#I would have had an entire freak out about what-if Liz was also Jim’s daughter
dr-lizortecho · 1 year
actually, God bless Rosa for learning her little sister was dating her little brother and remaining sane
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roswelldetails · 6 years
Episode 105: Don’t Speak - details
Episode Summary: I’ve decided I’m not going to bother putting the official episode description in here anymore. Those can be found online if you really want them. Instead I’ll just say - this is the one where Isobel blacks out and winds up in the desert, Liz almost gets killed by Wyatt, and Alex and Kyle talk about the good old days before Kyle became a jock/jerk - oh yeah, and apparently Rosa was Jim Valenti’s secret daughter. Remember that? Good.
Details - this is not an exhaustive list of every single detail, just just a few that might be important now or later.
Noah & Isobel
According to Noah, Isobel didn’t come home last night. (She was dropped off by Michael, but must’ve left sometime before Noah got home.)
She must’ve been getting ready for bed because she had her nightgown on when she left.
Noah’s grandfather had a drinking problem and used to store his booze in old bottles of laundry detergent - making him suspicious of the bottles of nail polish remover he found hidden all over the house. He thinks Isobel is either having an affair or has a drinking problem.
Isobel says that she doesn’t know how she feels about her husband because she doesn’t know how he feels about her because he doesn’t really know her since she doesn’t even really know herself so everything has always been an act.
In other words - if she isn’t sure who she is, how can Noah really know her and love her?
At the hospital with Kyle & Liz & Dr. Avila
The box of Jim Valenti’s stuff has (among other things) the recorder labeled from the night Rosa died - it’s the RPD tip line 8pm-12am shift. The box also has a paper with a flower that Rosa drew, some magazines, a canteen, a trophy, a big white letter R, and the key to the chest in Jim’s underground bunker bedroom that’s not creepy at all.
Kyle has learned that his dad had multiple affairs, a drinking problem off and on, and a “pervasive obsession with aliens.”
During her interview, Liz tells Dr. Avila that the work they are doing is “borderline science fiction.” But she’s excited about it because it just happens to be the field she’s always wanted to work in.
I have a theory about this detail.
The Turquoise Mines
What a hub of activity! Rosa & Friends were mysteriously floated out of the cave here, presumably by Michael whose hand was broken at the time.
This is also where Rosa had stashed her getaway backpack that contained her bus ticket.
Grant Green & Liz
At the diner, Grant tells Liz, “Nothing is an accident, got it? People who talk end up dead.”
Inside the alien-crap storage warehouse, Grant points a (confetti) gun at Liz and wants to know who sent her.
Before becoming an alien podcaster of fake news, Grant claims he was a “peyote documentarian.”
Peyote is a type of cactus that also happens to have hallucinogenic properties when ingested.
According to Wikipedia: “The effects last about 10 to 12 hours. Peyote is reported to trigger rich visual or auditory effects (see synesthesia).” Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peyote
This is why Liz’s next line is that he was tripping that night in the desert. Though whether he actually was is uncertain. But Liz assumes that his work with the hallucinogenic cactus is the reason why Grant was not considered to be a risk.
Grant claims that “a couple of guys showed up later that year” and basically told him he could cooperate with them or enjoy a “slow death.”
Jim Valenti had a slow death. Just sayin’
Grant says, “Every general and scientist who investigated the original crash - dead. Okay? Your sister, I bet she knew. Dead. Jim Valenti, he knew. Dead.”
Before he runs off to save himself, Grant says, “You broke in, I tried to stop you.” We have no idea what he may actually have told Wyatt before Wyatt shot him.
Max, Michael, and Isobel in the desert
Max thinks Isobel’s blackouts are caused by trauma. He tells Michael, “Last time she had an episode like this was near the end of high school when she was afraid I was gonna abandon her. Okay, now she thinks she's gonna lose you, she thinks she's lost me to Liz; she's freaking out, man. It's triggering her."
Michael thinks the blackouts might be due to the talk about Rosa.
Max is able to telepathically link himself with Isobel in order to find her. (Like she was able to do with him in the pilot.)
Apparently this isn’t something Michael can do.
Isobel is passed out somewhere else - not where we originally see her wake up. So she’s blacked out (or passed out) at least twice and moved around between.
Isobel says, “It’s happening again. Just like it was before.”
Isobel thinks the current round of blackouts may have been caused by her exhausting herself by trying to use her powers to get Liz out of town. But then she accidentally lets Max know that she’s done it before.
Max didn’t know she’d done it before.
Last episode, Isobel told Max that if she was successful in getting Liz to leave, she wouldn’t forget about him, only how she feels about him. So we can assume that’s what she did last time.
Which means Liz has spent the last ten years loving Max deep down, but unable to access those feelings and unable to understand why she was having such a hard time connecting with anyone else.
Max says, “After Rosa, after high school. She didn’t abandon me, you sent her away.” Which may mean that Liz actually had some kind of relationship with Max before she drove off into the sunset.
Which explains why Max was so upset that he didn’t even warrant a goodbye from her.
Michael says that Max was the one who gave them the rules to live by including, “Never be extraordinary.”
Which actually, probably saved their lives with all the creepy stuff happening in this down.
Isobel still has a connection with Liz after having been inside her head a couple days prior. So apparently a lingering connection is formed both when Max heals and when Isobel mind-warps.
Max & Liz & Wyatt at the warehouse of alien crap
Wyatt wants to know who Liz told as he’s trying to murder her to death.
Grant Green was killed off camera, execution style with a single bullet to the forehead.
Max is shot in the shoulder by Wyatt, and Max shoots Wyatt in the leg.
The cops and ambulance show up at the same time, but no indication of who called them.
The cops drag Wyatt away and the paramedics go straight for Max.
At Max’s house
Max apparently has the supplies ready to do self-surgery. This may not be the first time he’s had to doctor himself.
Liz showed up after hearing from he hospital that he’d left - apparently you can refuse treatment for bullet wounds in Roswell. 
And Liz’s car was blown up so... she walked? Or took a taxi? Or borrowed a car?
Max doesn’t think Wyatt’s actions make sense - he apparently doesn’t know about whatever shady entity is paying people like Wyatt and Grant Green to do their bidding.
Max is surprised to see the mark on Rosa’s body and wonders how it’s possible. If Isobel is able to leave a mark like that, Max didn’t know about it.
Max admits that Isobel killed the girls.
At least that’s his belief. No real indication of whether or not it’s actually true.
At Michael’s trailer
Michael tells Isobel, “Maybe it’s time we all tell the truth to the people we love.” - JUST WHO WOULD THAT BE, MICHAEL?
Also, Michael tells Isobel that he didn’t kill the girls, and she knows who did it - she’s always known.
Isobel knows what he’s getting at because she’s shaking her head in denial. No indication whether or not she actually remembers doing it, though.
At the cabin in the woods with Kyle, Alex, and the bunker bedroom
Kyle and Alex grew up together when they were young, but the closeness ended when Kyle got older and became “a nightmare of a bully. Like some bro jock from an 80's movie.”
Alex assumes it’s because he didn’t want other kids to assume he was gay like Alex.
One night when they were kids, Sgt. Manes made Alex and Kyle set up a tent to teach them extreme weather survival. Jim Valenti had driven home for the night so according to Alex, "mine concocted a brand new form of kiddie torture." The boys found a way to sneak back inside, though.
Jim Valenti left the cabin to Alex without saying anything about it to Kyle. 
The bunker bedroom at the cabin has a notebook on the desk, a bin with a pink hairbrush, a radio, headphones, and a letter R standing up.
Alex says, "I wasn't loved. My mom was gone. My dad was a homophobic, abusive dick. And your dad saw it. He left me these keys so that I would have a place to go. He wasn't the type of person who would take advantage of a desperate teenager. He would help them."
The cabinet in the bunker has detoxing supplies, leading the guys to assume that Jim brought Rosa down there to help her detox.
The locked chest in the bunker contains various baby items and a photo of Jim holding Rosa as a baby.
Kyle assumes that since Rosa was his daughter, “That’s why he was trying to help Rosa sober up. That’s why he was never the same after she died.”
OR maybe he was never the same after she died because he had to frame his own daughter for murder and make the entire town think she was a drug addict who crashed her car into a tree. 
The summer they built a tree house, Manes found out Alex was gay and tried to beat it out of him. Alex hadn’t even realized he was gay yet. According to Alex, Jim Valenti tried to intervene, “But you can't make someone stop hating someone. And my dad hated me."
Once Kyle leaves, Alex goes back to check out the lamp in the bunker with the weird cut out. He turns on the light and sees a shape projected onto the wall. He then breaks open the wall at that spot and finds some kind of alien fragment that looks just like the one Michael has in his trailer.
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