#I’m a girlkisser why would you do this
blajah-blaster · 2 months
Why does my body prepare for children that will never come.
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sqtorux · 3 months
🫁 hello friend <3 i’m so surprised to hear you’re not that good at fluff ?? your fluff works are definitely some of my favs !! i agree that apples are such a luxury … tell me why i rocked up to the supermarket yesterday and they were seven bucks a kilo. why were they seven bucks a kilo. they’re not usually that expensive either so ?? i was genuinely so outraged. also yes i am a cat parent !! i have two lovely cats <3 that love hunting and dragging dead birds in the house for me to toss out <3 
i really enjoyed the premise of the most recent text au <3 i’m generally a huge fan of pre-relationship to newly dating content because it’s such a fun period to read/write about. anyways guess my favourite parts !! it’s going to shock you. suguru (no surprises here) and shouko. 
that’s my girlfriend right there your honour, i’m so happy to see her alive and well in your works. happy to say that every single one of my male favs in jjk might be dead but gege would never kill a woman except for the many, many times he has. utahime you little schemer you. i appreciate the fact every single person is so so blatant here ?? not a drop of subtlety in any of them. shouko’s little “i can drop it if you want me to”? girlkisser girlkisser. in what world is that slick or subtle shouko? in what world is that a casual little thing to say.
are we even surprised i loved every line of suguru’s. he immediately knew what shouko was up to and you know what ?? i respect him so much for jumping on that opportunity. “wonder why you look lonely standing in the corner like that?” just say you want to be by them man LMAO. a normal person would walk up to you and go “hey!” but not this guy. “maybe, but she’s doing a very good job at it.” you little liar you. the only reason that worked is because he was probably already down bad <3 god. him immediately offering to go somewhere more quiet with the reader? i know what you are. full disclosure but every single time someone has done that to me i’ve folded like a wet paper towel. “somewhere quiet would be nice” “very nice indeed. stay there i’m getting you.” and you expect me to just casually live on knowing this man isn’t real.
anyways yes !! loved this post as always. the reason everything is due for me rn is because i am the ceo of procrastinating. i haven’t even been writing so i have no valid excuse for struggling with this workload rn. Embarrassing. hope you’re well friend <3
inflation is not sparing even fruits im crying. two cats!!!!! i love them i love cats they have my heart. ever just look at cats and want to sob hysterically because they're just so... cat like. cat.
noooo bc this time i actually twirled my hair making shoko's i love her sm. also very nice to know suguru has you in his grasp we're so down bad for him understandably so.
dw im a master procrastinator as well there's just something about speed working last minute that hits and it works everytime so why should we change our ways exactly exactly.
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grazer-razor · 1 year
is splatoon becoming less christian-friendly?
recently, i played a round of turf war(i plan to get to LV 100 before the end of august, so far i’m above LV 60), when i saw something weird. a player called “Tguy swag”.
if you don’t know, Tguy is slang for a trans man. i think.
this isn’t the first time i’ve seen something like this. i’ve seen “boykisser”, “girlkisser”, “i love men”, “gay gengar”, and even “RuPaul”. but seeing someone actually use LGBT slang actually takes it to a whole ‘nother level.
in splatoon 2, i once saw a user named “7uck trump”. and that was pretty much the only time. here, we have all sorts of things popping up in the usernames every once in a while.
the thing is, splatoon used to be a bastion of family fun. plugged in said that splatoon 1 was “ink-spewing fun” that the family would want to get their hands on, “no squidding”. splatoon used to be a source of joy for lots of families, including christian ones. but now it seems that this joy is becoming inaccessible to some, namely due to splatoon 3′s community, not necessarily the game itself.
i don’t even have the user-generated graffiti on, and i can already see the effects of how much splatoon’s in-game fanbase is changing. granted, there’s single-player mode. but a lot of splatoon revolves around online multiplayer. and unlike the graffiti, usernames are not something you can just turn off.
i still don’t know how plugged in feels about splatoon’s latest entry, nor do i know how they feel about it’s online community. but i do know this. splatoon is becoming less hospitable to christian families in terms of turf war.
(there’s also the character customization stuff, but that can be attributed to anything from being woke to just enabling greater customization. maybe this is why the in-game community is so liberal?...)
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steelandscience · 3 years
Earlier I found a fantastic episode by episode analysis of little League tidbits left in Arcane, made by @sylvanas-girlkisser. And it got me thinking again about where the heck Jayce and his mom were in the flashback scene again, so I thought I would make a post about it, just to compile my thoughts and questions. If anyone has any headcanons or ideas or lore to share, please do!!
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If we assume that Jayce and Ximena Talis are in Frejlord, which is the most common theory I've seen, then I have a few questions:
Does anyone have any theories or headcanons as to what they were doing in Frejlord? It’s been a while since I’ve seen anything about it. I know Jayce says that his family essentially forged the tools that Piltover was built with (which I always took to be kind of both metaphorical for good rhetoric as he gives speeches and also literal), so I’m assuming he is from Piltover, and not an immigrant into Piltover.
(Although if he was an immigrant into an already established Piltovan family… that could be interesting… especially because different aspects of Jayce seem to vacillate between upper class and Piltovan working class.)
Frejlord doesn’t exactly seem like the place people would go for a pleasurable vacation lol. And if it’s this far away, how did they get there in the first place? I could be very wrong, but travel doesn’t seem particularly fast in Runeterra.
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There’s also Targon, which has snowy mountains as well, and is also supposed to have a safer grassy area around the base of the mountain. But it’s not that much closer to Piltover than Frejlord is, and I don’t know why baby Jayce and his mom would be voluntarily climbing up Runeterra’s magical version of Mount Everest, so I don’t know that it’s very likely. Also what little we see of the mountains in the show look quite different from the geographic features for the art of Mount Targon.
Now, after the realm warp / teleportation...
I don't know much about Ryze and how his power works, but I was wondering if we know anything about WHERE Ryze realm warped Jayce and Ximena to? Is the grassy field just the base of the mountains just north of Piltover, as we can see Piltover is surrounded by mountains on the map?
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The butterfly Jayce sees when they land is the same as the butterfly Viktor sees in Zaun (cute), so I feel like it would make sense for Jayce and his mom to have been deposited near Piltover.
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If he did place them neatly into Piltover, how did Ryze know where Jayce and his mom needed to go? Because they were so far from home if they were in Frejlord, what if he accidentally put them in a safe place but in a place where it would take them months to get back home? (I’m genuinely asking haha I don’t know much about Ryze at all)
Is it possible they were just caught in the snow in the normal mountains just north of Piltover, and weren’t in Frejlord at all? I can’t find any definitive information as to if it snows in Piltover; I have read that it's supposed to have a rather equatorial warm climate in lore, but in Arcane, Caitlyn has the shooting competition with Grayson in the snow. And if Jayce and his mom ended up in Piltover (or just outside it), we do see snowy mountains in the background.
If that area of the world experiences all four seasons, perhaps they weren't in Frejlord at all... Maybe they were just there in the mountains around Piltover in the wrong season and were unlucky enough to encounter a blizzard. I mean, I’ve often seen places like Norway and Greenland depicted as “snowy” on world maps, like Frejlord here because there is a certain degree of permafrost in those countries, but a bad winter blizzard in the northern half of the United States (where they still get all four seasons) has as much likeliness to give you frostbite from exposure as any other snowy place, right?
Anyway, I think I'm starting to believe that Jayce and Ximena were not that far from Piltover at all, and Ryze was just there for Reasons, and he deposited them to the nearest geographical safe spot, which was also-- thankfully-- still quite close to their home.
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