#I’m currently in yugi cosplay
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asteriskemily · 2 years ago
Have some (mostly) in universe Yugioh Memes
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stellar-chrondrite · 5 years ago
Here we go with the merch post for Comic Con! (This thing’s turning into an annual tradition XD) Like the last two cons I dressed up - but this year since we went for the whole weekend I donned a couple of different costumes: 25th = Seto Kaiba (because I couldn’t not dress up like him for his birthday!!!) 26th = Chara 27th = ... half me, half casual Kaiba I guess! (I’m gonna sketch out what I mean by this later)
Read on for the whole lowdown! Be warned: this one is extremely long!
So ... much ... stuff ... to do ... OMG it was all so fun!!! Shops to visit, cosplays to photograph, mini-games to play ... I still can’t get over it all! 
Ironically enough, I saw more Yami Bakuras on Friday than I did Kaibas - I think I was the only Kaiba there for that day! At least Bakura got recognition on his birthday for a change and he dominated instead of our grumpy CEO!
Talking of CEOs ... Pegasus ruled the roost on Friday along with Mai! It was a blast meeting Darren Dunstan and Erica Schroeder and they are both so welcoming and enthusiastic. May I also add very photogenic too - not only did me and my best friend get pictures with the pair of them, they took photos of us as well! We managed to get on Darren’s Instagram and Erica took a photo of me and my art for hers! I still feel amazed that they liked my art and our costumes!
And as for signatures ...
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My art signed by Darren and Erica! I love how Darren signs Pegasus with the Millennium Eye and he drew Grovyle’s eye to match! (I am that much of a nerd to know he voiced Ash’s Grovyle)
Erica signed as both Blaze and Mai. Blaze is my favourite Sonic character so she had to get in on the drawing somewhere! 
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I was a bit sneaky and got Scatlink Sean to get my cards signed (there was a limit on signatures) but it was worth it to add these to the ones I got signed by Wayne Grayson and Jonathan Todd Ross last year!
It was amazing to meet them both and I say if you get the chance to meet them - take it. Take it and don’t let go of it. You won’t regret it!
(For those who like watching the YCS Duels, check out Day 2 of the YCS London coverage. Darren and Erica take part and do some interviews with fans as Pegasus and Mai! Timestamps below.)
2:42:58 - Pegasus and Mai head out to rate some impressions! Plus where is Joey with Mai’s waffles?! 4:08:06 - MCM Yu-Gi-Oh! Booth gets visited by Rudolph Weissinger and Johnathan Rogers - the presenters for the livestream coverage - and guess who’s around to sign a game mat ...? 5:19:41 - Interview with Erica Schroeder! 6:46:09 - Interview with Darren Dunstan!
Phew ... now that that’s all spoken about, let’s move on to the merch!
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Sticking with Yu-Gi-Oh!, here’s the game mat for this year! Mai and Pegasus in their Duel Links artwork - but not with their ace monsters. Mai has Amazoness Swords Woman and Pegasus has Toon Summoned Skull!
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Ha ha! The 2019 Gold Sarcophagus tin and a Duel Devastator box! I will admit I got a bit impatient and opened the Duel Devastator box whilst in London. Sadly no Kaiba Field Center card for me ... but I did get Mai and Pegasus’ ones ... it’s like it was fate.
I have opened the tin now and at last I got a Kaiba related card - Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon*! My other special cards were Red-Eyes Alternative Black Dragon*, Dimension Shifter, The Winged Dragon of Ra* and Slifer the Sky Dragon*. * - art by Kazuki Takahashi
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My favourite booth didn’t have any Kaibas this year ... but they did have the Yami Yugi counterpart to my Kaiba acrylic charm I got last year! I also got Zane Truesdale and a One Coin Blue-Eyes figure!!! Ahhh I love it so much - it’s even dabbing! It was over double the price that Mokuba was, though ... ouch.
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Need to start a Duel but can’t find a coin to toss? Look no further than an officially licensed Game Flip Coin! It even has the ‘It’s Time to Duel’ logo on the back!
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Ahhh at last! A replacement Winged Dragon of Ra for the one I got signed last year. Now I can play all the God Cards again! 
I also bought a Super Quantal Mech Beast Lusterrex for Scatlink Sean since the ‘Super Quant’ archetype is based on Power Rangers and Lusterrex links with the White Mighty Morphin’ Power Ranger which is his favourite.
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I’m all set for Christmas this year now that I have the 2019 Advent Calender! It has Performapal Kuribohble on one side and Winged Kuriboh on the other! How cute!
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I’ve got things planned for this Bulbasaur Funko! I’m currently gathering lots of Bulbasaur for a certain little secret project that only me and Scatlink Sean know about ...
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The tiny figures are back! Last time I found Treecko, Mienfoo and Haxorus. This year I have the whole Treecko family - with a different pose for my fav starter as it’s Ash’s Treecko!
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Last, but certainly not least, is THIS beautiful boy! For £50, I finally got my hands on the First4Figures Spyro statue! I remember seeing this last year on display so it makes me really happy to have this in my possession! He’s beautiful - the red gem sparkles in the light and I really like his expression.
So that’s it! All the merch I got this year - majority of it was Yu-Gi-Oh! related (typically). I had an amazing time and now it’s time to get myself back into the daily monotonous routine of life. *sighs*
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kaibagirl007 · 5 years ago
Costume Conundrum
(Halloween time story set in my RP verse with @xstar-dustroleplayx)
Mokuba often stopped by Kaiba Corp on his way home from school. He would check-in with his brother to find out the other’s plans for each evening. Normally they would vary between: working late, working very late, and working extremely late. 
Recently though Mokuba had noticed a change as less and less overtime was being worked. In fact, his brother was now more likely to be home late due to spending time with his boyfriend, Aqua, instead. Not that Mokuba minded in the least as they also spent plenty of time with him too. 
Sometimes even Aqua’s twin, Yami, joined them in one big happy family get-together. And on rare occasions,- when she was staying with her brothers instead of their parents,- their sister Brunhilde would also join in the fun. Mokuba liked her, she was very much his ‘partner in crime’ whenever they got together. It had been a while since he’d last seen her though. He missed her, sometimes even more than he missed his brother working late.
Knowing his brother would likely disapprove of the game he was currently playing, Mokuba turned off his Switch as he exited the elevator and made his way to the CEO’s office. He’d barely had chance to enter before his brother’s boyfriend began talking to him.
“Good news, Mokuba!” Aqua excited called out from where he sat perched on the desk’s corner. “Bunny WILL be spending Halloween with me and Yami after all.”
“She will?” He felt a rush of excitement at being about to see Brunhilde once more. “That’s awesome!”   
“I take it you’ll be inviting her to go trick-or-treating with you and Yugi’s gang?” Kaiba enquired before taking a sip of the freshly made coffee his boyfriend had brought him just moments before his brother’s arrival.
“Of course!” Mokuba beamed as he reached for the hot chocolate waiting for him on his brother’s desk and sank down into the spare chair ready too drink it. “Unless you plan for her to stay with you guys or Yami?”
“She’d prefer to be with you.” Aqua assured the youngster that he’d get to spend quality time with his sister. “Once you’re done trick-or-treating though, I’m sure you’d both be welcomed to join us at the orphanage’s party. Right, Teddy Bear?”
With his mouth full of coffee, Kaiba simply nodded.
“All right! This is gonna be the best Halloween ever!” Mokuba stated with wide excited eyes. “What about Yami though? What are his plans?”
Aqua’s face brightened as he proudly announced, “He has a date.”
“Another one?” Kaiba asked sceptically. “With the same guy as before?”
“Uh huh. This will be their third date. I told him that for their fourth one, they should do a double date with us so that we can get to meet this Josh guy for ourselves.”
“Hmm… I ‘guess’ we could…”
Guess? The joy seemed to drain from Aqua’s face at the lack of enthusiasm in his boyfriend’s response. 
Noticing the sudden change in mood, Mokuba placed his half-full mug on the desk and diverted the topic. “Do you two have costumes picked out for Halloween?”
“Not yet.” Kaiba responded to his brother’s query. His eyes momentarily lingered on Aqua’s gloomy face before turning to Mokuba as he continued to talk. “Whatever we decide though, it shouldn’t be anything monstrous. There will be kids there of all ages and some of the younger ones are easily scared. I don’t want any of them having nightmares as a result of the party.” Another glance towards his boyfriend saw the somber look still on his face. He reached out for Aqua’s hand and gave a gentle squeeze.
Aqua mustered a soft smile in response to his boyfriend’s efforts to ease the unintentional hurt. He knew the other hadn’t meant to upset him. Clearly the idea of a double date wasn’t something to be mentioned from then on though.
“Nothing scary, huh? Well, then how about going as characters from a kids movie or something?”
“That would work.” Kaiba nodded at his brother’s suggestion. “Not sure who or from what exactly…”
“You watched Wreck-It Ralph with them a few weeks back when you arranged for that retro gaming weekend at the orphanage. You could go as Ralph and Aqua as Felix. It’d be perfect, bro! You know, since you both have the heights and personalities covered already by just being yourselves.”
Laughter filled the office, courtesy of Aqua. He calmed himself before leaning across the desk upon which he sat and nuzzled his boyfriend’s cheek. “Mokuba’s right. You’re a gigantic, ill-tempered softy with a big heart.”
“Someone has to be,” Kaiba smirked as he pulled back slightly so that he could catch a glimpse of those now joyful ruby eyes. “We can’t all be small bundles of optimism and sunshine like you are.”
“See what I mean?” Mokuba giggled as he watched the pair share a quick kiss. “Perfect.”
“It’s a plausible idea.” Kaiba stated as he and Aqua straighten up again. He was willing to go through with it if the other was. “What do you think, Muffin?”
“Me? Well, I… er… I very much like the sound of cosplaying as a couple-“
“Ralph and Felix it is.”
Aqua’s heart sank at seeing the speed Kaiba seemed to disregard what he had said. He at least thought the other might have given his idea some thought before its dismissal. Obviously not, so what was the point in even asking? He could feel himself starting to get agitated as he watched Kaiba search online for their costumes but said nothing. He didn’t want to push his boyfriend beyond a comfort zone if that was the issue at hand, especially after the other’s birthday surprise a few nights ago. Instead he turned the conversation back to Mokuba. “What about you? Do you have your costume sorted?”
“I sure do,” he beamed with a thin layer of chocolate residue on his top lip. “I’m going as Kaibaman. Seto’s already had adjustments made to one of his KaibaLand outfits for me. I also figured that I could take Narce trick-or-treating with me since people would be less likely to ask questions if they assumed she was just part of my cosplay… Anyhoo, what are your plans for this evening, bro?”
“I’ve got a conference call to make with a client in another timezone,” the CEO explained as he viewed the costume he intended to purchase for himself which included lots of padding to bulk out the top half of his body. “I won’t be done here until 7pm onwards. You should both head off without me. In fact, Roland will be leaving shortly too, if you go ask him I’m sure he’ll give you a ride home.”
“Good idea.” Mokuba nodded and got up from his chair with the intention of going in search of Roland. “Promise me you won’t work too late though, bro. Say be home before ten?”
“I will be.” Kaiba assured. “I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be.”
Satisfied with the answer he’d received, Mokuba bid his brother goodbye and left the office.
“I should get going too,” Aqua stated. Slowly he got down from the desk and began to move away. “See you tomorrow.”
“Aquamarine… Before you leave, I’d like a quick word.”
Hearing the seriousness of the other’s tone, Aqua stopped with the door handle in his hold and turned around to look back towards the desk. “Yes, Seto?”
“I’m sorry if I unintentionally upset you earlier.” From the response he’d gotten, Kaiba could sense the other was still hurting a little, hence why he gave the apology. Even if neither of them were to fault, he was willing to take the blame if it brightened his boyfriend’s mood. “I want you to know that I’m not opposed to having a double date with your brother. It’s understandable you’re excited for him, but if Yami is as wary about dating as you say he is, I think you should let him be the one to decide how and when we meet his boyfriend. Speaking from experience, I cannot stress the anxiety it causes to be ushered into things you are not ready for… Give him time, okay?”
“I will,” Aqua nodded, now aware of the angle on the situation that he hadn’t quite seen for himself. “I just really want him to be happy and find someone, like I found you.”
“I know you do. And I’m sure he knows that too.” Smiles were exchanged between them. “Have a good evening, Muffin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye-bye, Teddy Bear.” Using his magic, Aqua blew a parting kiss of gold sparkles towards his boyfriend before leaving the room.
Now alone in his office,- and with a face half covered in golden speckles,- Kaiba returned to completing the purchase of the two halloween costumes. With both of them placed in his cart, he hit the checkout button and was met with an advertisement for ‘couples’ cosplay outfits’. His eyes skimmed over the images of almost all exclusively heterosexual couplings. Ohhhhhhh, THAT’S what Aqua meant when he said he likes the sound of cosplaying as a couple. I thought he just meant both of our costumes being from the same franchise.
Kaiba’s gaze bypassed the screen as he contemplated what to do next. Should he go ahead with the order and costumes they’d already decided on or start over? What would they even cosplay as otherwise? Did Aqua have something in mind? Surely he would have said something if he had, right?  Should he call him and ask? Then again, he couldn’t just discard his brother’s suggestion. Either way, someone was going to be left disappointed… 
Damn it, I shouldn’t have left it until last minute to decide on our costumes and ordering them! Next year, I’m planning things WELL in advance. He hit the back button and returned to scouring the selection of outfits on offer. If my Aquamarine wants to cosplay as a couple, then cosplay as a couple we shall!
A couple of days later, Aqua returned home to his apartment with a spring in his step as he carried his costume in a hangable garment cover. Today was Halloween and after having finished work early for the day, he was now about to change for the party at the orphanage in a couple of hours time.
“Oh, I didn’t expect to see you there, Yami!” he’d jumped at the sight of the TV being on with his brother slouched in front of it. Excitedly, he unzipped the garment cover to show of his outfit for that evening. “LOOK at my costume! I’m going as Fix-It Felix and Seto as Wreck-It Ralph… “ his words trailed off as he took a closer look at his brother eating Blue Eyes Berry Blast cereal directly from the box as he watched the TV, something the other only did if he was feeling down. “Oh no… did you lose your job?”
“No.” Yami calmly replied as several small brightly coloured balls levitated out of the box and into his mouth. “Just taking a sick day.”
“You’re sick?”
“Not quite…” 
“Then what is it?” Aqua asked as he studied his brother’s face, now noticing the redness of his twin’s eyes and nose.
“I, um…I… I got dumped.” Yami confessed as he fought back another wave of heartache.
“What?!” Aqua’s heart sank as he saw his brother dissolve into tears. He placed his costume down on the spare chair and raced to the other’s side to hug him tightly. “Oh, Moony, I’m so sorry. Do you want to talk about it?”
“There’s not much to talk about.” Yami sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes whilst he remained in his brother’s hold. “Josh texted me on my way to work and said it was over. Apparently, he’d been seeing several others as well as me and decided he liked one of them better; I mean, who does that?”
“What an asshole!” Aqua growled as Yami commenced sobbing heavily. Again his heart broke for his brother and he realised how lucky he’d been himself to have bumped into Kaiba on that overcrowded train. Sure things hadn’t been easy for them to get to where they were today, but he knew there was no way his Teddy Bear would have ever played him and broken his heart like that.
Several minutes past before Yami’s sobs and tears ceased. Slowly he pulled back from his brother’s arms. “For a moment there, I thought I might have found something with Josh. We were getting along so well. I was even planning on testing his reaction to some of my magic tonight. Nothing fancy, just little tricks I could easily pass off as Halloween hijinks if his reaction wasn’t quite as hoped… But now, I just feel extremely foolish for having thought of him as my boyfriend in the first place.” 
“Forget about him, Moony. He’s not worth your tears or time.” His words didn’t seem to register in those waterlogged eyes. Unsure of whether or not his twin would be okay without him there, Aqua pulled out his phone. “I’m going to call Seto and tell him I can’t make tonight.”
“What?!” Yami couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Don’t! I’ll be okay, I promise, you go and have fun.”
“I’m NOT leaving you like this.” Aqua pouted with tearful eyes of his own. He didn’t want to let down either of the two most important men in his life and wished there was a way he could make it possible to be with both of them… An idea suddenly hit him and he brightened up. “You can come with us! I’m sure Seto won’t mind, and the kids at the orphanage will just LOVE your magic tricks.-“
“Akie, no!” Yami was too slow in stopping the other from dialling the CEO’s number. “You don’t have to do this! I’ll be fine… honest!”
Not only had Aqua dialled his boyfriend’s number, but he also had it on speaker phone as it was swiftly answered. “Hey, Muffin!”
“Hey, Teddy Bear…” Aqua’s voice was slightly slower and more high pitched than usual.
“There’s only two situations were you talk in that silly voice, and since we’re not in the bedroom, I can only assume you’re after something?”
“That’s your bedroom voice?” Yami tried his best to just mouth his astonishment but failed spectacularly as he snorted in amusement at seeing his twin glow with embarrassment.
There was a tired sigh across the line. “You have me on speaker phone, don’t you?”
“Yeah. It’s just Yami though, Bunny’s already at your place. Besides, I bet you have me on speaker phone too.”
“That’s different; I’m driving. AND I’m alone… What’s up?”
Aqua’s embarrassment was short lived at seeing the brief smile it had brought to his brother’s face. He flashed a smile back as he answered his boyfriend’s query. “I was wondering if it would be okay for Yami to join us tonight?” 
“You remember what I said about the double date thing, right?”
“I do. Trust me, it’s the complete opposite. Sorta.”
Yami stared in confusion and whispered to his twin, “What’s that about double dates?”
Aqua waved his arm to single the other to be quiet. “He er, got dumped and doesn’t want to be on his own right now.”
There was no way Yami was going to take the blame for ruining the couple’s plans,- how dare his twin lie!,- and was about to argue that he said no such thing when Kaiba beat him to breaking the silence:
“I’m sorry to hear things didn’t work out between you and your date, Yami.”
“That’s okay, he was an asshole anyhow.” he shrugged things off casually in response to the genuine concern being shown. 
“Even if that’s true, I’d be happy for you to hang with us tonight.”
Yami was overwhelmed at the kindness being shown to him by his brother’s boyfriend. Things may have soured on the dating scene, but there were still people out there who cared about him. “Thanks, I’d like that... Providing I won’t be infringing on things, that is?”
“Of course not.” Kaiba assured. “I’ll pick you both up in a couple of hours. If you’re going to be wearing a costume, make sure it isn’t anything that would scare a small child.”
“Got it.” Yami confirmed as he exchanged smiles with his twin.
“Have I ever told you, you’re the best?” Aqua beamed with pride at just how wonderfully accepting his boyfriend truly was.
“Lots of times, especially when I-“
“You’re on speaker phone, remember? Gotta keep it clean.” Aqua felt his face flush as he raced to interrupt his boyfriend before details of their sex life were spilt for his brother to hear.
“No Seto, please continue.” Yami chuckled. “I’d love to hear all abo-OUCH!!! Okay, I think Akie wants to end this call now.”
Kaiba let loose a small laugh as he’d easily envisioned the sharp elbow jab that had been given to Yami’s side. “Bye, Muffin.”
“Bye, Teddy Bear.” Aqua ended the call and continued to menacingly glare at his twin. “Pervert.”
“Pfft, like Seto would have really gone ahead with sharing intimate things like that,” Yami shrugged off the look that he knew wasn’t serious. “I know he’s unpredictable at times, but he strikes me as the kind of person that would just wind someone up, not kiss and tell.”
The mock angered look was dropped and Aqua went on to raise the subject of his brother’s outfit for the evening. “What costume are you planning on wearing?”
“Well I was going to be a rather scary-looking werewolf, though I guess I’m going to have to abandon that until next year now.” The elder twin silently pondered what else he could throw together at such short notice. “Do you think a vampire is considered too scary? Obviously I’ll leave off the blood, but do you think Seto would approve of my choice?”
“I know a costume he does approve of.” Aqua smiled brightly.
“No, I’m not wearing that ridiculous sleepwear of yours.”
Ignoring the swipe taken at his Blue Eyes onesie,- which happened to match the ones owned by both Kaiba brothers,- Aqua raced to the spare chair, picked up the garment cover containing his costume and held it out towards his brother. “You go as Felix and I’ll raid my closet to make Vanellope’s outfit. That way our cosplays will remain on theme and be ‘Seto Kaiba approved’. Besides, we both know Vanellope is much more my style.”
“Why didn’t you just tell him?” Yami sighed as he took the costume from his brother. It was pretty obvious that his twin had seized the opportunity with all his might to change to the character he would now be portraying that evening. “Seto’s no stranger to you crossdressing. I’m sure he wouldn’t have minded if you had told him that you would have preferred to dress as someone more feminine.”
“But he was so happy when Mokuba made the suggestion, I didn’t want to disappoint him.” Aqua countered in his defence whilst failing to mention he had hinted an alternative. His eyes began to darken slightly as he thought back to his Teddy Bear dismissing the idea of cosplaying as a couple.
“Akie…” Yami frowned at the sight he saw. “I know you like to see others happy, but it’s okay to put your happiness first every once in a while.”
Aqua remained silent as he took in his brother’s words. Was he always going to be like this and put other people before himself? What was so wrong in wanting to see happiness in others’ eyes, especially his boyfriend’s? “I better start working on my outfit if we’re going to be ready for when Seto arrives. I’ve got at least one colour spell to cast.”
With that said, Aqua headed to his room and left Yami standing their holding the Fix-It Felix costume.
As Kaiba pulled up to his mansion, he saw Fuguta standing by the limo that would soon be chauffeuring Mokuba and his friends around as they went trick-or-treating. 
“Is my brother keeping you waiting?” the CEO asked as he unloaded the huge box of candy treats and his costume from the back of his Mercedes. 
“Only by a few minutes, sir.” Fuguta replied and rushed to help his boss with closing the car door.
“Thanks.” Kaiba bobbed his head in gratitude for the assistance that hadn’t been asked for. “I’ll see to it that he’s out here asap.”
“Thank you, sir.” 
Fuguta remained by the limo’s side as Kaiba walked up to the mansion and entered by using his elbows to push down the door’s handle whilst he balanced the heavy load in his hands.
Now inside, he wasted no time in shouting up the huge stairwell. “Mokuba! Brunhilde! You two better not keep Fuguta waiting any longer!”
“Sorry, bro, we’ll be right down!” 
Satisfied with his brother’s response, Kaiba made his way into the kitchen. He carefully placed the huge box and garment cover on the breakfast bar top, and then set about making himself some coffee. Faint murmurs of ‘ooooh, oop oop’ left his lips as he happily hummed to himself. Tonight was going to be the best Halloween ever. The kids at the orphanage were in for a real treat with all that he’d prepared for them,- which Roland was currently overseeing the final stages of set-up,- and he bet that hardly anyone would recognise him in his costume.
“Ooooh, oop oop!”
With the coffee pot now brewing, Kaiba headed towards the refrigerator to retrieve the milk. There was a slight,- almost dance-like,- flare to his steps. I can’t wait to see Aquamarine’s face…
“Ooooh, oop oop!”
Just as he was about to open the refrigerator, his eyes caught sight of a goose waddling towards him on his left and his happy mood instantly vanished. Where THE FUCK did that come from?!
Kaiba’s heart raced as fear took a hold of him. He franticly scrambled backwards to put distance between himself and the goose which only followed him instead. “Stay back!” he yelled and extended his arms in an attempt to shoo the bird away.
His actions caused the goose,- which he now noticed was wearing a ribbon tied in a bow,- to rear its wings and hiss. Oh god, he hated that noise. 
More fear filled Kaiba’s body and in act of desperation, he looked for something to use as a weapon if the goose should lunge at him. He saw a huge knife block to his right and pulled out the cleaver which he then held before him in a shaky hand.
“WHOA, WHOA!” Mokuba’s voice sounded as he came rushing on the scene. His eyes were almost as big and fearful as his brother’s as he stepped beside the bird and gently eased it back with one arm. “It’s okay Seto! It’s not a goose, it’s just Nacre. Look.” 
The bow around the goose’s neck was undone, causing a small golden star that had held it in place to dissolve into dust. The nightmare bird instantly transformed into his beautiful pet dragon. 
“See? It’s Nacre. She wouldn’t ever harm you.”
It was a spell? Kaiba didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or scream obscenities at his brother. He put the cleaver back in the knife block before his trembling legs gave way and he sank to the floor.  His arms then reached towards the curious little Blue Eyes trying to determine what was wrong with her human, and pulled her into a close embrace before burying his face against her scales. In a moment or two he knew he’d be okay, he just had to regain control of his breathing first.
“This is my fault,” Mokuba remorsefully confessed. “We were playing Untitled Goose Game and I let it slip out that you have a fear of geese. Brunhilde didn’t believe me, so we cast a charm on Nacre… I’m sorry, Seto. I never thought it would be this traumatic for you.”
Kaiba’s head slowly rose and he met his brother’s eye. “You were playing that trash?” He wasn’t sure if he felt more betrayed by his phobia being revealed, or the fact his brother had been playing,- and thus, had purchased,- the game that had kept the European release of Duel Links from the number one spot in the games chart. 
“I’m to blame just as much!” Brunhilde,- dressed as the Kiwi Magician Girl, and holding Mokuba’s Kaibaman helmet,- bravely declared as she now stood several feet away from the two brothers. Even if Kaiba wasn’t the tsundere she’d been assured by others that he was, she wasn’t about to let her friend take all the flak for the prank they’d just pulled. Yes, she’d found it funny at first, but soon changed her mind at seeing the distress that had been caused. “It was my game we were playing and I shouldn’t have doubted what Mokie told me… I’m sorry, Mr Kaiba.”
You’re such a liar, Bunny. We both know it’s MY game. Mokuba thought as he watched his friend speak to his brother. He had to give her credit though for use of his nickname and addressing the other so highly. It was bound to strum a heartstring or two with his brother so he’d go easy on them.
“I accept both your apologies.” Kaiba told them after a moment of brief consideration. Neither of them had meant to cause harm; they were just mischievous and naive, and both seemed genuinely remorseful about the whole thing. Even so, he still had a reputation to uphold. “We’ll put this incident down to ‘misadventure’… But if either of you tell anyone about this, you’re dead.”
Aw yeah, we’re off the hook! Mokuba rejoiced at hearing the jesting threat they’d received. He took his helmet from Brunhilde whilst his brother battled with the dragon refusing to let him get back up onto his feet.
“Oh, I won’t tell anyone,” she smirked. “For a price, that it.”
Now back on his feet, Kaiba raised a quizzical brow at hearing the girl’s quip. 
“Don’t push your lucky, Bunny,” Mokuba tittered as Nacre returned to his side. “You do that, and they may never find our bodies.”
Whilst Kaiba appreciated his brother’s continuation and reenforcement of the menacing jest, he wasn’t about the let the brazenness of his boyfriend’s little sister go unrewarded. “Name your price, Kiddo.”
Brunhilde hadn’t expected her demand to taken seriously. She kept her cool and replied, “Three bars of chocolate ought to do it.”
Kaiba made his way over to the huge box of candy destined for the orphanage, and pulled out a multipack of five bars of the requested confectionary. “Catch.”
“Not fair!” Mokuba protested as he watched his brother toss the whole pack towards his friend. “How come she gets candy and I didn’t?”
“You want candy? All you had to do was ask. Here, take this.” Kaiba reached inside his jacket’s inside pocket and tossed a roll of hard candies his brother’s way.
Mokuba caught the candy which he nearly lost to Nacre who attempted to catch them in her open jaws. He was less than impressed with his reward. “Really, Seto? Brunhilde gets chocolate and I get your crappy matcha candy?”
“Take it, or leave it.” Kaiba told his sibling. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the little spellcaster opening her multipack.
“Here, Mokie, I’m not going to eat them all.” Brunhilde dropped the extra two chocolate bars she’d been given into her friend’s treat bucket.
“Thank you.”
“Oh, and NEVER turn down free candy on Halloween.” She took the roll of hard candies from Mokuba’s hand and dropped them into his bucket too. 
“Before you three leave, I want a quick snap,” Kaiba said as he took out his phone. He then waited for his brother to place on the helmet before taking a picture of the trio of duel monsters. “That’s great. Now get a move on before you make Fuguta wait any longer.”
Mokuba and Brunhilde waved goodbye as they left with Nacre. Kaiba returned to making his coffee and forwarded the picture he’d just taken to his boyfriend’s phone.
[TEXT from Sugar Muffin] OMG, they look fantastic! 
[TEXT to Sugar Muffin] Not as fantastic as we’re going to look ;)
Rather (un)surprisingly, Aqua’s yellow hoodie was the only thing that had required a colour charm spell to make it mint green for his cosplay. Everything else,- including the double layer, pleated black skirt,- he already had at hand for recreating Vanellope’s von Schweetz’s look. 
All he had left to do was his hair, which would take no time at all. It simply needed to be placed in a high ponytail with a dark pink tie, and some candy themed clips on one side. He was halfway done when there was a knock at the door. “Moony, could you get that? I’m still busy setting sprinkles in my hair!”
“Sure. It’ll probably be Seto anyway.”” Yami shouted back from where he sat playing with the golden toy hammer that had come with the costume he was wearing. Lazily he went to answer the door and greet his brother’s boyfriend. “Aqua’s still changing, he’ll be done in… a… Whoa, is that really you Seto?”
“Yami?” Kaiba stared back at the gaping mouthed plumber who wasn’t his boyfriend. “Why are you wearing that costume?”
“I was about to ask you the same question, Sergeant.” Yami opened the door wider and gestured for the blonde haired woman to enter. “Aaua told me that you were going to be Wreck-It Ralph tonight.”
“Originally I was, yes.” Kaiba entered the apartment with the first tinge of embarrassment he’d felt since putting the costume on. 
“So what happened? Why are you standing here dressed as Calhoun? I mean, you look great and everything…”
“I wanted to surprise Aqua.” Kaiba couldn’t bring himself to look at Yami as he spoke. Damn it, he felt so foolish right now! “When we were discussing costume ideas, he mentioned that he liked the sound of cosplaying as a couple. I didn’t understand what he meant at the time. I learnt what he truly meant just as I was about to place our costumes order and… I didn’t want to disappoint him so changed my outfit accordingly so we’d get to… Heh, I’ve made an idiot of myself haven’t I?”
“No, you haven’t.” Yami assured. “But you and he REALLY need to learn how to communicate better.”
Kaiba wasn’t sure what was meant by the remark. He felt that despite their disastrous start at admitting feelings for one and other, he and Aqua were doing well together as a couple. Was his boyfriend’s twin trying to imply that they weren’t? Why would he do that? Was it because he had bitter feelings about being dumped earlier that day?…
“Seto, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but I really need to know… Is that a breastplate you’re wearing?”
“Yes,” he answered with a little too much assertion than he’d intended. “They’re completely fake.”
The sound of excited footsteps running down the hall could be heard and Aqua came bursting in on them in full character mood. “Hey there, Stinkbrain! Bet you’re surprised t-to… s-see… m-me…? ” his words became spaced and stuttered as his eyes landed upon his boyfriend. “Teddy Bear?”
“I’ll um… just leave you two alone.” 
Kaiba waited until Yami was out of earshot before talking. “I don’t understand what’s going on here, Muffin. Why are you dressed as Vanellope instead of Felix?”
“I um… er… Well, you see… Yami needed a costume, and I… I thought it would be okay for him to have mine. I knew I could pull off this look,. It’s more my style after all… If I had known you were going to do THIS, I.. I w-w-wouldn’t have… given Yami…”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Kaiba hugged his boyfriend who he could see was becoming upset over the situation. “If anyone is to blame here, it’s me for trying to surprise you.”
“I didn’t think you knew what couples’ cosplay was.” Aqua sniffed as he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. 
“I didn’t.” Kaiba confessed. “I discovered it purely by accident. It went straight over my head when you mentioned it.”
Aqua failed to hide an amused laugh. He really had been worry about nothing when he’d assumed the worst. Pulling back slowly from the embrace, his fingers traced the curves of his boyfriend’s tight bodysuit and armour. “You crossplayed for me too.”
“I didn’t see the big deal.” Kaiba casually shrugged. “It’s just clothes, right?”
What he’d just been told was a huge contrast to the way his boyfriend would have felt about wearing such an outfit at the start of their relationship. The fact his Teddy Bear now felt so carefree and without worry about other people’s opinion of him, it brought a smile to Aqua’s face… but it didn’t stay there. “I’ll have a word with Yami and change into Felix for you.”
“No, that’s not what I want.” Kaiba stated as he looked down into those eyes that failed to portray the other’s joy. Aqua wasn’t going to change because he wanted to, he was going to do it because he thought that was what was wanted of him. Kaiba now understood what Yami had meant by communicating better and sought to do so from then on. “I’m going to ask you something, and I want complete honesty from you, okay?”
“If given the choice, who would you rather cosplay as, Vanellope or Felix? Ignore the fact that I’m here like this, and tell me which one makes YOU the most comfortable.”
Aqua hesitated for a moment before answering honestly like he’d agreed. “Vanellope,” he spoke quietly as if ashamed of his answer.
“Vanellope.” Kaiba repeated and nodded to indicate that the choice was every bit a valid as the man making the decision. “Then STAY as you are. Your happiness makes me happy.”
“What? No, I can’t! You went to all this trouble for me-“
“It’s NEVER any trouble when you’re involved. YOU’RE never any trouble, Aquamarine…” Kaiba’s hand found it’s way to softly caress Aqua’s check and help calm his boyfriend’s agitated state. “Besides, even if you were, I would gladly inconvenience myself for you.”
Aqua could only stare into those eyes fixed upon him with nothing but love and warmth. He returned his own in the form of a deep kiss delivered to his boyfriend’s lips. “Thank you,” he whispered when they eventually parted.
“What for?” Kaiba asked as he reconnected to the ruby gaze that now sparkled brighter than the stars in the night sky.
“For loving me.”
A tearful smile was given in response to those words. Although Kaiba had never said the phrase ‘I love you’ himself, he was emotionally moved to know that his feelings towards Aqua were felt nonetheless. “You’re welcome, Muffin.”
The couple were about to share another kiss when the sound of Yami’s voice caused them to cease, “You two may have no trouble seeing beyond your costumes, but from where I’m at, it looks completely wrong to see a grown woman and child locking lips.”
“Thank you for ruining our moment, Moony!” Aqua snarked at his twin before he burst into gentle laughter. “I guess we do look pretty weird together.”
“Don’t worry, next year we will match in all of our ‘couples’ cosplay’ glory.” Kaiba assured dramatically.
“How can you be certain?” Aqua laughed as he hugged his Teddy Bear once more.
“Because we’ll sit down and decide on things together. No more surprises.”
“No more surprises, ever?”
“I guess I could make the odd exception every now and then-“
“Okay, break it up you two!” Yami physically placed himself between his brother and the CEO. “We’ve got an orphanage to entertain this evening, remember? From now on, we should remain in character until the night is through. No more smooches for you.”
“Okay, I can do that.” Aqua grinned and then headed towards the apartment door. Over his shoulder he playfully teased, “As husband and wife though, have fun when one of the kids asks you to share a kiss at some point during the party.”
Seto simply smirked as he followed on behind whilst Yami was beginning to wonder if it wasn’t too late to don his twin’s Blue Eyes onesie after all.
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riyuyami · 7 years ago
I’m calling the novelist/artist AU In Plain Sight, cause it’s basically how it is throughout this story.
Anyway, here’s a one-shot of the day Atemu moves in next door.
“Were you waiting long?”
Heba turned from tending to the ibises that flocked the private gardens, smiling as he looked at the man who had approached him. Atem was dressed down, in the simple dressings of a man about to rest for the evening, though he still wore much of his gold. It looked nice on him, in the lights of the fires that burned in the oil lamps around the gardens.
“I just arrived here not too long ago, are you finally free of your duties for this day, my king?” Heba smiled as he stood up, approaching the living god.
“I am, now I am free to spend the rest of the waking hours with y-”
The sharp, loud ringing of Yugi’s cell phone cut off his current sentence, making the man sigh loudly in annoyance as he dug into his pocket for the phone. He knew who was calling even without looking at the photo of the happy brunette girl on the screen. “Hello Anzu, what’s up?” He asked as he saved his file, quick to look at a different window on his computer screen.
There wasn’t much to do at work here at Kaiba Corp today, so Yugi had decided to work on a bit of his... well... his side fanfiction for his own work. Luckily, no one has figured out that on ao3, he writes erotic Atem/Heba fanfics for his own novel series, Millennium World.
And just as he was working on the latest one-shot, Anzu decided to call, breaking him out of his writing mood.
“Hey Yugi!” She happily replied. “Guess what, we’re getting a new neighbor!”
“A new neighbor?” Yugi raised an eyebrow, smirking. “Bakura’s finally moving out? Good, I’m tired of him stealing my socks from the laundry room.”
“If you actually just sat there and waited for the laundry to finish, you wouldn’t have to buy new ones each month. Anyway, no, he’s still here, but he’s getting a roommate.”
“Is it Marik? Did they finally get hitched?”
“No.” Anzu spoke. “This is a new guy, and... he’s kinda cute.”
Yugi groaned, leaning back in his chair. “Anzu... come on, I don’t need you trying to pair me up with some guy, just cause he’s long, tan, and handsome!”
“Well, you’re right on the last two, but this guy is... kinda on the short side. But he’s adorable, and looks like he works out. He’s in a skin tight shirt...”
“Are you trying to find me a boyfriend, or are you trying to tell me how much you want the guy yourself?” Yugi joked, smiling at the laugh he got from his best friend.
“Maybe both, but he’s pretty dang cute. Want me to describe him?”
“Sure, why not?”
“Okay, as I said, he’s short, but he’s built nice. Looks like he’s in leather pants that... ooooh, that’s a nice butt. Not as nice as yours, but still. His hair is... kinda like yours, oddly enough.”
Yugi raised an eyebrow. “How?”
“Well, it’s black and spiky as all hell, but instead of purple, its tipped in red. I think it’s natural, same with the golden bangs, oooh, he’s got high lights too. And he’s got big dorky glasses on, you know the king that Ryou wears when he’s painting those figures for his games? Those kind. Still, they make him look-OH! He’s looking at me...!”
“Where are you?”
“In the hallway, I’m checking on Ms. Norton’s cat for her while she’s away, remember? Well, I step out and see him, and now he’s looking at-Hello! Sorry, I’m talking on the phone!”
Yugi blushed deeply, feeling so embarrassed for Anzu right now. He kept the phone to his ear though, hearing a rather deep, rich voice speak up.
“Oh, it’s alright, I figured I should introduce myself. But I can wait until you’re done.”
Oooh, he sounds so formal and polite. Is that an accent? Yugi could hear an accent... oh shit, he really liked those, and living in New York was like a smorgasbord of them...
“Oh, it’s fine!” Anzu spoke up. “I’m just talking to my roommate, hey, maybe when you’re done moving in, we can introduce ourselves, I’m sure he’d love to meet you!”
“Ah? Sounds delightful, miss!” Deep Voice said, sounding pleased as peaches. “I shall be looking forward to it!”
Suddenly, Yugi heard the unmistakable voice of his strange neighbor, Bakura, shouting from a distance. “Get your ass back over here! I’m not building your bed set!”
There was a sigh from Deep Voice. “I will see you this evening, you and your friend then. So long.”
It was quiet before Anzu spoke again. “Yugi, if you don’t want him, can I have him?”
When Yugi arrived home from work, it was a bit past five in the evening and he had stopped to pick up something from a local bakery. It was a nice little shop, one that Anzu and Yugi frequented, run by a quiet girl with pale hair and blue eyes who adored Yugi. She liked to show him magic tricks when he came to visit.
He had bought a sample plate of pastries and cookies from the bakery, his mother had always taught him to be polite and bring a gift as a house warming treat for new neighbors.
He stood outside of Bakura’s door with Anzu, his face feeling warm. “I kinda wish you had sent me a picture so I know who I’m gonna be dealing with tonight...” He mumbled to her.
“I sent you a picture.”
“His ass is lovely, but not what I wanted to see.”
Anzu rolled her eyes and knocked on the door. “Take what you can get, Yugi.”
Yugi twitched when he heard the muffled voice of the man from the call earlier, before the door opened. Standing there was... well... Yugi had always wondered what his pharaoh character would look like in real life, and no amount of fan cosplay could compare to the sight of this man before him.
The man looked just like the spitting image of Pharaoh Atem, from Yugi’s own novels, albeit covered in what looked to be bits of paint on his cheeks, hands, and skin-tight olive shirt. He was wearing huge glasses, that took up much of his face, but they didn’t hide the smoldering crimson eyes that sat behind them. Yugi suddenly felt the urge to write poetry about this man, to write about him in great detail on his blog or in his stories like the cheesy romance writer that he is.
The man blinked, before his cheeks turned a dark shade of a red, and he smiled brightly. “Ah! You are my new neighbors! Lovely to see you again, miss, and who is this beautiful man?”
Yugi almost dropped the plate in his hands. “B-Beautiful...?!” He squeaked, getting a laugh from the man.
“Sorry, it’s just... you are a rather lovely looking man, and your friend is beautiful as well. Heh, sorry, I’m... an artist of sorts, can’t really turn off the attention to detail and such. I’m Atemu Hakem! And you are?”
“I’m Anzu Mazaki, and my friend here, that you seem to have broken, is Yugi Mutou. We’re your neighbors!”
“Hehe, I can tell. Lucky you came now, Bakura stepped out to grab Chinese, we’re in the middle of setting up my room, but he wanted food. Oh, what’s that?” Atemu asked, looking at the plate in Yugi’s hands.
“A-a gift...! For, uh, you..!” Yugi sputtered out, holding out the plate, mentally kicking his own ass for sounding like such a fool.
Atemu blinked, but smiled as he took it. “Oh, thank you, this is so nice of- Is that Heba’s necklace?!”
This caught Yugi and Anzu off-guard as Atemu reached out, touching the golden triangular necklace that hung from Yugi’s neck. It was a gift Yugi got years ago as a child and he always wore it, it was a protection charm from Egypt (though Yugi thinks that Grandpa didn’t really buy it like he said, and that he got it during his tomb raiding days...). And yes, in Yugi’s novels, he has the character Heba wear this exact necklace, the first gift given to him by his lover.
“Are you... are you a fan of Millennium World?” Atemu asked, his eyes wide and practically sparkling.
Yugi’s cheeks turned pink and he nodded, not sure what to really say.
“That’s amazing! I’ve never met another man who enjoyed the series! Say, you kinda look like Heba, with that hair, wish he had the purple tips like you, haha! I think I’m gonna like being your neighbor, Yugi!”
Yugi just smiled, nodding, he wondered if the floor could just swallow him up right now.
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goddamnitaisha · 7 years ago
Please list your top 5-10 would-bang characters, possibly segmented by gender/sex if it makes sense to, in descending order. I need to know how similar we are. :D
I’m laughing SO HARD because we probably are similar. I mean, @lilly-white​ has such good taste. I will immediately answer this question. 
Usually, if it has silver hair I probably want to bang it. 
Lastly…. Okay, yes, now the list. No actually, I’ll place the list at the top of this answer and then place all the TMI/too-much-information text under a readmore.
                                           T H E   L I S T
Iason (Ai no Kusabi) King of all Seme characters. Since this list is just about banging characters, I have to put him on top. 
Sephiroth - (FF7) my interpretation of him post-Nibelheim: a sane, arrogant, brilliant god and wreck of a person.
Lotor -  (Voltron Legendary Defender) See how high he is on my list? I have him in my ‘to cosplay’ list with not his name but with the text: “I HAVE SUCH A TYPE”. There is nothing about him that I don’t love.
Orochimaru (Naruto) His voice, his arrogance, the cheekbones, and the things he could do with that long tongue. 
Uchiha Itachi / Sasuke / Madara (Naruto) I’ve been trying to choose between these three for 10 years now) (I like the artwork interpretation of the Japanese fan-artist ‘Lily’ best.) 
^That is my hard-bargained top 5 in that order.  Now comes the rest. I still love them tons and tons, but not as much as the ones up ^there. 
Kisame (Naruto) (japanse voice actor) Terrifying face/reputation/fighting methods since he has no qualms with sawing someone’s legs off. But he would make the perfect father of a child. He is muscled, chatty, caring, thoughtful, loyal, sweet, protective and reliable. If I could bang him, I would not prick but punch holes in the condoms.
Skulduggery Pleasant (books by Derek Landy) ASREON DONT JUDGE ME. He is funny, powerful, reliable, cuttroat and has this dark edge that I really dig. 
Loki (as portrayed by Tom Hiddleston) Anywhere in the timeline after he arrived on Earth. I like him under Thanos control, as I like him as ‘shit annoying little brother’. I like it when he is smug: “It buuurns, doesn’t it?” (Avengers) and when he is indignant: “We are not doing ‘get help’.” (Thor: Ragnarok) yet still plays along in the end. 
Oikawa (Haikyuu) because his killer volleyball serve is too sexy, as are his mood switches and his I’m gonna fuck you up-grin. He get to me every time. (Kageyama is also somewhat a fave.)
Lord Carden - Bloodlines (Character from my needs-a-rewrite novel series, Bloodlines. Yes, I want to bang an OC, but in my defence, Lilly also once mentioned wanting to bang him. My friend Jack did too. He is a mix between Iason and Kisame: cutthroat and sexy but best dad.)
Embarrassing TMI & disclaimers & characters that didn’t make the list, are all under the cut!
The order listed below is from top(best)-down(last) and always subject to change depending on my mood and fandoms. 
These are characters I would want to bang - not the ones I would sign up to spend the rest of my life with (in most cases that’d be an awfully short life).
I may change this list if anyone brings in better suggestions. 
I can’t decide whether I want to sleep with these people, or want to be these people (role models).  
I’m still in the process of trying to figure myself out. I have lived my life as a loner or as a quiet follower (because speaking up was often discouraged in my social circles). 
My younger brother recently pointed out to me that in almost every relationship there is a leader (the person who initiates plans and decides what and how) and a follower-guardian (who protects the leader from doing anything stupid, this person says “that’s not a good idea” and when they put their foot down it’s DOWN and the leader can do nothing but respect it.)
My brother told me that I’m a leader type: the person that initiates wild adventures. Not the follower-guardian. So OKAY, I’m a leader who thinks she is a follower? I don’t know if I’m sub or dom. 
There is this quote I’m trying to remember, said by either a gay guy or a powerful motherly woman who helps the girl-protagonist. An american production. Intonation is kind. Couldn’t find it with google. Goes something like this: 
“People won’t know whether they want to hate(/fight?) you, want to fuck (/sleep with) you or if they want to be you~
That’s the quote I want to put in here. 
What I usually fall for in a character:
Most of the characters I want to bang are calm, self-assured, don’t get worried fast, and are good at what they do. They firmly hold to a certain view of life. They can hold their own in a discussion. They are NEVER lazy, they are hardworking. They never have a nihilistic approach to life, they want to gain all they can get. They have an arrogance that tastes like honey to me. That cheeky, taunting, unimpressed, underhanded, self-assured, i-know-I’m-right, tone is a drug to me. Some examples are: - “Are you sure about that?” and - “I wouldn’t do that if I were you” and - “Is that the best you can do, Cloud?” and - “Foolish little brother, you’re not strong enough, ku ku ku…” That degrading tone that puts me on my place and him on a pedestal…! Yes, I find that finger-licking attractive. 
But I can never figure out if those tones appeal so much to me because they are spoken from a leader perspective as if to discipline a pet, or from a follower/guardian perspective that calmly undermines the leader’s bad idea. (”Sure Mr. King if you want to follow that route… but I’ll stay here and wait until you come back”)
My current running theory is that I’m a leader who thinks she’s a follower? I’ve not levelled up enough in life to decide where I am as a sexual partner as sub or dom or switch. I’ve been a service top/service dom to 2/3rds of my partners and in the 1/3rd of the occasions I did enjoy being sub but maybe that’s because I prioritised myself there. Usually I focus on my partner and aaaah I’m rambling RAMBLE RAMBLE. tl:dr; I need to get laaaid and figure this ouuuut with a person I truuuust.
Characters that didn’t make the list, but which I wish I could include somewhere in a top 30 are these listed below. You can tell by the bolded font which names I took out of my top 10.  
Maleficent (Angelina Jolie)
Cersei (Lena from Game of Thones)
Icy (Winx Club season 1)
Wonder Woman (as portrayed by Gal Gadot) because she’s a perfect. Marvel Studios gave me a female hero and a female superhuman but they did not give me a female superhero. DC did. I’m such a fan of her.
Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh. But that says little,  I’ve had crushes on almost the entire cast. Mainly Seto Kaiba and Yami-Yugi.)
Victor (Yuri-on-Ice) when he wasn’t shown as a person with feelings but still had his idol status.
Riddick - but then again, who wouldn’t do Vin Diesel as Riddick? Especially the second movie.
Aranea (FF15) She was wonderful as a character but I am still salty she was a bit of a disappointment in the narrative, I expected she would be more involved in the narrative of the game.
V (from V for Vendetta the movie) - again the humour, dark past, power, reliability. I fall in love with him every time I watch the film. But I don’t know if I would do him with his mask off? I like the grandiose idea of him.
I’m going to risk burn marks and put Azula (Avatar series) on here.
Tahno (Avatar Korra series)
Rufus Shinra - (FF7 ACC)The smug remarks, power, face, count me in.
Pitch (Rise of the Guardians)Light (Death Note manga)  
I will always love Riku (Kingdom Hearts) But since he’s so dear to me and part of a franchise for children, I don’t want to think about having sex with him but I totally want to. It’s a grey area. I like him especially when he is lost in darkness and arrogant. But honestly, I really like him in all timelines. I was not ready for KH3′s version. I will always love Riku.
Last notes:
To summarize, I like murder + power + strong worldview + smug undermining comments + smirks.
I think it is curious that I only listed male characters in my top 10. It seems that I am not as bisexual as I thought, or that modern media fails in adequate female gender representation. I could not have been offered enough female characters of the Wonder Woman quality. Now I’ll post this answer before something glitches and I lose all I typed. 
Hope you liked this!
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blipblorpsnork · 7 years ago
1. Who would you most like to cosplay as? 2. How do you feel about cats? 3. Do you have a special stuffed animal/toy you love?
1) God right now I’m in such a weird place with cosplay because I need to lose weight SO badly (no, you don’t have to be thin to cosplay. *I* want to be thinner.) and cosplaying male characters that I’m not thin enough or don’t pass enough for sparks my dysphoria. BUT. Probably Yugi Mutou from YGO! or maybe Levi from SnK.
2) I feel very strongly about cats. Actually!! I haven’t seen Hobbes, the neighborhood kitty, in a couple weeks because I don’t get out of the house much but he came to visit us today! And he was super lovey as always and rubbed against my face and bumped noses with me to give me kitty kisses. And he stole from condensation from my coffee cup lol.
3) I do! I have a couple :3 One is named Kyo-chan (his full name, but I call him Kyo), and I don’t have him with me currently but he’s a little cat (?? I think?? He’s a bit ambiguous, some of us thought maybe he was a bear lmao) in a sleeping onsie and he had a sleep cap but I pulled it off lmao. He used to be bright green but I took a black Sharpie to him and darkened the onsie to make it a really deep green. His fur is orange and he has a purple row across his head from the back of his head to his nose :3 I’ve had him since 7th grade. A friend brought a HUGE back of stuffed animals to school on the last day of 7th grade and gave one to all of her friends and to this day I haven’t forgotten about that. He’s always been super important to me.
The second one is Kit! He’s a BoxFox from Mamath (she has such amazing plushies!!!) and a very, very close friend of mine from Australia had gifted him to me. He’s a little cube fox, orange and white, and he’s very calming and important to me. Cubes are one of my favorite shapes (I dunno why though, it’s a spectrum thing and I love it, I LOVE cube shaped animals aaa) and I am very close to foxes spiritually so he’s literally perfect. I’ve had him for three or four years now and I sleep with him nearly every night still.
And the third one is a licensed Toy Foxy plush from the Five Nights At Freddy’s franchise. Roll your eyes all you want, anon, but I take my Foxy very seriously! *eyeball emoji* He’s actually extremely important to me. I always keep him dust-free, and always keep one ear upright and the other cocked a bit. I make sure to tell him I appreciate him whenever I pass the toy chest in the bedroom. He helps to keep me safe from my nightmares. I’m barely joking too cause ever since I got him at MomoCon 2017, my nightmares have been a lot less. Part of that is because they come and go in waves, but I feel like my stuffed animals help me too. So Foxy is super, super important to me, and he’s SO damn cute. I know he cares about me too
Thank you soo much for this ask, it was super theraputic to talk about my stuffed animals and I have so much fun telling people about this stuff
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cakenwxnderlust · 8 years ago
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Holy fucking shiznit, I reached 200 followers!
T h a n k  y o u
To everyone that saw my blog somewhere and thought ‘’Yo I should folliow this bish’’ or something along those lines. It means a lot to me that you even thought of checking me out, let alone follow me and/or try to interact.
Some shout-outs under the cut! [inb4 longass post]
Some people both Imnah and I care about a lot and who we’ve gotten v close with since we got here;
@kat-the-yellow-dragon FIRST UP THIS BISH. MEETRA I LOVE YOU. One of the very first I ever interacted with and also preeetty much my tumblr bestie at this point. Be it heacanon’ing, real life shenanigans or just me admiring and drooling over her art, we talk every day and I feel kind of weird at this point if we haven’t talked for a day. Meetra and Kat are both my waifu and I will fite you. I also absolutely love how she writes her Seto and her Seth, and how she writes Jou [even though that blog is still fresh]. I love all our ships, be it queenshipping, fuckmylifeshipping or yellowshipping aaahh- 100/10 best girl
MY MOM.And I love her. She literally send me a message like ‘’yo you wanna ship??’’ and fuck did we ship. Starcakeshipping physically hurts me and I love it. I really love how she writes post-canon Yugi and he’s become one of Imnah’s most important people. We scream headcanon’s at each other, and talk about each other’s real life shit altho we should probs talk more but timezones man fuck them.
@oniric-multimuse-rp ONIBAE. Also one of the first I ever interacted with. We don’t talk as often as we should but when we do I love it. I also love her OC Reina who should totes get more love cause she’s amazing and who doesn’t want a snake waifu. Oni is a cutie and I love how she writes her muses [those I know at least r i p].
@kouhai-tachi KOUHAI. Who is currently at summer camp, the poor thing. The person that pushed me over the edge to make this blog, IT’S THANKS TO HER I’M HERE YA’LL SO THANK HER. Her OC’s are absolute sweethearts, and I personally think she writes about every character I’ve RP’d with her well. She’s a total slut for angst and kidnapping though, dammit kouhai. Also IRL cutie, trust.
@compassionatedestiny / @mpuzzlegirl
PUZZLEEEE. Isabel is a precious cinnamon roll and I love her. Carmon is a sassy dramaqueen and I love her. Puzzle is a precious stardust moon and I love her, I love her writing, her oc’s, I love talking to her, be it shenanigans or plotting or WHATEVER REALLY. Also mate her art is A+++ she’s probs drawn my bab the most cause everytime she posts an art meme I race to her inbox lmao sorry rip. Also the friendship between Imnah and Isa gives me fucking cavities man.
@snowflakeryo BAE. bae. Tayley is an absolutel hunbun. And a meme. Also the only one from here I have on facebook lmao. Such a meme. I really love the roommate verse we have with her Ryo ALSO HOW SHE WRITES RYO LIKE??? Bless. Also we’re married and about to have a kid and if we ever meet IRL we’re going to make smutty euroshipping cosplay pictures and they’re gonna touch my butt. Perfect.
@melvinishtarhugz4life @kisara-albino @heartof-thepharaoh @askduelistyugi @carnal-snake @headstrongaries @nervousflowerboys @gamble-deck @etiolxte @n0-light-with0ut--darkness @ask-henry-yugi-tudor @wisdomsword  @dragontamer05 @veloursnoirs @monochromaticoccultist @jaundiced-champion @askakefia @nefer-seshen
And I probably forgot a few cause I’m terrible at tagging peeps 
rest in tortellini
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arcatsk · 8 years ago
Got tagged by @hiramiyugioh, thanks dear! <3
5 things in my bag: Bottle of cold water (A MUST), A sketchbook, Tissues, Bus-pass card, Pepper spray
5 things in my bedroom:  Bottle of cold water, Yu-Gi-Oh! Posters, Tower fan, Sketchbook, My angry cat that loves to wake me up at 4 AM 
5 things I want to do in life: 
Draw even more prideshipping and Yu-Gi-Oh!, I have SO MANY IDEAS!
Improve my art skills so I can draw whatever I want
Study animation and animate Yu-Gi-Oh! thingies 
Make some more cosplays and visit my friends abroad with them! (ahem, Hirami, looking at you)
Find a job that will appreciate my talent and help me evolve
  5 things I’m currently into:
Prideshipping (platonic and mostly h/c)
Yu-Gi-Oh! DM (since 2003)
Coming up with random ideas every second
Current D&D adventure with my friends
Improving my mental health
5 things on my to-do list: 
Make more arts! (esp. prideshipping)
Improve my art skills, even if a little every day
Get a job in the industry
Get over my past traumas
Go to a self-defense class so I can learn how to beat people up without card games!
 5 people to tag to do the thing (optional):
And you there,YES YOU! if you wanna do it- Consider yourself tagged by me!
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serena-inverse · 8 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Darkside of Dimensions reaction
I will not call this a review- it’s more a KEYSLAM OF FEELINGS that I need to get off my fangirl chest while I’m still super hyped from the screening!
Cut for spoilers!
Okay so- first of all going to the screening was fun. As I’m waiting in the queue to get my ticket (while trying to discreetly look around and see if any YGO cosplayers came along) there’s a group of 3 teenage boys behind me and I catch some of their conversation.
“Dude- I can’t see the movie listed? Do you think they’re not showing it?”
“No man, it’s just too ‘indie’ so there not bothering to put it on the board. It’ll be on, trust me, I check before we came.”
At this point I’m internally going !!!! because maybe they’re going to see Yugi on the big screen too??? And then one of them adds really nervously-
“Oh man, what if they say we need like, a kid with us to go see it? What if we’re too old for a YGO cartoon?”
And I’m just smiling and trying not to laugh because you poor thing- I am 10 years older then you and going to see this movie by myself. You will be fine. I nearly said something but in the end decided against it because I didn’t want to embarrass them. XD
And then their was the lovely experience of buying my ticket! I was kinda internally bracing myself, paranoid that I was going to get ‘looks’ from the person on the desk? (ah social anxiety, always popping up right when I don’t want you). In fact I found myself talking to a girl about my age, who BEAMED when she heard what I was going to see, and gushed that she REALLY wanted to see it today too but she had to work! She even made a point of telling me that I should make sure to get my goody bag when I enter the film (I had no idea they were giving away freebies) and hoped I enjoyed myself!
So yes, that was lovely! (btw- in the end no YGO cosplayers were spotted- I was sad)
Now ONTO THE FILM ITSELF- my thoughts.
I LOVED the ‘going to school’ scene. The characterisations were so on point. Joey’s wild bike ride into school is exactly the sort of thing I could see him doing, and I loved how Tristan grabbed onto his bike at the last second and helped him turn it so they could JUST make it through the gates in time. Those two love to give each other a hard time but they are also just RIDICULOUSLY in-synch when it comes to the crunch.
Yugi still walking to school with Tea but now being shy about meeting her at his house was C-U-T-E.
Oh look at Bakura, still dealing with the fangirls.
That scene of the five friends talking about their dreams on the school roof was ADORABLE. I love how they’re all so supportive of each other. Bless these children.
Joey cannot be separated from his duel disk- god these kids are too cute.
‘I can’t believe you got it confiscated for polishing it during class’ ‘I don’t know- it took guts to do it during our maths final’ omg Joey you did not.
‘I know that guys been in our class all year- but what’s his name?’ Guys forget his name just look at his hair and you know he’s going to be a main character.
JOEY GOT HIS DUEL DISK BACK! *throws confetti*
Very sweet moment of Yugi missing Atem and supportive friends being considerate about it and telling him it’s okay. ;A;
Oh look the kid with main-character hair can make people vanish and summon a freaky army of glowy eyed demon children.
Kaiba is just being so EXTRA throughout this whole movie and I LOVE IT.
Kaiba is battling Atem and I’m immediately calling that this is one of his holograms.
‘Even his perfectly coifed hair- that was the hardest part’ *PRIDESHIPPING*
Okay but Kaiba crunching his water bottle and immediately demanding that the person who created it is to be fired because ‘no KC product should be so flimsy’ I just- SDFDSFDSDFS
Aww look, Joey’s letting Tristan fix his precious duel disk- he really does trust him.
.........The dog mascot turned out to be Joey doing a part time job. OF COURSE IT WAS. WHAT IS IT WITH THIS SERIES AND PUTTING JOEY IN A DOG SUIT?? (I cannot speak I keep referring to him as a golden retriever)
SETO HAS HIS BLUE EYES JET. *ticks that off on the YGO movie bingo card* Also Mokuba is adorable- have I mentioned this yet? Because he is.
...........Did Seto just get hit with magic strong enough to warp/destroy dimensions and just SHRUG IT OFF.
I’m dying- this is the most powerful magic in the world and Seto just swatted it away like BITCH DON’T TOUCH THIS. Diva’s face is priceless.
I mean I know his new super duel disk was supposed to be doing something too but...come on we all know it was all just Seto’s willpower/ego right? 
.......Seto’s strategy seems to be SUMMON MORE DRAGONS.
Seriously how many OP’D versions of blue eyes does this man now have in his deck?
Lets give it up for Seto ‘I need alone time to deal with this puzzle so I’m gonna build a FREAKING SPACE STATION you can only reach by SPACE ELEVATOR’ Kaiba. #King of being EXTRA.
More mystical/tragic backstory stuff keeps being revealed about Diva and his sister/their family. I really wish I could say I cared but I...really didn’t? I felt so indifferent about Diva and his plight. I just wanted to get back to Yugi, the gang, and the Kaiba brothers.
I just noticed Joey’s duel disk is SIGNED slay me.
Joey’s trapped in a memory world that’s disintegrating around him. I’m so betting that a ‘friendship’ memory turns out to be so strong it’s ‘unbreakable’ and saves him.
I really wanted Yugi/Atem to like hold out a hand and pull Joey to safety though?? I mean the dramatic posing was ACE don’t get me wrong but I wanted hand holding.
Personally I read this scene as Atem taking advantage of the fact Joey was between the living and the dead (dying?) to reach out and give him a nudge in the right direction. It gave me so many feels but I REALLY WISH HE’D HELD OUT HIS HAND AND WE’D GOT TO SEE JOEY GRASPING IT AND ATEM PULLING HIM UP.
.........Did Kaiba just shoot down a jet WITH A PERSON INSIDE IT with his blue eyes???
*squints* ...Did Seto set that jet up to crash just so he could shoot it down directly over his stadium with his dragon and show off how AWESOME his new system is?
................okay then I guess the movie is just glossing over that.
omg. Kaiba’s speech.
I can’t.
‘I’ve never settled fro mediocrity and neither should you’
‘this world is poorly designed. If someone from my company had made it I’d fire them’ I’M DYING
I just noticed all the kids in the crowd cosplaying as duel monsters. That’s adorable.
Kaiba and Yugi dueling yay!!
Seriously how many OP’d version of blue eyes does Kaiba have?
‘You’re fighting me with fruit?’ (all the audience laughed)
‘....You really don’t like dragons do you?’ (more laughter)
I get the feeling the voice actors really enjoyed themselves making this movie XD
Yugi tries to gently show Kaiba (Kaiba who at my current count has: ripped up an ancient landmark, invented a new duelling system, kidnapped a teenager, held a tournament and built a SPACE STATION and millennium puzzle solving robot just to see Atem)  that, sorry buddy Atem is really-super gone.
Kaiba immediately REJECTS THIS. #he really REALLY has it bad.
Diva + Ring = Much badness.
See I couldn’t see Atem coming back from the dead just for a rematch with Kaiba (sorry Kaiba) but ‘the world is ending’? Yeah, that seems serious enough.
‘I believe in ....the heart of the cards.’ MY HEART.
HE’S BACK!!!!!
..........He’s not going to say anything is he.
I mean, I get it, this is all supposed to show that Yugi is now the main character and stands on his own but but but but BUT-!!!
‘He’s fine, he wishes us will’ these hedgehog babies are so close they can communicate so much with just a nod #puzzleshipping
‘You had your bond with him, and I had mine’ #BACK TO PRIDESHIPPING
Everyone’s graduating and growing, yay!!
.........Except Kaiba. What is Kaiba doing?
He is not.
He is NOT doing what I think he’s-
And those are my thoughts!
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recentanimenews · 5 years ago
What I Learned After 'Outgrowing' Card Game Anime
My first favorite anime was based off a massively popular trading card game. Or rather, it might be better to say the massively popular trading card game turned it into what I love. Long-running franchises like Yu-Gi-Oh! haven’t always been about card games, but the parts people remember best always seem to center the game’s consequences: the glory of winning, the heartbreak of defeat, the fiery passion of competition. Recent shows like Cardfight!! Vanguard and the current Shadowverse both follow a similar formula. And also like my other earliest anime loves — red hot shōnen fighting and sports series, the kind full of epic tournament arcs and match-ups — these card shows also chase those high highs and low lows. For as uncool and dorky as a competitive trading card game might sound on paper, I keep finding myself being pulled back in. Not because I’m a technical nerd or obsessive with the mechanics of epic children’s card games but, just like the most epic of spectator sports, I’m always down for organized smackdowns.
  Is Rock Lee dropping his weights no better than slamming an Exodia and subjecting your opponent to permanent ego death? With card games on my mind, it was time for me walk down memory lane and find out for myself.
Winners and Losers
“That means you haven't known the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of high school basketball" 
Everyone knows what sports anime are all about: underdogs joining a team, befriending rivals, winners and losers. Most importantly, the whole world revolves around an organized sport with clearly defined rules. In other words, you thrive under competitive pressure or don't — you make the team or don’t. Series like Captain Tsubasa tremendously popularized the sports genre during the '80s, and with that, spearheaded the classic tropes of that genre. An emphasis on the young male demographic beget the rise of popular sports manga like Prince of Tennis and Slam Dunk in magazines like Weekly Shōnen Jump. With Slam Dunk ending its serialization in Jump in June of 1996, Kazuki Takahashi’s Yu-Gi-Oh! would begin that subsequent September in the same year, right at the tail-end of that sports manga’s fever-pitch popularity. Closely following in 1999 was the Wizards of the Coast-sponsored Duel Masters franchise aimed at a younger audience, further cementing the card game genre’s place in the male demographic. Stories hyper fixated on a singular competitive game were still hot — even if they didn't assume the standard sports-themed shape.
Yami Yugi puts everything on the line dueling Maximillion Pegasus for the first time
Simultaneously publishing alongside Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind and a continuation of Captain Tsubasa, Yu-Gi-Oh! focused on a very broad definition of “games,” making it initially an odd bird among Jump’s typical battle and sports line-up. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t compelling. After the appearance of the in-series trading card game “Duel Monsters,” demand for a real-life counterpart became so overwhelming that publisher Konami eventually released the game’s first set in 1999. Since then, the card game itself has become the primary force in the series plot. Characters resolve conflicts through card games in flashy duels where, despite just standing around, they revel in quote-worthy monologues about attack phases, trap cards, and their tragic backstories. With that plot integration came a whole new way of exploring larger than life stories, something better than plain advertising. In lieu of special moves or kicking soccer balls, the card game scenario created its own organized ecosystem of winners and losers. There are rules — and if you break them, well, the consequences can be far worse than a bad day at the hobby shop. 
Mind Games
Oh to be an anxiety-ridden teen astral projecting in front of a cool dragon
Unlike a typical sports anime, a card game’s rules aren’t always obvious. Everyone knows what basketball is. But what does it mean when your life points drop to zero and you’re exiled from a plucky gang of card game-playing teens, forever destined to angst and booster packs? At first glance, it’s hard to find the real stakes in losing a card game. For example, series like 2011’s Cardfight!! Vanguard don’t necessarily start off on such a dramatic note compared to the heavy hitters like Yu-Gi-Oh. Based on the trading card game published by Bushiroad, Cardfight introduces us to Sendou Aichi, a seemingly hopeless and insecure kid in a world full of deck-wielding jocks. He’s a far cry from the typical hyperactive Jump protagonist. But after years of indulging in bigger-than-life characters dueling for their lives on top of blimps and virtual reality, I found Sendou to be a breath of fresh air. He’s a total newbie and, to be frank, probably more patient than I could ever be when it comes to learning the ins and outs of a competitive tabletop game.
Kai is dead serious about two things: card games and dignity
The more I dove into Cardfight, however, I realized it wasn’t really about mastering the rules or whatever obscure stratagems this week’s bully had up their sleeve. Sure, it’s not meant to be overly complicated, but I couldn’t help deciphering the same story patterns that made me love competitive arcs of shōnen anime in the first place. Like Naruto’s famous Chūnin Exam arc or Yu Yu Hakusho’s Dark Tournament storyline, the context of an organized event changes everything. And best of all, these games characters play are a slow burn, meticulously planned — everything is a mind game.
The earliest parts of Cardfight are spent laying out the rules of the game, but after that, it’s all about Sendou gaining confidence and finding camaraderie. In his first match, he uses a monster called Blaster Blade as his “vanguard,” a kind of astral persona he takes on. Dressed up in Blaster Blade’s armor in Cardfight’s visualization of the playing field (sorry, no Kaiba Corp hologram technology here), Sendou’s adoption of the game as a vehicle for working out anxiety couldn’t be more obvious. Instead of a scared kid, he's now a confident knight, thriving on the astral battlefield. With all the rules on the table, what's left to learn other than the existential aches of teens dueling out adolescent troubles?
Screwing the Rules
Yugi summoned as Dark Magician during Bakura's duel
  Admittedly, this moment in Cardfight reminded me of Yu-Gi-Oh’s earliest episodes. During the Duelist Kingdom arc — a competition hosted on an island — protagonist Yugi duels against classmate Bakura. With the use of Bakura's “Change of Heart” card, Yugi and company’s spirits are forced to inhabit iconic duel monsters on the field while Yami, the Egyptian pharaoh possessing Yugi, commands the match. Trapped Yugi and friends are depicted as roleplaying in cosplay — acting out attacks and mock dying. After Yami wins, everyone returns to their bodies as though nothing happened. However, the symbolic implications of this episode are obvious. Not only are our protagonist's psyches tied up in their cards, but so are their sense of worth and how they see themselves. These games give us the very special privilege of seeing their inner-lives uncoil with every attack phase, card draw, and strategic retreat.
  Seto Kaiba loudly announces his new dueling tournament from a blimp, because of course why not
I’ve tried watching real, high-stakes world title trading card game matches. They’re boring. No one is astral projecting into the body of a cool sword guy. Tournament-style arcs like Yu-Gi-Oh's Duelist Kingdom and Battle City will always have a special place in my heart for their outrageous seriousness. The card game anime is inevitably tiered: you learn player backstories, their shortcomings, their hubris. Everyone, no matter their eccentric gimmick, has a story hook. Learning niche mechanics and why a kid is emotionally imprinted on a mass-produced trading card is its own shibboleth. Not “getting it” otherwise leads to everything looking just plain silly. The closest real-life comparisons I can think of are the melodramatic reels that play right before wrestling matches or the Super Bowl. What’s to lose? Not the game. But the legendary, mythic athletic persona behind the player.
Regardless of arcane gameplay, gibberish, or flashy cards, the unchallenged fiery hype and love that goes into fleshing out this particular genre and its characters is what keeps dragging me back in. I might not get a lick of what activates a card trigger or the hot new meta. I can always learn that later. Underneath the exaggeration and dramatic card tricks, however, was a sincerity I didn’t expect to find even though I’m older. Despite my time away, maybe the heart of the cards never truly left me after all.
  Blake P. is a weekly columnist for Crunchyroll Features. He likes old mecha anime, computer games, books, and black coffee. His twitter is @_dispossessed. His bylines include Fanbyte, VRV, Unwinnable, and more.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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riyuyami · 7 years ago
Come next paycheck, I’m gonna cave and do the Yugi wig all over again. Just... Just gonna freaking restart the whole thing. Gotta find a wig that works well with what I want in style, like my current one, but in purple (except arda doesn’t have it in purple!) and I finally figured out how to do the bangs.
And if this works, I’m gonna begin work on doing a In Plain Sight!Yugi cosplay (which means I have to buy a tiny millennium puzzle or make it out of clay. I work at a micheals, how hard can it be to get clay, haha)
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