I’m testing several different methods. It started with six and now I’m at eight. Eight different methods and I’m testing isolation. Hers is going to be one of them using rank feeder and the GPS targeting or whatever that she built into it. So that’s all being revealed in the MasterMind as I have data roll in from those tests and case studies and such.
So again, when I have more data for that, I’ll be sharing that in the MasterMind as well.
Adam: Outstanding.
Yeah, get signed up you guys. Check out that webinar. We had someone who shall remain unnamed but might be owner of a press release company distribution service asking about some ideas for integrating his company using this stuff. So, anyone can use this stuff, whether you’re doing this for clients, doing it for yourself, doing it for your own freaking business, this is good stuff, so definitely want to be there.
Bradley you, speaking of the MasterMind, this is the last announcement you guys, but we want to make sure you have a chance to do this, Bradley you did a webinar on, what was it Thursday? With the google ads?
Bradley: Yeah, we just announced on Wednesday last week. So a week ago today. It was just very short notice but I developed a … It’s a method I’ve been using for years but for ranking YouTube videos, local YouTube videos, for lead generation or for clients. And that’s setting up youtube ads or Google ads for YouTube to drive traffic. Very very relevant and geo-targeted traffic. And it works like crazy. It is by far, the number one ranking factor for ranking videos. I mean I’ve got videos that are ranking on page one for keywords that I’ve done no back link building to or anything other than just set up YouTube campaigns for.
And it’s funny, and I talked about this in the webinar last week and I showed the live example too, there was another video that I did for the video production company that I provide wholesale SEO services to. And for whatever reason I was limited on time the day that I set up that campaign. Which, essentially all I do is take the video that they create for their client, they send it to me and then I stream it through OBS to my YouTube channel that’s connected to a bunch of syndication networks. And that’s always the first step in ranking a video. But typically, right after uploading or live streaming to my channel, it syndicates through all the networks, I usually set up a Google ad for that immediately. I just use a dollar a day budget, guys. So it costs 30 bucks. And it’s really only 30 bucks … It’s a dollar a day for the first two weeks because then I actually start backing my daily budget down to where I even get it down to 50 cents per day. So it’s 15 dollars per month.
And what happens is those views come in from geo-targeted traffic and from a relevant audience. If you can find the correct audience, which it’s very broad now. There’s a lot of categories. So it’s likely you can find a relevant audience. And that’s very highly weighted views. In other words, those views are weighted by Google a lot higher than views from, if it’s a Virginia business, from a view in California, from somebody that’s not interested in windshield repair or whatever the hell it may be.
So my point is, I usually set up the ad right after syndicating the video through my networks, but I didn’t have time the day that I did this. And this was three weeks ago now. And so two weeks went by and I went to go check on the video and it was on page two and it was bouncing and I looked at my pro ranked tracker report for it and once it had done its initial Google dance, it had stayed on page two and it was bouncing between 12 and 15, position 12 and 15 but it’d never gone on page one within those two weeks.
So on Thursday, two weeks ago now, I set up the YouTube ad or the Google Ad for YouTube with a dollar a day budget, and on Monday, so three days later essentially because it takes about 24 hours to get approved, but three days later it was on page one. And it’s been on page one ever since guys. And again, that just has to do with those Google Ads. So, long story short, I did a two and a half hour Webinar last week where I show over the shoulder training, how to go in and set up these ads, how to find your relevant audiences, how to do geo-targeting, all that and set that up.
And the I also showed how to do a branding campaign and use re-marketing for that which is very very powerful for client work and for lead gen assets because YouTube traffic is so inexpensive guys, but it works. And I also shared some tips about how to use that for boosting Google my business profiles. I’m certainly not going to reveal that here, but 50 bucks guys or 55 dollars now because of the replay to get access to that webinar, that otherwise you’d have to pay 300 dollars to be a member of the MasterMind to get.
And the only reason that I opened it up for everybody is because we talk about it a lot here on hump day hangouts and I wanted to make sure … you know, I’ve always talked about it conceptually but I’ve never actually showed people how to do it and I felt like it was time. So if you’re interested in that guys, it’s only 55 dollars. I think this is going to be the last time we announce this, so take advantage of it while you can.
Adam: Awesome, alright let’s get into it.
Bradley: Okay, you guys all ready?
I’m going to grab the screen. Here we go. By the way, the plus one button stopped working. Have you guys gotten the notice via email yet that Google Plus is terminating all their APIs and everything too?
Adam: No.
Bradley: Just so you know, Google Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be 100 percent completely removed from all Google products in 2019. I know their APIs are being killed. Some of them have already started to fail, but they just sent out notification of that which is, you know ….
Finally, I remember when Google Plus was launched, there were social media pundits that were predicting the demise of it right off the bat. Google plus is dead or is dying. And here it is, essentially ten years later and it’s still around but they are finally killing it. So I just thought that was interesting.
Is There Any Way To Sort Applets In IFTTT?
Justin says, “Is there anyway to sort my applets in IFTTT? They are all just kind of lumped together in my applets page. I have looked at IFTTT support, FAQ pages and couldn’t find anything and don’t see to get any access or response to any real person from them so I figured I’d try here. I love that it’s free of course but would gladly pay them for an easier to manage system.”
Well, as far as I remember, I haven’t contacted IFTTT support in at least four years, no kidding. But the last time that I did, or every time that I had contacted support, when I had contacted support, was always via twitter. And I’m not even a Twitter user so that was kind of a pain in the ass. But you may want to try contacting them there. I don’t know if it’s changed since then but they do have paid options, Justin. So I would contact them and ask them or look at their paid options and see if that’s a feature that is available with paid option. I have not paid IFTTT a dime since its inception, since I discovered it. And I don’t really plan on it, but that might be something if you’re a heavy user of it where you’ve got many many many applets, then yeah I would suggest contacting their support. I don’t know if they have options for that stuff or not. Okay.
Typically our networks, we have a IFTTT account per syndication network and so usually there’s not more than between 15 to 25 applets in an account. But if you are using it for multiple stuff, you might have way way more than that.
How To Get Started With GMB If You’re A Beginner?
Shaun says “Can you go over GMB basics? I’m interested in getting started with one local GMB to see how its done, so I think I could start with MGYB [inaudible 00:18:54] for getting it verified right? But after that what should I get? I know there’s no courses on this but I’d like to start with the basics and test the water to see how its done before moving forward.
Okay, well Shaun, yes. GMB basics. Yeah. What I can tell you is yes, first of all MGYB, you can go get a GMB verification there which is what I recommend guys. Otherwise you can do it manually but it takes a lot of time, and your time is better spent developing the creatives and all that stuff, the keyword research and all that for whatever project you’re about to pursue, right? So what I would suggest is going to MGYB.co, ordering a done for you GMB verification. You’ll get it back in a few weeks and while you’re waiting for it to be delivered to you, you can start developing your creatives and getting the content together, your keyword research. You know, all that kind of stuff, right? So that’s what I would recommend. And yes, there is a course for that. We’ve got actually several courses starting with local lease pro that teaches exactly how to, first of all, research locations to find where the easiest opportunity is or at least where there is opportunity to snipe or get into the maps 3 pack with as little work as possible.
Some assets or attempts are going to take you more work than others guys, there’s just no question about that. Now that I’m way over … I think we’re approaching 60 GMBs. I can tell you my percentage rate of getting into the three pack with little to no work has gone way way down because I’m targeting many more locations now within a particular cluster.
Anyways, Shaun, not to confuse you, go check out local lease pro. If you want, that’s a great starting point. We have an advance training for more competitive GMB assets. It’s called local GMB pro, that’s really the logical upgrade from local lease pro, okay. And then we have Local PR Pro which is really about how to push maps, or GMB assets into the map pack using press releases. So the three of those compliment each other incredibly well. And the finally, the mac daddy of all, when you really need the additional push, when you absolutely got to kill every motherfucker in the room … excuse me that was a Samuel L. Jackson reference from Jackie Brown. Anyways, when you absolutely have to push it, RYS academy reloaded is our final course for that kind of stuff.
Hernan: It’s AK-47 [inaudible 00:21:25]
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:21:24] AK-47 reference?
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: AK-47. I’m going to have to pull that clip up man.
Anyways, Shaun but good news for you is we’ve got our battle plan version 3.0 is coming out next month. We’re launching that next month and that really is the user’s guide for how to get results and this year, our version three is going to have a lot of stuff in there or a section dedicated specifically to GMB assets since we’re all really pushing on that right now. And that’s going to be probably your best bet if you want to ease into this thing is just start or wait for the battle plan to come out and then if you … you know, local lease pro and the battle plan together are really the starting points for any type of GMB asset business.
Does anyone want to comment on that?
Chris: Yeah I just want to comment on one thing because you mentioned the success rate of getting them into the three pack or whatever. A lot of times, you start getting calls and you don’t even know where it is that they’re coming from. They might be verified and they’ll start working on them. So already the phone number is there and you start getting calls. How in the world are you getting calls when it’s barely verified.
So success rate and the calls that you get and everything else is relative. And what I would like to add is you did a 15 with an 80 percent success rate. And now we’re doing hundreds, we’ll end up with thousands. I’d rather have 50, 60 percent of 1000 than 80 percent of 15 any day of the week.
Bradley: Right on Greg AK-47. If anyone wants to watch this clip, that shit is funny. I hope that’s the right one. Anyways, I’m going to keep moving but that’s funny.
When we first launched link building services after what used to be called IFTTT SEO Academy, now it’s syndication academy. Daddy, our link building manager, he builds links to networks and we had set up a click funnels landing page for that and I had created a video where I spliced that clip in. It was awesome. I’ve got to pull that up somewhere, that video, that was funny.
What Are Some Best Practices To Optimize A Franchise Business That Wants To Expand To Nearby Locations?
Pete. What’s up Pete? He’s the MasterMind. He says “Hey guys my client is a service area business and wants to expand in a nearby location and they want their own GMB listings branded in their business name. My questions are, would you use the business name on every GMB listing? I only ask because I’ve seen some franchise companies use brand name with local modifiers at the end for each location and then use a virtual telephone number with different address.”
Yes Pete. Well, first of all I wouldn’t append the location to the name because if it’s for a brand, that’s kind of a spam signal in my opinion. So if it’s for a brand, I would just use the brand name, Okay? But you want a unique physical location when you verify the GMB, which if you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to have to get your own separate, unique addresses for each location, right? If you’re ordering it from us, don’t worry about it. They’ll be unique when we verify them. But you’re going to want a unique physical address, a unique phone number and a unique landing page or website URL, right? So remember if you’re building this for a brand and if the company says well I want you to just put our homepage URL as the website for all of the listings, don’t do that. Don’t do that. Especially if they’re maps expansions. Right? Maps expansions listings. In other words, if they don’t physically have a real office in the location that you’re setting up a maps listing then do not link directly from the GMB to their website. Don’t do it because that could create a problem down the road because you don’t actually have a physical location in that area right?
So what I would recommend at that point is just use the GMB website at which point you can link to from within the content of the GMB website to the corporate website if you’d like but I wouldn’t link to it from the GMB listing. In other words from the website or the appointment URL or any of that. I would not do that. If you are adamant, or the client is adamant about linking to their site, then I would recommend that you create landing pages on sub domains of the root domain and use the sub domain URL that’s unique to each location as the website URL because sub domains aren’t the same as a root domain or a inner page of a root domain in that it’s less of a footprint. I mean, it’s still a footprint, they’re all connecting back to the same domain. But the difference is if you catch a penalty on the root domain or any of its inner pages, it’s going to apply the penalty domain wide. Including all sub domains if there are any. Right?
So it can actually hurt the entire domain. But if you catch a penalty on any one of the sub domain sites, or pages in this case, I mean you can install WordPress if you’d like but I would just create an HTML landing page. A nice one that’s set up for conversions like a lead capture, all that kind of stuff. And I would just install them on sub domains. Duplicate those pages, just change the NAP info on those pages. You could just duplicate them. It’d be really really easy to do.
If you’ve got something like click funnels, you could build a landing page in click funnels and then export it as an HTML file and upload those or just direct sub domains to a click funnels page.
My point is, there’s a million ways to do it but I would have a sub domains landing page as opposed to an inner page because that way it would reduce potential penalties against the entire domain. If a sub domain page or site were to get slapped, it would only affect that sub domain, not the root or any of the other sibling sub domains. Does that make sense? So, absolutely make sure all three … You know the name can be the same but the other three data points, address, phone number, and URL should all be unique. Okay?
What would you recommend the best ways to link GMBs back to the central business website? For example with service area pages, they’re just a page. Again, just like I mentioned, I would not link directly to the main website other than perhaps in a contextual link from within the GMB website. And you can also link to it from GMB posts once the GMB assets are set up. But I would not link to them directly from the info tab in GMB to the website unless you’re doing it on sub domains. Each sub domain being unique to that particular location. It’s a good question. It’s not letting me plus one though, dammit. Oh, that time it worked.
Does Uploading Photos To A GMB Site Strip Out The Geotag and EXIF Data?
Michael, what’s up Michael. He says, “Hey guys I have a GMB related question. I was uploading photos to a GMB site, strip out the geo-data and exit data. I recently uploaded photos to GMB site and it stripped the titles and renamed them untitled. Why did it do that? Got me wondering if it strips the title .. “
No, I mean it might strip it but when you upload it, Google reads it. Right? So it’s preset when you upload it and that’s all that matters. When you upload the file, Google sees all that data. That’s what matters. In fact, I like the fact that they are stripping it out because that way if some other SEO tries to analyze images, they’re not going to see all that stuff, right? Of course if they knew what they were doing, they’d know what to look for anyways. You know what I’m saying? So I don’t think it matters.
Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, it doesn’t matter. They have it. They have the info. They know. Especially if you’re doing it locally, the phone is the tell in this. And if you’re doing it through what we teach in local GMB pro, then google has the information and that’s all you care about. As to why Google stripped out your title, it’s probably a glitch. We can’t answer why Google does the shit that it does. Because everything in GMB, in Google my Business is in a state of constant flux. It’s very fluid. They’re constantly changing, adding, they’re constantly giving us stuff to play with.
We had a problem the other day where some images weren’t showing, right? Or they were showing differently. They weren’t showing the way they were supposed to. Why? We don’t know. They were changing something and it happened.
Glitches, it happens on the web. So sorry we can’t answer as to why. But what we can tell you is that the shit works because what you’re creating is your entity’s relationship to the location, whatever you location is, whatever your local is. You’re giving Google that relationship and that’s all you care about. Whether it stays or not is irrelevant.
Bradley: Yep.
Is It Okay To Use A WordPress.com Instead Of An RSS As A Trigger Point To A Syndication Network?
Alright, Jason is up. Jason says, “Working with a local contractor who has another host, his site is built on click funnels and he has no native RSS feed. Without tipping the other host to a potential takeover of the site, the client doesn’t want to ask the current host to add an RSS function. I get it, so I have some spare syndication networks in MGYB.co and I’m looking to use one for his property and thinking of using WordPress.com web 2.0 as the syndication point or trigger point. [inaudible 00:30:55] real issues with that before I press submit?”
No that’s fine Jason, absolutely. Anything with an RSS feed you can use to trigger. In fact, it doesn’t even have to have an RSS feed. For example, you could connect WordPress as the trigger source. So if this, click WordPress, then host to Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, whatever the case may be. So you can have WordPress actually connect via API as opposed to RSS. In other words, IFTTT can connect to WordPress API and then it will trigger whenever you publish to WordPress.com. Does that make sense?
Or you can do it via RSS. In fact, you may want to test those. I remember years ago when I was developing the whole syndication network strategy, I tested that and there was some funky stuff that would happen when you would use the native app as the trigger point as opposed to the RSS feed from the app.
In other words, if I was to use WordPress’s trigger or Blogger’s trigger or Tumblr’s trigger as opposed to using the RSS feeds, sometimes it would cause some funky stuff to happen. So, that was years ago. Because RSS always worked. I quit testing that shit and said, you know RSS works, let’s just use that. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, right?
So my point is, you may want to test that. But also, Jason, think about this, and I’m pretty sure that you have rank feeder, Jason, so you may want to think about just taking their click funnels page, creating a rank feeder feed, which is what we’re going to be talking about on Monday guys with Lisa Allen. And then use other authority content feeds to create that co-citation and feed your network that way, right? I mean you could do that. Because, especially if you have a sticky item in that feed, you could be using that to constantly co-citation whatever your sticky item is. In this case, maybe the click funnels page, right?
That’s just a thought. You might want to think about using that too. But yes, you can use WordPress or Tumblr or Blogger or anything with an RSS feed. I like to use any type of blog account, obviously, because you’ve got more WYSIWYG editors and you can edit the elements of the page and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
Plus there’s probably RSS feed creators online other than rank feeder that will allow you to create feeds from HTML pages and that kind of stuff. I know there use to be services like that, so I can’t imagine that they don’t have those still.
Are There Any Significant Impact If The @id Of A Multisite Property Is Changed?
Alright he says on the next one, “Hopefully not asking too much for the free forum but for @id, if I have a multi-site property and I want to add it to the ad ID page with geo-relevance, could I search google maps for brand geo-modifiers and put multiple locations in the page that way?”
Yeah, Jason. That’s more of a MasterMind question anyways. I really don’t want to answer that here. That’s getting a little bit too far into the weeds. What I would suggest thought is that you go into MasterMind archives and take a look at where I talked or just create a post in the Facebook group and I’ll share it in that group with you about how to go organization markup. You can do that with an ad ID page guys, it’s perfectly fine. You can set up an HTML page and create organization markup.
The way that I do it for multi-location businesses is a combination of Jason, LD and micro data as well as just flat out HTML. And so, that would work perfect for an HTML page or an ad ID page. Like hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, right? And that’s a combination of Jason LD, organization markup, local business markup for each individual location plus just HTML where you can embed the map and AP, that kind of stuff.
So again, post in the MasterMind Facebook group about that Jason, we can start a discussion in there and I can put you to the training that I’ve already covered MasterMind webinars for that, okay?
I’m going to keep on moving.
Hey guys, oh he’s back again with some more YouTube questions. He’s here every week so [inaudible 00:34:45] I know I’m probably mispronouncing your name, I apologize for that but glad to have you back.
Is Crowdsearch.me Still Effective For Ranking YouTube Videos, Local And National Sites?
He says. “Hey guys I’m with another set of questions and as Bradley said in the last hangout, I plan to use all the free information you guys are giving to build up my business so that I can join the MasterMind then. Everybody plus one this comment for me.” Question is, “Is crowdsearch.me still effective for ranking YouTube videos, local, national sites?”
For YouTube, I don’t know if it is or not. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it for money site stuff anymore at all, guys. I stopped using it, shit a year and a half ago now maybe? YouTube videos I doubt it will even move the needle on that anymore, [Mike 00:35:22] And the reason I say that is because a lot of those services, they use commercial IPS, right? Commercial proxies. And the problem is, so many commercial IP blocks now ranges, what do they call them, subnets or whatever have been blocked or marked by Google. Flagged as irrelevant traffic, right? And that killed a lot of those search and click or what I call CT or click through spam, spam bots.
That killed a lot of their effectiveness because the IP blocks they have been … Google understands that they’re commercial IP blocks. For example, storm proxies, right. So you have a range of proxies or IPS that they go through and that Google is aware of what they are so they’re disregarded or given less weight. Does that make sense?
So, again, I just talked about, at the beginning of this webinar how I did a two and a half hour training last week specifically on how to use Google ads. Guys, for pennies per view from real traffic. You’re buying traffic from Google. And literally, you can use YouTube traffic to rank videos, especially because you’re getting views. You don’t get a flood of clicks unless the really video is really compelling or the offer is really compelling.
I find that the type of captains that I set up in the webinar last week, which you can get access to for 55 dollars guys, I’m telling you it’s a slam dunk. I mean, it’s just a no brainer. It’s a great great strategy guys and you can get targeted traffic from Google to your videos. Targeted views, anyways, right, to your videos from specific geographic areas that you set from specific audiences that you set which is the recommended method. And those views are weighted heavily because they’re coming from real Google users, guys. From people that are signed in to their Google accounts, have Android devices or whatever. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Apple or Android but they got Google accounts, right?
Google knows these people. They’re valid, true Google users, instead of trying to spoof traffic, you can buy real traffic guys. And it’s literally pennies per view, right? Again, I don’t get a flood of clicks. So using that strategy for driving traffic isn’t necessarily going to get you a flood of traffic, but it will get you a bunch of views which is great for the video itself and the traffic that you do get is going to be really heavily weighted traffic because it’s highly relevant if that makes sense.
So it’s much more valuable than buying spam traffic anyways. And it’s not against Google’s terms of service, right? Spam traffic is. So, as far as using crowdsearch.me or any type of spam bot, I wouldn’t recommend it because, especially to money sites guys, I wouldn’t put that stuff anywhere near a money site. YouTube videos, you could test it but I’m telling you I don’t feel like that’s effective anymore. Because again, I just buy the traffic direct from Google now and it works so much better, right?
Guys it’s so easy to set up a campaign. I mean, I’m telling you, once you get the hang of it, you can set up a YouTube ads campaign for a video in ten minutes flat. Okay?
Chris: [crosstalk 00:38:38] Yeah, he can also get an embed gig. Video embeds, which will move the needle … I don’t because crowd search, I stopped using them a while ago. But [inaudible 00:38:51] embeds it in a niche, relevant network and we’re moving … I don’t if … No we didn’t announce it.
We’re moving MGYB into Woo Commerce so that it makes it easier to add products. So this week and next week, we’ll be busy adding products. One of those will be video embeds. We’ll be adding [inaudible 00:39:15] link building, indexing, just a whole bunch of things that we haven’t been able to do because of the limitations that we had with Sam Cart, we’ll be able to do now.
So I think you might want to look into a video embed gig. They’re not really all that expensive and they do move the needle. Or, just get out training and get it moved the right way with the right signals.
Bradley: Yeah.
Okay so, the only thing I would suggest though is, guys, you’ve got to think about this logically. Just flat out embeds and/or back links do not work as well as they used to without traffic included. Think about it guys, it’s very logical. Why would a video or anything get hundreds or thousands of embeds, or tens of thousands of back links if it’s not being viewed? Right? It doesn’t make sense.
So yes, it can move the needle but we know for a fact that we can rank videos with engagement signals alone guys. No back links, no embeds whatsoever. If you combined the two, it’s so much more effective. But it’s less effective to just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds without engagement signals because that is clearly a spam signal, right? That’s clearly somebody trying to manipulate search position of a video. Because it’s not natural for a video to be embedded, picked up and shared if it’s not getting viewed.
Who embeds a video without viewing it, right? Only SEOs. And Google knows that, the algorithm knows that. It’s not like manual reviewers, that’s built, baked right into the algorithm now.
So my point is, if you’re going to do embed blast guys, that’s perfectly fine. Back links are perfectly fine. But make sure that you’re adding traffic to the whole mix. Views, in other words, to the whole mix because that’s going to increase your effectiveness so much more.
If you start getting a bunch of embeds and/or back links, and a bunch of views all at the same time, that’s mimicking a viral nature of a video, and that shit will rank, no question. But if you just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds and there’s not any views and engagement signals, that’s clearly a spam signal. I wouldn’t recommend doing it. Yes, I know there’s some brute force SEOs out there that still do that guys, but I don’t recommend it for longevity and everything else. Just set up some simple YouTube ads for pennies per view and get the results that you need, okay?
How Does GMB Pro And Local Lease Pro Different From Each Other?
“Would appreciate it if you could give a brief overview of how GMB pro, Local Lease Pro and Local PR Pro compare against each other”.
Well I mentioned that earlier I the webinar, but just so you know he says, “I’m completely new to local marketing so if I want to get started, which way would you recommend?”
Local lease pro right now. Hands down, that’s the starter course in my opinion because that’s going to show you to how to … The tip of the iceberg or tip of the spear is the location research and we go into that extensively and we did an update webinar about a month ago now that it’s the training course in the updates module where I go into much more granular detail on how to do location research.
So local lease pro is the best starting point, [Mike 00:42:24] and then from there, the upgrade would be local GMB pro. And that’s only for assets that need an additional push or if you’re in a really competitive market, that kind of stuff. And then local PR pro is something that we just add into the mix throughout that whole process. That’s just strategy for using press releases and PR stacking for getting results with local maps listings. Okay?
“Is the rank [inaudible 00:42:49] websites model still effective?”
Yes, but here’s the thing; Don’t build websites. Just build GMB websites. They’re free, you don’t need hosting, you don’t need to go through all the SEO bullshit. Just set up GMB assets, use the GMB website and you’re off to the races. Guys, I make jokes about this all the time but I’m half serious too, more than half serious. I hope to god I never have to build another Word Press site. I mean I know that’s not going to happen but for all the stuff I’m doing, I’m trying to avoid building WordPress websites as much as possible because you don’t need them. We’re able to get results without them now. That may change, but for now it’s a nice break.
Would It Work If You Post Regular Blog Posts From All 5 Websites That Are In The Same Niche As Duplicate Content To A Network Of 100 Web 2.0 Sites?
[inaudible 00:43:30] says “Hey there, got a question, would it work if I post my regular blog post from all five websites that are in the same niche as duplicate content to a network of 100 web 2.0 sites? The 100 web 2.0s have a ton of public back links just like IFTTT greetings.”
Yeah, but just make sure that you’re posting an attribution link right? Just make sure you’re citing the source. I mean you can post it without an attribution link if you’d like. I wouldn’t recommend it. Guys, it’s not duplicate content because it’s on different websites. It’s only duplicate content when it’s on the same domain. But what I would recommend is, if you’re going to republish, that you would cite the source just like we teach in syndication academy which is where you would say, this post or this article or whatever was published first on … and then you link to that and the source where it was published which would be your money site anyways. THat’s what you want. That’s the back link back to your money site, right? Through the attribution link. So that’s what I would do. But yes, you can do that.
By the way, I would recommend … here’s the catcher on that though, guys. If you’re doing this across branded properties, the that’s natural. But if you’re taking the same content and republishing it across hundreds of web 2.0s that are not branded, then that’s clearly for SEO manipulation and that’s a footprint that you’re leaving. So I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have branded profiles. Does that make sense? Or unless those 100 web 2.0s, if you’ve got a lot of other content being pushed into those web 2.0s on a regular basis, like from other RSS feeds or other content sources to where you’re burying your article among many many others that are relevant, then that’s okay too. It’s still a footprint though, but it’s a lot less of one than just if you just have, say you got 300 web 2.0s out there and all of a sudden you push the same article to all 300 and there’s no other content coming behind them. In other words, than that’s a big footprint in other words. So I would recommend that you don’t do that unless you have other content sources that are feeding those web 2.0s so that it’s not such a big blatant footprint. But yeah, you can do that.
Because here’s the thing guys; you can’t prevent other people from taking your RSS feed, for example, and using it to populate their auto blogs, you know what I mean? So my point is, it’s okay to do it. Somebody can come scrape your RSS feed right now and have it feeding one of their syndication networks because you have relevant content to whatever they’re trying to promote. And so you have no control over that. You see what I’m saying?
So, again, if you go out and just … all your web 2.0s don’t have content being published to them regularly and all of a sudden, they all get a post and it’s all the same post, that’s clearly what you’re doing. But if you have content constantly updating those networks or those web 2s, excuse me, on a regular basis and you just inject one of your post or articles into that stream of content, than that’s not nearly as big of a footprint, if that makes sense. It’s a lot more natural looking anyways.
Is It Okay To Use Similar Content For Multiple GMBs For Each Press Release?
Okay Dennis is up. He says “Hey guys if you’re using PRs and the company has many GMBs, is it okay to duplicate the content changing under the GO and NAP for each PR?”
No, Dennis. It’s likely that the distribution networks will not publish. So again, here’s something that you could do. Take the PR that’s your original and just hire one of the content farms for rewriting services. Natashanixon.com, that’s one of the ones that I use. Ineedarticles.com, I think that’s another one. Just hire the rewrite service. It’s a lot cheaper than having an original article written or a original press release written. It’s just a rewrite. It’s a lot cheaper. So take that PR and have it re written as many times as you need. But don’t just use the same one, it’s likely going to be rejected by the distribution network, okay?
Do You Know A Resource That Helps In Generating A Q&A Schema Markup?
Ivan. Hi Ivan, long time buddy, no doubt. He says “Posting question here but still watching live or replays every week. Two questions for you. Do you know a resource that will help me generate Q and A schema markup?”
Schema Pro. That’s Ryan [Ryden 00:47:44]. I’m pretty sure he can do it for you. [Jeffrey 00:47:48] Smith’s Ultimate SEO Plus version two or 2.0 plugin will do that when it’s launched as far as I’m aware but that’s not launched yet. Although I know it’s in beta right now so it’s very likely going to be coming out in the next few weeks. And that’s a WordPress plugin that will do all that kind of markup for you. But Schema Pro, again, Ryan [Ryden 00:48:10] I know he does a lot of Schema markup or structure data stuff for people. He’s got a little side business where he just generates code for people so he can help you with that.
Is There An IFTTT Recipe That Automatically Transfer GMB Posts To A Google Sheet?
“Number two, is there an IFTTT recipe or applet that automatically transfers GMB posts to a google sheet?” That’s a good question. I don’t know if there’s a good IFTTT applet. I don’t think it integrates with GMB directly, IFFTP does, I don’t think. But if you’re using our GMB auto poster or briefcase, then you can get an RSS feed from GMB posts which then you can use an RSS 2 Google sheets applet in IFTT, if that makes sense.
So in other other words, yo have to check IFTTP, click on the services menu. I can’t believe I haven’t checked yet. That’s funny I’m going to go check now to see if it integrates with GMB. I doubt that it does, and so if it doesn’t which, again it’s like that it doesn’t, then if you’re using our auto poster or GMB briefcase, you can get an RSS feed, which is working now by the way guys. I’m still working with [inaudible 00:49:16] our developer to work out some additional bugs and stuff but it’s working now. I’ve been testing it.
So, you can get an RSS feed from your GMB posts and use that to trigger an IFTTT applet to push your posts into a google sheet or wherever you want, really. Good question though, good to have you back Ivan.
Walt says, “Windchill is for wimps.”
Okay, negative 40 Wayne I feel for you buddy.
Negative 52 windchill, wow Jim. Ouch.
Okay, are we almost out of questions? It looks like it. Looks like all of you guys are real chatty.
Is There A Way To Claim Unverified GMBs?
“Is there any way to claim unverified GMBs?”
I don’t know. I tried a method that was revealed to me during the [Pofu 00:50:07] live event. And I tried it eight or ten times and I couldn’t get it to work. And I think that the way that I was told got killed anyways, so I don’t know. And I certainly wouldn’t reveal it here on a free hump day hangout if that was the case. Sorry but that would definitely be inside information if I did know.
Fred says, “Marco could this work for an online service based companies selling similar to Geico, free car insurance quotes online? The online service we offer is similar to Geico but in a different industry and we would like to rank in different states using your training. I’m trying to wrap my head around how my team could use the semantic mastery courses to accomplish something like that.”
Fred, if it’s a question specifically something like that that may be a little more complex, I would recommend just hitting us up at support. And it’ll get routed to the appropriate person, either Marco or me or whatever where we could guide you. We obviously need more details than just this very brief, vague description of what it is that you’re trying to do in order for us to point you in the right direction. So just contact [email protected] and we’ll figure something out.
Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, just on a higher level you can’t wrap your head around it because you’re confining your local and you’re mixing up your local and your national. As I’ve said before, and I’ve said it plenty of times, your local is just a matter of how you view it. And how you take it down is just the way that you set up your entity. Your entity has to be related to whatever it is that you’re doing.
In our case, it’s related locally. In your case, it all has to be done a different way. Look at what your competition is doing. I always tell people you have to become a master mimic. So that’s a place where you can start. If you want a deeper answer than that, as Bradley said, just [email protected]. Ask to talk to me and we’ll see what we can do.
Bradley: There you go. Awesome.
Sam Jackson, that’s so funny.
Should You Create Another Branded Network If A WordPress.com Closes?
Okay, “Good days guys and thank you very much for this forum, if on a branded network, WordPress.com was closed, should we create another with a persona account and brand it?”
Yeah, you can do that. Here’s the thing; if you got a recovery email for that account anyways, just do that. For example, when we set up syndication networks, if you guys purchase them from us, when we deliver them you got the main Google account and there’s always a recovery email account. It’s typically Outlook or Yahoo. And so whenever an account gets terminated, like WordPress.com in this example. It was probably created with the Gmail account, right? Because that’s what our VAs do, that’s what we trained our builders to do. So, you still have the recovery email account from that same syndication network that you could go setup another WordPress.com account under that recovery email account if that makes sense. And then just brand it again.
Your username, which becomes the sub domain is going to have to be changed slightly, obviously because the other one is not going to be available for the terminated account, but yes, you can do that. Or, if you have to, just create another email account and set it up that way. There’s nothing wrong with that. It happens guys, accounts get terminated from time to time, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just replace it. Not a big deal.
“What would be the benefit of GMBR assessed to Google sheets?”
I don’t know. I don’t know what his point was for asking that question, however I know that we have done some testing in the past with auto feeding into a G sheet and then making the G sheet public and hammering it with links. So kind of like an RYS type thing. So that’s something that you could potentially do.
“Is anyone still using RSS master software from [inaudible 00:54:06]”
I am not. Actually I haven’t even been using rank feeder but I’m looking forward to testing on Friday with the new GPS features to see how we can incorporate that into our local strategy as well as the press release stuff because of the fact that I think there’s an opportunity there to squeeze that into some press release stacking stuff, too.
But as far as RSS Masher, I really liked that because that was like a feed splicer that you could add HTML elements to the actual feed itself and add links and things like that, which was was pretty powerful. But I thought of RSS masher more as a marketing took than an SEO tool. And I said that before because people used to ask, what’s the difference between RSS masher and rank feeder? And I used to say, RSS masher is more like a marketing tool. It’s good for creating very nice looking RSS feeds that you can use for content syndication. So it’s great for splicing authority feeds and to feed second tier syndication networks for blog syndication and that kind of stuff, Greg. But as far as pure SEO power, rank feeder killed it hands down. It was hands down the better product for just SEO.
And again, I haven’t looked at it since she’s developed the GPS stuff, but it didn’t create a real pretty visual feed like RSS masher did but it created a very powerful SEO feed. Again it was two different things. People would say, well which one should I get? Well it depends on what you’re trying to do. In fact, it may be many cases where you need both. But again, purely for SEO purposes, Rank Feeder was so much better in my opinion than RSS Masher. But RSS Masher was better as a marketing tool on a content syndication tool if that makes sense.
Ivan is saying that’s it for what? What was the reference? Okay, I think that’s it.
Alright guys, it looks like we’re actually done just a minute early, or four minutes early really. I’m going to leave you with this since it’s a Sam Jackson kind of day.
This is our link shortener, I’m not supposed to be in there. Let’s go back to the main page. There you go. Sam Jackson, keep scrolling motherfucker.
Alright, any parting words guys?
Adam: Thanks for being here.
Hernan: Yeah, thanks everyone.
Adam: Appreciate it. See you all next week.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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jenniferbowley · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221
Click on the video above to watch Episode 221 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Adam: Hump Day! Alright what’s up? We’re live everybody. Welcome to Hump day Hangouts with Semantic Mastery. I’m Adam Moody and I am pumped up for today because today is episode 221. Not only that, we’ve got some great stuff coming, but real quick want to go down the line and say hello to everybody.
And I’m going to mix it up this time because I realized we go in the same way every time, so randomly starting, Marco, how are you doing today? WHat’s the weather like?
Marco: It’s a whole lot better than it is for you guys, I’ll tell you that.
Adam: I take it you’re not freezing to death as badly.
Marco: Well listen, it’s a 100 degree difference.
Adam: Oh my god.
Marco: Between you guys. Between 100 and 120 between what you guys are going through and what I have here because we’re getting cold from you guys. It was only 75 today.
Adam: Tough, tough.
Awesome, well Bradley let’s bring you in for the opposing viewpoint here.
Bradley: Well it’s not too bad right but it was fucking nine degrees this morning and tomorrow morning it will be three degrees. And that’s the air temperature, not the will chill. But I know in here in Virginia, it’s not nearly as bad as it is in a lot of parts of the Midwest, man. I heart Minneapolis was like negative 55 degrees or something. Holy crap.
Adam: I’m going to pass on that. Yeah, wherever you guys are at, whoever is listening, pop on the page what the temperature was this morning. I’m curious. I know Wayne Clayton was saying it was going to be something crazy like 40 below or something, so.
Bradley: Yeah, it’s ridiculous man.
Adam: Well, how about our man on the ground in the southern hemisphere, Hernan how you doing?
Hernan: Good. Yesterday I think it was 115 Fahrenheit down here.
Adam: Are you serious?
Hernan: No, no I’m serious. Dead serious. But not only that, listen to this, it was 85 percent humidity. So it was like, you know …
Bradley: Felt like 130.
Hernan: Yeah.
Adam: Just like a blow dryer and someone is throwing water at you at the same time?
Hernan: Yeah, something like that. So it was nasty, it was disgusting so don’t come. If you guys are planning to come to here to Argentina, don’t come in summer. Don’t do it.
Adam: Oh my god, that’s awful.
Hernan: Yeah, don’t do it.
Adam: Well we’ll go from hot and humid to cold and more mountainous. Chris, how you doing?
Chris: Like we only have 28 degrees, here.
Adam: Good.
Chris: Nothing to stress. The good thing is it doesn’t matter how cold it is, doesn’t matter if it’s a tsunami or whatever, hump day is still happening, you know?
Adam: Yeah, there we go.
Chris: That’s the thing that I’m really excited about.
Adam: Yeah we’re going live from somewhere. Somehow it’s going to happen.
Well speaking of, if you’re new, thanks for watching, thanks for listening to us talk about he weather for a couple minutes. Before we get into it, I just want to say, again thanks for watching and checking us out. You can always watch it live on the vent pages. You can go to semanticmastery.com/hdquestions and you can also check out the replays on youtube. I know we have a lot of subscribers who do it that way and you can always ask your questions, and then if you’re working, you’ve got client calls, whatever, you can’t make it, you can check out the answers afterwards.
But being here has its benefits because we do some fun stuff from time to time. We have giveaways and all sorts of good stuff. Also, if you’re wondering where to start with semantic mastery, head to battle plan.semanticmastery.com, grab the battle plan and then if you’re looking to take things up a notch, you’re wanting to join a real MasterMind group and you’re wanting to start or grow your local digital marketing agency, then come join our MasterMind. You can find out more at MasterMind.semanticmastery.com.
Real quick, we have a couple more announcement I want to talk about but I want to bounce us over to Marco because we sent out a email about the charity we support and the one Marco is really helping to grow and we’re facing a little bit of a countdown here. So Marco, do you want to explain?
Marco: Yeah, well good and bad. The great thing is that the school year won’t start until February 11th. So that gives us this week to finish it. It should’ve been finished already but we’re able to extend it until Friday since we can go next week and shop for all the supplies and the uniforms, the books, the shoes, and whatever the kids are going to need to get themselves through school for the year.
The bad part is that they start school late, right? But I mean, what can you do? So, the deal is, which is also good news, is, and I mentioned it last week, the rotary club of Snow Qualmy Valley, Washington has been just so cool and so gracious and so kind in that they’re matching every donation that’s 50 dollars or above.
And just this morning by the way, we received a 500 dollar donation from one of our MasterMind members. I’m not going to say who but you’re awesome, you rock because that’s five kids. Just 500 dollars, 500 from the rotary club so it’s 1000 dollars.
Adam: Oh, nice.
Marco: Oh, it’s awesome because that’s five kids that go to school that wouldn’t otherwise have had the ability to go. And so it is extended right now guys. They’re matching dollar for dollar anything above 50. If you donate 500, what happens is, since they donate 500, right? Dollar for dollar, you get two hours with me. So you get a consultation. And anyone, as I’ve sad before, if you can dig deep in your pockets and you got that and you can donate 5000 dollars, what I’ll do is, I’ll help you set up your local business, whatever it is that you want to do. We’ll take it and we’ll work it from the ground up. We’ll apply all of the methods that we’ve been teaching. I just met with our group last night and they’re all getting calls, right? And we’re working now towards how do you monetize that you’re already getting. We talked about it. I want them to get even more assets and start pumping them up and start getting more calls. And so we have a few ways that we can monetize.
The whole thing is, guys whatever it is that we’re doing in that mini MasterMind group is what we’ll apply to whatever it is that you want to do and we’ll get your business going. Whether it’s getting calls to your clients, whether it’s getting your own leads, however it is that you want to set it up, donate that 5000 dollars and I’ll be more than happy to work it through from beginning to end.
So that’s how that works.
Adam: That’s awesome. And Marco, can you pop the link on the page so people can donate?
Marco: I’ll pop it in there. And by the way, just so you know, we have 3620 dollars of donations that are 50 or more. So that’s 3620 that the Snow Qualmy Valley Rotary Club will be donating. So it becomes six something, right? So, come on guys. I need you. Kids needs you. It’s more kids that can go to school, more kids that can get an education. It’s a worthwhile cost. You guys can even go that gallery. I’ll post the link to the gallery. I don’t want to talk anymore, I don’t want to take up more time because I want to answer questions. But guys, this is a great cause and we need you. Go dig in your pockets, 50 bucks. Come on, 10 cups of coffee. 50 bucks. That’s all it is.
Adam: But yeah guys if you could do that and push. I know we would love to get that up to a total of 10,000. If we could get the matching from the rotary club, that would be amazing. And thank you to anyone who’s already donated any amount, definitely helps these kids.
And speaking of talking, I’ve got a couple more but these are good announcements for you guys. So I’m going to keep this short and sweet.
Coming up this Monday we’ve got Lisa Allen coming on and we’re going to be talking to her this Monday at 9 pm eastern about the update to RSS Authority Sniper. I know it’s a tool that a lot of you know about, a lot of you use. And those of you who don’t, regardless if you use it or not, you’re going to want to find out about her updates which is a good reason to check that out. Because she’s got some GPS targeting stuff she’s going that we’re going to dive into and she’s going to show us how she’s been using that along with just going over how obviously RSS authority sniper can be used for maximum effectiveness.
Bradley: Just to chime in on that for a minute, I haven’t had a chance to go through any of it yet. I’m planning on scheduling some time on Friday for that to prepare for Monday. And I can tell you guys the RSS authority sniper, that was a tool to help find RSS feeds relevant to whatever topic you’re looking for content for. And that’s been updated too so it’s probably better. I didn’t really use the RSS authority sniper much. I would go manually search or have a VA manually search for RSS feeds. I found that typically I was able to find better results for what I was looking for if we just manually searched.
However, the add on service is called Rank Feeder. And it’s monthly subscription, but that’s the tool she created to create feeds. It’s like a feed splicer and it does all these really really cool things and that is super super powerful. And it was powerful two years ago when she … it might’ve even been two and half, three years ago now, but when she first launched it because it creates co-citation, which is like link building without links. It’s very very very powerful. It’s a way to associate a webpage with authority content through co citation and it’s very powerful. And you could splice feeds and insert specific URLs into an RSS feed and make them sticky so that they were always present in the feed so that as dynamic RSS feeds would update with their content, there would always be those specific items that you wanted, like webpages or URLs that you wanted to associate with that authority content. So, the feed would update dynamically, right? But those sticky items would stay there. So they were constantly being associated with authority content that authority content sources were publishing. It’s not something we had to do, we just had to go find the feeds.
So anyways, it’s very very powerful. And whatever she’s got cooked up into it now is specifically for local. It’s adding GPS targeting and such to it. And again, I haven’t been through it yet, but guys that’s primarily like 99 percent of what we’re doing is local, so I expect it to be very very powerful because it was powerful before. So I’m going to go in and dig into that on Friday a bit guys so I can prepare for the webinar on Monday.
However, that said, one other thing real quick is I’m doing an off page SEO test for DMB assets. And I’m testing several different methods. It started with six and now I’m at eight. Eight different methods and I’m testing isolation. Hers is going to be one of them using rank feeder and the GPS targeting or whatever that she built into it. So that’s all being revealed in the MasterMind as I have data roll in from those tests and case studies and such.
So again, when I have more data for that, I’ll be sharing that in the MasterMind as well.
Adam: Outstanding.
Yeah, get signed up you guys. Check out that webinar. We had someone who shall remain unnamed but might be owner of a press release company distribution service asking about some ideas for integrating his company using this stuff. So, anyone can use this stuff, whether you’re doing this for clients, doing it for yourself, doing it for your own freaking business, this is good stuff, so definitely want to be there.
Bradley you, speaking of the MasterMind, this is the last announcement you guys, but we want to make sure you have a chance to do this, Bradley you did a webinar on, what was it Thursday? With the google ads?
Bradley: Yeah, we just announced on Wednesday last week. So a week ago today. It was just very short notice but I developed a … It’s a method I’ve been using for years but for ranking YouTube videos, local YouTube videos, for lead generation or for clients. And that’s setting up youtube ads or Google ads for YouTube to drive traffic. Very very relevant and geo-targeted traffic. And it works like crazy. It is by far, the number one ranking factor for ranking videos. I mean I’ve got videos that are ranking on page one for keywords that I’ve done no back link building to or anything other than just set up YouTube campaigns for.
And it’s funny, and I talked about this in the webinar last week and I showed the live example too, there was another video that I did for the video production company that I provide wholesale SEO services to. And for whatever reason I was limited on time the day that I set up that campaign. Which, essentially all I do is take the video that they create for their client, they send it to me and then I stream it through OBS to my YouTube channel that’s connected to a bunch of syndication networks. And that’s always the first step in ranking a video. But typically, right after uploading or live streaming to my channel, it syndicates through all the networks, I usually set up a Google ad for that immediately. I just use a dollar a day budget, guys. So it costs 30 bucks. And it’s really only 30 bucks … It’s a dollar a day for the first two weeks because then I actually start backing my daily budget down to where I even get it down to 50 cents per day. So it’s 15 dollars per month.
And what happens is those views come in from geo-targeted traffic and from a relevant audience. If you can find the correct audience, which it’s very broad now. There’s a lot of categories. So it’s likely you can find a relevant audience. And that’s very highly weighted views. In other words, those views are weighted by Google a lot higher than views from, if it’s a Virginia business, from a view in California, from somebody that’s not interested in windshield repair or whatever the hell it may be.
So my point is, I usually set up the ad right after syndicating the video through my networks, but I didn’t have time the day that I did this. And this was three weeks ago now. And so two weeks went by and I went to go check on the video and it was on page two and it was bouncing and I looked at my pro ranked tracker report for it and once it had done its initial Google dance, it had stayed on page two and it was bouncing between 12 and 15, position 12 and 15 but it’d never gone on page one within those two weeks.
So on Thursday, two weeks ago now, I set up the YouTube ad or the Google Ad for YouTube with a dollar a day budget, and on Monday, so three days later essentially because it takes about 24 hours to get approved, but three days later it was on page one. And it’s been on page one ever since guys. And again, that just has to do with those Google Ads. So, long story short, I did a two and a half hour Webinar last week where I show over the shoulder training, how to go in and set up these ads, how to find your relevant audiences, how to do geo-targeting, all that and set that up.
And the I also showed how to do a branding campaign and use re-marketing for that which is very very powerful for client work and for lead gen assets because YouTube traffic is so inexpensive guys, but it works. And I also shared some tips about how to use that for boosting Google my business profiles. I’m certainly not going to reveal that here, but 50 bucks guys or 55 dollars now because of the replay to get access to that webinar, that otherwise you’d have to pay 300 dollars to be a member of the MasterMind to get.
And the only reason that I opened it up for everybody is because we talk about it a lot here on hump day hangouts and I wanted to make sure … you know, I’ve always talked about it conceptually but I’ve never actually showed people how to do it and I felt like it was time. So if you’re interested in that guys, it’s only 55 dollars. I think this is going to be the last time we announce this, so take advantage of it while you can.
Adam: Awesome, alright let’s get into it.
Bradley: Okay, you guys all ready?
I’m going to grab the screen. Here we go. By the way, the plus one button stopped working. Have you guys gotten the notice via email yet that Google Plus is terminating all their APIs and everything too?
Adam: No.
Bradley: Just so you know, Google Plus, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be 100 percent completely removed from all Google products in 2019. I know their APIs are being killed. Some of them have already started to fail, but they just sent out notification of that which is, you know ….
Finally, I remember when Google Plus was launched, there were social media pundits that were predicting the demise of it right off the bat. Google plus is dead or is dying. And here it is, essentially ten years later and it’s still around but they are finally killing it. So I just thought that was interesting.
Is There Any Way To Sort Applets In IFTTT?
Justin says, “Is there anyway to sort my applets in IFTTT? They are all just kind of lumped together in my applets page. I have looked at IFTTT support, FAQ pages and couldn’t find anything and don’t see to get any access or response to any real person from them so I figured I’d try here. I love that it’s free of course but would gladly pay them for an easier to manage system.”
Well, as far as I remember, I haven’t contacted IFTTT support in at least four years, no kidding. But the last time that I did, or every time that I had contacted support, when I had contacted support, was always via twitter. And I’m not even a Twitter user so that was kind of a pain in the ass. But you may want to try contacting them there. I don’t know if it’s changed since then but they do have paid options, Justin. So I would contact them and ask them or look at their paid options and see if that’s a feature that is available with paid option. I have not paid IFTTT a dime since its inception, since I discovered it. And I don’t really plan on it, but that might be something if you’re a heavy user of it where you’ve got many many many applets, then yeah I would suggest contacting their support. I don’t know if they have options for that stuff or not. Okay.
Typically our networks, we have a IFTTT account per syndication network and so usually there’s not more than between 15 to 25 applets in an account. But if you are using it for multiple stuff, you might have way way more than that.
How To Get Started With GMB If You’re A Beginner?
Shaun says “Can you go over GMB basics? I’m interested in getting started with one local GMB to see how its done, so I think I could start with MGYB [inaudible 00:18:54] for getting it verified right? But after that what should I get? I know there’s no courses on this but I’d like to start with the basics and test the water to see how its done before moving forward.
Okay, well Shaun, yes. GMB basics. Yeah. What I can tell you is yes, first of all MGYB, you can go get a GMB verification there which is what I recommend guys. Otherwise you can do it manually but it takes a lot of time, and your time is better spent developing the creatives and all that stuff, the keyword research and all that for whatever project you’re about to pursue, right? So what I would suggest is going to MGYB.co, ordering a done for you GMB verification. You’ll get it back in a few weeks and while you’re waiting for it to be delivered to you, you can start developing your creatives and getting the content together, your keyword research. You know, all that kind of stuff, right? So that’s what I would recommend. And yes, there is a course for that. We’ve got actually several courses starting with local lease pro that teaches exactly how to, first of all, research locations to find where the easiest opportunity is or at least where there is opportunity to snipe or get into the maps 3 pack with as little work as possible.
Some assets or attempts are going to take you more work than others guys, there’s just no question about that. Now that I’m way over … I think we’re approaching 60 GMBs. I can tell you my percentage rate of getting into the three pack with little to no work has gone way way down because I’m targeting many more locations now within a particular cluster.
Anyways, Shaun, not to confuse you, go check out local lease pro. If you want, that’s a great starting point. We have an advance training for more competitive GMB assets. It’s called local GMB pro, that’s really the logical upgrade from local lease pro, okay. And then we have Local PR Pro which is really about how to push maps, or GMB assets into the map pack using press releases. So the three of those compliment each other incredibly well. And the finally, the mac daddy of all, when you really need the additional push, when you absolutely got to kill every motherfucker in the room … excuse me that was a Samuel L. Jackson reference from Jackie Brown. Anyways, when you absolutely have to push it, RYS academy reloaded is our final course for that kind of stuff.
Hernan: It’s AK-47 [inaudible 00:21:25]
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:21:24] AK-47 reference?
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: AK-47. I’m going to have to pull that clip up man.
Anyways, Shaun but good news for you is we’ve got our battle plan version 3.0 is coming out next month. We’re launching that next month and that really is the user’s guide for how to get results and this year, our version three is going to have a lot of stuff in there or a section dedicated specifically to GMB assets since we’re all really pushing on that right now. And that’s going to be probably your best bet if you want to ease into this thing is just start or wait for the battle plan to come out and then if you … you know, local lease pro and the battle plan together are really the starting points for any type of GMB asset business.
Does anyone want to comment on that?
Chris: Yeah I just want to comment on one thing because you mentioned the success rate of getting them into the three pack or whatever. A lot of times, you start getting calls and you don’t even know where it is that they’re coming from. They might be verified and they’ll start working on them. So already the phone number is there and you start getting calls. How in the world are you getting calls when it’s barely verified.
So success rate and the calls that you get and everything else is relative. And what I would like to add is you did a 15 with an 80 percent success rate. And now we’re doing hundreds, we’ll end up with thousands. I’d rather have 50, 60 percent of 1000 than 80 percent of 15 any day of the week.
Bradley: Right on Greg AK-47. If anyone wants to watch this clip, that shit is funny. I hope that’s the right one. Anyways, I’m going to keep moving but that’s funny.
When we first launched link building services after what used to be called IFTTT SEO Academy, now it’s syndication academy. Daddy, our link building manager, he builds links to networks and we had set up a click funnels landing page for that and I had created a video where I spliced that clip in. It was awesome. I’ve got to pull that up somewhere, that video, that was funny.
What Are Some Best Practices To Optimize A Franchise Business That Wants To Expand To Nearby Locations?
Pete. What’s up Pete? He’s the MasterMind. He says “Hey guys my client is a service area business and wants to expand in a nearby location and they want their own GMB listings branded in their business name. My questions are, would you use the business name on every GMB listing? I only ask because I’ve seen some franchise companies use brand name with local modifiers at the end for each location and then use a virtual telephone number with different address.”
Yes Pete. Well, first of all I wouldn’t append the location to the name because if it’s for a brand, that’s kind of a spam signal in my opinion. So if it’s for a brand, I would just use the brand name, Okay? But you want a unique physical location when you verify the GMB, which if you’re doing it yourself, you’re going to have to get your own separate, unique addresses for each location, right? If you’re ordering it from us, don’t worry about it. They’ll be unique when we verify them. But you’re going to want a unique physical address, a unique phone number and a unique landing page or website URL, right? So remember if you’re building this for a brand and if the company says well I want you to just put our homepage URL as the website for all of the listings, don’t do that. Don’t do that. Especially if they’re maps expansions. Right? Maps expansions listings. In other words, if they don’t physically have a real office in the location that you’re setting up a maps listing then do not link directly from the GMB to their website. Don’t do it because that could create a problem down the road because you don’t actually have a physical location in that area right?
So what I would recommend at that point is just use the GMB website at which point you can link to from within the content of the GMB website to the corporate website if you’d like but I wouldn’t link to it from the GMB listing. In other words from the website or the appointment URL or any of that. I would not do that. If you are adamant, or the client is adamant about linking to their site, then I would recommend that you create landing pages on sub domains of the root domain and use the sub domain URL that’s unique to each location as the website URL because sub domains aren’t the same as a root domain or a inner page of a root domain in that it’s less of a footprint. I mean, it’s still a footprint, they’re all connecting back to the same domain. But the difference is if you catch a penalty on the root domain or any of its inner pages, it’s going to apply the penalty domain wide. Including all sub domains if there are any. Right?
So it can actually hurt the entire domain. But if you catch a penalty on any one of the sub domain sites, or pages in this case, I mean you can install WordPress if you’d like but I would just create an HTML landing page. A nice one that’s set up for conversions like a lead capture, all that kind of stuff. And I would just install them on sub domains. Duplicate those pages, just change the NAP info on those pages. You could just duplicate them. It’d be really really easy to do.
If you’ve got something like click funnels, you could build a landing page in click funnels and then export it as an HTML file and upload those or just direct sub domains to a click funnels page.
My point is, there’s a million ways to do it but I would have a sub domains landing page as opposed to an inner page because that way it would reduce potential penalties against the entire domain. If a sub domain page or site were to get slapped, it would only affect that sub domain, not the root or any of the other sibling sub domains. Does that make sense? So, absolutely make sure all three … You know the name can be the same but the other three data points, address, phone number, and URL should all be unique. Okay?
What would you recommend the best ways to link GMBs back to the central business website? For example with service area pages, they’re just a page. Again, just like I mentioned, I would not link directly to the main website other than perhaps in a contextual link from within the GMB website. And you can also link to it from GMB posts once the GMB assets are set up. But I would not link to them directly from the info tab in GMB to the website unless you’re doing it on sub domains. Each sub domain being unique to that particular location. It’s a good question. It’s not letting me plus one though, dammit. Oh, that time it worked.
Does Uploading Photos To A GMB Site Strip Out The Geotag and EXIF Data?
Michael, what’s up Michael. He says, “Hey guys I have a GMB related question. I was uploading photos to a GMB site, strip out the geo-data and exit data. I recently uploaded photos to GMB site and it stripped the titles and renamed them untitled. Why did it do that? Got me wondering if it strips the title .. “
No, I mean it might strip it but when you upload it, Google reads it. Right? So it’s preset when you upload it and that’s all that matters. When you upload the file, Google sees all that data. That’s what matters. In fact, I like the fact that they are stripping it out because that way if some other SEO tries to analyze images, they’re not going to see all that stuff, right? Of course if they knew what they were doing, they’d know what to look for anyways. You know what I’m saying? So I don’t think it matters.
Marco, what do you say?
Marco: No, it doesn’t matter. They have it. They have the info. They know. Especially if you’re doing it locally, the phone is the tell in this. And if you’re doing it through what we teach in local GMB pro, then google has the information and that’s all you care about. As to why Google stripped out your title, it’s probably a glitch. We can’t answer why Google does the shit that it does. Because everything in GMB, in Google my Business is in a state of constant flux. It’s very fluid. They’re constantly changing, adding, they’re constantly giving us stuff to play with.
We had a problem the other day where some images weren’t showing, right? Or they were showing differently. They weren’t showing the way they were supposed to. Why? We don’t know. They were changing something and it happened.
Glitches, it happens on the web. So sorry we can’t answer as to why. But what we can tell you is that the shit works because what you’re creating is your entity’s relationship to the location, whatever you location is, whatever your local is. You’re giving Google that relationship and that’s all you care about. Whether it stays or not is irrelevant.
Bradley: Yep.
Is It Okay To Use A WordPress.com Instead Of An RSS As A Trigger Point To A Syndication Network?
Alright, Jason is up. Jason says, “Working with a local contractor who has another host, his site is built on click funnels and he has no native RSS feed. Without tipping the other host to a potential takeover of the site, the client doesn’t want to ask the current host to add an RSS function. I get it, so I have some spare syndication networks in MGYB.co and I’m looking to use one for his property and thinking of using WordPress.com web 2.0 as the syndication point or trigger point. [inaudible 00:30:55] real issues with that before I press submit?”
No that’s fine Jason, absolutely. Anything with an RSS feed you can use to trigger. In fact, it doesn’t even have to have an RSS feed. For example, you could connect WordPress as the trigger source. So if this, click WordPress, then host to Blogger, Tumblr, Twitter, whatever the case may be. So you can have WordPress actually connect via API as opposed to RSS. In other words, IFTTT can connect to WordPress API and then it will trigger whenever you publish to WordPress.com. Does that make sense?
Or you can do it via RSS. In fact, you may want to test those. I remember years ago when I was developing the whole syndication network strategy, I tested that and there was some funky stuff that would happen when you would use the native app as the trigger point as opposed to the RSS feed from the app.
In other words, if I was to use WordPress’s trigger or Blogger’s trigger or Tumblr’s trigger as opposed to using the RSS feeds, sometimes it would cause some funky stuff to happen. So, that was years ago. Because RSS always worked. I quit testing that shit and said, you know RSS works, let’s just use that. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke, right?
So my point is, you may want to test that. But also, Jason, think about this, and I’m pretty sure that you have rank feeder, Jason, so you may want to think about just taking their click funnels page, creating a rank feeder feed, which is what we’re going to be talking about on Monday guys with Lisa Allen. And then use other authority content feeds to create that co-citation and feed your network that way, right? I mean you could do that. Because, especially if you have a sticky item in that feed, you could be using that to constantly co-citation whatever your sticky item is. In this case, maybe the click funnels page, right?
That’s just a thought. You might want to think about using that too. But yes, you can use WordPress or Tumblr or Blogger or anything with an RSS feed. I like to use any type of blog account, obviously, because you’ve got more WYSIWYG editors and you can edit the elements of the page and all that kind of stuff. Okay?
Plus there’s probably RSS feed creators online other than rank feeder that will allow you to create feeds from HTML pages and that kind of stuff. I know there use to be services like that, so I can’t imagine that they don’t have those still.
Are There Any Significant Impact If The @id Of A Multisite Property Is Changed?
Alright he says on the next one, “Hopefully not asking too much for the free forum but for @id, if I have a multi-site property and I want to add it to the ad ID page with geo-relevance, could I search google maps for brand geo-modifiers and put multiple locations in the page that way?”
Yeah, Jason. That’s more of a MasterMind question anyways. I really don’t want to answer that here. That’s getting a little bit too far into the weeds. What I would suggest thought is that you go into MasterMind archives and take a look at where I talked or just create a post in the Facebook group and I’ll share it in that group with you about how to go organization markup. You can do that with an ad ID page guys, it’s perfectly fine. You can set up an HTML page and create organization markup.
The way that I do it for multi-location businesses is a combination of Jason, LD and micro data as well as just flat out HTML. And so, that would work perfect for an HTML page or an ad ID page. Like hosted on an Amazon S3 bucket, right? And that’s a combination of Jason LD, organization markup, local business markup for each individual location plus just HTML where you can embed the map and AP, that kind of stuff.
So again, post in the MasterMind Facebook group about that Jason, we can start a discussion in there and I can put you to the training that I’ve already covered MasterMind webinars for that, okay?
I’m going to keep on moving.
Hey guys, oh he’s back again with some more YouTube questions. He’s here every week so [inaudible 00:34:45] I know I’m probably mispronouncing your name, I apologize for that but glad to have you back.
Is Crowdsearch.me Still Effective For Ranking YouTube Videos, Local And National Sites?
He says. “Hey guys I’m with another set of questions and as Bradley said in the last hangout, I plan to use all the free information you guys are giving to build up my business so that I can join the MasterMind then. Everybody plus one this comment for me.” Question is, “Is crowdsearch.me still effective for ranking YouTube videos, local, national sites?”
For YouTube, I don’t know if it is or not. To be honest, I wouldn’t use it for money site stuff anymore at all, guys. I stopped using it, shit a year and a half ago now maybe? YouTube videos I doubt it will even move the needle on that anymore, [Mike 00:35:22] And the reason I say that is because a lot of those services, they use commercial IPS, right? Commercial proxies. And the problem is, so many commercial IP blocks now ranges, what do they call them, subnets or whatever have been blocked or marked by Google. Flagged as irrelevant traffic, right? And that killed a lot of those search and click or what I call CT or click through spam, spam bots.
That killed a lot of their effectiveness because the IP blocks they have been … Google understands that they’re commercial IP blocks. For example, storm proxies, right. So you have a range of proxies or IPS that they go through and that Google is aware of what they are so they’re disregarded or given less weight. Does that make sense?
So, again, I just talked about, at the beginning of this webinar how I did a two and a half hour training last week specifically on how to use Google ads. Guys, for pennies per view from real traffic. You’re buying traffic from Google. And literally, you can use YouTube traffic to rank videos, especially because you’re getting views. You don’t get a flood of clicks unless the really video is really compelling or the offer is really compelling.
I find that the type of captains that I set up in the webinar last week, which you can get access to for 55 dollars guys, I’m telling you it’s a slam dunk. I mean, it’s just a no brainer. It’s a great great strategy guys and you can get targeted traffic from Google to your videos. Targeted views, anyways, right, to your videos from specific geographic areas that you set from specific audiences that you set which is the recommended method. And those views are weighted heavily because they’re coming from real Google users, guys. From people that are signed in to their Google accounts, have Android devices or whatever. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Apple or Android but they got Google accounts, right?
Google knows these people. They’re valid, true Google users, instead of trying to spoof traffic, you can buy real traffic guys. And it’s literally pennies per view, right? Again, I don’t get a flood of clicks. So using that strategy for driving traffic isn’t necessarily going to get you a flood of traffic, but it will get you a bunch of views which is great for the video itself and the traffic that you do get is going to be really heavily weighted traffic because it’s highly relevant if that makes sense.
So it’s much more valuable than buying spam traffic anyways. And it’s not against Google’s terms of service, right? Spam traffic is. So, as far as using crowdsearch.me or any type of spam bot, I wouldn’t recommend it because, especially to money sites guys, I wouldn’t put that stuff anywhere near a money site. YouTube videos, you could test it but I’m telling you I don’t feel like that’s effective anymore. Because again, I just buy the traffic direct from Google now and it works so much better, right?
Guys it’s so easy to set up a campaign. I mean, I’m telling you, once you get the hang of it, you can set up a YouTube ads campaign for a video in ten minutes flat. Okay?
Chris: [crosstalk 00:38:38] Yeah, he can also get an embed gig. Video embeds, which will move the needle … I don’t because crowd search, I stopped using them a while ago. But [inaudible 00:38:51] embeds it in a niche, relevant network and we’re moving … I don’t if … No we didn’t announce it.
We’re moving MGYB into Woo Commerce so that it makes it easier to add products. So this week and next week, we’ll be busy adding products. One of those will be video embeds. We’ll be adding [inaudible 00:39:15] link building, indexing, just a whole bunch of things that we haven’t been able to do because of the limitations that we had with Sam Cart, we’ll be able to do now.
So I think you might want to look into a video embed gig. They’re not really all that expensive and they do move the needle. Or, just get out training and get it moved the right way with the right signals.
Bradley: Yeah.
Okay so, the only thing I would suggest though is, guys, you’ve got to think about this logically. Just flat out embeds and/or back links do not work as well as they used to without traffic included. Think about it guys, it’s very logical. Why would a video or anything get hundreds or thousands of embeds, or tens of thousands of back links if it’s not being viewed? Right? It doesn’t make sense.
So yes, it can move the needle but we know for a fact that we can rank videos with engagement signals alone guys. No back links, no embeds whatsoever. If you combined the two, it’s so much more effective. But it’s less effective to just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds without engagement signals because that is clearly a spam signal, right? That’s clearly somebody trying to manipulate search position of a video. Because it’s not natural for a video to be embedded, picked up and shared if it’s not getting viewed.
Who embeds a video without viewing it, right? Only SEOs. And Google knows that, the algorithm knows that. It’s not like manual reviewers, that’s built, baked right into the algorithm now.
So my point is, if you’re going to do embed blast guys, that’s perfectly fine. Back links are perfectly fine. But make sure that you’re adding traffic to the whole mix. Views, in other words, to the whole mix because that’s going to increase your effectiveness so much more.
If you start getting a bunch of embeds and/or back links, and a bunch of views all at the same time, that’s mimicking a viral nature of a video, and that shit will rank, no question. But if you just do a bunch of back links and/or embeds and there’s not any views and engagement signals, that’s clearly a spam signal. I wouldn’t recommend doing it. Yes, I know there’s some brute force SEOs out there that still do that guys, but I don’t recommend it for longevity and everything else. Just set up some simple YouTube ads for pennies per view and get the results that you need, okay?
How Does GMB Pro And Local Lease Pro Different From Each Other?
“Would appreciate it if you could give a brief overview of how GMB pro, Local Lease Pro and Local PR Pro compare against each other”.
Well I mentioned that earlier I the webinar, but just so you know he says, “I’m completely new to local marketing so if I want to get started, which way would you recommend?”
Local lease pro right now. Hands down, that’s the starter course in my opinion because that’s going to show you to how to … The tip of the iceberg or tip of the spear is the location research and we go into that extensively and we did an update webinar about a month ago now that it’s the training course in the updates module where I go into much more granular detail on how to do location research.
So local lease pro is the best starting point, [Mike 00:42:24] and then from there, the upgrade would be local GMB pro. And that’s only for assets that need an additional push or if you’re in a really competitive market, that kind of stuff. And then local PR pro is something that we just add into the mix throughout that whole process. That’s just strategy for using press releases and PR stacking for getting results with local maps listings. Okay?
“Is the rank [inaudible 00:42:49] websites model still effective?”
Yes, but here’s the thing; Don’t build websites. Just build GMB websites. They’re free, you don’t need hosting, you don’t need to go through all the SEO bullshit. Just set up GMB assets, use the GMB website and you’re off to the races. Guys, I make jokes about this all the time but I’m half serious too, more than half serious. I hope to god I never have to build another Word Press site. I mean I know that’s not going to happen but for all the stuff I’m doing, I’m trying to avoid building WordPress websites as much as possible because you don’t need them. We’re able to get results without them now. That may change, but for now it’s a nice break.
Would It Work If You Post Regular Blog Posts From All 5 Websites That Are In The Same Niche As Duplicate Content To A Network Of 100 Web 2.0 Sites?
[inaudible 00:43:30] says “Hey there, got a question, would it work if I post my regular blog post from all five websites that are in the same niche as duplicate content to a network of 100 web 2.0 sites? The 100 web 2.0s have a ton of public back links just like IFTTT greetings.”
Yeah, but just make sure that you’re posting an attribution link right? Just make sure you’re citing the source. I mean you can post it without an attribution link if you’d like. I wouldn’t recommend it. Guys, it’s not duplicate content because it’s on different websites. It’s only duplicate content when it’s on the same domain. But what I would recommend is, if you’re going to republish, that you would cite the source just like we teach in syndication academy which is where you would say, this post or this article or whatever was published first on … and then you link to that and the source where it was published which would be your money site anyways. THat’s what you want. That’s the back link back to your money site, right? Through the attribution link. So that’s what I would do. But yes, you can do that.
By the way, I would recommend … here’s the catcher on that though, guys. If you’re doing this across branded properties, the that’s natural. But if you’re taking the same content and republishing it across hundreds of web 2.0s that are not branded, then that’s clearly for SEO manipulation and that’s a footprint that you’re leaving. So I wouldn’t recommend it unless you have branded profiles. Does that make sense? Or unless those 100 web 2.0s, if you’ve got a lot of other content being pushed into those web 2.0s on a regular basis, like from other RSS feeds or other content sources to where you’re burying your article among many many others that are relevant, then that’s okay too. It’s still a footprint though, but it’s a lot less of one than just if you just have, say you got 300 web 2.0s out there and all of a sudden you push the same article to all 300 and there’s no other content coming behind them. In other words, than that’s a big footprint in other words. So I would recommend that you don’t do that unless you have other content sources that are feeding those web 2.0s so that it’s not such a big blatant footprint. But yeah, you can do that.
Because here’s the thing guys; you can’t prevent other people from taking your RSS feed, for example, and using it to populate their auto blogs, you know what I mean? So my point is, it’s okay to do it. Somebody can come scrape your RSS feed right now and have it feeding one of their syndication networks because you have relevant content to whatever they’re trying to promote. And so you have no control over that. You see what I’m saying?
So, again, if you go out and just … all your web 2.0s don’t have content being published to them regularly and all of a sudden, they all get a post and it’s all the same post, that’s clearly what you’re doing. But if you have content constantly updating those networks or those web 2s, excuse me, on a regular basis and you just inject one of your post or articles into that stream of content, than that’s not nearly as big of a footprint, if that makes sense. It’s a lot more natural looking anyways.
Is It Okay To Use Similar Content For Multiple GMBs For Each Press Release?
Okay Dennis is up. He says “Hey guys if you’re using PRs and the company has many GMBs, is it okay to duplicate the content changing under the GO and NAP for each PR?”
No, Dennis. It’s likely that the distribution networks will not publish. So again, here’s something that you could do. Take the PR that’s your original and just hire one of the content farms for rewriting services. Natashanixon.com, that’s one of the ones that I use. Ineedarticles.com, I think that’s another one. Just hire the rewrite service. It’s a lot cheaper than having an original article written or a original press release written. It’s just a rewrite. It’s a lot cheaper. So take that PR and have it re written as many times as you need. But don’t just use the same one, it’s likely going to be rejected by the distribution network, okay?
Do You Know A Resource That Helps In Generating A Q&A Schema Markup?
Ivan. Hi Ivan, long time buddy, no doubt. He says “Posting question here but still watching live or replays every week. Two questions for you. Do you know a resource that will help me generate Q and A schema markup?”
Schema Pro. That’s Ryan [Ryden 00:47:44]. I’m pretty sure he can do it for you. [Jeffrey 00:47:48] Smith’s Ultimate SEO Plus version two or 2.0 plugin will do that when it’s launched as far as I’m aware but that’s not launched yet. Although I know it’s in beta right now so it’s very likely going to be coming out in the next few weeks. And that’s a WordPress plugin that will do all that kind of markup for you. But Schema Pro, again, Ryan [Ryden 00:48:10] I know he does a lot of Schema markup or structure data stuff for people. He’s got a little side business where he just generates code for people so he can help you with that.
Is There An IFTTT Recipe That Automatically Transfer GMB Posts To A Google Sheet?
“Number two, is there an IFTTT recipe or applet that automatically transfers GMB posts to a google sheet?” That’s a good question. I don’t know if there’s a good IFTTT applet. I don’t think it integrates with GMB directly, IFFTP does, I don’t think. But if you’re using our GMB auto poster or briefcase, then you can get an RSS feed from GMB posts which then you can use an RSS 2 Google sheets applet in IFTT, if that makes sense.
So in other other words, yo have to check IFTTP, click on the services menu. I can’t believe I haven’t checked yet. That’s funny I’m going to go check now to see if it integrates with GMB. I doubt that it does, and so if it doesn’t which, again it’s like that it doesn’t, then if you’re using our auto poster or GMB briefcase, you can get an RSS feed, which is working now by the way guys. I’m still working with [inaudible 00:49:16] our developer to work out some additional bugs and stuff but it’s working now. I’ve been testing it.
So, you can get an RSS feed from your GMB posts and use that to trigger an IFTTT applet to push your posts into a google sheet or wherever you want, really. Good question though, good to have you back Ivan.
Walt says, “Windchill is for wimps.”
Okay, negative 40 Wayne I feel for you buddy.
Negative 52 windchill, wow Jim. Ouch.
Okay, are we almost out of questions? It looks like it. Looks like all of you guys are real chatty.
Is There A Way To Claim Unverified GMBs?
“Is there any way to claim unverified GMBs?”
I don’t know. I tried a method that was revealed to me during the [Pofu 00:50:07] live event. And I tried it eight or ten times and I couldn’t get it to work. And I think that the way that I was told got killed anyways, so I don’t know. And I certainly wouldn’t reveal it here on a free hump day hangout if that was the case. Sorry but that would definitely be inside information if I did know.
Fred says, “Marco could this work for an online service based companies selling similar to Geico, free car insurance quotes online? The online service we offer is similar to Geico but in a different industry and we would like to rank in different states using your training. I’m trying to wrap my head around how my team could use the semantic mastery courses to accomplish something like that.”
Fred, if it’s a question specifically something like that that may be a little more complex, I would recommend just hitting us up at support. And it’ll get routed to the appropriate person, either Marco or me or whatever where we could guide you. We obviously need more details than just this very brief, vague description of what it is that you’re trying to do in order for us to point you in the right direction. So just contact [email protected] and we’ll figure something out.
Marco, do you want to comment on that?
Marco: Yeah, just on a higher level you can’t wrap your head around it because you’re confining your local and you’re mixing up your local and your national. As I’ve said before, and I’ve said it plenty of times, your local is just a matter of how you view it. And how you take it down is just the way that you set up your entity. Your entity has to be related to whatever it is that you’re doing.
In our case, it’s related locally. In your case, it all has to be done a different way. Look at what your competition is doing. I always tell people you have to become a master mimic. So that’s a place where you can start. If you want a deeper answer than that, as Bradley said, just [email protected]. Ask to talk to me and we’ll see what we can do.
Bradley: There you go. Awesome.
Sam Jackson, that’s so funny.
Should You Create Another Branded Network If A WordPress.com Closes?
Okay, “Good days guys and thank you very much for this forum, if on a branded network, WordPress.com was closed, should we create another with a persona account and brand it?”
Yeah, you can do that. Here’s the thing; if you got a recovery email for that account anyways, just do that. For example, when we set up syndication networks, if you guys purchase them from us, when we deliver them you got the main Google account and there’s always a recovery email account. It’s typically Outlook or Yahoo. And so whenever an account gets terminated, like WordPress.com in this example. It was probably created with the Gmail account, right? Because that’s what our VAs do, that’s what we trained our builders to do. So, you still have the recovery email account from that same syndication network that you could go setup another WordPress.com account under that recovery email account if that makes sense. And then just brand it again.
Your username, which becomes the sub domain is going to have to be changed slightly, obviously because the other one is not going to be available for the terminated account, but yes, you can do that. Or, if you have to, just create another email account and set it up that way. There’s nothing wrong with that. It happens guys, accounts get terminated from time to time, there’s nothing you can do about it. Just replace it. Not a big deal.
“What would be the benefit of GMBR assessed to Google sheets?”
I don’t know. I don’t know what his point was for asking that question, however I know that we have done some testing in the past with auto feeding into a G sheet and then making the G sheet public and hammering it with links. So kind of like an RYS type thing. So that’s something that you could potentially do.
“Is anyone still using RSS master software from [inaudible 00:54:06]”
I am not. Actually I haven’t even been using rank feeder but I’m looking forward to testing on Friday with the new GPS features to see how we can incorporate that into our local strategy as well as the press release stuff because of the fact that I think there’s an opportunity there to squeeze that into some press release stacking stuff, too.
But as far as RSS Masher, I really liked that because that was like a feed splicer that you could add HTML elements to the actual feed itself and add links and things like that, which was was pretty powerful. But I thought of RSS masher more as a marketing took than an SEO tool. And I said that before because people used to ask, what’s the difference between RSS masher and rank feeder? And I used to say, RSS masher is more like a marketing tool. It’s good for creating very nice looking RSS feeds that you can use for content syndication. So it’s great for splicing authority feeds and to feed second tier syndication networks for blog syndication and that kind of stuff, Greg. But as far as pure SEO power, rank feeder killed it hands down. It was hands down the better product for just SEO.
And again, I haven’t looked at it since she’s developed the GPS stuff, but it didn’t create a real pretty visual feed like RSS masher did but it created a very powerful SEO feed. Again it was two different things. People would say, well which one should I get? Well it depends on what you’re trying to do. In fact, it may be many cases where you need both. But again, purely for SEO purposes, Rank Feeder was so much better in my opinion than RSS Masher. But RSS Masher was better as a marketing tool on a content syndication tool if that makes sense.
Ivan is saying that’s it for what? What was the reference? Okay, I think that’s it.
Alright guys, it looks like we’re actually done just a minute early, or four minutes early really. I’m going to leave you with this since it’s a Sam Jackson kind of day.
This is our link shortener, I’m not supposed to be in there. Let’s go back to the main page. There you go. Sam Jackson, keep scrolling motherfucker.
Alright, any parting words guys?
Adam: Thanks for being here.
Hernan: Yeah, thanks everyone.
Adam: Appreciate it. See you all next week.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 221 syndicated from https://medium.com/@SpanishFly
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