#I’m hoping it doesn’t rain when she’s here aaaaahhhh
miyaeto · 1 year
Thoughts full of her 🥰🥰🥰
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Ugh! I'm nosey about all of them! But I'll ask about Summer Rain cause, my Frankie!
(Oh, I wanna hear about Project A!!! aaaaahhhh)
Be as nosy as you want! I love talking about this kind of stuff! And thank you so much for tagging me in this, I’ve really been enjoying it so far.  🥰
Summer Rain is a prequel & sequel to Sunny Outside. It’s still in the planning stage because I’m busy at the moment, but I’m hoping to work on it once my dissertation is out the way. At the moment, it jumps back and fourth between two major events; one leading up to Sunny Outside, then one a bit after. 
‘Remember when we were nineteen and we came here for the first time?’ 
You laughed so hard you choked on your drink, ‘I was back home from college after breaking up with that guy.’
‘He proposed to you after three dates...’
‘...and wouldn’t leave me alone so I faked that my Nana was sick and made up some excuse that I had to come home...’
‘...it was the first time you had met Pope and whenever he called, one of us would answer and preptend to be a new dude you were sleeping with...’
‘...you got so pissed. I swear you were about ready to drive up there and have at him...’
‘...he wouldn’t leave you alone! What kind of obsessed dickhead would keep calling after three weeks of you “sleeping” with someone else?’ 
I haven’t looked at this project for a very long time, but from what I can remember Project A; a very very gay fairy tale is an urban/high fantasy that’s very very loosely based on Beauty & The Beast. 
On their third birthday, the Princess was meant to have a curse put on her by a vengeful witch. However, this backfired and it landed on her twin brother instead. Over the years, the Prince slowly transforms into a beast-like creature and if he doesn’t find his ‘true love’ by his 18th birthday, he will be stuck like that forever. 
His crazed mother goes through all the women in the kingdom but none of them breaks the curse. After years of desperately trying, she starts sending his twin sister/protector into the human world to look there. 
Essentially, all hell breaks loose from there. There’s a lot more detail but I think I’ve rambled on enough about this already.  😄
Come ask me about my WIPs!
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