#I’m excited to start!! my boss is great and the company and whole team are too
questwithambition · 10 months
Am I a fully fledged graduate ready to start her london working life? Yes.
Am I currently hugging my childhood plushies because I need some goddamn comfort? Absolutely yes.
8 notes · View notes
ptergwen · 3 years
web of lies
take a leap. if you start to fall, the net will appear to catch you.
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photographer!peter x journalist!reader || masterlist
w/c: 7.1k
warnings: swearing, one drinking mention, descriptions of anxiety, and angst if ya squint
summary: peter can’t stop holding your hands, betty and ned are the modern day bonnie and clyde, ned is a terrible guy in the chair, the osborn’s are up to something, and mj hates you all
a/n: y’all i’m super excited about this series like i haven’t had an idea i’ve really loved in months? so it’s good to be back !!! there are tons of things i have planned and i can’t wait to share them with all of you hehe i really hope you enjoy part one <3 happy reading
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to be honest, which is what you do best, you’ve had a thing for peter parker your whole time at the daily bugle. you actually almost told him once.
a couple months ago, peter walked you home on a night you worked overtime. he’d came in last minute to leave some pictures on your boss’s desk. no one else but you was there, hunched at your computer in the dim office lighting. peter was pleasantly surprised to see you, yet concerned for your well-being. you had to put your finishing touches on a story.
he didn’t feel comfortable letting you travel alone at that hour. so, he went with you when you were ready. his company was more than welcomed. you told peter about your article while you two sat on the subway. he’d listened intently, your head resting on his shoulder and his arm around you. he made sure you got to your apartment building alright as well.
“hey, peter?” you’d asked, halfway up the steps. he was waiting until you were inside and safe to leave. “hm? you good?” he’d smiled sort of expectantly. “yeah. i... i wanted to say...”
your words got caught in your throat when he gave you the softest puppy eyes you’ve ever seen. you couldn’t do it. for some reason, you were too scared to confess how you felt. “thanks again for walking me home,” you’d settled on. he’d seemed disappointed that was what you wanted to tell him. nevertheless, he said not to worry about it before taking off.
that one moment perfectly captures it all; how yours and peter’s narrative plays itself out.
“we’ve got an update on hydra v. the people!”
“those freaky giraffes escaped the zoo... again.”
“shoot one more spitball and it’ll be your last.”
“does anyone have an aspirin?”
welcome to the daily bugle, where the chaos never ends and the calm never starts. you’ll find new york’s finest writers, publishers, and creatives of all kind right here. that would include you. you’re one of the top journalists in the whole building, according to mr. norman osborn. he’s the brilliant and slightly insane man who runs this place.
although it’s rare for someone in your field, you were hired straight out of college. norman read a few pieces you’d written and loved them so much that he offered you a job. full time, full benefits, no questions asked. there was something special about the way you wove your words together. your writing had its own voice. a strong voice, one the paper was severely lacking.
you’ve been with the bugle for just over a year now. it’s not the quiet, nine to five gig you were initially expecting it to be. you’re each very unique individuals in your office, and there’s never a dull moment because of it. your coworkers can be found hosting debates on the riskiest topics or tackling each other for blueberry muffins, and that’s just a regular tuesday. the place is stranger than strange. but, it’s become home.
thanks to mr. osborn being so accommodating, you actually settled in rather quickly. another big help has been the friends you’ve made. your first was michelle jones, who prefers to be called mj. she’s a fellow journalist with a wickedly dark humor that trickles into her writing. if you had to describe her in one word, it would be blunt. mj is as real as it gets, and also eternally loyal. she keeps her circle small, so you’re honored you get to be in it.
mj sits right next to you, which means you’re always talking through your days. that’s due in part to the way your office is set up. there aren’t any cubicles, tables and swirly chairs taking up their space instead. norman heard it was more progressive, probably from his son harry.
harry is about your age, only a couple of years older. he hangs around quite a lot, but doesn’t do much with his time besides that. according to norman, he’s still seeking out his passion. he’s banking on him finding a suitable career at the bugle. he’d like to pass this all on to harry some day, hopefully sooner than later. either way, you don’t mind having harry here. he’s super funny and friendly with everyone.
there’s also ned leeds, who’s an editor and reviews most of your pieces. he’s sweeter than candy, even when he’s ripping your grammar to shreds. on the rare occasions you’re not discussing breaking news, you two talk about movies. ned is a film buff and gives you the best recommendations. you’re convinced he was a critic in his past life.
last but so from least is peter parker. he only works for the bugle part time, since he’s still in school. you both graduated from your respective colleges the same year. peter wants to get his masters degree, though. he’s a photographer who’s aspiring to be a cinematographer. him and ned have their passion for the industry in common, and that’s what makes them such great friends.
you learned this and more from the times you and peter have partnered up on stories. he’s one of your best friends not only at the bugle, but in your entire life. the many long nights you’ve spent collaborating have brought you close to each other. they consist of drinking and deep talks, along with some actual work. he takes the pictures, you do the writing. you’ve been told you make a lovely pair.
peter says it himself, too. you’d like to believe he means it as more than coworkers. he’s so caring, and smart, and pure, and peter. yeah, you like him an awful lot. you can hardly stand the feeling of it sometimes.
the fact that you you haven’t come clean already is ridiculous.
“goddamn. not again,” you mutter out. “em, you better come look at this. it’s bad.” mj wheels over to you in her chair with a puzzled look. her eyes follow yours, landing on your computer. “leeds just sent this? to everyone?” she questions, your reply a short hum. you’re both staring daggers at the email your screen displays.
ned is responsible for assigning each journalist their own topics to cover. he’s been lacking a bit recently, having you write up think pieces on fluffy things. in other words, stuff that no one cares about. he asked you to compare oat milk and almond milk just last week. you’d hoped this week would be better, but here you are.
“this is ass. who does he think we are, buzzfeed?” mj scoffs at her own words. the daily bugle prides itself on being a reliable news source, on paper and tv. you’re starting to stoop down to the low level of your competitors. “he assigned me some tiktok dance trend. i’m not writing a single word about that app.” she sets her elbows down on the table, head in her hands.
“aw, why not? grandma mj isn’t down with the kids?” you tease and click out of the upsetting email. “i don’t write for kids,” mj deadpans. she pushes her glasses up on her nose. “what’d you get?” “the evolution of memes,” you gloomily reply. you’re surprised norman has been approving these topics. then again, ned is the head editor. he can do whatever he wants regardless of approval.
mj glares over at the kitchen, where betty brant currently resides. she’s making two hot chocolates instead of her usual one. “i blame her,” mj mumbles to you. your eyebrows furrow. “dude, what? betty is an angel. she doesn’t even work in editing.” betty is the bugle’s highest rated anchorwoman. her and her news team are on people’s televisions every night.
“no, but she has been spending a generous amount of time with leeds,” mj grumbles. she’s admittedly very nosy. the upside is that she tells you any juicy office drama there is. “my theory is betty’s making him give us crap stories so she can report the good ones.” she glances over at you to see what you think. “no way. that can’t be allowed... or legal,” you laugh back.
as if on cue, ned appears next to betty in the kitchen. he takes the extra hot coco that’s piled high with whipped cream. betty tucks a sheet of paper into his suit pocket and kisses his cheek, then he’s gone. you can only gasp as you watch this unfold. what has she done to poor, clueless ned?
“not such an angel anymore, huh?” mj smirks in satisfaction. “suddenly, she has red horns and a pitchfork,” you bitterly agree with your tongue in your cheek. betty waves to you two on her way back to broadcasting. mj gives her a fake nice finger wave, you ignoring her. “we can’t sit back and let this happen, em. we have to do something,” you decide. “let’s tell norman.”
uninterested, mj takes off her glasses and starts to clean them. “like he’ll believe us. yeah, golden girl betty brant is sabotaging the writer’s room,” she rewords her previous statement to put its stupidity in perspective. you throw your hands up. “she is, though! we literally watched it happen!” mj puts her freshly wiped glasses back on and sighs.
“i doubt norman would care, y/n. every newspaper to ever exist is corrupt somehow.” your pessimistic old pal has a point. however, you’re not so willing to accept it. “why can’t we be the first one that isn’t?” you offer a small smile. mj snickers, wheeling back to her own computer. “those are words of the innocent.” she’s already tapping her fingers across the keyboard.
“i thought you weren’t doing the tiktok piece,” you say under your breath. you’re slightly pissed mj turned you down, since she’s the reason you know about betty’s meddling. “i’m not,” mj answers sharply. “i’m gonna email quentin and ask if we can change our topics. happy?” quentin beck is another editor in the building. he’s not bad, but he is intimidating. no one typically goes to him as their first option.
“i’m thrilled,” you confirm and grin at mj to emphasize it. “thanks for stepping up. you’re forgiven.” “i didn’t realize i had to be sorry,” mj notes, this time in a playful manor. she shakes her head as she begins writing. “you and your morals.”
what you value most in your career is honesty, under any circumstances. of course, the other daily bugle writers are the same. norman strictly prohibits clickbait and crazy headlines because that isn’t real news. you leave that to companies like buzzfeed. you’re honest in the sense that you say whatever has to be said, what everyone else is too afraid to. you’ll speak your truth no matter who tries to stop you.
it didn’t used to be that way. there’s some childhood trauma that remains deep in the back of your mind. you’ve left that behind you now, having over a decade to cope with it. hey, they say the past is in the past. what’s important is your takeaway, that you would never let yourself or anyone else be silenced from there on out. never again.
quentin ends up giving you the okay to write different stories. he lets you and mj choose choose your own because he’s got “better things to do” and you’re “big girls.” what a peach he is. mj goes with how capitalism is continuing to provoke global warming. she has something to say about every major world issue, and you admire the hell out of her for it.
you’re a bit stuck when it’s time to write your article. it’s terribly ironic because you pushed for this. you aren’t too worried, though. the city is crawling with material, so you’ll find what you’re looking for eventually. lucky for you, some much needed inspiration comes skipping out of the elevator.
“morning, peter,” you hear liz greet him at the front desk. she’s your floor’s receptionist. her wisdom and patience keep this place going. “hi, liz. how’s it going?” he asks. “things have been quiet... mostly. can i do anything for you?” liz peers up at him. peter sports a shy smile. “uh, yeah. mr. osborn wanted to see me?” “right. hang on.” she nods, dialing his office phone number.
it’s endearing how peter calls him mr. osborn, seeing as the rest of you go with norman. he’s probably the politest guy you’ve ever met.
grinning, liz puts down the phone. “you can go in whenever you’re ready. good luck!” peter laughs nervously and turns to leave. “thanks, you too.” his face falls when he realizes his mistake. “wait, i- i didn’t mean to say that. that was stupid. you’re not-“ “it’s fine, peter,” liz reassures him. his anxiety makes him trip over his words sometimes. that, and he’s a bit dorky in general. you find it rather adorable.
you also wonder what exactly he needs good luck for. he’s not even supposed to be working today, so your curiosity as to what’s going on has been piqued.
“um, i’m gonna go now. bye!” peter rushes off, his face tinted pink from the embarrassing encounter. you’re hoping he’ll stop and talk with you for a little while, but he heads straight to norman’s office. your whole body deflates at that. mj notices from her peripherals.
“what’s the matter? missing your hubby?” she coos, her words dripping in sarcasm. “no,” you lie. “i’m... i don’t know what to write about.” ok, there’s some truth. mj gives you a couple pats on the shoulder. “ask parker for help. you two work... well together. don’t you?” this must be the zillionth time you’ve heard that.
“we do,” you murmur and glance at norman’s closed door. peter is hidden behind it. “i just don’t wanna bug him. he has finals soon, and whatever norman is putting him up to. it’s my job, anyway.” mj pokes your arm. “those sound like excuses to me,” she concludes, still jabbing at you childishly. “you really just don’t wanna tell him you like-“
“can you keep it down?” you hiss, yanking your arm back. “he’s literally right over there.” peter stands up and shakes norman’s hand. you catch it through the blinds on his window. “y/n, you were drooling over his mere presence only minutes ago,” mj prefaces, a smile pulling at her lips. “you can handle three little words. i like you, that’s it. spit it out already.”
you’ll never admit this to mj, but she’s right. you lost your momentum after your first failed attempt to say the three little words. you’re still not sure what stopped you. you’d shared the details of that faithful night with her, and she’s been pushing you to try again since.
the door to norman’s office opens, and out walks peter. he’s beaming after their conversation, which seems like a good sign. harry passes peter on his way in to pay his dad a visit. he claps him on the shoulder, peter happily accepting before continuing his stride back into the main office. it takes a moment to register that he’s coming towards you.
you quickly set your focus back on your computer so he doesn’t think you’ve been watching him. even though, you definitely have.
“y/n!” peter calls your name. he’s on the opposite side of your table, in front of you. “peter!” you match his tone. “i was just dropping by. i thought i’d say hey while i’m here.” he’s still grinning. “what’re you doing?” he looks cute as ever in an oversized and cream colored sweater. his curls are slicked back with a tad too much product, cheeks rosy. you gaze up at him when he rests his arms on the table.
“pretending to be productive,” mj answers for you, pressing her lips together. peter cocks his head to the side. “pretending?” “ignore her. she’s being a shit stirrer today,” you explain. “like every other day,” he jokes, earning a laugh from you. mj just tuts and keeps writing. “talk about me like i’m not here,” she mumbles to herself, then gets back into her article.
“anyways, i thought you didn’t work today?” you ask to take the attention off yourself. also, because you’re curious. “oh! get this.” peter perks up even more, if that’s possible. he has energy like no other. “you know alex in broadcasting? betty’s camera guy?” “what about him?” you wonder. “he called in sick earlier this morning, with the flu or something.” he’s oddly excited to announce this. that prompts you to make a funny face.
biting back another smile, peter elaborates. “mr. osborn needed someone to fill in for him, so he picked me. i’ll be here all week.” it makes sense, since peter knows how to work a camera and does so wonderfully. you give him a celebratory push at his chest. “peter, that’s amazing! this is the perfect way to transition from pictures to film, right?” he’s nearing his finals at school, which consist of more movie-like projects. the news will be great practice.
then, he’s off to hollywood. you’ll put that out of your mind for now.
“exactly! i think it’ll be a good place to start. the pay isn’t bad either.” peter wiggles his eyebrows at you, you giggling once again. you do a lot of that when he’s around. that’s going to be more often now. “plus, i get to see you. everyone wins.” he squeezes your hand that was just on him. your heart begins to thump. “except alex,” you challenge, playing with his fingers. “but, for real. i’m happy you get to do this and that we’ll be spending more time together.”
“thanks, y/n/n. me too.” peter grins and leans over, taking a peek at your computer screen. there’s a blank word document on it. “you never told me what you’re up to,” he chuckles. “guess mj was right... nothing.” “i’m always right,” she chimes in from next to you. you look between the two of them with a scowl. “i haven’t found my story yet. i don’t know, this never happens.” peter nods as you share your dilemma. “no good ideas are coming to me,” you murmur.
“they will. you have a way of attracting things.” he licks his lower lip, your heart completely stopping this time. “well, i gotta go set up for rise and shine with betty brant.” he waves his hand like he’s presenting his words. that’s what betty calls her morning news segment. “be careful with her. she’s being really sketchy these days,” you warn peter, mj grunting in agreement.
confused, peter purses his lips. “really? ned says she’s a sweetheart. they’ve been going out for a while.” mj pops her head up and adjusts her glasses. “did ned also tell you she’s bribing him to give her all of our scoops?” she’s asking rhetorically because she already knows the answer. of course he didn’t. “it’s one thing to not like her. you’re just making things up now,” peter huffs.
mj kicks your foot under the table. “i told you no one would believe us. not even peter gullible parker.” “it’s benjamin,” he corrects her. “whatever,” she brushes it off, resuming her work.
peter does tend to be sort of naive, to only see the good in things when there’s plenty of bad. you’re the same in that way, unless you hang around mj for too long.
“is that true? betty’s stealing your stories?” peter turns to you and asks. you gesture to your screen. “i don’t have one, so you do the math.” he hums sympathetically. he’ll listen to you, never mj. “i’m sorry. thanks for telling me, y/n. i’ll watch out for her.” he bends his fingers to look like goggles, putting them around his eyes. you sigh lightheartedly.
“are you twenty two years old or twelve?” mj remarks, but not without a comeback from peter. “you’re, like, eighty five. worry about that.” they’ve had this type of banter for as long as you’ve known them. it’s equal parts amusing and exhausting. “don’t be late on your first day.” you snap peter out of it with a knowing smile. he returns it.
“i hope something crazy happens so you can write about it.” he’s walking backwards now, towards the elevator. “see you later, pete,” is all you say back, yet another laugh threatening to escape you. “see you. bye, michelle,” peter says just to bug her. “it’s mj,” she groans without looking up. he shrugs. “not so fun, is it?”
after peter is gone, you try to get back into work. or rather, you try to start your work. what he said about you having a way of attracting things keeps ringing in your head. was he flirting? no, he couldn’t have been. peter parker doesn’t flirt. words aren’t his strong suit, and you have countless memories that prove this to be true. earlier with liz, for example.
you’re probably reading way into this. peter was simply doing what any good friend would do and gave you advice.
it’s late in the afternoon when anything worth mentioning happens again. peter is still with betty, as far as you know. they’re probably preparing for the nighttime news now. all you’ve done since seeing him is nibble on snacks and bug mj, who’s almost done with her story despite your distractions. this is really bad, considering your deadline to submit is at the end of today.
you’ve never missed a deadline.
mj emails her work to quentin while you repeatedly bang your head on the table. she hits send before deciding to entertain you. “whatcha doing over there?” she cautiously prompts, powering off her computer. “trying to get an idea. i’m desperate, if you couldn’t tell.” your voice is muffled. “i could.” mj grabs your shoulders and pulls you back so you’re sitting up. you childishly pout.
“y/n, the only thing that’s gonna give you is brain damage,” mj says sternly, then softens her tone. “why don’t you ask for an extension? norman gives me them all the time.” whining, you slump down in your chair again. “yeah, but you’re you! we do things differently, have different expectations put on us.” she’s back to cold mj after you say that. “alright. at least i did something today besides pine over that little-“
mj’s insult for peter is interrupted by harry. “ladies, what’s shaking?” he comes up to you two with a the hint of smirk on his face. you manage a nod to acknowledge him. “oh, hey... harry,” mj unenthusiastically replies. she’s the one person who isn’t really a fan of him. “not much. y/n was just having a tantrum.” “she was not,” you dismiss her. “it’s work stuff. you know your dad.”
harry clicks his tongue in a teasing way. “yep, the grind never stops in this joint. boss man is...” he does the sign for cuckoo with his finger. you laugh a little at that. “in a good way,” you add on. mj only watches you two, blinking blankly. harry gives you a definitive pat on the back. “before i forget, he wants to see you.” that gets mj talking. “norman?” she questions. “your dad?” you choke out at the same time.
“who else? he said you two have to talk.” harry flashes you a weary smile. “have fun in there, old sport.” you’re too busy biting the skin off your bottom lip to respond. “mhm... she will,” mj speaks on your behalf. even she sounds worried. saluting you both, harry leaves to go pester your other colleagues. you’re completely and totally fucked.
“that’s it for me!” you grin sarcastically, freaked out by harry. “i’m fired, aren’t i? i’m definitely about to get fired, and it’s all because-“ “relax!” mj cuts off your rambling. she reaches down and grasps at your wrists. “get it together, y/l/n. you’re the best we have, okay? you aren’t going anywhere.” your grin becomes a frown. “then why does norman wanna talk to me? and, why don’t i have a story?”
mj always has the answers, but this time is the execption. she lets out a breath. “i don’t know. you’ll go find out and tell me what happens.” there’s no use protesting. you’re going to have to face whatever you’re about to at some point. “ok,” you give in, defeated. “i’ll be back soon, i hope.”
the walk to norman’s office feels like a walk of shame. mj can do nothing but sit back and observe it. if this ends the way you think it will, you’ll be collecting your things and won’t ever return. norman is a kind man, and he’s usually pretty understanding. he doesn’t mind the workplace shenanigans as long as you get your job done. unfortunately, you haven’t today.
you hear your boss’s booming voice when you approach his door. inhaling deep, you knock on it, and the room goes silent. “come in,” norman responds after a few seconds. mustering up a smile, you open the door to be met with your doom. “hi, am i interrupting something?” you check. “not at all! you’re just the person i wanted to see. sit, sit,” he beckons you over. he’s not using his angry voice, so maybe you’re in the clear. you enter the room as told.
you’re shocked to see a terrified peter is already in one of the chairs. he visibly relaxes a bit now that you’re here. what the hell is happening? whatever you were expecting, this was the last thing.
taking the armchair next to peter, you sit facing norman’s desk. you nudge his arm to get his attention. his big brown eyes lock with yours. “what’s going on?” you whisper. “no idea,” peter whispers back. the two of you turn to norman again when he claps his hands. he’s plopped down into his cushy leather seat.
“so,” he begins, gaze flicking from peter to you. “you kids know why you’re here?” “is it because i missed my deadline?” you blurt out. you’re once again a nervous wreck. peter doesn’t speak, just winces. “not that. although, i did hear from ned that you turned down his assignment.” norman flicks at a post-it on his desk. “i asked quentin for one instead. me and mj,” you explain, peter’s eyes going wide.
“you talked to quentin? that guy’s bad news,” he murmurs to you. “how so?” norman questions, since it’s his employee. “he- he, um,” peter clears his throat before answering, “he’s super critical, you know? hates all my pictures.” “i love your pictures,” you assure him, the corners of his lips turning up. “your style is so cool. yeah, though. quentin’s pretty bitter.”
considering this, norman drums his fingers on the desk. “i’ll look into that. but, that isn’t why you’re here. i’m letting you off the hook this time.” your whole demeanor changes and a huge weight lifts off of you. “really? you are?” “i have a scoop of my own that i want you to cover,” he continues, peter bumping your knee happily. a toothy grin takes over your face.
“since peter will be sticking around for a while, i want him to join you.” norman waits a beat in case you have any questions. it’s been a minute since you last worked together. peter laughs in disbelief. “you want me to take over for alex and do this?” norman nods proudly. “y/n will need the extra hands, if you have them.” “yes, sir. i do,” peter immediately confirms. “my last class is next thursday, so i have the time.”
“wait, so you’re almost done? that’s awesome!” you bump peter’s knee this time. “yup, all that’s left is finals... and studying.” he mindlessly takes your hand, lacing your fingers together. you’re enjoying his gentle touches. “thank you so much, norman. seriously, i appreciate this a lot,” you tell him and mean it. “hey, no problem,” he chuckles at your eagerness. you grip peter’s hand tighter.
“what’s the story?” “ah, yes. the most important part,” norman starts, peter sharing an excited look with you. “how familiar are you two with spider-man?” his excitement fades at the question posed. it’s unbeknownst to you, caught up in the moment. “uh, same as everyone else, i guess,” you casually reply. “how come?” “he’s your subject.” norman points at you both. “you’re gonna study him over these next few months.”
peter’s hand goes limp in yours, and he gulps hard, throat feeling dry. “you mean, like, an exposé?” “no, no. there will be no exposing,” norman clarifies. “i’m sure he wears the mask for a reason.” that settles peter only slightly. you’re not sure why he’s so tense all of a sudden. “what’s our aim here, then?” you steer the conversation.
“see what new york’s favorite hero gets up to every day, how his life is beyond the crime fighting,” norman further describes your task. peter exhales a shaky breath, shifting away from you in his seat. the golden sun hits his face and reveals a bead of sweat dripping down it. you stare at his figure in worry. “you okay, peter?” “fine. i’m just... hot,” he murmurs back. his sweater does look pretty heavy, so you concede.
getting back to norman’s story, you grimace at the idea. “do you really think people will want to read that? for lack of a better term, it sounds kind of...” you pause. “basic.” “i thought the same thing at first,” he surprisingly agrees with you. “harry pitched the idea to me this morning. you won’t believe it! the other night, he caught spider-man hanging outside his window.”
“harry... harry saw him?” peter squeaks out. he uses the wool material that feels like it’s swallowing him to dab at his forehead. “he stopped on his balcony. must have been pretty late, the kid’s a night owl,” norman says about his son. your face lights up as you listen to him. “he took some shots of spidey in action, when he swung off. i saw a few. they were pretty great.” he’s grinning at his son’s success.
“maybe he’ll get into photography with you, pete,” norman suggests. peter gives him a weak smile in return. “we’d be happy to have him.” he usually has a lot more to say about his career than that. his behavior is starting to genuinely concern you. “anyway,” norman gets back on topic, “it got me thinking. how much do we really know about this guy? we’re supposed to blindly put our trust in him?”
you’re beginning to see the appeal now. you’ve written your share of pieces on the avengers and their methods, tackling the same questions norman just asked you. spider-man shouldn’t be overlooked, especially when he operates so close to your home. this could be another revolutionary superhero story in the making. and, you get to bring peter along for the ride.
“you know what? this has a lot of potential,” you smile at norman, then peter. he has his phone in his lap, fingers flying across the screen. it must be something important. you’ll discuss with norman while he takes care of that. “we could make it a weekly thing, about spider-man’s adventures. find out what we can about the man behind the mask...” peter shoots up in his seat. “without taking it off,” you finish, putting his mind at ease.
“see, i knew you were gonna love it! it was a blessing in disguise, you missing that deadline.” norman bangs his fist on the table with a hearty laugh. “what do you say, peter? you still in?” peter slips his phone back in his pocket. his tongue pokes out to wet his lips. “oh, of course. i can’t wait to work with you, y/n/n,” he speaks in a monotone voice, adding on, “again.”
something is definitely bothering him, and it isn’t the weather.
“i gotta go. betty needs me upstairs, so,” peter moves to get up, his body stiff. you assume that’s who he was texting. “thank you again, mr. osborn.” he’s rushing out of the room just like that, until you call after him. “um, don’t you wanna set a time to meet up? so we can get started?” you reasonably ask. “i... i really gotta go. find me later,” peter tells you, giving you both a tight lipped smile and running off.
“the dynamic duo is back!” norman announces to you. you’re disappointed you can’t share that sentiment with peter.
he’s absolutely booking it down the stairs, not bothering to wait for the next elevator. this is bad. this is a nightmare.
peter went from having one of his best days in a while to the worst in not even a full round of work. today started off fine, and got better when norman promoted him. it got way better when you came along. he saw your smile that makes his insides tingle, heard your laugh that’s the prettiest sound to grace his ears, held your hand that he never wants let go.
things went a bit downhill after that. betty was pushy and yelled at him a lot, demanding he only film her good angles for the segment. you and mj weren’t wrong when you told him to be careful.
later on when he saw you again, everything was okay. he was physically shaking as brad told him mr. osborn requested to see him. brad is mr. osborn’s assistant. a try-hard for sure, but good at his job. why did mr. osborn call him in? did betty complain already?
they’d been sitting in mostly silence, save for small talk until you came knocking on the door. simply being next to you was enough to ground peter and his racing thoughts. it was enough, then it wasn’t.
the whole day had gone to shit after he found out you were going to be writing stories about his alter ego. not only that, but he was helping. during the pitch, he’d texted ned to meet him in the bathroom. he was really anxious and needed a friend who understood why.
ned accidentally found out peter is spider-man last year. it’s a long story that involves peter hiding from some bad guys in the building and ned shrieking so loud the lights flickered. they’re cool now that peter talked things through with him. his secret has been kept, from what he knows.
pushing open the men’s bathroom door, peter is a mixture of sweat and ragged breaths. he’s panting from his fast descent down the staircase. he takes in his disheveled appearance using one of the mirrors. his styled hair is now damp and undone, hands trembling and palms sweaty, chest heaving. here’s his daily reminder that anxiety is not cute. as if he didn’t know.
his stupid, gigantic freaking sweater is only making things worse. it’s suffocating him. no one else is in here, so peter pulls it over his head and tosses it to the ground. he’s got a t-shirt on underneath that happens to be black. what a convenient day for him to wear the hottest material there is.
peter splashes his face with some cold water next to try and cool himself down. that doesn’t do much for him. his face still feels like it’s on fire, but now it’s wet. he takes his hands through his mop of curls, backing away from the sink.
“fuck. fuck, fuck, fuck,” peter repeats to himself. he’s silent for a moment, then rage overcomes him. he kicks open a bathroom stall. “shit! i can’t do this. what am i supposed to-“
the door creeks open, so peter shuts up in case it isn’t ned. it thankfully is, and he wears a deep frown at the sight of his best friend. “dude, what happened? you look...” “terrible. i know,” peter finishes for him. he tugs at his locks in another attempt to tame them. ned approaches him carefully. “you’re not, like, dying... are you? because betty was telling me you have to-“ “of course you were with betty,” peter exhales in frustration. “no, ned. i’m not dying.”
in ned’s defense, the text he received was very alarming. all peter wrote was, ‘EMERGENCY. SOS.’
“i mean, yeah. it was my break.” ned sits on the ledge by the window, close to peter. “you do the same with y/n.” the mention of your name upsets peter all over again. he hides his face in his hands as ned watches. “if you’re not dying, then what’s the problem?” ned finally asks. “me and y/n...” peter removes his hands from his face, meeting ned’s worried eyes. “mr. osborn wants us to do a project together.”
“uh, peter? you’ve been saying how much you miss her forever, dude! you’re not excited?” ned snorts at him. he means well, but he has no clue what he’s talking about. “no. it’s supposed to be about spider-man,” peter answers angrily. this isn’t the support he was hoping for. realizing the severity of the situation, ned gets serious.
“oh... but, you’re still doing it?” he questions. “i didn’t have a choice,” peter scoffs out. “i can’t let either of them down.” “you’ll expose yourself!” ned escalates things further. “it’s not like that. we’re gonna follow spider-man around and post updates on him,” peter says, technically in the third person. he’s given an are you insane? look from ned.
“you are spider-man! and, no offense, but you’re not so good at hiding it,” ned refers to himself finding out. “how are you gonna be in two places at once?” damnit, peter hadn’t thought about that yet. he can’t be taking pictures of spider-man and swinging from building to building simultaneously. “i- i’ll figure it out,” peter stammers, unconvincingly.
ned looks him over in a disapproving way. “jeez. you’re really putting your life on the line for this girl-“ “woman,” peter interjects, not loving ned’s attitude towards you. “have some respect.” unfazed, ned gets up from the windowsill. “speaking of women, remember betty? you’re still on the clock,” he changes the subject. peter nearly forgot he has to go film her segment.
“i’ll head up to her now,” peter gives in. he scoops up his discarded sweater, not bothering to check his appearance again. ned follows behind him to the door. “we wrote her script together, you know,” he gladly informs peter, who already knows from you. “not really a flex,” peter mumbles his response. “peter, lighten up.” ned hits at his shoulder. the two of them exit the bathroom.
“you’ll figure this out later. i can always help.” he shoots him a sugary sweet smile. “thanks, ned. for talking with me and everything.” peter doesn’t smile back. they do a quick bro handshake, then they’re going their separate ways. “have a good show, dude!” ned yells back, to which he doesn’t get a response. peter doesn’t have it in him.
he allows himself to take the elevator back up to broadcasting. he’s so drained from the several anxiety attacks he endured. while peter waists for the elevator, he contemplates all the issues he’d better solve. it’s a relief to hear it ding because it brings him back to earth. that doesn’t last long because both you and betty are there when the door opens.
you’d each had the same idea, to find peter. unlike betty, your intentions were good. you asked liz if she saw peter leave. she told you he went downstairs, so you did also. betty was already in the elevator when it got to your stop. she was looking for him because, you guessed it, he had to record the news. the small space was filled with tension as you and betty occupied it.
“perfect. we’re going right back up,” betty beams, motioning for peter with her index finger. “hop in!” “coming,” peter does as told, going to stand between you and betty. she presses the button for your floor and theirs. the doors close. “pete?” you speak up, voice soft. “you kinda ran off earlier. i thought you were with betty.” “clearly, he wasn’t,” betty sneers.
you’re less concerned with her and more with peter. the sweater he looked so huggable in is now folded in his arms, his face splotchy and jaw clenched. he must have gotten triggered by something back in norman’s office.
“are you sure you’re okay? you... you can talk to me about it.” you take a step closer to peter, your doe eyes searching for his. he meets them with a tiny smile. at least, it’s real this time. “i’ll be fine, y/n/n. ‘s nice that you came to check on me, though.” “don’t mention it.” your arms loop around his neck and bring him into a hug. peter hugs you back by your middle, chin resting on your shoulder, breathing out in relief.
you keep your hands on his shoulders when you pull back. his stay on your sides, a lopsided grin now crossing his features. “spider-man...” you quirk an eyebrow. “how are you feeling about that?” “should be cool,” peter somehow maintains himself. “i’m mostly looking forward to doing it with you.”
listening in, betty joins the conversation. “what’s happening with spider-man? anything i should know?” her hand reaches into her bag and emerges with a notepad. does she ever think of her own content? “she’s nothing if not persistent,” you grumble to peter. chuckling, he pulls you into his chest. if he didn’t hold you back, you would’ve pounced on her.
“we’re gonna do a piece on him,” peter tells her. “you can’t copy or steal this one because it’s already been approved,” you contribute, smiling smugly as peter holds you tighter. betty is taken aback. “are you accusing me of stealing? who said i-“ “ned ratted on you... sorry,” peter says in a sing song voice. squealing, you jump away from him. “he did? we were right?”
“mj’s never wrong,” he reiterates. “mj knew about this? oh my god, i can’t believe her!” betty stomps her foot. “we got you on candid camera.” you make a clicking noise with your mouth. peter mimes taking a picture to back you up. “alright, alright. i won’t do it again,” betty mumbles, turning away from you two in annoyance.
“finally!” you hold up your hand for a high five, which peter gives you. “we really do make the best team,” he hums. your fingers intertwine with peter’s, and he lays his palm flat against yours. he prays extremely hard you don’t notice that it’s sweaty. you do, but you couldn’t care less.
“i was wondering when you’d wanna start our... research?” peter asks you, his lip between his teeth. “you were saying something earlier. maybe we could make a schedule.” “how elaborate of us that would be,” you tease. that earns a breathy laugh from peter. with a knowing smile, you put your free hand back on his shoulder.
“what are you doing tonight?”
peter parker taglist
@saturnpeter @tpwk-grande @itstaskeen @missyouhollnd @becicamina @dummiesshort @zspideyy @watchitimreadinghere @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @dpaccione @karispotters11 @theofficialzivadavid @thehumanistsdiary @kelieah @aayaissaa @petersgroupie @annab-nana @tayyx @swtltlmrvlgrl @magicalxdaydream @haoluvver @kjune113 @captainamirica @marvel-dork98 @emmastarz @killingbxys @viriditie @misshale21 @veryholland @liliswifts @tommydarlings @rebelemilu @peterspideysense @cr-uelsummer @dreamy-clousds @quaksonhehe @quxxnxfhxll @blackbat2020 @babyblue19 @falconxbarnes @zachary-s @dirtytissuebox @dracoswhore007 @heavenlyholland @thsquad @etheralholland @dhtomholland @awh-lilies @tomshufflepuff @multifamdomfan12
if i forgot you please lmk!
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shxllxfx · 3 years
Flirtatious || David “Deacon” Kay
David "Deacon" Kay x Street!Reader, Jim Street x Sister!Reader
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Summary: Jim's little sister visits and turns the life of a special Sergeant upside down.
Warnings: English is not my mothertounge. GIF isn’t mine, credit to owner.
A/N: I hope you all like this, let me know what you think. Love you all lots 💋
Words: 2097
Taglist: @browngirldominion
Add yourself to my taglist!
For Deacon it was a normal day. At least what he could call normal since Annie left him. They tried as good as possible to make everything as easy as they could for the kids and they were as understanding as children could be. He stayed at the house with the kids while Annie went to her sister, who lived just down the street. It was Annie's wish. So in the morning, Deacon got up and ready, made breakfast and got the kids up for school. Annie would pick them up after. That was their routine since almost a year now. Once he got to work everything was as usual and normal as his day at work could be. Until she arrived.
With your travel bag over your shoulder and your favorite hot drink in your hand you slowly left the airport and headed towards the cabs. You missed LA. The burning heat in summer, the beach, and the waves and maybe even your younger brother. But if there was one thing about LA you didn’t miss it was traffic. You sighed when the driver had to stop yet again. "The traffic, huh?" He sighed. "Gonna be the death of me one day." You gave him a soft smile and nodded. "Well I surely didn't miss it." He laughed. Whole heartedly laughed. A big grin grew on your face. He was mid-fifties, no hair on his head but a full grayish beard in his face. "Vacation was that good?" You shook your head slightly as he stopped the car in front of the big compound. "No vacation. Lived out of city for some time but I'm coming back now." You paid him and gave him a soft smile with a quick thank you before leaving the cab and heading towards the entrance.
You knew these people were thorough but having to go through a complete body and back check that was worse than the one on the airport was something you didn’t expect. Another thing you didn’t expect was being escorted to your younger brother by some big muscular looking dude. "Sorry to interrupt Lieutenant, Commander. Street you've got a visitor." The guy stepped aside and gave you a chance to investigate the big room where some people were standing around a big table. "Y/N/N? No way!" Jim sprinted towards you and you opened your arms wide for him to hug you tight. He kissed the side of your head while picking you up slightly. "God I've missed you! You didn’t tell me you were back!" You chuckled when he let you down and gave him a big grin. "Well, surprise?" You shrugged before looking at his colleagues, all staring at the pair of you. "If you are busy now, I can come back later. Just wanted to see my little brother first thing." He rolled his eyes at you but then turned his head to the lieutenant, who gave him a nod. "It's alright. You wanna meet the team?" Now your heartbeat increased a bit. Meeting new people always made you nervous. You gave him a nod and dried your hands from the little film of sweat forming on it.
"So that's Lieutenant Lynch and Commander Hicks, my bosses. Sergeant Daniel Harrelson or Hondo, as we call him. Officers Dominic Luca, Chris Alonso, and Victor Tan. And lastly Sergeant David, or Deacon, Kay." You gave every single one of them a small smile while being introduced. Jim had his hand reassuringly on your back in between your shoulder blades. "It's nice to finally get to know the lot of you. Jim talks about you nonstop. I'm Y/N." The girl in the group, Chris, gave you a comforting smile. "Street talks about you all the time, too. He said you studied medicine?" You looked at Jim and raised an eyebrow. "Street, huh?" He just scoffed. "Yeah, I finished 4 weeks ago, now I'm just waiting to start practicing." Jim removed his hand from your back and gave your shoulder a short squeeze. The other Sergeant, Deacon had his arms crossed before his chest and gave you a soft smile when you locked eyes. "I'm sure you'll get a job soon." His voice made you shiver a bit, like an electroshock. "Thank you." You smiled softly and looked down. You needed to break the eye contact, otherwise you would have melted right away.
It had been some time since you came back and you and Jim had been spending more time together than ever. He had allowed you to stay with him and Luca at the house till you found a place for yourself and till you got a job. Since they were close as a team, they often spend time with each other, so obviously Jim dragged you along. You stepped out of the hospital your application file clutched to your chest as a big smile grew on your face. You tried to control the outburst of happiness that grew in your chest but failed miserably as you let out a little laugh. You had to talk to Jim. You needed to tell him. Since you were a little child and Jimmy and you had been sitting up all night, in the foster care bedroom, talking about your dreams and plans. His had been the police, the swat and your dream had always been working in a hospital. You got into your car an old Toyota you bought and drove to the swat compound. By now they all knew you but that didn’t stop the body and purse check by the entrance. As always, an officer escorted you to your younger brothers’ team. "Y/N" Hondo greeted you and gave you a brief hug. Deacon looked up from the computer he was working at and gave you a big smile. "Street isn't here and I have somewhere to be but I'm sure Deacon will keep you company till Street is back." With that he left and you turned around, your body still bubbling with happiness. You sat down on one of the chairs, not wanting to disturb Deacon who seemed to be working on something but your body was filled with so much energy that you got up right away. Deacon looked at you and stopped what he was doing. "What's got you all excited?" He asked and gave you a warm smile. A smile that could literally melt anyone. "Okay I really wanted to wait until Jim is back but I really need to tell someone." You took two energetic steps towards him, hands shaking from all the happiness. "The hospital I applied with gave me the job." You blurted out, stumbling over your words. Even if Deacon didn’t know the long backstory of you wanting to help people, be there for them at their worst and be there for them to get better, he could feel the importance of your statement. "Congratulations. That's awesome, Y/N." He wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a hug, which you happily accepted. "Thank you. I've been working so hard for this; you don’t even know." You whispered and let go of him. You were still shaking and your cheeks started to hurt from smiling so wide. You whipped over your face and as you lowered your hands you took yours in his. They were warm and rough, sending small electroshocks through your whole body. "You are shaking." He stated, applying a little pressure on your palms, trying to calm you. "I'm just so excited and happy about it. It's... I've always dreamt of this." You heard footsteps behind you and when you turned around Jim walked in. You slowly slipped your hands out of his, the warmth leaving you. "Jimmy!" You hugged him tightly and your happiness and excitement started to bubble up again, pushing aside the weird feeling the situation with Deacon gave you. Right now, the only important thing was telling Jim about your day.
You were currently siting on the sofa while Jim and Luca were playing a game. Hondo was leaning against the counter sitting on his beer while talking to Chis and Tan. They were fun to be around and great to talk to. "Got you another one since yours was empty." Deacon handed you another bottle and plopped himself down on the sofa next to you. "Thank you" you grinned while pulling your legs to your chest. Since the situation a couple of days ago you and Deacon haven’t spoken to each other but even right now only hearing his voice felt like pure electricity in your veins. A weird feeling you had never felt. "You are so quiet today, everything okay?" He nudged your side with his elbow and you looked up at him. With a small nod and smile you put the bottle to your lips. "I think..." your little brother slurred, putting an arm over Lucas shoulder who just won again, "I think that we should take a picture. To remember this glorious day and Luca winning against me." A small laughter escaped your lips when you jumped up, always ready to keep memories as a picture. You reached out to Deacon, waiting for him to take your hand while the others already formed to a small bundle. Chris put up her phone with timer and when Deacon grabbed your hand and let you pull him up, Chris pushed the button, only leaving enough time for you and Deacon to stumble into the picture. It was only after the flash went off and the picture was taken that you realized the hand on your hip and the other one still in your hand. While the others fussed about seeing the picture you just stood there for a second before Deacon quickly pulled away both hands, winking at you when he left you all flustered. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol in your veins or the simple fact that the warmth you had from having him next to you was gone, but something inside you screamed for his presence.
It was getting late, Hondo and Chris already left and you were just bringing Tan outside to his cab while Luca, Jim and Deacon were having a conversation about being in the swat. "It was really nice; we have to do that again sometime." Tan laughed while getting in the cab. You gave him a small smile and wave when the cab left. The fresh night air was soft and nice against your skin. The sky was full of stars. You sat down on the bench in the garden, taking a deep breath in, eyes closed. "Here you are" Deacon walked toward you, hands in pockets. He had a small smile playing on his lips. You simply had to smile back. "It’s so pretty out here" You stated, smiling up at the sky. "Yeah it is." He said. When you looked at him, he was looking at you. You felt something warm around your heart. For a brief second you held his eye contact, before looking at your hands. "Well that was cheesy." You muttered and he chuckled quietly. "But true." He was whispering so quietly that you almost didn’t hear him. For a moment everything was quiet. He softly grabbed your hand. "You should go back inside. I just got a cab and Street and Luca are going to sleep soon." You let him pull you up, till you were standing so close you could feel his body heat and you could swear that if you would have breathed just a bit quieter you would have actually been able to hear his heart beat. “Spending time with you guys has really been awesome. I understand why Jim loves you all so much.” With a smile on his lips he hummed. He was still holding your hand in his but you didn’t bother to take it away. It felt good. Familiar. Deacon stopped right in front of the door. With a questioning look you stopped as well, your eyes on him as you waited for an explanation for his stop. With a soft smile he stared back at you. “Maybe we could spend some time together. Just the two of us?” You were confused and raised an eyebrow. “I am asking you to go on a date with me, Y/N. If you want to?” The confused look on your face changed to a soft smile which turned to a grin. The warm feeling in your stomach grew. “Yes, Deacon. Id like that very much.”
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kerie-prince · 3 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
(gif source)
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
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smol-and-grumpy · 3 years
Legally Yours - Ch. 01 (Prologue)
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean Winchester tops the list of hottest entrepreneurs 2020 and yet, there’s still something he wants but can’t have because, in order to get that, he would have to settle down and get married. She agrees too quickly because she wants to secure a more comfortable life for her and her daughter. Will she be able to help Dean get what he wants without losing herself in the fake story they spin up to deceive his father and the world?
Chapter Warnings: None. Maybe the end will get your heart racing.
WC: 1796
Beta’d by: @deanwanddamons​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
Buy me a coffee
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Y/N’s sitting at her desk as she types an answer to the inquiry from a customer, when her friend Donna practically slams a glamour magazine over her keyboard. 
“Have you seen this?” The blond woman asks. 
“Jesus, Donna! I haven’t saved that document yet! God!” She picks the magazine up and tosses it to the side as she continues to finish the document on her screen. 
Donna’s still waiting, staring at her and she wonders if that woman has nothing else to do. Y/N’s sure Donna has plenty to do, they always have a lot of work and that’s why she gets home so late and sometimes, Liv would already be asleep. Sometimes, when she’s lucky, Liv was awake and she’d read her a bedtime story of princesses who are rescued by a heroic prince.
As soon as Y/N is finished, she turns around in her chair, to see her friend still staring at her instead of doing her own work. 
“What is it?” She asked with that added annoyed nuance to her tone of voice.
“Look!” Donna lifts her chin to point towards the magazine she slammed in front of Y/N just a moment before, “Have you seen it?”
Turning back around to her desk, she picks it up, “Donna, I’m not reading those mags, so no, I haven’t seen it. Why?”
Instead of answering her, Donna only grins. The grin that shows her dimples. The wicked one, “Page twenty-six,” 
With raised eyebrows and that little spark of curiosity which Donna had added to her interest, Y/N rifles through the pages until she reaches page twenty-six. 
There’s a picture of a man who stares right at her. He’s wearing a perfect suit. His one hand fakes the adjusting of his cufflink on his wrist. It’s a total male model pose. Well, he looks like one, so she can’t really say that anything’s out of the ordinary. 
At a second glance, though, she realizes that he looks familiar. His face is a little scruffy, but that makes him look edgier, makes him look more handsome. He’s smiling bright, showing his perfect white teeth. There are crinkles around his emerald eyes, seven on his right side, and she knows she shouldn’t even be counting them, so she ignores his left side. And she definitely can’t help but notice the freckles across his face. 
Oh, she thinks.
“Is that..?” She asks with a frown that gets deeper between her eyebrows because she’s just not sure? She hasn’t seen the man that many times in real life. 
“Ya! Our fucking boss! The icy King!” Donna shouts, “Isn’t he dreamy? My god, I wanna eat him up! And he doesn’t look as icy and distant like he always does,”
“What? Only telling the truth here! Read what the headline says!”
Her friend is right, though, Mr. Winchester’s normal aloof and cold persona isn’t captured in the picture. He’s known to be the icy King in the company. Instead, he looks kind of welcoming and warm. Y/N eyes go to the top of the page, and she can’t lie, it’s hard to concentrate on the writing when there’s a good looking man staring her down.
The headline is in all caps.
 She frowns, as her eyes leave the magazine to look back at her friend, “That’s what you wanted to show me?” 
“Duh! There’s also a whole article about him being the center of attention everywhere he goes,”
“Well, that’s not really surprising, is it? Looking like that?”
“It also says that he has a fiancée.”
“That’s also not surprising,” Y/N shrugs, “I mean, seriously, look at him. Who wouldn’t want to marry that?” She didn't. At least not when they say that he’s cold-hearted. But again, she’s not the norm here because every female is gushing about him. 
She closes the magazine loudly, deciding that she shouldn’t waste more time. She wants to get home on time today. Liv went on a field trip with her school and she wants to hear her little girl telling her about how exciting it was. Y/N still has a lot of work to do and also a meeting with her supervisor later. The sleazebag.
“So, can I go back to work?” She turns to Donna, “I have a meeting with Raphael in about twenty minutes.”
“Ew,” Donna cringes her nose.
Y/N rolls her eyes, “Exactly,”
“Will you tell him off?”
“I already did,” She sighs, “Multiple times,”
“Why don’t you just go to HR?”
Donna knows what happens. What always happens when she has a meeting with Raphael. He’s always trying things with her. Accidentally brushes his hand against her breast or her ass. He once told her to sit in his lap as he was showing her the numbers of her performance. It wasn’t the first time he suggested it, and she doubts that it will be the last time either. He tried to kiss her more than once, but knowing that they are in an office environment, he didn’t dare to force her too much. He also offers to drive her home almost every week, and she’s slowly getting tired of it, not to mention creeped out.
At their last meeting, he made her hang up a picture frame in his office. His hand rested on her hips to supposedly support her, but they traveled further down until he kneaded her ass in his palms. She immediately got down from there, and left the room wordlessly. 
She knows another secret about Raphael, though. One she could use against him, but she just doesn’t know how just yet. Y/N knows and has got proof that he’s been skimming money. He takes it out of the customer’s account. Not a lot, a small sum that customers wouldn’t notice is missing, but in the end, it’s probably a whole lot when he does it to all the customers he’s supposed to look after. 
Again, she can’t really bring that up because she’s sure that he’ll spin it around and Raphael is good at that. With a push on the button of his keyboard, he could reverse everything and she knows that. 
“I can’t go to HR,” Y/N lowers her head and mumbles to her friend, “Because they won’t believe me,”
And that’s the truth too. The Head of HR is Duma, a woman who occasionally fucks Raphael. They have a friend with benefits thing going on, even if she’s married with children. Duma will never believe her because Y/N’s sure that Raphael can spin this perfectly to fit his narrative. 
Besides, what can she possibly tell? It’s her against him. It’s like a mouse against an elephant. She’s only an accountant and is replaceable, whereas Raphael is a member of the leadership team. And who will be let go? She doesn’t think it’s going to be him and she needs the job to survive. 
Y/N watches as Donna’s lips start to curl up, the white teeth of the woman are visible, as she drums her fingers annoyingly on her own desk.
With a frown, she asks her friend, “What?”
“I have an idea,” Donna says and pulls up her outlook calendar. 
She types in something, and then a calendar appears with a lot of colorful blocks. 
Oh no. She has quite the idea of who’s calendar it is even if she can’t read the name from where she’s sitting, which is too far away because she doesn’t want to give the impression that she’s not working. And it’s stupid that they can do that. They have quite an open calendar policy at the office. Everyone can send and block meetings for everyone, even for the icy King. 
“Donna, no!”
“Why, Donna, yes!” Her friend grins, “He has an open window right now. The meeting in the boardroom is in ten minutes. You should go tell him what you know. If someone can change anything, it’s him, right?”
Donna’s not wrong, she isn’t. But Mr. Winchester is what? At least four tiers above her if not five. Why should he care what a simple worker in his company is thinking? Why should he care what the hell she goes through every day while he earns enough profit to fuel his expensive and glamorous lifestyle?
“He wouldn’t believe me,” She shakes her head.
“You can tell him about the money skimming, I bet he won’t be happy to hear that.”
Donna stands up and walks over to her, braces her hands on the chair Y/N’s sitting on, “What’s the worst that could happen, huh?”
“That I get fired?”
“Meh,” Donna squeaked, “I doubt that. You’re doing a great job. Your records are great. And besides, if they do that, you can go and file a lawsuit against them. Besides, who knows, if you go to HR, Raphael will fire you before the icy King does.”
True, but still. 
“Now go get your ass up to the executive floor. Maybe take him a coffee, I heard he likes it black,”
“Oh, just like his heart?”
“Ya, maybe I wouldn’t tell him that?” Donna chuckles.
 Y/N’s on her way to the elevators. She can’t believe that she’s really doing it. But Donna’s right. She can’t go on and live like that. It’s already hard to part from her child every morning and to get bullied at her job and being sexually harassed should not be the norm. She just fucking wants to earn enough money to keep her kid and herself above water.
God, she’s really doing it! 
There are six elevators lined up in the foyer. Three on each side. Only one goes up to the executive floor and also one is reserved for Mr. Winchester’s penthouse on the top floor. Everybody knows that. 
To get the elevator to run up to the executive floor, Y/N would need to have a card with a chip, which she doesn’t, and she feels stupid to have just realized it. And now she’s standing here, lost, with a hot black coffee in a lidless plastic cup that almost burns her fingers off.
She’s so fucking stupid.
Well, she could still try, couldn’t she? She jumped over her own fear and has come this far. She definitely shouldn’t give up now. 
Her finger hovers over the buttons. Closing her eyes and exhaling loudly, she gives the button a push. Standing back, she waits, her heart is drumming loudly against her ribcage.
And she doesn’t even have to wait long because not even thirty seconds later, the elevator dings and opens up to reveal a man in a nice suit staring back at her.
It’s him.
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Ch. 02
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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andreafmn · 3 years
Running In Circles - Chapter 3
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Word Count: 1,854
Characters: Female Reader Rossi Character, Aaron Hotchner, David Rossi, Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Jennifer “JJ”Jareau, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia
Story Description: (Y/N) Rossi is following in her father’s footsteps by joining the BAU team as a profiler. The girl genius knew almost everything but she could have never predicted falling for Aaron Hotchner, her boss and her father’s friend. in their world mutual feelings are not enough to push them together. Will all the adversities and obstacles they face pull them together or push them apart forever?
*DISCLAIMER* I do not own in any way Criminal Minds, all credits of the pre-established characters, script, and storyline belong to Jeff Davis and CBS Network. The only thing I own is Arden Rossi, any upcoming characters, and her storyline, as well as her effects in the others’ story line.
Chapter: 3/?
A/N: This is a short one. Just fully domestic fluff and it makes me very happy, but letting ya’ll know this happiness will be kinda short lived. If you enjoy my writing I’ll also be posting them in AO3 and Wattpad along with other stories (I also hope to start taking requests if ya’ll want) Hope you enjoy and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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Chapter 3
“Okay, buddy, let’s see.” I looked at the instructions in my hands from the fort kit I had purchased. It seemed simple enough and something Jack would enjoy inmmensly. “Let’s do this.”
“Yeah!” Jack exclaimed. Hotch laughed from the kitchen, insisting he had to at least cook some dinner. In the oven were the batch of brownies I had put in 10 minutes ago. It took about 30 minutes to finish the fort and the look on Jack’s face was priceless. Then he spent 10 minutes perusing my movie collection until he finally landed on Toy Story, once again. 
“Well, dinner’s ready,” Hotch announced, bringing a tray with three plates of spaghetti to the fort.
“Daddy, daddy! Look at the fort!” Jack jumped up and down. It was a simple square base, big enough for three people and a triangle top. We covered it with thin sheets and hung wire twinkle lights on the top. Jack had run to my linen closet and gotten a thick comforter to lay on the floor, as well as most of the pillow that laid on my couch. He also arranged a couple of his plush toys in there to keep us company, as he put it. 
“I see it, buddy. It looks great!” Hotch smiled brightly. “Now, what do we say?”
“Thank you, (Y/N)!”
“No problem, little man,” I smiled. “How about you invite your dad inside so we can eat some spaghetti?”
“Yes! Come on, dad!”
Hotch sat down next to me and passed a plate to Jack and me, putting a napkin on his son’s collar. The small kid smiled at his dad and dug into his plate without another thought, the sound of the movie filling in the background. 
“You know,” I mused. “It was pretty bold of you to cook spaghetti for an Italian.”
“Right,” he chuckled. “Well, I hope it’s good.”
I smiled and took a bite of the noodles. Hotch stared expectantly to see if he passed the Italian test. I chewed slowly, dragging the process along, until finally giving him a thumbs up. Hotch sighed and smiled before digging into his own plate.
After finishing the pasta, I took the three plates to the kitchen and served three plates of brownie with ice cream for me and the Hotchner duo. When those plates were empty, Jack laid his head on my lap and his feet on his dad’s and watched the movie. An hour and a half later, the blonde boy was softly snoring and peacefully sleeping.
“Looks like the little man ran out of juice,” I said as I ran my hand through his soft hair. “I think we should take him up to the guest room.”
Hotch softly placed his hand under Jack’s arms and carried him up the stairs to the first door on the right, careful not to wake the tired child. I pulled the sheets away and Hotch laid the kid on the bed. I left the room to let Hotch change Jack into his pajamas and went downstairs to clean up and pack away the fort for Jack to take home.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” I jumped at the sound of Hotch’s voice and he laughed. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s okay, and don’t mention it.” I sat down next to him on the island. “Whatever you need, seriously, I’m here.”
He smiled and engulfed me in a hug; time slowed down. For a moment, just for a moment, it was only us. There was no hurting, no unspoken emotions, nothing. I breathed in his scent and took in the warmth coming from the closeness of his body to mine. He relaxed into me and let himself be human for a change. 
All good things come to an end.
“Well, it’s getting late,” I said breaking the hug and clearing my throat. “Um, there’s towels in the guest bedroom closet and extra blankets just in case it gets too cold during the night.”
“Great, I’ll see you in the morning, then. Good night, (y/n).”
“Good night, Hotch.” I smiled and waited for his figure to disappear in the stairs before opening the doors leading to my backyard. I breathed in deeply and tried to easy my heartbeat.
“What are you doing, (Y/N)?” I whispered to myself.
I spent the night tossing and turning, trying my best to not think that the man I liked was sleeping just a hallway away. Before I knew it, the sun was peeking in through my bedroom window, announcing that I had wasted a whole night of sleep inside my head. 
So, I got up and went downstairs to work on breakfast. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, the works. I put a pot of coffee to brew and took out some toppings for the pancakes. As I was finishing with the bacon, I heard tiny feet running down the staircase.
“Morning, (Y/N)!” Jack exclaimed, hugging my waist since it was as high as he could reach. 
“Hey, little man,” I said ruffling his hair. “Wanna help me set the table?”
He nodded and grabbed the forks I was holding, placing them rapidly next to the three plates that were already on the round table.
“Jack, where’s dad?” I questioned.
“He’s still sleeping.” He shrugged.
“I have an idea, little man. How about we wake him up with some silly string?”
“What’s silly string?” My mouth dropped. I headed to the hallway closet and took out two cans of silly string.
“This, buddy, is silly string,” I presented the can. “You press the button here down and string comes out.”
“Like this?” Jack asked as a string of green plastic was expelled from the can. He shrieked gleefully and his excitement grew as he saw the grin on my face.
“Just like that, bud. Let’s go wake up dad.” 
He nodded excitedly and we walked up the stairs quietly. Once we reached the door, I turned the doorknob slowly and instructed Jack to go jump on the bed to surprise his dad. He smiled at me and when the door was completely open, he ran up to the bed and jumped.
When Hotch’s eyes shot open, Jack and I pressed the cans and shot silly string all over Hotch.
“Good morning, daddy!” Jack screamed as he flung the can around. Definitely a mess I’d have to clean later but very worth it at the moment.
“Morning, Jack!” The older man said as he brought his kid down tickling him slightly. “Is it safe to assume this was your idea, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, sir. It is,” I responded between laughs. “We have a very strict protocol in this household when it comes to wake up calls.” 
“That’s a very effective wake up call.” Hotch smiled.
“Well, now that we’re all up, we can eat some breakfast,” I said. “There’s some chocolate chip pancakes for you, little man.”
“Yes!” He excitedly left the room and ran downstairs.
“And there’s coffee, too.” I smiled and Hotch got up to join us downstairs.
“(Y/N), thank you.” Hotch said as he stood on the doorstep ready to go home. “This is exactly what Jack and I needed, and I have no idea how I’ll ever be able to make it up to you.”
“Hotch, there’s absolutely no need.” I laid a hand on his arm, giving it a squeeze for reassurance. “I meant it when I said I’d always be here for you both. Whatever it is you need.”
Hotch smiled and left with an ‘I’ll see you at work’, and a Jack frantically waving from the backseat.
And that’s how our sleepovers started. Most of the times we had days off Hotch would come over and we’d build a fort with Jack and watch movies or played games. On hot days, we’d play around in the pool. Sometimes with the squad, but more often than not, just the three of us. If ever he needed it, I would take care of Jack so he could have a day to himself. These nights were happening so often, I transformed one of the guest rooms into a room for Jack. Hotch started leaving some of Jack’s clothes and toys. My house started becoming a second home for the Hotchner boys.
Slowly we grew closer and closer as friends, even if I wanted more. His friendship was too important for me to lose what we already had.
Back at work, it was business as usual. The team was none the wiser, but they could see that our relationship had gotten closer. JJ would always give me a smirk when she saw us hugging in his office, Derek would wiggle his eyebrows at me, and Penelope would silently squeal and flail her arms whenever she saw us in proximity.
Today was no different. Reid, Emily, Derek, and I were in the briefing room each stirring their wanted sugars and creams into the coffees I had brought in the morning. Reid quickly examining the box of donuts I had also brought along to pick the best one.
“Come on, baby girl,” Derek chuckled. “What’s going on between you and the boss man?”
“Well, Derek, if you must know,” I played along. The trio closed in as I pretended to look around for any eavesdropping ears. “Absolutely nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Come on, (Y/N),” Emily responded annoyed. “There has to be something. Friends don’t look at each other the way you both do.”
“My dearest Emily, I’m serious. I’ve just tried to be there for him in these very difficult times.” I sipped my coffee. “And I very much enjoy Jack’s company.”
“You know,” Spencer chimed in. “Oxytocin and dopamine, which are often referred to as the love hormones, affect pupil size. The brain gets a surge of these chemicals when you’re sexually or romantically attracted to someone. This boost of hormones causes pupils to dilate. So, really, if we wanted to know if something was happening all we have to do is pay attention to their eyes.”
“Thank you, Spence.” I laughed. “Now I’m gonna have to use sunglasses everywhere.”
“So that means there is something to look out for!” Emily chirped.
“No,” I cleared my throat. “It means that I don’t want to be stared at all the time by profilers, thank you very much.”
“Whatever you say, (Y/N), whatever you say.” Emily laughed.
After that, playful side eyes and nudges were implemented to our daily routine. They’d smirk whenever Hotch praised me and stared whenever he was even remotely close to me. At first it was funny, but it made me extremely nervous to think that Hotch could catch on. Although, it had been a couple of months with this behavior and thankfully, the unit chief had yet to figure it out, as oblivious to our teammates’ behavior as he was to my feelings for him.
Our friendship continued to flourish and strengthen as I pushed my feelings down in an effort to forget about them. It did not do me any good but, if this was the only way to keep him close, I would endure it.
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Tag: @ssamorganhotchner
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The Lady Of The Night
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Gif credit by @runabout-river.
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy.
Happy reading dollies.
Taglist @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder.
Requested by AmberBatterton. I hope you like it. Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for the request.
Warning: polygamy relationship. Smut!  
"Come on out, Y/N. I bet you look great". Antonio called from his desk. The whole team waiting for you to come out from Voights office. You were changing into something rather sultry and seductive. You might have volunteered to help with the John patrol, playing a woman of the night on the streets.
"I'm nervous". You yelled, covering yourself up with your coat.
"You'll be fine. We'll be right there with you. You could be saving a lot of girls by doing this". Voight calmly spoke reassuring you.
"Alright. Here I come". You took one deep breath and opened the door. Slinging off your coat and strutting into the room. Your hands on your hips. Feeling quite fierce.
"Holy shit". Antonio's mouth dropped as he seen you in the tight little dress that didnt cover much and leave nothing to imagination. Your heels clinked as you twirled around.
"So"? You asked shrugging your shoulders. Before you could get a answer Antonio hit the floor with a thud. Everyone rushed over to check on him.
As you bent over to see if he was okay. Everyone heard another thud behind them. Voight had taken Antonio's queue and fainted as well.
"Maybe this dress was a little to much"? You bit your lip as Adam called for a ambulance.
"You think? You just had two men faint over you. All their blood rushing to their cocks. So I think you'll do great tonight". Alvin assured, shaking Hank to wake up.
After the ambulance got there you decided to stay out of Antonio and Voights sight so you rode with Gabby and Shay. They were laughing and joking around the whole way. You felt bad that that happened with Antonio and Voight. Not meaning to look this sexy.
"Hey, Y/N". Kelly, Herrmann and Otis came in just as y'all pulled into the bay.
"Hey". You said with a frown.
"Why so glum, chum? Herrmann asked.
"Voight and Antonio fainted. It was my fault".
"Why? What did you do"? Kelly asked confused.
You were about to open your coat when Gabby jumped in front of you screaming.
"This isn't happening again. She's wearing a dress thats extremely sexy. No you may not see it". Gabby told them. They stood there with a what has gotten into Gabby today face.
"Okay. Geez. Calm down. Don't want you to have a heart attack". Kelly chuckled and walked away with the others.
Gabby turned to you. "I think you shouldn't show anyone else until you go to work and that's all. I hate to have to travel around Chicago bringing people to life because of your dress and sexiness". She giggled.
"Yeah. I should be getting to work anyways. Got a bet going that I can't get tons of John's with this dress. I'll show them". You giggled.
"You show them girl". Gabby and Shay cheerfully cheered. "She's going to give them all heart attacks". Shay whispered to Gabby.
"Oh yeah. We have our work cut out for us tonight". Gabby huffed with a laugh as they went back into the building.
The captain of the undercover unit put you on the corner of 5th and main. It was a hot spot for walkers and John's. You knew most of the girls were undercover just as you were.
Soon as it got dark the street lit up with cars more than usual. Of course you got picked first and when you got into the car he fainted so it was a easy arrest.
Luckily the whole night was easy. The John's were coming out of the wood work. Maybe someone spread the word that a hot new young thang was working and they had to get a taste but you were glad to get some of these guys off the streets. They were pure creepy.
It was around three in the morning when the van came around to pick you up. You were exhausted. Antonio said he would give you a ride home when you got to the station. You didnt know why he would have waited that long for you but you thought it was a nice jester.
"How many did you get"? Antonio clapped as you walked up the stairs.
"Seventy five guys and surprisingly four women. One had her husband with her. They were trying to spice up their marriage. I was tempted". You laughed as you plumped into your chair.
"I heard. Sorry I wasn't there".
"No I'm sorry. I shouldnt have picked out the dress that would send men into cardiac arrest".
"You're all good, Y/N. You should take it as a compliment".
"How are you and Voight"?
"We're good. Voights in his office now".
You nodded and headed to his office to see what he thought about tonight's events.
Knocking on the door he told you to come in.
"Great job. We heard it all. Excellent work". Hank proudly said.
"Thank you sir. I appreciate it". You spoke with a huge smile on your face. He was proud of you and you couldnt be more happier.
"Let's celebrate". Voight pulled out three glasses and a bottle of whiskey sitting them on the desk. Three, who else was joining us?
"Don't start the party with out me". Antonio came jogging up to the office, and closing the door behind him.
Hank poured the glasses and handed them out. "Cheers to great police work and great company". Hank winked at you. Sending your cheeks to cherry red.
"You must be tired? Why dont you take your jacket off and sit awhile"? Antonio suggested, sitting on the edge of Hanks desk. Looking you up and down as he sipped his whiskey.
"I'll leave the coat on. After what happened today I dont want that again". You shook your head.
"We're fine now. We just got a little excited that's all".
"Are you sure"? You were hesitant at first but they seemed fine now and you slowly took off your coat laying it across the back of the chair.
"You look incredible". Hank mumbled into his glass.
"Fucking hell". Antonio did the same. All eyes were on you and you felt your center become moist. You pushed your thighs together. Shooting the rest of your drink down your throat.
"Another"? Hank offered.
"Sure". You held your cup out and Hank poured you a double.
"Are you trying to get me drunk"? You snickered at the thought of Antonio and Hank getting you drunk and having their way with you. Oh God the thought made you moan deep inside. It was your biggest fantasy. No one knew but you had the biggest crush on them both. You couldnt act on it because for one Hank was your boss and Antonio was married. And I say was because now he's divorced.
"No. Just celebrating. Unless". Hank looked at Antonio.
"Unless"? You hiccuped as you finished your second drink, wipping your mouth with the back of your hand.
"We've seen the way you look at us. Undressing us with your eyes". Antonio came closer to you, bending down beside the chair that you were sitting in.
"I'm...I'm...I'm". You started to stutter. Trying to think of something. Antonio smirked and pressed his index finger over your lips.
"Shhhh. You're not the only one that has been looking and undressing". Antonio looked at Hank.
"So what shall we do about this, Y/N"?
"What do you mean"? You asked nervously.
"What I mean is, how would you like to have us. We both want you and we've came to an agreement that we'll share you if that is what you like. Is that what you want, for us to share you"? Hank got in your face licking his lips.
Yes! Yes! Yes!  Your mind and body screamed. But you really had to think this through. Would it effect your job? Your friendship? What will the others think if they found out?
"Well, I uh. Yes. I want you to share me". The words shot out of your mouth without thinking for long.
"Who would you want first? We've got all night long". Hank kissed your lips, his hand tangled in your hair as he kissed your roughly. His tongue dominating yours. Antonio's hand wondered up your leg, to your thigh.  Squeezing it, making you gasped into Hanks mouth.
Antonio took that as a sign to travel further up, until he could feel the heat from your mound on his fingers. He could smell your juices.
"She's not wearing panties". Hank chuckled. "That's why I fainted. I was fine until she bent over and I saw that pretty little pussy. Those puffy little lips, hiding that suckable little clit. God, you make me so hard". Hank growled as he devoured your lips once more.
Antonio gulped licking his lips as he brushed over your pussy lips. Sliding his middle finger between your slit. Your juices covering his finger. He so badly wanted to taste you but your wiggling and moaning made him keep going.
He guided his long finger into your tight little hole, wiggling it around.  Until he found the spot that made your legs tremble. His thumb pressed again your clit. Rubbing it slow and gentle. Teasing you because you liked it rough.
Hank released your lips and went to your neck, sucking and licking along to your collarbone. Your breast were bulging out of your dress.
"Do you like this dress"?
"Yes". You gasped out as Anontio added another finger to your wet hole.
Hank chuckled, taking his hands and running them down your chest. Taking your dress along the way. Your nipples were hard as rocks.  Hank clamped on them and squeezed and tugged on them. Making you purr. By now you were a panting withering mess under their touch. Antonio played with your pussy while Hank tongues you down and playedwith your nipples.  You were so close, they could feel it.
"Aww, is baby girl going to cum for us"? Hank cooed.
"She's clenching the hell out of my fingers". Antonio grunted, he squeezed his cock through his pants.
"That's it princess. Cum for daddy". Hank attached his mouth to your breast. Suckling at your nipple while his hand pinched your free nipple.
From Antonio fingering you and rubbing your clit to Hank sucking your nipple, you couldnt take it anymore. Your knees buckled, your heart face and your body trembled as you came. Your head fell back along with your eyes. They made you come so hard at that moment. You felt your soul leave your body during your orgasm.
"Such a good girl". Hank released your nipple from his mouth with a pop and kissed your lips.
"She soaked the chair". Anontio licked his fingers as he stood up. His cock just begging to be released.
"We'll clean after she comes down. How does she taste"? Hank asked Antonio as he greedily sucked on his fingers.
"Like heaven and peaches". They both chuckled.
"Fuck. Mmmmm". You moaned, your head spinning.
"I dont think she can move. We should take her home and make sure shes okay". Antinio suggested with a smirk.
"I think that as well. You take her to the car and I'll clean up".
"Up you go little one". Antonio picked you up bridal style and walked you out the back way. A smile on your face and your body wanting more.
Hank gathered your things and cleaned up your little mess. He wanted to sneak a taste but stopped himself. He wanted to enjoy the real thing. Very soon.
Turning off the lights and heading out the door. He hopped in the car with Antonio and you. You were coming off your high.
"Let's head to my place. You're not finished with me yet. Theres so many things I want to try with you two. So many". You fell back onto the back seat with a satisfied sigh.
"We have all the time in the word". Anontio and Hank high fived each other. They didnt know you were just as freaky as they were. This was going to be the best three way relationship ever.
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Heart by Heart | Chapter I | Raul Mendes
                                           *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Helloo, this is the first chapter of this series and I'm super excited about it. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. I plan on posting a chapter weekly, which means new chapter every Thursday (and maybe a sneak peak every monday). Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like it as much as I did. I'll stop rambling now, byee. Happy Reading!
                                                     masterpost | next chapter
*Word Count: 3.4K+;
*Warnings:  cursing, descriptions of violence, blood, injuries, hostage situation and a whole lot of teasing. Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: July 1st, 2021.
Raul Mendes was a pain in the ass. Y/N loves him way too much for her own good, but he was a pain in the nonetheless. 
He was the only person she knew who could be in a possible life-or-death situation and still make fun of her through their communicators. And sure, that made the whole thing lighter and less scary, and sure, he was the best agent she’s ever met, but damn did he get on her nerves. And Raul always knew how to get her frustrated or squirming, he enjoyed it more than he was willing to admit. Sure, they’ve been friends for a long time and she should be used to him, but it never got easier. The fact he had a killer smile, the looks of a legit greek god and had this whole tough guy exterior, but secretly had a soft spot for her did not make her case any less complicated.
Y/N and Raul knew each other ever since they’re basically born. Their parents met when they worked together at a company of secret agents, it was only a small corporation back then, and they were known as the best agents at the time. After they retired from field missions and eventually desk jobs, they became only advisers and emergency contacts. But despite that, they kept their friendship going though all the years and that’s how Y/N was introduced to the triplets. They’re always together, doing everything with each other and protecting themselves. And of course she loved Peter and Shawn with her whole heart, they’re like family to her, but Raul was different. Y/N wished it wasn’t, but there are certain things in life you can’t exactly control. Like falling in love with your best friend.
And it’s not like she stood a chance, to be honest. Regardless of his looks, he treated her like she hung the moon and stars on the sky. Sure, he was a tough guy, who rode motorcycles and wore leather jackets, and wouldn’t admit alive that he cried while watching Lion King. But he took care of her when she was upset or having a bad period, he would take her driving around town at midnight on random occasions just because he knew it would make her feel better, and would always be so mindful of everything involving her. And yeah, he teased her endlessly, but it was part of it and in reality, Y/N didn’t mind it that much. 
So when they started growing older and decided to follow their parents career, it only made sense they trained their asses off and got the job together. The company their parents worked for grew a lot, a team that was originally formed by 15 agents turned into a massive business, with over 100 employees, doing various functions. Shawn was picked for a more diplomatic field, always in meetings with important people and traveling around the world. Peter became a tech engineer, developing the coolest gadgets and weapons imaginable, something out of Totally Spies! Raul was clearly a field agent, an expert on body combat and weapons, best out of the four when it came to their physical test. And Y/N was the one who guided the operations, the hacker and responsible for strategies, also for the tech part and best sniper out of the three of them. 
That made her and Raul an unbeatable team and the best duo ever. Their chemistry on the field was recognized by their bosses on the first week, basically glueing them together for every future mission and it worked. For the company. But it only dug her little crush deeper on Y/N’s heart. And obviously no one knew it. She was a spy for fucks sake, she knew how to lie and she wasn’t going to be the one to tell him. Raul didn’t date, working on this field made  everyone’s love life a bit harder than it was already, and he never seemed interested enough in anyone with the same career to have a long lasting relationship with. That didn’t mean there where a lot of people interested, which made Y/N’s heart twist in her chest. 
“Sweetheart, you still with me?” Raul’s voice came through her earpiece bringing her back to reality.
“Of course I am, you idiot, I take this job really seriously” Y/N replied rolling her eyes as if she didn’t just daydreamed a bit. 
“Oh sorry, doll, didn’t mean to insult you hard working” he chuckled “but could you please check in the corridor number 6, half the team is heading down there right now”
“Sure” she quickly typed on her computer changing cameras really quickly, perks of being Peter’s best friend is that she could usually take extra stuff and the newest gadgets on the market “It’s clear and, by the way, you look pathetic with this glasses”
Raul laughed clearly amused, throwing his middle finger up in the air in the direction of the security camera he found “Oh really? Tell that to Peter, he’s the one who created them” 
“Technically their still a prototype, so make sure to let him know”
Raul scoffed playfully as he climbed another set of stairs, the man and woman with him following without questioning, used to his ways of leading “Of course, I’m sure he’ll like to hear your fashion critiques to his million dollar glasses”
“I’ll write it down, now careful, you’re approaching the level where they’re at”
“Sure, mom, I’m always careful” he said in a hushed tone signaling to his teammates to keep quiet and try to find the possible security team they left to watch the hostage.
“Shut up” Y/N said trying to hold back the smile from stretching her lips, already letting the airway team know to be ready to pick them up as they approached their target. 
They’re currently in the middle of a mission where they needed to recover another agent who got caught up in an ambush two weeks ago, and now they’re being kept as a hostage. Raul’s leading a team to retrieve the agent as quickly and as silently as they could, two with him and three other on the opposite side to meet halfway. All that while Y/N’s on the under construction building across the street seated among her gear, gun in hand following their every step and guiding them through the camera system and the big windows that other building had. It’s not the worst mission they’ve ever been, no apparent violence or blood bath, just a simple rescue mission, but they still felt a little jittery and always worried about each other’s lives. And through the years, they noticed that their copying mechanism to make this less stressful (at least a tiny bit) was through light banter and jokes. That somehow brought a bit of normality to their very non ordinary job. 
Y/N did her best to keep them hidden while they crashed into the building as quietly as possible, trying go unnoticeable since they didn’t have enough munition or people on the tactic team. It would also prevent them from moving the target around or opening fire. And despite the fact Raul kept on trying to joke around and that she’s been doing this for at least four years, the fact that they’re working with a less experienced and fresh out of the academy crew made her a little jittery. Not that she didn’t trust Raul to command everything and boss everyone around if things got messy, she just didn’t want him to get in the middle of a crossfire again. 
He had the terrible habit of playing the hero in the most inconvenient times, like when they were little and a guy twice his size, with three friends mocked her pigtails. He didn’t stand a chance, but he went after them anyway. They ended up having to run as fast as they could so they wouldn’t end up with a black eye or something. And that was nothing compared to the stupid shit he could do on field. And Y/N couldn’t be more pissed whenever he came home with more bruises then he should just to play Superman or something. Sure, that was admirable and the fact that he put everyone on his team on his top priority was definitely something fantastic for a captain, but not for Y/N’s heart. 
And for that reason, she was always extra careful, but when he had a newbie joining him on the field, Y/N tripled the attention to avoid putting the kid in danger, and, consequently her best friend. 
Raul was quick to take down two man on their level without raising much alarm, grabbing their munition, dragging the unconscious bodies away from where they’d be easily seen and moving forward to another set of stairs. He was a very skillful agent, with great physical development and worked great under pressure, with quick thinking and a natural leader. So it didn’t shock her when he was able to do that as if it was the most natural thing in the planet. While Raul was more of a passionate person, Y/N was more rational, was analyzing every possibility and coming up with creative solution, she was also really cold on work (she just had one exception) and was a quick thinker, great person to rely on. It’s almost as if the complimented each other and that’s why it worked. That’s why when she tells him to shoot, he does without thinking, or to jump, he wouldn’t blink before doing it head first. 
And that’s why they’re able to reach the hostage without much trouble. 
“Told you to chill out, I knew we could make it” he murmured through their coms and she giggled, shaking her head incredulously.
“You should watch the entrances while your teammates take care of the hostage”
“That’s why I have you, sweetheart” he said with his infamous smirk stretching his annoyingly pink lips.
Y/N shook her head when she felt her face warming up a bit, stupid boy “Well, actually I’m pretty busy calling for our ride, so watch your own back this time, you’re a big boy, I’m sure you can do it”
Raul scoffed but did as she say either way “fine, are we clear?”
“On your floor yes, climb three more levels and meet me on this side of the street, don’t stall champ, they’re going to notice there’s something wrong with the cameras and their man who aren’t responding, so be quick”
Raul chuckled as he helped balance the hostage on Roman’s arms and signaling them to climb the stairs again “Yes, ma’am, anything to keep you from frowning and scolding my ass”
Y/N rolled her eyes smiling, sighing in relief that half of their mission was done and it went as smoothly as it could have been “Great, now get your ass out of there now, Raul” 
The tactic team started moving to the floor they’d have access to jump, and everything was going too smoothly to be true, not even a minor inconvenience. And that was not normal, at all. That’s when Y/N started getting worried. 
Everything was great until Seth, from loosing a lot of blood and being severely dehydrated, started loosing his conscious, making Roman’s job a lot more complicated and making everyone move slower. And while that was happening, Y/N saw when one of the guys saw his partners laying limply on the corner of a hallway and finally the pieces clicked. Luckily she was able to caught it quickly enough to be able to mess up their coms, so instead of a dozen men, they’d have to deal with two. She was also quick to let Raul know, so he jumped into action, telling everyone to rush and grabbing Seth’s right side, basically carrying him alongside Roman up the stairwell. 
But as they’re almost reaching the door, Raul heard footsteps rather close, rushing Roman up the rest of the way, warning he’d be right behind him, that he was only to be a bit far back so he could hold whoever was coming. 
He ran downstairs, quickly blocking the door to the staircase with a fire extinguisher, running all the way upstairs to reach his teammates and jump to go home. But as he had just reached the door, his colleagues waiting for him with their gear (and also his) ready to cross to the other building, he felt the barrel of a gun touching the back of his head. Raul raised his hands in surrender, his teammates staring at him with horror in their eyes as they aimed their guns to whoever was behind him, but he knew they couldn’t do much before he got shot. He also knew they’re too young, apart from Roman and Cara, who were both holding Seth up, they weren’t experienced enough to do something like that. But before the person could pull the trigger, they grunted in pain and Raul felt the barrel slipping away. 
He turned around to watch the guy on his back in the floor, clutching to his left ribs, a little pool of blood already forming underneath him and gun long forgotten. Raul looked around to see if it was anyone from this guy’s side or anyone on the stairs, only to be met with silence and a single security camera with the green dot on, meaning Y/N was still in their system. He shook his head in disbelief, dragging the whining man outside of the room, quacking his gun down the stairs and managing to lock the door so they could escape safely. 
“Still with me, baby?” Y/N’s voice teased mimicking the way he said it earlier. 
Raul shook his head with a smirk on his lips, before moving to where his teammates stood still a bit shocked with all that happened in front of them “Wouldn’t dream of leaving you, sweetheart”
“Alright boys, the helicopters are coming for us, meet you all on the roof in three” Y/N said through the coms for the whole team, quickly shifting to a line only the captain, Raul, could hear “and if you dare be late just to make a big entrance or another dramatic scheme you can think about, I swear to God I’ll leave you behind”
“You wouldn’t dare”
“Try me” Y/N sing sang picking up her stuff and quickly shoving them down in her backpack, gathering the rest in her hands before turning around to climb to the rooftop. 
As she climbed the last set of stairs, Y/N saw their helicopters approaching as the seven agents she was waiting for used a special gun to shoot a line to her building, before locking them in place before zip-lining their way to meet her. She helped Seth, the agent that was kept hostage climb up the little wall since he was in a pretty bad shape, throwing his arm across her shoulders and basically dragging him to where they thrown the stair to climb up to the helicopter with the medical team waiting for him. Cara and Roman climbed first since they’re going to report what they saw and assist Seth as best as they could. Roman grabbed him and the rope stair, shouting to pull them up so he could be taken care of. 
Raul was the last one to arrive, as always staying behind to insure everyone got there safely and no one would try to kill them or anything. He graciously climbed the all as if it was nothing, pulling the gun from the string and cutting it so no one could follow them up there that quickly. Raul told everyone to climb onto the helicopter and they’re quick to follow his order, only one person stubbornly waiting for him, as always. He held back the relieved smile from stretching across his features, noticing how warm and relaxed he felt only by seeing Y/N standing besides the hope ladder. She looked worried, a frown on her beautiful face and Raul wanted to smooth his fingers over it as if it would ease all of her troubles away.
She nodded as soon as he was close enough, Raul being quick to pick up the heavy backpack she was carrying and leaving the rest to her “Are you okay?”
“What? Of course, Why do you ask?” he knew why she was asking, hell, his heartbeat was still a bit too fast to be normal, and yeah, partially was because he was standing in front of Y/N, but on the other hand he almost got killed. She only arched her brow at him and he sighed in defeat “Of course I am, doll, you know me, I’m always okay” 
“That’s what’s scares me the most” she said with a sad chuckle and started climbing the rope ladder to the helicopter and Raul was quick to follow behind.
“Dude, that was insane, I can’t believe you didn’t miss or accidentally shot Raul from across the street!” the youngest guy from the mission shouted as soon as they reached them on the vehicle, Raul closing the door behind them. 
Y/N only giggled in response “yeah, a bit crazy, isn’t it?”
“That’s because she’s the best, Tommy, but she won’t believe it” Raul said as he sat on one of the vacant seats, waiting for her to join him. 
“Oh shut it” she said unable to stop the smile from forming.
They kept on talking about the mission for a while, Tommy and the other two kids who recently joined still high from the adrenaline, but Y/N couldn’t be more worn out and Raul was quick to catch it. He leaned closer to her and she automatically laid her head on his shoulder, a movement that was almost mechanic to both of them. He gently grabbed her hand that was placed on her knee and interlaced their fingers together, letting her play with his hand to pass the time. 
Y/N sighed and mumbled after a while, when most of the kids were too distracted to pay attention “Are you really okay? Don’t say that you’re always fine, I mean it”
Raul had mastered the art of the poker face. He could easily be having the worst time of his life, but he would never let it showcase always with a quick sarcastic remark and an easy smirk on his lips, ready to flirt with anyone to distract them from the real problem. Raul was not the best when dealing with feelings and emotions, always thought it was easier to push them away, but Y/N saw right through him. She always did, ever since they were little. After that, he never tried to hide it again from her, always being as honest as he could with her about how he was, and obviously it didn’t always work, but she understood and respected it. It’s not like he needed to say anything for her to know. 
But at the same time, she didn’t know that he would always be fine, as long as she was safe and right next to him, the rest didn’t matter. 
“I promise you I’m fine, you saved my beautiful ass and we’re going home, I’d say we’re fantastic” he said after a while, pressing a long kiss to the back of their laced hands. 
That seemed to be enough to convince Y/N, since she huffed through her nose and let out a tiny giggle, before leaning closer to him and Raul took it as a sign to drape his arm over her shoulder pulling her closer to his chest “your beautiful ass is really annoying, you know that, right?”
“Oh, I do, but you love it anyway” he said with a giggle, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, as she just showed him her middle finger, making him laugh even more. 
Yeah, he was definitely fine. For now. 
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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xwing-baby · 3 years
Impulse: Informant (Javier Peña x Reader)
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Summary: Top of your class, the DEA have sent you to Colombia to be the poster child for their new ‘placement program’. You’re thrown in at the deep end into the drug war. With Agent Peña as your mentor, what could possibly go wrong?
Warnings: Nothing much! Flirting, mentions of voyeurism(?), drinking, hangovers. 
Word Count: 2.6k 
A/N: Bit more background this week, not that exciting but some fun moments with Javi and Steve. Alternative title: Meeting your killer and flirting with the boss ENJOY
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Two months passed quickly and you were settled in well. You were comfortable in your job; you, Javi and Steve made a great team and you were learning a lot from the both of them. You tried to avoid interacting with Carrillo directly where possible, he was still as icy about you as your first meeting. You met Steve’s wife, Connie, and became fast friends with her. She had become one of your closest friends, and a welcome break from the machismo that radiated from your two teammates.
You had even managed to make a few friends outside of work. You met María Parreño at the cafe you visited nearly everyday for lunch. What started out as a little wave, now was lunch together nearly everyday, and the occasional shopping trip at the weekend. María was a sweet girl, funny and very sly when she wanted to be. 
You were careful, giving a fake name and lying about your job. You could never be too careful in Colombia. Plus, with how rich her family were you wouldn’t be surprised if you crossed paths with one of them during your investigation into Escobar’s dealings. So, Maria knew you as Isabela Serrano, you worked in the American embassy on the phones. You had lived in the USA for ten years, hence the accent, and moved back to Medellin after your abuela died. María didn’t take much convincing. 
You enjoyed her company. It was a lot nicer to have a conversation about books you’d both been reading over nice food, than trying to eat over photos of blood crime scenes. Plus, the coffee here didn’t taste like soap. 
“Isabela, can I tell you something,” María turned to you, set her cutlery down and looked over at you seriously.. Puzzled, you put down your drink and smiled.
“Of course, you can tell me anything,” 
“Diego got a new job,” 
Diego was María’s boyfriend. Her father’s mechanic. A total cliché, her father had forbidden them to date but she did it anyway just to piss him off. You didn’t know much about Diego, you’d only met him once or twice in passing when he came to pick his girlfriend up  from a shopping trip. 
“You’re saying that like it's something scandalous,” You laughed nervously, “What? Has he become a stripper?”
“He’s working for Escobar,” She whispered. 
“What?” You nearly choked your coffee in shock. You set it down on the table carefully and leant in a little to listen to her, not believing what she said. It was not an impossible thing, lots of people worked for him in lots of different capacities. You hadn’t expected it so close to home.
“I know! That’s what I said!” She said, “He came home the other night saying he got this new job doing something for Pablo! I said Pablo who, I know lots of Pablo’s. The man just looked at me like I was an idiot! Pablo fucking Escobar!”
“What does he do?” You asked, you had to know how dangerous this could be for you. Or how helpful this could be, you thought. Being close to someone close to Escobar could be invaluable.
“Escobar?” Maria asked.
“No! What does Diego do for him?”
“I don’t know,” She shrugged, “He said something to do with cars,” You relaxed a little at that. Escobar’s mechanic was not a very useful lead. 
You glanced down at your watch and sighed. Your hour was up. Just as you had got to something useful! 
“Shoot I’m sorry María I’ve got to head back to work,” You drank down the last of your coffee quickly and stood up. “But you’ll keep me updated with this Escobar business right? It’s just all so exciting!” You put down your share of the bill on the table and threw on your jacket.
“Of course!” María smiled, “One of Diego’s friends is having a party! You should come!”
“I’ll be there,” You nodded, “Same time Saturday?”
“See you then!” 
Before you left the café you bought two coffees to go for Murphy and Pena as a way of apology for being late back. You had promised to be out less than an hour as Pena had important things he needed to go over with you and Murphy. By the time you got back, he had already started explaining the new information to Murphy in a conference room.
“Then we have-,” Javi was speaking as you walked in carrying coffee for the two men. You instantly recognised the face in the photograph and interrupted him.
“Diego Castillo,” You said. The two men turned to you, confused. Unfazed you passed them  the cups and sat down next to Murphy on the end of the table.
“How’d you know that?” Steve asked. 
“I know him. Or rather his girlfriend,” 
“What?” Steve nearly choked on his drink at your confession.  
“I didn’t think I had to tell y’all everything I do in my spare time,” You laughed.
“Hanging out with Narcos would have good to tell us,” 
“He’s not a Narco, he fixes Escobar’s cars! He’s not anyone important. It’s chill,” You waved him off. He was being ridiculous, ”Besides I’m friends with his girlfriend who has no idea what’s going on. I’ve met him maybe twice” You explained, “María’s a sweetheart, we talk about romance novels and go shopping!”
“Castillo doesn’t fix the cars. He runs the whole road operation,” Javier said. Your jaw dropped.
“Well shit,” 
“Anything else you wanna share?” Steve asked. 
“I don’t know but Monday I might,” You sipped on your coffee before continuing, “I got invited to a party, I was going anyway but-.”
“No, no you can’t go now we know who he is,” He exclaimed.
“This could be invaluable!”
“You’re not allowed to have an informant,” 
“It’s not an informant if I am the one with the info!” You argued.
“Javi? Gunna chime in at any point?” Steve turned to his partner, desperate for some help as you had already spiralled far enough on this idea. You turned to Javi with a determined look.
“They don't know my name, they don’t know where I work,” You explained rapidly, “I know what I am doing, just trust me, please?” 
“Fine,” Javier broke easily. The idea made sense.
“What the fuck! Javi she-,” 
“She’s right. Neither of us is going to ever get that close and she’s new here, people don’t know her and you said you gave them a fake name?” Pena explained, you nodded, “Technically she won’t be breaking any rules if she’s the one feeding us information directly,” 
“If anyone finds out-“ 
“No one will find out, it stays between us, in this room,” Javier said gravely, “I trust you Y/n,” 
You smiled and nodded, a sense of pride washing over you. Steve muttered and grumbled under his breath but he didn’t outwardly complain so the decision was made. You were going to feed information you found out through Maria to the DEA, going undercover. Nobody had ever mentioned no undercover work, the idea of sending a rookie into that kind of situation was insane, but you wouldn’t be technically breaking any rules. 
The party was a bust. There was nothing of interest apart from the attendee’s themselves. Everybody was civil, there was no talk of business- as explicitly called for by the hosts, and apart from one fight between two guys over a soccer match there really was nothing to report. You spent the evening with Maria and her friends, drinking and dancing. Having a good time. 
They were decent enough people if you ignored the way they all got their wealth. A little hard to relate too at times- you didn’t have a private jet or a house with a huge pool but Maria’s friends were surprisingly friendly and once the jokes about being a gringa were out the way they seemed to like you. 
There was no information but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a well worth evening. You had their trust now. That would be invaluable moving forward. 
It was payday. Everyone you worked with was going out for the evening to let loose. You were with a large group of people from the office. Some you recognised, some you didn’t but either way you were having a great time chatting to people. The alcohol was cheap, the music was great and the company was perfect. Nobody here complained that their dad wouldn’t let them import Italian handbags anymore or that their pool wasn’t big enough. You felt much more at home here, amongst peers and friends.
After a few hours of chatting to people, you retreated to a table with Javier and Steve. Eventually even Steve left, leaving just you and Javi alone. You were drunk, no other word for it. Your eyes were heavy, a grin plastered on your face and you swayed in your seat to the music listening to Javi talk. 
You rested your hand on your head and watched Javier for a moment. He looked very handsome, as he did nearly every day. He wore a blue jean jacket, his shirt was unbuttoned at the top showing off his tan skin. You watched as he smoked a cigarette, watching girls at the bar. A pang of jealousy hit your chest, you wondered if you weren’t sitting here as his rookie if you would catch his attention. Before you could think, you asked the question aloud. 
“If I was just a random girl in the bar, would you hit on me?” You asked, sipping your drink.
“I’m not answering that!” Javier laughed, “I know you,”
“I’m hot! Why wouldn’t you?” You exclaimed, “Hot girls not your type?”
“You’re not my type,” Javier corrected you. You gasped dramatically.
“I’m taking offence to that! Your type is anything that breathes,”
“You think so little of me,” He shook his head solemnly.
“Baby I’ve known you for months now. You don’t have a type!” 
“Baby?” Javi smirked at you. 
“Shut up I’m drunk,” You dismissed him. 
“Well what if I ask the same question to you?”
“Would I hit on me? Absolutely!” You exclaimed.
“No! Would you hit on me?” 
“Nah,” You shook your head and screwed up your nose.
“Am not!”
“Come on don’t pretend like you wouldn’t,” He said, “You’d be all over me,” The energy shifted as he looked at you. Immediate eye contact, his dark eyes looked you over quickly drawing you into him. He leant forward slightly as he readjusted himself on the chair and brushed his bottom lip with his thumb drawing your attention to them. Your breath hitched, lips parted and your eyes flickered to his lips. Was he going to kiss you? Suddenly he broke the eye contact and laughed, settling back in his chair. “See! You would,”
Dazed you shook your head and cleared your throat. Javi smiled smugly.“No, No! That's not fair! You being smoother than fucking peanut butter doesn’t mean I would hit on you if I saw you! You’re old and grumpy looking, I like my men young and energetic,”
“So I heard,” He said as he tipped his drink into his mouth.
“Hey! That’s gross,” You exclaimed when you finally realised what he meant.
“Goes both ways, Baby, if you can hear me I can hear you,”
“So you listen to me fuck?” You countered. Javi choked on his drink.
“N-no I-,” Javi stuttered ands tumbled over his words, blushing slightly
“You do! Dirty bastard!” You exclaimed. “Do you get off to it?” You asked, quieter now leaning in closer to him. Javi didn’t reply, taking a gulp of beer and breaking your eye contact. You laughed again, “Javier Peña speechless! Wow! Pretty sure I can retire now and I’d be happy,”
“I’m getting another drink,” He grumbled, getting up from the table.
“Tequila please, Baby!” You called after him. 
You woke up with the worst hangover you had ever felt. Before you really opened your eyes you darted to the bathroom to throw up. You groaned into the toilet bowl, annoyed at yourself more than anything that you had gotten so drunk. You didn’t remember coming home, didn’t remember leaving the bar. The last thing you remembered was sitting with Javi drinking tequila like it was water. The memory made you gag again, how did he ever get you to drink tequila?
You padded into your tiny kitchen to get a glass of water, and start your usual fix all hangover cure. Salted chips and Coca Cola. The sugar and salt combination would do wonders and had saved you multiple times after a heavy night before training back home. You found a bag of chips in the cupboard but no cola. In fact, your fridge was practically empty, bar an old jar of salsa that you were pretty sure had been sitting there since before you arrived in Colombia. The idea of having to go out to the shop made you want to cry. You rested your head on the fridge door and groaned as another pulse shot through your skull. Then you had an idea, the Murphy’s would probably have some! 
You could tolerate seeing other humans at least for a few minutes. So you pulled a pair of shorts on and a vaguely clean t-shirt, took your keys and went across the hall to your favourite couple. The hallway was bright as sunlight streamed through the open window, you winced and shielded your eyes. You knocked twice on the door, the established knock for friends, and took deep breaths as you tried to not give into the need to throw up again. After a moment, Connie opened the door, a wide grin on her face when she saw your fragile state.
“Good night?” She teased you. You frowned and pouted at her.
“Remind me never to go out with Javi alone ever again,  I can’t remember leaving that bar,” You groaned. “Do you have any pain killers? And some cola,”
“Yeah. Cola and salted chips, the best hangover cure. Got the chips but no cola and the idea of going outside today makes me want to off myself,”
“Come on in I’ll see what I’ve got. The boys are in there,” She let you into the apartment and disappeared into the kitchen. Javi and Steve sat on the couch watching TV in the living room, the noise made you wince.
“Afternoon Rookie,” Steve greeted you smugly. You grimaced and leant on the arm of the couch next to him.
“What's the score?” You asked, watching the soccer match on screen for a few moments. 
“3-3,” Steve answered.
“I’ve got Pepsi, that's okay?” Connie called from the kitchen. 
“Yeah! Anything’s fine,” You called back.
“Can’t you go buy yourself cola instead of stealing mine?” Steve complained.
“Your wife said I could have it Murphy, suck it up,” You shove his shoulder weakly, “Besides, I’m pretty sure if I step into direct sunlight I’ll burn to ash. I’m taking your cola and retreating to my bed,”
“What did you two even get up to after I left?” 
“Ask him, I cannot remember,” you laughed. 
Javi looked up briefly, took a drag of his cigarette and shrugged. He looked as rough as you felt. Neither of you had come out particularly well.
“Here you go sweetheart,” Connie returned to the living room with a bottle of Pepsi in her hand and a small box of painkillers.
“You’re a star Connie what would I do without you,” You stood up from the couch and took the items from your friend. “Later boys,”
“See ya Monday Rookie!” Steve called after you. 
Next Chapter -->
oop Rookie and Javi flirting?!? Could never. Also coming next week this ish is getting a whole lot angstier again. I can never keep things nice for long haha
Tagging:  @beskar-tano @buckysbeloved @beskarbabs @all-hallows-evie @harrys-stan @themidnightsun-12 @wille-zarr @danniburgh @itsaisopodkillmepls​ @urbankaite2​ @whataloadofmalarkey​ @ahsofka​​ @yeetus-my-feetus​ @sara-alonso​ @lesbianlena​ @xiao-lusi​ @all-good-things-have-an-ending​ @eternallyvenus​ @ajeff855 @mayangel19​ @1950schick​
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 3 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Six (part 1)
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 3293
Warnings: ANGST, bad language words
A/N: Tumblr sucks. It forced me to split this chapter up because I exceeded the text block limit. That’s just how I write! Link to part 2 at the end.
A/N 2: Thank you again to everyone for showing this story so much love! And thank you to everyone for your patience and support as I struggled to put this out. As you can tell from the multiple parts, it was a doozy. 🥰 divider credit- @firefly-graphics​
In case you missed the update, I will be publishing a new chapter every other Saturday from here on out. Schedule is in the Masterlist in my header.
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission.
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Monday morning rolled around, and your good mood from the weekend followed you into the office. Spending all of Saturday and the majority of Sunday texting James had lent to this early morning cheerfulness. You couldn’t help the smile on your face. You had even managed to arrive before most of your team.  
You hummed a sweet melody as you booted up your computer and organized a few files for Timmons to peruse. They were statements intended for the press needing his approval about a particular prominent CEO or A-list celebrity client. The firm was not confirming nor denying any knowledge of said client’s whereabouts the previous week or why there was photographic evidence of them coming out of FlashDancers NYC. Other files included those seeking rebranding approval for existing companies looking to revamp their image.
Most importantly, today was contract signing day for Stark Industries. 
You had compiled the document from a generic template the company used for all its clients, manually plugging in Stark Industries’ information in the correct spots and changing or omitting any services rendered or not. E-signing contracts were not only environmentally responsible, but they also saved a lot of your time from printing out numerous copies of a single agreement.
All you needed now was Timmons’ go-ahead to email the contract, and Pepper Potts could plug in her Jane Hancock.
Seeing Timmons enter the workroom, tweed coat draped over his forearm and attaché in hand, you rose from the seat behind your desk. You shuffled into his office after him.
He hung his jacket from the coat rack in the corner near a bank of expansive windows and placed the small, leather case he’d been carrying on the sturdy oak desk. He pulled out a stack of papers and tapped the pile against the desktop to straighten them before setting them down. Looking up at you briefly, he tugged out his laptop next.
You positioned a mug of coffee on Timmons’ desk, turning the handle just so, making it easier for him to grab. You cleared your throat gently. He glanced up at you again.
“Here’s the media statements for today,” you said, handing him a group of manila folders. You smoothed down the hem of your cardigan, smiling at the reminder of Bucky. You wished there had been a way to apologize to him again. He had left your apartment with such a pained look on his face. Maybe you could ask Peter. “And the Stark contract pdf is ready to go. I can email it over to you for final approval.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Timmons replied absent-mindedly, lifting the organized piles on the desk as if looking for something.
“Oh, okay,” you returned, nodding your head diminutively. “Do you want me to forward the contract on to Ms. Potts, then?”
“Ah-ha!” Timmons exclaimed, plucking a pen from underneath a stack of envelopes. He twirled the writing implement in his hand and peered at you, finally taking in your presence for the first time that morning.
An uncomfortable feeling washed over you as he evaluated you from head to toe. What was he looking at? Your hands tensed into fists as you continued to wait for his answer, growing impatient.
“Should I go ahead and do that, then, sir?” you asked, folding your arms across your chest like a protective suit of armor to deflect prying eyes.
“Yes, yes. That should be acceptable,” Timmons answered.
It threw you off balance. What had gotten into him? Timmons always had to have the final say on everything. It was so unlike him!
“Just so we’re clear- I will be sending the Stark Industries contract via email to Pepper Potts to e-sign,” you said, seeking clarification. You wanted to dot all i’s and cross all t’s because you weren’t going to lay your ass on the line for a misunderstanding. Especially not with something as crucial as the Stark Industries account.
“What? No, there’s been a change of plans,” he corrected.
You stared at him dumbfounded. Was he purposely trying to give you mental whiplash?
“Change of plans,” you affirmed. “Has Stark Industries decided not to use the firm, sir?”
“Oh, no. They’re still going with us,” Timmons said, rearranging the clutter he’d made on his desk.
You dropped your arms to your sides, although inside, you felt like throwing them into the air in frustration. Why was he so vague? He was usually wholly transparent with you. “Would you mind explaining it to me, please?” you asked, borderline annoyed. “Last time I checked, Stark Industries’ contract signing was still on the calendar for today’s agenda.”
“And it still is,” Timmons acknowledged. “It’s moved to an in-person signing.”
Your stomach plunged to the floor. Shit! You hadn’t printed out the contract! When was the appointment? How much time did you have? So many questions flew through your head.
How could Timmons keep something like this from you? Your heart hammered in your chest. You practically wobbled on your feet. Were you going to be sick?
I’m going to get fucking fired over this, you thought, trying to steady your breathing.
“Will you be ready to go in twenty minutes?” Timmons questioned, sitting down in the comfy desk chair and opening his laptop.
“Go?” you squeaked, attempting to recall how much you had in savings. You shook your head, trying to understand his words. Was he already asking you to clear out your desk?
“Yes. The car will be here at nine,” he said, keyboard clacking as he typed something.
“Car?” you asked, finding great difficulty comprehending the situation. Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.
Timmons regarded you in bafflement. “Have you been drinking?”
“What? NO!” you declared. You didn’t need that added to “the inability to perform required tasks” as a reason for your firing.  “I’m-I’m just really confused, sir.”
“About what?” Timmons asked, sitting back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap.
“Well…” you started. “What do we need a car for?”
His chocolate brown eyes shone with what you imagined might be excitement. “To drive upstate, of course.” He smirked as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desktop.
Upstate? What was upstate?
Timmons’ smile broadened as realization crept across your face. “Are we-”
“Yup!” he interrupted gleefully. He was like a child in a candy store. “We are headed to the Avengers Compound with a personal invitation from Tony Stark himself!”
You blinked several times at your boss, not entirely computing what he’d said. You were usually a lot quicker on the uptake than this. Why were you having such an off-day? 
“We?” you asked, shaking your head clear of the cobwebs. Why on Earth would he bring you along?
“I need someone who knows the ins and outs of these contract signings,” he said, fiddling with his pen again.
Wasn’t that his job?
“I’m just the schmoozer- the people-person,” he admitted, shrugging. “You’re the real brains behind this whole operation.
You nodded your head in agreement. He wasn’t wrong. The office would collectively collapse without you, and it felt good to hear your actual boss say it out loud.
“You better not forget it, either. Especially when my job performance evaluation comes around,” you asserted.
Timmons swiftly saluted you as if he was the subordinate. You huffed a laugh at him while shaking your head with incredulity. You took a step or two toward the office door before looking over your shoulder at him.
Timmons had turned back to his laptop screen already and started typing again. “So, twenty minutes?” he asked with an air of levity.
You faltered, nearly tripping over your feet. “Wait? You were serious about that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Timmons wondered, looking up hurriedly from his laptop.
“I need to print out the contract and make copies, for one thing,” you mentioned, almost accusatory. Maybe if he had warned you ahead of time, you wouldn’t be so defensive.
“Already taken care of,” he soothed.
“What do you mean it’s ‘already taken care of’?” you asked, raising your hands to make quotation marks with your fingers.
“I had one of the other grunts do it last night.”
You gaped at Timmons like a goldfish, mouth popping open and closed. Did you hear him correctly? Timmons did something to make your job easier? You could hug him right now! You felt like pinching yourself to make sure it wasn’t a dream.
Once you gathered your wits again, you glanced to your feet bashfully. “Oh,” you spoke, absently fingering the bottom button of your cardigan. “Thank you.” You smiled gratefully.
Timmons returned the smile with one of his own. “You’re welcome.”
“Nine o’clock, then,” you agreed, moving further toward the doorway.
“On the dot!”
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Words couldn’t even begin to describe the Avengers Compound. You’d seen it on the news, sure, but that didn’t compare to seeing it in real life. It was grandiose, imposing. You felt dwarfed in size looking up to the high rooftop. 
It was almost ostentatious in a way. Much like the man who designed it. Larger than life.
Tony Stark.
Tony had insisted he take you and Timmons around on the tour of the compound. You still hadn’t seen the need for a tour.
“When Tony Stark invites you to tour the Avengers compound, you don’t say no,” Timmons had said in the car-ride up when you questioned why it was necessary.
It was all superfluous, really. Like Tony was trying to woo the firm to sign them, not the other way around.
A headache was forming at the base of your skull as you waited in line at the reception desk to return your visitor security badge.
The tour of the facility seemed to have been drug out longer than it needed. Tony had appeared overeager to show off every little gadget or trinket. Or maybe he just liked to hear himself talk.
When Timmons excepted the lunch invitation after the tour was completed, you felt the urge to run down to the armory, grab a gun, and shoot yourself in the foot. You were kicking yourself for ever agreeing to come on this dumb tour.
As the line slowly dragged forward, the muffled noise of men’s voices caught your ear. It sounded like an argument. Your line of sight followed to where the altercation originated.
Standing twenty feet away was Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, clearly disagreeing.
Your breath stilled as you watched the two super soldiers quarrel in a near-stage-whisper. What could they be fighting about?
From your place in line, you saw Bucky shake his head adamantly, his chestnut hair swishing about his shoulders. He might have even stamped his foot like a child, but you were too preoccupied with the look of abject horror on his face. He turned away as if to flee, but his friend caught him by the shoulder to stop him.
Were you causing this reaction from him?
You looked to your right to see if there was possibly someone else. All you noticed, though, was an empty space. Had you hurt Bucky’s feelings that badly? Your stomach clenched. The last thing you wanted was to be on an Avengers’ shit-list.
Glancing back to the two men, you caught Steve gesturing Bucky forward with short sweeping motions of his hands. Bucky shook his head again, stubbornly.
Even at this distance, you could feel the frustration rolling off Captain America.
Like a sucker-punch to the gut, you suddenly became very aware you were eavesdropping on Captain America and his best friend.
Your cheeks heated instantaneously, embarrassed of your staring. You shouldn’t be spying on them, you admonished. No matter how much your curiosity is piqued. 
It was none of your business.
You turned away from them, facing the reception desk again.
As hard as you tried not to pay attention, you could still see what looked like wild gesturing from the corner of your eye.
What if they started fighting? Shouldn’t you be conscious of your surroundings for your own safety? You fidgeted in your spot as you debated your moral compass.
Fuck it, you thought.
As you peered over to the two super soldiers, Steve shoved Bucky forward gently, causing the latter to trip over his booted feet. Bucky glared back at his friend, his hands clenching into fists. Steve shooed him further. You could barely make out the word “Go!” on his lips.
As if in slow motion, you eyed Bucky taking step after step toward you. Was he coming over here?
Once you realized what was happening, your heart plummeted to your knees as your head whipped around to the front of the line.
Bucky Barnes was definitely walking over to you. 
Had he noticed you staring?
You tried to stabilize your heart rate with slow, easy breaths, but Bucky was beside you much sooner than you could imagine.
A waft of aftershave hit your nose- woodsy and deliciously masculine. Your stomach swooped.
God, he smelled good.
Without having to turn your head, you could feel his brawny mass hovering near you.
How do you play this?
“Oh, my gosh! I had no idea you’d be here!” Of course, he wouldn’t believe that. This is where the Avengers lived. He’d probably think you were a stalker.
“I’m so sorry Peter and I made fun of you! Will you ever forgive me?” Nah, too needy or clingy.
Before you could think of any other ways to portray the situation, you heard a large gush of air escape from Bucky. Was he nervous?
“Hey-hey, (Y/N),” he said, voice shaky.
You gazed to your left. Bucky looked as white as a ghost. Had his ego taken that big of a hit?
At that moment, you wanted to do nothing more than wrap him in your arms and tell him sorry, and everything would be okay. You couldn’t, of course. You didn’t know the guy. So you settled for the next best thing.
You smiled at him beatifically. “Hello, Mr. Barnes.”
Like a veil had been pulled, his demeanor changed instantly. He returned the smile. “Ja-” he started but scrunched his nose as if he’d made a mistake. “Please. Call me Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you replied.
Timmons turned around, ahead of you in line, and eyeballed you. You gave him a dismissive look, praying he wouldn’t butt in.
“So, you here visiting?” Bucky asked, observing the badge in your hand.
“Sorta. It’s a work thing,” you remarked, waving the plastic fob in the air. “Stark Industries has hired my firm as their PR representative. It was signing day.”
“Ah,” Bucky said, nodding in understanding.
“And I got the tour and lunch courtesy of Tony Stark,” you added.
“Oh, yeah?” Bucky’s eyebrows raised in interest. “What did you think?”
“Honestly?” You watched Bucky shake his head in agreement. “It was extremely overwhelming. How do you not get lost in this place?”
Bucky laughed. Crinkles appeared in the corners of his eyes, yet he looked so boyish. He was beautiful.
“When I first got here, I did several times,” he huffed. “Every hallway looks exactly the same!”
“Right?!” you exclaimed. “I kept thanking my lucky stars that I had a tour guide!” 
Timmons rolled his eyes and pivoted, facing front.
“Steve had to draw me a map to help me find my living quarters after the third time,” Bucky confessed, running a hand through his hair.
“Oh, no!” you empathized, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth. “That must have been so embarrassing!”
“Bird brain caught wind of it and gave me shit for weeks,” he lamented.
You gave him a confused look, not understanding who or what he was referring to.
Realizing his mistake, Bucky corrected, “Sorry. Bird brain is Sam.”
“Because he’s Falcon?”
Bucky bobbed his head yes, looking a little sheepish.
“It’s clever,” you grinned. “I like it.”
Bucky reciprocated the smile, and your chest warmed. It was a feeling you usually felt while texting James. Light and airy.
Finally making it to the reception desk, you relinquished your security badge to the pretty blonde in the too-tight sweater set. She handed you a clipboard to initial and fill out your departure time.
While signing, you surveyed the blonde as Bucky stepped closer. Her eyelashes fluttered rapidly, and she bit down on her bottom lip. Was she giving him bedroom eyes?
A new kind of warmth flooded your body. It felt a lot like jealousy as it snaked its way up to your ribs and circled your collarbones, which was absurd because you had no claim to this man. You’d met him one other time. Why would you feel this way?
Shoving the clipboard back at the receptionist, you spun toward Bucky. He regarded her politely and nodded, “Ma’am.”
Her shoulders slumped, and a frown slithered onto her painted lips. Somehow you felt triumphant, but not sure why. Bucky hadn’t picked you over her.
Your heart thumped harder in your chest as you walked side by side with Bucky, nearing the exit. You were suddenly overcome with the feeling of apologizing. What had you told James if you ever saw Bucky again? Apologize profusely and ask him to coffee.
You smiled at Bucky once again as he rubbed a hand across the back of his neck. The sound of a throat clearing resonated nearby. It wasn’t until you glanced up did you register Timmons standing so close. You had nearly forgotten about him.
Trying to gather your courage, you glimpsed between the two men. Bucky was squinting suspiciously at Timmons, and it made you chuckle lightly. “Easy tiger,” you assured. “That’s my boss, Roger Timmons.”
Bucky’s blue eyes widened a fraction, and he raised a hand in hello. “Sir.”
Timmons raised his chin in acknowledgment before looking down at his watch. You took it as his way of telling you to hurry up.
Okay, it’s now or never.
“Would you like to go to coffee with me?” Bucky blurted out, cheeks coloring pink.
Your eyes roamed across his handsome face. The boyishness was back, along with a touch of uncertainty. He was sweet, regardless of what the media claimed about him. Your lips curled up into a broad smile. “You read my mind,” you revealed, then winced. “That’s not one of your superpowers, is it?”
Bucky tittered. “No, no mind-reading.”
“Good,” you said, relieved.
“Whaddya say? Coffee?”
You dipped your head in a slow yes. “It’ll have to be after work, though.” You motioned over your shoulder with your thumb. “The slave driver over there is taking me back to the office to put me to work.”
Giggling, as you heard a scoff come from behind where you were standing, you reached into your purse and pulled out a pen and an old receipt. You quickly jotted down your work address. Handing it to Bucky, you began moving towards Timmons. “I get off at five,” you called. “I’ll meet you in the lobby.” You waved goodbye.
Bucky smirked. “Don’t work too hard!”
You flashed him one last smile before disappearing through the exit door.
You had a coffee date with Bucky Barnes!
You couldn’t believe it! The giddiness swelled inside you.
You gazed at Timmons’ profile as you walked to the waiting car parked at the curb. He had that look on his face.
It was a long drive back to the city. There was no way you could endure it if he started up now.
You gave a stern look before you stated, “Whatever you’re thinking, keep it to yourself.”
Timmons threw his hands up in mock surrender. “I wasn’t thinking anything.”
“Uh-huh,” you said dubiously. Timmons smiled smugly as you both climbed into the town car.
Chapter Five | Chapter 6 (part 2)
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babybluebex · 4 years
it takes two [peter parker]
➽ pairing: peter parker x fem!reader (y/n) ➽ word count: 3.0k ➽ summary: an accidental discovery leads peter and you to discuss poly-nylons, tony stark, and aunt may’s burnt meatloaf.   ➽ warnings: awkward teenage feels, fluff, all that good stuff ➽ a/n: nerdy little peter melts my heart uwu. enjoy!
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“Hey, Y/N. Y/N!”
I turned to see Peter fumbling with his books, and I extended my arms to catch them. “Hey, Pete,” I chuckled. I looked at one of the books in my hand and saw the official autobiography of tech giant Tony Stark, and I laughed. “We get it, man, you’re in love with Tony Stark.” 
“I’m not,” Peter said quickly. “Just wanna read up on my boss.” 
“Right,” I said with a click of my tongue. “The whole internship thing. That seems like a pretty sweet gig, Pete.”
“It’s…” Peter began and nodded. “It’s alright.”
“What do you actually do?” I asked, placing the biography of Peter’s one true love back on his stack of books. “Do you do paperwork? Or Mr. Stark’s laundry?”
That elicited a laugh out of Peter. Peter Parker and I had been friends for a while, since we were lab partners in eighth grade biology, and I had been one of the first people he told about the internship. As excited as he was to get it, though, he never really talked too much about it. “I do…” He began. “Um… Stuff.”
“Well, yeah, that’s what I’m asking,” I said, shouldering my backpack. “What kinda stuff?” 
“This and that,” Peter shrugged. “Sorta whatever needs to be done.” 
I nodded slowly. “Uh-huh,” I responded. “Well, since you’re not gonna tell me, I’ll tell you some big news.”
“Sure,” Peter said. “What is it?”
“I got an interview for MIT,” I grinned, and joy overcame Peter’s face. His arms instinctually went out to hug me, but his stack of books went tumbling to the ground around us. He paid it no mind and hugged me tightly anyway, rocking us as he embraced me. Peter gave amazing hugs; that’s one thing nearly everyone can agree on. 
“That’s awesome, Y/N!” Peter exclaimed. “When is it?”
“Friday evening,” I said. “And I’m freaking out really bad. Do you think you could help me prep?”
Peter had already bent down and begun to retrieve his books. “Why me?” He asked. “A-Ask Flash, he’s on the debate team.” 
“Because I don’t want to ask Flash,” I sighed. “I want to ask you. God, Pete, you got an internship with Stark Industries! Why wouldn’t I ask for your help with interviews? I mean, I assume there was an interview process…” 
“Um, sorta,” Peter said. “Yeah, yep, there was.”
My eyes narrowed. “What was that turn around?” I asked. “‘Sorta’ an interview, but also yes?” 
“It wasn’t a, uh, a typical interview,” Peter said. “I met Mr. Stark’s head of security before him.” 
“Wait, hold on!” I cried. “You’ve met Tony Stark?” 
“I told you about this!” Peter smiled. “We went on that company retreat!”
“Th-The one to Berlin?” I asked. “You met Tony freaking Stark in Berlin? How’d I not know this, Peter?”
“I remember telling you,” Peter said. “I missed those days, and I texted you asking about homework, and you told me we had a test and asked how the retreat was, and I said that it was awesome and I met Tony Stark.”
“I don’t remember that,” I said. “But come on, Petey! Please help me prep for this interview, MIT is my dream school!” I grasped his arm and pouted at him, and I said, “For me?” 
Peter rolled his eyes jokingly. “Sure,” He said with a smile, as sincere as always. “Just come by tonight, I’ll get Aunt May to order a pizza or something and we’ll work it out.” 
I hugged Peter tightly. “Thank you!” I giggled. “Hey, save me a seat at lunch, yeah?” 
“Umm, Ned’s brought a few pieces of his Death Star,” Peter began. “It might take up a lot of space.”
“I’ll help,” I said. “If you don’t mind, that is.” 
“S-Sure,” Peter said, the tips of his ears turning pink. “We could use your smaller hands for some of the more intricate parts of the build.” 
“Great,” I said as the bell rang long and high for classes to start. “Crap. I’ll see ya, Pete!” 
The day passed as slowly as any normal school day would. I didn’t have a math club meeting that afternoon on account of our faculty sponsor being sick, so I was able to go home before I went to Peter’s. I gathered all of my MIT stuff from my desk and shoved it into my bag, and I opened my computer for a minute before my mom inevitably made me come to the living room. Twitter was already open (I didn’t pay great attention during last period physics), and I clicked around the trending page for a moment before seeing, at the very bottom of the list of trending topics, something called the “Man-Spider”. It wasn’t being talked about too much, but it was a trending topic in my area; knowing that someone would probably ask about it at school tomorrow, I clicked on it. 
It was a shaky phone video of a man in a blue and red suit on the rooftop of a building that was adjacent to the videographer. “Hey, you’re that Man-Spider from YouTube!” the videographer yelled. 
“Call me Spiderman!” The suited man replied back, his voice echoing around the street. 
“Okay! Do a flip, Spiderman!” 
The so-called Spiderman flipped backwards, eliciting a whoop from the videographer. The video ended there, and I huffed out a quiet laugh. Peter was really into gymnastics; he would like this video. I tagged him, @pparker101, figuring that he would watch it before I got to his place. 
When I finally got myself up and made my way across the borough to Peter and his Aunt May’s apartment, May answered the door. She was a tall and thin woman with long hair that she usually pulled up, and she smiled when she saw me. “Aw, hey, Miss Y/N,” May said. “What’s going on?”
“Peter’s helping me with an interview thing tonight,” I said. “Is that alright?” 
“Oh, sweetheart, of course,” May said, waving her hand around. “Where are you interviewing?” 
“MIT,” I replied. “The actual interview is on Friday, but, since he’s got that internship with Stark Industries, I figured he would help me prepare.” 
“Oh, good job,” May said. “Yeah, Pete popped out to get a sandwich, but you’re welcome to wait for him. Are you hungry? I’m making meatloaf.”
I had known May for long enough to know that it was safest to skip out on the meatloaf. “Oh, I’m alright,” I told her. “I ate before I came.” 
“If you change your mind…” May sang and scrunched her nose at me as she smiled. “Pete said that you helped him and Ned with their Death Star build today; how was that?”
“Pretty great,” I smiled. “It was a lot of pieces and we’re not finished yet, but all working together was pretty sweet.” 
“I bet,” May replied. “All of you are so smart, I could never do that, even with instructions.” 
My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see Peter replying to me on Twitter with a simple :). “Thanks, May,” I said. “Um, I think I’m gonna go set up in Peter’s room.”
“Alright, Miss Y/N,” May said and gave me a quick hug. “Have fun.” 
Peter’s room was messy as always, discarded projects all over the place, and laundry piled in the corner of his bottom bunk. I sat down on the edge of the bottom bunk and started to extract my papers and things to practice, but there was a weird sound from behind me. It was quiet and I almost missed it, but the cool breeze that hit my shoulder helped alert me to the fact that the window was open. I turned over my shoulder, expecting to see the widow accidentally unlatched and opening, but instead I saw something completely different: my best friend crawling on the ceiling. 
I couldn’t form words. I wasn’t convinced that I was actually seeing what was happening. Peter was attached upside down to his ceiling, wearing a weird onesie-looking outfit with alternating red and blue panels. He was quiet as he crawled to the other side of the room, and he extended his hand, his middle two fingers and thumb folded into his palm, and a string of white shot from his wrist and attached to the corner of the door. Peter tugged the door closed with ease, as if he had done it before, then he expertly flipped from the ceiling and landed on the carpet with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. His back was to me, but, now that I saw him better, I saw that he wore the exact same outfit that the Man-Spider wore in the Twitter video. 
“Holy shit, are you the Man-Spider?” I cried, and Peter flinched. He turned to me, his face stricken with panic, and I saw a black arachnid symbol in the middle of his chest. “You are! Holy shit, Peter--” 
“Dude, shut up!” Peter hissed quickly. His hand came up to his chest and he pressed on the spider symbol, and the tight suit loosened and fell off of his body. “I-I’m not the Man-Spider--”
“Spiderman!” I recalled from the video. “Peter, what the actual fuck--” 
“Shut up!” Peter pleaded, rushing to me and pressing his hand against my mouth. He was right on top of me, his chest nearly touching mine with each breath, and his dark eyes were wide at me. “Y/N, you… You can’t tell anyone. Please!” 
I shifted my head in order to remove his hand. “Are you serious…” I began. “You’re Spiderman? Wait, how did this happen? Was it the Stark internship, did Tony Stark do this to you?” 
“I’ll explain everything,” Peter whispered. “Just, you really cannot tell anyone.”
“Does May know?” I asked quickly. 
“Are you kidding me?” Peter scoffed. He reached down and grabbed a shirt and began to dress himself; I had noticed that, after the suit came off, he was only in boxers, but I figured that it was better not to say anything. “If she knew, she’d go ballistic.”
I sighed heavily and sat down on the bed once more. “Make this make sense,” I groaned, pressing my head into my hands. “Did this happen to you? Did you make it happen? Is this a Bruce Banner thing?” 
“No,” Peter said quickly, and he sat down next to me. “Look, it’s a really long story, but the basics are that I was bitten by a radioactive spider and now I can do weird things. Like, things I never was able to do before. I’m really strong now, Y/N, and I just… I can do that.” He said and pointed to the ceiling. “But Tony Stark found out about me somehow and he tapped me to help him in some sort of weird fight with him and Captain America. He made me that suit! It’s really cool!”
“It is!” I said quickly. “So, are you, like, an Avenger now? Is that what the Stark internship is?”
Peter paused for a moment, and his cheeks turned pink. “Yeah, I mean…” He started. “Basically, yeah, I’m an Avenger.” 
“Oh my God,” I laughed. “That’s awesome, Peter! But… Why would you keep this from me?” There was no point disguising the hurt in my voice. That was it, plain and simple. “I thought we told each other everything.” 
“We do,” Peter said. “I just… Mr. Stark told me to keep this a secret. He said that anyone who knew could be in danger. I didn’t want you getting hurt.” 
I chewed the inside of my cheek. The secrecy hurt and it wouldn’t stop for a while, but my excitement overshadowed that. “This is super cool, Peter,” I laughed. “So, the thing you just shot, do you-- Like, does your body make that? Like a spider? Was that a web?” 
“Yeah, it’s a web,” Peter smiled widely. “But my body doesn’t make them. That would be super gross.” 
“Sorta, yeah,” I agreed.
“Nah, it’s, uh,” Peter began and rushed over to the forgotten suit on the floor. “It’s a poly-nylon substance that’s loaded in these web shooters that Mr. Stark made me. They’re super strong and take three hours to fully dissolve. They come out of this shooter that I wear on my wrist.” He lifted up the silver web shooter to show me, and I grinned at it. 
“That’s awesome,” I chuckled. “Wait, does Ned know?”
“No,” Peter said quickly.
“Liz? Betty? Flash?”
“You’re the only one,” Peter reiterated. “Nobody else knows. Mr. Stark, Happy, Pepper, everyone at SHIELD, and you. You’re the only outsider.”
“This is…” I began. “This is really cool, don’t get me wrong, but isn’t it dangerous?” 
“Yeah,” Peter nodded. “I mean… Yeah. Everytime I go on a mission, I’m not really sure if I’m coming back.”
I sighed and rubbed my neck. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Petey,” I started. “But I really don’t like this. The idea of my best friend being an Avenger is super cool, but it’s scary as shit. I can’t lose you, Pete. Nobody gets me like you do, and I don’t know what I’d do if you died and I didn’t know why.” 
Peter was quiet as he came back to sit down next to me, his web shooter still in his hand. He toyed with it for a moment, then placed it in my lap. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t apologize, Pete, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I said. “You were doing what you were told was right. If anything, Tony Stark needs to apologize to me.”
Peter scoffed. “Good luck with that,” he said. “You’re cool. Ya know that?”
“Me?” I chuckled. “You’re freaking Spiderman, dude! You’re cooler than everyone at Midtown! So, is Peter Parker, like, your alter ego? Like Batman?”
“Batman isn’t real,” Peter said pointedly. 
“The point stands, ass,” I said and shoved his shoulder, eliciting a laugh from him.. “By day, you’re a nerdy high school student and, by night, you’re an Avenger?”
“Sorta,” Peter shrugged sheepishly. “I guess, I mean… Not to brag, but--” 
“Brag away!” I said. 
“I’m supposed to be helping you with your interview,” Peter began. “I think maybe we can table this until later. Yeah?”
“Fine,” I said with a pout. “Let me get my stuff…” 
I turned to retrieve my papers and everything that I had brought, and Peter’s hand returned to my lap to grab the web shooter. The fates, though, decided to throw a wrench into our casual moment, because the ajar door burst open to show May. Before I knew what was happening, Peter had shoved the web shooter down between my thighs in an attempt to quickly hide it, and he pressed his lips to mine. I caught on instantly; his hand between my legs only made sense if we were kissing. It was an easy cover up, something to get May out of the room, and-- honestly-- probably something that May had been suspecting all along. 
“Oh!” She exclaimed and backed out of the room, and Peter gave me a tight grimace. I could almost hear him stuttering out an apology. “Sorry, guys! I didn’t mean to--”
“That’s about my luck, huh?” Peter said loudly and laughed. “It’s-- Ah, shit-- Sorry, May!” 
“No, don’t be sorry,” May said from behind the door. Peter pulled the web shooter from between my legs and grabbed his suit, and he shoved them under the blankets behind me. “Don’t let me interrupt... Whatever that was. Peter, please remember to use a--”
“May, hush!” Peter cried, and I saw genuine embarrassment rise in his cheeks. “We’re not-- We weren’t--” 
“We were just kissing, May!” I said quickly. “Nothing else!” 
“Right,” May said. “Have fun. Meatloaf’s burnt, so, if you guys want something to eat, we can get Thai. Or you two can get Thai and I’ll stay here--” 
“May!” Peter groaned. 
“Right, I’ll leave you two alone,” May said, and Peter and I held our breath until we were sure she wasn’t at the door anymore. 
“God, sorry, Y/N,” Peter mumbled, pushing his hair out of his face. “It’s the only thing I could think of--”
“No big,” I said. “But I’m sure May thinks we’re dating now.” 
“She’s thought that since eighth grade,” Peter said and rolled his eyes. “Now she has ‘proof’.” 
“I mean…” I started. Too late to go back now. “I’d be lying if I said that I hadn’t thought of it before.”
“Us dating?” Peter asked. 
“I know you like Liz and MJ, so it’s always been…” I started. “Never mind.” 
“Sure, I like Liz and MJ,” Peter said. “But I like you too. Like, in a different way than I like Liz and MJ.”
“Like, in a girlfriend way?” I asked. 
“Yeah,” Peter said. He was looking down at his lap, obviously abashed and not wanting to look at me. “You’re really funny and smart, and you’re super pretty… Mr. Stark thinks you’re cute too.” 
“Tony Stark knows about me?” I asked. “He thinks I’m cute?”
“N-Not in a creepy way,” Peter said quickly. “When I went to Berlin, I brought a picture of you in my luggage, and Mr. Stark-- Well, Happy found it and he told Mr. Stark, and he said that you were pretty… Encouraged me to ask you out… Gave me… Ahem, pointers on how to ask you out.” 
“Really?” I grinned. This was amusing to find out. Tony Stark knew who I was. That was almost as cool as finding out my best friend was an Avenger. “What’d he say?”
“Some really gross stuff, to be honest,” Peter chuckled. “Nothing I’d ever say to you, not even jokingly. But… Whatever. Anyway. MIT interview--” 
I leaned in towards Peter and kissed him again, and I felt his smile against my lips. He kissed me back, his arms wrapping around me and tugging me close, and, when the kiss broke, I whispered, “So, does Spiderman have a girlfriend?”
“I’m sure he can get one if he wants to,” Peter said. 
“Does he want to?” I asked. 
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 3 years
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Warnings: unprotected sex (m/f), adultery, divorce, a little fluff, a little angst
Plain Gold Ring Part III
For All We Know
“For all we know
We may never meet again
Before we go
Make this moment live again
We won't say goodbye
Until the last minute
I'll hold out my hand
And my heart will be in it” -Nina Simone
One month. One month before you moved to Chicago. One month until you start your new life. One month for Andy Barber to convince you that you belong together.
The night you retuned was a whirlwind of emotions. In the four days you were gone Andy had moved out and filed for divorce. You didn’t know what happened in that house and you didn’t dare ask. All Andy offered was, “She doesn’t know about you.” That gave you little solace. Made you feel no less guilty. And yet, here he was in your apartment.
He knew her routine and promised they wouldn’t cross paths. Though, it wouldn’t be unheard of if he was at your place considering the mountain of work you had to clear. He could explain it away.
You said no physical contact but you couldn’t help stroking the dented skin on his left ring finger. The little void of lighter skin a spectral reminder of his former life. That was the only conscious touching you did that night.
You kept the conversation light. You spoke about the new firm with an excitement in your voice that even shocked you. He agreed your offer was far too good to pass up. He had been to Chicago a couple of times. It was bitterly cold there for far too long. Though, if all of this worked out, he would just have to get used to it.
It was getting late. Neither of you wanted to say goodbye. “Can I stay the night?” he whispered.
He had no malicious intent whatsoever. He just wanted to be next to you. Your stupid brain was now deferring all decision making to your heart. That bitch was more easily swayed than your pussy. Of course you said yes.
He wanted so badly to hold you against his body and drown in your warmth but he promised. He stayed as far away from you on the bed as possible. In the night, out of habit, your body had made its way to the middle of your California king. And, purely out of habit, Andy draped an arm over your side.
You let Andy sleep in the next morning. You went to the gym, showered and made breakfast. When he found you in the kitchen he was freshly showered and wearing some well loved pajama pants. The no touching rule did not apply to morning in the kitchen.
He padded in on bare feet unintentionally sneaking up on you. When he kissed the back of your neck you jumped.
“Did I scare you?” he chuckled.
“I’m not used to having someone here.”
He poured himself a cup of coffee and refilled your cup. “I’ll make more noise next time.”
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Very well. Thank you.” Neither of you mentioned that you wound up tangled around each other.
You got out your laptop and set yourself up on the dining table. You tapped away while Andy read the paper. He eyed you suspiciously over a folded corner. “What are you doing over there?
“Working. Between you and Stan I have about 500 emails in my inbox.”
“It’s Saturday.” he said in disbelief. “Who works on a Saturday?”
“A single girl who lives alone and doesn’t participate in home improvement couples projects. Be honest. How many Saturdays have you and Lori spent in Home Depot?”
He really though about it and laughed to himself, “Too many.”
“Fucking suburban breeders.”
“Suburban breeders. Wow.” He continued to read the paper feigning outrage. “We don’t have to go to Home Depot but I would like to do something nice with you today. Although, I did see a few lightbulbs that needed to be changed.”
“That’s what the super is for. I don’t even own a ladder and I’m not about to buy one. Why don’t you find us a movie? It’ll be like a date.”
Andy’s heart fluttered. He hadn’t been on a date in sixteen years. He wanted to get it just right. While you toiled away he planned your evening.
First, he would make you dinner. Keep it simple and light to make way for popcorn and candy. An art house cinema was playing “Anatomy of a Murder” on actual film. It’s arguably one of the best written courtroom dramas ever. After the movie there was a little coffee shop within walking distance. Then, he hoped, it would be back to his new place. He thought if you were at his place and not in your building that it would take your mind off of Lori and Jacob.
It actually warmed his heart that you cared so much for their feelings. He couldn’t help but think you would make a great stepmom for Jacob. He was getting ahead of himself. But it didn’t hurt to daydream.
Andy tried his hardest to be lazy for the day but he was crap at it. He had to occupy himself. He offered you a hand which you readily accepted. It was such a shame you were leaving the firm. The two of you worked so well together. Given your circumstances he would have encouraged you to tender your resignation immediately after being passed over.
While Andy was getting dinner together you popped off to get changed. So far he had only seen you in workout gear and work attire. It would be nice to be a little bit more casual.
When you appeared in the kitchen he let out a sharp whistle in appreciation. “You look beautiful. Since we are on a date is the touching ban still in effect?”
You kissed him tenderly on the lips, “I think we can make an exception.”
“Well in that case…” He placed his hands on either side of your face and gave you a deep panty ruining kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do that for days now.”
You gripped the edge of the counter to catch your breath. “Something smells good.”
His whole face lit up when he told you about the salmon he made. He dipped the tip of his finger in the glaze and held it to your lips. You slowly sucked at the very tip of his finger. “Yum” you said looking up at him through your lashes.
“If you keep that up, baby, we won’t leave this apartment.”
You gave him your most innocent smile, “Sorry, boss. I’ll be a good girl.”
“Fuck. Save that for later. Speaking of later, I thought we could go to my condo tonight. It’s closer to the theater and I’d like to show it to you.”
“Big ol’ thumbs up for me. I’m famished.”
Your date went incredibly well. How could it not? You two were already idiots for each other. You talked for hours and about everything that night. No topic was off limits. You really had a lot in common. You both got into law for similar reasons. Though, you had more altruistic intentions like joining the ACLU as part of their legal team. Now you work for a firm who represents massive corporations. You weren’t proud of the turn you took. That was another reason the Chicago firm was such a great fit for you. They did a little bit of everything but, you would be going after these big corporations instead. He loved your unbridled enthusiasm for your work.
After all the wine was gone and the conversation died the two of you were cuddled on the couch. He rubbed his hands up your arms and massaged your shoulders, “Are you falling asleep on me?” he asked against your ear.
“No. Just relaxed.” He deepened his touch bringing his hands to your décolleté skimming the top swell of your breasts. His hand dipped into the v of your tshirt to make contact with your skin.
“Is this ok?” Lord he’s perfect.
“I declare the no touching ban officially lifted.”
He waisted no time taking full advantage. He massaged your breast under your shirt teasing you over your bra. His other hand held your face to his while he kissed you. You let out a soft moan to which he responded in kind. You turned around to straddle him. He ground his cock into your denim covered cunt to relieve the ache. You went slow savoring the weight of his body. The scruff of his beard. The rough callused fingers that seemed to be everywhere. With Andy, kissing was your favorite thing. The act made your insides liquid and warm.
He broke away to lift your shirt over your head. He sucked your nipple through the thin material of your bra. Your breath hitched in your throat. You ran your fingers through his hair grasping it hard. He undid the fly of your jeans and slipped his hand in. Your juices ran over his fingers while he fucked into you. You met your peak and cried out when you tumbled over the edge.
When he released you, you stood up and undressed. You pulled his shirt over his head. He kissed your belly while you shimmied out of your panties. He kicked off his pants and lowered you onto his dick. The stretch nearly toppled you over but you held on. You pressed your clit into his pelvic bone and he fucked into you hard. He could feel you were close. Your pussy fluttered around him bringing him close to his end. “You ready, baby?” You answered with a whimper. “Cum with me.” With a few final thrusts you both exploded.
There was an imperceptible shift in you that night. You were ready to meet Andy where he was. For the next few weeks, you were going to be his. Entirely and completely his in every conceivable way.
You didn’t say no when he asked you to spend the night. You spent a lot of nights there. So many that he gently suggested moving in with him until it was time to ship out. His reasons were entirely practical. You were over staying your lease which meant you were paying more a month in rent. Your big stuff and winter clothes were packed and in storage. You were basically down to your bed and a few other essentials. At least you could put everything in storage to make it easier for the moving company. So you guessed now you were living together.
You wished it bothered you more but honestly he was a delightful roommate. He was clean. He cooked. You both had an annoying habit of bringing work home with you. At least you were doing it together. And, it goes without saying, you fucked like horny teenagers. You were adventurous and that thrilled him to his very core.
He had a large terrace looking over the city. That was officially your favorite spot. You were sure your neighbors heard you.
You only had a week left. You successfully handed off your entire case load. Andy took a few days off to help you get settled in Chicago. You tendered your resignation the week prior.
Stan tried and failed to hold onto you. You let him know your mind was set. The only thing left on your work calendar was the charity event the firm held annually. You were on the board this year. Problem was, no one could know about you and Andy. You had to go alone. Andy was bringing Lori.
Your heart gave up her post as she was no longer emotionally equipped to handle decision making. Your brain was petty as fuck. You gave Andy the silent treatment for a whole day. He had no idea you weren’t speaking until he asked you a third time what you wanted for dinner.
“Y/n, I’m speaking to you. Do you want Thai tonight?” Nothing. You sulked around the kitchen never making eye contact. “I’m sorry are you mad at me?” He grabbed your wrist and forced you to face him. “Being a brat isn’t going to fix this. Look at me and use your words like a big girl.”
“Don’t treat me like a child.” Your voice was low and emotionless. You planted your feet and stared him down.
“Then don’t act like a child. Talk to me.” He smoothed the hair out of your face and rested his hands on your shoulders. “Please. We only have a few more days together. I don’t want to spend them fighting.”
You took a deep breath and blew it out. You didn’t trust yourself not to cry so you just let loose. “If I quit already, why can’t we go together? Further more, if you filed for divorce, why are you taking Lori? Also, you didn’t talk to me. You told me. End of story.”
“I still work there. I don’t want anyone to think you quit because of me. I didn’t tell anyone that Lori and I have split. She agreed to go while you were still in Chicago. I apologize for not talking to you about all of this. I honestly didn’t know how you would react. I wanted our last week together to be happy. I won’t see you for a while. It’s just one night. You can have me forever if you want.”
You softened a little, “But we’ll be all dressed up and dancing and stuff. I know this seems ridiculous but I don’t want to watch you dance with someone else even if, technically, she is your wife.” You pouted a little. He kissed your bottom lip and pulled you into his arms.
“You wanna dance with me, baby? Let’s dance. Alexa…play my Y/N playlist.” The speaker sprang to life filling the air with a sweeping piano and Nina Simone’s velvety voice. You swayed to the music while Andy sang softly in your ear “…..So baby love me, love me tonight……”
You stared up at him, tears shimmering in your eyes, “I’m sorry I was a bitch. I guess I’m a little on edge.”
“Don’t apologize. I’d be offended if you weren’t a little jealous. I’m on edge too. Every time I think about being here alone I can’t breathe.”
“So come with me.” It’s not that the thought hasn’t crossed his mind. He didn’t want to be that far away from Jacob. He just started this job. You both knew it was a ridiculous request.
“Give me some time.” You spent the rest of the night swaying in each other’s arms. Fucking hell. You fell in love.
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lalainajanes · 3 years
For the square “water park” on my Klarosummerbingo card! Might be my worst title ever but it’s actually better than the original one so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Slip and Slide
Caroline speedwalks through the lobby, weaving around people who seem to think it’s the appropriate place for an early morning stroll. “Hold the elevator!” she calls, ignoring the few disgruntled looks she receives.
She hadn’t been that loud, and she’s nearly late for a critical meeting. It’s the first one with a new client, and she’d hate to make a bad first impression.
She’d had to head to the dry cleaners before work, had gotten caught in a traffic snarl in an area she wasn’t that familiar with, and it had taken her way too long to figure out the detour. She should have left her place earlier.
She gets to the security gates, juggling a garment bag, her briefcase, and a portfolio. Her ID seems to be just out of reach, and she jams her hand further into her purse. Albert, her favorite guard, murmurs, “Take a breath, Ms. Forbes.”
She blows one out, frustrated. Rolls her shoulders in an attempt to relax. “Sorry. I’m just…”
“Stressed? I can tell.”
Yikes. Caroline hopes that doesn’t mean her hair has exploded.
She smiles weakly, “Big day today.”
A brand new project, after the last one had been a disaster. Caroline’s comfortable with stress, thrives on high stakes, but she could totally use a win.
Her fingers touch the familiar edge of her badge, and she pulls it out triumphantly. She taps it on the sensor, walks through the revolving gate. “Good luck, Ms. Forbes,” Alfred murmurs as she passes.
It’s a little thing, but Caroline feels a little better knowing someone’s rooting for her.
She’s relieved to spot that one of the elevators is open, a man holding the door, his eyes on her. She doesn’t recognize him, but that doesn’t mean anything. The building has 55 floors, offices for more than two dozen companies within it. He’s dressed in a suit, like the vast majority of the men she sees in the building. His is nicer than most, charcoal grey, perfectly fitted, with a very subtle pinstripe that she only notices when she gets closer. Caroline hurries into the car gratefully. She leans forward, punches 32. “Thank you so much,” she says to him, turning so they’re shoulder to shoulder. “You’re a lifesaver.”
The man on her other side makes a noise, a tiny scoff. Caroline glances at him quizzically. He’s stoic, eyes forward, but she’s sure there’s a hint of amusement on his face.
An arm brushes against hers, drawing her attention. “Feel free to ignore him,” the man who’d held the elevator says. His voice is low, smooth and she’d be charmed by the accent if they’d met in a social situation.
Or any situation, if she’s honest.
“My brother would probably describe me as more of a troublemaker.”
Huh. She hadn’t have figured brothers. They’ve both got attractive and well-dressed going for them but little other familial resemblance. Caroline’s head swings back, “Are you a trouble maker?”
His amusement is plain. His full lips curl, and deep dimples appear in his cheeks.
Oh yeah. Definitely a trouble maker.
“I’m about twenty minutes early for my meeting today; how much of a trouble maker can I be?” His tone is playful, a touch too innocent to be believed.
Damn it. Caroline does not have time for an attractive man this morning. At least she hadn’t changed into the frumpier outfit in the garment bag. Hopefully, she’ll run into this guy again.
“I think I need more info. Could be a one-time thing. I’m almost late for my meeting, which is wildly out of character.”
“Not the trusting sort, are you?”
Caroline shrugs, raising her brows expectantly.
He laughs briefly, “Well, I did send an email ahead to inquire about the coffee preferences of the team I’m meeting. I’m stopping at one of the cafes to pick it up now. Would a troublemaker do that?”
“Hmm, maybe. Could be an underhanded tactic to get on a good side before the trouble starts.”
Dimples’ brother chimes in again, dry this time. “I believe your assistant sent that email. And that she learned the practice from my assistant.”  
Dimples glowers, and Caroline must admit this is a delightful distraction from her anxiety. She glances up at the panel above the door and is disappointed to find they’re almost on her floor. “If you’re going to the café on 36, I recommend the oatmeal raisin cookies. Most people go chocolate chip. Trust me, that’s a mistake.”
The elevator pings, the doors sliding open. Caroline smiles, hitches her briefcase higher on her shoulder. “This is me. Thanks again.”
The receptionist spots Caroline, stands up, a sheaf of papers in her hands, and Caroline’s reminded about how much she has to do. She hurries out, her heels clicking across the shiny tiles of the lobby.
She still glances back at the elevator, can’t help smiling, pleased, when she finds her new friend from the elevator watching her as the doors close.
Even if she never sees him again, he’d made her morning a little brighter.
Now, though, it’s time to work.
* * * * *
Fifteen minutes later, Caroline’s pacing in her office. She’s pinned her hair back and changed into the purple pantsuit she’d picked up at the dry cleaners. It’s a great color but not the most flattering fit. The pants are fine, but the jacket’s boxy, and she’s wearing a plain pink blouse underneath, buttoned to her throat, a thick silver necklace threaded through the collar. There’s a pair of glasses perched on her nose, and she’d changed into sensible flats.
She’d learned her lesson last time, at the first meeting where she’d been the project lead. She’d been called ‘Honey’ and other more annoying pet names and asked to serve coffee and fetch snacks. She’d received skepticism when she’d introduced herself. By the end of that first meeting, Caroline had wanted to scream her credentials – a B.A. and a Master’s in Civil Engineering, a whole pile of certifications, several prestigious internships, and stellar work references, thank you very much – at most of the people in the room.
Ultimately, the project had been successful, but Caroline had experienced frequent bursts of frustration that bordered on rage. Her suggestions were met with questions that made it clear her intelligence was doubted, her corrections with condescension, even though she’d usually been the only one in the room with any significant scientific expertise.
Expertise that’s kind of crucial in designing a water park. It wouldn’t have been a good look, or a sound investment, if guests were to end up injured or dead after paying exorbitant ticket prices and expecting a fun day.
Her skin has thickened considerably, but Caroline hopes that’s less necessary this time. Her boss had assured her that this job would be easier, and Caroline’s choosing to believe her. It’s even potentially exciting – these clients own several international resorts, the park she’s pitching on will be built in Spain.
Being project leader, she’d traveled to oversee construction on the nightmare build, but Tennessee doesn’t carry quite the same appeal as the Spanish coast, at least from the photos Caroline’s seen.
At the very least, it can’t be a worse experience. She hopes.
She hears Katherine coming her way, takes a final deep breath before Kat breezes into her office. “What are you wearing?” Kat asks, sounding both mystified and vaguely disgusted. She pauses in front of Caroline, fingers pinching her lapel and tugging. “Is this polyester?”
“Maybe. I thrifted it.”
Katherine’s face twists in the sort of revulsion one would expect if Caroline confessed to grave robbing the ensemble.
“Ew, why?”
“Figured I needed a costume. To make sure that this time, no one in there thinks to call me ‘sweet cheeks.’”
She’d been paired with another designer last time, Matt Donovan, who was a nice enough guy but had been pretty useless in the having her back department. Caroline likely wouldn’t have cried into her Ben and Jerry’s quite so often had Katherine been her partner. Kat has the unique and impressive ability to make demands and issue orders and have people thank her for it.
Kat snorts, “Elijah Mikaelson would never. He’s aggressively polite. I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I doubt Niklaus would either. I assume he has the same hot accent.”
That’s a new name. Caroline doesn’t like surprises. “And who is Niklaus?”
“A brother. And a business partner. He wasn’t originally scheduled to be here but is unexpectedly in town. What do you think the British equivalent to sweet cheeks is?”
Caroline’s eyes go wide, a few puzzle pieces clicking together. British brothers, twenty minutes early for a meeting. What are the odds?
Crap. Had she been flirting with a client? In front of another client?
There’s a tap at the door, her boss’ assistant’s head poking in, “They’re ready for you in the conference room.”
Ugh. Maybe she’s cursed.
* * * * * 
The presentation goes fantastically.
Katherine had been correct – the Mikaelsons don’t seem to labor under the misapprehension that a conventionally attractive blonde woman can’t grasp complex concepts. They’d shaken her hand when she’d arrived; Niklaus (or Klaus, as he apparently prefers) had looked a bit puzzled when they’d been introduced, Caroline had chalked that up to the outfit. He’d said it was nice to see her again. Explaining her mad dash to the elevator, and Klaus’ assistance, to the room had broken the ice nicely.
Kat kicks them off, and her design is gorgeous; Elijah and Klaus appear suitably impressed. When it’s Caroline’s turn, her nerves fall away by her second PowerPoint slide. She knows her stuff backward and forward, and she’s incredibly pleased with her innovation.
She also begins to feel less bad about the flirting once she sees that Kat throws Elijah a few looks that are borderline inappropriate for the office (that he seems pretty pleased with).
They ask questions, pour over the mock-ups and technical drawings Caroline and Katherine had prepared. Their ideas are actually good, which is a nice contrast for the last project. She’d done far too much lying and finessing to attempt to steer the previous park into a less terrible direction. The Mikaelsons have far fewer notes than Caroline had anticipated, and she promises to put together an update ASAP. They schedule another meeting.
She thinks Klaus’ handshake lingers when they say goodbye, but maybe she’s just riding high on adrenaline and imagining things.
She kind of hopes she isn’t. It’s probably too messy to date a client, but a girl can fantasize, can’t she?
Caroline helps herself to the cookie tray, pleased by the generous helping of oatmeal raisin she finds. Kat’s disappeared, but she knows their boss will want to debrief. Caroline collapses into one of the conference chairs, pulls out her phone to check her messages.
She replies to a few emails before she notices one that’s just arrived.
 Hello Caroline,
I enjoyed your presentation today. I look forward to the next.
 She grins to herself, slumps lower in her chair. Clearly, she hadn’t imagined anything if Klaus is emailing her when he’s barely out of the building. She takes a risk and sends a slightly more casual reply than she’d usually attempt at this point.
If he reacts badly, she can up the formality later on. If he doesn’t, well… she’s only fostering a good working relationship. That’ll be essential if they land this contract.
And she’s like 90% sure it’s in the bag.
 Hi Klaus,
Thank you!
The photos your team sent over of the location were gorgeous; both Kat and I were inspired. I think this is some of our best work to date. I’m excited to dive into the updates and meet again next week.
P.S. Thanks for the cookies.
His reply comes minutes later.
I believe it. Your work is impressive, as I’m sure your new ideas will be. Have you ever been to Spain? The pictures hardly do it justice.
P.S. You’re welcome. Which coffee order was yours?
 Well, that’s the opposite of a bad reaction.
Caroline sets her phone aside, tells herself she has to be smart here. She’s reasonably sure she’s not doing anything that’s prohibited. The emails will speak for themselves, and they live on the company server. Neither she nor Klaus are offering anything untoward for the contract. If things go well, she may just have to fill out an HR disclosure form. She’ll double-check the firm’s code of conduct.
Just in case.
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mandoalorian · 4 years
hi i’d like max x reader where he’s having very stressful day at work like everything that can go wrong does go wrong and the reader is his gf and bc of all this stuff going wrong he forgets that she’s supposed to visit him at work so she comes in and starts talking about her day and how great it was and then he just shoots up and goes to hug her and starts kissing her and playing with her hair and she’s like ??? cause this never happens and he just lays his head on her lap and he rants about his day and she listens and she tries to comfort him as best she can thank u 🥺
Rough Day At Work [Maxwell Lord x Reader]
Author's note: Oh. my god. This is a long one. I write a lot of Maxwell fluff but this one is by far one of my favourites. It's a journey of pure, unadulterated sweetness with a sliver of comedy. And it's set at Christmas— perfect to get you in the festive mood! Reblogs appreciated because this isn't showing up in tags.
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: food mention, drink mention, brief allusions to sex, Maxwell is ~stressed~.
Rating: PG-13
Masterlist in pinned! Requests open x
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Maxwell Lord had his fair share of bad days. Things almost always went wrong in his line of work, but it was almost never his fault. He could always squander up an excuse or find someone else to blame. But today it was one thing after another.
He was late. He had a meeting with the board team first thing but as the Christmas traffic filled the bustling roads of DC, he had already missed the first twenty five minutes of the conference. He practically fell out of the black limo that drove him to work every morning, plodging his feet through the thick layers of snow. It was so deep this morning, the ice cold water seeped through his leather Armani shoes and even through his favourite cashmere socks. The ones with little purple polka dots. He shivered uncomfortably as the clumps of ice sat in between his toes, melting, and so every footstep made an obscene squelching noise. He didn't have the time to fuss around and change his shoes. The bottoms of his tailored pants were dripping. He bolted through the glass revolving doors of Black Gold Cooperative, trailing a pool of water behind him. His receptionist Anna, and his assistant Raquel, stood up abruptly, their eyes widening as they saw their boss in such a hurried frenzy. 
"Mr Lord! You have your nine o’ clock meeting and it’s now nine twenty-” Raquel raised her hand and called for him, but he didn't bother to stop in his tracks.
"Yes Raquel, I know!" Maxwell yelled after her, already tapping his feet impatiently as he waited for the elevator. "Cmon, cmon…" he grumbled as it slowly made its way down from the 25th floor to the ground floor. 
When Maxwell entered the board meeting, his cheeks were a rosy pink from the cold winter weather. His eyes were glazed and the waves in his dark blonde hair were falling out of place. He had styled it perfectly this morning, the same way he did it every morning. You had even helped him, brushing through his locks when he had hopped out the shower. But now he looked as though he had just run a marathon, breaking out in a cold sweat. He swore if he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror, he'd have a heart attack. But surely, the day couldn't get any worse. Right? Maxwell had made it to the meeting, albeit late. At least he was there.
"I am so sorry." he scrambled, plopping his briefcase down on the table and slipping past the many occupied chairs. He slumped down in one eventually, pulling out in a notepad and pen. "Bad traffic," he huffed. "Can someone give me the lowdown?"
He eventually looked up to see his company. Twelve older ladies in pink button down dresses and white frilly aprons, their hair tied back into matching low buns.  Maxwell froze up, his gaze wandering from woman to woman as it slowly began to sink in.
"Mr Lord…" the woman at the head of the table said cautiously. She looked just as baffled. "It's a pleasure to meet  you. I've worked for Black Gold Cooperative for five years now but never did I expect to see you in person." 
Maxwell looked back at the other girls who were all nodding in agreement, beaming with excitement. "Uh." He didn't know what to say, but instead, he placed his pen and notepad back into the inside of his suit jacket pocket and stood up. "I think- I think I'm in the wrong meeting." he announced.
"We are the body of staff who are responsible for the cleanliness and hygiene of your company sir. We spend ten hours a day washing and tidying every surface, every inch of this building. We take great care of it." one of the ladies spoke up and Maxwell became even more confused. Although clearly, on a day like this, it didn't take much to confuse him.
"The cleaning staff have meetings in here?" He wondered out loud, immediately regretting the words as soon as they left his lips. He didn't want to come off as rude. "I mean, I'm your employer. Pft, of course I know that you have meetings. And I'm glad you do so. It's good to take direction!" he was doing that motivational voice he used on television, making the 60 year old cleaners swoon with admiration. "I- I should get going but. Uh, yes. Lovely to meet you all."
"Mr Lord!" A lady with ebony hair and crinkles by her eyes stood up, handing Maxwell his briefcase. He nodded appreciatvely and walked to the door where her hand met his arm and stopped him in his tracks. "Could I get your autograph, please? I'm just a huge fan of your infomercials."
Maxwell checked the time on his wristwatch. Almost half an hour late, but he couldn't deny one of his cleaners. Once upon a time he wouldn't have bothered giving them a second glance yet he leaned over the table and signed his name on a sticky note. "What's your name?" he asked.
"Pamela," she beamed brightly.
"Nice to meet you Pamela, have a good day." he pat her shoulder and went open the door when another voice yelled his name.
"Mr Lord!" a woman with white hair stood up, a grin pinned on her face. "I'm Doris," she introduced confidently, but her voice was shaky with her old age. "I remember when your father was on the television. I used to clean for him too, you know? Oh, he was such a lovely gentleman. And you look more and more like him every day. Such a handsome man, you are."
Maxwell stiffened up, his hand grabbing the door handle so hard he was sure his knuckles might've turned white. "Oh," was the only thing that could really leave his lips. He wanted to leave.
"Mr Lord, your father I mean-, every Christmas he'd give little old me a kiss," she recalled, her heart blooming at the memory. "Of course I wasn't old then. I was young. And beautiful."
Maxwell exhaled and nodded his head, unsure of really what to say or where this conversation was going. All he could think about was the board meeting that he was already extremely late for. Maxwell pushed down on the door handle and Doris let out a long dramatic sigh, making Maxwell pause once again to hear what she had to say. "I haven't been kissed like that, by a man as attractive as your father, in years." she sighed longingly, fluttering her eyelashes.
That was when Maxwell realised. He sighed quietly, his eyes scanning the room. All the cleaners were staring at him, expecting him to make his move on poor old Doris. Then, he turned back to Doris and offered her that familiar Hollywood smile. The same smile that the whole world was used to seeing on five o'clock television. He took her hand and brushed a soft kiss over her wrinkled knuckles before gently dropping her hand again. There was no denying the pink blush that coloured her cheeks. The action earned a few squeaks and squeals around the room and while they were all babbling with excitement about what they'd just witnessed happen to their friend Doris, Maxwell took the opportunity to run.
He did finally make it to the meeting. He squeezed past his business associates, trying to locate his chair around the table. In the process, he knocked over a cup of coffee. It spilled all over Maxwell, and one of his colleagues. Maxwell's pale blue suit jacket was now stained with brown espresso, and he knew it would take more than just a few washes to get the stain out. He muttered a small 'sorry' before finding his seat and taking out his notepad and pen. Just as he finished writing the date at the top of his piece of paper, the director of the meeting called it quits and everyone flustered out of the room.
All this had happened and it was only ten in the morning.
Luckily, that was the only meeting of the day and he knew he was going to be spending the rest of the day in his office doing paperwork. That was easy enough. Maxwell padded into his enormous office which took up the entirety of the top floor at Black Gold Cooperative headquarters. He shut the double doors, finding peace in knowing that there was no need for anyone to come in and distract him. Maxwell tugged off his blazer and hung it on the back of a chair. He unclipped his suspenders that held his tailored pants up, and threw them to one side, along with his shoes and soaked socks. He padded into the closet at the back of his office and shuffled out of his pants, changing into some grey sweatpants. 
He smiled, beginning to feel warm again. Wearing the sweatpants reminded him of you and it made him feel like he was at home. He remembered a few weeks into your relationship; your surprise when you caught a glimpse of his wardrobe. Not a single piece of casual wear in sight. You wondered if Maxwell Lord had ever known the comfort of sweatpants and so, that afternoon, you went out and bought him a pair. They changed his life. Maxwell would always favour his suits, that's just who he was, but he would love to wear the sweats when he wanted to lounge about in the house.
He was tired. His hair was still damp, the dark blonde waves curling at the nape of his neck and falling out of place every time he tried to remedy it. He still smelled vaguely of espresso, and was still haunted by the interaction of Doris the cleaner. He pursed his lips together into a thin line at the memory of kissing her hand.
Maxwell walked over to his desk and sunk into his chair, holding his head in his hands. Finally some peace.
Until there was a loud knock at the door. Maxwell swung his head back and groaned. "Come in!" he shouted, quickly composing himself for whoever wished to see him. It was his blonde assistant, Raquel.
"Hi sir!" she beamed, waving her free hand and placing a glossy catalogue on the table.
"Raquel." Maxwell nodded politely, sitting up and looking at the catalogue she had positioned before him.
"For the Christmas gala," she explained, flicking open the pages and pointing out different things. She'd carefully highlighted and labelled everything she wanted to show him, making it easier for his conveience. "I was thinking huge black and gold balloons with the company name on. Gold confetti. Banners and streamers hanging from every corner. A buffet, and every table cloth will also have the company's name on, printed in small, glitter ink." Her loud and chatty voice was giving Maxwell a headache.
"Yeah, balloons with Black Gold Cooperative written on really scream ‘Have a Very Merry Capitalist Christmas’." he sighed, slowly looking up at her. She blinked a few times. "Well Raquel?" he quizzed, growing irritable. It wasn't her fault, it's just everything was beginning to build up. She blinked again, dumbfounded by his comment. "Is that what Christmas is about to you?"
"W-what do you mean?" she asked nervously, removing her hand from the catalogue and taking a step back from his desk.
"What about red and green balloons? We'll have a Christmas tree in the ballroom. We could even make it family friendly and hire a Santa Claus for the kids to meet." Maxwell suggested. "And no weird company merchandise."
Raquel blinked, not saying a word. It had never really dawned on Maxwell how much you had changed him. His staff realised practically instantly— from the moment he came into work after the first time you had spent the night, it was like he was a changed man. He held the door open for people, he wished people a good morning. And as your relationship with him developed, you opened up a brand new side to him. He became more affectionate and caring for those around him, a feeling he had shut off from the world for his entire life.
He had never cared for Christmas, never cared as much to host a Christmas gala either. His father died during the festive season and it hadn't been the same without him. His mother didn't do much to celebrate. Maxwell had everything he always wanted; all the new toys and fanciest designer clothes. But it meant nothing to him without his father. Christmas meant nothing to him without love. That's why it all changed when he met you. You finally brought love back into his life, and everything felt whole again. You completed him. You taught him how to enjoy events and celebrate. You taught him happiness but most importantly, you taught a cold and broken man how to love and be loved in return.
The Christmas gala was your idea. One night, around a month ago, you and Maxwell were both lying in bed together. Maxwell had expressed to you that he wanted to do something special for his staff at work. Over the past few years since he had met you, he'd slowly been softening with the people around him. Christmas time was no different and his staff were always jolly to receive a hefty bonus from him. But they didn't expect anything more.
You came up with the idea of a gala, and Maxwell couldn't help but smirk a little when you mentioned it. He knew that your suggestion was deeply rooted into the fact you had always wanted to attend a gala, wear a beautiful dress and have your hair and makeup done. More importantly, you wanted to go to a gala with Maxwell and have him by your side looking as handsome as ever. The prospect excited you so much. With Maxwell, you knew that you wanted for nothing. That he could give you anything and everything. But you would never ask. You wanted him to know that for as long as he was with you, you had everything you needed.
Normally for Maxwell, gala’s were a place for adults only. Bars that served the best alcohol and a place where men who were just as rich as him would meet and schmooze. Before you, gala’s were a fine opportunity for Maxwell to meet a lady and take her home. That's all he enjoyed them for. But you had taught Maxwell that there was more to life than wealth, women and good champagne. He was so sure you'd love the idea of turning the gala into a family friendly party, and he was certain that his employees (the likes of the cleaning staff, for example) would love the ability to bring their families to such a high class event.
"Don't worry Raquel," Maxwell smiled. "Forget about the party planning for now. I know someone who would love to organise the Christmas gala." Today was tough, but everytime he thought about you, he couldn't wipe the grin from his face. He was one lovesick puppy. "Could you bring me a coffee?"
Raquel nodded and picked the catalogue back up, padding out his office without saying another word.
At around twelve o’clock, Maxwell was about to take his lunch break- but the phone on his desk began to ring. "Maxwell Lord." he introduced himself, holding the phone to his ear. It was the CEO of Powergrid Electrics, an electrical company in Rome. Rude and unhinged, the boss man reminded Maxwell of a version of himself that he had left in the past.
Maxwell had almost sealed an amazing deal with the company, but it had seemed that the CEO hadn't received a vital part of the contract. Trying to regulate the anger that was building up inside of him, Maxwell shakily put the phone back on the hook and called his second assistant, Emmerson, into his office.
"It's impossible," Maxwell furrowed his eyebrows together in bewilderment, after explaining the situation. He scrambled amongst the papers that were stacked mountain high on his desk. "I put it in the envelope and had Raquel send it off to Rome last week. I remember… I know I didn't forget. I never forget." he said, trying to sound as composed and confident as possible. There was no mistake in the worried little warble in his voice, though.
Emmerson, Maxwell's second assistant, wasn't sure if he was going to regret his next move. "Sir," his voice was timid and small. Maxwell's eyes snapped up to meet Emmerson's and Emmerson felt his heart rate increase rapidly. Emmerson reached over Maxwell's desk, picking up a folded piece of paper with a sticky note on top that read 'For Raquel: give to Rome'. "Is it possible that this is the missing part of the contract? That maybe, you might have just, forgotten to give it to Raquel?" he said slowly, trying to beat around the bush as much as possible.
Maxwell slowly reached over to the slip of paper, unravelling it like he was scared to see what the contents would reveal. He sighed out loud when he realised he had, in fact, forgotten to give Raquel the document, and there was no one to blame but himself. He ran his fingers through his hair, contemplating what to do next. He didn't want to believe he was out of options. He wasn't one to give up, especially when it came to the sanctity of his business.
"I need you to go to Rome." He said immediately and Emmerson's jaw dropped.
"I- I'm sorry?" Emmerson quizzed, confused and still slightly afraid of how impulsive Maxwell was being. "With all due respect, can't you just call Rome and ask for an extension on the deadline?"
Maxwell scoffed. "Call Rome? I can't just call a country," Emmerson was about to interject to explain that wasn't exactly what he meant but Maxwell didn't allow it. There was something about the way Maxwell's brain worked… he didn't get where he was today from taking the advice of his assistants. "You will go to Rome and give Powergrid Electrics the remaining part of the contract yourself. I trust you."
"But sir-" Emmerson raised a shaky hand.
"Oh, I see, you're worried about accomodation," Maxwell assumed, chuckling lightly. "I'll get you a five star hotel and give you a spending allowance of three hundred euros a day, how does that sound? No need to fret. Hurry along now."
"Mr Lord," Emmerson deadpanned finally, causing Maxwell to look up at his assistant in bewilderment. Emmerson was still afraid of his boss, of course, but he knew he had to stand his ground. "I can't go to Italy."
There were a few beats of silence. "What?" Maxwell questioned. "Don't be ridiculous. It's a free trip of a lifetime. You have an easy job to do. You can spend the rest of the day souvenir shopping. I don't care. Just get the contract delivered." He ordered.
"No." Emmerson put his foot down.
"No?" Maxwell repeated, raising his eyebrows like he was due an explanation.
"Mr Lord, I didn't want to say anything because it seems… you've had a lot going on today. But my girlfriend, Katherine, she's due our baby. See, we're having a son. I'm not sure if you knew… I mean, you probably didn't know. But, I promised Katie- uh, Katherine, that I'd meet her at the hospital after my shift. I wish I could help you sir, I really do. But I love my girlfriend and I've been waiting nine months to meet our son so if you please-"
The old Maxwell Lord would've burned red with rage, firing poor Emmerson on the spot, right then and there. How dare he question Maxwell. How dare he deny Maxwell. How dare he choose his love life, his family over his job. But right now, Maxwell couldn't help the small smile creep upon his lips. He was overjoyed, just wishing Emmerson had told him of the amazing news before now.
"Congratulations," Maxwell said, his voice quiet but his eyes gleaming. "On the addition of your family. That's really great."
Emmerson stood as still as ever, blinking a few times. He waited for Maxwell to snap and finally lose it. He was waiting to get the sack. But nothing. "Uh, thank you, sir." Emmerson replied hesitantly, like he wasn't sure what to expect from Maxwell.
The following few moments of silence, Maxwell spent thinking about you. He thought about how radiant you glowed this morning and how he wished he didn't have to leave your side. You were the love of his life and quite frankly, since meeting you, he understood the priority of choosing love over wealth. He finally had someone he could hold onto during the dead of night, someone to ramble to about his feelings, someone he could kiss and love and cherish forever.
Maxwell Lord finally loved something more than his business and that was you. Emmerson coughed awkwardly, breaking the silence and Maxwell flicked his wrist up, checking the time on his gold Rolex. It was almost twelve thirty.
"Why are you still here?" Maxwell grinned, swinging his hand to point a finger towards the door. "Go! You have a son to meet!" 
"Sir, I don't finish until five o’ clock." Emmerson replied, stiffening up.
"No no no! Go home, go see your girlfriend, please." Maxwell stood up and shook his assistants hand. "I have no doubt you'll be an amazing father," he said genuinely. "And I'll have Y/N send over some flowers and a donation after the birth."
"You- you're really letting me off work early?" Emmerson beamed and Maxwell nodded his head enthusiastically. "Oh how can I ever thank you?"
"I hear Maxwell is a popular choice of name for baby boys right now," the CEO charmed and Emmerson let out a small but genuine laugh. "Now go! Tell Katherine I send my love."
"I will do, thank you sir." Emmerson grinned, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack and merrily running out of the office.
Maxwell sunk into the plushness of his leather chair, still unable to escape the smile that played on his lips. He imagined the possibility of you, the love of his life, carrying his child. He thought about how beautiful you would look, how you'd glow, and how he'd simply give up everything to take care of you. Make sure you had everything you needed during your pregnancy. He imagined building the nursery with you and picking out some books on parenting, studying with you so he could ensure that he'd be the best father ever. He'd never wanted kids. In fact he hated the idea of having little mini Maxwell’s running around and causing fuss and torment, but the idea of you raising them alongside him made his heart flutter. He was certain of the unconditional love you’d have for them. Similar to the unconditional love he had for you.
His eyes darted back to the unsent report on his desk and he sighed. Guess I have to call Rome after all. He thought.
Maxwell was counting the minutes until he could go home and see you. He wanted nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with you, the fire on, and watch one of those cheesy Christmas movies you liked so much. He heard the doors to his office open, frustration racing through him as he prepared himself for the next bout of 'things going wrong'. He'd normally yell at someone if they entered his office without knocking but he was so tired. So so tired.
When he saw you, he swore his heart stopped. There you were, his blessing in disguise. His angel. You were wearing your red winter coat and knee high brown boots, and you plopped your purse and a bag on one of the many side tables in his office. You took off your gloves and pulled off your wooly bobble hat, stuffing them lazily in your pocket and offered him a happy smile. He scrambled to his feet, not taking his eyes off you for a second and ran up to you, sweeping you off your feet and spinning you around. You squealed, grabbing onto him for your life and he put you down, pulling you into a tight warm hug.
"You're freezing cold." he grimaced, pulling your hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants in hope they'd warm up. 
"It's snowing again." you whispered happily, smiling into his neck. He was delighted, having you in his arms and being able to smell the familiarity of your shampoo and perfume. He knew for sure now, he was going to be okay.
"I can see." he replied, moving one of his hands up to your face and padding out the pearly snowdrops that were balanced in your hair. "I am so glad to see you sweetheart." he hummed, sending vibrations through your body. You felt your heart blossom in your chest at his sentiment.
"I told you I was coming this morning," you giggled, eventually pulling away from him and taking your arms out of his pockets. You cupped his face and ran your fingers through his dark blonde hair, fixing it as best as you could. "I brought us lunch." you told him, fishing into the bag and bringing out boxes of pastries and cakes. "From that bakery we like."
Maxwell gasped and you looked up at him confused. "Baby, I completely forgot you were coming." 
"I hate to say Max but you do look a little disheveled," you folded your arms across your chest and checked out your boyfriend's appearance. "What's with the sweats and… where is your tie and suspenders?" Your eyes met his feet on the floor and they widened almost comically. "Max! Where are your socks and shoes?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "Long story." he took your hand and pulled you over to the couch, pulling you onto his lap. You wrapped your arms around him and he placed a hand on your thigh, pushing under your skirt and rubbing comforting circles into your skin.
"Tell me everything." you replied and he looked up at you with nothing but adoration in his brown eyes.
"Traffic jam on the way to work because of the snowstorm last night, and the streets were so busy with it being so close to Christmas. We couldn't get parked out front so I had to get out of the car and walk through five inches of snow to get into work. I was already late for my meeting. Soaking wet and uncomfortable," you let him ramble on, watching intently at the way his expression would change as he recalled different events in his day. You began to play with his hair, seeing that he was getting flustered at the memory of it all. "I was late for the meeting, I ended up in a whole different meeting. I didn't know the cleaners in this building even had meetings!"
"The cleaners?" you chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. "You sat in on a meeting with the cleaners?" Maxwell nodded sollemnley and you nudged him playfully. "I love that." 
"Well, I didn't. They're all lovely women. But this one cleaner, Doris…" he fumbled around with his fingers. "I ended up kissing her." you pulled away quickly, knotting your eyebrows together. "No! No not like that," Maxwell said quickly, pulling you back onto his lap and wrapping his arm around you. "She's like 90, said she used to work for my father and every Christmas he'd give her a kiss. She'd start talking about how she's never had a kiss from someone as handsome as my father in years. So I gave her a polite one, on her hand. And baby, I ran. As fast as I could, I had to get outta there."
You smiled. "Max, you probably made her day. That was really sweet of you."
He brushed off your comment, taking a dramatic exhale and continuing his story. "Finally got to the meeting, spilled coffee over myself and one of my associates. But by the time I had finally settled, the meeting was over. So I went back to my office and changed out of my wet, cold, coffee stained clothes and sat down. Raquel came in. She was planning the Christmas gala but it all sounded so… corporate. Not what Christmas is about at all," he explained and you nodded in agreement. "Anyways I suggested that we change the gala this year so it's family friendly. In the spirit of Christmas."
"Oh Max!" you beamed, snuggling into his chest. He smiled to himself proudly, knowing that he had made you happy. 
"You good with that?" he chuckled, running his fingers through your hair.
"Yes!" you squeaked, pushing yourself back up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "I have so many ideas."
"That's great honey," he laughed. "Because I told Raquel to forget about the gala. I figured you could plan it. You're great at stuff like that, and I know how much it means to you. I want the gala to be perfect for my staff and their families, and I trust you more than anyone else in the world."
"I can't wait," you smiled merrily, already weighing up the different ideas you had in your head. "Was Raquel okay with you taking the party planning duty away from her?"
"I think so," Maxwell replied. "She has a lot on her plate, being my assistant and all. It's a busy time of year and I think she'd appreciate having less to do."
"Well, it really does sound like you've had an eventful morning."
"Oh, I'm not finished," Maxwell grimaced and you braved yourself for the impending chaos. "Rome called and told me that the CEO of Powergrid Electrics only received half of the binding contract. So I was going to send Emmerson to Rome because I needed that contract in the hands of the CEO by midnight tonight. But Emmerson told me he couldn't. His girlfriend is having his baby today. A little boy. So I let him go home early."
"Emmerson's going to be a father?" you gasped and Maxwell nodded. "That's so wonderful! I should send him some flowers."
"I already told Emmerson you would." Maxwell grinned. 
"Oh a baby boy too! How lovely. We have to go meet the baby when he's born. Please please please." you whined, fluttering your eyelashes. 
"Okay darling." Maxwell pressed a kiss into your cheek.
You stood up and brought the bag over to the couch, taking out the little boxes and handing them to Maxwell. You opened them up and started to eat, as you told him how your morning had gone.
"After you went to work, I cleared up and did the dishes that you had left from breakfast. Max, I was soooo tired from last night," you blushed and his mouth twisted into a proud smile. "So I went back to bed and slept for another hour. Then I got up and took a bubble bath. Oh!" you scrambled around in your purse, taking out a fresh Polaroid and showed him it. It was a photograph of his white long haired cat, Lady, with bubbles balancing on her head. "She kept me company while I was in the bath." you smiled and Maxwell laughed.
"She looks so funny with the bubbles on her head." Maxwell took the Polaroid from your fingers and admired the cat. He was never particularly fond about animals, or having pets, but you loved them. In the first year of your relationship, Maxwell asked what you wanted for your birthday. As always, you told him that you didn't want anything materialistic, that he was all you needed. But you did tell him about an animal charity that you were so passionate about. He remembered leaving you at home and telling you that he was simply 'heading out'. He had planned on visiting the charity and making a donation in your name, as part of your birthday present. But he didn't leave the shelter empty handed.
A white fluffy cat with long whiskers and big blue eyes. Her eyes reminded him of sapphires. She mewled and padded towards him, her tail waving happily as she rubbed her cheek on his leg, circling around him. "Ah, she's a darling," the lady who was showing Maxwell around told him. "Unfortunately, she's been here with us longer than any of the other cats. She's not that good around people. But I must admit, she likes you a lot. In fact, I've never seen her so confident around another person before."
Maxwell dropped to his knees and tickled her head. She began purring erratically, rubbing her face along the edges of the rings on his fingers. "Nobody wants her?" Maxwell asked, not taking his eyes from the happy kitty. He picked her up, ignoring the white cat hair that malted onto his suit. She rubbed her soft face against his cheek and sniffed his cologne.
"No." the lady replied sadly. Maxwell smiled.
"I'll take her."
And that night, Maxwell came home with a new addition to the family. You were overjoyed, but no one was happier than little Lady Lord who had found her fur-ever home.
He placed the Polaroid on one of the side tables, promising you he would find a frame for it. "How was your bath darling?" he cooed, pressing his lips along your jaw.
You giggled, nuzzling your head into his shoulder. "Relaxing, lit some candles, done a little reading. After my bath I got dressed and tidied up the bedroom. I turned on the radio and they were playing Christmas songs. Oh! WHAM have just brought out a new one, it's really good. Hmm, me and Lady played for a little while and she let me brush her hair. Jeeves offered to drive me to the bakery but I really wanted to walk in the snow. Get some fresh air. And now I'm here! With you!"
It was safe to say Maxwell's morning was a lot more chaotic, but he was comforted knowing that you had been relaxed while he was going through all the antics.
"Your morning sounded amazing, darling." he kissed your forehead and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
You let his lips brush over your skin, fall down to your nose, and eventually take place on your own lips as he leaned his forehead against yours. You giggled, his hair falling out of place again slightly and tickling you as he kissed you. You pulled him closer, encouraging him to deepen the kiss and laced your fingers in his hair. He pulled away to catch his breath but peppered small yet passionate kisses along your jaw and down your neck.
“You’re being so affectionate,” you smiled, eyes sparkling with love.
“What can I say? I like to kiss you.” Maxwell exhorted and leaned in again, pressing another kiss into your lips. This time he swiped his tongue along the plumpness of your bottom lip, begging for entry. You pulled off him and he moaned. “Whaaat?” He pouted playfully and you rolled your eyes, earnestly laughing at how cute your boyfriend was.
“We shouldn’t do this at work,” you giggled.
“Baby we’ve done a lot worse than just kissing on this sofa, if you remember.” Maxwell charmed and you felt your cheeks heat up as you nodded slowly.
"The highlight of my day though, is being here, with you." you promised.
"Yeah," Maxwell hummed. "Me too."
"I'm proud of you." you said out of the blue, putting your sandwich down and wiping your mouth. Maxwell looked at you, confused. "You've had a bad morning. But you acted so selflessly today. Everything from signing autographs in your office to kissing that old maids hand, giving Raquel less work to do and letting Emmerson be with his girlfriend. You… you surprise me everyday Max. And I fall in love with you more and more everyday." 
"I remember when we first met… I would've never dreamed of doing any of this." Maxwell admitted sheepishly.
"I know, I remember," you recalled. "I fell in love with the man you were then, but I somehow think I love you even more now."
And with that, Maxwell pulled you into a kiss. The curve of his nose nudged against yours and his hands pulled you into his lap, knocking the boxes of food onto the floor as you straddled him. "I love you so much." he announced.
Maxwell rarely said I love you's. But that was okay because you knew he loved you from his actions. You knew he loved you from the small kisses he'd give you on a morning, and the way he'd pull you into a hug every evening after work. You knew he loved you from the way he'd shelter you from paparazzi and squeeze your hand tight whenever you felt overwhelmed. Actions spoke louder than words. But coming from Maxwell Lord, hearing those three words struck you like a bolt of lightning. They were just words, but they meant everything to you.
He meant everything to you.
Permanent taglist~let me know if you want to be added: @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @luvzoria @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first
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nachohypno · 3 years
Pine’s Football Jocks (Rewritten!) - Ch. 4
The delivery guy finished with the boxes, leaving them next to the lobby’s counter. It was okay, I could take it from there. Got a few muscular guys and they could put those muscles to display.
“You really can take it from here? You look small to move all those boxes” The guy that asked me to sign for the delivery asked. It was nice of him.
“Yeah, no. I’m going to have the guys move them to the storage room, and I thought that could serve as motivation for the non-staff people, to be like ‘Woah, I’d like to be strong like that one day’.” I explained, nodding towards coach Mark spotting a twink-ish guy while he bench pressed.
“Uh, whatever you prefer. All the papers are in order, so… Have a nice day, bud.” The delivery guy counted the ten boxes one last time, before writing some stuff on his clipboard and leaving the sports club.
Now, to get all these boxes inside…
“Mark! Peter! A little help, please?” I shouted, trying to catch their attention over the loud music. And after they finished helping their respective trainees, the coaches ran over to my side.
“Yeah, boss? Need help with these boxes?” Mark asked, pointing at the boxes beside me.
Mark and Peter, the football coaches from my old high school and my current university, respectively. Of course, they have been brainwashed after I met them, and I put them to work under my management as personal trainers during their free times, which is… the only time I can open this place.
“Yeah. Just move it to the storage room and I’ll check them there. They’re supposed to be the new uniforms and the club’s merch, so better check they are exactly as I’ve ordered them.”
I was particularly excited about this. I only ordered one delivery of a couple boxes full of different sized unisex shirts, and I plan on leaving them behind the counter and having the coaches wear them as their new uniform.
Once again, I’m using them as a display. I’ve been researching for a while with my frat friend Aiden, who told me I should make the trainers wear them and that would make the clients want them, somehow. “It’s dumb, but it works. And I expect a percentage of the earnings for my advice.” were his exact words.
“Hey, Mikey!” I called my best friend, who was running on a treadmill a few meters away. “Can you look around and make sure nobody dies while I’m back there? Should only take a few minutes”
“I’ve got your back, bro!” He answered, giving me a thumb up with his healthy arm before turning the treadmill a few levels down to be able to pay attention to his surroundings without flying off the machine.
Great, that covers it. It’s only for a minute or two, so I tried to not overthink it. Mikey is perfectly capable of helping someone, even with a casted arm. I hope, I don’t want to get sued.
He came to make me some company during one of my trips to this place, and because he wanted to put a workout in. Only lower body stuff, so he wouldn’t hurt his arm, but he seemed to love it still.
I followed the coaches to the storage room, as they left a pair of boxes each and went to look for the rest. I grabbed a cutter from the toolbox we have there and opened the box lid.
Grabbed a random tee from the box and pulled it up. ‘Neat’ I thought, admiring the work. It was a green tee, an XL size. Might be perfect for the coaches.
“Mark, take off your shirt and put this one instead.” I ordered, throwing the shirt at him and examining the box again.
“Yeah, boss” Answered the coach, before starting to undress beside me. I took a quick glimpse, sighed, then went back to work. I grabbed another pair of shirts, one would be for Peter and the other one for Mikey. I guessed he would like the little present.
Mark had already changed, and the shirt looked awesome on his muscular body. Fitted, which was great, because it showed off his big pecs and bodybuilder abs. How can a high school football coach have such a great build? I don’t know, I don’t care. Me and my old classmates just assumed he was a real psychopath when it came to physical stuff.
“Looking great there. How does it feel?” I asked, patting one of Mark’s pecs.
“Somewhat tight, but still really good. Not tight enough to hinder my movement, boss.” He smiled after his answer, like he was proud to help. It was nice, I liked to see my boys being happy, no matter which one it is.
“Good, that’s good.” I mumbled, checking out the guy to examine the shirt. It was green, just like I asked. It had a little grey pine tree drawn on the left pec.
And in the middle, around the chest area, there was the words ‘Lumberjack Sports Club’ written in big letters. It was supposed to be a rebrand on the whole place and… Really cheesy, right? I know, it was the best I could think of. Wanted to make something with my name and… lumberjacks cut wood, like pines… Yeah, it’s really, really cheesy.
The words become a bit more prominent if the wearer has big pecs, like coach Mark has. They stick out a bit more due to the big chest, which is awesome!
I finished checking that everything was as planned, then patted the man’s pecs once more. “Done here, you can go back to work.”
“Sure thing, boss” Is it weird having my high school coach calling me boss? Of course it is, but can’t do anything about that.
Now I just needed to wait for Peter and do the same thing with him. The sooner I introduce the new uniforms, the more exposed they’d be and a week or two later, I would be able to sell them as club merch on the reception desk. Once I set this place as self-manageable, I can drop it finally and go back to being number #1 of the class.
The original plan was just to save this place because it was Mike’s preferred workout place, but now it turned out to be a huge time vacuum.
Coach Peter entered, carrying the last two boxes. “Great, I was just waiting for you…” I said, grabbing another XL tee from the box I opened previously.
I took a few minutes examining the other boxes before going back to the main area. I looked around for Mike, hands behind my back trying to hide one of the new t-shirts I wanted to give him. I noticed he already finished with the treadmill.
After he saw me coming out of the storage, the big guy skipped over to my side. “Hey, what’s with the new shirts? They look awesome!” The jock said, admiring how the new uniform looked on the coaches as they went back to work.
“Just a little idea I had! Nice, right? I think I went a bit over the top with it but it’s supposed to increase earnings and… you know, management stuff.” I didn’t like boring Mike with the details of my little hobby/job. It was fun to do, and reminded me of time management games I used to play as a kid. But of course, in a more serious and realistic way.
“They are! Man, they really look good.” He stated, before finally stopping his admiration for the new shirts. Luckily, because I would start feeling weird if he kept admiring those.
“Weeeeeell…” I extended my hands towards him and offered him the tee. “Got one for you!”
“Really?! Awesome!” He snatched it right away, but I didn’t want him changing in the middle of the gym area. It was supposed to be a little secret for now! Just meant to be shown off by the coaches for a few days before they go on sale. Not going to use my best friend for advertising purposes!
“Heyheyhey, wait a second there. I gotta finish with some stuff upstairs before we can go home. Want to come with me and…” Looking around to see that nobody was near to eavesdrop. “Show off a little?”
I tried to wink, but I’m pretty sure it came off awfully. I don’t know how to wink without making a weird face. Luckily for my self-esteem, Mike didn’t point it out. He just nodded, visibly excited to try his gift on.
No more words spoken, we started jogging upstairs quite fast. My ‘office’ was just this room with a couch on the side, a desk with a computer and two chairs around it. One in the front and one way more comfortable behind it.
I barely do stuff there, honestly. I try to not put much thought into the sports club, otherwise I’ll become as invested as I am with the football team and I’d have even less time to breath. Besides keeping my studies up to date, I like to have my time to play videogames.
Also Mike is a veeeery social guy, so he gets bored quite quickly if he doesn’t do stuff with another human being. Anything, let it be working out, play a game, cooking, sex, anything.
While he’s still in contact with his friends and teammates, I’m the guy who’s around him the most, and thus I have the responsibility to make him feel good and loved. It’s not a hard task because he’s naturally loveable, but still quite time consuming!
As soon as we entered, Mikey closed the door with his foot and pulled me in by the shoulder. There, the big guy leaned in and the usual make out session started.
…Yeah, this was another use for the office. That’s why the couch wasn’t out yet. It was pretty inappropriate for an office but very useful for sexy times like this.
I pulled back, though. We could do sexier stuff at our place, rather than risk anyone walking in the manager’s office for any reason. I wanted to head home already too, so I preferred if we were done with it quickly here.
“Wanted to thank you for the gift, bro. Y’know I love surprises.” he said, pointing to the shirt.
“Huh, you won’t love it until you try it! Strip show! Strip show!” I began to encourage him, as he threw the shirt to the couch and reached down to start pulling his sweaty tee up. He tried to do slow movements, and his cast was on the way,
A few seconds later, the old sweaty shirt was off. I wondered if I should tell him to stop and wait until he showered, but he seemed so excited that I decided to keep myself silent.
Mike grabbed the new uniform tee and carefully slid it in, one arm at a time, then the head, and the big guy was ready! “How do I look?” He asked, striking a superhero pose.
“Amazing, I knew it would fit like a glove!” It really looked great on him, and I guess that’s always a granted when you give fitted tees to fit people. The pecs look great; the abs can be admired through the fabric. It was really like he wasn’t wearing anything.
“Hey, once I get this thing off in a week,” he lifted his casted arm “I’m gonna work out like a beast, then we’ll go back home and I’ll give you the best freakin’ show in your life. Got it, bro?”
He had that handsome cocky smile, and I was glad I made him happy. I’m doing a nice job taking care of him, if I dare say so. He barely minded that his arm was broken and just looked forward to having it off. Focusing on his studies (Not intending to brag, but I kind of helped with that…) served as a nice distraction, so the big guy always has something to do.
“Okay, I’ll take your word on it” I answered, offering him my hand to make it seem like a deal. He chuckled and shook my hand, before pulling me in again for another kiss. I wanted to roll my eyes, but this was really nice. I can’t lie and say that I don’t enjoy it, I enjoy when he gets all cheesy and romantic.
“Y’know what we could do? It’s been a while since you’ve read me the… the story…” I think there are very few things that manage to get me from hard to soft, and sadly this was one of them. I’ve been trying to avoid the story for a few weeks, and Mike didn’t seem to notice or he didn’t bring it up.
Until now, of course.
And you know what? I can’t deny it to him, it’s something that happened years ago, and I’m not really upset by it but it’s… kind of uncomfortable to read? I feel like I was such a brat before.
I sighed. “I’ll read you one chapter, if… you cook dinner tonight and, uh…” I’m really bad at coming up with this stuff. It’s funny because I usually have to come up with orders and stuff like that. “Read another chapter for your class? The boring one, so you get over it fast” I’m devilish sometimes.
“Aww, man… Really?”
“Yup, take it or leave it, big guy” I crossed my arms, trying to seem like serious business.
After a bit, Mikey nodded. He didn’t even put up a fight, darn! I lowkey wanted to use mind control to change his mind. It’s okay though, I shouldn’t really try to influence his choices. Only for fun though, hehehe.
“Welp, we’ve got some time here. There’s a couch too, so…” I grabbed my laptop from my bag, feeling a sort of déj�� vu as of now. Even when I tried to avoid reading it, it seems like I have to keep going until the end, or Mike won’t be happy.
I sat down on the mentioned couch, and waited for him to lay down beside me, as he rested his head on my lap. I had to leave the laptop beside me to avoid placing it on his head, but whatever.
Let’s see where I left this off…
Past Pine’s POV
My day was weird. I still felt a bit hurt by what happened at Mike’s house, but the idea of not having one, but two jocks under my control sort of balanced my mood into a normal state. Not happy, nor sad. I was just a blank sheet of paper waiting for the day ahead to fill me.
And that line is too cheesy, I have to erase it later.
[Huh… I didn’t delete that… I could just… Oh, sorry Mike. Where was I?]
But yeah. I couldn’t take last night’s events out of my mind, and the fact that Mike hadn’t sent me a nightly message may speak for itself. The guy is mad at me now, even though he doesn’t really have a reason to be mad.
Whatever. I thought about messaging Gary this time to have him pick me up and drive me to school, but if I wanted to keep my stuff a secret, then I would have to not be as obvious. I mean, having him not beat me up already on sight is a big improvement, but not being actually able to hang out with him was a pain.
Not like I want to hang out with Garrett, but being able to enjoy my new slaves would be nice. I know I got to play with them yesterday, but there’s still a lot of things to do!
Skimming through my day, nothing interesting happened. Again, I didn’t find Gary until after the first classes were over (Nothing of interest ever happened in my classes, the teachers did a good job on punishing troublemakers… As long as they’re inside the classroom, the corridors are another tale).
I saw him walking down the corridor, and Mike was next to him.
“Like, really, thanks a lot for helpin’ with those loooong words…” Mikey was saying, before they both stopped in front of me. “I dunno why, but that book seems like a biiiig pain in the ass now.”
“Hey, it’s okay. That’s what mates are for, right Mikey?”
“Right, bruh!” Huh, pigs might as well start to fly now because this was unnatural. Mike and Gary are getting along! This, uh… It never happened before.
Let’s see. Mikey is nice and gentle, while Gary is rude and… straight up awful. They never managed to even hit that one point where you text the other person and wish them a happy birthday, because both guys really dislike each other.
Something fishy is going on, definitely.
“Uhm… What’s up?” I asked, looking at one, then the other. I was pretty confused.
“Hey man. Been chatting with Mikey here during Literature class. Dunno what happened after I dropped you there last night, but he’s awesome now!” Gary stated, seeming excited.
“Yuh, been feelin’ pretty light headed since last night, bruh. My brah here helped me with some words I couldn’t understand. Been a hard day, huhuhuh…” Mike’s voice sounded deeper, exactly how they sounded last night after I left.
I did do something to him during our fight. I just didn’t notice. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I had to do something.
First, let’s see what I did to him. “Mike, would you mind telling me… the square root of 16?” That was the simplest one I could think of, because it’s the example they taught us when younger.
“Uh… I dunno, I ain’t a calculator bruh. But hey, we good now, right? You talkin’ to me like we good and that’s awesome! Bro hug!”
“No, wait, there’s no time for-“ I got pulled in for a bro hug anyway. Mike is a tight hugger, and this gave me time to think. I guess I can leave it like this for a while, right?
He certainly seems happier, and it could work as a sort of punishment for outing me. Not really enslaving him, because I have no interest in doing that to my best friend, but still doing something with him.
That makes sense, right?
Mike slowly let go of me, and I patted his shoulder. There was a big smile on his face as he looked down at me. That sealed the deal, he was staying like this at least for a few days.
“Yeah. We good, big guy” I told him, returning the nice smile he was giving me.
…And then he pulled me in for another bro hug.
“Okay, that’s enough” I said, once he let go of me again. Fighting back against him was useless, have you seen this guy? He’s way bigger than me! Rivaling Gary in terms of bigness!
“Sorry, got a lil’ bit excited there. So happy to be bruhs again, bruh!” Mike took a step forward, probably to hug me again, but I did a weird wanna-be karate move and he remained still. Gary laughed at our goofiness.
“So, that was heartwarming!” The guy stated. “C’mon big guy, we should head to practice before coach Mark starts to yell.”
“Oww… I don’t like coach Mark. He mean to me, huhuhuh.” Mike said, still in a deep voice. It was weird, seeing him like this. He’s not the brightest bulb on the box, but he isn’t a dumb jock either. He can be pretty smart if the subject interests him, like with biology and… P.E!
Wait… Coach Mark…
Okay, let’s say that I began to like this thing of controlling jocks with my mind control powers. (Except for Mikey, of course. That was an accident and he’s not going to be enslaved). But, if I were to enslave all of them, one by one…
It’s going to take an eternity, fuck.
But, as the big jocks next to me were chatting about going to practice and how mean the coach is, I thought I could maybe… target him this time? I mean, he is a very mean guy, and he also seems to not care that his football team has been bullying a senior student for a month or so. He definitely should be corrected in his ways…
“Hey, do you guys mind if I follow you to the practice?” The chatter stopped.
“Wut?” Mikey was legit confused. He was dumb, but he still recognized that I just had an awful idea, if I didn’t have any powers with me.
“Why’d you wanna do that?” Gary asked too. He seemed a bit less confused than Mike, but still clearly curious.
“Y’know what I mean by having a word with him, right?” And then, it clicked. Gary let out a ‘Ooooh…’ that made my dumbified best friend even more confused. “I figured that, instead of keeping going for the team’s jocks, I could take down the leader of the group?”
“I dunno what you two got in your hands, but lemme know if you need my help, a’ight? Gonna head to the field already…” Mike stated, but didn’t wait for an answer before leaving. I guess he got bored from not being paid attention? I don’t know, I’m not inside his head.
“Pine, bro, while this sounds great, are you really sure you can do that? I worry about you, bruh” Aww, Gary was a softie! But sadly, I had made up my mind already. I’m going to enslave that coach.
Gary and I walked together towards the football field. We talked about how the plan could go as we walked. I wouldn’t be able to enter the football field zone because that would raise suspicion, but I didn’t care much about that at the moment. 
“Well, I need to think about all of this… Go to practice in the meantime, I’ll let you know at the end what my plan is, okay?”
“Okay. I’ll do my best to help you,” Gary leaned in and whispered to my ear “My master…” Then he jumped back and jogged down to the locker room.
I remained inside the school, making time while helping around the people with indoors extracurricular activities. It gave me something to do, and I could also think about the plan with barely any interruptions other than myself asking around in the classrooms if they needed an extra hand for anything.
Not going to lie, I was really tempted to go to the football field, climb on the bleachers and stare at all the jocks training. But it would be best if I stuck to the ‘not get voluntarily near any of the jocks’ for now, because I don’t really know if my powers work on masses of people. Like, so far it worked on two people, Gary and Brent.
I have a theory that people’s will power plays a part on whether they obey or not, and so far both Gary, Mike and Brent did as I said without any complaint. Getting the coach would also let me test if age has anything to do with my powers’ efficiency.
[Hmm… Nothing much happens during these bits… I’ll fast-forward a bit]
An hour or so later, football practice was probably over. It kind of depends, it usually only lasts until 5 pm but it can get extended until 6 pm and I hope it didn’t get extended because I’m bored.
I headed to the school yard. The sky was gray, maybe there would rain tonight. Nice, I like rain. I sped up my pace towards the football grounds though, didn’t want to miss the end of the practice.
My plan so far was telling Gary to get the coach’s attention and ask him for a short reunion. I could maybe lie saying that I’m in the school’s newspaper to justify my presence in that reunion. I don’t know, I’ll figure it out once I’m there.
The football ground was just a large chunk of land, decorated with lines to mark the different spots, yards or whatever. Sorry if I don’t seem interested, but I’ve never managed to understand football. On the sides of the field, there were a good chunk of bleachers for when we host a game and the principal invites the whole school, passing it off as a ‘grand event’ when it’s just another high school football game.
‘Suppose it’s got something to do with school spirit, but I’m not feeling any school spirit when I’m being shoved in a locker, thank you very much.
Enough with the bitterness though, got a plan to carry out!
The team players were sitting on the grass, and they looked really sweaty. Some were panting to catch their breaths; others were drinking water. The only thing in common was that they all were staring at the coach as the man spoke.
The coach was just as Gary described him earlier. A very large man with a face of few friends that scared everyone.
“YES, COACH!” The jocks shouted suddenly, breaking my train of thought. I assumed they were having a motivational speech of sorts. Or a cult reunion. You never know!
“LOUDER!” The man in front of the group shouted back, it gave me goosebumps. I don’t like yelling.
“YES, COACH!!” The jocks repeated, then the coach laughed and started speaking in a lower tone again, so I couldn’t hear anything. I was beside the bleachers, so I had no idea if they could see me or not. I didn’t really mind if they saw me, but I didn’t want to interrupt… whatever that was.
Cult meeting or football practice aside, the group started to walk lazily towards the locker room, probably to have a shower before they all returned home.
I noticed Gary split from the team and was walking towards my direction. I leaned back against the bleachers so the rest of the team couldn’t see me. Not that it would really matter, I think, but maybe being a bit careful wouldn’t hurt?
“Saw you spying. What’s up, bro?” Gary asked once he reached me. He was wearing a football jersey on top of the armor. The armor made his already wide shoulders look even bigger, which was certainly impressive.
I stood there for a moment, admiring the look of the guy in front of me. “Woah…” I mumbled, before shaking my head. “Uh… sorry. I wasn’t sure if practice had finished already so I thought I would come over and… take a look. Yeah. That’s it.”
“You’re so lucky the coach didn’t see you, otherwise he would have yelled at you big time.
“I mean; I could also tell him to shut up. It would sell me out, but it would also feel really good” That man. Yells. A LOT.
“Got a point there. Eh, I gotta go back in and take a shower. I’m really smelly, otherwise I’d give ya a bro hug. You… seemed to enjoy the one Mikey gave you this morning” I almost cracked a laugh in front of him. Never thought Gary would get so observant. So glad he’s enslaved to do as I say, otherwise he would have beaten me up by now.
“Yeah… Yeah, you’re pretty smelly. I’ll wait for you here, still planning to get the coach today.” I said, as he took a few steps back.
“Oh yeah, about that. I came up with an idea to help you out. I’ll wait outside the locker room once I’m done and call you when everyone else finishes, ‘kay? Shouldn’t take longer than 15 minutes, and the coach usually stays in to check some stuff in his office.” It sounded like a nice plan, better than mine I guess. Because there was barely a plan on my end.
Go in, enslave, go out. That’s what I managed to think of all day. I don’t really know the coach other than he’s a dick, and I’d like to change that once I get my grip on him, but if I don’t get him first then the later part would be pretty useless.
“Sure, okay. See you in a while, I think.” Never thought I’d be planning how to enslave a coach with Garrett Basch. But hey, I should get used to this, right? I mean, if I plan on keep doing it after a while, that is…
Yeah, I probably will. I don’t know, I have a feeling I can become really good at this with enough practice!
Gary smiled and ran off. I noticed some players walking towards where I was, which made sense since this is the field’s direct exit. I hid under the bleachers next to me and hoped to not be seen. The guys passed by, luckily not noticing me… standing there like some kind of creep.
Well, I just needed to wait now. And hide, just in case someone else decided to leave.
It seemed like forever, but after around 15 minutes of waiting, I received a text from Gary.
<Garrett B. : Coast’s clear. Coach’s inside, c’mon!>
Finally! I left my little hideout and was about to make a run towards the locker room’s exit of the field, but instead bumped into someone. Way to go on the ‘stay hidden’ part, huh?
“Oh, hey. Sorry, bruh. Didn’t see you… Uh… Where did you come from?” Mikey said, taking a step forward to see if I was alright, and I could tell he didn’t take a shower and just changed into normal clothes. The after-practice odor wasn’t so strong, but it was still noticeable.
I looked at the big guy and tried to shrug the bump off. “Uhm… Just came from school, thought about having a word with the coach before heading home.” I explained. It wouldn’t hurt to update him with my latest plans, right? I mean, I don’t think he could do something bad to me while he’s a dumb jock.
“Ooooh, you don’t wanna do that, brah. Coach is reaaaaaally pissed today, he’s been taking it out on us all evening. I was really thinking about ditchin’ practice and go home, but that’d probably have been worse than hearin’ him yell and stuff, huhuhuh.” That deep laugh was a bit unsettling.
I nodded. “Thanks for the heads up, I’ll be careful. You’re heading home, right?”
“Good. Take a shower when you get there, okay?” I don’t know if he planned to not shower at all, but he kind of messed his normal clothes by not showering before changing back to them, so I thought I could slip that one little help for him.
“Got’cha, bruh” I didn’t notice him going all blank and glassy eyed, but I think it worked fine. “Gonna head back now, see ya bruh.” He was about to step in for another bro hug, but I lifted my hands and he ended up bro-slapping them. Nicer than smelling my friend after a practice? Always.
“Oh, wait!” I heard Mikey and stopped in my tracks. Turned around and noticed him smiling at me “Nice glasses you have. Make you look smarter, bruh.”
“Uh… Thanks? They’re the same ones I’ve been wearing for months” Luckily, my glasses never got broken on Garrett’s jock rampage against me. Which is nice, because my prescription is still working fine and glasses aren’t cheap.
“Yeah, but I noticed that if you compliment people, they feel better and I like making people feel better. Discovered this after I com-pli-men-ted-” He counted the syllables with his hand, which was cute. “-this cheerleader earlier today and she seemed really happy afterwards. So yeah, looking great today, bruh! But, uh… No homo, you get what I mean, huhuhuh.”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well… Thanks Mikey, you look great too. No homo! Heheh.” I figured I had to add that in at the end too, otherwise he might think I was hitting on him. The big guy gave me a big dumb smile, before nodding and walking away.
After that weird event, I went back to making a run towards the locker rooms. I noticed Gary waiting there, with a kind of annoyed look.
“What took so long?” He asked once I arrived. He seemed more nervous than anything, which was understandable. The coach isn’t really a nice man, but he’s really good at his job. Otherwise I guess he wouldn’t be around?
“Bumped into Mike, and he wanted to chat for a bit. Nothing serious, I’m here now!”
“It’s… okay. You’re the leader here, so I can’t get mad at you. Can’t get mad at you even if I wanted, bro!” He said with a sincere smile. It felt weird, but I shrugged it off. “C’mon, let’s talk to the coach.”
As we were about to go in, the door opened and coach Mark was staring at us, apparently in confusion. Did we catch him on his way out? Oh, fuck.
Coach Mark. A man around his thirties, very muscular too (His body size reminded me of Gary, actually! But older and bigger/taller). He was wearing a fitted tee that looked quite professional while also being ‘made for show-off’-ish, some dark gray leggings and running shoes.
He had sunglasses on, which was weird because it was almost night time already, and a little golden chainlink necklace that ended up hid under the t-shirt. I felt like if I kept examining him, I would die, for some reason.
The man had an expression of not liking… I don’t know, the entire planet. But I’ve heard rumors about him laughing sometimes, whenever he takes a person to detention.
“Heeeey, coach…” Gary said, sounding quite nervous. If he was nervous, I was about to pass out then.
“Yo, Garrett…” Then he looked at me “And… uh… Mr… Cartas?” How rude! Uh, I think. I guess he’s not really forced to learn the student’s names and so. I need to try and go a bit easier on people, I guess.
“Carter, sir… My name is Pine Carter…” I corrected him, but tried to sound respectful.
“Yeah, that. What are… you two doing here? Practice’s over, I’m heading home now” The coach stated, sounding surprisingly calm. Maybe he doesn’t need to sound all baddy and mean if his jocks aren’t around?
“Wait, coach. I really need to talk with you, in private. With my buddy here.” The coach seemed to flinch a bit when Gary called me ‘buddy’, but almost instantly regained composure.
“Sure. Head to my office tomorrow during your free time, and we’ll chat there. Going back home now” The coach put a bit more force on that last sentence, like he really wanted us to leave and stop bothering.
I think this would be a nice time to step in!
“Uh, coach. You’re going to let us in and have a reunion with us. You really want to have this thing now” I stated, trying to sound quite commanding.
Mark’s eyes glazed over for a second, but quickly turned back to normal again. He turned around without saying a word and let us in the locker room. “Come on in, let’s go to my office to talk more comfortably.” He said after starting to walk in.
Gary smiled at me, before letting me go in first and follow me closely behind. The office was just across the locker room, so it was just a few steps away. The coach unlocked the door with his key and let us go in first. The plan was working out! I’m so excited!
The office had a brown desk in the middle, with a computer on top of it and a plaque that read ‘Coach Mark’. In front of it, there were three plastic chairs that seemed pretty uncomfortable. Around the walls were shelves with pictures of teams (Probably the school’s football team across the years? I couldn’t tell).
A pennant with the school’s colors (Red and yellow) was right behind the leather desk chair that was for the coach. I was tempted to command him to exchange chairs with me or something, but decided to not be an asshole. It was enough that I was going to make him obedient to me already.
I sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk, and Gary followed suit. The jock smiled at me, and shook my shoulder a bit. “Hey, you’ll do great” He mouthed (I think), as the coach closed the door and walked around the desk to sit on his chair.
The older man was mumbling a sort of happy tune, which would have made me laugh if I weren’t completely terrified.
“So…” The coach grabbed a few papers on top of his desk, set them aside, and stared at Gary. “What brings you two here?”
Since he was looking at Garrett, I didn’t feel like I actually had any permission to speak on this matter. I assumed this had just turned into a ‘team effort’ kind of thing, and decided to let my jock partner play his card and I would continue afterwards.
“Well, sir…” Gary seemed nervous too, but was handling it way better than me. “It would be nice if you apologized to my friend-o here… I know this may come off as out of nowhere but…” then he looked at me. “Pine, I’m sorry for what I’ve done this last month. I’m truly, very sorry.”
My brain was about to split in half, not because of the surprise but because I didn’t know how to react. For one side, there was a little voice that was like ‘fuck-fuck-fuck-fuck you!’ and in the other side, another voice that went like ‘So cuteeeeee!’.
Since I couldn’t really pick a side, I just nodded. “Yeah, thanks. But why does the coach owe me an apology?” The coach in front of us raised an eyebrow, probably as confused as I was? “…You didn’t tell me why we were coming here in the first place, huh.”
“I’m preeetty sure good old Garrett was just pulling a prank on both of us, kiddo-“ The coach started, but was quickly interrupted by Garrett.
“The coach told me, and the team, that he knew our practices were going to get harder lately. And if we needed to steam off a little, we wouldn’t get in trouble for messing with people in the corridors and stuff… Y’know what I mean.”
I remained silent, and heard very calmly Garrett’s explanation as the coach seemed to have lost faith in this conversation. “And to avoid drawing a lot of attention, the best way would be to focus on one person. This happened around when someone spilled the beans about you being… y’know, gay and all…”
So… if I got everything right… It all started as a sort of chain of events that got intertwined with my outing, and the coach being a REAL asshole. Huh, if you think about it, it doesn’t make any sense.
The coach did a Jim face, looking straight ahead, probably realizing he fucked up big time. I could report him, of course, and I may as well do. But hey, at least I won’t feel bad for doing this.
“Well… In view of this new information, coach, I do now believe that you owe me an apology.” I said, maintaining the composure, and doing my best to not yell ‘and now you’ll be naked! And you’ll be naked!’.
The man moved his hands weirdly, and chuckled. “Sure, why not? I’m sorry. My guys needed a way to rest, and I provided it to them. It may have not been the best one, but it worked fine, right?”
“No, that was not a good apology” Now, this was getting tiring! “Apologize sincerely, okay?” It was weird, but this time I could feel how my words came off as more ‘strict’ than before.
And I did notice the coach’s face going blank, as he started droning “I’m sorry for sending my players out to get someone and that you ended up being that someone.”
“Hmm… No, that doesn’t do the trick” I said, while Gary observed the whole scene playing out. “Repeat after me: ‘What I did was very wrong, unforgivable even, and I deserve a punishment’.”
“What I did was very wrong, unforgivable even, and I deserve a punishment” Coach Mark repeated, his face still blank.
“Coach, as punishment for what you’ve done…” Uh, I feel like I’m sounding like a weird movie’s villain. But it’s impossible to make an enslavement thing good! It’s just weird, I dunno. “You are going to do everything I tell you, with no second thoughts. You want to become a good obedient slave for me, your master. Isn’t that right?”
No answer came out. Was he resisting? I’ve never seen anyone do that so far! Ooooh, this is so excitingggg! Wait, no, I’m mad at him. Fuck, it’s difficult to be mad when you’re taking control of the person you’re mad at.
“You really want to become my happy obedient slave, just like Gary is, don’t you coach?” I tried to smooth his path with some chatter. Garrett smiled at me, nodding like a happy puppy. I smiled back at him, before returning to the blank coach.
“Yeah… I-I want t-to…” Another weird thing was seeing this big muscular man stutter after I said a few words. Makes you think about how this mind control stuff affects people, right? “obedient… slave…?” The man finished, pretty confused as he stared at Garrett beside me.
“Yeah. He’s a really good jockboy,” Now, that was weird. I reached out to Gary and ruffled his hair a bit. He didn’t stop smiling, like he was happy to be there with me as he watched the whole scene play out. “And you reeaally want to be a good obedient jockboy too, don’t you?”
This felt pretty great! I mean, I know I sound like some weird villain guy, but payback does apparently feel really good!
“Y-yeaah… W-Want t-to be… a… g-gooood…” Okay, this was getting slow. If I have to wait for this guy to finish each sentence when I tell him something, I’ll graduate already.
Let’s see… Something to stop him from resisting… I examined the guy, he was exactly as Gary described him back at the corridor. He had a thin chainlink necklace around his neck, that seemed to fall nicely on the spot between his pecs. A
“Coach, stand up.” I ordered, and waited as he shakily got up from his seat and stood at attention. His hands seemed to shake like he was very nervous. Huh, I noticed he had his championship rings on. Normal rings but with like big crests and stuff on the upper part.
“Uh… Hey, Gary?” I looked at the enslaved jock beside me and pointed to the coach’s fingers. “Do you know why he’s wearing those? I thought they were supposed to be trophies, not literal rings…” I was pretty confused, but again, I know nothing about football other than Mike’s position being quarterback, and Gary’s is linebacker.
“They are supposed to be trophies, or some sort of collectible. But some coaches like to wear them for good luck or some shit like that. That’s what the guy told me, at least.” Gary answered, eyeing the coach as he did. For not being so involved now that he revealed the coach’s ‘evil plans’, he seemed to be enjoying the show.
Right… so I’m quite nervous here. Like, I have to deal with a guy resisting my mind control powers. Kind of, because so far he’s doing everything I say without any doubt, but it looks like he’s so tense he may break free in any minute. I had to think of something to break that resistance down…
I mean, imagine if this went wrong and coach Mark told everyone I tried to control him somehow. I may be locked up by the government, or worse!
“Uhm… Let’s see… Tell me what’s the most important thing for you, coach” I tried to find a weak point, something that would allow me to get inside his brain or something. I still don’t know entirely how this works, but… I won’t lose by trying, right?
“Dude, whatcha doing? Need some help to make him a good jockboy or somethin’?” Gary asked, almost whispering. He seemed confused, and I don’t blame him. I don’t have any idea what I’m going for here.
“Sort of, yeah. Just wait there, may need you if he wakes up and things get ugly”
The coach opened his mouth to answer, in a slow monotone voice. “Most important thing for me… my career, of course.” His body seemed to come back to life, but he had a nice smile on his face, like he enjoyed talking about this. “I used to play football in the big leagues before, kiddo. Then I decided to move to coaching with my best bud, and here I am. Won a lot of championships, y’know?”
I looked to his hands and saw the championship rings once again, and on top of the desk I saw this whistle. All the stuff I could use around me suddenly seemed highlighted, and I felt like a videogame character trying to come up with a solution for his dilemma. This just got way more fun.
I grabbed the whistle from the desk. “That sounds awesome, coach! And hey, I see you are a bit tense. Why don’t you go back to that blank state you were in a few moments ago, okay? Do it now, feel yourself relaxing more… and more…”
The smile vanished once again, as he stared straight ahead. “Relax… more and more…” He mumbled.
“Good coach. Extend your hands towards me, okay?” He nodded, and did as told. “We’re going to do a relaxation exercise now. I’m going to take one of your rings at a time, and you are going to feel yourself dropping ten times deeper into this nice relaxing state you’re in, okay?”
He didn’t seem so fond of this idea anymore, but I didn’t care. I was getting him this time! He nodded, shakily.
“Nice. And once all the rings are off, you will be so relaxed that you won’t be able to resist anymore. Your desire to give in to my words will just be so strong, so good to just listening me talk, isn’t that right?”
“Yeah… Nice to hear you…” The shaking went down a bit, but he still was visibly nervous about all of this. Hopefully this’ll work…
I reached out and grabbed one of the championship rings. There were 5 in total. Huh, I guess the guy was the real deal as a coach before? I pulled one out. “Hey, you’ve got a handful of these. Are you really that good of a coach?”
The tension went down a bit more after that first ring was off. I left it at the desk as he spoke. “Yeah… Always push my teams… to the fuckin’ limit…” Oh, he likes to swear. Nice to know.
“I could see that, you could go a little easier on them, you know?” I said, reaching out for the second ring.
“Sure… Go a little easier…” He mumbled. This seemed to be working. He seemed pretty calm now, but there were three more to go!
I kept going as I admired the big man in front of me relaxing more and more as I kept taking his championship rings off. There was one left by now, and the shaking had already stopped fully. His face didn’t show any emotion, only the same blank stare from a few moments ago.
“As soon as I take this last ring, you will become my obedient slave. Always ready to follow my orders, but acting like your old self when I’m not around or in public. You got that?” My fingers were ready to slide the last one out of his hand, but I wanted this one to be the most important one, now that he wasn’t resisting anymore.
“Yes… Become your obedient… slave…” He droned once again. It all seemed so easy now, like all the worries that were haunting me a few moments ago suddenly vanished, and the nice feeling of control washed over, putting me in charge.
“Exactly. You will become my obedient slave, addressing me as your ‘Master’. Once this ring comes off, you’ll belong completely to me. Understood?”
[God, this sounds so awful… Was I really so bad before?]
“Yes… Master…” That was my cue, I pulled off the last ring and left it at the desk. Immediately after, I could tell all resistance was definitely gone from the guy. Coach Mark smiled dumbly, looking down at me now. “How may I serve you, master?”
Behind me, Garrett clapped in awe. “That was AMAZING, master!”
Not going to lie, I felt like I was on top of the world. Like I could do anything!
I jumped a bit as celebration, as Gary clapped his hands in awe. It felt like a huge weight off my shoulders knowing I just managed to enslave coach Mark, one of the most (if not THE most) dickhead persons in the entire town.
“Hey, what’s next now?” My partner in crime asked, and that was a good question. I did wonder what I should do now. My original plan, the one I thought about for like two minutes before almost panicking, was getting to the entire football team (minus Mike).
If I did get to them, what would I do? I can’t just make a whole team get naked in the middle of the field or the locker room, someone could walk in out of nowhere and the whole thing would get shut down. Hell, someone could walk in on us right now and wonder what is going on!
I looked at the dazed coach. “Do you have your office’s key?” Mark nodded lazily. “Great, pass them to Gary”. The coach reached out to the desk, grabbed a long cord with a few keys at the end and threw them to my jock partner.
Garrett grabbed them (Luckily, I didn’t intend to hurt him with that order) and headed to the door, locking it from the inside with the key.
Now, we could have some private fun!
“Take off your shirt, coach” I ordered, kind of impatiently. I knew he had a nice body, I could see it in his frame.
“Yes, master” The guy mumbled, not moving his face again as he started carrying my order. He really seemed so peaceful now. He reached out for his shirt and slowly pulled it upwards, as his muscular torso came to view.
“Heeeeey… I wanna play too!” Gary said, pulling my sleeves to get my attention from behind me. I turned around and tried to think. God, all this thinking ‘what to do when you have a pair of guys under control’ is going to drive me nuts in no time.
“Well, you can take off your shirt too and stand beside the coach here. How does that sound?”
He didn’t wait for me to finish, he just tried to take off his own tee as soon as possible (Which probably made him waste a bit more time), before moving to the coach’s side and beating his nice chest for a second like a gorilla. “Done, master!”
Gotta say it, he really seemed excited, maybe more than I was.
While Gary did that, coach Mark finished taking his shirt off and threw it on the floor. Now both controlled guys were standing next to each other, Mark still with a blank expression while Gary shifted his gaze between me and the slave beside him.
“Anything in your mind, Mark?” I asked, wondering why he wasn’t as lively as Gary was.
“Nothing, master. I want to be a good slave for you, waiting to carry out your orders to make you proud.” Woah, he really was a competitive asshole. Even when it comes to being enslaved, he seemed to want to be the best at being enslaved.
“I’d actually prefer if you acted more… alive, if you get what I mean. Like, still obedient and devoted to me, but maybe have a bit of your old personality shining through?”
He remained silent, before a little smile began forming on his face. “Yeah, master. Anything you want.”
While Mark did seem to have a bit more of personality now, he still stood like a soldier, probably still waiting for commands.
“Alriiiight… First order of today then!” The two guys seemed to listen carefully to what I said. “Turn to face each other and give your fellow slave-bro a good, nice make out.”
Gary seemed a bit disgusted at first, but the coach didn’t waste a second and grabbed his best player. Pulling him in for a kiss that the younger jock didn’t seem to enjoy, but still went with it.
Coach Mark was pretty much bigger than Gary. Mostly because of height thought, and muscle size, yeah. But coach Mark seemed a head taller than Gary or so, which made him look quite bigger than his student.
“C’mon guys, put a bit more into it! Oh, I know! Start feeling up each other’s bodies, that’ll do the trick.” I ordered, sounding quite confident. I liked this, I really liked it.
Gary started feeling up the older man’s abs, while his other hand wandered around his back. Meanwhile, coach Mark apparently wanted to touch as much as possible, having his hands roaming Gary with a sudden intent.
Nice thing both Gary and I are over 18, otherwise this would have been veeeery weird and inappropriate.
I walked around the desk in the meantime and sat on the coach’s chair. It was incredibly comfortable, like lying on a pillow while I watched two hunks make out in front of me.
Noticing the coach’s sunglasses on the desk, I reached out to them and checked them out. “Hey coach! Mind if I try these on?” I kind of didn’t care for his permission at this point, but I was curious to see his answer.
“Nah, master. Take whatever you want, everything I own is yours now-” Gary pulled him back into the kiss, interrupting the coach’s speech.
I chuckled, realizing they were actually tongue-wrestling for control of the kiss, and Garrett just tried a dirty trick to win the battle.
“Okay guys,” I started, leaving the glasses folded on the neck of my tee. “Enough making out for now, let’s move on to the next part now.”
They stopped as I walked over to them, before standing at attention again. “Get naked. And, uh… get hard, too?” I didn’t know if that last one was going to work, but judging by their bulges they weren’t really turned on by the action that just happened.
I did notice their bulges got a bit bigger after I gave them that order, and once the clothing was out of the way, I could see that they were fully hard.
The coach’s cock seemed small. (Not that I have a big one, by any means. But the big muscles made it seem quite small.) Although compared to Gary’s, they both seemed quite average, similar sizes. Huh, weird.
He wouldn’t be using it much today, though. “Now coach, get on all fours and lift that ass a bit. Gary, get behind him once he’s done.”
Mumbling the always nice to hear ‘Yes, master’, both guys obeyed the commands I just gave them. I was already fully hard too, the feeling of control I had over them was too much for me!
The coach got down to his hands and knees, looking up at me. “What now, master?” The older man asked, as I noticed Gary spitting on his hand and rubbing his cock with it. The jock knew what was coming now.
“Weeeell…” I didn’t know how to phrase it. How do you phrase ‘You are getting fucked by your best player’? “You are getting fucked by… none other than Garrett.”
The jock behind the coach was rubbing his hard cock, before he noticed what I was saying and bowed down like some kind of actor.
Mark gulped, realizing that this wouldn’t be as easy for him. “Will…” He sighed “Will it hurt, master?”
I didn’t want to be evil or anything. I mean, he totally deserved it, but I’m better than him! Or I wanted to be, at least!
I tried my best to make it sound like an order rather than a simple answer. “Not at all, in fact, you’ll love being fucked in the ass. Got it?”
Eyes glazing for a bit, he droned a short “Got it…”, before looking back at Gary. “Whenever you’re ready, kiddo”
“Should I shove it in, master?” Gary asked, now stroking. I gave him a nod, and just sat on the desk to enjoy the show. Gary didn’t hold back *at all*, the guy literally shoved his cock in one go and started fucking the coach.
Mark didn’t seem to mind at all, he gave one loud moan when the rough thrust, and then he seemed to try to get himself quiet. His face however showed that he was really enjoying the act.
Gary grabbed the coach by the sides and started going faster. I loved the nice sight, it was all so hot!
“Hey, bro!” Gary called me, and motioned with his head to come closer. “Why don’t you step in the action? I love fucking this ass… but maybe you can get your first blowjob or something. Just sayin’, though. Not ordering you around, you’re the master here.”
He had a point though. I didn’t step in during his encounter with Brent, maybe I could do something now.
I patted his back and nodded, before walking over to the coach’s face. Quickly, I dropped my pants and underwear, leaving my own hard cock free. I’m not a big guy, but maybe I’m on the average side? I don’t know.
“Coach, look at me and open your mouth nice and big...” I ordered, stroking my own cock as I watched how Garrett pounded the man’s ass. Coach Mark obeyed, moaning a soft ‘Yes, master’ as he got fucked by his player.
I slowly slid my cock inside of his mouth. “Suck it, and be careful with the teeth” I really hoped he didn’t break free of the mind control and, I don’t know, bite my cock or something. He started wiggling his tongue around, and it felt quite nice. Not outstanding like how he was having it with Garrett, but quite pleasing.
We remained like that, as I tried the hips thrust motion Gary was doing on the coach’s mouth. It really felt like a victory. Not only my former bully was there, doing what I said, but also the asshole coach that everyone hates!
It wasn’t even 10 minutes that I could feel some warm feeling going through my body, focusing on my dick. I was going to cum!
“Okay guys. When I cum, you’re going to cum too. Got it?”
“Yeah, master!” They answered at unison. Such good boys I had!
I kept thrusting, a bit faster this time, before I took it out and came in the coach’s face. He closed his eyes and mouth shut, probably trying to avoid the semen falling in. I knew I could have made him drink it, but as I came, it was like all my kinky energy just went away. I was pretty much out of ideas about what I should order them to do.
Darn, that’s depressing.
The coach and Gary didn’t disappoint though. As I ordered, they came the exact moment they saw cum coming from my cock, but Gary kept fucking the coach’s ass. “You both can stop that now, you did great.” I panted.
“Thanks, master” “I’m honored, master” Gary and Mark answered, respectively.
I sighed, trying to come up with what to do now. I looked at the coach and suddenly had a little idea. Reaching out for his neck, I grabbed his little chainlink necklace and undid the little lock, before putting it on myself. “You don’t mind if I do that, don’t you coach?”
“Not at all, master” Was his answer, he seemed calm and relaxed. It was weird to see coach Mark like that. Kind of nice, though. He was usually an enraged mess who always yelled.
I reached out to the desk and slid two of his championship rings on my fingers. “And if I do this, coach?”
“No, master. Everything I have is yours, because I want to be your good slave, master” It was both weird but kind of hot how he wanted to be the best even at being enslaved, but I don’t mind at all, like before.
“Ooookay,” I started, grabbing the other rings and placing them in my bag. “Let’s all get dressed up again, and get going home. We’ll meet up again. Would you like that guys?”
“Yeah, master” was their answer. I felt proud, already three slaves under? Awesome.
Leaving the coach’s office and the locker room, Gary and I headed for the parking lot in complete silence. It was nighttime already, which made me wonder how much time we spent there. And how much time did I spend hiding under some bleachers.
“I had a lot of fun,” Gary broke the silence, smiling at me. “And you look nice with that stuff on, kinda cute. You’re like a mini-coach or something.” Not going to lie, it felt good.
But weird, this was still Garrett who was saying that to me, but it felt kind of warm.
“Huh, you really like it? I thought it was a bit dumb before…” I chuckled nervously, trying to strike a pose but it felt very embarrassing.
Gary laughed. “Yeah, I really like it. Gonna call you coach bro from now on!” We reached his car and he unlocked his doors. “So, what now?”
Assuming he was talking about what we were doing lately with the mind control stuff, I decided to answer what I had in mind so far. “I’ve got the coach now, so… Time for the team, I guess?” I really hope I can do some weird voice magic and get them all under control in one go. I will die if I have to go through them one by one, as I mentioned before.
He gave me a thumbs up. “Sounds like fun! It’s funny how the few times we’ve hung out to get a new slave-bro, I always end up fucking someone. It’s awesome!” Huh, he didn’t seem to mind he was fucking guys. Oh well, better for me. Leaves me more time to think about getting the team.
“Want me to take you home, right?” I nodded, before going around the car for the co-driver’s seat. Gary didn’t waste a moment either and got in, closing the door behind him.
Before turning the car on, he grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. Unexpected, kind of nice, I decided to kiss back.
It was quite unexpected, and I decided to pull back after what seemed like forever, but it was actually 15 seconds. Huh, seemed like more.
Gary didn’t say a word, he just smiled at me. I nervously smiled back, not knowing what got into him all of a sudden. But hey, at least he’s not aggressive anymore!
The silence took over the car again as the jock drove me home. I was quite happy already, it had been a productive day.
Present Pine’s POV
“So, that’s all for today- Oh, no no no. You didn’t fall asleep again, did you?” Mike was resting on my lap, eyes closed and apparently out like a light!
Don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to leave him there and just caress his hair or something to relax him more. But I wanted to go home!
Lucky for him, he opened his eyes before I started tickling him to move. “Not asleep! Just closed my eyes and started imagining the stuff. Man, that was some good stuff. How much do we have left?”
“Uh…” I looked at the laptop again, still thinking about what I would have done if he fell asleep. “Just another one, the team’s chapter”
“What?! Already the ending? Nooooo, gimme a second season Pineeeee…” He reached up and gave me a little smooch on the lips, before looking at me with puppy eyes. “Please?”
I snorted, shaking my head. “I can’t just… write more chapters, these are my memories! It’s not like I can make up fanfiction about myself. That’d be weird.”
A weird image of me mind controlling… Captain America came to my mind and made me chuckle.
“Yeah, that’s a good point.” He sat back up and stretched for a bit. I like when Mike realizes what he’s talking about. He calms down almost instantly. “Man, you got me all hard with that chapter. Gonna have to hide it somehow, my gym shorts don’t help at all.”
Oh, yeah. That would be a problem. “Well, uh… Get soft.”
Mike stared straight ahead for a few seconds, before answering a nice “Got it, done bruh. Still quite horny, but at least my buddy isn’t ratting me out, heheheh!”
I ruffled his hair and got up. He started talking about the points that interested him the most this time, but I was barely paying attention. I had another idea in mind.
Coach Mark isn’t going to return to Winston for the week, the school he works at is closed due to maintenance (Lots of old pipes that proved to be a danger, apparently.) so he was going to stay with Peter, his friend.
Maaaaaaybe he could stay over at my place after his shift is over… It would definitely be a nice surprise for Mike. I think. I hope so, because I really liked the idea now.
Author’s note:
Sorry for the long wait! Darn, I actually wanted to publish this one at the same time I returned with Nate and Dave on Patreon, but didn’t manage to finish the new chapter in time and was so worried about it that I forgot to publish this one. Sorry again for the long wait!
Man, I just love the coaches. I usually pick a guy to give an image to my characters, and I just happened to pic two really big bodybuilders to play the coaches. It may or may have not influenced on how much they appear, but I can’t complain. I just love a big guy 😂
I’ll try to keep the weekly releases coming. Should be okay for this week, I have a new story planned instead of Nate and Dave. Something with superheroes, if everything goes well. Anyway, I’ll stop rambling now. You didn’t see anything 🤫
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and thanks so much for reading!
Edit: For public demand, I discovered there was a keep reading feature and I’ll start using it from now on for my long chapters. <3
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staytiny-angel · 3 years
Grace and Country 2/5
Rating: M
Pairing: 'Hangman' Adam Page/F!OC, One-Sided Kenny Omega/F!OC
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Harrassment.
Co-Written with @lilmissriottbliss
Taglist - @moxleyunstable, @axelwolf8109
Summary: Ava and Adam go on that date, it goes about you'd expect with the Dark Order involved, Things with Kenny come to a head.
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"Ava? Mon Cher Smackdown is about to start why are you screaming?"
Violet gave Finn a look before putting her friend on speaker "Mon Roi is here too, what has you so excited?"
"ADAM ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE!" The younger woman yelled
Ava could hear Violet cursing in French from a small distance. “Really? That’s amazing! Give me details now!”
“I lost my phone and he found it near your adopted brother and then Kenny was annoying me again so he covered for me by saying we were going on a date so we’re actually going on one!”
“I’m so happy for you!”
“Could you do me a solid?” Ava asked
Of course darling," Violet agreed
"Could you guys not tell the big boss?" Ava begged "You know I love Seth to death, he's my dad shaped person but he wasn't happy about this whole AEW deal and he'll be even less happy to know I'm going out with one of their biggest stars"
Violet and Finn silently looked at each other before agreeing to the younger woman's request 
"We have you covered darlin" Finn said
"What are you going to do about Omega?I'm starting to worry. He's really not taking no for an answer"
“I honestly don’t know” Violet handed Finn her phone, taking out the one meant to contact family. “I think she’s going to threaten Malachi into watching over you” Finn laughed.
Ava sighed in relief. While Malachi Black, formerly Aleister to Violet, was dark and broody, he did scare Kenny with a simple stare.
“So how’s Mox doing?” Violet asked
"Good, he got Omega off my back last night at Dynamite, threatened him with Ruby." Ava said "He said something about promising Seth to look out for me?"
"Seth called him and Miro when you decided to go to AEW." Finn explained 
"Called in a couple of favors. You are the baby."
Ava rolled her eyes even though the couple couldn't see her "You've got to be kidding. I can take care of myself"
“We know you can take care of yourself, Seth has a overprotective complex” 
Ava sighed but didn’t disagree. “We got to go now, see you tomorrow!” Violet hung up.
Ava turned off her phone, seeing a text from Kenny. Rolling her eyes she deleted it. “Is he ever gonna get the point?” she asked herself before flopping on her hotel bed with a sigh. He thoughts turning to the next day and the date she'd been dreaming of for years. 
-Next Day-
She met Adam outside a café, the cowboy looking handsome in normal street clothes and without a certain purple and black group shadowing him.
“Wow, you look great” He said. As she grinned and twirled once, showing off the chic black suit she'd chosen for their date. 
“Hope you don’t mind but I invited Violet and Finn just in case your friends crash this”
Adam laughed. “They probably will ”
Inside the cafe, Finn and Violet were waiting at a four person table, surprisingly without their daughter in tow.
"Where's my honey bunches?" Ava said with a pout, that Adam found adorable
"Becky and Seth have her" Finn explained "Shes having a playdate"
“Next time you bring her” Ava pointed. Finn raised his hands and laughed. Violet slid over a black coffee to Adam. 
He accepted it with a smile. “So you’re both going after the top titles in Smackdown” he grinned.
“Yup!” Finn grinned. “It was fun in NXT but I wasn’t spending another week without my husband there” Ava sighed.
“It’s harder to get a title shot in AEW, I have no idea how to get to Britt”
“I lost the chance to be the inaugural champ because someone thought an ass deserved it” Adam muttered.
“Adam I think your shadows are here” Violet pointed to a booth in the corner
Sure enough, the purple and black clad Dark Order filled 2 corner booths, trying and failing to be inconspicuous.
"Oh god" Adam murmured "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have told them where we were going"
"They really care about you" Ava smiled at Adam causing that feeling to flutter in his chest again.
"You may not, have been the first AEW champion but you've got a shot at Kenny at All Out" Finn says
"Sure do" Adam says "I can't wait, I've owed Kenny an ass whipping for a while now"
“Fucking creep” Ava rolled her eyes. “How’s Paige?”
“You don’t know that from Mox?” Violet raised an eyebrow. Ava shook her head
“She’s ok, doing wonders with her makeup. Her and Sonya are planning a wedding”
Ava nodded. “Sorry about the Kingdom disbanding” 
Finn rolled his eyes. “Of course Vince brings up Shotzi and us but doesn’t want Kyle, Millie, Priscilla or Jordan”
Adam and Ava share a smile knowing while AEW wasn't a paradise by any means…it wasn't run by Vince. 
A loud bang sounded from the back of the restaurant and every turned to see one of the corner tables flipped on its side as John Silver looked around sheepishly. 
Adam dropped his head in his hands as Ava giggled "I'm sorry, I'm gonna go uh…handle this" he said rising from his seat and heading toward the back.
"They are quite the band of misfits aren't they?" Violet said as she tried not to laugh as they watched Adam easily lift the table back in place and start seemingly scolding them for crashing their double date.
"They love him, and with the entire….mess with the Elite…their very overprotective." Ava explained
“Reminds me of Seth” Violet said. Ava’s eyes widened.
“It totally is!” Finn laughed as Adam came back and sat down.
“They swear it’s just a coincidence they all wanted to come here on the same day and time as my date”
Violet flipped her hair and put on her flirty voice. “So this a date?
Adam blushed hard. “Um…well, it’s definitely not a…friend thing…we’re not friends. I mean we are friends!, but I want to be more then friends!" 
Ava blushed as she watched Adam flounder under Violet's question 
"Leave him alone, mo chroi" Finn finally rescued the younger man from his wife. 
“I was just being a good friend” Violet smirked.
Adam took a breath. “I don’t know why but I have a thing for goth people”
Ava looked at Violet.
“Really? Is that why you went to the Dark Order?”
“Honestly? Kenny ruined tag teams for me. The Bullet Club went to shit after you were kicked out”  
Finn’s eye twitched, remembering how the Young Bucks fucked him over.
“The Bullet Club is nothing to me now. They ruined it!”
“The Elite’s worse, nothing but kissing Kenny’s ass, apparently he was looking to go to Impact and take their top title”
“Thank god the old man bought them, Impact might have been the worse part of my career but AEW would have ruined them” Violet sipped her ice coffee.
Adam sighed.
“I don’t know what happened. One minute he was my brother, now he’s a stranger” Adam said quietly as Ava rubbed his back
"Its okay, your going to take the AEW title from him at All Out." Ava consoled him.
The 2 couples finished their meal and left the restuarant, Finn and Violet heading to the arena to get ready for Smackdown, and Ava and Adam walking though the city streets enjoying each other's company. 
"This has been great" Ava says as they finally end up back at the hotel
"We'll have to do it again sometime" Adam replied causing Ava to blush again.
"Maybe next time….just the two of us?" He asked softly
“No demon and vampires. No Dark Order” Ava agreed. Adam hugged her.
“Adam!” Evil Uno yelled. The pair looked at the stable. Anna walked over. “Well, the date was a success so Alex made you this” She handed a black jacket to Ava. It had a purple rose stitched in the back.
“Wow, Alex’s a suckup” Adam joked. “I’m totally wearing this next week” Anna smiled.
“C’mon Adam, before the idiots start screaming” 
He rolled his eyes but hugged Ava goodbye, kissing her hair before walking away.
The Next Week 
After spending the weekend and into the next week bouncing between elation over her successful date with Adam (including spending a hefty amount of time texting back and forth with the cowboy) and annoyance that Kenny just would not stop texting and calling, it was finally Wednesday and time for that weeks episode of Dynamite, at which Ava had a match against Nyla Rose.
Over the past few days she had gone hunting for more appropriate gear to compliment her new jacket and was now wearing black leather shorts with purple accents and a purple and black corset top. 
"Don't you look like a full fledged member of the misfit society, I really thought you'd have better taste Sweetheart" Kenny said walking up to her, the Young Bucks flanking him
“I’ve liked purple and black before the Dark Order existed” Ava snapped.
Kenny grabbed her arm. “Let go!”
“I just want what’s best for you” Kenny said fiercely 
“HEY!” Darby Allin hit Kenny with a skateboard.
“She’s said no to you for weeks now, get lost!” He roared, Ava seeing why Mox had pretty much adopted him.
Kenny looked panicked and all but ran. The Bucks, glaring at her as the followed
“Thanks” Ava said to Darby. “I hate that fucker”
"Join the club" Darby replied 
Later that night after beating Nyla Rose, Ava was celebrating in the ring when Kenny's music hit and The Elite surrounded the ring. 
"I really tried to do this in private Ava, baby but you just won't listen to me, you'd rather hang out with those losers instead of being part of The Elite"
“I. Am. Not. Your. Baby!” Ava screamed,.
Kenny stepped in, smirking. “Just accept the date”
The crowd began chanting variations of yes and no. 
Then the music of the Dark Order hit, Adam leading the stable to a beat down. Colt tackled Kenny, Adam waving sarcastically at him before going over to Ava, "You okay Darlin?"
"Yeah, fucking asshole. Why won't he leave me alone" 
"Ava, Ava!" Kenny panted, "I have a deal for you, since you and the drunk, seem so close lately, Next week….you and Adam against me and Britt Baker. You win, you get a title shot at All Out. You two lose, Cowboy loses his shot, and you go out with me"
Ava looked at Adam, who was clenching his jaw. Anna and Evil Uno nodded their heads.
Ava grabbed a mic. “We accept! And let’s raise the stakes!!! If we win and move on to kick you asses at All Out, you leave me the fuck alone!” 
Kenny gulped "Done!"
“I’ll add to that!” Adam yelled. “When I kick your ass, you don’t get to have a rematch as long as I’m champion. Let someone else get an opportunity”
"Deal!" Kenny said cockily "It doesn't matter anyway "You two are gonna lose and when you do...not only will Adam never get a shot at the AEW Championship,  Ava...baby...your all mine" 
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