#I would’ve also loved to meet Geordie…. -sigh-
rayvern-sheep · 1 year
I’m so jealous of that little girl in S2E15 of TNG… I would’ve killed to be holding Data’s hand as a kid, wandering around on that set oughhhhh
My inner child is screaming yelling crying stomping their feet, swinging their little fists around in a whirlwind
0 notes
Chapters: 1/3 Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Data/Geordi La Forge Additional Tags: daforge - Freeform, AU, Alternate Universe - Steampunk, Goblins, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Mermaids, Pirates Summary:
The Corsair ship Enterprise is not exactly a pirate ship, but they do what they have to to get by on the high seas. Without someone knowledgeable in steam mechanics that becomes even harder. Data is a gear filled robot who can be wound like a watch, and Geordi is merman who cannot see above water. But perhaps this odd friendship could solve some of their problems.
Hi! This was written for a commission for @datalaur​. This takes place in a weird vaguely steampunk, D&D type universe where certain alien species names are interchangeable with mythological names like trolls and goblins, and everyone calls Data a robot. The world building isn't perfect, but I still think it's a good time. 💜 (Here’s a link to chapter two)
The sea rippled in the wind, and the ship creaked as the sails were turned.
“Captain,” said the first mate, “We can’t go on like this.”
“What do you want me to do, Will? Stop and ask for directions?”
“It’s not just that. When we go into battle, we can’t have you and the rob’ut shoveling coal.”
“There’s so much more to it than that.”
“Well then? That’s my point. We’ve got to replace O’Brien. I know you were holding out hope, but when we dock at the ninth port again, sure he’ll sing songs, and welcome us like old friends, but he’s not gonna be convinced to go back to the life of a corsair. Not now that he found someone who could love that ugly mug of his.”
The Captain sighed. “You’re right. But Data knows this ship better than anyone—”
“The rob’ut can’t fix himself, Picard,” Riker spat. He steeled himself and tried to speak more respectfully. “We need a new crew member. Even if he doesn’t know the engines, if he’s got a mind to learn, if he can figure Data’s gears, he can pick up slack. Because we need you both on deck, sir.”
“Captain, I’m afraid I have to concur.” The gears in Data’s shoulders creaked as he turned the wheel and changed their course. “Not only that we need an extra crewman, but that we should stop and ask for directions.”
“Data…” Picard said, frustrated, “Who do you suppose we ask. A siren?”
“I propose we anchor along this approaching landmass,” replied Data. “There are signs of life.”
Picard removed his spyglass from his pocket and took a look at the approaching shore. There was smoke in the distance and a path cut through the trees. There was no way to tell if these people were friendly, but they were certainly people.
But Captain Picard was nothing if not an adventurer. If he had been afraid to meet new and mystical species on faraway shores, he never would’ve found Data, or Worf. Even Troi was half Elvin, and they’d all learned to live with her mind trickery. While the old girl, Enterprise, was just beginning to take on this diversity, Picard suspected there were pirate and privateer ships in which humans were the minority.
When they anchored a few hours later, the crew was informed to sit tight while the Captain and Worf sought out the people to make sure it was safe.
The first thing Worf noticed about the locals was that they didn’t seem all that mysterious. They looked human. The only difference being that his humans kept themselves better trimmed.
“Trespassers,” said one of the men.
“We mean no disrespect,” said Picard, putting his hands up to show his open palms. “We’ve only lost our way. We don’t mean to intrude.”
“You have a Klingon with you,” said one of the women.
“This is Worf,” said the captain. “He is a friendly Klingon. He wasn’t even raised on the mountains of Kronos. He was raised among humans.”
Worf nodded. He resented his trustworthiness being equated with how human he may be, but now was not the time to be offended.
“What are you doing here?” asked the man.
“We’re lost,” said Picard. “We’ve been tasked to find the Goblin homeland. They’ve stolen some inventions—”
“They’ll gut you for your latinum.”
“Alas, we have none at the moment. We will be paid for retrieving the machinery.”
“They won’t stop to find out what’s in your pockets. They’d sell the clothes off your corpse.”
“We are familiar with the goblins, and their confrontation tactics,” said Worf, “Money is no doubt the reason for their thieving, not a hope for technological advancement. However, were they to sell to an enemy, the human government would not be pleased.”
“I see. Privateers then?”
“You could say that,” said Picard with a smile.
“Hmm, the kind of privateers who are also pirates, or the kind with a certain code of conduct?”
Picard and Worf shuffled their feet.
“It depends on your definition of pirate,” said Worf. Picard shot him a look that told him to keep his mouth shut.
“We definitely have a code of conduct,” Picard assured them. “You have nothing to fear from us. We’re only asking a little help…”
“You’ve gone too far,” said the woman.
“Excuse me?” asked Picard, wondering what he could have possibly said to prompt this response.
“You’ve gone too far,” she repeated. “That’s how you got confused. You went too far north. It happens. Goblins are southeast of us. We could maybe mark it on a map, but can’t say how accurate it would be. None of us are cartographers.”
“If you’re willing to look at a map that would be great. But you’ve already helped. Thank you,” said Picard.
“You look weary,” said one of the men.
“You might stay,” said the other. “Assuming you are not pirates.”
“Oh, oh that’s very generous, but we should be on our way,” replied Picard.
“Suit yourself, but Jeham used to live the ship life, and any chance to spend a moment on land was cherished later when the chances didn’t come. If you would like to stay a short while we would not object.”
“Well… I don’t know how much time we can waste. But we will tell the crew that they are free to explore for the time being.”
“Explore?” asked the woman.
“Would that be a problem?”
“No,” said the man. “But there are some areas that are… not as safe.”
Picard nodded, not wanting to make a fuss. “Worf, why don’t you go back to the ship and let the crew know we’re welcomed.”
“But Captain—”
“I’m sure I’m safe with our new friends, Mr. Worf.”
Worf looked back and forth between them, nodded, and disappeared through the trees.
“I never asked your names. I am Jean-Luc Picard.”
“I mentioned Jeham,” said one of the men, pointing a thumb to the other. “And my name is Di.”
“And I’m Reese,” said the woman.
That evening they sat around a large fire. Some stood, some walked around, but they fit nearly 200 people into a clearing, Picard’s salty crew mingling idly with this sandy group of families. The doctor had disappeared somewhere. The Captain hoped she was having fun. Data stood very close to the circle around the fire, wanting to be included, but not wanting to take a warm place to sit from someone who would be comforted by it.
“May I ask you a question?” said Data quietly.
“Only if we can ask a few back,” said Reese.
“Of course, please do. I was wondering, you do not look terribly different from us, and you speak human, but—”
“We are human,” replied Di.
“This is only a settlement,” said Jeham. “I used to work on a ship too, but I’d been looking for an out for a while when my ship stopped here. I decided to stay, after I met everyone.”
“Most of the originals came to get away from the black fog of the big cities. We live a little simpler here,” said Di.
Data’s face fell, if only minutely, and he said, ��You came here to get away from machinery.”
“Perhaps, you could say that,” said Reese, “But we have no problem with machines. Only the smell of industry.”
“What are you?” asked Di, standing up to look more closely at Data’s skin, “A robot?”
“Who made a thing like you? Is he with the crew?” asked Reese.
“No. My creator was lost at sea many years ago.”
Di reached out and ran a finger along Data’s forehead and down his nose. “You’re not like any robot I’ve ever seen.”
“I wouldn’t imagine we’re up on the latest trends, Di,” said Reese.
Di continued trailing his finger down Data’s face, and Data resisted the urge to shudder when he reached his lips. Though he would’ve preferred Di ask permission, he couldn’t deny that in some ways Data enjoyed the stimulation to his- his what, he wasn’t sure. He had speculated that he had artificial nerve endings, but it was far beyond the realm of any science in the land. There were rumors on the ship that Soong had not just used engineering, but magic to bring Data to life. But if it was true, that didn’t change that the robot still needed to be wound.
As the feel of Di’s fingers on his neck suddenly became absent, Data realized he had shut his eyes. He opened them abruptly and whispered. “I am… one of a kind.”
The captain cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should do a little exploring in the morning before we leave. Get some exercise before we have to be cooped up on the ship. If you could suggest any trails…?”
“We could take you to look at some pretty areas, but you shouldn’t go off alone,” said Reese.
“Oh, I’m sure we could handle any animals that might come our way.”
“It’s not that,” said Di. “You don’t want to go very far from shore. You don’t want to get near the water.”
“Water?” asked Worf, “What do you mean near water but away from the shore? That does not make sense.”
“There is something of a lake, but it drains in from the ocean and it is quite deep.”
“Everyone on our crew can swim… Except for Alyssa,” said Data.
“It’s not about that either. This is the good water.” Di gestured behind him. They couldn’t see the shore through the trees but knew it was in that direction. “It’s mighty shallow. Just stay away from the rivers and estuary. They’re deep.”
There was an awkward silence as they tried to figure out if they should keep asking questions, and then there was another voice in the darkness.
Troi walked up to the fire seemingly out of nowhere. Her skin appeared to glow in the fire light, and they could see the smallest bit of her brazier at the opening of a men's collared shirt that was a little too big for her. She whispered, “I get the sense you don’t actually want us to know why we shouldn’t see these deep waters.”
“It’s the creatures,” said Jeham.
“Jeham,” warned Di.
“What kind of creatures?” asked Picard.
“I’m sure you’ve heard of sirens,” said Reese.
Data cut in, “The captain mentioned them this morning.”
“Then you know.”
“I know of myth,” said Picard. “I know of imaginary creatures,”
“I doubt you’re so cynical. With a Klingon, and your mechanical man. You would question the possibility that sirens exist?”
“An entire race that is solely female and dedicated to killing sailors? I’m afraid it does cast some doubt.”
“They aren’t only female,” said Jeham. “And they’re not sirens… They’re merfolk. They’re just a species like any of the ones we’ve seen. We’ve all met groups of people that seemed scary,” he glanced at Worf, “and we’ve all met people with a special ability or two.” Now he looked at Deanna but looked away when she caught his eye.
“Well, now you make it sound like they’re just new friends to make.”
“No,” said Di. “People have tried. The merfolk seem friendly sometimes. But this is where the siren myths come from. They’re intelligent. They make you feel things. They can control your emotions.”
“I have no emotions,” said Data.
“Excuse me?”
“They could not possibly control my emotions; I am not capable of feeling emotions, as I am a machine.”
Di sighed. This conversation had gone on longer than he would have liked.
“Fine,” he said, “Chance it, Robot. But don’t blame me when you are dragged into the sea.”
“Well, perhaps if we have time,” said Data.
Troi slid into the circle and sat down in front of the fire. “Now what are the chances that you lovely people happen to have marshmallows?”
Things had stayed friendly and hours later, after everyone had agreed to call it a night, Data sat in front of the dying fire.
Since he didn’t sleep, he was often presented with extra time to occupy while those around him were unconscious. On the ship he usually continued navigating.
There was a pull on the gears of his ticking brain. Almost a tingle to his mind. He wondered, if he were human, would this be the need to be rebellious? After all, he was never a child, neither a teenager.
He needed, like an unquenchable curiosity, to go find the deep waters Di and the others had spoken of. He wasn’t afraid of what he might find there, for he couldn’t feel fear. Even if he could, he also couldn’t feel pain, so there was really nothing to be afraid of.
He got up quietly after the fire had gone out. He didn’t want to ruin their fire pit by extinguishing it or leave it unattended while burning. But now, in the light of only the moon he got up quietly and crept beyond the clearing, heading away from the shore.
It might have taken a biological being a few hours to navigate through the many trees and over jagged rocks, but Data did not tire, and found the estuary before sunrise.
The water here seemed different than that which he had sailed on for many years. This was eerily calm, and the moon shone off it in such a way that made it appear to glow.
Data sat down at the edge of the water, and waited. Nothing happened, but that was okay. He thought about navigation, and the mission they were on, and watched the sunrise.
Just as he was thinking perhaps he should return to the clearing, something in the water moved. Slowly a dark face emerged, with completely gray eyes, like nothing Data had ever seen.
“Are you waiting for someone?” the being asked.
“I suppose I was waiting for you,” replied Data.
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“I've never heard your voice,” he didn’t look directly at Data as he spoke. “You don’t live here.”
“No, I’m a corsair.”
“I… I’m afraid I don’t know what that means.”
“I sail… on an independent ship.”
“You’re a pirate,” said the man in the water.
“… We don’t like to hurt people.”
“I’m not here to judge you.”
“What are you?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“You are a merman?”
“If the name suits you.”
“Do you have a name?”
“Do you?”
“My name is Data.”
“A name befitting a mechanical man.”
“You knew I was a robot?”
“I can hear your body tick.”
“But you cannot see me.”
“Merpeople don’t see the same way land folk do.”
“Oh, I understand.”
“Mm, I doubt that.”
“Well, it is true that I probably cannot imagine how you process sensory input, but I also can’t imagine how any biological being does such things.”
“You experience your senses differently than everyone you meet, don’t you?”
“I have yet to meet anyone like me. Other robots do not…”
“They do not compare.”
“I suppose not. Some people think my creator was a genius. Others think he was mad. I’m sorry to say I am sometimes in the latter category… You never told me your name.”
“Is that a common merfolk name?”
“Not particularly.”
“I understand that you see differently than humans, but it appears as though you do not see me at all.”
“I saw you when I approached, but we are adapted to the water. We lose certain things above it. But others change. Everything is louder above water as well.”
“If I were human I would get in with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I would hold my breath, and swim with you, so we could see each other properly. But I can’t get water in my gears.”
“Sailing seems like an odd job for someone who can’t get wet.”
“Well, I can get a little wet. But it could be troublesome to be fully submerged. It’s correct that if I fell overboard, I would most likely die, but that is true of most of the crew when on the high seas.”
“You’re quite the interesting device, aren’t you Data?”
Data didn’t respond.
“I’m sorry,” Geordi said suddenly. “That was rude.”
Data smiled even though he knew Geordi couldn’t see it. Just acknowledging that it was possible to be rude to him was more than some people gave him.
“I’ve been called worse than a device,” said Data. “And definitely worse than interesting.”
“Well, you are. Interesting, I mean.”
“I find you fascinating as well.”
“I’m really interested in mechanology. I hope you don’t mind me saying. It’s just, that sort of learning is limited when you live in water.”
“I would imagine.”
“I’d love to get a look inside you. I mean… that came out wrong.”
“You do not have to worry about offending me. I have learned over my time as a corsair, that it is not the words, but the feeling behind them.”
“Well, I mean, I can’t really get a look.”
“Figure of speech, I assumed.”
“Yes, well, I’m sure it would be terribly invasive to… to…”
“Examine my mechanics? If it were something you would enjoy, and you would not change anything—”
“Oh, of course not! I would never tamper with you without your permission.”
“Then you may open the compartment on my back,” Data said, unbuttoning his doublet. “I only ask that you dry your hands first.”
Geordi’s eyes widened. “Yes, yes of course I will.” He floated awkwardly for a moment before scrambling to get up onto land with Data. He fumbled as he couldn’t see the edge of the rock. Hands reached out and took hold of him around the waist. If he hadn’t known any better, he would’ve guessed them biological hands. The only sign that there was a difference was how effortlessly Data lifted Geordi out of the water, and sat him gently next to him.
Geordi’s tail hung off the edge and into the water but the rest of him was visible, and Data took in the details before handing Geordi a handkerchief and turning away from him.
He pulled the silk shirt he’d been wearing under his doublet over his head, not bothering with the buttons. Geordi finished drying his hands and felt out in front of him. He slid his hands down Data’s smooth back, finding in the middle, something like a key.
There was that feeling of Data being touched again, but this time it was invited.
“Does this keep you going?” Geordi asked, fingering the key.
“Yes, turned clockwise it winds my gears, but if you turn it counterclockwise—”
“I can unscrew it and open this hatch. And it won’t cause you any problems?”
Geordi did as Data said, placing the key off to the side, and sliding open a door in his back. Data had of course been worked on and examined before, but this was somehow different. Geordi had to feel the parts to understand what was in front of him and Data could almost feel it himself. Geordi’s soft slick hands running along the springs and wires.
“There’s lots I could do back here,” Geordi said lazily fumbling over some screws. “Are you always so trusting with people you’ve just met?”
“No,” Data replied, eyes closed, “Never.” And it almost sounded breathy to Gerodi’s ears.
“Well, I’ll take this as a compliment… Ow.” Geordi pulled his hand away abruptly.
Data glanced back and saw Geordi put his finger in his mouth.
“You have burned yourself.”
“Nah,” said Geordi. “Just hurt for a second.” He went back to his examinations. “I see, so you breathe to keep this cool right here.”
“It’s like you’ve got a little engine roaring away inside you. It’s amazing.”
“Do you… know anything about engines?”
“A little. I’d love to learn more.”
“Data!” said a voice in the distance. It was the captain.
“I have to go now,” Data told Geordi, like he was telling a playmate that his mom said dinner was ready.
Geordi nodded and shut the compartment. He felt around for the key before fumbling to screw it back in for Data. Once it was in he kept turning.
“All wound up.”
“Thank you,” Data whispered.
“Data?” shouted Dr. Crusher.
“I am here,” replied Data pulling on his shirt. “No need to go any further, I will come to you.”
He buttoned only a few of the buttons on his doublet before going to stand, but Geordi stopped him while he was still on his knees. He reached out and took Data’s hand.
“Will you be back?” Gerodi asked.
“Will I see you again? I’ve never met anyone like you.”
It wasn’t lost on Data that the merman called him one instead of thing. Data had to admit that though he had only known the being for all of 20 minutes, he wanted to promise he would be back. But it was not a promise he knew he could keep.
Data debated whether he would be overstepping a boundary for .3 seconds, and then decided to place a hand on Geordi’s cheek. “I will try,” he said honestly. Geordi shivered. “You are cold. You should return to the water.”
“Data, please inform us of your location,” said the captain.
“I will be right there, Captain.”
Geordi stayed on land for a few more moments to listen to the sound of Data’s footsteps as he walked away.
Beyond some rocks in the thick of trees and vines, Data found the captain and the doctor searching for him.
“I apologize for the inconvenience, Captain.”
“Out looking for mermaids, Data?” said the Captain with a smirk.
“Of course not, Captain. I would never go looking for something someone told me could be dangerous.” Data had recently begun to master facetiousness. He found it easier than sarcasm, because it didn’t require the same bite.
“Oh!” replied the doctor with a smile, “Of course not.”
“Well, I hate to interrupt our recreation, but we’re trying to get some maintenance done as quickly as possible so that we can be back on the sea before noon.”
“Captain, will we be coming back?” asked Data.
“To this shore…”
“There were no plans to. I know this is no concern of yours, but it depends on where our next meal is coming from.”
“I understand, this little village, of sorts, is not particularly profitable.”
Data was silent for the rest of the morning as they prepared to leave. He spared one passing glance at the shore as he steered the ship back onto the high seas.
With the locals’ changes to their maps they were able to find goblin territory faster than they expected. They came into port in the late afternoon as the sun was setting, and they had a plan before midnight. Goblins were ruthless, but they were also easily scared.
They would beat them at their own game, and retrieve the technology from right under their noses. Under cover of darkness, the captain, Riker, Data, and Worf, crept through the city. They took along a few crewmen who were new to the seas but could provide a little muscle. All of them pulled up their hoods against the rain. They’d been told before they came that it never stopped raining in goblin territory. But they hurried despite their discomfort. They could not be seen under any circumstances. This was not a place they could blend in. Their height alone would make them stand out to any goblin.
They inched into the building where they’d heard it was being held. They were fairly certain the goblins they’d interrogated were telling the truth. It had taken what little latinum they had left, but every goblin has their price.
Inside there were many locking mechanisms, but it was nothing Data couldn’t handle. Though he hadn’t been designed for theft, thieving from thieves brought exceptions. Being a corsair brought oh so many exceptions.
Coming down a hall, lit only by a torch, was the final door. Behind it should be the stolen machine. It was wood, and shorter than human doors, as had been all the doors in the building. It was covered in chains which the goblins no doubt thought were strong. Worf took a chain in hand on one side, and Data took it on the other. Pulling against each other like they might play tug-o-war, one of the links near the middle gave way and opened, and the chains fell apart.
The captain pushed the door open and ducked into the room. The device’s silhouette was monstrous in the darkness of the room, but Picard could tell they could get it through the door if they carried it on its side. After all, the goblins had to have gotten it in here somehow.
Squeezing it through the door and down the hall with the strength of a robot, a Klingon, a Bolian, and 3 humans was easier than expected. They shuffled out of the building, and were almost home-free when they heard a footstep.
A little clay colored boy with the biggest ears they’d ever seen screeched and pointed at them. Suddenly the sound stopped and the boy was on the ground. Worf had put down his corner of the device and hit the little goblin in the back of the head. He flinched as he looked at him. No one on the ship enjoyed when their adventures came to such things. Stealing and defending oneself was one thing but hurting innocent people never felt good.
“He should be fine,” whispered Data.
Worf nodded and picked up his end again and they were able to get it onto the ship uninterrupted.
As they rushed out of dock, wind in their sales, it almost seemed too easy. The simplicity was almost dreamlike, being so unsettling and anxiety inducing, that it was almost a relief when they heard goblins shouting in the distance. Something about profit.
And then, there was just enough light from the moons to see a ship gaining on them. It was a strange looking ship, with little cohesion, different colors and shapes that reminded them of other races they’d met along the way. It was almost as if the goblins had built the ship from spare parts of other ships they’d come across, purchased, or robbed.
The word Ferengi was messily painted on the side. It must’ve meant something in the goblin language, but they didn’t know what, and didn’t have time to think about it.
There was yelling and swift conversations as they heard cannons go off. Were they out gunned? Could they call someone for help? Goblins had always seemed so cowardly, but there had been a feeling in the air, and now it seemed inevitable that they had underestimated them.
While people on the Enterprise were loading cannons, Riker took the wheel, and the captain told Data to go change the direction of the sails. Data nodded and ran to the ropes. Just as he was finishing, he heard Troi shout, “What’s going on?”
“The goblins,” he replied. “Help with cannons!”
Looking at her when he spoke, he was caught off guard when the entirety of the Enterprise shook with a particularly well aimed cannon ball. The ship lurched, and Data tried to grab onto the rope, but his hands missed it by a centimeter. Data went toppling into the water, Troi running to the railing after him, but knowing there was nothing she could do.
“Data!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.
He could hear faintly the water muffled warbling of Troi explaining to someone, “The robot, he’s gone overboard!” before he became waterlogged and shut down.
Data assumed this would be the end of his experiences.
-Chapter Two-
21 notes · View notes
scaredandbored · 4 years
the one with the sonic showers
for @julie-yard , (sorry it’s so ooc but it’s got DaForge in!)
word count (excluding the compulsory grouching i do in the brackets next because i ran out of space in the tags whoops) : 2233
(also this is my first ever piece of writing using solely other people’s characters so i apologise in advance lol)
(constructive criticism welcome just please be nice i cry really easily)
(hey so data is literally an android and geordie is CHEIF FRICKIN ENGINEER and i am Bad At Physics. so there are large gaps in dialogue which i would LOVE to do some more research on (not sarcasm i really would but i would get sucked into it and never actually write lol) but i’m more of a chemistry/biology Basic Bitch™️ so even though i’m supposed to know enough about sound waves to write that dialogue i don’t trust myself enough to do it)
(also, i’m a First Aid Responder, not a doctor, damnit! so all medical talk in this is me reading three (3) articles on chronic tension headaches and then seeming myself fit to write about it)
(sorry in advance, here you go!)
The alarm he had set for twenty minutes before the beginning of his shift made Geordie feel as though he was being hit repeatedly by a phaser. Wincing, he groped for his VISOR, slamming his other hand on the button that would stop the infernal shrieking. Logically, Geordie knew the noise was just barely above a soft trill, but as he rummaged around his drawer for his acetaminophen hypo, he was considering having a word with the senior medical staff about limiting the volume of the ships alarms in the interest of the crew’s wellbeing.
As usual, the hypo did very little for the inescapable pressure on his skull, and the activation of his visor did nothing but restore him to the state he was before the hypo. Grimacing, he dragged himself over to the replicator in the far corner of his room, toeing off the black regulation bottoms he’d slept in and tossing them into the laundry shoot as he walked by. “Coffee, black, sixty degrees Celsius.”. Hoping against hope the caffeine would keep the dull pain from spiking until he could administer her perscription later in the day. He rolled his head between sips of the slightly too bitter beverage, with the intention of loosening up in order to stave off neck and shoulder tension later in the day. “Computer, set a reminder to schedule a meeting with Dr.Crusher for me, will you?” The computer’s answering trill was, again, much too loud for his liking, so he gave a second order for all automated auditory responses to decrease intensity by 50%.
Sliding off his VISOR, Geordie decided to pick out his uniform and dress using muscle memory, the idea of putting his VISOR back on before absolutely necessary was enough to make his stomach turn, violently. “OK, so don’t put it back on, Geordie, it’s not rocket science.” he sighed to himself as he tugged the zip up, catching his thumb in his collar. Adequately annoyed at himself and already aching to take another shot of his hypo, Geordie lamented the fact he hadn’t decided to shower, the warm water would’ve done some good towards the inevitable spasms his upper back and neck would undoubtedly engage in later that evening. Sitting down, he pressed the heels of his almost-cool hands against his temples, rubbing around the terminals for his VISOR, where the ache was the worst. As he considered requesting sick leave and how to tell Riker he’d be missing poker tonight without raising suspicion, his communicator went off, the obnoxious trill sending a jolt of nausea through him as Barclay’s voice rang around his room.
“Barclay to Commander LaForge.”
Geordie winced and sighed before tapping his badge. “LaForge here.”
While Reg was relaying his message, Geordie reluctantly picked up his VISOR and clicked it into place. “There’s been several complaints shipwide about sonic shower malfunctions, the captain has asked us to assemble a team and look into it as soon as possible, sir.”
“Acknowledged. I’ll be in Engineering as soon as I can. Until then, Reg, you get a few ensigns and run a few tests on the basic functions in the malfunctioning units on the lower half of the affected decks. I want the results updated in real time so I can check them against the ones I’ll run. LaForge out.” Geordie considered popping into Sickbay on his way to see if he could get a muscle relaxer to avoid any serious cramping of his neck muscles, but the acetaminophen seemed to be kicking in, and he’d hoped this meant the worst was over.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
After numerous hours of running several different sonic showers at increasingly higher frequencies, Geordie felt as though his head was going to burst. He’d missed the hour he was supposed to re-administer his painkiller by a good thirty minutes, and the ensign he had taken with him to the upper decks had noticed his smile was less a smile and more a pained grimace. When she’d suggested he let her run a few tests while he updated the logs, Geordie had politely declined with a small laugh and an even smaller smile. When she repeated the question ten minutes later, he complied without a word.
Lunchtime arrived what felt like years later, when Geordie finally caved and turned himself into sickbay.
“Hey, Alyssa, can I talk to you for a second?” Geordie held out his hand in a sort of rushed, half-thought out greeting that immediately told Alyssa what it was Geordie wanted to talk to her about.
“Geordie, maybe you should sit the rest of your shift out.” Was all she said in the way of sympathy as she administered several of his usual hypos. This was why Geordie came to her before any other nurse on the Enterprise. Her sympathy was just enough to get her job done and she kept her pity to herself for the most part.
“Well, you know what they say!” Geordie jumped to his feet, rubbing his hands together briefly before giving one sharp clap to test the rapidly receding pressure in his head. “No peace for the wicked. I’ll see you around, Alyssa, thanks for the help.”
As Geordie moved out from behind the thin curtain Alyssa had pulled for privacy, he found himself looking straight up at his best friend, and his heart skipped a beat. “Data!” He grinned.
“Geordie.” Data’s head nodded in acknowledgement. Geordie admired the halo his VISOR caused around Data’s head. “I fail to see the relevance between your chosen turn of phrase and Nurse Ogawa’s reccomendation. I also object to the comparison you have drawn between yourself and the afformentioned ‘wicked’.”
“Data, it was a joke.” Geordie smiled again, the combination of the slightly stronger meds and his closest friend reducing the pain to a tolerable level. The fact his crush on Data was all-consuming only meant he had something to distract himself from what pain remained. “And Alyssa was just being nice, you know how I’d love to take an evening off to fool around on the holodeck.” Geordie immediately regretted his choice of words, but Data remained oblivious, his concerned head tilt still in place.
“Nurse Ogawa is not known for the benevolent prescription of unnecessary sick leave, Geordie.” He opened his mouth as if to suggest something, before closing it again and taking a step forward, placing his hand on Geordie’s shoulder. Now, it was Geordie’s chest that was under considerable pressure. “Do not hesitate to contact me if necessary. I must return to duty.”
Geordie chuckled in order to hide his disappointment at the loss of Data’s hand on his shoulder, shaking his head fondly. “No problem, Data. I’ll do that.”
Geordie was nearly out the door of Sickbay when Data called after him. “I shall see you at poker tonight, Geordie.”
It didn’t sound like a question, but Geordie knew Data well enough to know he was hoping to prompt a response. “I dunno, buddy. I’m kinda tired, if I’m being honest. I’ll let you know later, ok?”
Data blinked once, then twice, then nodded, his head adjusting itself into a neuteral position. “That is satisfactory.”
This time, Geordie laughed, the pain in his shoulders creeping up on him slowly once again, despite Data’s adorable half-attempt at a wave as the doors slid shut behind him. “Computer, what time is it?”
The shrill chime that preceded the response didn’t particularly hurt his head, but Geordie could feel his shoulders tensing even further, and he knew beyond doubt there was no way he would make it to cards that evening.
That evening found Geordie still in one of those awful, shrieking showers. He’d been technically off-duty for an hour now, and desperately needed to take off his VISOR for ten minutes, but Barclay had taken one look at Gerodie’s drawn face and refused to leave him alone in the bathroom they were checking out. “Hey Reg, do me a favour?” Geordie needed to get him out of the room so he could slip off his VISOR and massage his temples. That, or he needed to stop working with the shower on; the high frequencies were really not helping his situation.
“Sir?” Barclay’s hands had stuttered to a sudden stop the minute his commanding officer had spoken.
“Could you run and grab a coffee? The Gamma Shift doesn’t start for another five minutes, we can take a break from this instantaneous reporting.” Geordie didn’t take his head out from the panelling they had removed half an hour ago, afraid Reg would see the pained twist he could feel in his lips and call Dr.Crusher. He knew he could handle it, it wasn’t the worst pain he’d ever had from his VISOR, and he’d managed to subtly administer another hypo when he’d gone to grab them both a water around twenty minutes ago.
“Yessir.” Was Barclay’s anxious reply, and there was a prolonged silence between his response and the sound of the doors opening and shutting. They’d had to shut down all replicator and environmental control activity while they worked, which meant Geordie had five minutes to give his head a well-deserved break. Clicking the VISOR out of its terminals and heaving a sigh of relief, Geordie felt his head swim. Taking a few steadying breaths, he fumbled blindly at the sonic shower’s controls, silently cursing himself for not having shut it off before removing the VISOR. Only succeeding in shifting the tuning to an impossibly more painful frequency, Geordie sat down on the floor of the shower, back pressed against the back wall, head falling back against the cool slate. He rubbed at his eyes. “Goddamn.” His sigh made his head swim once more, and his subsequent calming breaths only served to worsen the sensation. The constant drone pressed down on his head so much the pain from that morning seemed as intimidating as... Geordie couldnt think properly; he could only conjure up an image of Data as he worked at his desk in his quarters, resolutely ignoring Spot on his stack of PADDs, aside from his gentle, regular strokes. The image made him smile, which caused his tensed muscles in his neck and shoulders to spasm, violently. Again, the deep breathing Deanna had helped him with when he’d first arrived on the ship did nothing but worsen the sensation.
Geordie dragged his shaking hand down his face, which came away damp with what Geordie briefly considered to be sweat, before everything went black.
There was a hand on either side of his face, a comforting pressure being applied by what felt like a pair of thumbs around the terminals on his temples. “Do not be alarmed, Geordie.”
Data was whispering, Geordie noted, and his tender head thanked the android for it. “Data? What happened?”
The thumbs stopped rubbing briefly, but resumed without hesitation when Geordie accidentally, slightly whimpered at the loss. “You passed out while completing your tests on the malfunctioning sonic showers. Dr.Crusher administered a variety of medications which she noted in your medical log, if you would like for me to read them to you?”
Despite his hushed tones, Geordie’s head really wasn’t going to put up with any noise for very much longer. “No, no talking, please, Data.” he managed to get out, curling up a little, before starting, which caused his shoulders to spasm lightly. “Wait, my VISOR-” Data’s hands shifted to the problematic muscles immediately, massaging firmly.
“I have your VISOR on the arm of your couch to my left. However, given the negative effect it has had on your condition throughout the day, Dr.Crusher has requested you refrain from replacing it this evening.” There was a pause as a mildly confused but very tired and complacent Geordie allowed himself to be gently manoeuvred into a reclined position, his head in Data’s lap while the second officer returned his hands to Geordie’s head. “I am here to assist you in every way possible, and I have downloaded various massage techniques frequently used on those who suffer from long-term, extreme tension headaches.”
“Why?” Geordie mumbled, slowly drifting off despite the pressure slowly returning with a vengeance behind his eyes.
Another pause, the hands stilled. Geordie frowned and they started to move again, but the silence continued. Just as Geordie was about to fall asleep, Data spoke. “You are my friend.”
“I am helping you because you are my friend, Geordie.”
Geordie smiled softly, shaking his head. “I know that Data.”
Another pause, much more brief, and the hands did not stop their gentle rubbing on his delicate head. “What was the purpose of your inquiry, Geordie?”
And Geordie, as much as he wanted Data to know, he couldn’t tell him. Couldn’t say he wanted Data to be there because he liked the domesticity of this situation, to be there not only to massage his knotted muscles and play nurse, but to hold his hand, to kiss his forehead, to... “No purpose, Data.” He sighed softly, settling further into his best friend. “None at all.”
His breathing had lengthened, he was almost fully asleep but not quite there yet, when he felt cool lips press against one of the terminals, then the skin right beside it.
“Hmmm, Data?”
A pause. “Yes, Geordie?”
A mumble, the beginnings of a snore.
Slightly more urgently, “Geordie?”
“Said, I l’ve ya,,,”
Several minutes of soft snores and gentle massages later, an almost unintelligible: “I believe... I am in love with you also.”
i was going to put in a bit about Data finding Geordie because he hadn’t gotten back to him about the poker but then i felt like it took from the kind of,,, geordie pov vibe i had going idk
hope you enjoyed!
sorry for all the inevitable typos i did this on my ipad and i didnt proof read because i’m kinda using this one shot prompt thing as a warm up to writing as opposed to actually writing fic? idk if that makes sense but i enjoyed writing it and i hope you enjoy reading it!
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