#I’m back on my bullshit of giving Benny big meow meow eyes
gecko-in-a-can · 11 months
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they both sunburn easily now
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Bullies and Bee Stings
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Characters: Dean, Reader, J.C. (OC), Sadie-Jo Bennett (OFC), Zawa the Cat, Benny, Ms. Collins (OFC), Sam 
Warnings: Angst, Bullying, Assault, Attempted Murder, Low Self Worth, Some Comfort 
Beta: @fictionalabyss​
Header: @sorenmarie87​
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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       Being the new kid in a tiny ass town was not going as well as Dean had hoped it would. Not that you had told him that of course. You really didn’t wanna burden him with more of your shit and it was just some middle school bullies. You could handle it on your own. 
J.C. discreetly squeezes your knee under the lunch table when Sadie-Jo Bennett cackles after asking if you were going to start looking more ‘human’ at some point because “you’re so disgustingly scarred and skinny. There is just no way you’re not one of those aliens or something.” It’s stupid and her little groupies laugh like dumb hyenas, but it gets to you. You grit your teeth and will yourself not to break her nose. Her dad is the fucking mayor and you don’t want to cause trouble for Dean. It’s the only reason you haven’t dealt with her. Her dad could get Dean fired or worse, and it would be all your fault. 
“Are you listening to me?!” She screeches, her face red with anger at your lack of reaction. 
“No,” You deadpan. She sneers and before you can react grabs a fistful of hair, slamming your face down onto the lunch table. “Then listen to me now.”
“What the fuck, Sadie-Jo?!” J.C. jumps up and reaches for her, but one of the groupies grabs them. 
“You are nothing. You’re a fucking bug for me to step on. Start respecting me and bowing down like everyone else or I’m going to make your life a living hell. Understood?” She pushes your face harder into the table with each word. 
“Loud and clear, bitch,” you grind out. She lifts your head again and slams it back into the table one more time before walking away. Your eyes sting and you know you’ll have a nice bruise later. You lay with your head against the table, eyes closed and shoulders shaking, trying to take deep breaths and calm down. J.C. startles you when they place a gentle hand on your back. “Are you okay?” 
“Me?! They barely touched me. Let’s go to the nurse so she can give you some ice for your cheek.” You shake your head. They sigh and rub small circles on your back. “Have you told Dean and your uncle about her?” 
“No, I can handle it. No need to get them involved.” 
“But they could-“
“No, J.C.. They don’t need to worry about this. I’ve not been with them very long and the way Dean got custody of me was really chaotic and stressful. I don’t need to add more shit to that. I’m lucky he wants me as it is.” You sit up and stretch. They look like they want to say more but let it go for now. “C’mon we better get to math.” 
Two days later you’re sneaking into the bunker with a busted lip and the bruise from the assault on Monday a nice deep purple that paints your left cheek. You can only hope Dean is still at work and Uncle Sammy isn't home from his business trip yet. Tears streak angrily down your face as you set your backpack on your desk. Zawa raises his head from the top tier of his cat tree with a meow and scrambles down to cuddle when you face plant onto the bed. He kneads his paws on your back before curling up and purring. The vibrations and weight help you get your emotions under control. You take your iPad off of your nightstand and pull up FaceTime. 
“Hey, darlin’... What the fuck happened?” You give a watery laugh and wipe at your face gingerly. 
“Hi, Benny. I fell on my way home. No big deal.” 
“We both know that’s bullshit. Try again.” You sigh and catch Benny up on all things Sadie-Jo Bennett. “Let me guess. You haven’t mentioned this to Dean?” He sighs when you bite your lip and look away. “Darlin’, he can’t help you if you don’t talk to him.”
“I don’t want him to help me, Benny. He’s done enough. I don’t want him to have more to worry about when it comes to me. That’s not fair.”
“So it’s fair that you’re getting the shit beat out of you by some two bit little bitch? You know Dean loves you and he wants to take care of you.”
“I know. It’s just… she’s the mayor’s daughter. I’m no one. Who are they going to believe? They could hurt Dean. Take his job away or something and he really likes his job. It’d be all my fault and all because I couldn’t handle some stupid bully. I don’t want that.” 
“Listen to me, sweetheart. The actions of adults do not fall on the shoulders of children. Not only that but that is a worse case scenario and it’s highly doubtful that it would happen. Talk to someone about this.”
“I’m talking to you.”
“Okay, smartass,” he chuckles and you smile. “Talk to someone who’s not thirteen and a half hours away, and can help you. I also want you to talk to your therapist about how you see yourself. You are worth so much more than you think and she can help you see that I bet.” 
“Fine,” you whine. He smiles and blows you a kiss. 
“Good girl. So tell me what else is new with you.” 
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       “Man, I hate baseball. Why can’t we play soccer instead?” J.C. laughs at your whining as they walk to the field with you for gym class. 
“Well, probably because we played soccer last week, Miss I wanna be the next Megan Rapinoe. We can’t all be soccer stars.” You pout at them and roll your eyes. 
“You whined just as much when we switched from basketball to volleyball last month. I’m fine with that as long as you’re going to be my non-binary Sue Bird.” You smirk. J.C. smiles and looks around before kissing the tip of your nose. 
You make it halfway through the gym class without incident. The last one being your busted lip a week ago. The gym teacher, Ms. Collins, turns her back to make a phone call and Sadie-Jo starts running her mouth while she stands in front of you at home plate. You try your best to ignore her, eventually getting fed up and just removing your face guard to go talk to J.C. at the pitcher’s mound. Big mistake, though you never thought she’d hit you in the face with a baseball bat. You stumble forward, black spots dancing across your vision. “What the fuck?!” Someone yells. You’re too focused on not passing out or throwing up to notice who it is. There’s blood in your eye and your face is throbbing. Someone has a hand on your back protectively.
“What happened here?” Ms. Collins asks, there’s a nervous edge to her voice as she looks between you and Sadie-Jo. 
“She tripped and hit her head, Ms. Collins,” Sadie-Jo answers in a sickly sweet tone. There’s an underlying threat that everyone reads. Ms. Collins grits her teeth and sighs. 
“J.C. take Ms. Winchester here to the nurse and get her looked at.” J.C. nods and starts to help you up. You sway when you’re upright and they hold tightly to your waist. Sadie-Jo steps up and places a hand on your shoulder. You flinch away from her touch. 
“I’ll take her, Ms. Collins.” J.C. starts to protest, but the teacher shakes her head. 
“Okay, Sadie-Jo.” You whimper when she takes hold of you and all but drags you back to the school building. 
“I told you I was going to make your life hell. The best part is no one is going to help you. They’re all too afraid of Daddy to stop me. We’re gonna have some fun or I guess I will. Heard you were allergic to bees.” Your eyes widen and you start shaking your head.
“Oh no, you had your chance to be good and listen.” She opens the door to one of the supply closets and shoves you in. You’re so dizzy, you don’t catch yourself, and land roughly on the concrete floor. She smiles vindictively down at you before grabbing a broom and banging it against the ceiling. “Bet you didn’t know there’s a giant bees nest up there did you? Works out perfectly if you ask me. Bye bye now.” She slams the door shut and something scrapes against the floor. You can only assume she’s pushed something in front of the door. Angry buzzing spikes your adrenaline. You fish your phone out of your leggings pocket and dial Dean’s number. 
“Dean,” you whimper when he answers. You can hear him lay whatever he’s working with aside to give you his full attention. 
“Hey, kiddo. Aren’t you in school? What’s wrong?” 
“I need your help. Please, help me.” You start crying, letting the dam break. “I… I’m locked in a closet and there’s pissed off bees. Please, Dean.”
“Deep breath, sweetheart. I’m coming for you. I’m leaving right now, only a few minutes away, okay?” He shouts to someone in the shop and then you hear his car rumble to life. You shriek when you look up and see a couple of bees flying above your head. “I know it’s hard, but try to stay calm. I’m on my way.” 
“I’m scared, Dad. Please,” you sob. 
“I’m coming, baby. I-“ the line goes dead and you curse your dead phone, tossing it to the ground. One of the bees lands on your arm and you hold your breath in fear. When it crawls up closer to your face, you shake your arm out of instinct and it stings you.
“Oh fuck… Please hurry, dad.”
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        An annoying beeping sound wakes you up. You grumble and reach out for your alarm clock. “Whatcha doin, kiddo?” You open your eyes, squinting against the lights, and make eye contact with Sam. “You scared the shit out of us.” You blink at him confused before everything rushes back to you. 
“Oh shit.” He nods his head solemnly.
“Yeah, oh shit.” You groan, closing your eyes again. You were going to have to tell them everything. They were probably so pissed. The two of you sit in silence for a while with you refusing to open your eyes again. He sighs. “I'm going to grab a coffee. I’ll be back. Want anything?” You shake your head and listen to him leave. Calloused fingers suddenly smooth over your furrowed brow. 
“What’s going on in that head of yours?” You tense at Dean’s voice. “Look at me, I’m not mad at you or whatever you’re thinking.”
“You should be,” you mumble, opening your eyes to look at him. He sits on the edge of your hospital bed and runs his thumb over your cheek. 
“Because I caused you more trouble. I scared you. I’m just a burden, Dean. Why don’t you just send me back?” 
“Because I love you. You’re not a burden. You didn’t cause me more trouble. Am I a little hurt you felt like you couldn’t come to me about whatever is clearly going on? Yeah, but I also know you’re not used to relying on people for help and probably wanted to handle it on your own.” You pick at the blanket covering you. 
“I’m being bullied by the mayor’s daughter.” 
“I wouldn’t call attempted murder bullying. How long has this been going on?”
“Since I started school…” 
“Baby, that was four months ago.” He runs a hand over his face. “Tell me everything.” So you do. You tell him how it started with simple verbal assaults and taunts and somehow very quickly turned into this mess you were in. He holds you while you break down and explain about why you didn’t want to tell him, reassures you that no job is worth his daughter’s happiness. He reminds you he loves you over and over and that he won’t let you go. 
“I love you, Dad,” you whisper as you fall asleep that night in his bed. His smile is wide and his eyes shine in the darkness. 
“I love you too, kiddo. Get some rest.” He’ll burn that school to the ground tomorrow, take down every adult that stood by while his girl was tortured and hurt. But for tonight he’ll be your safety and your comfort.
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Tags: @leave-me-2-rot-among-the-flowers, @hobby27, @samfreakingwinchester, @akshi8278​, @jassiejj2118
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