#I’m just watching men’s hockey and all of a sudden she’s on my screen
itsalwaysagirl · 1 year
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brockboser · 4 years
Prince Charming and the pauper PT #1
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AN: this is my first fan fic so let me know what you think and if you want another part! Suggestions are always welcome
Words: 2,400
About: Brock Boeser finds an unexpected love intrest....
It was a pretty normal December night in Vancouver, Cold and snowy and all I wanted was to be hanging out with my friends around a fire drinking hot chocolate but of course I was stuck at work.. My name is Y/N I’m 22 years old and I work full time as a waitress at the Parlour in Yaletown. Now normally my shifts went by slowly and painfully, each day an exact copy of the day before with the occasional cute boy or maybe even a celebrity but for the most part my days blurred together as one. Work all day, sleep, repeat just so I could afford to live in one of the most expensive cities in the world, part of me didn’t mind, Vancouver really was an amazing place to live.
Today however was different. Every year the Vancouver Canucks hold their end of year dinner party here at the Parlour, I’ve been lucky enough to avoid it at all cost. Unfortunatly for me my luck has run out and I was scheduled to be one of 3 waitresses serving their party. Some girls would kill for this opportunity, serving rich professional athletes, but not me. I’ve served my fair share of hockey players and they all turn out to be assholes who don’t know how to leave a tip.
I couldn’t really believe that this was my third end of year dinner as a Canuck, time has gone by way too fast. It was almost 6PM, I was waiting for Quinn to pick me up, he said he would be here by now and If we’re late I will beat his ass. He knows how much I hate being late. As if on que I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pocket. The Screen read “Huggy Bear” I chuckled to myself as I am still thankful that isn’t my nickname and I answered the phone. “hey you here?”. “Yeah hurry up, Green will kill us if were late” Quinn said so fast I barely caught what he said and the line went dead. I said goodbye to Coolie and Milo and I made my way to Quinn’s car.
Once I got into Quinn’s car it was only a 5-minute drive to the restaurant. Yaletown was our favourite place to get food, they have way too many places to choose from but the Parlour was one of the best. We walk up to the host and let her know we’re here for the dinner, she escorts us to the back room where the rest of the team was already seated. You could hear the boy’s voices echo through the whole restaurant. Guess that’s what you get with 20+ drunk men at one table. “yo that host was smoking, I’ve seen her here before and she was definitely interested in you” Quinn teases me but I do my best to ignore. Not to be cocky but girls tend to flirt with me all the time but on the contrary to what people think I’m not a player. I don’t flirt unless I’m interested which I never really am because it’s hard to know people’s real intentions when you’re a professional athlete, besides I’m not really looking for anything right now. I leave the flirting up to Jake.
5 minutes go by and we all finish looking at the menu, I always get the same thing a BBQ burger with a hey y’all as my drink but doesn’t hurt to look. As I put the menu down I notice three women walk into the room, we all drop our tones so we can tell the waitresses our orders. Two of them are the same as last year but one I did not recognize but wow she was beautiful and I don’t say that lightly.
6PM rolled around quicker than I would’ve liked but I just wanted to get this dinner over with. Once we knew all the boys were seated and ready to order we went into the room, notepads in hand. We decided we would split the table in three and make it easier for ourselves that way. I’m not a hockey fan but I don’t live under a rock and I do recognize most of the boy’s I’m serving. I go from left to right, and to my surprise the orders are basic and the drinks are all beer which makes my life a lot easier and on top of that they all seem to be pretty nice. I finally reach the last two boys in my section of the table. Both look somewhat younger. One has dark brown curly hair with dark circles under his eyes, I don’t recognize him, he orders a burger as well as a beer, I furrow my eyebrows debating whether or not to ID this boy as he barely looks 17 but I decide against it as I know it would embarrass him and probably cost me a good tip. As I’m writing down his order I notice the boy sitting next to him eyeing me. I look up and make direct eye contact with two very blue eyes staring at me. I shift my feet and he look away. That’s Brock Boeser I recognize him from my friends fangirling over him last time we went to watch the hockey game. My stomach twists and I suddenly got nervous. He was kind of hot. I take a step away from the tired looking boy closer to Brock to take his order. “W-What can I get for you” I stuttered slightly, and I NEVER stutter when taking orders. What was wrong with me this boy isn’t anything that special, although his hair does flow kind of nicely. “Um can I please get the BBQ burger and a Hey y’all” he said softly. “yeah good choice, can I please see your ID?.” As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly regretted them and I felt my cheeks get hot “my bad umm don’t need to see your ID never mind  I’m just going to go put these orders through” I said before I practically ran out of the room more embarrassed then I have ever been. I just asked BROCK BOESER for ID and not the 17-year-old looking kid sitting right beside him, I am such an idiot. I walked to the kitchen and put in the orders and just prayed he would still tip me. As I waited, I felt my mind drifting to him I had to shake it off as 1) I was at work, I have to be professional and 2) hockey players are bad news.
The whole room went silent, and then everyone erupted into laughter and proceeded to tease me about what had just happened. “Mr. Sensitive getting ID’d sitting next to Quinner that’s classic” Taney shouted across the table. I felt myself smile as I thought about what had just happened, I could tell she was flustered and it was standard practice to ask for ID although I do look about 30. She ran away with the orders before I could even ask for her name. she was beautiful, long blonde hair, blue eyes and a lot shorter than me I’d say about 5’4 I couldn’t stop smiling and the boys started to notice. “ouu Boes is day dreaming” Petey joked “at least ask for her name” he said while giving me a nudge “yeah yeah I will” I replied
About 25 minutes went by and we were all a few drinks in, the girl still hadn’t returned I assumed she was avoiding me. Next thing I know the food starts to get brought in.  A part of me really hopped she would come back just so I could admire her again and maybe ask for her name. Moments later I see her long blonde hair turn the corner. She’s looking at her feet avoiding all eye contact. She approaches me and places the plate down in front of me and starts to walk away. All the boys were looking at me, waiting for me to make a move and ask for her name but I couldn’t seem to speak. “Hey miss!” I heard Petey yell. She turned around and looked at me and just as fast looked away and towards Petey. “Brock over here wants to know your name” he smirked and I felt my heart sink and bile rise to my throat, did he seriously just throw me under the bus like that. I was pissed. At first she didn’t say anything, she just stood there like she didn’t know what to do but her eyes shifted to mine as she said “ Y/N, my name is Y/N” and just like that she was out of the room before I could even ask her anything else. My emotion soon turned from happy to pissed off really quick. “Way to throw me under the bus Petey, she probably thinks I was talking about her now or something” I scoffed and sank into my chair like a child. “you should be saying you’re welcome, if I hadn’t said something you never would have”. Part of me knew he was right. I’m pretty shy and reserved and I like to keep to myself unless I know you.
Did that really just happen. Did Brock Boeser really want to know my name or were his teammates just messing with me? Either way I can’t seem to stop smiling. I came into this night wanting nothing to do with it or these boys and all of a sudden the one boy I find attractive in there wants to know my name?.
The night is coming to an end, I’ve avoided the room as much as possible, I’ve been in and out grabbing plates and refilling drinks, no more comments have been made just many stares. We’ve made eye contact once or twice a small smile included but my time is up and it’s time for the bills. I go around my side of the table one by one receiving a very drunk thank you from each of them until I get to Brock. Apart of me wants to say something but knows its unprofessional. I hand him the card machine, brushing hands as he takes it from me and we both look at each other. Het lets out a small laugh, I could tell he’d had some drinks but not nearly as many as the rest of the boys which weirdly made me feel relieved. He puts his passcode in and hands me back the machine, I take out the receipt and notice he tipped me 200$. As he stands up to put his coat on I say to him “You must’ve made a mistake, it says you tipped 200$ maybe you mean 20$?” he turns to me a flashes a smile “No mistake you deserve It” I almost felt like crying of happiness as 200$ to me means a lot more then to him. “oh, wow um thanks you so much, I hope you have a good rest of your night” I say barely being able to suppress a smile.
“yeah about the rest of the night, I’m having some friends over and I wanted to know if you wanted to umm maybe join?’ he said somewhat hesitantly. Almost as if he was nervous.
“I finish shift in an hour” I replied more confidently then id expected. “oh, great okay here’s my number text me after for the address” he replied almost surprised I had said yes. I tried to keep my cool but inside my stomach was doing flips. Brock Boeser what are you doing to me…..
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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four: “Hate Me”
masterlist | taglist | playlist | thoughts
“It's a thin line between all this love and hate, and if you switch sides, you're gon' have to claim your place. So baby, this time you're gon' have to seal your fate”
The sun blared into Ginger’s room the next morning with a vengeance. She awoke to her naked body sprawled over the contorted covers.She sat up rubbing her temples; her head felt as if a construction crew had been working all night on her skull. The empty tequila bottle laid down at the edge of her bed-stuck between the footrest and mattress. She moaned as she reached over. She was nauseous and wanted to throw up. The vile taste in her mouth began to build as she sat up right again. What the fuck did she do last night? The only thing she remembers is kissing Niall and then wanting to kill him for kissing Stella. She unlocked her nearly dead phone and proceeded to figure out last night’s antics. 
Ginger locked her bedroom door and propped her desk chair under the metal knob. She felt the anger boil over in her. How could Niall kiss her and not even an hour later play tongue hockey with Stella on her couch. She let her guard down and made an irreversible decision that could and would ruin her relationship with Stella. 
She twisted the top of the clear distilled liquor and brought the bottle to her lips: the liquid burning her throat as she chugged down the liquid courage. It set a fire in her belly that she would regret in the morning. 
She began to strip and turned on her bluetooth speaker. She scrolled through her music before choosing a song that was so perfect, so hurtful that Niall would become angered himself, which Ginger devilishly smiled as she imagined him slamming the door shut and leaving her alone forever. 
Don Healey pulsates through her speaker as he begins to sing: “You can't hide your lyin' eyes, and your smile is a thin disguise. I thought by now you'd realize there ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes.” Ginger stood in the middle of her room, chugging the tequila as her mind raced with an idea that would bring Devil shame. She stood in front of the mirror and put on her makeup-pale lips and golden eyes before she began to throw clothes from her drawers to find her black lace bralette and underwear that had garter belts attached at each thigh. 
She sat on the floor and placed her phone on a stack of books before posing her body: hand on across her body, other hand touching her vagina, and her thighs raised high enough to cover herself from exposing her secret. The self timer clicked multiple times and when the flashes stopped, Ginger took another hard swallow of tequila before viewing them. 
Her eyes grew wide as she took in her sexual deviance, biting her lip before sending one picture of her careful posed body to Niall.
But it wasn’t enough for Ginger. She felt angry. She wanted to hurt him like Niall did her. So she took off her bralette and began to take selfies of her naked top with only her arm covering her swollen nipples. She made faces that she knew only porn stars made and involuntarily shook as she sent a collection of them to someone who clouded her conscience; after all these years she still couldn’t tell what was right or wrong when it came to him. 
Ginger sat on her bed as she waited for the comeback of both men. She wanted to see who was first-who wanted her more. 
A row of heart eyes appear at the top of her messages before Daniel sends another message. 
Wow still beautiful as ever. Fuck, I miss you
Ginger laughs to herself as she thinks, “Now you want me.” She sent back a quick response.
Miss you more, Danny.
Interrupting Ginger and Daniel’s conversation, Niall’s name pops up across her screen, forcing the texts to disappear. She rejects the call before reading Daniel’s response. 
Wish Cali wasn’t so far away. I’d love to get my hands on you right now.
Ginger smiles wide as she takes another sip of alcohol and sends Daniel another picture of her bare chest. Their history together forces Ginger to begin to touch her sensitive nipples. The thought of Daniel kissing her makes her head swoon. 
A ding from her phone pulls Ginger away from her fantasy.
We need to talk
You’re killing me ..
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Niall sends his message one right after another, but instead of a response, Ginger leaves him on read before continuing her conversation with Daniel.
I wish you were hewe. 
I’d suck yur dicc rigjt mow abd 
Ginger feels the effects of the tequila and her head spins. Daniel texts again. 
And what baby? What would you do?
“Tell you I’m still in love with you,” Ginger says aloud before laying down on her bed, her head far too heavy to hold up. It was then she texted Niall the one word that flashed across her mind.
Three missed calls from Daniel and one hushed tone voice mail later, Ginger feels like death served on a stick. She had thrown up already but the guit ate at her. How could she do that with a married man? And with Niall as well? Ginger was on a downward spiral and she wanted nothing to do with her trail of bad decisions. She picked up her phone from her charging pad and dialed Niall’s number, the ringing tone blaring in her ear.
“Hey,” Niall sounds breathless and hushed.
“I fucked up.” Ginger spat before Niall could say another word. “I sent nudes to Daniel.”
“I di- you what? Isn’t he married?” Niall’s voice was concerned, but Ginger heard the hurt. “The same picture...you sent me?”
“That and more…” Ginger begins to cry as she feels her body forcibly hurt as if her body is teaching her a lesson. “I just…” 
“Meet me the Griddle Cafe in thirty.” Niall cuts the phone call and Ginger, hungover, forces herself to get ready to face judgement.
“What are we having?” the older waitress smiles at Niall and when she sees Ginger in her a hoodie drawn and sunglasses with only a few tangles of red curls poking out, she offers a look of condolence. “Late night?”
Niall smiles tenderly and orders red velvet pancakes for the both of them before leaning back and watching Ginger suffer in silence.
The cafe was loud and when Niall clanked the spoon against his cup when he was stirring his coffee, Ginger wanted to rip her head off her shoulders.
Niall begins to tap his thumbs and palms on the white granite table and it was when Ginger suddenly reached out to stop the unnecessary tapping that Niall finally spoke to her.
“So what did Dickwad have to say for himself?” He crosses his arms across the table before taking a sip of his coffee. Ginger groans as she takes her sunglasses off. She winces at the light, but she’s focused on the wad of paper from her straw to honor Niall’s question.
“I don’t know. Not much.” Ginger lies. Her eyes are swollen from the amount of crying she’s done from the thirty minute drive. Niall huffs before sitting his coffee down.
“Well that’s fuckin lie.” Niall says straight forward. His brow is pushed together and his lips are in a tight line. The crinkles in his eyes are light, but the sour look is prominent. “Anytime a girl sends nudes, a guy has somethin to say.”
“He misses me. And that he wanted his hands-” Niall thrusts a fist down on the table, making a sudden noise that makes a few onlookers stop. His face and ears are red and his breathing is fast. “You asked.”
“I- I don’t know what I wanted. The truth or for you to continue to lie to me.”
“Lie to you? Ha, that’s a joke. You lied to me. Said you wanted me. And after we kiss, you’re mouth fucking my cousin on MY couch.” Ginger’s head was spinning and she felt the need to vomit, but her anger was keeping her grounded. 
“I tried breaking up with her.” Niall said, his tone harsh.
“How do you try to break up with someone? Either you do or you don’t. That simple.” Ginger folded her hands in her lap, squeezing them together to keep her rage in check.
“I was telling her that I’m happy and then she jumped on me; then you walked in.” 
“And you sat there like an idiot.”
“Idiot?” Niall half laughed, “I’m not the one who sent their nudes to their married ex.” Ginger stands, her eyes filling with tears. 
“Ya know, I don’t have to take this. You wanted to talk, but all we’re doing is arguing.” The waitress walks up bringing the two their breakfast. An awkward glance later, Ginger is sitting down poking her food with her fork.
“You can’t expect good things to come out of doing stupid shit, Gin.” Niall said before taking a bite of the red pancake. “You got to think things through.” 
Ginger sits in silence and realizes that Niall is right.
“I’m sorry.” Ginger says as she pushes her plate away from her. The sight and smell of food nauseate her. “I wasn’t thinking. I was just...mad.”
“I’m sorry too,” Niall reaches over the table and cups Ginger’s free hand-his touch feels like fire and Ginger wants to be burned alive. 
Ginger hears a faint knocking on her door. She’s sitting in bed trying to find the courage to finally face Stella and here was her moment. 
Stella’s head pops between the barrier and asks, “You okay?” Ginger nods and Stella opens the door further to welcome herself in. She sits on Ginger’s bed and places her hand on Ginger’s knee. Emotions and comforting others are not Stella’s strongest attributes, but when it counts, Stella tries.
“Anything you want to talk about?” Here was Ginger’s chance to finally be free of the guilt and the secrets. For her to finally come out and say what needed to be said; to get rid of the wall between them that was Niall Horan. 
But courage failed her and she shook her head. She sat there full of guilt and secrets and words that will never be spoken. The wall was still there. 
“Well if you need me, you know where to find me.” Stella quickly kisses Ginger on the forehead before leaving the room. Closing the door, Ginger pulls her phone out from under her covers and replies back to Niall.
Tomorrow then?
taglist:  @kare38 @oyesmendes @stayclose-holdsteady @thicksniall @halfpinthoran
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artificialqueens · 4 years
we might be hollow (but we're brave) [jan x jackie] - pinkgrapefruit
A/N - hey! incase you hadn’t noticed i’m in love with this ship and I had these lyrics and timestamps in my google docs for months with branjie but it just wasn’t fully fitting. thanks to Alex for betaing and i hope you enjoy it! let me know what you think <3
we might be hollow (but we’re brave)
We’re never done with killing time
Can I kill it with you?
‘Til the veins run red and blue
1 7 0 7 - 0 3 - 1 5 - 2 0 0 9
The car hums, low and hoarse as Jackie waits in the school lot. She’d offhandedly promised to pick up her english partner and all of a sudden she’s regretting it, twenty minutes late and low on fuel. She switches it off, flicking the key, and then back on again, hoping not to burn out the fragile engine.
She runs out of the school sweaty and flustered, gym bag slung haphazardly over her shoulder and for a second Jackie is fixated on the way Jan’s baby hairs have plastered themselves across her forehead. The smaller girl slings her bag through the open back window, watching with a smirk as Jackie cringes - sending a warm smile in gratitude.
They play the music loud and keep the air con on low, just cool enough to dry Jan’s hair without the native New Jerseyan complaining about how it’s warmer in the arctic. Jackie’s from Canada, she doesn’t really care.
Jan gives vague directions to her home as and when she sees fit, often directing Jackie to take turns she didn’t even know existed when they’re already almost past them. It drives the brunette mad as she abuses the car’s delicate steering, all to navigate the New Jersey suburbs.
What she does notice is they end up barely two streets over from her own house. A standard three bed, two bath, decent garden house that looks just as identical as every other one in the neighbourhood.
It’s painted blue. Jackie thinks it fits.
They spend the early evening reading excerpts of Romeo and Juliet to each other on Jan’s porch. The blonde reads on the porch chair as it swings aimlessly in the warm early spring breeze. She’s still in her cheer uniform and Jackie doesn’t have a chance to ask how she manages both cheer and soccer. Jackie barely manages hockey.
They eat homemade ice cream sundaes and watch the sunset over the eerie glow of the street lamps until Jan complains she can’t see the pages anymore and Jackie has long since stopped making notes on prose and characters.
They don’t talk about school tomorrow because they won’t see each other. Jan asks if she will pick her up. Jackie says yes.
We come around here all the time
Got a lot to not do, let me kill it with you
0 7 3 2 - 0 4 - 0 2 - 2 0 0 9
Jackie gets a text at half past seven telling her quite emphatically that Jan is running late. There is no question posed that Jackie can discern on the Nokia n95 screen - the glare from the early morning screen compromising her vision anyway - but she grabs her rucksack and the keys to the car and swings round the corner anyway.
She rationalises it by telling herself that it’s on the way to school anyway. It is.
She pulls up and Jan is sat on the porch steps in a pastel pink denim miniskirt and a glittery letterman jacket. She skips to the car and slides onto the front seat with a telltale squeak of bare legs on leather, throwing her bag onto the backseat in a way that still makes Jackie cringe even after two weeks. She smells of lemongrass and vanilla.
The blonde giggles and Jackie catches her mouth curving up in the reverse mirror, so she lets Jan pick the music and just focuses on the gear stick and anything else in her control.
She watches as the blonde sways to Fifteen by Taylor Swift, belting out the lyrics like she can feel them in her soul. They’re sophomores but they were freshmen last year and to be honest, from what she knows of Jan, she wouldn’t be surprised if that was her life.
They pull into the school parking lot to the sounds of Fearless and even Jackie cracks a smile at the way Jan is beaming. They have five minutes before they need to be in school and Jackie averts her eyes as Jan twists awkwardly to grab her bag from where it ended up on the floor, skirt riding up so the brunette can see the plum lace of her panties. She gulps and pulls out her well worn copy of Little Women instead. Not watching as Jan quickly reviews her AP Biology textbook.
“Thanks Jackie! You’re the best,” Jan calls as she slams the rickety car door on the third attempt.
“Anytime Jan.” And Jackie finds she means it.
You pick me up and take me home again
Head out the window again
We’re hollow like the bottles that we drain
0 1 2 5 - 0 7 - 1 7 - 2 0 0 9
Jackie’s phone vibrates under her pillow at one in the morning on a friday. They’ve been on summer break for a month and Jackie hasn’t really done much but she’ll admit she’s missed Jan. Until she woke her up that is.
She answers it with a defeated sign, tugging on her oversized Van Halen t-shirt until it feels decent even though no one is going to look into her tiny bedroom. The light filters through the window in a way that makes it feel like she’s in a weird horror film and she remembers why this is called the witching hour.
“Come over Jack, I’m bored,” comes the whine from down the phone and Jackie has to stifle a laugh even though she knows how much trouble she could get in for this. She sighs. She can’t really argue -  doesn’t want to. She’s always been called boring. She doesn’t want to be anymore.
“I’m coming Jan, gimme five.”
She tugs on an oversized jacket and pulls a pair of gym shorts under her shirt, grabbing the running trainers from the bottom of her closet and spritzing a couple of squirts of sandalwood and shea from her almost empty perfume bottle. When she’s pretty sure she looks okay, she pushes up her window and thanks the gods she’s over the porch. It’s well structured and surprisingly easy to climb both up and down (her brother proved it to her last week) and she slides the window shut behind her as she shimmies down stained wood into the crisp summer night.
It’s not cold and the summer moon means it’s not dark either so she manages the walk quite calmly, feeling a freedom she sometimes forgets she has.
Jan’s sat on her porch steps in a pair of grey joggers and a black sports bra, draped in a tartan blanket and with what is unmistakably a bottle of wine gripped between her thighs.
They don’t actually talk for a while, just pass the bottle between themselves taking swigs of it like it’s water until Jan is giggling at a sparrow - the moon making her blonde hair glow in a way Jackie deems completely unfair. She’s ethereal, godlike in this light and Jan wants to tuck some of the escaped strands back behind her ear so she can watch the shadow in the curve of her upper lip.
She wants them to talk about boys, or talk about girls - to delve into who they are because surely that’s how you should spend wine time at two a.m but the wine is all gone and Jan’s cheek is soft on Jackie’s padded shoulder and somehow their fingers intertwine.  
She starts humming something under her breath, something old - a song her dad used to sing her to help her sleep and Jan tugs at her hand to make her sing it louder until Jackie is serenading the sleepy neighbourhood with Mama Cass.
She shakes Jan awake just after four as the sun rises down the wide street. Their knees are stiff but Jan stands up, tugging Jackie by the hands into a hug. She’s not sure what it’s for but it’s welcomed and when Jackie clambers back through her window she can smell vanilla.
You drape your wrists over the steering wheel
Pulses can drive from here
We might be hollow, but we’re brave
0 5 0 2 - 0 1 - 0 1 -2 0 1 0
She’s clad in a hoodie and leggings when she pulls up to the big house. The party she was at finished hours ago but she’s told Jan to text her if she needed her and apparently she needs her so she’d put the heating on full blast and grabbed a blanket out of the trunk to wrap the smaller girl in when she came out.
She watches as she walks carefully out of the house, feet bare and stiletto heels in her hands. Jan slides into the front seat quietly. She carefully drops the heels into the foot-well and puts an awful lot of effort into fastening her seat-belt just right until she looks up at Jackie and something snaps.
Her eyes are red and raw and her lipstick is smudged across her chin and she looks so tired Jackie wants to bundle her up, hold her close and never let her go. But she doesn’t.
She places one hand in her lap and drives calmly to an empty house down the road, pulling into the drive and turning the engine off.
Jan is gripping her hand like a lifeline, clammy fingers twisted around soft flesh. In the light of the streetlamp, there are scratched on Jan’s bare thighs and Jackie gulps on reflex - choking back something that could have been a retch if what she’s thinking is true.
She takes a second to compose herself, brushing through Jan’s hair with her free hand. “You okay baby?” She asks quiet and still - trying to keep the situation as tranquil as she can.
Jan takes a huge snotty inhale, broken by sobs, and shakes her head. She tries to speak but she isn’t breathing enough to form words and all that’s coming out is a choked whimper.
“Hey, Jan honey, you’re safe,” she murmurs, “look at me babe.” She repeats it until the blonde will look her in the eyes, her cerulean orbs pooling. “Can I touch you?” Jackie asks, her tone soothing, and Jan nods slowly.
Jackie places a cool hand on her shoulder and feels the sticky sweat against her dry skin. The smell of cheap vodka, beer and mens cologne is filling the car and it makes her feel sick. She’s not a partier or a massive drinker but by the smell alone she doesn’t understand the appeal. She moves quickly, whipping her head around as she remembers the water bottle she keeps in the door. She places it in Jan’s lap and gently coaxes her to take a sip.
After a little while longer Jan rolls her shoulders back and squeezes Jackie’s hand appreciatively. She nods to herself while trying to find her words and Jackie rubs slow circles on her back.
“It, it was twelve and everyone was cheering,“ she starts, slowly, methodically. "And he- he wanted a kiss, which was fine because everyone was kissing and I’d joked last week that I’d kiss him so it was okay,” She pauses, justifying things that don’t need justifying, setting off alarm bells in Jackie’s head to the point where she’s mentally screaming and the story hasn’t even begun.
“But then,” she continues after a sip of water, “at like three, he pulled me aside while Jaida and Gigi were dancing and asked me for a kiss and I said yes because it seemed like the right thing to do.” She’s got silent tears running down her face again and Jackie wants to tell her she doesn’t have to keep going but she’s frozen in place. “But then it, it took a while and he took my hand and he put it down his trousers and he started kissing down my neck.” The words aren’t given tone anymore. They’re cold hard statements of fact that are rattling through Jackie’s ribs, making her fight every urge she has to vomit because Jan’s become her best friend.
“And I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t like him like that and I just wanted a fun kiss. But he made me touch him and I didn’t want that at all.” Jan starts to shake so Jackie pulls the blanket back over her, Keeping one steadying hand on her knee - steadying for the both of them. “So I pulled away and he called me a whore and then I trapped myself in a bedroom and then I texted you and it was awful Jackie. It was terrible and the worst part was I just wanted you.” She sobs openly but the tears run clear now - the mascara washed off her face and she seems lighter and that’s all Jackie could ask for.
“You are so brave Jan,” Jackie says with as much confidence as she can muster. “You are so brave and that man is a coward and a dick if he thinks he can do that to a woman and you are the strongest person I know, don’t you forget that.” She leans her forehead on the side of the blonde’s head and sighs.
“I’m so sorry baby."
“Me too,” Jan murmurs. “Me too.”
I love these roads where the houses don’t change (and I like you)
2 2 5 6 - 0 5 - 2 2 - 2 0 1 0
“Oh God, Oh God, Oh God,” mutters Jackie, knees bouncing, clammy palms on the leather seats.
They’re racing down the empty street, lamps flickering as they pass. If it was any lighter, neighbourhood watch would have caught them out by now because this is almost certainly not within legal speed limits for the suburbs. Jan passes house after house as they try frantically to make it for Jackie’s eleven pm curfew, the wind low and whistling as it cuts the car. They know the stakes.
Jackie’s face has turned a pale shade of white in fear of the reaction she will face, scraping in just under the time agreed. How her mother will react to Jan driving the family car back home, kissing her gently on the cheek and walking two streets to her own home.
They pull up at ten fifty-nine and Jan almost bursts into tears.
“See you tomorrow?” She asks softly, wistfully.
“Yeah,” Jackie exhales, tomorrow.
Where we can talk like there’s something to say (and I like you)
2 3 5 8 - 1 2 - 3 1 - 2 0 1 0
Jan makes Jackie pull over when she notices the time. They’re both too drunk to be driving and too sober to be alone and they’ve got the windows down as the sea breeze tunnels through the car. It smells of sunsets and saltwater and ice cream sundaes and Jackie’s hair and Jan is hooked.
The old car clock ticks quietly above the hum of the engine and the barely-there sound of the waves and Jackie finds pleasure in watching Jan’s eyes fixate on the hand. It swings around, red against the clock face.
Jan catches her staring and her eyes burn blue into Jackie’s deep brown. It’s a cold night but they’ve both pulled the blankets from the back seat and suddenly the blonde is aware of how small the vehicle is because there is not enough room between their faces and-
Their lips touch. Spark. Flicker. Ignite.
And then she’s warm and intoxicated and just a little bit in love but she thinks the dopey smile suits her - heads lolled back on the headrests, hands intertwined.
I’m glad that we stopped kissing the tar on the highway (and I like you)
1 6 2 4 - 0 2 - 1 4 - 2 0 1 1
Jackie drives them to the beach at sunset. They sit in the boot of the car on a picnic blanket in a parking spot that overlooks the crashing waves and it’s an illusion of stillness Jackie struggles to find anywhere else.
They hold hands because no one can see them - drink a bottle of champagne stolen from Jan’s Mom’s wine fridge. The blonde is bundled up in Jackie’s chunky knit cardigan and she looks warm and cosy and just a little bit like home.
“Hold me,” Jan asks, with eyes like saucers and a tone rolling in sugar. Jackie blinks slowly - capturing the image of her girlfriend in this moment before reaching to pull her into her arms. They don’t have much room but Jan somehow manages to straddle her - a hand on each cheek as Jackie grips her hips. The brunette bites her own lip softly and suddenly their mouths are pressed together and she’s not sure if it’s the sea air, the girl or a little bit of both but it tastes like magic and she doesn’t ever want to let it go.
“I love you,” she exhales into her hair - just above her ear.
“I love you more,” Jan whispers onto her collarbone.
“Sure Jan,” Jackie giggles, pulling Jan closer, burying her face into her hair. “Happy Valentine’s day baby.”
We move in the tree streets
0 8 3 5 - 0 8 - 2 8 - 2 0 1 1
“We’re only gonna be four hours away,” Jan mumbles, fingers finding Jackie’s with ease. “Why does that feel like the whole universe?”
They’re sat on Jan’s front steps - she has to leave in an hour if she’s going to make it to NYU for move-in but she’s not quite sure how to put one foot in front of another. Her life is packed up in boxes behind her but her world is holding her hand.
“Four hours baby. That’s all,” Jackie coaxes, “we can do it.” She says it with so much confidence but her bottom lip is trembling frantically. She got a place at Penn State and she’s happy. It’s what she wants -  to be away from her family - to grow. Unfortunately that means being away from Jan too.
“Will we make it?” Jan asks - and it’s so earnest it breaks Jackie’s heart.  
“Yes.” Jackie says. And this time her lip is still.
I’d like it if you stayed.
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untilrecently · 6 years
I should really be in bed right about now.
Unfortunately, I know myself. It takes me a really long time to wind down after a bartending shift. I’m so used to being in constant motion and having to multi-task all night that to actually sit down and relax doesn’t feel right for awhile.
Not to mention when I get really tired or haven’t had enough sleep, I get a little overemotional. And when I get overemotional, I get impulsive. And when I get impulsive, there’s no reasoning with me from a logical standpoint. And that said, I’m now a “Humane Hero” donator for the Humane Society of the United States...as of like 30 seconds ago...
In my defense, I feel like there should be a few more barriers before they get to the money information screen. Like at least a short survey along the lines of:
“Have you had less than 5 hours of sleep? Have you worked a 14 hour day? Is there wine in your hand? Did you watch a sad video we posted? Are you sure you want to be a donor even though you’re a broke-ass bitch? Mmk, if you’re sure, money please!”
Whelp. I spend money on dumber shit every month. Go save those animals, Humane Society.  I’ll keep slinging drinks and crying at videos you post when I’m done.
Aaaaanyway. I got a couple extra shifts at the hotel bar this week which will greatly help when I have my mouth rearranged next week. It always seems to happen this way that my schedule really ramps up before a surgery. Almost as if subconsciously I want to be as tired and worn out as possible before I get knocked out...huh. (#bestsleepever)
That said, I appreciate the money...but not the idiocy that comes with serving people food and alcohol. Tonight was semi steady and mostly tolerable (thanks to a visit from a friend to make me feel sane!) This was until about the last hour we were open. Then all of a sudden everyone came out of the woodwork and decided they wanted to “turn up” on a fucking Wednesday. Like, I get it. It’s the night before Valentine’s Day. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, this day is fucking obnoxious. I only enjoy the discounts on champagne and the day after sales of chocolate. Otherwise, pretty sure this commercial holiday can suck my nuts.
At one point I had a lonely looking woman drinking red wine at the bar and asking my least favorite question while my coworker was making a fucking long island iced tea. “Ooh, what is THAT?!”
Mmm, get the fuck out of here with that. Unless you’re at a bar where they’re literally making flaming drinks or advertising the fact they make craft cocktails, shut the fuck up about what’s being made. Do you go to McDonald’s and ask the people on the assembly line, “Oooh, what’s THAT?!” Do you watch a janitor mopping the floors with soapy water and go, “OOH, WHAT’S THAT?!”
No! You let them do their fucking job and assume not every fucking part of it is something special that you need to fucking know about. Jesus. I get that in food service it’s slightly different because people always want to see a physical representation of an order. I get that. But fucking what does it matter if you’re not going to order it? Or if it’s just a fucking drink that you somehow don’t know because you’re an idiot? Then you’re basically just asking the monkey “what kind of dance it’s going to do next?”
Okay, that rant went a little off the rails. But I meant it! (Dancing monkey tired).
So yeah. People at the bar tonight were a little on the obnoxious side. At one point a very extra white woman waved her arms to get my attention and started ordering drinks. I let her know her server would take care of her order and she started to get abrasive as I tried to walk away. “Oh, NO! WAIT! NO! I mean, YOU can get this stuff for us!”
I wanted to say, “Why yes, yes I could. But I instantly hate you because I’ve been listening to your obnoxious fucking voice over all the other voices in the bar for the last hour. So eat my ass.”
I got bullied into serving a lawyer and his buddies three beers after I’d said the bar was closed. I was immediately chewed out by a guy at the beginning of the night, too because “Do we HAVE to watch the NEWS?! SO DEPRESSING! We don’t need those politics!” 
He then proceeded to start a political conversation with the other two men at the bar the second after I changed the channel for him. Adorbs.
Now, I get this complaint all the time. “Ugh, I can’t STAND watching the news.”
Every time I have to bite my tongue. “Ugh, I KNOW. Wanting to know what’s going on in the world around you, UGH. GROSS.”
Or the people that immediately plop down and request a channel change. I’ve said it in the past and I know my smart ass is going to say it again in the future. “You’re welcome to change the channel as much as you want in your room.”
Some guy pulled that the other night and I snapped back, “Well, ALL the other people at the bar are watching the Grammy’s so if you’d like to explain it to them that YOU want to watch hockey…”
That shut him up right quick.
Anyway. I’m going to have to put my nice face on for just a few more nights to get through the rest of this week. The Valentine’s prix fixe dinner is tomorrow night and I’m hopefully not going to have to witness any of it. Our hotel is weird in the way it gets a lot of business but it seems some of the promotional events go south. Last I heard, there were only 15 reservations for the entire night...not great. Not great.
As far as the office job, I had a crazy vivid dream last weekend that I up and quit in a dramatic fashion. While still in the dream, I realized with crushing intensity that I don’t want to be without a job again. Being unemployed sucks and it’s terrifying. I actually woke up scared and have been a much more agreeable employee this week….cuz I like money
Not to mention I went through all this work (and forgery) to apply for this job today and even went in early to use the office amenities to be able to submit it.
I got a rejection within a couple hours. Apparently I didn’t have the right kind of experience and didn’t read the fine print under “office bitch” duties.
Time to keep smiling, be nice, work hard, and bring in baked goods so no one realizes you’re dead inside.
I’m sure I’ll have more glorious stories about a-holes at the bar next week while my mouth is recuperating and I am on a steady diet of soft foods and ice cream. (Read: booze and cold stuff).
Talk next week!
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likeshipsonthesea · 7 years
And We All Fall Down (2/?)
[1] [2]
A continuation of Ooby Dooby, this thing I wrote where Nursey accidentally tells single-father Dex that he has a child, too. Oops. Also the title is from another children’s song (Ring-Around-the-Rosie) and is meant to signify Nursey falling even further down the hole he dug himself. Oops again.
Finding a toddler to borrow for a certain amount of time is more difficult than Nursey would’ve thought. Like, he thought it would be really hard to start with, but it turns out its even harder than that. None of his friends have kids, as they’re all fairly young and/or like to drink their cares away for the majority of their weekends, and it’s not like Nursey can just go to a cat-shelter type establishment and pick out a cute two-to-three year old who might possibly look like they share his genes.
He flirted, briefly, with the idea of putting an ad on Craigslist, but not only did the idea of what he’d get in response scare him into double-checking the locks on his apartment’s front door but he’s also pretty sure that someone in some kind of government room with no windows and a thousand computer screens is monitoring shit that goes down on Craigslist, and Nursey really doesn’t want to be put on any kind of list that makes flying even harder than it already is.
Dex texts him, a few days following their meeting- days Nursey has spent debating on whether or not he can die of heartbreak from a guy he’s spent not even an hour with- and he sends a picture of Parker wearing his Spider-man pajamas. It’s probably the most adorable thing Nursey has ever seen in his life, Parker looking so proud of himself with this huge grin on his face, sitting on a rug that looks old and homey, in his apparently favorite outfit. Dex captions it with he wanted me to make sure you knew how cool his pjs were. Nursey dies with cuteness and tells Dex to let Parker know that they are, indeed, the coolest pajamas in existence, and hopes that this isn’t a tit-for-tat type situation in which Nursey is expected to reciprocate with a cute picture of his own adorable, superhero-loving, non-existent kid.
Nursey lets himself into Jack’s apartment, hating himself and also craving some pie for some weird reason. He collapses on the couch with a pitiful sigh-groan-whimper and Jack, who is sat next to him, looks constipated, which he usually does when faced with emotions. He reaches out awkwardly and pats at Nursey’s shoulder, which is actually pretty nice so Nursey gives him a weak smile.
“No luck in the toddler search?” Jack asks, then winces at himself as he realizes how weird what he just said was.
Nursey sighs again. “No. It’s almost like parents don’t want to give their kids away to strange men so they can get dates. Go figure.”
“Thirdy said you could babysit his daughter if you want,” Jack says, a little hopeful. “Mostly because he wants to know how it is going to turn out.” Nursey loves Jack, he really does, because there’s only so many friends that would actually ask their coworkers if his friend could borrow their baby for a bit.
“I told Dex I had a son,” Nursey says, waving his hand for no reason. “But thanks anyway.”
“Marty has a son,” Jack says, almost like he’s thinking to himself. He winces again, momentarily forgetting that this isn’t the weirdest fucking situation ever.
Nursey gives Jack a flat look, which isn’t fair because Jack is trying to help but- “I show up with a white baby and he’s definitely going to think I’m more of a creeper than I already am.”
“I don’t see what the big issue is,” Holster says, returning from Jack’s kitchen with a giant bowl of popcorn. Shitty trails behind him, a similarly sized bowl of chocolate covered pretzels in his hands. Lardo has a three six-packs of beer in her hands, which she quickly dumps across the coffee table for everyone to grab. Nursey looks at them and whines to himself. He doesn’t even feel like drinking, he’s so upset. “You met the guy, what? Once for like an hour? Just never talk to him again.”
“I can’t just-” Nursey cuts himself off with a whine and reflops onto the couch, because he’s apparently regressed into childhood maturity once again. He briefly wonders if he could pass his own self off as his son and then hurts his head thinking about the logistics for a minute. “I- you didn’t see him. He’s the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Shitty raises his eyebrows. “More beautiful than Jack?” Nursey nods solemnly and Shitty swears. “Wow.”
“You can’t risk being arrested because he’s pretty,” Lardo says, throwing away a can of beer she’s already finished even though they haven’t even started the movie yet.
“It’s not just that,” Nursey mumbles, fiddling with the hem of his sweatshirt. “He’s really good with his kid and he’s funny and he plays hockey, and I don’t know.” He shrugs, looking up at Lardo and feeling embarrassed and vulnerable and shitty. “I just felt good being around him. I- everything was okay for a little bit.”
Lardo, who has dealt with Nursey’s shit almost as much as Shitty, considers him for a moment. Nursey lets her look her fill, baring his soul to her even though he knows she can see it whenever she wants. After a few heavy moments, she finally shakes her head. “Derek,” she says, her voice soft, “if you really do like this guy, you can’t pretend that you’re a father. It would ruin any chance you had.”
“Yeah, brah, fake babies are good for a one-and-done but long-term?” Shitty makes a face. “Not kosh.”
“But what do I tell him?” Nursey says, whining more but mostly just because why not.
“The truth,” Jack says, his voice quiet but firm, and he gives Nursey a reassuring smile when Nursye turns to look at him. “If he’s worth it, he’ll see how sw’awesome you are despite the whole-” Jack winces again, “-lying about having a kid thing.”
Nursey sniffles, wiping at a nonexistent tear. “That was beautiful.”
“Group hug!” Shitty cheers, then jumps onto the couch like a starfish. Nursey coughs all the air out of his lungs, and before he can rectify it, Holster and Lardo join the pile. Nursey and Jack are busy complaining, loudly and with much laughter, that it’s too much weight, then Shitty starts sobbing because he accuses them of calling him fat, and it’s at that moment that Ransom bursts into the apartment, grinning from ear to ear.
“Tell me I’m the best bro,” he says.
“You’re the best bro,” Holster says without pause.
“Want to know why I’m the best bro?” Ransom asks. Before anyone responds, he continues, “Because only the bestest of best bros could help his bro get a little bro to take to a bro date with another bro!”
Nursey blinks confused. What does bro even mean at this point? Holster, it seems, is better at deciphering it. “You found a toddler?” he asks, shock and awe in his voice. Nursey panics momentarily, wondering what “found a toddler” means. Like, a friend of a friend promised to lend the baby to a stranger for an afternoon kind of found, or like, someone left a stroller unattended at a grocery store and now the whole cast of Law and Order: SVU is going to be at their door in a few minutes kind of found?
“It might be cool to meet Mariska Hargitay,” he mumbles to himself. Everyone else, who is used to his mumblings, begins inquiring via yelling how exactly Ransom found a toddler.
“My sis is going on vacation and I convinced her to let me babysit my nephew while she and her wife go to Paris.” Ransom grins, incredibly proud of himself, and Nursey is thankful and he feels bad but-
“Thanks, brah, but I kinda decided to nix the fake baby idea.”
Ransom deflates. “Dude. Now I have a toddler for a week all by myself.”
“You love Wade,” Holster protests. “We can dress him up like Broadway characters again.”
Ransom winces. “Yeah, Sabrina nixed that after the Pippin ones. Gave her a bad vibe.” And he shakes his head, changing the subject physically. “And yeah, I love Wade, coolest little dude who can’t form sentences, but, like, for an afternoon, a day at most. A whole week is going to be brutal.” He collapses in the armchair, already exhausted at the mere thought of entertaining a toddler for an extended period of time.
“I could help you watch him,” Nursey suggests. “It is my fault you’ve got him in the first place, and I still need to do research for the book anyway.” Nursey doesn’t know why he’s doing this; he has no experience with kids and he’s probably just going to make the whole thing worse, but maybe a part of him is hoping that if he gets enough practice hours with a baby, Dex will be more inclined to let him into his and Parker’s lives. Possibly. Improbably. Would you let a guy who lied about having a son to look less creepy about watching children play in a park around your toddler? Nursey would, but he might be biased.
“Sw’awesome!” Ransom cheers. “Bro-parenting.”
“Bro,” Holster says, wounded. “I thought we were gonna be bro-parents.”
“That’s when we have our own kids,” Ransom says, like it’s obvious, and Holster is apparently pacified. The rest of the people on the couch exchange looks; they’re not sure if Holster and Ransom are actually dating and just never thought it pertinent to inform any of them or if they’re just planning to keep living together forever, bros ‘til death do they go off to the big kegster in the sky.
“When does Wade get here?” Nursey asks to change the subject.
“Tomorrow,” Ransom says. His eyes go wide and excited. “We can go to the aquarium!”
Okay, so, babies? Much cuter in the abstract than the physical. Like, meeting Wade, A+ experience. His mothers had cleaned him of any and all fluids, deceiving Nursey into thinking babies were generally clean. Guess what? Not true. They were pushing the stroller along, happily pointing out all the fish to a Wade who probably had no idea what was happening aside from colors! Then all of a sudden there was spit-up and crying (mostly Nursey and Ransom’s) and then Ransom was abandoning Nursey to “go get paper towels” and Nursey was left alone with the crying, vomit-covered toddler in his arms.
He’s hastily rummaging through the stroller, looking for anything aside from his own t-shirt for something to get the vomit off of Wade’s face, ignoring the judging looks from the moms around him. Fuck them, he thinks, at least my kid is the cutest out of all of them. He glances around to make sure and he’s totally got the cutest kid, sans-vomit. Wade’s got these huge chubby baby cheeks and a happy wide smile, with short curly hair and the most adorable button nose there’s ever been.
“Except maybe for Dex’s, kid,” Nursey tells Wade just as he finds a thing of wet-wipes. He manages to finagle a wipe out of it with some vigorous jerking that makes Wade giggle. “He’s got a very cute nose,” Nursey informs him, rubbing at the vomit, and it’s actually going away! Score one for Nursey, zero for toddler digestive tracts. “And there’s all these freckles over it, I bet you in the summer he gets thousands of them.”
“Fishy,” Wade says happily, pointing at a Nemo looking thing behind him.
“Yes, fishy,” Nursey says, proud of Wade’s developmental skills even though he has no right to be. He throws the vomit-wipe into the trash can to their left and then tickles Wade’s tummy, making him shriek with glee. “This is what fishy kisses feel like,” he says seriously, which just makes Wade giggle more.
Wade leans in and smacks a kiss to Nursey’s cheek, which is endearing even with the lingering smell of puke, and Nursey gives him a warm smile as Wade pats at the place he just kissed with his chubby baby hand.
Then Nursey hears, “Nursey!” in an excited, high-pitched voice, and he turns just in time to see Parker running up to him and stopping just before he barrels into Nursey’s knees.
“Parker.” Nursey blinks down at him, shocked considerably. Last night, Nursey and Parker’s father were texting like crazy, going from talking about hockey to books Nursey loved and Dex complained about to Marvel movies and more. It was so easy, companionable and flirty and comfortable. Nursey spent most of the night afterwards agonizing over if he was going to explain his lie to Dex or just not respond to anymore texts, and now here Parker is, bright and smiling and-and sans-Dex.
Nursey looks up and around, eyes programmed to lock onto that gorgeous fiery hair, and he finds Dex looking panicked a few tanks over. He raises a hand in the air and calls Dex’s name until Dex looks over, his eyes locking on Nursey. He jogs over, pushing his way through extended families and stroller walls. When he’s within earshot, he hears Dex asking, “Have you seen Park-”
“Daddy, it’s Nursey!” Parker cheers, bouncing on his feet. Dex instantly floods with relief, his shoulders loosening and his expression relaxing. He kneels down onto the ground and hugs Parker close, his eyes closing as he squeezes. 
“You scared me, Parker. Don’t run away from me like that.” Dex pulls back and Parker’s lip is wobbling a little.
“I’m sowwy,” he says, blinking rapidly. Then he points up at Nursey. “Nursey here.”
Dex squeezes at Parker’s shoulders for a few seconds, not able to look away from him, probably still half-panicked from losing him, but eventually he pulls his eyes away to look up at Nursey and offer a tired, almost self-deprecating smile. He stands up, taking Parker with him so now they’re both standing with babies in their arms, and Nursey almost forgot about Wade until he waves, big and obnoxious, over at Parker.
“Hi!” he says, cheerful, and Parker seems a little shy, ducking his head, but he does wave back, just a little spasm of his fingers, and it’s probably the most adorable interaction Nursey’s seen in his life.
“Oh, this is Wade,” Nursey says, remembering his manners. “Wade, this is Parker and Dex.”
“Hi!” Wade says again, and Dex smiles fondly. Nursey is almost jealous of Wade in that second. How dare a toddler get Dex’s fond eyes when Nursey doesn’t? He may possibly be crazy. I made up a toddler, he thinks, I’m definitely crazy.
Fuck, Nursey thinks as he realizes, Dex probably thinks Wade is my kid. Oh shit, oh fucking shit, how the hell is he going to dig himself out this? He was going to tell Dex he lied- or never talk to him again, he hadn’t decided yet- and it’s so much creepier to explain when he’s been spotted with a toddler that is not his own. Oh, yeah, I just like to hang out around children’s playgrounds alone during my free time and I just have this random toddler who’s my friend’s sister’s kid, a friend who just happens to not be here right now, haha, he’s totally real, this isn’t just a story I made up to explain away my kidnapping of this child, I would never make up something like, that’s almost as ridiculous as making up the existence of a child, who would do that, hahaha.
He is so fucked.
“Hi Wade,” Dex says, his voice softer somehow. “Do you like the fishes?”
“Fishy!” Wade says, which Nursey thinks is an affirmative. “Nemo,” he adds, solemnly, and Parker seems to understand because he nods back seriously. Dex shakes his head and gives Nursey a look, like kids, right? and Nursey tries to nod like a father would but he has like absolutely zero idea of what that would look like.
“My friend Chowder really likes the aquarium, and he conditioned Parker into loving sharks, so this is a weekly trip for us,” Dex says, faux-exasperated but mostly just pleased.
“This is our first time,” Nursey says, because lies fit in his mouth easily. He adjusts Wade on his waist. “We like it for the most part.” Then Nursey thinks for a second and amends, “The jellyfish exhibit was dark.”
“Dark scary,” Wade says.
“Weally scawy,” Parker agrees, and they exchange a happy, oblivious child smile.
Just then, Ransom comes bounding up to them, a wad of paper towels clutched in his hand. “I found-” He pauses, noticing the puke-less toddler in Nursey’s arms.
Nursey shrugs. “There were wet-wipes in the cart.”
“You couldn’t have texted a bro to let him know?” Ransom grumbles, throwing out the towels in the nearby trashcan.
“Jus’in,” Wade cheers, making grabby hands for Ransom. Ransom takes him easily from Nursey, and Nursey hopes that it doesn’t make it seem like his own “son” likes Ransom better than him.
“This is Ransom,” Nursey says, looking back to Dex- and God he’s pretty, how is Nursey ever going to walk away from Dex and Parker without dying inside- and seeing the amicable smile Dex offers Ransom. “Ransom, this is Dex and Parker.”
“The Dex and Parker?” Ransom has a shitty grin on his face, and Nursey feels his face warm (though it’s probably not a visible blush). Dex, on the other hand, flushes across his nose and cheeks in a pleasant, soft pink that Nursey wants to memorize. “I’ve heard a lot about you guys,” Ransom adds, probably as payback for the time Nursey helped Holster fill the pockets of his salmon shorts with actual salmon. Ransom leans in a little towards Parker. “I hear you’ve got some pretty sw’awesome Spider-Man PJs?”
“Spider-Man!” Parker cheers, and proceeds to ramble about superheros for a few minutes, to which Wade responds in kind, and as they have their own conversation (with Ransom watching and interjecting as he pleases, because both he and Holster are most comfortable in the presence of toddlers), Nursey manages to talk to Dex about the newest Marvel movie out, which leads to them talking about representation in media, and diversity and the importance of kids having role-models who look like them, and, just.
Dex speaks so carefully, choosing his words deliberately and trying to get what he means across so Nursey can understand easily, and Nursey can picture them talking about their days and Parker’s drawings and movies and pointless things and important things and he just wants, wants to have the chance to talk to Dex for- for as long as Dex will let him. And he realizes, with startling horror, that he is never going to get that. Because he made up the existence of a person and now he can’t even explain it because Dex caught him with a toddler (that Nursey once again lied about and passed off as his own), and, just. Halfway into their conversation, Nursey starts mourning the relationship he and Dex will never have.
Ransom’s phone goes off, and he tells Nursey that they need to get back for lunch with the gang, and Nursey tries not to whine pitifully at the thought of leaving Dex. Dex doesn’t seem to have the same qualms. He says, “Yeah, we’d better get going, too. But we should set up a playdate sometime.”
Nursey is going to say no, he is, but Dex looks so hopeful, and the expression is mirrored on Parker’s little face, and fuck, but, “Sure.” Nursey can feel Ransom staring at the side of his face and studiously ignores him.
Dex lights up, as do Parker and Wade. “I get off work early on Tuesday,” Dex says. “We could do around four if you’re free?”
“Sounds great,” Nursey says, thinking you’re an idiot, you’re an idiot, you’re an- “We can work out the details tonight.”
“See you then.” Dex is smiling, casual but devastatingly beautiful as always. He adjusts Parker in his arms. “Say bye, Park.”
“Bye-bye!” Parker waves goodbye, and Wade mirrors it with a big smile. Dex waves, too, and then they’re both disappearing into the crowd. Nursey deflates as soon as he can’t see the back of Dex’s head anymore.
“Dayum, Nursey, you’ve got it bad.”
“Yeah.” Nursey sighs. He’s so fucked.
“Fishy,” Wade says, almost consolingly, patting at Nursey’s shoulder. That helps.
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werenzki · 7 years
William Nylander #3.5
-read the rest of the parts for this imagine here-
A/N: I’m glad you guys are still enjoying what’s turned into a mini-fic basically lol, I definitely haven’t lost any inspiration for this little story and I just hope you keep on loving it as much as I do :)
Word Count: 4,792
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Saturday night hockey, aka the best hockey there really was. Mostly due to the fact you could almost always make the home games and not have to worry about classes or any kind of work. You got to take out your gold triple A pass - the most important pass anyone in the arena had their hands on - while wear your Leafs gear and enjoying a beer to cheer on your team. This Saturday was just a bit more special, it was the first home game you’d be watching as.. well whatever you and Willy were.
“I’m not making a mistake am I?” You asked out loud while Sammy drove your car back from lunch.
“With what exactly?” Sammy questioned, keeping her eyes on the road.
“With William,” you said.
“I don’t think so,” Sammy paused and smiled, “I do think that you’ve been the happiest I’ve seen you this past month, and you deserve it,”
You smiled at her words. Sometimes you’d notice how much your cheeks hurt from all the smiling, or how much you’d just simply be thinking about Willy. But it was nice to hear someone close to you noticing as well.
“I think my dad’s getting a little suspicious,” you exclaimed.
When explaining New Years Eve, you just said you drunkly stole Willy’s jacket and that was it. There was no kissing or touching or anything of the sort. Your father had stared at you for a long while before nodding and then apologized for his behaviour. Which of course you had to follow up with an apology too.
Since then you and Willy had hung out one-on-one a handful of times as well as texted pretty constantly. Nothing more than the touching and kissing had happened, besides that one heated make out session the other day. But your feelings had only grown as this secretive thing between you two has going on.
“He’s not going to be the happiest of campers, obviously, but if he really loves and cares for you then I think he’ll understand, Y/N,” Sammy said. 
You nodded and leaned back in your seat, looking down to check if Willy had texted you back yet. He hadn’t, but you knew that he’d probably be at the arena finishing up some pre game stuff.
Babcock and your father had a last minute skate this morning, knowing that this game against the Senators was going to be a tough one. With it nearly being February, and the fact the teams next 6 games were on the road, they had to make every advantage count. You knew that these points were going to be do or die soon and now more than ever you wanted to see this team succeed. Maybe the feelings that you had for Willy had something to do with that.
“I really like William,” you all but wined out as you kept staring down at your phone screen.
Sammy chuckled, “I think he really likes you too,” she said.
“Well I hope so,” you paused and sat up straight up once realizing you were almost home, “not to be dramatic, but I’m sort of risking a lot for this guy,”
“You’re right, that was dramatic,” Sammy teased you. You two laughed and then soon enough you were back at your house getting ready for the game.
After changing into your large Leafs jersey - custom with your dad’s old number and your last name across the back as well - paired with some leggings and sneakers, you fixed up your hair and makeup then were ready to go. Like always, you and Sammy would grab your dinner at the arena then double fist some beers and get comfy in the suite seats.
But unlike usual, you told Sammy to hold your things and wait for you by the elevator. With your pass around you neck, you smiled at the guards and walked down the hallway to the home dressing room.
The boys noticed you one by one, Kappy smacked Willy’s arm and then pointed to where you stood. You waved and smiled, and he waved back, which caused Babcock to turn around just as his speech had ended and furrow his brows before his eyes landed on you. He smiled and motioned for you to come in.
“Y/N,” he paused and held out a piece of paper, “would you like to read out the starting line up to your team?” He asked. The words ‘your team’ made you feel a little dizzy, it was your fathers team not yours. But you nodded and walked up to grab it.
“You guys got this win, I know it,” you addressed the whole room, which was responded with some hollering, “okay,” you paused and looked down at the paper, “in net, Fredrick Anderson. Defensive we’ve got the return of Mr Martin Marincin along with Nikita Zaitsev. Then first line of Leo, Kadri and Nylander,” you finished with a big smile and clapped your hands as the whole team cheered.
The boys hyped themselves up some more before they began to file out of the room and into the hall, fist bumps and smacks on the butt all happened while you tried to squish your way back out. You said good luck to Babcock before he walked off and then stopped at Auston before Willy. He met your eyes and you so desperately wanted to lean in and kiss his lips right then and there. But you didn’t.
“Good luck,” you said with a smile. Willy mirrored your smile and as quickly as you could, you leaned in to kiss his cheek - you couldn’t help yourself.
Thankfully, no one even noticed and you ran off before anything could be said. Once you were back with Sammy, you chugged half your beer and went up to your family suite where you’d be sitting with your parents and other important Leafs people. Unfortunately you couldn’t get Annika or Sydney a seat, because of all the stupid men in business suits, but you and Sammy sat up front and walked the boys skate around before the national anthem was sung.
“Let’s go boys!” You cheered as the puck dropped and Naz passed it right over to Willy.
You were texting both Annika and Sydney trying to figure out where they and Steph were sitting in the lower bowl. After reading out their seats, Sammy tried helping you before you finally noticed them. You waved and waved but they never saw you. So you took out your phone and took a snapchat video while zooming in on the three of them.
All of a sudden the goal horn went off and the whole arena cheered. You started to scream and unzoomed the camera to catch the jumbo screen to catch who scored. Of course it was Willy in the middle of his line mates. You continued to cheer and flipped the camera back on yourself, filming you and Sammy before breaking out into a grin just as the ten second video ended. Entirely by luck you might’ve just filmed your favourite video ever. You threw on a filter, saved it and then added it to your story.
“Are you seeing Willy after the game?” Sammy asked quietly as the game went on after his goal.
“I’m not sure,” you shrugged but honestly were still smiling like an idiot.
“Give him a up close and personal congrats on his goal,” Sammy teased and winked at you.
“Oh my god, Sammy,” you groaned while she laughed.
“I’m just saying, the guys doing pretty good out there,”
“So is Freddie,” you noted while pointing to where he was currently blocking off shots.
“What about Freddie?” Your father asked while taking the seat beside you. You froze up and had to clear your throat before pointing out at the ice once more.
“He’s doing really well,”
“Yup, that kid is definitely the backbone of this team,” you father nodded while watching the big screen.
“What about that Nylander guy, hey?” One of the business men - whom were all sucking up to your father constantly - asked him.
“He’s going to be just as great for this team, one of our best,” your father nodded before his gaze fell on you. You swallowed and then nodded too.
“I agree,” you said shortly. After that you chugged the rest of your beer and kept quiet till the third period started up.
While texting Annika, you missed another Leafs goal. You cheered along and watched the replay of Auston continuing the amazing point streak he was on. Your father was up on his feet and clapping loudly for the kid, who was by far his favourite, before taking his seat beside you once more.
“We really lucked out, don’t you think?” He asked you.
You nodded and then once you knew he was invested in the game again you looked down at your phone to read Annika’s messages. She was talking about how you two had to hang out soon. After New Years she had gotten busy and was unable to hang out as much as Sydney and Steph did. Puppy dates and wine nights were the thing with you three and Sammy. While you had only gotten to go for lunch once with Annika. These Leafs ladies were quickly becoming some of the best friends you’ve ever had.
We’re having a board game night at the boys apartment before they leave for their big road trip
You should come
Willy said he was going to mention it
You read over her messages again. Hanging out with everyone as of you weren’t the owners daughter felt a little scary. Add whatever you and Willy was with a group of his friends, you got nervous. But also you so desperately wanted to go. Keeping up the 'fuck it’ attitude you had towards all this, you replied to her.
I’m down, when?
She replied almost instantly.
I’ll let Willy tell ya ;)
You blushed and then shut the screen of your phone. And there was that silly feeling in your stomach again. Even at the thought of William texting you and inviting you to hangout with his friends - which you could call your own now too - made you feel so happy inside.
“I’m having Babcock and Lou over for dinner the Friday after the road games, I’d like you to be there,” your father spoke up from beside you.
You looked over at him and met his eyes, they still carried that unsaid rule. The one you had so broken over this past month. Don’t befriend the team, and here you were sort of dating one of the players of his team. You nodded your head and your father gave one quick nod back, then thinking to yourself how no one was going to stand in your way of happiness - that was being with William.
After another beer you were feeling pretty buzzed, which also meant you were feeling risky. So as the guys all jumped over the bench and the horn went off with another win under their belt, you quickly stood up and grabbed Sammy’s hand. Wiggling past a few of the business men, including Lou, you were nearly out the door before your father got to you.
“What a game, hey girls?” You father grinned and pulled you in for a hug.
“Good to have another win,” you stated with a smile. Your father nodded and kept that grin on his face.
“I’ll see you Monday morning, for the teams last practice before their big road trip?” Your father asked.
“I’m not sure,” you shrugged. Truthfully you could more than likely make it for the practice seeing as you only had afternoon classes on Mondays. But you also wanted to slowly distance yourself from the mass responsibility for this team.
“Why not?” Your father asked while furrowing his brows.
“I’m uh,” you paused and thought up your lie as quickly as possible, “I’m sort of behind on a paper for a class that I have,”
“Oh well,” your father nodded, “I guess we’ll figure out if you can make it for a road game with me or not soon then,”
“Sounds good, daddy,” you smiled and then hugged him again, “have fun celebrating the win. Sammy and I have to get going now,”
“Get home safe, girls,” he said and then you two said your goodbyes to him before walking out of the suite.
As you were leading the way towards the elevator Sammy spoke up from behind you, “I can just Uber home,” she said.
“What?” You questioned her while hitting the button.
“You know, if you want to leave with William,” she said his name hushed as a few hockey fans walked up - two were ironically wearing Willy’s jersey.
“I’m not sure of my plan yet,” you admitted, “but I’ll pay for your ride if I do leave you,” you added with a smile.
“No you don’t-”
“Shut up and take the ride, Sammy,” you rolled your eyes and she just shrugged as the two of you walked into the elevator.
“Sorry folks but I can only take you down one level to the main concourse as this is a VIP elevator,” the usher inside said while hitting the buttons. The others in the elevators only nodded at him, but you pulled out your badge and showed him.
“She’s with me too,” you said while looping your arms with Sammy’s.
“No problem, Miss Y/L/N,” he nodded and scanned his badge to hit the right floor for you, “I assume you’d like level one, going to the dressing room?” He asked.
As your last name and the mentioning of the dressing room came up, the hockey fans in the elevator all looked to you. Two whispered to each other while the other sent you a smile. You returned the smile before nodding to the usher.
“I thought she was just a fan,” one of the guys whispered - loudly, of course.
“No idiot, thats her dad’s jersey,” another said. You held in your chuckles while the doors opened to the main floor and they walked out, then the usher politely told the people waiting they couldn’t get on - which of course a few gave you weird looks before the door closed again.
“Sometimes I forget that fans can recognize you,” Sammy said.
“Miss, my apologies for letting the fans on the elevator with you,” the usher said.
“Oh no,” you threw up your hands, “absolutely not an issue, I’m not that special to get a personal elevator,” you chuckled.
He nodded and then the doors were opening again as you arrived at the ice level. You looked up from the ground and met face-to-face with a few familiar faces. Of course your eyes fell to his blue ones before another else’s there. You blushed as he sent you a smirk. Beside him Kappy, Auston and Zach all seemed surprised to see you.
“Hey, Y/N,” Zach said while walking into the elevator.
“Come to congratulate us personally,” Auston grinned as he stepped in as well, “I don’t recall you showing up to the dressing room so often before,” he added, his grin turning into smirk as he looked at Willy.
“Funny,” you muttered under your breath.
Willy walked into the elevator, standing close to your side as his eyes stayed on yours. “You didn’t answer my text,” he stated.
“I haven’t gotten the chance to look at my phone yet, sorry,” you said timidly while reaching into your purse. Just as you were pulling out your phone the usher spoke up again.
“Were you getting off Miss Y/L/N?” He asked. As he asked, you read the message from Willy.
Would you want to come over after the game?
You looked up at Willy and inhaled deeply, “no, parking is fine,” you nodded and then looked over to Sammy whom was smirking.
“Looks like you’ll be ordering that Uber for me after all huh?” She teased as the elevator began to move. You couldn’t help but chuckle as all the boys gave you two weird looks.
Feeling the liquor, you leaned into Willy and felt at ease as his arm wrapped around you and his hand rested on your hip. Whatever the night had in store for you two, you knew you were going to be happy. All because you’d be spending the night with him. Suddenly you realized, it was late, and that meant there was a high possibility that you could spend the night at Willy’s.
It was a little awkward, the whole making sure you ditched your friend properly and then deal with all the guys at once as you got to the parking lot. Seems the other girls had met with Matt, Marner and Kappy. Sydney gave you a look - like ‘no freaking way you’re leaving with him is this for real?’ - which was soon mirrored by Steph and Annika too. 
“Did you want to come out with us?” Mitch asked, looking at both you and Willy. You looked up and Willy, he just shrugged and then yawned. 
“I think we’ll pass this time,” you said with a smile while looking back at the group. 
It was weird, speaking for you and Willy - sort of like a couple. But it also made your stomach fill with butterflies. The group then said their goodbyes and split in half basically. Mitch, Matt, Auston, Freddie, Steph and Sydney left to go celebrate the win while you, Annika, Willy and Kappy all left together. 
You were well aware that Kappy and Willy were roommates, it was nearly a routine to get a snapchat from Kappy of Willy in his underwear each morning. Since they lived together they carpooled together, this time Willy had driven. He had a shiny brand new smelling BMWx6, which happened to be probably your favourite BMW design. You were into cars, and as Willy took in your face he knew you appreciated his choice. 
The drive was quiet mostly, besides a few comments here and there, then once you got into Kappy and Willy’s apartment the boys both went straight for the fridge. Annika took a seat at one of the bar stool and motioned you to come sit beside her instead of awkwardly standing there. 
“They go ham after games, the two eat more food than I do in a week I swear,” she stated as the microwave got going and Willy filled up his glass from the water dispenser. He then turned and looked your way. 
“Did you want anything at all?” He asked. 
You smiled and shook your head. He smiled back before shaking up some salad and then he begun to eat. You and Annika talked while the boys engulfed in their post-game meals. Nothing too much about the game and hockey in general came up, it was a nice change then the usual drilling of the plays from your father after games. 
“Yeah the suite’s really nice, it’s bigger than the others in the arena,” you noted. 
“It looks like a hotel room from afar,” Annika chuckled. 
“You’ll have to come sit with me sometime, it’s fun, free food and drinks,” you shrugged. Annika immediately agreed at the proposition. “Oh did you see the video I took during the game, it’s on my story,” you said while bringing up your snapchat app. 
“No, why?” She asked with her brows pulled together. 
“Well you’re kinda in it, but then Willy freaking scored so it took the video to a while other level,” you explained. At the sound of his name, Willy looked up at you and stood from his lazy lean against the island counter across from you. 
You opened the snap and played it for Annika, she laughed as the fans and yourself cheered in the video. As it replayed again she continued to laugh, pointing out how Steph was literally mid bite of her pizza. As it went to play again, Willy had made a move and came up behind you, peering over your shoulder at the video. 
Feeling sort of nervous as the camera filled and the part of you and Sammy cheering came on, you looked over your shoulder a bit at where Willy stood beside you. He was smiling, which cause yet another eruption of butterflies and your lips to curl to a smile too. 
“I think we’re going to head to bed now,” Annika announced as she got up from her seat and Kappy put his dish by the sink. “Night guys,��� she smiled and they headed down the hall. 
You had bent up one knee and were resting your phone on your knee while going through your snapchat story once more. Willy lazily leaned into you, nearly knocking you off the stool, and put an arm around your shoulder. Smiling, you put down your phone and looked at him. 
“Tired?” You asked. 
Willy nodded, “but we can stay up a bit longer, watch a movie, lay in bed,” he ended with a smirk. You rolled your eyes but smiled as well. 
Lacing your hand with his, you got off the stool and made sure to grab your phone before letting William lead the way to his room. Surprising you, it was clean, really clean actually. For some reason you just expected Willy to be a messy person, yet so far his car and room were nearly spotless. 
“It’s so clean,” you stated while looking around the room. Willy chuckled and opened the second drawer of his dresser. 
“You thought it’d be messy?”
“What young guy doesn’t have a messy room?” You chucked and sat down on his bed - which was made. 
Willy shrugged before suddenly taking off his shirt. You were slightly taken off guard, looking down at the floor for a second as your cheeks flushed. Taking one deep breath, you laid down in his bed and tucked the covers up to your chin while keeping your eyes on him. Willy sighed and hit 'ok' on the remote a few more times till the sounds of the beginning of the movie started up. Then, ever so slowly, he got into the bed beside you. 
It felt like the air was being taken right out of your lungs. As William's body came up beside you, he put his arm around you and then you felt his fingers trembling on your side. He was so gentle beside you, acting as though he was going to break you. 
The thought made you giggle and snuggle up beside him suddenly feeling as though you had to take control of this whole situation. "You know, I'm not going to break, I'm not made of glass," you teased. 
Willy's eyes fell down and met your gaze as you tilted your head up to look at him. He let out a shaken breath but then one corner of his lips turned up into a smile. 
"I know, I guess it all sort of just hit me," he paused and his hand by your side moved as his fingertips brushed your side, "that this is real, I guess I can't believe we're really doing this," 
You smiled at his words. He was just as nervous as you were. You so desperately wished you didn't even have to feel this way, but it was the way it had to be till your father came to terms with you seeing a player of his team. You parted your lips and let a hand fall to Willy's chest. 
"Me neither," you paused and smirked, "now shut up and kiss me," you said before leaning closer to his face. Willy heard you loud and clear as his lips crashed onto yours. 
The kiss was all you needed in that moment. Then you pulled away and laid back again, looking to the TV screen across the room now. Moana was on, causing you to smile once again. 
"Hey," you said after a moment of silence between you two. Willy torn his eyes from the TV and looked at you. "You played really good tonight, I just wanted you to know that," you smiled. 
"It means a lot coming from you," Willy said, his lips curled up into a smile that matched yours. 
"Okay now that's out of the way, to the weird I don't want to be that girl but I'm going to be that girl crap that's on my mind," you sighed and sat up a little more as the few questions racking your mind bothered you more and more. 
Willy's brows pulled together, "what's up?" 
"First, me coming over tonight, was that like a through the night thing?" You asked and then bit down on your bottom lip. 
"I mean, yeah," Willy shrugged with a smile on his face, "unless you want to leave then I can drive you home," 
"No, I'll stay," you nodded, "but although I'm sure it's totally hot and all, I'm going to need something else besides this jersey to wear because I'm totally hot in it," you said while fanning yourself. 
William laughed and got up from his spot in bed. As you watched him walk to his dresser once more and open a drawer you started to feel less stiff and worried. Instead you felt that familiar feeling of ease and comfort around Willy again. He pulled out a tshirt and then some sweatpants too. Just before he could toss them your way you sat up and spoke once more. 
"Annika mentioned something to me earlier," you started, "about a games night with everyone before your big road trip this week. I know it's not my place to like invite myself but-" 
"You're invited, Y/N," Willy chuckled. He placed the clothes down beside you and sat on the bed again. "In fact I was going to mention it tomorrow morning," 
"Over breakfast?" You asked with a smile. 
"Of course," Willy nodded. You nodded too and then lifted yourself up to your knees and placed both of your hands firmly on his shoulders. Leaning forward you caught his lips with yours and let yourself relax even more with that tingling feeling you got with the kiss. 
"I'm going to go use the washroom, and change," you stated while getting off the bed after the kiss was over. Willy nodded and laid back in bed. 
"The door straight across is my washroom,"
"Okay, I'll be right back," 
Willy replied with a yawn and then you were out the bedroom and getting yourself ready to sleep in the washroom. The shirt was big enough to only wear that, but you decided to throw on the large sweats too. Even though you'd so love to sleep half naked - or completely naked - beside Willy, you liked him too much to rush into all that. 
You pulled your hair up into a ponytail once again and then were all finished up so you switched off the light and made your way back to Willy's room. With the only light coming from the movie on the TV, you looked towards the bed and saw Willy laying there. Eyes closed and arm sprawled out over what was your pillow for the night. 
Smiling, you walked across the room and slide under the covers once more. With the movement from you getting into bed, William stirred, you moved his arm but he was quick to know where it was going and pulled you towards him. You giggled and placed your hand over his that laid on your stomach. His lips touched your ear, sending a chill down your spine as he let out a breath. 
"I'm really trying to stay awake," he said softly. 
"Don't, just sleep," you said back in a whisper. 
"I wanted to spend time with you," he responded but snuggled more into his bed while doing so. 
"You will, tomorrow, and any other day," 
You felt his lips turn up into a smile on the skin behind your ear before he whispered into your ear once more, "I like the sounds of that," he said. 
"Me too," you sighed and watched the movie that was still on quietly. "Goodnight," you said softly and rubbed your hand up and down Willy's arm. 
"Goodnight, babe," he murmured back. 
Your head felt like it was swelling up while your lips hurt from the grin you were hiding from Willy. Even though it was so casual and he was half asleep, hearing him call you babe caused you to like him even more - as though it was possible to like this stupid blonde boy even more than you already did.
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