#I would love to elborate on them IF I KNEW HOW
cosmixzpunk · 4 months
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[Early 2024 wips]
The duality of Cori. She may be cute, but she is well...let's just say she has an unpleasant attitude.
I'll give a tidbit, she's a senior highschool student who is known for being difficult to get along with. She's rude, snarky and some times sarcastic and she makes sure its amplified.
She's like a boiling pot of water, ready to burst at all times. She has a good chunk of repressed emotions that all trickle down into anger. The good news is she gets a free outlet. Who knew hitting enemies with a giant bat over and over again would be therapeutic?
Anyways, the other two are...Modias and Amara. No. No context. I don't know how to be cool and mysterious with these two.
Fine, some. Modias is the embodiment of evil, not by choice. Eventually it is by choice. No elaboration, WE BALL. Amara is an archivist who has another job on the side. They had retired from it long ago for unknown reasons, but it devastated them. They are also the protagonists.
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wetsoggybeans69 · 6 months
ty for the answer ! i hope this request isn’t to hard to do lol <\3
maybe a vicious x reader where reader is awfully clingy with him? like they don’t care he doesn’t trust people, reader will just hug/cuddle/etc vicious any time ^^
thank you so much !! it’s a little hard to find but i love ur writing aaah !
Heyo! dont worry, it isn't, but you didn't specify, so I will assume you asked for Headcanons? Nevertheless, Im really happy you like my writing it means a lot. (Also, I am so so very sorry it took so long, I got really busy.) Now we got that over, let's continue.
General Vicious x Reader headcaons for a clingy reader
(Plus, some ranting on my analysis of this man).
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(Brooding bitch)
●Vicious would be both surprised and confused by your behavior, but as he slowly gets used to it, he will be less whiney about it and more inclined to like it.
●If you two are alone, Vicious might let you play with his hair. This could be braiding it, styling it, or maybe putting flowers in his hair. Just dont tell anyone. It is your two's secret.
●The easiest way to make this man melt in your arms is if you run your fingers in his hair. It is also the easiest way to get him to cuddle with you.
●speaking of cuddling, I could see Vicious letting you snuggle up to him when he is at your place (or vise versa). Holding you slowly became one of Vicious's favorite things. In short, it makes him feel needed
●There are times when Vicious doesn't feel safe, possibly from a nightmare or getting a flashback, and in these times, he might hold you if you two are alone. Strangely, if you are in his arms, he feels like he can keep you safe and protect you better. Also, it does comfort him by making him feel more calm and secure, but if he actually thinks you are in danger, he will be up and on guard.
●He will definitely give you some sort of affection. The only issue with this is that he hasnt received or given a lot of affection in a long time, so it will be awkward at first.
●Vicious would be very confused about how to handle your clinginess. The most clingy person he had to deal with was Gren, but they were in war, so that one is self-explanatory. Granted that, once he gets the hang of it, he'll be able to squeeze you tight.
●That brings me to my next point. Besides his confusion, Vicious would never admit it, but he likes having you around. Although, you would need to give him his space form time to time.
●He would also tease you about your clingy behavior. He doesn't really understand why you want to be with him so much since well, to be honest, he knows he isn't a good person. Despite this, Vicious is very lonely (If you ask him if he is lonely, he will deny it) from how much self isolation he goes through, so you do fill a need.
●If you start to give someone else more affection or attention, Vicious will definitely get jealous. Though he will never say it out loud, because the fucker isn't good with emotions. He will just give the other person the death stare and hella judge them, and if you start to do it in front of him, it won't be long until he starts to place his hand on your shoulder, arm, ect . He knows he is a bit possessive (that's an understatement), but he doesn't really fix it (and care to fix it), or know how to ask for reassurance.
So uhh well there are two sections to these Headcanons because I realized you probably wanted something a little more wholesome, but I was already too deep in writing this. This is less of Headcanons and just me ranting about my analysis of this traumatized man. Sooooo you dont have to continue but if do i hope you like it.
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(This is the face he would give me right now if he knew I analyzed him.)
●As I've said before in a previous post and up above, Vicious would one hundred percent be shocked by your behavior, now let me elborate on that thought. As a kid, he barely got any attention or affection, and when he got older, the only people he did get any from of affection were Julia and Spike. So naturally, Vicious wouldn't know what to do.
●I could imagine Vicious feeling a bit threatened at first. Since affection is usually an act where you have to be at least a little vulnerable, and obviously, being vulnerable with people isn't his strong suit. Which could bring him to be defensive and get a little hostile if you were to do it randomly or in public.
●Eventually, Vicious would get used to your affection. Although, he would be a little awkward in the beginning, but if you give him some time, he'd get the hang of it. Of course, absolute melt behind closed doors.
●However, his response to clinginess is where it would get interesting. While I do think he would have a similar response to clinginess as he would to general affection. On the other hand, I think it would have a bit more twists and turns. He would still absolutely feel threatened, but his reasons for being so vary a little. One of which is that he would not understand why you are doing this and why you want to. He might even think you may have some ill intention with it.
●despite this fact, he would be less hostile and more cranky to the way you cling to him. He might grumble, but he won't complain. Ultimately, Vicious would like having you around. He would come to find having someone give you an extreme amount of affection, and attention is actually sweet. He definitely would like the fact that you follow him around like a lost puppy because it makes him feel needed.
●Once Vicious starts to realize he does infact like your affection and clinginess, not only that but crave your presence. Vicious would feel some sort of attachment to you and likely push you away out of fear of getting hurt again. He would try to cut things off (possibly in a horrible way). Any form of attachment makes him terrified because of what happened in the past or perhaps what he'd tell himself, "A means to an end" and "Just distracted me from my work," to try to forget the actual genuine relationship you two had.
●Obviously, this very well would ruin the relationship, but if you were to be persistent and continue to cling to him, it might result in a really bad fight. One of the ways Vicious would only realize that you truly care about him if he had made you cry in said fight. Which two things could happen.
●The less likely option would be if Vicious went to comfort you (bitch boy realized he fucked up bad) and just ended up breaking down with you. After both of you finished your crying session (it would would be a first in a very long time for Vicious), you might be able to salvage the relationship.
●The more likely option would be Vicious walking out because he did realize he fucked up, but now he has no idea what to do. (Dont worry, he'll have a mental breakdown at home, so you get that for revenge). He is absolutely horrible at apologies, so he will avoid you. Heres the catcher though, he will repeatedly send you gifts at your door as his (shit) apology. When you confront him about it, he still won't know what to do, but you two may have a chance of in some manner solving the issue.
●Where you take some, you also lose some when it comes to this man. if you are able to be civil with each other and keep the relationship, congrats, you now have a guard dog, but you also have a bastard who is very overprotective. As He would take care of you now because he knows you do care about him, he would also be doing it to get you to stay. Vicious doesn't occur me to be very verbally manipulative in the moment, but he is situationally manipulative.
●He would never admit it, but he does need you and is petrified by that fact, and he is still worried you will leave him one day (as you should). So maybe subconsciously, he will do everything in his power to take care of you. The more you rely on him, the more you need him, and the less likely you will leave. (It is sad)
●It isn't all bad, though (kinda). Some of his actions are genuine. Contrary to popular belief, Vicious does have heart, but he doesn't use it often (fucking emotionally constipated bastard). In his own twisted way, he does deeply care about you. However, I would personally reflect on what he is doing and why before making sure if it is genuine. Good luck, though! You'll need it
If you got to the end of this rant, I just wanted to personally applaud you. 👏 Good job, honestly, I dont know how you did it. I did really enjoy making this, though!
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mssjynx · 5 years
Kri77y, NSFW and 11 "You caught me staring at your ass. Oops?" PLZ
alpha / beta / omega au
krii7y drabble
11. You caught me staring at your ass. Oops?
warning: nsfw
a/n: this is way longer than i thought and it is a full sm.ut, unlike the others. have fun though this was a fun one to writePS my only editing was skimming for incorrect spelling. sorry for mistakes! enjoy all the same
John was loving having a prac teacher. It meant all he had to do was supervise his lesson, throw things at the kids who didn't behave and make sure the twenty-one year old was teaching the right content. Other than that, he could sit and mark all of his tests, create new worksheets and prepare future lesson plans.
Unfortunately, having a prac teacher like Jaren wasn't to most professional or easy task. The young man was eccentric, catching the class's attention and keeping them engaged as he explored the topics he was truly interested in with a depth that kept the students in tow. It was in his natural aura as an omega to be a subject of interest and he didn't shy away from abusing such power in keeping the class involved. John would find himself distracted from his private work as he watched Jaren stroll around the class, explaining difficult concepts and helping students to understand.
Except John would often go from listening to the omega talk to watching how he walked, admiring his attractive form, his painted fingernails, his skin-tight jeans that clung to his thighs and butt in a way that John swore was a deliberate method of torture. Zoned out mid-class, red pen twirling between his fingers, the beta didn't notice Jaren until the man was standing on the other side of his desk, hands on the wood where he leaned down to meet John's level.
"You really ain't subtle, you know that?" His tone was quiet as the class behind him bustled, working through their tasks as they discussed with one another. John placed down his pen, head tilting in confusion. With a sly grin, Jaren elborated, dropping further to rest an elbow on the table, head on his knuckles. "You've been staring at my ass all class, John. A bit unprofessional, don't you think?"
John blinked, fiddling with his ring. He didn't shy away from the omega's stare, his confidence oozing in the air around him, but he didn't miss the way students were casting the pair intrigued looks. "And if you stand like that you're gonna have the whole class staring at your ass in a minute," he returned, letting his head fall to his hand as he grinned at the omega, who stood bolt upright and cast a wary glare to the kids still working.
Some grinned and waved, someone looked away with pink cheeks. John just snickered, successfully drawing Jaren's attention back to him. The omega rolled his eyes before decidedly sitting on John's desk instead. He kept his eyes on John, analysing for a reaction, before flashing that charming grin and flaunting his pretty scent of chocolate. "Any explanation to why you can't keep your eyes to yourself?" he purred, voice leaving implications in the air between them. Though the claim was accusatory, there was no discomfort or irritation in those deep brown eyes. Jaren didn't seem to have too big of a problem with being under the beta's gaze.
John leaned back in his chair, grin wide and shameless. "Do I gotta explain myself? I'm just admiring."
Jaren's smile widened, leaning over the desk catching John's fingers in his. "Wanna get a closer look, hm?" he whispered, voice barely audible if not for the beta's sharp hear. Out of the view of the students, Jaren drew John's hand to his thigh, flattening his fingers over the curve of his leg and squeezing his own hand atop John's. "You can help me with some human biology practical work," he teased, words insinuating enough for John to catch on. He felt his chest warm, stomach twisting at the thought of having Jaren to himself. The omega drew his hand up further, John able to feel the heat beneath the prac teacher's pants.
Not one to refuse a challenge, John leaned forward, curling his hand further around the inside of Jaren's thigh, tilting his head as he smirked up at the omega. "Let's not get unprofessional, Jaren. I think we need to talk about this behaviour; come see me at the end of the day." He kept his voice low, suggestive and sly as he squeezed Jaren's thigh and held the man's eyes. Satisfaction rolled through his stomach as pink tinged the omega's cheeks and ears. "Sound good, baby?" he purred, tilting his head as his smile widened.
Jaren managed a shy nod, hips subtly squirming before John withdrew his hand.
"Oh God, Mr Smith, is that you!?" Both teachers turned their attention to a girl in the front row, standing with her hand covering her face and a look of disgust in her eyes. "Jeez, you smell terrible!"
Jaren's cheeks were red then as the students sniffed the air, but their inexperienced noses weren't able to decipher what the omega scent was. The prac teacher hopped off the desk, prancing out in front of the class to explain how scents smelt different depending on compatibility and attraction. John sat back in his chair, grin broad. The scent of arousal and fluster that reeked from Jaren was sexier than any smell he'd caught before on any other person.
He went back to marking, smiling to himself as he wondered how his afternoon would turn out.
By four o'clock, most of the teachers had left. The science department was empty other than a few late stayers and John had happily filed away all of his marked tests. He was free to go but the faint smell of chocolate that tickled his nose was one that distracted him.
He dawdled at his desk, saying goodbye to the last few teachers, dreary eyes and grumbling tones. Jaren hadn't been seen in the office for over an hour but John knew he was still there. The tricky omega wasn't one to be subtle and John had locked the pretty scent away since the class Jaren had confronted him during.
The remaining classes of the day had consisted of Jaren shooting him sly looks, walking around in front of his desk and making John's job of supervising far more enjoyable.
He was asking for it and John wasn't going to refuse.
"Ren?" he called, strolling through the building as he locked up the classes. He'd offered to do the job for Craig so the physics teacher could go home earlier. He was the last out of the office and John felt like a cat after a mouse as he prowled through the building. "Jaren?"
He passed through the doors, locking them behind him as he came to the science lab. Chocolate wafted in the ear, hot like it had been melted over the tables, standing the air conditioner. John breathed in deeply and smiled to himself as he tapped his fingers on the desk. He could pick up the trail, his beta senses known to the omega who liked to play his games.  
The light in the storeroom could be seen beneath the door and when focused, John caught the sound of the young man's heartbeat from within. He drew himself quietly to the door, pushing on the handle and letting himself into the storeroom.
"Oh, shit," he murmured to himself as he was showered in the scent of sweetness and excitement. A soft laugh from within the room pulled John closer and the beta felt himself shudder as he tasted the air around him. Jaren had filled the room, every corner, with his scent and John wasn't oblivious to the hint of heat that tainted his every inhale. "Jaren, don't hide from me," he murmured, dragging himself around the other side of the shelf to find the omega pushing boxes into their place.
A box cutter in hand and a roll of tape, those big brown eyes landed on John and the beta couldn't not notice how dilated his pupils were. With another deep breath, he could tell that his prac teacher had something far different from taping boxes in mind.
"You know you make my job so much harder," John said, dropping his keys on the shelf to his right and prowling closer with a small grin. Jaren's smile was small but there, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as he kept his eyes locked solely on John. "I can't focus when you're fillin' my class with that scent," he murmured, head tilting to the side as he devoured the omega with his eyes. "And when you're wearing those jeans."
Jaren's smile was sly but weak, the scent of eagerness melting into arousal. "Dunno what you mean," he purred, voice heavy from his tongue. John shuddered, drawing closer and tapping his fingers along the shelf.
"You know what you do to me," he said, keeping Jaren's eyes on him and grinning wolfishly. "I see the way you look at me, like you're waiting for me to give in and give you what you want." When close enough, John hooked his fingers into the omega's belt, pulling him close.
He didn't miss the way Jaren flicked his tongue out to moisten his lips, lashes fluttering to kiss his cheekbones. "Well?" he murmured, placing a hand thoughtlessly against the beta's chest. His head tilted in that painfully cute way. "Are you here to tell me off?"
John hummed gently in thought as he fiddled with Jaren's belt, swiftly pulling the leather strap out of the buckle. With his pants loosened, the omega could only lean into John's space as the beta slid a hand down over Jaren's tailbone to where his fingers could curl around the curve of his ass. John dropped his head, nudging Jaren's jaw with his nose before skipping kisses up the bone to where his scent gland was releasing waves on waves of pheromones. "I'm here to teach you a lesson," he growled, fingertips feeling the heat and slick that the omega produced between his legs. Jaren let out a weak whimper, head stretched up to present his neck to the teacher. "I'm gonna fuck you senseless. Tomorrow, no one will be able to be in the same room without noticing my scent all over you."
A needy whine was all the omega could get out before the beta was capturing his chin with his deft fingers and leaning in to claim his mouth with his own. Jaren's lips were soft, warm and smooth as they eagerly pushed back against John's. They parted almost instantly as nimble fingers jumped to tangle with the hair at the back of John's head, encouraging the kiss deeper.
The simple brush of John's tongue along his bottom lip had Jaren whimpering as he stumbled back, John following him to where he could pin the omega to the back wall. He pressed his tongue into Jaren's compliant mouth, swallowing the little gasps and hitched moans as he squeezed the omega's ass.
"John." The name was gasped as soon as John's lips fell away from Jarens, dropping kisses down his throat. His head thumped against the concrete wall, sounding somewhat painful, but the omega didn't react other than a sweet moan as John sucked a bruise into the base of his neck. Fingers tugged at the teacher's hair, eager and needy as the omega pushed his hips forward into John's. "John, I'm- I'll be too loud," he moaned, shuddering as the beta ground his hips forward again.  
John laughed, breath rolling over the fresh new bruise. "Everyone's gone," he murmured, bruising the words along Jaren's collarbone as nipped at the protruding bone. "Jus' you and me," he whispered. "I wanna remember every single sound you make."
The omega whimpered in response, legs spreading easily as John pushed his thigh between Jaren's. He let out a long, low moan, allowing John to pull back for half a second to pull his shirt up over his head. Hands on John's shoulders, he pulled him close and tucked his head beneath the beta's jaw instead. "You smell so good," he groaned, grinding himself down on John's leg. "Do you- Do you know how hot I get when I know you're watching me?" he breathed the words against John's ear, catching his lobe between his teeth and tugging. Fingernails dug into the flesh of the back of his hips.
The beta growled beneath his breath as that greedy tongue teased his ear, dropping down to his scent gland where the omega eagerly tasted him. He breathed a weak whine. "You're gonna smell incredible when you're drenched in my scent and wearing my marks," John murmured, nipping at Jaren's jaw before pressing their lips together and biting his bottom lip between his teeth.
The kiss was a mess of heat as John mapped out the taste and texture of the omega's mouth. Jaren kissed with vigor, whole body pressing up against the teacher as he licked into his mouth. As he kissed, his hands were desperate and shaky as they yanked and tugged at John's shirt and belt. He wasn't able to undo the leather strap, John's fingers dropping to stop his hand to intertwine their fingers together.
He drew back from the kiss, taking a moment to really appreciate the omega's face. Wide eyes, huge pupils. Lips plump and slick. Cheeks flushed.
"We're gonna talk about this later, okay?" he told the omega, dragging his thumb across that pretty bottom lip. The omega hummed in agreement, eyeing John's mouth with hunger as he pulled the teacher's thumb past his lips to suck on.
John shivered, the tongue swirling around his thumb sending heat straight to his guts. "I want you to fuck me," Jaren whispered, leaning in to kiss John but was stopped by a hand on his chest. He whined stubbornly.
With a stern look, John let go of the omega to pull off his shirt. "Patience," John scalded, leaning in to nip at the omega's jaw. He threw his belt aside, dropping his pants as Jaren hurried to drop his own down, boxers and all. As soon as he was able to, the omega was grabbing at John's shoulders and kissing him like the beta was his only source of oxygen.
John pressed against him, the new feeling of skin on skin; bare chest to chest, bare hips to hips. He replaced his thigh between the omega's leg, purring pleasantly as Jaren ground his erection against John's hip.John's hands returned to the behind of the man, grasping the meat of his ass as he purred against his tongue. Jaren's fingers skated up and down his chest, over his shoulders and up to brush along his cheekbones.
He sucked desperately on John's tongue, massaging its underside with his own as he rocked his hips. Every brush of his arousal against John's hip was a brush of John's against his and the beta couldn't help sliding his finger between Jaren's cheeks. The pad of his fingertip pressed to the omega's entrance, John noticing it flutter beneath the pressure. He could feel the hot slick engulfing his finger and broke their kiss to hear every little gasp and moan Jaren released as he sunk one finger into him, not stopping until he'd reached the knuckle.
Then he stilled, eyes narrowed on Jaren's face as the omega panted. Within seconds, he was shuddering, rocking his hips back and forward in attempts to create friction within himself. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," he murmured, head falling to John's bare shoulder as his hips rocked back and forth. "C'mon John, gimme more." The words were uttered against the bare skin, baring his teeth as John pulled his finger out and drove it back up into him.
Feeling the man's hips jolt at the depth of his touch was a whole new level of beautiful. John couldn't help the low groan he allowed at the sound, rubbing his arousal against Jaren's as he picked up a pace with his finger.
Despite the surplus of slick, Jaren was still tight around him, his inner walls seeming to pulse against John's intrusion. The omega was extremely reactive to every little touch and as John peppered kisses down the side of his neck. "I can take more," Jaren hissed, biting gently at John's shoulder to get his attention.
Stopping his movements, he hummed in thought. The exasperated whine was worth the teasing, chuckling as he crooked his finger against the man's walls. The breathy whimper went straight to the boiling heat in John's stomach. "Can you?" he purred, rubbing at the inside of his walls.
Jaren whimpered and jerked his hips impatiently. "Yes, John, you- ohh." Mid-sentence, John drove his two fingers up into him and the uncontrolled moan was a pleasant reward. He slipped his hand down to the inside of the man's thighs, caressing the quivering muscles and gathering the dripping slick along the palm of his hand.
The omega's weight was sunk heavy against John's chest as the beta worked him open. Drool was beginning to pool on John's shoulder as the omega hummed and moaned pleasantly with every teasing push. John didn't mind, the heat and wait of his prac teacher's body one that was welcome as those pretty hips worked back and forth.
When John pulled his fingers out completely, the omega was pushing against him more, clamping thighs either side of John's leg to make sure the beta couldn't pull away. "More, more, more," the dazed man murmured, hands on his shoulders holding John close as Jaren kissed from his shoulder up to his jaw. He nosed against John's scent gland. "Your fingers are so good- feel so good. Want you to fuck me, want you to fuck me 'til I can't walk-"
"Shh," John murmured, catching his mouth in a kiss and silencing the desperate rambling. He eased the omega back against the wall and pinning him there. He hummed gently as Jaren licked needily into his mouth, the hand on his thigh sliding down before grabbing the muscle and pulling his leg up. to spread him open.
Slick dropped to the floor, the scent filling John's nose torturously. He had to urge to spin the man around, drop to his knees and taste him with his tongue but he knew he could find another time to do exactly that.
In the storeroom, he wanted to see Jaren's face while he tore him apart.
With his leg raised, Jaren rocked forward as soon as John's hand was close enough, grinding his arousal down and panting with lust. John held him still, lifting his leg further and admiring the flexibility of the prac teacher. As soon as he could access the slick-producing entrance, John was pushing three thick fingers up into Jaren and watching as the omega threw his head back with a cry.
"John!" he cried, grasping John's hair and bucking his hips down. "Fu-uck- We- I'm gonna come-" And John could feel it. Jaren's body quivered, his arousal leaking with precum. His hips almost convulsed as he shuddered, hips jerking with no control.
Yet as beautiful Jaren was, pinned to the wall, grinding on John's fingers, moaning his name; he didn't want the omega to come so soon.
So despite the pained whimper, he eased his fingers out and instead collected slick over his hand and fingers. "I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready," Jaren murmured, eyes locked on John and lips swollen. He bit them anyway, worrying his bottom lip under John's heated gaze. "C'mon." He tugged on John's hair. "I need you, already."
"Don't misbehave," John scolded, slipping his hand between them to slide over his own arousal. Jaren's slick made it far more comfortable to lubricate himself, the feeling setting fire along his nerves. His back curled, leaning in close enough to pull Jaren's lip between his own, sucking gently. "Don't rush," he murmured, kissing his cheekbone in a loving manner.
Lifting Jaren's leg further, he slotted himself closer and lined himself up with Jaren's entrance. Then slowly, he eased himself forward.
Jaren took him in with ease. The omega was still tight but his slick was hot and his entrance twitched and fluttered all the way down John's shaft. He managed to hook his leg up over the beta's hip, head tilted back, eyes shut and mouth open as the beta filled him completely. John kissed down his throat, sucking another mark into the man's collarbone as he finally reached his hilt.
"God, Jaren," he muttered, pressing his forehead to the omega's shoulder. "You feel amazing. I- You're so perfect..."
All Jaren could manage was a weak whimper in response, hips shifting forward and back. The angle was a hard one to hold and John could feel how his thigh was flexed in the palm of his hand. His other leg was shaking, the strain on his muscles too much to hold himself for too much longer.
"M'kay, up," John murmured, slipping his other hand down to Jaren's ass. "Ready? Up." As he said it, the omega complied, lifting himself up and wrapping his legs around the teacher's waist. John pinned him to the wall to keep him there and the omega gasped as John ground himself in that slight bit further.
"John, John, John- Mov- Move, please," he hissed, smacking his head against the wall again. With his hands beneath the omega's thighs, John held the prac teacher in place, finding no difficulty in keeping him there. He pulled his hips back until only his head remained inside Jaren, before he drove himself forward and jerked his arousal into Jaren as deep as it could go.
The responding moan the man made was perfect and John didn't hesitate to draw himself out and thrust in. A rhythm started between them, Jaren's claws sinking into the back of his shoulders as he brace himself. John's mouth found Jaren's throat and he began licking, sucking and biting as his hips set a bruising pace.
Curses and shouts poured from Jaren's tongue, the prac teacher unable to hold back his moans and whines. They were music to John's ears as his body moved in autopilot. The pleasure and heat within him drove his movements as he fucked Jaren against the wall. The room was full of their scents; arousal, lust and slick. Jaren's own arousal was trapped between them, rubbing against his stomach where precum collected.
Through the mess of it, Jaren found his mouth, yanking his head up and crushing their lips together. He pressed every tender, desperate moan into John's mouth, trusting him with every needy sound. John's tongue pressed in and claimed his mouth, licking at his bruised lips and flicking the tip of Jaren's.
The submissive moan that the omega allowed drew a responding growl of possession for the beta, his thrusts growing faster and sharper. The wall thumped with every thrust, Jaren mewling and moaning as he tore his mouth from John's.
"Close, close, close!" he whined, jerking his hips to meet John's with what little room he had to move. John's tongue tortured his scent gland, tasting the chocolate as it stained his senses. "John-"
Jaren keened, whole body spasming as his spine went rigid.
The feeling of his inner muscles clenching around John as he drove in and out was incredible. The friction drove him wild, mind soaring out of the present moment and pleasure crashed over him. He didn't register how he sunk his teeth into the omega's shoulder. All he could focus on were the sounds leaving Jaren's mouth as he rocked his hips and the pleasure coursing through him as he rode the both of them through their orgasms.
When John drifted back into his consciousness, he lazily lapped at the bleeding wound on Jaren's shoulder. The omega was like dead weight against him, pushed far enough that he needed a number of minutes to recover.
John didn't mind, holding him there, still seated, and peppering kisses over his bare skin. He pecked at Jaren's mouth, kissing his bottom lip gently as those deep brown eyes fluttered. It seemed he was only able to hold them half open, smiling goofily at John as the beta kissed his cheeks, eyelids and nose.
"You okay?" he murmured, pressing another chaste kiss to the prac teacher's lips.
"Amazing," the omega sighed. "But itching for a good ass sleep- Would you- Do you wanna-" It took him a second to gather his thoughts, cheeks tinting a soft pink as he looked away from John's gaze. "Would you wanna come back to mine and- and nest with me for the night?" he asked, brushing his fingers through the beta's hair.
But he had no reason to be worried as John pressed in close again and fit their lips together. "I'd love to," he mumbled, letting the omega back down onto his feet. He was clearly weakened from the sex and his knees wobbled dangerously. John held him up as they slowly dressed themselves, before he lead the omega out of the building and locked everything up.
They got to the beta's car, Jaren gave him directions and within five minutes, the omega was passed out in the passenger seat. John didn't mind carrying Jaren up to his apartment, letting them in and curling up with the peaceful omega in the guy's bed. He made a half-assed attempt at nesting the bed before passing out as well with his head tucked beneath Jaren's chin and his arms tight around the gorgeous omega.   
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thesimtraveler · 6 years
Stars - An (Un)Pleasantview Short
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A/N: I am currently visiting my family, so I cannot play Sims. But I wanted to write something and this idea struck me. So, here is an (Un)Pleasantview short with no pictures. It’s sort of an interlude I guess - something to tie you all over until I get back.
Enjoy the fluff!
Ever since that day, he saw what she saw. A world filled with bright colours, the speckles of dust that danced in the air no longer invisible to his very human eyes. Everything was brighter, bigger...prettier. And uglier too. But he tried not look at that which had already saddened him before he was so intricately bound to Lolita.
He does not know what happened. All he remembered was running, after Lolita had pushed back her father with a powerful surge of fire and yelled: “Run! Run! He is possessed! Run!” Then there was the pain, strong and overpowering, burning from his abdomen. He collapsed in the forest. There was blood. He was certain he was going to die. 
And then he woke up. The pain and blood was gone. And Lolita... unconscious. Curled up in a ball by his feet, her skin pale. He would never forget how cold she was when he had lifted her up into his arms. Lolita was never cold. She was a Gossamer - a fairy who controlled fire. Fire made flesh. Cold was not something ever associated with her. He carried her home with a struggle, his heart beating eratically in his chest. Could fairies die? That thought crossed his mind several times. He swallowed his tears. He was so focused on helping Lolita, he had not even realised that his senses were stronger, or that a presence lingered at the back of his mind - burning like an ember.
He would never forget the relief of learning that fae were immortal. Lolita was not dying, but simply asleep. A magically induced coma - a defense mechanism against trauma and expensive magic use. She had used nearly all of it to save him. Apparently what she had done was technically not possible. Her mother had tapped her fingers against her daughter’s forehead and then smiled. 
“The All-Mother must have taken pity on the two of you.”
It was only once Helena left, to deal with her husband who was no longer possessed and without any recollection of what he had done hours before, that Thanatos noticed.
He perceived the world differently. He could see every pore on Lolita’s skin. Could hear her shallow breaths and her heart beat. And somehow, strangely, he could feel her. There, at the back of his mind, she lingered. He knew it was her. Only she would feel elation at the knowledge that he was safe, have such a warm, rich love for him. Everyone else who cared was long dead.
Since that day they were irrevocably bound. Neither one of them understood how it happened, or why. All they knew was that when Lolita saved him, something changed.
“Hey,” a soft voice interrupted his walk amongst memories. Thanatos blinked, his mind returning to the present. The stars were above him, and green grass tickled his arms from below. He turned his head to face the redhead next to him. Lolita had turned onto her side while he had dozed off, her soft gaze focused on him. There was a smudge of dirt on her nose.
“Hey yourself,” he returned her greeting.
“Where were you?”
Thanatos sighed and returned his gaze to the stars above them. “3 years ago.”
He did not need to elborate further, he knew she would understand. Comfort surged through their bond from her side. He smiled and moved to grasp her hand and fold their fingers together. Warm. As she should be. No cold like that night.
They lay like that for awhile, quiet, with the only sounds coming from nature. A soft, gentle breeze moving the trees, the occasional cricket’s chirp, a howl in the distance, their breathing and beating hearts.
And then there was a sudden surge of mischief through the bond, but before he could react Lolita had already pounced, straddling him, her fingers dancing along his sides and under his arms. He laughed, and quickly started to squirm under her relentless attack. 
He had always been very ticklish. It was a weakness Lolita loved to exploit. Thanatos rolled slightly to the side, hoping to deter her, but she simply laughed and doubled her efforts. 
“S-starfish!” he gasped. “Stoooop.”
“No,” she singsonged, her grey eyes sparkling with mischief. Bloody fairies.
Their struggle continued, until Thanatos finally relented and slumped in defeat. Lolita giggled and stopped, her fingers moving from his sides to his ears. Gently she followed the curve, something her own ears lacked, and then with another spark of mischief leaned in and nibbled.
“Your obsession with my ears is strange,” he muttered.
Her response was to blow air behind his ear, causing him to jump. 
“Really?” he gasped. He was most ticklish behind his ears. Lolita moved back, putting her weight on her arms that rested next to his head. She looked like a cat that got the canary.
“That’s what you get, peeping tom,” she snickered. He rolled his eyes. 5 years and she still wouldn’t let him live down their first meeting.
They gazed at each other, a sense of peace washing over them. By some strange phenomenon, Lolita was even more beautiful under the moonlight. There was a shine to her skin, and her eyes glittered. But tonight she was smiling, unlike the first night he had seen her under the moon following their bonding. That night she had been crying - her father had decided to Depart. He would never forget how she begged him to stay, and how Macbeth simply looked at her with sadness.
“Hey,” Lolita whispered and leaned in. “Come back to the present.”
Thanatos shook his head and leaned in to brush his lips against hers. “Sorry.” His apology was an exhale on her soft skin, a gentle whisper that faded once she properly kissed him.
A spark shot up into the sky, and then a loud crash echoed throughout the forest as light exploded in various colours and bloomed against the night sky backdrop. Lolita pulled back and laughed as she looked up.
“Finally!” she exclaimed, and then looked back down at him with a warm smile. “Happy new year, my love.”
More fireworks sparked above them.
Thanatos returned her smile. “Happy new year.”
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projectsoleil · 3 years
Dangerously, I am as confused as I was before || Angelbot || MM Trial 6.1 || RE: At this pont, I'm too afraid to ask
What the hell was all of this.
Angel finds themself floating ominously around the trail room, staring in all directions as this utterly bizarre event takes place.
Space? Aliens? And nobody was going to tell them Pheo was alive? Well, they say the best place to start is at the beginning, yes?
"Pheo, my dear... despite what your outfit may currently suggest, it does my mechanical heart good to see you alive and well..."
And now that was out of the way.
"Forgive me, but does this not all seem a little... drastic?"
Despite their theatrics, even this was a bit much.
"Dear doctor, make no mistake, for I have always admired your ability to see beyond what others cannot. A woman of your calibur must have worked hard her whole life to stand where you're standing right now, and... while I don't have much to say on the matter of you 'giving up a few lives' or however you so daintily put it...
Would it have harmed you in any way to put all of your efforts into... focusing on the people already living?"
They bump into a wall somewhere, before propelling themself the other way.
"I mean, I suppose I understand in some regard. The preservation of the human race is something that has been tilling around for a fair while now. We're a messy bunch and we don't exactly look after the world in the way that we should, but with all the technology and resource, and all the money in your hands, you have the power to change lives as they are now. There are many people out there alive today who are suffering. It doesn't take much to inspire the heart of a generation to change. Is your faith in the world so little that you have to turn to otherwordly forces to find grace? Even if you can calcuate how to get there, how to build a perfect being and how to conduct and execute a plan to get what you want... Your connection with people is still a little faulty, doctor." 
They seem dejected as they bump into the ceiling, wherever that is in this strange, elborate basement.
"Even all of this... when you think about it in hindsight. There is nothing worse than the loss of others you care for, but when I consider all that I've gained here regardless of that... family, friends... even love... I watched the light of a younger generation plead for a better future through their actions alone. Do you know how much hope that filled me with? Even the change Fergus and Pheo wanted to make in their own lives filled me with something. All of this... space business with aliens is fancy talk, but what I saw was quite real, and it was here in this moment of the present, not off in some distant future."
And then they pout, crossing their arms and acting as if they're sitting on a chair.
"I care for the future of people as much as anyone else, but I simply don't buy that it is off in some distant planet. Are you truly aiming to fix this problem, or do you just want to run from it? How long will it be before you finally outlive your own humanity?"
And then they sigh, flopping over on to nothing and floating like a very graceful potato with arms.
"Forgive me... perhaps there is something deeper that I simply don't understand here. I couldn't possibly imagine my life being anything but what it was. I knew I wasn't going to survive... but that didn't stop me from wanting to live. That's all I wanted to do. I didn't want to survive. I just wanted to live... And I wanted to love...
Even if there's no scientific theory behind it, surely you must understand that in some capacity."
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