#I wrote this bc im salty ☺️☺️
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hq-lovin · 5 years ago
road trip shenanigans
ft. a shit ton of ppl bc Y/n has a lot of friends such as
Hajime Iwaizumi as The Mom Friend
Tooru Oikawa as That Bitch✨
Takahiro Hanamaki as Idiot #1
Issei Mattsukawa as Idiot #2
supporting characters : Tetsuro Kuroo, Kotarou Bokuto, Keiji Akaashi, Kei Tsukishima, Shoyo Hinata
hello 😺 this is a toss up between crack and fluff, I write this bc the seijoh boys were growing on me but in between I went through a Kuroo phase so he’s here too, btw this is all platonic, I hope you enjoy 😀✨
➣ pairing : platonic! seijoh boys x short, fem!reader (I’m sorry for all you tall girls out there 😭)
➣ scenario [1437]
➣ warning : none, seijoh boys making fun of you, other ppl making fun of you (as a joke), short reader, i’m talking s h o r t,
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platonic seijoh (and others) x fem, short, reader
The sun shone brightly in the sky that were filled with large fluffy clouds. You breathed in the fresh air as you walked out of the store carrying a grocery bag that were filled with food and drinks. Squinting slightly, you spot Hajime stretching his legs as Tooru chatted his ear off. Near them, was Takahiro struggling to climb into Issei’s back, who looked very uninterested at the moment.
“I told you already, you’re too short to climb on my back,” Matsukawa rolls his eyes playfully, staying still as a rock.
“Shut up, at least I’m not as short Iwa-chan over there,” hearing Hanamaki’s statement, Iwaizumi stops his stretches.
“What was that?” He barks raising a brow at the two idiots. Takahiro scrambles to climb faster as a provoked Hajime approaches him. Deciding to save Takahiro, you sped up your pace.
“I’m back, I have snacks with me,” you smile handing them to Iwaizumi. In the corner of your eye, you spot Hanamaki breath out a breath of relief.
“You’re a life saver Y/n,” He whispers and you throw him a wink.
“What’d you get?”
“Oh, just the usual you know—“
“Did you get..”
“Yes I got your milk bread,” you say with a roll of your eyes, fishing out the milk bread you toss it over to Oikawa who gasps and stars to unpack the delicious food. You swore you saw shimmers in his eyes.
“Who’s driving next?” Mattsukawa asks, Hanamaki still on his back. Iwaizumi sighs and stretches his arms before answering.
“I’ll drive, Y/n’s next,” upon hearing this you stop in your tracks, eyebrows ruffling in confusion, along with the dreadful feeling stewing up in your stomach.
“What? Why?” You pout as Oikawa hands you a piece of his precious milk bread. Shoving the food in your mouth, you tilt your head.
“You’re the only one who hasn’t driven yet,” Issei shrugs, Takahiro jumping in surprise at the sudden movement.
“Watch it,” he grumbles, Matsukawa only smiles in response.
“I get the food though,” you try and reason but Hajime is quick to shut you down with his stern mom voice. Your shoulder slump, but your moodiness doesn’t last for a long time when Oikawa decides to blast music.
After a while of screaming your lungs out, spilling snacks, and wondering how Iwaizumi got his hair that spiky, your time to drive had finally arrived.
“There’s no getting out of this,” Hajime crosses his arms like a strict dad and you bite your lip from smiling to wide, it would ruin your chances of convincing him.
“But what if—”
“Okay but like if I—”
“Hajime! Just please—”
“No. End of discussion.”
Stunned at his choice of words, you drag yourself to the front seat. Hanamaki calls dibs on the front seat, promising to play all your favourite songs to keep your sanity in check.
Grabbing onto the wheel, you realize something. Your feet rest right below the pedals, and you find yourself having to sit up straighter just to get a view of the road. Biting your lip, you sigh and move to adjust your seat
“What’re you doing?” a voice calls out from behind your seat, shifting around you see a confused look planted Matsukawa’s face. Your mind quickly thinks of an excuse, too embarrassed to tell him truth about your problem. But alas, before you could spit out a word or even a sound out of your gaping mouth, Hanamaki had beaten you to the punch.
“She’s adjusting her seat, she can’t reach the steering wheel,” gasping, you let out a whine and slap him lightly on the shoulder as he continues to cackle at your flustered state.
“Hiro! You can’t just blurt that out!” You pout and slump onto your seat.
“Awh, is wittle Y/n angry because she can’t see above the dashboard?” Issei’s coos mockingly, making your glare at him through the rear view mirror.
“Is this why you didn’t wanna drive so bad? Because you’re so small?” Hajime sticks out his bottom lip and ruffles your hair, much like an older brother teasing their younger sibling, excepts it’s a grown man making fun of their short friend. You grumble underneath your breath as a chorus of laughs were aimed towards you.
“It’s okay Y/n-chan!” a peppy Oikawa smiles, “Iwa-chan over here isn’t too tall himself!” he chuckles before earning himself a punch in the shoulder from “Iwa-chan.”
“Yeah, yeah, just drive Y/n,” Iwaizumi rolls his eyes and you continue to adjust your seat.
“Damn, you really can’t reach the far?”
“Listen—” and before you knew it, they were back to teasing and poking at your patience.
“Ahh! Oikawa-san!” a cheery voice calls out, and you turn to your side to see a bubbly boy with orange hair running rapidly towards the car. For a moment you think to start the engine and speed out of there, but you spot other familiar faces.
“Oi Oi, what do we have here?” Your eyes meet catlike ones and sigh before lifting a hand to say hello to Kuroo. You smile at Bokuto, Akaashi, and Tsukishima that were trailing behind him.
“Is little Chibi-chan driving now?” He smiles and pats your head and for the third time that evening, one of the four boys behind you quickly yells an answer before you could even open your mouth.
“She’s too short to drive! Look at how much she had to adjust her seat!” Mattsukawa yells and stretches his legs in front to show how much space he had, and indeed there was a lot.
“Y/n! You haven’t grown since highschool!” a certain grey haired owl gasps dramatically, slapping his hands onto his cheeks for effect. Akaashi places a warning hand on Bokuto and Tsukishima hides a smirk.
“You’re shorter than me!” Hinata yells for the entire world to here, copying Bokuto’s actions with wide eyes. At this point you’re tired and the only thing you manage to do was roll your eyes once more.
“Aww, that’s okay shrimp!” Kuroo giggles (yes he giggles, you can fight me on that) and leans down taking your cheek in his thumb and index finger, pinching it slightly.
“Kuroo! You’re supposed to be the one defending me!” You pout swatting his hand away.
“Since when,” he cocks a brow, grinning.
“Since...since that one time in the training camp you said I wasn’t that short!” Pointing a finger at him.
“That was because you were standing next to Yachi,” he snorts.
“And even Yachi grew a little,” Tsukishima smirks, joining in on the fun. You slump back onto your seat and lean on the palm of your hand, dejected.
“If it helps Y/n-san! I’m not that tall either!” Hinata jumps up and down whilst waving a hand in order to get your attention.
“Yeah! And Iwa-chan isn’t either! See? You’re not alone in this Y/n!” Hanamaki places a “comforting” hand on your shoulder as Hajime raises a brow.
For the rest of the day, you hung out with the boys, endured through their teasing comments about your height. It wasn’t so bad, especially when you had Hajime and Shoyo as your personal bodyguards, although they made the occasional short jokes as well, they were pretty decent.
But alas, the day had come to an end. You all decided to book the same hotel together because nothing could possibly go wrong, nope, not one thing.
“Tsukishima give me back my phone!” You reach up as far as you could on our top toes, not wanting to jump since that would cause a disturbance to the people below you.
“Don’t worry Y/n! I’ll get it for you!” Hinata says and starts running towards Kei who was dangling your phone right above your hands.
Just before Hinata could jump, Bokuto tackles him onto the bed, then proceeds to play wrestle with him.
“My hero,” you sigh and look back at Tsukishima who had a shit eating grin plastered on his face.
“It’s right here, just come get it,” He smiles. You sigh and memories from this morning went through your head. Although these boys could be a pain in the ass, tease you relentlessly about your short stature, take your belongings and proceed to dangle them above you, you loved all of them and absolutely nothing could change that.
“Help! Iwa-chan’s chasing me!” A distressed Oikawa enters into the hotel room along with a feral Hajime closing in on him. Hanamaki record the whole thing as Mattsukawa is howling in laughter. Yes, nothing could change your love for these boys.
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