#I’m calling kan as home’s sibling
doublel27 · 2 days
The balance of Home and Pang being utterly ridiculous while Peach and Kan are entirely unimpressed is my jam.
Pang joyfully unboxing her online shopping purchases and throwing the wrapping while Home bops his head excitedly because he also loves a purchase.
Home yelling at the portrait in the house and Pang egging him on until he sees the ghost and then demands s everyone stay over Kan and Peach’s objections.
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ghost-town-story · 2 years
(Hi y’all get to deal with the fact that I’m procrastinating worldbuilding like my life depends on it lmao)
The first thing Isadora noticed was the noise. If she woke early enough, her room was dead silent, but more often than not she would be woken by her mother or Inkanus when they were still alive or by a servant.
But Isadora was very clearly no longer in her own room. There was a constant stream of mechanical beeping and chittering interspersed with a soft sound like shifting papers, and an occasional deep, metallic groan. Isadora was somewhere far from home, and she had no idea how she’d gotten here.
For a moment she wanted to curl up and go back to sleep in the hope that she’d wake up in her own bed the next time. She’d always been a coward, the cautious one, the sister that hid behind her older sibling and let them deal with everything that frightened her. But deep down, Isadora knew that wouldn’t help her current predicament, and she could no longer hide behind Inkanus, so she swallowed down her fear and opened her eyes.
The room was dimly lit by a series of computer monitors, though most of the light was blocked by a dark figure sitting in front of them. Isadora was unable to make out any other details of the room.
The figure shifted, then started suddenly, emanating a series of hissing sounds. A moment later, she spoke. “Oh, I hadn’t realized you’d woken up!”
Using a translator, Isadora filed away in the back of her mind, recognizing the default voice.
“My apologies, just one moment.” She shifted slightly, and after a few seconds, overhead lights turned on, briefly blinding Isadora.
The room she was in looked like the med bays commonly found on Imperial ships, all blinding white walls and shiny metal appliances. Isadora took it all in, wondering just what she was doing in a ship’s med bay of all places, then she turned back to the figure. Now properly lit, Isadora realized she was a [alien], one of the races that lived out in the fringes of the Empire. [more description lol].
“It’s good to see you awake,” the [alien] said. “My name is—” The translator cut out as she emitted a series of varied hissing sounds. “But most call me Syl,” she finished. “Easier for them to pronounce.”
Isadora nodded. “Pleasure to meet you,” she said, hoping her voice wouldn’t shake and give away just how terrified she was. She wished for probably the thousandth time that Inkanus was with her, just so they could take over all the pleasantries and playing nice with strangers. “Where—” Her voice cracked, and she tried to cover it with a little cough. “Where are we?” she asked.
“You are aboard The Artemis,” Syl answered. As she spoke, her tentacles flew across the touchpad of the computer. Isadora couldn’t help but wonder just how she was multitasking so flawlessly. “And we are currently in the Kronn Asteroid Field.”
Isadora blinked. That wasn’t far from home, but it was also supposed to be notoriously dangerous.
“Now, I’ve informed the Captain that you’re awake, so I suppose we’ll be having visitors very soon,” Syl said.
Almost as if on a cue, the door at the end of the room hissed open.
“Or now,” Syl said, the translator turning the words almost deadpan.
The first to enter was a woman Isadora didn’t recognize. She wore her long hair in a low ponytail, and her dark eyes studied Isadora intently as she moved out of the way of the doorway.
The second person, to Isadora’s surprise, was Rossano. He grinned, likely basking in the shock his appearance had made. “Good to see you’re feeling better,” he said.
As he moved further into the room, Isadora couldn’t help her gasp as she caught sight of who was standing behind him. Their name caught in her throat, too scared that saying it out loud would cause them to disappear like they ghost they were supposed to be.
Inkanus crossed the room and sank down on the edge of her bed. “Hi Isa.” They tucked her hair behind her ear.
“Kan.” It was the only part of their name Isadora could force out of her throat, trapped behind disbelief and desire so strong it hurt.
Slowly, as if expecting her to try and pull away, Inkanus wrapped their arms around her and pulled her close. “It’s okay Kezhi,” they whispered, their voice so low that only Isadora could hear. “I’m here now.”
Isadora clutched at their shirt with an iron grip like it would keep them from ever disappearing again, and finally the dam in her throat broke with a shuddering gasp.
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mayhemscorner · 3 years
Down the drain
Kankuro x reader
(mild angst, swearing)
Summary: Kankuro can be stubborn, overbearing even. Y/N gets upset when a disagreement turns in to a heated fight after Kankuro enlists his siblings to check on her.
Just like that, four years down the drain. Another swig of sake flushes down easily before I order another.
“Isn’t it time for you to head home?” The restaurant owner asks looking at his watch.
“I’ve just been relieved of my duties not like I have anywhere to be in the morning.” I grumble back as he sets the hot tokkuri in front of me and pours another cup.
“The kazekage really let you go?” He questions. I only shrug before downing another glass, hazily trying to remember our conversation.
“Something along the lines of getting me back in to the field because office work isn’t my thing.” I reply angrily, trying to justify why Gaara would push me back in to the field after fighting with me for so long to take the position four years ago.
“You’ve been coming here for years. I’ll have to agree you seemed more lively when you were apart of the action… you drank less too. Actually came here for food.” He chuckles at me, receiving only an eye roll. After finishing off the last of the sake as the owner closes up shop, I leave my payment under the glass and head out the door. Hands tucked lazily in my pockets, I stroll in the opposite direction of my families compound.
“Y/N, c’mere a second. Gotta talk to ya.” I hear Kankuro call out from a comfortable distance.
“Not in the mood Kankuro, I got stuff to do.” I shoot back, not even bothering to look over. I try to continue my walk, but the wind whipping at my face signals Kankuro was no longer behind me. He was now a barricade blocking my hasty walk through the town, with crow looming threateningly from his back.
“Just listen for a damn minute you stubborn child.” He grumbles, placing his hands on my shoulders in an attempt to stop me from walking. Glaring at him, I knock both of his hands off and turn back the other direction.
“I’m the same age as you, idiot. What could be so important you have to disrupt my midnight walk?” I bark at him, anger bubbling at my now warm stomach.
“First of all, there’s a storm coming in. You shouldn’t even be out here at night and you know that. Let’s get inside and talk. Please.” He pleas with me while following in my footsteps.
“If you’re so insistent we can go back to my place. And it’s not like I haven’t lived here my whole life, I know the dangers and how to handle them, Kankuro.” I huff, once again changing direction to head back to the compound. The walk is silent, save for the wind picking up pace and blowing sand at our feet. The compound gate groans in protest as I open it. Being the last left in my family was hard, my father and mother dying on separate missions and my two brothers sacrificing themselves during the war to save me, the gates were barely even used at this point. Reaching the main house and turning the dim lights on, I plop down on the dusty couch a safe distance from Kankuro.
“Listen it’s not Gaara you should be mad at. I requested he put you back in the field, it was the best decision.” He utters in explanation after a few strained moments.
“The best decision for who, Kankuro? You? Do you ever think of anyone else but yourself?” I spit back in anger, slowly rising from my seat as my voice follows.
“Do you ever think maybe I think of you more than myself? How pathetic it is to see you miserable behind a desk? And for what? The fear of ending up just like your family?” He yells back, each sentence becoming more strenuous on his voice. The stare down is intense, lasting several moments. Tears of anger in both of our eyes, though neither of us will be the first to let them fall.
“Don’t you ever use my families noble sacrifice as an excuse of reason. If you want to act like a child, you can see yourself out.” I finally manage to grit through my teeth, not breaking eye contact while jabbing my finger to the door. Kankuro rolls his eyes and turns to the door.
“Then don’t come to me complaining how much you miss it. Don’t even come to me about your frustrations in the office. The only person I pity here is myself, spending all this time bending over backwards for someone that can’t even be thankful.” He scoffs while slamming the door behind him. Staring at the now closed door, I only run my fingers through my hair before sighing and sliding down the wall. He truly did a lot for me, always having the right scroll I was looking for, saving my ass on the field as kids, the list is endless. Even just so happening to be on a stroll in the neighborhood anytime I would step out for fresh air from a nightmare. And that’s where I found myself once again this night, only instead of the usual dream of watching my brothers die on the field, it was Kankuro in their position. The one who wasn’t on his walk tonight. I’m only greeted by the whipping sand I watch lazily from the roof.
“You two are pathetic y’know?” Temari calls from behind me, balancing her way effortlessly to sidle down beside me.
“Has me out here watching you because you’re both too bullheaded.” She continues.
“You just come here to add insult to injury? I can make decisions for myself and he knows that.” I mumble back, slamming my palms in to my eyes to rub the sleep away. Without even looking I can feel her smirk.
“As his sister, I know everything. More than his dull brain could ever grasp. But I never took a genius like you to be so dim witted.” Temari rambles, relaxing her full body in to the rough roof tiles to stare up at the night sky. Temari was naturally a person anyone could open up to, it was just her nature. She sat and listened throughout the night, stifling a yawn as the blue hues of dawn crack over the amber sand.
“Listen, as much as I enjoy your love life, I need sleep before heading to the hidden leaf. You two will be back to best friends before I’ve even reach the gates.” She says, finally letting a full yawn escape as she stretches out and sees herself off, jumping from roof to roof followed by the morning sun. Love was the word that stuck in my throat. The word felt wrong, taboo even. The next night I find myself in the same position, looking up at the stars, long abandoning the thought of sleep. I could feel the set of eyes watching me before the sand even licks at the worn roof tiles.
“He sent you now that Temari isn’t here, huh?” I ask not even bothering to glance at the man towering above me.
“I came here of my own accord, actually. To apologize.” Gaara states sheepishly.
“For yourself or your brother?” I question.
“Myself, I should’ve seen how upset you’ve been in the office. It’s not fair as kazeka-“ he begins only to be cut off.
“It’s only fair the right person apologizes Gaara. You would never come all the way here to apologize of your own accord and we both know that. Or the fact you fought with me to work in the office. Tell Kankuro to stop sending his siblings here and to just leave me alone.” I finish, ending the conversation prematurely to slip through the window to my dimly lit bedroom, leaving Gaara standing dumbstruck in the night. After what felt like hours of tossing and turning, I finally manage to close my eyes.
Alert rises in my body as soon as I feel the bed dip down. The anxiety drowns the sleepiness from my body immediately. Grabbing the kunai from under my pillow, I swing over to wrap my arms from behind my attacker, kunai ready at their throat.
“Relax, I’m not here to attack you or anything crazy woman, put it down before things escalate to my advantage.” Kankuro growls, twisting in my grip to push me back down on the bed. Two things were off. He was no longer carrying crow, and he didn’t use the word child for once, finally acknowledging our age. He flops down next to me, causing the candles in my room to flicker in protest at the upset. He finally turns to me propping his head up on his arm. As the candles finally settle, I notice what’s left of the purple on his face was streaked haphazardly.
“Look I get I’m an asshole, alright? Do you see my siblings? Or yourself for that matter.. regardless I’m sorry I guess. I just wanted to see you happy again. It always seemed you only ever smiled on missions… in the face of danger.” He lets out, the apologies quickly accumulating. I stumble to the bathroom and grab a wet rag as I process his words. Wiping the remaining purple from his face I work the courage up to talk.
“The whole point Kankuro, I can’t get over the fact you made the decision for me. I can decide things for myself.” I breathe, resting the wet cloth on his cheek. He only shrugs before looking down, eyes squinting in frustration.
“You disgust me, caring for others before yourself. You’re a damn good shinobi and I want you to be back out in the field, be selfish for once in your life.” He grumbles.
“Then say that. Tell me, not your siblings. Unfortunately, it seems you still only care for yourself.” I growl back, whipping the rag away in frustration, watching as it sinks to the floor after smacking in to the wall. He only grabs my wrist, yanking it towards him.
“Stop being so arrogant! Yeah, you can make decisions for yourself but you need a push.” He states, voice rising as he shoves me down to hover over me. I push him to the side and come up behind him, yanking him in to a headlock.
“The only push I need is my own.” I reply, hands being ripped apart as he flips me back over, slamming my face in to the pillow. We always sparred when angry with each other, but the tension of pure anger fuels us both even farther. He pulls me up by the nape of my neck, whispering in to my ear, ”then work on it faster because you’re making yourself miserable, doll.”
His hot and charged breath sends shivers down my spine.
“I’m not a puppet Kankuro, treat me like a human for once in your life.” I plea, frozen in place and eyes locking on him.
“If only I could. But you make it so simple. You’re too easy to manipulate. It’s pathetic, stick up for yourself for one god damn time in your life.” He whispers threateningly, only squeezing tighter at the base of my head and tangling his hands further in my hair. In that moment I was his puppet, fingers controlling my every movement. Any move of his hand, my head would follow. And when he yanks back even further so we were face to face, he stares briefly before pushing my head closer to his.
“So, are you going to fight, or give in to your own worries?” He questions, smirk lingering on his lips. Chewing the inside of my lip, it’s hard not to stare in his eyes and process the question. I manage to quickly kick my legs backwards and in between his, using my body weight to flip him to the side and straddle him with my hands at his throat. One hand releases to push his cloak from the top of his head and pull his hair in a cheap shot.
“I always put up a fight and you know that.” I reply curtly, positioning my right leg in between his and raising it enough for him to get uncomfortable.
“Yeah right. As if you-“ he’s cut off by my building urge to crash my lips in to his. In that moment I was fighting. I was fighting my inner demons on whether I wanted to stab this man, or scream his name in the middle of the night. If it was ever hate, it was most likely caused by pent up aggression accumulating over the many years we knew each other. He yanks me closer by my shirt collar and invites my whole body weight on to him, never once breaking our connection, gripping my hips as he bucks his forward. The ache I feel from it both hurts and pleases me.
“You’re pathetic you know?” I huff out between a few heated kisses, punching him in the chest now angry at myself.
“You should see yourself.” He chuckles back, wrapping his arms around my waist and kicking us over so he was now on top once again. His dark hair clips lazily at his eyes, mingling with the dark circles around them. The intimate view of him was different, breath taking even.
“Truly a disaster I suppose?” I banter, swiping my hands through his hair. He leans in to my movement and relaxes with a satisfied groan. He chuckles slightly, “maybe less of a disaster than usual.” Kankuro tucks his head in to the nape of my neck and sighs. Whatever he mumbles is hard to hear being muffled from his position.
“Can’t hear you, speak up kid.” I huff, still on edge with this whole situation.
“God damnit I said I’m sorry. I don’t even know what this is, I should get going anyways.” He expresses in a louder tone, not even moving. I roll my eyes and push him off.
“Just like your puppets. No emotion, no feelings, and definitely no remorse. You know what you did and why.” I spit over my shoulder before standing and heading for the window. The breeze outside is warm and the roof still covered in sand from Gaara’s visit earlier tonight. Another sleepless night is inevitable as the sun starts gracing the horizon. I don’t even hear Kankuro sidle up to me, slipping an arm around my shoulders and tugging me to his chest before fully embracing me. It’s tight, needy even. He will never admit it, but the stutter in his chest informs me he’s crying.
“I’m not a puppet. I’m confused… Remorse, hate and anger. But also fuzzy? You confuse me, and I hate being confused. I hate the way my stomach turns even thinking about you, wanting to make you happy, only to be seen as a threat. You always argue with me or want to fight, damnit.” He rambles in to the top of my head. I cock an eyebrow, he was the one to always instigate and start things between us.
“I was only dishing out what I received.” I say, finally curling my arms around him and fully dropping my head on to his chest as he lays against the roof.
“And that fuzzy feeling, maybe you might actually care for me.” I add on. He curls his hand beneath my chin and tilts my head to meet his eyes. It was almost awkward seeing his tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.
“Yeah… maybe that’s what we’ll call it for now.” Kankuro heaves out while trying to slow his breathing. He sits up slightly and slowly places his lips to my forehead, lingering there for several moments.
“I’ll go back on missions. Only because I want to. Not because you convinced me.” I finally let him know my decision.
“Good.” Is all he says against my forehead as his hands rub circles in to my back.
“You two are pathetic.” Temari chuckles beside us, posting up on her fan.
“Get lost.” Kankuro growls lowly to Temari, who only scoffs. She cracks the end of her fan against his head before grabbing the collar of his shirt.
“Stop being so damn stubborn-“ she’s cut off as Kankuro starts arguing back, both of them baring their teeth at eachother in a loving family argument. After several moments of this, Temari pushes him back to me harshly and nods her head in my direction. Kankuro sighs, his frame towering above me as his hand scratches the back of his head.
“I’m s-sorry I guess, for getting my family involved as well. Should’ve just let you be for a while.” He apologizes slowly as Temari nods along to his words. Finally satisfied, she jumps to the tree and turns back to wave at us before fully jumping away. Kankuro swoops me up by my torso and legs and promptly climbs back through the window.
“What are you doing? I should get some sleep.” I ask him.
“You aren’t the only one who was up all night.” He answers, a smirk creeping on his face. With that, he crashes on to my bed not even letting go. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and places a chaste kiss to my lips as he closes his eyes. I can’t help but watch as he drifts off quickly, exhaustion leaving his body. Sleep doesn’t come quickly as everything replays in my head trying to make sense of it. Finally accepting what’s happened, I stroke his hair back and place a kiss to his forehead,”I think I might actually like you.” I whisper, trying not to stir him. Kankuro pulls me in to his warm body with a crushing grip,”you don’t have to. Just give me this night… or morning.” He mumbles. I knew then and there it would be a lot longer than this, working out our differences in a weird manner, we would be inseparable.
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shijiujun · 4 years
The Lost Tomb Reboot Season 2 Episodes 1-8 - Recap & Review
MAJOR SPOILERS below the cut!!! DON’T READ IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS!!! (I’m tagging #chongqispoilers if you wanna block it for the next three weeks heh)
But first I would like everyone to know that Xiao Bai has been sworn sibling-zoned as fourth sister to Big Brother Xiao Ge, Second Brother Pang Zi and Third Brother Wu Xie (Ep 3/4)
And also secondly, WU XIE GETS HIS OWN TEAM?!! AND THEY ALL HANDSOME MEN!!! INCLUDING THAT DOCTOR!!! So it’s apparently the antagonistic frenemy doctor from Season 1 (like actual S1, not Reunion S1), and damn he damn frickin handsome in this one okay guys?!!! Like I AM IN LOVE!!! AND HE FIRSTLY SAVES WU XIE, THEN TAKES CARE OF WU XIE SO WELL EVEN THOUGH HE KEEPS CURSING WU XIE TO DIE SOON LMAO (Ep 8)
So yes I’m telling all of you guys how much I frickin love that doctor - I am absolutely in LOVE <333 He’s so capable?! And he talks about Xiao Ge and Er Shu with so much familiarity? He totally like takes charge with a critical eye, no nonsense, just starts commanding people. Hates Wu Xie but then doesn’t wake him up when they arrive at their destination so he can sleep more because HE BE DYING SOON? AND THEN PATS WU XIE TO TELL HIM NOT TO BE RASH when Wu Xie wants to rush to help, and then offers to go in his stead without another word (EVEN THO HE HATES HIM?!!) 
And yes I binge-watched all eight episodes today and damn too much shit happened!!!
Eps 1-2:
OKAY THE DEATH ZONE AREA in Warehouse 11 finished up way faster than I thought it would to be honest, and it’s a little anti-climactic but that’s okay, but anyway it’s hilarious that there are two people still living in Si Dang Qu to guide Wu Xie and Xiao Bai, and okay CREEP FACTOR IS UP OKAY!!! Wow damn it so many tentacles?!!!
Anyway, Wu Xie and Xiao Bai are not supposed to go into Si Dang Qu but they do it anyway, Xiao Bai gets electrocuted and then some, and they meet two weird people in Si Dang Qu, and also the funniest thing is that there is WIFI IN THIS GOD-FORSAKEN DEEP HOLE (IT’S TWO DEEP HOLES BY THE WAY) and these two people are just like hello guys, we live here, let me point you to where there’s wifi.
And then they both seem to make it out just fine even though San Shu was stuck there for like more than three years, and boom these two make it out in less than 24 hours - Wu Xie gets fired, Xiao Bai is suspended, Jia Ke Zi (they guy with the good hearing back in Warehouse 11, also VERY HANDSOME) and Li Jia Le were also fired because they were working with the bad Supervisor Ding from Reunion Season 1, and then!!!
I think the most touching part is every single warehouse person like sending him off standing in the surveillance room in the dark, watching as he walks out? I mean, not discounting the people who are genuinely like “DAMN YES, CAN WE GO BACK TO OUR NORMAL LIVES NOW TYVM”, I just felt really touched that they all feel enough for Wu Xie and he’s actually made some impact on their lives or smth, so much so that they’re willing to watch him go off
Eps 3-6:
Okay so Xue Wu Ye, the bad guy, big brother number five, is plotting something, but that’s for later. Wu Xie heads home, and starts researching again - they decide to go back to the place where they found Yang Da Guang’s body to find more clues. In between, he meets up with Xiao Bai for dinner, they get drunk, Pang Zi turns up to pick em up but gets drunk too, then they all swear to be siblings with kebabs, like literally, in place of joss sticks. It’s all filmed by the shop owners. Xiao Bai is crying because NO DAMN SHE WANNA BE WU XIE WIFEY, NOT WU XIE FOURTH SISTER
And anw at the place, they find another map and Wu Xie gets electrocuted and faints, and then they manage to call Er Shu who’s about to head into a cave with Xiao Ge and everyone else - They do a video call, and damn it’s so cute to see Wu Xie and Pang Zi going “XIAO GE XIAO GE WE’RE HERE!!!” And then they go in, but they meet a trap, Xiao Ge and Hei Xia Zi are trapped and considered dead, and Er Shu is in trouble. Kan Jian manages to call Wu Xie and then Wu Xie gets him to tap out morse code message, and sure enough, XIAO GE AND HEI XIA ZI ARE ALIVE. But Xiao Ge says there’s a mole, and so they all pretend they’re dead, then Kan Jian and Jing Shu promise Wu Xie they’ll get Er Shu out, and Kan Jian sends Wu Xie coordinates to their location and then he goes MIA
At the same time, Xue Wu Ye has found out about Er Shu’s predicament (or was part of it) and his role is to basically snatch over the Wu family’s business. I’m not going to go into details, but anyway Wu Xie and Pang Zi are like bullied really badly by them, but good news is Piao Piao, Pang Zi’s gf, finally realizes he’s the one who helped her daughter out and then they affirm their feelings for each other. However, Piao Piao decides to still be undercover at Xue Wu Ye’s place - unfortunately, he finds out and as she’s fleeing, a truck hits her and she dies FUCK THIS SHIT.
Eps 7-8:
AT THE SAME TIME TOO, the mute girl, who’s Hei Xia Zi’s potential girlfriend, is captured by big bad Boss Jiao but she can talk now. And then he kills her too apparently!!! WHICH IS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK CAN WE PLS DON’T KILL ALL THE WOMEN IN THIS STORY?!! But her death isn’t super confirmed, because she falls but no body, no confirmed death in this show, damn it. Unfortunately, Piao Piao is legit ;-; and Pang Zi and Wu Xie only find out way later because Xue Wu Ye hid it from them that motherfucker!!!
Anyway, Xue Wu Ye’s plan is to basically take over the Wu family’s business and to prevent Wu Xie from gathering resources and a team to go and save Er Shu - so Wu Xie’s goal is to get money, defeat Xue Wu Ye and go find Er Shu.
Wu Xie schemes and then he manages to defeat Xue Wu Ye for good, and Xiao Bai goes to find Jia Ke Zi (omg who’s so sad, because while he was away, his wife cheated on him?!! and won’t let him return to his home?!!) and Li Jia Le is getting cheated out of daily salary working at a construction place, when Xiao Bai finds them for the job.
THEN THE TEAM ASSEMBLES!!!! Xiao Bai turns up with the two guys, and then FRENEMY DOCTOR TURNS UP TO MAKE SURE WU XIE DOESN’T DIE ON THE WAY!!! And he’s really fricking handy, and like I said above while Wu Xie is sleeping in the car, he makes sure no one disturbs him. The rest of the team survey the place and then he’s like, “Guys, what’s the use of hiring and bringing y’all if Wu Xie has to do everything himself? We’ll split up.”
And leaves Wu Xie sleeping in the car I WEEP!!!!
Thoughts on this:
Not gonna lie, the front parts in Warehouse 11 are a bit like... illogical to me and done too quickly, but I guess it doesn’t always have to make sense. I’m still quite sad Piao Piao died?!! And that mute girl might be dead?!!! I can’t wait for the reunion which seems to be coming up soon, but I AM REALLY, SO HAPPY THAT WU XIE HAS A TEAM OF HIS OWN DAMN IT. 
Also really worried about Er Shu and the identity of the mole, HOPING IT’S NOT LIU SANG OR JING SHU OR KAN JIAN PLS!!!!
So far the Wu Xie Fainting Count is - 2 in 8 episodes.
There are 2 more eps each for Monday and Tuesday, cannot wait for FOUND FAMILY VIBES DAMN IT!!! THEY BETTER NOT BREAK UP MY FAMILY!!! 
And srsly I hope handsome doctors survives because... I really like him HAHAHA
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gilgaemsh-a · 5 years
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IM FINALLY ABLE TO MAKE MY BNHA OCS AHHHH!!!!! part one at least lmao i’m gunna make a part 2 reallllllllly soon
the style of this picrew is similar to bnha style so it’s better for me to think up my ocs (at least the girls) this way!! (i’m very picky orz)
also i’m always up for rping if anyone is interested!!!!! dm me dude!!!!!!!!!!!!
also also! quirks aren’t like final versions?? im still tryna figure out how to make quirks more... quirk-like lol.
intros under the cut!!
@bnhappreciation​ @bnha-oc-collection​
ankou fuwara (#1 & #2)
the ever blooming hero: chloris
ankou is my most loved oc and the by far the hardest to make for some reason. her and her quirk went through so many changes its insane but i finally settled on something perfect.
she’s currently an active hero having just graduated from u.a. she’s extremely popular and currently number 12 on the hero billboard (shes 19 btw)
ankou quirk is overgrowth aka chlorokinesis - the manipulation of plant life and pheromone generation. (she can do a lot with her quirk so shes my second most op character)
her range is pretty much the same as pixie bob’s earth flow.
ankou was actually a child star, a very popular actress/model. she quit when she graduated to focus on her hero career which is one of the reasons why she’s so popular.
when ankou was in school to was the top u.a. student along with two others (they’re boys so i wasnt able to make them but one day i will)
ankou quirk is actually a combo of her parents her mother has minimal manipulation over plants and her father could manipulate his pheromones
ankou is the older sister type. she’s super kind and caring and protective of people close to her.
she unofficially adopts izuku when she meets him
she also (surprisingly) has a good relationship with bakugou. she treats him like a younger brother and teases him a lot.
ankou is also the type to be really scary when angry
ankou had a really hard time making friends growing up because she couldn’t control her pheromones properly
alot of the times her classmates or even random people would fall in love with her just by her scent or other times end up being despised by it
both of ankou’s parents actually come from hero families. they grew up together since their families knew each other & they were both the youngest. neither of them wanted to be heroes.
ankou’s mother (ririka) is a pharmacist for one of the top hospitals in japan while her father (aizen) is an a-list actor.
side note! ankou’s father aizen took ririka’s last name.
i hardcore ship ankou and tomura. it literally started by me just thinking “oh hey lmao ankou has a life quirk and tomura has a death quirk! wait-”
so now their my otp.
oh btw the first pic is how ankou looks currently, the other is her older.
kurena kan (#3)
the healing heroine: nightingale
my child. my baby. she’s never done a single thing wrong in her entire life.
kurena is a mixed baby, half japanese & half american
she grew up with her father sekijiro kan in japan, her mother, charity brown is currently deceased.
her quirk is miracle blood - the ability to heal others and herself using her own blood. she can manipulate her blood as well. kurena has high regenerative properties as well! as long as her blood is flowing she can heal herself extremely fast.
as you know vlad king (her father) is able to manipulate blood but kurena’s mother was able to heal people with her quirk (empathic healing) which resulted in kurena’s quirk.
kurena is currently a first year at u.a. in izuku’s class.
she’s the tomboy type, tends to get into a lot of fights though she’s actually really mellow and cool.
she’s also the type that if she were to dress as a boy, she’d make a really hot one. (though as a girl she’s super hot too)
she’s recovery girl’s apprentice and helps out alot in the infirmary of the school
deku spends a lot less time there since kurena can heal him lol
i ship kurena with todoroki and bakugou. my beloved ot3
all three of them are p competitive with each other (don’t worry it’s all healthy competition)
kurena’s mother came to japan to further to abilities and apprentice under recovery girl which is how her and sekijiro met
she died helping recovery girl heal all might as a backlash of her quirk
kurena’s mother is full blown italian! and partially named kurena because it sounds like carina which means beloved
in japanese kurena the kanji for her name is crimson
oh!! aizawa is kurena’s godfather on her mother’s side! the two are very close
charity and aizawa were best friends before she died
miwa midoriya* (#4)
all in one heroine: alter ego
oof my most op oc you can fight me im not changing her.
miwa is actually the daughter of two high profile villains
she’s actually an “experiment”, the two villains had been working on a way to merge their quirks in the perfect way to make a strong villain - miwa was their current project until she escaped them
miwa doesn’t know how many others came before her or what happened to them when she asked she was told her ‘siblings’ were disposed of.
miwa’s quirk is gunna be the hardest to explain lol the short version is: miwa’s body can mimic and control different elements.
like... full on mimics elements. yknow like and elemental spirit? how it’s just a being made of fire or water or air etc etc? that’s miwa.
i’m actually on the fence about making the elements miwa shifts into to be alters (like she suffers from dissociative personality disorder.) so basically every time she shifts into a different element that element has its own personality? tho maybe it doesn’t even need to be DID it could just be the way her quirk works? SOMEONE GIVE ME INPUT PLS
her mother is a shapeshifter while her father could control elements
miwa was rescued by izuku’s father and then later adopted by him when it was quickly realized she didn’t want anyone else
she grew up with izuku and bakugou. her a bakugou are actually quite close since she’s the first person to beat him in stuff. he likes how strong she is.
miwa is also a pacifist! she had no interest in being a hero (it sounded like more trouble then it was worth) but when bakugou and izuku applied for u.a. she didn’t want to be left alone so she applied.
miwa is a soft bean. she hates violence but is willing to ATTACK when her loved ones are in danger
she’s also in the constant fear that her parents are watching her every move. she feels as if her parents gave her up to easy or staged the hero rescue for a reason. she’s constantly paranoid lol
miwa is classified as “looks like a cinnamon roll; can kill you”
nagi the tempest (#5)
real name: aoka arashi
currently my only villain but don’t worry i plan on making more!
nagi is the only daughter of as prostigious hero family.
the arashi family was known for its variety of powerful weather related quirks and continued to plan marriages based on quirks
the arashi family was also very abusive in its training and pushed nagi through limits she still has nightmares about; the training was due to how volatile nagi’s quirk is. which she was often blamed for
one day nagi snapped and destroyed the arashi family home along with everyone inside she was on the run for awhile before dabi found her
at that point i guess he was already apart of the league of villains? i’m not sure when dabi joined tho so this is just me guessing
nagi’s quirk is storm - nagi is able to create storms and manipulate them! it’s an extremely violate quirk that almost got her killed when she first manifested it. it’s the reason her training was so grueling. nagi needs moisture in order for her quirk to work
and while thunderstorms are something she can make she can’t actually control the lightning; not because it’s not apart of her quirk but because lighting is tricky to control in itself
she wields a katana that acts as a conduit for the lightning
when nagi does try to control the lightning more often than not it backlashes onto herself creating wounds/scars on her body in the shape of lightning bolts
dabi thinks they’re really pretty
nagi is the silent type. she very rarely talks and no one in the league of villains has ever heard the sound of her voice
dabi brags about being the only person nagi talks too
the name nagi was given to her by dabi it means the calm before the storm
though dabi gave her the nickname he often calls her aoka when they’re alone
despite her blonde hair and blue eyes nagi is 100% japanese!
her and dabi are hardly ever seen apart and if you haven’t guessed it i ship them lol
hinata enma (#6)
the beguiling heroine: enchanter
my trans baby girl!!!!!!!!
a 5th generation geisha currently a maiko of course
her quirk is heartbreaker - a succubus quirk! besides her supernatural beauty and over all supernatural condition (strength, speed all that good stuff) hinata’s real quirk is her voice; her voice has the power to control others and even alter reality.
you know allison hargreeves from the umbrella academy? that’s hinata
i’m still not sure how i want hinata to be able to trigger that power like how allison as to say “i heard a rumor” to use her power?? idk what i want hina to say
a hinoenma is a japanese yokai extremely similar to succubi which is where i got hina’s name
as i mentioned, hina is a geisha! not a prostitue
growing up hina was taught art, dancing and singing she excels at all three uwu
hina’s mother, yuuhi, is close friends with masaru bakugou. masaru usually goes to her for help with traditional japanese fashion
because of this bakugou and hina grew up together
the two are best friends even though they go to separate schools katsuki is the only one hina doesn’t use her power on
katsuki is also the one to encourage hina to become a hero though the two don’t go to u.a together instead hina attends shiketsu high
the two of them video call each other daily
hina is very mischievous!! she likes playing harmless pranks and teasing others
when she was in elementary and middle school she was often picked on for her quirk being a ‘villain’ quirk
she’s never used her quirk in malicious ways
the most malicious way she’d use is to help play a prank
she trains with bakugou when she can
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gplerl · 5 years
Get to know me awkwardly great ... 😱
1. What is your full name? I happen to have 4 names but let’s keep it with Elizabeth 🤗
2. What is your nickname?  I have many BUT “Pippa” resembles the most.
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Where are my aries companions?! 🖖🏼
4. What is your favorite book series?  GAME OF THRONES 👑
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?  No ghosts…could be interesting to know aliens exist. 👽✨
6. Who is your favorite author?  Jane Austen 
7. What is your favorite flavor of anything?  c h o c o l a t e 
8. What is your current favorite song?  a song called: Kan Lak Ma’aya by Cairokee 🎤🎼
9. What was the last song you listened to?  GET UP by Diva Faune (french edit)
10. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?   Definetely THE BIG BANG THEORY!!! 🤓🧬
11. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?  Pride and Prejudice or Legally Blonde
12. Do you play video games?  Yes… but unfortunately not a lot as I wish. 🕹
13. What is your best quality, in your opinion?  hmm…I think my ability to forgive everything. 👼🏼
14. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?  I am extremely lazy and 1 day off would me feel lazy the rest of the week. 😴
15. Do you like cats or dogs better?  Love both, prefer doggies. 🐶💕
16. Who is someone you love?  My mother. 👩‍👧
17. What musical instruments do you play, if any?  Violin and piano.
18. What are your top 5 favorite studylr blogs that you follow? Special thanks and admiration to: ❤️❤️❤️ @legallystudies @academedical @mathematicals @emmastudies @astrostudy
22. What sports do you play, if any?  Swimming & volleyball mainly.
23. What is your favorite drink?  orange juice 🥤
24. What fictional world would you like to live in? Winterfell ❄️
25. Do you like to sing?  Terrible voice but I guess the mirror in the bathroom it’s impressed.
26. What is your favorite place to be? Any place surrounded by nature 🦎🌻
27. Do you have any pets?  Happily living with 5 pets
28. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?  a mix of both 
29. Do you read comic books?  Sometimes.
30. Do you have any siblings?  it’s just me, myself and I 
31. Where do you currently live?  Egypt, not from here but came for a while.
32. What is your favorite foreign accent?  Arabic 😍🥰
33. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?  Russia
34. Can you wiggle your ears?  wanna see? hehehe 🤪
35. Do you believe that people are capable of change?  Sometimes yes 🤔
36. Are you ticklish?  If you touch my hair I won’t sleep but laugh 😂
37. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?  Pursue my dreams no matter what others have said to me. 😎🔥
38. Do you wear glasses or contacts?  glasses during home, contacts outside.
39. Do you like adventures?  I’m like Bilbo Baggins from the Shire 🧝🏼‍♀️
40. How old are you?  I am 21 years old.
41. What is your favorite quote?  “If talking kind to plants help them grow imagine talking kind to people” ☁️✨
G O O D M O R N I N G kiddos 🧞‍♀️
Here I come with my “Get to know me” post, hope it was fun to read! Any other curiosity, question or suggestion? Please send it to me. xo
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almighty-pontheon · 5 years
The Almighty Pontheon Chapter 2: Check-In
“But, hey! Just “Almighty Vee” is perfectly fine, too!”
Hearing the name of her Almighty made Meden's eye glimmer with sheer joy. In fact, all eyes were on the Mighty Vee as her introduction got the attention of the few Patapons left to celebrate the occasion. At most, she spotted thirteen in the immediate area, not including Meden. How much had these guys been suffering while she was gone?
"Oh, Mighty Vee..." Meden swooned. "How long we have waited for you!" Meden's sweet words caught her attention. "A-aw! That's-" "Praise the Mighty Vee!" One of the Patapons in the crowd called, eliciting a chorus of praises from the Patapons attending the feast. "Welcome, Vee~!"
"Queen of all! Oh, Mighty Vee!"
"Vee rules!"
Once the praises and the Mighty One's growing blush died down, Meden vied for her attention again. "We're grateful that you've returned, except..." The woman's expression dropped, immediately going from being absolutely elated to sad puppy in a mater of moments. "Great Vee, we're starving! Oh please, give us food before we collapse and die!"
"Starving?" Vee cocked her head a bit. "But... Pata Plains, it's right there. Can't you hunt?" "Oh no, Mighty Vee, we can." Meden said. "But... I'm afraid we've encountered quite a few setbacks as of late." "Them being?" "You know the three Yaripons you helped Hatapon rescue earlier? Well... Forgive us, Mighty Vee, but they are all we have left of our army. There is only so much three wooden spears can do, especially without the drums..." "Not to mention our enemies." Hatapon, who had previously been shoveling the scraps that counted as a feast into his mouth, finally spoke up. "The Catotons encroach on our territory day by day. They are awfully aggressive as of late, for some reason. They know how weak we've become, so they think they can bully our hunting party around!"
The Almighty really didn't need any more convincing. The Patapons were weak and the Catotons were pushing them around because of it, got it. Meden, for some reason, thought her Goddess was still on the fence. The Priestess reached out and grasped Vee's hand before looking right at her with the look of a sad orphan on the verge of tears. "Oh merciful Mighty Vee! Please lend the Yaripons your power, bring us only a little meat, that's all we ask!"
"U-uhm..." No, Vee, keep it together. It's not very god-like to stammer. You're an Almighty, you got this. It was unnerving how helpless they were without an Almighty around. It made Vee wonder how many had perished due to Catoton attacks, disease, exposure, or just plain starvation. She couldn't imagine what would have happened had she arrived any later than she did.
"You guys... Really don't need to try and coax me into this." The Almighty smiled nervously, but it was still a smile nonetheless. "Yes, I'll go hunting with you-""You will!?" Meden quickly dropped her sad expression and soon found herself bounding with joy. "Yes, yes! Great Vee, please follow me! I'll show you our Obelisk! That's where you go to hunt and talk to your army and equip new gear and-"
Meden had snatched Vee's hand with the gentlest, most inescapable grip and began dragging her off to the Obelisk. Hatapon, along with the rest of the Patapons, simply watched the scene go on.
"Someone ought remind Meden that's our Almighty she's dragging by the wrist!" One of them half-shouted, half-laughed at the display. An overeager Priestess and her Goddess, taken right off guard by it all.
"Aw, let it happen." Hatapon cooed. "I don't think our Great One will pack up and leave just because Meden's a little excited. I don't blame her at all, really... I kinda forgot myself, too." One fellow in the trees narrowed his eye at Hatapon. "...What... What do you mean, Hata?" "I hugged her." He replied. "I hugged the Great One..." "...And?" The other Patapon lowered his voice to a whisper. "What did it feel like?" "Like a warm, fluffy cloud... Just like the Volipons were, but even softer..." ~~~ Seeing as the Patapons were feeling quite hungry after their sad excuse of a feast, Vee decided to take them hunting that night instead of waiting for daybreak. There was a lingering worry in the back of her mind that they would wake up to find one of them already starved to death. The hunt was a breeze- Two Kacheeks and even a Mochichi were their prizes that night. The group especially went wild over the bird, and raved about how good the flesh would be.
The walk home saw Vee getting a bit more familiar with her army. The spearmen were called Ton, Chin, and Kan, as she would find out. Ton was impressionable, very impressionable. It didn't take much for him to be convinced that something was the truth, and it didn't take that much to make him question thing either. He was also quite the defeatist, but still charming and an absolute sweetheart nonetheless. Chin had the tendency to show his affection and happiness though light physical contact, usually with light bumps or even the occasional hi-five. He seemed to like being in the spotlight and was quick to try and get some personal glory for himself, now more than even considering that the Almighty was physically here, watching him. Kan was energetic and peppy, always doing some trick with his spear or telling some weird joke with Hatapon. Vee could certainly sense a hint of mischievous tendencies hidden in him somewhere, perhaps he was keeping it subdued in the presence of a Goddess.
The delivery of the meat saw an uproarious applause from the rest of the tribe, Meden was even on the verge of bursting into tears. The fresh meat was handed off to a supposed apprentice of a lost Patapon Genius for preparation. "Ah, Mighty Vee!" Meden piped up. "We thank you for this sustenance!" She then turned to the hungry tribe, further raising her voice to get their collective attention. "Everyone! Please leave your offerings for Almighty Vee at the Altar-" "Offerings? Aren't you all starving to death, though?" Vee felt her tall ears lower slightly. She didn't want to be the reason these guys had to go hungry... What kind of an Almighty would she be if that was permitted?
"Oh no, Great Vee! Please don't fret, we don't need that much food to fill our bellies!" Meden responded. "Our offerings to your are only the best cuts of meat- A fine sacrifice for the Almighty responsible for saving our lives!" The Patapons began to praise Vee once more with a symphony of "Yes, Vee! You're the best!" With that, she relented, allowing their tradition to continue. "Oh, Great Vee, I would like to declare one more thing!" Meden proclaimed in the midst of their new and improved feast. "As you know, Mighty Vee, I am your devoted servant. I should hope that my appearance communicates that already, tee-hee!" It was true. One could tell just how devoted she was by those robes. The feathers mimicking her ears, the cream-colored furs and cape she wore, and the overall brown color scheme ensured everyone knew who her people worshiped. "I felt that... Well, Great Vee! Not only my appearance, but my name should also express my devotion to you! Everyone, please call me Veeden from now on!" Vee nearly spat out her drink in shock. Instead, she choked on it a little. "Y-you don't have to, really! All these radical things you're doing for me, you don't need to!" "But Great Vee, I insist!" Veeden whined. "I would be much happier if you allowed me to express my love for you in this way! Changing my name is one of the highest offers I can give you!" "Er... M-Veeden... You're...?" Veeden gave the Almighty a knowing nod, her eye's glimmer returning. And Vee relented. ~ While they were gone, a large tent had already been pitched for Vee. Compared to the tiny homes the other Patapons made do with, the Almighty had a luxury villa on her hands. Veeden had stocked the place up already with soft hides and some simple furnishings. As it would turn out, nights often got pretty cold out here, hence the furs her Priestess wore.
She fully expected to stumble into her new tent and collapse upon her bedding, Vee felt at least entitled to that. However, the moment she stepped through the threshold of the tent's opening, a sense of divine power flooded into her. It was the distinct aura of Gods stronger than herself, and it was enough to make her fur stand up on end.
Normally, this sort of feeling would have humbled even the strongest of Patapon warriors. However, it only made the Great Vee feel instantly annoyed. "Oh, honestly! What are you two doing here?" Sitting in her tent as if she owned the place was a medium-sized land dragon covered in shining blue scales. She was very distinct from other dragons the Ancients had tangled with in the past, as she almost appeared to be a hybrid of some kind- a cross between dragon, dog, and lion. Two curved horns on her head appear to have been the influence in the distinct features of the Gyaba line of Rarepons. Resting against this dragon was an ornate golden shield. A few scratches damaged its surface, but they only served to prove how worthy this gear was for battle. They were not simply just a dragon and a shield, though. No, Vee recognized them, they were just in disguise. Looks like older siblings Tierra, the Almighty of Love and Motherhood and Lehabim, Almighty of Fire and Armor had just dropped in for a visit.
"I thought I told you all I could handle myself out here!" The Fox Almighty hissed. "What's with you two?" "Hello to you too, Vee." The dragon spoke with a hint of snobbishness. "Goodness me, we only wanted to see how you were doing!"
"I'm doing-" The younger Almighty stepped on a unchecked stone that had not been cleared from the tent grounds, causing her to jump a bit. "Just fine!"
"If you say so, Vee." The shield spoke. "But we couldn't help but notice how jittery you were at first. Vee, you have to be careful about your nerves! If your people see you get too nervous, their faith will waver!”
The lecturing shield sighed. “Are you absolutely sure you're ready for this? Do you want one of us to take over and mess with this world’s memories so you can-" "No!" Vee shook her head at the proposal. "No, listen! I'm just fine, okay? I've been watching all of you guys do the exact same stuff in your worlds for a long time now! I just got a little excited at first, that's all! I-I can do this, I swear to you-" "Try to separate our worlds from yours, Vee." Lehabim interrupted. "The worlds Eternity gave to us run parallel to one another- and so everything in those worlds played out the same. This one, however... It's all sorts of different. We can't guarantee that you can expect what'll happen next, so you need to be cautious." "Mhmm, it never hurt anyone to be careful." Tierra agreed. "And don't be afraid to call on your family if you need help, Vee! We all love our little sister very much."
The smaller Almighty felt her ears droop down a bit as she looked away from the two. They knew her weakness, her entire family did. Their sincerity and caring nature towards her always ended up forcing her guard down no matter what happened. A simple "Your family will always love you" made her drop any hostility she may have had in an instant.
He must have been feeling particularly good that night, because Lehabim took advantage of the distracted Vee to hop into his Patapon disguise- that of a decorated Tatepon with a unique helm. He marched over to her and gently grabbed her ears.
"We know you have it in you, Vee. All 21 of us know you can figure this out... Just use these big ears Eternity gave you and lead your world to greatness..." She was trying to gently swat him away, but Lehabim must have been feeling extra sentimental and countered her bats with a hug. "...Ah, if only she could see you now. Our mother would be so proud of you, Vee..." "She certainly would." Tiera joined in- still in her dragon form- and gave them as good of a hug as she could muster in that shape. By now, though, Vee was starting to have enough of it.
"Leha! Tie! You can let go now, please!" "Nope!" The Shield Almighty teased, hugging her even tighter. "Gotta keep our precious sister close, right Tierra?" "Yes! And we'll slaughter any who so much as scrapes her!"
"Cut it oouuuttt!" ~~~ It was one of Hatapon's jobs to come to the Almighty each night and brief her on what their plans were for the next morning, as well as the general status of the tribe and its people. Tomorrow, they had agreed to hunt just a bit further than what they had initially covered that night. However, as he peered into the Great One's tent, he saw her being embraced by a dragon and an experienced Tatepon. Then, he quickly and quietly turned around and headed for his own tent. There was no doubt in his mind that this truly was the Almighty Vee now.
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lunathevulpix · 6 years
So I’ve been in a bad place after my siblings moved away from where we call home with our mother. I have been with each of them since the days they came home from the hospital after being born. I know that they didn’t die, but not having them around or being able to hug them, go out with them, or even just play around with them, I felt empty. My sister and brother (older of the two) moved to my aunt’s house in June. Then our mother and youngest brother followed after them back in November.
I felt like I was on autopilot since just two of my siblings left. Thought to myself that it was all okay because I still had the youngest of us here by my side. I could still love him the way I had since he was born. When he left along with our mother, my world felt like a tsunami crashing right over me. Nothing I enjoyed before mattered to me. I was always either mad or sad for the littlest of things - or even over nothing at all. Mood swings came and went. I didn’t feel like socializing anymore. Hated people. Correction: I hated life. The facade of everything being alright and that I had remained unchanged was extremely forced. When I laughed, it was obvious that I pushed it farther than it was. When I smiled, it never reached my eyes. I showed affection through touch, yet after my three siblings left, I didn’t want anyone to touch me nor touch them at all.
Just a couple weeks ago I started going to goju kan (a style of karate). I started really focusing on myself and improving who I am. Eating when I am really hungry and leaving reminders for myself to eat something. I started a bullet journal. Meditation. Essential oils, aromatherapy. Man, I gotta say that I’m starting to feel a lot better. There are days where that dark cloud looms over and loneliness claims me still, but there are other days where the world just seems more vibrant. But the best part about it all is that I can finally say that I feel this way because of me, not because I have someone else to rely on for this kind of happiness.
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m-art-ziaaa · 4 years
Spending my time tonight with my sister by recalling back our childhood memories together. I'd like to write an anecdote about my 'wild' chilhood. it's not that wild, i was just extra stupid back then 😂 I wanna write here because at least I can reread it again in the future and remember all of the memory for a long term :>
We lived in Kota Tinggi and I went to SK Laksamana Kota Tinggi. I was 7 and I was really afraid of my BM teacher. Her name is Pn Raahmah. garang nak mati, I always got beaten by her in many ways such as rotan lempang and cubit. I always got beaten sebab lambat pickup when it comes to penggunaan penanda bacaan and spelling. Pernah kena rotan 5 times untuk satu mispelling and another 5 times sebab lupa letak tanda noktah. rotan dia pulak nipis gila so yeaaa everytime kena tu fuhhh padass.
therefore, disebabkan takut sebab I always got beaten by her, I tried to lari dari sekolah agagagagag. my first attempt, I acah pi toilet (sedangkan idek where the hell our toilets were located) But i menyimpang pergi belakang sekolah, I tried to panjat tembok, but tembok tu ada besi tajam, so masa tu cuma mampu tergantung je, tak dapat nak lepas tembok. disebabkan tak lepas, i merayau satu sekolah, cari tembok yang selamat. all the teachers were pelik with me sebab I wandered around tanpa arah tuju hahahaha. disebabkan takda tembok best, i tried to sneak through the main gate. but heh, kena tahan dengan pak guard pulek >:( but bagusla, sebab I didn't bring my bag with me at that time, so takde guna pun if dapat lari masa tu. so I act natural, masuk kelas cam biasa balik.
my second attempt, after my parents dropped us off at the school's main gate. I waited for their presence to disappear. my siblings were already in dataran perhimpunan. I was at outside of the main gate, I ran away. Everything went well heheh I was already half my way home but then I saw 4 big dogs in front of me. I don't know where to go, but then I saw a car, I tried to run along with the car so the dogs won't able to see me. but then... aihhh the car was too fast, I cannot hide myself by running along with the fast car. so the dogs saw me, my adrenaline rushed. So I immediately run tapi uturn sebab anjing dah kejar kot agagaga but then terjatuh tepi longkang and I was injured. siku jatuh atas jalan tar... sakit wo. and then one of the anjings came to me, he smelled me. and then he just blah je sebab maybe I smelled like a pure child uwu. But then agaga tak sangka pulak I jatuh depan longkang rumah my english teacher ._. right after the dogs disappeared, my teacher baru nak keluar rumah ;.; she saw me and asked "eh kenapa mardziah kat sini?" and then dia suruh masuk kereta. sepanjang dalam kereta, I told her that I wanted to go home. she said something like "sOk4y! I w1LL dR1v3 u H0m3" but then dia bawak aku masuk sekolah balik. wtf, kecik kecik kena scam! >:[
but after my english teacher sent me back ti the school, i lupa how I able to run away lagi sekali on the same day hagdjahzhs. but this time I tried to guna jalan lain sebab takut jumpa 4 anjing tu lagi. but this time my journey lagi jauhla agahah. sampai tahap, I sesat. I felt like... where am I? so I cried because I thought that I was lost. but then ada 2 chinese aunties came and asked, "eh adik kenapa ni?" (smtg like that), so i told them I'm lost xD so they accompany me but they said they wanted to breakfast jap. so they took me to a chinese warung, and again, ADA ANJING. the dog barked at me, the aunties tried to calm me down but I was so afraid, I ran away from them agagagag. again, I was alone. I walked sampai area kubur kristian amd church. at that time I knew, I'm already too far from home and I'm lost. so I cried jela sambil jalan tanpa arah tuju, sorang sorang, wearing my baju sukan lagi hahdhahsha. but then ada uncle naik motor saw me, he asked "adik nak pergi mana ni?" i told him I'm lost. but then uncle tu cakap "Eh adik anak polis kan? cik musa kan?" haih nasibla bapak aku pemes masa tu agagaga so I angguk je. uncle suruh naik motor, without hesitant, I naik je motor tu (bodo betul nasibla pakcik tu baik, kalau dia jahat naya je aku). disebabkan my father was famous masa tu so pakcik tu tau where I lived. dia hantar smpai depan rumah do, my lil bro asked "eh maziah balik?" I only said "acik ni baik, dia hantar balik rumah". right after acik tu blah, my mom keluar, dia terkejut sebab i kat depan pagar rumah HSHSHSHSHA. WEH I WAS A DEAD MEAT DO KENA MARAH AND THEN MAK AMIK RANTING KAYU, MAK PAKSA AKU GERAK GI SEKOLAH. SO NAK TANAK AKU GERAK JELA SAMBIL MAK AKU BAWAK RANTING KAYU TU DIA HANTAR AKU PI SEKOLAH BALIK T-T
mak hantar samai kelas do. and then she wemt out from the classroom. I sat down but at the same time nangis and still rasa nak lari. then i lari keluar kelas but all my boy classmates halang. I siku one of them and sepak lagi sorang disebabkan desperate sangat nak lari hahsgahs. and tak sangka dapat lari dari kelas fuhh. I ran as fast as I can to the main gate, this time I brought my bag with me agagaga bodonya tak sangka masa tu ustaz mimi saw me and he chased me AGAGAGAGA. the best thing is that, ustaz wasn't able to catch me uwu. the bad thing is, my bro saw me running with my pink bag and followed by ustaz mimi ajsjajsjajs but my bro can't do anything because he was at the third floor, he can only witness my gempak moment sebab I was able to run from ustaz 😂 but the worse thing was, PAK GUARD! eih geram aku!!!! amd yang lebih teruk, my mom was at the guard house, huaaa masa tu I terus peluk my mom, suruh dia bawak I baik rumah ;.; but mak refused, dia kasi aku kat ustaz mimi ;.; and lepas tu taktau pe jadi agagagaga. but tak sangka, all my neighbours tau about me lari dari ustaz. so one day, I masuk lumba lari, 100m maybe. And I won agagaga. balik rumah all my neighbours asal nampak i je terus diorang cakap "uyo laju betul lari. patutla ustaz mimi pun tak boleh tangkap kau" 😂😂😂
because of that moment, start dari situ ler I joined all the lumba lari punya events sampaila form 2. lepas tu terus pencen agagaga sebab nak gain weight kononnya but until now sama je badan 🤦🏻‍♀️
actually, that was not my last attempt to run from cikgu raahmah. banyak lagi, I even buang my textbooks kat tempat wudhu' and my white nametag (for darjah 1) and I went to my sis's classroom. which is darjah 2. that was the most stupid move la, begok banget. tak memasal cikgu yang kenal aku nampak aku dalam kelas tu, she called me, dia bawak aku pi kelas aku balik ;.; and masa otw class tu cikgu raahmah already waited for me T-T agagagaga bodo betul la maziah
but then masa mid september, my family moved to KL. So tak sempat nak ha iskan darjah satu kat Johor pun agagaga. but idk why, masa kat sk laksamana, I always got beaten, sampai terpikir "bodo sangat ke aku ni sampai tahao selalu kena rotan ni?" but bila sekolah kat KL, my teacher bagi gelaran "budak baru yang pandai" to me and my classmate, Vaayu Putran. He's a new student too. we both able to ace each paper lol. my BM pun always 87%+ . thanks to rotan cikgu raahmah la heheh. I wonder, cikgu raahmah still alive or not eh? because masa belajar dengan dia, she already look like a mid age woman. it's been 14 years already. I hope everything's good for her and for my teachers that taught me everything :>
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kinusking · 7 years
A Few Tagging Things Since I Haven’t Yet Overshared This Month
Five Things Tag
I was tagged by @sqye, thank you!
You have to tag 15 people at the end of this challenge As if I would do that
Five things you’ll find in my bag
travel card
my phone and it’s charger
spork (i found them in Gothenburg and they are the best shit ever created)
a pen (since you always need one)
Five things you’ll find in my bedroom:
my new pride flags ♥
postcards, and lots of them (20 at the moment)
s o  m u c h  r a n d o m  t h i n g s  e v e r y w e r e
pictures in frames
Five things I’ve always wanted to do:
go to a trail ride (horse riding) for one week where you change sleeping place every day
travel pretty much everywhere
road trip in UK
live outside of Finland for at least couple months (and I just came home from living in Sweden for 6 months I GOT TO FULFILL ONE OF MY LIFE GOALS YAY)
interrail/backpack travel in Europe
Five things that make me happy:
beautiful things. That can be piece of food, art, good views, people, random streets, animals, trees, water, clouds, buildings, pretty much anything
being with (certain) people and being seen and heard
Five things that I’m currently into:
horses (I didn’t get to ride in Sweden so I’m back with lots of motivation)
my “new” home city and exploring it and cities next to it deeper than before
doing long walks
Five things on my to-do list:
buy lots of things to my new apartment
reading to summer exams
figuring out what courses I have to do next academic year (and hehe if I could do another exchange in Master level)
what to write my bachelor thesis about??
looking up where to do horse riding this summer and fall
A- Z get to know me tag!
Tagged by @bururaven a month ago :D
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 20 B - Birthplace: Helsinki C - Current Time: 01:15 am D - Drink You Last Had: water E - Easiest Person To Talk To: my friends F - Favourite Song: that changes rapidly. At the moment it could be Whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons G - Grossest Memory: No idea! I haven’t had that many gross events and the ones that have happened I forget quickly. Once in elementary school one of my classmates cut his hand in woodwork class though. There was blood. Lot’s of it. (But he was fine in the end) H - Horror Yes or Horror No: No. A little bit of it is exiting, though I - In Love?: Never J - Jealous of People?: Sometimes but not actually K - Killed Someone?: No :D L - Love At First Sight Or Should I Walk By Again: You should walk by again M - Middle Name: Olivia N - Number of Siblings:  O - One Wish: that this summer ends up being fun P - Person You Called Last: mum Q - Question You Are Always Asked: This spring that would be “how are you” because of the way people communicate in other countries than in Finland. In here people don’t really ask that. S - Song You Sang Last: Hur Svårt Kan Det Va by Linda Bengtzing T - Time You Woke Up: around 10  U - Underwear Colour: black V - Vacation Destination: this summer I’m going back to Muhu island in Estonia and that will be great! (It will include looots of horse riding) W - Worst Habit: biting my nails X - X-rays: have had many of them: legs, hip, spine, mouth, hand and probably some I’m forgetting now Y - Your favourite food: dunno. Porridge? Vegetarian curry?  Z - Zodiac Sign: virgo
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KCK family trying to stay positive as mom of 4 fights COVID-19, isolated and on a ventilator
KANSAS CITY, Kan. — A local family is shocked to learn their typically healthy mom now needs a machine to breath.
Ten days ago doctors diagnosed the mother of four with COVID-19. Now, her family is getting by as best they can, and her oldest son is hoping for good news.
Brian Leal and his mom Maria Elena Leal have a special bond.
“My mom is amazing,” Brian said. “She has the best personality I could ever imagine. It amazes me as somebody you really look up to.”
Maria Elena is a single mom to 19-year-old Brian, along with his 11-year-old sister and two siblings under five.
“I just miss her,” Brian said. “You only get one of those.”
Nearly two weeks ago, 36-year-old Leal started getting sick. They thought it was allergies, but then all the symptoms of COVID-19 started to appear.
By April 17, she was hospitalized and five days later put on a ventilator.
“It’s very scary because two days ago they called me and told me her heart stopped,” Brian said. “I started — I was freaking out because I didn’t know what to do, and they told me they were able to get her oxygen back.”
Brian sends his mother messages to her Facebook account, knowing she can’t respond but hoping one day she will.
“All I want is to hear the doctors say that your mom is progressing and coming home soon,��� Brian said. “It’s all I want to hear.”
Brian and his grandmother are now taking care of his three siblings. Meanwhile, Maria’s car detailing business is on hold, and her life is hanging in the balance.
“One thing my mom told me is stay strong and never give up, and that’s what I’m doing,” Brian said.
If you are able to help this family, they set up a Gofundme to assist with medical costs and taking care of the children.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/news/kck-family-trying-to-stay-positive-as-mom-of-4-fights-covid-19-isolated-and-on-a-ventilator/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/kck-family-trying-to-stay-positive-as-mom-of-4-fights-covid-19-isolated-and-on-a-ventilator/
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rubyastari · 5 years
As a single and childless woman, I’m aware that it’s not convenient to openly talk about this. However, I can’t just pretend that I don’t see what I have.
Lately, more news sound a lot more horrifying than probably your favourite horror / thriller movies. We’ve heard mothers killing their own offsprings, out of exhaustion, sheer depression and lack of emotional and mental support. Most of these women have been the subjects of their husbands (and husbands’ family members’) constant, systematic abuses at home.
I know. I’m not justifying what these women have done. However, they can’t be the only factor to blame here. It’s much more complex than just pointing out who’s the bad guy and who’s the victim, because there’s this thing called ‘transferrent’.
Haven’t we all realised, that – at one point – we take part in this too? I’m not just talking about the abusive husbands and the nasty in-laws, especially when the wives are the overwhelmed, stay-at-home moms. Our society claims that being a housewife is a noble calling all women must feel fortunate with.
Ironically, they treat housewives with less than respect they deserve IRL. Come on, don’t deny it. The fact is, many men still introduce their wives with “She’s just a housewife”, when these women have a crazier workload than men at work – but with often with no pay nor recognition they deserve. (Oh, yeah, yeah. Their award comes from God, so that should be the highest form of praise of all, eh? They’re expected to be saints 24/7. It doesn’t matter if they’re tired and in so much pain.)
When mothers start having a mental breakdown and children are the victims, the world goes crazy. However, the world is still not crazy enough (or perhaps too crazy) to realise that these distraught, exhausted moms should have gotten early help instead of full blame and accusations.
It’s ironic, isn’t it? For centuries, women have always been considered weaker than men, yet when they suffer in silence like this, they’re also expected to suck it up and say nothing. They’re demanded to face it with strength. If they complain, they’re mocked for being weak and impatient. It’s hard, if not almost impossible, to make this patriarchal society to understand and sympathise.
They hardly say much about the fathers’ violence, especially if the children are older and...boys. So many still believe it’s part of a disciplinary action – and also a lesson to turn the boys into men. They must be tough. They must learn how to fight, either to get whatever they want – at all costs, if they must – or just to fight back.
 The Unforgettable, Violent Moments
Sometimes, one realises that they can’t claim themselves an activist – either on human rights or else – if they still find themselves a helpless, quiet bystander. I mean, I don’t know what that makes me if the same things keep happening – with me sitting tongue-tied and watching in horror.
There are three (3) events regarding a father’s violence in public that I’ve witnessed:
1.    One night at a fast-food restaurant.
This happened a decade ago, when I went to have dinner with a group of friends. I had even written about this on my past, English blog post and on an Indonesian article on a different digital platform.
Long story short, my friends and I were chatting when my eyes strayed to an indoor section of the restaurant’s second floor. I saw an angry father sitting with his son. The boy was about six or seven, obviously crying. I couldn’t see his face, just the back of his small head. He was trembling and he looked as if he was struggling to breathe.
I didn’t have to be in there to know enough. The angry father was glaring at the boy sitting in front of him, his mouth clearly moving these words:
“Diam! Jangan nangis kayak banci!” (Shut up! Don’t cry like faggots!)
Since the boy seemed to be unable to stop, the angry father lost his temper. He started slapping the boy’s face – over and over. I could feel myself draw in a sharp breath. My gaze was fixed on them both.
Stop. Just stop it. Stop hurting the boy, you fool...
“Are you okay?” My friend’s voice brought me back from my angry thoughts. Too bad I couldn’t voice them out loud, but at least the angry father had finally sensed me looking at him. He looked right back at me and I barely blinked at him.
You watch it.
You could say at least he’d finally stopped. Friends could tell me (like they had that night) that it was none of my business.
What could such an angry father do behind closed doors? That was already alarming enough.
2.    One night at a minimarket.
This happened about a few years ago, when I went to this minimarket I frequent – since it’s closer from where I live now. I’ve seen a lot of young couples with their small kids, but they’re not as shockingly brutal as the ones I saw that night:
From the boy’s very small features, I guessed he must’ve probably been about three or four years old. He seemed to be wanting a lot of things that night. He kept shrilling to his parents while grabbing the items off the counters:
“Aku mau ini aku mau ini!” (I want this I want this!)
Okay, most parents will probably ask me to understand that yes, parenting is exhausting. (What the hell do I know, right? I’m not even one...yet.) The boy’s parents had looked ragged with lack of sleep. They tried to stop the boy and ask him not to grab things, but...you know...little kids...
Then, to my horror, the father suddenly grabbed him by the arm – and yanked him away really hard. The tiny boy started screaming: “Aw!” before crying his eyes out, touching his shoulder with his other free hand. He was bawling and bawling while his father was glaring down at him, yelling curses I was certain no kids that young should have ever heard.
And the mother? Instead of asking the father to stop hurting the poor boy, she was yelling at him too:
“Tuh, ‘kan? Gini kalo kamu gak nurut sama Papa!” (See, this is what happens when you disobey your father!)
I stood there, frozen. The three of them left, unaware that I’d been watching them. My best bet was that the wife was probably as powerless to the husband’s abusive behaviour.
I seriously hope that poor little boy hadn’t dislocated his tiny arm because of his father’s rough handling...
3.    One afternoon at a fancy restaurant in a fancy hotel.
This happened most recently. I accepted my best friend’s birthday lunch with her and her family and friends.
If you assume that child abuse only happens in poor families, you’re sadly mistaken.
I was sitting, eating, and talking with my friend at their table when I suddenly heard an angry, high-pitched scream at the aisle right next to me:
“Aku cuma mau lihat!” (I just want to see!)
A father and two little sons standing there, by a half-covered baby stroller. The older son was taller, probably about six or seven. The younger was short and small. My best bet was that he was a year younger too.
The Older Brother had been trying to uncover the stroller. I suspected there must have been a sleeping baby in it, whether it was their youngest sibling or cousin. Instead of telling the boy no, the father kept slapping his hand away. The boy repeated, another slap occured. The boy was angry.
“Aku cuma mau lihat!” (I just want to see!)
Just as I’d feared and predicted, the father grabbed the boy by the arm and roughly dragged him away from the stroller. The boy started screaming and crying. The little one followed, pummelling his tiny fists against Daddy’s arm, clearly demanding that Daddy let Big Brother go.
‘What was that all about?”
My best friend’s voice turned my gaze away from that awful scene. When I told the whole table about what I’d seen, their faces showed the same emotions: concern and contempt.
“I guess not everyone is cut out to be a parent.”
 You could say that I should be grateful. My father had never done such a thing, not even to my little brother – the only son at home. You’re right; I’ve been so lucky. You could also convince me that yes, not all families are like that. Not all men are that violent, yet there are a lot of them like that – and such conviction shouldn’t be used to silence what seriously needs to be addressed and dealt with.
Because if those kids aren’t so lucky, they might repeat the pattern as they grow old. The first lesson on violence often comes from home – masked as a ‘disciplinary action’. If they don’t meet the right people who can and will teach them otherwise, they might assume it’s the only way to get what they want – the only solution to every problem.
Violence to feed on their fragile ego, not caring if other people are hurt...or worse, killed...
Slap his girlfriend or wife only for talking back. Drag some girl by the arm, just because she refuses to give her number or declines a date. If we keep looking away from incidents like this, things might escalate...
But of course, what do I know...right?? I’m just a single and childless woman. I have no idea how exhausting parenting can really be, so I’m sure many still want me to shut up about this...
If only this were easier said than done...
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the-judging-eye · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9E92tY9bY94)
"As the sun comes up, Deborah Jones takes a seat on the “throne” — a faded tapestry-covered bench supported by a scrolled metal frame and decorated on each corner with scruffy tassels lightly dusted by flecks of ash.
From her perch, she watches kindling ignite in the upright smoker. Then she shoves hickory logs into the firebox to create a combustible stew she stirs occasionally with a custom-made pitchfork.
True pitmasters: The Jones sisters are rare gems in man’s world https://www.kansascity.com/living/food-drink/article98604857.html
“I like that chair,” says one of Kansas City’s only female pitmasters, referring to the flea market find that was likely once part of a vanity set.
For more than three decades, the Jones sisters — Deborah and her sister Mary Jones Mosley — have devoted themselves to barbecue, working as professional pitmasters and owners of Jones Bar-B-Q. In its latest incarnation, the to-go-only spot has taken up residence in a former taco stand where customers step up to a window to place their orders.
Mary, whose family nickname is “Shorty,” calls out the order. Then Deborah, or “Little,” steps up on the firebox door and peers into the pit to ferret out the precise piece of meat required. With roasting pan in hand, Deborah pads back to the metal screen doors and into the kitchen. Together, she and Mary fix up a foam box and tie it up in a plastic grocery sack.
The outdoor smoker sits on a layer of bricks in the parking lot near Wild Woody’s Happy Foods West at 6706 Kaw Drive, in an industrial section of Kansas City, Kan., where freight trains from the tracks running parallel to Kansas 32 whistle loud enough to drown out conversations.
If a woman sitting on a throne in the middle of a parking lot tending fire isn’t enough to stop cars and trucks, the thick perfume of smoke wafting out of the smoker door serves as a word-of-nose advertisement.
“I can tell the barbecue is good by the way this place smells!” a middle-aged woman in a fluorescent yellow vest says while jumping back into a still-running car — sandwich in hand — to meet her next freight shipment.
“A lot of people think because we are women that we don’t have common sense,” Deborah says. But it’s clear her predominantly male customers — from construction and rail workers to truckers to police officers — believe in her barbecue sense.
— A family affair —
The Jones sisters have been around barbecue since they were old enough to stand on a milk crate and help crank out links of their family’s unwritten sausage recipe.
Their father, Leavy Jones Sr., who never made it past the seventh grade, was an electrician by day and learned the art of barbecue moonlighting at Hezekiah’s, an African-American-owned barbecue that once operated at 1805 N. 10th St. in Kansas City, Kan.
On weekends, the girls helped out at Hezekiah’s by washing dishes, wrapping sandwiches and running the cash register. But they didn’t work on weekdays because they had to get their homework done. Education was a priority: Seven of the eight Jones siblings went to college, and three brothers served in the military.
Leavy and his wife, Juanita, also sat the kids down every Sunday to talk about good manners, hygiene, sex education and the value of hard work.
“Daddy always said, ‘Nothing is free. If you ever get unemployed, you have to have other skills,’ ” Deborah recalls.
“We’ve all always worked, because nothing is free,” Mary echoes. “And if it is, you better question it.”
During college, Deborah worked summers at the Gates Bar-B-Q location down the road from Hezekiah’s. As adults, the sisters found themselves drawn back to the fire to help out their older brother Daniel, who, like their dad, worked at Hezekiah’s as a pitmaster and eventually bought the business.
Deborah was her brother’s designated backup. Soon after Daniel died, Mary joined her to run the business. They stayed on 10th Street from 1987 to 2003, then moved to 609 N. Sixth St. from 2005 to 2009. Mary began downsizing to a food cart on 12th Street for office workers and miscellaneous caterings in 2007.
Although deeply devoted to the art form, the Jones sisters have always treated barbecue as a backup: Deborah, 56, worked at the post office and Mary, 59, was a nurse. In the lull, Deborah dealt with health problems, including a heart condition that tires her easily. Mary retired to Topeka but soon got an offer to work at Reser’s Fine Foods, maker of specialty frozen foods, smoked meats and tubs of deli-style salads.
Last October, Deborah was itching to jump back into barbecue full time. She found the taco stand and, after spending most of her pit money on rewiring it to meet health and safety codes, she scrounged up an upright smoker at A-Lotta-Stuff, a thrift store a couple of hundred yards across the asphalt.
Although she is most comfortable cooking over a brick pit — Hezekiah’s had an impressive sunken pit dug into the ground — Deborah retrofitted the smoker to her specifications. “They each have their own personality,” she says. “I had to get used to the hot points and how to work the fire again.”
She put the bricks and drip pan on the right side, preferring to make her fire on the left. She also tore out the thermometers built into the door.
“They bother me,” she says.“We don’t use a thermometer. You should be able to look and know the meat is done.” In other words, a rack of ribs is done when it “flaps” but doesn’t quite fall off the bone.
— Nothing fancy —
The fare at Jones Bar-B-Q is not fancy: The ribs are untrimmed by today’s competition standards. The coarse-grind all-pork sausage is eyeballed for accuracy and hand-cranked and stuffed into natural casings that snap with each bite. The burnt ends are surprisingly fatty, charcoaled and chewy.
“Seasonings,” as opposed to trendy rubs, and an innate understanding of the “textures and smells” of the wood are what give the meat its down-home flavor. Their signature barbecue sauce is served liberally over the meat, unless a customer asks for it on the side.
Barbecue expert and soon-to-be American Royal Hall of Famer Ardie Davis affectionately labels the sisters’ style “old school”: “It isn’t fancy. It’s very simple and direct. The flavor is not oversmoked and (the meat) not so neatly trimmed you miss the fat.”
Unlike restaurateurs who display trophies and ribbons from competitive barbecue contests, the Jones sisters don’t have awards to show for their years in the trenches. Instead, Deborah’s prize is an intuitive sense for barbecue that borders on communion.
“Watch how focused my sister is when she turns that piece of meat,” Mary almost whispers one morning. “They’re communicating with each other. It’s accumulated knowledge. To make it as long as we have been doing this is not a joke. You have to be focused and want to do this. It’s an art. It’s hot. Time-consuming. You have to stay focused. You don’t wake up to be a pitmaster one day. This is years of hard work. You have to want this.”
The funny thing, Mary teases, is Deborah can’t be trusted to boil a hotdog.
“She does no cooking in the kitchen,” Mary says with a deep-throated laugh. “But now isn’t that funny! Take this right here — with more work and more heat — and she’s good at it. I love it, too, don’t get me wrong. But she’s obsessed with it.”
Mary also knows her way around a pit, but she is happy to be the exuberant cheerleader — taking orders, chatting up customers and making change. Her playful banter puts people at ease, and she aims to please.
“Mary is the only person I know who gets tips even when she’s not working,” Deborah says, shaking her head.
The sisters insist their success has to do with consistency and freshness. They buy their meats from Mies Wholesale Meats in North Kansas City. Deborah puts only a dozen or so rib tips, four racks of ribs and a couple of briskets and pork butts on the fire each day. If they sell out, she puts more meat on and tells the customer to come back in two hours.
“We have got a thing about freshness — and she’s got it bad,” says Mary, who helps out when she can but is no longer at the business on a daily basis. “You have to sit on the throne and play with this (fire) all day. It takes time if you want to do it right. We were never about the dollar bill. It was about pleasing the customer. That was my part, always the customer. My customers are everything to me.”
If there’s one signature item the Jones sisters continue to hang their hats on, it is their sausage. Michelle Briggs of Lenexa drives 20 minutes for some links on a sizzling July afternoon.
“It’s totally different than any other,” she says. “There’s a little spice and you can tell it’s homemade. I like the fact that when you cut it open it falls apart. You can put it on bread, or eat it as is.”
“I’m just crazy about the sausage,” echoes Gregory Ross of Kansas City, Kan. “It’s homemade, and I was raised up on it.” Although the new location “could be bigger,” he adds, “good things come in small places.”
— For the love of it —
In 2001, while Doug Worgul was researching his book “The Grand Barbecue” published by Kansas City Star Books, he happened to spy a hand-lettered sign for the original Jones Bar-B-Q.
“It was the jointiest joint I’ve ever been in,” says Worgul, who now works as the director of marketing for Joe’s KC. “There were a couple of folding tables like you’d find in a church fellowship hall. It was definitely the most handmade dining room you could ever imagine, but the food was good.”
Worgul dined three or four times before he introduced himself.
“He really put us on the the map, without us really knowing,” says Mary, who posed for a portrait with Deborah that closes out the book.
Worgul, who recently reconnected with Deborah after 15 years, says the sisters are the hardest working people he has ever met, and they represent an artisan approach that cannot be replicated in higher-volume barbecue restaurants.
“Our pitmasters are not pitmasters in the sense Deborah and Mary are,” Worgul says. “What our pitmasters do — which is critical to our operation — is really far less creative. Basically, they follow a procedure. It’s not mastering barbecue; it’s fulfilling that specific technique.”
Deborah’s daughter, Izora Thompson, a 22-year-old nursing student at the University of Missouri due to graduate in December, has been tapped to keep the family business going. Barbecue is definitely a family legacy she wants to continue, but she’s hoping to add a “fresh perspective.”
On her way back to college this semester, she asked her mother to make a barbecue burrito, wrapping bits of smoked sausage with beans, onions, green peppers and cheese in a tortilla. Her friends loved the results.
“I like the idea of our traditions, but I’d like to try some new flavorful dishes as well,” Izora says. “I would really like to branch out and do more with the business.”
Including bottling the barbecue sauce and figuring out a way to sell the sausage and beans at grocery stores.
“It would be nice to be in the grocery store,” Mary muses aloud, “but I guess we’re just old-fashioned, because it could never be just about the money.”
Indeed, for the Jones sisters, barbecue isn’t just a job; it is who they are.
“This is worse than a drug. It’s an addiction. It’s in your blood, and she’s really the junkie,” Mary says, eyeing her sister’s shabby-chic throne and letting out a sigh. “She breathes this, and loves it. She goes to sleep to get up for this. She doesn’t care about the money. This is her No. 1 spot.”
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gwenpaint-blog · 6 years
==> Tell Karkat
Paint>CG: Karkat! Karkat are you awake and available?
Paint: I have a date with Deuce tomorrow! OuO
Paint: Well you remember when I sort of publicly told him I liked him through an ask meme, right?
Paint: afahdhfja!!!! Paint: Well he wants to take things slow which makes sense. I actually asked him out during the candy mania while we were both in our right minds and he said he'd like to! Now that we're all recovered we're finally going to go. I'm taking him dancing but I'm rather nervous. I've never danced before but it's always looked so fun
Paint: [Dance hall info] It sounds like a nice place. I was originally thinking picnic but the weather has gone winter so ehehe
Paint: I am extremely excited! I've never done anything like this before! My chest feels all fluttery and I'm giggling like a fool ^u^
Paint: I've got this one dress but I think it might be overkill? And he's seen it in a picture already
Paint: On such short notice? O.O
Paint: Alright! That makes sense! Should I meet you at the entrance?
Paint: Okay! I'll be there asap!> You grab your purse and hurry to the entrance!
>You show up a minute later, grinning from ear to ear. >"Hey, ready?"
"Yes! I'm ready to go!" > You beam and give him a quick excited hug "Thank you for doing this with me!"
>"Hell, of course I would! THis is like, absolutely a romcom situation and I must make sure it goes well without any of the traditional trip ups." >A pause. >"Also because I want you to have a good time."
> You laugh a little "I can see the similarities. I'm glad you are protecting me from the comedic trip ups." > Open the door
>You grin and start heading right out. Of course, being Kanaya's sibling, you kow where all the hottest fashions are at. And being a kid of a mafia don.... >You end up at a middlingly swanky place. Nice enough to have good date outfits, but not nice enough that it'd be weird for you two to be shopping there.
> Your frugal side that is paranoid about money is going 'oh noooo' even at this level of niceness, but you think maybe it's a good time to splurge? "I'm tempted to get something purple... but that feels a little too obvious maybe?"
>"Hmmmm...Maybe get a purple accessory or detail? Purple might wash you, anyhow, if it's the wrong shade." >You really do know a lot about clothes, and have worn dresses before yourself. So you're not just talking out of your ass. >"Wht kind of dresses do you like?"
> You pull out your phone and show him the green and black dress "This one sort of called to me for some reason." > You think you only have fake pearl earring jewelry-wise
>"Hm...That's pretty good for a date, but I think it might be too form fitting for dancing. Do you want to try one of the green and black ones with wider skirts? And how short?" >You're really getting into this.
"It doesn't have to be black and green. I like all colors" > You smile. The brighter the better usually. > You are drawn to the sales wrack automatically and you start flipping through the options"Maybe something blue?"
>"Blue does look nice on you. Hmm..." >You sift through the dresses where she's looking, before pulling out a nice blue dress. It's a gentle blue, with petal sleeves and a slightly more modest skirt than some of the latest fashions. YOu're not sure Paint's into the short skirt looks. >"How about this?"
"Never hurts to try! It looks cute too" > You say. Wow you've never had a friend to shop with before and this is... AMAZING!
>"Yes, yes it does." >You also pick out a deep purple wrap, with little shiny silver detailing. She might get cold after all!!
> You grab a number of things to try on because this is actually very fun talking about the merits of each and trying to decide with his help. > you head to the changing room and step out in each for him to see
>You consider each one with a careful eye, and not just the ones you picked out. You really want Paint to go stunning!! >"I think you look best in pastels, but some of the ones with dark details don't look too bad either."
"Maybe one of the one's that's more of a mix? The contrast is pretty fun!"
"Probably. Let's look outside the deals, maybe?"
> Blink... "Outside?.... You mean... off the sales wrack?"
"Well, yeah! I mean they have a bunch of stuff here..."
> You're never gone off the sales wrack before. You stand there for a moment trying to process the concept of getting a thing that isn't art supplies not on sale
"I mean, I brought along my wallet too, so it's not like you'll have to do it alone." You give her a quiet smile.
"It's not the money... I can afford it really... I'm just so used to prioritizing..." > you look embarrassed.
"Aw, jeeze, that's fine! Listen, I totally understand. But it's good to splurge now and again, right? And what better time than a first date?" >Poor paint. You've never really been wanting personally, but you can still understand it.
> you give your cheeks a firm pat to shake yourself from the funk you had started to feel and nod with a bright smile "Certainly no time like the present! To the rest of the store!"
>You grin and sure enough, the store has a lot more options. Some of the styles push the forced stylings of the 20s a little, but juuuust barely. >Indeed you find a dress that has little dew drops of dark ebony on creamy ivory, and matching gloves as a set.
> You find so many things you like. You're sweating. There's so many pretty dressed oh no
>You attempt to help >"Okay. Give me the top three."
> SWEAT "T-top six?"
>"Top Six is fine i SUPPOSE"
> You give him the top six which is hard to do cause you keep waffling
>You fondly tease her but to be quite frank you're also eyeing some of those so it's not like you have anything to say. >Then you narrow it down sliiightly to four and gently shove them into her arms. >"Let's see what you like best, right?"
> you nod and vanish into the dressing room to change. > You step out in each but one makes you beam a little more than the others
>You totally notice, but wait for her to finish. >"Hmmm, I dunno.....Can I see that one again?" You totally point to her excitement one.
"Alright!" > You more than gladly try it on again and twirl a little as you come into his view "I think it's got a lot of life, don't you?"
>"It does! It also really suits you." >You nod, looking happy.
> You flush with a smile "You sure it's not over the top for a first date?..." > You've never done this before and you worry a lot
"I don't think there is such a thing, honestly. Does it make you feel happy and confident?"
> You think about it ernestly and nod "Yeah, it really does..." > You feel really pretty and also like you can do things you usually wouldn't dare
"Then it's perfect! Oh!" You clap your hands a bit. "Do you have comfortable shoes to dance in?"
"I believe so. They're rather neutral in tone so they should go with the dress alright"> Happy giddy butterfly feelings
"Perfect!" >You pause "Permission to hug?"
> You nod a lot "Of course!"
>You hug her so tifhtly!!!! You're so happy for her! It does your heart good to see romance blossoming.
> You hug back happily, squealing in delight in your head. You're not going to worry about the price tag this one time.
>You grin at her, but before you suggest heading to the register you pause. "Do you want to get any jewelry to go with it? I know the prices here aren't outrageous and the stuff is nice if not necessarily real"
"I've got some faux pearl earrings at home" > You try to reassure. Baby steps with the whole treating yourself business.
"Oh, cool! You wanna borrow a necklace or anything? I've got a couple thatd go good with the dress. "
"I can barrow things?" > A new concept. You'd heard of it but have never had anyone offer.
"Of course! Were friends and my siblings borrow my shit all the time and they don't even ask." >You shrug. "Plus I know you'll give em back"
> You smile feeling all the warm fuzzys. "Alright, if you're sure. Thank you Karkat... You're a really good friend..."
"Of course! I can't let such a good friend go along unsupported!" >You grin at her and then gesture. "Ready to check out?"
> You're not going to cry. "Yes, I believe so" > You smile, a little teary eyed
>You head to the checkout, chatting her ear off about the date and excitment!
> You chatter but in equal excitement. For once you're anxiety can't reach you. > As you think of this exciting thing you've never done before, you remember another > You look to Karkat "May I ask something unrelated to the date?"
>You raise an eyebrow "Sure? What's up?"
"I've been thinking about getting a tattoo for sometime. I had a consultation with Mr Doze but haven't been able to go back due to October and needing to have someone with me. Mr Droog went with me before but I don't want to bother him through the whole process"
"Oh! Cool!!" >A brief pause "....I'm going to guuuuuess you want me to come?"
"If you want to!!! It's alright if you don't."
"Well, I'm not great with blood buuuut" >You smile "Doze.was nice.to me.at the carnival, and I don't want to leave you to it alone. So if be up for it. "
"I don't believe there will be too much blood, but it's enough if you're there even if you need to look away" > You understand how blood can be unpleasant and uncomfortable for some
"Good point. And hey, maybe ill think of a cool tat for myself!"
"Yes! Mr Doze is very good at his art from all I've seen"
November 26, 2018
"Oh yeah. He did a.henna for me but uh... Well, you know what happened right after. " >You shrug, looking a bit sheepish. Everything is rung up and paid for, and you are relieved. Shopping can be nice but really? Honestly? You wanna chat. "What are.you.thinking of getting?"
> you gently pat his shoulder when he mentions the festival incident. "I was thinking of a water color style flower. Most likely on my hip."
"That'll look really nice, yeah. Plus it won't be hard to keep it safe while it heals!"
"Mhm! I don't think I'm bold enough for something that would always be visible. And it's sort of a nice thing mostly just for me"
"Sounds like a plan. Are you gonna draw it up yourself, or have Doze do it?" >You step outside and look pleased. All in all, this is a good night so far.
"I'm letting him lead the design though I've shown him my own work. He was actually interested in buying some so I've decided to start taking commissions" > You look up at the snow falling so slowly and gently from the sky "I never used to like winter.... but... it's prettier this year somehow..."
"Oh yeah? Betcha it's cause you can hang out with all us cool folk now." >You laugh ,a little. "Hey, I could commission you! "
"I think you're right." > You smile "I'd be happy to paint something for you as a friend Karkat, no money required!"
"Hey, don't try that on me! You're cool and my friend and I want to pay you the money you deserve for being a talent!"
"But I want to make you a gift!"
"Then you can!! But I want something for someone else, too!" >You grin at her
> You see what he's doing and laugh "Alright, alright. I concede. Shall we head home?"
"Yeah. We gotta get there and drink so much cocoa because I am freezing my ass off."
"That sounds absolutely wonderful!"
>You grin, give her a quick side hug, and then head off for home ... fuck yeah.... it'll be warm as hell.
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rivera-de-la-cruz · 6 years
i really dont know what the hell is wrong w these people. nobody EVER support me. all they know is find my mistakes. no matter how good i do, i feel like its always not enough. whatever w this shit lahh... maybe i shall or maybe i shall not .. yada yada. syurga dibawa telapak kaki ibu. kasih sayang ayah buat selama lama nya. siblings are meants to stick with u no matter how bad things are. ure not supposed to burn each other down to ashes. i helped u when u need me most times every time since forever. why can't u be there when i need u? as my sister, wtf is wrong w u. ure supposed to be there for me not destroy me and involves all my friends and colleagues. bravo👏🏼 now most of my aunts and cousins and friends will think i'm the bad one. sure i made u cry, i'm sorry, things happened. move on let it go. i didnt went missing. i actually leave a text. is this even call family? and u dare to tell me straight to my face u trust me? when i know u dont and still have the heart to tell me that my friends will not be there for me? seems like my friends understands me more than any of u do, and theyre there whenever i needed someone. and lastly to my brother, u know most my shits. i trusted u. i even brought u anywhere w me. cos ure a guy, u should know how its like, and i wanna remind u, that if u need ANYTHING u can count on me cos i know i can back u up ANY TIME as a sister. u see the difference? 2 sisters but two diff attitudes. but whatever w her, she all about judging and very annoyingly "ms perfect". cermin kan lah diri. kemas bilik yg ini kecil je dah tatau nak mcm mcm bagai. ure not even a good example of a sister and u dare to tell me what to do and what not to do? 👏🏼👏🏼 to you both. idk whats gg on in ur mind. i'm no where near missing. if i am, i wont even leave u a text. I LEFT YOU A TEXT!!! its not even me running away. i just want my freedom. u said family will always be there? well, u asked me to choose family or freedom. so what are u trying to teach me??? NOTHING! i really appreciates EVERYTHING you both had done for me and raise me, alhamdulillah i am what i am right now. i dont drink. i dont smoke. i dont do drugs. what more u want from me? let me live my life and breathe a little. i wanna travel, let me. i wanna do this and that, let me. i need my own story to tell, not using other ppl's story to tell when i'm old. i will never learn any mistakes if i do no mistakes. and for whatever i did and u said neraka jahannam is waiting for me? that is so wrong. ure nobody to judge. the only judge is HIM. i still knows my halal haram eventho i dont pray. home dont feel like home anymore. my privacy is invaded. u have no respect towards me. this whole thing is a two way thing. not one. u have to gain all this. not because ure my parents i have to really respect u. if u treat me like shit, i can't just stay still. i am still a human w hati and perasaan u know.
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‘No one is exempt from this’: Family shares Lenexa 21-year-old’s struggle fighting coronavirus
LENEXA, Kan. — Behind the COVID-19 cases numbers, there’s a name and a face behind each person fighting the illness. One of them is a 21-year-old from Lenexa.
Evan Shermer’s family said the virus seemed to come out of nowhere and hit him hard. But they are celebrating every small step of progress and are thankful for all those supporting them in this difficult journey.
Evan Shermer loves to fly. The 21-year-old saved up his own money to get pilot training. His dream is to earn the hours needed for certification as a commercial pilot.
But right now, he’s grounded, hospitalized with coronavirus.
“Evan is 21 and in good health. It’s like, wait a second, why was he? I’m 52 and I have asthma. My other son is 23 with asthma, and it’s like if anybody it should’ve been me, you know, why him? What I want people to know is, yeah, no one is exempt from this,” said Rob Shermer, Evan’s dad.
Rob said Evan started feeling off about two weeks ago. The whole family had been staying home, and Evan only went out for a quick grocery run.
“He was vomiting a lot and headaches and then toward Sunday and end of the weekend, it was chills and such. So Monday, he actually took himself to urgent care. He knew something was wrong,” Rob said.
Soon after, Evan was sent to KU for a COVID-19 test. But before they knew results, he took a turn for the worst.
“By Tuesday evening, he was in ICU on a ventilator,” Rob said.
The hardest part has been not being able to visit Evan. That’s why they’ve been driving to the hospital parking lot, just to be close.
“It’s just an ultimate example of helplessness,” Rob said.
At the hospital, they’ve found a community, even meeting some other families affected by the virus.  And together, they’ve been showing support to healthcare workers.
The family’s also getting support from around the globe, using the social media #KeepOnBeliEVAN.  And they believe the power or all the love and prayers are healing.
This week, Evan’s needing less help from the ventilator to breathe.  He’s responding to commands from nurses and doctors.  Thursday, he was even awake and using some sign language on a video call with loved ones.
“We’re just thankful he’s on an upswing right now it looks like. But at the same time, the doctors say there are going to be good days and there’s going to be bad days,” Rob said.
The family is hopeful, though, and wants everyone to take this public health threat seriously.
“Heed the warnings. Stay at home. Do whatever it is you have to do to keep you and your family safe,” Rob said.
One of Evan’s siblings has also tested positive for the virus, but has mild symptoms, and no one else in the house is sick.
Friday morning, Evan’s pilot friends plan to fly over the hospital in formation as a show of support.
Evan also works at the Kansas State School for the Blind in KCK, which has set up a medical fund for him.  If you’d like to help, you can email Kylie Kilmer at [email protected]. There is also a t-shirt fundraiser. Click here to view.
The school also sent the following information to parents after learning of Evan’s diagnosis:
“Parents, some of you may be aware through social media or traditional media that one of our dorm employees was recently diagnosed with COVID-19. We have monitored this closely, working with the employee’s family and the Unified Government/Wyandotte County Health Department. Based on what we know, the employee did not contract the virus at the time any students were on campus, only in the weeks after classes had ended. I simply wanted to assure you that our first priority is student safety. While I won’t be able to share any personal information on the employee or their present condition, I encourage you to contact me if  you have any questions or concerns. We are rallying to support the family and employee as best we can in what is a difficult period.”
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/tracking-coronavirus/no-one-is-exempt-from-this-family-talks-about-21-year-old-lenexa-mans-struggle-fighting-coronavirus/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2020/04/10/no-one-is-exempt-from-this-family-shares-lenexa-21-year-olds-struggle-fighting-coronavirus/
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