#I’ll also be doing gryffindor!jack hughes as well so
ghostfacd · 1 year
imma make slytherin!luke into like a little series where it’s just like moments between him and yn
i was also going to do jack as well, i could totally see gryffindor!jack
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sergentculotte · 7 years
 Tagged by: @nin-tinuga Name: Agnès Nicknames: Gnessou,  Gender: she Star Sign: Leo Birthday: July 28th Height: 5'3, probably Age: 20 years old Sexual Orientation: pan ? lesbian ? asexual ? who the fuck knows, not me Relationship Status: Intergalactic vacuum Hogwarts House : a mix of them all ? But I guess mostly Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff (but I have Slytherin tendencies, and probably Gryffindor traits as well... tf is wrong with me) Favorite Color: maroon, green, blue... So many of them ! Time Right Now: 10:02 pm What Are You Reading: “La Mythologie” by Edith Hamilton, “Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice, a lot of fanfictions Last Movie You Watched: .... Probaby was Reality High on Netflix, but I’m gonna say @tincanbros livestream on the 23rd-24th was way more enjoyable  Average Hours of Sleep: err... lately, 5, but i actually need around 9 or 10 to livre properly so i’ve been a sleepy mess lately Lucky Number: don’t have one ! Last thing You Googled: ... Buffy Favorite Fictional Characters: Ellana, Hermione Granger, Elizabeth Bennet, Fred&Georges Weasley (and their long lost brother John), also PHRYNE FISHER DETECTIVE INSPECTOR JACK ROBINSON DOT HUGH EVERY FREAKING ONE OF THEM, Aragorn, Ned, Chuck, Olive & everyone on Pushing Daisies, SUN OF SENSE8 BUT ALSO EVERY ONE OF THEM, also prob a bunch more Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 2 to 3 (one fleece blanket so soft it just made me start sleeping naked in it) Favorite Singer/Band: i’ve been listening to @postmodernjukebox lately and i love what they do !! and then my forever favourite, @teamstarkid and also @tincanbros again, super talented people they do musicals and stuff go and check them out !  Dream Trip: mh... probably visit old sites in the UK, and Ireland ?  i love those green parts Dream Job: being paid to do as i please, is that an option ? Current Job: student (foreign languages, boring buisness and also history)  When This Blog Was Created: idk ? where do you see that ? probably 2 or 3 years ago Current Number of Followers: 138, wow, thanks guys, i don’t even know that many people irl What Do You Post: funny stuff, stylish stuff, nature stuff, also fandom related stuff? i don’t create a lot of posts Who Are Your Most Active Followers: the one and only amazing author @abadmeanman , @nin-tinuga, @dorklightwood, @ughjpeg thanks guys, when i get notes it’s from one of you :’) When Did Your Blog Reach Its Peak: uh... I posted one Drarry enthousiast post and it got like 150 notes  What Made You Decide to Get a Tumblr: Me bro @hackthepatriarchy Why Did You Choose Your URL: i’ve been compared to a panda cause i’m fat, i stink and i eat all the time. this was a bully speaking BUT the panda thing was about my eye makeup, and it is true that i eat a lot, and 24...... well i was a diehard fan of teen wolf Do You Run Any Other Blogs: nope, although i should probably make an arty one What Are You Doing Tomorrow: ... classes (spanish class, then grammar and traduction in english and spanish)
Are you okay: ... not really What do you create: .... not enough (i draw and i used to make fimo clay stuff) What do you like to touch: fleece, myself, soft things, animals, the inside of almond shells are super smooth,  What smells make you nostalgic: a specific smell of a sunscreen tube i sitll have that belonged to my godmother, the smell of rain in the country, the smell of burning firewood in my parent’s house in winter when it’s cold, gingerbread spice, the smell of hay cats have when they’ve been sleeping in it Hood, umbrella or nothing when it’s raining: nothing if i can take a shower after... i don’t have an umbrella so i’ll just be wearing a wood anyway Do you like to add uppercase letters everywhere: ... it is Quality Writting
@hackthepatriarchy @pingwyyy @supermegafoxyawesomehot182 @sketchshark @karamelsucree @abadmeanman @garrulus @rejectedprincesses @floccinaucinihilipilificationa @bullysquadess @newtmas-is-good @nathsketch
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