#I’m a wannabe goth gf I can say this
cybersixed · 2 months
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I’m conducting highly important research do not @ me
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j0shaw0tt · 5 years
1,2,8,16,19,22,25,35 💌
Thanks sistah, I wouldn’t be here without ya 😉😉😉 I SAID A LOT HERE, SO HERE COMES A READ MORE:
1. if you were to have Hanahaki disease, what flowers would you cough up?
Bitch this should be an easy one, one of two flower petals: ROSES, or SAKURA BLOSSOMS. Because I’m a romantic, cheesy , weaboo son of a bitch and by god, this disease would be clear proof of it 🌹🌸 This is a weird disease though, had to look it up and I don’t know how what flower affects if I had it, guess it depends on the person so I chose my ideal flowers.
2. if someone were to catch Hanahaki disease for you, what flowers would they cough up?
See this is where I got confused when looking it up, but they would cough up say my favorite flowers? It would probably be roses most likely because they are thorny and unrequited love is a bitch. If it were the happier side to the disease, maybe pansies or sakura leaves? Piggybacking from my last ask, carnations are favorite of mine and a specific one I like is called “Baby’s Breath”, which can also factor into this disease, I can see it working visually compared to the other flowers.
8. what combination of natural scents would you use as perfume?
This is your expertise, not mine!! :’D I don’t know much about COMBINING scents, some of my favorites are mint/sage leaves, the smell of the land after rain, peach, cherry, apples and strawberries (peach and cherry blossoms for the lotion I use), vanilla, lavender, and coffee. As far as combinations for perfume, maybe things like mint + strawberries/peach, or mint + vanilla, sage + cherry, sage + lavender, or cherry + peach.
(16 was already answered, plus we’ve talked about it a bit, just updated it a bit, tell me what you think😘)
  19. show us an a picture of your ideal crown.
Will show at the bottom of this because Tumblr is shit uwu
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
WELL, I would probably FLIRT horribly with the witch first and foremost, whether she is the goth gf type witch or the big nosed old fairytale style witch, and she would either cast a spell regarding love or my tongue? For love, it would probably be something like “you fill these people with empty sweet nothings, now they will see through your bluffings!” and suddenly, my charm no longer works, or no one believes anything about me, or it could go as far as a a long term relationship fucking up out of nowhere towards the end. As far as my tongue, she could either mute, literally take my tongue away, or twist my tongue around if I attempt to flirt with someone else with no long term goal in mind? Fuck man, I’m happy I’m a GOOD flirt, not a real asss womanizer :’)
25. favorite childhood story? (doesn’t have to be a fairy tale)
Okay this one is a doozie and about a video game I’ve probably never talked about here. 
When i was a kid and got my first Playstation, my dad had a few games but the one that stood out was called “Orphen: Scion of Sorcery”, some obscure action game based on another obscure anime with the same title character, Orphen, who looked like a wannabe punk but also used swords made of magic. It was probably my first experience with anime before watching anime for reals, since it had characters with colorful hair, over the top music and characters, and anime ass battles, like Orphen fighting basically LEVIATHAN as a first boss, while the dragon is destroying the ship he is on and Orphen is jumping around the sails while shouting anime spells in a cringy voice.
But it’s that same cringy voice I used to replicate on the school yard, I would run around with other kids shouting shit like “THE HAND OF PYRO” (AND ITS SAID EMPHASIZED JUST LIKE THAT) and pretend to shoot fireballs. Like, this shit was so weird that game, and the story itself was confusing but I was able to barely comprehend the story at hand, since it all involves helping three major characters whose stories don’t interact but the villains in one story will be the allies in another, and it was a mess but also very emotional at times. 
The last major thing I got from this game was one of the characters you helped called Mar, a little boy who is trying to find his mom, using a lullaby she sang to him as a clue, constantly playing on his flute. What’s cool is who was able to fight by playing notes and sending music notes as an attack, and used other instruments like cymbals too. What stuck with me the most was that lullaby, his theme, and was probably a precursor to my appreciation for music. It was annoying at first because he would play it on a loop, but you would hear it throughout his story in other ways, such as an organ version. It was less annoying but had a bigger impact, because the organ version came from a character that has is possibly his mother, and has to constantly play the song on her organ or else some beast residing in the island their on will awaken.  When I fought said beast and he played his song again to subdue it, thats when the impact of the song really hit me, and I understood just how powerful music was for him, to that island, and to the monster. Fuck man, its music therapy for the monster, maybe my pursuit of it stemmed from his story.
ANYWAYS ThAT WAS A RANt. What you need to take away from this is, one of my first big games was some obscure anime game, I shouted the main dudes battle spells at school, and I learned different meanings of music through Mar and the game in general. It was a weird experience but I had a full cathartic experience once I was older and played it to its end and understood it all. It may have been cringe, but its a hidden gem in my book!
35. what song would the bards sing about you when you passed by? 
I’m gonna just leave this for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkW2m3qsTZQ
Ideal crown!:
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LOOK IN REALITY, I DONT LIKE CROWNS. I’ve never looked into it and I’d never wear one unless its for cosplay or that Party City one, that looks like this: 
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Burger King crowns are the only thing good about them, don’t @ me.
And this is Orphen!!
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I forgot to mention this guy fueled my edgy teen years a bit probably adkjalglag
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leecherish · 6 years
all of the gay asks, sorry not sorry
oh god anzu
1. what’s your gender?
cis female
2. what are your pronouns?
she/her but she/they areperfectly fine too
3. is your family accepting?
yes yes yes yes!! i’m luckyenough to have a family that accepts me, and most of our relatives are allaccepting towards gay ppl too (even if they don’t know that i’m bi). i’m reallyhappy that i can be out for my family, it is truly a blessing
4. what do you wish you could tell your past self?
honestly, just the fact thatliking girls is ok too. i used to think „if only i could like girls, too” forso long, and it only occured to me around my early teens that it’s, in fact,perfectly okay to do that
5. what is your sexuality?
bi hell yeah!!!
6. favorite color?
green (sorta like pine/forestgreen), orange (something like… dark orange. like the setting sun), purple(again, preferring the darker shades of it)
7. sun gay or moon gay?
moon gay bc im a wannabe gothgf (sometimes)
8. when did you find out your sexuality?
okay so i have like reallyearly memories of watching dancing videos on youtube as a 12 y/o and i’d justend up rewatching them a lot of times and would always stare at the girl’s legs*cough* anyway, i’d say freshman year, when i helped my best friend in theclass and an upperclassman get together. i remember just watching them from theclassroom window, as they were hanging out at the schoolyard, and realized thati’m really jealous of the guy, oops… at first i thought its just… a „friend” thing but… yep.but i was also very denial about it for a long time, i think i only embraced it somewhatfully about… late 2016
9. how was your day?
eeehh. i’m really tiredlately… but it was fine i guess. i bought a lot of snacks on my way home and iate them all
10. do you have any gay friends?
11. what’s your favorite hobby?
singing, writing, hiking, drawing
12. who’s the best gay icon in your opinion?
Haley Kiyoko is our lord andsavior and i should listen to her way more
13. which pride flags do you like the most design/color wise?
i love the bi flag?? itssynthwave colors. but i rly like the ace flag too
14. are you openly out?
uhh depends what you mean by ’openly’?i’m out for most (if not all) of my friends, out for my family, and i was alsoout for my highschool class, but otherwise… okay it’s in my /about too, butoutside of tumblr i’m kinda lowkey about the whole thing. i guess ifanyone would ask me, i’d say „sure i’m gay” but im okay w/ being lowkey about it otherwise
15. are you comfortable with yourself?
working on it. i’ve been experiencing internalized homophobia on and off sometimes, and i’ve been just doubting in myself a lot too lately
16. bottom or top?
i am not making a statement (i guess it depends onthe partner tho)
17. femme or butch?
depends on my mood, really.lately i’ve been shifting towards butch but im just lazy to pay attention on myclothing and aesthetic for the most part as of lately
18. do you bind?
no i don’t, but i actuallyreally wanted a binder as a 13-14 y/o or so? idk i was harrassed a lot on thestreets around that time and this whole thing with „getting temporary rid ofthings that make me look feminine” was really appealing to me. i was also intocrossdress and i rly wanted to achieve looking like a guy. but that kindastayed in my teenage years, i’m completely comfortable with being cis
19. do you shave?
it’s kind of a habit at thispoint even though its tedious as hell dfhgdhgsf
20. if you could date anyone you wanted, who would it be?
I’d take Ariana Grande outfor dinner any day of the week tbh
21. do you have a partner (s)?
a boyfriend for quite a whilenow
22. describe your partner (s)?
medium height, long brownhair he wears as a ponytail, brown eyes, always tells puns and other kinds ofjokes, but can be mature and serious if the situation calls for it, superpatient and really understanding. actually has a talent for writing, he justdoesn’t practice it (he used to write stuff years and years ago, but it wasjust a few short stories), but he has a good sense for story/worldbuilding,sometimes if i can get him to read what i wrote he gives really, reallygood ideas for character interactions and such. if i can get him going, talkingabout headcanons connected to universes we’re both into is the best.
23. have you ever dated anyone of the same sex?
i started dating my boyfriendway before i discovered that i’m bi, so no
24. anyone of another sex?
3 guys before my boyfriend,but eh idk. i don’t really count them
25. pastel gay or goth gay?
goth is my aesthetic but imdown for anything tbh
26. favorite dad in dream daddies?
didn’t play it, and thatcertain side of tumblr’s reaction to it didn’t help either
27. tell me a random fact about yourself?
my favorite youtuber as of right now is CallMeKevin. a quite handsome irishman with a nice voice. i swear to god go check out his Sims 4 series, it’shilarious. the only thing in a while that made me laugh outloud
28. do you own any pride flags/merch?
i have a bi flag that ipainted myself but it’s pretty derpy so it just hangs out on my corkboard
29. have you ever been to a pride parade?
i was this close to attending one this summer, buuut then i didn’t
30. any advice to someone who isn’t out or who is exploringthemselves?
to behonest i can only repeat those people who say „take your time”. findingyourself is a long and hard process, but it’s also an adventure. don’t rushit, it’s okay, you’re not late
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