#I would put turner higher but due to ari being a klei favorite child I could see them having been in the logs secretly this whole time
arolesbianism · 8 months
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Decided to update my Dr. Holland suspects list. I'm still leaning towards Dr. Holland being none of them, but for what it's worth Rowan is the the only unmentioned male character that isn't too old looking to fit the bill
#rat rambles#in my original list I had frankie in the likely suspect tier but since reading the scrapped logs I think its unlikely#its for the same reason I have marie put in probably not#its definitely possible that frankie could be made into dr. holland but their presence in the scrapped logs did overlap with dr. holland#existing in the logs already so if they are made dr. holland it would 100% be a retroactive decision#gossmann is in probably not because I have a sneaking suspicion that gossmann is her last name#and liam technically has nothing actively removing him from the suspect list but what lil characterisation we do get doesnt rly fit I think#same with ruby but a bit more intense#and steve was a guard so almost definitely not him but we dont have a last name so#but yeag between the 4 most likely canidates I still stand by max being my first pick but same as back then thats basically just vibes#now max actually was in cake originally instead of otto but Im not gonna dock points since they weren't given a last name#in fact one could argue that it makes them a more likely suspect but I dont think I will#but yeah after max my second pick would be rowan as our last man standing then ari then turner then the girls#I would put turner higher but due to ari being a klei favorite child I could see them having been in the logs secretly this whole time#and for the women Id say catalina is most likely just based off of dupe description and nothing else#honestly in my ideal world if it had to be any if them she would probably be my top pick#but again I think its more likely that dr. holland is just a rare rando and if hes not then he could be literally anyone if klei says he is
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