#I’m a nona girl 😌
yellowraincoat · 2 years
Which Locked Tomb book you like best actually says a lot about you. (you can trust me, I’m an expert in pseudoscience)
If you like Gideon the Ninth most:
You read to have a good time/for humor
You like to watch the gay men women fight
You’re a sucker for a tragedy
One of your favorite character archetypes is the humble hero
You either correctly understand that Gideon Nav is the best character or relate too much to her to believe that
You came for the gothic vibes or necromancy vibes and stayed for the gays
If you like Harrow the Ninth most:
You read to feel a little clever
There’s a 90% chance your IQ is higher than mine
You’re known to like characters who could be considered frustrating, or even unbearable (@ mercymorn and ianthe)
You like puzzles and you will stick out large periods of confusion for the joy of solving.
You probably annotate your books (if you don’t it’s because you believe writing in books is sacrilegious)
You’re a sucker for a dramatic reveal
If you like Nona the Ninth most:
You read to feel loved
You’re a slut for the found family trope
You don’t necessarily like to solve puzzles, but you love the feeling of it all coming together
Thank God someone [God] is finally talking about Earth and this society’s relationship to it because you like ur fantasy a tiny bit grounded in reality
You believe in the power of radical kindness
You enjoy an element of whimsy to your grim imperialist capitalist dystopia (you would also prefer if it was interspersed with cow facts)
Edits (that no one asked for)
You don’t like Harrow because you’re autistic, we’re all autistic (well, actually, I’m adhd but that’s beside the point). TLT is strictly for the neurodivergents and gays
The harrow fans have asserted that many of them are dumb and proud. I’m sorry for assuming otherwise. Love that for you guys
Other valid reasons for liking Harrow best include: an enjoyment of body horror, a love of overly convoluted plots made with your frienemy to save the dead girl and the entombed girl you love
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yellowraincoat · 2 years
Listen I’m a girl who loves literary analysis but I had such a hard time with harrow because the confusion levels were just constantly too high and I couldn’t remember enough from Gideon to grasp onto anything. But Nona? The confusion to funny/lovable ratio is just perfect. So what if I don’t know what’s going on, Nona doesn’t either. We’re in this together me and her 😌
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