#I’ll write 250+ words on which ever gets the most votes
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lunastyrs · 2 years ago
Yuu’s childhood pet came with them as their familiar.
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mxactivist · 8 years ago
Some introductory text that I sent to my new advocate today
It’s full of helpful links to sources, and goes over all of the main records-and-paperwork issues that my advocate is likely to bump into.
WARNING: Very UK-centric!
I'm nonbinary. That means, for me, I'm not a man or a woman. The name comes from the "gender binary", which is the idea that everyone is either male or female - and nonbinary people don't tidily fit into that binary.
Some people consider it a subset of being transgender because our genders are different to those we were assigned at birth - only instead of going from male to female or female to male, I'm going from male/female to... neither, something else! For myself, I think for most intents and purposes it is most helpful to consider me to be transgender.
There are no solid estimates for how many people are nonbinary; the best one we have is a study by the Equality and Human Rights Commission that estimates 0.4% of the population; that's around 250,000 people in the UK, or 1 in 250. It's comparable to the number of bisexual people in the UK, the number of Jewish people in the UK, and the number of Buddhists in the UK. We will probably be counted in the next UK census in 2021. We have existed all over the world since humans have known what gender is.
That means...
Gendered words - I shouldn't be referred to as man, woman, male or female. Gender neutral language should be used, and gendered language should be avoided.
Male, female --> nonbinary
Man, woman --> nonbinary person
Son, daughter --> child
Brother, sister --> sibling
Mother, father --> parent (not that I am a parent!)
Pronouns - specifically, third person personal pronouns. I am not he or she, but they (aka singular they). This can take some getting used to if you don't normally use singular they even for people whose gender is unknown, and especially if you've been taught from a young age that it's grammatically incorrect! If you're familiar with other gender-neutral pronouns I'm happy for you to use whatever when referring to me, as long as it's not he, she, or it. Here's an example sentence:
Charlie has their dentist appointment today. They are walking to the appointment alone. They booked the appointment themself.
Titles - for example, Mr, Ms. Gendered titles should not be used for me, ever. A lot of computer systems require a title, and have no gender neutral options. The most popular gender-neutral title among nonbinary people is Mx, and that's also the title that is most available to nonbinary people in forms and paperwork in the UK.
Mx Sam Smith
Dear Mx Smith, we are writing to inform you...
I have to fight hard and sometimes cite law to persuade companies and organisations to accommodate me. In situations where a title must be chosen and complained about later, I usually go with Dr while making it very clear that I am not a doctor and this is incorrect and in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.
Gender markers - there should never be a male or female gender marker on any of my records anywhere. I've had to put a lot of work into making sure that this is the case. If you run into any of my records that have male or female gender markers, it would help me a lot if you can try to get those changed to a nonbinary gender marker or a "not specified" gender marker, or to get it removed from the record altogether. My gender marker on most records are terms like "not specified", "indeterminate", etc. The two exceptions are my birth certificate and my passport, which both must say M or F by (current) law.
Nonbinary people and the law - there are two laws that relate to transgender and nonbinary people that are often helpful.
Data Protection Act 1998. This set of laws requires that data recorded about me must be both accurate and relevant. Gendered titles and binary gender markers (binary = M or F) are usually neither accurate nor relevant, even on medical records.
Equality Act 2010. This set of laws was originally intended to cover people of all gender identities including nonbinary people, but the guidance does not explicitly mention us and so in practise nonbinary people are not protected by the Equality Act. The closest it gets is saying that people are protected from discrimination if they are transsexual or someone thinks that they are transsexual. I've had trans-related surgeries but there have been no test cases that would confirm whether or not I am protected by the Equality Act under this criterion as a nonbinary person. For some years we have been edging towards including gender identity as a protected characteristic in a new version of the Equality Act, with the support of an inquiry report by the Women and Equalities Committee released in January 2016 and the Labour party manifesto promising to update the Equality Act to protect us if the Labour party were voted into power. This vital change would require all organisations, companies and governmental systems to accommodate and explicitly include nonbinary genders in records and paperwork.
Because the Equality Act is not yet explicit, I often have more luck citing the Data Protection Act.
The practical implications
"To whom it may concern. I am writing to complain about your lack of flexibility in titles. I am nonbinary, which means that I am neither male nor female. When creating a bank account I was forced to lie about my title in order to sign up. This is in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998, which requires stored personal data about me to be accurate. Could you please change your system to allow for no title at all or to include the gender-inclusive title Mx, which can be used by anyone of any gender."
"To whom it may concern. I am writing to complain about your lack of gender-neutral changing rooms. I was unable to use your pool/gym/clothes shop today because the changing rooms were limited by gender. As a nonbinary person it's inappropriate and at times unsafe for me to be in either the men's changing rooms or the women's changing rooms. The ideal situation would be a gender-inclusive changing room with cubicles."
"To whom it may concern. I am writing to complain about your gendered toilets. Today I was forced to choose between a male restroom and a female restroom. I am nonbinary, which means I and other customers are uncomfortable when I am in the men's toilets and when I am in the women's toilets. The ideal solution would be a gender-inclusive toilet, and please note that a disabled toilet is not a solution - many nonbinary people are not disabled and should not be occupying a toilet that a disabled person may need to use in a hurry."
"To whom it may concern. I am writing to complain that my records with you have a binary gender marker. As a nonbinary person, the gender markers M and F are inappropriate, inaccurate, and very uncomfortable for me. Do you have a third gender option that I could choose instead, or would it be possible to remove the gender marker from my records entirely?"
"To whom it may concern. I am writing to complain because, despite having no gender marker or title on record with you, your staff keep guessing a gender at random and calling me Mr Smith or Miss Smith or even sometimes Mrs Smith. Equality training rarely includes nonbinary genders, even when it teaches about transgender people. Do you have any plans to train your staff on awareness and accommodation of nonbinary people?"
I make it sound like I complain about this all the time because I've been doing this for years with varying degrees of success, but in reality these days I rarely have the energy. And when I do, I would rather spend that energy on [other more important stuff].
I'm not sure how often this will happen, but if you become aware of a gendered title or a gender marker on my records while advocating for me it would help enormously if you could get that corrected, or try to?
I hope this all makes sense! I'm not sure how this all relates to advocacy or whether you've advocated for nonbinary people before, but it seems like something important that you should know about. Most people I meet have not even heard of nonbinary genders, so if I have gone a bit overboard please forgive me! And if you have any questions and you can't find the answers, feel free to ask me and I'll do my best to answer them. :)
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safety-blocks-pub · 6 years ago
Midsem Exam Solutions
Here’s the solution for the midsem exam, credit to my tutor Andrew:
= COMP6[84]41 Midsemester Exam : 2019t2 = == Total number of marks: 55 == == Total duration: 55 minutes + 5 minutes reading time ==
This is a closed book exam. The class textbook is not provided for this exam.
There is one mark for following the examination instructions.
A result of 50 marks will be scaled to be full marks so you can skip 5 marks worth of questions in part A and still get full marks. I suggest you skip the final question in part A if you are tight for time as part B is worth much more.
If you are doing a pen and paper version of the exam write you name and student number here and sign it
{{{ Name: Student Number: Which course: COMP6441/COMP6841 (cross out the wrong one) Signature: }}}
If you are doing the exam on a terminal your answers can be submitted by pressing save on this application. You may submit your solutions as many times as you like. The last submission ONLY will be marked.
Write your name and student number on the top of each sheet of any rough working paper you use, this will not be marked, and write your answers in the computer files as directed in the exam instructions.
You must hand in ALL writing paper at the end of the exam.
Once the exam has commenced you may not leave the exam.
You may only use the viewer, GUI calculator, and the decoding app supplied for the last question. Other programs including scripting or interpreted languages may not be used. We are logging all activity and use of other software etc will result in 0 fail. If you are unsure ask the supervisor.
If no answer seems perfect, or if more than one answer seems correct then give the answer which you think best answers the question.
The use of Top Men, misdirection, or social engineering is prohibited. Strict exam conditions apply, including that you may not attempt to communicate with any other person, or access other computers or external data/information or any internet resources.
If you do not follow these instructions you will get zero marks for the exam and a possible zero marks for the course or a charge of academic misconduct.
Phones must be turned off and not visible, either left outside the room in your bag or sealed in an opaque bag placed under your seat.
==== Part A ====
This part is worth 39 marks and consists of 13x3 mark questions.
=== Question 0 === (3 Marks)
You are setting the password policy for your company. What is the best policy according to NIST?
.[A] Users must change password every 6 months .[B] Require passwords to satisfy structural rules such as "at least one uppercase letter, one digit, and one non-alphanumeric symbol" .[C] Passwords must not be on a blacklist of common passwords .[D] Passwords must be of a minimum length .[E] Use a set of personal questions as challenges rather than passwords eg "What was the name of your first teacher" .[F] Generate the password randomly for the user and don't allow them to change it.
=== Question 1 === (3 Marks)
The modulus of a particular RSA key is generated by multiplying two different prime numbers, each having a length of 20 decimal digits (there are about 2x10^18 such primes). The modulus is public, the two primes which produced it are secret. All you need to know about RSA is if an attacker can ever find the two prime factors they can find the private key, and so break the code.
If it takes 8 bits of work to test if one number divides into another how many bits of work would it take on average to brute force one of the two factors of the modulus by repeated trial divisions?
.[A] 0-19 bits of work .[B] 20-29 bits of work .[C] 30-39 bits of work .[D] 40-49 bits of work .[E] 50-59 bits of work .[F] 60-69 bits of work .[G] 70-79 bits of work .[H] 80 or more bits of work
=== Question 2 === (3 Marks)
In a hypothetical electronic voting system the candidate names are "Putin", "Trump", "Xi", "Ahern", "Johnson", "Duterte" and "Trudeau". Candidates vote by encrypting their selected candidate's name, and posting the resulting encrypted candidate name on a public bulletin board which is tamper evident. The ID of the voter is shown alongside their encrypted vote on the bulletin board so everyone can check that no one voted twice, and that only eligible voters voted.
ASSUME THAT ELECTORAL OFFICIALS CAN BE SAFELY TRUSTED i.e. don't consider insider attacks in your answer. For each of the following encryption/hash schemes state whether or not it could safely be used to encrypt the candidate names in order to ensure that no candidate can view the bulletin board and learn who did, or who didn't, vote for them.
Vignere Cipher (each individual voter has a unique key also known to electoral officials) .[Yes] Safe to use .[No] Not safe to use
2048 bit RSA (encrypted using a publicly known public key, only the electoral officials know the private key) .[Yes] Safe to use .[No] Not safe to use
SHA256  .[Yes] Safe to use .[No] Not safe to use
One Time Pad (each individual voter has a unique key also known to electoral officials) .[Yes] Safe to use .[No] Not safe to use
 === Question 3 === (3 Marks)
You encode your favorite quote using METHOD A and paste the cipher text at the end of a long email to your friend - and then you encrypt the whole email using METHOD B before you send it. So the quote has been encrypted twice.
Roughly how much work will it take to find the decryption of the quote if it takes 30 bits of work to decrypt METHOD A and if it takes 30 bits of work to decrypt METHOD B?
.[A] 30 bits .[B] 60 bits .[C] 90 bits .[D] 900 bits .[E] A good quote by Goethe is "You can easily judge the character of a person by how they treat those who can do nothing for them" - however it's not the one you encrypted.
=== Question 4 === (3 Marks)
The following question relates to the Houdini case study done in your analysis group.
The object of the case study was to devise a protocol for Bess to follow. What are the two most important properties the protocol needed to have?
Most important property (use between 4 and 20 characters in your answer) (hint: it is one of the CIA properties) Authentication_____
Second most important property (use between 4 and 20 characters in your answer) (no hints for this one) Non-repudiation ______
  === Question 5 === (3 Marks)
Suppose the president of a country is the only one who knows the 10 digit pin needed to arm the country's nuclear weapons (to prevent unauthorised launches). If you were the country's head of military security what would you be most worried about in this scenario:
.[A] Integrity .[B] Authentication .[C] Security Engineering .[D] Proof of liveness .[E] Security by obscurity .[F] Type I/Type II error tradeoff
=== Question 6 === (3 Marks)
What sort of attack would the following most likely be used in?
.[A] Bump .[B] Rake .[C] Shim .[D] Brute force .[E] Impressioning .[F] Social Engineering
=== Question 7 === (3 Marks)
A locksmith uses the tool below to pick a tumbler lock with 6 pins and 6 possible pin heights. Suppose she already knows the correct sequence in which to try the pins. How many combinations will she have to test in the worst case?
.[A] 6 .[B] 6+6 .[C] 6*6 .[D] 6^6 .[E] 2^(6+6)
=== Question 8 === (3 Marks)
Suppose your company has been hit by a ransomware attack. What is the most likely to have been used in the attack?
.[A] Corrupt Insider .[B] Social engineering .[C] Memory corruption .[D] Brute force .[E] Rainbow table .[F] Security by obscurity .[G] 0-day .[H] Integrity .[I] Confidentiality .[J] Proof of Liveness
=== Question 9 === (3 Marks)
On average how many hashes would be required to succeed in each of the following attacks against SHA-256? You may assume SHA-256 has not yet been broken. Write your answer to the nearest power of 2 eg if you think the answer is 250 enter "8" as your answer (since 2^8 is 256)
Preimage: 2^ 255 hashes
Second preimage: 2^255 hashes
Collision: 2^128 hashes
=== Question 10 === (3 Marks)
Lachlan and I are going to use going to use Merkle Puzzles to securely discuss the exam questions on Friday the day before the exam runs (because he loves Merkle Puzzles). I'll send him 1,000,000 encrypted mini-messages of the form:
{{{ ... ... This is puzzle two hundred thousand and seventeen, the key is jHg4t5ct&rqSg This is puzzle two hundred thousand and eighteen, the key is 3pojygv3x%wD? ... ... }}}
What cipher/hash would be best to use to encrypt these mini-messages?
.[A] One Time Pad .[B] Ceasar .[C] Vigenere .[D] RSA 64 bit modulus (encrypted using my public key) .[E] RSA 2048 bit modulus (encrypted using my public key) .[F] SHA256
=== Question 11 === (3 Marks)
A confident sounding comment about passwords posted on the internet: {{{ I’ve moved to using three word passphrases that use Subject->Action->Object format. They need not be sensible though. Things like:
Obama Punting Cornflakes
Grandma Curling Pumpkins
Both of those are over 80 bits, and you’ll never forget them. In fact, if you read this, you’ll never get the image of Obama punting a box of cornflakes out of your head."
- Jonathan Beerhalter 2012-03-08 }}}
Most people have a vocabulary of between 20,000 and 40,000 words that they use or can recognise.
Assume that the three words in each passphrase are randomly chosen from three dictionaries of 10,000 familiar words each (one of Subject words, one of Action words, one of Object words) and are written separated by a space, first letter uppercase, remaining letters lowercase, and that it takes one bit of work to test one passphrase.
How many bits of work would it take on average to break one of Jonathan's passphrases?
.[A] Around 40 bits .[B] Around 50 bits .[C] Around 60 bits .[D] Around 70 bits .[E] Around 80 bits .[F] Around 90 bits .[G] Around 100 bits or more
=== Question 12 === (3 Marks)
I suggest you don't do this question until and unless you have finished Part B below - it is probably not worth it. Remember you can skip 5 marks in Part A and still get full marks.
The ciphertext below has been produced by a Vignere cipher.
What is the likely period of the cipher? (ie length of the cipher key)?
  ==== Part B ====
This part is worth 15 Marks and consists of one question.
=== Question 13 === (15 Marks)
Decode the ciphertxt in the NSA app (which is in a tab in your web browser). If you close it by mistake you can reopen it by right clicking on the desktop, or ask the exam supervisor for help.
The message has been enciphered using a monoalphabetic substitution cipher.
Write the deciphered plaintext below, use ? symbols for undecrypted letters, partial marks for partial decryptions so long as it is clear.
0 notes
therevaliir-blog · 8 years ago
Announcements: 03-26-2017
Site Changes:
- The Wand (found in Ye Old Sword) has had its description updated.
- Lots up updates to items and their pricings, visit here for the full list and refunds!
- Brittlez has been working tirelessly on a new welcome page that new users will be able to go to as soon as they sign up. This will be separate from the  Starter Kit. She’ll be adding a button to go to the starter kit page from this page as soon as she gets done with this. (She’s  coded most of this herself besides Telly turning it into an html/css page for her) So be gentle! The New Welcome Page This is for new users so they aren't completely lost when they start the site :)
- We discontinued these items:
Goddess Locket- 250 silver. If the owner doesn't own Cure + Heal we will gift them it.
Changling Brooch- 200 + Incognito
Magician's Hat- 300 + Summon Item
Revealing Monocle- 500 + Reveal
Ring of Purity- 150 + Dispel
Heart-Shaped Amulet- 300 + Lucina's Lantern from the Abed Summer Event
Final Breath- 400, was combined with Resurrection there wasn't really a need to have both.
Poison Field- 80, you can literally just cast poison a bunch of times.
Lightning Field- 80, same principal as above.
Dice- 15 
Text Editor:
- The Administration of Revaliir is very, very sorry about the problems with our text editor. Currently, Darros (Telly) is annoyed at all text editors available on the net and he is building his own from the ground up for Rev to use. SO - until that's done we're gonna have to endure the problems this one is giving us. Thank you so much for enduring this terrible problem and we assure you that… THAT IS NOT SCREAMS OF BLOODY MURDER!!!! that you hear in the backend of Rev. (ok it is we're murdering the text editor). But we're trying to get this fixed as soon as possible. Code just takes a long time to write and make sure it works with our current set up. <3
-   Anyone who has problems with their posts get ahold of me. Everyone pasting from ANYWHERE even here highlight your post hit the remove format button. Then bit the bbcode button to see your paragraphs disappear. THEN reinsert all of your paragraphs and put in your bbcode. I understand this is a pain but this is a temporary solution until we roll back the old text editor. I've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why some browsers are having it worse than others.
Firefox + Google Docs = Blank space
Firefox + Word Doc/Libre = Aligning left for some weird reason
Chrome + both = removal of all paragraphs (this is the least worrisome out of all of it)
I don't know about edge though because I refuse to touch it :V
-  Darros edited the code on the text editor.  It should strip the formatting on paste now.
Two New Gods Announced!:
We debated for a good hour or more and only two choices remained when we were done. Before we go on to announce the chosen for these spots we decided to go into a bit about choosing them. First: We didn’t choose them out of favoritism. Each has the skills we look for. One of them we shot down multiple times and told them to keep applying and how they could improve. Second: We wanted you to make sure that you knew that *I* wasn’t biased in this. You’ll understand when I get to the results. I was most critical of both of our choices and tore them apart worse than the other two Triune members. If anything these choices had it worse than the other applicants making the scales tip in the other applicants' favors. Now we get on to the god selection: Our new gods are: Porthyrius, the Keeper of the Keys and Secrets of Knowledge and the Arcane, The One with the Silvered Tongue.   Xunatar,  the Chaosweaver and the Lord of Lies. Gypsy(Porthyrius), does an enormous amount of things for Revaliir behind the scenes. She not only draws for us but she has come up with many ideas for the site that we’ve implemented. Every project we’ve ever started she’s joined. Her activity level is second to none (Well maybe myself). She is friendly and helpful to all who come to her. We were worried about announcing Gypsy as well but we believe that her activity and devotion to the site speaks for itself. Brandon(Xunatar), is a moderator on our site. He has been with Revaliir since the June before we opened our doors. He was/is some of the driving force for things we do. He helps all and will rp with anyone. He is the ideal Moderator but we weren’t looking for a moderator when we chose him for this spot. His lore weaving is some of the best I’ve seen(That we have seen). He also have a high activity count, which we count. He can also rp with anyone easily. This is not the first time he’s applied but he has worked on the things we told him too. We’re glad to have him not only as our moderator but as what we hope to be a long standing deity. When selecting him I sat in a different room and he didn’t know a thing about what I was doing. He didn’t know and still doesn’t know that we picked him. This will be the first he’s heard of it despite us living together. Brandon’s selection is the hardest because we worried people would think I was being biased. However, I am only one person out of three and easily out voted. The others saw what I did. An evolving roleplayer who has earned his right to become a deity ontop of his job as moderator. He has an even harder job as I’ll be over him making sure that he gets his stuff done. By no means does he have this easy, if anything he has it harder. I don’t like our deities slacking no matter who they are. Revaliir is our baby and we wouldn’t put any ol person as a deity just because we like them as a person. Overall I owed this explanation to no one. As I hoped that you all would trust in my judgment and trust me to be fair. I’m doing this because I want to be transparent with everyone. Cello and Whitney agreed with that line of thought and we thought this was best. That being said anyone who gets caught ranting to members in the discord or on skype (anywhere it gets reported from) will be issued a warning. We’ve had problems in the past with people thinking we promote favoritism. We don’t. I certainly do not. As I said before those I choose are what I believe to be the ideal person for roleplaying and being an active leader in our community. That’s all I want for this site. However, their applications have to make sense and I won’t sit with rose-colored glasses. I’ve ripped apart their applications down to the single most elusive detail. All in all these two have earned their spots and I’ll be happy to talk to whoever didn’t get the spots and help them with their applications if they want for the future (keep in mind the applications might change for the next round whenever we have them). Brandon’s moderator position will be moved to Xunatar following this announcement. This rounds out the conclave to 6. Unless we see a higher number of people on the site or someone falls this will be the last god selection for a while. Also this interestingly enough rounds out the conclave: 2 good, 2 neutral, and 2 evil.
Just a Reminder:
Rev is getting a whole bunch of new people! We understand everyone is excited but we would like to remind people that they need to read the rules. Revaliir is a high fantasy medieval site with its own lore. We don't go by the real world here nor do we necessarily go by the written lore of others. 1. Only Gods can be Immortal: Lemme explain. There is no rule on age here in Revaliir. We're not talking about THAT kind of immortal. We're talking about being able to take hellfire from another God and living. We're talking about taking so much damage that your body is barely being held together. THAT kind of immortal. That is why Immortal is only reserved for the gods. No mortal(aka not gods) should be able to take that kind of damage and live without an outside source.(say a God healing you) Not dying from illness? Have cure on you. It's a cheap spell. Don't die from poisons (not godly poisons looking at you Dal) but regular poisons? Get cure again. Heck you can't even be killed unless you give permission so your character is practically immortal anyways as long as you don't powerplay. 2. You have to rp with the items in your inventory. We have shops and silver for a reason. This puts everyone on equal footing. Everyone starts off the same. Even the original staff members of the site started out with nothing but their starter packs. That being said your stories don't have to be the same. 3.We are not restricting you. I've been to plenty of rp sites where you can't play whatever you want. We're literally restricting you on one thing, Immortality. The items thing? That isn't a big deal. If you rp a lot and advertise (you get the x3 silver boost for that) you'll have the items you need in no time at all. 4. No one is allowed to have demi-god characters. Don't even Gods can spawn Demi-gods. This makes all characters not gods equal. 5. Even the Triune is equal to the Gods. We get no extra power but the ability to call mandatory conclaves. 6. We restricted our Gods outside of temples to make it more fair for everyone.  Hense the 3 god rules. Past those 3 rules we can't do anything to you without your permission. We can't even kill your characters even in our temples. (because that is fair) You guys have free reign to do whatever you want on Rev as long as it's within the rules. You can have your own kingdom. You can have your own guild. You can do whatever your heart desires within the rules. We don't even have that many restrictions on things like that. We aren't being cruel or unfair by setting rules and guidelines. If you have a problem with it talk to an administrator or try and understand why we have it the way we do. Revaliir is one of the most free-form rp sites out there with its own lore. We truly can't help you if you think Rev isn't for you and we also hope you don't expect us to change Revaliir for you. Do not under ANY circumstances insult Rev staff or userbase because you don't get your way. We're all mature adults/blossoming young adults. If you have problems with stuff get ahold of staff. If you think you need something for character building so you can start get ahold of me. I have 10,000 silver I will gladly help you. There is no excuse for not following the rules, being rude to staff members who are doing their jobs, or screaming we're unfair. You being that way makes it unfair to everyone who are following the guidelines and rules. We will do whatever it takes so that our regular everyday users have peace of mind. This is by no means calling ANYONE out. It has happened one too many times and I will start being the one who handles it if this keeps up. You don't want that and I don't either. I quite like being the bubbly lead administration besides the other two who are regularly in charge of being the mean ones(sorry gals I love you). However, I won't watch our staff or userbase be treated like that. I assure you that I am 10x as worse as the others when warranted so please don't make me be that way because I don't want to be. I want to see Rev grow and become better and also not have a toxic community. Now please everyone get along and be understanding to each other! (Also read up the rules. I posted the Welcome page up that would be a good place to start) Also please remember that most of us do this after a long day's work or in between children needing their parents. This is our fun time too. Sorry for being mean, Brittlez One of the Lead Site Administrators One of the Lead Site Administrators
Staff Breakdown:
In order to better serve the user base of the site, here is the actual breakdown of personnel to seek out when a problem arrives. Please make sure that you seek out the appropriate staff members; if not then the problem will be forwarded to the correct parties. Moderators (Green Usernames): For post related problems, issues with harassment from another non staff member, general questions about the site. Administrators (Blue Usernames): For moving actual threads to their proper locations, activating accounts, moving items, issues with the shop, resetting passwords, distributing silver, having issues with warnings and strikes, having issues with moderators. Triune(Golden Usernames): Custom item creation (Angela Rose), issues with another Triune member, issues with an Administrator, event related problems, issues with Deity members, general questions about Deities and lore. *Angela Rose and Dalenesca may be contacted if no Admin is currently online at the time of needed assistance and either of them are.*
News, Updates, and Revivals:
We've added some new stuff to the site to help people out… and we've updated some old stuff/revived it to check to see if there is any interest. 1. Synth Recommendations + Other Info : This has a list of pricing for trades. Info on a bunch of other stuff like custom items, event items, etc, etc. For more info go read it real quick :) 2. Wish Upon a Star : A weekly Synth Ingredient Lottery that will roll every Saturday has been started. Zanetimm92 is my faithful helper. Read up on the rules about it to get started. 3. The Wishing Well : Rules have been updated to include synth ingredients and synth items. 4. Roleplay Roulette : Has been restarted and I am gauging interest on whether or not to keep it stickied. It was previously left alone due to not only activity but Revaliir getting busy. This is a fun way to get a new/old roleplay partner. Read up on the rules!
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