#I’m jealous i wanna go pottery painting
cafemilk-tea · 7 months
Can we have details about what went down on valentines day? Like how did they spend it together???
• mingyu brought over a bouquet of flowers (specifically white roses bc those are her favorites 🥹)
• not to mention he also brought over some little valentines treats for winnie and bleu 🥹
• evie had a reservation for the two of them to go paint pottery together bc it was something that they talked about wanting to do but never had the time to do it
• afterwards they went out for dinner at one of their favorite restaurants (evie’s post before the dinner)
• and then a lil sneak peak into the night details can be found here <- 🤭🤭 (MDNI)
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Heyy could I get a matchup please? I’m a pansexual non binary person excepting and loving to all, I have short black hair and I am 5’1. Tbh I’m more interested in the 1A boys but I do love all the pro hero’s and the villains too. I can be shy at first but once you get to know me I can be very chaotic and alt. I’m very open minded and understanding no matter what your situation is and I am very patient, I rarely get angry. I also do a lot of art from pairing to potter and photography, I love to try new things. I also love your work so much and I hope your doing well 💕
Thank you! 🥰 It means a lot! I hope your doing week in this time ☺️💙 sorry it took over a month 😅 but! I’ll make it up to you! And! The other four waiting....and the few in my inbox! Well! I hope you like it!
Kaminari, you wouldn’t think five inches is enough for him to look down and bully you about your height. But...honestly? You couldn’t be mad at it considering it’s what made your friendship with the blonde bloom.
Then again, when you first met him you were kind of a wreck and didn’t have the guts to tell him, “I’m not an arm rest stop leaning on my shoulder.” Instead you let it be, fidgeting fingers and looking ahead until her smiled brightly at you, “SHORT FRIENDS ARE GREAT!” he looked down at you eyes closed, “I should keep you around more.”
Well, after that you were adopted by, THE BAKUSQUAD! Bakugo not really caring, but when Kirishima and Denki followed him around he always made sure to grab you and drag you with them, because “I WAS SCARED AND PANICKED! I DIDN’T WANNA BE ALONE!”
So, for the first and second week he treated you like a quiet kid, mostly starting conversation until you got into a comfortable groove, and he almost died seeing how you really turned out. YOU started to bully him, when he entered his short circuit, the jokes you made, but still, you took care of him making sure he didn’t get into trouble or hurt. At times you’d become a bit impulsive and your chaotic side came out.
“MOVE! IM GONNA DO IT!” You screamed “Y/n! NO! I LIKE YOU BETTER ALIVE!” He screamed. Silence, you moved your head, trying to pull back, but no luck, your eyes moved in panic looking at Denki, his own eyes wide before he started laughing. You tried to move your head regretting it instantly. Your right hand came up, forefinger and thumb pulling at your tongue that was now stuck to the pole you had made victim to your weird antics. “mm thuck.”
you have great goofy moments together, but the moment he hears Bakugo screaming and silence, and then he hears you screaming? Hah, no. All relations are canceled/expired/rejected/blocked/denied/gone. He likes being alive, and right now, you were a threat to his life, so “Oh, uh yeah I got a thing to do in the other ro-“ RUN
he’s more than great full to have you around, your patient with him when he just can’t do something but he’s determined to. Like the month he dragged you of the dorms every night, because “IM GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS HAUNTED HOUSE WITHOUT SCREAMING.” The haunted house opened the first of October, and ended on Halloween, it was terrible, at one point he passed out, another frothed at the mouth, his screams were priceless, he clung to you more than a few times crying about being scared. Decked a few jump scare people, and at least twice went into Pikachu self defense mode and electrocuted the groups of workers around the two of you at least twice. Honestly, you were surprised they let you both keep coming back. But the last day, he managed to only let out squeaks and squeeze your arm and hands but he did it. Thirty one long nights of walking the same halls, jump scares, and voids, mesmerizing the right way of the maze, you mad wit out fine, he was only slightly shook.
Art? Denki doesn’t get it, claimed he can’t draw to save his life and when you watched him try you believed him, BUT THE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHOCK WHEN YOU FOUND OUT HE WAS BASICALLY AN ART MAJOR WHEN HE SHORT CIRCUITED..... you started saving his drawings and sketches, and then you’d show him and he’d be impressed, but completely denies that he ever did it. “Nope, you got the wrong guy, you’ve seen me, I can’t draw a circle.” But he loves to watch you paint, and take photos, but don’t take him to wildlife sets with you. He will get hired of waiting for birds and throw himself on the grass and start sighing loudly and rolling around, “Nothings coming y/n!” “MAYBE IF YOU SHUT UP THE BIRDS WOULDNT FLY AWAY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!” Silence, you can definitely feel him staring you, “Well that’s just rude.... you scared off the only bird that was actually here.” Pottery? He watched you, and he wanted to try, the first time he ended up slinging clay everywhere, second he can’t keep his hands still enough, the third time you took pity and ended up like the cheesiest movie scene, but, you were behind him guiding his hands, he became a flustered mess and crushed the almost pot when you spoke to him and he felt your breath on his shoulder. He was blushing and flustered and then started apologizing for ruining the pot... in the end you both together did make a lopsided pot, it now sits in your room, home to your shared black prince succulent. When you brought it home he made anyone who would listen come see his first pot and new child.
“Y/n?” You heard knocking and groaned getting up off your bed to open your door.
“I brought someone else to meet prince...” the look you gave him was one of ‘Are you sERIOUS?’
You closed your door a bit to look at the digital clock that was hanging just above your desk, 1:37 in the morning...
“It couldn’t wait till sun up?” You asked eyes kinda squinty as the hall light started to flood into your room now that you opened the door wider to let whoever in.
“It’s important everyone knows my new son!” He stepped in and you moved and plopped onto your desk chair.
“Alright, but be careful, you bruised one of his petals last time.” You stretched and looked at your abandoned school work, you looked at it reading the question you had struggled on, and by some miracle, being half groggy and half awake, you read it and the answer came to you. You started to write it down before you forgot. And you were so proud of yourself, until you heard the feminine voice.
“Kaminari, you’re an idiot.” And then a slightly muffled laugh.
You didn’t have a problem with Jiro, in fact you liked her as a friend, she was nice, had good taste in music, bullied Denki with you sometimes, friendly and you’ve never seen her angry or get snobbish with anyone. She was laid back and cool.
But, one thing you didn’t like, was the fact she was slowly becoming the center of Denki’s flirting. Jealous? Nahh....well....no.... maybe a little? Nope, nah that’s not it.......okay yeah.
“Y/n Chan! Jiro is bullying me.” He came and shook you by your shoulders pulling you from staring at your school work.
You turned your head to look up at him. “What?” You asked.
“She called me an idiot.” He pouted and closed his eyes.
You laughed and dropped a hand onto his head, after he kneeled to plead you defend him, “Oh Denki, if you want me to disagree it’s gonna be a long night.”
He pouted at your words but sighed in defeat, until the next words came, “So (y/n), if Denki’s son is in your room does that make you the mother of his son?”
You looked at Jiro a faint blush tinting your cheeks as you registered what she said. You gave a few quiet laughs but before you could say anything Denki became a stuttering flustered mess. Catching both of you and pulling you both out of the conversation that almost started.
“Well! (Y/n)! Well go! A Princess does need her beauty sleep!” He winked at you as he left in a hurry, Jiro just quirked a brow before she told you good night and you returned it as she left. You yawned and got back into bed, before your phone buzzed and you cursed, but the blush on your cheeks wirsned at the flirty text you’d gotten from Denki, you’d think you’d gotten used to it already, but maybe the feelings you thought you’d pushed away never really left the surface.
‘Good night princess 😉 Don’t forget to dream about me 💛’
Cringe yes, but that’s literally the best flirting line he has. Apparently getting comfortable with Denki meant he was comfortable flirting with you 24/7, no hesitation. And you enjoyed the attention and flirted back with him, but things kinda changed when Jiro started to give him attention too.
“Mornin’ babe,” you yawned at Denki’s greeting and gave a wave and small smile as you walked to a table and plopped down. You didn’t get much sleep, you finished your homework so now you had the weekend free, but what were you going to do? You stared at the empty table in front of you thinking about nothing, head empty, until Mina came and sat across from you, “So babe huh? Is it official!” She whisper screamed.
“Pfft, just about as official as me being All Might.” You had a small smile, small but genuine. “Boooooooo.” She pouted, “I have my own theories but I really want to tell you this one, soooo! Bakusquad girls day! But... just you and I. Get ready let’s go!”
So, after deciding you’d buy something to eat instead of cooking you got ready and then both you and Mina set off to talk theories and what’s really going on in her head. “So, I think he wants something serious but since you guys joke so much I think he thinks he’s in the friend zone and don’t even deny it I know you like him, I’ve seen the way you smile at all his stupid jokes even I don’t laugh at all of them and I try to be nice. Plus the way you loook a Jiro is enough to show your jealous but he doesn’t see that, I’m pretty sure he thinks you just don’t like her humor or something, but from what I’ve seen your good friends with her when Denki isn’t around so that lets me believe your jealous of his attention going to someone else. Soooo, what do you say? What do you think? And I think he’s trying with Jiro because you guys kinda have similar personalities and hair cuts? Well not really but you know? When your in love you call broccoli Midoriya and a grenade Bakugo but that’s a different story, so? What do you think?” You just stared at her, the takoyaki had with your toothpick just to far from your lips as you wondered if she was right. A shot smile pulled at your lips as you looked down and closed your eyes to let out a sigh, “Well, I won’t say your wrong, I’ve done lot of things but being in denial has never been one of them. I’m not going to confess or anything but I do have one question.” You looked at Mina through the corner of your eyes while your face was still pointed to the ground. “Yes!” She cheered and nodded looking at you with a big smile, “If this is about a plan I’ve got it all figured out so don’t worry!”
You shook your head and faced her completely, “Nope! Keep the plan well use it later but, if I do something about this Denki thing you have to so something about tape boy.” Mina became flustered at your words but nodded, “well, your first lady she smacked you back causing you to slightly choke on the Takoyaki you’d finally started to eat, after catching your breath and wondering around for a bit you both talked it out and it’s go time.
The next morning you started the plan (titled by Mina) “Seducing Pikachu” Taking a deep breath you readied yourself to take your flirting next level, he called you babe you had to call him daddy, he gave you a hug you pulled his face down to peck his cheek, he draped an arm over your shoulders you had snuggle closer and hug his waist, he tried to tease you by taking your hand you can’t pull away, in stead you interlock fingers and squeeze, if he leaned into your ear to whisper something you can’t push him away. And we’re you ready? No, in fact you felt queasy, and like you had to bathroom, but with a shove from Mina you entered the kitchen and like usual “Good morning babe!” And the usual flirty wink, but this time instead of getting flustered or yawing you locked eye contact and with everything you had, “Mornin Daddy.” You smiled at him and walked to the fridge to try and occupy yourself. In the background you heard Mineta screaming about the name daddy. You looked at Denki with the same smile after grabbing a juice and he was flustered, red cheeks and it looked like his hair had fluffed up a bit. It’s working! You waved at him and walked to the common room and sat down on one edge and looked at the tv, it was playing some show about volleyball. Jiro came and sat across from you on the other sofa joining you and a few others in watching this show, right now, the only empty seats are the spot next to you on the love seat, or the two seats beside Jiro. He sat by you and was strangely quiet, oh gave him a smile when he turned to look a you, he smiled and looked at the tv, after an hour or two your hands began fiddling with the juice in your lap and you felt a tug at your hand, you felt Denki place his hand on yours usually you’d pull away and punch his shoulder, but this time. You didn’t take your eyes of the tv when your intertwined your fingers and squeezed his hand. You brought your other hand and squeezed his hand between both of yours and snuggled closer to his side and laid your head against his shoulder, he tensed a bit then relaxed quickly. He laid his head on yours and you eyed Mina real quick, you gave you a thumbs up and you motioned to Sero with your eyes and she stopped and pouted. After another hour you started to get up and pull away from Denki. You felt a hand pull at yours and you looked at Denki, “Where are you going?” You titled your head, “Gonna go buy lunch maybe.” He looked up at you still holding your hand, “Don’t leave me.” He said, “Come with me then.” You gave his arm a tug and without second thought he jumped up outside you were cool, but inside, you were going ballistic, inside you were nothing like usual, you were honestly so surprised that this plan was working, with your attention he didn’t even pay attention to Jiro,,,, were you really jealous?
Getting to a ramen place you both sat down and filled our sheets with your orders, casually sitting in silence your phone dinged, “So.... did he confess? Or do women really have to do all the work, 🙄, Sero didn’t understand what I meant until I- never mind, how’s it going?”
You smiled at the message and shook your head.
Denki being curious why you were smiling tried to peek, “Mina is trying to confess to Sero and she says he’s an idiot.” You smiled and turned to Denki explaining before he could see.
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna say anything sometimes Sero isn’t the smartest.”
You felt a smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah, I know someone else who is just the same.” You propped your elbows on the table and placed your chin on your palms. He did the same and pushed his cheeks so they looked chubby against his palms.
“Kaminari,” you called his name in a chirpy tune with a smile, he closed his eyes and smiled before he said your name in the same way.
“How good are you at noticing small things?” I asked and tilted my head. “Hmmm, did you grow out your hair?” His head tilted, and he smiled.
“No? It’s been this short for a while.” I dropped my arms flat against the table palms up, “try again.”
“Yooouuuu,,,, are wearing contacts?” He asked. “I’m not blind.”
“Yoouuuuu.....are trying a different Boba?” “No... well yes, but not what I’m talking about......try one more time and I’ll give you a hint if you can’t guess.”
He nodded and squinted at me looking like he was concentrating hard.
“I know!” He took my hands in his and squeezed them, I felt my heart start to race, “You’re fingers are cold, the tips are turning reddish.”
I smiled and looked away and licked my top lip trying to not laugh, “That wasn’t it but a good guess.”
“Then what is it?” He asked pouting.
“Close your eyes.” I said and waved a hand, he nodded and then closed them, I placed my finger tips on the left side of his jaw and tried to pull him closer, after getting him halfway across the table I leaned forward and lightly pressed my lips against his cheek.
I pulled away, and moved my hand away from his jaw.
“I...so think you should try again, I didn’t get the hint.” He looked away with a bush slowly becoming prominent on his cheek.
I smiled and shook my head, silence fell over us as I shifted around, “Another hint huh?”
“Maybe just one... or two... or a few....” he still didn’t look at me hands now fiddling together.
“You know, for a flirt you sure do get nervous when someone actually makes a move on you.”
“Heh, yeah.” He was smiling but not looking at me, “Sooo, when?”
“Do you remember the day, you got sick and made me baby you for a whole week? It was that Thursday, you feel asleep on my chest, and I held you and had to pull the blanket off, I realized then, how much I cared about you, and how much I’m willing to do to make sure you’re okay. I realized how much I love your terrible jokes and cheesy pick up lines, your warm hugs and the face times late into the night, and the movie nights passing out at three in the morning and rushing to class when we woke up late. Holing your hand when you were scared, and bullying Bakugo, honestly, I wouldn’t wanna die at the hands of Bakugo with anyone else. I’m not saying I love you or anything, but if this is what falling for someone feels like...I don’t not like it, especially when it’s you.” I looked out the window we sat by and could feel his stare, I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
“I wouldn’t want to be murdered with anyone else.” He held his hand out and I tilted my head to look at him, I took placed my hand on his and he smiled, before he shifted his fingers and closed them around mine. I smiled and closed my fingers squeezing his hand.
“So? Are you going to ask?” He said.
I felt my brows furrow, “Ask?”
“Ask me to be your boyfriend.” His smile widened.
“You’re supposed to ask me!” I scolded and shook our hands.
He tucked his head between his shoulders, “okay okay, fine.... now you’re going to wait because you yelled at me.”
“Y/n!” I turned to look for the person who called my name, “yeah?” I asked and pulled my blanket tighter, the Christmas season was here and I was freezing on the sofa.
“Come look! The snows falling again! And the it’s pretty on the blossoms that are still around.”
“Fine.” I grumbled and stood up, I walked to the second floor windows and looked out. Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo were all outside, I could hear Katsuki screaming at them while the ran around dropping things on the floor.
They all stopped and moved away as Bakugo screamed at them and took off his gloves, it looked like he was grumbling something until Denki slung an arm I’ve this shoulders, Bakugo brought up his hand causing sparks and Denki to smile nervously before patting his shoulder and moving his arm off.
Mina tapped on the window and they looked at us, we waved when three of the four waved. Denki turned to Bakugo and with a simple blast a chain reaction started and lit up a circle, inside the circle were the words made in very sparse but still pretty blossoms, “will u be mine?” Your phone began to ring and you answered it.
“So, after two months of non official dating, will you be mine?”
You smiled, “Yes, Kaminari, yes.” You swallowed and over the phone you heard cheering and watched to em high five minus Bakugo who was pulling his gloves back on. That night, you spent under the blue keys you two piled high, his head on your chest, and you kissed his head running your fingers through his hair, “I love listening to your heart, it’s pretty, like you.” Your take his face in your hands and kiss his lips or forehead, and eventually would change spots, still cuddling to keep the warmth and love between you while the rest of the world was slipping into sleep or madness.
I hope you have a good day, and remember to stay hydrated 💙
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jungshookz · 6 years
android!yoongi drabble - the vase
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: android!yoongi has retuRNED, usual dosage of crackheadiness, touch of anGst ouch, jealous!yoongi is always spicy, fluff!!!!, a lil bit of making out lol it’s what the birthday bot wanTed 
→ wordcount: 3.4k
→ summary: you take yoongi to a cute lil pottery place for his birthday so how did is it that jungkook is the one who ends up with his arms wrapped around you helping you form your vase? 
→ note: a lot of people have been wanting an android!yoongi drabble because appArently you guys miss him (me too binch) so here he is!!! okay i won’t lie this gets a little depressing but it GETS BETTER AT THE END don’t be upset with me i know this is supposed to be a happy birthday drabble lol anyways happy birthday to min frickin yoongi the man of my dreams 
(gif isn’t mine!)
“surprise!!” yoongi yanks the sleeping mask from his eyes and does a quick scan of his surroundings
a huge shelf on the right with a punch of ceramic plates and mugs
there are a couple sinks in the back
on the right are eight little stools in a big circle with a spinner in front of each one
each spinner has like a… a grey loaf of bread sitting on it
what in the world
“we’re making pottery! isn’t that exciting?? i rented out the entire place for us!”
yoongi ruffles his newly-dyed blonde hair (courtesy of tae) and looks around again
not really  
namjoon’s checking in at the front desk and he has to keep a firm hold on tae anD kook to make sure they don’t accidentally knock something over
joon doesn’t know why you chose to bring these animals to a place with very fragile and delicate items everywhere you turn
he can already imagine the cost of the damage bill that he’s inevitably going to have to pay
“Pottery? But it’s so messy. And the end result isn’t going to be pretty.” yoongi frowns and lets go of your hand “Pottery isn’t fun.”
you falter but quickly shake it off and recompose yourself
“well yeah i know but it’s all about the experiEnce and also it’s really fun playing with wet clay you’ll see-“
“Why don’t you just take me to an actual ceramics store and buy a professionally made, beautifully painted and polished, brand-new vase for me? That’d be much better than making one for me.” yoongi scoffs and pulls his phone out
you’re about to fight back but you bite down on your tongue
you know what
he’s the birthday boy
if he doesn’t wanna do this that’s fine
you’ll admit you’re a lil disappointed because you thought this’d be really fun for him and u wanted to make things with him and also it’s a little too late to refund and cancel the reservations but
what can u do
“okay, well… are you just going to sit here and wait for us?” you gesture to the waiting area near the door
“I’m more than content with that.” yoongi plops down on the squeaky plastic chair before gesturing over to where the boys are “Go have fun. I’ll be here.”
ur not gonna have fun if your boyfriend is sitting all the way across the damn room
you purse your lips and let out a sigh
“ok i will.” you try your best not to sound disappointed and you hAte that your eyes are prickling with tears
u hate that you’re so sensitive
you just!!! wanted to have fun with yoongi and you really thought he’d at least put in a little drop of effort but appArently noT
yoongi’s eyes flicker up from his phone because he immediately sense your distress but
he doesn’t do anything
you hurry over to your spot and yoongi lets out a little sigh and pinches the bridge of his nose  
okay look
yoongi just doesn’t like celebrating his birthday because it’s not even a ‘birth’ day
today is just the day that he was officially put together and turned on and that’s just?? not a birthday to him
and that just makes him feel,.,,. weird
and it just reminds him that he’s not actually a human being celebrating their birthday
and then thAt reminds him that he’s not a human being in general
but he’s in a relationship with a human being which complicates things in the long run
and like
it’s pretty depressing stuff that he won’T get into right now because that’ll dampen his mood even more
the point is
he’s not human
he’s just a robot celebrating its.,. 2nd year of its creation
and he doesn’t want you guys saying ‘happy birthday you’re two years old!’ to him because that makes it sound like he’s a baby which he is definitely not
and he’ll admit
he’s being a little grumpy about the whole thing which isn’t fair to you because you did plan the entire day for him and he’s just shitting on your plan which is making him feel
not so great
maybe he was a little harsh on you
“you okay?” jungkook’s brows knit together in concern as you sit down next to him
“m’fine.” you murmur and quickly wipe away the tear that’s threatening to fall “yoongi’s just… being a yoongi.”
“he’s not going to… he’s not making anything with us?” jimin cuts in and glances over at yoongi over his shoulder
“nope.” you clear your throat “it’s okay! we’ll have fun without him. he’s just in a mood that’s all.”
there’s a bit of awkward tension in the group and you work quickly to dimINISH it
“so! what’s everyone making??”
“i’m making a mug!”
“i’m going to try to make a kettle”
“i’m making a gravy boat”
“we don’t even eat gravy”
“well..,.. we can use it for soy sauce or something idk”
“i think i’m going to make… a vase.” you dip your hands in the bucket of water sitting next to you before poking at your clay
you can probably make a vase
it shouldn’t be too hard of a task
“you’re copying me!”
“how am i copying you??”
“i make a mug and suddenly you’re making a mug??”
“wha- there’s only sO many things i can mAKE”
“i can list a hundred other things you can make that’s noT A mug”
“what is your pROBLEM”
“you know what i’m going to make a plate”
“well in that case i’ll make a plate TOO”
jungkook and jimin continue to bicker in the background and jimin gaSPs when jungkook slaps his arm and gets some clay on his new sweater
“you little puNK-“
your brows furrow in frustration as you step down on the pedal gently and your lopsided piece of clay starts spinning slowly
you place your hands around it and feel the clay beginning to take shape around your fingers
you’re just so
you’re mAD OkaY
you’ll admit it
you are mAD
you put so much effort into planning this for yoongi and he doesn’t even give it a chance????? he just rejects it immEdiATELY with no remorse and that is a pretty sucky feeling
he didn’t even explain himself he was just like i don’t like pottery and you should just let me buY a ‘’’’’’professionally-made’’’’’’’’ vase
you’ll show him
you’ll make a GREAT vase and you’ll rub it in his face whenever the opportunity arises
in the midst of your internal rage you don’t realize you’re pressing down on the pedal harder and your chunk of clay starts spinning wiLDLy
like serIOUSLY he couldn’t even say a simple hey thanks for planning this for me but i’m really not into pottery!!!!!! and you would’ve been okay with that
“uh, y/n-“
oOH you should’ve given him a piece of your mind instead of backing off and reSpEctiNg tHe BirtHdAy bOy’s wiShes
you’ll take his wishes and shOVE IT UP HIS-
“y/N-“ namjoon shoves your foot off the pedal before your clay can ziP off your spinner and whack someone in the face “what is the matter with you???
“nothing, i’m just- don’t worry about it… your, uh… your bowl looks nice so far”
“i’m making a cup” namjoon frowns and looks down at his blob
“yoongi’s just being a dick, you know??” you blurt out and everyone glances over at yoongi who is still playing games on his phone and who stILL looks bored out of his mind
if he wasn’t so stubborn and just came over to make a plate or something hE WOULDN’T BE SO BORED BUT OBVIOUSLY HE DOESN’T WANT TO BECAUSE-
namjoon shoves your foot off the pedal again and scowls at you
“look. if he doesn’t wanna celebrate his birthday, he doesn’t wanna celebrate his birthday. what can you do, you know? don’t force him to do something if you know he’s not going to enjoy it. and yeah i agree with you!! he’s being a littLe bit of an asshole but-“
“yeah, yeah. i know. i’ll let it slide.” you mutter and squeeze the clay through your fingers
“okay, good. you can get mad at him tomorrow. now, i’m going to go and paint a pre-made cup because obviously the cup i made doesn’t even look like a cup.” you give him a sheepish smile and watch as he disappears to the painting station where most of the other boys are
actually all of the boys are there because they’ve already put their creations in the drying station and have moved on to paint some pre-made ceramics
it’s just you
making this stupid vase that doesn’t even look like a vase
you spend the next ten minutes trying to mould the blob of clay into a vase but it seems like eveRYthing is against you today because it kind of looks like a dildo but like a really reALLy sad dildo that’s frowning at you
“whatcha doin” you hear jungkook behind you but you don’t turn around because that’S how focused you are
“making a vase - or tryIng to make a vase.” you mutter
you’re faintly aware of the sound of a stool screeching behind you and suddenly-
jungkook wraps his arms around you and hooks his chin up on your shoulder
you jump in surprise and turn your head and your cheeks flush immediately
“what are you up to?” you laugh lightly and reach down to grip at his forearm to try and wiggle him off
“petty revenge, that’s what i’m up to. play along.” jungkook shrugs innocently as he nudges your foot aside and steps down on the pedal
“petty- what’s that supposed to mean?” you dot a bit of clay onto jungkook’s nose and he wrinkles it
“i think you know what i mean. and it’s already working.” jungkook murmurs lowly before his eyes flicker over to the front
both of you glance over at yoongi and you’re surprised to see him glaring riGht back at you because
well thAT DOesn’t look like how pottery is made at all
yoongi feels his cheeks flare up immediately
he raises a brow and jungkook waves enthusiastically at the bot
yoongi continues glaring
jungkook maintains his smile and explains himself through gritted teeth “yoongi obviously is being an ungrateful ass android, so we’re going to see if triggering a particular emotion will make him get off his ass and come over. i’m all for being the bigger person and letting it slide, like namjoon-hyung told you to do - but i’m also all about being as peTTy as possible.”
he slides his hands down your forearms before his hands are rested atop of yours
and he steps down on the pedal gently
y/n like teN months ago would’ve been freaking out because wOW it’s junGKOOK and he has his arms wrapped around me and oh mY god he smells so good
but y/n now?
y/n now is freaking out because woW this is totally working yoongi looks so angry and it feels so good to have this power coursing through my veins >:-)
you’ll admit
this is petty
like a little tOO petty for you
you’d never think about doing something as extreme as this but you know what
it feels nice 2 be held when you’re feeling kinda gloomy
and jungkook has nice arms
but so does yoongi
and honestly
you find yourself imagining it’s yoongi’s arm wrapped around you as he continues helping you shape the vase
yoongi is
l i v i d
first of all
how dare you
HOW dare you
how dare you let jungkook hold you like that right in front OF HIS EYES
and second of all
he is going to kill jungkook
the second namjoon finaLLy caves in and gives yoongi laser eyes
yoongi’s going to FRY jungkook to a crisp
he knows what you’re doing
he’s aware of how upset and angry you are right now
and he wasn’t going to say anything because he hates conflict and he hates fighting with you
but now
now he has to say something
maybe he’ll say something later
he’ll let you have your moment and then he’ll-
jungkook nudges his nose into your cheek affectionately and yoongi swears he feels a screw pop loose inside of him
that’s noT ALLOWED
“Move, you brat.” yoongi is next to you guys in less than a second and jungkook looks up at him with his big round eyes
you, on the other hand, you’re pretending like yoongi isn’t even there
“hyung! i was just helping y/n make-“
“Move, or I’ll make you.” yoongi hisses and jungkook immediately raises his hands in defence before getting up off the stool
yoongi gives him a little shove and jungkook scowls
he’s about to shove back but he knows yoongi could probably crush his bones just by blowing on him
yoongi takes jungkook’s seat behind you
a beat of silence goes by
he didn’t think this through
he doesn’t know how to approach this situation
is he allowed to touch you
on a scale from 1-10 how angry are you with him (it’s a 12 and he’s well aware of that)
you freeze when yoongi slinks his arms around your waist and props his chin up on your shoulder
“I’m sorry, jagi.” yoongi mutters and you immediately relax
you’re so soft for him it’s crazy
you took it too far so you should probably apologise for that
“it’s okay” you murmur and keep your eyes on your spinning vase “i’m sorry i-“
“No, don’t say anything. It’s not okay. I shouldn’t… I was rude earlier and it wasn’t right. You didn’t deserve to be treated like that. I just… I’m not going to get into everything right now but I just feel like this whole… birthday thing reminds me that I’m not actually a human being, you know?”
if you’d had known you wouldn’t have done anything in the first place
you’re about to speak up but yoongi continues talking and you feel him shift behind you and wrap his arms tighter around you
“It reminds me that I-I won’t be able to grow old with you and we won’t be able to have children and- that sucks because I…” he nuzzles his face into your neck and furrows his brows “I don’t wanna think about that.”
and then you feel it
your shoulder is
“yoongi…” you turn your head and your lips part in surprise when you realise yoongi’s crying into your shoulder
oh my god
yoongi’s never
cried before
“oh my god, yoongi,” you breathe out and twist around so that you can wrap him up in a hug immediately
it’s kind of an awkward position but your comfort is the lasT thing on your mind
“And now I’m leaking fluids which proves that today must be cursed.” yoongi grumbles and wipes at his face frustratedly “There’s dust in my eye, probably.”
you’ve never been good at comforting people so you’re not sure what the best thing to say here is because like
there is an inkling of truth behind everything he’s said
“don’t think about today like we’re celebrating another year that’s gone by with you being a robot. think about today like we’re celebrating another year of… us! of you waking me up every morning by ripPing off my blanket and attaCking me with kisses. of you noT allowing me to eat an XL pizza in one sitting.” yoongi scoffs and wipes away another tear
“Is there a point to all of this?”
“another year of… you loving me and me loving you even more.” you lean back against yoongi and plant a small kiss on his cheek “i love you.”
“I know.”
“we don’t have to celebrate your birthday next year if you don’t want to-“
“No, no. I want to. I want to celebrate my birthday… with you. Thank you for planning all of this for me. I really appreciate it.”
he looks down at the vase on the spinner “…But please let me fix this vase because there’s no way I’m proudly displaying this lopsided mug in our apartment.”
“god,,.., looK at them” namjoon gags dramatically before turning back to continue painting his (nicer) cup
“i’d gladly let them have sex in the back if it means he’ll be less grumpy.” hoseok snorts and continues to paint a little daisy on his plate “why’d you make him so grumpy in the first place??”
“i didn’t!!!!! he kinda just came out like that!!”
if you guys were in a cartoon there would be a plethora of pink and red cartoon hearts floating around you and yoongi
obviously yoongi took over with the vase-making responsibilities because he’s a perfectionist
you were going to make a mug or something next to him but yoongi insisted this was the beSt way for him to focus
which is interesting because this technique seems very distracting
you’re perched on yoongi’s lap facing him
“are we getting flowers for the vase?” your arms are wrapped loosely around his neck
yoongi leans forward and gives your nose a kiss
“Obviously. Red roses, preferably.”
“it took me like an hour just to form the shape of a plate and it’s taking yoongi like three seconds to make a perfectly round vase.” jimin pouts and looks at his sorta-flat-sorta-not plate
yoongi’s not even looKIng at the vase it’s like his hands have minds of their own and they’RE shaping the vase pERFECTLy  
like he.,., he’s definitely making out with u a little but his hands are still!!! workING away!!!!!
“that doesn’t seem like a very effEctive way to make a vase, you freaks!” taehyung whines and yoongi flips him off quickly “wha- don’t flip me off! i can cut your generous eight-inches down to a puny-“
“nO PENIS TALK” namjoon smacks the younger boy
“are you sure this isn’t distracting?” you twist your body to take a glance at the vase “because i feel like-“
“Nope, I’m good.” yoongi reaches up and pinches your chin in between his thumb and his pointer finger so he can twist your head back so that you’re facing him
you whine and swipe at the wet clay on your chin “you got it all over me!!”
yoongi grins and leans in to give u another kiss
he’d be happy to celebrate his birthday evEryday if it means you perched up on his lap showering him with kisses
there’s a handprint on your ass now thanks to him  
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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