#I’m already bracing myself for the queerbaiting allegations
bizzyb3e · 2 years
Spoiler free review, spoilers below cut
I just watched the School for Good and Evil movie and wow
Overall, I’m pretty disappointed. It was a fun watch, don’t get me wrong, it was fun picking out familiar characters and seeing them on screen, and the story is alright, but it just felt… lacking? Like most of the characters go unnamed, and it’s frustrating for people who have read the books and enjoy those side characters. The plot also felt very rushed. I watched it with my mom, who has never touched the books, and she said she felt like she was missing some context at certain parts, like some scenes and reasonings didn’t quite make sense yet.
And the CGI was pretty inconsistent? Like in some scenes it would be incredible and others it looked very… choppy? Idk, it felt like it was changing styles every two seconds.
However, I do think that despite the rough storyline (which is still alright) the actors did the best they could with what they were given. And the costumes were absolutely gorgeous.
There’s still a few nitpicky things but I don’t really feel like typing it all out cuz it’s late and I’m tired. ALTHOUGH I am going to rant about the characters and cut scenes from the book now, so spoilers below.
oh boy oh boy do I have complaints:
WHERE WAS THE WONDERFUL GORGEOUS AMAZING SCENE BETWEEN AGATHA AND DOVEY ABOUT AGATHA REALIZING SHE WAS BEAUTIFUL???? Reading that scene as a kid literally brought me to tears bc I was super self-conscious about myself, and it is my favorite scene in the entire series. AND ITS NOT THERE? 1568 wounded and 182 dead.
speaking of Agatha, while I love Sofia wylie, she was?? Too pretty?? like whenever the other characters would call her “witch” or “ugly” it just didn’t land bc she was literally gorgeous. And she blended in too well with the Evers, the whole point is she’s an outsider, she sticks out, but she fit right in. Wasnt goth enough :<
wth was the “blood magic” crap. Like huh
NO SWAN SYMBOLS ON UNIFORMS??? Like they even include the school insignia in the beginning, WHATS THE POINT IF THERES NO SWANS
while I can appreciate the chemistry that they gave tedros and agatha in the movie, I really wish that they had included more rivalry. Bc those two literally hated each other in the books.
Also Sophie talked about tedros being her “true love” for like two seconds and then it was pushed to the side. Like. He’s kinda the reason she goes full evil and all, but their relationship was just?? Nonexistent. Like she wears a few good outfits and suddenly their testing their love for each other in the trial by tale.
trial by tale was done DIRTY. Instead of being a massive school-wide competition between schools, they turned it into some flimsy tophie thing that literally only lasted like 10 minutes tops. That was such a big deal in the book pls
They were missing so many characters???? Like Castor and Pollux and Uma and the BEAST FROM THE DOOM ROOM WHICH IS A WHOLE OTHER RANT. Also a BUNCH of the characters just. Go unnamed. Like do they even introduce Kiko or Chad. And even the characters who are seem so bland and forgettable.
Where were anadil’s rats??? How hard is it to get rats???
also anadil and dot seemed way too similar. And Hester’s character was inconsistent. Also dot not being played by a larger actor lowkey bugs me.
Sophie did NOT get to be evil enough smh
I know they kinda revealed what happens to failed students but not revealing that theyre the werewolves and fairies was so disappointing.
I cant believe we didn’t get Sophie singing T^T it’s not a big issue, but I still wanted to include it bc Sophia ann Caruso (her actor) was literally ON BROADWAY. My girl can SING. LET HER SHOW OFF.
no pink fingerglow for sophie :<
RAFAL IN GENERAL? Like what was that. He just walks around school disguised as his brother? Casually jump scares Agatha?? NO MASK?? genuinely upset me
also not really a criticism to the movie, but watching it on screen made me realize how creepy rafal and Sophie’s relationship actually is. Like. Yikes.
Upset that Yuba didn’t get enough spotlight
Also I wish they got the chance to show off the “room of champions” or whatever it was for both schools. Or Arthur’s menagerie. But I can live without it.
Sophie and Agatha not knowing about the schools in the beginning?? Like huh?? Sophie has dreamed about going there her whole life what do you meannnn
Honora being mean to Sophie rubbed me the wrong way. Like she’s supposed to be a very plain and nice woman, and I felt like Sophie still disliking her despite that gave Sophie’s character more depth
WHERE. ARE. THE. DREAMS. The nemesis dreams, Agatha’s true live dreams, WHERE ARE THEY? they could have helped explain so much for why Sophie was just suddenly like “oh yeah you’re my nemesis” and tedros declaring his love. Also they DIDNT talk about nemesis symptoms at all. At least that I remember. It felt so random when Sophie started turning into the witch.
okay im gonna end it with some positive things cuz I’ve just been ranting lmao
Loved lady lesso ngl. So gay for her.
having tedros not kill some unnamed kid as a gargoyle, but a kid that we got to actually know was a lot more satisfying. Really got the point across
honestly I was worried that they would chicken out of making Sophie ugly as a witch, but they did alright with it. Kudos.
Tedros and Agatha chemistry yesssss. When she tripped and he caught her>>>
Yes anemone POP OFF QUEEN
the wish fish scene was GORGEOUS
I liked the bit of background they gave Gavaldon. Like Agatha and Sophie’s classmates talking to them. That was nice :]
I honestly enjoyed covey’s character. She was a little manic at times, and a little different from the books, but I thought it fit the movie well. And I cracked a few smiles at it
Tedros and Agatha again. Sassy Agatha in their first conversation <3333
the ever Boys’ entrance was well done :>
Hester’s demon was FANTASTIC and absolutely sick
that’s all I really have the brainpower to think about and write down. Also this became way longer than I thought it would. I had to rant about it somewhere cuz my friends haven’t watched nor read it and my mom didn’t want to hear it lol. Anyway, those are just my opinions on the movie. Even though I had a lot to complain about, the movie was still an enjoyable watch. It’s always cool seeing familiar characters in live action :D
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