#I would have had Mickey knock him in the head with the stiletto
70 & 81? ☺️
I missed this one when you first sent it in! So I was surprised when I looked up the numbers.
BUT!!!! Locked in a Room/The Missus and The Ex based off of this post requested by @xninetiestrendx!
"Why the fuck are we here again?" Mickey asked Ian as they walked into the empty apartment that they had offered to show.
"Because Melanie took Susanna to a dog show and said that if we showed this apartment to the potential renter she wouldn't charge us rent this month." Ian reminded Mickey, he had jumped at the deal when Melanie had asked.
"Oh the diaper dog, Jesus she's fuckin weird, but if we're saving a months worth of rent I hope we put that money to good use, like buying a sex swing or somethin." Mickey raised his eyebrows salaciously.
Ian rolled his eyes, "I'm gonna take a piss before they get here, if they show up when I'm in there be friendly, smile, greet them."
"Yeah yeah, go piss and I'll be nice to the newbies if they show up while your dick is out." Mickey waved Ian off as he turned to walk through the show room apartment again, once again reminded about the fucking furniture theirs had been lacking when they first moved in.
Ian rolled his eyes and went into the bathroom to relieve himself.
As soon as Ian had shut the door behind him there was a knock at the front door, Mickey pushed himself off of the couch and went to open it, "Hey." He greeted the curly haired brunette that stood there.
"Uh, hi, sorry I thought I was meeting Melanie?" He asked, his thick eyebrows furrowing above his brown eyes.
"Sorry man, Melanie asked us to cover for her while she took her panty dog to some show, my husband's in the bathroom but you can come on in." Mickey opened the door wide enough for the other man to come inside.
The man's mouth pulled in concern, "You're not gonna carve me open and harvest my kidney are you?"
Mickey laughed, "Nah man, don't do that shit anymore now that I'm married, and on parole, c'mon in."
The man wandered into the apartment looking around. Mickey shut the door behind them and led the man inside.
"Now all this shit doesn't come with the apartment, it's a show room, just wanna let you know that up front." Mickey warned him waving his hand around to gesture all the furniture and decorations in the room.
The man nodded, "Yeah I figured as much."
"Well come this way and we can start in the back and work our way up, now are you wanting a one or two bedroom?" Mickey asked waiting for the guy to follow him.
He fell in step behind Mickey, "A one bedroom, need some space to myself for once."
"I hear that, well the nice thing about these apartments is the bedrooms are fairly big," Mickey paused as they reached the bathroom, and rapped on the door, "We'll be in the bedroom once you're done in there."
"Be right out!" Ian called, Mickey could hear the sink running.
He shrugged and led the guy into the bedroom, "The bedrooms have big windows, but if you want curtains we have a whites only policy, some bullshit about not looking threatening to the neighbors. Though it doesn't come with the place, try out the bed it's soft as fuck." Mickey said as he walked around the room.
The guy surprisingly did as he was told, he sat on the bed and then plopped back on his back, grinning as he bounced, "Fuck man, I haven't been on a bed this soft since... Well never, I need to get me one of these." He sighed closing his eyes, Mickey grinned.
Ian finally made his way into the room the door falling shut behind him, "Sorry about that I-" whatever he was saying fell as he saw Trevor lying on the bed, Mickey standing near the foot of it with his arms crossed grinning.
"Trevor?" Ian asked.
Trevor's eyes flashed open and he turned to Ian, "Ian?" He asked as he sat up on the end of the bed.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Mickey asked pointing from Trevor to Ian.
"Mickey." Trevor said dully, his voice dropping into an angry tone.
"Yeah?" Mickey asked looking from this Trevor to Ian confused.
"M-Mickey, this is Trevor, my ex boyfriend. Trev, this is Mickey my husband." Ian's voice came out a bit shaky as his eyes flitted between Mickey and Trevor.
"Well needless to say I'm not going to end up renting THIS place." Trevor hopped up from the bed and strode to the bedroom door, he wrenched the knob in his hand ready to swing the door open.
"What the fuck?" He snapped when the door didn't open at his pull.
Ian's eyes widened, "Oh fuck." he muttered feeling a wave of nausea pass over him.
"What?" Mickey asked snapping his head from Trevor to Ian.
"Melanie said that the heat had made the door warped which made the alignment of the door jams have been causing the doors to stick, she warned us not to close them." Ian groaned as he spoke covering his face with his hands.
"Well that's just fucking great." Trevor snapped in annoyance spinning on his heel and glaring at Ian.
"Yo Curly Sue, I dunno what your fucking deal is with my husband, but back the fuck off." Mickey took several steps toward Trevor his fists clenching at his sides.
"Curly Sue? Are you fucking kidding me? Still a transphobic asshole huh?" Trevor asked looking past Mickey to Ian.
"What the fuck? No, you have curly fucking hair, and curly sue has fucking curly hair. This has nothing to do with you being trans, get over yourself." Ian felt his temper rising as he jumped to Mickey's defense.
Trevor grunted and pulled his phone out of his pocket, "Great no service, now what the fuck are we supposed to do?" His eyes flitted between Mickey and Ian.
Ian shrugged, "Maybe we can unscrew the hinges on the door and pop them out and the door off?" He suggested.
"Not a bad idea Red, we just gotta find something resembling a phililps head in this fucking room." Mickey rolled his eyes.
Ian groaned and sat on the edge of the bed dropping his head in his hands.
Mickey rolled his eyes again, "Dramatic." He muttered.
He headed to the closet in the corner to see if it was as fakely set up as the rest of the apartment, he snorted when he saw clothes hanging up.
"This pretentious bitch." He muttered dropping to his knees to look through the boxes on the floor of the closet, hoping for some tools.
While Mickey was rifling through the closet Trevor glared at Ian as he sat there with his head in his hands, not wanting to face the awkward situation in front of him.
"Think this fucking stiletto heel is sharp enough to use as a screwdriver?" Mickey asked holding up a hot pink shoe over his shoulder with one hand as he kept rifling with the other.
Trevor and Ian ignored him not wanting to move or engage.
"A little help would be nice." Mickey muttered as he stood up from the floor and carried the shoe to the door with a huff, stepping around Trevor as he stood there.
Mickey held the shoe to the door and tried to fit the heel in the small slot of the screw, "Nope." Mickey muttered tossing the shoe off to the side.
He looked between Trevor and Ian who were both still in the same spots they were before. Mickey rolled his eyes and went back to the closet, if he could find a fucking belt he could use the part of the buckle that went in the notches to unscrew the screws. What the fuck even was that thing called anyway.
"Yo Ian, what's the part of the belt that goes in the little holes?" Mickey called over his shoulder, still digging through the clothes and shoes.
His husband didn't respond, which was starting to get on his nerves.
Mickey rose from the closet floor and headed to the dresser pulling a draw open and pawing through it, "Jesus she has fake drawers of fake clothes for a fake apartment, but she doesn't have a real fucking screw driver?" Mickey grumbled as he pawed through the different things in the drawers.
"You think these tweezers would do it?" Mickey asked holding a pair up to Ian and Trevor.
Silence from the both of them.
"Well since getting out of here isn't high on your list of priorities, I'm just gonna take a fuckin nap." Mickey snapped tossing the tweezers to Trevor and heading to the bed and flopping onto it burying his head under the pillows.
"Mickey, come on." Ian whined, his hand around Mickey's ankle.
"Nope." Mickey responded, his voice muffled, "You two figure it out, I've done enough."
Ian glared at his husband and then looked over at Trevor who was looking at the pair of tweezers Mickey had tossed him.
"Think they'll work?" Ian asked softly standing up from the bed and taking a step towards Trevor.
"Worth a try, they'll have to be some strong tweezers." Trevor shrugged and turned towards the door.
Ian watched as Trevor walked to the door and reached for the top hinge, not quite able to reach it. Trevor gritted his teeth not wanting to have to ask Ian he stood on his tiptoes reaching for the screw.
"Trev just give me the tweezers, I'll do the top ones you do the bottom." Ian said holding his hand out for the tweezers.
Trevor huffed and spun around slapping the tweezers into Ian's hand.
Ian slid into place where Trevor had been standing and reached for the hinge, the tweezers slotting into the screw.
As Ian turned the tweezers and the screw counter clockwise he looked at Trevor.
"So, um how've you been? Seen anyone new? Someone nice?" He asked.
Mickey tried not to laugh at his husband while he fake slept, king of cool Ian was.
Trevor raised an eyebrow, "I've been fine, that old church turned out to be a good place for the shelter. Geneva and the other Gay Jesus people have cooled their shit which has made it easier for me to do actual good. I'm seeing someone. By nice do you mean someone who doesn't cheat on me with their convict ex who broke out of prison?" Trevor asked pointedly.
Ian stuttered with the tweezers for a moment the metal slipping from the notch.
Mickey continued to act like he was sleeping, but he was listening closely making sure he wouldn’t have to step in and save his husband from this wiry curly top. So THIS was the boyfriend Ian had mentioned at the docks that night those years ago.
“Didn’t mean that exactly.” Ian muttered reaching up to refit the tweezer into the screw slot.
After several beats of silence Ian was able to get the screw loose and Trevor mumbled, “He’s nice.”
Ian paused a moment, “Good, you, you deserve nice things, nice people in your life.”
Mickey peeked at his husband and to Trevor, if the awkwardness between them wasn’t so palpable he would be a smidge worried.
“So married huh?” Trevor asked after a few moments.
Mickey could hear the smile in Ian’s voice, “Yeah, two years on the twenty-first.”
“Congratulations.” Trevor said.
“Thanks,” Ian paused and looked over at Mickey, who was doing a shit job at pretending he was asleep.
“Though I’m married to him, and love him, and loved him even when you and I were together, I shouldn’t have cheated on you. I should have ended things with you the moment that cop showed up at my house. As soon as he said Mickey’s name I should’ve known that he’d find me, he always did.”
“You’ve already apologized for that, but thanks.” Trevor chuckled.
“Did I apologize for the cult?” Ian asked wincing remembering the Gay Jesus and blowing up the van part of his past.
“I think you tried to but I didn’t want to hear it then.” Trevor mumbled.
“Do you want to hear it now?” Ian asked, completely forgetting about the screw and turning to look at Trevor.
Trevor nodded wordlessly.
“Trev, I’m sorry that I went off my meds and went nutty with the kids. That I got so damn obsessed with the church and with mouthing off to the pastors and priests and parents out there trying to convert and hate their kids in the name of religion. I’m sorry that I fucked that up for your kids, for the shelter.” Ian’s voice wavered as he spoke, remembering the complete craze he had been in then.
Trevor looked up at Ian, his brown eyes a little watery, “I accept your apology, and I forgive you Ian.” Trevor paused a moment, “I’m still salty about the infidelity part I admit.” He looked over to Mickey, “But I was never one to get in the way of true love, and you two, have the truest love I’ve ever seen.”
Ian chuckled his eyes looking back to his husband who was grinning while still faking being asleep.
“Mickey, I know your ass isn’t asleep.” Ian said with a laugh.
Mickey peeked at Ian and Trevor, Trevor looked slightly mortified, “Bout time you two made up, now let’s get the fuck out of this apartment.” He said sitting up and pushing himself off the bed.
He took a couple steps towards Trevor and raised an eyebrow at him and then glanced at Ian. He held out a tatted hand to Trevor, who looked at it like he was waiting for Mickey to ball his hand into a fist and punch him.
“Though I don’t like that Carrots here was fucking around while I was locked up I’m glad he was with someone nice, and someone who made an attempt at keeping track of his mental health even when he wasn’t himself. So I wanna thank you.” Mickey’s voice was full of genuine thanks, though at one point he hated Trevor, he was glad that Ian hadn’t been alone, that he didn’t have to face his bipolar alone while he was gone.
Ian’s eyes widened in surprise at his husband, Trevor seemed just as shocked but he raised his hand and slipped it into Mickey’s giving it a shake.
“Now let’s get the fuck out of here.” Mickey said clapping his hands together and stepping towards Ian pulling a knife out of his pocket.
“Did you have that the whole time?” Ian yelped seeing the knife as Mickey unscrewed one of the lower hinges.
“Yeah, but once we figured out who Trevor here was, it seemed like some closure was needed. You’re welcome.” Mickey said getting the next screw out.
Ian shook his head as he used the tweezers to unscrew the top two hinges.
“Alright, moment of truth.” Trevor said grabbing the door knob and pulling the door open.
The three of them let out rounds of yays as the door jerked off the hinge notches and fell to the ground.
“I’ll get with Melanie about the apartment, it wasn’t so bad.” Trevor nodded his head as they walked out of the apartment and he started to head to the parking lot.
“It really is a good place to live.” Ian said as Trevor unlocked his car and climbing in.
“Even if it is on the fucking west side.” Mickey muttered.
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samanthadalton · 4 years
Can you do a Sam Dalton x MC fic, please? 🙏🥺I miss Sam
hiiiii I’m so sorry it took long I’m trying to work through a few of my requests but I hope you like it 💖
pairing: f!Sam x mc (I named my mc Josie so I’m sticking with that)
Takes place after chapter 6 the engagement party
word count: 3.1k (it’s a long one but Sam deserves) 
taglist: @kamilah-sayeeds-habibti (i hope you enjoy it) @cloud9in @alleycat97 (if anyone wants to be added on for this pairing let me know 😊)
Drunk words, sober thoughts 
You’re preparing breakfast for Mason and Mickey until a sudden flurry of texts interrupt your cooking, the pings going off every second. Sam stalks into the kitchen, already dressed for work as she reaches for the mug of coffee you prepared for her not a minute before as you’ve become accustomed to your usual morning ritual. 
“You’re popular this morning,” she jokes as her eyes flicker over to yours, and you see a twinkle of amusement in her eyes. 
“Heh. It’s my friend Jenny, she and some of my college friends are going out tomorrow and she keeps begging me to go.” Sam raises an eyebrow at you, the glimmer of amusement dissipating from her eyes and replaced with something you can’t really put a finger on. 
“Where do they wanna go?” her tone nonchalant, but her eyes tell a different story. Since the engagement party and your heavy makeout on the rooftop, things have been incredibly awkward with Sam. You’ve barely had a chance to talk with the CEO and she’s been doing a damn good job of avoiding you over the last couple of weeks every time you’ve found yourself in the same room alone after hours. 
“Just to the club.” 
“Ah. So why don’t you wanna go?” 
You shrug your shoulders as you contemplate your answer, “I don’t know, just with settling in the new job and stuff I don’t think going to the club is suitable.” 
“Seriously Josie?” Sam raises an eyebrow at you, “tomorrow is your day off and like you said before,” Sam takes a steady gulp, her eyes never leaving yours, “you’re a young single woman, you should have some fun. One of us should at least.” Sam mutters the last part, and you wonder if you were meant to hear that bit until your eyes meet and something in Sam’s eyes flashes, and suddenly you find yourself falling back into the memory of you and Sam on the rooftop. The rooftop where you were screaming at Sam for being jealous of you and Robin, where you found yourself chastising Sam for her overly zealous behaviour, moments before you found yourself attached at the lips, passion infiltrating your senses as you kissed her recklessly. You come out of your reverie, your face flushed as you look away from Sam, unable to meet her eyes. 
“You’re right.” You nod slowly and you mull over Sam’s words, hesitantly you pick up the phone to text Jenny that you’ll be there tomorrow and as you set your phone down, Sam opens her mouth to speak but is interrupted by the sudden stomping of Mason and Mickey who race into the kitchen at the smell of your cooking. 
“Morning Josie!” the twins say as they settle in their seats, you ruffle their hair and place a plate of waffles in front of the boys as they hungrily scoff the food down. 
“Slow down boys you might get a stomach ache.” Sam places a chaste kiss on each of the twin’s forehead before giving you a swift nod and heading out to work. 
The next night you’re getting ready to go out as you stand in front of your closet with Jenny lounging on your bed inattentively scrolling through her phone. You turn and snap your fingers at her, “Jenny! Pay attention. What do I wear?” 
Jenny groans before getting up and standing beside you, “I usually love giving you fashion advice but you’ve literally turned down every dress I’ve picked out.” 
“Because it has to be perfect.” 
“Because. I-” you stammer, not able to come up with a valid reason, but the voice in the back of your mind has been pestering you for the last hour, and all you know is that tonight you have to look flawless.
Jenny side eyes you, carefully considering, “Okay say no more.” You’re grateful at how well Jenny knows you in knowing when to not pressure you into speaking. She briskly claps her hands together, her usual peppy self sprouting up again as she assesses your closet. “Mmmmmm, this one.” She holds out a short red dress with thin straps and holds out the dress to you, “if you’re looking to make an impression tonight I advise you to wear this tonight.” 
You stare at the dress, the redness of it radiates at you, and you fully know that you’ll definitely be the centre of attention if you wear the dress tonight. In your heart however, you realize you only want the attention of one person, Sam. 
“Come oooon. We’re gonna be late. Try it on and trust my expertise please.” Jenny pleads, flashing her puppy dog eyes and you can’t bring yourself to say no. 
“Fine, give it here.” After trying on the dress, and pairing it with red stiletto heels, you’re interrupted by a brisk knock on the door as you‘re looking into the mirror, putting on your lipstick while Jenny straightens your hair. “Come in!” 
Sam gingerly opens the door, as her eyes scan the room until they find you, and she visibly can’t tear her eyes from you.  Her eyes meticulously roam your outfit, flashing with undisguised desire. “Josie..” Sam’s at a loss for words as her mouth hangs open, until Jenny’s shrill voice breaks her out of her trance and Sam looks over at the peppy brunette as if she’s only noticing her presence for the first time. 
“Doesn’t she look hot?” 
Heat rises to your cheeks as you avert your eyes from Sam’s, looking embarrassed as you reply, “Jenny!” Your voice comes out more snappier than you intended but your best friend gets the hint and clasps her mouth shut, focusing on her task of straightening your hair. You clear your throat before looking back up at the CEO and you see a similar blush on her face, as she conspicuously tries not to let her eyes drift to your body. “Sorry about her Sam. Did you need something?” 
Sam clenches her jaw slightly, before inhaling slightly, her demeanor becoming more relaxed by the second, “no, I just wanted to make sure you’re okay and wanted to ask if you needed a ride to the club.”
Before you can open your mouth, Jenny chimes in, “of course! That would save us money on using an Uber.” You plaster a small smile on your face, trying to camouflage your uneasiness. 
“Yeah, thanks Sam.” 
“Well just let me know when you’re ready to head out.” 
“Wait, you’re driving us? I thought that maybe Carter-” 
“No, Carter has retired for the night. I wouldn’t want to bother him.” 
“What about the boys, they shouldn’t be left alone.” 
Sam eyes glistens with humour as she realises that you keep coming up with excuses to not be in a car with her, “Robin’s here. We have some paperwork to go over so she can watch the boys while we’re gone.” You try to come up with another excuse, your mind blanking as Sam smirks at you, and you begrudgingly accept her ride. 
As you step out of the room and walk into the office to call Sam, Robin sits at the front of the desk, her eyes drifting to your body, appraising every inch of you as she lets out a low whistle. “Damn, Josie. You look hot.” Before you can respond, Sam appears at the door, her eyes dark blazing into Robin’s, as a scowl outlines her face. 
“Josie. Are you ready to go?” Her eyes snap back to you, and the grimace from her expression shifts into a more softer look. 
You nod and leave the room with Sam in tow, behind you Robin calls out, “go get some!” You laugh shaking your head as you meet Jenny who’s waiting by the lift and make your way down. 
As Sam pulls up the car, she steps out and opens the door for you and Jenny, and you slide into the backseat on the car as Jenny sits next to you and Sam moves to the driver’s seat, your eyes meeting in the rear-view mirror. You pointedly glance away, tapping away on your phone as Jenny gives Sam the directions to the club. Suddenly, your phone rings and you see your friend, Eva’s name flashing on your screen. You accept the call and her voice blares out on the other end as loud bass music and her voice crackles out, her words slightly slurring, “heeey, where are you guys?” 
“Yeah sounds like you guys started without us,” you put the phone on speaker holding it between you and Jenny. 
“You guys were taking forever!” Another voice rings out on the other end, most likely your friend Reina judging by her shrieking voice, she’s also wasted. 
“Blame Josie, she took forever picking a dress,” Jenny teases and you facetiously roll your eyes. You maintain a conversation for the rest of the drive as Sam sits in the front in silence, occasionally smiling to herself when she hears your friends voices ring out as they sing along to the music or just scream on the phone. Eventually you turn off your phone promising your friends you’re close and you’re soon pulling up to the club. 
“We’re here.” Sam smiles as she turns to face you and Jenny, her gaze warm. 
“Thank you so much for the ride Ms Dalton,” Jenny replies as she opens the door and starts to slide out of her seat, careful not to crease her dress as she does. 
“I told you to call me Sam, Ms Dalton makes me sound too old,” Sam jests and Jenny gleams at the CEO as she thanks her once again, this time fully enunciating Sam’s name. As Jenny leaves the car you’re about to slide out after her until Sam’s soft hands lightly touch your arm and you suddenly feel anchored in your seat. “Josie I-” her eyes flashes with the same expression yesterday morning when you mentioned the club and your brows furrow as you take in the pointed look on her face. 
“Is something wrong?” 
You watch as the unfamiliar expression shifts into an abashed grin as she languidly moves her hand from your arms, her fingers ghosting down your arms eliciting goosebumps as it moves. 
“No.” She plasters a pageant smile on her face, and somehow you just know she’s putting up a front, “hope you have a good night and Robin and I will most likely be up late so don’t hesitate to call if you need a ride home.” Sam looks like she wants to say more but she presses her lips together in a thin line, just before you can ask, Jenny’s shrill voice cuts through the air tearing you out of the moment. 
“I should go.” You carefully slide out of your seat and then shut the car door, linking your arm with Jenny’s as she ushers you into the club. Before you enter you look over your shoulder to see Sam’s car driving off in the distance, and you feel a tiny pang in your heart. Once you enter the club, the music blares, momentarily overtaking your senses until you stalk over to the bar and order 3 shots, downing them all one after another. 
“Damnnnnnnn,” Jenny says, gazing at you with astonishment. 
“Well everyone else is already drunk so we have to catch up,” you raise your third shot in the air as a toast and then throw back the drink, the burn of the tequila sliding down your throat and settling into your stomach and you feel already more at ease. 
“True dat.” Jenny responds as you order more drinks before meeting up with your friends who are in the middle of burning up the dance floor. 
“Josie!” They cheer as you arrive and you sandwich yourself between your friend Eva and another girl named Flora as you begin dancing with them. 
You’re unsure about how much time has passed but after a few more drinks, you feel the alcohol running through you and your thoughts begin running wild. Your mind flashes back to Sam and anger begins filling up your senses. Though a small part of your brain says you’re thinking irrationally, the rest of your brain is fueled with both frustration and alcohol and before you know it, you’re standing in the corner of the club with your phone in your hand.  
Sam and Robin sit in Sam’s office working through some documents until Sam’s phone begins vibrating and her screen flashes with messages. 
“Jesus, it’s almost 1am, who the hell in texting you now?” Robin raises an eyebrow at her sister while Sam continues examining the papers in front of her, her eyes never tearing away as she retorts, “not important. Focus.” Her tone reprimanding as the two women fall back into silence until Sam’s phone buzzes again breaking the silence in the room. 
“For god sakes check your phone it might be important.” 
Sam sighs, and slams her papers onto the desk before picking up her phone and she sees your name on her screen and sees she has left several voice messages. All the anger dispels from her face as she unlocks her phone and brings it up to her ear after pressing play. 
“Heeeeeey Saaaaam.’ 
Sam chuckles, at the sound of your voice, your words are slightly slurred and your voice is quite low as the message plays. 
“I juss wanna say that I was thinking, aaand it occurred to me, why are you getting so mad at me when you kissed me?” Your tone at this point in the message is filled with anger and as you keep rambling on Sam’s eyes hastily snaps to Robin, who’s preoccupied with her document she hasn’t heard your voice over Sam’s phone. 
“And you know what? Screw you! If I wanna have fun then I’ll have fun, I don’t need you controlling me.” Sam clenches her jaw, anger swelling up inside of her as she abruptly stands from her chair, grabbing her keys while Robin shouts out after her sister, “where the hell are you going?” 
After slipping a hundred dollar bill to the bouncer so she can skip the line, Sam observes the club’s surroundings, until her gaze catches sight of you on the dance floor dancing with a random club goer. She internally debates whether she should interrupt you but when the stranger places her hand on your waist Sam pushes all thoughts aside and begins charging onto the dancefloor. You’re so engrossed in your dancing that you don’t realise Sam’s presence until you hear her soft voice in your ear and you jerk your head back to make sure you’re not dreaming. 
“Sam! What are you doing here?” 
Something flashes in Sam’s eyes, and this time you know what it is, jealousy and it is a green eyed monster alright. Her darkened eyes bore into yours as your arms are still wrapped around the stranger’s who’s too drunk to notice Sam. 
“Let’s go.” Sam reaches out to take your arm before you jolt back, placing a distance between you and the CEO. 
“No I wanna stay.” Like a child you stomp and cross your arms, pouting at the CEO. 
“Where are you friends? Where’s Jenny?” 
You nonchalantly shrug your shoulders, “I don’t know and I don’t care. I’m dancing with…” your mind struggles to remember the name of the person whom you were just dancing with so you sloppily wave your hand over at the girl, which just seems to frustrate Sam more. 
“You’re drunk Josie, let’s get you home.” She takes a step forward until the stranger takes a step towards Sam placing her hand on the CEO’s chest. 
“Do you know her?” the stranger speaks over her shoulder, as her hand remains firmly on Sam’s chest. 
“Take your hand off me right now before we have a problem,” though she keeps a cool stoic expression, the tone in Sam’s voice sparks with threat and the stranger removes her hand retreating from the encounter. “Alright let’s go.” Sam takes out her hand and you bitterly accept it, letting the CEO maneuver you out of the club and ushering you into the front seat of her car. “Are you gonna be okay? Do you feel like throwing up?” 
“Just take me home,” slightly mortified by your childish behaviour at the club you turn away from Sam and lean your head against the window and soon your eyelids start feeling heavy and you let the sleep consume you. 
You’re woken up by a gentle shake by Sam, a worried expression etched on her face as her hand rubs comforting circles on your shoulder. “Where are we?” 
“Home. Here let me help you out.” Sam exits the car and comes around the other side opening the door and wrapping an arm around your waist. She easily hoists you up and you lean on her, steadying your weight as you place an arm around her shoulder. “Okay we’re gonna start walking now.” She carefully takes you into the building and you make your way into the elevator and soon you’re back at home. Sam carefully sets you on your bed and moves towards your feet, delicately removing your heels before tucking you into the duvet. 
“Thank you Sam,” your voice a whisper as you feel yourself slipping back into a sleep, Sam smiles and gently kisses your forehead and soon you’re passed out again. Sam moves into the hallway taking out her phone bringing it to her ear. She replays the last voice message you sent her, her eyes glimmering with bliss as she listens to your words. 
“You have some nerve telling me to have fun tonight. I mean how can I have fun when I keep thinking of you? That kiss on the rooftop.” You let out a humourless laugh, “that freaking kiss. I can’t stop thinking about it and I hate you for it. I hate that you’re on my mind all the time and how badly I want you. I hate that you make me so vulnerable. I may not be some fancy business woman like Sofia but at least I’m someone who genuinely cares about you. And I know you care about me too, so I don’t care that you’re engaged to some freaking robot. Because I know what we have is real and I-.” In the background you hear Jenny’s voice cut through and the voice message hastily ends but Sam looks down at her phone, eyes filled with hope because she knows she feels exactly the same. 
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prettybabyhazza · 7 years
drunk on the mic part one (e.d.)
~i highly recommend listening to the song this is based off of for extra angst. Hope y’all enjoy. :)
***(extra note: I imagine Ethan to be slightly older in this one, specifically around 20 or 21. Same goes for the main character.)***
***Warnings: strong language, mentions and descriptions of alcohol and intoxication, and hella angst. Hella.
SONG: “Drunk on the Mic” by Mickey Shiloh
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Don’t let me get drunk on the mic, I’mma tell him all my secrets…
Your ankles wobbled slightly with every step your tipsy self took in your matte black stilettos. Any chance of stripping out of your skin tight, completely sequined, black dress had been long lost. Partially due to the thin layer of sticky sweat adorning your skin, but mainly because of the strange sense of structure it gave you; as if it was the only thing holding you together. It also provided you a sense of false empowerment as you continued to strut down the never ending hallway of your apartment complex, head held high and shoulders back in attempt to look more independent and put together than you felt.
“He isn’t my property. He doesn’t belong to me. He can do whatever the fuck he pleases.”
The overplayed mantra persistently fumbled from your anxiously over-bitten, swollen lips as you finally reached the door to your empty penthouse; the same home you shared with Ethan. What was your relationship with Ethan exactly? You didn’t even know. Considering tonight’s events, he clearly meant more to you than you did to him. 
Slamming and locking the door shut behind you, you turned and pressed your aching back against the heavy industrial door, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. You focused intently on your breathing, as well as the quick rise and fall of your chest. In and out. Up and down.
“E, I’ve slept with three guys starting from when I was sixteen. I’m not stupid. I know this is casual. Nothing more.”
The lie you had easily let slip off your tongue months ago echoed through your brain in a scream. What was meant as an innocent, one-time fib, snowballed out of control. Your closest friend and roommate became your “fuck buddy” with a convincing flip of your tongue.
But for the love of God and all that is holy, why in the hell did you tell him that? Were you that desperate to get in his pants? Pathetic is what it was. Nothing more. But that wasn’t the only false truth you fed him.
“I’ve loved a couple guys, I guess. Nothing crazy, but I don’t want to do it again. I hate it.”
Well, the last part wasn’t a lie.
“He isn’t fucking mine,” you seethed through gritted teeth, unsuccessfully attempting to calm your anger. Emphasis on unsuccessfully. Desperately, is probably more like it. Alas, the storm rumbling inside you was only growing stronger. 
However, as your torturous mind began to play back the circumstances the night threw your way, it instantly shifted into a raging monsoon.
It was supposed to be an innocent, carefree Friday night with you and Ethan’s regular group of friends at your favorite nightclub.  The bass of the overly produced electronic music pounded through your chest as you swayed your hips and flipped your hair to the melody. Clearly the vodka soda you had just finished was already starting to work its magic as you danced freely in the middle of countless sweaty bodies. 
It was a miracle you were able to hear the sound of your friend’s voice calling out to you over the volume of the music and insolent hollering of the group of frat guys next to you. Careful not to twist your ankle in your stilettos, you pushed through the crowd to the edge of the dance floor where your friend was standing with two more vodka sodas in her hands; one for each of you.
“Thanks, babe,” you yelled into her ear as you took the beverage from her hand. “Where is everyone?”
“You missed it! Gray got ‘cornered’ by two girls who were quite… affectionate. I have no idea where he is now, but my guess is, he’s having the time of his life.”
The sip of your drink you took as she talked nearly shot straight up and out of your nose as you cackled along with her. Grayson never had problems with finding hookups, that’s for sure.
“Where’s E?” You asked as you turned and scanned the dancing crowd behind you. You were very much looking forward to staying for a couple more songs before continuing the party back at home with Ethan, and Ethan alone. He couldn’t have gone too far. Could he?
“Well,” she hesitated. “Are you sure you want to know?” Her uneasiness caused your eyebrows to furrow and heart rate to spike.
“What is it?”
“Ethan is… He’s sort of…” her sentence trailed off as her eyes shifted over to your right. She bit her lip uncomfortably, making you follow her gaze.
No. Fucking. Way. 
You looked on helplessly as you took in the sight of none other than Ethan Dolan wrapped in the arms of a much smaller blonde girl, lips fiercely tangling together and his hands inching dangerously low on the small of her back. You were no longer surrounded by God knows how many drunks in an overfilled nightclub. You no longer heard the voice of your friend calling to you, nor did you feel the tug of your arm as she hopelessly tried to break your stare. You demanded your body stay upright; to not break down.
The fleeting sense of relief you felt when Ethan broke away from the blonde girl’s kiss, briefly connecting with your stare was very much short lived, as he merely glanced at you before taking the girl’s hand and whisking her outside. Since the two of you began whatever the hell you had, neither of you took part in any more hookups. You saved yourselves for each other, like some sort of twisted, silent agreement. Was he actually going home with her?
Instantly, your heart began to crack and break.
“Fucking hell,” you groaned as you brought one hand to your aching head, desperately rubbing as if the action would erase the memory and any pain it left in its wake. Sighing, you trudged to your kitchen in search of your medicine of choice from the glass cabinet attached to the island. Bending down and running your fingertips gingerly over the necks of each bottle, you hunted for your desired liquor. Tonight, you chose a frosted bottle of lemon infused vodka. After locating and sloppily filling the nearest shot glass, you took a shaky breath and silently willed the distilled beverage to do its worst.
“Bottoms up.”
Easily downing two shots back to back, you welcomed the all too familiar, searing burn of the liquid danger snaking down your throat. You begged the alcohol to mask your pain and seal your heart closed for just one night. Desperation flowed through your veins as you pleaded for yourself to stay together. Not tonight. Don’t break tonight. Not here. All you needed was to fill your body with enough venom to forget the night’s events and knock out. You’d deal with whatever repercussions came in the morning.
If he found you in the current state of a failed attempt to hide your pain and intolerance with ineffective intoxication, all hell would break loose. He wouldn’t be able to take two steps in the front door without being bombarded by your never ending word vomit. You knew if he came home earlier than you expected, your temporary liquid courage would let him have it. Every thought, secret, lie, and feeling swirling your head would slip up your throat and onto his heart.
Full disclosure? No, you hadn’t slept with three guys. Before Ethan, you had only had sex with one guy, not three. He was nothing special to you, just someone who happened to take your virginity; something that never held value to you in the first place. Although, you weren’t lying when you said you hated love and didn’t want anything to do with it. It scared the shit out of you. The idea of being open to someone and becoming so vulnerable absolutely terrified you. You imagined someone holding a sword over your chest, asking you to trust them not to drop it straight in.
That being said, another truth, and the hardest pill for you to swallow: Ethan was the first person you truly fell for.
“Who did I think I was, loving a grown ass man?”
Who did you think you were, trusting yourself not to fall in love with the most beautiful man, inside and out, you’d ever had the pleasure of knowing? Who were you to believe yourself when you made the promise of “keeping casual”? A damn fool, that’s for sure. Even worse, a damn liar.
“It’s none of my goddamn business whose pussy he’s buried in right now!” 
You screamed the vulgar lie into the hauntingly empty apartment. You mentally challenged any neighbors that heard you to complain. Frankly, you were fucking loud, but you couldn’t care less. Even though you weren’t wanting to confront Ethan, you were up to fight anyone else. 
If Ethan came home while you were still wide awake and intoxicated, Lord help him, you would end up airing out your entire wardrobe of dirty laundry and hidden skeletons. Every word and action of his you had overly dissected and stored in your brain would undoubtedly be retrieved and used against him as ammo. Every lie you told would become untangled, wrung out, and draped on his heart, like a tragically heavy duvet. 
Your vision turned blurry and nearly doubled as you sloppily poured yet another shot into your awaiting glass. Stomach fluttering and head pounding, you were grateful you finally began to feel the familiar feeling of deep intoxication.
A sudden silence swept over you as the only sound to be heard in the dark and weary apartment was the jingle of keys outside the front door. 
Any other night, such a noise would have gone unnoticed, but tonight, the melody was deafening. Instantly, your mind went blank. What the hell was he doing home? It wasn’t his “style” to fuck and leave. 
Just like that, with the sound of a key being inserted and locks clicking and turning, your body was no longer yours to control. 
Your brain desperately begged your legs to run, but you didn’t flinch. Your vision fully doubled. The red blood flowing through your veins turned to ice. The newly filled shot class in your hand came crashing down onto the expensive hard wood floor; the clear spirit spreading at your feet. Your lungs refused to welcome anymore oxygen.  Instinctively, your mind became locked and loaded, your eyes narrowed, refusing to break contact with the entrance. No turning back now. It was time.
It all happened in slow motion.
The door creaked open.
Ethan stepped in, halting at the sight of your battle stance and the broken glass on the ground. 
“What the hell is going on?”
part two.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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The Nanny Affair.
The Vacation Of A Lifetime. Part 3.
Author’s Note: This fanfic right here is based off of the preview for Chapter 14. This will be four parts. First is what happens before they get to Italy. And the second, third and fourth parts will be what happens once they land. So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
***Rated: Mature 18+. Contains sexual content and strong language. You know? The usual from me. 😁
***Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters.
***Characters: Sam Dalton (LI) and Krystal Parker (MC). (Special appearances by my TRR MC Shanelle Dawkins, LI King Marquise)
***All Characters and names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 2,826 words.
Yip! Yippee! It’s Part 3! (I was only going to make this a three part series but I changed my mind after releasing part 2. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
It was the evening of gala at the Cordonian embassy.
And after spending the morning and afternoon with the boys; Krystal was in her room trying to figure out what she wanted to wear.
“Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! Do I go with the black? Do I go with the fuchsia? Ooh! Maybe the coral one will work!”, she said as she looked over the options in front of her. Just then; there was a knock at her door. When she opened it; a man was standing there with a garment bag and two smaller boxes. “For you; Ms. Parker. Courtesy of Queen Shanelle herself.”, he said in a thick European accent as he handed her the items.
“Oh! Well, thank you! Tell her majesty that I’m honored!”, she said. He nodded and was then gone. As she sat them down on her bed; she noticed an envelope on top of the smaller of the two boxes.
She opened it to find a small card that read, “time to play dress up! If it’s not too much for you…trouble! ;) M.” As she remembered; she, Shanelle and Jenny used to be called TMI back in school. Krystal was T aka The Troublemaker. Shanelle was M aka The Matchmaker. And Jenny was I aka The Investigator.
They were a trip and a half back in those days.
When she opened the garment bag; she found a beautiful, off shoulder violet mermaid gown by Givenchy. In the larger of the two boxes; were a pair of black Gucci stilettos and a matching clutch. And in the smallest box; were a pair of diamond tear drop earrings and with a matching tear drop pendant. Her jaw hit the floor. She didn’t know what Shanelle’s intentions were; but so far she liked where they were headed, in terms of her new outfit.
After showering and changing; she was headed down to the lobby. One thing she was thankful for; is that the boys got ready with their dad in his room. When she got there; she was greeted by her three favorite people.
“Whoa! You look great Krystal!”, Mason said.
“Yeah! You look like a real life princess!”, Mickey quipped. Her heart melted at their words.
“Awwww! Thanks you two!”, she said as she wrapped them up in a fierce hug.
“They’re right ya know?”, Sam added after finally coming out of his trance. “You look absolutely stunning!”
“Thank you.”, she replied.
“Shall we everyone?”, he asked; and with that, they were in the transport and off to the embassy. As they were on their way; Krystal asks, “where’s Sofia? Is she sick again?”
“No. She’s coming with her dad and brother. And my parents are coming with Robin.”, he replies. Soon; they arrived and were greeted by flashing cameras and paparazzi. He offered her his arm; and they and the boys were escorted inside to the main ballroom. Upon entering the the ballroom; they were greeted by Sofia and the two families. “Well! Don’t you look absolutely lovely, Krystal! That dress is exquisite! Is it new?”, Mrs. Dalton asked. Sofia on the other hand; had her nose up in the air. “Yes. She does look somewhat put together, doesn’t she?”
“Thank you, ladies. It’s a gift from a very close friend.”, she replied. Robin walks up and has to do a double take when he sees her. With wolfish grin he says to her, “Damn Krystal! If you were trying to get my attention; you got it!”
She rolled her eyes at him but; never said a word. That’s when the Cordonian National Anthem was played; and Queen Shanelle, King Marquise flanked by her parents, Crown Princess Khari and the Royal Council enter the room. They were a very polarizing couple. Krystal was star struck looking at his majesty.
“Dammit Match! How did you get so lucky with all that tall, fine and chocolate?!”, she muttered to herself. When the two friends spotted one another; they just winked and smiled at each other.
“Dignitaries and esteemed guests. It is a true honor and privilege, to host all of you this evening. It is the hope of myself and my queen that you all enjoy yourselves tonight.”, says King Marquise. Dinner is soon served once everyone is seated. Krystal was seated in the back with the boys; per Sofia’s request.
Dinner was delicious! It was Pan Seared Alaskan Salmon topped with Colossal Shrimp in Lobster Sauce and Filet Mignon topped with Béarnaise Sauce. Served with Pan Roasted Brussel sprouts, Honey Glazed Carrots and King Oyster Mushroom Risotto. The boys were served Roman style pepperoni pizza; that was gone in the blink of an eye.
Sam soon comes over to check on them. “Well? How was it, everyone?”, he asks.
“It was awesome dad!”, Mickey exclaimed.
“Yeah! They even gave us extra cheese!”, Mason quipped.
“I’m happy to hear that boys. And; what about you, Krystal? How was your dinner?”, he asks her. “It was great! My compliments to the chef.”, she replies.
“Wonderful! Hey you two, can you behave yourselves, while I talk to Krystal for a second?”, Sam asked the boys; who nodded their heads, in response. He pulled her aside and explained, “I’m sorry that you three are all the way back here. By the time I knew where Sofia had you all sitting; it was too late to request a seating change.”,
“It’s fine. I can’t be surprised that she has us back here. She wants us out the way.”, she replied. “Looks like The Royal Family is making the rounds. You should go speak to the King while you can.”, she tells him.
With a nod; Sam disappears into the crowd of people forming around King Marquise. As Krystal takes her seat again, Shanelle walks up with her her father.
“Oh no! I thought I was done with you; when you girls graduated.”, Rev. Dawkins jokingly said to Krystal before giving her a hug. “Hello to you too Poppa D!”, she says as she hugs him back. “Boys, say hello to Rev. Dr. Rodney Dawkins Sr.”
“Hiiiiiiiii!”, they say to him in an enthusiastic greeting. He nods to them both. “So, Shanelle tells me; you’re their nanny, is it?”, he asks her and she nods her head, yes. “Well I hope they give you as many gray hairs as you Jenny and Nelle always gave me.”
“Daddy!”, Shanelle fussed at her father.
“What?! You three caused more trouble than I care to count!”, he responds to his daughter; before she rolls her eyes at him as he takes his leave.
“You look like royalty sweetie! I love that dress on you! Where’d you get it?”, she says to Krystal with a grin. “I got it from a friend! She’s always in the right place.”, Krystal replies with a wink.
“I have to ask why you’re so far back here? It’s positively lonely!”, Shanelle asks. Krystal pointed to Sofia, who was currently trying to schmooze the King as her answer. Shanelle took both notice and exception.
As the boys ran off with their grandparents, Shanelle said to Krystal. “I swear that bitch needs a good kick in the ass! Can you believe that she actually tried to treat me, like I’m not The Queen Of Cordonia?!”
“Welcome to my life! She calls me ‘the help’”, Krystal responded. “That gives me an idea! You up for some fun, trouble?”, Shanelle says with a grin. Before Krystal could answer; Shanelle was off in the direction towards her husband. That’s when Sam walks over to Krystal; with a flute of champagne in each hand.
“Enjoying yourself tonight?”, he asked as he handed her the champagne. “I am! I’m loving all of the fashion!”, she responds.
That’s when Sofia and Robin walk over. “I wondered where you wandered off to boo bear! I guess you had to keep Krystal company at some point.”, she said to them. “I mean if you wanted company Krystal; all you had to do was ask me! We could’ve blown this joint and headed back to my room for a little private time.”, he said.
Krystal grimaced at his words and Sam’s jaw clenched. Before Robin could say more; all eyes fell on the Royal couple on the dance floor; in the middle of the ballroom. “Now comes my favorite part of the night! The first dance!”, he said as the crowd clapped.
“Now; normally this dance is only reserved for my wife, The Queen. But with her blessing; I’ll be sharing this dance with another woman.”, he said as he turned towards Krystal and the others.
“Ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy God! I’m so honored your majesty! I will happily dance with you!”, Sofia squealed. Shanelle glared daggers at Sofia. “Ms. Russo although I appreciate your excitement; the woman I’m referring to is Ms. Parker.”, he said as he looked towards Krystal. Who was recovering from nearly choking on her champagne.
“You want to dance with Krystal?! But your majesty; she’s so common! Wouldn’t you rather dance with someone who’s more refined? Like me?”, she said trying to convince King Marquise to reconsider. “This was a personal request from my wife. And what My Queen wants, My Queen gets. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”, he says as he starts walking past her.
Sofia is devastated and Krystal is trying not to faint. As his majesty walked closer; Krystal’s mind raced. “Ohmygod! Ohmygod! Ohmygod! His majesty is getting closer! And he wants to dance with me! Ohmygod! He wants to dance with me?! He wants to dance with me!”
With a bow; King Marquise took her right hand and asks Krystal, “Ms. Parker will you dance with me?” She was stuck for a moment. But eventually she says, “Absolutely your majesty! I would love to dance with you!”
With a final swig of her drink; she throws her glass at Robin’s chest and takes The King’s arm. For a moment; she forgot Sam even existed as she went to the dance floor. As they got closer to the center of the dance floor; she got a wink and a thumbs up from Shanelle.
And when the music started; off she and King Marquise went. “Your majesty please don’t take what I’m about to say to you wrong but; your wife is certifiably insane!”, she says to him. “Rest assured Ms. Parker; I’m used to my wife’s peculiarities. It’s honor to dance with you.”, he responds to her. She tries her hardest not to blush very hard. As they danced; Sam and Sofia looked on. She was absolutely livid and he was extremely jealous. Shanelle took notice and decided to speak with them.
“Hello you two! I hope you’re enjoying yourselves so far!”, she said to them with warm smile.
“Oh please! You can cut the crap; your majesty! That first dance was supposed to be mine! But instead! It goes to Krystal of all people!”, she sneered at Shanelle. It caused Shanelle’s smile to go from warm to icy. “I’d tread lightly if I were you; Ms. Russo! After all; I’m the one who’s not only wearing a tiara; but I’m also the one who rules a kingdom!”, she snapped back at Sofia.
“Now your majesty; I’m sure my fiancée didn’t mean what she said to you.”, Sam said hoping to quell the rise in voices. “For the sake of you, your company and the deal you brought forth; let’s hope so. Because; only one of us can convince my husband to sign onto your Nightingale Project, and it’s certainly not gonna be her.”, Shanelle said while gesturing to Sofia.
“Now; if you both will excuse me, I have to go rescue Krystal from my husband. Have a good rest of your evening!”, Shanelle says to them before sauntering towards the dance floor. Marquise notices Shanelle approaching and whispers to Krystal, “I believe this is the part where my wife cuts in.”
Krystal replies, “Dang! Just when I starting to have fun! Thank you so much for dancing with me your majesty! You’ve made my entire night! And I do hope you’ll consider agreeing to Dalton Enterprises’ Nightingale Project proposal.”
“I will most certainly consider it, Ms. Parker. After all; you made quite the case for it during our dance. Sam is lucky to have you work for him.”, he replies. “Looks like I’m just in time to rescue you, Krystal!”, Shanelle says.
“Rescue me? Why whatever for?”, she asks Shanelle. “Because; he’ll dance your poor little feet off, if I let him.”, Shanelle replied with a wink.
“Hah! Trust me; I wouldn’t have complained one bit! But in all seriousness; thank you so much Nelle! I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better dance partner.”, she says as King Marquise kisses the back of her right hand. “Don’t mind him! He’s just being a show off now.”, Shanelle said before the two embraced.
Krystal soon left the ballroom; and walked to the terrace to gather her thoughts and get some fresh air. That’s when she was confronted by Sofia. “I bet you’re really happy with yourself right now!”, she sneered.
“What are you talking about?”, she asks Sofia. “I can not believe that you had the audacity to embarrass me!”, she replies with rage in her eyes. Krystal figured out that Sofia was extremely jealous. “Are you seriously standing here; upset over a dance?”, Krystal asks.
“No I’m upset over the dance! I’m upset that ‘the help’ keeps forgetting her place! You are common! And no matter how many times you wear a designer gown; you will STILL ALWAYS BE common! Your job is to watch the boys! That’s it! That’s all! It is NOT to be dancing with his majesty! And it’s certainly not embarrass me! You’re not high society! You’ve never been high society! And you never will be high society!”, Sofia said in a venomous tone.
Just then; Sam joins them. “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing boo bear! I’m just reminding Krystal of her place.”, she says to him sweetly; before turning on her heels and heading back inside. Sam soon turns to Krystal and says, “you do realize that you dancing with his majesty was highly inappropriate; right?”
“What are you talking about?! How was it inappropriate?!”, she asks him clearly confused. “I am in VERY tense negotiations with his majesty, Krystal! Anything could tip the scales both in and out of my favor. You dancing with him If anything; it makes me and my company look desperate and weak!”, he snapped at her.
“Oh my God! You’re just as jealous as she is. Maybe even worse than she is!”, Krystal said to him. He scoffed at her and said, “No I’m not! I’m pissed that everything I have worked towards the last day and a half could all be for nothing because of you!”, he said to her in a raised tone. She was in total shock. “It’s time for the boys to get to bed. Make sure, that they are sleep before I get back to the hotel.”, he tells her; before walking back into the ballroom. She couldn’t believe what just happened. She just got her head bit off and her ass chewed out.
As she entered the ballroom; she went looking for and found the boys sitting at their table. They were indeed sleepy. That’s when the royal couple was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Dalton.
“Esteemed guests! My Queen and I would like to thank each and every one of you; for joining us here tonight! We sincerely appreciate and hope you found our hospitality to your liking. I would also like to take the time to announce that Cordonia; will officially be partnering with Dalton Enterprises on their Nightingale Project! With their company always being at the forefront of innovation; we as a grateful nation, look forward to becoming a technology and innovation hub; for years to come! We will officially be signing the contracts tomorrow after the summit is over. This is all thanks to Ms. Parker. Her engaging conversation during our lovely dance was the tipping point for me.”, King Marquise announces as he shakes Mr. Dalton’s hand.
Sam stood there in a stunned silence. She got him the contract; he’d so desperately wanted and needed. But! He yelled at and was incredibly rude to her thinking she had ruined it all for him. When he looked around for her; she and the boys were gone. They were on their way back to the hotel.
After getting the boys ready for bed; she entered her room; took her shoes off and collapsed onto her bed in a mess of tears. After crying for what seemed like forever; there was a knock at her door. It was Sam.
She just stood there with blood shot eyes staring at him. She didn’t know what to say to him. And he didn’t know where to begin his apology to her.
@txemrn @lucy-268 @choicesficwriterscreations
Stay tuned for Part 4 and the finale!
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